Linda Lika

P5 and p6

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Page 1: P5 and p6

Linda Lika

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Linda Lika

Page 3: P5 and p6

Linda Lika

Policy Act 1974

The Chanel companies worldwide recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of all

consumers who visit the Chanel hosted or sponsored websites. They believe it is important to

inform you about how we will use your personal information, and give you choices about how

this data will be used. For these reasons they encourage you to read their privacy policy

carefully. This privacy policy is directed and applicable to individuals who visit those portions

of the Chanel website accessible at www.chanel.com, as well as including any other Chanel

websites or web pages accessible through the Chanel website or other promotional websites

that Chanel hosts or sponsors. This privacy policy applies only to information collected by us

via the sites and does not extend to any other websites, including other Chanel country-

specific pages intended for non UK users.

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Linda Lika

Freedom of information Act 2000

The freedom of information act 2000, is an act of parliament of the United Kingdom that

creates a public “right of access” to information held by public authorities. It is the

implementation of freedom of information legislation in the United Kingdom on a national

level. The Act implements a manifesto commitment of the labour party in the 1997 general


This act will provide the individuals and Chanel with the right to request information held by

a public authority, it tells the applicant whether they hold the information. Even though users

can view Chanel’s website by browsing however it is done anonymously however Chanel does

give the people an opportunity to register and receive newsletters, they also give a link below

their website that allows people to access their social network, Facebook, twitter, YouTube,

Instagram etc...

Right of access to information held by public authorities, this is when a person requests

information to public authority which they would be informed in writing where they will hold

information of the description which is specified in the request. Therefore as there is a lot of

pictures posted and tweeted and any other form of social media there is always information

getting out to the people which means that Chanel is giving the people the ‘freedom of

information’ as they are not being deprived from the information.

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Linda Lika

Computer Misuse Act 1990

The computer Misuse Act 1990 is an Act of the parliament of the United Kingdom, introduced

partly in response, an act to make provision for securing the computer material against

unauthorised access or modification and for connected purposes.

Chanel companies worldwide own all right, title and interest in and to the sites and own the

content and applications on the sites. They own all copyrights for all their material on the sites

or has a valid right from a third party to use the material on the sites. Chanel also owns all

their trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and domain names used on or in

connection to their sites or has valid rights from a third party to use any such materials.

No part of their sites can be copied, reproduced or republished of any other distribution

whatsoever, except for viewing purposes Chanel needs this computer misuse act as they can

be vulnerable to attacks on their computer system from different viruses, hackers, copyright

and this act was invented to prevent all those from happening. This law does not allow certain

activities when using computers which includes hacking etc.as mentioned above.

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Linda Lika

Data protection Act 1998

The data protection Act 1998 is an act of parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Northern Ireland which defines UK law on the processing of data on identifiable living

people. It is the main piece of legislations that governs the protection of personal data.

While users can view Chanel’s website by browsing anonymously, they collect identifiable

information about sites users when they voluntarily register or otherwise sign up with the

sites, contact by the sites or voluntarily provide it to make purchases from the sites, as

applicable. Sites users may provide information for various reasons, including but not limited

to, for the purposes of obtaining newsletters, product information for various reasons,

including but not limited to, for the purposes of obtaining newsletters, product information,

event information, and services, to answer surveys, enter contests and receive notice of the

other promotional opportunities, and to make purchases, as applicable. That kind of personal

information that we may collect may include, names, address, phone numbers, email address

and bank information such as credit or debit card information used to facilitate the sale of

Chanel products.


Many businesses store and use information about people, the data protection act protects

information held from people from being misused, and the data must be:

Obtained fairly and lawfully

The information should be accurate and up to date

It should not be kept for longer than necessary

Used for necessary purposes

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Human right Act 1998

Human right act is an act to give further effect to right and freedoms guaranteed under the

European convention on human rights, to make provision with respect to holders of certain

judicial offices who become judges of the European court of human rights. The human right

Act 1998 came into force in the United Kingdom in October 2000. It is composed of a series of

sections that have an effect of codifying the protection in the European convention on Human

rights into UK law. This helps Chanel protect and affirm that every individual dignity is

important, which means no matter where they come from, what age or culture, religion or

income they may have they will be treated fairly and respectfully from Chanel and even within

the workers. Human rights could also be responsibility and duties to other people and the

community, it’s important for everyone to know human rights and protect them to reduce

cruelty, if people understand it, the situation would be easier for them to promote justice and

wellbeing of the people.

