An Associated 'T'TTTT nrxirTivr TT A 1 I Q TOD A Y; Press New$pap^ J. Xl Fi i W 1-.M -Jr iM V j W o Fair \pl 2.7, No. 12. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO, WEDNESDAY MORNLN'G, MAY 8, IflHt . Pricc Five Cents I Kazis M oWTo^ German Columns Advance On Leeuwarden, Arnhem Galifornia Gives j Roosevelt Wide Margin at Polls Garner Forces Quickly Concede Victory to Tliird Term Advocates; Indi- ana Incumbents Lead Onrtiff and two olJicr, ilalfi. “ <ny TTie As-'-oclftU^d PrcrKi) y I froni jTMlrrJa)’’* primary rlrrlln ai <lionfd: .............................t far ahraU of Vlch Prr.lilfnl I«ad» Includlnr l!ia»c oppowd br Towmfnd nlil ace pension orcanliallnn. Florida:—Rrnalor Anilfeir* alirad In hU rontrst lor rrnomlnallnn: Frantl* P. \Vl\ll«h»lr Itidlns (at lUmocraUc pibernalorlat nomlniUaru OAHO SCHOOLBOY ODW SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (/P)— Roosevelt third lorm forccs wcro sweeping vlrliitiHy every county In Cnltfornln and sup- porters of Vice President John Nnnee G arner quickly coneedctV victory-to the presldent’8 backers as returns from -the presi - dential primary rolled In rapidly lonlght. • incomplete counts from 10,402 of the state’s 13,511 prc- nincU favored the Roosevelt "harmony” ticket with a com- m a n d i n g l e a d o f ■450.5B4 pared with 72,049 for the Gar- ner .slate. An unlnstructcd "hnm nntJ tKB-i" dclcKi'Hon licndril b>- WilUa Allen received 50,163 niid Um llbpml-lefl wins j!roui> licndcd by UeuWfia^t'Oovcmor EllU'Piil- tm o n . wl'O boiled tlic Roojcvell ilnt« »nd formed a ticket of lils oOTi. EDI 30,0M. Rcpubllcniui nlM lurried out In .force dcipil« Che fact Uiat tliejr had 00 cholct of Uekeu. There v-m only an i^naLruet«d alalo on iheir bal- lot. 'ItJeir count In 7,831 prediicU WM 210.8M. The ,Roo5«elt Ucket, headed by . aovcmor Ciilbert L .. OL vjq, «1io hM b « n mentioned #j a poj.-ablo vice preildenUttl nominee, allowed oven,'t)e]mlnc slrenct^i In nearly all the mnjor countlcB. parUciilarl}- In deiLiet}' populated L03 An;clet. Qnroer forces did best In i . of tho r*u<7 coilntlM. nAmely Kem, Ban JiMQUln w>d Slirnits. but e\tn thnro- Rooaevelt ttrengtli «a« ovcrwhuililri, . ' , • velt-om u alat«. Zach lAHlnr Cobb, leadtr of Lho Oomer raorement In California. *ald: ' •‘We aw proud of every volo east for Mr. Ofiraer i x x w# wtwid our eongratulnUotui to the president and to the delegation elected In hts: DA EXEWIN E yom s J_L Fruit and Vegetable Indus • try Urges Federal Agency to Exclude Processing Plant Workers from Law (Dy Tlie Av.oclillcd Pir- Cort I t ErlclCMn. executive riiaiy of the DcmocnillB itnte . . eommlttce, lmmwlle,U\y called upon the Tarlou* DcjnocmUc fne- Uonii to *unlto for a irplendld victory In Novtmber." w lIo^ftltl'Tletcrj’ would iir snlnfd -anque»tlonably." Indiana Incuml>cnU I«id INDtANAPOLIS.3IaU_M>-Jn. complete relurm from todayn In- dlnnn primary Indicated defeat for effort* of the Townsend old tvK '- - pension orsanlzntlon to umtAl ConRreiumnn atnrlen A. llrvllnek i Oeorto W. Qlllle, boUj Repabllci The youtlxful HnUnck.-wlio, p Olllle, incurred tlje enmity of the I«nrJon plnnnem by voUrk aKalntl thrlr propcised legLilatlon. forsrd well ftljead of. hi* Tovmicnd-iup* port«! opponent. Prederlelc Landis, Jr., for tljo second dlitrlet nomln- aUon u returns vera tjibulaled to- night. (CoalinnnI m Tu* t. Colunn •) FLASHES of -LrFErS^'^- My Pal NE:\V YORK—MnrUn Duran prl.icd a prowler In a friend’s r . ... got chummy with him and Invited him out for a tlrlnk. While Uiey "tood a t llie bar, Buran’a friend came In and Jn an ■side -Nconvmntlon with Duran learned »1«vt was whaL He excawd himself, called tlie cops, and— The prowler ended up In the cUnk. bMked on a burslaty eliartre. after delecUvM found a qitonUty of (tolen property at his home. Early Start PALL lUVER, MoM.-Arthur C. OrontJuim. Jr.. who will be elglit months old come Saturday, e ' bill for a poll ttix for 1040—U. “ir they want rpoll tnx now. mother inquired, “do you think he wIU b« ellKlWe for an old asc pen- sion on his flnt birthday?” ' 'iTX Horry KANSAS C n Y - District Plre Chief Clwlea • Mulloy, W, , was dros-slnK on hla abiUon liMua bed. An alarm blared. He jumped Into his boots and dired toward the brass pole.' He mljsed and fell 15-feel, AI-. tendants a t a hoivplUl could dis- cover only a sHshtly sprained left anUe. so he reamed.to.duty. Pirst-AUempt". -WICHITA, Kaa.-Mrs. W-3L PaU. 16-Year-Old G rangevil Youth Found Guilty of M urder ORANGEVILLE. Idnho. May 7 (,!■) -C lifford-A lbert ZIpMt. 16-}-ear-oId lehoolboy, wa.i condemned to death tonight n dl-ilrlct court Jury which foimd him pUlty of first clfgree murder of his Miioolmnte, Wt-iley Curtis, 19. TliB'Verdlct. returned flt 8;50 pjn. .ifUT four liourji-amt4& mlnuics.ol deliberation, found ZIpie 'guilty-of murder In tha first deffreo and he shall suffer denth." In b aurprlae 'nlove th», ............ which 'Zipso' was cliarsed with the flnt degree aiurder of Wesley Cur- tis, 16-ycftr-old.nclioohaAtc. was sent to the Jury. wlUiout the calling of slnRlo wlincM for Uie defcnw. Attorney Bert Auner. appointed "by Judge Miles fi. Jolinfion to defend ■■iSlpic. contcHtccTHlmseif wiih a pTenT 10 Uio Jnrj- «n which he pointed that Uie-prlabnef wna a cJillil'Iri mentAllty. and (hough IS yean old, only In tlie elghUi grade. He a-sked for a Judgtnent on Ihnt IkuIs. . MIm Normn Unm..t<i iConlJnuxI on r»t> 2. 0>lnma GOEN-Oms COWBOYS,8 1 0 4 Clayton Lambert- Turns in ' Six-Hit PitchinB Job For Reds nm ecr Leafs* Standlngi > Tuesday’s Score* Pocnlcllo 16. Salt-Lake Clty '4. •Ogden 8, Twin Palis 4. Idaho Palls 0. Boise 2, Clayton Lambert gave up six hlt!5 In the first five In- nlngs but hold Twin Palls without a safe blnglo there- after to give the Ogden Reds an 8 to 4 Pioneer league base- ball victory lh:re lost night. Lambert struck out nine men and gave up only two walks. Tlte Cowboj's took a flrst-lnnlng lead. relln<iul.ihed It In the third, but stayed in the bnll game,until, the Reds cut Ioom with a threr-nin bunt in the alxth. Lambert'a su- perb mound work kept Uie Cow- boys subdued while Red batsmen were hopping on the porUIde, ehueklng of Reuben Sandsrom fpr: Jl hlts. one ef them a home run led the IlM atUck. each getting three for fotir. • Vemo- JKynoltts' double and ningle topped Cowboy batting pcrformnnces. Also In the (wo-bose group were Dob Stagg. A1 Uarchl and Sandstrom. With t*o out In the flrsf tnnliig, three singles in a row gave Ogden cne run before reUrtng w)icn Lsy- bourne stmck out. Likewise, two outji had been recorded In the lut half of the aamo frame wlien Ray. nolds singled «r>d scored on Stagfr - NeltheJ-'hsd sl>e erer used a hatchet. ■% HoWlng the iow\ the wwied iw dinner In her left hand site swung . the blads wlCh her right. -Mn. 'PatUaon'went to a hosplu) with a lacerated art^o'. Tlie chicken cscapcdi ■ on McConnetl'a error and ran home ;on Endres.1' single. patUnftlhe Cow- boys In front. W^'SintTGTON. May'"’r ^ Representatives of llir fnilt und vtgclabk Industry Mn Idaho urged tlie wage - fVJiir administration today to ex- clude proce.«ln|{ plant workers from the maximum hour.'; anti overtime pay provl.-ilons of the waRC-hour law. .Tlie reque.1t was pic.scnt^d .it s wnuc-hDur henrlni; by L, L Huf.i, Cnidwell. and P. L. Mnn^i-n, Idnlin FnlLs, who coniendrd that tlic fnilt and vfnelablc producrrs in tlu" Mute were not "Iti a poslUoii to us- Mime uny additional co(,tA'‘ reMil:- Ing from aaKc»-liniir Inw r^^;lllrlIl()n'. Tlielr tejtlmoiiy ftx well as Hint of otiicr jpokrsmen for the Indu.Miy wna aimed at the wacf-hour nci-iicy' hilo that a procr.v.lng plant In c.tpmpi from llip law If it ilrn'vr. Its produce witliln.n r.idhi.i of 10 mllp.-; and Is located In a niriil area or a town of Ic.m than 2.500 pojiula- Mo«l of Uie wltnt.\sc« have ^o^lKllt to have tJio llmitailons of mllcaKc and popalatlon broadened or re- moved entirely on the grountls Hie' definition upset* tompptltlve conill- tlotui on labor itt.bi befween exempt id non-cxemlil planu. Hnnsen and Hur-.l, in their Joint stntemenc, contended that Uie re- striction of tJie work week to <2 liotlra and Oie paymenj, of overtime for work done in excess of -42 hours would malerlfllly Increase" the coat of production boroe by producers. ■Thty argufd loar thnf'U io Inhor- • hlnuclf wotfld be deprived by this re.itrieted employment cf oamlng sufficient mone)' during the fall and I winter monlh.i to carry hlmr.elf am family through .the slnck employ- ment period. . Tlie Idahoans ilecliired Uiat the mOTl! Holland Koports Tidips in liloom NEW VOIIK. Mivy 7 (flV-Thi Neiherland-1 rtullo .Mntlon PCJ adopted the policy of sintloiis In lirillKerenl eoimlrlr\ tonlRllt omlttlni; It.i cii’.to’niary wrathn report from an KikU'H lannuafli broadcnM picked up by NDO n 8M.^ Pin. IKST), In .nlRnlng off, tlin aunouncei KAld that "due to condition wlilcli lire known lo you" h would noi.Klvr nny wtiulier re port and would >.iiy "only Unit tl H sprUiK 111 Holland, with thr tultp flelcl.s bloomlnc and making: a nio.%t spcctnctilor t.lKlit for lelc- vision." ^UGAME-l Committee- Approves Legis- lation to Extend Act for Additional Year •j.- in sorting, grading and packing tlio stat«'S"prodiret.vwcre- eiem pfni BgTlculfunil worken imilcr Ihi social nerurtty' law. "All costs, whether tiiey be fo picking, packing, grading, sorting Ijnrs'rsiaiK. and atnSbor'fftil.sT’the; added, "are cliarged. back .to thi producer and in no laitnnce cai pa.vied on to the con^ sumtr.::________________________ Senator Clirk <DI-lduhol, wliL presented Uic Idahb wltncsjei-at tlie hcttrlnK. r-Otfd the wage-hour auth- orities for "a fair and rea.'onable IntcnirciAtlon of Uie law- to give Uie farmers a chance to operate undei reasonabla conilltlon.'L'* Armed Motorist Robs Hilch-Hikers ALBUQUERQUE, N. M„ May 7 (,T) —A motorist robbed two hitch- hlken today. Mr. and -Mrt. Catl a . Woe of New Rochelle, N. Y., reported to Uio Mieriff't olfict a young man driving a car with an Ailr^na license plate drove up beside them on U. 8. CO. drew.a-guruMlleved- thcm:of-*50, and drove on. Walter Johusoii Wins Nomination aEIlMA^TOWH. Md.. May 7 «■) W alter Jolimon. baseboU's ImmortAl •'big train." today received wlUi habitual eoolne.w tlie news tim t he app.ireiitly hod clinched the Repub- lican nomination for congre.is from the sIxUi Msr>'Iand dtMHct. •'Qer, w hlf he said, "Ui« folks certainly liQve been nice about the whole ihlnf." Almost fomplete -ttturTM gave John.son 7,419 vote.< to fl.l73 for A. Qjarles Stewart, rVojlhurg mer- cliant. The famoiu pltclier, a one-Ume Idnho yo'jUi who hurled for the Washington NaUonali for-21 years.' llve.1 here on a farm. HU opponent will be Repre-ien- U tlre . William D. Byron of WIN llM sport, wlM won tha-DemoontUO' renomlnatlon without opposlUon. .’ASHINGTON. May 7. l-n-Up- holding the .ndmlnl.'.lratlon's views, the house aprleulture committee ap- proved loday IfKtsIatlon to extend Hie 1937 Migar act an additional year. At (he same time, the hou.se group reJiLsed, 13 to 10. to rrenact a pro- VI;,Ion. recently expired, to protect mainland refiners nKaliut competl- on from lm.ular.arcm. . Tlie bill (HR nGS4) to conUnue the rxlsUng fjuota law was approved wtthout a record vote, but Chairman Jones (D-Tex.) said the dectilon was •‘overwhelmlnR." ^ 1)1 men.iure uns offered by ctialrm an CummlnK.i <D-Co1o.) of the congrcr-slonnl Migar bloc after repented Ititlla alloniptA by rrpre- scntAtlves of Ilie various producing nreas lo agree on new sugar ItgL's- latlon. ' •llic 1937 Jaw. which embraces the holly contcMed niarkeUng quota sy.item, expires at the end of IMO. Tlie original pinn of the sugar bloc had been, to replace It with a mens- ™ giving Inct-eajed qtioia-i lo dom- .lUc areas. largely at the expctuf ef Cuba. Hits proposal drew opposUlon from President Roosevelt, who sug- gested iMtead that congrc.w extend the life of the existing law. Cummlnc-'! said he wns “feeling around n bit” before wklng' IrRl.s- Intlve.clenrnni-)- for hoii-'i- fnn«l(lrr- ^iDiitch (ait (iomininiicalioiis To Oiilsidc Woi ld, Ca!! Men lo .\fins .M;w YORK. M;iy ■ (,P) - Two ODrttuui column!', civc WJ- vaiirliii; lowjird llio Nt-llii'rlaiid.s Jroni Bri Jncj) .•'.ntJ Du.s.srJtlor/. n lilfjlil.v rellaljlc .soiirco .-aid here loiilitiu, tiddlni; Ihiit. they wiTf' Ih'.' cause of imnisc military prcijarallons and disruption ol thf- Invv cotinlry'.s Inicniallonal conuminlcatloii.s. Tlii.s source, kept inrormcd from Enrnpe despite rlpld rn- .strlciloii.'; aRnlnst ronuniinlcailon.s In the area involved, wa.% the naino which advl.seci tlii' .-l.i^ocialctl Prr.'js a .short Unte prcvloii.sty that The Nether- :llHlS I • in I n t.iki- c-i ■•lilnxi. \ had Murder Suspected —InSa-vjut^S-Dealli WESTFIE:lD. Mass.. May 7 o r,- Profevwr Lewis B. Alljm, 60, na- donally known resi'orch chi-mUl Chief Alli-n H. Smith said Indicated he had been murdered. Tlie profe.v.or's wife telephoned police shortly after 10;30 p, m. (EDT» and n.<ike<l for n ’doctor. Po- lice CnpUiln Oeorgo Hickson callrd Dr. Herbert R. .Coombs, wlio llvca 1 Uic s.ime street as AUyh. Dr. Coomb.-.' report, after he reached tlio Allpt home, sent Chief BmlUi .and several officers ha.<ten- Ing Uierc. but the clilcf refmed to commcnt bo'ond the terse sentence: “It looks like murder." SmlUi noUIlM District Atlomey TJioma.1 P. Moriarty and BWtc De- tective Lieutenant Rlcliand Colter. Boise Policemen To Ride Bicycles BOISE. May 7 W>— It’s blcyclM for Bol-se's policemen now. Chief Austin Utley obtained the city council's perml»lon to mount his "finest" on bicycles left tin’ claimed at the police sUkUon a year He say* hell use them In reil- dentlni dlstrlctA a t night, to dis- courage prowlers ^ Wage-Hour Law Court Test Set BOISE. May 7 </T)— The ca.'<e of he auMlilne Mining company igalnst United Slates Attorney John A. Can'er, In which Uie concern seeks an InlerpretAtlon of Uie ederal wage-hour law, will be heard Mfore Judge C. C. Cnvanah a t Coeur "Alene May 27. W. D. MeBeynolds. federal eourt Icrk.- set Uie-Coeur d ’Alene calendar today.- OS’ A SrOT . . . WlR'lon Churchill, named yenterrtay by Prime 'trr Chamberlain In br nritain'i war; ehlef. hears a World war hem Admiral of the Hect Sir Roger John, nmunlftw Kryev Mime the gov enimenl'i •'sliwking liieplllude" for admitted failure of the Norwrglai rrnture. Cliurrhlll Is'io reply today to llie coternmenlS eritlcs. Chamberlain Blamed For Norway Debacle ------------------ . J Naval Commander Leads Bitter A ttackin ___________________P r i c i g __________________________________ , . iDy 'Tlie A.v,oclatert Prc.is) LONDON. May 7— Opposition to the aiam berlaln cabinet uoited tonlBht behind the cliallenBing leadership ot a national naval^ hero wflo thc^Drlllsh conservative .citadel to Its lude” for the admitted "failure of Ihe Norwegian venture. Admiral of the fICet, Sir Roger'Johti. Brownlow Keyes, a Guerilla Bands Hold Moun' tain Pass Against. Nazi Advance BTOCKHOLliir May 7 l-Vr-Tlie main German land force, .•netting out n the arduous overland route Irom :enlRil Norway to the relief oi Nar- vik. wa.1 reported moving from Roros towards Storen tonight to Join ad- viince ' units" flghlinK‘".sinnlt "blit strongly-barricaded bands la the mount rital passes. . Plizes for Aiiiateur Photo . If you are a ilaglc Vjilley resident with a fialr for the photographic, you'll bo Interested In an -announcement to appear In tomorrow momlng’s-Twln Falls News. In conjunc - tion with photographic concerns of .Twin Falls, \he Newa 15 sponsoring an amateur photo contcst in ;t?hlch a total of nearly S50 In cash prizes and values will be offered. , Besides these awards, the contest will offer recognition lo'Trtnrters- by-publicatlon- of ‘ their ■pictures^'n- feature .................................................... - by eiib'iatlitir __________ . „ out those prints of which you art t5peclal\y proud; brui^ off your camera and go out .after that maaterplece; and then enter the contest about -which lull dctailff will be carried in tomorrow morning’s News. A yourfg Norwegian lieutenant who readied the Swedlilt border w-as quoted by the SlocUiolm'ncwspaper Aftonbladel as telllns how 100 Nor- weglaovled by a mutinous wrgeant, wBMlioldlng Qauldalen par.s ngaln-'t UiMN^rmans 30 miles north of The liTstennnt. who reachfd the border after a 8-day .ski trip, said Uie sergeant led a revolt when hU captain's defense plnns re.sulted In - defeat at Storen. The 100 rebels then barricaded Ihemselves In the narrow pn.'s, with headquarters and an nmmunlU train hidden In a railway tunnet About 300 other Norwegians elUier headed for the Swedish fronUcr or broke up Into small parties for fight- ing In the mountains. The capuin. exhausted by batUe and muUny. remMned in a mountain hur. Ihe lleufehant said. ' ~Ihe Street" was an ln.nl- -'tuuonr.'Va'dneed corpora-' Uon. W hat an}-ono did was everyone else'* buslne.ss. ■nitn n. girl from Nesv.York •arrived and things . begoa to.hum.-Bhe-became . the sweetheart, and' the 'scandal of *The Street" You’ll enjoy reading ' By Jeon Randall It atorte Friday . In The Newa cmment) member of parlla ment, led the n.ssault with the dcclariiUon.Uuit the admiralty buffed hLs plan to forcc Tnmdlielm fjord with sen power— nn ncUon which he said might have brought land and sea triumphs over Ocr many instead of defeat ant! wlUi drawaL His dcclikratlou tonight capped Uie first momentous and stormy day ■f a two-houso of commons debate n Uie Norwegian affair. Sir ^ e r . .his uniform gllitening wltli Uie medals he won In the World war, made Ills ntlack on Uie cabinet, and especially on first lord of Uie ndmlmltj'. Wlniton Churchill, only a few houra ftftqr Prime MlnUter Cliamberlaln hnd .announced liew powers for Churchill In an effort to tlVe'Ule'govemmciit. Only the stocky Churchill figure and Uin popular magic of the Churchill name remained between the.Chamberlain cabinet and dl.s- aster. Tlie first lord, on who;.e .shoulders U io prime mlnUter uneffulvocally lilaccd Uie burden of hencelortJi personally directing grand sirateg>' on land, sea and in the atr. Is lo reply tomorrow to Uie government erlilcs. He will need all his powers ot oratory; for when the house ro.-ie to- night after seven and one-half hours of fiery debate, Uie men who have ICo»Utiu«] 6a :. Colcmn <) mtrol of Hoi . hinil's liit>".rsi;. i)\it.'.|(!r niolhrr' , ............. Cn^-Pf n wllli CiTfiuii---- -\ .lort wii'. cniijiriiiiihlc in \Vj- liliK:ion within ii te-x mliiutf-.s. Olijprlhr^ S'aniPil Tlii-'Orrinan lrtv)i>5 «rri' ;e|)o;-lcd ailvjiiu-liiK rapldlv, and IliK .Miurte .itaK'cl flidv that they were linulliii; "fn;- I.«'i'tiu‘;ii<lcil iind Arnhem." 'Pils would ni'-iin that the actual German nljjpeiiur I. h believed known in Hol- laml. Sinn- U-.ruwarden l‘ In IVli-.s- land prnvlnc-r. not far from the nortlii'i»:l roast and Uie Frl.'|an Isliiiitl.’.'whlrli uonlil provide Jump- liis off pl^icr% for phine.s aitaekinK Knpland. Arnhem, on thr other hand. Is ln» ^l<lft. r.ouUii-rn ilotliuicl, about lo miles nouh of il»' Hc|j;lan border, and Is connected wUh fierrnaiiy by rail. It till;, advlfp were cnrrcct, Qcr- mniiy w-nultl be prejiarlm: aiioUier ■'sclKor^" niwjmeet'mcli is It-yJPd so effectively'l'n Poland- slinrj’. In- ward Uirusli tow ard urateglc jwlnts. Uie hivadlng forces lo spread out sldew-hs lo occupy inter;enlng tcrrl- tor.v after reaching their /Itiil objec- tive*. .................................... !• (Wedi fliyl rT*-— hJ^H>rrl-«T'fl- m r nff all out«olnK telephone calls to nh. points nbrftid from. 10 p. m. last nlKht'untll a a. m. (5 a. m. EST) today. . It WHS olflcinlly explahied Uie telephone llne.^ w ere re.'crv-cd during tlio.se hours for the uie of Uie gov- ernment wjiich yestcrciay c.inceled all army, naiy. nlr force’and anti- NAZIS 810 FOR :y ROUTE Britisli Drive Reported to .' Line Up Balkan Defen- sive Alliance , BUUAPS^T. May « (Wcrtnesday) i.Ti—-me nfJlelal Hunnurinn news nRPuey puhll.'heil « rei>ort today Uiat Gcriiinny lias ar.kcd Itm Hiingnrian Rovenimcnt for the right to send troop.s UirouRh the country-.' 1HU report w-a.', circulated shortly after dlplomatj. In the nalknn* had reported n strong JlrilLsh drive to line up a Bidkan "df fcn.slve ixllionce" of Yugojlavia. Rumania,. Bulgarjii, Greece and.Tutkej- Ui ait stand to- gether Bgalnst any Aggression. At ihc-auneiltns Uie.Nijtl presj,chV3-- tJ* Uit-rj!(i _ i^t plahi‘\'.. throw, BouUioast Europe into war. . ’ ’Tlie Hungarian, news agency, In reperUng the German request, re- produced a dl3palcli which origin- ally was published in a Belgrade,' yugojlavln, newspaper. PollUka, which In turn had crcdiud It to lt« lion. . Telephone calk to Uie Nelhrrlands from abroad wt^e not affected. Telegmphlc /i.er^lce was only ..Dminnlly dlntiirlwd. Telephone calls tonight nho Will be stopped at the hours as'^st night, Jt waj nounccd. ' Troop*,an,Move HollaiJd’s trains were crowded with soldiers and sallors'retuming to Uiclr unit* after the high .com- mand. In a sweeping order, hnd cnncejed all army njul nn\y leaves. Leaves have been withdrawn pre.- .•lously. buf Ihb was Uie first time that virtually no exccpUons (ConlllBunI fin t. Columi. t Britisli Torpedo ~Swedisli Sr^iher STOCKHOLM. May B (Wednes- Iny) ('IV- ’Hie Swedish steamer Monnrk. 1.7BS tons, with a Ocrmnn irlze crew nbaird. was torpedoed Brill.'-h submarine yef.terday. Tlie Monnrk w-ns on Iti way from SUi\-nnger. Norway, to a Qerman larbor with a load of wood pulp, Five members of Uie prize crew rn> taken Bboard ihe snbmnrlne id two oUiers were' saved In life- iwnts wlUi Bwedl.>ih crewmen. The Monnrk w-as at Bergen, Nor- way. when Uiat port was suddenly rlred by Uie Germans at Uie start jf the Invasion. War News at a Glance IDy The Aasoclsted Pres.s) NEW YORK—Two .German e«l- mns moTliig toward Netherlands feom-Dremen-Bnd-nnssrldorf, hlgh- ly-rrlfible-Mtirefr-Klaiet.........AS1STEROA5I—NeUxetUnds euU ammanlcaUcm (« oatside world an- il B a. m. and plans um e proeed- re again lenlght. WASniNCTON- - NeUierUnds minister named paymaiter f.er his conttry'i offlcliQii abread In event bnnsUitd Invaded; LO.HDON-ChwnbtrUln. fnuiiar eonfeasing' fallorie of etntral Nor- wtflan odrtDtare but defending the effort, glrai CbtarehlU tighter held armed fetteau olllanee" In nalkans agslnsl Ger- many er lUly; YngMlavU M ini armed forces ie m.MO: other e Irles.qtileUy eatllnr-cp 'm m diers. nElU.m~BritUh . Frrneh scheme to strike In southeastern Eorepe hbr later ihan'May M' alle^ W Germany's eentroMed pm s; a!"' ■all It » lie and seme searees t as fooBdaUen for any Uler fixing ef gnUt . ROME—MnsMUnl nay clarity Italian peritlen when he reriewi Reme firrisen Thnrtday. STOCKnOLItl-UUle bonds oT NervegUns barrlesde paucis ta ef- fort te «tep Gem an drlye te north. THK UAOO^Atl-umy and v»«r whleh lalgbt have zaeoht NerwegUn; Tletory. BCDAPSST — OtRefa naoga^ d>a m aceney curltf qer> many has asked righiU*-MBd treope tbroagh.nmigaiy: Brittob ___ men harry i* »taUom.*yd* t« tnereaslng uneertolaUei e( ta- tenuttoBol tilaaUea.'’ .MOSCOW. — Ceronaalsi'. p«ly paper- eh»j»«i FtMw wteekrt In- dtttUUI. preperdes <a aicoi ceded la.SotiM.DalM^. __________ Several Umei In Uie past Inspired , the news agency, liuve tAkcrt* such roitndabout nieUiods to tell Hungar- ians whht is going on Inside their own counirj-. . * Slmultaneoujly, the newspaper. Otro, In Sofia, Bulgaria, which has been called the moulhplcce of Nazi Germany In Bulgaria, printed % (Conlli'u>4 an I'«ct i. Column ») FASCISTS JIBE - ATCIAIERLAIN Mussolini Expected to Indi- cate Italy’s Position in^W ar ed Ulclr o ............................... ... .. day beJilnd derlslre Uinista a t Prime Minuter CJinmberlaln's talck-to- • the-wnll defense of Ui» British re« tm ic from Diplomats.' however, anxiously- studied Uie pMxIblllty of the war back-firing Into the Balkans. Among Uiem was BriU.sh Ambnosodor Sir Percy Loralne. who returned from London vtsit and spent the day checking reports which accumulated In his absence. B. W, Playfair. BrlUsh economic expert, also returned from London to try lo find a way for remmpUon of Britlsh-IUllsn n«pUatlons, at stnndjUll for weelcs^ Some Indication of Italyls future po.slUon was awaited from U duco when he reviews.troopj of the Rome jtarrlson ot Uie eelebratlon of anny day Thursdaj-, Signs w-ere lscklng,. however, of ny imminent luilon raov-e. Fleet Continues . Ill Hawaii Area toff. ■. Dslts not normally boMd a t Pearl . Harbor wUI leave -to e w t y ' -...i out..further.. maneOTen--o«. the.:. * V., w How much longer, the fleet win remola la Htwtllan waters woi DOt.','. dUclOMd.-'' '• ........ . (British) a m 4i^lcih;traBt Dunauewe, ~ ------- in' Tim.. :weM.taJ«Ma

p l 2.7, I K azis M o W T o ^ DA German Columns Advancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF107/... · OAHO SCHOOLBOY ODW SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (/P)— Roosevelt

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Page 1: p l 2.7, I K azis M o W T o ^ DA German Columns Advancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF107/... · OAHO SCHOOLBOY ODW SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (/P)— Roosevelt

An Associated 'T'TTTT n r x i r T ivr TT A 1 I Q TOD A Y;Press New$pap^ J. X l Fi i W 1- .M -Jr iM V j W o Fair

\ p l 2.7, No. 12. TWIN FA LLS. IDAHO, WEDNESDAY MORNLN'G, MAY 8, IflHt . Pricc Five Cents

I K a z is M o W T o ^German Columns Advance

On Leeuwarden, ArnhemGalifornia Gives j Roosevelt Wide

Margin at PollsG arn e r Forces Quickly C oncede V ictory to

T liird Term A dvocates; In d i­ana Incum bents L e ad

O nrtiff and two olJicr, ilalfi.

“ <ny TTie As-'-oclftU d PrcrKi) y I froni jTMlrrJa)’’* prim ary r lr r lln a i <lionfd:

.............................t far ahraU of Vlch Prr.lilfnl

I«ad» Includlnr l!ia»c oppowd br Towmfnd nlil ace pension orcanliallnn.Florida:—Rrnalor Anilfeir* alirad In hU ro n tr s t lor rrnomlnallnn:

Frantl* P . \Vl\ll«h»lr Itidlns (at lUmocraUc p iberna lo rla t nomlniUaru


SAN FRA NC ISCO , May 7 (/P)— R o o se v e lt th i r d lo rm forccs w cro sw e e p in g vlrliitiHy every c o u n ty In C n l tfo rn ln a n d su p ­p o r te r s o f V ice P re s id e n t Jo h n N nnee G a r n e r q u ic k ly coneedctV v ic to ry - to th e p re s ld e n t’8 backers a s r e t u r n s f r o m - th e p resi­d e n t ia l p r im a ry ro lled In rapid ly lo n lg h t .

• in c o m p le te c o u n ts from 10,402 o f th e s t a t e ’s 13,511 p rc - n in c U fa v o re d th e Roosevelt " h a rm o n y ” t i c k e t w i th a com ­m a n d in g le a d of ■450.5B4 p a re d w ith 72,049 fo r th e G ar­n e r .s la te . An un ln stru c tcd"hnm nntJ tKB-i" dclcKi'Hon licndril b>- WilUa Allen received 50,163 niid Um llbpml-lefl wins j!roui> licndcd by UeuW fia^t'Oovcmor EllU'Piil- tm o n . wl'O boiled tlic Roojcvell ilnt« »nd formed a ticket of lils oOTi. EDI 30,0M.

Rcpubllcniui nlM lurried out In .force dcipil« Che fact Uiat tliejr had 00 cholct of Uekeu. There v-m only an i^naLruet«d alalo on iheir bal­lot. 'ItJeir count In 7,831 prediicUWM 210.8M.

The ,Roo5«elt Ucket, headed by . aovcm or Ciilbert L . . OLvjq, «1io

hM b « n mentioned #j a poj.-ablo vice preildenUttl nominee, allowed oven,'t)e]mlnc slrenct^i In nearly all the mnjor countlcB. parUciilarl}- In deiLiet}' populated L03 An;clet.

Q nroer forces did best In i . of tho r*u<7 coilntlM. nAmely Kem,

Ban JiMQUln w>d Slirnits. but e \tn thnro- Rooaevelt ttrengtli «a«

■ ovcrw huililri, . ' , •

■ v e lt-o m u alat«. Zach lAHlnr Cobb, leadtr of Lho Oomer raorement In California. *ald: '

•‘We aw proud of every volo east for Mr. Ofiraer i x x w# wtwid our eongratulnUotui to the president and to the delegation elected In hts:



E y o m sJ_LF r u i t a n d V e g e ta b le In d u s

• t r y U r g e s F e d e r a l A g e n c y to E x c lu d e P r o c e s s i n g P l a n t W o r k e r s f r o m L a w

(Dy Tlie Av.oclillcd Pir-

Cort I t ErlclCMn. executive r i ia iy of the DcmocnillB itnte . .

eommlttce, lmmwlle,U\y called upon the Tarlou* DcjnocmUc fne- Uonii to *unlto for a irplendld victory In Novtmber." w •

“ lIo^ftltl'T letcrj’ would i i r snlnfd -anque»tlonably."

Indiana Incuml>cnU I«id INDtANAPOLIS.3IaU_M >-Jn.

complete relu rm from todayn In- dlnnn primary Indicated defeat for effort* of the Townsend old tvK''-

- pension orsanlzntlon to umtAl ConRreiumnn a tnrlen A. llrvllnek i Oeorto W. Qlllle, boUj Repabllci

The youtlxful HnUnck.-wlio, p Olllle, incurred tlje enmity of the I«nrJon plnnnem by voUrk aKalntl th r lr propcised legLilatlon. forsrd well ftljead of. hi* Tovmicnd-iup* port«! opponent. Prederlelc Landis, Jr., for tljo second dlitrlet nomln- aUon u returns vera tjibulaled to­night.

(CoalinnnI m Tu* t. Colunn •) ■


My P al NE:\V YORK—MnrUn Duran

prl.icd a prowler In a friend’s r . ... got chummy with him and Invited him out for a tlrlnk.

While Uiey "tood a t llie bar, Buran’a friend came In and Jn an ■side -Nconvmntlon with Duran learned »1«vt was whaL He excawd himself, called tlie cops, and—

The prowler ended up In the cUnk. bMked on a burslaty eliartre. after delecUvM found a qitonUty of (tolen property a t his home.

E arly S ta r t PALL lUVER, MoM.-Arthur C.

OrontJuim. Jr.. who will be elglit months old come Saturday, e ' bill fo r a poll ttix for 1040—U.

“ir they want rp o ll tnx now. mother inquired, “do you think he wIU b« ellKlWe for an old asc pen­sion on his f ln t birthday?”

' 'i T X H o r r y■ KANSAS C n Y - District Plre

Chief C lw lea • Mulloy, W, , was dros-slnK on hla abiUon liMua bed. An alarm blared. He jumped Into his boots and dired toward the brass pole.'

He mljsed and fell 15-feel, AI-. tendants a t a hoivplUl could dis­cover only a sHshtly sprained left anUe. so he ream ed.to .duty .

P irs t-A U em p t" .-WICHITA, K aa.-M rs. W-3L PaU .

1 6 - Y e a r - O l d G r a n g e v i l Y o u t h F o u n d G u ilty

o f M u r d e rORANGEVILLE. Idnho. May 7 (,!■)

-C liffo rd -A lbert ZIpMt. 16-}-ear-oId lehoolboy, wa.i condemned to death tonight n dl-ilrlct court Jury which foimd him pU lty of first clfgree murder of h is Miioolmnte, Wt-iley Curtis, 19.

TliB'Verdlct. returned flt 8;50 pjn. .ifUT four liourji-am t4& mlnuics.ol deliberation, found ZIpie 'guilty-of murder In th a first deffreo and he shall suffer denth."

In b aurprlae 'nlove th » , ............which 'Zipso' was cliarsed with the f ln t degree a iu rd e r of Wesley Cur­tis, 16-ycftr-old.nclioohaAtc. was sent to the Jury. wlUiout th e calling of

slnRlo wlincM for Uie defcnw. Attorney B e r t Auner. appointed "by

Judge Miles fi. Jolinfion to defend ■■iSlpic. contcHtccTHlmseif wiih a pTenT10 Uio Jnrj- «n which h e pointed tha t U ie-prlabnef wna a cJillil'Iri mentAllty. and (hough IS yean old, only In tlie elghUi grade. He a-sked for a Judgtnent on Ihn t IkuIs.. MIm Normn Unm..t<i

iConlJnuxI on r»t> 2. 0>lnma

GOEN-Oms COWBOYS,8 1 0 4

C l a y to n L a m b e r t - T u r n s in ' S i x - H i t P i t c h i n B J o b

F o r R e d s

n m e c r L eafs* Standlngi >

• Tuesday’s Score*Pocnlcllo 16. Salt-L ake Clty '4.•Ogden 8, Tw in Palis 4.Idaho Palls 0. Boise 2,

C la y to n L a m b e r t gave up six hlt!5 In t h e f i r s t f ive In- n ln g s b u t h o ld T w in P a lls w ith o u t a s a f e b ln g lo th e re ­a f te r to g iv e t h e O g d e n R eds a n 8 to 4 P i o n e e r le a g u e b a se ­ba ll v ic to r y lh :r e l o s t n ig h t.

L a m b e r t s t r u c k o u t n in e m en a n d g a v e u p o n ly two w alks.

Tlte Cowboj's took a flrst-lnnlng lead. relln<iul.ihed I t In the third, but stayed in th e bnll gam e,until, the Reds c u t Ioom w ith a threr-nin bun t in the a lxth. Lambert'a su­perb mound w ork kep t Uie Cow- boys subdued w hile Red batsmen were hopping on the porUIde, ehueklng of R euben Sandsrom fpr: Jl hlts. one e f them a home run

led the I lM atU ck . each getting three fo r fotir. • Vemo- JKynoltts' double and ningle topped Cowboy batting pcrform nnces. Also In the (wo-bose group were Dob Stagg. A1 U archl and Sandstrom .

W ith t* o o u t In the f lr s f tnnliig, three singles in a row gave Ogden cne run before reUrtng w)icn Lsy- bourne s tm ck ou t. Likewise, two outji had been recorded In the l u t half of the aamo fram e wlien Ray. nolds singled «r>d scored on S tag fr

- NeltheJ-'hsd sl>e erer used a hatchet.■ % HoWlng th e iow\ th e wwied iw

dinner In her le ft hand site swung . the blads wlCh her right. -Mn. 'PatU aon'w ent to a hosplu) with a lacerated art^o '. Tlie chicken cscapcdi ■

on McConnetl'a e rror and ran home ;on Endres.1' single. pa tU nftlhe Cow­boys In front.

W^'S in tTGTON. May'" ’r ^ R ep resen ta tiv es of l l i r fn ilt u n d v tg c la b k In d u s try Mn Id a h o urged tlie w age - fVJiir a d m in is tra tio n to d a y to ex­c lu d e proce.«ln|{ p la n t w orkers f ro m th e m ax im um hour.'; anti ove rtim e pay provl.-ilons of th e w aR C -h o u r law.

.Tlie reque.1t was pic.scnt^d .it s wnuc-hDur henrlni; by L, L Huf.i, Cnidwell. and P. L. Mnn^i-n, Idnlin FnlLs, who coniendrd tha t tlic fnilt and vfnelablc producrrs in tlu" Mute were not "Iti a poslUoii to us- Mime uny additional co(,tA'‘ reMil:- Ing from aaKc»-liniir Inw r^^;lllrlIl()n'.

Tlielr tejtlmoiiy ftx well as Hint of otiicr jpokrsmen for the Indu.Miy wna aimed at the wacf-hour nci-iicy' hilo that a procr.v.lng plant In c.tpmpi from llip law If it ilrn'vr. Its produce witliln.n r.idhi.i of 10 mllp.-; and Is located In a niriil area or a town of Ic.m than 2.500 pojiula-

Mo«l of Uie wltnt.\sc« have ^o lKllt to have tJio llmitailons of mllcaKc and popalatlon broadened or re­moved entirely on the grountls Hie' definition upset* tompptltlve conill- tlotui on labor itt.bi befween exempt

id non-cxemlil planu.Hnnsen and Hur-.l, in their Joint

stntemenc, contended th a t Uie re­striction of tJie work week to <2 liotlra and Oie paymenj, of overtime for work done in excess of -42 hours would malerlfllly Increase" the coat of production boroe by producers.

■Thty argufd loar th n f 'U io Inhor- • hlnuclf wotfld be deprived by this

re.itrieted employment cf oamlng sufficient mone)' during the fall and I winter monlh.i to carry hlmr.elf am family through .the slnck employ­ment period. .

Tlie Idahoans ilecliired Uiat the mOTl!

H olland Koports T id ips in liloomNEW VOIIK. Mivy 7 (flV-Thi

Neiherland-1 rtullo .Mntlon PCJ adopted the policy of sintloiis In lirillKerenl eoimlrlr\ tonlRllt omlttlni; It.i cii’.to’niary wrathn report from an K ikU'H lannuafli broadcnM picked up by NDO n 8M. Pin. IKST),

In .nlRnlng off, tlin aunouncei KAld tha t "due to condition wlilcli lire known lo you" h would noi.Klvr nny wtiulier re port and would >.iiy "only Unit tl H sprUiK 111 Holland, with thr tultp flelcl.s bloomlnc and making: a nio.%t spcctnctilor t.lKlit for lelc- vision."


C o m m it te e - A p p r o v e s L e g is ­l a t i o n t o E x t e n d A c t f o r

A d d i t i o n a l Y e a r•j.-

in sorting, grading and packing tlio stat«'S"prodiret.vwcre- e ie m p fn i BgTlculfunil worken imilcr Ihi social nerurtty' law. ‘

"All costs, whether tiiey be fo picking, packing, grading, sorting

Ijnrs'rsiaiK. and atnSbor'fftil.sT’the; added, "are cliarged. back .to thi producer and in no laitnnce cai

pa.vied on to the consumtr.::________________________

Senator Clirk <DI-lduhol, wliL presented Uic Idahb w ltncsjei-at tlie hcttrlnK. r-Otfd the wage-hour auth­orities for "a fair and rea.'onable IntcnirciAtlon of Uie law- to give Uie farmers a chance to operate undei reasonabla conilltlon.'L'*

Armed M otorist Robs Hilch-HikersALBUQUERQUE, N. M„ May 7 (,T)

—A motorist robbed two hitch- hlken today.

