Overview of the Trinity River - Schlosser Law Files · The Trinity River The Trinity River begins in the rugged Trinity Alps in northwestern California. On its journey, it tumbles

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Page 1: Overview of the Trinity River - Schlosser Law Files · The Trinity River The Trinity River begins in the rugged Trinity Alps in northwestern California. On its journey, it tumbles
Page 2: Overview of the Trinity River - Schlosser Law Files · The Trinity River The Trinity River begins in the rugged Trinity Alps in northwestern California. On its journey, it tumbles

Pre-dam Trinity River upstream of Lewiston.


The Trinity RiverThe Trinity River begins in the rugged Trinity Alps in northwestern California. On its journey, it tumbles through steep canyons and meanders through broad valleys until it joins with the Klamath River to fl ow into the Pacifi c Ocean.

This powerful river once supported large populations of fall- and spring-run chinook salmon, as well as smaller runs of coho salmon and steelhead. Floods, as predictable as the salmon, refreshed spawning gravels, scoured deep holes and provided clear, cool water.

For thousands of years, the Hoopa and Yurok tribes used the fi sh, plants and animals in and along the Trinity River for subsistence, cultural, ceremonial and commercial purposes.

Hoopa fi sherman, early 1900s

Overview of the Trinity River

1850 1900Trinity River Native

Anadromous Salmonids

• Chinook (“King”) Salmon• Coho (“Silver”) Salmon• Steelhead

Restoring Salmon and Steelhead PopulationsThe impacts of land use and dams combined to push the river past its regenerative capacity. By 1970, less than 10 years after the dams were completed, the extent of habitat alteration and decline in salmon and steelhead populations became obvious.

Intent on reversing the decline, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hoopa Valley Tribe and other agencies began studies that culminated in the Trinity River Flow Evaluation Study. Completed in June 1999, this study is the foundation of the Trinity River Restoration Program which is designed to restore the Trinity River and its populations of salmon, steelhead and other fi sh and wildlife.

Historical Impacts“GOLD!” discovery in the late 1840s marked the start of drastic changes in the Trinity River and its watershed. Small-scale placer mining, like panning and sluicing, was mostly replaced by more effi -cient hydraulic and dredger mining by the early 1900s and continued through the 1950s.

From the beginning, miners, homesteaders and others making their living in Trinity County logged the hillsides and valleys for lumber and fi rewood. In the 1950s, industrial logging began in earnest. In sensitive areas of the watershed, such as Grass Valley Creek, highly erodible granitic soils were left unprotected and large volumes of sand washed into the Trinity River.

Even with all of these disturbances, the Trinity River had adequate fl ows and habitat, and salmon and steelhead continued to return in large numbers. In 1958, a plan was executed to increase water supplies in California’s Central Valley in part by transferring water from the Trinity River into the Sacramento River. Completed in 1964, the Trinity River Division of the Central Valley Project (TRD) began a decades-long era wherein up to 90% of the river’s fl ow was exported from the river each year.

Cofferdam impoundment near Trinity Dam marking the beginning of fl ow regulation in 1958. Trinity and Lewiston dams were completed in 1964.

Gold dredger near Lewiston, 1950 (TCHS photo)

Dedication plaque at Trinity Dam


What is the purpose of the Trinity River Restoration Program?The purpose of the program is to restore and maintain the natural production of salmon and steelhead on the Trinity River mainstem downstream of Lewiston Dam.

1950 2000

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Flow

Evaluation Study1984 -1999

Final EIS / EIROctober 2000

United StatesSecretary of Interior Record of Decision

December 2000

Page 3: Overview of the Trinity River - Schlosser Law Files · The Trinity River The Trinity River begins in the rugged Trinity Alps in northwestern California. On its journey, it tumbles

Impacts of Trinity River Division (TRD)

TRD Impacts on the Trinity River ChannelA river’s size and shape (“morphology”) is determined by the interaction of its fl ows and sediment (“fl uvial processes”). Prior to the TRD, streamfl ows varied greatly between and within each year. In a given year, fl ows could be as low as 100 cubic feet per second (cfs) during the summer up to over 100,000

cfs during rare rain-on-snow fl oods. After the TRD was complete, fl ows were held between 150 cfs and 300 cfs year-round except for occasional storm-response reservoir releases, the largest of which was 14,500 cfs in 1974.

