Overcoming Animal Phobias

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Publisher’s Note

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in

regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the pub-

lisher is not engaged in rendering psychological, financial, legal, or other professional

services. If expert assistance or counseling is needed, the services of a competent pro- fessional should be sought.

Distributed in Canada by Raincoast Books

Copyright © 2005 by Martin M. Antony and Randi E. McCabeNew Harbinger Publications, Inc.5674 Shattuck AvenueOakland, CA 94609

Cover design by Amy ShoupAcquired by Catharine SutkerText design by Tracy Marie Carlson

ISBN 1-57224-392-9 Paperback

All Rights Reserved

Printed in the United States of America

New Harbinger Publications’ Web site address: www.newharbinger.com

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For Jacqui and Don Campbell


For Adelia and Angus


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acknowledgments vii

introduction 1

1   about animal phobias 7

2   where do animal phobias come from? 24

3   developing a hierarchy 37

4   preparing for treatment 48

5   confronting your fear 65

6   changing your thoughts 96

7   staying well 117

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8   helping someone else with an animal



references 142

about the authors 147

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We are grateful to Jennifer Harrington and Chris Watsonfor their comments and suggestions for improving thechapters of this book. Also, thanks to Peter Bieling,Michele Boivin, Mike Coons, Beth McConnell, Todd

Murphy, Laura Summerfeldt, and Mark Watling for help-ing to expand upon our list of popular movies with animalscenes (chapter 4). Finally, thanks to Catharine Sutker,Carole Honeychurch, Brady Kahn, and everyone else atNew Harbinger for their support. As always, they havebeen great to work with.

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If you find yourself experiencing extreme fear when facedwith certain kinds of animals, you should know that youare definitely not alone. Surveys of the general population

have found that animals are among the most commonlyfeared situations or objects. For example, one study of more than eight thousand people in the United Statesfound that 22.2 percent of individuals reported an intensefear of animals (Curtis et al. 1998)—a higher percentagethan was found for any other feared situation (forexample, heights, enclosed places, storms, or blood) askedabout in the survey. Not only are animal fears commonbut a number of studies have found that people often fearmore than one type of animal (Antony and Barlow 2002),making the problem even worse. After all, animals are all

around us.

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Most people are able to live with their fears, oftenby avoiding the animals that make them feel uncomfort-able. If you are terrified of snakes but you never seesnakes or even think about them, you really don’t have aproblem. However, for some individuals, the fear of ani-mals is a significant concern. For example, Erin had anextreme fear of cats. She was constantly scanning herenvironment for cats, and she often avoided going for

walks in her neighborhood for fear of seeing one. Occa-sionally, she was awoken by nightmares about cats, andshe avoided visiting friends and family members who hadthem as pets. She was even nervous watching televisionand movies, because she never knew when a cat mightappear. Clearly, Erin’s fear was a problem for her. When afear causes significant interference in your life, or when itis distressing for you to have the fear, the condition isconsidered a   phobia. In one large survey (Curtis et al.1998), 5.7 percent of individuals had a fear of animalsthat was severe enough to be called a phobia.

the purpose of this book

Although there are a number of books available on thetopic of phobias, this is the first book to focus specificallyon strategies for overcoming fears and phobias of animals.It is designed for individuals who have a fear of one ormore animals or insects; it is also designed for their fami-lies. You may be able to use the strategies described in this

book on your own. Alternatively, the techniques described

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in this book may work best for you when used under thesupervision of an experienced therapist, or perhaps with afamily member or friend who is able to work with you toovercome your phobia. Professionals who work with peo-ple who suffer from animal fears and phobias will also findthis book useful.

the structure of this book

This book is organized into eight chapters. Chapters 1 and2 provide information on the nature of animal phobias,including examples of typical animal phobias, research onthe prevalence of animal phobias, a review of effectivetreatments, and theories regarding how animal phobiasbegin. Chapters 3 and 4 focus on strategies to prepare fortreatment, including developing a hierarchy of feared situ-ations, from most to least difficult to confront, finding the

materials you need for treatment, and considering whetherto seek professional help. Chapter 5 discusses expo-sure-based strategies for overcoming animal phobias. Thischapter discusses the core of the treatment—if there isone chapter you read several times, it should be chapter 5(we will return to this issue shortly). Chapter 6 discussesstrategies for changing anxious thinking about animals,and chapter 7 will help you to develop a plan to maintain

 your improvements over time. Finally, chapter 8 is aimedat family members or friends who know someone with ananimal phobia and who may be involved in helping that

person overcome his or her fear.

introduction   3

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how to use this book

We recommend that you read through the entire bookinitially, to obtain a broad overview of how the treatmentworks. As you work through chapters 1 through 4, youshould complete the recommended exercises, which willprepare you for using the treatment strategies described inchapters 5 and 6. Once you have finished reading the

entire book, return to chapters 5 and 6. We recommendthat you read these chapters a second time and that yourepeat the exercises (especially the exposure exercises inchapter 5) until your fear has decreased. Chapter 7 shouldbe read again, after your fear has decreased and you areready to consider strategies for staying well. Although theentire book may be of interest to family members or otherswho are helping someone work through his or her phobia,chapter 8 will be particularly useful for this purpose.

We recommend that you use a journal or notebookto complete the exercises throughout this book. In fact,

don’t bother reading any further until you have obtained your journal. Without practicing the various strategiesdescribed in the book, it is unlikely that you will notice asignificant change in your fear. Keeping a journal willmake it easier to keep up with the exercises.

can a self-help book really help?

Of all the different types of specific phobias that people

have, animal phobias are the most thoroughly researched.

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Procedures for overcoming animal phobias are well devel-oped, and there is considerable evidence that severe fearsof animals can be overcome fairly quickly for most individ-uals. In fact, in some studies, up to 90 percent of peoplewith an animal phobia were able to overcome their fears ina single session lasting, on average, less than three hours(Öst 1989). Not only that, but most studies find thatpeople who overcome their animal phobias are usually

able to maintain their improvements over the long term(Öst 1996).

However, most of the research on treating animalphobias is based on treatment with a trained therapist.Only a small number of studies have investigated the useof self-help treatments for animal phobias, and all of thesehave been based on spider phobias. The few studies thathave been conducted have had mixed results, but overall,treatment with a therapist tends to be more effective.Nevertheless, between 30 and 60 percent of people canachieve significant improvement with just a thirty-page

self-help manual (Hellström and Öst 1995; Öst,Salkovskis, and Hellström 1991; Öst, Stridh, and Wolf 1998). Some people clearly can overcome their fears ontheir own.

Based on research by psychologist Lars-Göran Östand his colleagues (Öst, Stridh, and Wolf 1998), the bestpredictors of whether you will benefit from self-help treat-ment for animal phobias include how motivated you areto improve and the extent to which the treatment makessense to you (in other words, how credible or believablethe manual seems). Here are a few variables that were

introduction   5

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found to play little or no role in predicting whetherself-help treatment will succeed: the age at which yourfear began, the number of years this fear has been pres-ent, whether there is a history of phobias in your family,and the severity of your phobia. So it doesn’t matter howlong you have had your fear or how severe it is. If you aremotivated to conquer your fear and you follow thedetailed suggestions outlined in this book, you have a

good chance of overcoming your fear.Although treatment is usually effective and brief, it

is rarely easy. Treatment will require you to confront theanimal you fear in a controlled, gradual way. In all likeli-hood, exposure to your feared animal will lead you to feelvery uncomfortable and frightened. Initially, you mayexperience panicky feelings, crying, nightmares, and otherunpleasant reactions. A decision to overcome your ani-mal phobia must include a willingness to feel uncomfort-able at the beginning of treatment for the purpose of eventually reaching a point where you can be around the

animal with little or even no fear. Although the treat-ment is uncomfortable, this is something you can do.

Even if a self-help approach is not for you, this bookmay still be helpful. Understanding the nature of yourfear and learning about the strategies that have proven tobe useful for overcoming a fear of animals will help pre-pare you to eventually confront the problem. At the veryleast, the treatment strategies described in this book areeffective for almost everyone, when used with a therapist.If you want to overcome your fear, there is no reason why

 you can’t do it.

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about animal phobias

Animal fears are the most frequently reported fears inthe general population. Though the most commonlyfeared animals include creepy, crawly creatures, such as

snakes, spiders, rodents, and bugs, other animals that areoften feared include dogs, cats, birds, and bees. In fact,people can have a fear of just about any animal. For exam-ple, we have seen people with specific fears of worms,moths, squirrels, fish, cockroaches, ants, sharks, and owls.Many animal phobias have “official” names based on theirLatin and Greek roots, though in practice these names arerarely used by people, including even researchers andprofessionals who work with people who have phobias. Inother words, a phobia of spiders is usually just called a“spider phobia,” rather than by its medical name,

arachnophobia. Still, for the sake of interest, below is a list


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of twenty-five documented animal phobias and their medi-cal names.

proper medical names for various

animal phobias

The following list of animal phobias comes from


amphibians (for example, frogs, newts,salamanders)—batrachophobia



bees—apiphobia or melissophobia


cats—ailurophobia, elurophobia, galeophobia, or



dogs (or rabies)—cynophobia



horses—equinophobia or hippophobia

insects—entomophobia or insectophobia

mice—musophobia or muriphobia

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reptiles (or creepy, crawly things)—herpetophobia



snakes—ophidiophobia or snakephobiaspiders—arachnephobia or arachnophobia




wild animals—agrizoophobia


what is an animal phobia?

Nearly one in four people reports a fear of at least one ani-mal. In fact, it is perfectly normal to be uncomfortablearound dogs, snakes, bees, or other animals. Most of thetime, having such a fear doesn’t really get in the way of life, and it doesn’t cause much distress or concern.Encounters with a feared animal may be infrequent, thelevel of fear may be mild, the fear may not impact upon a

person’s day-to-day life, and treatment is unnecessary.

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Such cases would not be referred to as animal   phobias.Rather, we would describe these as fears of animals.

The term   animal phobia  refers to a specific type of anxiety disorder known as a   specific phobia   (AmericanPsychiatric Association 2000). A specific phobia is anexcessive or unrealistic fear of a specific object or situa-tion, such as an animal or insect, heights, driving, flying,storms, enclosed places, the sight of blood, or getting an

injection. The terms   excessive   and   unrealistic   mean thatthe fear is extreme and out of proportion to the actualrisk in the situation (though there may really be a smallrisk of danger). In addition, the term   phobia   implies thatthe fear is severe enough to cause considerable impair-ment in a person’s life (it must interfere with work, homelife, relationships, hobbies, or other areas of functioning),or significant distress (in other words, it deeply bothersthe person that he or she has the fear). We will return tothe issue of impairment later in this chapter.

features of animal phobias

Animal phobias typically involve an experience of panicand fear upon confronting the feared animal, avoidance of the feared animal, anxious thinking patterns, and a feelingof disgust.

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panic and fear

When people with phobias encounter a feared ani-mal, their bodies react almost immediately to deal withthe perceived danger. The reaction is often called a   fight-

or-flight  reaction because the response is typically one of aggression (for example, immediately killing a spider) or,more typically, one of escape (running away from a bee).

Many of the symptoms experienced during fear are physi-cal, and the fear response is often referred to as a   panic

attack. A panic attack is simply an experience of fear thatcomes on quickly and is accompanied by at least four of the following symptoms: (1) racing or pounding heart, (2)sweating, (3) trembling or shaking, (4) shortness of breath, (5) feelings of choking, (6) chest pain or tight-ness, (7) nausea, (8) dizziness or lightheadedness, (9)feeling unreal or detached, (10) numbness or tinglingsensations, (11) chills or hot flushes, (12) fear of dying,and (13) fear of going crazy or losing control. Most people

with animal phobias experience panic attacks when theyencounter their feared animals.

avoidance of the feared animal

In addition to the experience of panic, one of themost important features of animal phobias is the tendencyto avoid the feared animal. In fact, the urge to escapefrom the feared animal can be overwhelming. People withanimal phobias will often do whatever they can to avoid

the feared animal, sometimes even putting themselves at

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risk. For example, we once worked with a woman whowas fearful of spiders. One day she was backing out of herdriveway when she saw a spider in her car. She was soterrified that she quickly opened the car door and exitedthe car—while it was still moving. Fortunately, a friendsitting in the passenger seat was able to stop the car andprevent an accident.

Other examples of avoidance include the following:

  Crossing the street after seeing a dogapproaching on a leash

  Avoiding parks for fear of seeing a bird

  Avoiding swimming in lakes or oceans forfear of encountering fish

  Avoiding vacations in tropical climates forfear of seeing a large spider

  Avoiding watching nature shows on televi-sion for fear of seeing a snake

  Turning down an invitation to a picnic toavoid seeing bugs

Sometimes patterns of avoidance can be moreextreme. For example, we have seen individuals who can-not even say the word “spider” or “snake.” One person weworked with would not take baths because of her fear of fish. She knew that she was unlikely to see a fish in herown bathtub, but being in the tub still made her fearful

because it reminded her of situations (like swimming in a

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lake) where she might see fish. Another individual wouldnot even walk on the floor in her own living room for fearof encountering spiders. At bedtime, she would make herway from the living room sofa to the stairs by jumpingfrom one piece of furniture to the next, with her feetnever touching the floor.

Avoidance may also be more subtle. For example,people often do small things to protect themselves from

feared animals. They may rely on  safety cues—items theycarry with them in order to feel safe. One person weknow who is fearful of dogs always carries a box of dogbiscuits with him when walking around his neighborhood.Upon seeing a dog, he throws a dog biscuit in one direc-tion while he runs off in the other direction hoping thatthe dog will chase after the biscuit. In this example, thedog biscuits are a safety cue because they make him feelmore comfortable while walking around. Of course, thevery smart dogs—perhaps the ones who can read thepackage—see that he has a whole box of biscuits and

they run after him instead of the biscuit he threw!Other examples of subtle avoidance behaviors, over-

protective behaviors, and reliance on safety cues includethe following:

  Wearing long pants so spiders don’t crawlon your legs

  Closing your eyes at a movie during a sceneinvolving snakes

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  Carrying pepper spray in case of encounter-ing a dog

  Having a family member scope out theneighborhood before you leave the house,to make sure there are no cats around

  Carrying bug spray with you at all times

Avoidance, whether obvious or subtle, can lead to anumber of problems. First, it is the avoidance that oftenleads to the most interference in your life. Second, byavoiding a feared animal, you never get to learn that thesituation is actually safe. Learning to confront situations,rather than avoid them, is a key component of overcom-ing any phobia.

anxious thinking

People who fear animals often have anxious beliefsabout their feared animals that are either untrue or exag-gerated. For example, if you fear birds, you may assumethat birds can tell when you are anxious and that allow-ing your anxiety to show increases the chances of a birdflying toward you. In fear, there is also a tendency for

 your attention to focus more narrowly on the source of the threat. For example, if you fear spiders, you may auto-matically scan each room you enter for signs of spiders. If there is a spider in the room, you may be the first person

to find it. In fact, if there is a black dot on the wall, you

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may be the first person to find that (or anything else thatreminds you of a spider) as well.

People who are fearful of animals also tend to per-ceive and remember information in a way that supportstheir fearful beliefs. They may remember a dog they sawpreviously as being larger than it really was. They mayalso ignore information that is inconsistent with theiranxious beliefs (they may ignore all the dogs they

encounter that are unaggressive). Fear is also associatedwith a tendency to interpret certain events as dangerouswhen, in fact, they are not. For example, someone who isfearful of snakes may misconstrue a snake’s normal move-ments as a sign it is going to attack.