Mr. and -Mrt. Catl a . Woe of New Rochelle, N. Y., reported to Uio Mieriff't olfict a young man driving a car with an Ailr^na license plate drove up beside them on U. 8. CO. drew.a-guruMlleved- thcm:of-*50, and drove on.

Walter Johusoii Wins Nomination

aEIlMA^TOWH. Md.. May 7 «■) W alter Jolimon. baseboU's ImmortAl •'big train." today received wlUi habitual eoolne.w tlie news tim t he app.ireiitly hod clinched the Repub­lican nomination for congre.is from the sIxUi Msr>'Iand dtMHct.

•'Qer, w h lf he said, "Ui« folks certainly liQve been nice about the whole ihlnf."

Almost fomplete -ttturTM gave John.son 7,419 vote.< to fl.l73 for A. Qjarles Stewart, rVojlhurg mer- cliant.■ The famoiu pltclier, a one-Ume Idnho yo'jUi who hurled for the Washington NaUonali for-21 years.' llve.1 here on a farm.

HU opponent will be Repre-ien- U tlre . William D. Byron of WIN llM sport, wlM won tha-DemoontUO' renomlnatlon without opposlUon.

.’ASHINGTON. May 7. l-n-Up- holding the .ndmlnl.'.lratlon's views, the house aprleulture committee ap­proved loday IfKtsIatlon to extend Hie 1937 Migar act an additional year.

At (he same time, the hou.se group reJiLsed, 13 to 10. to rrenact a pro- VI;,Ion. recently expired, to protect mainland refiners nKaliut competl-

on from lm.ular.arcm . .Tlie bill (HR nGS4) to conUnue the

rxlsUng fjuota law was approved wtthout a record vote, but Chairman Jones (D-Tex.) said the dectilon was •‘overwhelmlnR."^ 1)1 men.iure uns offered by ctialrman CummlnK.i <D-Co1o.) of the congrcr-slonnl Migar bloc after repented Ititlla alloniptA by rrpre- scntAtlves of Ilie various producing nreas lo agree on new sugar ItgL's- latlon. '

•llic 1937 Jaw. which embraces the holly contcMed niarkeUng quota sy.item, expires a t the end of IMO. Tlie original pinn of the sugar bloc had been, to replace I t with a mens-

™ giving Inct-eajed qtioia-i lo dom- .lUc areas. largely a t the expctuf ef Cuba.

H its proposal drew opposUlon from President Roosevelt, who sug­gested iMtead th a t congrc.w extend the life of the existing law.

Cummlnc-'! said he wns “feeling around n b it” before wklng' IrRl.s-Intlve.clenrnni-)- for hoii-'i- fnn«l(lrr-

^ iD iitc h (a it (iomininiicalioiis To Oiilsidc Woi ld, Ca!!

Men lo .\fins

.M ;w Y O R K . M;iy ■ (,P) - T w o ODrttuui colum n!', civc WJ- va iir liii ; low jird llio Nt-llii'r laiid.s Jron i Bri Jncj) .•'.ntJ D u.s.srJtlor/. n lilfjlil.v r e lla lj lc .soiirco .-aid h e re lo iilitiu , tidd ln i; Ih iit. th e y w iTf' Ih'.' c a u s e o f im n is c m il ita ry p rc ija ra llo n s a n d d is r u p tio n o l thf- Invv co tin lry '.s In ic n ia l lo n a l conum inlcatlo ii.s.

Tlii.s so u rce , k e p t in ro rm cd fro m E nrnpe d e sp ite r lp ld rn - .strlciloii.'; a R n ln s t ro n u n iin lc a ilo n .s In th e a re a in v o lv e d , wa.% th e naino w h ic h advl.seci tli i '.-l.i^ocialctl P rr .'js a .short Unte prcvloii.sty t h a t The N ether-:llHlS I • in I

n t.iki- c-i■•lilnxi. \ had

M urder Suspected —In S a -v ju t^ S -D e a lli

WESTFIE:lD. Mass.. May 7 o r ,- Profevwr Lewis B. Alljm, 60, na- donally known resi'orch chi-mUl

Chief Alli-n H. Sm ith said Indicated he had been murdered.

Tlie profe.v.or's wife telephoned police shortly a fte r 10;30 p, m. (EDT» and n.<ike<l for n ’doctor. Po­lice CnpUiln Oeorgo Hickson callrd Dr. Herbert R. .Coombs, wlio llvca

1 Uic s.ime street as AUyh.Dr. Coomb.-.' report, a fte r he

reached tlio Allpt home, sent Chief BmlUi .and several officers ha.<ten- Ing Uierc. bu t the clilcf refmed to commcnt bo'ond th e terse sentence:

“I t looks like murder."SmlUi noUIlM D istrict Atlomey

TJioma.1 P. Moriarty and BWtc De­tective Lieutenant Rlcliand Colter.

Boise Policem en To R ide Bicycles

BOISE. May 7 W>— It’s blcyclM for Bol-se's policemen now.

Chief Austin Utley obtained the city council's perml»lon to mount his "finest" on bicycles le ft tin’ claimed a t the police sUkUon a year

He say* he ll use them In reil- dentlni dlstrlctA a t night, to dis­courage prowlers ^

W age-Hour Law C ourt T est Set

BOISE. May 7 </T)— The ca.'<e of he auMlilne Mining company igalnst United Slates Attorney John A. Can'er, In which Uie concern seeks an InlerpretAtlon of Uie ederal wage-hour law, will be heard Mfore Judge C. C. Cnvanah a t Coeur "Alene May 27.

W. D. MeBeynolds. federal eourt Icrk.- set Uie-Coeur d ’Alene calendar


OS’ A SrO T . . . W lR'lon Churchill, named yenterrtay by Prime 'trr Chamberlain In br nritain'i war; ehlef. hears a World war hem Admiral of the H ect Sir Roger John, nmunlftw Kryev Mime the gov enimenl'i •'sliwking liieplllude" for admitted failure of the Norwrglai rrnture. Cliurrhlll Is'io reply today to llie coternmenlS eritlcs.

Chamberlain Blamed For Norway Debacle

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . JN aval Com m ander Leads B itte r A t ta c k in___________________P r i c i g __________________________________

, . iDy 'Tlie A.v,oclatert Prc.is)LONDON. M a y 7— O pposition to th e a i a m b e r la l n cab ine t

u o ite d to n lB h t b e h in d th e c liallenB ing le a d e rs h ip o t a n a tio n a l naval^ h e ro w flo th c^D rlllsh co n se rv a tiv e .c itad e l to Its

lu d e ” fo r th e a d m itte d "failure of Ihe N o rw eg ian v en tu re . A d m ira l o f th e fICet, S ir R o g e r 'Jo h ti. B row nlow K eyes, a

G u e r i l l a B a n d s H o ld M o u n ' t a i n P a s s A g a i n s t .

N a z i A d v a n c eBTOCKHOLliir May 7 l-Vr-Tlie

main German land force, .•netting out n the arduous overland route Irom :enlRil Norway to the relief oi Nar­vik. wa.1 reported moving from Roros towards Storen tonight to Join ad- viince ' u n its " flghlinK‘".sinnlt "blit strongly-barricaded bands la the mount rital passes.

. Plizes for Aiiiateur Photo. I f you a re a i l a g l c V jilley r e s id en t w ith a f i a l r f o r th e

photographic, you 'll bo In te re s ted In a n -a n n o u n c e m e n t to a p p e a r In tom orrow m o m ln g ’s-T w ln F a lls New s. I n c o n ju n c ­tio n with p h o to g rap h ic c o n ce rn s o f .T w in F a lls , \ h e New a 15 sponsoring an a m a te u r p h o to c o n tc s t in ;t?hlch a to ta l of n e ar ly S50 In cash p r iz e s a n d v a lu es w ill b e o ffe re d ., Besides th e se a w a rd s , th e c o n te s t w ill o f fe r re c o g n itio n

lo 'T rtnrte rs- by -p u b lic a tlo n - o f ‘ th e i r ■ p i c tu r e s ^ 'n - f e a tu r e .................................................... - •by eiib 'iat l i t i r__________ . „o u t those p r in ts o f w h ic h y o u a r t t5 p e c la l\y p r o u d ; b r u i^ o f f your cam e ra a n d g o out .a f te r t h a t m a a te rp le c e ; a n d th e n en ter th e c o n te s t a b o u t -w hich lu l l d c ta ilff w ill be c a rried in tom orrow m o rn in g ’s News.

A yourfg Norwegian lieutenant who readied the Swedlilt border w-as quoted by the SlocUiolm'ncwspaper Aftonbladel as telllns how 100 Nor- weglaovled by a mutinous wrgeant, wBMlioldlng Q auldalen par.s ngaln-'t UiMN^rmans 30 miles north of

The liTstennnt. who reachfd the border after a 8-day .ski trip, said Uie sergeant led a revolt when hU captain's defense plnns re.sulted In - defeat a t Storen.

The 100 rebels then barricaded Ihemselves In the narrow pn.'s, with headquarters and an nmmunlU train hidden In a railway tunnet

About 300 o the r Norwegians elUier headed for the Swedish fronUcr or broke up Into small parties for fight­ing In the mountains.

The c ap u in . exhausted by batUe and muUny. remMned in a mountain hur. Ihe lleufehant sa id. '

~ Ihe Street" was an ln.nl- - 'tu u o n r .'V a 'd n e e d corpora-'

Uon. W hat an}-ono did was everyone else'* buslne.ss. ■nitn n. girl from Nesv.York

•arrived and things .begoa to.hum.-Bhe-became

. the sweetheart, and' the 'scandal of *The Street"

You’ll en joy reading

' By Jeon Randall

I t a to r te F riday . In T he Newa

c m m e n t) m e m b e r o f p a rlla m e n t, le d t h e n .ssau lt w ith th e dcclariiUon.Uuit the admiralty buffed hLs plan to forcc Tnmdlielm fjord with sen power— nn ncUon which he said might have brought land and sea triumphs over Ocr many instead of defeat ant! wlUi drawaL

His dcclikratlou tonight capped Uie first momentous and stormy day ■f a two-houso of commons debate n Uie Norwegian affair.Sir ^ e r . .his uniform gllitening

wltli Uie medals he won In the World war, made Ills ntlack on Uie cabinet, and especially on first lord of Uie ndmlmltj'. W lniton Churchill, only a few houra ftftqr Prime MlnUter Cliamberlaln hnd .announced liew powers for Churchill In an effor t to tlVe'Ule'govemmciit.

Only the stocky Churchill figure and Uin popular magic of the Churchill name remained between the.Chamberlain cabinet and dl.s- aster.

Tlie first lord, on who;.e .shoulders Uio prime mlnUter uneffulvocally lilaccd Uie burden of hencelortJi personally directing grand sirateg>' on land, sea and in the atr. Is lo reply tomorrow to Uie government erlilcs.

He will need all his powers ot oratory; for when the house ro.-ie to­night after seven and one-half hours of fiery debate, Uie men who have

ICo»Utiu«] 6a :. Colcmn <)

mtrol of Hoi . hinil's liit>".rsi;. i)\it.'.|(!r niolhrr'

,............. Cn^-Pf n wllliCiTfiuii---- - \

.lort wii'. cniijiriiiiihlc in \Vj- liliK:ion within ii te-x mliiutf-.s.

Olijprlhr^ S'aniPilTlii-'Orrinan lrtv)i>5 «rri' ;e|)o;-lcd

ailvjiiu-liiK rapldlv, and IliK .Miurte .itaK'cl flidv th a t they were linulliii; "fn;- I.«'i'tiu‘;ii<lcil iind Arnhem." 'P ils would ni'-iin th a t the actual German nljjpeiiur I.h believed known in Hol- laml. Sinn- U-.ruwarden l‘ In IVli-.s- land prnvlnc-r. not far from the nortlii'i»:l roast and Uie Frl.'|an Isliiiitl.’.'w hlrli uonlil provide Jump- liis off pl icr% for phine.s aitaekinK Knpland.

Arnhem, on th r other hand. Is ln» l<lft. r.ouUii-rn ilotliuicl, about lo

miles nouh of il»' Hc|j;lan border, and Is connected wUh fierrnaiiy by rail.

It till;, advlfp were cnrrcct, Qcr- mniiy w-nultl be prejiarlm: aiioUier ■'sclKor^" n iw jm eet'm cli is It-yJPd so effectively'l'n P o lan d - slinrj’. In­ward Uirusli tow ard urateglc jwlnts. Uie hivadlng forces lo spread out sldew-hs lo occupy inter;enlng tcrrl- tor.v a fte r reaching their /Itiil objec­tive*.

.................................... !• (Wedifliyl rT*-— hJ^H>rrl-«T'fl- m r nffall out«olnK telephone calls to nh. points nbrftid from. 10 p. m. last nlK ht'untll a a. m. (5 a. m. EST) today. .

I t WHS olflcinlly explahied Uie telephone llne. w ere re.'crv-cd during tlio.se hours fo r the uie of Uie gov­ernm ent wjiich yestcrciay c.inceled all army, naiy. nlr force’and anti-


B r i t i s l i D r iv e R e p o r t e d to . ' L in e U p B a lk a n D e f e n ­

s iv e A l l ia n c e, BUUAPS^T. May « (Wcrtnesday) i.Ti—-me nfJlelal Hunnurinn news nRPuey puhll.'heil « rei>ort today Uiat Gcriiinny lias ar.kcd Itm Hiingnrian Rovenimcnt for the right to send troop.s UirouRh the country-.'

1HU report w-a.', circulated shortly after dlplomatj. In the nalknn* had reported n strong JlrilLsh drive to line up a Bidkan "df fcn.slve ixllionce" of Yugojlavia. R um ania,. Bulgarjii, Greece and.Tutkej- Ui ait stand to ­gether Bgalnst any Aggression. At ihc-auneiltns Uie.Nijtl p re s j ,c h V 3 -- tJ* U it- r j!( i _ i ^ t p lah i‘\ '. . throw, BouUioast Europe into war. . ’

’Tlie Hungarian, news agency, In reperUng the German request, re­produced a dl3palcli which origin­a lly was published in a B elgrade ,' yugojlavln, newspaper. PollUka, which In turn had crcdiud It to lt«

lion. .Telephone ca lk to Uie Nelhrrlands

from abroad wt^e not affected.Telegmphlc /i.er^lce was only

..Dminnlly dlntiirlwd. Telephone calls tonight nho Will be stopped a t the

■ hours a s '^ s t night, Jt waj nounccd.

' Troop*,an,Move HollaiJd’s trains were crowded

with soldiers and sallors'retum ing to Uiclr unit* after the high .com­mand. In a sweeping order, hnd cnncejed all army njul nn\y leaves.

Leaves have been withdrawn pre.- .•lously. b u f Ih b was Uie first time th a t virtually no exccpUons

(ConlllBunI fin t. Columi. t

B ritisli T orpedo ~Sw edisli S r^ ih e rSTOCKHOLM. May B (Wednes-

Iny) ('IV- ’Hie Swedish steamer Monnrk. 1.7BS tons, with a Ocrmnn irlze crew nbaird. was torpedoed

Brill.'-h submarine yef.terday.Tlie Monnrk w-ns on Iti way from

SUi\-nnger. Norway, to a Qerman larbor with a load of wood pulp,

Five members of Uie prize crew rn> taken Bboard ihe snbmnrlne id two oUiers were' saved In life-

iwnts wlUi Bwedl.>ih crewmen.The Monnrk w-as a t Bergen, Nor­

way. when Uiat port was suddenly rlred by Uie Germans a t Uie sta rt

jf the Invasion.

War News at a GlanceIDy The Aasoclsted Pres.s)

NEW YORK—Two .German e«l- mns moTliig toward Netherlands

feom-Dremen-Bnd-nnssrldorf, hlgh-ly-rrlfible-Mtirefr-Klaiet.........—

AS1STEROA5I—NeUxetUnds euU ammanlcaUcm (« oatside world an­il B a. m. and plans u m e proeed- re again lenlght.WASniNCTON- - NeUierUnds

minister named paymaiter f.er his conttry'i offlcliQii abread In event bnnsUitd Invaded;

LO.HDON-ChwnbtrUln. fnuiiar eonfeasing' fallorie of e tntral Nor- wtflan odrtDtare but defending the effort, g lrai CbtarehlU tighter held

armed f e t t e a u

olllanee" In nalkans agslnsl Ger­many e r lU ly; YngMlavU M in i armed forces ie m .M O : other e Irles.qtileUy e a tlln r-cp 'm m diers.

nE lU .m ~ B ritU h . Frrneh scheme to strike In southeastern Eorepe h b r la te r iha n 'M a y M ' a l l e ^ W G ermany's eentroMed p m s; a!"' ■all It » lie and seme searees t as fooBdaUen for any Uler fixing

ef gnUt. ROME—MnsMUnl n a y clarity

Ita lian peritlen when he reriewi Reme f ir r is e n Thnrtday.

STO CK nO LItl-UU le bonds oT N ervegU ns barrlesde paucis ta ef­fo rt te «tep G e m a n drlye te north.

THK U A O O ^ A tl-u m y and v » « r

whleh lalgbt have zaeoht NerwegUn; Tletory.

BCDAPSST — OtRefa n a o g a ^ d> am aceney curltf qer> many has asked righiU*-MBd treope tbroagh.nm igaiy: Brittob

___ m en harry i* »taUom.*yd*t« tnereaslng uneertolaUei e( ta- te nu ttoB ol tilaaUea.'’

.MOSCOW. — Ceronaalsi'. p « ly paper- eh»j»«i FtMw w teekrt In- dtttUUI. preperdes <a aicoi ceded la .S o tiM .D a lM ^ . __________

Several Umei In Uie past Inspired

, the news agency, liuve tAkcrt* such roitndabout nieUiods to tell H ungar­ians whht is going on Inside the ir own counirj-. . *

Slmultaneoujly, the newspaper. Otro, In Sofia, Bulgaria, which has been called the moulhplcce of Nazi Germany In Bulgaria, p rin ted %

(Conlli'u>4 an I'«ct i. Column »)


M u s s o l in i E x p e c t e d t o I n d i ­c a t e I t a ly ’s P o s i t i o n

i n ^ W a r ■

ed Ulclr o ............................... ... ..day beJilnd derlslre Uinista a t Prime M inuter CJinmberlaln's talck-to- • the-wnll defense of Ui» British re« tm ic from

Diplomats.' however, anxiously- studied Uie pMxIblllty of the war back-firing Into the Balkans. Among Uiem was BriU.sh Ambnosodor Sir Percy Loralne. who returned from

London vtsit and spent the day checking reports which accumulated In his absence.

B. W, Playfair. BrlUsh economic expert, also returned from London to try lo find a way for remmpUon of Britlsh-IUllsn n«pU atlons, a t

stnndjUll for weelcs^Some Indication of Italyls future

po.slUon was awaited from U duco when he reviews.troopj of th e Rome jtarrlson o t Uie eelebratlon of anny day Thursdaj-,

Signs w-ere lscklng,. however, of ny imminent lu ilo n raov-e. •

Fleet Continues . I l l H awaii A rea

toff. • ■ ■. •D slts not normally boMd a t Pearl .

Harbor wUI leave -to e w ty ' -...iou t..fu rther.. m aneO T en--o«. the .:.

* V.,w How much longer, the flee t win rem ola la H tw tllan waters w o i DOt.','. dUclOMd.-'' '•

........ .(British) a m 4i^lcih;traB t Dunauewe, ~ -------

in ' Tim..:weM.taJ«Ma

Page 2: p l 2.7, I K azis M o W T o ^ DA German Columns Advancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF107/... · OAHO SCHOOLBOY ODW SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (/P)— Roosevelt


PUL Artsmi on bn.ir. H r nrtviincrd on » «-llrt pllfh nnd croMpd UippUIff when Ku(ihc.i h ll ffnfelv- Two •InslM broiisht In one nior« ned.

HodKson clmitrrt for the circuit In thr fourth wlih one on.

Kfii Kervttng, the Cowboyn’ nrw oiitfltldfr. got on b*je th reusli an ORilcn ml'plny. /.m ine the f.cpijr

■ rimiblr.s by Mnrehliiolclv :|ld t

.......... Inllird In lllr flflh.hut In llie &l-\tli Hrxtcwii dtove In Duff, wbo :tnrtp<5 tb r proce«JmB» hy inklns a wnlk. H ueht* drew • free trip nnd » h li by McConnell proiliirrri the finivl runs of ihe snme.

Srcniul Rmiir of tlir nrrlm will be plnvfrt toiilKlit slivrllliK ivl 8 o'rlnck.




'I Mk-n of Drltl.vli. I ihiu nrea. which wn* qiioled

iccoriliiiR loffrtftln rej>orLa In 13>id- ijjMt the Gfrmnn* lind n.ikcti pnM- iKP IhroiiKh Hiiiiiinrj' for tlii'lr•roopi bill fur Ilir rrjrart

could not b( trrlllrd.

"In cutt tilt nlltrd irooj):; violu ny of the Bnlki.n ro^lntrle.^' fr irrs. ihe-Tc:eh ttill ^cIld iiii ii

iloi) fnlird U '» llli npproprl-

. ^ s a s i s 5 r «BACLF BLAMED

O N G H A IE R L A INb r ifn lc -M .n ib r i» i

!^liooI linilii tiu Ciiruicy, Dob llainplc •om. omcers, nml the (I ihe lr fttinual :,«imin« 1 nBtutorUim ycnt^rd* I rr wliool. Swlmmlii

ilcl Dick, Ilnirp Suii j Donna Spfnrer ;.5 01ft Smllli, ol Until I, Jo lm nw i 0/ Hi\f


IP n irn l Rock Point bchool, tor the Mute there had

bppji 111 (ecllnE b it' bey.'; Hint Zlpse u -u "aullen, moody »iiij B h--ln»- Itveriige glU'I r n r '

.\(linUled i'allurr

■dmlitlni: fnlliirc y mid wiirnliiR ol iin aiinck on Urltnln .Var Sr«'miir>’ Oliver

uiljon of

dlrr tion:>.fnrnlul wordi th a t “If only

usetl our firft coiimKrou-’ ly ' I 111 blttrriiPM other iitlnck s I.nbOr l.<-n<lcr C lrm rnt R

ilir.1 Ihr "fallurf.'i" lif (He hr HlMnl.'.-.?d. nnrt Liberal

■ Archibald Slnclnlr';-HrlLi

Uie »pecch of a -man -who 1» a nntmnal hpro nnd nn adcrlm l of the (tppt .vimPthlnK re»emb1lns ihls,

AreidMl nitk .?ir n..Krr dpclnred' ihiil In hl.\ iliilo!) thp cwt of forclne Trond- •Im with the Ilpet wwilrt "hnvr 'n irifllns eompmrd with other ^rAtlon: I have ortanlred nnd

Bliiincs ‘Ineptitude

^in lio c E R JOHN nnow N LowKKYKS •. . . British World hfra and ■dmiral of th« fleet, rh tr t r i Ihe cabinet prrrrnlcd him fram forclnr an rnlrante ‘ Tron.II.rlm fjord!

AtKUn illed ; block Virp of the Qtrninn rdnforce- i;ti by dfmnlltlonn and Brltnln c'll lo .-.ecurc air bx p. ,Ir nilmltled 100,OW troops Rnlh- 1 lor tlif Intended nnnish ex- iiinn hnd been .'cnt lo Fmnce, I iji'llcve It V..1.1 riEht," Cham-

.Mild dOBBcdly, defending Uic

Return* from 5G of ilir d i-trlri'j <11 prtcaict.^ cave Hnlleck 0.3:i' lAndla, 3,4C4.

Tlie towcrlm Gllllf. u lormei ^hcr- Iff, did even better In thff'{nurlhdbtrlet, which liicliidei Kort W -----

itnie’s nrconrt city. He hncl .V. Uinn ft i : . |o - l lend over .... Townwnd cniitlldnle, lawwr .1. Fred Green, who wns runninc third,

Retunw from !2I o r the dK irlrf 311 prechicU gnve Gllli'- H.R2: Narroan Sweet 1,059: G ren ir 1.036.■ T h e Republlcnn*. rpiirrrd m mnny «eellon« of the sl.itc by fnctlonnl flRhl.i. appeared to- be n^ tli much heavier vote Utnn ixnifx

Governor Urnoitiliialed SIOUX PALLS, S, D., May

\ B prlmnrj' where subcrniilorlnl notnlnallonii werp the i.nl' tnn)or iMUt. South DakoU Uppiibllcaii.'i today nomlnntcd Govrnior llarliin J . Duihfleld to auccerd hlin.'rif,

Democrnt.i appearrcl lo tiavr ip- ected Lewlj. W, Blrkiirll. WehMrr ittomey. IliislitlfUrft opiwiicnt-ln

the November election.Retwro* from 1.153 of the atnte'»

li»5B precinct* «nve nii.«lilield r.3.- 307 Mtes to HJ:)!) for A. K. Oraff,


W e a t h e r

r f51oiii ’nilsUcked the DuMitleld ntlmlnl: lion bitterly In his r,iinp:>liTii.Ihe Democrntle *lrte, nirkiiril pnllrd

TOWARD HOLLAND• «.mrlnte(l TrCN'' • I(By Tlie A-Wl^ttd Prev

rorky rnoiuiinlii nml ihc iiorihcr plnlns Btnte.v OirrriiM fklei are re ported over the far norlhwr.t wli irac ti of ralii bcltiK rtiwried .froi the eeiitUa reslon.''Cloiidy wcathc 1.1 reported from Colorado anil tli cenirnl plnfris , rriiloii " iih llKl tluinderitonni reiwrtpil from .<rnt trred polnta In Knnsav Stntlcn: • • Slaj.Mlrt.l'r, WeatherIIol.W'............... TO T<i .l» ClearHurley ........._..7I W .00 H rarHuHe ............. 61 : : .00 n e arChryenne ...... Cl id .t« PI. Tl'yChleato .......... CZ *1 .M riaudyDenver ......... f.l H .00 riciidyIA^ Aiiiele^ .,..75 (6 .M Clear M yia. . SL P.... 63 « .05 nalnlnc New Y«tk ....., m 5: ,nn n e a rOmaha ........ 68 53 .07 PI. Cl'yrora lrlla . (flt .J* .00 n e a r forll.Mu1. Ore, 59 41 .tH) Cloudy Salt Lake Clly 71 4fi .00 Clear

m ncK fo US .30 .00 Clearrattle

... 74 : ■ Cloudy

1 nlu) tlle•fl^^t. Ume Hint were ordered to return lo .1 ImniKllitcly.

Ctvillnn trahi tralfle will be re- Atrlctcd to {ni;llltate troop move- nirn ts. Holland liai fi««-ly 40Q.«ia men tinder armj. I \

Oftlclnls de.-.crtbed the leave cnn- cellntli

of I•Tlie K-MtUBtloi

of the Eiirofwnn jltnatloii. n limn any npeelfle threat nKolns' Ni-Uicrlnnd«, wa.i to b« (he non for these prompt and exle; inciiMn-es for Netherlands’ r.afe

In Bcli;liiin. the Nrtherltinds hiprt nclitlibor, 11 wft.i atnted citncellfltlon of leaves •x-ut not lemplateil at p c. e;ll.■

WASMINCIXIN. Nfny 7 i,r,~ Netherliind.i uoverument. piei to IlKht. n


:ther1nnd^a.'lon. li

T h e ft Reported

llnm* run.—Hod*-

l:ie. Umrlf"-JofH«o unJ W'Mn.r

CAItDISALS 16. tlCES 4TOCATELLO.' May 1 m - Ba*«

hlU were a dime a doien and erron wera almost tha t ehcap m Pocatel­lo’* C u i i stactd a 16 to 4 Ploneei leacuB uprlilnd a t th# expemo ol Bolt Lake City h m tonl^thl.

Tho win imve the Card.< clcai eUlm lo Uie Icasue'a lop r.pov a half some ahead of Ogtlen. •

Pocatello »urt«J lu orKy of ba.i« hlU In Uia t i n t InntoR. chnAlnir th f « m n»'acroM the p a n In the >nlUol fnune. By tho Umo Urn BeeJ Rot around lo tallyInK Uielr flrsl pair of icorts. In Uia fourUi. Poca­tello had run ILi to u l to six.

5«vtn Salt Lake error» aided thi Cards In mAnufacturln^' IS runs out' of 13 hits Ihty got o ff two Ber hiirlerg.

"Hie appearance of Tom (Tonyl RobtUo. former Cardinal manaser who n o r Is pilot of the Sail Lake Clly Beoi, At hU old atomplnc BrmuxU v a i the In.'mlraUan for or official "Robello night." but thi fle ir supper faUed to get a hit.

Ho walked th« fJn t l h r « Umw tip. stiiicl: oQt .iTlnRbiB onco and' filed out to deep'* short tlie fifth time lie went to the plat^*.

Three time?. In the first, second and ninth frames, tlio Roca had thi bo-'M loartPrt bill coiilfln i fn.'h In.

be forced to undertake any inenMire: It thouRht aOiL-.ablp.

"Any alllnl Attempt to cx tnu l th< war. Into .loutlieail Kuro))« mlKlii force Oermany and Unly to pu l intfl action' much creater forces for the Immediate friBtratlon of any alteinpt.”

The proixuccl Dlllimcc, nccordlns lo-dlplomntic Informant.i. would e brace Rumania. YuBO-ilnvla, ]i garla, Greece and IMrkey. The.ic countries would be promliiCd Uint Uie allies wnuld not s u r t w ar h ' Balknns. bui tlint th r allied now a t Alexandria, and the gand army" now a.vicmblcd Ir

east, would rush In to help In the axis powers atUcKed.

t'niled Front ic Urlll^i plan Is iindcrnlood

to be to open the whole DnHtnn froi v«nc« In such an em erscw .v.nuh ' la n 'lc l Italy or Germiyiy ftl^ ck ie countr}' at a time.Ytigoslavia. however. ■ atlll wn

looking elseahtre for backing. AuUi orllatlve Delcrade t iu n r tm snl . trade talks between VuRwlnvlft and, Russia hava shifted now to ^political lubjects" as a result o f ' YuRosIa' fear Of an It^ilO'GcrmAn move. .. In Huniary, Uie pre.vi govo evl dence of the countr)-’s solidarity wIUi Uie Itallnn-Qprman axl.i. .laylnR th a t

:nU In Noruay nnrt D fnm ark had proved that lJolnte<l ncutralll}' I;

a longer possible.Sources close to Uie goveriinienl

here Inslsltd Germany and Italy, .ould not Ko Uirough HunKftO' ! ase of hostilities, but would, tnstea

n-eep Into Yusoslavln. - DL'palchei from Unkck. I'uKasli a, said fhal couiitn-, w ith 300.000 iterah treops already on Italian

and German borders; w ^jcn lllnc up ' cotucrlpls, con.^nicilnR new

defensive po'ltlon.s to bol.Mcr rxlst- cnncreie ?i'afk.i; iIIi:i:1iil mUcs.cl


zir«.V th ..Avr.W>llll. OUicT Balkan countrlr

len by Uie method cf pri ions, Instead (\T the '

posters..Army, I 01 p,-.

hadmoblllrrrt li

J lcu tor Cciiprnl John I tnik with Ihe Itallan'mitilM rr,

llea\7 Turkish relnforrpment: vere reported .tent to the Dardan ■lies: Rumania coupentrated nion roops In Dobnija, near her frontleirllh Buljarl

Tlie Tutk

RUSSETS 9, riLO TH * BOISE. May 7 (-!■)—Idaho F i ,

RuMCl* broke up a pitching duel here tonlffht to smoUirr th r Boise Plloti, 9 to 2. in a Pioneer Icngui baaeball game.

The defeat dropi>fd the Pilots Into Uilrd placr, Uie lowe.it notch they have occuptrd on the league ladder till,' scMon.

^ For six Innliiit* Con Rasmussen for Boise and Damon Baj'e* for Idaho PalU held oppojlng hllUra well In check.

But In Uif seventh Uie Ruis aolved Rascu& ieni hurllnc In gri

,'kl»h nauoniil* n^srmhly absolute power lo the mllltflrj-

n rone* which will-be placed under iiartlnl law In the event of war. he Turkish pre.i* relterntrd '

to fulfil! her alhkry’1 Brltn


W-yoining-Marshal Sfaycr A cqu itted

CODY. Wyo., May T (/P>—Oeorge P . Oentner. 37-7*ar-old ranch hand. * i j acquitted by a distric t court Jury tonight In the alaylng of

-LlUchord H o U e r ^ Codj-. n igh t awr-, ohftl. ' f - v

The jury bedrd tesUmony Uiat -'O entner and Holler had Quarreled ; o rar iu5ert«d att«nUona by the night m tn b a l to O entner'i wife. The Jury deliberated only 30 mlnut«s.

On the moUon of County Attorney Oliver Stradmrtn. a charge of f ln t

.degTM murder w m reduced to man- tlaughU r when _thft-.#hoottnB case w u aubmltlecTto th e .ju ry b}' Dis­tric t Jud«# P. W. M eu.

Jtyl* and knicked Oie burly Pilot rislit liaiidcr and t«o Bol’-c pitc who followed him to Uie mound for five runs, t

Ifaycs wa» »1UI at liairs but ef- fectiVB in Uii cllndip.1 and limited the PUoU 10 only sbc h iu .

aeorge Oldenburg, the Ru.'oeLs’ ew recruit from Knii.\A.i City, .-ilap-

. ed out a ho.ue run und Mike Re-wr. Neal Arlelt. Rocco Dlatto, QeorRO Oldcnberg and Manager Ted Mayer

ic h 'h lt two-baggcn.I*H0 rAI.M ____All R II


P a r e n t , T e a c h e r O i i i c e r s r N a u ie d

OMAHA. Neb.. May T C/P>~ M k ■William Kleiber of Portland . O re , w u clecttt] president of th e NaUonal

- OoiCK n of Parentf and Teachers- I t lU O rd annual conten tion to* - rT Jlg h t-M n . J*m e*--K .-Lytle. Lot

- m t t l t i . w u ehoeen trea iu rer.

Depui.v Sheriff Joe Eller, shortly liter ^lp^c'» arrest inld the youUi onlrv^rd killing Curtis "because he nnde trouble for me with the

Tlie prosecution Introduced Ilvi ,ltnps,'ps today. IncludlnR MIm Unri ,nil n ijallUilcs expert who te.illfled Imt a Inillrt taken from CtirUn' bo<ly ins llrrd front Zlpse's rlfli

■■It ■ rh k tpreat a prlre," hi

Hr revealed that the admlrolty, nnder Omrrhlll J» auppcued

n be rtPVDtPd 'to the princlpic.i of ti.rrii. told him the forcing of

Trnnilhrlm f|ord ered )

,t equally right t added, when It w the plan would r


nkliiR proKrc.M f Mcdlterrnnr

ihB r.Uut nnde It 11

R<)[arinii8 Close D istric t Session

OODK.V, U u h . Miiy 7 (>D- R«tar- Uns from Utah and Idnho conclud­ed tlielr d litrlct convention here.to-

n th a plea Umt Amerlcai i( people be olded toward reach

Inv'-algnposla'for tl\e* RUld. ' of tho.se who are to follov,’

. flo>- J. W eaver of Pueblo. Colo, dlrrrior of R o tao’ Internallonnlj

-Sliced without adequate anc proper nmrkl'nua Is dangerous,"

D.ivld - S. Romney of Ogden accepting election as district gm’.

R. Tliomn;

hips." ngali

we may be faced in thi form with .nti.icks dl

1st this counto’." hi


He declared he was "nslotmded' isi Ihe naval staff could n o t renl. e ilie nttnek was doomed tn fathir< illei' Rrltlsh ships .sunk d e m ia r rslrnyers in the fjord.

. Gallipoli Reealled iiir Roser.. *tung- bv Labom*

Jn«lah C.; Wedgworth-* nlleBatlor lat Ihe flret had gone to the Mrcl- prraneati'/W>?W \>(^mwn bombs

"0>‘r general advnnclnR from Sieinkjpr (o' Trondheim . expected nntl.ili ships to support,him —not

Oermnn destroyers, who fired ils flnnk—landed troop* behlni

his advance fnrce.s. and captured o; dp>irnvert Uiem." he cried.

As Uie house listened silently nn< )t)'rlv. Sir Rneer answered Oham' •rhln'.i plea not to consider tin

Nor«ei:iati «-Uhdrawnl "another [■..illliinll'’ with the carefully npaced

lMa«:pios B ring B ounty PaynuMils

Ilie Imiliity on manplr.' for tliK SfCllrin I* J cent.s per heild. ncrrrd- Inc to Dr. E. R. P;-lcr, presUlenl of the Southern Idnho I l 'h nnd Onme nr.-oeli.llnn. nnil ihe IMln Fnl^ police .Mallon hns been dr'lR- lated ns the pl..cr tor pnyiii'-nt.

Ilic caniiKilgn. wlilrh mil eln.-u*

•niie OaIlljx>ll i beci

■ canipalcn tn whirli he refer^ ,n.s the allied effort. d^.^lKnet

by Churchll!, lo forre the Dardan. ■Iki during ICIO. I t look n tcrrlfli rll of men and Milpi.

Tlie O ennan de.'.troycrs in Trdnd. helm fjord could have been rie.

oyed with lltile rhk. Sir Robbi •bred. He a^ured the hou^e th-

defenl •'oiiKht iirver to hnvr beer illtiwed lo happen,"

lo'r.il body li the Iwiiniv brniuht In a paid by the

Me.\i<‘(> IVal.s for Oil P io p e i-^ ^

“ MEXICO CM' May 7 - n -T li( ■inr/'d ti

Atlte, hltherln rejiardfd a.s : ^ I ve and r.afr'n iF the vff. stnick lllst as the leader le Ijibor epiwltlnn after Chai

berlain hnd cIo<ed with an Impa ined plea for Cf>oi)e;aUon "In Uie iilr of Enclnnd'c peril,"Altlee threw the cry of • fnllurc" Uie fnce of the aKed prime niln. er from hl.i opposlle benrh 21 •t awny nnd demniulcd "diffrreni

people'at Ihe hi

mint Ithrnl nsiri'.I to pay'th.- Con 'olidnlt'd Oil company ’ i.^iiiclalr) J8.'KM,00e for pioivrlle^ li e\prop^ rimed on M airh Ifl. 193n.

Eduardo Snare.:, Mexican i:e,L\urj ■aid the J8.500.000 repr<vniv<l"mf "tolnl payment" 10 llie company fo^ It.s exproprlalrtl pro;)crtle>.

Tlie deni wa.s th - Iir.-.l Mexico nin<le wlUi>>nv flrnn.-.vlio-e pro ties were e^pmprlaied! Tlie fi

;Ip In which pe lave our defcn

and d ilh .

I highvalueJl 1

Chamberlain fnr the first time dncc the r,urt of tfie war Apokc Ir :he face ,of persistent hecKllnr ahlch on one orcnulnn got so Inuc

N hnthe w«l doMi while the epeakei amed the hnii-.e.Tlie hou.se'. nttllude beciune vis. ily unen.sy as Clinmberlain explain'1 Brltnln svns "helplp.vs lo prevent le Germnn sti-oV.e." Jte said the

l iTpwio petfircDCc

«'f capital o(Aonfici.»________ ____.............. Ji'DIxzbai done.Tbli tigtillcsVit (set U . . . . ,fcid by thtiad«£KmJffl« «urr»y or ■ gm t Amiricaa o«w». ptptf. f t r l i t * v U utn! l i t ktU.



nrds thlit had a metallic ring irrlaln ar.ked the iinilun U 1C It.s strenKth until "vre cur­are able m-deliver owblow: nnd when we will." old again of the nlll '

;ary .Oliver .Siiuiley a t me 'end of tonight's debate danced the Ixiijey of an attack on the wc.-.t- ern front before the .MPa and de- elnred tha t .troops sent lo Nor'iay would have been much more valu­able in France If. the ' offen.ilve "Which Is po.«lb:e and probable'- hnd taken place "In the last fev

"Tlie urniteA lli.^ ever vrrn m ern front at ar sllvery-haired ^

^torm llie orK'l

( jjrner Bell* I 'p I ' v ' DALLAS, Tex,. May J i,V -i Ui ructed delceatloni were n.smn

Republican c n u n tv conventions irnuRhnul Texa.i to<!nv Tlie slate convention will be liMd

ere on May 28,Tliomas Dewey. New Yiir); dl^.lrlcl ttorney and a ?nndldate for ihe

Republican pre.sldentlal nomlniillon, «1I speak-here the niRht before '.he state coHventlon.

Texas Democrats in county ron- reiilions threw their nippnrt hrartly 3thlnd-Vlce, Preildent- G .unrr .fo r ;he'presidential nomln.ilion.

By nightfall the vlee prei.ldeiit. » Texan, hnd rolle<l up n. lead of r to 1 over President Roo-.evelL

Supiwrleri.nf the jirr ;ldn it np- peoird-conTTSJT'to atund bv a har-

, . ngreement. wlilrh sperHlcd Texas Democrnt.s would nnt fry to slop the .pre.sldtnt If he .iQ^uhl.the lonilnatlon.

riorlda'i Senator Lr.id' JACKSONVILLE. Fla.^May 7 l/r,

-United Stales SenA t«litliarles " Andrews of Orlandoviook fin rn rad In his rnee for re-niimlnatlon ^ today's Florldn Demorrntlc pr!

marj-.Francis P. Whitehalr. DKand'ftI

tom h'.'lopped n iLst of 11 caiid; dales for KO 'emor.

Andrews rcf'lvcd 2.'..0<2 votes I Ihe first 352 of 1,429 preclnci.i r« porting, B e n i a r r Macl'nddei

il Beach magaelne publbhi

and phvslral c yond h lih w The fir.u rei

. nes of vnttTs polling place.s I


lrn, came In whllr tors still siofKl hi mine e,s 10 exprpM tliplr pref- ;he liMiK bslint which In- rrril Other slate racen ount;. dl-.irlct nnd partj

More than 679.000 white I>mO' rat,« were quitllfled to pnrtlclpati I the prlmnrj- In whleh more that .000 candidates soiiglii iininlintlon In the \-oltng ■ ■

From Car H errRecent lliett of properly from hU ir while It was p.uked on a down- iwn Twin Falls strret was rei>ori-

ed Ifl.st nlKht'tO Tivln Falls jwllce A. Dee. ,

rown duck sheepskin coat and k leaUier suit case cont.Miilin; rIolhliiR. a r.i:or and other be-


intblrInnal convention, k on Ihe bnllot to drnllal preferences cjndlrtnte.i. Tile

Ihe drlecallon of le n -n in r 14 voles rnr—,'liould be un-

Prcsldcnl .noo-.evelt,

AUttama l)elff*te« DIRMINOHAM. Ain,, May • labnma Demoernt,s .•.fleeted I

lot todnv 22 delenntes lo, eas' for fipenUrr William 1!.

st.ite's ■■

Sewage Disposal ' Bond Issue Fails

NAMPA. Idnho , May 7 UV. - A propo’.ed bond l. sue S67.0&1) to finance comtnictlon of a sewage disposal plant wns defeated by 2D vole--; today by Nanip<i voters.