The natural fl ow variability and sediment supply created a complex and dynamic channel which was benefi cial to

salmon and steelhead. How-ever, when the TRD was completed, up to 90% of the average annual water yield of the Trinity River was diverted to the Sacramento River basin, and all sediment (cobble, gravel and sand) that had previously been supplied from the upper watershed was blocked from continuing down the river. The loss of sediment availability and fl ow magnitude and variability caused changes in the river channel downstream of Lewiston Dam.

The most dramatic and obvious change was with riparian vegetation (the plants that live near the river). Under natural conditions, high winter and spring fl ows kept willows and alders from growing too close to the summer low fl ow channel (see photo far left). In the absence of high fl ows, these plants were able to sprout and become established in a thin band along the river’s edge (see photo near left). This dense vegetation traps sand, causing confi ning “riparian berms” to form. The berms, reaching up to 12 feet in height, act as levees to separate the river from its historic gravel/cobble bars and fl oodplains.

The Natural SystemThe Trinity River’s native plants and animals are adapted to natural river fl ow patterns and habitat conditions. In the fi gure below, the annual life cycles of fall-run chinook salmon and two riparian plants, black cottonwood and narrowleaf willow, are overlaid on an example natural hydrograph (a hydrograph shows the average fl ow for each day for every day of the year).

Salmon adaptation to the river’s hydrology is evident -- late fall and early winter rainstorms (the peaks in October through December) help draw adult salmon up into the river; winter basefl ows allow for spawn-ing; and the spring snowmelt (April through June) assists juveniles in their journey to the ocean before the warm, low fl ows of summer.


The plants that live along the river are similarly adapted -- winter rainstorms and spring snowmelt fl oods scour away dormant seedlings and saplings growing too close to the river’s edge; seeds released in the spring and early summer sprout higher up on the bank when the water level is high; and seedlings on these higher surfaces are able to grow during the slowly receding spring snowmelt, which has recharged the groundwater table.

Understanding these adaptations help us evaluate the impact of river management and focus our restoration actions on critical factors. The linkages between natural processes and biota are integrated in the Trinity River Restoration Program recommendations.

What is the TRD?The Trinity River Division (TRD) of the Central Valley Project is composed of Trinity Dam (a large storage reservoir), Lewiston Dam (which controls the water released into Trinity River) and Clear Creek Tunnel (which transports water from Lewiston Dam into Whiskeytown Lake in the Sacramento River Basin).

Gold Bar pre-TRD, 1961

Exposed frequently mobile gravel/ cobble bars.

Six years after TRD completion, encroachment of riparian vegetation on the low water edge was already severe at Gold Bar (six miles downstream of Lewiston Dam, photo 1970)

Thick riparian berms armoring previously mobile bars and banks.

How much have the Trinity River fish stocks declined?Estimates of fish abundance prior to the dams were sporadic and imperfect. The best available estimates suggest that the number of fall-run chinook salmon returning to the river each year varied between 19,000 to 75,500. Post-TRD, the average returns were approximately 20% of those estimates. The Trinity Restoration Program has adopted a goal of 62,000 natural (non-hatchery) fall-run chinook salmon to maintain a healthy, sustainable population. Spring-run chinook salmon, coho salmon and steelhead have shown similar declines. Coho salmon is also listed as a threatened species pursuant to the Endangered Species Act.

