The Pacific War Drew Hoagland Mrs. Crowder 3 rd

pacific war

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The Pacific War

Drew HoaglandMrs. Crowder3rd

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Map of the Pacific

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How it StartedThe Pacific War started when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1941. This was when the Japanese aircraft ambushed Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This is what entered the United States in the Pacific War and the War in Europe. President Roosevelt said this was a day that would lie in Infamy.

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The Pacific War

The Pacific War was between the Japanese and the United States. The war took place in the islands of the pacific. Some of the islands were Sumatra, Iwo Jima, Guam, and the Philippines. The war started on December 7th 1941 and ended on August 4th 1945. During the war nearly eighty-five people died in the entire World War and thirty-two of them were in the Pacific.

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General Douglas MacArthurGeneral Douglas MacArthur lived his entire life in the army. When he was a child he lived with his father in New Mexico at a army base. Macarthur served in both War Worlds. On September 2nd , he presided over the Japanese surrender on board of the U.S.S Missouri which ended the Pacific War

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Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto • Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was born

on April 4th , 1884, in Japan. In 1919, Yamamoto left Japan to go to Harvard University. After graduating he was appointed a naval attaché to the embassy in Washington, DC. In 1941, he was named Commander and Chief of the Japanese Army. On December 7th 1941, Yamamoto’s plan for attacking Pearl Harbor took place. After the attack Yamamoto said he had woke up a sleeping giant which is was filled with vengeance.

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Admiral Chester William Nimitz

After graduating Admiral Chester Nimitz joined the USS Ohio in San Francisco. In December 1941 he was designated as Commander in Chief of the Pacific fleet and Pacific Ocean areas were he served the entire war. He also was at the USS Missouri when the Japanese surrendered.

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The Battle of Iwo Jima

The Battle of Iwo Jima was one of the major battles in the Pacific War. On the island the Japanese had three airstrips for Kamikaze fighters, so with the capture of this island the fighters would have to fly farther. Also the capture of this island would be a military base half way to Japan. On the attack the U.S. had underestimated the Japanese forces by 70%. On March the 24th the island was cleared secure by the marines.

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Battle of Pearl Harbor

On December 7, 1941 the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. This was one of the worst attacks in US history. Japanese Kamikaze Pilots would do suicide attacks by flying there airplanes into battleships. One of the battleships that sunk was the USS Arizona. It held over 1100 people on this battleship. In total 2403 people were killed and 1178 people were wounded.

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The Battle of Midway

The Battle of Midway started on June 3rd and ended on June 6th . This battle would be known as the “Raid Over Tokyo”. The battle covered hundreds of trackless ocean and involved land and sea phases. The United States lost one carrier, one destroyer, 147 planes, and 307 men. Because of the Battle of Midway Japan lost the edge over the United States in the War of the Pacific. One Japanese officer said that the Failure of Midway campaign was the beginning of total failure.

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The American Flag being raised on top of Mount. Suribachi

Primary Source

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• December 7th 1941- Japanese attack Pearl Harbor

• January 2nd 1942- Japanese capture the island of Manila

• June 3rd -6th 1942- Battle of Midway• December 24th 1943- Dwight Eisenhower is

named supreme commander of Allied Expeditionary Forces.

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• July 21st 1944 – The United States land on Guam

• February 19th 1945 – The United States land on Iwo Jima

• April 1st 1945- The United States invade Okinawa, Japan

• July 22nd 1945- The United States capture Okinawa, Japan

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• August 6th 1945- Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.

• August 9th 1945 – Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.

• August 14th 1945- The Japanese Government gives up, but not the solders.

• September 2nd 1945- Armistice signed to quit fighting

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• September 7th 1945- Soldiers in Shanghi surrender to US forces

• September 13th 1945 – Japanese troops in Burma surrender which ends all the fighting in the Pacific.

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• http://www.worldwar2history.info./pacific/ • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/macarthur/

peopleevents/pandeAMEX.96.html.• http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0312497/