For fiom the toUl of 1771 whn registered for the election 1231 voted today. To caro' the Iwue. two thirds of ihe-ba:ioU -cait..or SH. were re­quired. Tlie totJil In favor of the bond If-sue was 6S4. Tliose oppo.sed

iLilcd 527,

SPOTTF.D FEVER \7 C T n i WORLAND. Wvo., Mav 7 1/7*; —

ohn W. DIrd, 48, died here today if Rocky Mountain spotltd fever, Ir wa.s the .second victim t '

ition.e for ip presidential noml-

virus this

THESP/JUTOFPAV!-7rrE, Idaho. .May '

re.'ldent 7: year.v.ls dead.Blvpu.s dlpd je.Merday In an

liWlo. O re. ho.spltal niter an tended lllnev,. Born Mny 28, 1860. In Union. Otr.. he cnme with hi;paren family 1

Punrr morroa-,

Wcl. ■ Inn Pnyet

, Tht


For smooth ullinc, 'buy a ' May Prtee Splitter Used Car Special from the Cntdir5«njt»'Co.'37 Pontiac Tour 8 Sedan.... S40S37 Na-ili Tour 8ed.in ........ -..$475

Buick 40 Spcclal Sedan ....(40538 V-8 Coupe .......................38 Chevrolet Dlx Coupe .....« »38 V-8 Dlx Tudor Sedan ____*55038 Chevrolet Dlx Town Se­

dan ............... ....... ............ i350Uncoln ZephjT Sedan .....$725

38 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan J.$97537 V-0 Deluxe Fordor ____$450.37 V-8 Deluxe Coupe .........$4'.1537 Chevrolet Dlx Coup# — $335 30 PlymouUi C oupe______ $34538 Dodge Dlx Ccupfl

38 Chevrolet Town Sedan — $23438 UfayeKe S e d a n _____ $2353 i V-fl Dlx FC rdor_______42JS3i Chevrolet Sedan _____ L.4JC521.Fl5'niouUi.£)lx Coup* __U 5Q37 V-8 Truck. 157 _______ MSO.38 V-8 Tnjck, 157 ..J ..........$3fli

5 V-8 Truck. 157. . ••34x7 Tirt,v ....$505

30 Chevrolet T ru ck _______ $29537 Chevrolet. T ru c k _______ $39539 Dodge P ic k u p ________41BS37 V-8 P ick u p ________r....»36538 V-B Pickup ....... ..............$45038 V-6 1 Ton.Slake - Many othcn. all raaket. all mod­els. alt baVgalnj, See yosr Ferd Dealer fitil. I t Pays, for etohoml- ealtrotuportatlon;

b y JO H N C U N T O N

po«e ill rs-er

o T c o . AndIt d o e sn 't look llk«> I'd ever lie prc«-

i(?ent of it. Hut if I had an oil eompmy. Td like It lo be !lk« L'liion Oil. .

I'm pptvd «r btlng W w*it*rn*r. I llko wttltra tradilleni — th» iplrll «r hi(l»pfnd«n<« and n.lghbtrllniK. Thaft why I'm I* hnd •rihti Uatan Oil bunch.

Killy ye»aRo, 2 x-oiii f e 1 1 0 IV

ho hev« rlion tn . b«tn lhal kind fha «*mpony

I thBl kind or •

To you thil pioneering Has meant a good deal. It was Union who Introduced Ihe l i t non- prrmltun anti-knock fuel on th« coait. Unlop al«o pioneered with Tritnn. th.it e)ca ‘

plonpen.. .....................Trailic Clinic ever opened by *' oil company.

•v«wr trod* h n bullt^alow.-T*— day li’i th t Indlng lnd*p*nd«nl •II »npan r In Hi* w«il. ■»> whaTMIki II, that vhll* wait.

Union was halplnfl o a lla rn

U N I O N O i l C O M P A N Y JO H N A . B A iS C H , : iR . .


Remember Your MOTHER on HER DAY, - - ; S B S r i f A B 2 t i r — zwith a practical s i f t {roni. our la rge stock o£ USEFUL and S EN SIB L E g ift item s


2 Q l. W carovcr .muicopan .-.•.sroo-Auko! food cnkf* w in $ 1.00 L ay e r cuke iiaiis. 2 fo r S1,00rrc t ic h fry p r .............? 1.00R o ta ry f ru i t p ress ..51.00Rilljr molti .SCI............... Sl.OflF ry in g pan ..................Sl.OO

Sot o f n 'W c n rc v c r sn ticc pntis ‘'Spccm in t ...................... S1.70 - !?2,19

" SP K C IA L ”Set. o f -1 W cnrovpr kc ttlc i 2 Ql. lo G O t. S7-35


Lovely clothe^'liiimpcr.s $2.-l5 lo '55.35

Urcoratcd cnke covor.s nnd cake covcr with pic com-iv irtm en t......r^l.OO - S1.50I’otlory bowls — 5 coior.s— in 'Ml-T-S-O Inch ..?2.00 net

C.iiiiiister seta 85c to $1.50

Kitchcn irnrbnRc cnn« 85c - Sl.OO to S1.98

Cookie ja rs .................... 75cO'Cednr dust mops,SI,DO vnlut! .....................98c

Cliickcii f r y e r "Special S-l.-JO v.nluc..... ;........... $:5.45S-1,95 viiliie ...S1.25

20 Pcc. ro ttc ry Scl . . , ■J'ciip.'t, 4 fiuuccns; -I large plnte.s. 4 .small plalc.s, A cprcnl bowis, o n ly ......$4.50

Service for 8 .' r>5 Pcc. .set in .th e n ttrac- live', color coinbination o f I'iosta. only ..............$11-98

PinkipR- ahear.1 •.:..t.;.-..S'1.95 Keen Kiitter sciBSors'Sl.lO to S1.76 ' ■ .Kitchnn shears ..........$1.00Cake 'brenkers ............$1^00_Picnic bnsketR

A fine prc.s.'iurc cooker for m other-'

$8,-18 :$9.98_to SlG.?8_

pan n pknives .............. .'...JSc - 65c


S?tniji-;»p p.’in l ___ _ ___,l . ib l r . t ............. TS2.-18 ->3.-18"No-Dri]) syrup pilcher.t SI Py rcx pic plates 20c - 25c -

P y rcx tlouble boilers .$3:45“ 53.95

Pyrex loaf pnns 45c - G5c

P y rcx u tility dish 50c - G5c

Pyrcix kcttle.s, ?1 .G 5 '- S2-25-

Pyrcx casseroIcs 50c - G5c - 75c

Py rex Pcrcolntors $1.79 - $2.45

Electric percolators ?1.98 to $7,50

Electric. Toa.sters 89c to $10,50 Eloclric irons

98c S I.48 - $2.85 lo $8.50 Electric liolplatps

8Dc - $1.15 lo -<8-50 ■ G enuine Sunbeam Jlixm as-te r ................................ $24.50O th e r nice cleclric mixcrn

$5,75 lo S12.50

"Heiscy G las.wnro” Moderntcly priced for

M other’s Day C andlestick holtier.i GOc ca. SuR ar and creamer se ts 50cJe lly di.^hes ..................... 45eCuke plates ....:........... $1.00

Pcc. wilier .se ts .......... 96c

“ SPICCIAL"G3 Pcc. dinner set. Res-SaC.98 v a lu e .............. §28.5054 Pee. dinner set. Rcr .

.50 value .........;,.$22.50

'Snverw aro Special '2G Pee. .set, scrvice fo r 6.Rep. $3.75, flow........... ?2.45,52. Pcc. .silver set. Roger & Bro. Silverware. Rejr. 5:27.60 value ....................... „.?15 .98

FOR MOTHER ,. ,iiitifitl Roseville Pot'tery-' New bleertinp heart put- to rn ....... .........75c to $3.00

E l e c t r i c , k itc h cn ,cl(xkB.',n ll

32 Pcc. dinnej* eeta, ?2.t)8,


Page 3: p l 2.7, I K azis M o W T o ^ DA German Columns Advancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF107/... · OAHO SCHOOLBOY ODW SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (/P)— Roosevelt


WASHINGTON. Mnj- 7 (-n -T lli younuer KPiifrntlon In Am'erlcn wiinta prncp n lw c tvJl cL-c. Mrs. Vcrfla W. Dimes of Idaho Kalis, Idaho, vice president of tlm yoiine Dcniocrnllc cIuIk of Amrrlcii. tolc' Jlnnl sc.vilonj of llic >'ntlonnl in

of KOVfmmcnl h rre . * i Mm. IJariirj wii.i o iir of four

HKnkrrs in a ow iw liim led by Mr.i. tTnnlc:in D. Itoosrvca.

4 •'>'Qiir million oI us nn- oi wnrlc," Mrs. IJnriirs “Wc job.'—r.fcoiicl only to pracc. firm IhliiK we n^k Ij ilm t our ,

— tlcnl [larilcs' niul our i:ovcmmcut W muy rcfottnlie our iiu-U for pcacr

In Iheir p.irly plnUoriiu and In ron- Krc;.n. We n»k ihl.'i. niicl 111 rciiirn w< Wfinl 10 Klvc our riirrKy n ljJ flitlius- liu.m to hrip Ijiilld ft bcUcr dcnio-

She Imitlril tlic civilian conf.crvti' lion rorp ' ntui tin- imiionul youil AdmiiiMriiilon for ih 'i r piirt. li nr.-l.MlnK ArmTlciin yoiini; proplr,

Tlic liistllulr of xovrinii'cn!- spniif.oml Ijy lln' womrn';. (llvi.'.loii

_oM hc IXniwtulIc nallnnul con • ler. nnil mTis ii:irllrlp;;t(Kl in by 5.(K)0

wnmni frnm Unltcil StiitM Piirrto Rico,

H urley Kites fo r Form er llesi<Ioiit

BUni-KV, Mnv 7—^^Inrrnl ^ ^ lc .<i for Mrs. Miilltub flrn-.ori. ii r •. l(lpnl of nurlry for innny vfarr.. wiio (lire; a l th r lioiiii- of lirr :on.-. In Lo Ancrlc.i, ucrc held Qiltirilny nt i p. m. nl Ilip Klr.->1 W ard L .D.S. church wlih Uliltoj) Sidney Lnr.on of the third word church olficlr- lllE.

ProKrnm of ."itn’lccs wan ns fol- by lUUct Society

"Jf.niSS«a^r of My Soul”; liv lion, C liir lf^ n y lry ; .■ oiit;, "i n io u WnU S ’ice l and Mild" by Uie tttitcrs: flral speaker. Bishop Lewi; Crltchflflrt of Oivklcy: r.econd .ipe.'^k' cr, W. D r i j W n t a ^ thlnlapcnkerTTtby'.'tmr.fg?!! J . iTill: dm by M n. ilo.se CInrk nnrt dftuichle ■Tlicre’i'fi Gold-Mine In tlic Sky' tirx l spcnkrr. Jo\eph V. Payne wlUi coiicludlns renmrkf by Rlsliop Lnr non. elo-.tiic miib •'D m illful Home,' Tlie benrrtictlon wn.i by Clarcnci Olbi.on; liiKrmfnl wns In Uie Burley

, fernrlery br.lde the Rravr of her hu.nbiind. Jolm Ben-wn. who preceded her In death about four y rnrs aro, Relief Society woiiien nere In chnrRe of tlie flornl offcrlncs. .

Nfrs. BcnKOn l.i Riln'|vp<My tliret «on.i. Ouy Bciiwn of Lo.n A nnelf an<I Fnink Brmnn of Ny:J^a. Ore. both of whom ntlrndtd the .icr\'lce:

'h e re nnd by Willis Bcn.son al^o of Lo.s Anijclf;.. who wiis uniiblc i p rcsral iit tlie »en'lces.

Junior Guild—Tli« Ju n io r Guild of tjio naptlst church m et Tuwdny nfK'moon a t Uir home of LiJey Cut'

._u'cro niadoJorOJie.AIothcr’j; day-t^a to b f held In ronnpctlon with the senior K'lHd. “Hic procrnm v a s bfuied upon mlvlon work In AIa'*"'I.Hcy Curti.1 rui ehnlnnan.*^^l.'UrTOup

• of young Rlrls |s .-ipoiwDrctJ by Mrs. _ R a Jp Ii Honon Blid Mrs— C— If

Northnip.:Men Kpon.tor D lnnp iw n ie men'.

«lub of Uie Melhodlat churclt .ipon' JicmuidUiclr I I of tile cliurchWcdnc.vl.iy. evcnlnc. H. P . Hutton

-- - iriLt In-ehftffw of Uio-profjraja and - Krlo Wlilpkny hid charKO of 'Uie

d inner. PrlzM ircre frlirn to dl.^Unc- Uvo molhpr-drnjRhlcr comtiinfttioa'i.

Shower Arrantea—About elKhly friends of Mr. and Mrs. "Cap" W al Jncn met Mojidnjr evenlnc John 'Pnttercon home, .compllment-

■ ing them wlUi a miscellaneous S Ahover. A potfkick lunch w as i

ed n l the closi o? Uift evcnlnir, The WallacM were' “toroodo vlcUnvi."

P. E. 0 . Metllncr-P. E. O. mcl • bers held a resular mecLInu Tljui

•day afternoon with Mr*. W. R. ^ En.itabrooks and Mra, A. E . Mimn \ M ho.<t«.v Mn. Shively pre.iented

. . ft rrprwentoUrm on mitib!*-Rntertalnii Gnilaate*—Mm. Bur*

, ton D rtep entertained th e n •bers of the Rraduntlni; claw of S tate Mltool and the faeiilly and officers a t brcakfa.sl Sunday m om - Jnc. A proceiilon of m iniature fle- iires dart In caps and bowtwi. 1ml- tatlnft a Rradustlnff proces.^lon. was extended the Icnitlh of Ihc tiible.

Ilomemahen CloW M rs. Albert Cone, ftfcailed by Mrs. Jlan>’ Ed- holm. entertained, membcrn of the Homemakers' club Wedneaflfty «ft- em oon a t her home. ProBram for th(* Bftenioon, Trlnclplc.^ of De- /Ign and Color In CloUiUiR" wiu dlflcuMed and dcmonstmted by the leader. Mrs. Dorotliy S t« v « u of Boise. Mn. John Komher. Mra. C«» cll Wllkersan and Mrs. S. E . Severs

• modeled for a styls show Jn neetlon wltJi Ui# program.

R uptured Men Get?3.50 Truss Free

_ P n y N o M oney— N o \v o r _ E v c r

KansAS City. Nfo.—A Doctor'* In ----------vtnllon -fo r-red u cib le-ru p tu r« 7 li

provlns so succesifuJ. an offer U now being madE to give everyone who tries I t a M50 Truss Tree. T his In ­vention h is no leg ttraps, no elastic belta. ^ r leather bonds., I t hotds rup ture up and In. Is comfortable and easy (o wear. . After usiits It many report entire satisfaction. Any reader of this paper may try the Doctor’s mvcntlan for .30 do>’s and

— receive Uif sepnmle >3J0,Tru5a P^ee.

the tnrention—return It, b u t be aura to keep the UiO TVusj fo r your trouble. K you are ruptured Just write tAe Phwliilan’* Appliance C o, 30G7 Koch ® dg:, JOOa M ain .8U JSansaa Clly, Mo, for th e ir trial Offer. . . . ..........


NEW yOFlK. M.-»y 1 — Fln«s of five Invntlfd nntion* will wav** thlr Slimmer i l the New York W orld't

•Tor peacr nnd freedom,"'lovakla wii.n ab.-.orbf<l Ju.-.

before the Jnir opened In^t ym r. anc Puland was Invarted Jiu t’ before I clo".fd. rrnimid t>.-vlMcd.Ruvslii diir- Ing the aftiler. Denmark nnd Nor.

Ju jlnil ol them will hi

Bl llie f.ilr, which'oprn.i Mny ,N()l f ir (rnm their rxhlblt:, will

he nip oT the lour fri'C-domi. jymbolirJnK evcrylhliiK for whlrh the Unltfd St.itrs Mandn.

Twi) (if llie Ix-IIlKcrpnU, u ill nljo eihlljlt at Ihe fair: Franrc in a.i- Rfmbllnc a dlr.plsy. •Trance a t War." for her blj while puvlllon, mu! n r ll- sln will continue to nhow cxunipk'.i of BrIlWi Iratllllon.i, Ituln.-.trj- aiid cullure.

Tlie ix-nce «]njan rcjilafr.-! "Tlie World of Tomorrow." which WiU', U’.etl for (he flr:.l,«llllnn of thn New Vock iair Ik year iir.o. Adlutrj<lou prlre.' hive b'-en lowered and tirw thnws aud exhibit.’ planned.

Till' Crer]ir>>lov.iK'mii pavilion and e»hlbli,' «11I be fliisnced bv p rira i fiilid.s, pflwlji;illy from Amrrlcan or canl.MtlHih of niul Slovn):;Oil Itie imlllnii's facade wilt n-nml tlir.'c wnrilj of Conipnlus. ITili rcn tur)’ Slavic cdurjlloniil reform er:

•'After llie Icttprf.l of w ratli tin ' rm-'rtilf fat. Ihi

return tu llice. O Cii^h pcoiilp," Pnlanir.i p.ivIlloii will be i.pon .oretl

Uy the roll.-,h povmiinent Jn France II will cnnliln a Raller>' of photo- Krnplis, Tlje plc(urcs will show Po- land's public liulldlnKs nnd palarp before the Inviislnn . , . iind In nilnj

’ihey are nnw. Tlie them«! wll be that Poljind'* foundatlonr. hnv not l>ern flinken, and the nnttoi will bullil anew when th r Invader have been forreil out. At th e end of (Me mnln hall a Poll.-h flnK will hans at tiilf staff, a synibol o f n a ­tional nimimliiK.

rinlnnO. unriauiitrd Viy tVie calii;,- tmphe Ihlt overlook It h u t w inter. ha.\"^oeee<Ii'd with plann for 11.-. exhibit. Arllcio In woo<l, parttctl- lirly modemWIe furniture, wilt com- [lose a notable pure of the display.

Tlie official announcement th a t Drnmnrk would pnrtlclp.ite nKaIn e.ime »t. the moment ttin klnRtlom wa.1 beiiij Itivntlrd. Occupancy of the counio' did not alter Its plan; Tlin exhltilt will feature sllverwari porcelain niiil Rln.vs. famous through out the world. Other dl.vpliys wii deal with the wclfti reform s an IrtiWatlon Ihat have made th cfliintr>' oiitAtandlni;.

Icelnnil, shlch ha* declared fo Independent Kovemment. a t leiist

of soverelen rlghi.iIn Denmark, plans to have hlbll. too: amons thP dL';play:i will be fiiri-'lmlle.’ of the fuiRa.i nnd rddn* of mrtllevaUlme.i which kep t leam - Inc ftllve In airojie.

Norway's dhpl.-iy wll! rontiiln many of lost year's exlilhlt.", nlons

•llh several new ones. The Nor*

Actor Victim of Mistake a t S tu d io

the role of Lunnnn Slade. Im- ■priTOtTrtt-siirnj-tniBPn~nitn~nctor Bruce Cabot wa.n attemptlnK to HCt

It of tliB hold of 11. M. S. Beetle Hal noqcli .Mudlos. • '

I t was the duty of Colin Kenney, bit player, to keep Slade off Oie

(iKk."Gentlemen. I Insbt on ’talklni: to

your commanding • officer." Cnbot tsld. .

TJatt'iS7^Ir.~SliKlc. a rp r c T V iu lf your top.plece Ini" snouted Kenney,

lie swunK a belaying pin. .T liere r« light Imitation, plus n n d . rcal

. m on tlie ship and by ml.ntake Kenney hart a real one, of course.

Cabot fell unconscious under the Wow. lie'was won revived b u t two f»lfhes In hl.1 .vaitp were reaulrecl

S u r v e y s R e s u l t s o f C a m p a ig n

nOfSK, Mny 7 (.I’. - n i '- Idaho ad- -rnMiii: eonmil-.-inn. iiippurlni; for

Miirf;iuu: late llilr. nifiiilli, lool:eil iiael: (ortay on tiun ' ir:ir.i of rffo it 10 publielre the luiAliict of 25,000 pol.iio producer:..

.Members nf Ihe pri-..-nt eoninil-'- Inii, ainioliilfrt by Oovrrnor Dottolf-

■ .p^i yejir auo. Mirvrycl rr.Mill,-. of \ nallon-wlde e.inip.iijn and point­'d to fnrls and (Imirr-. that r.hoived liicrea.-'ed cnnMlnilHltm and pr)

J.Cuo acrrri oi i;u:ii m idano vvrr'- nbnl'-d In ivitator;. mid proilueed

nvcrane of IIS bu'hels lo th-- ri'—a crop of liu.fiuu l;u.'.hc!s, vlr- illv for home mu'unipllnn,:,n;.t year i:j,OW i'ktc!, of Idnlio III protliicrd all avrrniT of 2.10

ijiv.hels sicre—R oS ISGICl.Oifl l)u^hel.^ valued by federal expert.-; a tSU.S'ZSXOO..................................

DurlniT 1M5 wllh n l)iid;;e| of ^CO,- W, the eonimlr.'lri!i rained thrinmh ir pre;*. riulln, pliiiMrds mul b''

public eoiiliict-tlii- of theIdaho jyilato: thr ;iill

Till* • defiant ■latue i.ymhollie» tlie spirit of five iiillnn' that »ilt he reprrvnled at the niO Woilil I'alr. It's at (he tlonr of the I’olMi butldlnr.

wn;lan re.-.i.itir.nit will lie iiiiuiaiinl by a NorwTKlnn Krtrnj Jn thl.i eouu- try,

MnM of the upuirnl imllou^_tu;i-

fair.repr*' I till

Whnleii, fair cnrpnr,i:loii pre»ldont, .•.ay.i:

Ucrc the. c nallon\ are moie than welcome to find a haven whirr

ic freedom.' are iliTjily vc.ix'cted. •Tlie World's Fair of lOlO now hr-

jme;, Inleniallniinl with n fur inre eoKeiit meaiun^ thnn 'whcu ■was Ilr^l plaimcil "

Lincoln SliHicnts Set i>I;iY Festival

An outdoor Mny fr.-.tlval, one of Ihe mast nmblilniifi unilertakln(;s In f.evcral years, will be p iw nted by LIncohl school, Tliurdav afteriinon

IMS o'clock at tlie I.liiroln .itud- ,n. Ony tlihiK Ihat win preveni It.i

btins slasfrt » 1« b t. Inclemenl wcatJicr. MlK Deiilah Way, prln- -'.pal, announced ye.ilerday. .Tcachers of Lincoln tfhool. awiiit-

ed by Ml;a Marjorie Albcrt.-.on, mu.'Jc supentior. have conducted Intensive rehearsals the past .icv'eral weekr,. No set ndmKslon will be .charKCd,

school miislr fund will l;e WrlenTne Apjiroxlmately 720 pupils ol the

school will pnrtlrlpate In the pro- ducilon, entlilert ''A Day In Mny." and will be elabarately ccMwmcd' for their parts,

Tlie theme: I t h .Mill nlKht when ir festlvol cpen,'i, Tlip Mnrs nre

out, the flowew and birdi are a.slcep, Tlie moonbeams come anil choj;e nw ayjhe star?._TllP birdi nwakeii. thcflow cr* bloom, and Mny . day arrives. Then follows the procts- Rlon of Uie'klnc and qneen. Ihe her- iilds. pace.-.., flower bearers ajul tiic •lllnfre dancer*.

A.1 Uie Bftmes hmldlnK .Mny begin, various groups pfe.ient will dnnco font dances, and -the festlvlUes will dose' Wllh Ihe tradlllonal winding of the Mny pole.


I d a h o ’s A d v e r l i s in q B o a r d

r.lnn findUm II

Ilarly r

Oli'llebn?! nf a middle we;.trr unlvernliy hiillid ihe Idaho point ns an e,-.-,enllal oii Iheir fcKiIba triiinlnr: mrmi,, clieinlslj. t<ild ol Ihe value of 111 potato In furnl:hins nw .-;jiry vita mlns nnd other ehenilrnls in H: diet of Phlldn-n awl aiiiili.-..

•me laic .Senator William Ii. Borah Klorlfled the Rrower a-, greater tnb'illors 10 human welfare. than mn-,t of Ihe lawinaker.'--

Gopdin*; Schedules IMack, While T o u rGOODING, May 7 . - . l lo U tc l l l

breeders of Goodliii; eotinty an siKin.'.orlnR a fnrm tour, demon.itra' tion-', and jutlchih: nl r.evernl fnrm.-. In Ihe county. Frldnv, Mny 10. A rouniy herd will be M-Iecied by M, B, Nlcholi., northwest Ilolr.teln rcprc- M'ntatlve, mid Ivun l/wnhnry. tx - K-ii.'.Ion dalr>’rnan.

Tlie followlni: procniin oiil lines a lTilrre.MlnK and e<liiralloiinl day to wlilrh nil dnirj--c.Tiile nuners are Iiivlie<!.

0 n.ni., HnMliiK. and Ander.'.on, Wendell, vleve herd: D:4S a.m„ Rnlph IvlhB, Wendell, view lierd and stud bull: 10:30 am .. C. J. Mock, Wendell, JudKlne dnnonMratlnns bv M, B, Nlrhols anif Ivnn I,oii[:han-: 11:15. a.in,. John Haiilioru, Hncerman. view herd: 12 noon, linirh. Icp'rream fur-' nl. >hed by Fnle.i dnlr ': 1:15 p.m ,„J. C, Middleton, Coodinc. JudglhK young eQw ; 2 pm„ purl Ma,>sey, GowlUjK. %ftectlsi(; coMtvty herd; 2',4^ p.m,. V, W, Cnr.ion. Oopdlng. i.rleci ing county hent nnd JiidKlng cd > nnd bull calves; i p.m.. J. E. Caver der. Oooillng. view offspring s i t : by Tenckinck bull.

— RoaUKsUto-TrAnsfcrs-t'uniljlicd by tho Twtn Palls Title and Abstract Company

• KHila.<» .May 1Deed, C. L.-ir.vjn lo H. Beckmfir

$1, IX)t 10. Block 3. South Park nd. dltlon. Tttln Falls.

Deed. C. B. Stevens, city tren.MirerFJJuiiCer Sef. (1 10 Ifi.

Deed, E. W. McRobert.i to P,-\V, McRobcru, $t. Lot 1 Lincoln Ter-

.-.Sa tun la j. ___Deed. W, H, Kllllon -to M Grav-

beal. «50: Lot 9, Block 153. Twin Fall,',

Deeds,' A. C, Eastman to E, A. RlcB J l. I/ils 20, 31. 22, Surtees sub­division, Twin PalU,

^ - W E L L . . . I don't

I ’ociiU llo W oiiia ii K illed 111 ( ,1-asli

:.s, M.iy •!lxir;i!ite r.a.-ll.

• Ji4iii:.toii of- I’uebln,

-HtVNSEiV-U,iVr» IInNpU.,1 _ Mr;., War

\IeI,n 1 oiur;iTxMn 2-\ilh

etiiiiily i:ener:il ho^J>ltlll, relumed to her hnmi- TlKirMliiy, '

i'aiiilly ,M oi.s-M i, ind Mr>, Fiiy .Slin:.le>, li.n:; iii,„. rr'ldeiil.s ofHiiMM-ii, leit Tluii-dav for Portneuf,

III opernle the


'Hieiilni;:., neeompinled

Mr. .leiuiltun will .reiiinhi f the Iliin^en

:.<limil-,^nl.lll ilnu(;lit.-rr, will jnin ihc family a t tlielr new Icyallon. •■"Ruiiuaie* U xlr.I-T h« tf.nt.-.lUT' ll.'.t ot Krmluatei of the Ilair.en hlsli ;.eh(K)l 1> ;mirh Mnnller this yeiir than for miiiiv .vi-aTn. includliiK llie nanu-N 0/ KlU’ahftli '/ollcr, noUert Hiillltlrld, lillila Trlpjile, Kenneth Mer,irl;ind, Atllr. Calico, Paul Clout:. Maurire iitaiullee and. Lfll i Vaux.

T» ,\rkanviv_Mr. and Mrs, Har. Wlibmme left refenlly lor

•llic-v•s tov

ronipanlnd by Mr:.

• rniallp'.t nninnilft 1

L E W I S I O f J iE I B U I L O S l i N Y

N a E m a L

liinn ;urh oli '-iu t . were formei• Senator Ralnli Whitten «• rolinty nliU A. U Mi-ITllI ot

Poentvllo.The CfinveiitlMi stljij-irned Iiilrli i!ht anil virtiiallv all nf Itie ! •publlean;. who iMt.-iiiled Uie

Ihtlr jiiUilit.1 hoi

mesl with 'ScliiilinR Ceffect T t t riaiouf It'* a m stchleii blend of-

dioicc cofTcei, jkilfully 'roincd to bring cut dtlirioui full- fliver aad itrength.

T u t Ceffin—PernUler and Drill

H E R E S W H Y P O N T I A C I S H A V I N 6 T H E B i e C E S t T E A R I N I T S H I S T O R Y !

IN AUTOUOIIILS attCLCS. PemtjM It tbf tetaitloo ol (bt y tir . A a t r ln {i.tinofl (t ■ b{< Toii of «p|ir«Tfl— burial PoBlIiet <0 rvoord-breaki'al n a ab tn . Drir* ilili Irait low'|>rioml eir, ta d r p s ’II qaickir kso*' ''I ’r

It’s built to order for PeofiU who aaiit to make a chantefnm small cars!

I bij, wWMe«l«8. loo<.wb*«llrt«Bd l» « tT .’rith

bUci per laltea tad m cL b«tw*<a rtfalir ehaaict.Y«( wllb all dial, roB tiu prieet ribw iiirt rifb t dom

Mst (s (bl lew ttt. Id {let, If yeu .mb afford to owtf aad ..o p tn tt t t f asw eari T^a e«a afford a PoDlIao. C ob ( la ■ • ind t»t w t» n r«a aVouc tti» W dow B -p trn ra t «Dd onr

y trr M*r noQtblr l l t n 'i cb« ear o< tbi'yaar—»~ltb« bnr olaH fctia .1 • ’ .

Ii'i p«Qk*d with aa iu x h po««r. Aad ii’i - Ptrj •eeaealsall Owoar* n p e e t a ao r «• 18 t® U

122 2nd Ave. W estNED DeGROFF PONTIAC CO.

i-Twin F snsilda .,,

Myra Telia S o ro rity ' Initiates 16 Co-Eds

Sh e’d enjoy.. » nerk. youni

s L 9 8 , o » 5 - 9 5 ■

Gotham Gold S tripe

HOSIERY■ 7 r n n rsc > Ic c tin n o f Ihi.s popu- -Ifir ho.sitiry a t new R E D U C IiD p r icc s . Itlciil as Kift-s a t tlicso

79c $1 .00 $ 1 . 1 5 $ 1 . 2 5F o r fi sm .iri'or p i n , w c stiK- Kc.''t n !)ox of lh r t^6

E v en m o th e r w ill n pp ro - c in tc u conlro lleil w a is t- ^ ■ lin e ! '

.-meld.jour.iibean .\a.sooA.tUtA:taJtiiab. a Snlp^ll to lenitth. I t wuhcs perfectlr-frfll' n Httdtt •ettea n ' i o id - tO i n o . wW.t , hU e^-n te te ’ Of hlufe . .________ '


i i i i i

Page 4: p l 2.7, I K azis M o W T o ^ DA German Columns Advancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF107/... · OAHO SCHOOLBOY ODW SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (/P)— Roosevelt


TWIN FALLS NEWS Stockholm Forced to Comply With Wazi Economic Demands

rASSIVi:.- No prrvlou.s Him In the current war has produced r.uch a cable exchange in diplomatic and banking quarters ns the Brltlih re­treat In Norw'ny. Now definitely re­garded BS the iieRlnnlnc nf the end. Ihe allied N ord ic 'rev trja hni the concensu.1 ngreed on a number of conjequenecj.

Swedish neutrality it safe-prob- nbly for the duration. Unleji Uic allied fleets risk more toiinii;e Uian

riiliar. I-Yance hns similarly Iwued a quk-t ultimatum ihrealrnlng Ini- mruialc liivoslon If FTanco pnves the •i-ay tor either axb power on either tide of Uie fttrali.i. 'Hils conWJt in durcM has been an open secret since September.

Loteat dl-wlo^ure Is tha t Franco has notified all parllei he will de­fend Spaiibh neiiirallly wlUi force of.nrms. This ilaiemenl Is rCRanled ns a ^IplomaUc banollly by lU llaii

ciui ijc si<orcu lu r a luii Nortlk. there will bo 11 German "reicue'- of Uie area. Stockholm, seenili from allied help. Is expc ply with all German ^ mnnds. Even In Uie eve control of north Norwt expedition to occupy I mine belt Is out of the q

os uiiati. uii 0 need of 0 Swedish ore

ilKly Isolaled

conomlc de­n t of BrlUsh ly an allied ;lie Sivfillsli iirMlon. The

a tncll mllltar5- accord between I^rnch. German end lu llan com­mands,

'n irro would be mutual recogni­tion iliat the bulk of Inlcmnl Spain hns no tnctlcnl value 10 any belllg. crent. Similarly all recognlte' thnt I'Vanco',1 depleted armies could nol stop a r tc iirli exiwlllloii—nor the

•prlsol WQiiIcl be u Ocniiin rlec of 0?\fden from itif -Itliout nn allied Miip to c

It Li forccn.it. Ill tnct, that aiTiii coa-.oIlriBiloii or Uir ;.uiillicni bulk c l Nonvny will be ;.o coinplflo ' rfrtiirp S w ir n lo [j.iv.lvc hpuii Shniitrt Drll.iln tnnliiinlti u In NArvIk niKl k rrp rlmlirnRliii; mnnr'ii len iipiiro:\cli lo O.-lo Ofrman.i will rind It rxpcilln rfneli Nora'ay vin llw Ilslilc

somi! Of ih e lr w ork b e c a u s e bovm dnry lines a n d govcrnnipn ls a r c c h a n g ln B so fa.nu B u t jjlciU y of use m ay b e n m d e of o ld m a p s to follow th e dally n e w s . C itie s n n d bodies o f w a te r a n d n io im ia ln r a n R e s a n d r iv e rs do n o t

" 'o h an R c, w hateve r p o w e r m a y . c la im d o m in io n o v e r th e people l iv in g I n a n d 'H e a r th e m . T he old RooRraphles w e re r a r e l y so d e ta ile d a n d th o ro u g li US c u r r e n t f o re ig n d isp a tc h es .

A rlth ine tfc a p p e a rs I n t h e new s in th e ta lk of crops a n d n a tu rn l re .so u rce s co n tro l led by d if fe re n t pow ers a n d e .v ;o n tla l a lik e lo be llig ­e re n ts a n d n o n - b e l l lR c re n u . P i ip lb w ho r^a d th e new.s—and m o.'if o f th e m , do —re a d of

------ tonsj-'b iisho is , p o o d s r a n d p o u n f ls " o f w h ea t.-to n s nnd b a rre ls o f o il. to n s of co al o r Iron , d o lla rs a n d po u n d s s t e r l i n g n n d le ss f a m ilia r fo re ig n exchange t e r m s .

I t Isn 't im p o r ta n t , t h a t A m erican school c h ild re n m em orize a l l t h e d if f e r e n t ta b les of weight.'? o r m e a su re s o r m o n e y of th e

if th e w orld, b u t t h e y .';h

rniKl line

N ew Y ork T im es r e m a r k s . * w e ig h ts a n d d ls ta n c c .i a n t ba.slc a rith m e tic " to fo llo w tlje gen tly .

R fee lin g fo r a n d o th e r

lew s In te lll-

E D U C A T IO N B Y R A D IO I d e a lis ts w ho h a v e b e e n lo n g in g fo r a g re a t

"U nlvensltj; of th e A ir " to .b ro a d c a s t e d u ca tio n fo r ever>’bbdy m a ^ r ta v e be en o v e rlo o k in g ' a a m c th ln g . An A m e ric a n ln r,L llu tlon Is a lre a d y en g ag e d -In such a n on terprl.-ic , n n d ha.*; a ' good s ta r t . I t Is W R U L . a W o rld R adio U n l- I’cr.nlty. e s tab l ish ed s e v p rn l y e a r s ago In no.s- to n by W atte r iS.' L e n im o n a n d o p e ra tin g on « h o r t w ave.

M r. L em m on is a r a d io p io n e e r a n d In v en to r w h o c re a te d th e di.-il > i'uhlng c o n tro l now tm lv e rsa lly i^ e d . H e to o k u p th is ed u ca tlo

;iif sw icioinn advances -iirr p suaMve. Tiie hcpMcli''!! document Umt a l prcsi pn.V'^s Bs t>ie (luiclnniciitAl b v ot Idaho Ix oiii-sros'n; 11 Li in Jkc: not .10 m uch .a constUui; as ft ot untulf.'s. loo-clv stnmB lonetlicr.

The e.iHlni! nf a coii.sUltillonal coiivcnUoi n-vhlon or the coii^auilr.ri do-noi.lnvolvo-i proccM. T)ie li'Kt.iliiluiv, Ly ti^'O-Uilrds maj(J.1 ftuthorlted to Mibaill to ili© voters n l tlie ; cleciloh the qiifsiloti of «lietlier they de:,li. . , stltutjonal convention ihoiim be called. If the vote Of the people Is tiworable, the next JesUlnUvr spvilon would be auUinrlwd 10 c.-ill l]ie cpnveiiUon mrmbership *lnil be -not lots tliftn double the of the mtut nuineroiu brnncU oI the leglJlatunthe conretiUon revl.-.fj Uie eoiistltutlon. I t 1 ........submltUd’to pspulnj.vote nnd *'Mib11 have no Viilldlt>- until It h»i been . . . artnpied b ' ths people,"

A eonvriitlon, prctrmbly :mitll In number <Jrctcd on ft tioil'partL'.Aii ba.iLi, undoubtedly coiihlil of ciccllenl cltlicns. I t would bo an honor to be a memlw of auch a body nnd tlie mnturc.U « id wl.neil cltlrrnii of the ^UIe would feel 11 a prlvllcRc to hav^ ti -ilmre ln makln« a revised eon.'lltutlon for Idiiho’s 'w ontl half 'rentiirj' of atnteh(xxl. T lie duty of Uic conventtnn n-ould’ b e 'to revl;.o tJie conKtllutlnn seetlnn by sreilon, rctniiiliiK wnnt l,i rcxxI. rcjectlns the nbr.nitte. clnrlfylnR confllctlnK and nniblguous section:., and InsiTllnH Iniprovemrnt.'i ln.novcrnmrntal ortanls- ntlon. ,rfsi>on.'lblllllei nhd actlvlUc.v Tlie foundliu: fmlicTs ol stntehood drsftetl iC Rood r.onHiltiitlnn rnr the Mste'i needs In IROO; surely tJir chnm cirr of rittienshlp hns not.elmnKcd; m mueli

lnE.linlf e turj- ZTSS:.of prrsem-vdiiy


e n te rp r is e to p ro m o te I n te r n a t io n a l f r ie n d 'i|i-------sw in m ( r ? n ir e i i ( i“ 2 a u c a t ! 6 » ~ i r a ~ c o i r d u e t“ i r

' w ith o u t p ro fi t. S u p p o r t com e.s f ro m th e B o c k - e fe lle r F o u n d a tio n a n d c o n tr lb u to r .i of L ls te n - er.V L eagues in 32 c o u n tr i e s . L ec tu res ' a re

ij------ g iven b ? cnilBifB .p m f ^ y o rA a n d o th i

ii M uch of th e s t a t i o n ’s w o rlt h a s ' bei ;i t e n d e d p r im a rily ? 'to p r o m o te in te rn s tj f r te n d s h lp rB ro a d c a s t . 'jh a v c 'B D n c 'o n tr lm n a n y j la n g u ag e s, p a r t i c u la r ly fo r E u ro p e a n d S o u th : A m e ric a . T h ere a re b ro a d c a .s t c o u rse s In ra d io ( en g in ee rin g , a v ia tio n , la n g u a g e s , m usic a n d

:--------o th c r t t i ln g s ." w l th - th c - f J r ia ‘ b e in g ‘b ro a d c n c d<: ■ ns r ap id ly a s c o n d it io n s p e rm i t .!' T h e FC C h as r e c e n t ly g r a n te d to r ad io i; s ta t io n s ge n era lly t h e r i g h t to re b ro a d c a s t |; In te rn a t io n a l n o n * c o m n jc rc la l p ro g ra m s, a n d

now a la rge e x ten s io n o f ih e R a d io Unlvcr.'slty. w ork Is expected . N e w .Y o rk C ity 's m un lc lp iil s ta tio n 1.'. repo rted .i.-f n o tv hn n c llln g m a n y of

11' th e W RUL p ro g ra m s o n th e .s ta n d ard b ro a d - |[ r a s t ln g band,[I M r. Lem m on h o p e s to :t - p eo p le th ro u g h o u t t h e v.; o ra l collrRp ecrfieatlon by

th e bk’R fsi e iliic a tlo n ^ l ■ ' tory. ■ ■; “ '

hrynud the poxeri thoiiKhtfiil Id;ihoan».

Th« rtMlruliillty of a new ^on^luuIlon l» nmiilfr.U. The procedure is .ilmple tn d there nre nmple safe-

u6l^cl_lhe.^l«le_BSal^i^^^luwl:e tlnkerlne. The need lor » revised docunynt Is uigent. W iy should

■ifucnhniPxrrcr,?inin)rT «e'^K nnnT -T O o^rTrT nitj-patriotic nnrt progfei ^lue^tlnll''>n^ revision I lyiwlMnii Tiiliunp.

of the

• tim e w hen

m ig h t beip p o r tiin lty ,

OPKN-AIIl (JOVl^IlNM l'NT Fo u r. Swls.«i e an to n .s iu-lil H ielr o i)en-:ilr

— p a rlia m e n t.': 'o n A p rlU 2 B .'w ith (en s of ilio u - .la n d s of e lec tors g a th e r in g In th e cap ita l;; to

^clec t local o fficers, d e c id e lo c a l l.s.sue.s, ap])rove 'b u d g e ts a n d In s tru c t d e le g a tp s to th e N ational C ouncil a n d th e S tu to .s C o u n c il, T h w o o u t

' door, public m e e tin g s u r c .n m o n g th e w orld’: o ld e s t de m o cratic I n s t i tu t io n s .

L a rg e r c o u n trie s , w i th m o re popu lous c itie s a n d g re a te r d is ta n c e s to c o v er , cou ld h a rd ly t r a n s a c t g o v e rn m e n t buslne -ss in th is w ay, a lth o u g h th e New E n g la n d . to w n m e e tin g fo l- 10W.-5 a s im ila r p la n In lo c a l affair.-!. —

T h e e d u ca tio n a l v a lu e o f su c h p rac tic es m u s t be g re a t. I t w o u ld b e w e ll fo r th is coun* try If o u r p o iltica l r a l l i e s a n d pub lic fo rum s w ere b e t te r a t te n d e d b y c i tiz e n s w ho e x p re ssed a n d di.seu.^'ied p u b lic Issue:,S w b s m a n n er,

-HAlI.-TO-vUiINT.W.1I10 h iu been bleared »lt:

;ur«l ffv)urcrs to be found niiywlir e Itlnlio whiti! pine tree Is the

■ flnpit of the unrlil, nil cuiilf-

vttluable nf ftny gronn in

For years and year* we hive nrrepteO without renll ntlon ilir tliousands and thousands of white pine tre which ilot the mwntAln Aides ot north Idnho m j ln«liau:itljl£ lometlilns.tint.would.Jn!t,It}i:evcr..r Snrd1?M ot ilr^tructlon by lire. Inject and man. Lilt thouKhl hsr. hteii plven by the ftvernse per.'on of tl Tipiilih emtmdlfd in those trees-nnd the neees.'lty periviiiAiiiiK thctr Krowtii.