Example of Salmon Habitat Changes

Large gently sloping gravel & cobble bar

Pre-TRD Channel

High fl ows

Low fl owsSuitable rearing habitat

Riparian berm{

High fl ows

Low fl owsMinimal rearing habitat

Pre-TRD conditions

Post-TRD Channel

Sand deposit

TRD Impacts to Salmon and SteelheadThe changes to the Trinity River altered the quantity and quality of habitat for salmon and steelhead. The habitat above the dams was entirely lost, and the remaining in-river habitat was severely degraded, especially from Lewiston Dam downstream to North Fork Trinity River. Salmon and steelhead in the Trinity River depended on its dynamic and alluvial nature (mobile and free to form its bed and banks) for high quality habitat. Natural fl uvial processes, driven by high fl ows and adequate coarse sediment supply, created and maintained complex chan-nel morphology which provided suitable conditions for adults, eggs, alevin, fry, juveniles and smolts.

After the dams, once deep pools used by adults fi lled with sand; during summer, water temperatures reached lethal levels for juvenile and smolts; gently sloping banks necessary for fry and juveniles were eliminated by riparian berms;

and much of the spawn-ing gravel was scoured away, and that remaining was choked with sand. Our increasing scientifi c understanding of the importance of natural river form and process to salmon and steelhead populations reinforces a recovery strategy that restores those natural conditions.


Summary of Impacts• Over 100 miles of cold water salmon and steelhead

spawning and juvenile rearing habitat upstream of dams has been lost, forcing the lower river to take on the role of spawning and cold water juvenile rearing habitat

• The high fl ow regime responsible for creating and maintaining channel morphology and high quality habitat has been severely reduced

• Coarse sediment (gravel and cobbles) from the upper watershed is trapped behind the dams

• Coarse sediment deposited by tributaries below the dams locally accumulates at deltas because river fl ows are too low to transport the coarse sediment downstream

• The historic dynamic channel is “shackled” by the riparian berms; once mobile gravel/cobble bars are trapped under and behind the berms, and in-channel gravel/cobble deposits are not being replenished

• The river channel has been simplifi ed to a straight, rectangular channel with steep banks, reducing habitat quantity and quality, particularly for rearing salmon and steelhead fry

• Fine sediment (sand) has accumulated in spawning gravels and has fi lled pools used as “holding” habitat for adult chinook salmon

• Flow releases are often too low to provide adequate water temperatures for salmonid life history needs

The red areas in the fi gures above and above right highlight suitable fry rearing habitat. The pre-TRD channel (above) provided habitat over the wide range of fl ows expected during the winter months when fry are emerging from spawning beds. However, the riparian berm of the post-TRD channel (above right) confi nes the river, eliminates the gently sloping channel margins, and increases water velocities along the channel margins beyond that preferred by salmon and steelhead fry. The gentle slope of the natural gravel/cobble bars slows the water velocity along the edge of the river, creating rearing habitat for salmon and steelhead fry. Emerging fry hide among the clean cobbles and gravel where water velocity is low. As fl ows increase, the habitat migrates progressively higher up the channel margins, but never disappears. Yellow-legged frogs also use the gently sloping gravel and cobble bars to deposit eggs.

Coho salmon, a threatened species on the mainstem Trinity River, migrating upstream to its spawning grounds.

Page 4: Overview of the Trinity River - Schlosser Law Files · The Trinity River The Trinity River begins in the rugged Trinity Alps in northwestern California. On its journey, it tumbles



Flow Management

for Geomorphic

and Riparian Processes


and Monitoring

Flow Management

for Temperature

and Habitat

Channel and Watershed


Fine and Coarse Sediment


Record of DecisionSigned in December 2000, the Record of Decision (ROD) outlines the plan to implement recovery of the Trinity River and its fi sh and wildlife populations. This plan includes direct in-channel actions, as well as continued watershed restoration activities, replacement of bridges and structures within the fl oodplain, and a rigorous program to monitor and improve restoration activities.

Restoring the Trinity River will require a combination of actions that1) re-establishes the natural physical processes that creates and

maintains high quality aquatic habitat; and2) creates spawning and rearing conditions downstream of the

dams that best compensate for lost habitat upstream, including adequate water temperatures.

