Package ‘exams’ July 6, 2019 Version 2.3-4 Date 2019-07-05 Title Automatic Generation of Exams in R Description Automatic generation of exams based on exercises in Markdown or LaTeX format, possibly including R code for dynamic generation of exercise elements. Exercise types include single-choice and multiple-choice questions, arithmetic problems, string questions, and combinations thereof (cloze). Output formats include standalone files (PDF, HTML, Docx, ODT, ...), Moodle XML, QTI 1.2, QTI 2.1, Blackboard, Can- vas, OpenOLAT, ARSnova, and TCExam. In addition to fully customizable PDF exams, a standardized PDF format (NOPS) is provided that can be printed, scanned, and automatically evaluated. Depends R (>= 3.0.0) Imports stats, graphics, grDevices, tools, utils Suggests base64enc, knitr, magick, parallel, png, RCurl, RJSONIO, rmarkdown, tth License GPL-2 | GPL-3 URL http://www.R-exams.org/ BugReports http://www.R-exams.org/contact/ NeedsCompilation no Author Achim Zeileis [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0918-3766>), Bettina Gruen [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7265-4773>), Friedrich Leisch [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7278-1983>), Nikolaus Umlauf [aut], Mirko Birbaumer [ctb], Dominik Ernst [ctb], Patrik Keller [ctb], Niels Smits [ctb], Reto Stauffer [ctb] Maintainer Achim Zeileis <[email protected]> Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2019-07-06 07:21:14 UTC 1

Package ‘exams’ · Package ‘exams’ July 6, 2019 Version 2.3-4 Date 2019-07-05 Title Automatic Generation of Exams in R Description Automatic generation of exams based on exercises

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Page 1: Package ‘exams’ · Package ‘exams’ July 6, 2019 Version 2.3-4 Date 2019-07-05 Title Automatic Generation of Exams in R Description Automatic generation of exams based on exercises

Package ‘exams’July 6, 2019

Version 2.3-4

Date 2019-07-05

Title Automatic Generation of Exams in R

Description Automatic generation of exams based on exercises in Markdown or LaTeX format,possibly including R code for dynamic generation of exercise elements.Exercise types include single-choice and multiple-choice questions, arithmetic problems,string questions, and combinations thereof (cloze). Output formats include standalonefiles (PDF, HTML, Docx, ODT, ...), Moodle XML, QTI 1.2, QTI 2.1, Blackboard, Can-vas, OpenOLAT,ARSnova, and TCExam. In addition to fully customizable PDF exams, a standardized PDF format(NOPS) is provided that can be printed, scanned, and automatically evaluated.

Depends R (>= 3.0.0)

Imports stats, graphics, grDevices, tools, utils

Suggests base64enc, knitr, magick, parallel, png, RCurl, RJSONIO,rmarkdown, tth

License GPL-2 | GPL-3

URL http://www.R-exams.org/

BugReports http://www.R-exams.org/contact/

NeedsCompilation no

Author Achim Zeileis [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0918-3766>),Bettina Gruen [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7265-4773>),Friedrich Leisch [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7278-1983>),Nikolaus Umlauf [aut],Mirko Birbaumer [ctb],Dominik Ernst [ctb],Patrik Keller [ctb],Niels Smits [ctb],Reto Stauffer [ctb]

Maintainer Achim Zeileis <[email protected]>

Repository CRAN

Date/Publication 2019-07-06 07:21:14 UTC


Page 2: Package ‘exams’ · Package ‘exams’ July 6, 2019 Version 2.3-4 Date 2019-07-05 Title Automatic Generation of Exams in R Description Automatic generation of exams based on exercises

2 exams

R topics documented:exams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2exams2arsnova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5exams2blackboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7exams2canvas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11exams2html . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13exams2lops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16exams2moodle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18exams2nops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23exams2openolat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26exams2pandoc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28exams2pdf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30exams2qti12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33exams2tcexam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38exams_eval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40exams_skeleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43fmt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45include_supplement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47include_tikz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48match_exams_call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49matrix_to_schoice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50mchoice2string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52nops_eval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53nops_scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57num_to_schoice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60read_exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61stresstest_exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63tex2image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66xexams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68xweave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Index 72

exams Generation of Simple Exams


Old (version 1) interface for Sweave-based automatic generation of exams including multiple choicequestions and arithmetic problems. Now it is recommended to use the (version 2) interface exams2pdf.


exams(file, n = 1, nsamp = NULL, dir = NULL, template = "plain",inputs = NULL, header = list(Date = Sys.Date()), name = NULL,quiet = TRUE, edir = NULL, tdir = NULL, control = NULL)

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file character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files, for details see below.

n integer. The number of copies to be compiled from file.

nsamp integer. The number(s) of exercise files sampled from each list element of file.Sampling without replacement is used if possible. (Only if some element ofnsamp is larger than the length of the corresponding element in file, samplingwith replacement is used.)

dir character. The output directory, this has to be set if n is greater than 1 (ortemplate is longer than 1).

template character. A specification of a LaTeX template. The package currently provides"exam", "solution", "plain". For details see below.

inputs character. Names of files that are needed as inputs during LaTeX compilation(e.g., style files, headers). Either the full path must be given or the file needs tobe in edir.

header list. A list of further options to be passed to the LaTeX files.

name character. A name prefix for resulting exercises, by default chosen based ontemplate.

quiet logical. Should output be suppressed when calling Sweave and texi2dvi.

edir character specifying the path of the directory in which the files in file are stored(see also below).

tdir character specifying a temporary directory, by default this is chosen via tempfile.Note that this is cleaned up and potentially temporary files are deleted.

control A list of control arguments for the appearance of multiple choice results (see‘Details’).


exams is the old (version 1) interface for Sweave-based generation of PDF exams. It is only providedfor backward compatibility and is superseded by the far more flexible function exams2pdf.

exams generates exams from lists of Sweave source files by: (1) running Sweave on each exercise,(2) including the resulting LaTeX files in a template, (3) running texi2dvi on the template, and(4) storing the resulting PDF file in an output dir (or displaying it interactively).

Each exercise in an exam is essentially a standalone Sweave source file that exams knows (almost)nothing about, it just calls Sweave (n times). The only exception is some meta-information which ispassed by means of four commands back to exams. The commands are ‘\extype’ (which may be‘mchoice’ or ‘num’), ‘\exsolution’ (e.g., 3.124 for a numeric solution and 10010 for a multiplechoice solution), ‘\exstring’ (containing a human-readable string with the solution), and ‘\extol’(a tolerance for numeric solutions).

The specification in file should be either of form "foo" or equivalently "foo.Rnw", where thefile "foo.Rnw" should either be in the local directory, the edir directory or in the exercisesdirectory of the package. file can either be a simple vector or a list of vectors. In the lat-ter case, exercises are chosen randomly within each list element. For example, the specificationfile = list(c("a", "b"), "xyz") will result in an exam with two exercises: the first exerciseis chosen randomly between "a" and "b" while "xyz" is always included as the second exercise.

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4 exams

The template is a (vector of) specification(s) of LaTeX templates. It can be "foo" or equiva-lently "foo.tex" where "foo.tex" should either be in the local directory (or provided with thefull path) or in the tex directory of the package. It should specify where in the template theexercises are included, using the markup ‘\exinput{exercises}’. Additionally, it may contain‘\exinput{questionnaire}’ and ‘\exinput{header}’. template can also be a vector, then foreach of the n runs several output files (one for each template) are created.

The name prefix for each file is by default the base name of the corresponding template but canalso be changed via name.

exams creates the PDF files and stores them in an output directory together with the solution metainformation as ‘metainfo.rda’ (see also below). If only a single PDF is created (currently thedefault), dir may be NULL and it is only displayed on the screen.

The argument control is specified by a named list with elements mchoice.print and mchoice.symbol.The element mchoice.print is used for specifying the characters used for printing. It is again anamed list where element True gives the (five) characters used for printing when the answer is cor-rect and False if the answer is wrong. The symbol used for the questionnaire output in the finalPDF file is defined by mchoice.symbol which is vector with elements True and False.


An object of class "exams_metainfo" is returned invisibly. It is a list of length n, containing a listof meta informations for each exercise:

mchoice logical. Is the exercise a multiple choice exercise?

length integer. Length of solution.

solution either a logical vector (for multiple choice) or numeric vector (for arithmeticproblems).

string character. A human-readable version of the solution.


Gruen B, Zeileis A (2009). Automatic Generation of Exams in R. Journal of Statistical Software,29(10), 1–14. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v29/i10/.

See Also

exams2pdf, Sweave, texi2dvi, mchoice2string


## load package and enforce par(ask = FALSE)library("exams")options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

## define an exams (= list of exercises)myexam <- list(

"boxplots",c("tstat", "ttest", "confint"),c("regression", "anova"),"scatterplot",

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exams2arsnova 5


if(interactive()) {## compile a single random exam (displayed on screen)sol <- exams(myexam)sol}

## generate multiple exams (stored in output directory)odir <- tempfile()sol <- exams(myexam, n = 3, dir = odir, template = c("exam", "solution"))sol

## inspect solution for a particular examprint(sol, 3)

if(interactive()) {## modify control argument for printingmymchoice.control <- list(mchoice.print = list(True = LETTERS[1:5], False = "_"))sol <- exams("boxplots", template = "solution",

control = mymchoice.control)sol}

exams2arsnova Generation of Exam/Quiz Sessions in ARSnova Format


Interface for generating interactive sessions in the JSON format of the audience response systemARSnova.


exams2arsnova(file, n = 1L, dir = ".",name = "R/exams", sname = NULL, qname = NULL,quiet = TRUE, resolution = 100, width = 4, height = 4, svg = FALSE, encoding = "",url = "https://arsnova.eu/api", sessionkey = NULL, jsessionid = NULL,active = TRUE, votingdisabled = FALSE, showstatistic = FALSE, showanswer = FALSE,abstention = TRUE, variant = "lecture", ssl.verifypeer = TRUE,fix_choice = TRUE, ...)

make_exams_write_arsnova(url = "https://arsnova.eu/api", sessionkey = NULL,jsessionid = NULL, name = "R/exams", sname = NULL, qname = NULL,active = TRUE, votingdisabled = FALSE, showstatistic = FALSE, showanswer = FALSE,abstention = TRUE, variant = "lecture", ssl.verifypeer = TRUE, fix_choice = TRUE)

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6 exams2arsnova


file character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files.

n integer. The number of copies to be compiled from file.

dir character. The default is either display on the screen or the current workingdirectory.

name character. A name prefix for resulting exercises and RDS file.

sname character. A vector of length 2 with the session name (maximum of 50 charac-ters) and its abbreviation (maximum of 8 characters). Ignored if the sessionkeyof an existing session is supplied and otherwise copied by default from name.

qname character. A vector of names for each question/exercise in file. By default, thename is used.

quiet logical. Should output be suppressed when calling xweave and texi2dvi.resolution, width, height

numeric, passed to xweave.

svg logical. Should graphics be rendered in SVG or PNG (default)?

encoding character, passed to xweave.url,sessionkey,jsessionid

character specifying (1) the base URL of the ARSnova API, (2) the 8-digit AR-Snova session key, (3) the JSESSIONID cookie of an active ARSnova session.If all are provided all questions are imported directly into the existing ARSnovasession. Otherwise, a JSON import file is generated.

active logical. Should the question be active (i.e., released for students) or locked?

votingdisabled logical. Should voting be disabled?

showstatistic logical. Should statistics be shown?

showanswer logical. Should answers be shown?

abstention logical. Are abstentions allowed?

variant character. Should the question be a "lecture" or a "preparation" questions?

ssl.verifypeer logical. Should SSL certificates be validated when connecting via https?

fix_choice logical. Should math markup be removed in single and multiple choice lists?(This may be needed for older ARSnova versions where math markup is ren-dered in the question itself but not the choice list.)

... arguments passed on to xexams.


exams2arsnova generates exams in the JSON format for ARSnova using xexams. It proceeds by (1)calling xweave on each exercise, (2) reading the resulting LaTeX code, (3) transforming the LaTeXcode to Markdown, and (4) embedding the Markdown code into the JSON format for ARSnova(and optionally imports it into a running ARSnova session).

For steps (1) and (2) the standard drivers in xexams are used. For step (3) a suitable transformationfunction is set up on the fly using make_exercise_transform_pandoc. For step (4) a simple writerfunction is set up on the fly that embeds the transformed Markdown code into a hard-coded JSON

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exams2blackboard 7

template using toJSON and either writes a single JSON file for each exam or imports these directlyinto an ARSnova session.

When url, sessionkey, and jsessionid are all supplied, curlPerform is used to import tallquestions directly into the existing ARSnova session. Otherwise, a file is written to the disk andthen needs to be imported manually into an ARSnova server. This file is either a JSON file for awhole new session (if sessionkey is NULL, the default) or a CSV file with the questions only.


A list of exams as generated by xexams is returned invisibly.


## load package and enforce par(ask = FALSE)library("exams")options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

## Not run:## exams2arsnova can either create text files with JSON dataexams2arsnova("tstat2")

## or directly post this to an active ARSnova session (for which the## server URL, the 8-digit session key, and the JSESSIONID cookie are needed)exams2arsnova("tstat2", url = "https://arsnova.eu/api",

sessionkey = "49061284", jsessionid = "A5BEFDA4141816BB425F2204A602E4B3")

## End(Not run)

exams2blackboard Generation of Exams in Blackboard Format


Automatic generation of exams in Blackboard format (which is partially based on QTI 1.2).


exams2blackboard(file, n = 1L, nsamp = NULL, dir = ".",name = NULL, quiet = TRUE, edir = NULL,tdir = NULL, sdir = NULL, verbose = FALSE,resolution = 100, width = 4, height = 4, encoding = "",num = NULL, mchoice = NULL,schoice = mchoice, string = NULL, cloze = NULL,template = "blackboard",pdescription = "This is an item from an item pool.",tdescription = "This is today's test.",pinstruction = "Please answer the following question.",tinstruction = "Give an answer to each question.",

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8 exams2blackboard

maxattempts = 1, zip = TRUE, points = NULL,eval = list(partial = TRUE, negative = FALSE),base64 = FALSE, converter = NULL,...)

make_itembody_blackboard(rtiming = FALSE, shuffle = FALSE,rshuffle = shuffle, minnumber = NULL, maxnumber = NULL,defaultval = NULL, minvalue = NULL, maxvalue = NULL,cutvalue = NULL, enumerate = TRUE, digits = NULL,tolerance = is.null(digits), maxchars = 12,eval = list(partial = TRUE, negative = FALSE),qti12 = FALSE)


file character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files.

n integer. The number of copies to be compiled from file.

nsamp integer. The number(s) of exercise files sampled from each list element of file.Sampling without replacement is used if possible. (Only if some element ofnsamp is larger than the length of the corresponding element in file, samplingwith replacement is used.)

dir character. The default is the current working directory.

name character. A name prefix for resulting exercises and ZIP file.

quiet logical. Should output be suppressed when calling xweave?

edir character specifying the path of the directory (along with its sub-directories) inwhich the files in file are stored (see also xexams).

tdir character specifying a temporary directory, by default this is chosen via tempfile.Note that this is cleaned up and potentially temporary files are deleted.

sdir character specifying a directory for storing supplements, by default this is cho-sen via tempfile.

verbose logical. Should information on progress of exam generation be reported?resolution, width, height

numeric. Options for rendering PNG graphics passed to xweave.

encoding character, passed to xweave.

num function or named list applied to numerical (i.e., type num) questions. If num isa function, num will be used for generating the item body of the question, seefunction make_itembody_blackboard(). If num is a named list, these argu-ments will be passed to function make_itembody_blackboard().

mchoice, schoice, string, cloze

function or named list applied to multiple choice, single choice, string, and clozequestions (i.e., type mchoice, schoice, string, and cloze), respectively. Seeargument num for more details.

template character. The IMS QTI 1.2 or 2.1 template that should be used. Currently, thepackage provides "blackboard.xml".

