Emily Short WRD110-029 7 December 2012 The Truth Behind Naticakes People pass through multiple places each day. All of these places have meanings that are obvious, and there are also meanings that are somewhat hidden or underlying what instantly meets the eye. Each store, shop, restaurant, classroom, or any place is set up according to what will look good to those who enter, and what will be suggestive toward buying or using their products or services. The idea of portraying a hidden message through the physical image of the place allows the place to mean more than just somewhere to go to get something done. One perfect example of this concept is the sweet shop, Naticakes. A woman from Lexington, Kentucky, Nicole Sloane, purchased the Cupcake Café of Steve and Debbie Griffin and formed her "brainchild" called Naticakes (Tate). "People ask, 'what is a Naticake?' but it is really 'who is Naticake?'" (Sloane). The way this name was generated was not like any average place, there is a true sentimental meaning behind it. Sloane's niece, Natalie,

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Emily Short


7 December 2012

The Truth Behind Naticakes

People pass through multiple places each day. All of these places have meanings that are

obvious, and there are also meanings that are somewhat hidden or underlying what instantly

meets the eye. Each store, shop, restaurant, classroom, or any place is set up according to what

will look good to those who enter, and what will be suggestive toward buying or using their

products or services. The idea of portraying a hidden message through the physical image of the

place allows the place to mean more than just somewhere to go to get something done. One

perfect example of this concept is the sweet shop, Naticakes.

A woman from Lexington, Kentucky, Nicole Sloane, purchased the Cupcake Café of

Steve and Debbie Griffin and formed her "brainchild" called Naticakes (Tate). "People ask, 'what

is a Naticake?' but it is really 'who is Naticake?'" (Sloane). The way this name was generated was

not like any average place, there is a true sentimental meaning behind it. Sloane's niece, Natalie,

"passed away suddenly at the age of [two]" (Karvellas 108). She passed away "after sustaining a

blocked coronary" (Allouch). This horrible event in Sloane's life is what made her want to make

this business happen. It was not the baking or money that made the job look appealing, but the

fact that she was doing it for Naticake, which "was her nickname because she loved sweets"


Many donations of food and money were made to Sloane's sister, who was Natalie's

mother. This horrible event of Natalie's death and all of the donations coming in to the family

sparked a wonderful idea. This idea was called the Natalie Wynn Carter Foundation. This

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foundation "was created to house all of the donated funds, which go to various charities"

(Allouch). The idea of this foundation and its services is to make the lives of all children better in

any way possible. Not only did Natalie's passing provide for this one positive foundation, but

Naticakes was inspired by the positive outlook of having "a piece of [Sloane's] niece to live on

through Naticakes" (Karvellas 108).

Naticakes is a place with an extremely positive environment. Just by walking in the door

one's mood seems to brighten instantly. Not only does the looks of the shop make the consumer

more happy, but the idea of why it was created does too. Knowing about the family turning a

tragedy into something positive makes the experience at Naticakes an even better experience

than it already was. Everything that is purchased in Naticakes makes a contribution to the Natalie

Wynn Carter Foundation. "Ten percent of all proceeds go to the foundation" to be exact

(Karvellas 108). Purchasing a sweet, tasty treat for yourself or for another feels even better when

one knows that part of the money is going to something greater than the ingredients being


The Natalie Wynn Carter Foundation is not only beneficial in the United States, but it is

beneficial in another part of the world. It has reached all the way to China. The Natalie Wynn

Carter Foundation "partnered with Show Hope, a foundation started by Christian Musicial

Stephen Curtis Chapman and his wife" who encountered a similar tragedy with their young

daughter named Maria in 2008 (Clabes). The Chapman family provided funding for an

orphanage for special needs in China called Maria's Big House of Hope, then formed a

partnership with The Natalie Wynn Carter Foundation for this project. The Natalie Wynn Carter

Foundation provided funding for some of the playground equipment for the orphanage. Not only

does this foundation help in China, but it "anually donates Christmas gifts to [two hundred]

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Appalachian children" and helps with some projects at Children's Hospital in Lexington,

Kentucky (Clabes).

