Overview of Future Internet Research Jan 14, 2011 IEEE Region 10 Technical Seminar National Taiwan University Yong-Jin Park Waseda University, Tokyo

Overview of Future Internet Research•NEBULA –Addresses technical challenges in creating a cloud-computing-centric architecture •eXpressive Internet Architecture –Exploring

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Page 1: Overview of Future Internet Research•NEBULA –Addresses technical challenges in creating a cloud-computing-centric architecture •eXpressive Internet Architecture –Exploring

Overview of Future Internet


Jan 14, 2011

IEEE Region 10 Technical Seminar

National Taiwan University

Yong-Jin Park

Waseda University, Tokyo

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• Future Internet

– Current Internet Success

– Challenges for Future Internet

– Activities


• Europe

• Japan

• Korea

• Asia: AsiaFI

– Standardization

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The Internet is centric and critical infrastructure

Internet is Top 20 Engineering Innovations in 20th Century

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Internet Design Principle

• Basic Goal

– Interconnecting heterogeneous


• Basic Principle

– End-to-End architecture

• Stupid networks and intelligent


• Resultant Internet Architecture

– Hour-glass model having IP as

common layer

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Internet Success Factors

• Well-designed protocols, based on IP –Everything on IP and IP on everything –Built from scratch –TCP/IP code was distributed free of charge

• Technology progress keeps capacity ahead of demand. • End-to-end architecture

– Applications and content creation and dissemination are easy.

• Community –Community collaborates to maintain its health

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Future Internet

• The Network of the Future: Internet of 10 years later

– Internet of Things

– Internet of Service

– Internet of Security

– Internet of 3D Media

• Enabling the Future Networked Society (Future Digital Society): a magnitude of pervarsive ICT

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Why Future Internet

• Internet Technology

– No big change since 1983

• All ARPANET switched to TCP/IP

• TCP gives End-to-End communication mechanism

• IP gives Hop-by-Hop delivery mechanism

• But environment has changed

– Research networks Commercial networks

– Best effort service QoS service

– Reliable users Crackers

– Fixed hosts Mobile hosts

– FTP, telnet, rlogin Web, Twitter, SNS

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Challenges (1/4)

• Scale & Diversity

The globe has been getting networked

• Huge scale: – Internet hosts : 770 M (2010.6)

» originally hundreds of hosts were expected

– Internet users: 2.0 B (2010.6)

» 30% of 6.8B world population

» 450% growth in 2000-2010

– Mobile phone user : 4.6B (2009.12), 3.3 B (2007.12) http://www.internetworldstats.com

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The number of World Internet Users


Source: Nikkei 2011.1.7 made by using ITU data

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Global mobile phonesubscriptions, billion


Source: Infonetics Research

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Challenge (2/4) • Diversity

– Diverse Networking: BAN, HAN, Sensor Networks, MANET

– Diverse Wireless networks: Bluetooth/Zigbee/WiFi/Mobile


– Diverse terminals: Smart Phone, Tablet PC


• Smart Phone: 293M (2010) 44% 421M (2011) by IDC

(PC: 349M (2010) 10% 385M (2011) by IDC)

• Tablet PC: 19M (2009) 8 times 154M (2012) by Gartner

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US continental-scale research platform for discovering and understanding impacts of climate change, land-use change, and invasive species on ecology.

NEON: National Ecological Observatory Network

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Challenges (3/4)

• Security [Not required in the original Internet]

– Viruses

– DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) Attack • Yahoo, Amazon, CNN (2001, USA)

– Servers were inaccessible for three hours

• Loss caused by DDoS was more than $ 1B (2005)

– Addressing security comes at a significant cost • Estimated $50-100B spent worldwide on security in 2004

– Spam mails • 95% of the whole emails

• Reliability – e-Commerce increasingly depends on fragile Internet

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Challenges (4/4)

• Rapidly growing traffic by Video

– Cisco Forecast, 2009-2014, projects that global Internet traffic will increase more than fourfold by 2014.

– Video is projected to exceed 91% of global consumer IP traffic by 2014.

• Performance

– Scientists have significant bandwidth requirements

• Each science community desires its own wavelength(s) in fibers

– 10-40-100Gbps-(1000Gbps)

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AKARI Conceptual Design, NICT 2007.4

Functions have been much more stacked.

Layers have been more & more inserted.

It’s time to build a new Internet from scratch : Clean slate design!

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Source: A Nakao, 2007

World Research Projects

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Main Activities of Future Internet in



– Find (Future Internet Design): Research project

– GENI (Global Environment for Networking Innovations): Testbed project

• European Union

– FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation)


– NWGN (New Generation Network) Forum


– FIF (Future Internet Forum)

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GENI Conceptual Design Infrastructure to support at-scale experimentation

Mobile Wireless Network Edge Site

Sensor Network

Federated International Infrastructure

Programmable & federated, with end-to-end virtualized “slices”


and evolving over time via

spiral development

Deeply programmable





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NSF Announces Future Internet Architecture Awards

2010.8, up to $8M each over 3years project

•Named Data Networking (Content-Centric Network)

– Moves communication paradigm from today’s focus on

“where”, i.e., addresses, severs, and hosts, to “what”, i.e.,

the content that users and application care about


– Dealing with mobility as a first class entity allows functionalities like

context and location-aware services to fit naturally into the network


– Addresses technical challenges in creating a cloud-computing-centric


•eXpressive Internet Architecture

– Exploring technical challenges in creating a single network that offers

inherent support for communication between current communicating

principles– while accommodating unknown future entities

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AsiaFI (Asia Future Internet Forum)

• June 2008: AsiaFI, General Meeting, Seoul

– July 2007: First AsiaFI preparation meeting

• Objective

– to coordinate research and

development on Future Internet among countries in Asia

as well as with other continents.

• Activities

– Education

– Event

– Testbed

– Working Group

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Background behind AsiaFI


• 1969 ARPANet, USA

• 1982 SDN, KR

• 1984 JUNET, JP (Time gap: nearly 15 years)


• 2005 NSF announced GENI Initiative

• 2006 Overlay Workshop, JP

• 2007 Future Internet Workshop, KR

• 2008 AsiaFI

(Time gap: a few years)

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Contributions for developing Internet

• Current Internet

– US: 80%

– Europe: 10-15%

– Asia: Less than 5%

• Future Internet ?

– US: 1/3

– Europe: 1/3

– Asia: 1/3

Source: K Chon

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– Kick-off meeting on standardization on Future Network/Internet in 2007.4

• ITU-T SG13 Q21

– Q21 was established in 2008.10


– WGs in 2008.11

– Virtual Networks, Distributed Mobility Management

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• ISO/JTC1 SC6 2010 September meeting

– Future Network: Problem Statement and


• Part1: overall aspects

• Part2: Naming and addressing

• Switching and routing

• Mobility

• Security



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AsiaFI www.asiafi.net

EU FI Portal www.future-internet.eu

FIF www.fif.kr FIND www.nets-find.net FIRE www.ict-fire.eu

GENI www.geni.net NWGN-Forum forum.nwgn.jp

CCN ccnx.org

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Major Architecture Research Items • Addressing

– ID/Locator separation

• Management and Control

– Automatic management

– Control/Data plane separation

• Security

– Native Traceability and Accountability

• Layering

– Recursive/non-layering architecture

– Cross-layer architecture

• Diversified Internetworking

– Heterogeneous networks

– Virtualization

• User-oriented

– User-controlled routing