Supporti ing Plan on Per nts in ng the Global Monitor sistent Organic Polluta Pacific Islands Region PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION REGIONAL REPORT Project GFL 4A37

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Supporti ing Plan on Per nts in  

ng the Global Monitorsistent Organic PollutaPacific Islands Region 






Project GFL 4A37 

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Page 3: PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION - · PDF filePIR Pacific Island Region . ... The Pacific Islands Region is a sub-region of the Asia-Pacific region and one of the five ... Mr. Vincent Lal,

Pacific GMP Report i

Supporting the Implementation of the GMP in the Pacific Islands Region

Table of Content


Table of Content.......................................................................................................................... i

Table of Tables........................................................................................................................... ii

Table of Figures.......................................................................................................................... ii

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................................................................ iii

1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Objectives of the Project .......................................................................................... 1 1.3 Expected results or outputs....................................................................................... 2

2 Institutional Arrangements ................................................................................................ 3

3 Regional Activities by Regional Coordinator ................................................................... 5 3.1 Regional Inception Workshop.................................................................................. 5 3.2 Regional Final Workshop......................................................................................... 6

4 International Intercalibration Study................................................................................... 7

5 Results and Achievements................................................................................................. 7 5.1 Capacity building: Generation of sampling capacity for supporting the GMP........ 7

5.1.1 Mothers’ milk.............................................................................................. 7 5.1.2 Ambient air (PAS)....................................................................................... 7

5.2 New data/results ....................................................................................................... 8

6 Conclusions and Recommendations.................................................................................. 9 6.1 Technical conclusions .............................................................................................. 9

6.1.1 Analytical capacity...................................................................................... 9 6.2 Political implications................................................................................................ 9 6.3 Recommendations .................................................................................................... 9

7 References ....................................................................................................................... 10

8 National Reports by Participating Country ..................................................................... 11 8.1 Mothers’ Milk Sampling ........................................................................................ 11

8.1.1 Methodology ............................................................................................. 11 8.1.2 Sampling methodology ............................................................................. 11 8.1.3 Analytical methodology ............................................................................ 11

8.2 Passive Air Sampling ............................................................................................. 12 8.2.1 Set-up ........................................................................................................ 12 8.2.2 Methodology ............................................................................................. 12 8.2.3 Analytical methodology ............................................................................ 13

8.3 National Samples.................................................................................................... 13 8.3.1 Set-up ........................................................................................................ 13 8.3.2 Description of selection of samples .......................................................... 13 8.3.3 Analytical methodology ............................................................................ 13

8.4 POPs Laboratory .................................................................................................... 14

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ii Pacific GMP Report

8.4.1 Characteristics of the Laboratory .............................................................. 14 8.4.2 Training, Consumables, Analyses, Matrices............................................. 14

8.5 Results and Discussion........................................................................................... 14 8.5.1 Intercalibration and Mirror Results ........................................................... 14 8.5.2 Ambient Air .............................................................................................. 14 8.5.3 Mothers’ Milk ........................................................................................... 15

8.6 Conclusions and Recommendations....................................................................... 15 8.6.1 Human milk POPs results ......................................................................... 15 8.6.2 Ambient air POPs results .......................................................................... 16

9 Reports by Expert Back-up Laboratories ........................................................................ 17 9.1 Training of Basic POPs Laboratories..................................................................... 17

10 Mothers’ Milk Data ......................................................................................................... 17

11 Air Data ........................................................................................................................... 17

Table of Tables

Table 1: Summary for human milk samples from individual Pacific Island Countries.... 14

Table 2: Summary for PUF Air Samples from Pacific Island Countries.......................... 15

Table 3: Key findings for ambient air results presented were (expressed in ng/PUF) ..... 18

Table 4: Key findings for human milk results were (expressed in ng/g wet weight) ....... 19

Table of Figures

Figure 1:  Donor mother from Kiribati and the use of breast pumps during the project....... 7 Figure 2:  Passive air samplers (PAS) at Solomon Islands site............................................. 8 Figure 3:  Basic POPs across PICs for human milk from first time mothers...................... 16 Figure 4:  Basic POPs across PICs for ambient air using Passive Air Samplers (PAS) ..... 16 

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List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

