5083 Ouvrnntent OF aetfr WESTERN AUSTRAUA Published by Authority at 3.30 pm No. 124] PERTH: FRIDAY, 30 DECEMBER [1988 Local Courts Amendment Act 1987 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Corn- 5 panion of the Order of Australia, Governor of the State of Western Australia. UNDER section 2 of the Local Courts Amendment Act 1987, I, the Governor, acting with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, do hereby fix 1 January 1989 as the day on which section 9 of the Local Courts Amendment Act 1987 shall come into operation. Given under my hand and the Seal of the State on 24 December 1988. By His Excellency’s Command, J. M. BERINSON, Attorney General. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Marketing of Eggs Amendment Act 1987 PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA By His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Corn- GORDON REID, 5 panion of the Order of Australia, Governor of the Governor. State ofWestern Australia. IL.S.1 UNDER section 2 of the Marketing of Eggs Amendment Act 1987, I, the Governor, acting with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, do hereby fix the day of the publi cation of this proclamation in the Government Gazette as the day on which the Marketing of Eggs Amendment Act 1987 shall come into operation. Given under my hand and the Seal of the State on 20 December 1988. By His Excellency’s Command, JULIAN GRILL, Minister for Agriculture. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN WESTERN AUSTRALIA GORDON REID, Governor. [L.S.J Marketing of Eggs Act 1945 PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA By His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Corn- GORDON REID. 5 panion of the Order of Australia, Governor of the Governor. State of Western Australia. [L.S.] UNDER section 4 1 of the Marketing of Eggs Act 1945, I, the Governor, acting with the advice and consent of the Executive Council and on the recommendation of the Minis ter, do hereby revoke the proclamation published on 13 June 1952 exempting all parts of the State other than the South West Land Division from the operation of the Marketing of Eggs Act 1945. Given under my hand and the Seal of the State on 20 December 1988. By His Excellency’s Command, JULIAN GRILL, Minister for Agriculture. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS "GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" NEW YEAR PUBLICATIONS IT is notified for public information that the publishing times for the "Government Ga zette" at New Year will be as follows- Friday, 6 January-Closing time for copy 3 pm Wednesday, 4 January. GARRY L. DUFFIELD, Government Printer. A66141-1

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Published by Authority at 3.30 pm

No. 124] PERTH: FRIDAY, 30 DECEMBER [1988

Local CourtsAmendmentAct 1987

PROCLAMATIONBy His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Corn-

5 panion of the Order of Australia, Governor of theState of Western Australia.

UNDER section 2 of the Local Courts Amendment Act1987, I, the Governor,acting with theadviceand consentofthe ExecutiveCouncil, do herebyfix 1 January1989 as thedayon which section9 of the Local CourtsAmendmentAct1987shall comeinto operation.

Given under my handand the Sealof the State on 24December1988.

By His Excellency’sCommand,J. M. BERINSON,

Attorney General.


Marketingof EggsAmendmentAct 1987

PROCLAMATIONWESTERN AUSTRALIA ‘ By His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Corn-

GORDON REID, 5 panion of the Order of Australia, Governor of theGovernor. State ofWestern Australia.


UNDERsection2 of theMarketingof EggsAmendmentAct1987, I, the Governor,actingwith theadviceand consentofthe ExecutiveCouncil, do hereby fix the dayof the publication of this proclamation in the GovernmentGazetteasthe day on which the Marketing of Eggs AmendmentAct1987 shall come into operation.

Given under my handand the Sealof the State on 20December1988.

By His Excellency’sCommand,JULIAN GRILL,

Minister for Agriculture.




Marketingof EggsAct 1945

PROCLAMATIONWESTERN AUSTRALIA By His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Corn-

GORDON REID. 5 panion of the Order of Australia, Governor of theGovernor. State of Western Australia.


UNDER section4 1 of the Marketingof Eggs Act 1945, I,the Governor,acting with the advice and consentof theExecutiveCouncil andon therecommendationof theMinister, do herebyrevoketheproclamationpublishedon 13 June1952 exemptingall partsof theState other than theSouthWestLand Division from theoperationof theMarketing ofEggsAct 1945.

Given under my handand the Seal of the State on 20December1988.

By His Excellency’sCommand,

JULIAN GRILL,Minister for Agriculture.



IT is notified for public information that thepublishing times for the "Government Gazette" at New Year will be as follows-

Friday, 6 January-Closing time for copy3 pm Wednesday,4 January.

GARRY L. DUFFIELD,Government Printer.


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5084 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,WA [30 December1988

AT a Meetingof the ExecutiveCouncil heldin theExecutiveCouncil Chamber,at Perthon 20 December1988 the following Ordersin Council were authorisedto be issued.

LandAct 1988


WHEREAS by section33 of theLand Act 1933, it is madelawful for the Governorto direct that any Reserveshall vestin and beheld by any personor personsto be namedin theorder in trust for the like or other public purposesto bespecifiedin suchorder: And whereasit is deemedexpedientas follows-

File No. 303/15-That ReserveNo. 688 Avon Location28949 shouldvest in and be heldby theWater Authority ofWestern Australia in trust for the purpose of "WaterSupply".

File No. 1235/58-That ReserveNo. 25588 Murray Location 1528 should vest in and be held by the Town ofMandurahin trustfor thepurposeof "Public Recreation".

File No. 2602/72-ThatReserveN. 31983 CoolgardieLot 2141 and JaurdiLocations 2, 30 and 31 shouldvest inand be held by the Landsand Forest Commissionin trustfor thepurposeof "Arboretumand Parklands",

File No, 130/72-ThatReserveNo, 32150 SwanLocation8918 shouldvestin andbe heldby theCity of Wanneroointrust for the purposeof "Public Recreation".

File No. 855/79-That ReserveNo. 35996 Canning Location 3111 should vest in and be held by the Shire ofKalamundain trust for the purposeof "Public Recreation".

File No. 1464/980-ThatReserveNo. 37045 CoolgardieLots 2140, 2144 and JaurdiLocation 53 shouldvest in andbeheld by the Shireof Coolgardiein trust for the purposeof"Effluent Lagoon andStormwaterCatchmentSite".

File No, 3371/981-ThatReserveNo, 37783 CockburnSoundLocations2677 and 2981 should vestin and be heldby the City of Cockburnin trust for the purposeof "PublicRecreation".

File No, 2933/983-ThatReserveNo. 38575 PeelEstateLot 1340 should vest in and be held by the Minister forMines in trust for the purposeof "Explosives StorageandManufacture and the temporary Storage of DomesticArticles and Solvents containing PolychlorinatedBiphenyls".

File No. 2364/987-ThatReserveNo. 40369 Canning Location 3615 shouldvest in and be held by the Water Authority of Western Australia in trust for the purpose of"Drainage".

File No. 2156/987-ThatReserveNo. 40513 Swan Location 11096 should vest in and be held by the City ofWannerooin trust for thepurposeof "Public Recreation".

File No. 465/988-That ReserveNo. 40527 Swan Location 11106 should vest in and be held by the City ofWannerooin trust for thepurposeof "Public Recreation",

File No. 2720/988-ThatReserveNo. 40753 PlantagenetLocation 7646 shouldvest in and be held by The Honour-able Julian Fletcher Grill, M.L.A., the Minister forAgriculture for the time beingand his successorsin Office intrust for the purposeof "Agricultural ResearchStation".

File No. 517/988-That ReserveNo, 40764 YellowdineLot 26 shouldvest in and be held by the CommissionerofMain Roadsin trust for "RoadPurposes".

File No. 2721/988-ThatReserveNo. 40772 Neridup Location 508 should vest in and be held by the Shire ofEsperancein trust for the purpose of "Recreation andCamping".

File No. 2783/988-ThatReserveNo. 40789 Walpole Lot343 shouldvest in and beheld by the Shireof Manjimup intrust for thepurposeof "Parkand Recreation",

File No, 2684/988-ThatReserveNo, 40791 Kojonup Lot328 should vest in and be held by the Shire of Kojonup intrust for thepurposeof "AdministrationCentre".

Now, therefore,His Excellencythe Governor,by and withthe advice and consent of the Executive Council, doesherebydirect that the befbrementionedReservesshall vestin and beheld by theabovementionedbodiesin trust for thepurposesaforesaid,subject neverthelessto the powers reservedto him by section37 of thesaidAct.

G. PEARCE,Clerk of the Council.

LandAct 1933


File No. 3411/92V2.WHEREAS by section33 of the Land Act 1933, it is madelawful for theGovernorto direct that any Reserveshall vestin and be heldby anypersonor personsto be namedin theorder in trust for the like or other public purposesto bespecifiedin suchorder:And whereasit is deemedexpedientthat ReserveNo. 2121 Kelmscott Lot 244 shouldvest inand be heldby the City of Armadalein trust for the purposeof "Recreation",

Now, therefore,His Excellencythe Governor,by and withthe advice and consent of the Executive Council, doesherebydirectthat thebeforementionedReserveshall vestinand beheld by the City of Armadalein trust for the purposeaforesaid,subjectneverthelessto thepowers reservedto himby section37 of the said Act and subject to the conditionsthat the Water Authority of WesternAustralia hasright ofentry for maintenanceof watermain.

LandAct. 1933


G. PEARCE.Clerk of theCouncil.

File no. 2727/988.WHEREAS by section33 of the Land Act 1933, it is madelawful for the Governorto direct that any Reserveshall vestin and be held by anypersonor personsto be namedin theOrder, in trust for anyof the purposesset forth in Section 29of the saidAct, or for the like or otherpublic purposesto bespecifed in such Order and with power of leasing: Andwhereasit is deemedexpedient that ReserveNo. 40773Menzies Lots 16 and 18 shouldvest in and be held by theAboriginal Lands Trust in trust for the purpose of"Housing".

Now, therefore,His ExcellencytheGovernor,by and withthe advice and consent of the Executive Council, doesherebydirectthat the beforementionedReserveshall vestinand be held by the Aboriginal Land Trust in trust for"Housing"with power to thesaidAboriginal LandsTrust toleasethe wholeor anyportion thereoffor any term,subjectneverthelessto the powers reservedto me by section 37 ofthe saidAct,

G. PEARCE,Clerk of theCouncil.

LandAct 1933


File No, 4414/55V2.WHEREASby section33 of the Land Act 1933, it is madelawful for the Governorto direct that anyReserveshall vestin and be heldby any personor personsto benamedin theOrder, in trust for any purposespecifiedin suchOrder andwith powerof leasing;and whereasit is deemedexpedientthat ReserveNo. 24405 OnslowLots 301, 302, 304, 314, 315,316, 404, 450, 451, 452, 586, 589, 695 and698 shouldvestinand be held by the Shire of Ashburton in trust for thepurposeof "CaravanPark,

Now, Therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by andwith theadvice andconsentof theExecutive Council, doesherebydirect that the beforementionedReserveshall vest inand beheld by theShire of Ashburtonin trust for "CaravanPark" with power to the saidShire of Ashburtonsubjecttothe approval in writing of the Minister for Lands to eachand every leaseor assignmentof leasebeing first obtained,to leasethe whole or any portion thereof for any term notexceeding21 yearsfrom thedate of the lease,subjectneverthelessto thepowersreservedto meby section37 of thesaidAct; provided that no suchleaseor assignmentof leaseshallbe valid or operativeuntil the approvalof the Minister forLandsor an officer authorisedin that behalfby the Minister, hasbeen endorsedon the LeaseInstrument,or DeedtoAssignment,as thecasemaybe.

G. PEARCE,Clerk of the Council.

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30 December1988] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 5085

LandAct 1933


WHEREAS by section34B 1 of the Land Act 1933, it ismadelawful for the Governorto revokean Order in Councilissuedpursuantto section33 of thatAct.

File No, 303/15-And whereasby Order in Council dated8 April 1970 Reserve688 was vested in the Minister forWorks in trust for the purpose of "Water Supply" withpower to leasethewholeor anyportion thereoffor any term.

File No, 3411/92V2-And whereasby Order in Councildated9 February1977 Reserve2121 was vestedin the Shireof Armadale-Kelmscott in trust for the purpose of"Recreation".

File No. 4414/55V2-And whereasby Order in Councildated 9 November 1982 Reserve24405 was vestedin theShire of West Pilbara in trust for the purposeof "CaravanPark" with power, subjectto the approvalin writing of theMinister for Landsbeing first obtained,to leasethewhole orany portion thereoffor any term not exceedingtwenty one21 yearsfrom thedate of thelease.

File No. 4177/56-Andwhereasby Orderin Council dated15 July 1986 Reserve24630was vestedin theCommissionerof Main Roadsin trust for the purposeof "Housing MainRoadsDepartment".

File No. 1235/58-Andwhereasby Orderin Council dated7 September1977 ReserveNo. 25588was vestedin theShireof Mandurahin trust for thepurposeof "Recreation".

File No. 2611/17V2-And whereasby Order in Councildated 23 December1963 Reserve27096 was vested in theShire of Kojonup in trust for the purposeof "RecreationYouth Club".

File No. 2602/72-Andwhereasby Orderin Council dated2 May 1973 ReserveNo. 31983 was vestedin the Conservator of Forestsin trust for thepurposeof "Arboretum andParklands",

File No, 1464/980-And whereas by Order in Councildated18 February1981 ReserveNo. 37045 wasvestedin theShire of Coolgardie in trust for the purpose of "EffluentLagoonandStormwaterCatchmentSite",

File No, 3371/981-And whereas by Order in Councildated 5 February1985 ReserveNo. 37783 was vestedin theCity of Cockburn in trust for thepurposeof "Public Recreation".