Not until we trnn.slivte nn "Idnho v

atMy 3 feet In <■t It.i V

S r/tT t\S ^ C iirrrn : n MKlltprrnnfsn flare,

■d dlplomai.s h«v< talned, are b3. cIe.■• . Tl of the ftrnsecy

I those r^tab1l3hed a t the conelu,'lon of the Ruv.o-Flnnlsh irmljtice. Tlie neriiu\ns , tlll do not vnni lo ^prelld the front nil over the

Dalknns while the nlllcs remain a t present stfenKth. ihe oihiT hnnd thp nlllpi. who

have reason to. desire n front oUier than tfifc Westwnll, have not lined up sufficient iiam an aUloi to make the ehsllencc safe, Tlie Initiative in Mmthem'EtiTope thcrj/ore still re* main* with tho to to s -a tid they will exploit It with Uie . lmple plan of Keeping brittle llne^ nt Ihe st!itii&qu(

the « c pre-iiomlc wni

Nationd Whirligig. bfilllKerent bankru nival assets here

I li Benernllj

I the c


T.lllDy. A rinnVi storv . r,(r. (Jrli'Sl by Ri allli'il anil AltUTlcan

.iibioius .icuon which vlrti aniitwl lo belrnyiil. I t U c linnort.irit beeswc dlplomaUe Ini' repori.s of tiio <lebaclc i,rl the neutral bloc nf nation:

-Holland. UelKlum, R\i'cden. thf I}Allcin,-r-tn plnce sllcht faith h Alik-li'-Ficncli. plcdsej,

J liuiWl reprcsentatlvc.1 a l \Vn»h' ijtoa'dejcrlb«l iliclr prcdleomtfni ) the \Vh|tc Ifouse and ti>e state

deiiartment. nm President Roose- ■ , confrontins public jentlm ent

iLsMntl Involvement ^ubmllt«<l~ul dellulte denund for a .specific am lVi:ni-<llatfl loan to Kinlanu, wnt-I :he money was authnrircd. It wii ,00 lute, T]i£_E>nnl.!i RO\-cn«ni'ii nfiinned Purli and I^ndon th a t 1 ;oul<l hold out for months with thi r«tiiforcefnenuoI-*ii* •nny -co rivl.ODO plane.i and a .Mipply.of bis guiv.i’, Hnd pre.'.^ure brcn i'xcrt<si on Norwity and Sweden a t U iai time -b o th pro-ally muioii.'— Uwv would

ritory.3UKh Uieli

imbrrlftln and Clnirchlll, dc- cUned—for.. IeAr...Ql_anlaccnl.'iin:

Woild opinion by npiwarinK to vlo- ;he Sciindlnnvuii nntlon.'.’ iieu- y; they left TiriWnd lo Ui(!

mercy of U10 Soviet. Moniha vhen Drltl'ih public opinion biy:

the 1

111 produc

Irtfiho whltr pine Js HirtiiiBhnut the entire

Coeur ii Alene nnd oUier noril wlileh nnve pro'pered'from Uk- w hilr pine" eoiild wi'll afford t with !c-.llv.it dMilrated t niicl j^ip^luatliif; the.vr Vnli


la lly

C H IN E S E 'P R O G K E S S T h e C h inese c o n tin u e k e e p in g th e Ja p an e se

_-5jU 5y.Jn^C hina, w h ic h I s .p ro b a b ly , th e , i j io i l . u se fu l th in g th e y c a n d o in t h e p re s e n t s ta te of t h e w orld. T h ey c la im to h av e In flic ted 9.000 c asu a llle s on t h e in v a d e r s by re c e n t f ig h t in g Jn S h a n s i P r o v in c e . E ven w hen a t-

, lo w a se e s a re m a d e f o r fcxaggera tlon , i t Is e v id e n t t h a t th e y f ire k e e p in g th e J a p a n e se

- b u sy a n d p ro lo n g in g a w a r - w h lc h th e ow ners • o f C h in a c a n s ta n d b e t t e r t h f in th e in v a d ers

A n d w h ile th e y a r e w o r r y in g a n d n ibb ling t h a t a lie n a rm y o f o c c u p a t io n , t h e - Japane.se

, n re n o t ab le to w o rry U n c |c S a m m uc li. n o r to u n d e r ta k e th e c o o q u c s t o f th e D u tc h E a s t I n d ie s . .

J a p a n la a lre ad y m u c h w e a k e n e d ccd n o m lc - .wily. .a n d . po litica lly .b y h e r r a s h v e n tu re . In

S.MAIX CirANHi: ^Perhflp^ the rti'cL.lon of the Oermiui emba.vs?' to

refrain Iroin proleMluK Satnuel Harden Church's $1,- 000,000 oiler for the kirinnplni: of lUtler In .mfriclent commriii on tlie ridiculous nnturc of the propos.il. When nn uirldtnl ot nn unneutral nature cscapes Uic indlunatlnn of Dlflclnl Natldom It must. IndeetJ be more thiin ordinarily trlfllnK. -New York reports tlia t botii cheers and Jeers ereeted Uie offer—and ihLi wn.i to have been expected—but level-hrnded Americans who have no enrlhly we for HlUer will neverUielew Incline to think that the Jeen are Ju'tlfled.

Tlie Inrt Is tlint. a . million dnllarj. if we were lo eoii.Milrr the project as fewlble. Is a picayune sum imctcr the rlmimstances, and amounts to no more than th r verlr.\t small cliange. I t Li no compliment to Hiller. The enormous mlUlarj- expendlture.i of Use ftlUea. priicn tand proipccilve. well as.tlie .tow trtac co?t to cIvillMilon Jn Reneral, cause Dr. Church'* re- ward for Ihe tnslch to leem trivial.

A million? A billion of dollaw would be more ll)t« It. and cheap at the price. If th t allies thouRht th a t n billion would enable them to se t the ir hands on Dcr Pviehrer Uiey would lay It on the line with alacrity. But n mlllinn or a billion. It U «1I one. Still U I arvl Ihe Iifijhtnf B>«urdliy ti attained when Naz)s ifnors It,—PorUniid Oregonlati.


Dieakfiiiil Food, q i'iT E s o

. T ut. .Tull-T»ll:aUve U d y -"A b lg.nuiu like you ral&ht bo better occupied than in cruelly , catohtns little n»h.". A nslrr- 'p fflinps you’re risht. But If U1I4 fHh had

lysftr^hla' mouUi ih u ^ i .i ro u ld a l b t her*.” . .

smull iilrnlof

loii', War Lor<l p hl, .-.’ niple.s by

cai.rif,. off the A lt. Mk NorwcKlivn water.i. evrni* pro\-c—It was

r.insform the Scandl-

laslder .'Ishful think-InK of propnsanda. The bald fnc li tliat th r United Btntej luU nc munltloiw Indu.stn- capable of .sup' pl.vlni! Uie, we.ueni po^ i-rs In volumo —except., for alrplnnes—nad tiiose within r.harp llmltaUoas — ntul would ri'<]ulie xcvefal ycnri lo create

*’'’Mftniif;iriurn.s of wur miitcrlal tills coumry look the dlsarmntnci tollt or the in:0’A a,s .vriomly tis d

olUlBP, !toovfr. Stim ■r'nw no inorp order

and transformed their plants «> ii' peacetime producti

TljD "inerclm;death”—the du Tonts-rcmi Ihe powder biisinr.sa In a .small I t Clie jipccKlc and urgent re<lue. l 3f the war ilcparimeiit. Oui people fiio- innnilis of delay rv rr ihryJ!|ve jin <?rd>r for nrtlller^-,

ilreraft RUtw, . . . . ;f » militarymechanlMtlon proirain, the army hftji only o;ir division efjulpiwd with iho-Garand-ieml.aiitomaUc. rifle— tnd there Is still some doubt of It' rfflclene.v.

The pro'iN'rt ot n long and nll-oiii war. wlUi nwuranfe.s of *pol pay-

•M by the Johnsor sct-s. mlRht Incllnf

Amerlnan imliMry lo gear Us ma- chlrsp ror thi- prrxVirtlon of weaiwit,’ if denUi. Aiioihrr reaulromnnt. In h# event of pretllrted r«-p<'nl of

t^o je laws, would be the ileposlt of •ound security by foreljn purchW'


^tO^KEV SlllNi;.S ir It h i i been qulie

•since jou've hnrt a' cixxl lauch, W wlmt you need, Wally l.s

youthful monkey owned by •'Chlcl: Hsyes of Twin F.Mls. and he (Wnllyi cap think of more thtnir^ lo do Ir I minute Iliim the.average clowii :ould In an hour.

So that you can feel more fa- nlllar wllh WalLv and Uius apprc* ilate hl.s tiulct humor, l i niltjht >e explained that he U a ecvcn* month-old Javti monkey. *t.indlnK about a.foot hiRli and poMe.s.slng

tened eounlcnancc which be­lles hl-s youns Ide.-vs.

Wally primarily a social c rca- ire. and eafli new visitor to his

caRS a t the llaye.s hntcliery re­ceives a warm wdcomc from ,W ally. Just because h t appeari to be opcrj- benrted about 11 all, however.' docn

iican th»t he Ls not tojihUU- caled for oiia of Tils month.s,' Wlien

sne occasionally slips in a piece . . _ jn with the Implied hop« th a t complications will result. • Wnlly pollUly »ecepu the offrrlnR. chews

. for awhile and then ciilinly layn njlclc without fim or ibuk,

Wfllly U ilio nn opporliuiLst. When hlJ wild capers carry him to th« top of a box which proves robbly. Wslly doe.s not a.s.sume th a t

le nxkf lo and fro and seems to ;alu Uie same enjoyment from the

moilon ns.doc.s a younc.itcr from n backyard tvlni.

An actor by title. Wally t u u m u that nU the world's a sta^e 'In Khlch It U his duty tQ tAkc the cadlns rule.- When m sack o f,pea-

offered him When Ihe drninntle mommit nrrlvr. and the snrk Is unKU*rd?d, Wall; wiU sraip 11 (ind siart for h b cage nnd a r« treitlni monkey Is pmc tlcalb' a s ,: j - .^ u o c iu h as a re treaUnE mon'key.

TJiH t.ilk nlxjul Wfllly belnc ni Actor by tlile Krowi out of the fact th a t Wally appeared last Octobei a t the Mme lime Wallace B ter; wsi In this section on n'deer hunt.

With nil due re.'.pecis to Mr. Bccm tho. tiny monk was named Wally, and the m me has clunj, de.<plt« Uie Bad.flndlni: a t a later date that Daphne, Dolores or some other feminine * nnme**would have "been more appropriate, T^e name, WaJly, .itlll sUcks. however.'and to bs consistent. tbe.mUchlcvous monk b usually referred to as "'he.”


Hera's the latest excuse for a black 0 '«: "I was ttandlni on my con^tl* tutlonal rights,"

NOT SO EASV One Individual brought before ttie

ba r of Justice here recently found It'doesn'C pay ,to b* over anxious.

ilted the penally.•Tlfiy dollsr fine." said tlio Judge. "Oh well, 1 have that rijh t here

In my pocket.'" replied the defend* an t. • '.

id 30 day.s In Jnll-do .rou..... .......... In your pocket too?:' add-

tb i judge^eausUtsUy^------------1

er,v So far—and tliLi Is one Im- l» rtn m cffcci of Hlili-r'.' milliiiry and diplomatic triumphs—American Indiwtflftltst.s do not reKord the 0!- llcs us n good rL-Jc.

MECISfOV. 'm ncc'forlh U. 8. builncM men and IndasirlulisLj'In­tend to play Uic some Mrt of politics which h(is won so many victorln for Jabor and farm prewure- groups on Capital .JIlll. T hat rcprr.cnt.s the ment Important i>ollcy-and-procc- :lure dccbloij, determined upon by ih# 1.500 leaders of buslne.y who ut- tpnded the recent naUonal conven­tion of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States.— H T«to tor».th«-d«l«^at«frhftV-hold- ;Io«et confercncM. debated and ri 501v'«r-mTd-slvcn— a-dvIco-Ur-Ui

House and cotigress ili unheeded. At Uielr tcceut p.

•y staged « series of ,su . ilonnl confcfenfe.s to, which iln'y

Invited Uiclr congrcMlonal lendt By word of mou

■r flrsi ire clO'tr lo par cstlninted. Tlie

e Mill conducting the war ipllalliitic l in e s '- ftsseHliiK r,s, pnylnR dividends to pri­

vate inve.Mment.i, nnd otherwise nin- nlns war economics n.s pescctlme n.stltutlons. Tlic co:i of n fcven r.cas >locl:nde—plus th e co,st of rcnrm-

ament—wlU be ns harrowlni: 10 flrl- Ihe blockade to Germany.

Wllh the dirrcrence thn i ihdiJail.s dispensed with dividends—linvc

mode the chnni:i

in ^upI>ort ft w

OPTIONAUdevelopment hai If Uic f lv sftan var poller lo cc

N-vrs ngo that they r ludeflnltvly,

Tlie Sc.mdlnavlan nl^o produced one

;Ible alatcments of me oui of Franco's

Spain, acrmiin nnd Italian agmijs h:vve been tolling, m thrr than nak-

^hnl he will do

of Ger . and Ilalltmnes. The Spjni.'h venlon Is lh a f nco would withdraw from certain >trnlc areas - Olbraltar. Carta- ,a, Vnlnicla~aiid (vccciil the In- lablc In the way of a no-umn'.s-

Jnnfl w hrrrvrr t h e ■'belilKerent.-;

tliii Mfic;of for


'.s option 10 d«l(le Hgnlnsi

vay ha.'. lit>t pititliit'eii"iitiihtuiAit'!. niuutiK '■ p-'.s nentrnLs, but It has led Iff i» icli crop of riiiiior,'., Sivcdrn was ild to hnvu caplliilnlcd m Uic Narir,J Ihe i-.xtrnt/of cirnylni: tiirilicr 'yhim to Norwrgloii goviTument o f­

ficials u n lM thty are olflclnlly tn- Furthcrmorc. the atory

thnt political trials are lo be called Iff Inimedlatclj'.

Unknown to the general public the Swedish goveniment had launched rxtcnslve Invi'jtlgatlons to guard iRnUvst Trojan liorMs on their own crrltoo '. The fIndlnKS were rather hocking. For example, a t Lulea. t)ie

Baltic shipping port of tlie famous T ro nurnbtr of local bigwigs

iuclud liig ..n .police ofllclal were fouiid to belong to a ' pro-Piiselst group of tindlsputed pro-Nad lean­ing. Lulea, Incidentally, normally open for shipping by tlie flfteentli of*

irll. Is r,tm sealed by two feet of.: OS n rcinlntler of tiic unusuaUy ,'cre wlnte'r. Tills, the Swedes nay. s protected them more from ag-

grc.Mlon than their own correct be­havior as menUoned by Voa IUb» Uentrop.

As In Sweden, Holland. Belgium md the Balkans are buizlng wlU) uniors, denial.’, counter-rumors."

\Vt]lle confUKlirg to,Uie average lay- II or Uiesc re'ports are wortlu o the expert, because while

. turn out to be deliberate plnnt.i. &ome contain a large clement of trutli and fact, Tlie Balknas have

rpprciicnted .as the world's ponder-birrel nnd fuie-box for ro

h a t few people are aajyet rec-iclled -I

inln rliOURhl

hffvi tnkcivciihrle.vs.'bostllliIe.s htfvi taken :h sharp turns thnt well-lnformrd ident.s nre Inclined to believe the

bloody Balkans may prove to have been .shepherded to the purposes of

•rather than those of war.

delegate! ey t/>ld Uie li . llcle.n nn<i laws were hurting buil' li_n.M .prevenyng recovery^.TJie ■ter. Jncludlng such topnotcJier.s as

Vlre-Prexldent Garner. House Lead­er Ilflybum nnd 0,0,P . Ilotue Boo* Joe MarUn. begged Uie vlsltoi pabllcls* the ir vlewn-on-nullonul problcin.i; more vociferously Umr Jipy have In the past, and urgcc hem to "get pcrjoiuU" about I t . ' CXIdly enongli. th r er.stwhlle Ol'

iriilt.ir of fon.sen-ail>-e Interests— III- .•uprcme courl—wa.s ■ partially c,'i>oit.'iiblc for this decision to mak' rinids wtUi conKrr.>..v In sever.1l re '■n: oplnlon.s Uir jiirLsta have sevvt- iniice Ihat ihrv did not Intend 1 ip.'et laws dl,''ia,steful lo buslne,- nd IndiLsiry: they ITavtf w anir

fomplalnant-s tliat Uiey mu.'t tub ill Uielr ftjiiM-ftl to Uie lexl.sliillv ■ithrr than- lo the Judicial brnnc!I i!ir sovenlhTcilts.lt wa.' « valii

t ip . ....................... ..

n iJ^ E . Bctw7eh”lhe lines of hi :eiu unliemlded addre.'.s befor

le TOXO.S society, Vlce-Pre.slden >arner sought to dtsslpnle Uie Ini

'.«lon th a t he ond Presldeii

I W O u r C h ild r e n y iiI ^ by/lns^elo P a tr i

.Mr. Gar r refer;ially friendly

• cotifld"Uie


ed the deitOls urranccment about Ills roll I he negollaied wllh Uie pre.sl.

before Uie InnuguraUon U — .........................aid tho

lied rvlcc;prt«ldeni. "Uiat he w« to W en d all cabinet meeUnRs. rreed. I nl.so promt'ed t h a t .ould ask for no appolntraenl4—no

patronuge. But I ogreed to give my frank advice If I were asked for U m iiroposed appolntmenlA. I Also ■greed to volunteer -no advice on

polliltr But I also promised to Rh-e 11 If It were nskcd-and I have." Tliat tended lo repudlato Uie public belief U u t Jack bad gratuitously bncked P.D.R. on »pcndlnf. labor

IS and the "brain trusters." Onm.er. howem,-ffaT9 Uio

Imprwloii Ihat he w iu neUled over Uie fftllure of Ui^ lolld south to rally, around h tr pre«tdenUal-can* iidiicy. After delivering h li regular talk In K <julet. conver*itlen*l *nd raUicr unlmpreisive tore, he eald wlUi alow. emphatJo *nd deliberate emphaiJs; "Let me tell you men If Texaa and Uie souUi . (most news­paper .itoriea omitted lUi appeal, to

*ouihV) th n l-ir {In *oi?Ui U •gain to, elect a president, it

musC h iT f and goUter around a

n c m liiiiw rof Jesse H, Jones or Sam Rayburn

ext July for first or second place n the Ucket.

8EC0NDAHT. President Hooso-fll may *oon respond to Economist

LnuRhim Currlo'* warnings about a ------------ “rcceM loo-bl-w *

LKAItNINQ TO TALK ■Do 6ome o i^ r to the Kai

w hitfA iiprfirnolns.'' ■ S"We crosted tho lo<r swiftly

slopped a t Jhe hedge tha t mw Uie sunny little garden where A stayed out Uicrunuy.i>ouri..jI2e standing In Uio patch of runllghtUint flooded the a ................little. n.s though l i .........................nlng hard. He chuckled nnd began ninnlng around the dial and ran h r chanted. ••R.ibblty. r babblty. r.lbbltv. BUCK," A •vlioul of BUCK h e ;a t down Ihrriv bnlli hatiil.s .ilxjve hU nnu'laiii;|i.'d out loud, ,. '.'Hr'-, hreii playlnK that for thr la.M.hnlf hour ntid lir

T tirre’inv liisaiil Molllr wn:

I theabout

ei- been ' Aiipl

it.', but

R In the world, He-,sfeetly nil right and v

<l)cndlnc, to I

Ih a t his speech nppnratiu need.i excrcl-se. Tliut's all."

•"W hat » relief. I wa.snt sure but whhi he was out of his head. Sounds like delirium to me, but If you say ll'a all right, why It's nil - rlKht. I suppose. How long will heke*p R l i p ? ! ' - - -----------------

"Uiltll he feela he has had enough. He w on't hiirt himself. He will cliMit 'nnd sing, and repeat ityllnbles. and compose 'hon-jen?/i rhj-mes and amti-ie himself with hbi tongue, gen- ernlly. D bn't bother him."

Children nriiulra' speech tw w er bv ihclr own effort- Kobodj- can give It to thenh Tliey practice the ,'niuidi. they hrsr. They Imllftte the wortiK they lie.u oilier people u :r so. th a t the clillrireii of the fninlly

.-.anic vocabulary but they have the

'lectlon,s, tonps, emphasis It.',, Ttiey will mil: ns Uielr Ik. Blit flr.st they have Ihrlr speech mechanism

age where they ca:i make Ihelr purpori.

e older f<

. program. Heavy feder:■ 111 be needetl to prevent

polltlrally harmful Ullspln on 11; 've of a mitlunal elecUon. accordlD0 Mr, Currie,

r . D, R, would not ask for •ivcKic spending bill running Into he bllllnits, ucrordlue to prlv.-it< ilaiis now on hU desk, • He woiili etiue.U n mUier mc)de^l upiiroprl.i Ion of'MOO,000,000 for n ntw piiblli irograni. But under the -system of1 le<ler.il grant of <5 per cent and I local contribution of S5 per ce: ha t ;u)uld iimount to almo,st a b Ion ^ la r .s . He would olso ur icilon on Uie measure approprlaUi...

jaoo.000,000 for u new slum d m -


r Im '.'.'.Ions and

tnture. e f f e c t l v e l ystj-mled. Here ogaln T. D. R, irobobly, propose only a JiOO,000,000 ipproprlaUon, Ho has already sug­

gested m a t i9 « - re l!e fm o n e y -b e illoited so Uint a. portion may be ipeni before Uie period for whldi congreu has nuUiorlted-lt, Becauu)

dr. Currie's gloomy predlcUons bitterly . opposed Uie Dsrden

amendments lowering wage'-hour pay standards end is flghUng for

bill'providing, fo r'p arity pay- ita to the farmers.< he once told eongreu, Uie pres­

ident "wil! not letr the people down" jven If II means upping. Uie public

L»U'lTo\VS. A toa.stmastcr at a cent dinner eharacterlrjrd Mrs, nm er-tts -the -vice-president ex-

U-aordliinn-."In rcjpondlng. tlie No. II lady

winked a t Uie V.-P. and repudiated the ';extraord!nar>-“ part of the In* iroductlou. "t am simply Uie vlce- prcsldeni-«- abject- alave,''- ohe-eald.

nil I

Isstainilielr ixjwer erlng. Cllvr ecli power

theyespre\s them. Tliat ■p.i beginning to talk ammer. They wmit is In tl'.clr inlnd.s nt

one itrciilh. Tliry iiif so mijilnus lo Piiy It nil HI one .sajinK tha t Uicv overclmrgc ihelr Miceeh trne.t.i with riierKy nnd drew of speech, T them time I In proportion lo thel exprcr.'.loii nnd they will be all right.

Don’t fnstcn your anxious eyes on a stiuiimerlng child. Look any­where else but at him. and a t the Kime time, let him know he has your nttciitloii. Once In a while put In the word he Is searching for. cn.sunlly as you can say It, nnd let him conllnue.' Don't a.sk him to say the word after you. Don’t drill hlnr. Speak' clearly, slowlj-. calmly to him nlwnys and give, him time for growlh. Trying lo force m w th 'w ill" check. It,

And. when a llltle clilld almost rlve.i you mad by singing the same •

word or sylloble over and over again,', get .o u r ol- hearing niUier

;op him. He -Is about th« lerlous bu.slnes3 of growing lil* • speech power. Leave him to his JokC ._G h^ lm peace to do It.

If you find It dlfflcuU lo gel your >oy or girl to mind. Ihe fau lt U

.irohably your*.' Send for A tinto.Eiiin'i bPDkiti..robtir'

...................- ............. Addrcs* An­gela Patrl. c /o Tirln Falls New*, P,0, Box 71. Station 0 . New York, N. Y.

A drutgU f# m*g»Hn#, desortblna :h&raetensUcs of drug aUdleU to - tha t druggistt may recognlto Uiem. — all addicts are fotm of vsn-

music. _

Page 5: p l 2.7, I K azis M o W T o ^ DA German Columns Advancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF107/... · OAHO SCHOOLBOY ODW SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (/P)— Roosevelt


M w m


S l a t e O t i i c c r A s k 's ' D r iv e r s . t o A i d in M ak in g B r id g e

.T r a v e l S a fe .

CItlnR tlie devasbtliif: dcjtruc' tion lo olil cnn tlml ^vrre r.rnt over UiP rim new tlic Tuln Fall; Jerome Inlcrcounly brli)Ke Rt the ri cent loll-llfllns ccrfmnnj’ (u ei. omples of fthnt could Imppen. Enrl SmMl. atatn police odlccr fit Jrr- onie. Jio.1 L’-Mied n (IfMnR wiimlnf. promplctl by (rrcnt liicrcwe In trnvcl Blnce th e brlOse bccnme loU-frrc.

AlthouRli ihe itpted limit on ' brlduo Is 23 mllM nn hour, molor- h ta are fnlllnR lo olwcrve Ihl.i. i well na tlir llKlit-cllinmlnc r.tnluti nnd n blinded drlvrr or n ilrtvfr oi of control on tlir brltlce could ti en,«ly camn ft fiitnl ticeldent. I pointed out,

"Ounrd rnll* on tiip bridge cii nnt heavy fnouKli to hnlil ft motor car 111 event of nn nrcMrnt. Tli mnnil—OAlilc from the qimtlon of liitt'—Is plain," dednreil the. otflcrr

U lntlnc nl the Incrr.ne in l r a \ t wlilcli lins marie flpednl Mfely prfiC' tlcM /•wentlftl Is n ruw y roniluetcd from 8;4S to 10:45 p. m. Sunday «h rn 322 can, pn.v'-d nvrr ' ^Ilan, 'niifi woiilil not inchidi h;i^c'bii!l crowd.."Rediicp your *ptfd on

•Tlirre Is ft 40-mlle Twlfi Falls fide nnil within n I day.i we rxpect official ulms make the norlli.'ilcli! airn n <0-mllc nrca from tlie brlilRe to Ihr Jerome (;n!f cour^e, Maximum ipccd on tJie briclsr 1.1 25 mllM an hour,"

Pcrr>- Drewliiftlfin, fll.itft poller of­ficer , w ith heartquarlfrs In T»-In m ill, nlso iirced mntn l. l to co- openxtc In kccplnft nuto traKCdy

• from mnrrlnB Uie free lirldso ord.

Double • llncR wamlnit nsnlnM patilnc ahould lie observed closely.

An example of hnw accldent<i hap ­pen occurred Sunday uhen n mo- torUt cm n comer «1th ft trailer carrj'lnc n .toat. ftnd nn nppronctitni: cnr. ulfich wm also trnvcllnf: Bt .. cewlve speed, was forced onto the fhoulder of the road to avoid


A m e r i c a ’s N e u t r a l C o u r s e T a k e s S p o t l i g l i t in

P r e s i d e n t i a l R a c e

WASHIKDTON. May 1 ■ <-Vi —

JOilld be II proiiilliem if the 131ft prr:.lclenll:il n', :i forritnne <-niichr' l(i:iie:it Ihr eonfllrt bei

'H irlr <)urr,lli)n,rellc etcd vll.nl >vlo',islv iin fivrrwIiclmlnR. nll-bul'

u;;. <)r;,;rr on Ihe part of the 1 l;<'ep Amcrle;i a t Ji ■10 make It ;helr hur.ltir ■••Iv :iliimi-il lb piitillc ■-[H>u-^hiil r.lnre then ilnu has, If anything, k

JU S T no w MUCH rrspeci -TTiiirTflrTieTr>riuiifrisTTsi«]ff5]niW Triinrunc?mtnrtiurKi-irireni

tie I i shown u he clanerd over « prc«s eim ers 7e>tcrdsr In h li nbout ncvcn manthi old ana i< p iu in c Ihrouch Ihe "cute" tla j

. pause Co watch him and his Javaimonkejr parentf. The partnU wi b f Mr, lUxen, tn d U'allf I t their third oUtprine. The name <rt movie fame to the Twin Kails M-elion a t the lime Wally pul In boused Ktveral rtd aqulrrels whlrh a ttrac t Ih e l^ h a re of atteni

» t the Kayet lUlchtry. IVally li ihrn hix antics imuie the many nrhi

ere obtained from Callfamli five K a n aci /niplred 6jr the tf»/« of IVitlice /{eery of

in appearaiiey. In an adjicrnt on. iNewi Photo and Kninitlnsi,

Safely Patrols TWarch at Boise

Student safety patrols of « Wftho communities will Snlunlay momhiB Join In ft iiaradc nl UoL'< litadeU by Uic tn-aile m IiooI tiand of Pioneer ^ehool near Rupert, accordlnn to In­formation from Olenn H. DnH'!.

I Iduho Automobile auoclatlon u fc ly rcpresentiitJvc., TIi6 bftnd ,wlll consLU of SI pieces,

and the march, iflarltlnit nnnuM Safety Pntrol day, ttlU ilnrt c '

'. From the rcvlcwlnB itand v...BoUe city Ijall stepi, JudRlng for prize* win be conducted by Governor C, A. Bottolfsen, Miiyor James S tralsht. Boise; John W. Condle,«intc superintendent of putjUc in- atrucUon; nnd Ida Mnriln Warner.

Other cventi foe Uie day Included It. picnic lundieon In Julia Davlt-i nm ni.. iiiirk antTMTUmirffuhlcj In me alter* jn ? Hi_r"?pni_ltJs-expcct4l.niiai,.tliB.800Krade aehool pupils will number rnnonff them rtpreicntatlve* of Uie Maislc Vnlley.

Frank Wotjion U director of Uie . Pioneer muslcftl unit:- and Principal

Willard Hnyward heads Uic faculty delegntlon. Escort -UHns the trip «III be Iloll Church, state pollcc officer.


MoUier’s Day luncheon FYldny ■the home of Mrs. Art Hawkins. A prosram followed the luncheon wlUi Mrs. -Jny B, Saekett elvlng a paper on Ui6 "Origin of MoUieri Dny." Allen Leo save a tap danee and n flower contest wlUi Mrj, J. H. WrlKht winnlns tho M * completed tJie Bft«moon entertainment.

MeeUnc Set—Onmg# nuxlllary will meet rrtdiiy aftemoon, May 10

P r c c r m t Set — "ni# advanced home maklns cla^i of Uie nim l hlRli scJiool will. Rive a tea' from two until four Tliursday afternoon a t Uia high k >iooI for tlieir mothers

• and friends. There will be a pr KraiB. TJio freshman home makh... cliLM will Iiave an exhibit and pn>- Kram Wednesday evenlns. May 15. n t B o'clock when Uielr mothers nnd friends will be (juejta.

Tea Planned—Tlie Lesion Auxll' Jary has set the annual War Mo­thers party for Monday, May 13, a t tlio home of Mrs, o. \v. Anthony.

ras te r Honortd-TJie Bspllslcon' inrRatlon had an all>day mcellns And no-host dinner a t noon Sun­day honoring tho third anniversary of Rev. J . E. Herr as paslOT of the ^ lle r Baptist church.

Relallre rauex — Uit. H u s h Brown, who has been a piest a t the liome of h e r sister, Mrs. Earl htore- land, le ft Friday for Charllon. la - a fte r recclTlng word of th» death of her »liter-ln-lftw. Mr. and Mr*. E. Mortland took her to Salt Lake Cl(7 where she boarded » plana boae.


a sC o m m i t t e e C h a i r m a n D e ­

n o u n c e s B ill H i t l e r i a n

WASHINOTON. Mny 7 Tlie house Judlclarj’ commlttce rcvmiriK lt.';clf. voted today to Klve further conildcrntloiv. to the Hntch political prnctlcc .1 bill which Chftlrman Snm- n e rs (D-Tex) Inter denounced n.s •’Infftmous" and a.i tendlns toward ft H ltlerlnn form of cenlmllred gov- crnn icnu

W ltlj Sumncm nnt voting, tlie eommlttcu dccldcd o n 'a M to 11 roll cnll vole to tnke the bill ••from Uic table," thiLs revlvjnfj It m a live commlllee Ksue, ThLi undid ft 14 to 10 secret vote of la-st Wed- nci.dny to sliclvc 11,

A few hour* lat«r. the chftlniian nro;< In the 'house 'to wiy eniphat- Icnlly he opposed the men.'ure's chlcf provision. curblnR political ftcllvl- Ues of all swte employe.s to wliane pny U;e fedcml government con­tributes.

Amurhifc that sUtW rlght.i would bo InfrlnRcd. he shouted:

■Who*e bii.ilncM li It to tell tin

The Day in_ Washington

. - ............. ....... up hereftnd-hiw e-som e-tw o-by-fm ir-tcllt fK!C people whal tliey cAn do? • *

•'W cTc n t Uie crauronds. 'We .wll e ith e r BO on to the Kreatcst ays tcm of Kovcmment or keep right oi th e road we’ro on."

l i e said one .of the routes couU 3 t he lp lend lo “a lUtler. a Stalli • n Mu.'-wUnl'*Tinrt a.wrl<cl:• 'I e nn 't believe tliat our pcopli

,, . avo Uncle Sam down there ....- keep Ujcm from being crooked In som e little election,"_acprcscn LoUvc—O uj-cr— (R- ICn*)Who favors the bill, forecast ap provnl "wlthoiit delay." neprwcnt.T ■ ! J3emp,wy (D-NM). house spon-

of the legLslailon, surmised iha th o committee would give the legis­la tio n ItA sanction a t Its next meet- tng Tliurr,dny. '

S tu d e n ts on H onor R oll a t F iler Told

PILEEl, May^ 7—Honor' roll Btu« den ta tor Uie ’’past irmdlng period were revealed here th h week • b> acliool officials and Include tlie fol' lowlnit:

Senloni; Howard Kastcr. Eloulse M oreland. Colleen Qoodyenr. Lillian Tcjm n. Mcixlne Mitchell and LInnea Lnrson.

Ju n io rs: Betty Johnson. Bill Da- vlji und Margery Wood.

Freshm en; Wftlta Cochran. Dale H hah, Duane Hurlejs. Audrey Shank, K eith Wood and Roger Vincent.

Sophomores; George AnUionj', Jftme .1 Brrnnnn. Mahlcn Hammcr- quL^t, Clarence Showers. Marie R e ichert and Clifford Slntter.


D O I8E. May 7 (,IV-W. V. Leonard, a ta te sanitary engineer. Paul c. W ord, hla assistant, and H, C. Clare s ta te •.Industrial engineer, left to day for Portland where Uiey will de liver paper* a t tlie Joint conven­tio n of the PscUle northwest sewage


Idaho’s Finest R a d io Service S h o p '

Has M oved From----------- 1 2 S .2 n iA » eJ!Jo tth _ _ _ _

. 4 3 4 - 4 4 0 M a i n S o u t h 'The bulldiog f o rm e r lf occtip'ied by,

the P arm er's A u to Sopply;

(By Tlie Auoclate'd Press)Tlie hou.',e Judiciary commlttfc

vcr;,i'd It-^clf nml voted, H -11. to consider the Hatch bill b.vinln5 pi tlcal activity by stAle employed paid with federal funds; a ia lrm on Sum ncr* »D-Tcx,) .<ald th e ’ meuur would lend lo "destroy Uie republic.

Socrctjiry Ediion told the Mriat nnviil committee Uint German al, power could nol destroy Uin Britli'h fleet and tha t the battle.ship still was Uie "bnckbone" , of defense Jame,'! W. Gerard, former ftmba,',?j»- ilor to Gehnnny, salt! a t the White House Umt Uie United Suites woiili. be In •'grcnt danuer" If Germany

on thBJvnr.

The treasury lllle;l penalty dutli ^ Italian silk Imports In a step li

icrprctcd as a gtilurc of fileiuWilp for th a t country.

Senator 'Norrlj and,-^^}.) c J. Edgar Hoover'"Uie greatest hound for publicity on Uie American con- thient" -and critlclred Uie' federal bureau of InvesUcntlon on tlie senate floor.

Tlie houne debated n re.wluUon to

oilun progrhwi shllUng Uie civil ner. onftullca ftiithorltytt? the commerec di-partmcni’; Uie senate debated n bill to terminate trca.iuty purcha.ses of, foreign silver.' No action reached.

SJiosIione Scores W ith A ttendance

OGDEN, Utah, May 7 OTV-Kotari.. ,vi from Shoshone, Idftllo, won- rec­ognition a t the ptnh-Idalio dLitrlet convenUon here yestrnlayfotJiavliie I h e 'te s f a'tiendnnce record <lurlng the PO.M year.

The ShftOio'ne club won In com- pctlllon with other Itolaiy’clubs In UiR district, ,

Tlie Provo. Dtali. club won- the ward for Uie largest pcrccntago

of memberr.hlp Increase,• Boys' cltih ftcUvltles of Bolftrjons a l Idaho Fnlls and Jerome. Idaho, and a t Salt UkB City, Price, and Ogden In UUih were praLied. ,

Pocalello G ranted F und for A rm oryBOISE, May 7 (,7V-'Dean W. Mil­

ler, Idaho work'projects ndmlnla- imtor, said today t h e ..........WPA olflce has approved »30,7M federal funds for aid l:i conslnict- Ing concrete ormorj- a t Pocatello a l

• total cosl ot »71,00(). . -

A V I A I i S i lH o u s e M e m b e rs D e b a te P r e -

s id p .n t ’s R e o rg a n iz a - •' t io n O rd e r

WASHINOTON. Mny ^ M")-nitte criticism nnd hlRh praUe of tin clrtl neronniillcs huthnrlty, echoed through the hnw.e tndny ns bers-debated President Roor.evelt'n rponmnl'zaUon nrdrr trnnsforrlnK

,t ngencj- to tlir rnmmcrct' di •tm nit. It was BRri'ed to vote c

the onler ;\t noon tomorrow.Proponents of the transfer n ,

tflcked the atilhorllv'a nir Mfety boarti which Rep, Warren (D-NC) df.'crlbcd ns "one nf the rottcne,',t

ip of the wnr.'t nrtfifli In the Eoveniment.for many

years."But rt'ep.ubllcans and a uprlnklli „’ Dcmocrnt-t comitered wlUi the

argument that the rrRrouplni: would destroy the liiilcpendence of the 20- mnnlh-old CAA nnd 'transform It Into n board "under poUllcal,orcnnl- m tlon of the government."

Till* air .Mfftv bo.^nl, ft branch of■th>"CA-Arw6riWbe nl.o!l,ilied unci, tho pri'rtdeni'd order and the CAA iLself- would, be uhlfted Into Ihe strucluri“ of Ihe commerce ikpnrl- ment. Tlie onler will Ix.'come rffer-

. unle.vs both r<nnte and hou;c disapprove It wlUiln 60 <lay«. '

R rp, Lea (D-Callf). chalrmnn of the house Inlerstate commrrcc cnm-

yr. led the fight on the rcor- nftllnn order. He told the hnn;e

thnt thr-trTin5frr-would“ mtiti!nte" Ihe CAA, and said thUl "deva.itntlni: mlstnke.i" had been made when the admlnl'trntlon Of civil nvlntlon w.is formi^lr-tm(lef-Jiirl5dIctI0n“ CiruVe commerce department.

CnnnU nnd laterals of Uie Sail n i i r r IrrlgnUon project In Arlionn embmce a mllengo greafrr Uian Uie distance from New York lo Clilcago


nb'.crlli''i to thl.s policy, Con- llv.-Uie 1.1'V: nf Ihe Demo- vl l be lo keep (he eountr^- I. ns It nppnrrntly was when ii-: embnrro w:is repealed last liiit In tliln pinfrrnm there I (Iniirer of Involvemenl hi

Tlie rlaril Oppft ll^ I’oNlllnn niurnl efiect nf this Mtuft.

lion hn.s bren to !,et the Repilb- llciin.n upon a trend lownrd the op- po'.lte pi,.-.ltlon. Tlinmns K. I>'wey iinr, nlrcndy felt Its forer. A few months ago he was more or le.M suppnrtlnir the ndmlnWrntlon’s pol­icy, Dill In hts middle-western cam- palunhiK he swimu -to n por.itlnn

lehncall for

................ from .Furope. SenatorVandenherj: (R-Mlehi, nnother cnn- dld.ite. optV)'.ed retieal of the arm'i cmbarco. Keiiator Tuft (R-Ohio), n third, voted to repenl the arm ' em- hiirco. but has .•.Inee been crillcal

;i(lrnliil''tratlon moves Innffiil

rtm-s a t work nnd the iiidlilntrs holdhiK Mich views, there

apt to be a grent deal of iin;u. irn i nbout forelrn policy ns the impalgn pronres-.es.At th- mlddh- nf the week, Posl-

iii':ler Grnernl Fnrley, th r ehalr- i.-in of th'- Demoeratlc nntlohal immlttee, rxpre.wd (lie opinion,

..nwever, thn t forekn pollry should' be kept divorced from pnlillcs nnd

.mpalRnlnc, !/;{ no one. he rjild, y to gain public favor -by making

tha t one mnii ran keep

eenlAge ofwhMmlnrlv r.riv. Jarnr...

U. •,\hlcli thc-v -.ull 1:.- P-frrrrd.■nir I/;:iii.W aV r hill, applvliii;

JiiiUrlal n-.T:il;;i-. 1-. th f (Ii)r--rii of

Hfiwrvr. If ( ri-l.!.-iili;,l \- i



W o m a n , T w o M e n A c c u s e d ^ , a t M o u n ta in H o m e of-

H o ld -U |) .

M . u 'N T . x ' i . s ' J d l h o . :

leir nyjips as Joint incl-. Ibvls. 30. sn d '. ViK nl Los ADselcj. .ciiiiiiii av.iTled she

neraldlne XtcNell,... ■harcrd under Uiat

|i in the Utah iititeil olJlceri o. lie Mild, fled

W om anV D a in a iic ( ila in i O v e r r u le d



Ini; nt Rlnhv. ii’V.rd for dainaKe • n collision nr;ir t.liilio Pall:. DfC . 1(137. betwrrii his nutomobll< d a WTeel:>T owu<:t| by ilie Kiira^re

p olhcfellow.

New deniera were quick lo elalAi lo.st for the third lerm ns a result

he Pennsylvi Tliese rolled up nn Imprr-' to tn t jo r PresIdenlrRoosevelt In the privsldrnllftl preferencn rlectlon—he

unoppoied—nnd reiinmlnnl-( .. 'ph P. Quffey, iniswervlng nei

deni .supporter, for the senate.Vole F.ill.1 ShofI

Tlilrd lerm foes fniiml nflset.' however. In tlie fnct tha t thi- Iota Det^iokraUc vote fell •well Uiorl o th e -to ln l-cftst-tn -tho -B e iiuh llca i prim ary and in Uie fncl Hint Mr. Roo.icvelt recelve*i ■ lev. tli to ta l of the Democratic voter. ..