This strategy does not strive to recreate pre-dam conditions; rather, the goal is to create a smaller, dynamic alluvial channel exhibiting all the characteristics of the pre-dam river but at a smaller scale. This strategy is intended to best achieve the restoration goals and maintain the purpose and use of the TRD.


(Occurs 12 out of every 100 years)

Releases during aWET WATER YEAR

(Occurs 28 out of every 100 years)


(Occurs 12 out of every 100 years)

Releases during a DRY WATER YEAR

(Occurs 28 out of every 100 years)

Releases during aNORMAL WATER YEAR

(Occurs 20 out of every 100 years)


Permanent Flow Allocation

How would the flow

schedule effect Central

Valley water supplies?

Water exports from the

Trinity River will be reduced

on average by 28%. Water

deliveries in the Central Valley

Project will be reduced by 1-4%

depending on whether it is a

wet or dry year in the

Central Valley.

Primary components of the Trinity River Restoration Program Record of Decision

Peak fl ow18,000 cfs

Peak fl ow14,400 cfs

Peak fl ow32,400 cfs

Temperature: Provide optimal holding/spawning temperatures for spring-run chinook adults. Provide suitable temperatures,

reducing pre-spawning mortality and increasing egg viability.

Instream Habitat: Provide best balance of spawning and rearing habitats for salmon and steelhead in the existing channel. Increase

salmon and steelhead spawning and rearing habitat while minimizing dewatering of redds.

Temperature: Provide optimal temperatures for high survival of steelhead smolts.

Ramping: Ramp to peak fl ow and reduce travel time of outmigrating steelhead smolts.

Geomorphology, riparian vegetation and smolt out-migration: In Normal and wetter years, create and maintain

alternate bar morphology, create fl oodplains by bar building and fi ne sediment deposition, encourage riparian vegetation on fl oodplains, scour bars and riparian seedlings along low fl ow channel margins. In Dry and wetter years, reduce fi ne sediment storage, increase smolt production by increasing year-round rearing habitat quality and quantity, and reducing outmigration transport time.

Ramping: Minimize stranding of salmon and steelhead fry behind berms, increase survival of steelhead fry, and provide

outmigration cues for chinook smolts.

For comparison: Representative hydrographs for the Trinity River at Lewiston for each water year class showing fl ows

without dams.

Geomorphology, riparian vegetation, temperature and smolt out-migration: Discourage riparian initiation along channel

margins. Reduce fi ne sediment storage in channelbed surface. Maintain seasonal variation of water surface levels in side channels and off-channel wetlands. Inundate point bars. Improve salmon and steelhead smolt production by providing temperatures necessary for survival of steelhead, coho, and chinook smolts. Provide outmigration cues for chinook salmon smolts.


Flow Schedules

Intra-annual, or “within-year” fl ow variability is incorporated into “hydrograph components” that meet specifi c restoration objectives. The hydrographs at the far right show the fl ow releases for every day of each water year (October 1st through September 31st) for each water year type. The objectives these hydrograph components are designed to achieve are outlined in the legend at right. Flow releases will range from 300 cfs to 11,000 cfs (with annual peaks from 1,500 cfs in Critically Dry years to 11,000 cfs in Extremely Wet years).

The best scientifi c information available recommends more natural and variable fl ow releases. Variable fl ows of suffi cient size clean spawning gravels, build gravel/cobble bars, scour sand out of pools, provide adequate temperature and habitat conditions for fi sh and wildlife at different life stages, control riparian vegetation, and per-form many other ecological functions.

In order to recreate inter-annual, or “between-year” fl ow variability, the Record of Decision defi ned fi ve water year types with a minimum volume of water to be released into the Trinity River for each of the fi ve types. The water volumes are measured in acre-feet (af), which is the volume of water one foot deep in the area of one acre. Each year, the water not allocated to the river is available for export to the Central Valley for water supply and power generation.

