Pace Rapid Transit Program Pulse Dempster Line Stakeholder Involvement Plan June 2017 Version 3.0

Pace Rapid Transit Program · Stakeholder Involvement Plan 3 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Pulse: Pace’s Rapid Transit Program As part of Pace’s Vision 2020 plan to modernize public transportation,

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Page 1: Pace Rapid Transit Program · Stakeholder Involvement Plan 3 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Pulse: Pace’s Rapid Transit Program As part of Pace’s Vision 2020 plan to modernize public transportation,

Pace Rapid Transit Program

Pulse Dempster Line Stakeholder Involvement Plan June 2017 Version 3.0

Page 2: Pace Rapid Transit Program · Stakeholder Involvement Plan 3 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Pulse: Pace’s Rapid Transit Program As part of Pace’s Vision 2020 plan to modernize public transportation,

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Pulse: Pace’s Rapid Transit Program ......................................................................................... 3

1.2 Pulse Dempster Line Project Background ................................................................................. 3

1.3 Project Team ............................................................................................................................. 4

2 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................. 6

2.1 SIP Goals & Objectives ............................................................................................................... 6

3 STAKEHOLDER GROUPS.................................................................................................... 8

3.1 Corridor Advisory Group ........................................................................................................... 8

3.2 General Stakeholder List ......................................................................................................... 10

3.3 Stakeholder Involvement Ground Rules ................................................................................. 11

4 PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT ................................................. 12

4.1 Step One: Identify Stakeholders, Develop SIP, Initiate Project .............................................. 12

4.2 Step Two: Develop Purpose and Need Statement ................................................................. 12

4.3 Step Three: Define Service and Design Options ..................................................................... 13

4.4 Step Four: Develop Project Definition Report......................................................................... 13

4.5 Step Five: Prepare NEPA Documentation ............................................................................... 14

4.6 Step Six: Conduct Design and Construction Phase Outreach Activities .................................. 14

5 STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT ACTIVITIES ...................................................................... 15

5.1 Stakeholder Outreach Meetings ............................................................................................. 15

5.2 Other Mechanisms for Public Involvement............................................................................. 18

6 PLAN AVAILABILITY AND MONITORING / UPDATES......................................................... 20

6.1 Availability of the Stakeholder Involvement Plan ................................................................... 20

6.2 Modification of the Stakeholder Involvement Plan ................................................................ 20

Appendix A – Tables

Table 1 Lead Agencies Table 2 Coordinating Agencies and Agency Responsibilities Table 3 Stakeholder Involvement Plan Revision History Appendix B – Project Development Schedule

Table 1 Project Development Schedule Appendix C – Glossary and Acronyms

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan



1.1 Pulse: Pace’s Rapid Transit Program

As part of Pace’s Vision 2020 plan to modernize public transportation, Pace plans a 24-line arterial rapid

transit (ART) network, Pulse, to enhance mobility and suburb-to-suburb travel options. Seven priority

routes have been identified for development over the next 10 years, including Milwaukee Avenue,

Dempster Street, Harlem Avenue, Cermak Road, Halsted Street, 95th Street, and Roosevelt Road.

The Pulse Dempster Line was identified as the second Pulse route to be implemented, after the Milwaukee


1.2 Pulse Dempster Line Project Background

The Pulse Dempster Line project corridor, on which Pace plans to construct and operate its second arterial

rapid transit service, is approximately fifteen (15) miles in length and runs east-west between the City of

Evanston and the City of Des Plaines via Dempster Street, then north-south to the O’Hare International

Airport Kiss-n-Fly station, which is currently being redeveloped and relocated by the Chicago Department of

Aviation. The project area is located within the communities of Evanston, Skokie, Morton Grove, Niles, Park

Ridge, Des Plaines, Rosemont, and Chicago (see Figure 1-1 for the Location Map). Once constructed, the

Pulse Dempster Line will connect to the Pulse Milwaukee Line as well as future Pulse lines.