BAT Best available techniques

BEP Best environmental practices

COP Conference of the Parties

DOE Department of Environment

DTIE Division of Technology, Industry and Economics

ECD Environment and Conservation Division

GMP Global Monitoring Program

GEF Global Environment Facility

IAS Institute of Applied Sciences

IMR Report for the Inception Meeting

IVM Institute for Environmental Studies

MET Solomon Islands Meteorological Services

MECDM Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology

MNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

MOH Ministry of Health

MTM Orebro University

NIP National Implementation Plan

PICs Pacific Island Countries

PIR Pacific Island Region

POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants

SPREP Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program

USP University of the South Pacific

UN United Nations

UNEP United Nations Environment Program

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1.1 General

Article 16 of the Stockholm Convention requires the Conference of the Parties to evaluate the effectiveness of the Convention commencing four years after its data of entry into force and regularly thereafter. That evaluation is based on available scientific, environmental, technical and economic information, including monitoring reports on the levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the environment. To assist in that task, at its third meeting the Conference of the Parties adopted the global monitoring plan for POPs and the implementation plan for the first effectiveness evaluation (decision SC-3/19). The first evaluation was undertaken to obtain comparable data on air lev-els and human exposure (Breast milk and blood) from all five UN regions to serve as base-lines for future evaluations. It should be understood that the baseline in the current context was set to determine trends of increase or decrease in POPs levels in both the short and long term. The Pacific Islands Region is a sub-region of the Asia-Pacific region and one of the five UN regions (UNEP/POPS/COP.4/33” p.2) and was successful in its project proposal to the GEF Secretariat to support the Global Monitoring Plan and got the project entitled “Report for the Inception Meeting (IMR) of the Project: Supporting the POPs Global Monitoring Pro-gramme (GMP) in the Pacific Islands Region, PI/UNEP/GEF/IMR, 21-23 Sept 2009, p.1” approved. The Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) in the Pacific Islands Region was implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) through its, Division of GEF Coordination and executed jointly by UNEP/Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE), Chemicals Branch and the Institute of Applied Sciences (IAS), University of the South Pacific (USP) as regional coordinator. National execution was through the POPs focal points of all the regional countries involved (Samoa, Niue, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Palau, Mar-shall Islands and Fiji). The objective of the project is to deliver primary data on 12 specific POPs from human breast milk and ambient air sampled from the eight Pacific Island Coun-tries in the GMP project. The activities included regional workshops, sampling program and laboratory testing. The outcome of the project is to generate primary data on 12 specific POPs in eight Pacific Island Countries.

1.2 Objectives of the Project

The objectives of the project were to obtain baseline information on POPs in GMP in the Pa-cific Island Region (PIR) and for a Regional Reference Laboratory to perform POPs analysis. The matrices for the first evaluation include human breast milk and ambient air. With the ex-periences gained in this project, POPs laboratory in the PIR will be able to contribute to future global reports for the effectiveness evaluation.

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1.3 Expected results or outputs

The expected results and outputs to be achieved in this project included the following:

- The Pacific Reference Laboratory is aware of international standards for POPs analysis

- Sufficiently equipped and trained POPs reference laboratory in the PIR to submit quality data to the Global Monitoring Plan (GMP)

- Establishment of networks of national POPs laboratories and connections between focal points

- Recognition of experiences of POPs laboratories in developing countries at international


- Active participation of developing countries in the monitoring of POPs and active con-tributors to Stockholm Convention implementation

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2 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Members of the regional team from Institute of Applied Sciences (IAS) for this particular GMP project included: Regional project coordination team

- Prof. William Aalbersberg, Director, Institute of Applied Sciences, Suva, Fiji. [email protected]

- Mr. Waisea Votadroka, Assistant Project Manager, Institute of Applied Sciences, Suva, Fiji; [email protected]

- Mr. Vincent Lal, Project Assistant, Institute of Applied Sciences, Suva, Fiji, [email protected]

- Laboratory testing for basic POPs done at IAS

- Final report writing: Vincent Lal

National project teams

Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands POPs Project is executed by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology. The Environment and Conservation Divi-sion specifically assigned an officer to coordinate the project activities. The officers in charge are;

1) Ms. Rosemary Apa

2) Mr. Edward Danitofea


The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) of the Government of Samoa coordinated sampling for ambient air and human breast milk during the POPs GMP project in Samoa. The Officer in charge was Ms. Katenia Rasch.

