P.A. for P.A.C Physical Activity for Parent Advisory Council 家長會主題 - 體育活動 Presented by Mr. Christopher Hennessy 興氏體育科老師 February 8 th , 2019

P.A. for P.A - haines.cps.edu for PAC.pdf · 對大腦的好處 改善大腦功能 20名學生的平均綜合大腦考試 靜坐後的大腦 步行20分鐘後的大腦 在體力活動後,兒童的閱讀理解能力,比休息一段時間的兒童,得分高一級

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P.A. for P.A.CPhysical Activity for Parent Advisory Council

家長會主題 -體育活動

Presented by Mr. Christopher Hennessy興氏體育科老師

February 8th, 2019

Benefits of Physical Activity 身體活動的好處- It is healthy for the heart, muscles, and whole

body 對心臟,肌肉和整個身體都很健康- Aids in body and brain development 幫助身體和大腦發育

- Reduces stress 減輕壓力- Grows brain cells and helps learning 有助腦細胞增長,並幫助學習

- Increases focus 增強專注力

Brain Benefits


改 善 大 腦 功 能20名學生的平均綜合大腦考試

靜坐後的大腦 步行20分鐘後的大腦


Any Exercise is Better Than No Exercise! 任何運動都比不運動好!

While it is recommended to exercise for at least 60 minutes per day, any amount is better than none. 雖然建議每天鍛煉至少60分鐘,但任何時間數量都優於無。

If you or your child is not used to regular exercise, start small so you don’t get worn out. Try even just ten minutes at the start. You can always build up.如果您或您的孩子不習慣經常運動,請從小處開始,這樣您就不會疲憊不

堪。 一開始就試試十分鐘,總能慢慢建立耐力 。

Create a schedule or plan and try to stick to it! 制定一個時間表或計劃,並嘗試堅持下去!

What Should We Do? 我們應該做什麼活動?1 Warm Up to increase the heart rate and warm up the muscles.


Warm-ups should last about five minutes 熱身活動應持續約五分鐘

Try fast walking, jogging, jumping rope, steps, jumping jacks 嘗試快走,慢跑,跳繩,踏步,開合跳

2. Light stretching 輕度伸展活動

3. Exercise/activity (ideas to follow) 運動/活動(實踐想法)

4. Cool Down- walk after exercising 讓你的身體緩和下來- 運動後慢步

5. Stretch again, but for longer 再次伸展活動,但更長時間

Muscular Exercises with Little or No Equipment and Space肌肉練習 -不需要設備 /少量空間

Sit-ups- create a calendar, how many in a minute? 仰臥起坐 -記錄在月曆中,一分鐘多少次?

Chair Dips 椅子撐體 Squats 深蹲

Wall Sits靠牆坐 Lunges 弓箭步

Muscular Exercises with Little or No Equipment and Space肌肉練習 -不需要設備 /少量空間

Push-ups (regular, on knees, switcheroos, planks, push-up position) 掌上壓 ( 傳統 ,膝蓋跪式 ,開關, 平板支撑 , 掌上壓姿勢 )


Cardio Exercises with Little or No Equipment and Space帶氧運動練習 -不需要設備 /少量空間

Jumping Jacks (do during commercials) 開合跳 (在電視廣告時間做運動)

Jump Rope 跳繩

Mountain Climbers 原地爬山

Cardio Exercises with Little or No Equipment and Space帶氧運動練習 -不需要設備 /少量空間

Animal Movements: Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Chicken, Inchworm, 3-Legged Dog 動物運動:熊爬行,蟹步行,雞,蟲,3腿狗

Jog (jog in place, walk, etc)

慢跑 (原地慢跑,步行…等等)

Paper Plate Ice Skating 紙盤滑冰


Skill Work 技能練習

Hand Dribbling- bounce a ball with one hand at a time. Push with the finger pads. 籃球控球 - 每次用一隻手控球 , 用手指墊推控球。

Foot Dribbling- control a ball using the feet with little taps 足球運球 - 用腳輕輕拍打控制球

Kicking- step with the opposite foot to make a “10” 用腳踢-用相反的腳,踢成“10”

Passing - push out from the chest and step toward the target 傳球- 把球從胸部向外推,然後向目標邁進

Throwing- “make a muscle” and step with the opposite foot 投擲 - “製造一塊肌肉” ,並另一隻腳向前踏步

Catching- both hands up. Use soft objects 接住-雙手舉起,使用


Shooting - have the elbow under the ball and push up, not out 射球-將手肘放在球下並向上推,而不是向外推

Bump Volleying - arms straight with elbows locked 打排球-手臂伸直,肘部鎖定

Skill Work 技能練習

Different Ideas 不同的活動

Spell out words by jumping onto spread out letters on the floor. The foam letter carpets are great for this. 通過跳到地板上展開的字母拼出單

詞; 發泡膠字母地毯,非常適用這種情況。

Work on math facts- skip count with jump or skips; jump number of times for a simple answer 基礎數學學習-跳過數數(用跳過或跳的動作) ;


Set up various stations for exercises with papers taped to the wall 運動紙貼在牆上, 進行各種練習

YouTube - type in “kids exercises” YouTube網站 - 輸入kids exercises搜尋不同的活動

Materials 用具 / 設備

You don’t have to have the most expensive equipment! 您不必擁有最昂貴的設備!

Any ball can be used for skill practice. 任何球都可以用於技能練習。

Use beach balls, balloons, and other soft balls for inside use. 在室內使用沙灘球,氣球和其他軟球

Create obstacle courses with objects to climb under, over, or to go through and around. 建障礙賽,您可以在物體下方,上方或周圍攀爬。

Just Have Fun!!

Just Have Fun!!


Yoga Benefit for P.A.C家長會主題 -瑜伽運動的好處

Presented by Miss Jenny MaCertified Yoga Instructor

興氏二年級老師 -註冊瑜伽教練February 8th, 2019

Benefits of Yoga Activity 瑜伽活動的好處

- Reduces Stress 減輕壓力- Relieves Anxiety 減輕焦慮- May Reduce Inflammation 有助減少炎症- Could Improve Heart Health可以改善心臟健康- Improves Quality of Life, as well as

mood and fatigue 改善生活質量,以及情緒控制和疲勞管理

Benefits of Physical Activity 瑜伽活動的好處

- May Fight Depression 有助與抑鬱症對抗- Could Reduce Chronic Pain 可以減少慢性疼痛- Could Promote Sleep Quality 可以提高睡眠質量- Improves Flexibility and Balance提高身體靈活性和平衡性

- Could Help Improve Breathing 可以幫助改善呼吸

Let’s Practice!!讓我們練習吧 !!