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exams2blackboard 9

pdescription character. Description (of length 1) of the item pool (i.e., the set of copies).

tdescription character. Description (of length 1) of the overall assessment (i.e., exam).

pinstruction character. Instruction (of length 1) for the item pool (i.e., set of copies).

tinstruction character. Instruction (of length 1) for the overall assessment (i.e., exam).

maxattempts integer. The maximum attempts for one question, may also be set to Inf.

zip logical. Should the resulting XML file (plus supplements) be zipped?

points integer. How many points should be assigned to each exercise? Note that this ar-gument overules any exercise points that are provided within an "\expoints{}"tag in the .Rnw file. The vector of points supplied is expanded to the number ofexercises in the exam.

eval named list, specifies the settings for the evaluation policy, see function exams_eval.

base64 logical. Should supplementary files be embedded using Base 64 coding? Ar-gument base64 may also be a character vector of file suffixes that should beencoded, e.g. base64 = c("png", "rda") will only encode PNG images andbinary .rda files. If set to NULL only image files will be encoded.

converter, ... arguments passed on to make_exercise_transform_html. The default forconverter is set to "ttm" unless there are Rmd exercises in file where "pandoc"is used.

rtiming, shuffle, rshuffle, minnumber, maxnumber, defaultval, minvalue, maxvalue

arguments used for IMS QTI 1.2 item construction, for details see the XMLspecification (see IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. 2012), especially Sec-tion 4.

cutvalue numeric. The cutvalue at which the exam is passed.

enumerate logical. Insert potential solutions in enumerated list?

digits integer. How many digits should be used for num exercises?

tolerance logical. Should tolerance intervals be used for checking if the supplied num an-swer/number is correct? The default is to use tolerance intervals if digits = NULL.

maxchars numeric. Lower bound for the number of characters in fill-in-blank fields. Theactual number of characters is selected as the maximum number of characters ofthis value and the actual solution.

qti12 logical. For reverse compability to plain QTI 1.2 XML format.


Blackboard employs an XML format that essentially uses the Question & Test Interoperability(QTI) standard, version 1.2, see IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (2012). However, as thisdeviates from the plain QTI 1.2 standard in several places, the exams2qti12 cannot be used directly.Instead, exams2blackboard is a new interface that is likely to be improved in future versions.

exams2blackboard produces a .zip file that may be uploaded into Blackboard. This includes thefinal XML file of the exam/assessment as well as possible supplement folders that include images,data sets etc. used for the exam. After uploading the test into Blackboard, the material will appearunder ‘Course Tools’: the test will be available in ‘Tests’, and each pool within the test will alsoappear in ‘Pools’.

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10 exams2blackboard

exams2blackboard proceeds by (1) calling xweave on each exercise, (2) reading the resulting La-TeX code, (3) transforming the LaTeX code to HTML, and (4) embedding the HTML code in aXML file using Blackboard’s QTI standards for assessments and question items. For steps (1) and(2) the standard drivers in xexams are used. In step (3), a suitable transformation function is set upon the fly using make_exercise_transform_html, see also the details section in exams2html. Forstep (4), the function will cycle through all questions and exams to generate the final XML file inthe Blackboard QTI standard. Therefore, each question will be included in the XML as one section.The replicates of each question will be written as question items of the section.

The function uses the XML template for Blackboard’s QTI standards for assessments and itemsto generate the exam (per default, this is the XML file blackboard.xml provided in the xmlfolder of this package). The assessment template must provide one section including one item.exams2blackboard will then use the single item template to generate all items, as well as the as-sessment and section specifications set within the template.

The default template will generate exams/assessments that sample one replicate of a question/itemfor each section. The usual procedure in exam/assessment generation would be to simply copy \&paste the XML template of the package and adapt it to the needs of the user. Note that all specifiersthat have a leading ## in the XML template will be replaced by suitable code in exams2blackboardand should always be provided in the template. I.e., the user may add additional tags to the XMLtemplate or modify certain specifications, like the number of replicates/items that should be sampledfor each section etc.

Per default, the individual question/item bodies are generated by function make_itembody_blackboard,i.e., make_itembody_blackboard checks the type of the question and will produce suitable XMLcode. Note that for each question type, either the arguments of make_itembody_blackboardmay be set within num, mchoice, schoice and string in exams2blackboard, by providing anamed list of specifications that should be used, or for each questiontype, a function that pro-duces the item body XML code may be provided to num, mchoice, schoice and string. E.g.,mchoice = list(shuffle = TRUE) will force only multiple choice questions to have a shuffledanswerlist.

Note that in Blackboard cloze items are not officially supported, and hence this type of item isnot supported in the current version of exams2blackboard either. It is currently investigated if aworkaround may be implemented to allow for cloze items.


exams2blackboard returns a list of exams as generated by xexams.

make_itembody_blackboard returns a function that generates the XML code for the itembody tagin Blackboard’s version of the IMS QTI 1.2 format.


Blackboard, Inc. (2016). Blackboard Help: Question types. http://en-us.help.blackboard.com/Learn/Instructor/Tests_Pools_Surveys/040_Question_Types

IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (2012). IMS Question & Test Interoperability: ASI XMLBinding Specification Final Specification Version 1.2. http://www.imsglobal.org/question/qtiv1p2/imsqti_asi_bindv1p2.html

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exams2canvas 11

Zeileis A, Umlauf N, Leisch F (2014). Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams in R: MoodleQuizzes, OLAT Assessments, and Beyond. Journal of Statistical Software, 58(1), 1–36. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v58/i01/.

See Also



## load package and enforce par(ask = FALSE)library("exams")options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

## define an exams (= list of exercises)myexam <- list(



## output directorydir.create(mydir <- tempfile())

## generate .zip with Blackboard exam in temporary directoryexams2blackboard(myexam, n = 3, dir = mydir)dir(mydir)

exams2canvas Generation of Exams for Canvas


Automatic generation of exams in QTI 1.2 with some tweaks (still under development) for thelearning management system Canvas.


exams2canvas(file, n = 1L, dir = ".", name = "canvasquiz",maxattempts = 1, duration = NULL, points = NULL,converter = NULL, ...)


file character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files.

n integer. The number of copies to be compiled from file.

dir character. The default is the current working directory.

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name character. A name prefix for resulting exercises and ZIP file.

maxattempts integer. The maximum attempts for one question (must be smaller than 100000).

duration integer. Set the duration of the exam in minutes.

points integer. How many points should be assigned to each exercise? Note that this ar-gument overules any exercise points that are provided within an "\expoints{}"tag in the .Rnw file. The vector of points supplied is expanded to the number ofexercises in the exam.

converter character passed on to make_exercise_transform_html, indicating the type ofconverter from LaTeX/Markdown to HTML. Currently, Canvas requires HTMLwith MathML. Hence, if there are Markdown-based .Rmd exercises, the converterneeds to be "pandoc-mathml" (or equivalently "pandoc"). For only LaTeX-based .Rnw exercises "ttm" can be used as an alternative and is currently thedefault.

... arguments passed on to exams2qti12. The arguments base64 and eval cannotbe modified but are hard-coded internally (for details see below).


exams2canvas is a convenience interface to exams2qti12 for generating QTI 1.2 with some smalltweaks for Canvas (https://www.instructure.com/canvas/). The supported exercise types atthe moment are num, schoice, mchoice, and string (but not cloze, yet). It is still under developmentand may change in future versions. Please report any problems to the package maintainer.

The Canvas-specific tweaks include:

• Canvas necessitates a converter that produces HTML plus MathML. Thus, "pandoc-mathml"(or equivalently "pandoc") can be used or alternatively "ttm" for exams with only R/LaTeX.Rnw exercises.

• Supplementary files (images, data, ...) must be embedded without Base 64 encoding. Thus,base64 = FALSE is hard-coded internally in exams2canvas.

• Multiple-choice exercises (referred to as multiple answer questions in Canvas) are always eval-uated (aka scored) with partial credits in Canvas. Therefore, eval = list(partial = TRUE, negative = FALSE)is hard-coded internally in exams2canvas. Negative points are not supported in Canvas.

• The QTI XML file requires a few special tags which are enforced through flavor = "canvas"in exams2qti12.

Technical note: For multiple-choice questions the QTI XML file produced by exams2canvas ap-pears to encode an “all-or-nothing” scheme without partial credits (i.e., partial = FALSE). How-ever, this is necessary for Canvas to recognize the answer alternatives correctly. Despite this, Canvasalways applies partial-credit evaluation (as explained above).


exams2canvas returns a list of exams as generated by xexams.

See Also


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## load package and enforce par(ask = FALSE)library("exams")options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

## define an exams (= list of exercises)myexam <- c(



## output directorydir.create(mydir <- tempfile())

## generate .zip with OpenOLAT test in temporary directoryexams2canvas(myexam, n = 3, dir = mydir)dir(mydir)

exams2html Generation of Exams in HTML Format


Automatic generation of exams in HTML format.


exams2html(file, n = 1L, nsamp = NULL, dir = ".", template = NULL,name = NULL, quiet = TRUE, edir = NULL, tdir = NULL, sdir = NULL, verbose = FALSE,question = "<h4>Question</h4>", solution = "<h4>Solution</h4>",mathjax = NULL, resolution = 100, width = 4, height = 4, svg = FALSE,encoding = "", envir = NULL, converter = NULL, ...)

make_exercise_transform_html(converter = c("ttm", "tth", "pandoc", "tex2image"),base64 = TRUE, ...)

make_exams_write_html(template = "plain", name = NULL,question = "<h4>Question</h4>", solution = "<h4>Solution</h4>",mathjax = FALSE)

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file character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files.

n integer. The number of copies to be compiled from file.

nsamp integer. The number(s) of exercise files sampled from each list element of file.Sampling without replacement is used if possible. (Only if some element ofnsamp is larger than the length of the corresponding element in file, samplingwith replacement is used.)

dir character specifying the output directory (default: current working directory). Ifonly a single HTML file is produced and no dir is explicitly specified, the fileis displayed in the browser rather than saved in dir.

template character. A specification of a HTML template. The default is to use the"plain.html" file provided in the package unless there are Rmd exercises infile. Then, "plain8.html" is used (which expects UTF-8 encoding as usedby pandoc).

name character. A name prefix for resulting exercises.

quiet logical. Should output be suppressed when calling xweave?

edir character specifying the path of the directory (along with its sub-directories) inwhich the files in file are stored (see also xexams).

tdir character specifying a temporary directory, by default this is chosen via tempfile.Note that this is cleaned up and potentially temporary files are deleted.

sdir character specifying a directory for storing supplements, by default this is cho-sen via tempfile.

verbose logical. Should information on progress of exam generation be reported?

question character or logical. Should the question be included in the HTML output? Ifquestion is a character it will be used as a header for resulting questions. Argu-ment question may also be a vector that controls the output for the templates.

solution character or logical, see argument question.

mathjax logical. Should the JavaScript from http://www.MathJax.org/ be includedfor rendering mathematical formulas? By default mathjax = FALSE unlessconverter = "pandoc-mathjax".

resolution, width, height

numeric. Options for rendering PNG (or SVG) graphics passed to xweave.

svg logical. Should graphics be rendered in SVG or PNG (default)?

encoding character, passed to xweave.

envir argument passed to xweave (which passes it to knit).

base64 logical. Should supplementary files be embedded using Base 64 coding? Ar-gument base64 may also be a character vector of file suffixes that should beencoded, e.g. base64 = c("png", "rda") will only encode PNG images andbinary .rda files. If set to NULL only image files will be encoded.

converter, ... arguments passed on to make_exercise_transform_html. The default forconverter is set to "ttm" unless there are Rmd exercises in file where "pandoc"is used.

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exams2html generates exams in a very simple HTML format using xexams. It proceeds by (1)calling xweave on each exercise, (2) reading the resulting LaTeX code, (3) transforming the LaTeXcode to HTML, and (4) embedding the HTML code in a template (a simple and plain template isused by default).

For steps (1) and (2) the standard drivers in xexams are used.

For step (3) a suitable transformation function is set up on the fly using make_exercise_transform_html.This transforms the LaTeX code in question/questionlist and solution/solutionlist byleveraging one of four functions: ttm produces HTML with MathML for mathematical formulas,tth produces plain HTML that aims to emulate mathematical formulas, pandoc_convert employspandoc offering different options for handling formulas, and tex2image runs LaTeX and turns theresult into a single image. In all cases, images can either be stored in supplementary files or embed-ded directly in Base 64 coding.

For step (4) a simple writer function is set up on the fly that embeds the transformed HTML codeinto a template and writes a single HTML file for each exam.


exams2html returns a list of exams as generated by xexams.

make_exercise_transform_html returns a function that is suitable for being supplied as driver$transformto xexams.

make_exams_write_html returns a function that is suitable for being supplied as driver$write toxexams.


Zeileis A, Umlauf N, Leisch F (2014). Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams in R: MoodleQuizzes, OLAT Assessments, and Beyond. Journal of Statistical Software, 58(1), 1–36. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v58/i01/.

See Also

xexams, ttm, tth, pandoc_convert, tex2image, browseURL


## load package and enforce par(ask = FALSE)options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

if(interactive()) {## compile a single random exam (displayed in the browser)exams2html(list(

"boxplots",c("tstat", "ttest", "confint"),c("regression", "anova"),"scatterplot","relfreq"


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## examples with different locales (UTF-8, ISO-8859-15)## using special characters (Euro and Pound symbol, German umlaut)if(!identical(Sys.getlocale(), "C")) {## UTF-8exams2html("currency8", encoding = "utf8", template = "plain8")

## ISO Latin 9 (aka ISO-8859-15)exams2html("currency9", encoding = "latin9", template = "plain9")}

## various versions of displaying mathematical formulae

## via MathML (displayed correctly in MathML-aware browsers, e.g. Firefox)exams2html("tstat")

## via MathML + MathJax (should work in all major browsers,## note the display options you get when right-clicking on the formulas## in the browser)exams2html("tstat", mathjax = TRUE)

## via plain HTML (works in all browsers but with inferior formatting)exams2html("tstat", converter = "tth")

## via HTML with embedded picture (works in all browsers but## is slow and requires LaTeX and ImageMagick)## Not run:exams2html("tstat", converter = "tex2image")

## End(Not run)}

exams2lops Generation of Exams in LOPS Exam Server Format (WU Wien)


Automatic generation of exams in LOPS exam server format (WU Wien).


exams2lops(file, n = 1L, nsamp = NULL, dir = ".", name = NULL,quiet = TRUE, edir = NULL, tdir = NULL, sdir = NULL, verbose = FALSE,solution = TRUE, doctype = NULL, head = NULL, resolution = 100, width = 4,height = 4, svg = FALSE, encoding = "", converter = "tex2image", base64 = FALSE,auto_scramble = TRUE, ...)

make_exams_write_lops(name = NULL, auto_scramble = TRUE, ...)

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file character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files.

n integer. The number of copies to be compiled from file.

nsamp integer. The number(s) of exercise files sampled from each list element of file.Sampling without replacement is used if possible. (Only if some element ofnsamp is larger than the length of the corresponding element in file, samplingwith replacement is used.)

dir character. The default is the current working directory.

name character. A name prefix for resulting exercises.

quiet logical. Should output be suppressed when calling xweave?

edir character specifying the path of the directory (along with its sub-directories) inwhich the files in file are stored (see also xexams).

tdir character specifying a temporary directory, by default this is chosen via tempfile.Note that this is cleaned up and potentially temporary files are deleted.

sdir character specifying a directory for storing supplements, by default this is cho-sen via tempfile.

verbose logical. Should information on progress of exam generation be reported?

solution logical. Should the solution be included in the HTML output?

doctype character vector with a DOCTYPE tag for the HTML page. By default HTML4is employed.

head character vector for the head tag. By default a simple header is employed, settingthe font to Arial.

resolution, width, height

numeric. Options for rendering PNG (or SVG) graphics passed to xweave.

svg logical. Should graphics be rendered in SVG or PNG (default)?

encoding character, passed to xweave.

converter character. Workhorse function for transforming LaTeX code to HTML.

base64 logical. Should supplementary files be embedded using Base 64 coding? Ar-gument base64 may also be a character vector of file suffixes that should beencoded, e.g. base64 = c("png", "rda") will only encode PNG images andbinary .rda files. If set to NULL only image files will be encoded.

auto_scramble logical. Should answers be scrambled automaticall?

... arguments passed on to make_exercise_transform_html.


exams2lops will produce a .zip file that may be uploaded. It proceeds by (1) calling xweave oneach exercise, (2) reading the resulting LaTeX code, (3) transforming the LaTeX code to HTML,and (4) embedding the HTML code in a XML file using the LOPS exam server XML format (WUWien).

For steps (1) and (2) the standard drivers in xexams are used. In step (3), a suitable transformationfunction is set up on the fly using make_exercise_transform_html, see also the details section inexams2html.