Marshall Islands

The Environment and Health Departments worked together during the POPs GPM project in the collection of ambient air and human breast milk samples. The officer in charge was Mr. Stephen Lepton.


The national coordinator of UNEP GEF project was the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development (MELAD) and with assistance from the Ministry of Health and MET office air and human milk samples were collected during POPs GMP project. The Offi-cers in charge were:

1) Mr. Farran

2) Mr. Temo Biko

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The Department of Environment coordinated the sample collection of PUF (ambient air) and through the Ministry of Health, the collection of human breast milk. The officer in charge was Ms. Laisania.


Office of Environment Health under the Division of Public Health installed PUFs for sam-pling ambient air and the Ministry of Health organized the collection of human breast milk samples. The officer in charge was Mr. Christopher Kitalong.


The coordination of the project was done by Second National Communication (SNC) Coordi-nator. The officer in charge was Mr. Melton.


Implementing agency for the Global monitoring Project for POPs on Niue Island is the De-partment of Environment (DOE). Key officers in charge were:

1) Mr. Sauni Tongatule (Project Manager/Director DOE)

2) Mr. Haden Talagi (Project Coordinator/DOE)

All countries (expect Palau) sent ambient air (PUF) and human breast milk samples to the IAS laboratory at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji. The IAS laboratory then sent respec-tive samples to the IVM at VU University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands and MTM at the Orebro University in Sweden. Palau sent ambient air and human milk samples to MTM at Orebro University.

The training of the regional laboratory (IAS) was done by UNEP POPs expert laboratories from MTM and later by IVM. The training by IVM of the VU University of Amsterdam was for a period of one month and focused on the installation and use of the new Gas Chromato-graph and Alumina clean-up and silica fractionation procedures that were used during the POPs GMP project for analysis of human milk and ambient air captured in the PUFs.

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) had financed the POPs GMP project in the Pacific Island Region (PIR).

The Project inception was in September 2009 and closed in June 2011.

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Summary of activities – Highlights from national reports

3.1 Regional Inception Workshop

The Inception Meeting (IM) for Supporting the POPs GMP in the Pacific Islands Region was held in Suva, Fiji from the 21st - 23rd September 2009 (http://www.chem.unep.ch/pops/GMP/Asia/default.htm ). The meeting was conducted with the full project team, UNEP, Division of GEF, Secretariat to the Stockholm Convention (SC), Insti-tute of Applied Sciences (IAS), University of the South Pacific (USP), South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and POPs focal points of all the regional countries involved (Samoa, Niue, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Kiribati and Fiji). Palau was not eligible but participated through the Stockholm Secretariat Convention (SSC) grants. The main objectives of the meeting included:

- introducing project staff to the UNEP-DGEF and Executing Agencies (EAs), which will support the project during its implementation;

- detailing the roles, support services and complementary responsibilities of UNEP, vis à vis the project team;

- providing a detailed overview of UNEP and GEF reporting and monitoring and evalua-tion (M & E) requirements, with particular emphasis on the annual Project Implementa-tion Review (PIRs) and related documentation and final evaluation;

- providing an opportunity to inform the project team on UNEP project related budgetary plan-ning, budget revisions, and mandatory budget rephrasing provide an opportunity for all par-ties to understand their roles, functions, and responsibilities during the project’s decision-making structures, including reporting and communication lines, and conflict resolutions mechanisms;

- discussing the terms of reference (TOR) for project staff and decision-making structures as needed, in order to clarify for all, each party’s responsibilities during the projects implemen-tation phase;

- presenting a schedule of M&E-related meetings and reports which will include: (1) tentative time-frame for meetings, (or relevant advisory and/or coordination mechanism) and (ii) pro-ject related M&E activities;

- Clarifying roles of the Project Coordinator in the day to day monitoring of implementation progress based on the project’s Annual Work Plan and its indicators.