Not surprisingly, if you believe an animal is danger-ous and if you only pay attention to and rememberaspects of the situation that confirm your fear, you willcontinue to be afraid of the animal. An important step inovercoming an animal phobia is learning to think aboutthe animal in a more balanced and realistic way. Exposing

 yourself to the animal you fear is one strategy for chang-ing the way you think. Learning more about your fearedanimal, and directly examining whether the evidencesupports your anxious beliefs, may also be helpful.

the role of disgust

Fear is not the only emotion that people with ani-mal phobias report during encounters with a feared ani-mal. A number of researchers have shown that a common

experience shared by many people who fear spiders,

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snakes, rats, and certain other animals is a feeling of dis-gust (Woody and Teachman 2000). In other words, inaddition to experiencing a sense of danger or threat inthe situation, people may experience a sense of revulsionor being “grossed out.” In fact, many of the challengesconfronted by contestants on the television show   Fear

Factor  are actually designed to trigger disgust. One con-testant described the experience of having to eat worms

during an appearance on the show in this way: “It wasdisgusting. I threw up. It was horrible.” The emotions of fear and disgust may go hand in hand in some situations.

If your reaction to a feared animal tends to be oneof disgust, there are a couple of things you should keep inmind as you work though this book. First, the treatmentsdescribed in this book are effective, regardless of whethera person experiences high levels of disgust during expo-sure to the animal they fear (Merckelbach et al. 1993).Second, researchers have shown that treatment leads todecreases in disgust reactions in addition to decreases in

fear (de Jong, Andrea, and Muris 1997).

who develops animal phobias?

Almost 6 percent of individuals suffer from a fear of ani-mals that is severe enough to cause significant interferencein their lives (Curtis et al. 1998). The prevalence of pho-bias regarding creepy, crawly animals (spiders, snakes,mice, and bugs) is considerably higher (6.63 percent of 

women and 2.44 percent of men) than that for other types

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of animals, such as dogs, cats, and birds (1.42 percent of women and 0.33 percent of men) (Bourdon et al. 1988).

You may notice from these statistics that 70 to 80percent of people with animal phobias are women. Whywould animal phobias be more common in women thanin men? There are a number of possible explanations.First, one of the triggers for fear is watching other peoplebehave fearfully. In Western cultures, women may have

more role models for learning to fear animals than domen. For example, in movies and on television, it is muchmore common to see a female character showing fear of an animal (and perhaps a male character protecting herfrom the animal) than the other way around. Even in car-toons, it is common to see a woman (but never a man)standing on a chair screaming in terror when a mouse isin the room. Children learn to fear situations in part bywatching others who are similar to them act fearfully.

Other cultural factors may also play a role. In manysocieties, it is more acceptable for women to express fear

than it is for men to express fear. Men may therefore bemore likely to confront feared situations rather than allowthemselves to avoid situations and risk being ridiculed orsuffer other negative consequences. In fact, there is evenevidence that in comparison to women, men are morelikely to downplay or underestimate their fears (Pierceand Kirkpatrick 1992). Finally, it is possible that there arebiological differences between men and women that makewomen more vulnerable to developing animal phobias.

On average, animal phobias tend to begin at an ear-lier age, relative to other types of phobias. In fact, many

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people report having had their animal phobia for as longas they can recall. Whereas some studies have found anaverage age of onset for animal phobias in early childhood(for example, ages four or five), several other studies havefound an average age of onset in the mid-teens (Antonyand Barlow 2002). One reason for the different findingsacross studies is that many researchers fail to take intoaccount the distinction between the onset of the fear

itself, versus the onset of the full blown phobia. The aver-age person experiences a fear of animals for several yearsbefore it reaches a level at which it causes interference inthe person’s life (Antony, Brown, and Barlow 1997).

the impact of phobias

Remember, a fear of animals becomes a true animal pho-bia when the fear is so strong that it impairs your function-

ing. People often trivialize phobias. They may think, “Whocares if you are afraid of dogs? Just don’t get a dog.”Though some animal fears can be trivial, true animalphobias are not. They can seriously interfere with yourday-to-day life. Fortunately, they also respond very well totreatment. Below are some examples of how particularanimal phobias can get in the way, either for an individualor for his or her family:

  Jacob’s family had been planning a trip tothe Grand Canyon for almost a year. They

had to cancel the trip at the last minute

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when Jacob read about the large spidersthat live in Arizona.

  Amy was a thirty-five-year-old lawyer whomoved from her own house into her par-ents’ home after seeing two cockroaches inher living room. Even though her househad been fumigated and there were no

signs of cockroaches anymore, she couldnot return to her home even two monthsafter seeing the cockroaches.

  Janet refuses to visit her in-laws becausethey own a dog. Even if they lock the dogin one of the bedrooms, she still doesn’tfeel safe.

  Zachary is a teacher who left work for theday after one of his second grade studentsbrought in a small snake for “show andtell.”

  Parmjit will not leave her home if she sees asquirrel outside her window. On occasion,she is late for work, from waiting up to anhour for a squirrel to leave.

  During the summer months, Lauren cannotgo anywhere where she might encounterbirds. She avoids the beach, eating in out-door cafés, walking in her neighborhood,

and visiting parks. It affects what she and

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her family do on the weekends, and it evenaffects her job as a real estate agent. Duringthe summer months, she typically has herclients explore the outdoor areas of housesthat they are considering while she waitsinside.

  On a typical night, it takes Roberta more

than two hours to fall asleep. Before gettinginto bed, she checks throughout her roomfor spiders. She keeps the light on all night,so she can see a spider if one appears. Shesleeps fully clothed to keep spiders off herbody, and she often wakes up in the middleof night from a nightmare involvingspiders.

overcoming animal phobias

Though animal phobias are among the most common pho-bias, they are also among the most treatable. In fact, manypeople with animal phobias can overcome their fears injust a few hours or days. There are numerous well-designed studies documenting effective treatments forphobias of snakes, spiders, and rats (Antony and Swinson2000). There are also smaller studies and case reports ontreating other types of animal phobias (including fear of birds, sharks, mice, dogs, cats, and others), suggesting that

similar treatments work for a wide range of animal fears.

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An essential component of effective treatment forany animal phobia is prolonged exposure to the animal.But don’t worry—we don’t expect you to spend hourswith the animal you fear right away. The exposure occursgradually. For example, you may start with looking at theanimal from far away, looking at pictures of the animal,or even just saying the name of the animal. Even theselimited forms of exposure will begin to erode your fear. As

 your fear decreases, you will be encouraged to move tothe next steps, which involve increasing the intensity of the exposure. For example, this might involve moving abit closer to the animal. Eventually, you will reach a pointat which you can be close to the animal and even touchit with little fear (assuming it is not dangerous, like a ven-omous snake).

To be effective, exposure needs to be predictable. Inother words, you should know what is going to happenand when it will happen. You should also know that youcan terminate the exposure at any point if the need arises

(although it is always best not to escape from the situa-tion early). You will further increase the likelihood of success if you schedule your exposure practices closetogether, make sure that you stay in the situation until

 your fear comes down, and try to practice in a number of different locations and situations. You will learn to stopusing subtle avoidance strategies such as distraction,overprotective behaviors, and safety cues. Such behaviorsare thought to maintain your fear over time and mayinterfere with the benefits of exposure.

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As you can imagine, exposure may be somethingthat you cannot do on your own. For example, if you fearmice, you will probably not be able to buy a mouse at apet store to use for your exposure practices. Finding ahelper (a family member or friend who can practice expo-sures with you) may be essential. In some cases, treat-ment with a trained therapist may be the best option.This issue is discussed in more detail in chapter 4.

Learning to think differently about the animal mayalso be useful. Chapter 6 discusses detailed strategies foridentifying your anxious beliefs and predictions, examin-ing whether they are accurate, and learning to replaceanxious thoughts with more realistic beliefs. These strate-gies are meant to be used in addition to exposure (not asa substitute for exposure).

A key to maintaining your gains after you haveovercome your fear is to continue occasional exposures tothe animal and to deal with any return of fear as it arises,before it gets out of hand. Chapter 7 discusses strategies

for maintaining your improvement over the long term.We recommend that any family members who are

affected by your fear, as well as any individuals who willbe helping you to overcome your fear, read this book,paying extra attention to the information in chapter 8.

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This chapter offered an overview of the nature of animalphobias and their treatment. The most common animalphobias include fears of creepy, crawly animals, such assnakes, spiders, bugs, and mice. Phobias of dogs, cats,birds, and other animals are also common. Animal phobiastend to begin in childhood, and they occur more fre-quently in women than in men. People with animal pho-bias often experience a panic attack upon exposure to theanimal. Panic and fear are accompanied by intense physi-cal symptoms, such as a racing heart, shaking, breathless-ness, and dizziness. Feelings of disgust are also common.You may have a strong desire to avoid the animal and touse behaviors designed to protect yourself from the fearedanimal. These fears often lead to a significant interferencein your day-to-day life. Fortunately, treatment is effectiveand relatively brief. Exposure to feared animals is an

essential component of treatment for animal phobias.Learning to change anxious patterns of thinking aboutanimals may also be useful.

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learned that one of the most famous sites in Venice was asquare that was filled with pigeons. Marc found that hewas becoming anxious even thinking about the trip andabout being around lots of birds. This is when he becamemotivated to overcome his fear.

When Marc came for treatment, one of his firstquestions was “Why did I get this fear?” Like a lot of peo-ple who develop a phobia, he wondered, “Why   me?” It

was hard for Marc to understand where the fear camefrom. “I am successful and confident in so many areas of my life. I know this fear doesn’t make sense, but I can’tcontrol what happens to my body when I see a bird. It’slike the fear just takes over.” One of the first steps inhelping Marc to overcome his fear was to help himunderstand how his fear may have developed and the fac-tors that may have played a role for him.

pathways to developing fear

Often, people develop phobias through their learningexperiences. Psychologist S. Rachman (1977) proposedthree different learning pathways to developing fear: directpersonal experience, observational experience, and infor-mational or instructional experience. Over the years,researchers have shown that these pathways often contrib-ute to the development of phobias. Each is describedbelow.

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direct personal experience

One pathway to developing an animal phobiainvolves having a negative experience with an animal.Being bitten or chased by a dog may lead to a phobia of dogs, for example. Or having an unexpected panic attackwhen a spider crawls on you may trigger a phobia of spi-ders. As these examples illustrate, the negative experi-

ence may involve being physically hurt or it may involveexperiencing very intense fear and panic sensations whileinteracting with the animal or insect.

observational experience

Another way in which people may develop an ani-mal phobia is by observing other people having a negativeexperience with the animal or by observing someone elsebehaving fearfully around the animal. If your grand-mother is terrified of snakes and you observe her scream-ing each time she encounters a snake in the backyard,

 you may also develop a fear of snakes. Similarly, if youwitness your friend being attacked by a dog, you maydevelop a fear of dogs.

informational or instructional


A phobia can also develop through information that you receive during the course of your life. Kathleen

developed a bee phobia at quite a young age. Her father

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was allergic to bee stings. Kathleen recalled that whenshe was growing up, her family didn’t eat any meals out inthe backyard. They also made sure there were no flowersin the garden that might attract bees. WheneverKathleen would go in and out of the house, she would betold to shut the door behind her to make sure that nobees would get into the house. It is not surprising thatKathleen developed an intense fear of bees, as one of the

strong messages that she learned while growing up wasthat bees were dangerous and the likelihood of beingstung was high.

People may also develop a phobia through informa-tion they read in a book or article, or through the media(from newspaper accounts, television, and movies). Forexample, many people with a phobia of sharks report thattheir fear began after seeing the movie   Jaws. The massmedia also plays a role in creating fear by the frequencywith which they report stories on particular topics. Forexample, in the summer of 2001, the news media greatly

increased public fears about sharks by dramaticallyincreasing the frequency of reports on shark attacks. Onepopular news magazine ran a cover story entitled “TheSummer of the Shark.” This sort of headline contributedto the public perception that there was an increased riskof shark attacks that summer.

The National Marine Fisheries Service reported thatthe actual number of unprovoked shark attacks in theUnited States in 2001 was seventy-six compared toeighty-six the year before. So, in fact, the number of life-threatening shark attacks during the Summer of the

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Shark had not increased from the year before, but actu-ally it was slightly lower. The media coverage also focusedon the most serious attacks, where significant harm hadoccurred, despite the fact that most shark attacks are notlife threatening. In fact, according to George Burgess,director of the University of Florida’s International SharkAttack File and a noted shark researcher, ten times morepeople are killed by falling coconuts each year than are

killed by shark attacks (UniSci International ScienceNews 2002). This example shows how increased mediacoverage of shark attacks created the perception of greater danger and consequently raised the public’s fears.In this way, the media sometimes helps to contribute tothe development of phobias.

 EXERCISE:  Where Did YourPhobia Come From?

Thinking about your own fear, where do you think it origi-nated? In your journal, record your responses to the fol-lowing questions:

  Have you ever had a traumatic or negativeexperience with the animal? If so, describewhat happened.

  Do you remember ever seeing someonehave a negative experience with the animal(for example, being hurt or having extreme

fear)? If so, describe what happened.

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  Did you receive messages from your familywhen growing up that the animal was dan-gerous or something to be avoided? If so,describe the messages you received.

  Did your fear develop after reading or hear-ing frightening information about the ani-mal in the media? If so, describe what you

read or heard.   Did your fear develop after having an

extreme anxiety reaction to the animal? If so, describe what happened.

If you answered yes to one or more of these ques-tions, then your phobia may have originated through yourlearning experiences. If you answered no to all of thesequestions, or if your fear has been present for as long as

 you can remember, you may simply be unaware of theexperiences that contributed to your fear (they may have

happened so long ago that you don’t remember), or yourfear may be related to factors other than these threepathways. Regardless of how your fear developed, the rec-ommended treatment approach is the same, and you willlikely be able to overcome your phobia by following thestrategies described in this book.

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other factors that affect fear


A significant number of people with animal phobias reportthat they have “always” had the fear or that the fear hasbeen present for as long as they can remember. Often,these people deny experiencing, observing, or hearingabout a negative incident with the animal. To helpexplain this finding, Poulton and Menzies (2002) proposeda fourth pathway to developing fear that doesn’t involve aspecific history of learning. According to their theory, bio-logical factors such as genetics may help to explain whysome people develop fears and phobias in the absence of any negative experiences involving the feared situation.When Marc was being assessed for his bird phobia, hereported that his fear of birds had been present since hewas very small. He denied ever having been hurt or expe-riencing a negative incident with a bird. He also indicatedthat nobody in his family really could understand wherehis fear came from because none of his family memberswere afraid of birds. It may be that Marc was geneticallypredisposed to develop an animal phobia. Of course, itmay also be that he did have a negative experience but hasno recollection of it.

Explaining the development of a phobia as occur-ring either as a result of learning or as a result of yourbiological makeup is probably an oversimplification. It isnot unusual to find that with two people who are geneti-cally identical (identical twins), one twin has a phobiaand the other twin does not. So, biology doesn’t explain

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everything. It is also not difficult to find two people whohave both had a similar negative experience with an ani-mal, but only one develops a fear of the animal. In fact,negative experiences that sometimes trigger phobias areequally common among individuals without phobias(Merckelbach et al. 1992). The percentage of people whohave been bitten by a dog is similar among people withdog phobias and people without dog phobias. So learning

experiences are not the whole story either.Instead of trying to explain phobias as a result of 

either learning or biology, it probably makes more senseto explain them in terms of a complex interactionbetween someone’s learning experiences and biologicalmakeup. Only then can you begin to appreciate whysome people develop phobias following a negative experi-ence and others don’t.

There are a number of other factors that may helpinfluence who develops a phobia following a negativeexperience. These are discussed below.


One interesting fact about phobias is that they tendto develop for certain stimuli and not others. Seligman(1971) proposed the idea that we are predisposed or “pre-pared” to learn certain associations that lead to fear. Forexample, we may be more likely to fear snakes after beingbitten by one than to fear plants after being pricked by acactus. Seligman proposed that we developed this pre-

paredness to fear certain things as a means of ensuring

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our survival. When you think about it, it makes sensethat we would be more likely to develop fear toward ani-mals that could potentially be dangerous (a snake) thanto more benign animals (a butterfly).