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For step (4) a simple writer function is set up on the fly that embeds the transformed HTML codeinto the final XML files for each question and the exam.

Note that in make_exams_write_lops only multiple and single choice questions are supported atthe moment, since the LOPS exam server XML format (WU Wien) is used to generate printed ver-sions for large scale multiple choice exams. In addition, only images of the question/questionlist/solution/solutionlistshould be generated, since the server has only minimum support for e.g. MathML markup used toproduce mathematical formulas.


exams2lops returns a list of exams as generated by xexams.

make_exams_write_lops eturns a function that generates the XML code for the question in LOPSexam server format (WU Wien).


Zeileis A, Umlauf N, Leisch F (2014). Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams in R: MoodleQuizzes, OLAT Assessments, and Beyond. Journal of Statistical Software, 58(1), 1–36. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v58/i01/.

See Also

xexams, ttm, tth, tex2image, make_exercise_transform_html,


## Not run:## output directorydir.create(mydir <- tempfile())

## generate the examexams2lops(c("scatterplot", "boxplots"), dir = mydir)dir(mydir)

## End(Not run)

exams2moodle Generation of Exams in Moodle XML Format


Automatic generation of exams in Moodle XML format.

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exams2moodle(file, n = 1L, nsamp = NULL, dir = ".",name = NULL, quiet = TRUE, edir = NULL,tdir = NULL, sdir = NULL, verbose = FALSE,resolution = 100, width = 4, height = 4, svg = FALSE, encoding = "",iname = TRUE, stitle = NULL,testid = FALSE, zip = FALSE, num = NULL, mchoice = NULL,schoice = mchoice, string = NULL, cloze = NULL,points = NULL, rule = NULL, pluginfile = TRUE,converter = "pandoc-mathjax", envir = NULL, ...)

make_question_moodle(name = NULL, solution = TRUE,shuffle = FALSE, penalty = 0, answernumbering = "abc",usecase = FALSE, cloze_mchoice_display = "MULTICHOICE",truefalse = c("True", "False"), enumerate = TRUE, abstention = NULL,eval = list(partial = TRUE, negative = FALSE, rule = "false2"),essay = NULL)


file character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files.

n integer. The number of copies to be compiled from file.

nsamp integer. The number(s) of exercise files sampled from each list element of file.Sampling without replacement is used if possible. (Only if some element ofnsamp is larger than the length of the corresponding element in file, samplingwith replacement is used.)

dir character. The default is the current working directory.

name character. A name prefix for resulting exercises and ZIP file.

quiet logical. Should output be suppressed when calling xweave?

edir character specifying the path of the directory (along with its sub-directories) inwhich the files in file are stored (see also xexams).

tdir character specifying a temporary directory, by default this is chosen via tempfile.Note that this is cleaned up and potentially temporary files are deleted.

sdir character specifying a directory for storing supplements, by default this is cho-sen via tempfile.

verbose logical. Should information on progress of exam generation be reported?resolution, width, height

numeric. Options for rendering PNG (or SVG) graphics passed to xweave.

svg logical. Should graphics be rendered in SVG or PNG (default)?encoding, envir

arguments passed to xweave.

iname logical. Should the exam name be included in the path in the <category> tag inthe final XML file? This option may be useful when questions should be addedto certain already existing question banks, i.e. iname = TRUE will include theexam name by $course$/ExamName/.

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stitle character. For the questions specified in argument file, additional section ti-tles may be set. The section titles will then be added to the <category> tag inthe final XML file (see also argument iname), i.e. the section name for eachquestion will be written to $course$/ExamName/SectionName. Note that sec-tion names may also be provided in the \exsection{} tag in the .Rnw file ofthe question. However, section names that are specified in stitle will overwrite\exsection{} tags. stitle may also include NA, e.g. stitle = c("Exercise 1", NA, "Exercise 3").

testid logical. Should an unique test id be added to the exam name.

zip logical. Should the resulting XML file be zipped?

num function or named list applied to numerical (i.e., type num) questions. If num isa function, num will be used for generating the item body of the question, seefunction make_itembody_qti12(). If num is a named list, these arguments willbe passed to function make_itembody_qti12().

mchoice, schoice, string, cloze

function or named list applied to multiple choice, single choice, string, and clozequestions (i.e., type mchoice, schoice, string, and cloze), respectively. Seeargument num for more details.

points integer. How many points should be assigned to each exercise? Note that this ar-gument overules any exercise points that are provided within an "\expoints{}"tag in the .Rnw file. The vector of points supplied is expanded to the number ofexercises in the exam.

rule character specifying which rule to use for negative partial credits. see functionexams_eval. Note that the default using cloze exercises is rule = "none".

pluginfile logical. Should supplements be included in the Moodle XML file via Moodle’sPluginfile mechanism? This is the default but may not work with older ver-sions of Moodle (<2.5). If set to FALSE supplements like graphics and data areincluded as data URIs.

solution logical. Should the question solution, if available, be added in the questionXML?

shuffle For mchoice and schoice exercises, if set to TRUE will force Moodle to addi-tionally shuffle the provided answer list.

penalty numeric. Specifies the penalty tag for a question.answernumbering

character. Specifies how choice questions should be numbered.

usecase logical. Should string questions be case sensitive or not.cloze_mchoice_display

character. In cloze type questions, the user may set the visual appearance ofchoice questions in either a drop down menue (default) "MULTICHOICE", verticalalignment "MULTICHOICE_V" or horizontal "MULTICHOICE_H".

truefalse character of length 2. For single choice answers in cloze questions, the usermay specify the possible options shown.

enumerate logical. In cloze questions, if set to TRUE, the answerlist and solutionlist will beenumerated.

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abstention character or logical. Should an explicit abstention option be added in single/multiplechoice exercises? The character text specified is used for an extra button in Moo-dle which (when selected) always leads to zero points.

eval named list, specifies the settings for the evaluation policy, see function exams_eval.essay logical. Should string questions be rendered into Moodle shortanswer or

essay questions? The default is to use shortanswer unless either essay=TRUEor the exercise’s metainformation is set to essay.

converter, ... arguments passed on to make_exercise_transform_html. The default forconverter is "pandoc-mathjax" which assumes that the quiz is imported ina Moodle site with MathJax plugin activated (which is the default setting inMoodle). For using MathML instead of MathJax the converter can be set toNULL or "pandoc-mathml" etc. For details see Zeileis (2019).


exams2moodle produces an XML file that may be uploaded into Moodle. It proceeds by (1) call-ing xweave on each exercise, (2) reading the resulting LaTeX code, (3) transforming the LaTeXcode to HTML, and (4) embedding the HTML code in a XML file using the Moodle standards forexams/quizzes.

For steps (1) and (2) the standard drivers in xexams are used. In step (3), a suitable transformationfunction is set up on the fly using make_exercise_transform_html, see also the details section inexams2html.

For step (4), the function will cycle through all questions and exams to generate the final XML filein Moodle standard. The structure of the resulting XML file is such that one category will be set forthe exam/quiz using the exam/quiz name (or this category may be suppressed (i.e., not included inthe XML) by setting iname = FALSE), followed by one category/section for each question, whilethe replicates of each question will be included in the corresponding category/section. Note thatcategory/section names may also be provided in the \exsection{} tag in the .Rnw files, or withinargument stitle in exams2moodle. This may be useful when questions should automatically beadded to already existing Moodle question banks. (See also the argument descriptions above.)

The XML code for each question is then generated using function make_question_moodle. Notethat for each question type, either the arguments of make_question_moodle may be set within num,mchoice, schoice, string and cloze in exams2moodle, by providing a named list of specificationsthat should be used, or for each questiontype, a function that produces the question XML codemay be provided to num, mchoice, schoice, string and cloze. E.g., to suppress the solution fornumeric questions one may set num = list(solution = FALSE).

When specifying cloze exercises, two approaches are possible: Either a answerlist with all ques-tions is provided within the question or, alternatively, the answer fields can be placed anywhere inthe question text. For the latter, the strings ##ANSWER1##, ##ANSWER2##, etc., have to be used, seethe exercises "boxhist2.Rnw" and "fourfold2.Rnw" for illustration and Appendix C in Zeileis etal. (2014) for further details.

To fix the width of numeric answer fields withing cloze exercises (in order not to convey any cluesabout the length of the correct solution), the \exextra[numwidth] metainformation command canbe used in the .Rnw exercise. For example, it can be set to \exextra[numwidth,logical]{TRUE},\exextra[numwidth,numeric]{5}, or \exextra[numwidth,character]{100.0}.

In order to generate free text questions in moodle one may specify extra parameters via \exextra.Currently the following options are supported:

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22 exams2moodle

• essay: logical. Enables the essay function.

• format: character. Type of text field (one of: plain, editor, editorfilepicker monospacednoinline)

• required: logical. Whether an answer is required.

• attachments: numeric. How many attachments can be uploaded.

• attachmentsrequired: numeric. The number of required attachments.


exams2moodle returns a list of exams as generated by xexams.

make_question_moodle returns a function that generates the XML code for the question in Moo-dle’s XML standard.


Dougiamas M, et al. (2019). Moodle, Version 3.6. http://moodle.org/.

MoodleDocs (2019). Moodle XML Format. http://docs.moodle.org/en/Moodle_XML

Zeileis A, Umlauf N, Leisch F (2014). Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams in R: MoodleQuizzes, OLAT Assessments, and Beyond. Journal of Statistical Software, 58(1), 1–36. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v58/i01/.

Zeileis A (2019). Mathematical Notation in Online R/exams. http://www.R-exams.org/tutorials/math/

See Also

xexams, ttm, tth, tex2image, make_exercise_transform_html,


## load package and enforce par(ask = FALSE)library("exams")options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

## define an exams (= list of exercises)myexam <- list(

"boxplots",c("tstat", "ttest", "confint"),c("regression", "anova"),c("scatterplot", "boxhist"),"relfreq"


## output directorydir.create(mydir <- tempfile())

## generate moodle quiz in temporary directory## using a few customization options

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exams2nops 23

exams2moodle(myexam, n = 3, dir = mydir,num = list(solution = FALSE),mchoice = list(shuffle = TRUE)


exams2nops Generation of Written Exams for Automatic Evaluation


Generation of exams in PDF format that can be printed, scanned, and evaluated automatically.


exams2nops(file, n = 1L, nsamp = NULL, dir = NULL, name = NULL,language = "en", title = "Exam", course = "",institution = "R University", logo = "Rlogo.png", date = Sys.Date(),replacement = FALSE, intro = NULL, blank = NULL, duplex = TRUE, pages = NULL,usepackage = NULL, header = NULL, encoding = "", startid = 1L,points = NULL, showpoints = FALSE, samepage = FALSE,twocolumn = FALSE, reglength = 7L, ...)

make_nops_template(n, replacement = FALSE, intro = NULL, blank = NULL,duplex = TRUE, pages = NULL, file = NULL, nchoice = 5, encoding = "",samepage = FALSE, twocolumn = FALSE, reglength = 7L)


file character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files.

n integer. The number of copies to be compiled from file (in exams2nops) andthe number of exercises per exam (in make_nops_template), respectively.

nsamp integer. The number(s) of exercise files sampled from each list element of file.Sampling without replacement is used if possible. (Only if some element ofnsamp is larger than the length of the corresponding element in file, samplingwith replacement is used.)

dir character. The default is either display on the screen or the current workingdirectory.

name character. A name prefix for resulting exams and RDS file.

language character. Path to a DCF file with a language specification. Currently, thepackage ships: English ("en"), Croatian ("hr"), Danish ("da"), Dutch ("nl"),French ("fr"), German ("de"), Hungarian ("hu"), Italian ("it"), Romanian("ro"), Portuguese ("pt-PT" or "pt-BR" or "pt" which is synonymous with"pt-PT"), Spanish ("es"), Swiss German ("gsw"), Turkish ("tr").

title character. Title of the exam, e.g., "Introduction to Statistics".

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course character. Optional course number, e.g., "101".

institution character. Name of the institution at which the exam is conducted.

logo character. Path to a logo image. If the logo is not found, it is simply omitted.

date character or "Date" object specifying the date of the exam.

replacement logical. Should a replacement exam sheet be included?

intro character. Either a single string with the path to a .tex file or a vector with withLaTeX code for optional introduction text on the first page of the exam.

blank integer. Number of blank pages to be added at the end. (Default is chosen to behalf of the number of exercises.) If pages is specified, blank can also be a vectorof length two with blank pages before and after the extra pages, respectively.

duplex logical. Should blank pages be added after the title page (for duplex printing)?

pages character. Path(s) to additional PDF pages to be included at the end of the exam(e.g., formulary or distribution tables).

usepackage character. Names of additional LaTeX packages to be included.

header character vector or list. Either a character vector with LaTeX code to include inthe header or a named list with further options to be passed to the LaTeX files.

encoding character, passed to xweave.

startid integer. Starting ID for the exam numbers (defaults to 1).

points integer. How many points should be assigned to each exercise? Note that thisargument overules any exercise points that are provided within the expointstags of the exercise files (if any). The vector of points supplied should eitherhave length 1 or the number of exercises in the exam.

showpoints logical. Should the PDF show the number of points associated with each exer-cise (if specified in the Rnw/Rmd exercise or in points)?

samepage logical. Should the itemized question lists be forced to be on the same page?

twocolumn logical. Should a two-column layout be used?

reglength integer. Number of digits in the registration ID. The default is 7 and it can beincreased up to 10.

... arguments passed on to exams2pdf.

nchoice character. The number of choice alternatives per exercise.


exams2nops is a convenience interface for exams2pdf with a dynamically generated title pagewhich can be printed, scanned with nops_scan and evaluated automatically by nops_eval. It isoriginally intended for single- and multiple choice (schoice/mchoice) questions only but has alsosome limited support for open-ended (string) questions.

The exam sheet consists of various sections where information is either printed our filled in by thestudents. The section with personal data is just for human readers, it is not read automatically. Theregistration number has to be filled in in digits and also marked with corresponding crosses whereonly the latter is read automatically. The exam ID/type/scrambling are printed directly into the PDFand read automatically after scanning. Note that the font in the PDF must not be modified for the

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reading step to work reliably. (A sans-serif font is used and hence the sfmath LaTeX package isalso used - if it is installed.) The questions can have up to five alternatives which have to answeredby the students. The crosses are read automatically where both empty and completely filled boxesare regarded as not crossed.

Tutorial for NOPS workflow: http://www.R-exams.org/tutorials/exams2nops/.

Limitations: (a) Only up to five answer alternatives per question are supported. (b) Currently,only up to 45 questions are supported. If you have more questions, consider splitting the entireexam up into two NOPS exams. (c) Only up to 3 open-ended questions can be included. (d) Eachquestion must have the same number of answer alternatives and the same number of points acrossrandom replications. For example, the n replications drawn for the first exercise all need, say, fivealternatives and two points. Then, the second exercise may have, say, four alternatives and fivepoints and so on. But this may not be mixed within the same exercise number.

The examples below show how PDF exams can be generated along with an RDS file with (seri-alized) R data containing all meta-information about the exam. The PDFs can be printed out forconducting the exam and the exam sheet from the first page then needs to be scanned into PDFor PNG images. Then the information from these scanned images can be read by nops_scan, ex-tracting information about the exam, the participants, and the corresponding answers (as describedabove). The ZIP file produced by nops_scan along with the RDS of the exam meta-information anda CSV file with participant information can then be used by nops_eval to automatically evaluatethe whole exam and producing HTML reports for each participant. See nops_eval for a workedexample.

Currently, up to three open-ended string questions can also be included. These do not generate boxeson the first exam sheet but instead a second exam sheet is produced for these open-ended questions.It is assumed that a human reader reads these open-ended questions and then assigns points bymarking boxes on this separate sheet. Subsequently, this sheet can also be read by nops_scan.

The language elements can be specified through a relatively simple text file in DCF format, seehttp://www.R-exams.org/tutorials/nops_language/ for more details. The package shipswith a variety of languages, the names of which correspond to the ISO 639 codes (https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php) or IETF language tags (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IETF_language_tag) if no ISO 639 codes exists (as for Brazilian Por-tuguese).


A list of exams as generated by xexams is returned invisibly.