TvrflliyWere'lnterer.tedrtoor in' tlie w rite-in « t e In (he Repiilillenr presidential, primary'. No candldnK vote, although jn iy a small per-


1937 PONTIAC 6 De L U X E SEDAN, rndio, hcn tc r $546 1037 PONTIAC COUPE, radio, h c n tc r ------ — ?426

-ia20-O A K bA N D -,C O U PEr v cp ' BPod shape .1037-B UICK .SED A N ._fa..dio, hcntcr ......... ____...56251935 PONTIAC SEDjiN ...... - .^3761935 DODGE SEDAN ?326 1035 FORD SEDAN-..?296 1934 OLDS SEDAN,_.ro- dio, hcnlcr — ------- $295

Miles J. Browning, Jnc.

Buick liealcr '




PrincrsiJjnrplimiC M nC M M atulnA o |


U se d C ars t J s e d T ru c k s


1938 V-8 V A T. Pnnt3l. dtml w heels ...... ......................$650

1935 Chevrolet I'/oT truck w ith ffrnin and Ijcct bed , new m otor ......... S325

1934 Ford V-'8 V /i T. with com bination gr.iin nnd licct b ed .................................. $225

19S1 Model A Truck. Sliort

Old Or(‘«ion T rail R oafI N a m e Ur*re<IRAKnn. O re, M;iy 7 (,T,-Went-

^•iji Idiilio »ml (-:i'.f(Tii Or<-i:oii should colhbnrale In slate i.dv.-rtli- liiR hy ralllnn U. S. highway No. JO "Hie Old Oregon Trull," Oovenior C. A, ni>t1olf,-rn nf Idnho suld todav.

"Tlie O nrnn c-ounir.' Ir. Uw 'daddy' of thi’. great uotthwri.1," lie

I'.serMcc eliili nieellni;, vm tk more molorlMs than .-vrr will

the hlKhwajs of tlie i,tate.. We .should exploit our t r e a l htnh-


V " Bccaupc'ilicy’ro longer wearing \ —ihoiio specially trcclod fllock-

ings a rc M other's fovoritou. . Chooso from our now Phoonix

Pcrr-onclily Colors ond niako her happier bocauflo of your

\ extra thoughtfulnosa.

your PhoonixHofliory gift "roady-lo-givo' I


F ig u r e s show that nboiit one out of cvpry five ohle-lo-purchasL* ncw-i

"Sliow tnc those hi({ so ft coil springs you Inlk aboul—artd w h a t's th e business

buyers really u-anli o Uuick more than about reco il-m o u n ted K n c c -A c tio n , henv'icst frames a t th e p r ic c , five-foot front scat room In SUPHR models', and

■ six diizcn nc\y 19-}0 fe a tu re s ? ”N ot nil will buy one.

Too m any o f them will shnke their heads and sifih, "N o p e l A cur that bi^ and handsoiue 'm xif be oiK o f my rcuch!”

Y ou’ll be sm prtcr than .that, w e k n o w .'

You’ll realize it doesn't cost a cent lo find oul how fi Huick fe e ls—and whnt its delivered priccs ore.

So you 'll w alk in to the nearest Ritick dealer ond say: " L e t m e have o jiood look at that.car that’s show ing the rest whot m odem style is. ■ —

When y^yi’vc got the a n sw e rs through a good long ride —ask one m ore ques* lion: "H o \? m u ch ?"

C urrent priccst sta rt a t S895 ★for the busiiiess coupe, d e l iv e r e d a t F lin t, Mich. T o this ndd tronsporto tion boscd' on rail rotes, sta te and local taxes (if flny),nndoptionol cquipm cntandacces* s o r ic s -a n d you’ll s till get mighty low delivered priccs.

When the hug b ites you , cet the facts — und you’ll get a Buick and b e happyl

V ’rtces subject to chance without notice,

OUR SALES ARE SW O i.-«n iI M ar* U>t d«it« jrcurB alckdw U rli m sU af!

' V

Page 6: p l 2.7, I K azis M o W T o ^ DA German Columns Advancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF107/... · OAHO SCHOOLBOY ODW SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (/P)— Roosevelt


-SOCIETY EVENTS and' CLUB NEWSWayside Club's P a s f PresidenfT~

Honored a t Installation,Meeting-S c a ies-of-Fashion

p a s t p rcs ld e iiis o f ih e Wnyxlclc c lu b w ere h o iio rc il- a l the c h a rm in g ly u r ra n g c il sjirlnR lu n c h e o n y e s te rd a y a fte rn o o n w h ic h p rec ed e d th e a n n u a l .n s l a l l a l l o n of o frice rs a n d a le n g th y bu s in e ss session . T hp a f f a i r wa.s h e ld a t th u ho m e of M rs. H elen N orris w ith M rs, C a r r lo Jo n c n , M rs. M a ry Jonc.s, M rs. M a ry D o u u tic rly a n d N'r.s. C la r is .Miller a s a s s is ta n t h o a tesses . Mr.-;, F ra n k W ilson, p r e s id e n t o f tiic c lu b w h e n I t was o rg an iz ed In 1Q15. w as- ln v l tcd to a t te n d b u t coHid n o t be

' .Mn, Lcr SiiUtrtH^iliinK iirivitlfiil ol Uie i liil;. Mr.'., M. O. KiijkendBl,Mrs. OeorKe Joiir^. Mrs, Ucnrj- Clwmpllii. Mrs, A, Miiriyn.

• EUznlwUrMoiuiiii. Mr^. Or:ice ,iml Mr.v Anna Vo',t).irK, nil

prMlrfciil; Mrs. Eva Ilorsh, srcrt' Uirj- nml M n, Maiy Curboa, ucnsur- rr. Ntrii, Hoy Havirlnnd will t tn ’i nx (he club i c|>oner.

After the Im.tnllutlon, tlic lirour voted to icnd a box of Kltt.v to tl« Vetemn.V home iil DoUp , Members drew iiamci for Simshlnc poln for tJie comlns y«n

Plnns to r k' wlUi Ihc tlrclslOH fivvorrfl to hold the anmml.ftffHlr n « l October 1: Jlenil of In June,

Plniu were nl«> completed for pot>luck dinner to b« lield June 4 a t the home of Mn. Sm ith ■( p. m.

A caleiidiir committee to make i ■UiB new j-ear bookj wiirf named w Mm. Cliomplln. Mra. Miller n Mrs. Daugherty on the commltt

aue.iLi o f tlie club were Mr.i, C. A. Flowerdew. Mrs. lUehard DInmoiid. Mni. M n rg m l Swltier, M n . Wllllwn Crawfort and Mrs. Ifastan Jlnlle,

a . A N D H . CLU B N A M E S N E W T R E A S U R E R

Meetlns one nftemoon la il «eek nt th s homo of W u NclUe MnUb)-, members of the B. nnd 11. (tub elected Mrs. Arlene Lnmmer* as tr tju u rer hfter Mrs, Pierce rcslRned from th a t office.

l a Uia abicnce of t^ie president, Ih i vlce>presldent. LoLi. Bradjr. con­ducted the meeting. New club book.i T\tr« distributed to die fourteen member* prc-vnt. Mrs. Lester Jos- Hn and M n . Vnnorer were gueslj.

' Refrejihment* were rerved by the hoete.u, a-vibted b y 'N nn i Mnlitjy,

LaJJiUUiy and .M r/ViAW* m AAf Im •* ...Ml " Wa


Piiculty meroben of T w b Palb high school atUnded • tea »en-ed In the school dining room follnw- In* cla.'jes Monday evening. Tlie affair waa arransed In honor of birthdays of three Instructors, umch

’occur Uili week..Mlu DoroUiy Call. MIm Akiici

" ' ' ' . . ’JiuWCtl jvrfc

:entury Club MWibers Climax Year's Progratn at May BreakfastC lim ax ing a y e a r o f varle tl activ ity , o n e h u n d r e d a n d

iw c n ty -lw o m e m b ers o f th e T w en tie th C e n tu ry c lu b a tte n d e d th e e spec ia lly c h a rm in g a n n u a l M ay b r e a k fa s t y esterd ay a fte rn o o n a t th e P a rk h o te l. M rs. A. J . Pcavcy, In c o m in g presl (jen t. n n d M rs. J . W . N ew m an , r e ti rin g p re s id e n t, w e re special guc.sts of h o n o r a n d Mrs._ C laude Brow n, w h o w a s general c h a irm a n o f a r r n n g e m c n ti fo r th e a ffa ir , p r e s id e d na to;

mAstcr. '•S p r in g tim e ” wa.n th e thertie of th e c lc v c rly a rra n g e d prog ram of t o a s t s a n d m usica l selecilons, and decorntlom »ere arranged under the clinlrniaa-.hlp of Mrs. Ronald' L. Oravea.

Trlnclpil address of the after­noon w u given by Mrs. L. K. Hip* ton. who dlKusjfd '"n ic Awslcen- Inj," explttlnlnR tlin l women's psr- ■':l[>sllDn In Rovemmeiit I ' rapidly

crfMlng. an Uidlentlon Hint ibe; e awakening to Uielr senr.e of r t

sponjlblllty.- "O ra a t- la s t# - bHII— ll« - b«fori womtn, though. If cIvlllriiUon is l< continue lu forward march." shi cmphatued. ■ ‘

Each program number wns Intro duced by Mrs. Brown with un npprO' prlttta bit of vcrte. 8hfi offrrcd •'Odi to Spring- as Uie Inlilnl number ot the program ^Ira. Uartlctt B;nclali offcretl til '

Beta Gatmfia Members Hear Iren e L o p e z

Alio Included on thewill be numbrrs by M

Muriel Pui:llano nnil'M K i Hoiini Von A1 I.ee.

Mrj,. Max Orny b chiilmmn of ihi commlltec on Brrangcmfnt-i for ilii card party next Monday, and Is 1>P' lug a.\.ilsled by Mr^. A. C. Cartrr ,\lr.i. A1 Ruiiifll. Mrv Owen Buch. anan . Mr«. Mnria r.itierjon am .Mra. Pullmnn,

FaU ier H, E. Ifeliiiian will conilUci a r,pedal May lerilcr nl tlio cln'i of th e nfternnon's progmm.

A (juli contcM. whicli hns' bw conducic'd at eneh mrcllng durliu the iinsl year, will be cnncliidii 'niur.iday. and a jrrnnd prite prr-

nted for the year's winner, olliclali Id.Uiirlng the ,biu->lne,u mtetlnK, (lit w offtcen will bo, circled follow- B Uie report of the nomlnaUiifc rjimlttee a t the Ia.M meeilnn. M rs..C . A, Biilcher h flmlrmnii

the, rrfre.'hmeiii committee foi e nltenioon.

M iniature May B a sk e ts Form

Clever FavorsM iniature May baiJccl-i fasli ' recd .1 and lllled wlili niim.' Indies were made by Mrs. Don

Taylor aa favors for members of the K. T . club when hh« enicrtfttned al

T homo In Kimberly last week nt delightful 2:30 0’ClorK lunchrnit. T he Hide b.uket.^ were fa-.lriii'il

a varl-colorcd Miiy txile which ntered th« attmctlva luncheon ble. w ith .-itreamers IcRilinK from -.h basket to the cenirnl flKure.


ider tlic riln-C' of Mi,u Mao- Ixm Ollb.

irlng tlie Infominl procram prc- Ml around tho huse camp lire

Moss Leona R.ne IIUKhes read an original poem dcdlcnted to Trl-C member!.

ip slnRlni; of boih chiba' iijoyetl <lii!inK tin- nl I


cArrlcd ou t tliroURhout the inlilidecor and 'alio fenturccrfn ihe

menu. " ■E ach Buest also received a .ooden plaijue, designed and ;___

by Uie hosCc.u, who Li a wondbiirnlng

C on tract was the atternooir ,’erslon w ith honors roIih: Io Jam es AIa.itra and Mrs. Carl I

M n , O. M. Tucker will rnte ip -c luo m d a r.“ M n rn 7 ;-n t Dme in Twin ■P'ail.'i.

honor guesta, A speolal . addition to the high school faculiy

was the Juhlor high school principal Mra. Vera C. OT.eary.

Mrs. Qemld Wallace. Miss Jose­phine Tliroclonorfon. Mra. ^^r^cede.•.,..........................Paul, MlM Demice Babcock a n d ; Im.nband's blrtl: .Miss Juan lU eutcllff were ho.it-; nlni: r.he .len'ei e«e». I J a ck Cochm

A decorated birthday cake, topped I c.iplnln fo r If wltlj candles, was «en-ed by the , made to Arte,-.l honorees- Tlie lace covered refre.'.h-.ms tin- evriili w ent table waa centered «1th a n 'tim e wnx -ipe arranKcmenl of-yellow tulips, flank' cd by yellow tapers.


Membcr.s of the South Cr: Idaho Motorcycle club \

;rd byguts

>'cek I honeay.Lale

. Al Art. <liir


f tn a l plana for a district mretlng of P}-tltluu Sisters, to be held In Twin F^IU Tliursdiiy evening, will be made a t a meeting of the local temple Uila evening a t 8 o'clock at

American Legion Memorial

playlni; 'bnsrball. swimming and plcnlcklni;.

OucitA included Ml.-s Bruy Boji.. nnd friend. Tony potiiofk; R.nlph Howard and frteiid. Mr, Mnd Mm J. JI. niashi.i and dnUKliirr; Wayiit Cox. Hcnr>- Silvers. Ted KeMlir niii friend: Terry Sullivan and friend; Hilbert Rice. Pete WriKlil, Hoi Shou.'.e, 13111-Kllnvaler and Jack Cochran.

hall.A large delegation

Sisters from roc.itello b« present. Mra. Lena Kunklc I general chairman of arrnnKcmcnl: for Uie banquet.

The afternoon r.es;.lon will be pre ccded by luncheon a t noon Thiini' da)- a t the Lrglon Imll.

The dULrlct convention banquei will be held In the ei-enlng a t tin Park hotel, p rtced irs the final ses- slotu.

D R A M A 4 / fD LIT E R A T U R E if P>'Uilan I M E M B E R ^ M E E T

Mrs, Ed Tolbert

A.i.iocl.itlon of University Women

pot-luck dinner precedlns nlnu'r dlscii.vilon.

Mra. John W. Or,ih: I kno^TJ Idaho UTlter.I speaker, cl\ooslng for •W ords Are a Harp.”

Preshyteriaji C. E. Group Attends Annual Echo Lake Picnic Outing

An e x ec u tiv e b o a rd m c c iln p of C h r is t ia n E ndeavor soclety - m em bcrs ■6t t h e P r e s b y te r ia n c h u rc h wa.s he ld la s t S u n d a y aflcriioon’ a t t h e c h u r c h p a rlo rs w ith membcr.-i from Je ro m e , Goodlni’. B u rJe y . K im b e rly , E don and 'I \v ln Falls ' p re se n t. T h e

K-’x rcu tlv c .so.ssion p reced ed an an n u al p ic n ic for m e m b ers of th e T w in P a l l s C h r is t ia n Jii)(le«vf>r .'.oclely. htid that cvjuitiB III Eclio lake with Mr. and Mrs. Oeialil Wallace and MUs Betty Brlnesnr In charge of arra

Shoshone F alls Outing Honors Tri-C Members

return fo r Uie lovely dancing p.-iriy nt which they were rccmlly hniiorni by,m em bers of Uie Trl-C :Iiib, members of IhcJ^fcT club en- ii'ii.iliH'd durlni; the .la te r hours rc-ierday nftemoon for T rl-C mem-

U Slio'.hDiie f.ills.APiirnxlmately flfly girls, guest.1

ind mcmben of th e hosteas club, ilirniled the affair.

Ml« Mar>- Frnncea Dates wn* gen­eral chairman of iirTangemenla for

Jtdoor ertain

.in Klcliifeldt ol D urley^rc.'l- of ihc dUtrlci a.iaoclalionSon- •d Uie M'.-.sloi) Sunday afternoon I renular bu.vltit .i was dlscime<l

. lie in'oup. Next dlMrlcl session wiu bo held the first Sunday InJun. luhl.

purple foniuil the <: dueu were intcresi Uie program,

deiiUi nppe.irli............. .........Kunkle. Dnvl.l Kidd. Jnii

•y, Ann Olblmii', Mlltlred Drown, Vlrla Bell, Vanetlu Pad- da-k.-E dna MAf-—r-.-— ChailutleMllli;r..Loli_NlcliQhQii_________ ^

rn Mar John.'on, .loan Oorclen', Mao' LailKU. Cteraldlnr Kidd. Dorli - Crowley. .Marlin S'.vcriry, Shir­ley Bcckley, Julia McBride, llnbln Blnser arid Karl Brown.

W nOM A C IIIC K <"Weiomachlel: group of ihe C:imp

n re Qlrli met ycMcrcl.iy afimioon at, the hnmr of ih r Kuardlnn. Mm Loul,< Adnm'iiii. nnd dl>cu,ved plan’ for nctlvlllf.i .Sjitiu-clay. May 11, pre- ledlng MovhiT'.s dny.

The girls will sell flofrer.s dora- iiivii '^luring the dny. and will sire :oniluct a c;uiily and cake .mle Ironi to am. until fi pm . downtown,

ASIAAmatnla group

3lrl,i met ^r^lerdl loiiie of .M1.M Shirley

Wedn ’n u m .—"Th« SUay of Al­exander G raham Ben." Don Anech*. I« re tt» Tou&s.

------n n » » Clseo Kid," OeaarRomero, Jeaa Rogen.

8 u n , M on. Tuea,—“Dr, Ehrllch’s _M a«lc.Bullet.".S(:wiird Q. Roblaioa.

f tatb O orda).

E03CTW ed, Thut*.—“OenUemaa fnam

Arison*," Jo h n Klnf. 3. Parrtll Mae- .. Donald: "H ie Man wlUi Mine U rei."

, Borlf Karloff.FM . Sat.—*a31azljMr Six Shootcn,'*

Charle* f itv re tt .8t«rt< Biinda; — 'Irene ,” Anna

Neasl*. Ullland.

W ed, Tliura. — -And. On# W u BeauUiul.” Robert Cummlnss. Lari* ane Day.

T A , 8 a t - '% l r UtUa Chiciadce.- Uaa West, W. C-.Flelda.

.8 aa .. Men., Tue*.—“Tho R«ad to J ..Blncapots.—.B lnc.O reabr.'D aro thr

U m our, Bob ,Hop*.

the picnic llial evening, Twin KnlU members honored one of their >pon'flrs. Ml.vs 'l>orot]iy Call, a t a handkerchief shower In olji.ervanco of her birthday annlvertarr.

Till- plenlc was In the fnrm of a box .snclnl. with girls Itlllng and ilccQrjUiig lunch boxri iiiid boy» liurclm.ilnc Uiem during‘a bidding se.-islon. Funds were turned over to Uie orfanliatlon's general fund.

Hiking, cnmes nnd group slnKlng around Uie cnmp lire were con­cluding evenLi on Ihe evenlnK's pro-

Stake Primary

Onmma club, busliie.'.s plrU •i.w.CA.. heard M iij Ircm votlns delegate from Magli dW rlct to Uie alxteenth na confercnce ot V.W.C.A. ol

thi- United States a l AtlnnUc Clty N, J.. from April 10 to 16. give t

;ul report of her trip a t iheU iiK Monday evening.!lng Uic things alie gained

Uie naUonal meotlnB. Miss Lope: iMlntcd out tho value of be-

•o a 'nntlonal orfinnlmilon, iced In TH’ln Palla of brlng-

ilonal setup In the Y.W-Cj\. le o f '502 voting delegates

business and profi-;>slonal of Uie 0. ' •'

[tended tha t fecUnn confercnce. Sonu

ihouiand delegates, repreeeii :ro^^ .•■ecllon of nnllonnlllli .«'ncli'd the enUre conference.

IJiiitnK Uie convention. It v Hdrd that the national congress vould meet only once ev vcars hereafter, ln.itead

' • Miss Lope* said. Dlrec- suragcous living

fhrme for the program.To VIUI Idaho

Ml'. Lopez announced tha t Mlu rrnnees Williams, pecretnry. would vi.'i! Ihe Girl Rtservp camp nt cltr lake.i thi.l fummrr. and rliihi In Pocatello. Twin Vail Il.il''-- WHh oUier Idnho d.'lr r.lii- met with Ml.M William: rvriiing during Uir congresi.

An agricultural bantjuei wn of the outstanding cvenu of the ronferc-nce. according to the J>enk• rr. who !.^ld that a member of Uie Pcilrrnled Women'.s club: fnriii lender, spoke during nin;: on youUi who are leaving the farms for Ihe cities. .She fhowed the Jump In the trend from fnrm to clly, and the pmblems of unem- plovril fnrm youth sixteen to twen- ly-Iniir yenrs of age.

Tlie elfihty-flfUi annlverMrj- of Ihr organisation in England was ob,rerved on Saturday, with the group hearing a rpeccli from Queen KIlza\)eth over a radio, and an

mminus blrthdny cake c u t 'a n d rvcil.

■Theplayed a piano due Rclurn" by Leandi

related Uie w< lejend of Persephone. di Cores, and Mra. llln ton iddre-M.

Mrt. John Q. Adams, lumber

■ Juit

M i n Z E i i e s c n LMusic Festival

Approxlm.ttely 'I'ree h primary chllilren of Ihe church, In elnlwail' coMum ippear Jti the anniinl i.prlns

llval Saturday, May II, i-thp-( -jKiik.

il 3 p.

J>i " ldav afiDrS.-prrnVnrrr.rf(eIaIf

The fcsllvnl will be a Make nf- ilr with parllclp.inti from Kim­

berly, Muruiugh. Diihl and the two Twln Fnll.1 stakes to alleiid. I t will

rk the end of a particularly auc- '.'jful yenr for the orsiinlMtlonTliei ■ of the nffalr xdll be

"Music In the Life of Prlmar)- Chll . , :onp h the

joungest organlr.ntlon of the L.D.S. •hurch.. * .

Music will be prenented through wntomlmes, tablenai. drllt-i nnd lances. Mrs. NaUiella Whitehead, ■tnke prlmnrj- activity director, will be In charge of ihe iilfalr.

Officials pointed out liut evening lhat It Is UirauRh strict observance of the birthday perniy contrlbuUnns of primary chllrtren thrniighnut tha :hurcli lh a t.th e , children's ho.ipltnl In Salt Lake City Is maintained.

Parents nnd friends of the chll- ,;en are Invited to attend the fes-


■lablWi ?If blrtl-;lgned t i . ...........................................longest lived blrtl of prey h a v e ^ i l annpuncctl by E.' Lowrll Sumner, Jr.. of the nallnn.l park pervlee. ■Hie scrccch owl appears to outlive ill oUiera, he itnld.

_________ Ncw_Btaff____ _____OUier officers chosen during the

meeting Monday evening were MUi Betty Hanien, vice-president- nnd progrnm^rhiilrman: MIm Shirley DunI.ip. .'efreiary-tre.isurer: M l» Florance Grigg. social chairman; Ml.vi Lurlllr Haskins, vl.',ltailon

illM Margaret Jonc.'.hoste.

of the

Jr.. thi

d by M1.M P a tr lc l. . .. piano. Miss Melba linlme:

pUyed n violin obbllgatn. For hn SKOnd felectlon. Mr.s. Adams wni assisted by the Blue Note.'. girLi' -lextet composed of Mis.'.Bowman, MIm Mnrjorle Melba Holmes. Mlvi Uctiy Habcock. Miss Muo' Jean Shipman and Mt.M Helen Tlionins.. Mrs. Hewman, retiring president. In res]>on,\e to Mrs. Browns Inlro- ducllon, gave a’ toa.it. -Tlie Flfsl Blossom." Mrs. Peavcy •Tlie New Bulb." Concli

. tho prograr 'vocnlselections by Mi daughter. Mls.1 'P atricia Graves.• Also Included on Uie musical pro­gram were three numbers. "God Bless America," "Idaho." nnd "SlnK a Song of Springtime." led by Mrs. D.LAlexander wlUi Mrr.. C. R. Fox it Uif piano.

Programs and menus were In Uic forms of bird houses In p.ir.tel hues.

cup wni clrclcd with a ro»' of tullp.i bordering picket fenco, nnd furUier ornamei ed with a miniature bird hous^

MnlidarJ.nose ami yellow tullp.s nnd paper

white narclul In low bowU formed le table Irlms. .and basktia of lac.i fomied the backCTOund decor. During tlie nftemoon it wan an- ouuce<l.thftt a final bii.ilne^ meet- IK would be held nex t Monday.

May 13. al the home of Mra. New- n at 3:30 o'clock.ITip club win resume activities



lember* ot the 'S ham rock is- ibly held Uielr final meeUng of

Ihe-year Monday

pirnic c !C.

nde plai 1 T liurr.'■

for a ay, May

i’ro-rrnm munbera Included muslr, , wtnK'r-r'adlnfK-and-a-aUt-by fch<»l - ehljriren.—Refrcshmenw ■ tervcd by the host committee.

,_Mn>. ttivld t.oiy':Rpeaker. w;u a gue.st durlifg' pvcnlngr------------ ------------------

Announcement wn;i made th a t the nex t meeting will be.held May :u i ----------------- —

Uie’lllIb 'rw nrat^O 'aV o '^^^^^^ to l O H o i i o rBt) to the lake. Each Li her o«Ti lunch.

MI.VI Pi-K l.clchlltcr and MLw Margaret Dougherty were hoalci.se; for Uie evening, and .served rc- freahmenia.

S take MIA to H onor F irs t M-Men L eader

PeiTls Lind, wno was, Uib Hrst president of the D. S. »uke M- Mcn'4 organL-.itlon. wlU be the hon- ereo a t a party tonight tuTanged by Uio Ta-ln F.lll-i ilnka'M . I. A. With hU wife, Mr. Lind la vIsIUde a t Ui« home of his parentj, Mr. and Mra. n . O. Lind.

Tlie affair tonight will take Uie fonn of an outdoor picnic a t Slio- alione falls, wiUi Uioso attending aaked to meet a t the stake howe In Twin FalLi a t B o'clock for trans- pof'taUon, . ,

aiffo rd Barrow and Mr*. Unr<la King are hi chnrgn of enterLMn- ment. and tho^e attending will bring Uielr ovn retreahment-v Theron KnlKhl Is In charge of nd- vertlslng and MLu Laura Bi

Kimberly A thletesI’ IMDERLY. May 7—Sponsored

by the KImbcrly'Commerclal elub, the annual aUiletlc banquei will be held Wedne;,day evening to honor . 0 Kimberly high achool aUi- ItiM of Uie 1030-<0 ee.-»6on. •

Tlie cvenl wlU be held In tho Klm- lierly Methodist church baaemenl, starting nl 7:30 p. m., H o j'd Pollard, club prerJdent annbunccd.

Principal speaker v,11I be Presi­dent n , H, Snyder of Albion Stale Normal .ifbool. W aller Slaughter, jr,. ivisi prtjident of th e Commer- cbl club, will bo toaatm aster at the dinner expected to n ttrac t 135

nev, T. W. Dowmar la In charge

Coming EventsBCniDnLEHS CLUB

ScnbUIeri club will meet Friday evening at Ui* home of Mra. FVank Holman.

APDISON A\TNUr.Addison Avenue Bofiiil club will

meel this afternoon with Mrs. Oliver Kuykendall.

ZCNODIA CLUK Zenobla club. • Daughter* of the

Nile, will meet at 7:30 o'clock evening at Uie home of Mrs. Noble In Kimberly,

NOEL CLUD- Noel Club will meel a t J ;30 o'cloc Tliursday afternoon at Uie home < .Mr?. DoroUiy .Martyn for a deiici lunelteon.

RUSSELL LANE CLUB Russell Lane Harmony club will

meet this afternoon wllh Mrs. SU era-on- the- ranch formerly, own by Robert McClain.

V.F.W. AUXIUARV VJ.W. auxiliary- members w

meel a l 8 o'clock this evening a t tl home of.Mrs. Mamie Rlngnell, 1 Blue Lakes boulevard.


day afiemooii ot the home of Mni. Lulu MelL Roll call reMinnscs will t>« Motlirr's day guotaUoiu.

EVE.VINO GUILDEvening Guild of Aicen.iloii Epis­

copal churth will meet a t 8 o'clock Tliur,day evening at Uie rcciorj-. Mrs. I. L. Jenkins and Miss da le Drown will be hMte.ues,

DltU.M AND HUGLE C0RP8 ons nnd daughters of the Amert- Leglon and nuxlllarj- will meet, drum and bugle corps prncllcc 7 o'flnck Uihi evening a l the erlc.'ui Legion Memorial hall.

HKLIEK SOCIETY Twin Fnlli Second ward Relief r,o-

cleiy will meet a t 2 o'clock Tluirsdny ifiernoon a t Uie churrh rooms,

lesion on nuirlltnn will be unde direction of Mrr- Eva Adams.

FRIENDLY ClltClX Friendly Circle club will meet

Thursday a l the home of Mrs...jii Boltcher wlUi Mrs. Shirley

Peck a.i liosleis. .Members will re- fipond to roll call wllh Hems pcr- Ulnlns to MoUier's day.

FALLS AVENUE CLUB - Palls Avenue club will meet with Irs. Doris Systcr. 13:» ElghUi ave- ue easl, Uils afternoon. Mrs. Nellie

DIerke will be Uie hoslr-i. -Trlbutr: :o .Mothers" will be roll call #<• iponses.

MAnOA WO.MAN'S CLUB Maroa Woman's club will meel fti

3 o'clock Tliurr,dny nftemoon nt th( .*«linol hou.'.e. Social committee anc program commltlee will be Ir. :han:e. Eatli member Is urged to bring a guest.

Cmnpmty -D a t - Buhl A rranges .M ilitary B all

B t;nL . May 7-SevenlecnUt an­nual military ball and banquei was arranged last evening by members of Company D, llCih engineers and their partners. Tlie banquet, pre­ceding the formal ball o t Uie Ameri­can LeSlon Memorial hall, was held a t Mercer's cafe.

Covers were laid for ono hundrfd nnd nine al Uie banquet, and la ter In the evening, eighty couples rnjoj'ed dniiclngMo music by the Melody Skcemers.

Out-of-town guesu a t the b.anquet included Captain nnd Mrs. Joe Sea- ver nnd Ueulenunt Ralph LviRhlon, Jr., ot comp.uiy E of T-*ln ra ils , and Captain and Mra. Orootcs of Twin I-’nlls. '

M ajor W. C. Senflen of Duhl. com­manding officer of the first battalion of the llClh enKlnrer.i; Lieutenant Boyd Rolle of the finance corps. ■ Capt.iln Elmer W. Jones and First Llculenanl Cleo Clinton and Second Llcuteiiiint Horace Brooks of com* nanv D were In ntlencliince.

. Jones pre.-.ldcd or. toast- ind pn-yiiied 'l lic high la' sextet and Miss Phyllis ,ho enlfrlalned wlUi .'ong.v


sent for short talks.A tinlQiie feature of decorntlons ai

Uie formal ball was the lighted en­gineer caJlle nnd Uie lighted imlgnla of Uic Sunset division.

Nt:iGH»OI» OK WOODCRAFT -Nelghbora-of-Woodcralt-wlll-meet

In’regular stMlon a t 2 o'cloek'Uils ei'enlng a t the homa of. Mra. Ray Shepherd. SI} Blue Ukea boule­vard. All members are requested to

i as the dlsU-lei guardian. .Mary A. Mart* of ^ a te l lo will be present.

RKLIEF SOCIETY First ward Relief Society members

J the L D B - chureh will meet Jhu in lay . fb£-aa-all-day-work-end business tejslon a t*llic home of Bbliop and Mra. i f . W. Arrington. Ihree miles oui on Addison avenue. A pof-luck hmcheon w l l ] ^ served........ on nnd the refreaHment com-

“ wlll lumlsh Ice cream and pie. Mrs- Helen Johnson, nutrition leader, will conduct the lesson

R O A D ® ®

YOUTtI PAYJI »5 FINEnee.Mise he disturbed Ute pem

hy falllnR to ob.scr>'e an offiecr's n quest to dUperso Monday night i the bai.cb.ill park. Rex WelLi, 1 , Tttin l-'nIU high -ithool student, wnj ' yeslenlny momlnB fined W In Muni- . clpsl Judge J. O. Ptimphrey's court.

Tlie youth pleaded E^Uty to Uie chnrge.

m. All member* wl.ihing trnns- poVutlon nre asked to meet a t Uie

ch not later Uian 10 a . m.

PA.ST NOBLF. GRANDS Paal Noble Orands club will* meet

Thursday evenhig nt 0 o'clock at . home of Mn. W. R. Woltcr, 35J

FourUi avenue east.

NURSES' SIEETINGitrlct No. 1 of the Idaho SUte

Niirw.i n.voclntlon will m eet n l S o'clock Uils evening n t th e nurses' home n t the Tivln Itill.i county hos- plinl. "nie meeting will, be featured by II picnic supper to be served at 7 o'clock on the ln«Ti, All regUlered nurses are Invited to attend.

MHTIIODIST .MISSIONARY Women’s Home Missionary society

of Uie MeUiodlst church will meet a l 3'o'clock Tliutsday aflcm oon al Uie homo o( Mr*. Oeorge Wilcox. The COUi anniversary of the found­ing of Uie organltatlon will be observed, and ench member I* to bring n gift co,'.ting a multiple of six. Tlio.ie ^Icslrlng trnn-iporlailon are asked to telcilhona Mlsa ElU Riley. ia « .

Today!mamAMERICA'S M P S r

_ sto ' e y i_

D ob AHECHC /i l o r e t u m m f , H c « t rOHDA^

F T T r a : I - 1 1 1 : yStarts TODAY! O 5 BIG UNITS! i

Page 7: p l 2.7, I K azis M o W T o ^ DA German Columns Advancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF107/... · OAHO SCHOOLBOY ODW SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (/P)— Roosevelt

TWIN F a c u S n e w s , tW T If f a l l s .OTAITO, HTvDNESDAY MOKNING. MAY 8, ID 10

R IA U G H iP SY E A R - [ M N I S

G r a d u a t i n g u l a s s ' m s i d ^ t A n n o u n c e s C o m m e n c e ­

m e n t , B a c c a l a u r e a t e >

MUnXAUOU, May 7 AO.y’ Ellen none, prcjlclcnl of llie senior clar4, hna announced ttmt baccauleAiircuis tei:vtcea vlU be held cii lh« hicll school auillUirlimi Suiiilty cvenlni;, Mny 10, ol 8:15. Bcv. Parrotl of Rupvrl will deliver tlie temion.

GrsdiinUon cxcrcheii win be held FYlcIny evening. May 2 f wlili Frc.il- dent K. H. Snyder of Albion deliver­ing Uio addrcy.

On both occMlona Mm. L. E. Turner will pby the procciilonal and rccc.ulonal

Kuperliilcndent L. E. TiinuT lia* Itiitrd the folM nfi oj Kmcluutes: DaLorls Adluiuon. Arlln U itui, Oeorpe Baxter,. Doran Dfonson. Wllford Bland, Jean Doyle, Znni>'

. Mne Cummins, Clarence Kb'bert, Mae IvKbcrt, E\-a Ooodmnn.'Clara Onifl, Elmer OrUnth, Rulh Jcnkliw, Unr.ll LcwLi. Annabel Mlkliell. Eliznbeth Moat«s. Neal Fciklns. Uerbcrl-Ilact, Cllen Kose, Merlon Samplei.' Doro-

. tliy Tunier and Junior VlnlnR. .

\RIM 6 N T 0 P I C S

A r r a n g c r f i e n f s C o m p le te f o r • T w o - D a y S l a t e C o n v e n ­

t i o n a t J e r o m e

•JEROME. Mny.7 o n - ArrnnKe- m cnti ior Uia Idulio tta le Junior chambcr of commerce convention ivi Jerome Siturrlsy nnd Sunday moved forwiirrt5lodny alter being culllnM by Jiitmbcrs of the Jerome chamber a t Uic'lr monthly meellnB la.-.t nli;lil-

A.U announced by Con' Wlmley, convention chairman, the prosnim bei;lti5 Saturday with rcKl»lratlnii, The speaker ot a noon hmclipon will be W. n . Dmne ‘LMler of the ffxlrrnl bureau ol InveatlKnlton.'H. D. Robertfl of Jerome will be Ioa.it' innatcr.

Roimd table dlscuulotu an scheduled Sftlunlsy Dflernoon, n; follow*:

Selllntr .wenle Idaho — P, O Tliompsqn of Burley, chairman, nnd Ned Harlan of Bolie, discu.ulon leader.

How to orRanlte a prpjcct—lUi.-a a iepheaion of Bnlje, ehalrmnn. nnd John Robertson of Tifln PnlLi. din- cusjlon leader. '•

Acrlcullure— Hurray O’Rourke" ot Jerome, chairman, and Yalo Holland of Pre:.ton, dlMU.«lon leader.

Tniffle a.ifety— Earl Small ot Jrrom e, chairman, and E. O. Rouche of r>ocafcllo, dlwuislon leader.

Americanism— Donald Anderson of CaJflwill, clialrman, nnd Robert Sei^nion«'pt Bolae. dUeus.'.lon leader.

Secretaries > and presidents — CharlcB R. Stark of Nampa, ehalr- w an . and Don Bslrd of Boke, dU' ciiKlon lender.

An old timer's parly for .past of- f lcci.i wl»-birfolIgTOl'by~»~tanriner At U’hlch R. H. Wells.- Pocatello

iry d litrletanVer .....covrm or, win speak.

” Election of olflcera and nelecUon of the 1011 -conTentlon ■•elty -- scheduled Sunday.

H arry M. Roj-ner. ttaU law foi-eemenl eommLMloner; D. r . Hanks, stat« safely director; Sher­m an Chrlslenscn, president of tJie

__ Provo. TJtaR, ^ 0,; and Nelson Aid-

vice president of the Junior chamber, fire expected to a ttc n l •

Make This Model at Home ‘ _ Twin Falls N ew s P attern

Education B oard To Scan Budgets

BOISE, May 7 — Budffeta lo r Uie states'' hlRher educational In- jitltuUona and llsla of Breduatcs •tt-lll bo BUrvcyed »t the Idslio board of educallon’a next mceUni, June 15-17 a t Moscow.

John W. condle. state superln- . tendent ot public Instruction, to ­

day Ofild he "did not anUclpnlo" any IncrcoMS In the InstliuUanal budR- e ts for th« '10< t.« biennium.

C A n n c C M a m S

Deslffnfd Just for YOU - Uiis CTflccfUl frock. Fallem 4452. An' Adams has phniittl rvcrj’ cirun enhance tJie sIm Uilrty-ilx-io-fiiiy IlfTure . . . to trtke care of all you flttln s problems n'llh the Krrutc- o f ease. TlJerr’* that dnrlrd waL,; line tiiBl r»li-iM-5 plenty of (ullnr.- throuBh ttie skirt, yri kecp> you flllhouette emooth and allm. Knitcr. too. tlie lovely line the yoke mukr; a s It curve.1 down nnd tli's Into ,i .w fl bow. Hava 11 In CMitrast, If ymi like. Qatliers Uelow the yok'; ^ i\. plenty of busUlne toomlncvi, Voiir

mai' be looK.or iihorL ‘I'JiU cool frock Is so c.isy' to make iindi r th e Sewing Instnicior’j Ulusit;Hed gyklanee. .

Pnttem 4453 Is available women’s J lr« 30, 38. 40, 41. 4f. -10, 48 and 50. Sire 3C Uikc 3S 30-lnch fabric.

Send HI-Tf;KS CF..STS (lie) in coins for this Anne Ailims iniicm W rite plainly SIZE, NAMK. All. UKEijS tfnd HTYI.K NU.MIIKII.

Selccl your warm wraOier ward; robe from our new ASNK AIIAMS .SU.MMER l’A rn;U N HOOK! n a l . tcrlnc sport cloiho fcir ;iiii atul Mirf —romantic evcnliiB KO'vni—a co. -

■ and women’s i.lr.rj. I, 14, 10. IB, 20, Uilns for travel w ear-rottoiu for informal and d rtu

—nil the fai.hlon InKrerilenls for r.ueccMful Summer ilr.-.liined for you by Anne Adams. Order your co|it tofJ.'O’. booic h Dlirri) CMii.i hu: when ordiTcd with n p.iilrrji, uiiich 1.1 aL*A fifteen ccnts, THE TWO TO. CKTHER A R E nVENTV -nVK CENTS.

Send your order to the ’Tft in FnlLi News, Pattern Department, TV'ln Falls. Idaho.

Laic Rains Aid Ralige Conditions

BOISK May 7 t/1V-Thiml:.s to la te mlns, MUthweMem I d a h o mnccs-are In’tlie b>'<t condition In yearn. ill.Urlct cnislcr J. O, Beck de­clared today.

He !:ald hca\T .'.tnnd-i Of blue iini.vi have been foslered by the moLture, crowdlnc out cheat c ruu to a can- iridrrnble extent.

Beck (•.•.timnted Uicre were more Uian 6oa,000 nhccp now on ranr''. 70,000 head of cattle and 0,000 hon,cs. All nre In good condition, he added.

M arriage Records Called Dcficicnt

BOISE,'Mny 7 W) — Only a rman percentnse of tho mnrrlatrcs per­formed In Idaho are reslstered prop­erly by those Qualified to perform tJifl ceremonies. Mrs, Mae G. At- wood, state resUtmr of vital sta- ILiUcs. snld today, in urelnj com- pltonco with state sUtutcs.

•'MarrlaKe laws of Idaho retjulrcd persons performing tho rltea to keep a complete mnn'lago register," she declared. "RecordlnR Li nece.i-

tinrtiTe legMaUon such as tha social


WASHINGTON, May 7 OT) — Senator Clark (D-Idaho) n n nounced today presidential apprcival of nu >11,500 work projects adinln* tstrallon nltotmi'nt to construct a hcatlMK.plant a t Bolss (IdahW Jun ­ior college.

Accidents Fatal To Mine W orkers

WALLACE, Idaho, May 7 HV — Ttt'o^ T^orth i<laho mine employe.-; died last weck'cnd from accidents. ftlthou'Kh only one of tlicm occurred ■ I A mine.