File No. 2933/983-And whereas by Order in Councildated 22 November 1983 Reserve38575 was vestedin theMinister for Mines in trust for the purposeof "ExplosivesStorageandManufacture".

Now, therefore,His ExcellencytheGovernor,by and withthe advice and consentof the Executive Council, herebydirects that the beforementionedOrders in Council berevokedandthe VestingOrderscancelledaccordingly.

C. PEARCE,Clerkof Council.


Bills assentedto

IT is herebynotified for public informationthat His Excellency the Governorhasassentedin thenameand on behalfof Her Majesty the Queen, on the dates shown, to theundermentionedBills passedby the Legislative Council andthe Legislative Assembly during the Third Sessionof theThirty-secondParliament.

ShortTitle of Bill; Dateof Assent;Act No.Companies and Securities Legislation Miscellaneous

AmendmentsAct; 1 December1988; No. 48 of 1988.ResidentialTenanciesAmendment Act; 8 December1988;

No, 50 of 1988.Potato Growing Industry Trust Fund AmendmentAct; 8

December1988; No, 51 of 1988.Official CorruptionCommissionAct; 8 December1988; No.

52 of 1988.Education AmendmentAct; 8 December1988; No. 53 of

1988.SpentConvictionsAct; 8 December1988; No, 55 of 1988.Acts Amendment Spent Convictions Act; 8 December

1988; No. 56 of 1988.RoadTraffic AmendmentAct No. 2; 8 December1988; No.

57 of 1988.ElectoralAmendmentAct No. 2; 8 December1988; No. 58

of 1988.Art Gallery AmendmentAct; 8 December1988; No. 59 of

1988.National Crime Authority State Provisions Amendment

Act; 8 December1988; No, 60 of 1988.Mineral Sands Allied Eneabba Agreement Amendment

Act; 8 December1988; No, 61 of 1988.Wesply Dardanup AgreementAuthorization Amendment

Act; 8 December1988; No. 62 of 1988.Acts AmendmentEvents on RoadsAct; 8 December1988;

No. 64 of 1988.Liquor LicensingAct; 9 December1988; No, 54 of 1988.Shippingand PilotageAmendmentAct; 14 December1988;

No. 65 of 1988.ReservesandLand RevestmentAct; 14 December1988; No.

67 of 1988.Mineral Sands Cooljarloo Mining and ProcessingAgree

ment Act; 14 December1988; No. 68 of 1988.Coal Mine Workers Pensions Amendment Act; 15

December1988; No,63 of 1988.Children’s Court of Western Australia Act No. 2; 15

December1988; No, 69 of 1988.Criminal Law AmendmentAct; 15 December1988; No. 70 of

1988.Dated 22 December1988.

L. B. MARQUET,Clerk of the Parliaments.



Conservationand Land ManagementAct 1984


CALM File 025566F3103; Land Administration File8123/10.WHEREAS by the Conservationand Land ManagementAct 1984, it is provided that the Governormay by Order inCouncil declare any Crown Lands as Timber Reserveswithin the meaningand for the purposesof that Act: Nowtherefore,His ExcellencytheGovernorwith the adviceandconsentof the Executive Council doth hereby declare theareadescribedin the scheduleheretoas an addition to Timber ReservesNo. 151/25 within the meaningand for thepurposesof the saidAct.

ScheduleAvon Location 26928 as surveyedon Lands and Surveys

Diagram P546 containing an area of 40.4686 hectares.Public Plan Luptons1:25000 rT.W.

G. PEARCE,Clerkof theCouncil.

To MarcelleJoy Bertoli of 57 ForrestAvenue,EastPerthinthe Stateof Western Australia, being the ownerof allthat land containedin Certificateof Title Volume 1167Folio 841 being portion of CanningLocation 5 and being Lot 713 on Plan 3736 and all that land containedinCertificateof Title Volume956 Folio 48 beingportion ofPerthTown Lot E36andbeing Lot 6 on Diagram7509.

TAKE notice: the amount of Land Tax due and owing byyou asownerof the abovementionedlandis as follows-

1. 1982/83Assessment $300.002. 1983/84 $355753. 1984/85Assessment $476.614. 1985/86 $520.815. 1986/87Assessment $637.696. 1987/88 $622.97

Total $2913.83If theamount of $2 291.16, being the amountof land tax

due and owing for a period of two years,is not paid withinoneyearfrom thedate of thefirst publication of this Notice,the Commissionerof State Taxation intendsto applyto theSupreme Court for an Order of the sale of the

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5086 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA [30 December1988

abovementionedland. Uponthesale of the abovementionedland, the Commissionerof StateTaxation shall be entitledto apply the proceedsto payment of all land tax due andowing up to thetime of sale andall costsof andattendingtotheApplication,andof attendingthesale of theland.

P. FELLOWES,Commissionerof StateTaxation.


CompanyNo. 279 of 1988

In the matter of the CompaniesWestern Australia CodeSection 541 and in the matter of Laurie PotterAdministration Pty. Ltd. In Liquidation betweenAnthony HayesDouglas-Brownas Liquidator of LauriePotter Administration Pty. Ltd. Applicant andLawrence Elliot Potter and Joan Margaret Chapman,Respondents.

Notice to AttendExaminationWHEREAS by an order of this Court, madeon the 11th dayof November 1988 it was ordered that you, theundermentioned Lawrence Elliot Potter and Joan MargaretChapman,shouldattendbefore theSupremeCourt on a dayandat a placeto benamedfor thepurpose,andbe examinedas to the promotion or formation and as to the conductofthe businessand as to your conductanddealingsas officersof thefollowing companies-

a Altmoor Pty Ltd;b Bellinda Pty Ltd as trusteefor Bellinda Unit Trust;c Braypark Pty Ltd as trustee for Braypark Unit

Trust;d BusinessLoansandCapitalEquity Ltde Denier PtyLtd as Trusteefor DenierUnit Trust;f ExulansPty Ltd;g Forfeit Pty Ltd astrusteefor JCH Family Trust;h GranscotchPty Ltd;i Laurie Potter Administration Pty Ltd in liqui


j LauriePotterCanningtonNomineesPty Ltd;k LauriePotterEastPerthNomineesPtyLtd;1 LauriePotterFinanceLtd;m LauriePotterHolding Pty Ltd astrusteefor Laurie

PotterHoldingsUnit Trust;n LauriePotterKalgoorlie NomineesPty Ltd;o Laurie Potter Melville NomineesPty Ltd;p Laurie Potter Midland NomineesPty Ltd;q LauriePotterPerthNomineesPty Ltd;r LauriePotterTuart Hill NomineesPty Ltd;s Nahema Pty Ltd as trustee for GreenjeansUnit

Trust;t OteaPty Ltd;u PenwaterPty Ltd;v Potter Nominees Pty Ltd as trustee for Potter

Family Trust:w QudeaPty Ltd;x RanleaPty Ltd astrusteefor RanleaUnit Trust;y ResortTown Limited;z SequinPty Ltd astrusteefor DK Family Trust;al Suam Pty Ltd as trustee for Laurie Potter Health

AcademyUnity Trust;And whereasthe24th,25th and26th daysof January1989

at 10.30 o’clock in theforenoon,before the SupremeCourtof WesternAustraliasitting atPerthhavebeen appointedasthetime and placefor holding of theexamination.

Notice is herebygiven that you are requiredto attendatthat time andplace,andatanyadjournmentsof theexamination which may be ordered,and to bring with you andproduceall books,papersandwritings andother documentsin your custody or power in any wise relating to theabovenamedcompany.

And take noticethat if you fail, without reasonableexcuseto attendatsuchtime and place,and at anyadjournmentofthe examinationwhich maybe ordered,you will be liable tobeconvictedof anoffencepunishableby imprisonment.

Dated21 December1988.

GODFREY VIRTUE & CO,Solicitorsfor the Liquidator.



MADE by theJudgesof theSupremeCourt underthe Criminal Code,theSupremeCourt Act1935 andall otherpowersthereuntoenabling.Citation

1. Theserulesmaybe citedas theCriminal PracticeAmendmentRules1988.Principal rules

2. In theserulesthe Criminal PracticeRules*arereferredto as theprincipal rules.E*Reprinted in the Gazetteof 18 September1969 at pp. 2639-826. For amendmentsto

3 March 1988 seep.204 of 1986Index to Legislationof WesternAustralia.]Commencement

3. Theserules shall come into operationon the dayon which section11 of the CriminalLawAmendmentAct 1986 comesinto operation.

Order VIII amended4. Order VIII of the principal rules is amendedin rule 1 by inserting after "Offenders

Probation and Parole Act 1963," the following-detailsof anyconvictionandsentenceundersection656A of the Code, ".

Order XXIII amended5. OrderXXIII of the principal rulesis amendedby insertingthefollowing rule-

Section656A-transmission of documents19. For the purpose of enabling the Court to deal with a simple offenceunder

section 656A of the Code,a clerk of petty sessionsshall, upon a requestbeing madebythe Registrar, transmit to the Registrar any summons,warrant, complaint, or document of any sort that is filed in the court of petty sessionsconcerned,or is in thecustodyof thatcourt,andrelatesto that offence. ".

Scheduleof Forms amended6. The Scheduleof Formsin theprincipal rulesis amendedin sectionVI of Part1-a in Form No. 9 by deleting "Dated this day of

19 . "andsubstitutingthefollowing-Under section656A of the Codethe accusedwas alsoconvicted on his plea ofguilty of the offence of and was sentenced to

Datedthis dayof 19and

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30 December1988] GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA 5087

b in Form No. 9B by deleting "Dated this day of19 , andsubstitutingthefollowing-

Undersection 656A of the Codethe accusedwas alsoconvicted on his plea ofguilty of the offence of and was sentenced to

Datedthis dayof 19Dated 13 October1988.







MADE by the Attorney General.

Citation1. This Order may be cited as the InfringementNotice EnforcementProcedureOrder


Commencement2. This Ordershall comeinto operationon 1 January1989.

Declaration of court3. The Court of Petty Sessions,Perthis declaredto be theCourt for the purposesof Part

VIBA of theJusticesAct 1902.

Declaration of Registrar4. The officer holdingor actingin the office of AssistantClerk of Petty SessionsINREP

Managerat the Court of PettySessions,Perthis declaredto be theRegistrarof theCourt.Dated20 December1988.

J. M. BERINSON,Attorney General.



MADE by His ExcellencytheGovernorin ExecutiveCouncil.

Citation1. These regulations may be cited as the Infringement Notice EnforcementProcedure


2. Theseregulationsshall comeinto operationon 1 January1989.

Interpretation3. In theseregulationsunlessthecontraryintention appears-

"authorizedperson"meansthepersonprescribedundersection171 BL 1 in respectof aprincipalenactmentas the personwho may withdraw proceedingsunder PartVIBAof theAct in respectof anallegedoffence;

"certifier" meansthepersonprescribedundersection171 BE 1 of theAct in respectof aprescribedprincipal enactmentas the person who may sign a default certificateissuedin relation to that prescribedprincipal enactment;

"chief executiveofficer" meansthechiefexecutiveofficer of thedepartmentof thePublicServiceof theStatethroughwhich theAct is administered;

"default certificate" meansa certificateissuedunder section171 BE of theAct in relationto a prescribedprincipal enactment;

"issuingofficer" meansthe person prescribedunder section 171 BD 1 of the Act inrespectof a prescribedprincipal enactmentas the person who may serveon theallegedoffendera courtesyletter in respectof that prescribedprincipal enactment;

"prescribedpaymentsreceiver" meansthepersonprescribedundersection171 BD 3 cof the Act as thepersonto whom paymentsmay be madein respectof a prescribedprincipal enactment;

"prescribedprincipal enactment"meansa principal enactmentprescribedfor the purposesof section171 BD of the Act.

Prescribedenactments,issuingofficers,prescribedpaymentsreceivers,prescribedcertifiers, authorizedpersonsSchedule1

4. 1 In this regulation"column" meansa column in Schedule1.2 The enactmentslisted in column 1 areprescribedprincipal enactments.

A66141 -2

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5088 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA [30 December1988

3 The personslisted in columns2, 3, 4 and 5 oppositeand correspondingto a prescribedprincipalenactmentin column 1 are the issuingofficer, theprescribedpaymentsreceiver,thecertifierand the authorizedperson,respectively,in respectof that prescribedprincipalenactment.