## load package and enforce par(ask = FALSE)library("exams")options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

## define an exam (= list of exercises)myexam <- list(


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26 exams2openolat

c("boxplots.Rnw", "scatterplot.Rnw"),"cholesky.Rnw"


if(interactive()) {## compile a single random exam (displayed on screen)exams2nops(myexam, duplex = FALSE, language = "de")}

## create multiple exams on the disk (in a## temporary directory)dir.create(mydir <- tempfile())

## generate NOPS exam in temporary directoryset.seed(403)ex1 <- exams2nops(myexam, n = 2, dir = mydir)dir(mydir)

## use a few customization options: different## university/logo and language/title## with a replacement sheet but for non-duplex printingset.seed(403)ex2 <- exams2nops(myexam, n = 2, dir = mydir,

institution = "Universit\\\"at Innsbruck",name = "uibk", logo = "uibk-logo-bw.png",title = "Klausur", language = "de",replacement = TRUE, duplex = FALSE)


exams2openolat Generation of Exams for OpenOLAT


Automatic generation of exams in QTI 2.1 (or 1.2) with some tweaks optimized for OpenOLAT.


exams2openolat(file, n = 1L, dir = ".", name = "olattest",qti = "2.1", converter = "pandoc-mathjax", table = TRUE,maxattempts = 1, ...)


file character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files.

n integer. The number of copies to be compiled from file.

dir character. The default is the current working directory.

name character. A name prefix for resulting exercises and ZIP file.

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qti character indicating whether QTI "1.2" or "2.1" (default) should be generated.converter character passed on to make_exercise_transform_html, indicating the type of

converter from LaTeX/Markdown to HTML. Defaults to HTML with MathJax(and OpenOLAT-specific fixups).

table logical or character. Should a dedicated table class be used in the HTML forOpenOLAT? For details see below.

maxattempts integer. The maximum attempts for one question (must be smaller than 100000).... arguments passed on to exams2qti12 or exams2qti21, respectively.


exams2openolat is a convenience interface to exams2qti12 and exams2qti21 for generating eitherQTI 1.2 or 2.1 (default) output with some small tweaks for OpenOLAT. Specifically, the MathJaxoutput from pandoc is post-processed as expected by OpenOLAT.

Dedicated table classes currently include: Full-width tables with borders ("b_grid", "b_border")or without ("b_full", "b_borderless"). Or regular tables without background color ("b_middle")or with white grid and color background ("b_gray", "b_red", "b_green", "b_blue", "b_yellow").Setting table = TRUE corresponds to table = "b_gray".


exams2openolat returns a list of exams as generated by xexams.

See Also

exams2qti12, exams2qti21


## load package and enforce par(ask = FALSE)library("exams")options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

## define an exams (= list of exercises)myexam <- list(

"boxplots",c("tstat", "ttest", "confint"),c("regression", "anova"),c("scatterplot", "boxhist"),"relfreq"


## output directorydir.create(mydir <- tempfile())

## generate .zip with OpenOLAT test in temporary directoryexams2openolat(myexam, n = 3, dir = mydir)dir(mydir)

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28 exams2pandoc

exams2pandoc Generation of Exams via Pandoc


Automatic generation of exams via pandoc, by default in docx format.


exams2pandoc(file, n = 1L, nsamp = NULL, dir = ".",name = "pandoc", type = "docx", template = "plain.tex",question = "Question", solution = "Solution",header = list(Date = Sys.Date()), inputs = NULL, options = NULL,quiet = TRUE, resolution = 100, width = 4, height = 4, svg = FALSE, encoding = "",edir = NULL, tdir = NULL, sdir = NULL, verbose = FALSE, points = NULL, ...)


file character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files.

n integer. The number of copies to be compiled from file.

nsamp integer. The number(s) of exercise files sampled from each list element of file.Sampling without replacement is used if possible. (Only if some element ofnsamp is larger than the length of the corresponding element in file, samplingwith replacement is used.)

dir character specifying the output directory (default: current working directory). Ifonly a single HTML file is produced and no dir is explicitly specified, the fileis displayed in the browser rather than saved in dir.

name character. A name prefix for resulting exercises.

type character. The file type to convert to using pandoc. The default is "docx" (butother choices are also supported, e.g., "odt", "html", "markdown" etc.).

template character. A specification of a template in either LaTeX, HTML, or Markdownformat. The default is to use the "plain.tex" file provided but an alternative"plain.html" is also available.

question character or logical. Should the question be included in the output? If questionis a character it will be used as a header for resulting questions.

solution character or logical, see argument question.

header list. A list of named character strings (or functions generating such) to be sub-stituted in the template.

inputs character. Names of files that are needed as inputs for the template (e.g., im-ages, headers). Either the full path must be given or the file needs to be in edir.

options character. A string of options to be passed on to pandoc_convert.

quiet logical. Should output be suppressed when calling xweave?

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resolution, width, height

numeric. Options for rendering PNG (or SVG) graphics passed to xweave.

svg logical. Should graphics be rendered in SVG or PNG (default)?

encoding character, passed to xweave.

edir character specifying the path of the directory (along with its sub-directories) inwhich the files in file are stored (see also xexams).

tdir character specifying a temporary directory, by default this is chosen via tempfile.Note that this is cleaned up and potentially temporary files are deleted.

sdir character specifying a directory for storing supplements, by default this is cho-sen via tempfile.

verbose logical. Should information on progress of exam generation be reported?

points integer. How many points should be assigned to each exercise? Note that thisargument overules any exercise points that are provided within the expointstags of the exercise files (if any). The vector of points supplied should eitherhave length 1 or the number of exercises in the exam.

... currently not used.


exams2pandoc can generate exams in various output formats (by default docx) using xexams andpandoc_convert. It proceeds by (1) calling xweave on each exercise, (2) reading the resultingLaTeX or Markdown code, (3) transforming the code to the markup of some exam template (eitherLaTeX, HTML, or Markdown), (4) embedding the code in a template and converting it to the desiredoutput format using pandoc.

For steps (1) and (2) the standard drivers in xexams are used.

For step (3) a suitable transformation function is set up on the fly using make_exercise_transform_pandoc.Depending on which format the template uses (LaTeX or HTML or Markdown) the transformationmay or may not be trivial.

For step (4) all exercises are inserted into the template (and also replacing certain additional tagsfrom header) and then pandoc_convert is used to convert to the desired output format (one filefor each exam). In principle, all output types of pandoc are supported, but most of them have notbeen tested. (The main motivation for exams2pandoc was the generation of "docx" or "odt" files.)


exams2pandoc returns a list of exams as generated by xexams.

See Also

xexams, pandoc_convert


## load package and enforce par(ask = FALSE)options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

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30 exams2pdf

## define an exams (= list of exercises)myexam <- list(

"boxplots",c("tstat", "ttest", "confint"),c("regression", "anova"),c("scatterplot", "boxhist"),"relfreq"


## output directorydir.create(mydir <- tempfile())

## compile two docx and odt versions eachset.seed(1090)exams2pandoc(myexam, n = 2, dir = mydir, type = "docx")set.seed(1090)exams2pandoc(myexam, n = 2, dir = mydir, type = "odt")

exams2pdf Generation of Exams in PDF Format


Automatic generation of exams in PDF format.


exams2pdf(file, n = 1L, nsamp = NULL, dir = ".", template = NULL,inputs = NULL, header = list(Date = Sys.Date()), name = NULL,control = NULL, encoding = "", quiet = TRUE, transform = NULL,edir = NULL, tdir = NULL, sdir = NULL, texdir = NULL,verbose = FALSE, points = NULL, ...)

make_exams_write_pdf(template = "plain", inputs = NULL,header = list(Date = Sys.Date()), name = NULL, encoding = "",quiet = TRUE, control = NULL, texdir = NULL)


file character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files.

n integer. The number of copies to be compiled from file.

nsamp integer. The number(s) of exercise files sampled from each list element of file.Sampling without replacement is used if possible. (Only if some element ofnsamp is larger than the length of the corresponding element in file, samplingwith replacement is used.)

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dir character specifying the output directory (default: current working directory). Ifonly a single PDF file is produced and no dir is explicitly specified, the file isdisplayed on the screen rather than saved in dir.

template character. A specification of a LaTeX template. The package currently pro-vides "exam", "solution", "plain", among others. The default is to use the"plain.tex" file unless there are Rmd exercises in file for which "plain8.tex"is used. For further details see below.

inputs character. Names of files that are needed as inputs during LaTeX compilation(e.g., style files, headers). Either the full path must be given or the file needs tobe in edir.

header list. A list of further options to be passed to the LaTeX files.

name character. A name prefix for resulting exercises, by default chosen based ontemplate.

control A list of control arguments for the appearance of multiple choice results (seedetails).

encoding character, passed to xweave.

quiet logical. Should output be suppressed when calling xweave and texi2dvi.

transform function. An optional transform driver passed to xexams (by default no trans-formation is used).

edir character specifying the path of the directory (along with its sub-directories) inwhich the files in file are stored (see also xexams).

tdir character specifying a temporary directory, by default this is chosen via tempfile.Note that this is cleaned up and potentially temporary files are deleted.

sdir character specifying a directory for storing supplements, by default this is cho-sen via tempfile.

texdir character specifying a directory for running texi2dvi in. By default this ischosen via tempfile (and deleted again) but, if specified by the user, the tem-porary LaTeX files from the last iteration are preserved and not deleted. This isintended especially for debugging purposes.

verbose logical. Should information on progress of exam generation be reported?

points integer. How many points should be assigned to each exercise? Note that thisargument overules any exercise points that are provided within the expointstags of the exercise files (if any). The vector of points supplied should eitherhave length 1 or the number of exercises in the exam.

... further arguments passed on to xweave.


exams2pdf is a more flexible re-implementation of the old (version 1) exams function (Gruen andZeileis 2009), using the new extensible xexams framework (Zeileis et al. 2014). A detailed in-troduction is provided in vignette("exams", package = "exams"), also pointing out relativeadvantages of the new interface.

exams2pdf proceeds by using make_exams_write_pdf to set up a custom driver$write func-tion on the fly before calling xexams. This custom driver combines each exams with the desired

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32 exams2pdf

template (and inputs etc.) and then calls texi2dvi on the resulting LaTeX file to produce PDFoutput. For a single exam (n = 1) the resulting PDF is displayed on screen (unless dir is explicitlyspecified) while for n > 1 the PDF files are stored in the output directory dir.

The argument control is specified by a named list, currently with elements mchoice.symbol andcloze.collapse. mchoice.symbol has to be a character vector with elements True and False,specifying the symbol used for the questionnaire output in the final PDF file. cloze.collapsespecifies the character used for collapsing mchoice/schoice alternatives within a cloze exercise. Bydefault, these are separated by " / " but with cloze.collapse = "\\\\" each alternative wouldbe in a new line. Finally, cloze.collapse = "enumerate" can also be used which employs anested enumerate environment. In the latter case, the questionnaire uses exclozechoice ratherthan exmchoice (see exam.tex or solution.tex for an illustration.


exams2pdf returns a list of exams as generated by xexams.

make_exams_write_pdf returns a function that is suitable for being supplied as driver$write toxexams.


Gruen B, Zeileis A (2009). Automatic Generation of Exams in R. Journal of Statistical Software,29(10), 1–14. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v29/i10/.

Zeileis A, Umlauf N, Leisch F (2014). Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams in R: MoodleQuizzes, OLAT Assessments, and Beyond. Journal of Statistical Software, 58(1), 1–36. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v58/i01/.

See Also

xexams, exams, texi2dvi


## load package and enforce par(ask = FALSE)options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

if(interactive()) {## compile a single random exam (displayed on screen)exams2pdf(list(

"boxplots",c("tstat", "ttest", "confint"),c("regression", "anova"),"scatterplot","relfreq"


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exams2qti12 33

exams2qti12 Generation of Exams in IMS QTI 1.2 and 2.1 Format


Automatic generation of exams in IMS QTI 1.2 and 2.1 format.


exams2qti12(file, n = 1L, nsamp = NULL, dir = ".",name = NULL, quiet = TRUE, edir = NULL,tdir = NULL, sdir = NULL, verbose = FALSE,resolution = 100, width = 4, height = 4, svg = FALSE, encoding = "",num = NULL, mchoice = NULL,schoice = mchoice, string = NULL, cloze = NULL,template = "qti12", duration = NULL,stitle = "Exercise", ititle = "Question",adescription = "Please solve the following exercises.",sdescription = "Please answer the following question.",maxattempts = 1, cutvalue = 0, solutionswitch = TRUE,zip = TRUE, points = NULL,eval = list(partial = TRUE, negative = FALSE),converter = NULL, xmlcollapse = FALSE,flavor = c("plain", "openolat", "canvas"), ...)

exams2qti21(file, n = 1L, nsamp = NULL, dir = ".",name = NULL, quiet = TRUE, edir = NULL,tdir = NULL, sdir = NULL, verbose = FALSE,resolution = 100, width = 4, height = 4, svg = FALSE, encoding = "",num = NULL, mchoice = NULL,schoice = mchoice, string = NULL, cloze = NULL,template = "qti21", duration = NULL,stitle = "Exercise", ititle = "Question",adescription = "Please solve the following exercises.",sdescription = "Please answer the following question.",maxattempts = 1, cutvalue = 0, solutionswitch = TRUE,zip = TRUE, points = NULL,eval = list(partial = TRUE, negative = FALSE),converter = NULL, base64 = TRUE, mode = "hex", ...)

make_itembody_qti12(rtiming = FALSE, shuffle = FALSE,rshuffle = shuffle, minnumber = NULL, maxnumber = NULL,defaultval = NULL, minvalue = NULL, maxvalue = NULL,cutvalue = NULL, enumerate = TRUE, digits = NULL,tolerance = is.null(digits), maxchars = 12,eval = list(partial = TRUE, negative = FALSE),fix_num = TRUE, flavor = "plain")

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make_itembody_qti21(shuffle = FALSE, defaultval = NULL,minvalue = NULL, maxvalue = NULL, enumerate = TRUE,digits = NULL, tolerance = is.null(digits), maxchars = 12,eval = list(partial = TRUE, negative = FALSE),solutionswitch = TRUE)


file character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files.

n integer. The number of copies to be compiled from file.

nsamp integer. The number(s) of exercise files sampled from each list element of file.Sampling without replacement is used if possible. (Only if some element ofnsamp is larger than the length of the corresponding element in file, samplingwith replacement is used.)

dir character. The default is the current working directory.

name character. A name prefix for resulting exercises and ZIP file.

quiet logical. Should output be suppressed when calling xweave?

edir character specifying the path of the directory (along with its sub-directories) inwhich the files in file are stored (see also xexams).

tdir character specifying a temporary directory, by default this is chosen via tempfile.Note that this is cleaned up and potentially temporary files are deleted.

sdir character specifying a directory for storing supplements, by default this is cho-sen via tempfile.

verbose logical. Should information on progress of exam generation be reported?resolution, width, height

numeric. Options for rendering PNG (or SVG) graphics passed to xweave.

svg logical. Should graphics be rendered in SVG or PNG (default)?

encoding character, passed to xweave.

num function or named list applied to numerical (i.e., type num) questions. If num isa function, num will be used for generating the item body of the question, seefunction make_itembody_qti12() (or make_itembody_qti21()). If num is anamed list, these arguments will be passed to function make_itembody_qti12()(or make_itembody_qti21() using exams2qti21()).

mchoice, schoice, string, cloze

function or named list applied to multiple choice, single choice, string, and clozequestions (i.e., type mchoice, schoice, string, and cloze), respectively. Seeargument num for more details.

template character. The IMS QTI 1.2 or 2.1 template that should be used. Currently, thepackage provides "qti12.xml" and "qti21.xml".

duration integer. Set the duration of the exam in minutes.

stitle character. A title that should be used for the sections. May be a vector of length1 to use the same title for each section, or a vector containing different sectiontitles.