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Linda Lika

Ethical Issues

There are also ethical issues that are dealt with using organisational policies and codes of

practise such as: use of email, internet and whistle blowing. Which are ethical issues which

are acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in a business.

Many businesses including Chanel have a code of practice on the correct use of their emails.

Many companies have a code of practice on the use of the internet and what their

employees can and cannot do in regards with the internet. Chanel using social media such as

Facebook which has code of practise when people use their website or internet relating to

them and what the users can and cannot use Facebook for. For example users are not

allowed to post anything that may be offensive that can hurt or effect another user, no

matter what social media, if they would post an image of a user, the user is able to report it

off which then Facebook will take it off, there are also codes of practise which govern selling

on the internet which many business or sites.

Whistle blowing is someone who exposes misconduct, alleged dishonest or illegal activity

occurring in an organisation, is also one of the ethical issues which users can relate to, this is

when an employee which they can use and relate to. This is when an employee raises a

concern about a business practise either to management within the company or to an

outside organisation such as the press. In this case Facebook users will be reporting or

whistle blowing to the owners of Facebook if any danger would happen like a crime, cyber

bullying, fraud or posting posts that offend other users. Facebook users usually have trouble

trying to take down either a false post. Usually under an image on Facebook it gives the user

a chance to decide what they want to do with the picture. Such as removing a tag, spam, or

reporting the image so that those people will receive a message from Facebook notifying

them to remove a post or image. Such reports and spams and other can be prevented from

the users from different social media too.

Organisational policies may have many policies to ensure that their businesses practices with

regard to information can be done more ethically, which could be anything from how they

manage information to ensuring marketing and other business practises are fair.

Information ownership in your day to day work, then you should be responsible such as

annual report, if you create it you are the information owner. If you own information, you

have to protect the information’s confidentiality and act with integrity when anything has to

be different with respect to the information.

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Linda Lika

Organisational Issues

Businesses including Chanel have to store and manage their business and a lot of their

information, all their information have fundamental issues that they will insure that their

organisation receives the information required also knowing which staff receive those

particular information. However a number of policies and procedures have to be in place

concerning particular security of the information’s, their back up in case of lost information,

health and safety and different organisational policies, this is to make sure that the

information are managed properly which is why these policies are needed for Chanel.

For security of information it is important that Chanel management of who can view and

update information which can be a variety of things; everyone in the organisation, an

authorised list, more controlled people following different rules. The right information

available whenever they may need it, in order to make the best decisions they can possibly

make, so information security is needed to deal with maintaining honesty and availability of

Chanel’s information and knowledge of the organisation. For example Chanel has a rule for

their Facebook security, how it is illegal to use someone’s personal information and use it to

make another account so it is useful for Chanel to protect their information. Security

information should be used in their many social media as there can be problems occurring,

such as hackers which may hack into their systems. Although Chanel’s Facebook and other

social media and currently open to people they have people which make sure that there is no

information that is not needed to the audience, unlike other Facebooks which you can have

other personal information. Chanel has policies which relate to the use of their information

to make sure that different decisions don’t affect staff, they need to first see if is

understandable, also if the policies meet the legal requirements and also take account of

other impacts. These policies make sure that the staff have leadership to help obey the

legislations, and also Chanel needs to make sure that constant decisions are made because it

is especially important for internal communication because they handle customers. However

for all these policies Chanel needs to think about cost, as it’s always involved, for example

deciding what policies to take and different measurements they need to see what benefits

their company. However they need to consider a few things such as, cost of development, for

example is their answer available or will they have to spend time developing it themselves.

Another thing is additional resources, this is for if Chanel wants to purchase new equipment

for their company or employ new staff. Most businesses including Chanel will have backups

which are very important this is to back up their system, for example internal data and also

customer data, which can be due to health and safety. For backups organisations need to

defend their data loss or any processing problems, this information would have to be backed

up regularly, this can depend on the company whether they do a full back up or only

particular aspect of the company. There are also a few health and safety regulations for

example for using screens and monitors, computers and desks etc… should be positioned

appropriately, so this may be necessary for those working in an office of Chanel, also a

health and safety may be that they have regular eye checks if using computers every day,

also having daily breaks away from the computer.

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Linda Lika







Using these reliable sources I have completed this assignment also using parts of

information from the Btec Book.