Naticakes has a specific, well known slogan, "Making life a little sweeter" which truly

portrays the meaning of the business to those who hear about it or visit. This slogan is able to be

seen in two different ways. One way is extremely literal. The contents in the frozen yogurt and

toppings are very sweet and tasty, and are a wonderful dessert. The second way is more

meaningful and relatable to the reasons behind why Naticakes was created. This business is a

way for the family of Natalie to not only make their own lives a little sweeter by making a

negative situation positive, but to make the lives of others sweeter. Naticakes allows Natalie to

live on through their shops, but also the proceeds going to the Natalie Wynn Carter Foundation

helps make the lives of others much sweeter. This slogan shows the true colors of the business

and those who are supporting it.

The physical appearance of Naticakes has a certain vibe to it. The whole building is a

light blue which attracts the eye to something that seems innocent and calm. The sign is also

light blue with white writing making the place look as if it is cool and calm and a place to relax

while enjoying something sweet. The entire idea of the shop is to join together to relax and

connect, and the outside along with the inside portrays this idea.

The inside of Naticakes has a specific look to it. The colors are white and light blue, the

seating forms a place where large group conversations can take place, and the frozen yogurt is

completely self-serve. The environment makes the customer feel young and innocent when

sitting in the frozen yogurt shop. Sitting on the white chairs creates a sense of purity, calm, and

coolness. The light blue mixed in with the white creates a "theme of nostalgia," youth, and icy

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goodness (Sloane). The whole shop in itself makes one feel as if they are relaxing in a place

where they can let loose and feel young and happy by just sitting and enjoying a nice treat.

The seating inside Naticakes is very purposeful. There is one large booth on the back left

of the shop that lines the wall. There are two tables in front of this booth, and some chairs around

the two tables. This allows for one large group to come in and have one conversation, or two

separate groups to come in and speak to one another. There are also some tall tables with chairs

around then right inside of the shop. No matter how large or small the party is that is coming in,

there is a place to sit and for a conversation to be had. One of the main points of Naticakes is for

people to come together in "a hopeful environment where people connect on issues deeper than

desserts" (Karvellas 108). The way it is set up makes this vision possible.

Naticakes is also very clean. This may not seem as if it is an extremely important aspect

of a good shop, but it effects the way the shop is seen. The cleanliness allows the aspect of purity

shine through. The white and light blue colors galore around the shop and the cleanness allows

the colors to pop and stand out to the customers. The chairs are all perfectly painted white and

spotless, along with the tiles on the wall. All of the signs of flavors are clean, and even the wall

where the frozen yogurt is seems to be perfectly clean. The way this shop is kept in wonderful

shape makes the customers feel as if this truly is a shop where positive vibes come from and

where deep conversations can be had.

The lighting contributes to the atmosphere of the yogurt shop. Naticakes has generous

lighting which truly brings out the colors of white and light blue. The whole shop is full of light,

and gives off the vibe of a bright and happy environment. By having a shop with bright lights

allows the customer to get the yogurt they want, get the toppings, pay for it, and get to the

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conversation. With the good lighting the customer is able to see everyone clearly and look others

in the eye while they are in conversation.

I have had a personal experience with how wonderful Naticakes is set up. My sorority,

Alpha Phi, was given four dollars of free Naticakes for winning a contest. I went to Naticakes

expecting to go in, get some frozen yogurt, eat it, and leave. That is what normally happens when

going to get a dessert with someone, we just eat it and go. When I went in to Naticakes the

women at the register were exceptionally kind. I was given small cups to sample as many flavors

as I would like, as many times as I would like. I felt incredible positive energy in Naticakes the

whole time I was there. Not only was the service good, but the conversations I had were

wonderful. We sat in the booth where many people are able to sit together and talk. I was able to

speak to many of my sorority sisters and get to know them a lot better than I did already. The

way the shop was set up allowed me to speak to multiple different girls in a group setting which

was beneficial for us all and helped many more relationships bloom.

There are a few different kinds of customers that go into Naticakes. The shop in

Lexington, Kentucky is located near a college campus so mainly there are college students

coming in for a nice sweet treat. Families also come in to take their children for a nice afternoon

or evening out with their kids. The environment of Naticakes is inviting to all different kinds of

people no matter who they are with. The idea of having a nice conversation over some dessert is

attractive and appealing to all different kinds of people.