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ititle character. A title that should be used for the assessment items. May be a vectorof length 1 to use the same title for each item, or a vector containing differentitem titles. Note that the maximum of different item titles is the number ofsections/questions that are used for the exam.

adescription character. Description (of length 1) for the overall assessment (i.e., exam).

sdescription character. Vector of descriptions for each section.

maxattempts integer. The maximum attempts for one question, may also be set to Inf.

cutvalue numeric. The cutvalue at which the exam is passed.

solutionswitch logical. Should the question/item solutionswitch be enabled? In OLAT thismeans that the correct solution is shown after an incorrect solution was enteredby an examinee (i.e., this is typically only useful if maxattempts = 1).

zip logical. Should the resulting XML file (plus supplements) be zipped?

points integer. How many points should be assigned to each exercise? Note that this ar-gument overules any exercise points that are provided within an "\expoints{}"tag in the .Rnw file. The vector of points supplied is expanded to the number ofexercises in the exam.

eval named list, specifies the settings for the evaluation policy, see function exams_eval.

base64 logical. Should supplementary files be embedded using Base 64 coding? Ar-gument base64 may also be a character vector of file suffixes that should beencoded, e.g. base64 = c("png", "rda") will only encode PNG images andbinary .rda files. If set to NULL only image files will be encoded.

mode character. See function tth.rtiming, shuffle, rshuffle, minnumber, maxnumber, defaultval, minvalue, maxvalue

arguments used for IMS QTI 1.2 item construction, for details see the XMLspecification (see IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. 2012), especially Sec-tion 4. Genereting IMS QTI 2.1 items using exams2qti21() the arguments havesimilar meaning.

enumerate logical. Insert potential solutions in enumerated list?

digits integer. How many digits should be used for num exercises?

tolerance logical. Should tolerance intervals be used for checking if the supplied num an-swer/number is correct? The default is to use tolerance intervals if digits = NULL.

maxchars numeric. Lower bound for the number of characters in fill-in-blank fields. Theactual number of characters is selected as the maximum number of characters ofthis value and the actual solution.

fix_num logical. This is a special flag to enable/force the display of the correct solutionsfor numeric exercises/answers as well as to obtain results when archiving tests.Note that this is a workaround, which works e.g. within OLAT.

converter character. Argument passed on to make_exercise_transform_html. The de-fault for converter is set to "ttm" unless there are Rmd exercises in file where"pandoc" is used.

xmlcollapse logical or character. Should line breaks be collapsed in the XML code. If TRUEeverything is collapsed with spaces (" ") but other collapse characters could besupplied.

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36 exams2qti12

flavor character. Which QTI 1.2 “flavor” should be used? Some learning managementsystems require that the QTI XML tags are used in a rather specific and idiosyn-cratic way. Typically, users should not set this argument directly but use theconvenience interfaces exams2canvas or exams2openolat instead (which usethe flavor argument internally along with further customizations).

... further arguments passed on to make_exercise_transform_html.


The Question & Test Interoperability (QTI) is an international XML standard for specifying e-learning tests (IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. 2012ab). The standard evolved over variousversions with the first release culminating in the QTI 1.2 standard and the stable version of thesecond release currently at QTI 2.1. While both versions share many similarities, they differ inmany details. Hence, separate functions exams2qti12 and exams2qti21 are provided. The formerhas already been thoroughly tested and the latter is still in beta testing stage and might change infuture releases.

exams2qti12 produces a .zip file that may be uploaded (e.g. in OLAT). This includes the finalXML file of the exam/assessment as well as possible supplement folders that include images, datasets etc. used for the exam. It proceeds by (1) calling xweave on each exercise, (2) reading theresulting LaTeX code, (3) transforming the LaTeX code to HTML, and (4) embedding the HTMLcode in a XML file using the IMS QTI 1.2 standards for assessments and question items.

For steps (1) and (2) the standard drivers in xexams are used. In step (3), a suitable transformationfunction is set up on the fly using make_exercise_transform_html, see also the details section inexams2html.

For step (4), the function will cycle through all questions and exams to generate the final XML filein IMS QTI 1.2 standard. Therefore, each question will be included in the XML as one section. Thereplicates of each question will be written as question items of the section.

The function uses the XML template for IMS QTI 1.2 assessments and items to generate the exam(per default, this is the XML file qti12.xml provided in the xml folder of this package). Theassessment template must provide one section including one item. exams2qti12 will then use thesingle item template to generate all items, as well as the assessment and section specifications setwithin the template.

The default template will generate exams/assessments that sample one replicate of a question/itemfor each section. The usual procedure in exam/assessment generation would be to simply copy \&paste the XML template of the package and adapt it to the needs of the user. Note that all specifiersthat have a leading ## in the XML template will be replaced by suitable code in exams2qti12and should always be provided in the template. I.e., the user may add additional tags to the XMLtemplate or modify certain specifications, like the number of replicates/items that should be sampledfor each section etc.

Per default, the individual question/item bodies are generated by function make_itembody_qti12,i.e. make_itembody_qti12 checks the type of the question and will produce suitable XML code.Note that for each question type, either the arguments of make_itembody_qti12 may be set withinnum, mchoice, schoice, string and cloze in exams2qti12, by providing a named list of specifi-cations that should be used, or for each questiontype, a function that produces the item body XMLcode may be provided to num, mchoice, schoice, string and cloze. E.g., mchoice = list(shuffle = TRUE)will force only multiple choice questions to have a shuffled answerlist.

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exams2qti12 37

Note that in OLAT/OpenOLAT num exercises are not officially supported but in fact work correctly.The only drawback is that in certain settings the correct solution is not shown at the end of theassessment (although it is used for all internal computations). Therefore, two workarounds areimplemented. Either fix_num can be set to TRUE (default), then a fix is added by double-checkingthe result, or digits can be set to a fixed value (e.g., digits = 2). In the latter case, the numexercise is represented by a string. Then the answer must be provided exactly to the decimalplaces specified (e.g., if the exact solution is 16.4562, then the correct answer in the test will be"16.46", i.e., a character string of 5 characters).

Generating exams/assessment in IMS QTI 2.1 format using exams2qti21() and make_itembody_qti21()is performed in a similar way as described above. Note that the IMS QTI 2.1 generators are stillwork in progress. The generated XML files have been validated using the IMS validator providedat http://membervalidator.imsglobal.org/qti/ (when it was still freely available). Further-more, a selection of generated exams/assessments has been tested using the ONYX Editor andPlayer, see https://www.onyx-editor.de/.


exams2qti12 and exams2qti21 return a list of exams as generated by xexams.

make_itembody_qti12 and make_itembody_qti21 return a function that generates the XML codefor the itembody tag in IMS QTI 1.2 and IMS QTI 2.1 format.


IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (2012a). IMS Question & Test Interoperability: ASI XMLBinding Specification Final Specification Version 1.2. http://www.imsglobal.org/question/qtiv1p2/imsqti_asi_bindv1p2.html

IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (2012b). IMS Question & Test Interoperability (QTI) XSDBinding Version 2.1 Final. http://www.imsglobal.org/question/qtiv2p1/imsqti_bindv2p1.html

BPS Bildungsportal Sachsen GmbH (2014). ONYX Testsuite. http://www.bps-system.de/cms/en/products/onyx-testsuite/

Zeileis A, Umlauf N, Leisch F (2014). Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams in R: MoodleQuizzes, OLAT Assessments, and Beyond. Journal of Statistical Software, 58(1), 1–36. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v58/i01/.

See Also

xexams, ttm, tth, tex2image, make_exercise_transform_html,


## load package and enforce par(ask = FALSE)library("exams")options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

## define an exams (= list of exercises)myexam <- list(


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38 exams2tcexam

c("tstat", "ttest", "confint"),c("regression", "anova"),c("scatterplot", "boxhist"),"relfreq"


## output directorydir.create(mydir <- tempfile())

## generate .zip with QTI 1.2 exam in temporary directory## using a few customization optionsexams2qti12(myexam, n = 3, dir = mydir,

maxattempts = 3,num = list(digits = 1),mchoice = list(shuffle = TRUE, enumerate = FALSE)


exams2tcexam Generation of Exams in TCExam Format


Interface for generating exams in TCExam format.


exams2tcexam(file, n = 1L, nsamp = NULL, dir = ".",name = NULL, quiet = TRUE, edir = NULL, tdir = NULL, sdir = NULL, verbose = FALSE,resolution = 100, width = 4, height = 4, svg = FALSE, encoding = "", points = NULL,modulename = name, subjectname = name, subjectdescription = NULL, timer = 0,fullscreen = FALSE, inlineanswers = FALSE, autonext = FALSE, shuffle = FALSE,lang = "en", date = Sys.time(), zip = FALSE, converter = NULL, ...)


file character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files.

n integer. The number of copies to be compiled from file.nsamp, quiet, edir, tdir, sdir, verbose

arguments passed to xexams.

dir character specifying the output directory path. The default is the current workingdirectory.

name character. A name prefix for resulting XML file.resolution, width, height, svg, encoding

arguments passed to xweave.

points numeric. Number of points for the questions.

modulename character. Module name.

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exams2tcexam 39

subjectname character. Subject name.


character. Subject description.

timer numeric. Number of seconds for each question.

fullscreen logical. Should the question be shown in full-screen mode?

inlineanswers logical. Should the question list be presented inline?

autonext logical. Automatically advance to the next item?

shuffle logical. Should the question list of schoice/mchoice answers be shuffled (or keptfixed)?

lang character. Two-letter indicator of the language.

date character or "Date" object specifying the date of the exam.

zip logical. Should the resulting XML file be zipped?

converter, ... arguments passed on to make_exercise_transform_html. The default forconverter is set to "ttm" unless there are Rmd exercises in file where "pandoc"is used.


exams2tcexam generates XML exams that can be imported into the TCExam software of Asuni(2012). Currently, the subset of HTML(-like) commands that is supported in TCExam is ratherlimited, e.g., tables and figures cannot be directly included.


A list of exams as generated by xexams is returned invisibly.


Asuni (2012). TCExam: Computer-Based Assessment Software. http://tcexam.org/.


## load package and enforce par(ask = FALSE)library("exams")options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

## Not run:## exams2tcexam creates a single XML fileexams2tcexam("tstat2", n = 2)

## End(Not run)

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40 exams_eval

exams_eval Auxiliary Tools for Evaluating Exams


Generation various helper functions for evaluating exams.


exams_eval(partial = TRUE, negative = FALSE,rule = c("false2", "false", "true", "all", "none"))


partial logical. Should single/multiple-choice answers be evaluated as a whole pattern(partial = FALSE) or should partial credits be assigned to each of the choices(partial = TRUE)?

negative logical or numeric. Handling of negative points for an exercise, for details seebelow.

rule character specifying which rule to use for negative partial credits.


The function exams_eval is a convenience wrapper for specifying various types of evaluation poli-cies. It returns a set of auxiliary functions that may be useful in the evaluation of exams.

Exercises of types "num" or "string" can essentially be just correct or wrong. In the former casethey will give 100 percent of all points, in the latter either 0 percent or some negative percentagecan be assigned. If negative percentages are used (e.g., negative = 0.25), then it needs to bedistinguished between solved incorrectly and not attempted to solve (which should yield 0 percent).

However, for multiple-choice answers the evaluation policy can either pertain to the answer patternas a whole (which can be correct or wrong, see above) or it can employ a partial credit strategy. Inthe latter case, each selected correct choice will yield the fraction 1/ncorrect of points. When anincorrect choice is selected, it should lead to negative points. Five strategies are currently imple-mented: "false" uses 1/nwrong while "false2" uses 1/max(nwrong, 2); "true" uses 1/ncorrect(so that each wrong selection cancels one correct selection); "all" uses 1 (so that a single wrongselection cancels all correct selections); and "none" uses 0 (so that wrong selections have no effectat all). When aggregating the partial percentages, the overall points can become negative. By settingnegative a lower bound can be set: negative = TRUE sets no bound while negative = FALSEsets the bound to zero. Any other numeric value could be set as well, e.g., negative = 0.25.

The functions returned by exams_eval internally just distinguish between num, string, and mchoiceanswers. Thus, if evaluations for schoice or cloze exercises are required, these have to be built byappropriately reusing the building blocks for num/string/mchoice. For example, the components ofcloze exercises have to be evaluated individually and then aggregated as desired. Or, if a distinctionbetween mchoice and schoice regarding partial credits is needed, one evaluation has to be set upwith partial = TRUE and the other with partial = FALSE. Different evaluations for different itemtypes may be set as in: exams2qti12(..., eval = eval1, schoice = list(eval = eval2)).

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exams_eval 41

Then eval = eval1 is used as the default for all exercise types except schoice where eval = eval2is used.

Thus, exams_eval might not give the complete finished evaluation policy for an entire exam butsupplies the most important building blocks for setting this up “by hand”. Internally, exams_evalis also used by exams2moodle, exams2qti12 and exams2blackboard for writing the evaluationspecifications in the respective XML specifications.


exams_eval returns a list with the input parameters partial, negative, and rule along with thefollowing functions:

checkanswer function with arguments (correct, answer, and tolerance = 0. It checkswhether answer (sufficiently) matches correct or not. It returns 1 for correct,-1 for wrong and 0 for not attempted. In case of partial = TRUE, the functionsreturns a vector for multiple-choice questions.

pointvec function with argument correct = NULL. It computes the vector of points forcorrect and wrong answers, respectively.

pointsum function with arguments (correct, answer, and tolerance = 0. It computesthe overall number of points.

See Also

exams2moodle, exams2qti12, exams2blackboard


## binary evaluation policy with solutions being either correct## or wrong: partial = FALSE, negative = FALSEee <- exams_eval(partial = FALSE, negative = FALSE)

## points that can be achieved are 0/1ee$pointvec()

## checkanswer() returns 1 for correct, -1 for incorrect and 0 for missing answeree$checkanswer(1.23, 1.23)ee$checkanswer(1.23, "1.23")ee$checkanswer(1.23, "1,23")ee$checkanswer(1.23, 1.24)ee$checkanswer(1.23, 1.24, tolerance = 0.01)ee$checkanswer(1.23, NA)ee$checkanswer(1.23, NULL)ee$checkanswer(1.23, "")

## similarly for logical (mchoice/schoice) answers## (which allows either string or logical specification)ee$checkanswer("10000", "10000")ee$checkanswer(c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))ee$checkanswer(c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), "10000")ee$checkanswer("10000", "01000")ee$checkanswer("10000", "11000")

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42 exams_eval

## and analogously for stringsee$checkanswer("foo", "foo")ee$checkanswer("foo", "bar")ee$checkanswer("foo", "")

## obtain points achievedee$pointsum("10000", "10000")ee$pointsum("10000", "01000")ee$pointsum("10000", "00000")ee$pointsum("10000", NA)

## ---------------------------------------------------------## evaluation policy with -25% penalty for wrong answersee <- exams_eval(partial = FALSE, negative = -0.25)

## points that can be achieved are 1/-0.25 (or zero)ee$pointvec()

## obtain points achievedee$pointsum("10000", "10000")ee$pointsum("10000", "01000")ee$pointsum("10000", "00000")ee$pointsum("10000", NA)ee$pointsum(1.23, 1.23)ee$pointsum(1.23, 2.34)ee$pointsum(1.23, NA)ee$pointsum(1.23, 1.24)ee$pointsum(1.23, 1.24, tolerance = 0.1)

## ---------------------------------------------------------## default evaluation policy with partial points## (but without negative points overall)ee <- exams_eval()

## points that can be achieved are 1/3 (1/#true)## or -1/2 (1/#false)ee$pointvec("10101")

## obtain points achievedee$pointsum("10101", "10101")ee$pointsum("10101", "10100")ee$pointsum("10101", "11100")ee$pointsum("10101", "01010")ee$pointsum("10101", "00000")

## show individual answer checkee$checkanswer("10101", "10101")ee$checkanswer("10101", "10100")ee$checkanswer("10101", "11100")ee$checkanswer("10101", "01010")ee$checkanswer("10101", "00000")

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exams_skeleton 43

## numeric/string answers are not affected by partial=TRUEee$checkanswer(1.23, 1.23)ee$pointsum(1.23, 1.23)ee$checkanswer(1.23, 2.34)ee$pointsum(1.23, 2.34)

## ---------------------------------------------------------## evaluation policy with partial points## (and with up to -25% negative points overall)ee <- exams_eval(partial = TRUE, negative = -0.25)

## points that can be achieved are 1/3 (1/#true)## or -1/2 (1/#false)ee$pointvec("10101")

## obtain points achievedee$pointsum("10101", "10101")ee$pointsum("10101", "01010")ee$pointsum("10101", "00000")

## show individual answer checkee$checkanswer("10101", "10101")ee$checkanswer("10101", "10100")ee$checkanswer("10101", "11100")ee$checkanswer("10101", "01010")ee$checkanswer("10101", "00000")

## numeric/string answers are not affected by partial=TRUEee$pointsum(1.23, 1.23)ee$pointsum(1.23, 2.34)

exams_skeleton Generate Skeleton for Exams Directory/Script


Generate a directory structure which contains ‘demo-*.R’ scripts along with directories containingall available demonstation exercise ‘.Rnw’ or ‘.Rmd’ files and necessary template files (LaTeX,HTML, or XML).


exams_skeleton(dir = ".",type = c("num", "schoice", "mchoice", "string", "cloze"),writer = c("exams2html", "exams2pdf", "exams2moodle","exams2qti12", "exams2qti21", "exams2arsnova", "exams2nops"),

markup = "markdown", absolute = FALSE, encoding = "")

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44 exams_skeleton


dir character with path to directory. The default is the current working directory.type character vector indicating types of exercises that should be included in the

‘demo.R’ script. By default an example for each type of exercise is included.writer character vector indicating the exams2xyz writer functions that should be in-

cluded in the ‘demo.R’ script. By default an example for each type of writer isincluded.

markup character vector indicating whether the example exercises use "latex" markup(.Rnw files) or "markdown" markup (.Rmd files).

absolute logical. Should the paths in the ‘demo.R’ script be absolute? The default is touse relative paths.

encoding character specifying the encoding to be used in the exams2xyz writer functions.


exams_skeleton (or equivalently exams.skeleton) creates a directory with several ‘demo-*.R’scripts illustrating the use of the various exams2xyz interfaces. Subdirectories with copies ofall demonstration exercise .Rnw or .Rmd files and templates for different output formats (LaTeX,HTML, or XML) are also created.