Peak fl ow7,000 cfs

Peak fl ow4,000 cfs

Page 5: Overview of the Trinity River - Schlosser Law Files · The Trinity River The Trinity River begins in the rugged Trinity Alps in northwestern California. On its journey, it tumbles

An Alluvial RiverThe Trinity River Restoration Program, recognizing the importance of a healthy alluvial river to salmon and steelhead recovery, developed the following set of healthy river attributes as a foundation for ecosystem restoration objectives:• Channel complexity creates habitat complexity;• Variable annual hydrographs create a complex channel morphology;• The channel bed surface is frequently mobilized;• Alternating bars are periodically scoured and/or redeposited;• Fine and coarse sediment supply from the watershed is balanced by

river transport;• The mainstem channel periodically migrates or avulses across its

fl oodplain;• Floodplains are created, are frequently inundated, and are fi ne

sediment deposition areas;• Infrequent, large fl oods reorganize the mainstem channel, fl oodplain,

and/or side channels, as well as to scour mature riparian vegetation;• Riparian vegetation is spatially and structurally diverse and self-

sustaining;• Groundwater in the fl oodplain is frequently recharged by high fl ows

in the mainstem channel.

These alluvial attributes contribute to the quantifi able objectives for prescribing annual fl ow releases (shown on the previous page).

Water temperature affects salmon and steelhead egg incubation, juvenile growth rates, timing of migration and spawning, resistance to disease, and other factors. Many temperature objectives can be achieved by seasonal climatic conditions or by fl ow releases required to meet other objectives (for example, transporting gravel). Flow releases during spring and summer were specifi cally developed to meet chinook salmon smolt outmigration objectives (1,500 cfs from mid-April through as late as early July) and adult holding and spawning temperature objectives (at least 450 cfs through mid-October).


The quantity and quality of spawning and rearing habitat for salmon and steelhead varies with fl ow levels. In general, lower fl ows result in shallower water depths, lower velocities, and higher water temperatures, whereas higher fl ows have the opposite effect.

This relationship between streamfl ow and habitat, developed during years of fi eld study, was used to determine the preferred fl ow releases for riverine life stages of chinook salmon, coho salmon, and

steelhead. Habitat is maximized at 150 cfs for some life stages and at higher fl ows for others. Within the existing channel, 300 cfs pro-vides the best balance for juvenile rearing and adult spawning habitat. As channel morphology is restored, these fl ow-to-habitat relationships may change.

Flow Management for Geomorphic and Riparian Processes

Flows for Instream Habitat

Flows for Water TemperatureHolding steelhead

Rearing coho salmon fry

WET water year release from Lewiston Dam

Actual fl ow 20 miles downstream from Lewiston Dam due to contribution from tributaries


Deep scour on gravel/cobble bars

Surface scour of gravel/cobble bars

General mobilization of channel bed surface

Most alluvial deposits begin to mobilize

Point bars inundated at bank rehabilitation






















Day of water year1-Oct 1-Nov 1-Dec 1-Jan 1-Feb 1-Mar 1-Apr 1-May 1-Jun 1-Jul 1-Aug 1-Sep

Tributaries and Managed FlowsThe effects of the TRD would have been considerably more severe if not for the tributaries downstream of the dams. At increasing distances downstream from the dams, tributaries add their own water and sediment, and by the North Fork Trinity River (40 miles downstream from Lewiston Dam) the river regains much of its pre-TRD nature. Prior to the TRD, winter fl oods, generated by rainstorms and rain-on-snow events, were followed by spring snowmelt fl oods. These two different types of fl oods come from geographically distinct areas: the tributaries fl owing into the Trinity River below the dams are typically lower elevation rainfall-dominated streams, and those entering above the dams are typically higher elevation snowmelt-dominated streams. Since the downstream tributaries do not provide signifi cant spring snowmelt runoff, this important component of the natural hydrograph has disappeared. The high fl ow releases contained in the ROD will be timed to restore the annual spring snowmelt fl ood component critical to migrating smolts, riparian vegetation and sediment transport. These releases will be naturally augmented by unregulated infl ow from downstream tributaries to create more natural annual hydrograph (see below for Wet water year example).