Prescribed time for payment5. The time for paymentto bespecifiedin an order undersection171 BF of theAct shall

be 28 daysafternotice of theorderis servedon theallegedoffender.Means of conveying information

6. The prescribedmeansof conveyinginformation containedin an enforcementcertificateis by meansof a magneticmediaapprovedby thechiefexecutiveofficer.Certificate under section 171 BE 3

7. The certificate to be given in accordancewith section 171 BE 3 in relation to aninfringementnoticeshall be in the form of a form approvedby thechiefexecutiveofficer.Feesand costs

8. The amounts prescribedin Schedule2 are the amountsof fees and costs payableinrelationto themattersspecifiedin that Schedule.Forms in Schedule3

9. The forms in Schedule3 aretheforms prescribedin relation to themattersspecifiedintheforms.



Column 1 Column2 Column3 Column 4 Column5

Prescribedprincipal enact-

mentIssuingofficer Prescribedpay-

mentsreceiver Certifier Authorizedperson

Road Traffic Officer in Accountant, Officer in AdministrationAct 1974 charge, Sum-

mons section,Police Depart-ment

Crown LawDepartment

charge, Sum-mona section,PoliceDepart-ment

Officer, PoliceTrafficBranch, Perth


Reg.8Feesand Costs

$Courtesyletter andservice 6.00Defaultcertificateunder section171 BE 3 6.00Costspayablein connectionwith preparationand lodgingof defaultcertificate 18.00Warrantof execution 20.00Warrantof commitment 20.00


JusticesAct 1902

Form 1

InfringementNotice EnforcementProcedureRegulations1988


Section 171 BI 4

ToThe infringementnotice referredto belowhasbeenissuedand no paymenthasbeen made.Anenforcementorder for collection of the penaltyhasalsobeenmade and a warrant hasbeenissued.If theenforcementorderhasnot previouslycome to your noticepleaseinform theofficer.InfringementDetails:AgencyDate Time CodeDescription

Place,StreetSpeedZone Alleged SpeedPenalty$ Court Costs$ Paid$AgencyCosts$ ExecutionCosts$

AmountDue $Default

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30 December1988] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 5089

Crest JusticesAct 1902

Section 171 BI

INREP Registry Form 2Perth,WesternAustralia

InfringementNotice EnforcementProcedureRegulations1988


To all police officers in the State of WesternAustralia and to the officer in chargeof theprison or lock-up.Defendant:

SurnameOther namesAddress

Whereasthe defendantwas issuedwith the infringement notice referredto below and hasfailed to pay the amount specifiedin the infringementnotice and whereasthe enforcementordermadefor the paymentof the amountand thefeesand chargesremainsunsatisfiedandthetime specifiedin the orderhaselapsedandthe defendanthasfailed to apply to theCourtundersection171BH of the Act: Now, therefore,you, the saidpoliceofficers, are commandedto apprehendthe defendantand take the defendantto the nearestprison or lock-up anddeliver the defendantto the officer-in-chargethereof togetherwith this warrant;andyou, theofficer-in-chargeof the prison or lock-up, are commandedto imprison the defendantfor thedefaultperiodunlessthe amountof the fine andthe feesand chargesspecifiedin this warrantaresoonerpaid.

InfringementDetails:AgencyDate Time CodeDescription

Place,StreetSpeedZone AlleredSpeedPenalty$ Court Costs$ Paid $AgencyCosts$ ExecutionCosts$

Amount Due $Default:

Given under my handat Perth in the State of Western Australia this day of19


Crest JusticesAct 1902

Section 171 BI

INREP RegistryPerth,WesternAustralia Form 3

InfringementNotice EnforcementProcedureRegulations1988



Whereasthe defendantwas issuedwith the infringementnotice referredto below and hasfailed to pay the amountspecified in the infringementnotice and whereasthe enforcementorder madefor thepaymentof the amountand thefeesand chargesremainsunsatisfiedandthe time specifiedin theorder haselapsedand thedefendanthasfailed to apply to theCourtundersection171BH of theAct: Now, therefore,you, thesaidpolice officersare commanded,in Her Majesty’sname, forthwith to take thegoods and chattelsof the defendantand if thesums specifiedin the warrant togetherwith the reasonablecosts of taking and keepingthegoods and chattels remain unpaid for 5 days, to sell the goods and chattels and pay theproceedsof the sale to the Registrar,INREP Registry, and if no goods and chattels can befoundcertify that fact to theRegistrar.InfringementDetails:AgencyDate Time CodeDescription

Place,StreetSpeedZone Alleged SpeedPenalty$ Court Costs$ Paid$AgencyCosts$ ExecutionCosts$

Amount Due$Default

Given under my hand at Perth in the State of Western Australia this dayof 19


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5090 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,WA [30 December1988

JusticesAct 1902

Form 4

InfringementNotice EnforcementProcedureRegulations1988NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF PROCEEDINGSUNDER PART VIBA

Section 171 BL 1Defendant:


EnforcementAgency’Takenoticethat I, being the authorizedpersonin relation to the prescribedprincipal enactmentin this case,herebywithdraw theproceedings.AuthorizedPerson’DateS

THIS NOTICE MUST BE SERVEDON:1 Defendant2 The Registrar

G. PEARCE,Clerk of theCouncil.


I, ELSIE KAY HALLAHAN, Minister for CommunityServices, approvethe following personsas mandatorycounsellors for the purposesof section24AA 6 of the Adoption ofChildrenAct 1896.

Departmentfor CommunityServicesVictoria ParkDivision, 63A SheppertonRoad,Victoria Park

6100-Patricia EBurnett.ChristinaTropiano.

SouthMetro Region,22 QueenStreet,Fremantle6160-David Merryweather.

Murchison Division, 45 Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton6530-

Yvonne MacFeate.AdoptionsBranch, 189 Royal Street,EastPerth6000-

Lorraine Simson leave.SouthWestDivision, 80 SpencerStreet,Bunbury6230


PerthDivision, 79 Stirling Street,Perth6000-Kamla Navaraj.

ScarboroughDivision, Suite6, 23 ScarboroughBeachRoad,Scarborough6019-

Dr Ilan Buchman.

AmendmentDr Janet Bayliss, Clinical Psychologist,189 Royal Street,


OtherRhondaGood, Family Day Care Co-ordinator, Wanneroo

City Council,BoasAvenue,Joondalup6027.Margo French, Department of Corrective Services, 441

MurrayStreet,Perth6000.Ken Merrilees,Authority for Intellectually Handicapped,53

Ord Street,West Perth6005.Michael Tunney,Authority for Intellectually Handicapped,

1275 Albany Highway,Cannington6107.Joan Mutton, Army Community Service, Swan Barracks,

FrancisStreet,Perth6000.Kathleen Callow, Aboriginal Child Care Agency, 191

BennettStreet,EastPerth6000.June Cunningham, Authority for Intellectually Handi

capped,1275 Albany Highway, Cannington6107.Dated 28 November1988.


Notice of Amendmentto By-laws

NOTICE is herebygiventhat at a meetingof the Committeeof the Western Australian Trotting Association held atGloucesterPark, East Perth, on 3 December1988 it wasresolvedby absolutemajority of the Committeethat the bylaws beamendedas follows,

Paragraph48 of the by-laws be repealedand in its placethereshall besubstitutedthe following new paragraph48-

48 a Except where otherwise in these by-laws expresslyprovided, all questionsat any meetingof the Committee shall be determinedby amajority of the votesof the memberspresentand voting. The Chairman of the meetingshall, in the caseof an equality of votes,haveasecondor castingvote.

b Subject to subclause c of this rule noresolution of the Committeeshall be rescindedunless24 hourswritten notice of notice of intention to move suchrescissionhasbeen givento each memberof the Committee in accordancewith Rule 50.

c The Committeemayproceedto considera motion to rescind a previous resolution of theCommitteewithout complying with subclauseb hereofif all membersof the Committeecanbe contactedand verbal notice given of suchmotion and provided that a majority of theCommitteeagree to the motion and sign thewritten resolution of rescissionindicating theirapprovalof the same.

d The Committee shall not vote upon aresolution to amend or repeal a by-law or tomake a new by-law unless notice of theresolutionand the fact that the Committeeintendsto vote upon it shall have beenpostedonthe Notice Boardin the Association’soffice fora periodof 28 days.

Dated 15 December1988.

J. SNOOKS,Presidentof the WesternAustralian

Trotting Association.KAY HALLAHAN,

Minister for CommunityServices.

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30 December1988] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,WA 5091

ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1974I, IAN FREDERICK TAYLOR being the Minister for theCrown for the time being administeringthe RoadTrafficAct 1974, actingpursuantto thepowersconferredby section83 1 of that Act, herebyapprovethe suspensionof regulations madeundersuchAct on the carriagewaysmentionedhereunder,within the City of Canning and nominatedforthe purpose of cycle racing by members of the WesternAustralian Veterans Cycling Club on 8, 22 January and5 February1989, betweenthe hoursof 8.00 am and 10.30am.

Racingto be strictly confined to Baile Road, BannisterRoad,

Dated atPerththis 19th dayof December1988.

IAN TAYLOR,Minister for Police.


Office of the Minister for Transport,Perth,23 December1988.

IT is herebynotified for generalinformation that His Excellency the Governor, in ExecutiveCouncil has approvedofthe following appointment/re-appointmentsunder the provisionsof sections8 and9 of theAct.

1 Mr Dennis Marsden-for a period expiring on 31December1989.

2 Mr Robert Gillan-for a period expiring on 31December1991.

3 Mr Allan Sale-for a period expiring on 31December1991.

BARRY MARSHALL,ExecutiveOfficer to the

Minister for Transportand Planning.



ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1974I, IAN FREDERICK TAYLOR, being the Minister for theCrown for the time being administering the Road TrafficAct 1974,actingpursuantto thepowersconferredby section83 1 of that Act, herebyapprove the suspensionof regulations madeundersuchAct on the carriagewaymentionedhereunder,within the Shire of Mundaring and nominatedfor the purposeof a triathlon by membersof the FremantleTriathlon club on 8 January 1989, between the hours of7.30 amand10.30 am.

Racing to be strictly confined to Rosedale Road, OldNorthamRoadand GovernmentRoad,Mundaring.

Datedat Perththis 19th dayof December1988.IAN TAYLOR,Minister for Police.


Swimming Areas

Departmentof Marine and Harbours,Fremantle,20 December1988.

ACTING pursuantto the powers conferred by RegulationbA a and b of the NavigableWatersRegulations,theDepartmentof Marine and Harbours,by this noticedefinesand sets asidethe following areasof navigablewaterswhichshall not beusedfor any purposeotherthan swimming andfrom which boatingis excluded.

Shireof Dandaragan-JurienBayAll thosewatersof the JurienBay Boat Harbour as fol

lows-a In the SouthWesterninside corner of the harbour

commencingat thejunction of the South Westernforeshoreand Southernforeshoreextendingalongthe foreshorefor 110 metresand30 metresinto thewater.

b At the entranceof the boatharbourcommencingatthe SouthernBreakwaterforeshore extending tothe NorthernSouthBreakwaterand40 metresintothewater.

c At the entranceof the boat harbour betweentheNorth WesternBreakwaterand theNorth EasternBreakwaterextending50 metresinto the water.

G. T. CUNNANE,Acting GeneralManagerand


Departmentof Land Administration,Perth,30 December1988.

HIS Excellencythe Governorin ExecutiveCouncil hasbeenpleasedto set apartas Public Reservesthe land describedbelow for thepurposetherein setforth.

File No. 2720/988.PLANTAGENET-40753 20.702 8 hectares

Agricultural research Station Loc. No. 7646, Diagram88761, Public Plan Albany 10000 3.2 and 2 000 13.09Mercer Road.

File No. 5 17/988.YELLOWDINE-40764 4.722 1 hectares Road Pur

poses Lot NI. 26, Original Plan 17271, Public PlanYellowdineTownsiteMassieStreet.

File No, 2721/988.NERIDUP-40772 350 hectaresRecreationand Camp

ing Loc. No. 508, Original Plan 17015, Public PlanMungliginup 1: 50 000 KennedyBeach.

File No. 2727/988.MENZIES-40773 2 024 squaremetres Housing Lot

Nos. 16 and 18. Original Plan Menzies 91/6, Public PlanMenziesTownsiteWalsh Street.

File No. 2783/988.WALPOLE-40789 1 781 Squaremetres Parkand Rec

reation Lot No. 343, Original Plan 15224, Public PlanWalpoleTownsiteJarrahRoad.

File No. 2684/988.KOJONUP-40791 1.524 7 hectares Administration

Centre Lot No, 328, Diagram88757, Public Plan Kojonup1: 2 000 09.17 and10.17 PensionerRoad.

N. J.SMYTH,ExecutiveDirector.


Departmentof Land Administration,Perth,30 December1988.

HIS Excellencythe Governorin ExecutiveCouncil hasbeenpleasedto approve,undersection37 of theLand Act 1933 oftheamendmentof thefollowing reserves-

File No, 303/15-No. 688 Avon District "Water supply"to compriseAvon Location 28949 as delineatedand shownborderedred on Land Administration Plan 17064 and of itsareabeing reducedto 207.0988 hectaresaccordingly.PlanWyalkatchem1:10 000 pts 5.6 and 5.7 GoldfieldsRoad.

File No. 3411/92 V2-No. 2121 at Kelmscott"Recreation" to comprise Kelmscott Lot 244 as surveyedand shown borderedred on Land Administration Diagram88410in lieu of KelmscottLot 198 and SuburbanLot 77 andof its area being reduced to 3.873 0 hectaresaccordingly.Plan Perth1:2 000 23.06and24.06BernardStreet.

File No. 1897/24-No.19369 SussexLocations3140 and4043 "Schoolsite" to include Sussex Location 4828 assurveyedand shownborderedred on Land Administration

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Diagram 87933 and of its ai’ea being increasedto 3.135 0hectaresaccordingly.P-ianKarridale S.W. 1:25 000 BussellHighway in theShire of Augusta-MargaretRiver.