In support of this theory, snake phobias are morecommon then butterfly phobias. However, there are peo-ple who have developed phobias of animals and insectsthat do not seem inherently dangerous, such as pigeons,

ladybugs, even butterflies. In fact, we recently treated anindividual with a phobia of butterflies. So preparednesstheory explains the development of some phobias betterthan others.

genetic factors

The finding that specific phobias tend to run infamilies suggests that genetics may play a role in thedevelopment of a specific phobia, though learning may

also affect the transmission of phobias from generation togeneration. Studies that have attempted to tease apartthe effects of genetics and environment have suggestedthat genetics increases the likelihood of developing ananimal phobia by as much as 47 percent (Kendler,Karkowski, and Prescott 1999). For example, if you havea first-degree relative (a parent, brother, or sister) with ananimal phobia, you are at a greater risk for developing ananimal phobia, and genetics plays a part in that increasedrisk.

One study found that individuals who have a close

relative with a specific phobia had a higher rate of having

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a specific phobia (31 percent) than did individuals with-out a similar family history (11 percent) (Fyer et al.1990). Although having a relative with a specific phobiamay increase your risk for developing a specific phobia,the phobia that people develop is usually different fromthat in the relative, although it is often from the samegeneral type. For example, both you and your dad mayhave an animal phobia but you may fear fish and he may

fear snakes.

disgust sensitivity

There is some evidence that a tendency to experi-ence disgust in response to certain stimuli may be impor-tant in the development of some animal phobias (Davey,Forster, and Mayhew 1993). For example, whenever Lisawould see a mouse, she described feeling “disgusted” by it.She thought it was dirty and repulsive. She also felt a lot

of fear whenever she would see or hear about rodents.Lisa’s tendency to feel disgusted by rodents may haveplayed a role in the development of her mouse phobia.Lisa did not report feeling disgusted by other animals orinsects, and she did not have any other phobias.

personality factors

Certain aspects of your personality may also make itmore likely for you to have developed an animal phobia.

For example, your general level of anxiousness (sometimes

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called “trait anxiety”) can play a role. Researchers believethat anxiety-prone people are more likely to develop aphobia than those who are not generally anxious. Yourbeliefs about how much you can control a situation mayalso have an effect on whether you develop a phobia. If 

 you have a high degree of perceived control over a situa-tion, you are less likely to develop a phobia than if youhave less perceived control. Note that it is your percep-

tion of control that affects whether phobias are likely todevelop—not whether you actually have control.

previous exposure to the animal

Previous exposure to an animal may protect youfrom developing an animal phobia. For example, if yougrew up with dogs, you may be less likely to develop a dogphobia after being bitten by one than you would be if younever had a dog.

subsequent exposure to the animal

What happens after a negative experience is alsoimportant. You have probably heard the expression “If 

 you fall off a horse, you should get back on as quickly aspossible.” If you are exposed to the animal after a nega-tive experience, you may be less likely to develop a pho-bia than you would be without continued exposure. Inother words, someone who is exposed to dogs after being

bitten by one will be less likely to develop a fear of dogs.

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Someone who avoids being around dogs after being bittenwill be more likely to develop a phobia.

Once a phobia develops, it is not likely to go awayon its own. Treatment is often necessary to overcome aphobia because one of the things that people do whenthey have a severe fear is avoid the feared animal. Avoid-ance is a major factor in maintaining your fear because itprevents you from having the opportunity to experience

 your fear decrease in the presence of the feared animal.When you avoid the animal, you are prevented from hav-ing new learning experiences that help to eliminate yourfear. As you will see in the next few chapters, one of themost critical strategies for overcoming your phobia isgradual exposure to the feared animal or insect. This mayseem scary to you at this point, but remember, you will beproceeding at a pace that works for you.

other factors

Stress at work or in a relationship at the time of anegative experience around an animal may also play arole in phobia development by making you more likely toreact fearfully. In addition, the context of the event mayinfluence your reaction. Being bitten by a dog when youhave a supportive person with you may protect you fromdeveloping fear, as opposed to being bitten when you arealone.

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This chapter discussed the different types of negativelearning experiences that can lead to the development of an animal phobia, including learning through direct per-sonal experience, through observing someone having anegative experience, and through information receivedfrom family members or the media. Some people developan animal phobia without a direct or indirect learningexperience. Many factors may increase the likelihood thatsomeone develops a phobia. These factors include pre-paredness, genetics, disgust sensitivity, personality charac-teristics, experience before and after a negative event, thecontext of a negative event, and stress. Understandinghow your phobia may have developed can help as you pre-pare to tackle your fear.

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developing a hierarchy

Now that you have a better sense of where your animalphobia comes from, you are ready for the next step intackling your fear. A major component of treatment for

 your animal phobia is gradual exposure to your fears.Before you get to exposure, however, you need to identifythe situations you avoid because of your fear and the dif-ferent factors that influence the intensity of your fear inthese situations. You will then use this information todevelop an exposure hierarchy.

what is a hierarchy?

An exposure hierarchy is a list of situations that you would

typically avoid because of your phobia. This list is specific


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to your fear and based on your own personal experiences.The items are ranked from the most fear-provoking situa-tion to the least fear-provoking situation. The hierarchy isan important tool for helping to guide the exposure prac-tices that are described beginning in chapter 5. Ideally, itshould consist of ten to fifteen items that provide a goodsampling of the situations you fear and avoid. The samplehierarchy below was developed by Jenny, a thirty-year-old

woman with a snake phobia. Note how she formulated herlist as a series of actions.

Example: Jenny’s Exposure Hierarchy

Item Description Fear Rating


1 Hold a live black snake, aboutthree feet long.


2 Touch a live black snake (aboutthree feet long) that someone else

is holding.


3 Stand three feet away fromsomeone else who is holding a liveblack snake, about three feet long.


4 Stand six feet away from someoneelse who is holding a live blacksnake, about three feet long.


5 Visit a reptile store and look at thesnakes.


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6 Take a walk in the woods. 90

7 Watch a video of snakes, of various colors and sizes.


8 Hold a large, green rubber snake. 85

9 Look at a large, green rubbersnake.


10 Work in the garden. 75

11 Look at a color picture of a snake. 70

12 Touch a black-and-white pictureof a snake.


13 Look at a black-and-white pictureof a snake with its headuncovered.


14 Look at a black-and-white pictureof a snake with its head covered.


15 Say the word “snake.” 50

As you can see, there are fifteen situations in Jenny’s hierarchy. Although Jenny probably avoids orfeels frightened in more than fifteen situations, what shechose to list provides a good representation of the situa-tions that are most difficult for her. As you construct yourown hierarchy, you do not need to include every singlesituation that is a problem for you. Rather, you shouldselect ten to fifteen items that best capture the types of situations that are problematic for you. You should alsotry to be as specific as possible. For example, if you are

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more afraid of larger dogs than smaller dogs, be sure tospecify the size of the dog in your description. (We willreturn to this issue and how to develop your own hierar-chy later in this chapter.)

Also notice that Jenny’s fear ratings on her hierar-chy range from the least anxiety-provoking situation of saying the word “snake” (fear rating of 50) to the mostanxiety-provoking situation of holding a live snake (fear

rating of 100). It is helpful to rate your fear on a scale of 0 to 100, so you can order the situations you have identi-fied in terms of the intensity of the fear that each onetriggers. To help you determine fear ratings, it is useful toestablish your anchor points. Think about the most fear-provoking experience that you have had with your animalphobia. It may have been a time when your fear was sointense you thought it would overwhelm you. This levelof fear would represent a rating of 100 for you. Now,think about a time when you felt no fear at all and youwere completely comfortable. This level of fear would

represent a rating of 0 for you. Once you have an idea of what 0 and 100 mean for you, it should be easier for youto rate situations in between. A 50 would represent amoderate level of fear. People often initially find it diffi-cult to rate their fear. Usually, doing so becomes easierwith practice.

Below are some more samples of exposure hierar-chies for various phobias.

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Example: Hierarchy

for Sam’s Dog Phobia

Item Description Fear Rating


1 Touch the face of a goldenretriever or other large dog.


2 Touch the back of a goldenretriever or other large dog.


3 Stand one foot from a large dog ona leash.


4 Stand five feet from a large dog ona leash.


5 Stand ten feet from a large dog ona leash.


6 Sit on a park bench and look atdogs on leashes.


7 Walk by a large dog withoutcrossing the street.


8 Hold a puppy or small dog. 75

9 Touch a puppy or small dog. 70

10 Stand one foot from a puppy orsmall dog on a leash.


11 Stand five feet from a puppy orsmall dog on a leash.


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12 Stand ten feet from a puppy orsmall dog on a leash.


13 Watch a video clip of variousdogs.


14 Touch pictures of various dogs. 40

15 Look at pictures of various dogs. 30

Example: Hierarchy for

Leslie’s Spider Phobia

Item Description Fear Rating


1 Hold a harmless, medium-sizedspider in my hand.


2 Touch a spider web. 95

3 Touch a harmless, medium-sized



4 Put hand in plastic bin containinga medium-sized spider (withoutactually touching the spider).


5 Hold sealed jar with amedium-sized spider in it.


6 Stand beside a sealed jarcontaining a medium-sized spider.


7 Stand five feet from a sealed jarcontaining a medium-sized spider.


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8 Walk around the basement. 70

9 Touch a large plastic spider. 60

10 Look at a large plastic spider. 55

11 Touch a color picture of a largespider.


12 Look at a color picture of a largespider.


13 Touch a cartoon drawing of asmall spider.


14 Look at a cartoon drawing of asmall spider.


15 Say the word “spider.” 35

developing a list of feared


The first step in developing your own hierarchy is to con-struct a list of the situations that you fear or avoid becauseof your animal phobia. When Jenny was constructing herhierarchy, she could never have imagined actually holdinga live snake, but she included this situation on her listbecause she knew that if she could do that she would havereally conquered her fear. When you are constructing yourhierarchy, don’t just limit yourself to situations that youthink you can do. Be sure to include situations that youmay not be able to do now but that you would really like

to be able to do if you didn’t have a phobia (holding a cat,

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patting a dog, playing with a harmless spider on its web,feeding a pigeon, touching a fish). Think about your hier-archy as a wish list. If you didn’t have your phobia, whatsorts of things would you be doing differently?


List Your Feared SituationsIn your journal, make a list of the situations that you avoidor fear because of your phobia. Be sure to include situa-tions in which you would like to feel comfortable. Be asspecific as possible. For now, don’t worry about putting thesituations in any order or rating them.

identifying factors that influence

your fear

One thing that you may notice in Jenny’s hierarchy wasthat looking at the face of the snake was more anxiety pro-voking than looking at the snake’s body. This was one fac-tor that influenced Jenny’s fear. Other factors includedwhether the snake was moving or not, the color and size of the snake, whether the tongue was sticking out, and theposition it was in (moving or curled up with its headraised). Other relevant variables were whether she wastouching or looking at the snake, how close she was to it,

and whether the snake was in a picture or video, was a

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rubber snake, or was live. Each of these factors influencedthe level of fear Jenny experienced, and many of these fac-tors were incorporated in her exposure hierarchy. Byincorporating factors that influence your fear, you cangenerate situations that are more or less fear provoking for

 you. Ideally, your fear ratings should range from about 30or 40 in intensity to 100. If you find that all of your itemsare rated very high, it may be difficult to start tackling the

situations. By incorporating greater or fewer of the factorsthat influence your fear, you can increase or decrease therange in fear intensity.

Below are common factors that may influence yourfear (with examples in parentheses)

  Authenticity (a live bird vs. a stuffed toybird, video, or photo)

  Size (a large dog vs. a small dog)

  Color (a brown snake vs. a red, yellow, ororange snake)

  Movement (a bird standing still or flying)

  Location (seeing a spider in your house vs.outside)

  Whether you are alone or with someoneelse

  Position of the animal (a snake lying

straight out vs. curled with its head raised)

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  Number (one pigeon vs. a group of pigeons)

  Noise (a dog barking or a cat hissing)

  Appearance (a snake with its tongue hid-den vs. sticking out)

  Activity (a dog sitting quietly vs. tugging

on a rope)   Restraint or Control (a spider in a jar vs.

running loose)

 EXERCISE:  List the FactorsThat Influence Your Fear

What are the factors that influence your fear? In yourjournal, record a list of variables that tend to affect the

intensity of your fear and discomfort concerning the ani-mal you fear.

generating your hierarchy

The next step is to generate your hierarchy by combiningthe situations that you listed above with the factors that

 you identified as influencing your fear. When your hierar-chy is complete, you will be ready for the next steps in pre-

paring for active treatment.

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 EXERCISE:  Generatean Exposure Hierarchy

In your journal, develop an exposure hierarchy using thesame format as the examples provided earlier in this chap-ter. As you generate items for your hierarchy, take intoaccount the list of situations you recorded earlier as well as

the factors that influence your fear. Include about ten tofifteen items in descending order (with the scariest itemsat the top). Once you have listed a number of items,beside each item rate your fear level from 0 to 100 basedon how you would feel if you had to confront that situa-tion right now.


In this chapter, the hierarchy was introduced as an impor-tant tool for guiding later exposure treatment. The steps ingenerating a hierarchy include listing situations that youfear or avoid, identifying factors that influence your fear,rating your exposure hierarchy items, and organizing yourhierarchy items in descending order, based on your fearratings.

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preparing for treatment

Preparing for treatment involves these steps: identifying

a helper to assist you in your treatment, finding the mate-rials you will need to practice exposures on your hierarchy,and considering whether you want to seek professionalhelp.

finding a helper

We highly recommend having a helper assist you in over-coming your phobia. Why do you need a helper? The

helper plays an important role in the following ways:


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  Providing support

  Gathering materials needed for exposurepractices

  Helping to set up exposure practices

  Assisting during exposure practices

  Demonstrating or modeling nonfearfulcoping behavior during exposure practiceswith the feared animal

Ideally, your helper should be a person with whom you have a trusting and close relationship (this could be your spouse, a friend, or a family member). Before gettingstarted, your helper will need to be educated with respectto what his or her role will be. Reading chapter 8 on howto help someone with an animal phobia is a good place to

start, though he or she would benefit from reading thisentire book. Keep a number of characteristics in mindwhen selecting your helper. First, choose someone who isfamiliar with your fear and with whom you are willing toallow your fear to show. This person should be someonewho is patient, supportive, understanding, and kind, andnot someone who is pushy, impatient, or who is likely totrivialize your fear or to become angry or frustrated if youget frightened or decide to escape from the situation. Besure to choose someone who has no fear of the animal.He or she should be willing to devote the time needed to

read the relevant chapters in this book, to help you

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gather the materials you need, and to work with you dur-ing your exposure practices.

To illustrate the role that a helper might play in your treatment, consider the following example. Sam haddeveloped a phobia of dogs after being attacked when hewas seven years old. When he was twenty-eight, just aftergetting married, he decided it was time to overcome hisfear of dogs. Sam had two reasons for wanting to tackle

his phobia. First, his wife, who grew up around dogs,really wanted to get one. Second, and more importantlyfor Sam, he wanted to make sure that his children neverdeveloped a phobia like his. Sam wanted to be comfort-able around dogs so that his children wouldn’t be influ-enced by his fear. Sam’s exposure hierarchy was shown inchapter 3.