Coarse and Fine Sediment Management

Chinook salmon alevin and eggs in clean spawning gravel

Fine SedimentLand use in the watershed and reduced fl ows in the river have allowed fi ne sediment to accumulate in pools, riffl es and riparian berms. This accumulation has decreased adult salmon holding habitat in pools and spawning and rearing habitat quality in riffl es, and the riparian berm now confi nes the river during high fl ows. The proposed restoration strategy for fi ne sediment management is to reduce fi ne sediment supply and storage in the Trinity River.

Proposed restoration actions include the following:• Continue watershed rehabilitation work to reduce fi ne sediment

supply to Trinity River;

• Continue using sedimentation ponds at the mouth of Grass Valley Creek, and improve the maintenance schedule to reduce fi ne sediment supply to the Trinity River;

• Increase high fl ow releases to transport fi ne sediment through the Trinity River;

• Remove sand-laden riparian berms as part of bank rehabilitation sites, and relocate the fi ne sediment outside the fl oodway;

• Create “functional” fl oodplains as part of bank rehabilitation projects such that high fl ows can scour fi ne sediment from the low fl ow channel and deposit it onto fl oodplain surfaces.

Coarse Sediment IntroductionRecommended fl ow releases will be larger in wetter water years than drier water years. Therefore, larger volumes of cobble and gravel will need to be introduced immediately downstream of Lewiston Dam during wetter years. Based on preliminary sediment transport compu-tations, the following estimates of gravel and cobble introduction needs for each water year are as follows:

Water Year Type Annual Introduction Volume Extremely Wet 31,000-67,000 cubic yards Wet 10,000-18,000 cubic yards Normal 1,800-2,200 cubic yards Dry 150-250 cubic yards Critically Dry 0 cubic yards

Actual introduction rates for a given year would be based on sediment transport estimates specifi c for the high fl ow releases for that year.

What does watershed land use have to do with salmon and steelhead? Fine sediment (sand and silt) delivery from tributary watersheds to the Trinity River increases with roads, logging, and other land uses. These fi ne sediments accumulate in the Trinity River, and pose a severe threat to the survival and development of salmon and steelhead eggs. By improving land use practices and removing unused logging roads (as shown in the photo at right of a recontoured logging road in the Little Grass Valley Creek watershed), fi ne sediment supply to the Trinity River decreases, which increases salmon and steelhead production.

Air photo of Rush Creek Delta showing local sediment accumulation and upstream backwater “lake”

Rush Creek Delta: gravel/cobble bar needs to be transported to downstream reaches

Backwater caused by “damming” of Trinity River by Rush Creek delta







Sediment ManagementThe sediment that makes up the bed and banks of the Trinity River ranges in size from silt and sand to gravel, cobbles and boulders. Since 1964, the dams have trapped all sediment that was normally delivered to the lower river from the upper watershed. Additionally, infrequent high fl ows of the past few decades have allowed sediment supplied from the tributaries in the fi rst 17 miles below the dams to accumulate in deltas rather than be transported and distributed downstream as historically occurred prior to the TRD. Overall, the changes in the coarse sediment regime have reduced the natural gravel transport processes, reduced gravel bar depos-its, and reduced salmon spawning and rearing habitat.

Coarse SedimentThe overall restoration strategy for managing coarse sediment is to increase coarse sediment storage in the river (gravel/cobble bars), improve coarse sediment transport (distribute gravel/cobble downstream), and restore a balance between coarse sediment supply and coarse sediment transport using high fl ows and mechanical gravel introduction. If the river were considered a conveyor belt periodically transporting and depositing coarse sediment, the proposed restoration strategy would add coarse sediment at the upstream end of the conveyor belt at a rate equal to what the conveyor is moving, such that accumulations (at tributary deltas, see photo above left) or defi cits (channel incision and armoring) are minimized. This strategy can be referred to as restoring the coarse sediment budget.