File No. 4414/55V2-No. 24405 Onslow Lots 301, 302,304, 314, 315, 316, 404, 450, 451, 452, 586 and589 "CaravanPark" to include Onslow Lot 695 as surveyedand shownbordered red on Land Administration Plan 16846 andOnslow Lot 698 Formerly Onslow Lot 313 and of its areabeing increased to 2.057 8 hectares accordingly. PlanOnslow 1:2 000 38.07 SecondAvenue.

File No. 1235/58-No. 25588 Murray District"Recreation"to comprise Murray Location 1528 formerlyportion of Murray Location 66 and oeing Lot 151 on Diagram 13496;excludingthat portion delineatedandcoloureddark brownon LandsandSurveysDiagram80835;and of itsarea being reduced to about 3.630 7 hectaresaccordingly.Plan Mandurah1:2 000 04.01 05.01 and 1:10 000 1.1 HallsHeadParade.

File No. 1403/60V2-No. 27179 PlantagenetLocation7585 "Tertiary EducationSite" to excludethat portion nowcomprisedin Location 7646 assurveyedandshownborderedred on Land AdministrationDiagram88761 and of its areabeing reduced to 141.7679 hectares accordingly. PlanAlbany 10 000 3.2 and2 000 13.08 and 13.09 Mercer Road.

File No. 827/72-No, 31499 Murray location 1627"Access to Breakwater" to exclude that portion nowcomprised in Location 1797, as surveyedand shown borderedred on Land AdministrationOriginal Plan 16539, andof its areabeing reducedto about 2.7145 hectaresaccordingly. Plan Mandurah1:2 000 5.01 LagoonWay.

File No. 2602/72-No,31983 CoolgardieLots 2140,2141and Jaurdi Location 2, 30 and 31 "Arboretum andParklands"to excludeCoolgardieLot 2140 and that portionnow comprised in Jaurdi Location 53 as delineatedandshownborderedred on Land Administration ReserveDiagram 727 and of its area being reduced to about 24.201 8hectaresaccordingly.Plan:Coolgardie1:2 000 8.11 and 8.12GreatEasternHighway andBayley Street.

File No. 2356/74-No.33892Menzies Lots 16, 17 and 18"Community Centre"to excludeLots 16 and 18 as surveyedon Original Plan Menzies91/6 and of its areabeingreducedto 1 012 square metres accordingly. Plan: MenziesTownsite Walsh Street.

File No, 1464/980-No, 37045 Coolgardie Lot 2144"Effluent Lagoon and StormwaterCatchmentSite" to comprise CoolgardieLots 2140, 2144 and JaurdiLocation 53 asdelineatedand shownborderedred on Land AdministrationReserveDiagram 727 and of its area being increasedto7.3649 hectaresaccordingly.Plan: Coolgardie 1:2 000 8.11and8.12 GreatEasternHighway andBayleyStreet.

File No. 3371/981-No.37783 Cockburn SoundLocation2677 "Public Recreation"to include Cockburn SoundLocation 2981 formerly portion of CockburnSoundLocation439 being Lot 35 on Plan 13788 and of its area beingincreasedto 5 597 squaremetresaccordingly. Plan Perth2 000 12.09 LachlanWay.

N.J. SMYTH,ExecutiveDirector.


Departmentof LandAdministration,Perth,30 December1988.

HIS ExcellencytheGovernorin ExecutiveCouncil hasbeenpleasedto approve,undera tion 37 of the Land Act 1933 ofthe cancellationof thefollowing reserves-

File No.8776/907-No.11656 North FremantleLots 171,274, 275, 282, 352, 367 and 426 "Use and Requirementsofthe Western Australian DevelopmentCorporation". PlanPerth1:2 000 7.16 and7.17 McCabeStreet.

File No. 8123/910-No. 13139 Avon Location 26928"Water". Plan Luptons N.W. 1:25 000 Brookton Highway,Shireof Beverley.

File No. 671/40-No. 22329 Yellowdine Lot 13"Railways". Plan YellowdineTownsiteMassieStreet.

File No. 2611/17 V2-No. 27096 Kojonup Lot 282"RecreationYouth Club". Plan Kojonup 1:2 000 09.17and10.17 PensionerRoad.

File No. 2611/17 V2-No. 27097 Kojonup Lots 245 and299 "Aged PersonsHomesSite". Plan Kojonup Townsite1:2 00009.17 PensionerRoad.

N. J. SMYTH,ExecutiveDirector.


Departmentof Land Administration,Perth,30 December1988.

HIS Excellencythe Governorin ExecutiveCouncil hasbeenpleasedto approve,undersection 37 of theLand Act 1933,of thechangeof purposeof thefollowing reserves-

File No. 3243/897-No, 4318 Waroona Lots 21 to 24inclusiveand 363 beingchangedfrom "Schoolsite"to "Useand Requirementsof the Minister for Works". Public Plan:WaroonaTownsiteBirch Street.

File No. 4177/56-No. 24630 CarnarvonLot 730 beingchanged from "Housing Main Roads Department" to"Use and Requirements of the Commissionerof MainRoads".Plan Carnarvon1:200009.05Whitlock Street.

File No. 1235/58-No.25588 Murray Location 1528 being changed from "Recreation" to "Public Recreation".Plan Mandurah1:2 000 04.01 05.01 and 1:1 000 1.1 HallsHeadParade.

File No. 130/72-No. 32150 Swan Location 8918 beingchangedfrom "Recreation"to "Public Recreation".PublicPlan: Swan1:2 000 7.03 GlenbankCrescent.

File No. 2933/983-No.38575 PeelEstateLot 1340being changedfrom "ExplosivesStorageand Manufacture"to"Explosives Storageand Manufactureand the temporarystorage of Domestic Articles and Solvents containingPolychlorinatedBiphenyls". Plan Peel1:10 000 2.3, 3.4 andWellard S.W. and Rockingham S.E. 1:25000 StakehillRoad.

N. J. SMYTH,ExecutieDirector.


Amendmentof BoundariesAddition

Departmentof Land Administration,Perth,30 December1988.

File No, 25 10/34.HIS ExcellencytheGovernorin ExecutiveCouncil hasbeenpleasedto approve,undersection10 of the Land Act 1933 oftheamendmentof theboundariesof YellowdineTownsite toincludetheareadescribedin theSchedulehereunder.

ScheduleThoseportions of land now comprisedin Yellowdine Lot

26 shown delineatedand borderedred on DepartmentofLandAdministrationPlan Number17271.

Land AdministrationPublic Plan:Yellowdine Townsite.

N. J. SMYTH,ExecutiveDirector,


Notice of Intentionto granta SpecialLeaseundersection116

Departmentof LandAdministration,Perth,16 December1988.

Corres.2155/975V4.IT is herebynotified that it is intendedto granta leaseoverformer Special Lease 3116/8550 to Djarindjin AboriginalCorporation for a term of twenty one 21 years for thepurposeof "Grazing".



Notice of Intentionto granta special leaseunderSection116

Departmentof LandAdministration,Perth,23 December1988.

Corres.2786/984IT is herebynotified that it is intendedto grant a leaseoverRoe Location 3098 to Co-OperativeBulk Handling Limitedfor a termof twentyone21 yearsfor thepurposeof "GrainHandlingFacilities".

N. J. SMYTH,ExecutiveDirector.

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30 December19881 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 5093



Suspensionof section25

BushFires Board,Perth,30 December1988.

IT is herebynotified that the Hon Minister administeringthe Bush Fires Act has approved,pursuantto the powerscontainedin section25B of the saidAct, the suspensionofthe operationof section25 that relatedto a fire to be lit, orwhich is lit, for the purposeof destroyinggardenrefuse orrubbish or any like purposeduring the declaredprohibitedand restrictedburning times on land setaside for the purpose in the municipal district of the Shire of Dalwallinu.This notice shall have effect until revoked and is issuedsubjectto the following specifiedconditions.

SpecifiedConditions1. A wire fence being at least two metres in height to be

erected so as to completely surround the perimeterof therubbish disposal site being portion of Melbourne Location2025, apartfrom a vehicleaccesson thenorthwestcorner.

2. A sign warning of the prohibition of unauthorisedlighting of fires to beerectedat thesite.

3. All dumping of rubbish to be confined to thepit thatCouncil have provided for the purposeand that a sign bemaintainedat thesite to inform the public that dumping inanyotherareais prohibited.

4. All dispersedrubbish to be returnedto the excavationprovidedprior to lighting of eachfire in thepit.

5. Fires only to be lit by the Shire Councils rubbishcollecting contractorsor suchpersonsas specificallyauthorisedto do so by the ShireClerk,

6. Firesto be lit at leastonceper fortnight.7. All rubbish to be pushedinto thepit mentionedin 4

aboveat regularintervalsto preventbuild-up.8. No fires to be lit on land subjectto thesuspensionon a

dayof which the fire dangerforecastas issuedby theBureauof Meteorology in Perth in respect to the locality is"Extreme"or "Very High".

IAN TAYLOR,Minister for PoliceandEmergencyServices.


Suspensionof section25

BushFiresBoard,Perth,30 December1988.

Corres216.PURSUANT to the powerscontained in section 25B of theBush Fires Act 1954 I herebysuspendthe operationof section 25 that relatesto a fire to be lit, or which is lit, for thepurposeof destroyinggardenrefuseor rubbish or any likepurpose during the declared Prohibited and RestrictedBurning Times on land set aside for the purpose in theMunicipal District of Pingelly rubbish disposalsite on ReserveNo.9593.

This notice shall have effect until revoked and is issuedsubjectto the following conditions.

SpecifiedConditions1. All burning of rubbish to be confinedto the pit that

Council have provided for the purpose and that a sign be

maintainedat the site to inform all public that dumping inanyotherareais prohibited.

2. A sign warning of the prohibition of unauthorisedlighting of fires to be erectedand maintainedin good condition at thesite.

3. A fence be constructedto enclose the area and bemaintainedin a sound condition throughout the period ofsuspension.

4. The accumulatedrefuse to be lit regularly,but only bythe Shire Council refuse contractor or such other personsspecifically authorisedto do so by theShireCouncil.

5. That all grassand bush of an inflammablenaturesavestandinglive treeson thereservebe burntor removedbeforethefirst fire is lit.

6. Thatan officer of the Conservationand LandManagement DepartmentNarrogin, be notified prior to lighting oneachandeveryoccasion,

7. No fire is to be lit on land subjectto thesuspensionon aday for which the fire dangerforecast by the Bureau ofMeteorologyin Perthin respectof the locality is "Extreme"or "Very High".

IAN TAYLOR,Minister for PoliceandEmergencyServices.


Appointmentof Fire ControlOfficers

IT is herebynotified for public information that the following personshave been appointedFire Control Officers forthe Town of Northam.Chief Bush Fire Control Officer: Carry-Owen James

Moulds.Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer: McCallum Scott

Johnston.FireControl Officers-

RobertFrancisTaylorMilton Keith ClarkeJamesElanBarry John SharpeCohnEdwardHicksNormanWhitburnRandallFreshwaterChesterMcKean

All previousappointmentsof Fire Control Officer arecancelledwith immediateeffect,

D. S. BURNETT,Acting Town Clerk,


Shireof Bridgetown-Greenbushes

Chief FireControl Officer

IT is hereby notified for public information that John J.Taylor of Bridgetownhasbeen appointedChief Fire ControlOfficer for the Shireof Bridgetown-Greenbushes.

The appointmentof RanaldI. Stewartis herebycancelled.

K. L. HILL,Shire Clerk,


Municipality of theTown of Mandurah

By-laws of theMandurahTown Council relatingto theestablishment,maintenanceandequipmentof bush fire brigadesfor theTown or anypart of theTown of Mandurah,

IN pursuanceof thepowerconferredupon it by the abovementionedAct and all other powersenablingit, theCouncil of the abovementionedmunicipalityherebyrecordshaving resolvedon21 July 1987 to make and submit for confirmation by the Governor the following by-lawsrelatingto BushFiresAct 1954.

By-laws relating to the establishment,maintenanceand equipmentof bush fire brigadesappearingin theGovernmentGazetteon 31 December1981 areherebyrevoked.

1. BushFire Brigades1.1 Establishmentof Brigades-a A Bush Fire Brigade may be establishedfor the whole of the Town or for any


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b On the resolutionof the Council to establish,maintainand equipa Bush FireBrigadeunder the provision of the Bush Fires Act 1954 and regulationsthereunder, theBrigade shall be formed in accordancewith theseby-laws and a nameshall be givento theBrigade.

1.2Appointmentof Officers: EachBrigadeshall hold anAnnualGeneralMeetingduringthemonth of March at which a Captain,First Lieutenant, a SecondLieutenant and such additional Lieutenantsas deemednecessary,MaintenanceOfficer, Secretary,Treasureron Secretary/Treasurercombinedshall be electedaccordingto qualificationsand knowledge of thedistrict requiredin suchcapacities.The Council shall be notified annuallyof thenamesof theofficers by way of "Form 12" identified in theSecondScheduleof theseby-laws.