After grabbing the big bowl along the wall, picking the flavor of choice, and filling up the

bowl, it is time for toppings. The customer is able to choose what flavor of frozen yogurt, how

much of it they want in the bowl, and then move on to the topics. All of the toppings are self-

serve just like the yogurt. There is oatmeal, granola, fruit, candy, fudge, cherries, and pretty

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much everything else along those lines. All of these things are tempting by themselves, and even

more tempting on top of some frozen yogurt. Since the toppings are self-serve the amount and

choice of toppings is up to the customer. This allows the customer a sense of entitlement to

whatever kind of dessert they want. Also, "there is a little bit of an entertainment factor of the

self-serve" (Sloane). Self-serve allows the guests to get involved and participate instead of

simply ordering something and waiting for it to be ready. The feeling of making a bowl of tasty

dessert to eat while having a conversation with someone important is one of the best feelings one

can have.

The way the register is set up is different than most other shops. There is a scale on the

counter and when the yogurt bowl is complete the person is to set the bowl on the scale for it to

be weighed. When the weight comes up on the screen, the weight will be converted into a price.

This is how much the customer has to pay. This method of price and payment allows the

customer to be in control. If one wants a small bowl for an extremely cheap price, he/she is able

to make that happen. Also, if one wants an extremely full bowl of yogurt and toppings and is

willing to pay for it, then that is also possible. This allows the customer to create what they want

and enjoy it how they want.

This method that Naticakes uses for creating portions and prices is beneficial for all kinds

of people. Some people want to be able to go have dinner and go out to get dessert after but are

not in the financial standings to treat themselves very often. This allows those people to choose

how much they pay for their dessert. Another way this is beneficial is for children. If parents

decide to take their children out for dessert they are able to control how much sugar they get so

they are able to sleep that night. Also, they are able to tell the kids to get as much as they want

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and make them extremely happy. The idea of self-serve frozen yogurt and toppings is a way to

allow everyone to afford some and to make other people happy.

There is one minor issue about the shop, parking. The parking in Lexington, Kentucky

seems to be slim anyway, but the parking by Naticakes is not convenient. There are a few spots

right by the shop, but if they are filled up the customer will have to find another place to park.

This may not seem like a large issue to some customers, but to others it may seem as if this

makes it difficult to get to Naticakes. By thinking this, it seems more difficult to get there and be

able to sit in a relaxing environment and have those deep and meaningful conversations.

Naticakes is a truly fascinating frozen yogurt shop. When one first goes in to the shop

there is a positive vibe and it makes the experience wonderful. After learning about the actual

facts behind the creation of Naticakes and the Natalie Wynn Carter Foundation it makes the

experience so much better. The frozen yogurt tastes sweeter, the toppings seem to pile on easier,

and the scale seems to weigh the yogurt a little lighter. Not only do the customers feel good

about purchasing the frozen yogurt they will eat, but they feel good about sending ten percent of

their purchase to the Natalie Wynn Carter Foundation. This amazing shop was created for an

amazing cause by amazing people. The idea of creating a frozen yogurt shop so the memory of a

loved one lives on forever is touching for the family of the loved one, and for those who go to

Naticakes. The idea of positively remembering someone who is held near and dear to one's heart

brings customers in feeling blessed to have what they have, and blessed to be taking part in such

an amazing organization.

Naticakes is a place to gather together and appreciate what one has in life. It is a place to

meet and remember those who have passed and will forever remain in precious memory. It is a

place to meet someone new and start a conversation. It is a place to perform one's random act of

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kindness. Naticakes is a shop that demonstrates the powerful strength of love, family,

remembrance, and conversation.

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Works Cited

Allouch, Najah. "Bittersweet Success." Kentucky Kernel. N.p., 9 2010. Web. 17 Nov 2012.

Clabes, Jacob. "Naticakes: A yogurt and sweets shop with a sweeter purpose, topped with love."

Ky Forward. Ky Forward, 5 2011. Web. 17 Nov 2012.

Karvellas, Lisa. "Cupcakes for a Cause." Nashville Lifestyles.


Sloane, Nicole. Phone interview. 6 December 2012.

Tate, Mindy. "Franklin’s Main Street sees string of new businesses, others looking for space."

Williamson Herald: The Voice of America's Greatest County.

WILLIAMSONHERALD.com, 13 2009. Web. 17 Nov 2012.