- Developing the project’s Annual Work Plan (AWP). The inception meeting for the Supporting the POPs GMP in the Pacific Islands Region was held at the Institute of Applied Sciences, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji Islands from 21st-23rd September, 2009. Each country presented their National Country Reports (Samoa, Niue, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Tuvalu and Fiji) and had varying accounts of the development of POPs activities in their respective countries (Annex 1). The meeting participants noted that it was vital to establish strong ties between stakeholders which were essential in carrying out the tasks and responsibilities for each country and that time limitation was a vital factor that demanded effective

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planning and execution of duties. There was a strong need to establish effective communication lines between all partners during the implementation phase of the project.

3.2 Regional Final Workshop

The final workshop for the project Supporting the POPs GMP in the Pacific Islands Region was held in Suva, Fiji from the 9th-10th June, 2011 (UNEP, 2011). The meeting was conducted with UNEP Chemicals representative (Dr. Heidelore Fiedler), project members of the Institute of Ap-plied Sciences (IAS), University of the South Pacific (USP), partner laboratory representative (Prof. Jacob de Boer) and POPs focal points of all the regional countries involved (Samoa, Niue, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Palau, Marshall Islands and Fiji) except Solomon Islands. The main objective of the meeting included:

presentation of country activities presentation of laboratory results on air and human milk Lessons learnt, NIP updates, national samples and project reports

The final meeting for Supporting the POPs GMP in the Pacific Islands Region was held at the Institute of Applied Sciences, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji Islands from 9 – 10th June, 2011. Each country presented on activities during the project period and had varying ac-counts of POPs activities in their respective countries. The meeting participants highlighted that there were some difficulties in identifying first time mothers for sampling human milk due to small population size and the sampling protocols. It is noteworthy that project partners including Institute for Environmental Studies at the VU University of Amsterdam (IVM) and Orebro Uni-versity (MTM) laboratories that difficulties with identification of PUF and for sampling period for each country. Each country was asked to provide reef fish and root crop to test for 12 specific POPs. Fish and root crop were chosen by participants as these are mainly present in their daily diet. Each country was asked to submit final country report before project due date of 30th of Sep-tember, 2011.

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The IAS laboratory participated in the Asia part of the First Worldwide UNEP Interlaboratory Study. It is also noteworthy that after specific training by IVM and installation of new Gas Chromatograph dedicated for POPs analysis, the performance was much better than the inter-lab study. It would be ideal to take part in the second round of UNEP Interlaboratory Study when announced by UNEP.


5.1 Capacity building: Generation of sampling capacity for supporting the GMP

5.1.1 Mothers’ milk

The Department of Environment and Ministry of Health in each Pacific Island Country (PIC) was responsible for collection of mothers’ milk for POPs testing. One of the main reasons for delay in human milk sampling was the barriers posed through the requirement for ethical clearance of sampling human matrices. All human milk samples were collected according to standard operating procedures (SOPs) as found in Annex 4 (Votadroka, 2008). Pooled human milk samples were tested for both basic POPs and PCDD/PCDF.

Figure 1: Donor mother from Kiribati and the use of breast pumps during the project.

5.1.2 Ambient air (PAS)

The Department of Environment and Meteorology was responsible for installation of passive air samples and IAS laboratory organized shipment of PAS to expert laboratories (MTM and IVM). Relevant information such as samples location (GPS where possible) and land-use were noted.

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Figure 2: Passive air samplers (PAS) at Solomon Islands site

5.2 New data/results

For the first time, measured data for basic POPs (organochloride pesticides and polychlori-nated biphenyls) as well as dioxin-like POPs have been generated for ambient and human milk in the PIR. The only exemption is the mothers’ milk data from Fiji and Kiribati as they have already participated in the fourth round of the World Health Organisation (WHO) POPs exposure study. For the first time, ambient air concentrations determined with passive air samplers (PAS). The results are shown in Table 3. For IAS laboratory POPs were extracted from the PUF disks using soxhlet extraction, cleaned, concentrated and analysed using gas chro-matograph with a micro-electron capture detector (GC-µECD). Similarly, POPs were extracted from human milk samples (wet samples dried using 1:3 anhydrous sodium sulphate) and analysed on a GC-µECD. The results are shown in Table 4.

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6.1 Technical conclusions

6.1.1 Analytical capacity

The PIR did not have a reference POPs analytical laboratory and through the GMP project analytical capacity was built for analysis of basic POPs. This was possible through specialized training, improved clean-up procedures and the use of dedicated gas chromatograph for POPs analysis. In the future, the PIR can rely on both regional and international cooperation to un-dertake monitoring of the dirty dozen as well as the newly added POPs from COP 4.