1.3 Duties of Officers: The duties of all Brigade Officers and Membersshall be detailed inthe provisionsoftheBush FiresAct 1954 asamended.

a Captains and Lieutenants:Not withstandingsection 39 of theBush Fires Act 1954as amended,the Captainshall have full control over the membersof the Brigadewhilst engagedin fire fighting and shall issue instructionsas to the methodsto beadoptedby the firemen. In theabsenceof the Captain,theFirst Lieutenant,andinthe absenceof theFirst, the SecondLieutenantor SeniorOfficer or Member of theBrigadepresentat the fire shall exerciseall the powersand dutiesof the Captain.

b MaintenanceOfficer: The MaintenanceOfficer shall be responsiblefor the custodyand maintenance in good order and condition of all equipment and appliancesacquiredby the Council for the purposeof the Brigade.Such Officer shall maintainanup-to-dateBrigade equipmentlist, a copy of which must be forwardedto Councilprior to May eachyear.

c Secretaryand/or Treasurer:Shall be responsiblefor administration as per section1.6d of theseby-laws.

1.4 Brigade Membership:Bush Fire Brigade membershipis restricted to personsof eithersex being over theage of 15 yearswho are willing to renderserviceat any Bush Fire whencalledupon. Membershipis registeredby signatureon the appropriatemembershipform ascontainedin theFirst Scheduleof theby-laws.

1.5Fundingof Brigades-a The Council may provide annualfunding necessaryfor the purchaseand mainten

anceof all Brigadeequipment.b Apart from purchaseof major items of equipmentaspenapprovedBudgeton-going

operationalcosts will be funded in two half yearly paymentspaid direct to eachBrigade.

c The Brigade Treasurershall maintain an accuratesetof recordsdetailing revenuefrom all sourcesandexpendituremadeby theBrigades.

1.6 AdministrationResponsibilities.a Meetings-

i Brigade meetingsshall be held as required, with a minimum quorum of 6Brigade membersrequiredto bepresent.A copyof the minutesof the meetingis requiredto be forwardedto theCouncil’s Chief Fire Control Officer withinoneweekof themeetingtaking place.The Council’s BushFire Control Officershall tablesuchminutesat the next following Fire Advisory CommitteeMeeting.

ii An Officer of the Council may be presentat any meeting of a Bush FireBrigade.

iii Brigadesshall providetheTown Clerk with adviceof meetingsat least7 daysprior to the dateof themeeting.

b Membership:The Brigade Secretaryshall maintain a registerof c1 members,andresignationof suchmembersfrom theBrigade.

c Funding-i Equipmentand funding requiredby each Brigade,approvedby the Advisory

Committeeshall bepresentedto Council prior to May eachyear.ii A copy of the Brigade receiptsand paymentsstatement,showing financial

transactionsfrom 1st April to thenext following 31stMarcheachyear is to bemadeavailableto Council duringMay eachyear.

d Secretaryand/on Treasurer:Is responsiblefor all Brigade Administration matterswhich will includethefollowing:

i Takingof Brigade meetingminutes,ii Maintaining Brigade membershiprecords.iii Detailing revenuefrom all sourcesandexpendituremadeby the Brigade.iv Receiveandanswercorrespondenceas necessary.

2. Bush Fire ControlOfficers2.1 Appointment

a At the AnnualGeneralMeetingof eachBush Fire Brigade,oneBrigade membermaybe nominatedto the Bush Fire Advisory Committee to serve as the Fire ControlOfficer for the specified brigade boundary area until the next following AnnualGeneralMeeting.

b The Council shall appoint Bush Fire Control Officers in accordancewith section38of theBush FiresAct 1954 as amendedand may prescribetheareain which eachOfficer shall havejurisdiction.

c At the Annual GeneralMeetingof theBushFires Advisory Committeethe delegatespresentshall nominateto Council thenamesof Officers to fill the positionsof BushFire ControlOfficers andFire WeatherOfficers.

2.2 Powers:The powersof Bush Fire Control Officers as describedin the Bush Fines Act1954 shall apply to all Fine Control Officers except 39H which, therefore,restricts theemploymentof personson services,unlessapprovedby anAuthonisedOfficer.

For the purposesof theseby-laws, "AuthorisedOfficer" shall mean;The Town Clerk, or apersonfor thetime being,holding that office.

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30 December1988] GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA 5095



I theundersigned,Block LettersPlease

herebymakeapplicationto beenrolledasa memberof theBushFire Brigade.My private addressisMy businessaddressisI canbecontactedon telephonenumberPleaselist hereany fine fighting equipmentownedby you.


NOTE: All membersof your family over theageof 15 shouldbe registeredasbrigademembersPleaselist below.

ThisForm to be Retainedby BrigadeSecretary


Form 12


Bush Fires Act-1954



DateTownof Mandunah

BushFire BrigadeCaptainLieutenants 1



Town Clerk

The Common Seal of the Town of Mandunah wasaffixedheretoin thepresenceof-



K. W. DONOHOE,Town Clerk.

Recommended-IAN TAYLOR,

Minister for Policeand EmergencyServices.

Approvedby His ExcellencytheGovernorin ExecutiveCouncilon 20 December1988.G. PEARCE,

Clerk of the Council.


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5096 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,WA [30 December1988


Municipality of theShireof Merredin

By-law Relatingto Firebreaks

IN pursuanceof thepowersconferredupon it by the aboovementionedAct, the Council of theMunicipality of theShineof Merredin herebyrecordshavingresolvedon 20 September1988 tomakeandsubmitfor confirmationby theGovernorthe following by-laws-

1. Definitions: In theseby-laws-"Council" meanstheCouncil of the Municipality of theShineof Merredin."Rural Land" meansall land within theShireof Merredinnot definedasTownsiteLand."Townsite Land" meansall landwithin the boundaryof all Townsiteswithin theShireof

Merredin."Firebreak" meansground from which all flammable materialhas beenremovedand on

which no flammablematerialis permittedduringtheFirebreakPeriod,"Owner or Occupier"meansa personor personsas definedin section7 of theBushFires

Act 1954."FirebreakPeriod" means-

a On TownsiteLand thetime between1st day of Novemberin anyyearandthe15th dayof Marchin thefollowing year.

b On Rural Land the time between1st day of November in any yearand the15th dayof Marchin thefollowing year.

2. Subject to ParagraphFour 4 hereof all ownersor occupiersof landwithin the Shire ofMernedin shall provide and maintain firebreaksduring thefirebreak period as prescribedintheseby-laws.

RuralLand: To a width of threemetreswide inside and along all external boundariesofland owned or occupiedby you; and to a width of twenty metres wide around allbuildings,hayshedsandfuel storageareas.

TownsiteLand-a Where areaof land is two thousandsquaremetres or lessthe Land shall be

clearedof all flammablematerial.b Where areaof landexceedstwo thousandsquaremetresa firebreakof not less

than threemetreswide shall be cleared of all flammable material inside theexternal boundariesof that land, notwithstandingthat where the commonboundaryadjoins a constructedroad, the installation of thesaid finebreak isoptional.

3. LicensedFuel Depots: Fine protectionstandardsat all licensedfuel depotswithin theShire of Merredin will be in compliancewith all the requirementsof the Explosives andDangerousGoodsAct 1961 andtheFlammableLiquids Regulations1967.

4. If it is consideredimpractical to clear firebreaksor removeflammablematerial from theland as requiredby theseBy-laws applicationmay be made in writing to the Council on itsduly authorisedofficer for permission to provide finebreaksin alternativepositions. If permissionis not grantedby the Council or its duly authonisedofficer the requirementsof theseBy-lawsshall becompliedwith.

5. Penalty for Non-Compliance:A fine not exceeding$1,000and in default the Council mayenterupon the landandperformthe requisiteworks atthecostof theowneron occupier.

Dated22 November1988.The Common Seal of the Shire of Merredin was

affixed heretoin thepresenceof-[L.S.]


R. LITTLE,ShireClerk.


Municipality of theShireof Nunganin

By-law Relatingto Firebreaks

IN pursuanceof the powersconferredupon it by the abovementionedAct the Council of theMunicipality of Nunganinhereby recordshaving resolvedon 31 August 1988 to make andsubmitfor confirmation by theGovernorthefollowing by-laws-

1. Definitions: In theseby-laws-"Council" meanstheCouncil of theMunicipality of theShire of Nunganin."Rural Land" meansall landwithin theShireof Nungarinnot definedasTownsiteLand."Townsite Land" meansall land within the boundaryof all Townsiteswithin theShire of

Nungarin."Firebreak" meansground from which all flammablematerial hasbeenremovedand on

which no flammablematerialis permittedduringtheFirebreakperiod."Owner or Occupier"meansa personor personsas definedin Section 7 of the BushFires

Act 1954."FirebreakPeriod" means-

a On TownsiteLand the time between30th dayof Septemberin any year andthe 1st dayof Februaryin the following year.

b On Rural Land the time between1st dayof Novemberin anyyearand the 1stdayof Februaryin thefollowing year.

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30 December1988] GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA 5097

2. Subjectto ParagraphFour 4 hereof all owners on occupiersof land within the Shire ofNunganinshall provide and maintain firebreaksduring the firebreakperiod as prescribedintheseby-laws.

Rural Land: To a width of Threemetreswide inside and along all externalboundariesoflandand aroundareasof not morethan 200 ha 500 acresownedor occupiedby you; and to awidth of two metreswide aroundall buildings,hayshedsand fuel storageareas.

Finebreaksmay be ploughed,scarified on otherwisecleared of all debris of a flammablenatureand mustbe maintainedfree of suchmaterials,

TownsiteLand-a Where areaof land is 5 000 squaremetresor less the Land shall be cleared of all

flammablematerialand maintainedfree of suchmaterial,b Where area of land exceeds5 000 squaremetresa finebreak of not less than two

metreswide shall be cleared of all flammable material and maintainedfree of suchmaterial, inside the externalboundariesof that land,notwithstandingthat wherethecommonboundaryadjoins a constructedroad, theinstallationof thesaid finebreak isoptional.

3. LicensedFuel Depotsand Ramps:Fire protection standardsat all licensed fuel depotswithin the Shineof Nungarin will be in compliancewith all therequirementsof theExplosivesandDangerousGoodsAct 1961 andtheFlammableLiquids Regulations1967.

All grassand similar flammablematerialsto be cleanedfrom areaswheredrum rampsarelocatedand wheredrums, full or empty, are stored and suchareasmaintainedclear of grassandsimilar flammablematerials.

4. If it is consideredimpracticalto clear firebreakson removeflammablematerial from theland as requiredby theseBy-Laws applicationmay be madein writing to the Council or itsduly authonisedofficer for permissionto provide firebreaks in alternativepositions. If permissionis not grantedby the Council or its duly authonisedofficer the requirementsof theseBy-laws shall becompliedwith.

5. If the requirementsof this notice are carried out by burning, suchburning must be inaccordancewith therelevantprovisionsof the BushFires Act 1954.

6. Penalty for Non-Compliance:A fine not exceeding$1 000 andin default the Council mayenterupon thelandandperformthe requisiteworks at thecostof theowneror occupier.

Datedthis 31stDay of August, 1988.

TheCommonSealof theMunicipality of the ShireofNungarinwas affixed heretoin thepresenceof-


Shire President.

P. J. VARRIS,Shire Clerk.

Recommended-IAN TAYLOR,

Minister for PoliceandEmergencyServices.

Confirmedby His Excellencythe Governorin ExecutiveCouncil this 20th dayof December1988.

G. PEARCE,Clerk of theCouncil.


Municipality of theShine of WestArthur

By-lawsrelatingto the Establishment,MaintenanceandEquipmentof BushFire Brigades.

IN pursuanceof thepowers conferredupon it by the abovementionedAct, and of all otherpowersenablingit, the Council of theShire of WestArthur herebyrecordshavingresolvedonthe 18 August 1988, to makeand submit for confirmationby the Governor,the following bylaws.

The by-lawspublishedin the GovernmentGazettedated21 March 1941 atpage 361 andasamendedin theGovernmentGazettedated28 September1960, relatingto the establishment,maintenanceand equipmentof Bush Fires Brigadesare herebyrepealedand replacedby thefollowing:

Establishmentof Brigade1. a By resolution,theCouncil mayestablish,maintain andequipa bushfire brigadeunder

the provisionsof the Bush Fires Act 1954 and regulationsthereunder.The brigadeshall beformed in accordancewith theseby-laws; anda nameshall begiven to thebrigade.Details ofthe brigadeand its officers shall be enteredin the registerof Bush Fine Brigades held byCouncil.

b A bush fine brigademay be establishedfor the whole of theShine or for any specifiedareathereof.

Appoinmentof Officers2. The Council shall appoint a captain,a first lieutenant,a second lieutenantand such

additionallieutenantsas it shall deemnecessaryto act as Officers of thebrigade.3. Membersof the Brigadeshall electa personto act as Secretaryto the Brigade and shall

inform theCouncil accordingly.

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5098 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA [30 December1988

4. The Council may appoint an equipmentofficer who shall be responsiblefor the custodyand maintenancein good order andconditionof all equipmentand appliancesacquiredby theCouncil for thepurposeof the brigade.Such officer may station such equipmentat a depotapprovedby thecaptain.

PowersandDutiesof Officers5. The powersand duties of all officers appointedundertheseby-laws shall be laid down in

the provisionsof the Bush FiresAct 1954 and eachofficer so appointedshall be suppliedwitha copyof theAct andregulations.

Membershipof Brigade6. 1 Themembershipof a bush fire brigademay consistof thefollowing:

a subscribingmembers;andb firefighting members.