Jantes G. Miles, 3}. pumpman nnd mechanical department employe of tlie Bunker 11111 mine a t KelJoHK, died a t the Wardncr hoaplLiI Sun­day of Injuries received Friday when

,-as nm over by a mine skip... jn Pox, 73. widely known Coeur

d ’Alene district mill man, died of a broken neck suffered when he fell down A fl!i;ht of iialrs Salurdtu' night. He liftd worked In mills In W(i.^hlngton. Montana and Nevada

well os In Idaho. *


R e s o u r c e s a n d I r n i n c d IV tan- p o w e r S t r o n g D e fe n s e

A g a i n s t I rw a s io nW ASillNGTO;;. Mny 7-Sw edrn 1th war Ju.« iicro.v-, her border, IK a potentially v:iliii\!)le war clic.nt

of economic and huiimn rrr.ourc^s, .'aya a buUrlln from the Wa.-lilns- ton. D. C-. lii'iidi|U;iHiT7 of the Na­tional Geonniplilc MVltly,‘ “In addition to Uie larKc Uon Kilppllrs w hlrh havr Ilnired prominently nmoiitr Orrmnny's vital lmi)orl.i. Swi'drii li;\n ii Kcuerotn fooil Ijirdrr frnm which to rrrve not onl;

own hnm<' Imt rxpnrlmarkets as wfll," rnniinuM the bul; li'lln. ’'W ith mere than 50 ecnl of the countr>' covtrcd v.lti( conif­erous fnre ilj. timber wenllhts rnor- mou.v In man-i'ov.rr and urma- nients, Sweden riuil:. IlrM aiiiniit? the thrco Ecandlinvl.m rountrli having an active nitllt:iry fnrce i-;j m ated a t inn COO iiifii and 525,000 trnlncd re.nen’es. Nulure llself l.s an illy HHalnst any Invailon pujhed In-

land from the const, rlnce Sweden, Vliil(iii(l, offer. nn enemy ‘a

:r;;loli nf drfen'lve iilid ob^truc- pl)^ltlon.’; 111 fori',11, l.ikivi nncj

river;;.No Mlniirltj’ I'roblemi

"In nn nrrn of about 113,000 rquare 11m . S'.veden hai a ll i ik i;

[lopulnilon dfn.^lly of nearly 4F to the atjniire inllr, rnmpared wllh Nftrway.’.i 21. Drtini;iik, as a small rniiiitry. Is iniieh more ilt-ii'i-ly i.et- tlrd than either Norway nr Swe­den. yet l u actual |>opiiIaUon Is

ily about 3.B00.000.•'R.iclany, Sweden hM nn minority

problems. Less thnn o:ie per cent of her cltlren.i are Finns-and Lapps. Among the forelgjiers living there, aecordlng to Uie 1S30 census, the Germans, w ith an esllmated 3.000, m sde up the seeend Inrscst group a fte r Flnnlsli mibjret.i. ’Diere were 1,700 Ru.wlan.r, 605 Americans, nnd 3G4 QrltL-.It- clllrcns.

'A* VRtlp- than half of Swe- .i’9 people malre iln-lr living by

farming. Chief crop*, include hny, potfltoe.i, oalx, wheat nnd com. W llh its vide , level flretchc.v "Sweden . . omo four time.? a.\ much culti­vated land na mountainous Norway. Despite nece.-.-.ary Import;, ot wheat, eotfee and fnilt, II im-.ts eoni.ld- -mble selt-.Mifflclriicy in dalrj- prod- let-*:. poultry, meal and e;i;s. Break-

f.oil bacon and. CBHr;. w-itli butt*T (now on 'm uch of warring E\:rope’a m tlon IIM). are expnrled In normal llrne:! In large qunntlUes.

" In 103H Great llrllaln was Swe- den'fl be.ll customrr, while G er-

wa-1 Uie leading source for Im­ported supplies, e.sieclally in the machinery, chemical nnd auiomoblle fields. Uncle .Sam ranl:cd third holh In Sweden'fl Importi and exports, sending Ewcilen a wide variety of products. Including oil, .automobiles and jnnchlneri': taking Swedlili pulp ond paper.

Lfs.1 Iron for Germany ’Especially valuable to belliger-.

c ren t Germany Is awcden’a hlgh-i

itent Iron ore. In 1938. the r{ lch . , 'i ni-arly iiinf mllllna .toni.V^r 71 per cent of thr entire Hwi-cli?fT I'xporls or ore and coricentrutc. Tlif. rnmi);in-i wllh a jfrci-ntane of 6ome 2,'. jy-r n-iii fiir (lre;i^ Urltaln Ite- ■'111 rr||;iiat'-.v liria-rvt-r. Ipdlrnlr a

)n«lilcrnlilr lirop'itiMheje «-xports to eniKiny du rliii:'the first three ' : /if Ifnn .-n-npni-fl . r --•

. . . rlod In 1033. while Drlt- Ish purchases mounted. In Febni- ar>', 1D35. for Inslnnce. Sivrdbh Iron ore shipped throuKh Narvilc to G reat

0. ,70.::)mrnis

ru;iry, IBIO. were 131.055.’'Minim: ha.i Urc-n Imiwrtant

Swedish ecnnomy from time Imniem- nrlnl. Today one ot Europe's large iron orr jirodtirrr.'. this country has nt llme.\ held tli<- leadlnK iKisI tion In wnrUl ni;irk>.-!.i. About one fintrllrof the Iron production comes Iroin c'-ii!r»l Bwi-ilcii; the rest fiom 111'' northern part of th r country— I.:i|.l;.iitl. Ill tc-iiiDte. l!llIe-5CttU(' I,:ilil.uid tin- llie fnftioiis depo-.ll; lapiird by tlie 'Irnn line,’ a rail­way r.iretclii!;!: westward to the Nor- wpKinn pnrtSjf Narvik. In the

■crnily' a ^ 'a bitterly eonter.ted r.iieclc point of the Oerman In- irloii,"hPM tli;nl(lcjint. economically. I: le olher mineral production of ,v<-d'-n, which liu'liidrr. r.llvcr, lend, i[ilH-r, -:liir ;ind lMaiiHane:.e. Thi'

rouiitry alro h;i:i a little co.al.- bul Imitort/nt eoti-.ldcrable qrfSntl- ■N itirt Jnr t:iiwlns IndusirlC'i. redMi liiiliiMry and ’commerce

rncei.icularly in rn tim”'.. With lc;,i than 10 -eiit of ihf pniple engaged In

liidu--iilcs and tradu iiroimd thi- iiilildli- of th r llith rcnliirj'. the pro- liortloii ;.o eii:;ai:.d hiid become 3R

it-im r^r-TT:■nd nearly 5

".‘5i-;illen-d abinil th'- country'ftre olcrn faeiorlcs no i' pnxluclng ;ch vark-il got^h, lJghlhoii;.e i-up-

plles. farm maehtnrry. telephone equipment, jvirrrlnln and (jlav!,

paper and pulpwood."



J u s t i c c D c c n r t m c n t’s . N e x t M a jo r D r iv e O b je c -

liv e s T o ld

PAULwin Track M rrl-A t Uie mlddle-

.sl:e<I :chool ••.iib-rdunty • Junior Olympics he’d l.vt Friday a t Ru­pert, tlie'Paul .'.eliool ganiere<l IW point.', nnd won flit,l place. T haie who entered nnd. won were BUly FlafA Salvin Connor, Robert Relf, Lawrcnee Clark. Albert Tliompson, Harold Dnis.M-1. Frrd WldmliT, Gel-

Pfelfer, C!i:irli-i Clark, M as Sheen. Rhlney .Meyer, Eldon Kruus. "<il>--r: Knoi)j>, Alvin Clymore,

naiislitfr Horn—Mr, and • Mrs. hi-;,t(T Sclirocder are Uie parenLs ’ a Klrl born a t thelV home Wed- Mlay. M aM .U'lti.f AwnnI — Mnrlon Maler,

daughter of Rev. and Mrs. K. K- Mal(-r. w.m oiKi of Uireo souUiern Maho glrU to receive a' pin awarded for enmpcUnp In Uiree women’s r i­ll" t'-am m s’xhes.

ATTKNT) rONFrHENCR DOISE. Mjiy 7 A rcRiontvl

eonterence sponsored by the national Indu.'iirlal council will-draw L. F. F.anons of Dohe, secretary of the utnte ehambcr of commerce, to Sajt Lake City Friday. •

Par.tons .'.aid I’aul Nash. ?ecretnrj' of the Pocatello chambrr, -bIjo would attend. '

U’,—A hlpli



irrd to 3(15 111)30. T ..............................been Mnlr.hri!.

lIlniH—Mr. ar.il Mri. li-arle J. Ruby or Hill Ci;y are tlin parenti )f a daui-ht<-r. l:oro Siindny. April ;a, Mr. nl;d Mrs. Wrllrr^ Sallng arc 4ie p.iienl.-, el a ,Tn:i horn Monday. Ajjrll tl'.cjr hume In Ilalh-i'.

the Soldier ereek .'.tatlnii Mr. mid Mrs, Ceni Bra:;-'-ll ul Kririinin are the parcnw

Imni rti';ll ;.'> ;it Ihe Hiillev hospital. Mrs llr.i.vrl| formerly Leat-a Ijininan,

I-'rnm Callfortda—Mr. and Mr.-;. V. O .‘NcU'xaiKler '*in> -1) 1 the- paM six monthi in Cliul:i V;s;a, Calif., a r ­rived home I.1M I ’lnir-.d.sy. Mr. Neli- viinder rrtlri-d lro;n tlu- mercantile munc:-'. he.-i- in Iln- (aU of 1330.

m i liy Car—John, l!ic three-vear- )ld son of Mr. and Mr? . 31. C. Mar- In re. idlng in Hill Ciiy, wa."! atnick jy a Boise ear on ihr highway near h is home Sunday alirrnoon nnd sllnhtly Injured. He is rapidly re-

iverliig from bruises nnd shock. Mrtrrnrnjrapht — At leant three

radio tniieroiojraplis have been found on Canni Prairie within the past few Dionlhs. liie late.M on April 24 by Oeo!t;e Abbott >ln the M nbd re;;lon /.oiith ot the DstilJI't iichool- houMi,

Track and Dance l'x‘.s^>al Planned

fil:K or TxMn Falli. Juiilur hl>;h ithi.”.:l v.ill a|i|)(-;;r In Ihe iiiii;;ial diuii'<- l>-i!ivnl nnd boys will eoinivle

-nl rducjiilnn teachers, with a I'Ji'.chfon' a t Harmon park at

lor.cirliide IJii- frMlvlIIrs F.:rh r"im will h;ive a si-parat^ pir.__ . ____e'-haii :riO sirl’. will tal;e purt • Ii' .tUal a t 0 am. 'v-l'.h

[nil: d;ii iv-lnil eduriiilc

llr>ll:u- Al(!:;(;t:r. .M

!tr naiire le.Mlval In tin- ih r juiiicr hi;;h

:ill l>e held ai Miicoin i V'i e<nni)eUni: In the

ri;r Virginia rifl, "I'n;) fim-s tli;:_X'r:'-1-1 " "Arkan.-ar, Traveler.■

' II Ihnun," coiiulv cloi; dance.

Genealogy D ram a W ill Be P resen ted

ny rrfinr-M, n threr-aet play, "The Auaki-niuK.'’ Will be prc-'.ented by the Hn-md ward nenealoi;lcal M - - rleiy of the L.D.6. ehurch o l the 'nwii K.ilL-. itake rccreatlon hall

•k. All wards ot the stoke have been rf>|iiejtrd to ottrnd.

Writleji and directed by Jock H;iil'-y,*the play H the storj- of thfl ai‘i....iliwir,al-MK:!uiy't-Jntcrprelatioa_ of tl;c- --heri-tiiter,” nnd will be prc- rrii^rd In ro-.tiimr wllh jpeetal light- ,

nie r;r-.l civcnim cnt of the city W.TluiiKion consisted o fa mayor ;«)ln;c ;1 b-.- the President of tho :l'..il .sia tf. nnd a city council ;:;cd by th r people.

G I R L ^ !you need ric h rod


a'Neio Fur S t o r a g e; . . u'iili-St<-ril;inip.-i lo ( i r s tro y m o th ckrh.

the only safe Storage for Furs

f f l i - i and Ihrlr rare l« Ol.'K IlfSINKSK—not »'»ldrllne wllh us! Have v,,ur furt cleanrd anil clarrd l>y Ihe F V nU Itlt'S MCTIIOD. Ask ahipul nur expert, repalrlnr nnd rrmodellng which ONLV A I T I i l l i r n Is (|UaIHird (o iln!Come In and «er Ida1ii/» OSI,V NKW, LT-TO-DATF, alorafc

QUR CH.\RGE.. .O nly S2 — 2*^ of v iiltia lion -lt>

S2(10— I 'r U ierc iif tc r .

W c Can }0T Yo ur C oa t ■


Idaho Exhibit to Open at F a ir

LEWISTON, Idaho, May 7 WV- Joo Steward of DtAckfool. chairman of tho Idaho San Francisco fair commlrjlon. n n n o u n c e d . today Idaho’s-cxhlbirwonia opon'lDiy’ SST

He.tiUo tald Earl H. Btillodlc of Lewiston would be In clmree.

"Idaho Ike," Uie talking robot, will continue, to be o feature of the exhibit.

Steward corhmended Uie Idaho state chamber of eomnieree for Its part In flnanclrig operations o t tlie fair during the coming season.

DIBTU A.V740UNCC0 BOiaE. Moy 7 m - Mr. and" Mrs.

Otto Power of DoWe announced to­day the birth of a son. Power, now, employed by Uie state division of public n-'jlstance, formerly wa.i co- publbiher of the Qoodlng Indei^n- drnt.

uMother w ill adore!

A whole collcction of “lovelies" f ro tn - Twin Falls’ new est atock of rcady-to- I wear. Select now fo r M other’s Dayf

Twin Falla’ L argest Selection


25c and 50cCOSTUME JEW ELRY,

-------- $1 to $3.50SLIPS GLO'VESsup.

Vanity Pair tUps n t j ^ j t h s

$1.9S&-$2.98 $1.00 P a ir

A Complet® Line o f Lingerie

Iris C.. HALE’S APPAREL............. Ro&erflon Hotel B ld ff..J;__ . .

A m m t O N


M ffh n s

the answer

for Professor Teleiiuiz toflnylQUESTION: If you sh o u ld te lep h on e to H onolulu, how would your

v oice cro ss ihe ocean? I. Tlirough deep-sea telephone ■ cab le? X On wires supported by pontoons? 3. By radio;'' without w ires?

A N S V V fR r Your v o ice w ould literally be hurled by radio from pow­erful sen d in g antennae on the west coast, after enormous am plincatlon. You can talk and be heard as casily-as on any long d istan ce call.

Your home o r^ ffice te lep h on e will take you practically anywhere'ln the " United Stat‘d and you ca n call foreign lands as well. The operator w ill

be glad to tell you rates to an y particular towns.

•Q ^ Sundayr May 12 is Mother <sQ-. If you can’t be With her. en joy a Visit by telephone. Tell h e r now

when you will call. I f you know she will be there at a certain tim ^ you can p jace a station 'to-station call, which costs less.



Buy this CoBdspot a t your own price. This 6.3 Cu. Ft. Gold Seal COLRSPOT

will be sold fo r th e h ig h e st hid th a t we receive b e fo re 4 P . M., Saturday, May 11. A t th a t tim e the locked bid box w ill be opened and the w in n e r announced. I f your bid m n s , you niay purchase this Cojdspot on S ears ’ “Easy Paym ent P lan .”

Gold Seal J -S ta r

COLDSPOTA i Ypur Own Prlca \

• In all America, do refrigerator a t tMS).&0 that equals It tn .beau ty And performaneel

4 StunI)- all-sleef^nstrueU on.

' I f any person b g y in j a C oldspot d a rin g th is tim e, enters t w inning b id , .th e n wfll;,

be an ndjofitment oa h is c o n tra c t fo r - ttie difference b«twecn $149.50 ^ ;

am o tn i'o f hlfl bid.

233 M ftln 'A Tciine'EuV


Page 8: p l 2.7, I K azis M o W T o ^ DA German Columns Advancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF107/... · OAHO SCHOOLBOY ODW SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (/P)— Roosevelt

PAGE E r c i r r T W IN FALT.S NEW S, TUTN FA LLS. ID A n o . '\\T.DNESDAY MORNTNG. M AY 8. 19 .«

lEAP BEFORE YOU LOOK_____ _ By Peggy O'M ore___________'

*TlirousIi Wllli Wnincil'Old Abv'n bdlirs sti'W wctir)"

frew eroiixxl. " r;n Ki-uin' rlKli! (UzQ',* he compl.ilnttj. "'wlinl wlUi Llltift - B»Tftli.',irt--poppln' u p - c v . erytlmt I W iic rioviti a iirt."

Toml iwxlilixl In uiicliT.M.itKllns. UlUo fi-*p.-Uicari v.-!l; n m;i;col,

•'Doic-Koiie yo;ir (pofj'il /-lilcie." wnllwl Abe, m tie broiicliL lil r Iti by mblolcc. " if you clon'l kci-p out from uiKlrr my yoii'ro n Kflii' 10 winter In wmi-twdy'.i f.;oinach,"

Toml jJiook wllli II j l l rn t lail;;li' Ur. Ut-i: ijA-ccUiearl wiis i)!iimi>- «1 Into llic Wilier only to on a lily p;i<l rU-hl unilcr iinko of Uie net. Alio rcvrmixt Uip jioli* and ilinviii hiT off,. He b1iov(xI too luni; miclird too fiir.

Tonil liPiirtl n iicni'cJi mid « (ipIaiJi. She tunird Liit miw jioU'I' InK, Tlicn f.lir nollcrd Abe’.i liiit floatlni; on llie water, A momcnl l.V.cr Abf'.< liiM(l iipix'uri'il. w alnn mu.Maclir (Irlpptnc wiili ni eun-Iy cnwoaMil mi lil.i lialU iiiile Mit Lllili' .S'.vi'c'ilu';iri, i-yv^ Inili;- lliK no tiifrr ihaii t lm v of 0 !cl

-Abe!" Tonil. -"Whiif.i theffiatUT?"

"Miilli':?" hr 5[ni:ir;ccl In n quc^T tone. ■'l>:«-tcir Kinllii'.H li-elli . , . I Idt 'rni-cin the botluni."

I t more Lliiin T ihiiI <-nii!cl atanil. Blic liiul :« hiclleroiW vl. l(mnt tiir. iv.i-K- n'liiii, nluti'.^Ins Illy roo^ror bm ns tin? nim r nncl -slie Martwl to biiish. She }ftUKlie<l until Uie Irar.i ^lrcanl'■tl cIov,ti lipf fncc iviid licr limb.'* Krew w a le Slic Inuulied, even ii.’ llc rtBcliftd n hivml to jw U ikc r.

U linppHJra'iJien. Sho Wlpi>ed. She BSTB one hnrrowlnft scri-am Thlch uloppM abniptly. muffled by. the Innr.h of mucltly wat/Tn,

Doun, doRU iilic went. Uien up, and vtlicn r.lie rcnclie<l Uie j.urfaee, foolflteps were poiindlnu down Uie paUt from Iho house, t a to jy ^ .p e n came Allen BartcU: 'n linSttnome lnimacul»t« Allen. In top hat. while Ue and tnlla.

Top liBl and tails were Utrown to Uie pound and Al|>-n kiin'lrd m the fdw of tlie pool and held a succorlmt hnnd to Totnl.

Qratefully Mie aecepted It: Uien ■he loolcrd up.

DorWl's chin wa. ste.-uly; lila mouth wiu Ktltn. Ah. bu t hL eyes

' —they dmcetl like ihe waters of the bay a t minrbe. And Uie front Of h i i vhlta dreie hhlrl qulTt-rtxl oonruljltcly. Allen Bartel! wiui on the TCTV« of more Umn Uie pool:: be waa tm llio vcrRo of hy%tcrleal Jauchtcr.

Toml *a* MiUsfled wllh hLi ncaa to (tie pool. She thoiiRht of Uly'B parly. I t was too miicli. She Rave the reteulnu hM«1 <i tl'ilek. for­ceful Jerk-i-and there were lliree In th e fniff pond.

O r were there?Alien Dnrtcll was down for n lone

Ume and when be enme up he look­ed an Uimiiih lie iiad ni>ent Uie time gathering tulles. A wrcattj of them stood iiprlRht on his head. W ater hyBclnllu, draped their furry, film- cIoffRed rooU over his r.hourders. One eye' »as black with mud. and the oUicr was,black with nnccr.

•Kbul Up- T o u little d e v lir He made a leap

hi ht* illiLulion, catiRht'hi5”foot li a Illy root, and went down aKaln.

■ Toml semmblfrt up .the rrtse. of the pond and collaps'd on tliu edKc to howl with InuRhter. Never hat] she Been anyihlne a.i isatlsfylnRly funny/

Abo »nd Bnrtell rescued each other. TlirouKlV a slIdlnK proceu of mutual support they reiiehed •liore. Old Abo nhnklnR his lieivd

- - woumtu»n<t~ Tnmt:"Now you done I t ." 'h e ncoi

“Lost your farnj. W on't get other froR out of here."

Toml’j limRhter ,iioppcd. "Wliy not?" «lie demimded.

"Dad tnoiiRh us bein’ In ttie pond, hu t’.Alltn waa born .In November.

, ProRs don't like November folk. ProRs Is Juvsyl"

Toml'fneed defeat and loved- 11, If she had to lose the farm, slm was IwlnB It wllh a lauKh, '

■Stop tliat Rrlnl"Toml. removlnR tier r.odd'-n hooU.

looked up a t the roar of ancer.“Oh. EO look In a m irror."- she

RiRRleJ."Shut upl" DnrWl ^tood over t^ r. But Toml Jtirnp<'d up and S ty

stocklnKfU feel went flyliiK out of the pen nnd low.inli the hoiii-e, “Try anil make me." she called back m'er her shoulder.. . .

. . He did lie e.surht up with her. wheeled tier arotuu! ?tlth a crur-h- tUR crip of her r.hoiiklrr?!, then

, shook her until she wa;i illr.ry"I've listened to you •.vhrcrnck

linUl I'm llred of It, N ROlnR to listen," ■

"To yotir wlsccracts?" she offer­ed.

"I'm sifk of I'oti. umlcrr ...............ROint; to lell you Ju-l what l think of you. and when I tret tlirouirli I want you lo ro in and w i on your kneea before Timothy Toland's por tra it.. I tliouch old Timothy was t smart man. until I met you.

"He was a sick m an when he wen' lo Chleaco to f i n \ out w hetho there was a Toland fit to inherit hh money. He fell for you. Co<i knnwi why. He sdmlt!<d you were m e m ­ery aa the devil. l ie lald you’d hac to be to hold jo u r ottTt w ith tJii

to loni? It »Tis a habit.••nctr's where he made hLs mU,

take. H o ta ld you had buslne?.' ahllltT and. Ptv.-n n rhtinr^ In llv> With’ human t»lnss Instead o f To- land.% you'd become human.

"He didn’t dare leave you --m oney. outrlRht. Ho knnw

He ktirw you « rn - ^o eu.-.-.ril tlin you'd try to pull rfimrllilnK f i l Jn'’ lo be illffrnn t. lie had lo ehall, elik-e you. Hr htid to force you If fl;h t and.prove votir rlKhlJO Uk fnrm to m’.iV.p you ajijireclale ii.

••He (ciU) me tio'.v to hamlle ymt H<- r,:ild I lo w tii. dainnert oni- eO' lu voii u r rr . H r fulled lo Irl nil' It ccmldn't 1«- cUmc,

-When I lllink of w lu l Tvr put up with frmn you, 1ft. a'''*omIrr I (Innt niurdiT lou rllllit litre wllli my b:iri- h;imlr..

■■nmi Iir-.t iiiirht you rpent hw , tx'f^uis'- you Wdiililn'i t;o to a hnii-l, I <liiriic-<i iir:ir UioH piieumonU, hlrriilMK on lliat Irlsld Iront )»icli BO 1 11 he li»nily TI you were frlclit eiirtl, Krlklitciii-d.’' he dbpariiKnl, •'Vo\i haven't ( 110111:11 human bloixl In Ji'iir tjody [o In- alnild.

••llien I took on ,vt>ur family It Ihe coiirls imd hrltl your InlierU- aiicp for you liy l\liiK. prelentllm: I tlioi.illit you wf-r-- a Kood liii.vl- ni'j-i \voin;in.- Next I look them on in aiiollicr '.viiy ;'iiit found thry Wi re iii.’idi- of liclt'T ;.liilt lh:vn >im,

humuii bi'.

II the )'lutrN"

Tninl knew ^he m«t « ; nil criintKr’.: ii.-, AlWl ed. .She b< llvvr-d Mm. One roDltln’l live with C.reat I'nirle TlJiuilhy’:. pcirtralL vjtluiul helli-vliu; only no<«l

old Icllox. And eiali n - prL'al fi'l! Into place llke.blls n[»U1U

I fn r. I’lerre," eonllnued tell, "what I pu l up u llh Ihei

nr will ever know, Ilellevini: hi' :i3 a lle r your iiioiiey: thiit he'd

planned to meet and iiinro’ you be ■ you had n froR farm' he

wanted. Havhm to sUind by help- n rd watch you make a fool

of yourrelf— ■•W _«hy didn't you t—tell me?"

Toml staininercd.•Tell you," roared Allrn. ';\Voulcl

ievctl me? Qli, l'jrt:ei

iH it-Pin.W inners of Junior Hijjh L isted

.M;- , M:;:t:ari;t K.itvrt, ptiy.'.le:il /•dueritinn liirtriictnr of IV ln Fall.i Junlnr IiIkH school.'yesterd-iy nn- nnuncrd -.iliiners In hlt-pln (la.-se- b ill .eomtx'tltlnn Jnr IV In Falls

tia t ’nmoltiy To th a t wa’, <,ll th a

lr>'K f,iriii ,l ran 'tr -.vay you've none iiro;ind

hair cut. ttiou shlll.'i . ivnil hreeclifcs, okc'd lit the Ixxilj, di-Jert-

............. ; ihliur.i lljMly nlsliiK Ihepoi l, thiii Iixiki-tl a t Allen. •

'ir !iot a vt.lon of snrtur Miir.i- youn.elf, Mr. HarlHl, iiuiilcil him. "e.ipeelally for ii hii's about lo be dUplayed ri‘j iis an ntliir trophy, ' liidV lie bellowed, "an nltiir • woril. you don 't think I Mil Lily M ankln's Knlns iln you? Ll.-.ten. I've lived

,y;r (0 her half my life. I lic nd to MH'nd the other h;ill .•^ne 110U.-.C will! her, ii 'ii!" He i,truni?l>-d <Tin tlirouRh w ith them, all

ol tlieiii. I 'm IhrouRh with a hiw re th a t brlnK!! me In contact la in. I'm i;oliiK where I n;. I 'm i;i>ln^ lo my r

ii|.T,.iand5" Hii w;i» workliiK over Ills v.el slilrl, plao

II' linjKX'.hiK h a t on bis .'.CNlilen

il t;(jdi!rd dreanillv,III' naMi't irolliK lo 111. th a t he 'd never Inlenili'd

Allll I jmd_;linlldtn: liul II puddle of mi'd with tulles.

mil looked n t th e 'sp o t, then nl to witleh the loni: flc lilns tow ard*.the hoii'e. .She I'd at the ht^ .’.c I t wii.1 licrs.

all hrr.v . .-an d she didn't Rive a c6ntlnriit.il darn , A va.'.t nchlns Innrlliii-.-.' enimlfed her. -Wliat

ro : 'linn If It wasn't next door Allin nartell?

.('onllnued tomorrow

The L iterary Giiiflepost "hi

"A S I X I S O A S T H r r .U A S S SK A l.I,f i l t o w . - t>y Oliver rarjre; (At-

•Uanee: J :.50).Nn more sincere fluhter ej

;han Oliver I.n FarKe. and few mnre able. Mr. La Farne's fliUil [or w hat ts l<-ft of the Amerlraii [ndlan. nnd lie has heen hard at It for yca.rs. None of his wenpnn.i has been more jm tent than hli tv|n'. writer, ami none of It.-i jiroilurls more effecMve than till late.st Ijook. which he produced with the ll l. l• ance of Helen M. Post, the photo.';, rapher. under the lllle "As U iir a-s the Craw Shall Oro'.v." I l l ' Other in the •Alllahec lerlrs c.illnl '^^le Face of Anierlen." and tl we have i;ecn.

• Mr, La FarKe.beRlnn with tho-.e dUt-ant day* when the white man IvivlnR defeated the Indian In li I tie, fllRned trcatle.s .with the van- (jiibhed which ceded to lihn theiiv of the land which a t llif time the while man did n o t nerd, tionir, times, even, the w hltr man left Ihr Indlnn his tribal home, with jier- tinp.rTmnniTi(frT>7ite(mmiTnTiri-.t: tors and Oie sacred mnuniidn wlilrli W.1S the center of hi;; ri-liiiinn,' treaties often were oti.-erM'il by ilie

lly for as Jor.i;? n Rcneratlon, nut eventually the I,ind was al- ays ••needed." and Ihe trr.-iiy

phrase which used .'O to linjireM the Indian, ••n: Innt: a> the iims' tliall-cro’i'.'--became ainoclery . and the 'Im llan wii.i moved n'.:ahi._Mr La Pai-Re r.liow,i f irst the iir::rncra- <lnii th a t followed upon lhl^ eon-

tlnuhiR l)<-trayal. and closes with thr pioml’e of a new day If \V:i’hliii;ton wlseiicre.'i hold fa;, lh<' trriii^ of the Indian neorirunl* 7-itlon Ari. .under whlth" It .lins be, enme ]xi'.-.lble fo r .thn Indian tc <rtrt' .hlavelf by dolni: Ihe simpletWhk-s II • ■ • able to Sr.itev

It ii.i.i no t /?n)y JhJif IJje ijiiJl.ni was roblied. ^fr. I.a FarRe i.ln Wor.'i' wa.i the fac t th a l since he had no voice Jn Ills future, his spill'* IV,IS weakened. One of Anirr- Ira's niriM iniKic pictures is that of thoii.Mndv of Ind ian boys and ■ilrl.i r.iuff<'d Into Illy run . dli.eiL-.o rldilm,

i.elinols nnd eul nw;iy liy force from the ir lrlb.il wl/.ilnm

rellRlon; relum ed to Iheir homes, tf tliev lived th a t IniiR. mis- fits In Ixith th r red nnd the .white worlds. Now R is pov.lble for the tribe lo lni:or|xirale. to operate In ii mnilem version' of tlielr older com­munal syjiirm. clioo.'.e for them-

'Ives which of the white' mnii'f rvlri-n trem u.ieful. anil emjilny use In Ihe r.ervlce of all.I'or. Mr. I-a I'.irjie ;.ho«;., th'-

Indian htus the mind nnd tin' lioily fnr lilni'.i'lt If. ti.-: nniv. In- ]•

I>ermUtcd to <lo .-o without exploli.i- tlon.

ir cami-s and la',l

. Kliihlh’ Kr.ide wlmicr-

il 113 hiced 11and

In:idi\ room n o won four r;i', and room S-'. won

Hum ' iinil l" I one lo plaei- .•eeoi'icl.lly Inr Jiinlnr hiuh 1-. pr<'p;iralloii for the

(lani-i- Il ll'.id to U- held Friday

And Npw Camera Detects Evidence of Cattle Rustling

........................'aehed for his hip.11 la-; In a llKhinlnK • like drav. hliiped out his tru.siy camera nnd, uu;or jiiappe<l ii picture. Jnafa..lli!:._ ]alC it_< iiitrk_ ln . the

wjir aiialn'.t callle rusllcrs. L'lrpcnti'r, Insjiecior • In - cliartic

t tl;<' WyiinTlni: Stocl: Growers' .'.vl.itltin's bnind lnr,r'i'Clloii bu-

.i:itl at I>enver. has hfen eriulpped wlih jihnto efiiilpnient, Tlie a.sso- cliiiiKii has Inspector.s a t all of the

IradhiK llvrr.toel: markct.s. IK-nter, they carry cameras

where tho old-time eow-fioke < Blx-shcx)ter,

Ir^-^b'^s-^O'lnspeet- 0/ nIJ cattle {ram tVi-nmliii: nU nrd for sale a t the m.irket^, Tliey cli'-ck tho brands lo see If these are the tmdemarks of the man offerltiR the cattle-for r jile ro r lf 'th c rrller has n leKltlmale bill of fnle, Tliry 'i-’i’ the c.micriifl lo pholocraph callle brand;. 'In Biuplcloiis eases."

••Frc<iuent!y,“ says Rur.-iel •Hiorp. execuilvo secrelarj' of the a'..-.c)cla- tion. “a c.imcra will dUcln-.e ililnus Uiat the huinaji eye doe.-.n'i drK'cl."

'We have had a t lca;,t I'A'o ear.e.i

where Ihe pictures helped us to ej- labUah Ihe work of rustlers."

Dilarred pictures. T liorp f-ild, sometimes will sliow th a t a bnind hai been "worked o i 'c r" - lh a t Is rustler has chanced a J lo * U ' marie some other simple alaicratlon that is difficult to detect.

kct they usually are slauclitercd mediately. If a plclurc of the brand

been taken It can be pre,',er\ed___record. If Uie picture Miows thebranil.lo .be.a-lio rficn" thi- rii;hi- ful owner c.in i -e the photo as evi­dence to claim jiaynienl for the ani­mal, ^

Whenever there Is :,',i.-plclun about the ownership of eattlir, jircK-cedr. from the m Ic are lied up by Ihe catllemrn's a^•ioclntlon- .Later. If a rancher can prove the ta lilc were his. bul had been ru.-,lled and lold

by another Individual, he KeU the money.

Since the a.uociatlon was orjran- Ired In 1B83 It has collected »tO.- ooo.eoo from the sale of cattlc Uiat reached markets without the man In poi,'csslon being able to prove owner»lilp. Tliorpo eays.

C iilrm Trl|>—M n. W, A. Gray nnd her sister. Mrs. EllrjbeUi Ash of Hollywooi}. C-Jllf,r-will leave .the first of Uie week for ChlcaRo, Ttiey will al'JJ CO to neyiiolils, HI., the ir ' former home, where they wllLattend

alumni banquet and vlsli with • frlcnil. and relatives for a month. Mr. Gray will <lrlve cast a t the end of the month lo bihiR Uiem tiome acaliL




Wllilc I ’lafiiie \\'ar B ids' fo r Poster

liblfifX Miiv 7 f,V,-An Idiilio arl, t may whi Sl.fxm for a pn-.ii r <|p- Rn lo be UM-d In Ihe m il .diica.

tlnnal campah-ii on raneer rniilrnl. announced loduy, •

.Slic u ld a. naUuiial ccn to t .uajl>elnj; lielil.__ S--rf»nd Dri.'i- ' l-third J250, fntinii nnd filth n icro are five prI.M", of Jiu rach.

Daily Ci:oss-Word PuzzleSolution ol YciteriJiy^i Puizte

riirly cliurcli I. liiii'iiient


n'orked »wny from you btiforo Ink w aa'diy on your elCTaturc, he ihoppfd around until he found •ometlUnj he thought a girl like you' could .handle, Uilj. froR farm.

"Ho u-Bsn’t content with tlmL He drew up hli will In ^uctj a w ay tha t U you failed, you couldn’t lose too much. Each »eaaon you’d have

.« .jporllnj.chance. .I f .you failed. I could convert Uie farm Into aome-

-Wh|ch_yptild brhig^-ou a ----- until IUaxmBhl-.

But Toml wouldn’t shu t. up. ahe t o v v i Jottder than AUen.

“Why didn't he ten me tha t? Why d idn t ha leava word?’ ,

•— “l-;told-you In ' th# bcs^jnlns.*

i. I'rtcrlv,-

I. aofiil Riltier-






2 3 4 S 6 7 8 r /o

H /<*

/5 ll» n



X f; ■J3. 2 3 -m

2J r j 2 6 l o

J l. iX


I v lW>Zm 37 3a 3?

4a 4i AX 43i 'M ’

4 s 4^ / 47 ■w

So H is .

is 64 i i



■ FllKlOW 5T(»< m FUfl& MAN/ 'lEAGUKOfT-iTS---------



•mw V(Xies, wo»v.

PROPA GA N D A .( DWT FlfllflJf (W'N tiMKTW' AMV CHiWCf, f tJ T a tr r . uac a<o-r,r^


Page 9: p l 2.7, I K azis M o W T o ^ DA German Columns Advancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF107/... · OAHO SCHOOLBOY ODW SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (/P)— Roosevelt


Tigers SIqp Fourjth Consecutive D efeat on Y ankeesDiMaggio FailsTo Break Jinx ofLef thand Hurling

In ju red O utfielder Singles O ncc in

Five TripftAMEItlCAN LEAGUb '

Dflrolt 4. New York Z. lloKlnn 6, CIrTclsnd 4.C hluco S. I 'hlladrltitila 1 W tihlnflon 6. SL Lonli S. -

NEW YORK, Nfny 7 lA 't- E\-fn Joe DIMnrKio coulilii't Ijrc.ik ilic Jinx of Iflilinml lUlclilnK Uxiny tor till- New York YnnkrM artl the DcUdli TIki'It. Mnpiicd ft fourth pon. sfcullvB dpfpnl on tlie world •chnm' plons 4 to 2..»

DlM/iKjJo mtitir nn unhcrsldecl uppetirnnce In H ip Yankee Itncup. llmpltiK AllRlilly n» hp pnirolird triilerilfid for Oip IlrM timt BPftMti. lie lind__wrenchf(l ft

T exhibition Biima on Siinclnybrforc lliB c . ,,

He wns Inslnlied nlniojl ntilO' matlcnlly In Uie clenniip spoi In tlin clfnmiitoiw’ bnillUK ordrr. liiil Inllfd (o exen-l.'p.nny muKlo w'itM hi* ba;. H« KlriKlcd oncp with th r bnuM rmpty, but ho wa* nn rn«y out In Uie first imiInK nftcr Chnrlpy KHlfr <loiiblf<l,'llfiiHl n fly to the oiiidflil in Uifl fifth behind Keller's triple, nnd foitlcd ou t w ith the bnsM foid- cd lu the Kevenili.

Detroit had Kone rlRlie to Ti-ork In IhB first w ith n n in on lhr<>e hltJi and kept jwcklnir ftwny ' nm« in Mch of the Uilrd. fourth Mvrnth fmmca.r>/.rr.li .b r hlN.-- Y.irl th

J J J j

Avir'" *tf'■•f • 0 sicoril^i’, tS '(Mil's, ir < 0 :is«ikirv, irTnrk. 1b 4 0 o;um>. If HlKli... Jl. t I l.n.hli:f»n,TrIiSfliJ. <■ 4 " S ruti'lm. p

, N«nrhoii'r. p » n 2 ,n«»ir ■» 8 « O lliW.tKl. ;

'Kultlns !•_____ J " " ” ""’- '

TMtli . 4 J?| TutnU

.Vrw York .......................000

durlnc a dLiputc o

■. aind Ya>k : : llnlfr. Cnr>■ nil Cro«»it1.. n<iMnn •nil

. W h i to S a x 6 . A t h l e t i c s 3rH m A C ELPinA . M»y 7 </?. -

Flve-hlt -Wtchln*' by Jack KnottAw.l nj.*.. n

caRO (I 0 to 3 win ovpr the AtJiIelic.i today and two aom ci ovit of Uielr

■ thrce-gamn scries.Four of the W hll« Sox n inj »erc

tm'enmed.------IDi7ilinioti'M“ onfiTun' (inii ■ thr^o_JtlL t_ ln .tlit-J lra t-ty o . lnnlncv-tlim.1

ilRlitcnfd up aniJ pitched rjo-hlt bn!l until thfl seventh •R’h fn he pn.'-''-. ed thrro A'.n b#tt«r#. A fllnsTe push­ed on# of the Xreo riders acrQ,w tha pUte,- Appleton. rellerlnK Knott, lATued a pv« to Benny McCoy, farc­ing In ftnoUier A's run.

Catcher Mika TrM h •?ns banlah* - * r t ft0m-lhe-Chlc8B0 -llneup In-Uie


.VMKRICAN I.F:A(jJ'r. AV....12no»ton ........

llelroU ___ClevrUnd ... yt. L«uli .... rhlladrlph la W ashlnifon .SW YorkChlcajn .....


1 2 .SIS

.. 7 10 .41210 .412

.. 6 10 ,.37510 J75

HroohI.vit CliirliiiiBtl . C'blcaco ... I'hllmlHphia New York . iVxton St. lxiui< ... I'lClAbursli

.1 1 3 .78S

.... 0 !) JDO,5 7-,117

.... 5 • « ;JS5

... i * .185

Ixjx —il"rtr,|*'iorfhlrnKo ............l'hllacl*lphlft K l^ .i^U ll.rd

K >t(.' l^it^e pi

S e n a t o r s 6 , B ro w n s 5 ■WA8H1NOTON. May 7 (-P)-The

Sciuitbrs ended Uielr flve-Rame Ibi* InR .-(irfiilf todiiy nnd bi-iit Louki 6 10 5 wlit-n 7,i-ku Donura won'dfrom th ird . In the lOlh InfilllB Johnny Whltohciul'B wild plidi. YoUHK Sid Hudioii. from the Flor­ida StAt« lengtte, Mattered II till.!: to Ret hia flr.ii major lw(ni« victoo'-• L<>u(. mh r hlV.'..hIn»nm .U r h

"c *"’ 4 0 9 iWhltrS'J, p I (I Il'HiitUnn. p 4 0 0

i-D iltM fft >-nan.rsr Il>—illllFll f<

H om e Run Victim

CLAltXE KLTNN. 3. «a« pliylns near fihlbe'n park In I'ltlladrlplil* when Ifal Trmhy i>f Clrreltiiil In-

—drrnT- - - - - - - - ■ — - - - - - - - - - - -«Uh rhlladelphli Allilrllrn. Tlir baMliall hit Clain; a ciniir. Inc lln tr on (he head and hurt nn rncf. h'lie /< nhonn ulllt an (rr pack on hrr brulvd lirad and oli. vlounly not a bit happj about tlir whole alluntlon.

Bowlers Colect Tourney Prizes

C h i c a g o a n s -W in - D o u b l e s - T i t l e a s P i n - S m a s h in g

E v e n t C lo se sDCTHOIT. May 7 <'-1'—ll i e 40ili

Amrrlciin bowline rnnure.'s ehnni- plonshlpj, whifh clirx more than 30,000 boM'Icrs (rimi 7 1 cltlM, rli>S' Pd loniRlit wiuioui :iny clevrntli hoiir upael. Minor «'veni lender st.-indlnw '^era unchftniicd by the llna l rolling.' llej-blr Ffrltac anil Joe SInke. Chi*

•cnuo, ari' the new douhlc^ eham- ploai, wlnnliiK Uie i:ih two-mati event for th rlr city on their .icore- or U 40. They took t $0M prlte In addltlrm to tlie ciLitoaiurj' diamond- studded mednls RlveT^hamplons.• n«y Drown. Tcrre*H;iute. Ind,.

annexed Oie .ilntilp' ehnmplonnhlp wiih n 742 tolBl wortli 1300. while Fred Pbch-T, Diitfalo, N. Y.. won llu! covflrtl all*en;iit.\ cronTi atvt j:00 In iivrriiRliift JJI.3 lor the nln« n.inwr; Io;i.llinc 2.001.

-Som>' 100,000 rp«wtor.i hiive paid llii’lr wiiy into the Coli.-,cuin a t tiic MIclilKiiii .M;ilr fjilr moundi slnro M ardi 7 10 .MT mpmbcr* of the 8,000 lc:\in« bomb.ird Uie pln.v

AlUioiiKh no AllC j ^ l n s rrror<i

Diz Dean Relegated to Relief RoleA fter XhM Failure on Cub Moundnj KAitL I111.LIOAN

CilICAC.O...Mi.y 7 -.T— Du.-rv DlUll. -Alio h,Ill It UllCC, Ih E' ll’W

Tilt! iiitclu'i fur v,iiom tlie Clii- ciiRu Cut)-, iwld $1«.-.,000 m cu;.h h,i5 bnii u'li-;;ii'-cl to the role p1 tt u-!.civc nnjiiiuliiiwii, n u t Ownt-r r . K. Wiiuli^y u. not yet rvAdj to pii'!< liiiiil jii<U:'nrni' on the bii;

:liili;iiulrr ulio only .'.IxSI.