Sam’s wife volunteered to be his helper. Not onlydid she provide support, but she also played an importantrole in helping Sam tackle situations on his hierarchy thatwould be difficult for him to do on his own. For example,

when Sam was ready, his wife held the neighbor’sfriendly, eight-year-old poodle on her lap as Sam slowlyapproached from a distance of thirty feet. As Sam foundhis fear decreasing, he would take another step toward hiswife and the dog. With each step closer, his fear wouldincrease temporarily; he would remain in that positionuntil it decreased again and he felt ready to move closer.After two hours, Sam was able to stand beside the dogwith relatively little fear or discomfort. On another day,Sam’s wife held the dog while Sam worked on touchingit. First, his wife stroked the dog’s back, and then Sam

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touched the dog in the same way. They repeated this stepuntil Sam’s fear level was below 30 on a 0 to 100 pointscale. Then they moved to the next step, working towardthe goal of patting the dog’s head, which was the mostfear-provoking situation for Sam. In this way, Sam’s wifemodeled nonfearful coping behavior, which helped Samto feel more comfortable and also taught him how toapproach the situation.

If you are unable to identify someone in your lifewho would be a good helper, either because there isn’tanyone or because you prefer to keep things private, youhave a couple of options. You can try to proceed on yourown, without a helper. If you encounter difficulties, thengetting professional help would be the next step. Or youcan seek a professional helper straight away. We will talkabout where to find professional help at the end of thischapter.

Regardless of whether you decide to proceed with ahelper, the next step in treatment is finding the items

that you will need for your exposure practices.

finding materials for exposure


The hierarchy that you developed in chapter 3 provides aguide to the materials you will need to have on hand as

 you do your exposure practices. For example, looking at Jenny’s hierarchy from chapter 3, you can see that she will

need the following items to complete treatment: pictures

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of snakes in black-and-white and in color, rubber snakes, avideo clip of snakes, a reptile store, and a live black snake.Below is a list of places where Jenny could find theseitems.

Item Where to Find It

pictures of snakes—black-and-white, color

books or magazines from the library,bookstore, children’s bookstore, hobbyshop, nature shop, Internet search,snake calendar

rubber snake toy store, museum, hobby store, natureshop

video withsnakes in it

video rental store, online video andDVD store, the library, a friend’s videoof snakes in a pet store or reptile store,a television show featuring snakes

live snake Ask the owner of a pet or reptile storeif you can borrow or rent a snake forthe weekend. Have your helper pick itup. If this isn’t possible, considerpracticing in the pet store. Or contacta zoo or tourist attraction (such asReptile World) to see if someonewould be willing to assist withexposures.

As you might imagine, because of her phobia, Jennywould have a hard time getting all of these things on her

own. Here is where you can benefit from the help of 

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someone who will be willing to get the materials you needand help you carry out your exposures. You don’t need tohave all your materials up front. Rather, as you workthrough the steps in your hierarchy, you can get thematerials you need to reach each relevant step. It is nor-mal to feel some anxiety as you are preparing for treat-ment. Keep in mind that you will be working at your ownpace in a gradual manner.

We have listed below some of the common materi-als you might need for different phobias, as well as ideasof where to get them. Don’t worry if your feared animalisn’t specifically included below. Because animal phobiascan occur for  any  animal, we limited our examples to themore common ones. The suggestions below would alsoapply to gathering materials related to other animals,such as butterflies, horses, bees, lizards, and so forth.


Pictures can be found in books from the library, abookstore or children’s bookstore, and in hobby or natureshops. If looking at a color photo is too difficult, you canbegin with a black-and-white photo (for example, a pho-tocopy of a color photo). Calendars are also a good sourcefor pictures. If you have access to the Internet, there aremany great Web sites with a wide variety of pictures.Some useful sites are listed in the table below.

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Pictures Web site

assorted animalpictures (insects,reptiles, dogs,cats, fish, birds,frogs, and so on)



snakes   http://www. herp=pix.org/ 



dogs   http://www.animaltime.net/dogs/dog_pictures.html

cats   http://cats.about.com/od/catpictures/ 


birds   http://www.stanford.edu/~petelat1/ 


http://www.birdpictures.net/ spiders   http://www.xs4all.nl/~ednieuw/Spiders/ 


http://entomology.unl.edu/images/spiders/ spiders.htm

mice   http://www.unusualposters.com/mice.htm

fish   http://marinefisheries.org/photo.htm

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animal models and toys

Rubber animals or replicas can be found in hobby,craft, and nature shops. Toy stores and museums are alsogood sources. You can order animal models online (forexample, at http://naturepavilion.com).


Video clips of the animal that you fear may be foundin the library, a video store, or online (try http://naturepavilion.com or http://shop.nationalgeographic.com). Yourhelper can make a video of the animal you fear either inthe neighborhood or at a pet store or zoo. Another goodsource is television. There are a number of different chan-nels devoted to animal shows (such as  Animal Planet). Youcan check your television listings for shows featuring theanimal that you fear and then record the show on video-

tape to use when you are ready. Alternatively, you canhave your helper do this for you.Although animals depicted in documentaries and

nature shows are often better for exposure practices, youcan also use segments of popular movies that containimages of the animal that you fear. Keep in mind that inmany cases the animal may be portrayed in a scary way.For example, in   Raiders of the Lost Ark, Harrison Ford’scharacter is confronted with a pit of snakes. Although

 your hierarchy may include watching scary videos involv-ing your feared animal, it is often more useful to watch

animals depicted in more realistic and less scary ways,

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particularly early in treatment. In addition, movies oftenshow the animal for a very short amount of time. To do apractice properly, you may have to watch the sequenceand rewind it repeatedly during exposure. A Web site thatlists some movies that contain animals is http://happyandhealthypets.com/nov22-03-animals-movies. html.

Some examples of popular movies that feature ani-mals are listed below.

Animal Movie

snakes   Raiders of the Lost Ark

spiders   Spiderman

Charlotte’s Web

insects   Metamorphosis

Patch Adams (butterfly)

 Joe’s Apartment (cockroaches)

birds   The Birds

The Crow


Spirit of the Eagle

dogs   Old Yeller



101 Dalmatians

Best in Show

Turner and Hootch

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cats   The Adventures of Milo and Otis

Men in Black

Homeward Bound

Fifth Element

mice andrats

The Green Mile

Mouse Hunt

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Stuart Little

Dr. Dolittle

fish   The Perfect Storm

Big Fish

 A Fish Called Wanda

live animals

You can borrow live animals from friends and familyor view them in the wild or at a pet store, zoo, farm, or

other location. You also can have your helper negotiatean arrangement for you to borrow or rent the animal that you need from a pet store. Or you can try getting permis-sion to stay in a pet store for an hour or two after closing(by offering to pay the clerk or manager for his or hertime) to work with birds or snakes. Below is a list of where you might obtain particular types of animals.

Birds. Pet stores are often a good source for birds. Ask theowner or manager of the pet store whether you can spendsome time practicing exposure. In pet stores, you can prac-

tice with small birds in cages, as well as with larger birds

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that may not be in cages, such as parrots. You can also askfriends, colleagues, or family members who own pet birdsto let you visit and spend time with their pets. For birds inthe wild, a good source would be public parks, beaches, orsquares. Though some birds (for example, sparrows) willfly away when you get close, others (such as pigeons) willoften stick around, particularly if you feed them (an activ-ity that may be near the top of your exposure hierarchy).

Dogs and cats.   Public parks and sidewalks are a goodplace to find people walking their dogs on a leash. For ahigher-level exposure practice, you can visit a local dogpark or leashless park where dogs roam free. You can alsoget exposure to dogs and cats by visiting pet stores, theHumane Society, or friends and family members who havethese pets.

Spiders and insects.   Spiders and insects can often be

found in basements, attics, gardens, wooded areas, andother locations. If you decide to collect spiders outdoors,be sure to use only harmless spiders (we often use a fieldguide to identify spiders before using them for exposure).Of course, if you live in an area where there are no poison-ous spiders, this won’t be an issue for you. University orcollege biology departments are another good source forspiders and insects. For example, at our local university,there is a researcher who studies cockroaches, and he hasbeen very generous in supplying us with bugs over the

 years. We have also obtained spiders from some of the

indoor pavilions at the local zoo. There are even

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companies that will send you spiders by courier. For exam-ple, the Carolina Biological Supply Company (www.carolina.com) sells spiders and other animals for research andeducation. We have purchased harmless spiders from thiscompany in the past. Check the Internet for other sources.Some insects (for example, crickets) can be purchased atpet stores. To attract moths, keep a light on outside. Beescan be found outdoors or may be obtained from bee-

keepers (we don’t recommend trying to catch bees in thewild, though having lunch at an outdoor café with bees inthe vicinity is perfectly appropriate).

Mice, rats, and snakes. Sources for these animals includepet stores, people who own these pets, and perhapsresearchers in university biology or psychology depart-ments. We recommend against handling mice, rats, andsnakes caught in the wild, due to the possibility of con-tracting a disease or of being bitten.

Fish. You can go to a local pond, harbor, lake, or river topractice exposure to fish in a natural setting. For a prac-tice nearer the top of your hierarchy, you can actuallywade in and stand in the area where the fish are. Petstores and aquariums are also good places to find fish. Sea-food restaurants and grocery stores sell fish and sometimesdisplay them live in an aquarium.

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EXERCISE: What Materials Do You Need?

Using your hierarchy as a guide, as well as the suggestionsprovided earlier, make a list in your journal of items youwill need and where you might find them. Before youbegin the exposure practices described in chapter 5, youwill need to gather the required materials, decide uponlocations for your practices, and locate the animals youneed. In all likelihood, these steps will be very anxiety pro-voking at first, and you will need to engage your helper tocomplete some of these tasks for you.

be prepared to feel anxious

It is very normal to feel anxiety as you prepare to tackle your fear. You probably experienced some anxiety just

reading through this material on preparing for exposures.You may have had the thought, “Yeah, right. There is noway that I am going to be touching the animal that I fear!”This is a natural reaction. In fact, part of overcoming yourfear will involve feeling some fear. Unfortunately, there isno way around this. We will try to make things easier byproceeding in a very gradual, stepwise manner so that youare always in control. When you do start practicing expo-sure, you may feel increased anxiety, irritability, stress,tearfulness, tension, headaches, and difficulty sleeping.These reactions are to be expected and are a part of the

recovery process for some people. To cope with these

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feelings, it is helpful to plan time after exposures for you torelax and unwind (by taking a bath, going for a walk, read-ing a book, going for a run, or doing whatever feels good to

 you). We also recommend rewarding yourself every time you reach a new step on your hierarchy (doing something you enjoy, buying yourself a new book or CD, going outfor dinner, and so on). It is helpful to keep an open mindas you work through the steps involved in overcoming

 your fear. You will be surprised at the outcome!

when to seek professional help

If you find it difficult to proceed on your own or with yourhelper—if you feel overwhelmed or too anxious to beginpracticing items on your exposure hierarchy—it would bea good idea to seek professional help to assist you in over-coming your fear. You will want to identify a professionalwho is trained in treating anxiety disorders and specifically

animal phobias. Make sure the therapist is familiar withthe type of treatment described in this book, which isoften called exposure therapy, behavior therapy, or cogni-tive behavioral therapy (CBT). It is very important that

 you feel comfortable with the therapist you choose. If youare unsure, it is better to keep interviewing until you find agood match. Some good resources include the following:

  The Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA), which may be accessedonline at www.adaa.org or by phone at

(240) 485-1001. The ADAA maintains a

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list of professionals throughout NorthAmerica who are experienced in treatingphobias, and it should have contact infor-mation for professionals in your commu-nity. The ADAA can also put you in touchwith similar associations around the world,such as the Anxiety Disorders Associationof Canada (www.anxietycanada.ca).

  Professional associations such as the Associ-ation for Advancement of Behavior Therapy(www.aabt.org) often provide referrals.

  A health care provider, such as your familyphysician or a therapist you are seeing forsome other problem, may be able toprovide you with the names of professionalsor a referral to specialized anxiety servicesin your area.

Once you have identified a professional, you willwant to gather information to determine whether he orshe is suitable for your needs. You can use the questionsbelow as a guide to gather information before making anappointment. We have indicated our recommendationafter each question.

1.   What is your professional training and back-

 ground (e.g., psychiatrist, psychologist, clinical

social worker, master’s level therapist)?

Make sure that the person has some

professional training in mental health

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through an advanced degree, accredita-tion, or credentials.

2.   Do you have experience treating anxiety dis-


Make sure that the person is experi-enced in treating anxiety disorders.

3.   Where did you do your anxiety disorder train-

ing?Make sure that the person has

received specific training in the treatmentof anxiety disorders (ideally, experience ata specialized anxiety clinic or through anacademic program).

4.   What type of treatment approach do you use?

 Are you experienced in cognitive behavioral


Make sure that the person practices

behavior therapy or cognitive behavioraltherapy. Be wary of professionals who rec-ommend other approaches to therapy orwho recommend a blend of different therapyapproaches. Although a variety of treat-ments can be effective for overcoming prob-lems with anxiety, depression, and otherissues, exposure therapy (a type of behaviortherapy) is the only type of treatment thathas been proven to work for animal phobias.

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5.   How many cases of animal phobia have you


Try to find a therapist who has hadexperience treating animal phobias andpreferably the type of phobia that youhave. If this is not possible, the skills andexperience needed to administer exposuretherapy for other types of phobias and

anxiety problems (such as height phobias,obsessive-compulsive disorder, or agora-phobia) can often be applied successfullyto the treatment of an animal phobia.


This chapter discussed the role that a helper may play inthe recovery process and how to identify a helper. Itreviewed how to prepare for exposure practices by identi-fying the materials you need and where to find them. Partof preparing for exposure therapy involves preparing tofeel anxious and uncomfortable. In some cases, it may benecessary to seek professional help in order to overcome aphobia; this chapter also reviewed some strategies for find-ing an appropriate therapist.

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confronting your fear

If there is one chapter from this book that you shouldread several times, it’s this one. The only type of treatmentthat has been proven to be effective for the treatment of 

animal phobias is exposure to the feared animal. In fact,many people with phobias of spiders, bugs, snakes, dogs,cats, birds, and other animals can overcome their fear withonly a few hours of intensive exposure (Antony andBarlow 2002).

In chapter 3 you identified a list of situations that you fear, as well as the factors that influence your fear inthese situations. You developed a hierarchy, or a list of feared situations organized from most scary (at the top of the list) to least scary (at the bottom). Next, in chapter 4,

 you took a number of steps to prepare for treatment. You

identified someone who can help out as you confront


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 your feared animal and you planned steps to locate yourfeared animal in various forms (including pictures, modelsand toys, videos, and live animals).

Now, you are ready to start the process of overcom-ing your fear. This chapter describes in detail how toovercome your fear and reduce your avoidance usingstandard exposure-based techniques.

why avoidance is a problem

Some situations are difficult to avoid without leading tosignificant impairment in day-to-day functioning. Forexample, if you can’t sit in your backyard or go into cer-tain rooms in your home for fear of seeing a spider, youwill be limited with respect to the types of things you cando. The more limited your activities are, the more likely

 your avoidance is to interfere with your job, school, rela-

tionships, family life, hobbies, recreation, and with yourgeneral enjoyment of life.Also, although avoidance helps to reduce your fear

in the short term (that’s why you avoid the animal, afterall), it tends to prevent your recovery from fear over thelong term. Whenever you escape from your feared animal,

 you reinforce your fear. The acts of avoiding and escapingprovide a sense of relief from fear, which in itself can feelvery rewarding, making you more likely to do it again thenext time you have an opportunity to come into contactwith the animal. Avoidance also prevents you from ever

learning that your fears are unfounded, or at least

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exaggerated. Avoiding a feared animal will make encoun-ters with the animal even scarier later. Over the longterm, the best way to fight your fear is to begin confront-ing it.