2 Subscribingmembersshall be those persons,who being interestedin forwarding theobjectsof the brigade,payan annualsubscriptionto the fundsof the brigadeat the followingrates:

i owneror occupierof land within the brigadearea-minimumsubscriptionof $1.00ii otherpersons-minimumsubscriptionsof $0.50

3 Firefighting membersshall be thosepersons,being able bodiedpersonsoven 15 yearswho are willing to render service at any bush fire when called upon; and who sign anundertakingin the form containedin threFirst Scheduleto theseby-laws.

4 No feesor subscriptionsshall bepayableby finefighting membersand theenrolmentofpersonsas suchmembersshall in everycasebesubjectto theapprovalof theCouncil.

5 A subscribingmembershall beelegible for enrolmentas a firefighting member,Finance

7. The expenditureincurred by the Council in the purchaseof equipment,payment forservicesandgenerallyfor the purposeof this Act, shall be a chargeon theordinary revenueoftheCouncil and recordsof suchexpenditureshall be maintainedin accordancewith Municipalaudit requirements.

Meetingsof Brigades8. Meetingswill beheldasnecessary.

First ScheduleFormof Enrolment-FirefightingMember

I theundersigned,herebymakeapplicationto beenrolledas a firefighting memberof the ,.,,,...BushFine Brigade.My PrivateaddressisMy BusinessaddressisI canbecontactedon TelephoneNoI herebydeclarethat I amover yearsof ageand in good health.Onenrolmentas a firefighter member,I herebyundertake:

1. To promotetheobjectsof the brigadeas far as shall be in my power.2. To be governedby the provisionsof theconstitution,suchBy-Laws and regulations

asmay fromtime to time be madethereunder.3. To use my bestendeavourto give assistancein firefighting measureswhen called

upon and on such occasionsto obey all ordersand instructions issued by dulyauthonisedofficers of thebrigade.


Dated this 18th dayof August, 1988.The Common Sealof the Shire of West Arthur was

heretoaffixed in thepresenceof[L.S.

K. M. McINERNEY,President.

G. S. WILKS,ShireClerk.

Recommended-IAN TAYLOR,

Minister for EmergencyServices,

Approvedby His Excellencythe Governorin Executive Council this 20th dayof December1988.

G. PEARCE,Clerk of theCouncil.

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30 December19881 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA 5099


SchemeAmendmentAvailable for Inspection

City of CanningTown PlanningSchemeNo. 16-AmendmentNo. 483

SPC:853-2-16-18Pt 483.NOTICE is herebygiven that theCity of Canning haspreparedthe abovementionedschemeamendmentfor the purposeof rezoningNos. 1393-1395Albany Highway Lots 2and 3 Corner Oak Street, Cannington, from "G.R.4Restricted"to "Showroom/Warehouse".

Plans and documentssetting out and explaining theschemeamendmenthavebeen depositedat Council Offices,1317 Albany Highway, Canningtonand at the State Planning CommissionPerth,and will be availablefor inspectionduringoffice hoursup to and including 10 February1989.

Submissionson the schemeamendmentshould be madein writing on Form No. 4 and lodged with the undersignedon or before 10 February 1989.

This amendmentis available for inspection in order toprovide an opportunity for public commentand it shouldnot beconstruedthat final approvalwill be granted.

I. F. KINNER,Town Clerk,


SchemeAmendmentAvailable for Inspection

City of Cockburn District Zoning SchemeNo. 1-AmendmentNo. 145

SPC: 853-2-23-5,Pt. 145.NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Cockbunn hasprepared the abovementioned schemeamendment for thepurposeof nezoningJandakotAgricultural AreaLot 128 andLot 129 situatedat the Conner of Jandakotand FraserRoads,Jandakotfrom Ruralto SpecialRural,

Plans and documents setting out and explaining theschemeamendmenthavebeendepositedatCouncil Offices,9 Coleville Crescent,Spearwoodand at the State PlanningCommissionPerth, andwill be available for inspectionduring office hoursup to andincluding 27 January1989.

Submissionson the schemeamendmentshould be madein writing on Form No. 4 and lodgedwith the undersignedon on before27 January1989.

This amendmentis available for inspection in order toprovide an opportunity for public comment and it shouldnot beconstruedthat final approvalwill begranted.

A. J. ARMAREGO,Town Clerk,


SchemeAmendmentAvailable for Inspection

City of Stirling District PlanningSchemeNo. 2-AmendmentNo.92

SPC:853-2-20-34,Pt. 92.NOTICE is herebygiven that the City of Stirling haspreparedthe abovementionedschemeamendmentfor thepurposeof rezoningPerthshireLocation Au and beingPartLot161 Morley Drive, Lot 50 and Part Lots 159, 281 and 282,WannerooRoad,Nollamara from "Low to Medium DensityResidentialR20/40"to "Business".

Plans and documentssetting out and explaining theschemeamendmenthavebeen depositedatCouncil Offices,Civic Place,Stirling and at theState PlanningCommissionPerth, and will be available for inspection during officehoursup to andincluding 10 February1989.

Submissionson the schemeamendmentshould be madein writing on Form No. 4 and lodgedwith the undersignedon or before 10 February1989.

This amendmentis available for inspection in order toprovide an opportuntity for public commentand it shouldnot beconstruedthat final approvalwill begranted.

R.FARDON,Town Clerk.


ApprovedTown PlanningSchemeAmendment

City of WannerooTown PlanningSchemeNo. 1-AmendmentNo, 434

SPC: 853-2-30-1,Pt. 434.IT is hereby notified for public information, in accordancewith section7 of theTown Planning and DevelopmentAct1928 that the Minister for Planning approvedthe City ofWanneroo Town Planning Scheme Amendment on19 December1988 for the purpose of rezoning Lot 402HartmanDrive, Wangarafrom Rural to GeneralIndustrial,


R. F. COFFEY,Town Clerk.


ApprovedTown PlanningSchemeAmendment

Shineof Bnidgetown-GreenbushesTown PlanningSchemeNo. 4-AmendmentNo. 1

SPC:853-6-5-4,Pt. 1.IT is herebynotified for public information, in accordancewith section 7 of theTown Planningand DevelopmentAct1928 that the Minister for Planning approvedthe Shire ofBridgetown-GreenbushesTown Planning SchemeAmendment on 19 December1988 for thepurposeof-

1. RezoningLots 63, 134, 135 and138 anda portion ofthe vacant crown land adjacentto Allnutt Streetand west of Greenbushes-GnimwadeRoad and aportion of Allnutt Streetasshownon theamendingmap, within the townsite of North Greenbushesfrom "Rural 2-General Agriculture" to"Industrial",

J. WRIGHT,President.

K. L. HILL,ShineClerk.


SchemeAmendmentAvailable for Inspection

Shireof BnoomeTown PlanningSchemeNo. 2-AmendmentNo. 47

SPC:853-7-2-3,Pt, 47.NOTICE is hereby given that the Shire of Broome haspreparedthe abovementionedschemeamendmentfor thepurposeof rezoningLot 627 from "Rural" zoneto "PlaceofPublic Assembly-Worship".

Plans and documentssetting out and explaining theschemeamendmenthavebeendepositedat Council Offices,Weld Street,Broomeand at the StatePlanningCommissionPerth, and will be available for inspection during officehoursup to andincluding 10 February1989.

Submissionson the schemeamendmentshould be madein writing on Form No. 4 and lodgedwith the undersignedon orbefore 10 February1989.

This amendmentis available for inspection in order toprovide an opportunity for public commentand it shouldnot beconstruedthat final approvalwill begranted.

D. L. HAYNES,Shire Clerk.


SchemeAmendmentAvailable for Inspection

Shineof RockinghamTown PlanningSchemeNo. 1-AmendmentNo. 189

SPC:853-2-28-1,Pt. 189.NOTICE is herebygiven that theShire of Rockinghamhaspreparedthe abovementionedschemeamendmentfor thepurposeof rezoningPart Lots 796, 799 and 802 WarnbroSound Avenue, Warnbno from various reserves and the"ResidentialDeferred"zoneto "Development"zone.

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5100 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [30 December1988

Plans and documents setting out and explaining theschemeamendmenthave been depositedat Council Offices,Council Avenue, Rockinghamand at the State PlanningCommissionPerth, andwill be availablefor inspectionduring office hoursup to andincluding 10 February1989.

Submissionson theschemeamendmentshould be madein writing on Form No. 4 and lodgedwith the undersignedon orbefore 10 February1989.

This amendmentis available for inspection in order toprovide an opportunity for public commentand it shouldnot beconstruedthat final approvalwill begranted.

G. G. HOLLAND,ShineClerk.

Number 27 as depicted on Amending Map SheetNumber27/19M does not constitutea substantialalteration to theMetropolitanRegionScheme.

The Common Seal of theState Planning Commission was hereuntoaffixed in the presenceof-




Third Schedule



Notice of ProposedAmendment

Reductionof theImportant RegionalRoadReservationWidth for PattersonRoad,Rockingham

AmendmentNo. 743/33A;File No. 833-2-28-27.THE State Planning Commissionproposesto amend theMetropolitan Region Schemethe Scheme in accordancewith the provisionsof section33A of the Metropolitan Region Town PlanningSchemeAct 1959 as amended.A description of the proposedAmendment is contained in theFirst Schedulehereunder.

Pleasenote that the proposedAmendmentdoesnot, intheopinion of the State PlanningCommission,constituteasubstantialalteration to the Schemeanda certificate to thiseffect is outlined in theSecondSchedulehereunder.

Copies of the map sheets depicting that pant of theSchememapwhich is being amendedareavailablefor publicinspectionduringnormal businesshoursat theplaceslistedin theThird Schedulehereunder.

Anyone wishing to make a submissionon any aspectofthe proposedAmendmentwhether in support or againstmay do so in writing to the Minister for Planning on theform entitled Submission-Section33A. Forms areavailableat the placeswherethe proposedamendmentis open forpublic inspection.

Submissionsare to be lodgedin duplicatewith-TheTown PlanningAppealCommittee"Hyatt Centre"87 AdelaideTerracePerthWA 6000

on or before4.00 pm Friday,3 March 1989.



First Schedule


The Metropolitan Region Scheme is proposed to beamendedby substitutingthe zonesand reservationsshownon Amending Map SheetNumber 27/19M for the correspondingpartsof Metropolitan Region SchemeMap SheetNumber27.

The purposeof theAmendmentis to enabledevelopmentof landwhich is surplusto roadrequirements.

The effect of the Amendment is to exclude portions ofland along PattersonRoad, betweenKent Streetand Flinders Lane,Rockinghamfrom the Important RegionalRoadReservationandincludeit in theUrbanZone.

The proposedAmendmentNumber 743/33A is depictedon PlanNumber4.0993datedDecember7, 1988 and in moredetailon SupportingPlan Number 1.1109/1.



In accordancewith the provisionsof section 33A of theMetropolitan Region Town PlanningSchemeAct, 1959 asamended,the State PlanningCommissionherebycertifiesthat, in the opinion of the Commission, the proposedAmendmentto theMetropolitanRegionSchemeMap Sheet

Public Inspection duringnormal businesshours1. Office of the StatePlanningCommission

8thFloor, OakleighBuilding22 St George’sTerracePerthWA 6000

2. Office of theMunicipality of theShireof RockinghamCouncil AvenueRockinghamWA 6168

3. J. S. BattyeLibraryAlexanderLibrary BuildingCultural CentreFrancisStreetNorthbnidgeWA 6000



Notice of Approval

CockburnSoundLocation 554-RuralZoneto StateForestReserve

AmendmentNo. 727/33A; File No. 833-2-29-8.PLEASE note that the Hon Minister for Planning, in accordancewith the provisions of section 33A 7 of theMetropolitanRegion Town PlanningSchemeAct 1959 asamended,hasapprovedwithoutmodificationsthe proposedAmendmentto the MetropolitanRegion Scheme,describedin theFirst Schedulehereto.

Copies of the map sheetdepicting the Amendmentapprovedby the Minister without modifications are availablefor public inspection,during normal businesshoursat theplaceslisted in theSecondSchedulehereto.

The Amendmentas approvedshall haveeffect as from thedateof publicationof this noticein theGazette.



First Schedule

ApprovedAmendmentwithout modifications

The Metropolitan Region Scheme is amended bysubstitutingthezonesand reservationsshownon AmendingMap SheetNumber 29/4M for the correspondingpantsoftheMetropolitanRegion Map SheetNumbered29.

The approvedAmendmentis depictedon State PlanningCommissionPlanNo. 4.0977.

Notice of theproposalwas first publishedin the Gazetteon 23 September1988.


Public Inspectionduring normalbusinesshours1. Office of the StatePlanningCommission

8th Floor, Oakleigh Building22 St George’sTerracePerthWA 6000

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30 December1988] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,WA 5101

2. Office of the Municipality of theShireof Serpentine-JarrahdalePattersonStreetMundijong WA 6205

3. J. S. Battye LibraryAlexanderLibrary BuildingCultural CentreFrancisStreetNonthbnidgeWA 6000



Section33A Amendment

Noticeof Approval

CockburnSoundLocations2223 and2224-RuralZoneto StateForestReserve

AmendmentNo. 726/33A; File No, 833-2-29-8.PLEASE note that the Hon Minister for Planning, in accordance with the provisions of section 33A 7 of theMetropolitan Region Town PlanningSchemeAct 1959 asamended,hasapprovedwithout modifications theproposedAmendmentto the MetropolitanRegion Scheme,describedin theFirst Schedulehereto.