I- NatlDiiiil kiiKue (laR uud r!(l i.Tlo.willliii,- to Rl\e ol' Dll’, at

I>;|i7 of the•,\,i. kniK:-;pd- Uiirrt tliiii'

Cardinals Overwhelm Brooklyn Club, 18 to 2

. P i r a t e s 9

St. Louis R outs Top Team W ith Seven

Home RunsR e d s 7 . G i a n t s 6 •

riNClN.'.'ATI, M:iy 7 - c , i ' f h ' r

!i-r Hinil-lilnE Hit» r>'V,UllJvii_KnvWiiir, hi:-, oft four Pl r.

l!:.',liy n.i.Km


did ualn thi' dt'illncLloii o{^ ih f only onr in uhlrh tyrrf perfect

i"30d" Kuni''.’. weru rolIrd,l^_ < Grorce falliirp, Akron. O., (Ired

fielvi' con.'ecutlvi- ;,trlkp< April 15 and Uio feat wan dnpllcjvieri a week b;<-r b>- AnKelo <MlkiM Domenico

l-or Canton. O.

. 11,—IM

>, I'jii.C4». ThM hAb'hUi—LlldtiK rum — lUnnllne.____ -• I—WilWr. JiMii. S«rllk~-Ul«.l* h. niHcIlfr. U (l nn h4*r«-SI •.. ..'mihlrmloM B. il«^ on Ull»—<it ft 1: hr Huil.on T. AuVc ' Innlnm Whltrh»*J 1 In 1 ...... .; out In tOthV. WIIJ ptlcSp.-Whm).Mcl.

hilU-^^rlr. f<c»Jn( ritih.r — ............ ■Umi.irt^rt»T»r-St«1l-«">l

BuM Player Hits

UAftOLD-ATKINB, th ird btM nan on lha AU-St*r.U«in U ukTa a t t in t u E m l^ E n d M «( the Covbon retehe* for Ibe ball doritir Uis b«M> tit ' r*iaa p l ^ d l i e t i ^ o l i a a r n U B lT X S lw re w ^ U a ror K 'ttn iU w d » dsDble to win » b ir «hart of batUnr honan , b u t th i Alt-Stan bowed to the nocM T km csen . 1-1. . .

Ogden Reds Lead in Team Batting Marks

Contrastins sharply with th« .t<Trltle hlltlnc pac« Ml durliij lhe 'llr»t year of th« Pioneer lenfue, Main averaRfji for the youns 1040 eea*on today ihowed baumen nrcn'fenJoyliiR spectacular f.ucrp;.s aRnlwi this new crop of pllchcrs.

Exccpt for n few Individual standout.^ who Have rcRi.sletecl Impreiilve mftrks a t th« plate, the alx club.^ havo '[lono conien-ailve rertnlnR the 1830 trend which law averAsea so:irlii(: Into the fftrataiphere.

A conjpllitlon of nil eamej prrcedlnc Ia.it nlghf,? serli’a opener* In the three cities llxU ORden u the outfit n-lth the best hlttprs. Ai a team the Reds bstlcd J82, Next camr Salt Lake City with a mark of 5CD. Although tied for tlrst place In lenRuu slimdlnt'^, Poc.ilello ajid Boise ranked third and fifth, respectively, D elntcn the Cardlnali and Pilota ,came the Idaho Fall* Ra's'iet* nt 107. Last were Oie Tv,'ln Falls CoW' boy*, who made SO hlta in 345 times a t bat for an avrmRc of .241.

BoUa had the b<-.-;l fleldlnR team, average J47 to shade Uie Sivli U ke Deea by four polnu, Tho Dewjopiwd Uie double play llit by complellnB 10 twin killlnffs.

Unofficial averftKJ (not Includlnc Tuwdny Rnme.-.t Team W 1, Pet AB R » PO A E D!> HdR Bat.8oL-<! ...................... ....... 5 3 .625 282 S3 74 213 W 17 B M l .262Pocatello ___________ 5 3 ,02S 314 f.tl 84 22! M 24 6 .825 .260Salt Lake ..................... 5 4 J5fl 324 60 87 246 118 22 10 JI43 i69OKdcn .., ----------- . - .5 4 J36 .310 51 00 237 .M 25 3-4(31 J83Idaho Fftlh _________3 6 J33 322 47 86 243- D8 30 6 510 JOTTo'In FnllS .................. 2 5 .286 245 31 50 ino 73 20 4 J)22 J141. Leadlnc pltfheni; (Oamc.i won) U;iiniu.«cn 2, CaplliiRer 2, Archuleta Zarr 2. Uliiau 2, Hcilgrcock 2.

Home rxiw: Epiatle 3, Lowe a.Three ba« hlta; Anderton. Salt Lake. 3.Two blue h lu : nobclfo; S . , ^ 'Rtnlen W lltlf_3-_

NATJONAI. MiAOl.E St, l.i'iik l», llrooMyn 2, n<IUM[>hU I. ChlfAtn 0. Clufliui-Ml 7. Nrw York fi.Iln-.t-.It II. I’llt.hurirh 8.

ST. LOUIS. M:i>'7 i,T.—The Card- lah v.-iiifxl ilirir i).-nC up sluRKhiK jih cn 0.1 Uii: Urtioklyn Dotlner.i to­

day wiih a ircord ^oll^ctlon ot leveii home riuu ,mrt 13 total bai.M out of 20 hlt-v-provini: by un IB to 2 (ilfldavll Uial th-' Katloiiiil leanuo Iriidnr:; c,in he .-loiil'nl.

Tlip ilcdliir<I< i .^Ip,'ldy bomhardmi'iit th a t Munnser Ij-n Diirochr-r oT :hr Dodsera look cDvcr In tlif middle of the Kame. IrfJnR Peewi-e Rfiv.e .-luWltute a t .■.hnrl'lcip, and kept Hush C.t'ey on llio moiuid for .'even IniilnKi to Aavc wear ;>nd tear on hU oUicr pUrhefs,

Don P.idKi’il -Miirted tha bU roarlhi; In thu .^econd Innlnit wlUi ft roimd trlppi-r, Rookie Inllelder Kddlv Laka Juliowetl wltli till- ihlnl and anuUier wlUi In the elKhlh. Johnny Ml.-e lilt for till' clrrult also In tlir third wlUi o:ii- nil and nsaln In the (.'Ighih with none on. Stii Martin joined In th f ..■JiootlMit wlLli one In Uie fourtli anil Joo Muilwlck lili uni- .in Uie .iixih wlUj oiii! o;i, “•

lirhlfid tllti [)OV.elIul Olfcil:.l' Lc;in Loi)nk- Wuriickc pltchi-d -nhut- <1111 bnU for »pvcn iniilnw and wi-nk-. ciii'd only In Uie elshUi wlini ilie Do<iRc:rx got four of their nine lilt.'i anil Iwlh their nnu,

T5i8 w e n homers .hit by Uie Civrd* tied a Natloniil Ic-nmie peal: rcachnl five tlmc.i'ln the pi.it,.’n i t Yniikee.? set the 'm ajor Ii-.inue lilRli of eight tn the American lejRur liut

ir (c.ir nl

iv:lit!i iniiii^ !ir<iiii;i;- Ihi' nlali' nit n cldlllKC Ci:;rinniitl ri<'t!’. -.von

ilnhl iivii* 7 to 6,

d n iliro-.v to .;eal and the

th e ir flfUi

Vour»; ll.tr.tl, J f . l .nd T. HcCorniii Winiilns I'llJhtf-nitr»u. I.o*ln» ptit

P h il l ie s 1 . C u b s 0CIUCAOO, May 7 — Youi

Ike I’e;ir;on shiii out tlto CIjIcrro Ciib. -.vtlli four K atlered hirn i«Iny n.s Ihe Plillndelphla Phillies took the otld name of Uu- serlr;,, j • - n tn Warrrn scored llie run . Uilni whfn a third strike caiometl off CiitdiiT Al Ti>dd’a .\UlnKiiards for an errpr,

ked Sox Deteat Cleveland Tribe

L c ac ju e L e a d e r s W in , 6 lo 4 , D e s p i t e H e a v y H i t t in g

b y I n d ia n snor,TON. M.IV 7 (,1’.-T!ie limdy

, hlitlr.-r or Lou I'ltiiirv ai;t1 O'-n'* Dc- 1 -Siiuli Ij'A,i,. n:or<- ellfcllvi; Diiiu the

vleliiiu barracc alnii-d nl thi’ vet- tr,ili l!i)!j Crovi- tocLiv -ihrn Ihe

: Rr<l Sox -•.ucnsUienwl ihclr crip on flr. '. n r the American Ip»i;ubby ilrfi-iitliii the Cevtland Indiana, 0-4.

•nip vMton out-hit l.“ie Sockw: 13-B, 111 the ^e^lci' finale. All but on-' of Uif lilt.i ttcre nsnlmi the vi-iii'Mliie .lOllthpa'i-, Ti-hO quit, the iiiouiid In Uie eUhUi liintn;: nlt'-r Jlnl lYwky and R<iUle Hl-m. ll•y linmtrrd iiiid Knij Ki-ltner .ilitsled fur a thrce-run rally Uiat wus chok­ed 01/ liy rookie Herb Hiixlt,

AWioUKh Grovi- UJ.1 hit- hard fiom the .itart, he kept the Inrtlanj . ■orelc.vs until the svventh. «,hc’n. with two out, he walkixl R»y Mack and R.ive .'lilKlr,' to Lo-.i Boitdrr.Ml and Roy W callu'rlj,

Tlie lU'd Sox. however, piled up enough run.-. to /Aln lu Uie flr;,i three liiiilni:';, aiialiir.t Mike NaV'

Filer Nine Scores Lop-Sided Victory

- V i s l lo r s - C h a lk - u p r F l f t h - W ^ n - . o f S e a s o n a t .S h o s h o n e

T e a m 's ' E x p e n s e ■8HO0HONE. May 7 -F lle r high

school'i ba.iebAll teatn ncored lu fifth vletorT of (he teu o n today by wnt- loplns Uie Shoshone youns!>t«iY. 31 toB .

Flier went lo work In Uie first Innlntr »nd ronllnQed Uie onslaught u nu rthe seventh. BUnked'the f irst five frunes. Shaihone counCed three Ume« in the sixth and collected hair a dozen runs In Use leventh.

R H EFlier __________532 641 0-21 22 3Bhoehohe - ____ooo 003 8— 0 10 D

ShBff, Unca-Mer, E. 'Wllaon. ^khnell and K. Wllnoh. Hendrick, Andaroff: McCain. Winters, Brown, tn d ThomaMn. • •

B I G _ S I X■ftlr PfMil

IRallInX (tlin^lMdart ln,Mrh I» n f)

WriiM. W)ill« f>

Cowboys Release Pair of Pitchers

- B u n s t in e a n d M c D 'o u g a l l F a il t o M a k e G r a d e w i th

T w in . F a l l s C lu bThe Tu ln Falls b#seball club nn-

nouncetl the relewe of two mounds- men yesterdny a.< the CowW* oi>en- ed n three-Rame home stand BEniiut the ORden Red.%

Mel DuiiiUne and Bob McOoucnll. rlRhthanden, were dropj>ed from Ihe f,quad while Dick O’Boyle. Iiltdier, and Ken Keatlnp. un o_ fielder, both obuined from Bol. e Joined MnnftRer Frank Tobin's ' BufferlnR from an Injured liand, Tomrty Hellla, utility player, was (tlven a neven-day su.ipenslon to per­m it time for ft complete recovcrj-.

OeorRe Dnvljon, high Kliool athlete who broke Into Uio SoulWm Idaho All-Stnr-tineup as a cat<:her In Monday nlRht's benefit (jnnie. will work out with the Cowboys after Uie close of the school term.

N olicc lo C re d ito rs o f A m cric n n L cfrion Pont N o . 7. Plcn.se sen d a il bills to { id ju ta n t soon ns possib le.

11 -.Mieijicr ue coulff


They are all ready for k full Mimmer of carefree (ravel* and (rlpv lla \e more tun with a de­pendable rrneued ear.

..$ 4 5Sedan .....................IDM HMCK .

• Sedan . ..1035 I)OI)Ci:.Sediin , ...1035 l)01)GK Coupe ...........

$ 4 0$ 3 2 5$ 3 1 5

- ...$ 5 2 51D37 CIIEVKOI,KTSedan ...................1336 DOIXiE1‘lekup .. ............1037 LINCOLN-

$ 4 7 5$ 2 3 5

M a k e an IN T E R N A T IO N A L TRU CK Y o u r P i r tn e r in C u tt in g H au lin g Cost*mm

T hM if on* lina e t truclu tKat n u t t i w m y fartn . ttv a y a u tli* rM tM tv a lu a p « rtn tc k d o n tfl ThaTi Iht WiMther you b*«1 • l i |h t pldcup truek'for unlity w k . si

rear axle /or £«M w «k awl hc«*Mr lotdf. or ■ w ltfo r Iw t^ u ta jta U nltsf “ "“ iket. tKer» ia aa Intematienal to fit your job uadty . , . d I h

CaiM i n . . . fBtadcmoMtraiioD.

n-30. l ! i twi de ivm di-T w itt h o in -

Page 10: p l 2.7, I K azis M o W T o ^ DA German Columns Advancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF107/... · OAHO SCHOOLBOY ODW SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (/P)— Roosevelt

T T O ! F A L L S T y T S FALLS, IDATTO. .WFDNESDAT jro n N T N C . M AT S. M 10 '

NewYork STOCKS cfii*o»iei


Hot Lunch P ro g ram Closes for Je ro m e

jniO M t:. Mayl-M iA. BrliJK- rr:in, Mii'frviwr of itir hoi liinrh pii.Vrl for tills illstrlcl. nnnouncctl

hut nil lun Itlix'h iiinKrnitii Itl rlmi school' In Iln- roiintv of ' «ill I'IwP for U

mlll/i on llif dollnr; oiiil iJia r» li day of Muy. 1040 nt tlir In 1:30 o'clock p. mVnl llie Cliy liall In the CItj- of Ta’ln Pnlls. Ims btrr fixed nnd drlrnn lnfd n» ihc iimi itirt plnce for Mid public licnrlnit; ind ihot -nil parilrj or prr.wn* In- frti.lrd mny oppcnr iil pnt>lt=

lic-nrlDB-ntHl -flit jiroi<-i-or. »nyIllrv-DUilUaVt

I.K rrA L A D V K K T IS K M E N T S



OK a u j e r t r e h d . d e -■KASKD,

Is liffcljy (ilvpii by tlic lr-!rli;:iril ndmliibtriitor of tlio ilf III Albfri R w l, (li'tnisfcl. to

illtors ofcUlms ncnliis ilic r,nld tl

I Ul;iry votirlirrs, v.lUiln

lir. iillcr the flrr.t imbllcatlon of loiifc. la the i.nid ndinlii' t Ihr otfire of A. .1. if'y nl Ifiw, In T aIii niinkii'.t Cmniuiiy iJiiildlnK. T a’ln Coimly of T,vlii Fiill’i. S lata

c.r tlili b'-lliK Ihr ptiirr ftxeilr ImsI

i; April r . 21, May I. 8,

SOTICK o r ItKAKINr. ri'i.icATiG.v i o n v o i,rN T A n y 1)is s o i,i;t io n o i- c o u i’Or a t e

S' fi!K n r s 'h i i c r c o u r t o f•I UK KI.KVKNTil JUOICIAI, DIS. ■rillCT IN AND FOR TWIN i-AM-S COUNTY, STATK OP IIMHO,I iti' Mniirr of ihc

ROCK CHEEK RICAUT COM- i’ANy^ n cflnwrallnn.

IN Tili: MATTim OP T5II-: AP- I'MCA-nON FOR 'n iK DISSQ.i.irriON o r t h k ito c K cr b k ic

>1IKAI,TV COMPANY, 'A COfl- i’OItATION.Nflllrr U hfrehy cl'

-(inv)Mllon, llip Rock Crrcl: HMlIy -riiii|i:iny. on ihr ICih dny of April. Ifnii, tniKlc lit wrldiiK n voUmtiiry

Inn for div^liiiion. to i.otd

Imt Mid Court. IliiTciiiion, towU. ilir lOih dny of Apill. inio, iniide cinlrr dlrtclhiK ihiili.altl iippllcn- 1 I)- fllcri with (hr c irri: of raid ir:, nnd Uml MUl Clerk kIvo :hy, ihr2U h,dayof May, ItHO, nt ovitKk A, M. on ih ;a day or ns

[I tlirrMftrr n. coiin:^-! run be rd. n t lilt Court room' of the iniy Court hoiisc: In nml for -Uie

Cmmfy nt T«in Pnlh, S tate of Iil.ilio, IV. the lime nnd place for i!if h' lrlnK of ralrl npiillciitlon, nnd Ihni thi.i iinilfp Li now kIv<‘H- nnd

piitjlWied ncrordlnc to inld

Wlin.-.vi by hand and the r.e.il of; altl Dhlrlcl Court, tills 16th da \prlj, A. n„ ID«,


Pub. Nr« s Apr. 24, Mny, '40

NOTICK TO CIIKDITORSJie I'lolMle Conn of T u la Fiilb miily,St.iif of Idaho,

in ,Ih c Mai’.tf tit lliL • li. SW .

— NOTICK IS HKREDY-OIVEN-hr tlip iinrtcr.t;nra Arltnlnl.'in-fttrlx wlih

toj.ucli proiwsRi revrntic purpo^M.

Dated Uiln Clti dny ol Mny. I5<0 PAUL R. TAUni.-

AcilnB Mayor ol :lir, City feKAU of T-,vln fMS, Idalio- A T riS T ; 'W. H, BLDRlDOE,Cleric of the City ol Tftin Palii, Idnho.Pub. Newj-M ny a. I.V :2. 1310,

IllllllO. li>upi)llf».nfnnnn-

Of Twill Full.i Coumy, ftsklni: for bids on trhcx Sprclflcallonii, diitn nnil tlon covrrmi: llip Mmr n tfllnfd nt the ofllcr of Ih tcnclent of Schools In School Biilldlnc.' All propor,uls or bld.\ i wrtlInK nnd ^hRli be Jlkil ... fle» of the Suprrlntriiilpm of Schtwls of snlrt DlJtrict on or Deforr 5;00 o'clock on life 8lti d iv of Mny. J040.

Tlie rlRlit l.< rcMTvc-il to rrjrcl iiv and nil bids.D itrd this 741

1040.isirncd) E, r , frrm i.K R .

rirrl;o:ird of Tril.Mrcs of Iinlr|i'i»lrnt Scliool DlMrlct No, 1. T-.V1JI r.ilb. Idnho.'

Pub. Ncttx April 24. M;iy 1,'8, 1340.


plaintiff, and you are hereby direct' rd 10 nppear and plead to the said Complnlnt within twenty days of Uie

of th li Apollier Bummons; furtlirr. ndlfled tha t ajipear'nnd plend

-mid' Coinplnlnt B'tlhlii Uir time herein specified, the plaintiff will tak« Jiiddinent nRalnit you a i pray cd li ■ ■ ■" ■ ■ ■

Tlio nature ofplnlniU fs cnii« of nctlcrii U. nnd tlil.i action l.» brotiuht to, qu lri iiUe to the property ile- ?crlbnd In the title of tlil. cnuse of action In the plaintiff, Snni Cox, and tlie Complnlnt nlkKfs Hint Ui above named drfenrianb claim u Inlere.M In Mid property bimI i :hnl xnlU drfendnntn nnd ench of ;hem may be refjulrfd lo Aet forth he nnture nnd extent of Iheir ,evfral claimi, that all ndveri.e clnlm* of snia defendant.', or nny

. . detennlned nnd tha i n decire be reiidrr«J nOJudKini: thiit

lid dPfendniiLi nnd e.ich of them ive no estate or intere.st whnlever

in snld premt3C4; Uiat Uie tlUe of Uie plaintiff, 8am Cox. to tald properly U good ond valid and Uiat eald dtJendaniA. and each of them. b« forever enjoined and debarred from aiierUnjt nny claim or hn>lni! any ln te r« l In or to *nld properly, and that llie title be flcclarcd to b e ' u'holly In la id plahiUff. and Ujai he •

xucj) further relief na m ay'be Jur,t nod etiullnble: th n i for » more par- tlculnr ita te inen t of Uie cati.ie of oction. reference U hereby mnde lo the Complnlnt on file herein.

WITNESS my hnnd and ttie feal the snld Dl.Mrlcl Court this 7ih

dny of Mny. 1040.WALTER C. MUSQRAVE. Clerk of the Dlntrlcl Court.

(SEAL) By PAUL I!, GORDON, Deputy.

WII.aON A: SHENEnEROER. • Attorneys for Plnlnllff.-<->ldlnK at Twin P..lh, Tdnll^, ' ' '

Pull, Nctts: Mny S, 15. 7J. :o, June S. 1940,


^ APRII. 30, 1341

........... ............. : : ...................... ............... =Ca.ih rccclpt.% other than c.i.-.h ^urplu.<; and inxe:......... ............... 4D,44lii;


ilece^jifd, to exhibit ic«; %ary

After the itn.tptibllcatlon of this notice, lo Uic s; A"<inilni.Htrutnj wiGi WHl Anheji

thr"li>w offkc.-i 'Of Wll.ion and Slieneijertar, Kldrllly NaUonnl Bi Rulldlnt:. 111 l-\ii!s. County of T u in FiilbvS^ato of IdiOlo. Ullfi l^elnK :he place fucxl lor the.trnn.-jacllon of the hurlnciss of ^nld er,Uite.

Dnied MiiyC. 1D40.. .)KNNIK S. SPAFFORD.

• AdiniiilMr;itrlx with Will Anii'-Jrd of Uie e.ilnte of J, II. fi'Aviii, deceiuie<l.

Pub. Ncas-May «„I5, 23. 25, 1040,


To Iknrfirlal Use fi'ollce hrreby given Ujnt nt 2:00

. M. on the ISih dny of Jtine. 1040. ; Murlausli. County of Tu-in Fiillr.. tnte of Idnlin, before F. W. W ncr- Dliz, Not.ir;,' Public, proof will be

siibmllted ol thr iippllcntion lo bene­ficial U'C of 1.8 cubic feet per »ec* ond of Mibirn';ine,in water In nc- ;ordnnre. \vim the term.^,nnd condl- tlon.s of Penult No, 17112 heielofore lx.<ucd by the CoinmliJiloner of Rrolninntlon of the Slnte of Idnlio.

Tlie name nnd po.'totflce addre;3f the persdu or eorjw atlon holdiii



r i . i i n t l f f ,



Defrndn. THE STATE:0P IDAHO SENDS Kreellntra lo Hie abovD named de fendnnt.i:

You ftre hrrcby notified thn t i coinplolnt hn^ been, filed ngnhi.M

Jifelciiil Dislrlct of tlie a tn tero f-ldnho ,-In and 'fo r'T w ir FnlLi County, by the above nnniefl plaintiff, nnd you nre hereby dl- ri-cled to appear and plead to tin ^ald complaint within twenty day! of the service of thl* another num-

i;;; nnd you nre further notified 1 unle.« >’ou ro appear nnd plead .'aid complnlnt within the tkne

hrrHn r.p_«ified. the plnlnllff Wll lakc"7uirKmenl nK!jln.?l you'ns prayed In nnld complnlnt,

Vou nre further notified Uiat tli. lure of the came of action stotea the complaint nnd Ihe object

■reof I.1 to quiet title In the plnln- lltf aKnln.ll you nnd each of yoU'‘ ind to Uie follnwinB real estate

ate In TMn F.ill.i Co-inty, Slate Idaho, nnd de.wlbed u fol.

4.35S.15 . '11^41.32



illable Cash Stirplm ■liixrs Collected on I.eHr^ Prior to 103Taxe.i Collected on I!)3il UvyPolice Court I• nr nnd CoM.i ...............Stnte Llijuor Sales ,G rnenil Liceim-.'.......................Doc Llcen.-.

. ,-OTin:,...........................■ctlon Fee.\ on .Hpeclnl linprovnr HiKhway Tax ...

Tree Spravmi; ......... .•:lp:i( Coif Coiir.-e ..................Rental of Lnnd at Alipoit Rentnl of City HulidluK Wall I ocnl Impiovenirnt Dl.Mrlct No. 4C

of ^ ln(l.■i ............................


Tax Le\-j' of 15 mills on an e.iflmnted valuntton of Sr),600,000... . $ 84 000 00Av-nllable Ciuh Surpliw .................... S3 OCn 3«Cash Receipts Oilier tlinn Cnsli Surplus nnd Taxe.-,............. ...']! 33j0o'oo

e s t im a t e ; o r c e n k r a i. k u n o r e ( kii’t .-<.APRIL 30. I94I

Avnllnble Cash Sunilu.iCollections on 1040 Tax L<-vy .............................Police Court FJiles nnd Cost.s ....................State Llfiuor-Snlrs.........................................................General Llcen^r. ............ r.,_ .Dog Llcen.se»In.'.pectlon Pees ............................................Municipal Golf C ourw .................

HtRiiwny Tax ........................................Intere*t on Delinquent Tuxes....................................Admls.\lon Tnx Jnycee Park ..........................................

.. .J 335G038

.... 5fi.000.00

..... 4.500 00... 10,000.00

3.500.00 ... 1.500.00 ... 3,.100.00 ... 1,000 00


..., 6,?«).00


e John '. Muinuf;h. Id

Tlie ii.'.o tn tthich wild w ater hn.s been nppllid h Irflnntlon nnd dom-

■unt npplled io beneficial

Serllon 32; Towniihlp 11 South. Ranee » En.M. B. M.

The rlRhl to i.ike wnWr from niteh work* 1.1 bssed aipon.-Pcnnlt_N<3.

The date of priority which wild ser iK-prepnted io-e»tftblW»-U-J(me-

17. 15:0.-- JAM ES-6POPFORD.-

Comml.vMoner of Reclamation. Pub. New^-Mnr a: 15.-31. 20, 1040.


T hnt iJiB City Council of the City of Twin F»ll?ridaho. e*pecLn to levy taxei for Renertl' revenue purposes for the fiscal year endlni: April 30, i e « In exceu of 10 mllln

•wit:Lot 12 In Block 88 in Twin PalU

Townslte,To have Uie title of plaintiff nd-

JiidRed lo be quieted in him m owti- :r In fee xlmple and to b»r the de- fentlant-i and ntt of them from mi- rerllnK any clnlm wlintever'in nnd lo .mid pro|>eriy or any p<irl there­of ndverse lo plaintiff nnd. for micli other nnd further relief nl mny be proper nnd e<iultable, all of whirli more fully appears from the'corn- nl.ilnt In wild action filed, reference ;o nhich 1.1 hereby made for creoter-CTt;ilIltV, • •

WITNESS MY HAND and .iHi ■eal of the f.ald District Court tills ;3rd day of April. 1040.

WALTER C. MUSORAVE 'SEAL! ClerkWll'on / i Shfnet>erKer Attorney.^ for Plaintiff Re.'.Klcnce and P. O. Addrcis T ^in F a iir Idnho Pub. News Apr, 24. May i;S. IS.22. '40



_.K ALLS. COUNTY.___SAM COX. • Plalntif/.

DRAKE-BALLARD COMPAfJY. » eo.^lo^ltlon.- nnd GEOROE 0, JONI-S, W. A. LOVeLAND..R, E. -WILKINSON. B,' J. DEAN.-15t»t«—

stees; all unknoim own- • Islmnrtj- of -nil- o r ‘# n r t

portion of tlie lollowlnK r » l ejtaje r.itUdie. in Twin Fnlli'.CounI)'. Stat^.of Idaho, to -w it:.. _ •. ... Northeast Quarter of the North- '»'cst C?iiarier (NEU N W '.;); - NoHliwest Qunrier of Iho North- ' e a« Quarter (NW‘; NE’i) : Lot Three (3) (nho described a* Southeast Quarter of Uic'North-

Quarter (SE 'i N E S)) in flec­tion Tlilriy-slx (3(11. Township Ten (101 Soum. Rnnso Nineteen (191 •E.ut Boise Meridian, ' ' '


You a rt hereb>- no tified 'th» t » Complaint has been illed t s ^ n t t you in the DlJtrlel CW rt of the Eleventh Judicial Dlitriet c f 'th *


City Uulldlnr*:Llcht, Heal nnd Janlter' ..............................t I.l.lOOOSupplies. Repair;, and Sealer............ .................... 1.050.00

Motor.% nnd Rep.iirs and Othei^ Expenses......... 3.7SOM

AilmlnUtratlon: Officers' Snlnr rubllr.hini;, In>

.Street:Salnrle.? nnd Labor ..............................CarbaKc' Dl.'pasal ...............................Gn.s nnd O il................ ........................Motor* and Repnln ............................ .Eflulpmenl. Buppllej And MaterlaU...

111.050.00 4JOO.OO3.600.003.700.009.350.00

.,..-8,730.00 - —300.00— 3J00.00

. 1JW.00Motors, 0ns aAd Oil and Other Expehses._

Meat and Dairy:Inspector --------------------- --------------------------- a.4BO.OO

Supplies --------------------------------------------------_ 110.00

Golf: ‘U bor ------ ----------- --------- ------------------------- 1300JMMotor and Repalr»,^as and Oil and Suppllei— 1,000.00

Obs nnd Oil, ImprovemenU and MaterlaU____ 3.500,00

STATEM1;NT o k r e c e ip t s , YEAII e n d in g A rW L 20, 1540rr RenlaU Collected ................................. ................. .................. I 72.163.82

E.STJMATE OF RECEIPTS, TEAR ENT)TNO A PR n. 30, IMl Wnter R rn lab Collectlor^ * . • ...1 70,000,00

F^STIMATE OF EXPENDITURES, YEAR ENDING'APRIL 30. « 4 llnrle.s and L abor,,..... > ...J 20.«0,00

Pipe. Piitlnss and Vnlve*____ ___ _________________________ 5,000.00Meters. Boxes and P a rU ............ ...................................;----------------- 4,000,00Audit nnd Canal M aintenance______________________________ 2,000.00Insurance .................... ...•......... ......................... ....... ........................... l^OOiW

Motors and Repairs and Otlier Expensea...

____ 8,8BO.OO

LlRht, Power nnd Telephones J.,?............ ...................... __________ IJCO.OOHeat. SuppllM, Reptlra and Machinery.--------------- ------------------ 1.400.00

TOTAL ........ .................................... ..........................i 70,000.00. STATEMENT OF SPECIAL FUND REVEN-UE. YEAR ENDING

APRIL 30. IMO Rona.'THWreit ajid Sinking Fund—Tax Levj- ofStreet Llchilne F u n t l- T ^ Le^T t>f 5 Mills____Libmo' Fund—Tax Le\7 of 3 Mills___________"B a n B T u n d ^ a i LeV yor............................. ..

__% 48m o«__ 10582,01


SprinkhnR-FltulJlng-OlllnB F u nd -T ax Levy of 3 MilliPlu.1 Collections on Old Sprlnkllnif AMessmtnt-i.................... .JB.OMWSTATE5IENT OP SPECIAL FUND RECEIPT.S, Y’EAR ENDING

APRIL 30. m o------ * ----- ------------------------- Collected on— ------ 7 • ------------------

Levies A; Awew. Collected on------------- . --------------------- Pylor-toISJ# .-l939U v lm -- TOTAL---

Bond. Inlere.st and Sinking Fund..........)I8.S53J8 t3U 52.U KO.200.13StreeT U chtltig Fund.......................... .-i: 4 .«as,71 Oil(n.15 ' IU3J.89 ■LIbmO’ Fund ............. ........................4J45.04 ■ ,8567,15 11,513,10Band Piihd ___sco .7 4 87d ,d o 1.410.04.SprlnkllnB-FlushlnB-OlIlng F u n d ____ 7,505.03 10,«0.73 17JJ55.75


mounts herelniflcr set forth total t)^e levies lo be made, the unexpended balance on 'hsnd (n each fund: and the estimated collection ofdeilnquent Sprinkling Improvement District AisesBments,)'Band. Interest and Sinking Fund...... --------------------- •..........,;____S 55.000.00Street LlRhUng P u n d ____ --------:--------------------- ________ :_w_. 15.000.00L1hrar> Fund ------- --------------------------------------- 13,500.00

aprtnkllnK-nuihlnP'OlllnB Fund ...... I o!ooo!oo ' ■Adopted by the Cliy Council of the City of Tn'ln Pnlls.'Idnho, thl«

sixth day of May, IMO. ' ‘ '^ fSlgntdl PAUL R. TABEB .

Acting Mayor

dollar on' all proiKrty w ithin the |st.H « of Idiuio*'iti~»nd''/or Tii-ln Im iU 'ot th« M ld 'C ltr. t«:w lt. IS fF iilb Countr by th« «bova nuaed


(SIjned) W. n;;JOORroGB •Clly Clerk

Pub.' New* May 8. M, June S. IMO.-

Page 11: p l 2.7, I K azis M o W T o ^ DA German Columns Advancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF107/... · OAHO SCHOOLBOY ODW SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (/P)— Roosevelt




MU dsn . Ptf line p tr day . . . . i2« Thrf# d»7s. p<*T line p^r day . . . ,llf Otsv.dar. PfT l in e ........................J l f

33 1/3 D iscount For Cash

Ci5h dlscounU allou'ed If ndvnrtlti* menl ti paid for within *r»-pn d»r» of fim In.wtlon.No cliulfled ad Ukcn for Ic^!t Dun SOc Includlnt dlKount. /U ns of cIoMlflrd sclvrrtUluR com- piitrd on bwLi of five mcriliim- IfHRth words p tr line.


ruo.sx 38 or 32 r o n a d t a k e r

IN JF.ROMK l/iivc Ails'nl K A: W Rool Drrr

IN RUPKIIT Uove AiU Bl Rrr.ltlciicr of Mr- l<ln WlcPltr, 7i3 R RI

KJ n u n t,i(MVC

nil,-. Mil)'.rllilr.s of 111-' A liiiiirr Chi'-.llln: A(lvrnl:.lnK Mail-


The oimplo w ay to savew h tn nu ik ina p u r c h a s e s is

If) (io y n u r flhoppinjttlirovich Uie complete niidmoncy-savitiK nds in IKr '' ~ 'i-lns.Mfiud, Kend Vm to-(lav!

/ ■

^ - ^ H O N - E - 3 2 - ( n ^ 8 ^


nEXaitJM nUIIlon. fomlnr J nlrl. 1,600 :b«., black xnrk h o r rr* old. Wm. C, Hulberi. I N W. of W. 5 Polntj.

HAI5Y C H IC I«DAY old ind ilnnrd chlclu, 1 to <

»’crk» oil! to plncr on shares. A*. . sorted chlfkt »7i0 per lOO, Tum-

days and Halunlny. rlran-lip. 8pr. d n li M low u *5 prr 100, HAYES ffAl'CHKHV.

WHITE Lfglinm chlclui-.icXf<l, piil- IfU and cocHfrrls-ivallablo no» and Uiroujh Mny. a1»o Nes.’ Ifiunpslilri';. Wlilii and narrcd Rock. , n. I, R>•d, , and Duff Or- plilRtons, SUN-NYCillX HATCH­ERY. rh , :03 Fllcr-on U. 3, Ify, 30.

MII.K frrt rolorrd frjrr.i-nllveilrr.v.rti. oiii'ii .Siiiuliiy.v Hay n;iiclifry, iiliciic.73.



lU lX h u e to hiiro '—Crrtlfltd ;o 3 sradf Rrd Crdar uhlnslu,

J2 5n a .-.auur Ions as Uiey lait! PHAIT bALFJJ CO- ■

MUnf^jCO In all colnri. Rrmciliber ihiii Ormilnp Murr.\co lift* twlcn 111' Mvr;.i£B you cfi_ wiih elicftp Kiiliomlnf'. Rniriiti'iQ jned free! Krcngrl's Hardware.

IJA'ITI.K Crr»-k .lulomnUc flic* liri'.nl a-Mppir.ff mnchlnf. PracU- r.iIJy WrJli) for prJre andt'-mn or .we the mnchllit. gl«culc IJriklnn Co., MounUln Horn*, Id*.


:. 307 5Hi Avf. N.

.S.MAU. ii^cd j.tovf, and rrfns., mil- ill)!'- f'lr iip'.s. OoucJ cnnd, Rcnson- Rl)lr, Ph. nuo or 15111,

L E G A L ADVERTISEMENTSCounij- If^'ordcr of Ta’lii Falls 'c uLi!!'. ; . ir.m o ro n -Aii; u n - a : 13:3;-------- :Book D5 or MortK.isrj at p a rr 333. t 1

eovrrfi »r,d drvcrlbf.i tlie follo»- I :

•r.vi:i K;.i:, County, Idaho, t


liiilf rS’i) of !.hf South 1,1 of .'jictioii S lxlrni vii::up flrvcn ‘111 South. i.:ti!eni (181 E.i:.i of the

M-Tlrtlan; AIjo all iSiat part

;Jir ;iisrifr (NW;


I l«irt of

(IC>. Tox-n'JjIp 'VI I, (111 ;viiiih, nanso cicliiMn J!< of :li» Mf-rldlBniiik- o ' iiic ccntrr Itne of

r Nortl-.r.r/ .- (iimrt'T (S W .) of

.M\;rr:i (ICl. ToMTOhlp-vrn - 11. i<-j’.ith, lu n s t rl;;ll1»-tn Hi E.i- t o^ t-'ip Dobf Mrrlilliin It'.S of I!ii- crn'.fr lllip of

■ !I'. Ca:n!. fnlu.ilii’t;;^'10 HI i.crfs

nr rrjcct » '•mtrnl Ad',

y cliir.Mflcd ndvrrllslni!.

Ask for an A d tak e r

'lioiild bff trim rlrd Imincdl. N’o nllowiiiicp will be matli

io;e tli.in one iiiconeci Im cr


FAR.M laborp/a wlUi fflmlllf.i who arn noi rr.' ldpnta of IdnJio whi loo'ilns for a low rent, comforl* able plnre lo live can obtain In* formaitoii by .wrltinR Dox 3i, Newn-Ttnici.


PRVERS, <10 Dlisinoad, PH. 166S-W.


A STROKE iJ.Kcnernlly .Uio result of nfglected high blood p rw u re . Come In loUnyl Dr. Alma Htirdln. 130 Main North. Ph. 1C«.


MALLORY. U i Mala N. Ph. IIB-R

BTA-^VELU 835 Main W. Phona 155.



JIEWARD far valuable wallet lost In Roxy Tlieatcr. FUider rctun “ Loe Cabin .Darbccue,

p a ir ’ rim lw Klawes lor.t tlurlns miulc festival, « reward,


LOSTGOO Knlsom,mc Rrushc.-^

m is jprlns Uie clnniiiid for our Murtsco KnJ.'omlne and free brusliM hM been ui grrat Unit our stock of BOO bnislies lia.s been d tplclodl If

■ you have’ one and are t^irouch witli It we will appreclfttc IL'. cttrlv return.




MRS. NEELrV'S Beauty Shop spcc, ' 1«.J0 oil pcnnnnriit $3.00, P rm i‘».

JliO lip.-Phone 355-R,

im S I N E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S

KOH LEASE; Service sUUon, Com. 1.1.'K' modt'rii fn'cimiw; ojci'llciit loosllonl Very rea.'.onablB rrnil P. O. Box :0B. Twin FalLv Idalio,


CHOICE front rooms on Main Sl Doctor or driiUst preferri'd. Ph. 1713 momlnsa or S-7 p. m.



MODERN Bparinient.%, Phone 640,

NEW 5-rrn. duplex. 138 CUl N.

2 RMS,, prlv. brvth. ptly Ii


l-RM, mod. ap t, 353 «lh ^

RM. apt, Adull.v SSa Jth Ave

•R.M.. alr-cond. Gar. 60S.2nd N.2. Bungalow AptA. 2nd £.

JUSTAMERE Inn; Pti. 456.0ula 671

APTS. The Oxford. ■128 Mala North

bath. 4C1 3rd Ave. & Ph. 1090.


5-RM. house and RnmBe. P l r 171:

furniture. Incjulrc

RESIDENTIAL aptn., complctrly fum , HOOO cnsli will handle. »i:00 Income per yf. Ph. owner. 103f

OOOD modem 0-rooin lioiue, with furnace to’be moved from pre.'ieni location. ln(], room 105 Park ho ld .

WE hftvp a Kood liniKf In the p a rt of llie city for sale nt n giiln prlcel



IMP, A, c1o\e. Ux. 33, Newj-'

F A R M S A N D A C R E A G E S • F O R S A J ,E '

40 ACRES, KOod lnii>vovempnt.i, 2 ‘4.

Immrdlnte po.wfjv'ion,80 ACRF^. Kiwd hou;.r. imiill oilt-

biillrtlnR.i. good well, Will ijinkp n Kood price on Ihl.M Small down piiymcnl u lll hold ihh until Inlll

F . C. GRAVEa.ii,SON


aeedi. Public Market,

CLEAN, ecmforUble. Quiet. i t tn c - live npl. Call a t Apt. .10, Callr, A pu. 2M 2nd Ave, N, Ph. 1S04.

BEAUTY ARTS ACADEMY Oil Primaiient4 tl.OO up. Jun ior stu<

dfnt work free. 135 Main West.

SPECIAL. 3 !,lmmiK>o.i nnd fliiKCf wavn 11,00, Oil pcrni. JIJO up. Phone H65-J.

BPECIAl^Jfl tt'ave for I3 J0 ; and M wnves's price. Idnho Barber A: Dciuiy Shop. Ph. <24.

MARCILLE;S, ISl Tltlrd Ave. N. 'n ia (hop of unusual perm anents and. laiUnK finier wbi -



CaledonU Coffe Shop. Pit. 003.

WANTED — Exp. beauty operfttor. •Kiualntcd In Tft'ln Falls.-Box 38, New-Tlmes. .• ____


ATTRACTIVE for 3 |lrls. 346 6th N,

RM. and bd, 361 2nd Ar. W. Ph, 1213,LARGE front m .. tultnble for 2.

Men pref. Excel, meala served by day or wk. Reaa. prlcc; New loc, 130 7Ui Ave. N. Uerrlck '& Shown.

FURNISHED ROOMS^^gOOM, prlv. entf. Ph. 338 0

j.-C arace ..a«.5lh.A vc..N .PLEASANT rm . OamBe. Plu 3M-W,

FRONT rm.. ladles pref. 335 3rd N.

I-RM. hi*. pdrttir-Iurn.Jlp6.LoU.-FRCNT txdrm. cIo»e In. - Ph. 605.

U NFU RN ISH ED HOUSfeS-BM 8.-b4lh.-«3.60.-Ph. 78.-

I. Adults. 303 Jaeljon.

2-ROOM Ijouse, 130 Van Burcn.

TRAILER houae. 538 8th Ave. W.

Ftm N ISH E D .H O U SE S_

100 SACKS Blue Tie ecrUfled No. 34, RED MEXICAN.BEANS. Buhl Peed and Ice Co.

A SirrON SEED POTATOES Blue TuRf. Red T a n ond non-cortt«

fled Oem*. C. L. ASHLEY. Ph. 11C4M. 3 ml. N. of Waih. achool;

NOTICE ACREAOE.PARMERSi C5 iacka seed potatoes. Me per

sack: 1 sack prlvllsff. W. C. Pet- toldt, 2 mllM E . 1‘; a . of E. Main. Phone 04J2.J1.

