Cases: About this news I do hear that our Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong confirmed that the victim was from SMK Raja Abdullah in Kepong. He had instructed education authorities to get to the bottom of the incident. Dr Wee said that although the incident was an isolated case, but it would be taken seriously. The four students who were caught bullying their classmate, who then show it on YouTube, have been suspended for 14 days with immediate effect. They would also receive counselling. Cause: One of the causes is that the children might come from an aggressive or disturbed family background. I had seen many cases in my school that the children from a disturbed family background will cause social problem in school. Families that are not warm and loving and in which feelings are not shared are more likely to have children who bully, either within the family home or in other locations in which the children meet others such as the school. Another home environment that is prone to producing bullies is one in which discipline and monitoring are inconsistent or there is a punitive atmosphere exists. Sign: Actually this topic had been raise up in one of the PIBG meeting in my school. Some parents had the idea that there are a few sign to notice if their children are being bullied. Normally their children will not talk with their parents about the incidences. This is because they are too scared or feel embarrassed to admit such behaviour happening to them. The children may have repeatedly complain of false aches, avoid going to school or frequent crying or getting upset often over trivial matters.

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Cases: About this news I do hear that our Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siongconfirmed that the victim was from SMK Raja Abdullah in Kepong. He had instructed education authorities to get to the bottom of the incident. Dr Wee said that although the incident was an isolated case, but it would be taken seriously. The four students who were caught bullying their classmate, who then show it on YouTube, have been suspended for 14 days with immediate effect. They would also receive counselling.

Cause: One of the causes is that the children might come from an aggressive or disturbed family background. I had seen many cases in my school that the children from a disturbed family background will cause social problem in school. Families that are not warm and loving and in which feelings are not shared are more likely to have children who bully, either within the family home or in other locations in which the children meet others such as the school. Another home environment that is prone to producing bullies is one in which discipline and monitoring are inconsistent or there is a punitive atmosphere exists.

Sign: Actually this topic had been raise up in one of the PIBG meeting in my school. Some parents had the idea that there are a few sign to notice if their children are being bullied. Normally their children will not talk with their parents about the incidences. This is because they are too scared or feel embarrassed to admit such behaviour happening to them. The children may have repeatedly complain of false aches, avoid going to school or frequent crying or getting upset often over trivial matters.

Effect: I do think that bully will affect the health of the victim too. Students who are bullied can develop physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach pains or sleeping problems. They may be afraid to go to school, go to the lavatory, or ride the school bus. They may lose interest in school, have trouble concentrating, or do poorly academically. Ways to overcome:As parents, the first step is to watch for symptoms that children may be bullying victims, such as withdrawal, a drop in grades, torn clothes, or needing extra money or supplies. As parents are the closest person of the child, helps should be given to help them. If their children are being bullied, there are bundles of ways to help. For example, if you suspect that your child is being bullied, encourage him to open up to you about it. For this, parents should take children's complaints of bullying seriously. Probing a seemingly minor complaint may uncover more severe grievances. Children are often afraid or ashamed to tell anyone that they have been bullied, so take time to listen to their childrens problem and talk about it. Offer him support and make it clear that the bullying is not his fault. Many children actually believe the negative things they hear about themselves or believe they deserve the bullying. Express to your child that there is no excuse for bullying and that no one deserves it. Some of the possible scenarios include how to respond when someone calls a child names, or if he is hit, or how to walk away, or how to reach out to friends and adults. Parents could teach his or her children to foster positive social relationships and activities. Help your child identify peers with whom they get along. Suggest things they can do together, (e.g., study, each lunch, come home after school, go to the movies). Besides, parents could also try to find a variety of activities that your child enjoys and does well can help build self-esteem and confidence. Moreover, parents should teach the children some technique to overcome. At times, parents may need to bring the matter up to the school counsellor and authorities. Parents should avoid setting up a meeting with the bullys parents unless they are close friends.