Specifi c recommendations consist of the following:• Release fl ows up to 11,000 cfs to transport and distribute cobbles

and gravels from tributary deltas to create bars, riffl es, and fl ood-plains in downstream reaches;

• Replenish cobble and gravel storage in the reach immediately downstream of Lewiston Dam that is most impacted by the loss of upstream coarse sediment supply;

• Introduce long-term periodic gravel and cobble supply in fi rst fi fteen miles below Lewiston Dam at a rate equal to that trans-ported by high fl ow releases to maintain cobble and gravel storage, enabling the river to create and maintain complex instream habitat.

Page 6: Overview of the Trinity River - Schlosser Law Files · The Trinity River The Trinity River begins in the rugged Trinity Alps in northwestern California. On its journey, it tumbles


Restoring the Trinity River to a healthy alluvial river to benefi t salmon and steelhead populations will require converting the present riparian berm-dominated channel back to the pre-TRD channel form, but at a smaller scale. Studies conducted in 1995 and 1998 found that fl ood fl ows greatly exceeding 24,000 cfs would be needed to “naturally” remove the berm. However, since Trinity Dam is only capable of a maximum controlled release of 13,750 cfs, a one-time mechanical removal of selected berms between Lewiston Dam and the North Fork Trinity River is needed to “unshackle” the river and restore the channel.

Flow and sediment management will be used after the one-time mechanical removal of the berms to create and maintain high-quality aquatic and riparian habitat. Obser-vations at rehabilitation sites constructed between 1991 and 1993 have shown that once the riparian berm is removed and new bars have formed, fl ow and coarse sediment management directed by the Record of Decision is capable of maintaining the desirable channel morphology.

Sheridan Creek Bank rehabilitation site with newly formed gravel bars

Side channel rehabilitation site

Bank RehabilitationRiparian berms that confi ne the river will be removed, and sand contained in the berm relocated outside of the fl oodway. Floodplains will be constructed to be periodically inundated by fl ows 6,000 cfs and larger. At sites closer to Lewiston Dam with limited gravel supply, coarse sediment will be introduced as gravel/cobble point bars to increase gravel storage, improve channel dynamics, and increase salmon spawning and rearing habitat.

Riparian vegetation will be planted on restored fl oodplains, and high fl ow releases have been developed to encourage natural riparian growth on fl ood-

plains while discouraging riparian encroachment on newly formed gravel bars. A strategy using a com-bination of native riparian planting and natural regeneration can quickly revegetate a fl oodplain rehabilitation project (see photo below left).

Channel Rehabilitation

Side Channel RehabilitationSide channels will also be constructed at selected sites close to Lewiston Dam that have a high likelihood of maintaining themselves. Side channels provide additional salmon and steelhead spawning and rearing habitat to make up for that lost above the dams.

Natural regeneration (foreground) and riparian planting (background) one year after fl oodplain construction on Clear Creek, showing expected conditions on Trinity River rehabilitation sites shortly after construction.

Restored Floodplain & Revegetation

Riparian Berm to be Removed

Restored Point Bar

Run / Pool


Riffl e



Adaptive ManagementA key component of the Record of Decision is implementing an Adaptive Environmental Assessment and Management (AEAM) program, commonly referred to as Adaptive Manage-ment. The Trinity River AEAM program will greatly improve assessment and management of the Trinity River. In short, AEAM is a formal, systematic, and rigorous program of learn-ing from the outcomes of management actions, accommodat-ing change, and rapidly improving management.