Existing service along the corridor includes Pace Route 250, which operates fixed route service between

downtown Evanston and the Des Plaines Metra station via Dempster Street and then south to the O'Hare

Kiss-n-Fly Airport Transit Service Station. Route 250 connects with five (5) CTA bus routes and sixteen (16)

Pace bus routes as well as CTA and Metra train routes including the CTA Purple Line, Metra UP-North (UP-

N) Line, CTA Yellow Line, Metra UP-Northwest (UP-NW) Line, and Metra North Central Service (NCS) Line. It

operates under the Posted Stops Only policy allowing passengers to board and alight the bus only at

designated stops.

The Dempster Line project area is a mixed-use corridor that includes residential and commercial properties,

educational institutions, parks and recreational facilities, medical facilities, cemeteries, and public transit

access points. Large destinations/major generators include the Davis Street CTA/Metra Station in Evanston,

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan


Dempster-Skokie CTA Station, Notre Dame and Maine East High Schools, Advocate Lutheran General

Hospital, and O’Hare International Airport. Access to and from I-94/Edens Expressway is located in the

project area along Dempster Street between Lockwood Ave and Central Avenue. I-294 North feeds into

Dempster Street at Lyman Avenue and I-294 South can be accessed via Dempster Street at Rand Road.

Figure 1-1 Pulse Dempster Line Project Location Map

.3 Project Team

The Project Team provides the leadership, management, expertise, and technical resources needed to

implement the Stakeholder Involvement Plan (SIP). The Team will consist of the following:

• Program Management Oversight Consultant (PMO): To support the Pace Rapid Transit

Project Manager in providing leadership, management, and oversight in implementing the

Pulse Dempster Line project and other projects in Pace’s Arterial Rapid Transit program. The

PMO’s responsibilities include project scoping, management, scheduling, and budgeting as

well as the oversight of engineering and construction.

• Pace’s External Relations Deputy Executive Director: To direct and oversee the marketing,

communications, media relations, community relations and customer service activities.

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan


• Pace’s Communications, Marketing, Media Relations, Community Relations and Customer

Relations Staff: To identify stakeholders, serve as liaison between Pace and stakeholders,

and perform outreach and public involvement functions.

• Pace’s Rapid Transit Project Manager: To provide leadership and management of the Pace

team as well as technical assistance and coordination with External Relations staff in their

efforts to engage and educate the public and obtain information from stakeholders that is

relevant to the project.

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan


2 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The purpose of the SIP is to provide a guide for achieving stakeholder participation on the Pulse Dempster

Line project. This document is a blueprint for defining methods and tools to educate and involve all

stakeholders in the decision-making process for this project.

2.1 SIP Goals & Objectives

The SIP has been designed to ensure that stakeholders are provided opportunities to be informed and

engaged as the project progresses. This integrated approach to problem-solving and decision-making will

help build community and agency collaboration and promote involvement throughout the project. The

public involvement efforts will be conducted in accordance with Pace protocols.

Early coordination and/or meetings have been conducted with the City of Evanston, Village of Skokie,

Village of Morton Grove, Village of Niles, City of Park Ridge, City of Des Plaines, Village of Rosemont, and

City of Chicago/Chicago Department of Aviation (CDOA) as a means of introducing the Pulse Dempster Line

project, coordinating with local plans within the project area, and identifying interested parties and

stakeholders. The collaborative efforts between Pace and its stakeholders enables the sharing of plans and

vision for the project area and provides stakeholders the opportunity to express their comments or

concerns about project objectives and options. This process improves the ability of the Project Team to

understand and address issues.

Stakeholder involvement is critical to project success. The SIP strives to achieve the following:

• Involve stakeholders in the planning and decision-making process early and often

• Understand stakeholders’ key issues and concerns

• Establish an understanding of the stakeholder’s role

• Set a project public involvement schedule

• Apply flexibility in addressing stakeholders’ plans and concerns, whenever possible

The goal of the SIP is to actively seek the participation of communities, government officials, public

agencies, individual interest groups, and the general public throughout the project. The SIP provides the

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan


framework for communicating with these stakeholders in order to achieve collaboration and identify

solutions for the project.The SIP provides the procedures used to accomplish the following:

• Identification of stakeholders

• Identification of the roles and responsibilities of the lead agency (Table 1, Appendix A)

• Identification of coordinating agencies and agency responsibilities (Table 2, Appendix A)

• Identification of the Corridor Advisory Group and group responsibilities

• Establishment of the timing and type of involvement activities with all stakeholders

• Establishment of stakeholder requirements for providing timely input to the project

development process

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan



This SIP serves as a guide for stakeholder involvement throughout the project definition phase and can be

carried forward into the project development, engineering, and implementation phases. Strategies

identified within the plan are coordinated with the project schedule and designed to reach various

audiences. Execution of this plan requires the commitment and efforts of all project participants and

includes actions, responsibilities, and timing. The Project Team will be responsible for the overall

development, implementation, and coordination of the stakeholder involvement efforts.

3.1 Corridor Advisory Group

To assist in the development of the Pulse Dempster Line project, a Corridor Advisory Group (CAG) has been

established by Pace. The purpose of the CAG is to provide input on various design, operational elements,

and options related to the project. The CAG consists of community leaders from the City of Evanston,

Village of Skokie, Village of Morton Grove, Village of Niles, City of Park Ridge, City of Des Plaines, Village of

Rosemont, and City of Chicago/CDOA, and representatives from the Chicago Department of Transportation

(CDOT), Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Illinois Department of

Transportation (IDOT), Metra, and the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA), as well as other

transportation/engineering officials, land use/transportation planning agencies, local municipal staff,

environmental and special interest groups, and neighborhood organizations. The CAG members are to

represent the views of the communities and transit users within the project area.

The CAG met two (2) times during the early planning and project definition phase of the Dempster Line

project. The first meeting was held March 23, 2016 and the second was held June 29, 2016. At these

meetings, Pace introduced the overall Pulse program, presented initial recommendations for station

locations and discussed station/bus features.

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan


The CAG is expected to meet two (2) addition times during phase two of th project which includes

environmental review and design. These two CAG meetings will allow critical partners/stakeholders an

opportunity to provide input during the NEPA process and will help build consensus among municipal

leaders to ensure a successful project. NEPA topics expected to be covered include, but may not be limited

to: Section 106 process (historic/archaeological sites review), potential community impacts and

Environmental Justice analysis. Below is a description the anticipated discussion themes to be covered at

these two (2) CAG meetings.

• Meeting #1 (June 28, 2017): Provide overview/update of the Pulse Dempster Line Project;

overview of the NEPA environmental review process; review station locations and gather feedback

and discuss issues; request assistance in identifying the potential EJ populations and locations for

public meetings; provide an update of the North Shore Project and Pace’s Pulse Program.

• Meeting #2: Present update on NEPA process and initial findings; public meeting results;

share updated/refined (if applicable) station locations, concepts and features; and gather feedback.

3.2 Municipal Meetings

In addition to CAG meetings, one-on-one meetings will be conducted, as needed, with municipalities to

discuss specific topics such as station location specifics and features. These meetings will be conducted with

the project team and Pace staff members throughout the project development process on an as-needed


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Stakeholder Involvement Plan


3.2 General Stakeholder List

A stakeholder is anyone who could be affected by the project and has a stake in its outcome. This includes

study area residents, property owners, business owners, state and local officials, special interest groups,

transit users, motorists and those interested parties who can directly affect the outcome of a planning

process. Stakeholders for the Pulse Dempster Line project may include, but are not limited to, the


• Project area residents

• Property and business owners adjacent to the project corridor

• Elected/community officials

• Transit users – Route 250 and intersecting routes

• Chambers of Commerce/economic development organizations

• Neighborhood groups and community organizations

• Institutions (Churches, schools, etc.)

• Special interest groups and advocates (environmental coalitions, bicycle organizations, etc.)

• Utility companies

• Others outside the project area with an interest in the project

• Motorists using the Dempster Street corridor or cross streets

The identification of general stakeholders has been accomplished through a combination of internet

searches and input from local government officials and agencies. It is anticipated that new stakeholders

will be added to the initial stakeholder list throughout the project. All stakeholders expressing interest in

the project will be added to the project mailing/email list. The project mailing/email list will be updated and

maintained through the duration of the project.