6.2 Political implications

The most notable outcomes of the project were that the personnel at the IAS laboratory in Fiji has a greater awareness of international standards for POPs analyses and will be able to sub-mit high quality data to the GMP in the future. Additionally, the PIR can now actively partici-pate in the monitoring of POPs and become an active contributor to future effectiveness evaluations of the Stockholm Convention.

6.3 Recommendations

To maintain a strict quality control and quality assurance (QA/QC) criteria so that quality data is submitted to the GMP in future.

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United Nations Environment Programme, Regional Monitoring and Analysis Projects in Asia (2008-2010) http://www.chem.unep.ch/pops/GMP/Asia/default.htm Votadroka, W. (2009) SOUTH PACIFIC REGIONAL PROJECT PASSIVE AIR SAMPLING PROTOCOL 2009, Annex 3. http://www.chem.unep.ch/pops/GMP/Asia/default.htm

Votadroka, W. (2008) SOUTH PACIFIC REGION HUMAN MILK SAMPLING PROTOCOL, Annex 4. http://www.chem.unep.ch/pops/GMP/Asia/default.htm

United Nations Environment Programme, Report of the Final Results Workshop of the Project “Supporting the POPs Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) in the Pacific Islands Region”, Suva, Fiji, 9-10 June, 2011. http://www.chem.unep.ch/pops/GMP/Asia/default.htm

United Nations Environment Programme, First Worldwide UNEP Intercalibration Study on Persistent Organic Pollutants - Asia Region, June 2010, 40 pp. http://www.chem.unep.ch/pops/GMP/default.htm

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This chapter summarizes national activities that have been undertaken in the framework of the project. This report is written by the regional coordinator.

8.1 Mothers’ Milk Sampling

8.1.1 Methodology

Human breast milk was collected from first time mothers only. A standard protocol was used in the collection of human milk samples as found in Annex 4 on the UNEP Chemicals POPs website (Votadroka, 2008). A summary of the average age, number of mothers who partici-pated in the POPs GMP study and area (i.e. urban or rural) is indicated in the following table.

Table 1: Summary for human milk samples from individual Pacific Island Country

Country Average age of mothers Number participated Urban Rural Solomon Islands na 14 na na Kiribati 19 13 7 6 Niue 24 3 na na Tuvalu na 16 na na Palau na 9 na na Fiji kadavu na 11 na 11 Marshall Islands na 20 na na Samoa 21 na na          

na - not available

8.1.2 Sampling methodology

All human milk samples collected were stored in 50 mL sample vials. Samples were pre-served by addition of potassium permanganate before being refrigerated. Samples were stored in eskey and cool packs while transported to the IAS laboratory and to UNEP expert laborato-ries (IVM and MTM).

8.1.3 Analytical methodology

Samples were dried using anhydrous sodium sulphate in a 1:3 ratio before Soxhlet extraction for 16 hours using a mixture of n-hexane and acetone. After extraction the sample was care-fully concentrated on a rotary evaporator to a volume of around 5 ml and further reduced to approximately 1ml under a gentle stream of high purity nitrogen gas. The extract was cleaned on an alumina column and fractionation was done using silica column. The first fraction was analysed for PCBs and second for OCPs. Internal standards added before extraction was monitored for recoveries.

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8.2 Passive Air Sampling

8.2.1 Set-up

Passive air samples were set-up in eight PICs in the Pacific GMP project. Sampling sites were near meteorological stations and where possible within the vicinities of urban or rural land-use areas. Passive air samplers were put up by local officials from the department of environment or the meteorological office.

8.2.2 Methodology

Ambient air samples were collected using polyurethane foam disks (PUF). A standard proto-col was used in the collection of ambient air samples as found in Annex 3 on the UNEP Chemicals POPs website (Votadroka, 2009). A summary of the PUF air samples and sites is found in the following table.