This should provide a starting point for users wishing to start their own collection of exercises withexams.

The encoding is not used by default. In principle, it can be set to any value that Sweave can workwith in the current locale. If set to "UTF-8" (or "utf8"), or "ISO-8859-1" (or "latin1"), or"ISO-8859-15" (or "latin9"), the LaTeX and/or HTML templates are adapted accordingly. Forother encodings the templates may need further touch-ups.


exams_skeleton returns a list of character vectors with the demo scripts invisibly.

See Also

exams2html, exams2pdf, exams2moodle, exams2qti12, exams2qti21, exams2arsnova, exams2nops


## output directory (replace this with mydir <- "/path/to/your/directory")dir.create(mydir <- tempfile())

## create exams skeleton with absolute paths in demo.Rexams_skeleton(dir = mydir, absolute = TRUE)

## look at created filesdir(mydir)dir(mydir, recursive = TRUE)

## now open demo-all.R or any of the other demo-*.R scripts in your## favorite R code editor and run the examples...

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fmt 45

fmt Auxiliary Formatting Functions


Auxiliary functions for displaying numeric elements in exercises.


fmt(x, digits = 2L, zeros = digits < 4L, ...)

round2(x, digits = 0)


num_to_tol(x, reltol = 0.0002, min = 0.01, digits = 2)

## S3 method for class 'matrix'toLatex(object, skip = FALSE, fix = getOption("olat_fix"),escape = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'toLatex(object, rotate = FALSE, pad = " ~ ", align = NULL, row.names = FALSE, ...)


x numeric vector.digits integer. Digits that should be used for rounding.zeros logical. Should trailing zeros be added?reltol numeric. Relative tolerance (relative to correct solution x).min numeric. Minimum absolute tolerance.object matrix or data frame, respectively.skip logical. Should an additional skip be added between rows?fix logical. Should an additional empty column be added between all columns?

This is a workaround for OLAT that collapses spaces between columns in MathML.escape logical. Should LaTeX commands be escaped (as appropriate for Sweave) or not

(as appropriate for knit)?... passed to format for fmt.rotate logical. Should the table be transposed/rotated by 90 degrees?pad character for padding columns of the resulting table.align character indicating the alignment of the columns. Can either be a single string

like "|l|rrr|" or a vector of characters per column. By default numeric columnsare right-aligned and character columns are left-aligned.

row.names logical. Should a column (or row, if rotate = TRUE) with the row names beincluded?

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46 fmt


Various functions that help displaying numerical results in exercises:

The function fmt rounds and adds trailing zeros (by default if digits is lower than 4).

The function round2 does what is known in German as kaufmaennisches Runden (rounding awayfrom zero for trailing 5s).

The function char_with_braces adds parentheses for negative elements (in order to facilitate theirdisplay in equations).

The function num_to_tol (or equivalently num2tol) computes the absolute tolerance based on anumeric solution x and a relative tolerance reltol.

The toLatex method sets up a matrix array with parentheses.


## emulate how students round## (rather than using the round-to-even strategy R employs)round2(c(0.005, 0.015), digits = 2)round(c(0.005, 0.015), digits = 2)

## this is also employed internally in the fmt() formatting functionfmt(c(0.005, 0.015))

## the main purpose of fmt() is that some numeric result can be displayed## both at high accuracy and then at the rounding that students should do## (e.g., with 2 or 3 digits)sol <- runif(1)fmt(sol, 6)fmt(sol, 2)

## but fmt() also assures showing a very high numer of significant digits## (up to 12)sol <- 123456 + solsolfmt(sol, 6)fmt(sol, 2)

## and fmt() also takes care of adding trailing zeros (if digits < 4)fmt(1)fmt(1, digits = 3)fmt(1, digits = 6)

## char_with_braces() is for adding parentheses, e.g., before constructing a sumpaste(char_with_braces(-2:2), collapse = " + ")

## for including a matrix in a LaTeX formulax <- matrix(1:4, ncol = 2)toLatex(x)toLatex(x, skip = TRUE)

## for including a data frame as a plain LaTeX tabular (without caption etc.)d <- data.frame(Label = c("Foo first", "Bar second"), Value = c(12.3, 1234))

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include_supplement 47

toLatex(d, big.mark = ",", nsmall = 2)

## compute absolute tolerances:## minimum is 0.01num_to_tol(1)## but can be larger for larger solutionsnum_to_tol(100)

include_supplement Copy (Static) Supplement Files for Inclusion in Exercises


Copy (static) files (e.g., graphics, data sets, etc.) for inclusion as supplements in an exercise.


include_supplement(file, dir = NULL, recursive = FALSE, target = NULL)


file character. A (vector of) file name(s).

dir character. The directory where file can be found. If used within the codechunks of exercises, the default is to use the directory in which the exercises arestored.

recursive logical. Should also sub-directories of dir be searched for file?

target character. A (vector of) target file name(s), by default taken to be the same asfile.


Usually, supplement files are created dynamically within an exercise, e.g., data is simulated andthen plotted or stored in a file etc. However, sometimes an exercises wants to include a staticsupplement file that is available in some directory on the system. Then, the include_supplement isa convenience function that copies such a file from its directory into the supplements of an exercise.Then it can be included/referenced as usual in the question/solution text.


## The "Rlogo" exercise uses a static image which is provided## within the "exams" package.if(interactive()) {exams2html("Rlogo.Rnw")}

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48 include_tikz

include_tikz Including Figures from TikZ Code in Exercises


Include figures from TikZ code in an exercise after compiling it with tex2image.


include_tikz(tikz, name = "tikzpicture", format = NULL,library = NULL, width = NULL, markup = "tex", ...)


tikz character vector with the TikZ code.

name character. Name prefix of the graphics file to be produced.

format character. The graphics format requested from tex2image, e.g., "png" (default),"svg", "pdf". If set to "tex" then tex2image is not called but the tikz code isincluded directly.

library character. Names of TikZ libraries required for compiling the tikz code (ifany).

width character. The width with which the resulting graphic should be included inLaTeX.

markup character. Which type of markup should be written? Can be "tex" (default),"markdown", or "none".

... arguments passed to tex2image.


The function include_tikz takes a character vector with tikz code, if necessary adds a {tikzpicture}environment, renders it into a graphics file via tex2image, and returns LaTeX or Markdown codethat embeds the graphics into an exercise.

If format = "tex" and markup = "tex" the TikZ code is included directly (possibly addinglibrary and {tikzpicture}, if necessary).


A character vector is returned. This contains just the name of the graphics file produced (i.e.,name.format) except for format = "tex" where the TikZ code is returned. For markup = "tex"or "markdown" the value is returned invisibly.

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match_exams_call 49


## TikZ code for a logic gatetz <- "\\node[left,draw, logic gate inputs=nn, xor gate US,fill=white,,scale=2.5] (G1) at (0,0) {};\\draw (G1.output) --++ (0.5,0) node[right] (y) {$y$};\\draw (G1.input 1) --++ (-0.5,0) node[left] {$a$};\\draw (G1.input 2) --++ (-0.5,0) node[left] {$b$};


## switch to temporary directorywd <- getwd()td <- tempfile()dir.create(td)setwd(td)dir()

## produce PDF figure and produce includegraphics statementinclude_tikz(tz, name = "logicgate", format = "pdf",

library = c("arrows", "shapes.gates.logic.US", "calc"),width = "2.5cm")


## alternatively produce just the complete TikZ codeinclude_tikz(tz, name = "logicgate", format = "tex",

library = c("arrows", "shapes.gates.logic.US", "calc"))

## switch back to original working directorysetwd(wd)

match_exams_call Query Information from Last xexams/exams2xyz Call


match_exams_call queries the last call made to xexams (typically through some exams2xyz inter-face). match_exams_device queries the graphics device used in the last xweave call.


match_exams_call(which = 1L, deparse = TRUE)match_exams_device()


which integer. Specifies the hierarchy level at which the exams2xyz call should beextracted.

deparse logical. Should only the deparsed function name be computed (or the entirecall)?

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50 matrix_to_schoice


The function match_exams_call is useful for determining within an exercise which exams2xyzinterface is used in order to behave slightly differently, e.g., for PDF vs. HTML output. (Thisfeature only works from R 3.2.0 onwards.)

Similarly, the function match_exams_device can be used within an exercise to use the same graph-ics device that xweave is using.


## call exams2nopsdir.create(tdir <- tempfile())exams2nops("tstat2.Rnw", dir = tdir)match_exams_call()

## graphics device usedmatch_exams_device()

## exams2nops called exams2pdf called xexams:match_exams_call(which = NULL)

## get full exams2nops callmatch_exams_call(deparse = FALSE)

## but note that convenience wrappers etc. are includede2n <- function(...) exams2nops(...)e2n("tstat2.Rnw", dir = tdir)match_exams_call(which = NULL)

matrix_to_schoice Generate Single- and Multiple-Choice Question Lists for Matrix Solu-tions


Functions for generating single- and multiple-choice question lists for a matrix solution. (Optimizedfor integer matrices.)


matrix_to_schoice(x, y = NULL, lower = FALSE, name = "a",delta = 0.5, digits = 0)

matrix_to_mchoice(x, y = NULL, lower = FALSE, name = "a",comparisons = c("==", "<", ">", "<=", ">="))

det_to_schoice(x, y = NULL, range = NULL, delta = 0.5, digits = 0)

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matrix_to_schoice 51


x matrix (correct result).

y numeric vector (optional) with (potentially) wrong solutions/comparisons.

lower logical. Should only elements from the lower triangle be assessed?

name character. Base name for matrix elements.

delta numeric. Minimal distance between solutions.

digits integer. Digits that should be displayed.

comparisons character. Vector of logical comparisons that should be employed.

range numeric vector of length 2 (optional) with range of random wrong solutions.


The function matrix_to_schoice (or equivalently matrix2schoice) can be used for generating asingle-choice question list for a correct result matrix x. One element is picked randomly from thematrix and chosen to be the correct solution. Other values from the observed absolute range areused as wrong solutions by default (if y does not provide an alternative list of potential solutions).

The function matrix_to_mchoice (or equivalently matrix2mchoice) can be used for generatinga multiple-choice question list for a correct result matrix x. Each item from the question list is alogical comparison of one matrix element with a comparion value. By default the comparisons arepicked randomly from the observed absolute range (unless y specifies a different list of compar-isons).

The function det_to_schoice (or equivalently det2schoice) can be used for generating a single-choice question list for the determinant of a 2x2 matrix. It has been optimized for matrices withsingle-digit integer elements. It may not yield very balanced random solutions for other scenarios.


matrix_to_schoice/matrix2schoice returns a list with the following components:

index numeric vector with matrix index of the correct solution chosen.

name character with LaTeX code for the correct matrix element chosen.

solutions a logical vector of length 5 indicating the correct solution,

questions a character vector of length 5 with question list.

matrix_to_mchoice/matrix2mchoice returns a list with the following components:

solutions a logical vector of length 5 indicating the correct solution,

questions a character vector of length 5 with question list.

explanations a character vector of length 5 with explanations why the solutions are correct orwrong.

det_to_schoice/det2schoice returns a list with the following components:

solutions a logical vector of length 5 indicating the correct solution,

questions a character vector of length 5 with question list.

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52 mchoice2string

See Also



A <- matrix(c(-9, 0, 5, -2), ncol = 2)matrix_to_schoice(A)matrix_to_mchoice(A)det_to_schoice(A)

B <- matrix(1:9, ncol = 3)matrix_to_schoice(B)matrix_to_mchoice(B)

mchoice2string Convenience Functions for Exam Formatting


A collection of convenience functions for formatting in exam generation that can be used for switch-ing between suitable logical/text/numeric representations of multiple choice solutions.


mchoice2string(x, single = FALSE)string2mchoice(x, single = FALSE)mchoice2text(x, markup = c("latex", "markdown"))answerlist(..., sep = ". ", markup = c("latex", "markdown"))


x an object, see below for examples.

single logical. Should the function check whether exactly a single answer is true?

... character vectors to be included in answer lists.

sep character for separation between vectors, see below for examples.

markup character indicating which markup (LaTeX vs. Markdown) should be generated.


Three convenience functions for facilitating work with multiple choice solutions of exams. All havealmost trivial definitions, see also examples below.

See Also


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nops_eval 53


## multiple choice answermc <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)

## switching to string representationmchoice2string(mc)

## reverse string encodingstring2mchoice("10100")

## switching to textmchoice2text(mc)

## generating answerlist based on questions,## solutions and explanationsqu <- c("Zurich is the capital of Switzerland.",

"Italian is an official language in Switzerland.","Switzerland is part of the European Union.")

sol <- c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)ex <- c("The capital of Switzerland is Bern.",

"The four official languages are: German, French, Italian, Romansh.","Switzerland is part of the Schengen Area but not the European Union.")answerlist(qu)answerlist(ifelse(sol, "True", "False"), ex)

nops_eval Evaluate NOPS Exams


Evaluate NOPS exams produced with exams2nops, and scanned by nops_scan.


nops_eval(register = dir(pattern = "\\.csv$"), solutions = dir(pattern = "\\.rds$"),scans = dir(pattern = "^nops_scan_[[:digit:]]*\\.zip$"),points = NULL, eval = exams_eval(partial = TRUE, negative = FALSE, rule = "false2"),mark = c(0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 0.85), labels = NULL,dir = ".", results = "nops_eval",html = NULL, col = hcl(c(0, 0, 60, 120), c(70, 0, 70, 70), 90),encoding = "UTF-8", language = "en", converter = NULL, interactive = TRUE,string_scans = dir(pattern = "^nops_string_scan_[[:digit:]]*\\.zip$"),string_points = seq(0, 1, 0.25))


register character. File name of a CSV file (semicolon-separated) of the registered stu-dents. Must contain columns "registration" (registration number), "name"(student name), "id" (some user name or other string unique for each student).

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54 nops_eval

The file name should not contain spaces, umlaut or other special characters (e.g.,something like "exam-2015-07-01.csv" is recommended).

solutions character. File name of the RDS exam file produced by exams2nops.scans character. File name of the ZIP file with scanning results (containing Daten.txt

and PNG files) as produced by nops_scan.points numeric. Vector of points per exercise. By default read from solutions.eval list specification of evaluation policy as computed by exams_eval.mark logical or numeric. If mark = FALSE, no marks are computed. Otherwise

mark needs to be a numeric vector with threshold values to compute marks. Thethresholds can either be relative (all lower than 1) or absolute. In case resultsexactly matching a threshold, the better mark is used.

labels character. Vector of labels for the marks with length(mark) + 1 elements.Default is (length(mark) + 1):1.

dir character. File path to the output directory (the default being the current workingdirectory).

results character. Prefix for output files.html character. File name for individual HTML report files, by default the same as

register with suffix .html.col character. Hex color codes used for exercises with negative, neutral, positive,

full solution.encoding character. Encoding of register, e.g., "latin1" or "UTF-8" (default).language character. Path to a DCF file with a language specification. Currently, the pack-

age ships: English ("en"), Dutch ("nl"), French ("fr"), German ("de"), Italian("it"), Romanian ("ro"), Portuguese ("pt"), Spanish ("es"), Turkish ("tr").

converter character. The HTML converter to be used for the language text elements. Canbe "none", "tth", or "pandoc".

interactive logical. Should possible errors in the Daten.txt file by corrected interactively?Requires the png package for full interactivity.

string_scans character. Optional file name of the ZIP file with scanning results of stringexercise sheets (if any) containing Daten2.txt and PNG files as produced bynops_scan.

string_points numeric. Vector of length 5 with points assigned to string results.


nops_eval is a companion function for exams2nops and nops_scan. It evaluates the scanned ex-ams by computing the sums of the points achived and (if desired) maps them to marks. Furthermorea HTML report for each individual student is generated (e.g., for upload into a learning managementsystem).