Remember, avoidance can take on more subtleforms as well. Chapter 1 listed some examples of subtleavoidance strategies and other safety behaviors that aredesigned to protect you in the feared situation (such as

carrying pepper spray just in case a dog is encountered).These overprotective strategies have the same effect asavoidance. They reduce fear in the short term, but theyalso may strengthen your belief that the animal is danger-ous, thereby making it more difficult to overcome theproblem in the long term. Exposure strategies directly tar-get the obvious and subtler forms of avoidance.

what to expect during exposure


We are aware of no proven treatments for animal phobiasthat don’t include some form of exposure. Therefore, adecision to successfully overcome your fear will need toinclude a willingness to tolerate some degree of discomfortalong the way. As you begin to practice exposure, remem-ber that you are in control of every step in the process.You are in charge of when you do the exposure, where youdo it, what you are exposed to, how quickly you take steps,and when the exposure ends. In fact, exposure works best

when you have a sense of control in the situation. It is

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important that nobody forces you to do anything that youhaven’t agreed to do (make sure your helper is aware of this requirement). Because you will be in control, theexposure will only be as difficult as you allow it to be. Forexample, you can adjust the intensity of the exposure bycontrolling how close you are to the animal.

Starting a program of exposure is like starting a newexercise regimen—it may take a while before you start to

see the full benefits. At first, exposure may be frighteningand exhausting. You may also notice an initial increase inanxiety, irritability, and a general “stressed out” feeling.You may also become more vigilant about your fearedanimal. For example, after you start exposing yourself tosnakes, you may start to “see” snakes even when theyaren’t there (a stick on the ground may at first look like asnake). You may even have bad dreams about your fearedanimal. However, if you stick with your exposure prac-tices, you will start to notice a reduction in fear. You willalso see an improvement in the other negative feelings

associated with starting a new exposure program. Stickingit out despite the initial discomfort will be well worth it.The discomfort you experience at the start will pass.Think of exposure as short-term pain (discomfort) forlong-term gain (getting your life back).

getting the most out of exposure

Are you skeptical about whether exposure can work for

 you? Have you found in the past that exposures to your

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will be very easy to put off practicing. Make sure yourhelper is available for the scheduled practices, especiallyearly in the treatment, when you may need help settingup the exposure.

minimize surprises

One of the factors that influences whether exposureis likely to be effective is the extent to which the expo-sures are predictable. Unfortunately, animals are bynature unpredictable. They can often surprise you withtheir movements and the sounds they make. Beforebeginning each practice, it is a good idea to make surethat the animal you are using is unlikely to surprise you.For example, it is better to start off with a relatively calmdog than a hyper dog. Furthermore, we recommend start-ing with the animal restrained. For example, a dog shouldbe on a leash, a cockroach should be in a jar, and a bird

should be in a cage. Later in your treatment, it may beuseful to practice with animals that are less predictable,such as birds that flap their wings and make a lot of noiseor snakes that are active.

long exposures are the key

to success

When overcoming any fear, longer exposures tendto be more effective than briefer exposures. Practices that

are too brief provide all the disadvantages of exposure

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with none of the advantages. They trigger fear and panic,but they’re too short to provide an opportunity for thefear to naturally subside. In fact, if you leave the situationwhen your fear is at its peak, you will reinforce your belief that being around your feared animal is terrifying andthat escaping leads to a reduction in fear. Only by stayingin the feared situation until your fear decreases will youlearn that you can be around the animal and not be

afraid.Your fear will decrease over time, but it may take a

while. Plan for exposure practices that last at least sixtyminutes and preferably ninety minutes to two hours. Tryto stay with the practice until your fear has decreased oruntil you have been able to increase the intensity of thepractice (by moving closer to the animal, for example)without your fear becoming overwhelming.

schedule your practices close


If your practices are too spread out, each practicewill feel like you are starting all over again. Ideally, youshould practice on a daily basis until even the item at thetop of your hierarchy no longer arouses fear. By makingsure that your exposures are close together, the practiceswill build on one another and you will experience agreater reduction in fear. If you cannot practice on a dailybasis, make sure that you do find the time to practice atleast several times per week at the start. Once your fear

has decreased significantly, it may be useful to continue

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occasional exposures from time to time in order to pre-vent your fear from returning. At this later stage, it willbe fine for these “booster” exposures to be more spreadout. The steps to preventing a return of fear after success-ful exposure therapy are covered in chapter 7.

eliminate safety behaviors

Safety behaviors can interfere with the benefits of exposure. Therefore, it is important to gradually eliminatethese behaviors over the course of your treatment. If youfind it necessary to use some of these behaviors duringearly exposures, that’s fine. However, as your feardecreases, try to reduce your reliance on any unnecessaryoverprotective behaviors. Here are some examples of behaviors to consider gradually eliminating over thecourse of your treatment:

  Sitting near the door when visiting friends

who have a dog (just in case you need torun out of the room)

  Going to sleep with the lights on (just incase you are woken up by a cockroach andneed to find it quickly)

  Checking the inside of the car thoroughlybefore getting in (to make sure there are nospiders inside)

  Avoiding looking inside pet stores (just in

case they sell mice)

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Again, you can refer back to chapter 1 for a longerlist of examples.

practice in different situations and

with different animals

Often, people who fear animals also fear the envi-ronments in which they tend to encounter those animals.For example, if you are afraid of dogs, you may also beafraid of going into parks, walking around your neighbor-hood, visiting certain friends, and walking by pet stores. If 

 you are afraid of bugs, you may find parks, gardens, base-ments, and attics scary. As you begin to confront yourfeared animal, be sure to expose yourself to the animal ina wide range of places where there is an increased likeli-hood of encountering it (for example, you might workwith cats at a local pet store, at your cousin’s home, andat the Humane Society). By exposing yourself to the dif-

ferent contexts in which you tend to encounter yourfeared animal, your fear of these places will also decrease.Also, it is best to practice with a variety of different

animals. For example, if you are afraid of snakes and youdo all your exposure with a particular snake, you maylearn to be comfortable with that particular snake but notwith others. Working with three or four different animals(for example, several different dogs) will ensure that yourreduction in fear is not limited to only a particular animal(your neighbor’s dog).

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clients with animal phobias, we have never had a personbe attacked by their feared animal during the therapy.Still, it is better to be safe than sorry.

how to know when treatment

is complete

Your treatment can come to an end when your fearis minimal, even when practicing the item at the top of  your hierarchy. Ideally, your exposures should continueuntil you can handle your feared animal comfortably(holding a snake, having a spider crawling on your hand,hugging a friendly dog). You may be thinking, “Whyshould I handle my feared animal? I don’t need to be ableto actually handle the animal in my everyday life.” It isimportant to take the exposure as far as possible for tworeasons. First, taking the exposure to the extreme ensuresthat any remaining belief that the animal is dangerous is

thoroughly challenged. Second, if you don’t encounterthe feared animal for a long time, there is a chance thatsome of your fear will return. If you take the exposurepractices far enough, some of your fear may return, but itwill not begin to interfere again with your life.

exposure case examples

This section describes the use of exposure to treat particu-lar animal phobias, including fears of spiders and crawling

insects, moths, dogs, and snakes. Each case illustrates the

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specific treatment program that was used, which shouldmake it easier for you to develop a program for overcom-ing your fear, based on your own hierarchy. Although thetreatment of other animal fears (such as fears of cats,birds, lizards, and rodents) is not described in detail, thecases presented in this section should provide you withenough information to set up an exposure program foralmost any excessive animal fear.

Karen—spiders and crawling insects

Karen had been afraid of spiders for as long as shecould recall. She was equally afraid of certain types of crawling insects, including centipedes, cockroaches, ear-wigs, and beetles. Her fear had gotten worse in recent

 years since she had moved to a more rural area. Karen’sfear was moderate. She was okay being in the same roomas a spider or feared insect as long as it was in a sealed jar

(for example, her fear level was initially 80 on a scale of 0to 100 if she looked at a spider in a jar from about threefeet away, but she could do it). Because she was able tobe relatively close to a spider, her exposure practicesbegan with doing just that. There was no need to startwith pictures of spiders or toy insects because she wasable to get close to the real thing. One of her husband’scoworkers found a medium-sized, harmless spider in hisbasement for Karen to use in treatment.

Karen initially spent about fifteen minutes lookingat the spider in a sealed jar. Her husband held the jar so

Karen could see inside. The lid of the jar had several

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holes in it, so the spider could breathe, and there was asmall stick in the jar, so the spider could spin webs andcrawl around. After fifteen minutes, Karen’s feardecreased to a level of 40. She was ready to move closerto the jar. When she was about a foot away from the jar,her fear level increased to 80 again. After about ten min-utes, her fear was down to a 40.

The next step was for Karen to touch the outside of 

the jar while her husband held it. Her fear shot up toabout a 90 when she touched the jar. However, she con-tinued to touch the jar, while looking at the spider inside.When her fear had decreased again, to about a level of 50, Karen decided that she was ready to hold the jar.Again, her fear increased temporarily and graduallydecreased to a level of 30 over about five minutes. Karenfelt good about her progress, but she decided to take abreak until the next day. She was exhausted.

The following day, she and her husband started withher holding the jar again. Although her fear was higher at

first, within about five minutes it decreased to a level of 30. She was now ready to try exposure to the spider out-side of the jar. She moved back to about six feet away,while her husband released the spider into a large, clearplastic tub. Karen’s fear was close to a 90 when the spiderwas released. Her husband sat in a chair with the tub onhis lap. As the spider attempted to crawl up the sides of the tub, he tapped it gently back to the bottom of thetub. He had no problem making sure that the spiderremained in the tub.

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Over the next half hour, Karen’s fear graduallydecreased, and she got closer and closer to the spider,until she was standing about a foot away from it, withonly mild fear. Next, she practiced getting closer to actu-ally touching the spider. She touched the inside of thetub and also touched the spider with the end of a pencil.Although these steps were quite difficult at first, theygradually became easier. Within about twenty minutes,

Karen was able to quickly touch the spider. When shefirst touched the spider, her fear level hit 100—the high-est it had been since the treatment began. Again, Karenwas exhausted, and she began to cry. She had hadenough for one day. At that point, her husband suggestedthat she step back about one foot from the spider andasked her how strong her fear was. She realized that herfear was only about a 10 out of 100 from that distance.Although touching the spider was very difficult, it wasclear just how far she had come in just a short time.

The next day, Karen and her husband began where

they had left off the day before. She immediately startedtrying to touch the spider. Again, her fear was very high,but she was determined to continue the exposure, despitethe fear. Within about fifteen minutes, she was able totouch the spider with only mild levels of fear. Next, herhusband lifted the spider by the leg and touched the spi-der to Karen’s open palm. The goal was to see how longKaren could keep the spider on her hand. At first, shetossed the spider off her hand into the tub immediately.After the third or fourth time, however, she was able tokeep the spider on her hand for a few seconds. After

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about ten minutes of practicing holding the spider, shetried picking up the spider herself (using a business card)and then passing the spider from hand to hand. Karen’sfear was down to a 30 after about ten more minutes of exposure. She was thrilled with her progress. Theydecided to call it a day and went out for dinner tocelebrate.

Karen took the next couple of days off from practic-

ing. Then she and her husband began to work with otherspiders and insects. Her husband was able to get a cock-roach from a biology researcher at a local university, andthey were able to catch an earwig in the garage. They alsofound a spider in their neighbor’s backyard. Karen prac-ticed looking at her new “friends” one at a time, first froma distance of about three feet and then up close. Withinabout an hour, she was able to hold each of them with afear level of about 10. To test herself, she tried handlingbugs and spiders in her basement and in her garden—twoplaces she tended to avoid in the past. Both of these

practices were now easy for her.Essentially, Karen had overcome her fear. Over the

coming months, she practiced catching insects in jars andreleasing them outside whenever she encountered themin her home. If she encountered spiders that were partic-ularly large or that she thought might be poisonous, shewas able to kill them, though she still felt somewhatfrightened.

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Shannon’s fear of moths began in childhood.Although she had no recollection of how it began, herolder sister was also scared of moths, and Shannon won-dered whether she had learned the fear from her sister.For years, Shannon was able to live with her fear. Itwasn’t until she was an adult and had begun camping on

weekends that the fear became a real problem. Her fearalso prevented her from sitting in her backyard at night.

The first step for Shannon was to have someonecatch several moths to use in the treatment. Becausemoths are attracted to light, they were easy to catch inher backyard at night by turning off her house lights andleaving the porch light on. When a moth landed on theporch lamp, her roommate Ashley was able to catch it ina jar. Ashley agreed to help Shannon with her exposures.

Shannon’s treatment began in the same way thatKaren’s treatment for spider phobia did (we recommend

that you read Karen’s story if you haven’t already doneso). Shannon initially practiced looking at the moth in ajar held by Ashley. Within about thirty minutes, Shannonwent from looking at the jar from about six feet away tolooking at it from only a foot away. Over the next half hour, Shannon practiced touching the jar and eventuallyholding it. Her fear decreased from a level of 90 when shefirst touched the jar to a level of 50 while holding the jar.Although her fear was still moderately high, she felt readyto move to the next step—exposure to a loose moth.

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Moths are quite a bit more difficult to control thanspiders. Shannon and Ashley considered three possibili-ties that would allow some degree of control over themoth. First, they considered releasing the moth into anold five gallon fish tank with plastic wrap over the top.That way, they could each put their hands in the tank(through a hole in the plastic) without having the mothescape. The other option they considered was to clear out

a small, well-lit closet so they could be in the closet withthe moth and the moth would not be able to get away.The third option was to practice exposure to moths out-side, near the porch light, where they tended to gather atnight.

Shannon decided to practice outside initially.Knowing that she could run away if a moth flew towardher gave her a sense of control in the situation. Shannonpracticed standing near the porch light for about fifteenminutes, until her fear decreased from an 80 to about a40. Then, with Shannon’s permission, Ashley touched

the moths on the light to see if she could get them to flyaround. Shannon’s fear level shot up to 100 briefly, but itgradually decreased as Ashley continued to keep themoths moving. More than two hours had passed sinceShannon’s treatment began. She had made outstandingprogress, but she was ready for a break.

A couple of days later, Shannon and Ashleyresumed their practices. This time, Ashley caught a mothand placed it in the covered fish tank. At first, Ashleyplaced her hand in the tank (through the plastic cover),modeling the procedure for Shannon. Next, Shannon did

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the same thing, at first making sure that her hand didn’ttouch the moth. After about thirty minutes, however,Shannon was able to touch the moth inside the fish tank.Next, they released the moth into the small closet andboth stood in the closet with the moth. Shannon’s fearwas quite low by this point, even though the moth wasflying around. After about ten minutes, Shannon was ableto catch the moth in a jar and release it in her backyard.

Shannon had successfully overcome her phobia. She nolonger feared encountering moths in her backyard orwhile camping with friends.


When Louis was twelve years old, he was bitten by aGerman shepherd while visiting a friend’s home. Hiswound healed quickly, but his fear of being bitten againonly increased as he got older. He had difficulty walking

around his neighborhood alone and he was unable to visitthe home of his girlfriend, who owned a Labradorretriever. Although he was fearful of all dogs, his fear wasworse with large dogs, dogs that had a reputation forbeing aggressive, and dogs that tended to bark a lot.

With his girlfriend’s help, Louis decided to start hisexposure with puppies from the local pet store. He hadno problem looking at the puppies behind the glass, so hisgirlfriend asked the store clerk whether they could playwith a puppy on a leash. As long as his girlfriend washolding the leash and Louis was standing more than six

feet away from the dog, his fear was manageable. He

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decided to try standing about three feet away. He ratedhis fear level to be at 80 from that distance. After aboutten minutes, it was down to a 50. The store was gettingbusy and the clerk requested that the dog be returned toits cage. Louis and his girlfriend agreed to find anotherdog for their next practice.

In the meantime, Louis started spending more timein places where he might see dogs. He and his girlfriend

took daily walks in his neighborhood, including the localpark where people often walked their dogs. Although henormally crossed the road whenever he saw a dog, hemade every effort to continue walking on the same side,even if it meant getting close to a dog. However, he con-tinued to cross the road if he saw a dog that wasn’t on aleash.