All stakeholders will be able to participate in the process through various public outreach opportunities.

These opportunities may include public meetings, newsletters, press releases, and events (see Section 5). In

addition, stakeholders are encouraged to visit the project website where they can access information and

submit comments or questions at any time. The Project Team will also be available to meet with

stakeholder groups on a one-on-one basis throughout the project, if deemed necessary.

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan


3.3 Stakeholder Involvement Ground Rules

The stakeholder outreach efforts identified in the SIP will be conducted based on a set of ground rules that

forms the basis for the respectful interaction of all parties involved in this process. The ground rules

established in the SIP must be agreed upon by the stakeholders and, therefore, may be modified based on

stakeholder input.

These rules include the following:

• Input on the project from all stakeholders is duly considered in order to yield the best

solutions to problems identified by the process

• Input from all participants in the process is valued and considered

• The list of stakeholders is subject to revisions/additions at any time as events warrant

• All participants must keep an open mind and participate openly, honestly, and respectfully

• All participants should work collaboratively and cooperatively to seek a solution

• All participants in the process must treat each other with respect and dignity

• The project must progress at a reasonable pace, based on the project schedule

Final project decisions will be made by Pace in consultation with the City of Evanston, Village of Skokie,

Village of Morton Grove, Village of Niles, City of Park Ridge, City of Des Plaines, Village of Rosemont, City of

Chicago/CDOA, CTA, FTA, IDOT, Metra, and RTA. The feasibility of improvements and services will be

dependent, in part, on physical and financial considerations and constraints.

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan



The general project development process and tentative schedule, project activities, and associated

stakeholder involvement activities are described below.

4.1 Step One: Identify Stakeholders, Develop SIP, Initiate Project

This stage of the process includes identifying stakeholders and initiating key stakeholder outreach efforts.

Activities in this stage include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Assemble the stakeholder list

• Develop the SIP

• Organize and conduct meetings with key stakeholders to inform them about the project,

seek collaboration, and identify transportation/transit plans and issues

4.2 Step Two: Develop Purpose and Need Statement

This stage of the process consists of the identification of transportation/transit issues along the project

corridor and the development of project goals and objectives. Project purpose discussions will focus on

current and forecasted conditions, transit demand, and the constraints of the operating environment. This

will help set the stage for meaningful dialogue about service and infrastructure needs and potential

solutions. This information will be used as the basis for the development of the project Purpose and Need

Statement. Activities in this stage include the following:

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan


• Organize and conduct meetings with key stakeholders to gather input on issues/concerns

and the project goals and objectives to begin developing a clear statement of the

transportation/transit problems to be addressed by the project

• Develop the project Purpose and Need Statement

4.3 Step Three: Define Service and Design Options

Various service and design options that address the project Purpose and Need will be identified and

evaluated. Opportunities will be provided for stakeholder input during this process. Activities in this stage

include the following:

• Create service and design guidelines

• Develop procedures to be used to identify and evaluate initial service and design options

• Identify and evaluate project elements which may include levels of service, fares,

technology, infrastructure, and/or operations

• Present analysis and conclusions to key stakeholders, as needed, to facilitate decision-


4.4 Step Four: Develop Project Definition Report

Feedback received from key stakeholders will be used to define the project and set the stage for project

development, environmental, and engineering work needed to progress the project. Activities in this stage

of the process include the following:

• Define the project, based on key stakeholder input and the evaluation of options

• Summarize the findings and conclusions in the Project Definition Report

• Present findings and conclusions to key stakeholders, as needed, to inform them of next

steps and associated schedule

• Publish information on the Pulse program website

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan


4.5 Step Five: Prepare NEPA Documentation

Based on the feedback from the FTA and other stakeholders, the required National Environmental Policy

Act (NEPA) documentation that describes the major impacts of the project will be developed from the

Purpose and Need statement. Activities in this stage of the process include the following:

• Develop an outline of required NEPA documentation

• Prepare NEPA document

• Conduct FTA coordination meetings

• Present NEPA documentation and preferred route/operations options to the CAG

• Publish information on the Pulse program website

Advanced conceptual design may also be conducted to support the environmental documentation.