Tutorial for NOPS workflow: http://www.R-exams.org/tutorials/exams2nops/.


A data.frame with the detailed exam results is returned invisibly. It is also written to a CSV file inthe current directory, along with a ZIP file containing the HTML reports.

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nops_eval 55

See Also

exams2nops, nops_scan


## --- Preliminaries ---

## load package and enforce par(ask = FALSE)library("exams")options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

## set up a temporary working directory in which all files are managedodir <- getwd()dir.create(mydir <- tempfile())setwd(mydir)

## --- Step 1 ---## exam generation

## define an exam (= list of exercises)myexam <- list(

"tstat2.Rnw","ttest.Rnw","relfreq.Rnw","anova.Rnw",c("boxplots.Rnw", "scatterplot.Rnw"),"cholesky.Rnw"


## create multiple exams on the disk with different numbers of points## per exercise (see ?exams2nops for more examples)set.seed(403)ex1 <- exams2nops(myexam, n = 2, dir = ".", date = "2015-07-29",

points = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3), showpoints = TRUE)dir()

## assume the PDF exams were already printed (and possibly backed up## in a different directory) so that they are not needed anymorefile.remove(dir(pattern = "pdf$"))

## --- Step 2 ---## scan results

## assume two participants filled out the printed exam sheets## and the corresponding scans are in two PNG files,img <- dir(system.file("nops", package = "exams"), pattern = "nops_scan",

full.names = TRUE)

## copy the PNG files to the working directoryfile.copy(img, to = ".")

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56 nops_eval

## read the scanned images (all locally available .png files) and collect## results in a ZIP archive (see ?nops_scan for more details)nops_scan()dir()

## the ZIP archive contains copies of the PNG images so that these are## can be deleted here (possibly after backup in a different directory)file.remove(dir(pattern = "png$"))

## -- Step 3 ---## evaluate results

## three files are required: (a) an RDS file with the exam meta-information## (see Step 1), (b) a ZIP file with the scanned sheets (see Step 2), (c) a## CSV file with the student infomation (registration number, name, and some## for of ID/username)

## here we create the CSV file on the fly but in practice this will typically## be processed from some registration service or learning management system etcwrite.table(data.frame(

registration = c("1501090", "9901071"),name = c("Jane Doe", "Ambi Dexter"),id = c("jane_doe", "ambi_dexter")

), file = "Exam-2015-07-29.csv", sep = ";", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)dir()## now the exam can be evaluated creating an output data frame (also stored## as CSV file) and individual HTML reports (stored in a ZIP file),

## as there is only exactly on CSV/RDS/ZIP file in the current directory,## these are found automatically - furthermore an evaluation scheme without## partial points and differing points per exercise are usedev1 <- nops_eval(eval = exams_eval(partial = FALSE, negative = FALSE))dir()

## inspect evaluated dataev1

## inspect corresponding HTML reportsif(interactive()) {unzip("nops_eval.zip")browseURL(file.path(mydir, "jane_doe", "Exam-2015-07-29.html"))browseURL(file.path(mydir, "ambi_dexter", "Exam-2015-07-29.html"))}

## --- Options ---if(interactive()) {## below three typically needed options are discussed:## (a) using a different evaluation strategy (here with partial credits),## (b) using a different language (here de/German),## (c) an error of the participant when filling in the registration number.

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## as for (a): partial credits should only be used for multiple-choice questions## where at least one alternative is correct and at least one is false## [note that in this example this is not the case for the first question## (single-choice) and the third question for Jane Doe (no alternative correct)]

## as for (c): for Ambi Dexter such an error was included in the PNG example## image, the actual number is "9911071" but the crosses indicate "9901071"

## clean up previous evaluationfile.remove(c("nops_eval.csv", "nops_eval.zip"))

## write correct registration informationwrite.table(data.frame(

registration = c("1501090", "9911071"),name = c("Jane Doe", "Ambi Dexter"),id = c("jane_doe", "ambi_dexter")

), file = "Exam-2015-07-29.csv", sep = ";", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

## call nops_eval() with modified options, where the error in the registration## number of Ambi Dexter will trigger an interactive promptev2 <- nops_eval(eval = exams_eval(partial = TRUE, rule = "false2"),

language = "de")

## inspect evaluated dataev2cbind(ev1$points, ev2$points)

## inspect corresponding HTML reportsunzip("nops_eval.zip")browseURL(file.path(mydir, "jane_doe", "Exam-2015-07-29.html"))browseURL(file.path(mydir, "ambi_dexter", "Exam-2015-07-29.html"))}

## switch back to original working directorysetwd(odir)

nops_scan Read Scanned NOPS Exams


Read scanned NOPS exams produced with exams2nops.


nops_scan(images = dir(pattern = "\\.PNG$|\\.png$|\\.PDF|\\.pdf$",path = dir, full.names = TRUE),

file = NULL, dir = ".",

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58 nops_scan

verbose = TRUE, rotate = FALSE, cores = NULL, n = NULL,density = 300,size = 0.029, threshold = c(0.04, 0.42), trim = 0.3, minrot = 0.002,string = FALSE)


images character. Names of the PDF/PNG images containing the scanned exams. Bydefault all PDF/PNG images in the current working directory are used.

file character or logical. Optional file name for the output ZIP archive containing thePNG images and the scan results. If file = FALSE no ZIP archive is created.By default a suitable name using the current time/date is used.

dir character. Directory in which the ZIP file should be created. By default thecurrent working directory.

verbose logical. Should progress information be displayed?

rotate logical. Should the input PDF/PNG images be rotated by 180 degrees first?

cores numeric. If set to an integer mclapply is called internally using the desirednumber of cores to read the scanned exams in parallel.

n numeric. The number of answer fields to read (in multiples of 5), i.e., 5, 10, . . . ,45. By default taken from the type field.

density numeric. Resolution used in the conversion of PDF images to PNG. This re-quires ImageMagick’s convert to be available on the system.

size numeric. Size of the boxes containing the check marks relative to the imageheight. This can be tweaked somewhat but should typically be between 0.23and 0.31.

threshold numeric. Vector of thresholds for the gray levels in the check mark boxes. If theaverage gray level is between the gray levels, the box is checked. If it is abovethe second threshold, some heuristic is employed for judging whether the boxcontains a cross or not.

trim numeric. Amount of trimming to shave the borders of the boxes before deter-mining the gray level within the check boxes. Should usually be at least 0.25(default up to version 2.3-1), currently defaults to 0.3

minrot numeric. Minimum angle for rotating images, i.e., images with a lower angleare considered to be ok.

string logical. Are the files to be scanned manually marked string exercises (ratherthan single/multiple choice exercises)?


nops_scan is a companion function for exams2nops. Exams generated with exams2nops can beprinted and the filled out answer page can be scanned. Then, nops_scan can be employed to readthe information in the scanned PDF/PNG images. The results are one text line per image containingthe information in a very simple space-separated format.

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If images only contains PNG files, then the R function readPNG is sufficient for reading the im-ages into R. If images contains PDF files, these need to be converted to PNG first which re-quires PDFTk, GhostScript, and ImageMagick’s convert to be available on the system. On Linux(-esque) systems this is typically easy to install by pdftk and imagemagick. The download linksfor Windows are: http://www.pdflabs.com/tools/pdftk-the-pdf-toolkit/pdftk_free-2.02-win-setup.exe, http://www.imagemagick.org/script/download.php#windows, http://www.ghostscript.com/download/gsdnld.html.

Tutorial for NOPS workflow: http://www.R-exams.org/tutorials/exams2nops/.

Practical recommendations:

The scanned images produced by scanners or copying machines typically become smaller in sizeif the images are read in just black/white (or grayscale). This may sometimes even improve thereliability of reading the images afterwards. Also make sure that the resulting images have a goodcontrast and are neither too light or too dark because too many or too little dark pixels increase theprobability of scanning problems.

Make sure that the sheets are fed firmly into the scanner, e.g., by tightening the tracks of the feeder.

The printed exams are often stapled in the top left corner which has to be unhinged somehow bythe exam participants. Although this may damage the exam sheet, this is usually no problem forscanning it. However, the copying machine’s sheet feeder may work better if the sheets are turnedupside down (so that the damaged corner is not fed first into the machine). This often improves thescanning results considerably and can be accomodated by setting rotate = TRUE in nops_scan.


A character vector with one element per scanned file (returned invisily if written to an output ZIParchive). The output contains the following space-separated information: file name, sheet ID (11digits), scrambling (2 digits), type of sheet (3 digits, coding the number of questions rounded up tosteps of 5 and the length of the registration number), 0/1 indicator whether the replacement sheetwas used, registration number (7-10 digits), 45 multiple choice answers of length 5 (all 00000 ifunused).

See Also

exams2nops, nops_eval


## scanned example images stored in exams packageimg <- dir(system.file("nops", package = "exams"), pattern = "nops_scan",

full.names = TRUE)

## read contentres <- nops_scan(img, file = FALSE)writeLines(res)

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60 num_to_schoice

num_to_schoice Generate Single-Choice Question List from Numeric Solution


A function for generating a single-choice question list for one correct numeric solution along withfour wrong solutions.


num_to_schoice(correct, wrong = NULL, range = c(0.5, 1.5) * correct,delta = 1, digits = 2, method = c("runif", "delta"), sign = FALSE,verbose = getOption("num_to_choice_warnings"))


correct numeric vector of length 1 with correct solution.

wrong numeric vector (optional) with wrong solutions.

range numeric vector of length 2 with range of random wrong solutions.

delta numeric. Minimal distance between solutions.

digits integer. Digits that should be displayed.

method character specifying method for generating random results.

sign logical. Should the sign be changed randomly?

verbose logical. Should warnings be issued if no suitable set of wrong solutions can befound?


The function num_to_schoice (or equivalently num2schoice) can be used for generating a single-choice question list for a numeric correct solution. The question list always comprises five ele-ments, one of which is the correct solution. The wrong solutions can be provided or are generatedrandomly. If wrong is provided only up to 2 elements of it are used in order to assure some randomsolutions.

Two methods can be used to generate the wrong solutions: Either simply runif or otherwise a fullequi-distant grid for the range with step size delta is set up from which a discrete uniform sampleis drawn. The former is preferred if the range is large enough while the latter performs better if therange is small (as compared to delta.

Exercise templates using num_to_schoice should be thoroughly tested in order to avoid problemswith too small ranges or almost identical correct and wrong answers! This can potentially causeproblems, infinite loops, etc.

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num_to_schoice/num2schoice returns either NULL (if no suitable question list can be found) or alist with the following components:

solutions a logical vector of length 5 indicating the correct solution,

questions a character vector of length 5 with question list.

See Also



set.seed(1)## just a correct solutionnum_to_schoice(123.45)

## or equivalentlyset.seed(1)num2schoice(123.45)

## just a correct integer solutionnum_to_schoice(123, digits = 0)

## a correct solution with a wider rangenum_to_schoice(123.45, range = c(0, 200))

## here, the defaults can't work...## num_to_schoice(0.1234)

## alternatives could benum_to_schoice(0.1234, range = c(0, 1), delta = 0.03, method = "delta")num_to_schoice(0.1234, range = c(-5, 5), delta = 0.05)num_to_schoice(0.1234, wrong = c(0.2749, 1.9723), delta = 0.05)num_to_schoice(0.1234, wrong = c(0.2749, 1.9723), range = c(-5, 5), delta = 0.05)

read_exercise Reading LaTeX/Markdown Exercise Files


Reading an exercise in either LaTeX format (i.e., after Sweave was run) or Markdown format (i.e.,after knit was run).


read_exercise(file, markup = NULL)read_metainfo(file, markup = NULL)

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62 read_exercise


file character. Name of the LaTeX (.tex) or Markdown (.md) file that should beread into R.

markup character specifying whether file is a "latex" or "markdown" exercise. Bydefault (NULL) it is inferred from the file extension.


read_exercise extracts the LaTeX/Markdown code from the question and solution environments/sectionsof the exercise file, extracting the corresponding answerlists separately (if any). Paths to supple-mentary files (such as graphics or data files) are stored and the metainformation is extracted (bycalling read_metainfo which also includes sanity checks).

The supported metainformation commands are described in detail in vignette("exams2", package = "exams"),see Table 2. Essentially the extype command in is mapped to the type element of the returned listetc. (see the Value section below), using the right storage mode for each command (numeric, charac-ter, logical). Additionally, there is an exextra command which allows to set up arbitrary additionalmetainformation elements.


read_exercise returns a list with elements

question a character vector with LaTeX/Markdown code from the question environment(excluding the answerlist environment, if any).

questionlist a character vector with LaTeX/Markdown code from the answerlist environmentwithin the question environment (if any).

solution a character vector with LaTeX/Markdown code from the solution environment(excluding the answerlist environment, if any).

solutionlist a character vector with LaTeX/Markdown code from the answerlist environmentwithin the solution environment (if any).

metainfo a list of metainformation options, see below.

supplements a character vector with paths to supplementary files such as graphics or data files(if any).

read_metainfo returns a list with the following elements. Most elements may also be NULL (orempty) if the underlying information is not specified in the file. If file specifies extra information,there may also be additional list elements.

file character with file name (without extension) of the exercise template.

markup character indicating whether "latex" or "markdown" markup is used in the ex-ercise.

type character indicating exercise type: num, mchoice, schoice, string, or cloze.

name character with short name/description (to be used for printing within R).

title character with a pretty longer title.

section character with sections for groups of exercises (using slashes for subsectionslike a URL).

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stresstest_exercise 63

version character with version of exercise.

solution correct solution. The type/value depends on the type of the exercise: num leadsto a numeric vector (of length 1 or 2), mchoice/schoice lead to logical vector,string to a character vector (of length 1), and cloze leads to a list of solutions(depending on clozetype).

tolerance numeric tolerance limits (of length 1 or 2) for numeric solutions.

clozetype character indicating the types of the elements of a cloze exercise.

points numeric with (default) points for correct solution.

time numeric with (default) time (in seconds) for solution.

shuffle logical indicating whether mchoice/schoice answers should be shuffled (inMoodle or other e-learning systems).

single logical indicating whether radio buttons should be used in Moodle.

length numeric with length of solution.

string character with a collapsed string of the solution (and tolerance) for backwardcompatibility with exams.

maxchars character with the maximum number of characters allowed in QTI text answers(exercise type: string).

abstention character with the label to be used for an abstention button in schoice/mchoiceanswers (currently only supported by Moodle).

See Also



## xexams() uses read_exercise() by default to read in## each individual exercise, e.g., here for only a single## exam with only a single exercise the result is:set.seed(1090)xexams("tstat.Rnw")[[1]][[1]]

## the corresponding Markdown version has:set.seed(1090)xexams("tstat.Rmd")[[1]][[1]]

stresstest_exercise Stress Testing Exercises


In order to check the correct behavior of an exercise it is compiled several times. In each iterationthe objects created by the exercise are collected and its values can be inspected.

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64 stresstest_exercise


## Stresstest function.stresstest_exercise(file, n = 100, verbose = TRUE, seeds = NULL,stop_on_error = length(as.character(unlist(file))) < 2,...)

## Plotting stresstest results.## S3 method for class 'stress'plot(x, type = c("overview", "solution", "rank", "runtime"),threshold = NULL, variables = NULL,spar = TRUE, ask = TRUE, ...)


file character. A specification of an exercise file. If multiple files should be tested,argument file can also be a vector, matrix or list of files. The latter case setsargument plot = FALSE.

n integer. The number of replications.

verbose logical. Should the seeds used for compiling the exercise be prompted on theconsole.

seeds The seeds that should be used when compiling the exercise. The default isseeds = 1:n.

stop_on_error logical. Should the function stop on error or return the the seed, the file nameand the error message. Useful when testing a number of exercises.

x An object returned from function stresstest_exercise.

type character. type == "overview" plots the basic overview, i.e, the runtimes,numeric solutions, position/number/rank of correct solution(s), if available. Iftype == "solution", the numeric solutions are plotted against all input param-eters stored in the objects element of x. type == "rank" draws spineplotsof ranks vs. input parameters stored in objects. type == "runtime" plots thecompiling runtimes vs. objects.

threshold numeric. Can be used to set a threshold, e.g., for numeric solutions a factoris created, factor(solution <= threshold), that is used on the y-axis of aspineplot.

variables character. The variables that should be used from the objects for plotting.

spar logical. Should graphical parameters be set or not.

ask logical. For multiple plots, should the user be asked to hit the return key to seethe next plot.