Copiesof the map sheetdepicting the Amendmentapproved by the Minister without modifications are availablefor public inspection,during normal businesshoursat theplaceslisted in the SecondSchedulehereto.

The Amendmentas approvedshall haveeffect as from thedateof publicationof this noticein theGazette.

GORDON G. SMITH,Sectretary,


First Schedule

ApprovedAmendmentwithout modifications

The Metropolitan Region Scheme is amended bysubstitutingthezonesandreservationsshown on AmendingMap SheetNumber 29/3M for the correspondingpartsoftheMetropolitanRegionMap SheetNumbered29.

The approvedAmendmentis depictedon StatePlanningCommissionPlan No. 4.0976.

Notice of the proposalwas first publishedin theGazetteon 23 September1988.


Public Inspectionduringnormal businesshours-1. Office of the StatePlanningCommission

8th Floor, OakleighBuilding22 St George’sTerracePerthWA 6000

2. Office of theMunicipality of theShireof Serpentine-JarnahdalePattersonStreetMundijongWA 6205

3. J. S. BattyeLibraryAlexanderLibrary BuildingCultural CentreFrancisStreetNorthbnidgeWA 6000



Notice of Approval

FormerRifle RangeReserve11509-RuralZone to StateForestReserve

AmendmentNo. 728/33A; File No. 833-2-29-8.PLEASE note that the Hon Minister for Planning, in accordance with the provisions of section 33A 7 of theMetropolitanRegion Town PlanningSchemeAct 1959 as

amended,hasapprovedwithout modificationsthe proposedAmendmentto the Metropolitan Region Scheme,describedin theFirst Schedulehereto.

Copies of the map sheet depicting the Amendmentapprovedby the Minister without modifications are availablefor public inspection,during normal businesshours at theplaceslisted in theSecondSchedulehereto.

The Amendmentasapprovedshall haveeffect as from thedateof publicationof this noticein theGazette.



First Schedule

ApprovedAmendmentwithout modifications

The Metropolitan Region Scheme is amended bysubstitutingthezonesand reservationsshownon AmendingMap SheetsNumbered 29/SM and 33/1M for the corresponding parts of the Metropolitan Region Map SheetsNumbered29 and33.

The approvedAmendmentis depictedon StatePlanningCommissionPlan No, 4.0979.

Notice of the proposalwas first publishedin the Gazetteon 23 September1988.


Public Inspectionduring normal businesshours-1. Office of the StatePlanningCommission

8th Floor, Oakleigh Building22 St George’sTerracePerthWA 6000.

2. Office of Municipality of theShireof Serpentine-JarrahdalePattersonStreetMundijongWA 6205.

3. J. S. BattyeLibraryAlexanderLibrary BuildingCultural CentreFrancisStreetNorthbridgeWA 6000.


MetropolitanRegionSchemeSection 33A--Amendment

Notice of Approval

Pt MurrayLocation692-RuralZoneto StateForestReserve

AmendmentNo. 725/33A; File No. 833-2-29-8.PLEASE note that the Hon Minister for Planning, in accordance with the provisions of section 33A 7 of theMetropolitanRegion Town PlanningSchemeAct 1959 asamended,hasapprovedwithout modificationsthe proposedAmendmentto the MetropolitanRegion Scheme,describedin theFirst Schedulehereto.

Copies of the map sheet depicting the Amendmentapproved by the Minister without modifications are availablefor public inspection,during normal businesshours at theplaceslisted in theSecondSchedulehereto,

The Amendmentas approvedshall haveeffect asfrom thedateof publicationof this noticein theGazette.

GORDON G. SMITH,Secretary,


First Schedule

ApprovedAmendmentwithout modifications

The Metropolitan Region Scheme is amended bysubstitutingthe zones an reservationsshown on AmendingMap SheetNumber 32/2M for the correspondingparts oftheMetropolitanRegionMap SheetNumbered32.

The approvedAmendmentis depictedon State PlanningCommissionPlan No. 4.0975.

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5102 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA [30 December1988

Notice of the proposalwas first publishedin the Gazetteon 23 September1988.


Public Inspectionduring normalbusinesshours1. Office oftheStatePlanningCommission

8th Floor, Oakleigh Building22 St George’sTerracePerthWA 6000

2. Office of theMunicipality of theShireof Serpentine-JarrahdalePattersonStreetMundijong WA 620S

3. J. S. BattyeLibraryAlexanderLibrary BuildingCulturalCentreFrancisStreetNorthbridgeWA 6000



Noticeof Approval

Rezoningfrom Ruralto Urban-PtLot 21 andPt Lot 14ToodyayRoad/LloydStreet,Wexcombe,Shire of Swan

AmendmentNo: 723/33A; File No: 833-2-21-63.PLEASE note that the Hon Minister for Planning, in accordancewith the provisions of section 33A 7 of theMetropolitan Region Town PlanningSchemeAct 1959 asamended,hasapprovedwithout modificationstheproposedAmendmentto theMetropolitan RegionScheme,describedin theFirstSchedulehereto.

Copies of the map sheetdepicting the Amendment approvedby the Minister without modifications are availablefor public inspection,during normal businesshoursat theplaceslisted in theSecondSchedulehereto.

The Amendmentas approvedshall haveeffect asfrom thedate of publicationof this noticein theGazette.



First Schedule

ApprovedAmendmentwithout modifications

The Metropolitan Region Scheme is amended bysubstitutingthezonesand reservationsshownon AmendingMap SheetsNumbered12/36M and 16/91M for the corresponding parts of the Metropolitan Region Map SheetsNumbered12 and 16.

The approved Amendment is depicted on StatePlanningCommissionPlan No.4.0980.

Notice of the proposalwas first publishedin the Gazetteon 9 September1988.


Public Inspection during normal businesshours1. Office of the State Planning Commission

8th Floor, Oakleigh Building22 St George’sTerracePerth WA 6000

2. Office ofthe Municipality of theShire of SwanGreatNorthernHighwayMidland WA 6056

3. J. S. Battye LibraryAlexanderLibrary BuildingCultural CentreFrancisStreetNorthbridge WA 6000



Notice of ProposedAmendment

ImportantRegionalRoad-BurnsBeachRoadto SouthernBoundaryAlkimos

AmendmentNo. 757/33A;File No.833-2-30-66.THE State Planning Commissionproposesto amendtheMetropolitan Region Schemethe Schemein accordancewith the provisionsof section33A of the Metropolitan Region Town PlanningSchemeAct 1959 as amended.A description of the proposedAmendment is contained in theFirst Schedulehereunder.

Pleasenote that the proposedAmendmentdoesnot, intheopinion of theState PlanningCommission,constituteasubstantialalterationto theSchemeand a certificateto thiseffect is outlinedin theSecondSchedulehereunder.

Copies of the map sheetsdepicting that part of theSchememap which is beingamendedareavailablefor publicinspectionduringnormal businesshoursat theplaceslistedin theThird Schedulehereunder.

Anyone wishing to make a submissionon any aspectofthe proposedAmendmentwhether in support or againstmay do so in writing to the Minister for Planning on theform entitledSubmission-Section33A. Forms areavailableat the placeswhere the proposedamendmentis open forpublic inspection.

Submissionsareto be lodgedin duplicatewith:The Town Planning Appeal Committee"Hyatt Centre"87 Adelaide TerracePerthWA 6000

on on before4.00 pm Friday, 3 March1989.

GORDON G. SMITH,Secretary,


First Schedule


The Metropolitan Region Scheme is proposed to beamended by substituting the zonesand reservations shownon AmendingMap SheetsNumbered3/SM and 7/24M forthe correspondingparts of Metropolitan Region SchemeMap SheetsNumbered3 and7.

The purposeof theAmendmentis to setout the structureof Important Regional RoadReservationsfor the NorthWestCorridorextensionin relation to the areasto undergourbandevelopment.

The effect of the Amendmentis to excludeland from theUrban and Rural Zones and include it in the ImportantRegionalRoadReservationin orderto bring abouttheaboveproposal.

The proposedAmendmentNumber 757/33A is depictedon PlanNumber2.0638dated14 December1988.


In accordance with the provisions of section 33A of theMetropolitan Region Town PlanningSchemeAct 19S9 asamended,the State PlanningCommissionherebycertifiesthat, in the opinion of the Commission, the proposedAmendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme MapSheets Numbered 3/5M and 7/24M as depicted onAmendingMap SheetsNumbered3 and 7 doesnot constitute a substantialalteration to the Metropolitan RegionScheme.

The Common Seal of theState Planning Commission was hereuntoaffixed in the presenceof-




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30 December19881 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA 5103

Third Schedule

Public Inspectionduring normal businesshours-1. Office of theStatePlanningCommission

8thFloor, OakleighBuilding22 St George’sTerracePerthWA 6000.

2. Office of theMunicipality of theCity of WannerooBoasAvenueJoondalupWA 6065.

3. J. S. BattyeLibraryAlexanderLibrary BuildingCultural CentreFrancisStreetNorthbnidgeWA 6000.


CertificateIn accordancewith the provisions of Section 33A of the

Metropolitan Region Town PlanningSchemeAct, 19S9 asamended,the State PlanningCommissionhereby certifiesthat, in the opinion of the Commission, the proposedAmendmentto the MetropolitanRegion SchemeMap SheetNumber 7 as depicted on Amending Map Sheet Number7/27M does not constitute a substantialalteration to theMetropolitanRegionScheme,

The Common Seal of theState Planning Commission was hereuntoaffixed in the presenceof-



GORDON G. SMITH,Secretary.



Noticeof ProposedAmendment

ClarksonNorth-East,Lot 11MerriwaEast,Lot 4

AmendmentNo. 756/33A; File No. 833-2-30-69.THE State Planning Commission proposesto amendtheMetropolitan Region Schemethe Scheme in accordancewith the provisionsof section33A of the MetropolitanRegion Town Planning SchemeAct 1959 as amended.A description of the proposedAmendment is contained in theFirst Schedulehereunder.

Pleasenote that the proposedAmendmentdoesnot, intheopinion of the StatePlanningCommission,constituteasubstantialalteration to theSchemeand a certificate to thiseffect is outlined in theSecondSchedulehereunder.

Copiesof themap sheetdepicting that part of theSchememap which is beingamendedareavailable for public inspection duringnormal businesshoursat theplaceslisted in theThird Schedulehereunder.

Anyone wishing to make a submissionon any aspectofthe proposedAmendmentwhether in support on againstmay do so in writing to the Minister for Planningon theform entitled Submission-Section33A. Formsareavailableat the placeswhere the proposedamendmentis open forpublic inspection.

Submissionsareto be lodgedin duplicatewith:TheTown PlanningAppealCommittee"Hyatt Centre"87 AdelaideTerracePerthWA 6000

on or before4.00 pm Friday, 3 March1989.

GORDON G. SMITH,Secretary,


First Schedule


The Metropolitan Region Scheme is proposed to beamendedby substitutingthe zonesand reservationsshwonon Amending Map Sheet Number 7/27M for the correspondingpartsof MetropolitanRegion SchemeMap SheetNumber7.

The purpose of the Amendment is to provide for thecomprehensiveresidential developmentof the subjectlandas part of the plannedgrowth of the North West CorridorbetweenburnsBeachandAlkimos.

The effect of the Amendment is to exclude Lot 11ClarksonNorth-Eastand Lot 4 Merriwa Eastfrom theRural Zoneand includethem in theUrbanZone.

The proposedAmendmentNumber 756/33A is depictedon PlanNumber4.1002dated14 December1988.

Third Schedule

Public Inspectionduring normal businesshours-1. Office of theStatePlanningCommission

8th Floor, OakleighBuilding22 St George’sTerracePerthWA 6000

2. Office of theMunicipality of theCity of WannerooBoas AvenueJoondalupWA 6065

3. J. S. Battye LibraryAlexanderLibrary buildingCultural CentreFrancisStreetNonthbridgeWA 6000



Notice of ProposedAmendment

Clarkson,Lot 15 MindanieHeights

AmendmentNo.754/33A; File No. 833-2-30-67.THE State Planning Commissionproposesto amend theMetropolitan Region Schemethe Schemein accordancewith theprovisionsof section 33A of the MetropolitanRegion Town Planning SchemeAct 1959 as amended. A description of the proposedAmendmentis containedin theFirst Schedulehereunder.

Pleasenote that the proposedAmendmentdoesnot, intheopinion of theState PlanningCommission,constituteasubstantialalterationto theSchemeand a certificate to thiseffect is outlinedin theSecondSchedulehereunder.

Copiesof themap sheetdepictingthat part of the Schememap which is beingamendedare availablefor public inspection duringnormalbusinesshoursat theplaceslisted in theThird Schedulehereunder.

Anyone wishing to make a submissionon any aspectofthe proposedAmendmentwhether in support or againstmay do so in writing to the Minister for Planningon theform entitled Submission-Section33A. Formsare availableat the placeswhere the proposedamendmentis open forpublic inspection.

Submissionsareto be lodgedin duplicatewith:TheTown PlanningAppealCommittee"Hyatt Centre"87 AdelaideTerracePerthWA 6000

on orbefore 4.00 pm Friday,March3 1989.

GORDON G. SMITH,Secretary,


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5104 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [30 December1988

First ScheduleProposedAmendment

The Metropolitan Region Scheme is proposed to beamendedby substitutingthe zonesand reservationsshownon Amending Map Sheet Number 7/25M for the correspondingpartsof MetropolitanRegion SchemeMap SheetNumber7.