Table 1: Summary for PUF Air Samples from Pacific Island Countries

Country Site Sampling period and exposure times

Location (GPS or description)

Samoa Afiamalu; Upolu Asau;Savaii

84 days 84 days

Latitude: 13 54 31S Long: 171 46 55W Latitude: 13 32 56S Longitude: 172 38 07 W

Kiribati Betio and Beru Island

84 days Close to metrological weather station, 01 21N 172 56E

Niue MET office 84 days Latitude 19.04'37 Longitude 169.55'33

Tuvalu Met office 90 days Not specified Palau Koror 84 days (Meyuns, Koror) i. N 07° 21.339 E 134°

27.515 (Ngesaol, Koror) i. N 07° 21.018 E 134° 30.505 (Ngerkebesang, Koror) i. N 07° 20.791 E 134° 27.186

Marshall Islands Majuro 84 days Majuro Solomon Islands Honiara, Munda,

Lata 84 days Honiara MET office, Western Province

and Temotu Province Fiji Laucala, Nadi and

Nausori weather office

84 days Within vicinity of metrological weather office

All PUF air samples collected were stored wrapped in aluminum foils and placed in zip-lock bags with sample information. Samples were kept cool while being transported to the IAS laboratory and to UNEP expert laboratories (IVM and MTM).

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8.2.3 Analytical methodology

Samples were soxhlet extracted for 16 hours using a mixture of n-hexane and acetone. After extraction the sample was carefully concentrated on a rotary evaporator to a volume of around 5ml and further reduced to approximately 1ml under a gentle stream of high purity nitrogen gas. The extract was cleaned on an alumina column and fractionation was done using silica column. The first fraction was analysed for PCBs and second for OCPs. Internal standards added before extraction was monitored for recoveries.

8.3 National Samples

A number of countries could not send National Samples (root crops and fish) as the project had almost ended when these were requested during the final workshop in Suva, Fiji and as the key GMP samples, human milk and air samples were yet to be received.

8.3.1 Set-up

All countries identified root crops and reef fish as national samples for analysis for POPs dur-ing the final workshop in Suva, Fiji. Each country official in that meeting was provided an eskey by IAS so that they can send these national samples to IAS and then these will be send to the other collaborating UNEP expert laboratories in Europe. Quarantine documents were filled out during the final workshop and distributed to country officials so that these accom-pany the samples and is cleared by customs officials in Fiji. Only Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Kiribati sent fish and root crop samples as their national samples. These were transported in frozen state and were kept cold until they arrived at the IAS laboratory. However,

8.3.2 Description of selection of samples

Fish and root crops were chosen as national samples for analysis of POPs. These were chosen as they represent staple food in these PICs. Reef fish was chosen as these are found within the vicinity of the islands and are migratory species like tuna.

8.3.3 Analytical methodology

The method used during this study is from the training provided by the Institute for Environ-mental Studies (IVM), VU University of Amsterdam. It requires approximately 16 hours of fat or sample extraction in n-hexane: acetone mixture followed by concentration by rotarary evaporating the samples before clean-up on an alumina column. Sample is fractionated into two fractions. The first fraction contains PCBs and second fraction contains the OCPs. The internal standards used are PCB 103 and PCB 198. Samples are screened on a gas chromato-graph with a micro-ECD.

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8.4 POPs Laboratory

8.4.1 Characteristics of the Laboratory

The Institute of Applied Sciences (IAS) laboratory serves both research and commercial needs of University of the South Pacific twelve Pacific Island member countries including Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. Analysis for basic POPs was developed through UNEP Chemi-cals / GEF funding for Capacity Building Needs for POPs analysis in Developing Countries. Further, the laboratory also takes place in Proficiency Testing for basic POP chemicals (FAPAS) and has been successful with tests.

8.4.2 Training, Consumables, Analyses, Matrices

For POPs analysis and capacity building in the Pacific Island Region, the Institute of Applied Sciences of the University of the South Pacific was chosen by UNEP to be developed for ba-sic POP analysis. The training received through UNEP “expert group” was in collaboration with IVM (Prof. Jacob de Boer, Martin), MTM Orebro University (Prof. Gunilla Lindstrom and Prof. Bert van Bavel) and UNEP Chemicals (Dr. Heidi Fiedler) and was invaluable and helped the laboratory technicians up skill. Further capacity was built through investment into a Gas Chromatograph with a micro-ECD. This was co-funded by UNEP Chemicals/GEF and IAS. A range of sample matrices have been tested for POPs, however, for this project human breast milk and ambient air (PUF disks) were tested. Analysis for basic POPs has been done adopting a method from IVM laboratory. This was done with assistance from IVM senior technician (Martin). The IAS laboratory seeks further collaboration with Partner institutions and UNEP to further develop POPs analysis in this region. This is based on the availability of instrumentation (GC micro-ECD and HPLC MS TOF) for 10 newly added POPs.