SBL^ lOTATOES-lOOO sncki Gem seed, gmded and aackcd. Jst yr. ou t e t eerlllleiS l e t i Inm itoaUDO. Ph. 168. Rupert. W. z. Hunlw.

IflGIIEST prIcM paid fi cliickcns and lurkcys; en t Meat Company. .

SAVE S on htatlnR co,»ta.In't.-ill an aiitomniie oil water llrntrr.

MIIJOIT PI.UMRINO f i HTO. Undrr Kldc llty Dunk, Ph. 85-W.

‘.Sure so m c m e w ro te m y hnm J-^nrk , trrow tip a n d lit- pre.= idcnl. .som eone's i;iinn;i

■ '1 lltcy?"

. . I f I-m conn; v rilc m y >peccfic.‘ .mllv I and cnjoyi-ri 1

,i.il(l rxrihi'tl


FOR .MOTJiai'S DAY—Rtb. Roller --•hiKm. KUHftiittKl. .Mrs. J Slllpp. J40 S. Park Ave.

COMP. l)i;dmi Mille, dlnlnc .let. Hv- Ins rm. sci. la. Ilotpolnt elfc. rniiKf. O-li. FriKUi. All very Bood. ■Mym HotH. E<l<-ll.



GOING F A S T !W iltnii Riij; S nm plos '

to $2.79 ••r . tJU havr u nuinbrr of Uie.'.r •luilm- WIiion Riis .Siunplcn left, j t voiril have w htinyl

Vn.OUIl COVERED SWIHO Cir.AIRS ' ........... J3J5


WANTED--S,',•. Rahili .Motor Co,


ParL’.lan I«iimdr>'.


WANTED: Apple wood. Ph. 1542,

I'HKAT ami barley. I’ll. 24. Fllrr.


L lV l.\-(; IIOO.M S E T St-lilc-cr Milt'-'..........................»is.on

Aliiithrr at



vlr'halr lird diivcnport.....25.00IIAURV MURGRAVE'S


S1!.MM0S.S In the Di'ilrict Court of Hie Elrv-

r iith Judicial Di.'.lrtgt of tin- Kti of vJdnlin, In and lor th" Couniy of Twin Fnlh.


........... Plallitllf

BOAT and Irnller. ICO. O’Connor. RA D IO A N D M U SICNEW ilwllow well , pump.'MB8-R1. Usr.D uprlnlit plan


IRRIGATION fanvas \n 48. CO and 72 Inch widths. Scwlns freel "KfPIIBflTniiTdwiirc,

•3/1 FORD V.J 4-door, Ir.^ ihan 31, ini„ like ni-w and la U. ^lllllIr, DcWltl ,t: Miilllnfr.

BUNGALOW »tylf; piano. I.ovrly nmhosmiy lliibh. Fine makr. Will tell for l.i;iiiicc ilii'c. W rite: F.ic- ,iory Adjuster. I01„Na. BUi. DoUc. TRUCICS .IN D TRAILERS


Covert, eloih body and hood »4.fl5 and J5J5 eacli; leatherette body

, ,bullt-lii.',. I'h. SOD-J,

c, J20. 441 Harrl.'fl

EXCEPTIONALLY well bulll.lr,tiler


Business and Profc.ssional

DIRECTORYBicycle Repairinp

Coal and WoodPHONE 3

for Abenlfpn coal, fnovlnj: nnd tr fer. McCpy Coal * Tninsf

Curtain Shop

CHOICE Iflt yr. Ruviet reed, sorted nnd ^acked, suamnteed from Te- tonla Dluc TaB. grow on new po­ta to sround 1939. Luke V. sonner, 4 ml, s.. I E. Buhl. Ph. 337R5 Bultl.


SEED POTATOES 43 ton. r.O iJ. ■ Cralimont, Ida.



CerUfled and one-dropa R u s s r r s —Blu« U r and RM Uff. Ahd ..lelccted 1st yr. out local

'friKnj.GLOBE SEED f t PEED CO.—

On Truck Lane


HAV, GRAIN, FEEDPASTURE. Maiy Alice Parlt. 05M-J1,

HAY lor *ate. W. O. emlth.

Dry CleaningParisian Do’ Cleancn. Pho B50.


AND BTORAOE. Repalrlnc, re. stylli\f,'clf,inliig and gloslnB. EX' pe ri care and protwtlon. Ph. 870.



U tte rhead i. . . Mall rieeei Business Cardi. Fold{r* . StftUonerj-

Key ShopBlnatus Cytlfry. Phone 181.

HJoney to Loan'

. Auto LoansRollnance. additional 'e.1.^h. rcdft'co your present montlily paymciit.v r cnl company.


Next to Fidelity Bank


Spring Wardrobe - Rcdccoratlni: - VncKlIon — Boatlnj — perMinal Use?

See 'Skip” Towan at CASH CREDIT CO.

Rms. I, 2 Burkholder BIdc. Ph. 778 ? 7 ? 7 ? ? ? , ? ■ 7 ?

Ostcopathic Physician

Dr. 0 . W. Rose, m Main N- Pb. 037.

Painting and Deeoraiinff

Planing MiU

Radio RepairingPOWELL RADIO-PHONE £09.

Shoe RejMiirlng

MARGARETT EVANS.^'kliO-’krwui' and dr;.l6iiatcd .v, Mftrsutrllf West Kvan.1 and a>.MttTsiifct West Bva3i<.,~HIRAM (jL lV m WEST; DQftDTin’ WEST CUMMINGS: HI-XKf; W E.ST MACAULKY; MAKClAnf7|---EVANR.Admlnlv iratrlx ol .Uie isiiKe ■ o( lliin-y Triinblr We:l. Jr.. decca.-.cd; HA?:EL a, WEST; MARCIA MAE WEST, a minor; S U Z A N N A CAROL- WIvST. a -minor; MAE HELEN WEST. AdniJHi.'ilMIrJX wltli tflc w'lll annexeil of Uic eit.ite of Hnrry Trimble Wr.'.t. de- cei».'.e<l: MAE HELE.N WEST, nbf

rtr.ilKnr .McCralt Wc.M and iis GLORIA MAE WEST. nARRE/.AT; R. F- DUNCAN CORA DtlNOAN. hu.ibiind

-rxL trf-B


—TRUST COMPAMY..a..corpora, lion: IDAHO • P O w rai COM. PAN^’. n corporailon; 'n u UNITED STATES O F AMERICA:



You nre hereby nollfled Ihnt complaint Ims been filed asalr

■ ' •flu.in,the DistrictCourt of the Eleventh Judlrial Dl.<i trict of the State of Idaho. , ,, for th e Couniy of TVlii t>y'the ttljovc nnmcd plalntilf. are hereby directed to npiH-ar and plead to aald complaint within d»yi of the, scn'lcc of ilil,' m mons, and you a rt further notllird mle.'U you i;o appear nnd plead

xald complaint wlUiln tlir II hereltJ .specified, plaintiff will 1/ Judsment nKftln.it you as prayed In aald complnlnt.

This nctlon la brouelu term lne’ancl forcclo,'^ tin that certain mnriK' e dated April 30, 1037, made by H. T. Wcil and Mae West, fl« mortBacon, to Tlic I>rm Mortsnwe Security Cninpnt.. 'a corporation, a.n moriKngee, and

aa.’ilgned to nnd held by the ftbove named plaintiff, which mort. cage WAS recorded In Uie ofIlc.i of the Couniy Recorder, of T«ln J'alls County. Idaho, on June 25. 1937, nook 81 of Morlsacr.-; n i pase :9T, and coveni and de.icrlbc.i the to!- lowlm described real r:.tntc f.ltiiate In Twin Fnib Count}'. Idaho, to-wit.

T he N0rthcn.1t Quarter ol the Bouthea.-it Q uarter <NE’.S E '.): the S0ulhwf.1t Q uarter of Ihe Nortlica.it Q u a r t e r .sW '. . N E ';i : tbe Northea.il Qiinricr Of the Southw'e.M Q u n r t r r <NEUSW>i) except one-haU acre In Uie aouthenst corner thereof lylns south of a dllch known aa Strieker Lateral, and ail tha l'-port of Uie Northweu Quarter of the Southeast Quar. l«r which Ilej north of *ald Lateral, nil being In Section

-SUteerh- <16)i-Town.ihlp -O erm — (11) ?outh. Ranse Elsliteen n s ) . East of Uie Boise Meridian. contAinlns one hundred Uilrly- one (131) acres, more or Itis,

Also an euem en t .o r a rood . described u followa; Beginning'a t th e southeast, comer-of.-the_BouUiwKt Quarter o f th e Northeast Q uarter of SecUon Sixteen (18), Town.ih!p_Eleven (ID Souih, nance B fh te n (l6). East of the BoUe Meridian, thence West fttong the .cast and west subdivision Uce of &ald SeeUon Sixteen (IS) for a dla. tanee of tT -o rods; thence In a uu theasterly direction to a point on the west line of the .................* ■ • A the South-e a it Q uarter of said Section


Mi.illy hud and en.ioyr^” in. crtlnn wlill ial'1 (le.icMljril

mrd t,y ^harr1 of capital w:k in any <lllcli conii>'iny or ■ aeiuiil Indlviduiil oMiiTslilp

oi:'.rr.vfj? nr which iimy •i.a::>'r b-- actiiiirod by the 111 r.irili'i( of ill* IlrM part iiiiiK ihc exhlcnce of this orti:.iKc nnd used In eoimrr- in 'A’ltli lald'de.'crlbed prcm- 'I or liny pnrl thereoJ.

pl.iliitUI '. Iti-ii 0 of Iipiial Mnck of the Twin FalLi

:ana1 Company, rrprej^'nl.lng the inK-r rlRhl.i appuriennnt to iind'. and .'.lock cerllllcatei inSA. 1ti3r,0A. 10380A, and IH32* .■;.’.UPir'«y .'aid Twin Falla Canal Company evidrnelns said shares of eapll.-Yl mnek held by plaintiff as- .Tciirlty lor the same lndebtrdnea.i ;erured hy .laid mortRage, an obtain forerlor.iire/ale of all the .iald property for the .lalLifaction of the obitKaUnns and indebtedne.vi ^ecllred thereby, beinc Uie prin clp.ll sum of 17,000,00 pliu .J200.lB for Interrit accrued ihrreon November 1, 1035. and lniere,'.t ••.aid principal Mun a t the rnte S'j'.c pc-r annum from the l i t day -n(r November, 1D3S. until paid, and the sum of »277« p.i|d by plaintiff, for li).'14 laxe.v JWS.SS paid by plain­tiff for 103.\ tnxp. . and jn H il paid by plultiilff for IS1C laxfN, and j:<l.00 paid by plaintiff for eonllmi- Ini; ab^trnct, toiiellirr with Int

Kl iui.«rs. and cacli and rvrr^' part li(-:i'of, ftlu'ilier represpnted by ,.

of r:ipliAl Mock In any lit-'li (.-onip.iny or hy actual indi*■iiidal owntrsliip or oUii'rwL^e or vhirti ni.*y hr-rMfier be arcjulred i» Uu' >ii»l partlc.i of Uie llr.ii «irt diliiiin t.‘ir r.xlMi-iire of this ni.rtKaci- nnd 11 cd In fo;incctlon viili a:.1(I div^ril>cd prembes or iiiy tj.irt tlicri'of.1r.o In dft>Tmlnf and forecliw# uliltifM llr;i on |fl9 fliares of-th» ipital ..lock of the Twin Fall* iiital Comp.my, feptrsontlnc, th f liter riKht,i appuriniant t o ’ .'ftld

^ 'iK l. .m id !.UKK crrlillcales No,i. 10270A. 10H2 and 10B3 l-.iued hy said Twill J^nlh Ciinal Company evldenc*Ins ,'alrt :,hnre,i of rapllal slock held l>y p laintiff 0.1 ,M-curlIy for the sain# indcbti-clne;.', .iccured by w ld m b 'r^ ,'^ ': Knttr-. nnd lo obUln foreclosure'Siili' of all Uie .'aid propt'rty for the snl- Ufactloii of Uie obllftaUon and In- rtetJtnlneHi seniml IheMrby being

totol sum of $13,500 toseUier with In terest on sild sum aV.-Uie rate o f , 5‘,-ir; ]>er annum from January -I; • ’ 1030 unUI p,Od. and *1,500 attomej-fl ' Jee.i and co.iis and accrulnc cost* in Buid'ucUoti: to U r and loredos*Uin rlKliLi of all «efendant.s ftbove nam ed and all persons other Uian Ihe purcliaic'rx at.sueti foreclosure sn7e, In «nd to Hie property u sold and to obuln such oUier and furUi- f f relli'f n.1 brayed by tlie complaint on-flle In tald acUon to which ref- erciiec I.1 hereby mnde and a* may seem m eet nnd equitable.

\vrTN ESS my hand and Uie leal of .'.uid court Uil,' JiUi day of March.A- D. : -

plaint, and $1,000.00 attorney's fees, mSVIiic^n olinhVnoinT^sum oi jn037.41 plu.1 intcresl ns r.peclfled, all in lawful money of ihe United Statei, nnd ro-.M and iiccniihg cost-i in said acUbn; lo bar and forecio.ie the riEhts of nil defendants above named and all pcr.ion.i other Uiaa Uie purchnsers at such forrc!o.iure sale. In nnd to the proixmy so wild ond lo obtain siieh other and-fur«- ther relief jli prayed by th e 'c c plaint on file In.i.aid ncilon

hlch reference h hereby mnde, nnd ft,< mny aeem meet nnd efiullable.

WltJie.vi my hand and Uii seal of Mild - court lIiLi 25th day of March. A. D, 11)40.


Di:an Driscoll Rejldlns a t Bniif. Idaho Attorney for PlalnUff.

Pub. News. April 34, Maj- 1. I, 18. 12. 1940.


DEAN DRISCOLL.Re.ildlnc a t Dohe, Idaho,Attorney for plaintiff.

Pub. NettTi—April 24. M57' 1; t. 13. ' 23, '10(0.

.SIDIMONS,In Uie DLiuict Court In Uie Eleventh

Judicint DL'trlct of Uie State of Idaho. In nnd for Uie County of Twin Tall,?,


MAE HELEN \y F ^ , , AdmlnLitra- trl.? wUit tite Kil! nnntxpd of tfis eilate of Hnrrj' Trimble We.it. dc<-en.sed; MAE HELEN WEST, also kno-a-n mid dc^lcnated as Mae McCrnlt We.st nnd n.i Mae Wer.t; GLORIA MAE WEST; MAR­GARET EVANS, ftko known and deiigiiated n.i Mnrvucrlte West L \an i and na .Mariinrel West Evana; HIRAM OLIVER WEST; DOROTHY W13T CUMMINOS; HELEN - W E S T MACAULEY; MARGARET- EVANS, AdmlnLi- trntrlx of Uie ’ ejtnie of Hnrry Trimble We.'ii. Jr.. decea.ied;. IIA7.EL A. WEST; MARCIA MAE •W*«Tr-.'.U .minor; 6UZANNA- CA RoTW EST.-r-nfKer; ID A ira

-POWER-COMPAKYi'- r-rorpoTft- tlon, Defendanu.




IREa^E ALLEN.PlalnUff.

MAX K . ALLEN,'Defendant.

T he su ite of Idaho Mnds sree l- Ings to th e above named delendaat.

You nre nereby poUAed th a t ■ com plaint Ima l>een filed tffatnsl you In the DLilrist Court of Uie ElevenUi Judicial District of the S ta te of Idaho In and fer Twin Pulls County, by Uie above n a m ed , p la in tiff nnd you are hereby d& tet- ed to nppcnr and plead to i*ld com plaint wlUiin twenty days of th e , xorvlc;e.of U1I1 summons; and you are furUier noUfled that units* you so oppenr 'and. plead to i&ld com­p la in t w ithin Uie Umc herein tpe-., clfled, thB-pIatnUff wlU taka judg­m ent ainilnst you as prayed In lald com plaint. ThU kcUor la IniU M ed by pla intiff to obtain a decree of divorce from defendant, and to Ob­ta in the core, eailody and control of the m inor child of plaintiff and de- fendnnt.

In v,-ltncM whereof. I have hereto ,ifflxra the *e.il of « ld District C ourt thl.i 22nd day of April. IB40.

WALTER C. MUSORAVE, (SEAL) ClerkO. C. Hall.Attorney for Plaintiff, 'Tw in Pulls, IdahoPub. New.i Apr. 24. May I. «„IS.» . 40

CITATION.Jn Uie Probate Court of t y n P»1U — County.'Btale-of-Idaho.— ^In Uie M atter of Uia Dependency of ,

RAMONA PEROUSON. mtnor child. - •T lie people'of the SUte of Idaho . .

to Mrs. Wilbur R. CI»ar, n « K a th i.i_ ;

you and each of you In Uie District -Court of Uie'QevenUi Judicial Dis­trict of the State of Idaho. In and for-aiB-coonty-'of-Twln-palU , 'by the-above named plaintiff, and you are hereby, directed, to.appear, mnd plead to aald complaint vlUiln 20 days of Uie serylee of this sum­mons. and you a n furUier noUfled ■unless you so appear and plead to said com plalat within the time herein s p i l e d , plaintiff.wUr take Judgment against you as pntyed la

B y o itier of this Ceurt you hereby cltAl and required to ap­pear before Uie Judge of Usis Courton ' -Uie tcnUt day o f -M a y r* * '* ' t : o-clocfc,' p . M. of » k l date ftt Ih* 2,5 Caurtroom ’ln.ibe D ourthO M ^tn.tht'.-; C ity Of Twla falls; OounUr of T ir ta .- r ' M U , S U te of Idaho, and ttiea »a& :■> thero show cauie If any yon h«Tb why year a b u r c u id ,. iu m e ^ 4 & PerBUoon. should not be ’remenwdi-. from your^etre .and custedy- i

■wlth 'iOPia la itltu f -------------- aTTS

--------- H E L P-W A N TED — M ALE 3-RM.-modsm hse.- (HS-Srff-AT»rw: il.£,.,15i N,.5f Wash. sch.

EXP. culUvotor, married m an wlUi trailer house proterred. Jam es W. White. 24.ml.vff. Hansen bridge.

LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Lawn mower grinding. Will call forRalph K .-Tamir a t Uudson-Clark's.

WEAKER Vigs- Phont IfJl.Trailers .

WANTED-Young m an who bna had some experience Mlllns au to ae- cessoriej. Ph. 3131. a fte r 7 p . m. or addrui P. O. Box SU, T . P.:

REAL E STA TE LO A N S, Money to loanTnUlet^Hwises. Oem T ra llg Oo.

LOANS on FARMS U d E 0U S8 Pred ,P. B»te*-N orthem Life in i. Co. Pe*T»y-TW>er Bld«. -Ph ,-m 8

Se« J . £. White f irst for Ioant> on homes or busiaesa property. Low

-R a le * ; ou j£»-«rviM .-i»-»aiB * .

UphoUteringRepalTlhg. reflnltbliis. Cress &

•B nii* j;7W n.iioana8t.* ,i>h . w ;

north a lo n t the west line of'the KdrtheaA Quarter of the Souttt- e u t Q tiarter of said SecUon Sixteen - (18) 'two rods to U u . -place of befSOBins.■ toaem er w ith «U -water, water , rights, dltcbes..aqueduct*, praprlaUons s a d ' franchbei lipoo.-totaiBf t a wnnectBd-wim-

.Itila-aoUoa U brousht-lo.detenn- ,.ie and forecloie Uici tlen of: th a t eertaln dortcaffe dated July I . U » ; made by H . 7 .-W eft and U a i W ert, u , m ortjagw i. to T in Parm Mort- safe Btaaity Cmpaar. * a r f tn * U o n , 'u mortcaiee, u d ^ s o v >■•, alc&ed to aad 'b ttd by .-the.'abm turned i ^ t l t r , - whhA mortcMv v U -M A irie d 'In U it~ atnM 'o f-tb r

M tbo .b ftT la (.u .oD it— reedT ^caito tJor;:

Page 12: p l 2.7, I K azis M o W T o ^ DA German Columns Advancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF107/... · OAHO SCHOOLBOY ODW SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 (/P)— Roosevelt


P E » O L E I ! C O N i r a L '^ T “ ; ‘ , ,v


y-l fimmrr.ilrtl iI- of{Icliil5 fif tlih tiy cnlllnc S

p o'cIrKk iiflcnibnii, ;IiI'lnij will TMiilt im lrii t

tliAt llmr.IVc.li;

tTCrlli-ri, th r aimoimrrmnrtP for nil r:<0 .Ihiil they work nrffr-'jiry In cnillnclltii: llin ml.'.'.cd up tn tlil*. iinir.

Korni^l c1(X’.lnK of iliir jMiHiblli CCTMW lof the city will b r fnllnwrcl noon n fifr by nnnnimrc:iiriit of ilie cliy's nftlclnl p eonllns tn C rir

R e c ru ite r Lists Eiiiislnieiit Needs

Knllstmi*iit o f 15 men for iluly »llh Ulr elifliUi ner\’lfp com­pany, (ilKnaI,.corp\ PrMldIo, Sun

. ymnckco. will bp sotitlit this monUi. necorrilnc to Scrernnt Prnnk Morrli, o f flrrr In clinrRP of th r «rriiy rccrulllnR *t.Hlon <it Ihc city

•hull hPTP.Ten of tRB^nirn miul b r qunllflrrt

M rncJIo opcraConi 'or h ld i »cliool irKliinlP-1 (If.ilrliiR to Iptvrn radio opemllon: U irre nre to be qimllfird u telephone m nlnlm nncr men nr MKh 'dcliool cnitlimtrs deslrlnit to €nl«r Uila field: nnrt two nia'st. be (juivllflcrt » i clerki « ltli typing rx- perlence.

A1.10 w anted this tnonlli nm five • men from th is rflxtrlct to nerve wllli

tha InfcinltT In the Iliiwnllnii ite- pMteient.

Nalioii Watchcfi TwirTFalls Event

•• j■ FTom HamxJlWJr'Mo., lijS ’.cnjue a request to the iS ln Pnlb Cimmbcr

■ of Commerce fo r liifonnnlloii tipon th« Twin Fnlls-Jerome Inlercoimiy brlclKe cclcbm llon to nlcl the Mis- »ourl clly In iirrnnKinK for n ^Imllnr felc when tolU tire reniovert from brldRc which crowei the-Ml.'iK'.Ippl river there.

Nfttlonnl promlnenfp rccclvod by the recent celebnllon here In r r- 'upcnslble for rhc qiirr?- fniir. Hit- llnnnlbiil cham ber u |n:i other dctalla o f Uie event.

[iiraisO O f f l O R M D S

C h ie f s t r e n g t h ( o r W in n in g A p p r o a c h in g C a m p a ig n .

S a y s S p e a k e r

an d

iDiml ^udiiilulr.lni'.loii niul for Hit 'Ictil yciifB prior to the present siult nilmhilMrtiUon to n sucrt.vnful elerilon eniiijwicn, C. C, Oo.weli, NnmpB. former lleiiteimiit Kovcnior of Itlnho, iV(l<lrr:..icU Alioilt 75 per

iliirlnk* ln;.t evening's tcs-ilon jlMitwred by the Twin m ils cnimlj YounK IXmocrnllc orKnnlintlDn ir th r Jdnhn I’owcr niidliorlum,

h h t-ill: upon "Itniv lo Win ihi Election," he cited Uic--tommriii

,(• keyiioirr iil the reccril Repilb- llrivii Mute delecnle cnnvenllon iii LewlMon, iwlnllni; nut tlmt the par-

.pc'iikiT hn<l \;iiil thnt crrt.itn New Deal nien.iiircs, which were of

■fit. Miotild be rrtnlned. Mr. Oo^^etlconllmlrd hv indlcnttnR Ilmi. If the oppor.lnR party npprovei of certiihl Nrw Dim! JxiMcIp. , rlitlre ndinlnl.slrntlon fliould be iimlmAlned.

Al tlir end 01 Uie blcinilum 1908, the Mate police debt wn,n : roi.ooo, ruid the l>mocrallc ndni Mratlon turned over .i .Mirpllii me million dollurj In ihe Keiiernl uml. he ilrclnred: while of .May 1.

15«0. the debt hn.s urowii to S2332,- 000 and no Mirplii-. renmlnr, with f.lx

oiiths rrmnlnlni;. iMr. Oav.rtt, wlm Is 4jiror.jiecilvr lUefnatorlal cimdldalci explnlnecl

thhf other natloivi luve iiinied tg r,oc(all.ini and .^lm^lnr Knveriimetilftl phllor.ophles, no t liecan.'.e lliry were dl.viatl'Jieil with democracy, but be-

they were lend tn bcllrve thnt „ I dohiK they wouUl have food

nail clolhlnK for \helr fainllk';..raiowUiK thn e. lnn, « Joint

meelliiR of Youiir Denincratlc nnd Women's Dcmocrntic cliili roimnlt- Icfs n-M held to further ptam for Ihe iippeamnce of Pnul V, Mc.Vuti, fed-

. . . . . to the .... .. ..UonnhiR Rollelt'ii.. ... rd must be prix-urnl fic il»T b.-fore .\olicitiJu; •* iL-K-d.; rif Indlvldii.il mrinljer ti I iilso be dl:<ii-

: ;R e v . M a rk C . C r o n e n b e r g e r to A d d re s s T w in F a l l s

S e n io r C la s s

will , iijx. •TilI lot T u l

.Speeehes Slated I$v (; O P L eaders-

I 6uiiil»y, Mny nimcfu yeMerdiiy <lur- In'- mi'eUm;.•xrrcl-.e.i wll! be held ny :0 nml Miidenu-

dijiloniii!. n i C xetrl^e.-, on Thiir

•jit.iIJir Tljoni.i.', itriiiiWlcaii, {oI Ohio, will be

heard out the Columbia liroadciiM- r.yi.tem today from D:15 In , i;S.T.. on "Tlie New Ilellef

7 Duiljey A. While,

•c- Juliii.Mon, cliuvs president, m ini Ilie.;.c.".Hlnn. diirlni: which :roiip iimctlrrd cla'.s ;onRii, ii(ijVte /i ,( of actlvlKos far Uii: rv, a.\ nniiounced by Ccraltl ice, .•I'lilor clii.vi ndvL'.or anti ;iUnciji:il ol Ihe.whool, followii: ii:iy. May n , rccofinltlon n-wrn- 1 tlir niornliiR nml Bnccnlnur-

.1 nroatl


utliu: j.yMem IMd

•yiiole ndilrevs at l! ObiTlIn rolleKc mock eouventKm Olieilln, O

Jo^rpll .\v. Marlin, jr., .Mji .'.ach •It.'. Ifeinibllraii leader of th r lion r repi.v,eiilutlve:i will be lie;ird ov le Ciiliimhla lUondra.'lini; .•■yrtc

Sritindiiv. Mny 11. from l!;ni) lo •• '.T „ IV* he wldrc'. c'. ll

State convention a t Mlt nock, Arknnin.i, Uiwn "Tlie Viuiarl

Ne'V Dcf(l,"

. Mni Bnxcalnin

ti>y :o, .senior brenkfnM it Uie McthmllU church.

IclJriwrd by prcM-ntatlon of O.iv program iit 0:30 iijii. iil Mliml nudliorlimi for hl«h Miiriciit.'. nnd a t 1:15 p.m. lor

I., anil frlrn[l.vihiy. May :i , antuml P.T.A,

liiMdny, .Mny Z!, CoinmMicc r\prci'.e prncllrc a t 1 p.m. nmi lencc-iiicnt s|)eiiker.i' priiellcn

J. D. Vine II' ll J, D ,Ioc . Jive on .1

L.il:c Avenue

• llhe c hool .V

ll socliil sernrlty ndmli t potential Dcmocnillc p

in ln i-ry'l „Coffee iinrt wufers Were ;.ei ved. T lie commltlrc on .rfJie:[ini'n

•On.',Med of Mr*. Vie Ooerlr.en,- M: Charles Ronk. Jr., Mr», Tom A

•nrth, Mrs. I-;iloo:i, MIm Mi m I Mnretiouse nnd Ml.'.i Ilrtiy Piinipl

■hiireh in I’n - : ii) ,\no i :n g is t i;us nOAIll>•enue. It'.s on SIIT rXAMINATIOS DAIVH

. MO.SCOW, Idaho. Mny 7 t - n - ’Hie____________ I Iti.itiii i.iiile bo.ird of cnKlneern.

liiirfllUK hrrr Sivlurday tn conjuiic- II >vith .M.MC jpf.iioii of the Idftho cliiretini; f.oclrty, tel June lJ-14 d;iies tor llio state cnKlnecr'.n

imlu;«ilnns nt (incl dccldcd liolil but upc exaininatloi) hi thn te. l l wa.i nnnounce<l 23 would

J M E S I O V I E N . I U G f - l

^ F n Y S l a t e d ' l o f 'S a t u T i i ^ a t ^ J e r o m c to E n d

C o n t r o v e r s y

W ife Charges Widow Stole S inger’s Love

riiiis ,1e luir-nf-« tatrnt.ii: will ,lir

riililv cirrlded In llir downtnwt i:i'<if Jernme .Snturdav ivfler . nrrnrdlns tn pliin' npprovei iiiilnr ClmmbiT of Gnmmcrci 11 of thr two cnnuiiimlUi-s. AC' i;win tlie ■mnltrr by the Inea

the I4:30 p. 1,

... . II re^ult of.sllp-up durlnK the Twli

OldtlRe rl (;b lIo •I! .1 IliK'Of-wnr between repre- lallvr.i nf Ihe, two clllp^ wn*•dulrd to decide whieh Would r ilie honor of henvlnt: Ihe toll •<• repllrn Into the river nml for iri.T. ".Skip" Tow.in.' who had 1 rlelr-aleil fo hlTve the rope on •<-riie. wns delayed In iiTiprrre-

I. ii Iniffic nncl wa.i unable to Rct e III-time. He will be a .ntnt- t for Ihe Twin F.ill.i leiim of •K (| nieinlnTs and will iil-.n hnn- fletiil.s for th r event.: SMurdny> bl« pull. Jt

G a t h e r i n g H e re A n n o u n c e d D u r in g C lq j) 'S e s s io n s

in T w in F a lls


ll club'. No.■ftfrc iiT.nlons <iind No. i heie lint iiliiin. Announceinrnl um iii:idc of ft

iRiJi meetini: lo br lirld Suiulay, Mny J9, at Uie I O.O.K. liall In T«,'ln Falls n t which a illr.liiiRidshcd speaker will npiMMr gt J:30 pjn.

ApjieiirlnK nl the M-",lun of Towii- .'.enil clul) No, 1, mrc'lliit; a t the clly

' WHS •llirini/i.i Milk.utinll. HoIm-, of the low.cosl Mftirlni: proKtnin, who 5i^kc iijioii thi' U. S. HniblnR iiuUioriiy prosrnin disicnrd (o ell- mlrinle ''sliiin" foiiclliimi'.. fliillnK the mrethiR, nl wMlrli Allvil i'nirler, vice prc.sldrnl, prc-lilnl f,encc of llie prrslilml. a belielll citrd party wns nnnomicrd for nc; Tue.Mlny nli;ht In llie Iclahn Pov.c .lulltorlum; miil lli:i1 the LkIIi iuxllliir>' will iiial «llli .Mrs, ir. .

Puixler,-1215 Flttli ii\fuiie ea.M. Sa: iirday a t 3:30 p.m.

About 30 new nirniUcrj re|)o'rled I the nirctlnn of Tnwnseiid lo. < hi the proliaio rmiri root ■•hlch liio .Hiite couiifll anil

ineetlBRs hpld hrre b-,l .Siindiiy dlscir.ied, ll wns inillralrti

« i i e in 1,0(10’Considers Aid *

On Loan BasisTwin iFi

CPA^W' 1 weflr-Vhen

Twin ijFall* count}- commJiiloa- pIen.innUy *urprtied UiU

«hen the monotony of relief o(]Ue.sLi WM broken by appeanmct )f an 'f lderly Indy who wuntert to epay Uio county for money pro- Wed for her.To Ihe .stnlement Uiat »he w ant-'

<1 to reiMy Uio eommksloniTS J21.75 for what Uiey had advanced

er for the p iut two month} dir dded thnt nlir inlKht need help «aln nnd bellev«^ Uial It ts only iuhl to pay bnek what alie had rt-

Tlic: cn.‘,e wa.% de.scrltjcd as "oiie In ' thou-sanU. ■ If no t more" by the

bo.ird. ,

UaUijLUL lUDlLll

New Coiieerii Deals 111 .Spoitiiijr Goods

Oix iiinR sooTi will be n new .'port- iK Rwin '.tore in the 100 block of liiln nvrnue north In the former .Mtirin of Uie Prlce.Hardware. Tho .lalili.shnient will be operated by

W. Swenson of Prrslon.Wiih rrmodellnc now hi prosresa. If .slnre Ir. rxpected lo be ready i; oecupaiicy Wednr.idny. but CTSct tji-ninc dnie hn.s not n.s yet been

One-Act P lay atSchool Assembly

Tiv.i n„i-.nct plny.s will br the or- r-r <ii Ihe day a t the av.cmblv tg bo r m itc d by members of Ml.s.-, Wlnl- c-il l'r>Tr'"i jpecch ela.v.cs Thursday I'rnioon for Twin Fiilli Junior hlRli •hiKil' Mudcnu, .Musical nuinber.i 111 al'o be Included,Ml:..'. June Newcoine an<l Oliver .ilmer will be iiiiiiouiKTr- duiliiR

Ihe jiroxram. Miss Mailrn Tolbrrt

bchiK pinccd coliRrcMlonnl dplninlei. Tlie ma.s

;hlR for May ID nl-,o nn iiounccd nt Ihe Rril.ntimdcil until crliiK,

' h .

I i:lve plarMcHrlile «lll ofirr n

e nifmber.flr.1t play, Dinmid R;irrim;-

toii. mil neiidrrr.oii, Viola lli-ll and iloliln Jeitn DouRla.u will apiuar. Cast In the ,'econrt plnv are Dornlliy KleiiKel. Lucille J«rklln, GeIt»llne

. Martha Darnptt, iCenlirih Clark .nobertson. 11111 Iron

and OlIbiTl Field.

TK.STI.MOSY lliat Mr«. Idlll fiafne^ (lonerl. x.rallliv f.ii.xrar- old widow, hnd refrrretl lo Urn. been /M>do Urliin (eentrfl, Sjrlai operatir sinter ai> "llie mi»i jnreeoui Arali , . . lie fasrtnaie: me" nav civen li) Mrs I.il; AnilreMi. fnrnier Iiniisrkr'per fo* Men. Clalnti, In tlie Sln«.iio« a " — ^ alloii nf’*arrerllniii. titll hru

ilnst Ihe wldoK by Mr., .Marie

r.VSl'OTTKO IIKCOItl) RICH.MOND, Vn.' i.V ,-Thr Vlr-

Khiin .siatv- henllli drparim rni ij jvilhllni: with pride-noi n c:i:.e of mallpox 111 the atnte in the year

Offic<;rs A.skcd To Seek Youliis

Sheriff W. n. Manifold of Hupert hnri reClUl• led Twin Kalb police lo ‘ on the.wnlfli Inr Uo boyt. whb

bellevi'd 'to be tr.nvcllnR toward WelL-i, Nev.

’Die ln<h, Frank Plramons, 16. and Melton Shiirk, Ifi, ttxre liut reen 111 Rupert Moiul.sy iUrIiI, wrie Iw- llcved lo,t;c Irnvelliii: toward the Nevada clly by wny ol Twin Falls,


I.;inL rllex |nr Iliirjl H. llayne.l 111 be cnnduried at 2:no p. m.

lothiy n l Ihe T iin f-pllv mnriuiiry chiipel, Jiev. Kllh Seisin of the I'lrr.tren t

ivill b■lal r olllcliil

IP 'IVlii Fallsr. Bur-

.•Mits, li, TAYI.01;nunuCY . Mny --nu iern l r.ervlcM

for Mrs. Mllle Holloway Tnvlor, who died Kundny nt lirr ;jin's )iome a t rini.iii, will l)c held Wedne.-.day n t I p.in, St the n.v.lu I,DS. church where the body inaj- nl.-o be vlewctl - hour belnre the icrvlces. Durlal

be In tlie.Ba-Mn'cemelery,

PAIR E L O FOR F E D E R A L S f f i

M a n C h a r g e d w i t h V i o la l i o a • o f M a n n A c t : W o m a n H e ld

a s W i tn e s sr« bclnr inly Jail

asl iild it as result of Inve.stlunllon jy lederal aiilliorltlefi of nlleK--d •tolntlon-of Ihff white .Mnve irallle

addrev. Is Riven n.s lller. Is charRfd wlih vlolaiinR 'lhc Mann net: nnd Hiirel Irene Spllker, nlro of Filer. 1« held as ft material wltiie.v . Both

lelni: held for thcTJ, S. mar:lml lo be Uikcn lo Boise lor U, S, dti-

ct court procccillnp,\«en t 1, E.Nltochke of tlie federal reau of hivexllKntlon wa.i Uie nr- .thiR officer.

.S’UMItKKKO StKM VINITA. Okla. (.IV-^Tlie nhon«

...imbiTs of members of 6heilH RoRcr Wallnr'R force arc ver>' public ^ —If you know svhefe to look for " , them. Tlie Ia.-.l three diRtW of an oIflcer'.^ nutiimoblle Ilccnse number

Ills home phone number.

yiG O R OFertlllier for I^w ns and

Shrubbery.Phone 101


VG K T i \ l \

W A T E irilE A T E B S

• 'T a n k P a t t e n ” never Flad a h.ippy f i fe .-T h e y c a n 'f . . .

th ey « « re r know w h e th e r th e i r w ater-« h o t o r i»ot. But

th e y 'd knew i t was h o t if Ihoy had an E icctric W a te r H e a t­

e r! I t ' i a u to m a tic , a n d keep* w ater piping h o t .d a y . and

n ig h t . . . .^afl'yot* « 'a n t o f i t , to o ! A ik u i a b o u t i t to d ay !

I D A H O V P O W E R£ t r O U a i ) / . . D o c i So M U C H - C o iI s S o 'L IT T L 6 !

TIUSVEAR.scc liow m nnym orc of the Iliinj;s you w ant in n rtcw

car a rc y o u ri in n 19-10 P lym ou th !O f "Alt 3” Iow-priccd cars , P lym ­

ou th ha* the lonRcst w hee lbase , th e widest seals , room iest body.

Discover ihe silky pow er o f th a t Floaling Power e n g in e . . . Ihe re*

Inxcd comfort o f the Luxury Ri J t . You’ll find Plym outh is the /oui-'

• priccd car m ost Iikc'/i/g/r/>riccd cars in (juality, luxury, and cnci- neering. See you r nearby Plym­outh deal? r. PLYMOUTJI DIVISIONOF Ch r y s l e r c o r po r a t io .n.MJUOR MITD. CB.1.TEUM, 9-lOP.I.. £,Di.T.



llT-tflch Whaelbsst. O au b lt-A c iie n h y d ra u li brakes for smoother stops.. “ UHeid” Entlne Detlen.

1. for las

Pr«e!sloa.t)ip«lower Connect­ing Rod Bcarinsi rcduca wear. P ressure UbriciUofu . t Va1v«Tapp«t A dlustraentfor

iNM0STKiaH.nnctDCAiaP ly m o u th h a s 21. . . C a r 2 h a s I I . . . C a r 3 h a s 8

itrrant.W hl«tSus-

acceleralion...srcAlerccsn6my. Four RInss per pitton add lo power. . . save cas and oil.

AI(.Slt«nt TrarRoller Dearlnss on Transmis-

tMT.,.. 8100 Counterahalt reduce wear.Chain Camshaft Dri.e m ak a '* SU orin*PoslC «ar Shift. . ,drfgtftg m ieh niiietef.Sealed Bum HaadllghU give

. b(lte r road light at night. -

pension smoollis rough roads.,4 Doublo-AcilnBShockAbsorb* -er» give n luxurious ride. - ......HotchMss D rive...cushioned, slnrtingand stopping.Roller Dearlns Unl.ersat JoInU contribute lo longer life.

.H ypold R e a r Axle is muefe.

Tapered Roller D ifferential Bearings arepemianentlyquiet.

AWAiiD roR Till u r i i r u i lo n i I llHtT-prM*ni.dlePlrnouUil>r : i. " S .f .( r EnilnMrlnt’.'M eteslM.


o r CUud P ra tt Ain't Mad at .Vobody

Ifcre’s a letter I want you folks to rend.— ^ U ‘rprfttirr( im ']v frr« tiy soW on” your motor oil. I have now used It a llttlo over a year and. a half In mV StudebnKer. My work cnILi me over I larfic tcrrltorj'. I linvc traveled In ibout 28 .stnte.i, nnd I nm cnrrylUK

your oil wllii me all Uio while. My Studebakcr luid 34,000 mlle.s on It

I bouKht It. I had to Jinve new rinHs pul Ip, but I nm confident If I hnd been u- lnc your oil from Ihe sta rt Uiti.would hftva been unnecci- .'.nry.

■'5'or your cuhtomers’ Informntlon im URins S. A. E. No, 10. and It

doe.w’t Uke haJf as much of your oil UiBt 1 ased lo use. I drive

1.000 miles and clmln without Uilnp iliy oil. When I litrlkc out on a lone

trip I Ro 1,000 miles or more rlphi straJRht IheouKli-drlvlnB night and dny. My la.il rounll trip wa.s-3-100 mllos. I don 't f.ec how Mr. P ra tt cnn sell this oH so rcftionnble, W ien I find It In oUier slatc.n they ajsk me 30e and 35c ft quart lor Uie Nn[iir- lubc. I iKlleve Mr. Prnlt could cet

better price on thla oil than he U RetUng. but If he Is satlilled wllh those prices hLs customers might to Ik more than MUlsfled."

Thank you very kindly, I nm ro- in s to wItlihoUl this srnl!rmiin’»

. but tie tells me UintMf you w ant any InformaUon from him th a t he will t o glad to talk 10 you ■personally while In Twin Falls or tt'lll bo glad to an.iwer any letters th n t you mlRht <lfop him in care of Uie P ra tt Sales Co. Ja'.t call him Tlium ian.' Tlie barbed wire, hos and sheep

- nE tu n ir-ls 'ju .ir BeinR-iuiluiiartirTl arrived Ju;.t In time, nnd the blR sale on the Pcnimylvanla Ures Li going stroHR, A ■<i0x20-t5,3B: 4iOxai — 4,75x10 — »SJB:5iOxn-»,7,73 : 6.00xI6-*8.75, Tlifcse tires are nil Runranteed lor IB months aRnlnst nil road has.wLs. and Uie people are tnklng them nWBy-'tll -aome tlnys ItV lurt hnrd for our crew-of men lo s « them all p u t on,- Since -we dbcoiillnued all the cheap Rraile of Ures our adjiist- mcnia • don't amount w a hill of beans;. Wo'vc only hnd ono alnKlt

• Rooci PcnrLylvanla tire come back blowed out In 16 months, and not a slnRle ' RX • Pennsylvania Premium ; has come back blowed out In all Uiat timd. We used to handle some

I—Ol^reaplci.-U u t.—caused us a lot of trouble. They're Just like any other cheap. John tire. We dtwontlnued them months aao. Our lire builne.u has been growlnt ;ver r.Ince.

Hot wnter kat.wmliie 7 'ie pound,


• "fiiui en th f-Ilaad to the l in p l ta l '-