Stakeholder involvement and outreach efforts will be a priority as the environmental documentation is

prepared. Coordination with communities, public officials, and agencies will continue and emphasis will be

placed on public involvement and broad community outreach. Project information will be shared with Pace

customers, affected property owners, businesses, and the general public through outreach activities, which

may include press releases, updates sent via email or mail, newsletters, individual meetings, and public


4.6 Step Six: Conduct Design and Construction Phase Outreach Activities

Throughout the Construction of the project, outreach activities will be conducted that focus on providing

stakeholders with updates on the features and status of the project as well as anticipated impacts.

Activities in this stage include the following:

• Agency coordination meetings

• Stakeholder meetings and/or briefings

• Updates to the project website

• Issue press releases

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan



The following Stakeholder Involvement Plan activities are proposed for the Pulse Dempster Line project.

The tentative schedule for project development and stakeholder involvement activities is presented in

Table 1, Appendix B. Unless noted, the Project Team is the responsible party for activities and

coordination. All activities will be approved by Pace before proceeding. The Project Team’s designated

point of contact is Pace’s Rapid Transit Project Manager. The Project Manager will coordinate internal Pace

reviews and approvals, consolidate review comments, and resolve conflicting issues.

Below, each public involvement strategy is described, target audiences are identified, and implementation

schedules are provided.

5.1 Stakeholder Outreach Meetings

Stakeholder involvement for the Pulse Dempster Line will be an ongoing process throughout project

development and will be carried into the Engineering and Construction phases. Various meetings will be

held to provide outreach opportunities to stakeholders. Potential meeting opportunities are listed below.

Small Group Meetings

Small group meetings engage stakeholders, share information and foster discussion by addressing specific

project issues, allowing for more specialized discussions and input, and providing the general public with an

understanding of the project goals and objectives. Small group meetings will be ongoing throughout the

project. These meetings will include the Project Team, local agencies and organizations including forest

preserve and park districts, if appropriate, members of the business community, special interest groups,

and various property owners. Project handouts or other appropriate meeting materials will be prepared for

distribution at these meetings.

Agency Coordination Meetings

To ensure that this project meets requirements for state and federal funding, a project

design/environmental report, which complies with local, state, and federal rules, regulations and laws,

must be prepared. In order to ensure compliance, coordination will be carried out with resource and

regulatory agencies periodically throughout the project development and engineering phases. Initially, a

general meeting will be held with local, state, and federal resource and regulatory agencies as part of the

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan


process. As the project progresses, meetings may be held with individual resource and regulatory agencies

to discuss environmental findings and compliance with government requirements.

Public Meetings

Public participation for the Pulse Dempster Line project also will include opportunities for a broader range

of involvement, which may include public meetings, stakeholder workshops, and a public hearing. These

large-scale meetings will encourage public attendance and foster public awareness of project developments

and options that are being considered and evaluated. These meetings also will provide a forum for general

public input, including concerns and comments regarding project options being considered as part of the

NEPA process, the proposed project design at the conclusion of the NEPA process, and construction impacts

before and during implementation.

Up to two (2) public information meetings may be held to coincide with major milestones during the


• Public Meeting #1 (2016): present the project Purpose and Need, design and service

options, potential project impacts that are being documented as part of the NEPA process,

and solicit feedback on the options in advance of the completion of the NEPA process.

• Public Meeting #2 (2017): present the final selected station locations and the impacts

documented in the NEPA process.

o The Project Team will convene two sets of two public meetings as part of the Pulse

Dempster Line Project. These meetings will provide the public with information about

the project, its design, service features, and potential community concerns or

opportunities. For each of the two sets of public meetings, two meetings will be held

on subsequent days, using the same agenda, format, and materials with one being held

in the eastern portion of the corridor and one meeting held in the western/southern

portion of the corridor.

Public meetings will be advertised by invitation sent via email or mail, audio announcement on Pace Route

250 buses, public notices placed in area newspapers, and on the project website and social media pages.