Next, Louis arranged to visit with a close friend whohappened to own a beagle. His friend had agreed to spendabout ninety minutes working with Louis and the dog.Although Louis was embarrassed by his fear, the friend

was delighted to help out. Louis began by standing aboutthree feet from the dog while the friend held on to theleash. Over a period of fifteen minutes, his fear decreasedfrom an 80 to a 30. He gradually worked on getting closeto the dog. Next, his friend agreed to hold the dog whileLouis touched the dog’s back. Though his fear level wasvery high, Louis felt some reassurance when he saw thedog’s tail wag as he stroked its back. He continued topractice touching the dog’s back for another twenty min-utes until his fear decreased from a level of 90 to a levelof 40. When he was ready, Louis then tried to stroke the

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dog’s head. Before trying this step, he asked his friend todo it a few times to see how the dog would react. Hisfriend reassured Louis that the dog enjoyed beingtouched, and he touched the dog as Louis requested.Then, Louis touched the dog’s head a few times andfound that his fear decreased quickly.

Louis’s girlfriend was surprised when he called her afew days later to say that he wanted to meet her dog

before the two of them went off to see a movie. He wasquite nervous about meeting the dog because it was rela-tively large. Initially, they began with the dog on a leash.It took Louis about ten minutes to be able to touch thedog’s back while his girlfriend held the dog’s head. Afteranother ten minutes, Louis was able to touch the dog’shead. His fear seemed to decrease very quickly. Next, hedecided to allow the dog off the leash. Though he wasquite nervous initially, it quickly became easier. The dogwas fairly calm and Louis’s fear was greatly reduced. Henow had little fear of his girlfriend’s dog, and he started

to visit her house on a more regular basis.Louis continued to work on his fear about three

days per week. Over the course of the next two weeks, hewas able to practice being around a number of large dogs.He practiced handling dogs belonging to friends and rela-tives. He also touched dogs that he passed while walkingoutside (with the owner’s permission), and he no longercrossed the road when he saw a loose dog. As a final step,he went to the Humane Society and practiced touching aGerman shepherd until his fear was minimal.

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Charlene grew up in a small town with a singleschool, where every student knew everyone else. Amongother things, the other students were well aware thatCharlene was terrified of snakes. For years, the boys inher school frequently teased her with snakes, and onseveral occasions they put live snakes down her top and

in her school bag. Charlene lived with her fear for years.By the time she decided to seek treatment, she was in hermid-thirties, was married, and had two children. Shedecided to get help when her oldest son turned five yearsold. She was worried that he might start catching snakesand bringing them home—her worst nightmare.

Charlene’s fear was severe. She avoided all situa-tions where she might see snakes, including walkingthrough wooded areas and watching nature shows ontelevision. She refused to see a movie unless she checkedto see whether there were any snakes in the film. She

couldn’t look at pictures of snakes (including cartoons).Even saying the word “snake” made her anxious. Whenshe first sought treatment, Charlene experienced night-mares about snakes approximately twice per week.

Charlene refused to look at a live snake or even at apicture of a snake at the start of her treatment, so sheand her therapist began treatment by having her simplyrepeat the word “snake.” That practice became fairly easywithin about fifteen minutes, so they increased the inten-sity of the exposure. Next, Charlene practiced saying

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“slithery snake.” This was considerably more difficult, butagain it became easier within a few minutes.

Despite feeling very apprehensive, Charlene decidedthat she would try looking at a small cartoon drawing of asnake with a smiling face. Her initial fear level began atabout 90 and decreased to a level of 60 over the course of the next hour. Charlene was feeling some sense of accom-plishment, but she was also quite discouraged at how far

she still had to go. She agreed to look at the cartoonsnake for about thirty minutes each day over the nextweek.

When Charlene saw her therapist the followingweek, her fear of the cartoon snake was down to a levelof 5. She was also still very comfortable saying the phrase“slithery snake.” So, she and her therapist moved up tothe next item on her hierarchy—looking at photographsof snakes. At first, her fear level was close to 100 again.Over the next hour and a half, she practiced looking atphotos of several different snakes. By the end of the

session, she was able to touch the photos. Her fear wasstill at a level of about 50, but she was beginning to feelgood about the gains that she had made.

Over the next week, Charlene practiced looking ather pictures of snakes for homework. Although her fearwas decreasing with each day that went by, she noticed adramatic increase in snake-related dreams when she slept.In fact, the dreams were now occurring almost everynight. At her next therapy session, Charlene began bytouching more photos of snakes. It was apparent that herfear of photos had decreased—even with the most vivid

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photos, her fear level was at 20. She spent the rest of thesession looking at, touching, and eventually holding anumber of toy snakes made from rubber or plastic. Sheseemed to be most frightened by a large black rubbersnake that looked quite real. Although her fear of theother toy snakes subsided rather quickly, her fear of thelarge black snake was still at about a 70 after more than ahalf hour of handling it. Charlene agreed to practice han-

dling the large rubber snake daily over the next week.Again, Charlene’s fear continued to decrease as she

practiced her exposure homework. At her next therapysession, she agreed to look at a live snake. Charlene andher therapist arranged to pay the manager of a local petstore a small fee to stay for two hours after the store hadclosed. At first, Charlene could only stand near the frontof the store. Although she could not see any snakes fromwhere she was standing, just knowing that they were inthe store caused her fear to rise. After about ten minutes,she agreed to look at a snake in an aquarium from a dis-

tance of about twenty feet. It was not as scary as sheanticipated, so she moved to a distance of about ten feet.From that distance, her fear was at a level of about 70and she decided to move closer. At about five feet awayfrom the snake, her fear level jumped to about 90 andthen to 100, when she thought she saw the snake move.Charlene practiced looking at the snake for about onehour; eventually she was able to touch the outside of theaquarium with only moderate fear.

Charlene spent the next week visiting the pet store(during regular business hours) and looking at snakes

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will help you to overcome your animal fear. Doing this willtake time, patience, and a willingness to feel uncomfort-able initially. Essentially, the exercise involves repeatedlyconfronting your feared animal until you are no longerafraid.

Use the strategies described throughout this chapter(as well as the preparation you completed in chapters 3and 4) to design the most appropriate program for dealing

with your fear. The case examples provided in this chap-ter illustrate how you might organize your own exposurepractices. Remember, exposures should be planned, struc-tured, predictable, prolonged, and frequent. Try to useseveral different animals from your feared species, andpractice in different locations where you tend to encoun-ter your feared animal. Keep repeating this exercise until

 you can handle the animal comfortably.Each time you conduct an exposure practice, record

in your journal what steps you were able to complete (forexample, standing four feet from a mouse in a cage,

standing one foot from a mouse in a cage, putting yourhand in a cage containing a mouse, touching the mousewith a gloved hand, touching the mouse with a barehand, holding the mouse). For each step, record your fearlevel every five or ten minutes. This will allow you toassess changes in your fear over time. Use a scale rangingfrom 0 to 100, where 0 equals no fear and 100 equalsmaximum fear.

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Unfortunately, exposure practices don’t always go assmoothly as you might like. Here are some problems thatsometimes arise and some suggestions for overcoming eachone.

finding time to practice

One of the biggest challenges in exposure therapy isfinding the time to practice. Again, we suggest that youschedule your practices in your date book the way youwould any other important activity. You may find that

 you need to clear your schedule to make it happen. Forinstance, if you have children at home, you may need tohire a babysitter. If you work during the week, you maybe able to do exposures on weekends and evenings, but

 you may also find it easier to complete your exposure

practices if you take a few days off work and make expo-sure your full-time job on those days. Regardless of where

 you find the time, it usually doesn’t take long to over-come an animal fear or phobia. By juggling a few things in

 your schedule, it should be possible to get the job done.

dealing with unpredictable animals

As mentioned earlier, it is best to work with animalsthat are likely to behave in predictable ways, especially

early in treatment. It is ideal to use animals that are

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comfortable around people and that are unlikely to bite,make a lot of noise, or run away. Of course, this may bedifficult with certain types of animals. For example, flyinginsects and birds are unlikely to sit still while you try toovercome your fear. The key in these cases is to find cre-ative ways to restrain the animal. Shannon’s case illus-trated how this can be accomplished with moths. If youare working with birds, you may need to use birds in

cages or pigeons that are used to being around people oncity streets, to avoid the problem of the animal gettingaway. A large parrot in a pet store can provide an oppor-tunity to get close to a larger bird without it flying away.Later in treatment, it may be useful to have contact withbirds that move around a lot and make lots of noise (inpet stores or in parks).

If an unpredictable event occurs (for example, if aspider gets away during an exposure), try to stay focused.Unpredictable events may lead to an increase in fear, butdon’t let them undermine your progress overall. Try to

get back on track with your exposure practices as soon aspossible.

what to do when fear won’t

come down

Exposure may not always lead to a reduction in yourfear. If you find that your fear doesn’t come down duringexposure practices, consider the following possible expla-nations and solutions:

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  The practice is too difficult and the fear istoo overwhelming, so you can’t even focuson what you are doing. If this is the case,try an easier exposure.

  Not enough time has elapsed. Remember,it may take an hour or two to notice adecrease in fear in some cases. Try staying

in the situation longer.

  You are engaging in subtle avoidance.Using safety behaviors during exposure mayinterfere with fear reduction over thecourse of an exposure practice.

  The animal is behaving unpredictably. If the animal is moving around a lot, makingnoise, or doing other unpredictable things

that increase your fear, it may take longerfor your fear to come down.

  You are having a bad day. During times of stress, exposure to animals will likely bemore difficult. If your fear isn’t comingdown, either because of general life stressor for reasons of which you are unaware, tryagain on another day. If it is still too diffi-cult, it may be a good idea to enlist a helper(if you are trying it on your own) or to seek

professional help.

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overcoming fears of dangerous


Sometimes, people fear animals that truly are dan-gerous, but their fear is out of proportion to the actualthreat. For example, although most people have a healthyrespect for sharks, poisonous snakes, bees, and venomousspiders, for some people, fear occurs even in places that

are perfectly safe. If this describes you, you’ll be relievedto hear that we don’t recommend you touch and hold theanimal. However, we do recommend that you expose

 yourself to the places or situations that you avoid—espe-cially if they are situations that most people wouldn’tavoid. For example, if you are afraid of bees, we suggestthat you practice eating in outdoor cafés or working in

 your garden, despite the possibility of encountering bees.If you see a bee, try to stay in the situation. In otherwords, try to behave the way someone might act if he orshe didn’t have a fear of bees. If you are allergic to bee

stings, you will want to be more careful. For example,make sure you have the proper treatment on hand (suchas an Epipen for injecting epinephrine), just in case.


Exposure is the only treatment that has repeatedly beenshown to reduce the fear of animals. Exposure works best

when it is predictable, controlled, frequent, and

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changing your thoughts

Fear is the body’s natural response to  perceived danger orthreat. In other words, you become frightened when youbelieve  that a particular object or situation is dangerous.

Sometimes these beliefs are accurate, as is the case withrealistic fears. However, in the case of phobias, beliefs tendto be exaggerated, biased, or even completely untrue. Animportant goal of treatment is to help you to interpret theobject of your fear in a more balanced and realistic way. Inthe case of animal phobias, exposure to the feared situa-tion is the most powerful way of discovering that it is infact safe (see chapter 5). This chapter discusses some addi-tional strategies for challenging the beliefs that contributeto your fear. Together, the techniques in this chapter areoften referred to as   cognitive  strategies (the word “cogni-

tion” just refers to the process of thinking).


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Although there is almost no research examining theuse of cognitive strategies for animal phobias, there isconsiderable research supporting these techniques fortreating other types of fear and anxiety-based conditions(such as social anxiety and panic attacks). By examiningthe evidence for their anxious thoughts, people withanxiety-based problems are able to replace negativethinking patterns with more realistic interpretations and

beliefs, thereby decreasing their fear and anxiety in fright-ening situations. In the case of animal fears, almost all of the studies to date have been on exposure-based treat-ments, as described in chapter 5. In the end, it is theextent to which you practice the exposure strategies thatwill probably determine how successful you are at over-coming your fear. Nevertheless, you may find the cogni-tive techniques described in this chapter to be useful as away of dealing with anxious beliefs that get in the way of 

 your exposure practices.People are often unaware of the specific thoughts,

beliefs, and assumptions that underlie their fears. In manycases, the thoughts seem to occur so quickly and auto-matically that they remain outside of awareness. Still,many experts believe that fear often occurs in response toan assumption (either conscious or unconscious) that aparticular situation poses a threat. In addition to helping

 you identify and change your anxious thoughts, cognitivestrategies can also help you become more aware of thebiased ways in which you may seek out knowledge, payattention to information, and remember events. Later,the chapter will cover how to use cognitive strategies to

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manage your fear, but first, here is a review of the scien-tific evidence regarding the role of attention, memory,and thinking in maintaining animal fears.

what science tells us

Over the past few decades, psychology researchers have

been very interested in the role of thinking, attention, andmemory in causing and maintaining problems with anxietyand fear. Because animal phobias are so common, manyresearchers have chosen to investigate these processes inpeople who suffer from these fears, especially fears of spi-ders. Some of the most important findings to emerge fromthis body of research include the following:

  People with spider phobias are more likelythan people without spider phobias to over-estimate the likelihood of being bitten by a

spider and for the likelihood that injurieswill result from being bitten (Jones,Whitmont, and Menzies 1996).

  People with spider and snake phobias tendto overestimate the degree of activity intheir feared animal (in other words, howmuch the animal moves around), thoughthis perceptual distortion tends to be cor-rected following treatment (Rachman andCuk 1992). People with spider phobias also

tend to believe that spiders selectively

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move toward them, rather than towardother people in the same area (Riskind,Moore, and Bowley 1995).

  People with spider phobias tend to remem-ber details from photos of spiders betterthan they remember details from othertypes of photos (Wessel and Merckelbach

1998).   Though a few studies have failed to show

any biases in attention, a number havefound that people with spider phobias tendto pay more attention to informationrelated to their fear (to spider-relatedwords or pictures of spiders) than do peoplewithout spider phobias. Also, althoughresults are mixed, some studies have shownthat treatment for animal phobias leads toa normalizing of attentional biases (Antony

and Barlow 2002).

  When people with spider phobias areexposed to spiders, they tend to focus notonly on the spider but also on objects thatrepresent safety, such as the door (Thorpeand Salkovskis 1998).

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to questions such as these is yes, then it may be that yourthinking, attention, and memory are biased in a way thatserves to maintain your fear over time. Changing yourthinking habits may help to reduce your fear.

figuring out what you’re thinking

Before you can begin to change your anxious thoughts, you must first try to identify their content. What are youafraid will happen if you encounter your feared animal?People typically have thoughts concerning danger fromthe animal itself (for example, a fear of being bitten), butthey may also have anxiety over their own reactions to theanimal (such as a fear of embarrassing themselves in frontof others, or a fear of passing out). Here are some commonanxious thoughts that we have observed among peoplewith animal fears:

thoughts about the feared animal

  The animal will bite, scratch, or hurt me.

  The animal will attack me because it can tell I

am scared.

  The animal will touch me (for example—the

spider will crawl on me; the cat will jump on

 me; the dog will lick me).

  The animal will move toward me.

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  The animal is mean and nasty.

  The animal is contaminated and will make me


thoughts about your reaction to

the animal

  I will be overwhelmed with fear.

  I will be overwhelmed with disgust.

  I won’t be able to cope.

  I will faint, throw up, or suffer some other

 physical catastrophe.

  I will make a fool of myself .

  I will lose control.

 EXERCISE:   Identify Your Anxious Thoughts

In your journal, record your own anxious thoughts, bothabout the animal and about your reactions when youmight encounter the animal. Do any of the samplethoughts listed above ring true for you? Are there otherpredictions or assumptions that cross your mind when youthink about your feared animal?