... Arguments passed to xexams.


In order to check the correct behavior of an exercise function stresstest_exercise runs xexamsn times using different seeds. If an error occurs when compiling, the error can be reproduced by

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stresstest_exercise 65

setting the seed that is prompted at the console and create the exercise again, e.g., with exams2html.This way errors can be detected systematically.

All objects with length 1, which are created by the exercise, are collected in a data frame. Theseobjects are assumed to be input parameters that control the output of the exercise. This can be usedto detect certain input values that, e.g., lead to very long run times, or drive the number of correctanswers in multiple choice exercises, etc.

For single and multiple choice type question the position(s) of the correct solution(s) is returned. Forsingle choice questions that are created from a numeric version, e.g., using function num_to_schoicethe answers are again converted to numeric and the rank of the correct solution is reported. The rankis sometimes heavily driven by some input parameters, e.g., the correct solution is always the largestor the smallest. For non-numeric choice questions, the rank is based on the lexicographical order ofthe answerlist.


Function stresstest_exercise returns an object of class "stress" (a named list) with the fol-lowing elements:

seeds The seeds that where used.

runtime Compiling times for each iteration.

objects A data frame of length 1 objects that are created by the exercise.

solution The numeric solution, availability is depending on the type of exercise.

position A matrix indicating the position of correct solutions.

rank The rank of the correct solution, only available for choice exercises.

ntrue The number of correct answers in multiple choice type questions.

See Also

xexams, num_to_schoice


## Not run: ## Stress testing.t1 <- stresstest_exercise("tstat.Rnw", n = 100)t2 <- stresstest_exercise("tstat2.Rnw", n = 100)

## Plotting.plot(t1, type = "overview")plot(t1, type = "solution")plot(t1, type = "solution", threshold = 30)plot(t2, type = "rank")plot(t2, type = "runtime")

## For custom inspection, object can be## transformed to a data.frame.head(as.data.frame(t2))

## Multiple testing.

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66 tex2image

files <- list("boxplots",c("tstat", "ttest", "confint"),c("regression", "anova"),"scatterplot","relfreq"

)t3 <- stresstest_exercise(files, n = 100)plot(t3)

## End(Not run)

tex2image Transforming LaTeX Code Using ImageMagick or pdf2svg


Transformation of LaTeX code into an image by compiling to PDF and then transforming to PNG(by default) via ImageMagick’s convert command or to SVG via pdf2svg.


tex2image(tex, format = "png", width = NULL, pt = 12, density = 350,dir = NULL, tdir = NULL, idir = NULL,width.border = 0L, col.border = "white", resize = 650,packages = c("amsmath", "amssymb", "amsfonts"),header, header2 = NULL, tikz = NULL, Sweave = TRUE, show = FALSE,name = "tex2image")


tex character vector or list of character vectors. Each character vector is either thename of a LaTeX file or a vector containing LaTeX code directly.

format character. Suffix for the type of graphic to convert to.

width numeric. Width of the text in inch. If NULL (or 0), the width is chosen to fit theimage in tex.

pt numeric. Pointsize of the text.

density numeric. Resolution density of the image.

dir character specifying the output directory.

tdir character specifying a temporary directory, by default this is chosen via tempfile.

idir character specifying the path additional LaTeX inputs required.

width.border numeric. Width of the framebox border.

col.border character. Color of framebox border.

resize numeric. Number of pixels for resizing the image.

packages character. Names of LaTeX packages to be included.

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tex2image 67

header character. LaTeX code to be included in the header of the LaTeX file before thebeginning of the document. By default the parindent is set to 0 and sans seriffonts (phv) are used for both text and math.

header2 character. LaTeX code to be included in the header of the LaTeX file after thebeginning of the document.

tikz character. Options to be passed to \usetikzlibrary{}. If set, the tikz packageis loaded per default.

Sweave logical. Should the LaTeX package Sweave.sty be included in the header?

show logical. Show the resulting image(s) using browseURL.

name character. Base name of the image file.


tex2image converts LaTeX code to image files, e.g., for inclusion in web pages. It proceeds in thefollowing steps: (1) LaTeX code is embedded into a suitable .tex file. (2) This is compiled to PDFusing texi2dvi. (3) The PDF is converted to an image file. By default, conversion is to PNG usingR package magick functionalities or alternatively to SVG via pdfcrop followed by pdf2svg.

The LaTeX code is fit into the standalone document class using the tikzpicture environment asa default.

If tex is a list of LaTeX chunks, then these are compiled to separate pages of a single PDF in asingle LaTeX run. Each page is subsequently converted to a separate image.

In case of SVG output, the respective image manipulation tools, i.e., pdfcrop/pdf2svg, are assumedto be installed and available in the search path.


Character vector with path(s) to image(s) generated from the LaTeX code.

See Also



## Not run:## some simple LaTeXtex <- c("This is \\textbf{bold} and this \\textit{italic}.",

"Points on the unit circle: $x^2 + y^2 = 1$.")

## default settings: PNG with sans serif fontstex2image(tex, show = interactive())

## with fixed widthstex2image(tex, width = 6, show = interactive())tex2image(tex, width = 2, show = interactive())

## switch off header (-> LaTeX uses its standard serif fonts)tex2image(tex, header = NULL, show = interactive())

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68 xexams

## SVG output (system requirements: pdfcrop & pdf2svg)tex2image(tex, format = "svg", show = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

xexams Extensible Generation of Exams


Extensible automatic generation of exams including multiple choice questions and arithmetic prob-lems.


xexams(file, n = 1L, nsamp = NULL,driver = list(sweave = NULL, read = NULL, transform = NULL, write = NULL),dir = ".", edir = NULL, tdir = NULL, sdir = NULL, verbose = FALSE,points = NULL, ...)

exams_metainfo(x, ...)


file character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files, for details see below.

n integer. The number of copies to be taken from file.

nsamp integer. The number(s) of exercise files sampled from each list element of file.Sampling without replacement is used if possible. (Only if some element ofnsamp is larger than the length of the corresponding element in file, samplingwith replacement is used.)

driver list with elements sweave (weaver function or list of arguments for the defaultxweave), read (function for reading exercise files, defaulting to read_exercise),transform (function to transform each exercise, by default no transformationsare done), write (function to write exams to output files, by default nothing iswritten). For more details, see below.

dir character. The output directory passed on to driver$write.

edir character specifying the path of the directory (along with its sub-directories) inwhich the files in file are stored (see also below).

tdir character specifying a temporary directory, by default this is chosen via tempfile.Note that this is cleaned up and potentially temporary files are deleted.

sdir character specifying a directory for storing supplements, by default this is cho-sen via tempfile.

verbose logical. Should information on progress of exam generation be reported?

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xexams 69

points integer. How many points should be assigned to each exercise? Note that thisargument overules any exercise points that are provided within the expointstags of the exercise files (if any). The vector of points supplied should eitherhave length 1 or the number of exercises in the exam.

x a list as returned by xexams.

... currently not used.


xexams is meant to provide an extensible framework for generating exams based on exercises inR/LaTeX format (via Sweave) or R/Markdown format (via knit) and rendering them into variousoutput formats such as PDF, HTML, or XML (e.g., for Moodle or IMS QTI). xexams is typically notcalled by the user directly but is used as a common infrastructure for functions such as exams2pdf,exams2html, exams2moodle, exams2qti12, or exams2lops.

xexams generates exams from lists (or vectors) of Rnw/Rmd source files by: (1) running driver$sweaveon each exercise (by default xweave is used, calling Sweave or knit), (2) running driver$read onthe resulting LaTeX/Markdown file which by default uses read_exercise to read question/solutiontexts plus metainformation and stores the result in a list, (3) running driver$transform on this listfor possible transformations (e.g., from LaTeX to HTML), (4) running driver$write on the list ofexercises within each exam.

Each exercise in an exam is essentially a standalone source file that xexams knows (almost) nothingabout, it just calls driver$sweave in each iteration and assumes that driver$read can read theresulting LaTeX or Markdown file into a list.

The specification in file should be either of form "foo.Rnw" (or equivalently just "foo") or"foo.Rmd", where the file should either be in the local directory, the edir directory or in theexercises directory of the package. If edir is specified, the directory along with all its sub-directories is searched for the exercises in file. Also, file can either be a simple vector or a listof vectors. In the latter case, exercises are chosen randomly within each list element. For example,the specification file = list(c("a", "b"), "xyz") will result in an exam with two exercises:the first exercise is chosen randomly between "a" and "b" while "xyz" is always included as thesecond exercise.


A list of exams (of length n), each of which is a list of exercises (whose length depends on the lengthof file and nsamp), each of which is a list (whose length/contents depends on driver$read).

When using the default reader, the resulting list can be simplified using exams_metainfo, returningthe same (classed) structure as the older exams interface. It is recommended to use this to inspectwhether the ‘extype’ and ‘exsolution’ (and corresponding tolerance, if any) are correctly specified.


Zeileis A, Umlauf N, Leisch F (2014). Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams in R: MoodleQuizzes, OLAT Assessments, and Beyond. Journal of Statistical Software, 58(1), 1–36. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v58/i01/.

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70 xweave

See Also

xweave, exams, exams2pdf, exams2html, exams2moodle, exams2qti12, exams2lops


## define an exam with five exercisesmyexam <- list(

"boxplots",c("tstat", "ttest", "confint"),c("regression", "anova"),"scatterplot","relfreq"


## run exams with default drivers (i.e., no transformations or writer)x <- xexams(myexam, n = 2)## x is a list of 2 exams,## each of which contains 5 exercises,## each of which contains LaTeX code for question(list) and solution(list),## plus metainformation and potential supplements

## The first exercise in each exam is "boxplots", a multiple choice question.## Its general question text isx[[1]][[1]]$question## with a list of multiple choice questions given asx[[1]][[1]]$questionlist## the corresponding graphic is in supplementary filex[[1]][[1]]$supplements

## The metainformation is a list read for the \ex*{} itemsx[[1]][[1]]$metainfo

## The metainformation can also be extracted/printedexams_metainfo(x)## customize printing: only exam 1 in blocks of up to 3 exercisesprint(exams_metainfo(x), which = 1, block = 3)

xweave Wrapper Function for Weaving Either Rnw or Rmd Exercises


Simple wrapper function that either calls Sweave for Rnw exercises or knit for Rmd exercises.


xweave(file, quiet = TRUE, encoding = NULL, engine = NULL, envir = new.env(),pdf = TRUE, png = FALSE, svg = FALSE, height = 6, width = 6, resolution = 100,highlight = FALSE, ...)

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xweave 71


file, quiet, encoding

arguments passed to Sweave or knit, respectively.

engine character indicating whether "Sweave" (default) or "knitr" should be used forrendering Rnw exercises.

envir argument passed to knit. By default, or if envir = NULL a new.env() iscreated for each xweave() call.

pdf, png, svg, height, width, resolution, highlight, ...

arguments passed to Sweave or opts_chunk, respectively. In the latter case:pdf/png/svg are mapped to dev; height/width are mapped to fig.height/fig.width;and resolution is mapped to dpi. highlight is ignored for Sweave.


Depending on whether file has an .Rnw or .Rmd suffix, either Sweave or knit is called forweaving the file by default. Rnw exercises can optionally also be weaved by knit by settingengine = "knitr".

If png = TRUE or svg = TRUE when calling Sweave, then the resulting includegraphics statementsare supplemented with the .png or .svg suffix of the corresponding graphics. For svg a simplegraphics device hook .xweave_svg_grdevice is provided on-the-fly for plug-in into Sweave.

See Also

Sweave, knit

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∗Topic utilitiesexams, 2exams2arsnova, 5exams2blackboard, 7exams2canvas, 11exams2html, 13exams2lops, 16exams2moodle, 18exams2nops, 23exams2openolat, 26exams2pandoc, 28exams2pdf, 30exams2qti12, 33exams2tcexam, 38exams_eval, 40exams_skeleton, 43fmt, 45include_supplement, 47include_tikz, 48match_exams_call, 49matrix_to_schoice, 50mchoice2string, 52nops_eval, 53nops_scan, 57num_to_schoice, 60read_exercise, 61stresstest_exercise, 63tex2image, 66xexams, 68xweave, 70

answerlist (mchoice2string), 52

browseURL, 15, 67

char_with_braces (fmt), 45curlPerform, 7

det2schoice (matrix_to_schoice), 50det_to_schoice (matrix_to_schoice), 50

exams, 2, 31, 32, 52, 63, 69, 70exams.skeleton (exams_skeleton), 43exams2arsnova, 5, 44exams2blackboard, 7, 41exams2canvas, 11, 36exams2html, 10, 13, 17, 21, 36, 44, 65, 69, 70exams2ilias (exams2qti12), 33exams2lops, 16, 69, 70exams2moodle, 18, 41, 44, 69, 70exams2nops, 23, 44, 53–55, 57–59exams2openolat, 26, 36exams2pandoc, 28exams2pdf, 2–4, 24, 30, 44, 69, 70exams2qti (exams2qti12), 33exams2qti12, 9, 11, 12, 27, 33, 41, 44, 69, 70exams2qti21, 27, 44exams2qti21 (exams2qti12), 33exams2tcexam, 38exams_eval, 9, 20, 21, 35, 40, 54exams_metainfo (xexams), 68exams_skeleton, 43extract_command (read_exercise), 61extract_environment (read_exercise), 61extract_extra (read_exercise), 61extract_items (read_exercise), 61

fmt, 45format, 45

include_supplement, 47include_tikz, 48

knit, 14, 45, 61, 69–71

make_exams_write_arsnova(exams2arsnova), 5

make_exams_write_html (exams2html), 13make_exams_write_lops (exams2lops), 16make_exams_write_pdf (exams2pdf), 30make_exercise_transform_html, 12, 18, 22,

27, 37


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make_exercise_transform_html(exams2html), 13

make_exercise_transform_pandoc, 6, 29make_exercise_transform_pandoc

(exams2html), 13make_itembody_blackboard

(exams2blackboard), 7make_itembody_qti (exams2qti12), 33make_itembody_qti12 (exams2qti12), 33make_itembody_qti21 (exams2qti12), 33make_nops_template (exams2nops), 23make_question_moodle (exams2moodle), 18make_question_moodle23 (exams2moodle),

18match_exams_call, 49match_exams_device (match_exams_call),

49matrix2mchoice (matrix_to_schoice), 50matrix2schoice (matrix_to_schoice), 50matrix_to_mchoice (matrix_to_schoice),

50matrix_to_schoice, 50, 61mchoice2string, 4, 52mchoice2text (mchoice2string), 52mclapply, 58

nops_eval, 24, 25, 53, 59nops_scan, 24, 53–55, 57num2schoice (num_to_schoice), 60num2tol (fmt), 45num_to_schoice, 52, 60, 65num_to_tol (fmt), 45

opts_chunk, 71

pandoc_convert, 15, 28, 29plot.stress (stresstest_exercise), 63print.exams_metainfo (xexams), 68

read_exercise, 61, 68, 69read_metainfo (read_exercise), 61readPNG, 59round2 (fmt), 45runif, 60

spineplot, 64stresstest (stresstest_exercise), 63stresstest_exercise, 63string2mchoice (mchoice2string), 52

Sweave, 3, 4, 45, 61, 69–71

tempfile, 3, 8, 14, 17, 19, 29, 31, 34, 66, 68tex2image, 15, 18, 22, 37, 48, 66texi2dvi, 3, 4, 6, 31, 32, 67toJSON, 7toLatex.data.frame (fmt), 45toLatex.matrix (fmt), 45tth, 15, 18, 22, 35, 37ttm, 15, 18, 22, 37

xexams, 6–8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17–19, 21, 22, 25,27, 29, 31, 32, 34, 37–39, 63–65, 68

xweave, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 24, 28, 29,31, 34, 36, 38, 68–70, 70