Pacific Local Government Forum Pacific Futures Building our local communities 19-23 May 2014 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea www.unhabitat.org The global development agenda and Pacific Local Governments SIDS 2014, Post-2015 Development Agenda, HABITAT III

Pacific Local Government Forum Pacific Futures Building our local communities 19-23 May 2014

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Pacific Local Government Forum Pacific Futures Building our local communities 19-23 May 2014 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. The global development agenda and Pacific Local Governments SIDS 2014, Post-2015 Development Agenda, HABITAT III. www.unhabitat.org. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pacific Local Government ForumPacific FuturesBuilding our local communities19-23 May 2014

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea


The global development agenda and Pacific Local GovernmentsSIDS 2014, Post-2015 Development Agenda, HABITAT III

Page 2: Pacific Local Government Forum Pacific Futures Building our local communities 19-23 May 2014

Pacific Urban Forum Design – session at WUF 7

Key Points (Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa and Tuvalu)Managed urban growth needs to be integrated in national development agendaSettlements upgrading and ensuring the rights to housing keyStrengthening of local government, improved service delivery, effective/resourced implementation were key for Pacific Urban AgendaWorld needs to support SIDS in face of Climate Change.A need for increased efforts to secure resources for financing the PUA Pacific SIDS support for the sustainable cities and human settlements SDGs, preparations for the Pacific Local Government Forum, the Third Global Conference for SIDS, the Pacific Urban Forum, Habitat III

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SIDS Conference, Samoa 28/8 – 4/9 2014

Pacific Regional Preparatory meeting (July 2013) sought “Accelerating Integrated Approach to Sustainable Development”

The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Special Retreat (May 2014) agreed that the Pacific Plan is a framework specifically for advancing Pacific regionalism

SIDS zero draft of Outcomes highlights climate change and disaster risk reduction

Touches briefly on rural-urban continuums but makes no specific reference to the role of local authorities

Draft outcome document still negotiated in NY!


Page 4: Pacific Local Government Forum Pacific Futures Building our local communities 19-23 May 2014

Rio+20 – criteria for SDGsBuilding on MDGs and focus on “unfished business”Action-orientedConciseEasy to communicateLimited in numberAspirationalGlobal in natureUniversally applicable to all countries while taking into account different national realities, capacities and levels of development and respecting national policies and priorities.

Local Governments and the SDGs

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Focus Area  Proposed Goal

1. Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

2. Sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition

End hunger and improve nutrition for all through sustainable agriculture and improved food systems

3. Health and population dynamics Healthy life at all ages for all4. Education and life-long learning Provide quality education and life-long learning for all5. Gender equality and women’s empowerment Attain gender equality and women’s empowerment everywhere6. Water and sanitation Water and sanitation for a sustainable world7. Energy Ensure access to affordable, sustainable, reliable modern energy for all 8. Economic growth, employment and infra.structure

Promote sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth and decent jobs for all

9. Industrialization and promoting equality among nations

Promote sustainable industrialization and equality among nations

10. Sustainable cities and human settlements Build inclusive, safe and sustainable cities and human settlements

11. Sustainable Consumption and Production Promote sustainable consumption and production patterns12. Climate change Take urgent and significant action to mitigate and adapt to climate

change13. Conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas

Take urgent and significant actions for the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas

14. Ecosystems and biodiversity Protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and halt all biodiversity loss

15. Means of implementation/Global partnership for sustainable development

Means of implementation; Technology transfer, technological capabilities; Financing and debt sustainability; Capacity building; Strengthened global partnership for sustainable development

16. Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions

Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions

SDGs to date

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1. Focus attention on urgent challenges and opportunities related to urbanization & Human Settlements

2. Mobilize and empower all town/city actors around practical problem solving

3. Address the specific challenges of urban poverty and access to infrastructure

4. Promote integrated and innovative infrastructure design and service delivery

5. Promote land use planning and efficient spatial concentration

6. Ensure resilience to climate change and disaster risk reduction

Why the world needs and SDG on Cities & Human Settlements

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FA-10: Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements


(a) By 2030, ensure universal access to adequate and affordable housing and basic services for all, and eliminate slum-like conditions everywhere

(b) By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport for all, improve road safety and urban air quality

(c) Enhance capacities for integrated urban planning and management

(d) By 2030, reduce the ecological footprints of cities by x%(e) By 2020, increase by x% the number of cities adopting and

implementing policies and plans towards resilience and adaptation to climate change and natural disasters

(f) By 2030 enhance social cohesion and personal security, and ensure universal access to inclusive and safe public spaces

(g) By 2030 ensure that all cities are accessible and offer opportunities to persons with disabilities

(h) Protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage

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OWG 7: on Human Settlements and Cities SDG saw local government participation

World Urban Campaign, an event entitled “The City We Need” was held in New York on 4 March 2014.

Group of Friends on Sustainable Cities

Local Governments and ‘urban’ stakeholders

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Sustainable Development Solutions Network - website promoting Urban SDG, 200+ organizations signing up

The Communitas Coalition for Sustainable Cities and Regions is promoting goal on sustainable cities and HS.

• Global Task Force on Local and Regional Governments suggested recognition of the role of local and regional governments.

• 120 Mayors gathering in Singapore at the World Cities Summit Mayor’s Forum (WCSMF) on 2 June intend to issue a similar letter

Local Governments and ‘urban’ stakeholders

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• Mandated by the UNDG, UN-Habitat, together with UNDP and the “Global Taskforce of local and regional governments” is organizing a consultation on "Localizing the Post-2015 Development Agenda".

• The consultations will discuss the local dimensions of the implementation of the future global development framework.

• The consultation will be global at worldwewant2015.org

• Focus countries (16): Armenia, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, El Salvador, Ecuador, Ghana, Jamaica, Malawi, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Uruguay and Yemen.

Localizing Post-2015 Development Agenda

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1976First United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, in Vancouver.


Habitat II: The Istanbul Declaration

2000Millennium Summit - MDG

2001Review the Implementation of the Habitat Agenda

2012-2015Post 2015 Development Agenda

World Urban Forum, a major non-statutory conference


2016Habitat III

History and Milestones - Habitat III

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Road Map to Habitat III

Urban transformation of the globe during the 21st century

Habitat III provides an opportunity to:

o Review Progress on poverty and slum eradication

o Re-examine previous approaches and develop a new Global Housing Strategy

o Address increasing inequalities

o Cities as opportunities of resilience and GHG reduction


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How to engage in Habitat III

Step 1: Organize a National Habitat Committee Step 2: Collect and analyze information Step 3: Hold a national workshop to review plans of action Step 4: Agree on priorities, issues, challenges for a new urban agenda Step 5: Prepare Habitat III National Report (1st draft June 2014) Step 6: Prep Com I – NY, Sept 2014 Step 7: Participate in Pacific Urban Forum (Nov 2014)


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