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strategies for changing anxious


To successfully change your anxious thoughts, you need toconsider the possibility that your thoughts do not reflectreality. Instead of treating your thoughts as facts, think of them as hypotheses or guesses about the way things maybe. Consider all of the different ways to interpret the situa-tion. Ask yourself, “What might someone without a fear orphobia think about my feared animal?” By looking at thebig picture and by examining the evidence, you will likelybegin to see that your thoughts become more realistic andless anxiety provoking.

As with any new skill, the strategies described inthis section require regular practice. Only with repetitionwill they become second nature.

educating yourself

Often, phobias are associated with misinformationabout the feared animal. For example, people who feardogs may overestimate the chances of getting bitten.They may see dogs as a much bigger threat than mostother sources of danger. Here are some statistics off aWeb site (Phillips 1999) designed to warn people aboutthe dangers of being bitten by dogs. As you review thisinformation, be careful not to focus only on the mostfrightening aspects. Although these figures may seemscary in isolation, when put in a larger context, the infor-

mation may help to alleviate your fears. Based on 1994

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statistics, more than a third of American householdsowned a dog, and the dog population in the United Stateswas over fifty-two million. Assuming these statisticshaven’t changed much since 1994, the average Americanhas only a one in fifty chance of being bitten in a given

 year. Fewer than one million Americans are bitten by dogseach year, and most of these are children. About one in six(133,333) dog bites requires medical attention (or one in

twelve, if we consider only adults who are bitten). Thenumber of people who die each year from dog attacks isabout three hundred, of which almost all are children.For every fatal dog attack in the United States, there are230,000 that don’t even require treatment by a physician.

Depending on your perspective, the risk of beingbitten may sound high based on these statistics. After all,133,000 people needing medical attention from a dog biteis a big number! However, the risks of being bitten by adog are in line with many other risks that confront usevery day. Consider these figures from the Centers for

Disease Control on the number of Americans treated inemergency rooms for various nonfatal injuries during the

 year 2002 (National Center for Injury Prevention andControl):

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Number of People Type of Injury

7,410,159 Unintentional falls

4,490,051 Being unintentionally struck

3,286,856 Unintentional overexertion

2,988,064 Unintentional motor vehicleaccident

2,278,105 Being unintentionally cut1,270,224 Being intentionally struck (in other

words, an assault)

880,910 Bites or stings from animals otherthan dogs

Here are some other U.S. statistics that we found onthe Internet:

354,670 Number of women who were raped in 1995(Paralumun New Age Women’s Village)

6,316,000 Number of car accidents in 2002(car-accidents.com. 2004)

2,900,000 Number of injuries from car accidents in2002 (car-accidents.com. 2004)

3,500,000 Number of sports-related injuries each yearfor children under fourteen (University of Maryland Medical System 2003)

600,000 Number of bicycle-related accidents leadingto emergency room visits (University of Maryland Medical System 2003)

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So dog bites are far less common than many otherunfortunate events. Also, using common sense can oftenhelp to prevent dog attacks. A number of factors appearto influence risk. According to the Web site www.dogbitelaw.com, more than three-quarters of dog bite victimsare children, with the highest rate of attacks for childrenbetween the ages of five and nine. Almost four out of fivebiting dogs belong to the victim’s family or friend. These

statistics suggest that children should be particularly care-ful but that adults are at a relatively low risk of beingbitten, particularly by unfamiliar dogs.

So, what’s the point of all these statistics? The pointis that doing a bit of research can help to provide informa-tion that can put your fear in perspective. Educating your-self may involve trying to find out just how dangerous yourfeared animal is, or it may involve learning more about theanimal in general. Good sources of information include theInternet and educational books and videos. However,don’t believe everything you hear. People who publish

books and produce Web sites often have an agenda. Forexample, Web sites by dog enthusiasts may underestimatethe risks associated with dogs, whereas sites by victims of dog attacks may overemphasize the risks of being bitten.

Here are some questions you might want to answerthrough a bit of research:

  Do most spiders bite? What will I feel if I am

bitten by a spider? Under what conditions do

spiders bite?

According to one source, about 80

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percent of suspected spider bites are actu-ally not caused by spiders but rather arecaused by fleas, lice, mosquitoes, bitingflies, ants, and other small animals (Harris).

  Why does a snake stick its tongue out? Is it a

sign that the snake is about to attack? What do

snakes eat? How do snakes like to be handled?

What does it feel like to handle a snake?

  Can birds really tell that I’m afraid? Are they

 more likely to fly toward me if I am afraid?

  How likely is a mouse from a pet store to bite

 me? Do mice sold as pets spread diseases?

 EXERCISE:  Learn AboutYour Feared Animal

Are there things about your animal that you would like tofind out? In your journal, record a list of questions about

 your feared animal. Now, set out to answer your questions.Pick up a good book on the animal, or do your research onthe Internet. Be careful not to selectively give more weightto information that confirms your anxious thoughts. Tryto use a balanced approach when deciding which informa-tion is most useful.

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challenging probability


Overestimating probabilities involves predicting thata particular event is more likely to occur than it really is.Examples of such overestimations include statementssuch as these:

  The bird will attack me.

  The spider will bite me.

  I will die if I have to be in the same room as a cat.

Although there is a remote chance that some of these things could come true, in reality, birds almostnever attack people, spiders rarely bite, and we cannotthink of anyone who has ever died from seeing a harmlessanimal, no matter how strong their fear was. The belief that an event such as one of these is likely to occur is an

example of a probability overestimation.The key to combating probability overestimations isto examine the evidence for and against your beliefs.After considering all of the available information, you willbe in a better position to come to a more realistic conclu-sion. Remember, because of a tendency to pay moreattention to information that confirms your anxiousbeliefs, coming up with evidence supporting your phobicpredictions may come more naturally at first. With prac-tice, generating evidence contradicting your anxiousthoughts will become easier. In order to examine the evi-

dence, it is useful to ask yourself a series of questions:

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  Do I know for certain that my fears will come


  What does my past experience tell me about

this situation? Have I made similar predictions

in the past? Did they come true?

  What do the statistics suggest?

  How might someone who is not afraid thinkabout this situation?

The goal of asking these questions is to help you tothink about your feared animal in a more realistic way,based on having considered the evidence for and against

 your fearful predictions. Here is an example of how tochallenge the belief that you will be attacked by a cat:

  Anxious belief: “The cat will attack me if Iget too close.”

  Evidence in support of belief:   “Cats areunpredictable. It’s hard to know whatthey’re thinking. I’ve heard of a few occa-sions when cats have attacked people. Ihave also had two different cats hiss at mein the past. Perhaps they would have triedto bite me if I didn’t move away.”

  Evidence against belief: “I learned on theInternet that there are more than twentymillion pet cats in the United States and

another sixty to one hundred million stray

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or wild cats. Yet, I almost never hear of people being attacked by cats, with a cou-ple of exceptions. Even if a cat were to bitesomeone, I imagine the attack would typi-cally happen in response to the cat beingprovoked, teased, or frightened. I am muchbigger than a cat—if one were to attackme, I would be able to protect myself.”

  Rational conclusion: “In reality, I am veryunlikely to be attacked by a cat. Even if acat did try to attack me, I would easily getcontrol of the situation. The worst thingthat would happen is that I would be star-tled and shaken up. If I were bitten, thewound would heal quickly.”

 EXERCISE:  Examine the Evidence

In your journal, record an example of a probability overes-timation that sometimes crosses your mind when thinkingabout your feared animal. Next, record the evidence insupport of the belief, the evidence against the belief, and

 your rational conclusion, based on having considered allthe evidence. Repeat this exercise whenever you notice

 yourself overestimating the threat from the animal youfear.

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conquering catastrophic thinking

Catastrophic thinking (also called “catastrophizing”)involves exaggerating the importance of a particular out-come, or incorrectly assuming that an event would bedisastrous if it were to occur. This thinking style involvesexaggerating how negative the impact of the event wouldbe (as opposed to exaggerating the likelihood of the event

occurring, which is the definition of probability overesti-mation). Examples of catastrophic thinking include thefollowing:

  If I touched a worm, I couldn’t cope.

  It would be terrible to see a moth.

  If I were to see a mouse at work, I don’t think I

would be able to manage.

  Even seeing a snake on television is one of theworst things I can imagine.

Each of these examples reflects a belief that encoun-tering the feared animal would be unmanageable if itwere to happen. Of course, in reality, the only conse-quence of encountering these animals is likely to be tem-porary feelings of fear and discomfort triggered by thepresence of the animal. These situations are usually muchmore manageable than people expect them to be.

To combat catastrophic thinking, it is useful to ask

 yourself questions such as:

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  So what? What is the worst thing that could


  What if my feared consequence does come


  How can I cope with my fear coming true?

  Would it really be as bad as I think?

  Would it still matter the next day? How about

the next week?

Often, by answering these questions, people dis-cover that the situation doesn’t matter nearly as much asthey thought it did. Here are some examples of how youmight challenge catastrophic thoughts having to do withanimal fears:

  Catastrophic thought: “It would be awfulif I were to see a cockroach in a movie.”

  Rational response:  “What would actuallyhappen if I saw a cockroach in a movie?Well, I would feel extremely uncomfortablefor a few seconds, but that’s all that wouldhappen. When I think about it that way, itdoesn’t seem so bad.”

  Catastrophic thought:   “If the bird startssquawking and flapping its wings, I won’t

be able to cope.”

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  Rational response:   “So what if a birdmakes a lot of noise? I am sure I would feelvery frightened and startled, but it wouldn’tbe the first time that happened. I knowfrom past experience that I would cope justfine. My reaction might be embarrassing if other people are around, but so what? Itwould pass. Everyone does embarrassing

things sometimes.”

  Catastrophic thought: “Seeing a live snakewould be completely unmanageable.”

  Rational response:   “How could I copewith seeing a live snake? Chances are that Iwould have a panic attack and feel com-pletely grossed out, but otherwise nothingbad would happen. After a while, my fearwould subside.”


Challenge Catastrophic Thinking

As you work to overcome your fear, make an effort tonotice times when you engage in catastrophic thinking—or predicting that a particular outcome would be unman-ageable, even though most people would not interpret theoutcome in that way. In your journal, record your cata-

strophic thought, followed by your rational response to the

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thought. Practice challenging catastrophic thoughtswhenever they arise.


If you are having a hard time using the cognitive strategies

described in this chapter and think you can’t reduce yourfear using these strategies, don’t worry. Remember, expo-sure is almost always an effective approach for overcominganimal phobias. If you do have difficulty with cognitivetechniques, however, consider the following commonbarriers.

inability to identify specific thoughts

Many people with animal phobias have difficulty

identifying the specific beliefs, predictions, and assump-tions that contribute to their fear. In many cases, theirreactions seem to occur automatically, without any spe-cific underlying thoughts. For example, most people whoare afraid of earthworms know that worms are unlikely tocause any harm—no worm has ever attacked anyone. Yetthe fear persists.

If you are unable to identify your thoughts, here area few things you can try. First, give it more time. Some-times, thoughts become more evident the more you try tobecome aware of them. Activating your fear may also

help to make your thoughts more salient. Although it

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may be difficult to identify your thoughts as you read thisbook, you may become more aware of your thoughts uponactually being exposed to the animal. Finally, it may beeasier to identify anxiety-provoking  images that enter yourmind, rather than thoughts. Are you aware of any mentalimages concerning the animal that you tend to experi-ence? Again, don’t worry if you can’t identify your anx-ious beliefs or images. The exposure-based strategies

discussed in chapter 5 will still work.

difficulty believing the rational


If you are successful in identifying the thoughts thatcontribute to your fear, you may still have difficultybelieving other, more rational thoughts on an emotionallevel. For example, you might think, “I know rationallythat the dog is unlikely to bite me, but emotionally it still

feels dangerous. My head says one thing, but my heartsays another.”Again, with practice you may find that your rational

thoughts will become stronger and your anxious beliefsweaker. As you consider the evidence, make sure you arenot giving more weight to your anxious beliefs than to analternative, more realistic way of interpreting thesituation.

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Animal fears are thought to be maintained, in part, bybeliefs that an animal is dangerous, as well as a tendencyto pay more attention to information that confirms anx-ious beliefs than to information that disproves them.Although exposure is the most important strategy forovercoming animal phobias, learning to replace anxiousbeliefs with more realistic beliefs may help as well. In par-ticular, learning about your feared animal, challengingprobability overestimations, and countering catastrophicthinking may help to change negative thinking andincrease your motivation to practice exposure.

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staying well

As you continue to practice the exposure strategies fromchapter 5 and the cognitive strategies from chapter 6, yourfear will decrease until you have become comfortablearound your feared animal. Once you reach this point, it istime to turn the focus to staying well—maintaining thegains that you have made, preventing a return of symp-toms, and preparing for possible future episodes of fear.

what can make your fear return?

A number of factors may cause your fear to return. It isimportant to understand them so that you can be preparedand know how to respond. Factors that may lead to a

return of your symptoms include a traumatic experience


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with the animal, an unexpected fear reaction, limitedexposure practices during treatment, too little exposureafter treatment has ended, and an increase in life stress.We will discuss each of these in turn.

traumatic experience with the


If you have a traumatic experience with the animalat some point in the future, your anxiety symptoms couldpotentially return in full force. For example, Suzy’s fear of dogs returned after she was bitten by her friend’s dog at abarbecue. If something like this happens to you, it doesn’tmean you are back at square one. A return of fear is anunderstandable outcome following a traumatic experi-ence. However, this time, you will know the strategiesthat you’ll need to practice to reduce your fear. You mayneed to build a new exposure hierarchy and start engag-

ing in exposures to reconquer your fear. You will alsohave the cognitive strategies you need to challenge thenew anxious thoughts that may have been triggered bythe traumatic experience. The good news is that because

 you have already tackled your fear once, it should bemuch faster and easier to do the second time around.

an unexpected fear reaction

Your fear could also return if at some point when

 you encounter the animal you experience unexpected

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fear symptoms or even a full-blown panic attack. Forexample, Charlene had overcome her fear of snakesthrough the strategies that we covered in this book. Onceshe had finished treatment, she didn’t really think muchabout snakes anymore. Then, several months later, acoworker surprised her by dangling a snake over hershoulder when she didn’t expect it. Charlene experienceda rush of fear in response. She felt quite shaky afterward,

and she was upset that she had reacted fearfully to thesnake. That night, she had a bad dream in which she waschased by a snake. Charlene found that over the next fewdays her anxiety about snakes increased and she noticedthat some of her old safety behaviors (like checking forsnakes before she went into the garden) and anxiousthoughts (mistaking a stick on the ground for a snake)were returning.

It is understandable that Charlene experienced areturn of her anxiety after having an unexpected fearreaction to her coworker’s snake “joke.” Again, however,

Charlene was not back at square one, and you wouldn’tbe either if you had an unexpected fear reaction. Byresuming your exposure practices, you should be able toretackle your fears fairly quickly.

limited exposure practices during


Fear may return if your exposure practices duringtreatment were not varied enough with respect to expo-

sure locations, situations, and animals. For example, if 

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 you only practiced with one dog, you may find that yourfear returns when you encounter different dogs. Or, if youonly practiced with a mouse in a cage, your fear mayreturn when you see a mouse running wild outdoors.