Opportunities for the public to provide written comments (comment forms) will be available at meetings.

Translation services will be provided as they are requested.

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan


The public hearing for this project, anticipated to occur during the Construction phase prior to the

implementation of service or fare changes, will be held as required by FTA and RTA regulations. A project

summary report that defines the project engineering elements will be available at the public hearing.

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5.2 Other Mechanisms for Public Involvement

There will be several other methods for the public to obtain information about the project and provide

feedback. These methods include the following:

Mailing List

To support the distribution of project information to the public, a mailing list has been developed and will

continue to be updated. Phone numbers and e-mail addresses will be added to the list, as available.

The mailing list includes stakeholders such as property owners; federal, state, and local officials; special

interest groups; resource agencies; businesses; residents; and members of the public who have signed up

on PaceBus.com/Pulse. The mailing list was developed using online resources, relevant Pace bus route

mailing lists, stakeholder lists from other area projects, as well as input from other identified stakeholders.

In addition, information was gathered from contacts or meetings with public officials, chambers of

commerce, professional associations, neighborhood associations, and special interest groups.

Stakeholders on the mailing list will receive project information, which may include project update emails,

newsletters, and meeting/event invitations.

Project Website

In an effort to utilize electronic resources, disseminate information to the public, and receive input and

comments on the Pulse Dempster Line, a project website, PaceBus.com/Pulse, has been developed. The

project website is a centralized source of information, available to anyone with access to the internet, at

any time. Information on the project history and status/schedule, maps, photos, reports, and electronic

versions of printed material will be provided. In addition, the project website provides an opportunity for

the public to submit comments via the online comment form.

Third Party Outreach

Project information may also be distributed to third party organizations such as chambers of commerce,

professional associations, and local community and civic groups to help disseminate information about the

project to businesses, residents, interest groups, and others.

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan


Social Media

Social media is an effective tool for disseminating project information to the public and encourages

stakeholders to ask questions and provide comments. A Pulse Facebook and Twitter page have been

created and will continue to be updated with project status announcements, event information, and other

materials related to the Dempster Line project and the Pulse Program. Pace’s Communications and

Marketing staff will respond to comments and questions submitted via social media.

Media Outreach

An effective method of informing the general public about a project and its results is through broadcast and

print media. A number of media outreach strategies will be employed to provide accurate and frequent

coverage of the project, including press releases, publication pieces, media correspondence, and one-on-

one briefings with agency-designated spokespersons.

The goal is to issue a number of press releases throughout the project timeline to announce work to date,

important results, and next steps.

Public Response and Communication

Throughout this project, direct public comment will come in the form of e-mail (via a direct link from the

website), standard mail, phone calls, and comment forms from meetings. Indirect public comment will

come through the media, non-agency sponsored meetings, and third party websites. It is important to

address public comments so all voices from the community are heard and that potential impacts upon the

community are recognized.

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan



The SIP is a dynamic document that is available to stakeholders and updated as appropriate throughout the

duration of the project. This section describes SIP stakeholder review opportunities and plan update


6.1 Availability of the Stakeholder Involvement Plan

Pace has made the SIP available to stakeholders for review on the project website. As the project proceeds,

Pace will update the SIP on a regular basis to reflect appropriate changes or additions. Pace will advise

stakeholders of future SIP updates and post updates on the project website.

6.2 Modification of the Stakeholder Involvement Plan

The plan will be reviewed on a regular basis for continued effectiveness and updated as appropriate. Plan

administration includes, but is not limited to, the following:

• Maintaining a current list of project stakeholders

• Maintaining a detailed public involvement record (log) that includes records of all

stakeholder contacts, meetings, and comments

• Ensuring two-way communication and timely responses to stakeholders through formal

and informal channels

Revisions to this SIP may be necessary through all phases of the project. Pace will provide updated versions

of the SIP to all agencies involved, as necessary. Cooperating and participating agencies should notify Pace

of staffing and contact information changes in a timely manner. Plan updates will be tracked in Table 4,

Appendix A.