River systems are very complex, and while our level of understanding of river ecosystems is improving, managing the Trinity River will always face varying levels of scientifi c uncertainty. The AEAM program promotes responsible, science-based progress in the face of this uncertainty, while avoiding “trial and error,” “charging ahead blindly,” or being “paralyzed by indecision” common to restoration programs. The AEAM process is a cooperative integration of water operations, resource management, scientifi c monitoring and research, and stakeholder and public input.


MonitoringMonitoring is a critical component of adaptive management which measures progress towards achieving restoration objectives, as well as improving our understanding of river response to management actions (e.g., fl ow releases, gravel introduction, etc.).

The monitoring strategy under AEAM program will encourage two types of monitoring: long term tracking of how the system is responding (e.g., monitoring adult salmon returns), and shorter term focused studies (e.g., testing juvenile salmon tolerances to water temperature) to rapidly evaluate and improve management strategies and fi ll in critical information gaps.

Monitoring will be guided by the scientifi c arm of the AEAM program, and much of the monitoring program will be conducted by soliciting proposals addressing specifi c issues from public, private, and academic scientists. This process will improve the quality of studies conducted on the river, and should also reduce overall costs over the long term.

What are the Components of an Adaptive Environmental Assessment and Management (AEAM) Program?

1. Defi ne measurable goals and objectives;

2. Document/evaluate baseline conditions with respect to goals and objectives;

3. Develop testable hypotheses of how to achieve goals and objectives through management actions;

4. Predict river response to management actions before implementing management actions;

5. Implement, monitor, and evaluate management actions;

6. Re-evaluate objectives, refi nes hypotheses, improve models, and improve management;

7. Continually self-examine AEAM science and management via external peer review.

A goal of the Restoration Program is to improve fi sh health and survival

Sediment sampling during high fl ows measure the effectiveness of dam releases in routing gravel and sand through the river

Improving management actions to better achieve restoration goals requires fi eld monitoring

Adaptive Management and Monitoring

Page 7: Overview of the Trinity River - Schlosser Law Files · The Trinity River The Trinity River begins in the rugged Trinity Alps in northwestern California. On its journey, it tumbles

For Additional Information or Copies of this Brochure, Please Contact:

McBain & Trush, Inc. • P.O. Box 663 • Arcata, CA 95518 • (707) 826-7794

Russell Smith Michael Orcutt Bureau of Reclamation Hoopa Valley Tribe Fisheries Department 16349 Shasta Dam Boulevard P.O. Box 417 Shasta Lake, CA 96002 Hoopa, CA 95546 (530) 275-1554 (530) 625-4267

Printed on recycled paper with vegetable based ink

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 20....

Gravel introduction, watershed rehabilitation, and fi ne sediment trapping on Grass Valley Creek

Bank rehabilitation implementation at remaining 20 sites

Planning & design for relocating structures out of fl oodway

Relocate structures out of fl oodway

Bank rehabilitation and side-channel site implementation at 24 sites

Bank rehabilitation and side-channel site planning, design and monitoring

Bridge replacementBridge replacement planning and design

Implement full fl ow schedule of ROD

Implement AEAM program

Implement fl ow releases less than 6,000 cfsand fl ow volumes less than 369,000 af

Collateral Impacts and Benefi tsThe Trinity River Restoration Program is legally mandated to restore the fi shery of the Trinity River. Benefi ciaries of a restored fi shery and restoration program include: the sport, tribal, and commercial fi shing communities that depend on a healthy fi shery; local contractors hired to implement the channel rehabilitation and gravel introduction projects; and the tourist and recreation industries along the Trinity River.

Unfortunately, a restoration program usually does not come without some adverse impacts as well. The Trinity River Restoration Program may cause periodic decreases in power generation, increases in consumer power rates, and decreases in water supply to the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys. The Record of Decision attempts to restore a reasonable balance by developing an approach that has a high likelihood of achieving the legally mandated restoration objectives while minimizing adverse impacts to water and power users.

Funding for this brochure provided by: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Trinity River Restoration Program

Prepared by:

Implementation Timeline