Your fear may also return if your exposure practicesdid not go far enough (for example, if you did not tackleall of the situations on your hierarchy, if you did not han-dle the animal if it was safe to do so, or you did not elimi-

nate all of your safety behaviors). If your fear returns forone of these reasons, you will need to resume your expo-sure practices, this time ensuring that you vary the con-text and that you take your practices as far as you can gosafely. You may want to enlist a helper to do this with

 you. You may also find it useful to review chapter 3 andconstruct a new hierarchy.

too little exposure after treatment

has ended

Following treatment, you may find that opportuni-ties to interact with your once-feared animal are limited.If you no longer engage in exposure practices and do notregularly encounter the animal that you were fearful of,

 your anxiety symptoms may gradually return. In this case, you will need to resume your exposure practices and con-tinue to incorporate exposures to the feared animal evenafter your fear has subsided. For example, it is possiblethat if Charlene had incorporated occasional exposure tosnakes into her routine (like having a snake calendar on

her desk) after she had overcome her fear, she might not

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have responded as fearfully to her coworker’s practicaljoke. (Some suggestions for how to incorporate exposureinto your daily life appear in the next section.) Finally,remember that taking exposures to the extreme duringtreatment (in other words, handling a harmless spiderrather than just looking at it) can provide a buffer so thatif some of your fear does return, there is room for it tohappen without leading to significant problems in your


increased life stress

For most people, life stress increases the chances of past problems returning, including insomnia, depression,excessive alcohol use, headaches, or whatever ailmentsmay have been issues in the past. High levels of stress(work stress, relationship problems, illness, or financialdifficulties) can also lead to an increase in fear amongpeople with phobias. If you find that your fear of animalsis increasing during a time of life stress, the best thing todo is to make sure that you don’t fall into your old habitsof relying on avoidance and safety behaviors to manage

 your fear. If you continue to confront your feared animal, you should find that your fear decreases again after thestress has subsided.

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making sure your fear does

not return

Now that you are aware of the factors that can potentiallylead to a return of fear, follow the steps below to makesure that your fear does not return.

be prepared

Be prepared for a potential flare-up in your anxiety.How you respond to a traumatic experience or to anunexpected fear reaction is important in determiningwhether your fear will return. Getting down on yourself because of your reaction or avoiding dealing with thesituation are not helpful responses and can contribute toincreased anxiety. If you experience a traumatic event oran unexpected fear reaction, it is important to address

 your fear right away. The longer you wait, the more time

 you are giving your fear to build. It’s okay if you experi-ence some return of your symptoms; it just means that

 you will need to do some exposure practices. A return of symptoms does not mean that you are back at the begin-ning or that all of your hard work to overcome your fearis lost or wasted.

incorporate exposure in your life

Find ways that you can build in exposures to your

animal during your normal day-to-day routine. This will

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help to maintain your gains and will reduce the likelihoodof your fear returning. There are many options for incor-porating exposures into your life:

  Buy books about your feared animal andkeep them in places where you are likely tosee them.

  Keep a calendar on your desk that has adifferent picture of your feared animalevery month.

  Use a screensaver that has pictures of yourfeared animal.

  Visit a pet store or reptile store on a weeklybasis to see your feared animal.

  Buy a print or picture of your feared animal

that you can hang on your wall.

  Volunteer at your local animal or wildlifeshelter.

  Put a picture of your feared animal on yourrefrigerator or mirror as a reminder of howfar you have come and to make sure that

 you see the animal each day.

  Consider getting your feared animal as a

pet if it is reasonable.

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catch returning symptoms early and

take action

Watch for a return of symptoms. If you notice that your anxiety symptoms are gradually creeping back into your life, then address the symptoms immediately. Again,ignoring the symptoms will just allow them to keepincreasing. Instead, take an active approach to addressing

 your fear. Consider what factors may be contributing tothe return of your symptoms. Have you had enoughopportunities for routine exposure to your animal? Are

 you having some anxious thoughts about your feared ani-mal after reading a newspaper article or seeing a programon television? Are you under increased stress? If so, arethere steps that you can take to reduce your stress load?It is helpful to identify current obstacles (situations orevents) that have led to a return of anxiety symptoms, aswell as to anticipate future obstacles. Once you haveidentified the problem, you can then use your journal to

make an action plan of the steps that you will take toaddress it. The following two cases illustrate a potentialobstacle and the development of an action plan.

Carrie—fear of fish

Potential Obstacle.   “I know I would like to try scubadiving on my upcoming vacation, but it could lead to areturn of fear symptoms because I have never been scubadiving before and I would likely encounter fish that I have

never had the chance to deal with during my exposure

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practices. Also, this situation would be somewhat uncon-trollable as the fish may be all around me. I can feel myanxiety symptoms returning, just thinking about this.”

Action Plan

1.  “Education—I will learn about the types of fish I may encounter when scuba diving

because then I will be more prepared forwhat I’ll see. To do this, I’ll use theInternet to go to some scuba diving Websites. I will also talk to some of my friendswho have experience with diving.”

2.  “Before going on the trip, I will try to exam-ine some of my anxious thoughts aboutthe situation. What am I afraid will hap-pen? What is the worst thing that couldhappen? I’ll use my cognitive strategies toconsider the evidence for my fears.”

3.  “When I arrive for the dive, I will let theguide know that I have some anxiety. Iwon’t be alone because I will also have myfriend with me who knows about my fear. Iwill treat the experience like a big expo-sure. I’ll use my cognitive strategies duringthe dive. I’ll try to take things slowly andstay in control of the situation as best Ican. As my fear decreases, I’ll try toactively approach some of the fish that I

see. I’ll rate my fear level periodically to

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help me decide when to approach andwhen to wait until my fear has decreased.”

4.   “After the dive, I will consider what Ilearned from the experience.”

Louis—fear of dogs

Potential Obstacle.  “I’m planning on doing some hikingon trails when I go camping this summer. It is likely that Iwill encounter some big dogs that are not on leashes. It’spossible that I could panic.”

Action Plan.  “I think that there is a good possibility thatI could encounter some difficult situations. Maybe I needto do some more exposures to big dogs that are unleashed.There are some trails by my house where I could practice.I could also do some exposures at the leashless park. There

are always big dogs there running around.”1.   “Exposure Practice—I will practice expo-

sures on the hiking trails by my house aswell as at the leashless park.”

2.   “I will consider my anxious thoughts anduse some of the cognitive strategies I’velearned.”

3.   “I will be prepared to experience some fear.That’s okay. I know how to handle it by

using the skills that I’ve learned.”

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4.   “I will focus on all the gains that I havemade in overcoming my fear. I’ll use thisas motivation to tackle any anxiety symp-toms that come up.”

 EXERCISE:  Anticipate Obstacles

and Make an Action PlanThis exercise will be helpful for identifying potentialobstacles and creating an action plan that you can fallback on in case you need it. In your journal, make a list of any potential obstacles that could lead to a return of yourfear. Your list may include specific situations that youhave to deal with or more general triggers (like stress). Foreach obstacle, make an action plan for how you woulddeal with the obstacle should it arise. The more specific

 you can make your action plan, the easier it will be to fol-low if you need it.


A number of factors may lead to a return of your fear:traumatic experiences, unexpected fear, inadequate expo-sure, and stress. It is important to be prepared for futurefear, to incorporate exposure into your routine, and to

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helping someone else

with an animal phobia

 T his chapter is designed for family members or others

who want to help someone overcome his or her animalphobia. Being a helper is an important role. The very factthat you are reading this chapter means that you wereidentified as a caring and supportive person that yourfriend or loved one could rely on for assistance in over-coming his or her fear. It is very likely that some peoplewould not be able to overcome their fear without the assis-tance of a helper. This chapter will focus on your role intreatment and the dos and don’ts of being a helper. Inaddition to focusing on this chapter, you may want to readthe rest of the book, so you understand the basic

treatment strategies and how they work.


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your role as a helper

As a helper, you are there to provide support and assis-tance, but ultimately, the person you are helping is theone in charge. It is a good idea to sit down with the person

 you will be helping to discuss the role he or she would like you to play. The helper role may require you to do thefollowing:

  Provide support by listening when thingsget tough

  Provide encouragement for continuing withthe strategies

  Assist in gathering materials needed forexposure practices

  Help to brainstorm and set up exposurepractices

  Provide support during exposure practices(hold the animal, offer encouragement)

  Demonstrate or model nonfearful copingbehaviors during exposure practices withthe feared animal

make a commitment

Agreeing to be a helper involves a time commitment of as

little as a few hours on a single day to as much as a few

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hours on a regular basis over a period of days, weeks, oreven months. The length of your time commitment willdepend on the pace at which the exposure occurs. Themore severe the phobia is, the longer it may take to over-come. It is a good idea to think about how you will findthe time in your schedule to participate as a helper. Youmay need to reprioritize or juggle some of your commit-ments so that you don’t feel stressed or overwhelmed.

make sure you are comfortable

with the animal

As a helper, you need to feel comfortable around the ani-mal that you will be working with. For example, if youhave a slight fear of snakes, you may not be the bestcandidate for helping someone to overcome a snake pho-bia. If you have strong beliefs that dogs are dangerous, you

may not be well suited to assist a person with overcominga dog phobia. It is important for you to reflect on your ownthoughts and feelings about the animal that you will beworking with. If you are comfortable with the animal, then

 you may be well equipped to help with treatment.In some cases, you may not be sure of how you feel

about a certain animal because you have not had a lot of exposure to it yourself. For example, even if you don’thave a strong fear of spiders, you may feel disgusted orunsure about the idea of holding one. In this case, youmay want to practice on your own with the animal to see

if you are able to get more comfortable before agreeing to

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be a helper. This is important because part of your rolewill be modeling nonfearful coping behaviors with theanimal. You may need to touch or hold the animal if it issafe to do so. As you encounter and work with the animalin a nonfearful way, the person you are helping willbecome less anxious and will learn that it is possible tobecome more comfortable around the animal.

discuss your role as a helper

up front

Each person with an animal phobia will have differentneeds or preferences. It is important to discuss these needsup front so that you know what is expected from you. Oneperson may find encouragement during an exposure prac-tice helpful, whereas another person may find supportivecomments pushy or distracting. Some questions to ask the

person you are helping include:   “Do you have any concerns about this

treatment approach that we could discuss?”

  “How can I help you prepare for your expo-sure practices?”

  “Are there any materials that I can help you get?”

  “Can I assist you to develop your exposure


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  “How can I help you during the actualexposure practice? Would you like me tosuggest when you might be ready to moveon to the next step? Or would you like meto wait until you say it is time to move on?”

  “Is there anything I can do that you mightfind helpful during the exposure practice?

Are there any particular questions that Ican ask you, based on what you learnedfrom practicing the cognitive strategies?Are there certain phrases that you wouldfind helpful to hear during the exposurepractice?”

  “How can we prepare for possible obstaclesduring the exposure practice?”

  “After we finish the exposure practice,

would it be helpful to discuss how it wentand what the next step will be?”

  “If you find that you are getting discour-aged, how can I help to keep you moti-vated? For instance, are there particularreasons that you have for overcoming thisfear which I could remind you of, if needed?”

  “Are there any things you definitely do not

want me to do?”

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  “Are there any things that you definitely donot want me to say?”

helper “dos”

Given that there are individual differences in how each

person will respond, it is difficult for us to say what youshould always do or what you should never do as a helper.However, we have tried to cover some of the helpful orunhelpful behaviors below in the form of dos and don’ts.What to do comes first.

  Be patient and supportive.

  Try to convey an accepting attitude (suchas, “It is okay to be scared during exposure;that means that you are really targeting

 your fear”).

  Remember the other person is in charge. Itis up to the person you are helping to deter-mine how far he or she will go in anypractice.

  Try to be understanding and kind, evenwhen an exposure seems to be taking along time or when it seems hard to under-stand why it is so difficult for the person

 you are helping.

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  Model nonfearful coping behavior wheninteracting with the animal (show that youfeel comfortable and safe).

  If the person you are helping becomes dis-couraged, remind him or her of the gainsthat have been made so far.

  Set aside time to assist with exposures.Build the practices into your schedule.

  During exposure practices, check in withthe person periodically to gauge his or herfear level on a scale from 0 (no fear) to 100(extreme fear).

  Gently encourage the person to continuewith the next step in the exposure as he orshe feels ready (depending on the fearlevel). For instance, a fear rating of 35 or

below suggests a low level of fear and thatcontinuing with the next step should bemanageable for most people. A fear ratingof 35 to 60 suggests a moderate level of fear, a level at which many people are ableto try something more difficult. A fear rat-ing of 60 to 80 suggests a high degree of fear and indicates that continuing with thenext step in the exposure practice may bequite challenging and uncomfortable. Afear rating of 80 to 100 signals an extreme

level of fear, and proceeding with the next

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step at this point may be very difficult andoverwhelming. If it is too difficult, it may bea good idea to wait at the current step untilthe person’s fear is reduced to a level of 60or lower before moving on.

  If the person finds it helpful, you may assist

by encouraging him or her to vocalize fear-ful thoughts during the exposure. As thehelper, you can ask how likely these predic-tions are to come true. You can also askquestions that will help the person view thesituation more realistically. For example, inchapter 4, we illustrated how Sam’s wifehelped him overcome his dog phobia. AsSam tried to approach the dog during expo-sure, his wife asked Sam about the anxiousthoughts he was having. Sam responded,

“I’m afraid the dog will suddenly move andbite me.” His wife responded with anotherquestion: “How likely is that to happen?”Sam responded, “I know this is a friendlydog that has never bitten anyone. Thechances of him biting me today areextremely small.” Sam’s wife responded,“When you think about the actual chancesof being bitten, does your level of fearchange?” Sam nodded and said, “Yes, itreally brings my fear down when I think

that this dog is not dangerous.” In this

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  “Exposure is tough. It is short-term pain forlong-term gain.”

  “Take things one step at a time. You cando it.”

  “You are doing great. This is very hardwork.”

  “Ride your fear like a wave.”Here are some questions that may help during expo-

sure practice:

  “What is the worst thing that could happenin this situation?”

  “If the worst thing does happen, how would you cope?”

  “What are the reasons you have for goingthrough this process?”

  “Where is your fear level right now?”

  “Do you feel ready to move on to the nextstep?”

  “What strategies have you learned in thebook that could help you in this situation?”

  “What anxious thoughts are you havingright now?”

  “What evidence do you have that your

anxious thoughts are true or not true?”

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  “What is another way to view thissituation?”

helper “don’ts”

Now, here are some behaviors to avoid:

  Do not trivialize the person’s fear.

  Do not become angry or frustrated. If youdo become frustrated, try to keep it to your-self and give yourself some time to unwindbefore the next exposure practice.

  Do not be pushy or impatient, even if things seem to be going very slowly. Planfor each exposure to take a few hours, so

 you don’t feel stressed or rushed because you have other things to do.

  Don’t force the person to stay in the situa-tion if he or she decides to escape. Instead,provide support and encouragement to tryagain if possible.

  Do not act fearful or disgusted when inter-acting with the animal (for instance, don’tscream or act repulsed when touching aspider or mouse). Displaying your fearful ornegative reactions to the animal couldcause an increase in the fear level of the

person you are trying to help.

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someone to overcome his or her fear. Although the person you help is unique and will have individual needs andpreferences, we have provided some definite dos anddon’ts that may serve as useful guidelines for assistingsomeone to overcome his or her phobia.

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about the authors

Martin M. Antony, Ph.D.

Martin M. Antony, Ph.D. is Professor in the Departmentof Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences at McMasterUniversity. He is also Director of the Anxiety Treatmentand Research Centre and Psychologist-in-Chief at St.

 Joseph’s Healthcare in Hamilton, Ontario. He received hisPh.D. in clinical psychology from the University atAlbany, State University of New York and completed hispre-doctoral internship training at the University of Mis-sissippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS. Dr. Antony haspublished 12 books and more than 90 scientific papers andbook chapters in the areas of cognitive behavior therapyand anxiety disorders. Dr. Antony has received earlycareer awards from the Society of Clinical Psychology(American Psychological Association), the Canadian Psy-chological Association, and the Anxiety Disorders Associ-

ation of America, and is a Fellow of the American and

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actively involved in clinical research, teaching, and educa-tion. She also maintains a private practice.

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