8.5 Results and Discussion

8.5.1 Intercalibration and Mirror Results

The IAS laboratory took part in the first Worldwide UNEP Intercalibration study in 2009-2010 (UNEP, 2010). The laboratory did well with the unknown solution but has difficulty with environmental matrices. It is noteworthy that this was before UNEP training by the ex-pert laboratory and installation of a dedicated gas chromatograph for POPs analysis. Follow-ing the specialized training and use of the new gas chromatograph there is a notable improve-ment in the analysis of environmental (air) and human milk samples for testing POPs. During the POPS GMP project ambient air and human milk samples were tested at both IAS labora-tory and UNEP expert laboratory. This is also done to ensure data reliability and to continu-ally improve POPs testing capacity for the IAS laboratory.

8.5.2 Ambient Air

Some of the ambient air samples were tested at the IAS laboratory and the results are pre-sented in Table 3.

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Table 3: Key findings for ambient air results (concentrations expressed in ng/PUF)

POPs Countries ΣDDT ΣHCHs ΣDrins ΣPCBs7

Solomon Islands 105.3 7.8 24 9.1 Fiji 18.6 11 31.2 15.5 Samoa 3.3 1.4 0.7 11.2 Kiribati 7.9 22.1 3.1 7.8 Marshall Islands 12.9 50.4 4.4 0.2 Niue 8.5 8.1 <0.1 0. 1

The results in Table 3 indicate that a number of basic POPs have been detected in ambient air samples from the PIR. The DDT group of chemicals can be seen here as the dominant POP chemical in most PICs. The Solomon Islands ambient air concentrations for DDT group of POPs are comparatively than any other PIC.

8.5.3 Mothers’ Milk

Mothers milk samples were also tested at IAS laboratory and the results are presented in Table 4.

Table 4: Key findings for human milk results were (expressed in ng/g wet weight)

POPs Countries ΣDDT ΣHCHs ΣDrins ΣPCBs7

Solomon Islands 28.5 2.1 9.6 0.2 Fiji 4.2 0.6 2.3 3.5 Tuvalu 5.3 0.9 3.4 0.7 Samoa 18.3 1.7 0.2 0.1 Kiribati 10.7 0.2 0.2 0.2

The results in Table 4 indicate that a number of basic POPs have been detected in human milk samples from the PIR. The DDT group of chemicals can be seen here as the dominant POP chemical in most PICs. The Solomon Islands human milk concentrations for the sum DDT group of POPs are notably higher than any other PIC.

8.6 Conclusions and Recommendations

8.6.1 Human milk POPs results

It is noteworthy that human milk analysis for basic POPs in PICs found a number of basic POP chemicals, however, p,p’ DDE is seen as the dominant POP across all samples in terms of concentrations found in human milk (Figure 3). It is also evident that Solomon Islands had comparatively higher concentrations of ΣDDT in human milk samples than mothers’ milk samples other PICs.

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16 Pacific GMP Report

Figure 3: Basic POPs across PICs for human milk from first time mothers

8.6.2 Ambient air POPs results

It is noteworthy that ambient air analysis for basic POPs in PICs found a number of basic POP chemicals, however, p,p’ DDE is found as the dominant POP across all samples in terms of concentrations found in ambient air from PUF sampling (Figure 4). Once again the Solomon Islands concentration for ΣDDT was comparatively higher than other PICs in this study.

Figure 4: Basic POPs across PICs for ambient air using Passive Air Samplers (PAS)

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A self-standing report by the Expert Laboratories, IVM VU Amsterdam for basic POPs and by MTM Center Örebro University for dioxin-like POPs is available from the UNEP Website.

9.1 Training of Basic POPs Laboratories

A report has been prepared by IVM VU Amsterdam and is available from the Website.


The report presenting the mothers’ milk data from the regional GEF GMP projects is available in a separate document.


A self-standing report summarizing results from all GEF GMP projects has been prepared and is available from the GMP Website.