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Appendix A Tables

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Stakeholder Involvement Plan


Table 1 Lead Agencies

Agency Name Role Pace Suburban Bus Lead Agency

Table 2 Coordinating Agencies and Agency Responsibilities

Agency Name Role Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)


Chicago Transit Authority (CTA)


City of Chicago/Chicago Department of Aviation (CDOA)


City of Evanston Coordination/Advisory

City of Des Plaines Coordination/Advisory

City of Park Ridge Coordination/Advisory

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)


Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)


Regional Transportation Authority (RTA)


Village of Morton Grove Coordination/Advisory

Village of Niles Coordination/Advisory

Village of Rosemont Coordination/Advisory

Village of Skokie Coordination/Advisory

Page 23: Pace Rapid Transit Program · Stakeholder Involvement Plan 3 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Pulse: Pace’s Rapid Transit Program As part of Pace’s Vision 2020 plan to modernize public transportation,

Stakeholder Involvement Plan


Table 3 Stakeholder Involvement Plan Revision History

Version Date Document Name Revision Description

1 March 2016 Stakeholder Involvement Plan Original

2 June 2016 Stakeholder Involvement Plan Version 2

3 June 2017 Stakeholder Involvement Plan Version 3 Formatted Table

Page 24: Pace Rapid Transit Program · Stakeholder Involvement Plan 3 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Pulse: Pace’s Rapid Transit Program As part of Pace’s Vision 2020 plan to modernize public transportation,

Stakeholder Involvement Plan


Appendix B

Project Development Schedule

Page 25: Pace Rapid Transit Program · Stakeholder Involvement Plan 3 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Pulse: Pace’s Rapid Transit Program As part of Pace’s Vision 2020 plan to modernize public transportation,

Stakeholder Involvement Plan


Table 1 Project Development Schedule

Meeting Type Date Description

Corridor Advisory Group Meeting #1

March 23, 2016 Pulse Program and Dempster Line Introduction and Overview

Newsletter, Issue 1 March 2016 Pulse Program and Dempster Line Overview

Corridor Advisory Group Meeting #2

June 29, 2016

Update on Project and Preliminary Station Locations

Corridor Advisory Group Meeting #3

June 28, 2017

Update on Project, Environmental Review Process and Station Location Refinements

Public Meeting #1

Late Summer/Early Fall 2017 Pulse Program and Dempster Line Introduction and Overview, Station Locations

Corridor Advisory Group Meeting #4

Late Fall/Early Winter 2017 Update on Design, Environmental Review Process and Schedule/Next Steps

Public Meeting #2 Early Winter 2017

Update on Project and Selected Final Station Locations & Features

Page 26: Pace Rapid Transit Program · Stakeholder Involvement Plan 3 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Pulse: Pace’s Rapid Transit Program As part of Pace’s Vision 2020 plan to modernize public transportation,

Stakeholder Involvement Plan


Appendix C

Glossary and Acronyms

Page 27: Pace Rapid Transit Program · Stakeholder Involvement Plan 3 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Pulse: Pace’s Rapid Transit Program As part of Pace’s Vision 2020 plan to modernize public transportation,

Stakeholder Involvement Plan


Appendix C Glossary and Acronyms


Transportation Planning Balance between mobility, community needs, and the environment while developing transportation projects that improve safety and mobility. This is achieved through involving stakeholders early and continuously, addressing all modes of transportation, applying flexibility in the design, and incorporating aesthetics to the overall project.

National Environmental Policy Act The federal law that requires the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Environmental Assessment (EA), or Categorical Exclusion (CE) for a federally-funded action. Also referred to as NEPA.


ART Arterial Rapid Transit

CAG Corridor Advisory Group

CDOA Chicago Department of Aviation

CE Categorical Exclusion

CTA Chicago Transit Authority

EA Environmental Assessment

EIS Environmental Impact Statement

FTA Federal Transit Administration

IDOT Illinois Department of Transportation

NEPA National Environmental Policy Act

PMO Program Management Oversight Consultant

RTA Regional Transportation Authority

SIP Stakeholder Involvement Plan