The purpose of the Amendment is to provide for thecomprehensiveresidentialdevelopmentof the subjectlandas part of the plannedgrowth of the North West CorridorbetweenBurnsBeachandAlkimos.

The effect of the Amendment is to exclude Lot 15Clarkson Mindarie Heights from the Rural Zone and includeit in theUrbanZone.

The proposedAmendmentNumber 754/33A is depictedon PlanNumber4.1001 datedDecember14 1988.


CertificateIn accordancewith the provisionsof section33A of the

Metropolitan Region Town Planning SchemeAct 1959 asamended,the State PlanningCommissionherebycertifiesthat, in the opinion of the Commission, the proposedAmendmentto the MetropolitanRegionSchemeMap SheetNumber 7 as depicted on Amending Map Sheet Number7/25M does not constitute a substantial alteration to theMetropolitanRegionScheme.

The Common Seal of theState Planning Commission was hereuntoaffixed in the presenceof-




Third Schedule

Public Inspectionduring normal businesshours-1. Office of theStatePlanningCommission

8th Floor, OakleighBuilding22 St George’sTerracePerthWA 6000.

2. Office of theMunicipality of theCity of WannenooBoasAvenueJoondalupWA 6065.

3. J. S.Battye LibraryAlexanderLibrary BuildingCultural CentreFrancisStreetNorthbnidgeWA 6000.


Anyone wishing to make a submissionon any aspectofthe proposedAmendmentwhetherin support or againstmay do so in writing to the Minister for Planningon theform entitled Submission-Section33A. Forms areavailableat the placeswhere the proposedamendmentis open forpublic inspection.

Submissionsareto be lodgedin duplicatewith:TheTown PlanningAppealCommittee"Hyatt Centre"87 AdelaideTerracePerthWA 6000

on orbefore4.00 pm Friday, 3 March 1989.



First Schedule


The Metropolitan Region Scheme is proposed to beamendedby substitutingthezones and reservationsshownon Amending Map Sheet Number 7/31M for the correspondingpartsof MetropolitanRegion SchemeMap SheetNumber7.

The purpose of the Amendment is to provide for thecomprehensiveresidential developmentof the subject landas part of the plannedgrowth of the North West CorridorbetweenBurnsBeachand Alkimos.

The effect of the Amendmentis to excludeLots 1 and 5Quinns RocksNorth from theRural Zone and include themin the UrbanZone and the Parks and RecreationReservation.

The proposedAmendmentNumber 753/33A is depictedon PlanNumber4.1008dated14 December1988.


CertificateIn accordancewith the provisionsof section33A of the

Metropolitan Region Town Planning SchemeAct 1959 asamended,the State Planning Commissionhereby certifiesthat, in the opinion of the Commission, the proposedAmendmentto the MetropolitanRegion SchemeMap SheetNumber 7 as depicted on Amending Map Sheet Number7/31M does not constitutea substantialalteration to theMetropolitanRegionScheme.

The Common Seal of theState Planning Commission was hereuntoaffixed in the presenceof-





Noticeof ProposedAmendmentQuinns RocksNorth, Lots 1 and5

AmendmentNo. 753/33A;File No. 833-2-30-74.THE State PlanningCommissionproposesto amend theMetropolitan Region Schemethe Scheme in accordancewith the provisionsof section33A of the Metropolitan Region Town PlanningSchemeAct 1959 as amended.A description of the proposedAmendmentis containedin theFirst Schedulehereunder.

Pleasenote that the proposedAmendmentdoes not, inthe opinionof theStatePlanningCommission,constituteasubstantialalterationto the Schemeandacertificateto thiseffect is outlinedin theSecondSchedulehereunder.

Copies of the map sheetsdepicting that part of theSchememap which is beingamendedare availablefor publicinspectionduringnormal businesshoursat theplaceslistedin theThird Schedulehereunder.

Third Schedule

Public Inspectionduring normalbusinesshours-1. Office oftheStatePlanningCommission

8th Floor, Oakleigh Building22 St George’sTerracePerthWA 6000.

2. Office of theMunicipality of theCity of WannerooBoasAvenueJoondalupWA 6065.

3. J. S. BattyeLibraryAlexanderLibrary BuildingCulturalCentreFrancisStreetNorthbridgeWA 6000.

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30 December1988] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 5105



Noticeof ProposedAmendment

ButlerEast,Lots 32 and33

AmendmentNo. 752/33A; File No, 833-2-30-70.THE State Planning Commissionproposesto amend theMetropolitan Region Schemethe Schemein accordancewith the provisionsof section33A of theMetropolitanRegion Town PlanningSchemeAct 1959 as amended.A description of the proposedAmendment is contained in theFirst Schedulehereunder.

Pleasenote that the proposedAmendmentdoes not, inthe opinion of the StatePlanningCommission,constituteasubstantialalterationto the Schemeand a certificate to thiseffect is outlined in theSecondSchedulehereunder.

Copies of the map sheets depicting that part of theSchememap which is beingamendedareavailablefor publicinspectionduring normal businesshoursat theplaceslistedin theThirdSchedulehereunder.

Anyone wishing to make a submissionon any aspectofthe proposedAmendmentwhether in support or againstmay do so in writing to the Minister for Planning on theform entitledSubmission-Section33A. Formsare availableat the places where the proposed amendmentis open forpublic inspection.

Submissionsareto lodgedin duplicatewith:The Town PlanningAppealCommittee"Hyatt Centre"87 AdelaideTerracePerthWA 6000

on or before4.00 pm Friday, 3 March, 1989.



First Schedule


The Metropolitan Region Scheme is proposed to beamendedby substitutingthe zonesand reservationsshownon AmendingMap SheetsNumbered3/6M and 7/28M forthe correspondingpants of Metropolitan Region SchemeMap SheetsNumbered3 and 7.

The purpose of the Amendment is to provide for thecomprehensiveresidential developmentof the subject landas part of the planned growth of the North West CorridorbetweenBurnsBeachand Alkimos.

The effect of theAmendmentis to excludeLots 32 and33Butler East from the Rural Zone and include them in theUrbanZone.

The proposedAmendmentNumber 752/33A is depictedon PlanNumber4.1003dated14 December,1988.


CertificateIn accordancewith the provisionsof section33A of the

MetropolitanRegionTown Planning SchemeAct, 1959 asamended,the State PlanningCommissionherebycertifiesthat, in the opinion of the Commission, the proposedAmendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme MapSheetsNumbered3 and 7 as depicted on Amending MapSheetsNumbered3/6M and 7/28M does not constitute asubstantialalterationto theMetropolitanRegionScheme.The Common Seal of the

State Planning Commission was hereuntoaffixed in the presenceof-

[L. S.]

W. A. McKENZIE,Chairman.

Third SchedulePublic Inspectionduring normal businesshours-

1. Office of the StatePlanningCommission8th Floor, OakleighBuilding22 St George’sTerracePerthWA 6000

2. Office of theMunicipality of theCity of WannerooBoas AvenueJoondalupWA 6065

3. J. S. BattyeLibraryAlexanderLibrary BuildingCultural CentreFrancisStreetNonthbridgeWA 6000


MetropolitanRegion SchemeNotice of ProposedAmendment

ClarksonSouthEast,Lot 16AmendmentNo, 755/33A;File No. 833-2-30-68.

THE State Planning Commission proposesto amend theMetropolitan Region Scheme the Schemein accordancewith the provisionsof section 33A of the MetropolitanRegion Town PlanningSchemeAct 1959 as amended.A description of the proposedAmendment is contained in theFirst Schedulehereunder.

Pleasenote that the proposedAmendmentdoes not, inthe opinion of theState PlanningCommission,constituteasubstantialalterationto theSchemeanda certificateto thiseffect is outlined in theSecondSchedulehereunder.

Copies of the map sheets depicting that part of theSchememapwhich is being amendedare availablefor publicinspectionduring normal businesshoursat the placeslistedin the Third Schedulehereunder.

Anyone wishing to make a submissionon any aspectofthe proposedAmendmentwhether in support or againstmay do so in writing to the Minister for Planning on theform entitled Submission-Section33A. Forms areavailableat the placeswhere the proposedamendmentis open forpublic inspection.

Submissionsareto be lodgedin duplicatewith:The Town PlanningAppeal Committee"Hyatt Centre"87 AdelaideTerracePerthWA 6000

on or before4.00 pm Friday, 3 March 1989.



First ScheduleProposedAmendment

The Metropolitan Region Scheme is proposed to beamendedby substitutingthezonesand reservationsshownon Amending Map Sheet Number .7/26M for the correspondingpants of Metropolitan Region SchemeMap SheetNumber 7.

The purposeof the Amendment is to provide for thecomprehensiveresidential developmentof the subject landas pant of the plannedgrowth of the North West CorridorbetweenBurns Beachand Alkimos.

The effect of the Amendment is to exclude Lot 16ClarksonSouth-Eastfrom the Rural Zone and include it intheUrbanZone.

The proposedAmendmentNumber 755/33A is depictedon PlanNumber 4.1000dated14 December1988.


CertificateIn accordancewith the provisions of section 33A of the

Metropolitan Region Town PlanningSchemeAct 1959 asamended,the State PlanningCommissionhereby certifiesthat, in the opinion of the Commission, the proposedAmendmentto theMetropolitanRegion SchemeMap SheetGORDONG. SMITH,


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5106 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [30 December1988

Number 7 as depicted on Amending Map SheetNumber7/26M does not constitutea substantial alteration to theMetropolitanRegionScheme.

The Common Seal of theState Planning Commission was hereuntoaffixed in the presenceof-



GORDON G. SMITH,Secretary.


Shireof EastPilbara

IT is herebynotified for public informationthat the following personshavebeenappointedas Rangers/PoundKeepersunder the provisionsof Section XX of the Local Government Act 1960 for the municipality of the Shire of EastPilbara.

BrodPatmanReith McLeodRayEckerman

L. A. WELCH,Acting ShireClerk.

Third Schedule

Public Inspectionduringnormal businesshours-

1. Office of the StatePlanningCommission8th Floor, OakleighBuilding22 St George’sTerracePerthWA 6000.

2. Office of the Municipality of theCity of WannerooBoasAvenueJoondalupWA 6065.

3. J. S. BattyeLibraryAlexanderLibrary BuildingCultural CentreFrancisStreetNorthbnidgeWA 6000.

SHIRE OF DUNDASStatementof Income and Expenditure

For the Year Ended 30 June 1958



IT is hereby notified for public information that DavidGiddensof Lot 145 ChristmasTreeRise, OceanFarm, willbe employedas a casual/part-timeRanger/By-lawsOfficerby the Shireof Gingin from time to time.

N. H. V. WALLACE,ShireClerk.


Acting Shire/ClerkSupervisor

IT is hereby notified for public information that MrsMargaretMary McCulloch hasbeenappointedActing ShireClerk/Supervisor from 24 December1988 to 13 January1989 inclusive, while the Shire Clerk/Supervisor is onAnnualLeave.

V. W. WRIGHT,President.


Appointmentof authorisedofficer

IT is herebynotified for public information that Mr KeithJohnJacksonhasbeenappointedan HonoraryRangerandan authonisedofficer from 3 December1988 for the following purposes-

1. Dog Control in accordancewith the provisionsoftheDog Act 1976;

2. Litter control in accordancewith the provisionsoftheLitter Act 1979 andundersection665 b of theLocal GovernmentAct 1960; and

3. Controlandsupervisionon the following by-laws-a By-laws relating to Caravan Parks and

CampingGrounds;andb By-laws relatingto thecontrol of vehicleson

landwhich is in or underthe cane,control onmanagementof theShire of Northampton.

C. J. PERRY,ShireClerk.


It is herebynotified for public informationthat Mr GeoffreyMark Peddiehasbeen appointedActing Shire Clerk from 22December1988 to 6 January1989 inclusiveduring theabsenceof the ShineClerk on leave.

DOG ACT 1976


B. L. SPRAGG,ShireClerk.

Shireof Wyndham-EastKimberley

IT is herebynotified for public informationthat Mary VernaAdam hasbeenauthorisedby the Shire of Wyndham-EastKimberley to act underthe provisionsof the Dog Act 1976andthe Litter Act 1979.

M. N. BROWN,ShineClerk.

General Purpose IncomeGeneral AdministrationLaw, Order. Public SafetyEducation

Housingcommunity AmenitiesRecreationand CultureTransport


770 604i39i639451 250

5694513 26562 97071 070

25838714 63689544

200 026


216 3257 895


ii2 634208 107394 355

27 778115547400 601

Other Property and ServicesFinance and Borrowing

1 556 558 1 587 867Surplus 1 July 126 570 95261

$1 683 128 $1 683 i28

Balance Sheetas at 30 June 1988

AssetsCurrent AssetsNon-current Assets-.



200 62i

30068i6 46543 327


DeferredAssets 44i 674

$2 743 262

Liabilities $Current Liabilities 105 360Non-current Liabilities: Trust 30068DeferredLiabilities 1 233 795

1 36923

Capital Accumulation asat 30 June 1988 $1 374 039


1 Financial Statementsa I have audited the accompanying accounts of theShire of Dundas set

out on Schedules1 to 25 for the year ended10 June 1988 in accordancewith the requirements of the Local Government Audit Directions andthe Australian Auditing standards.

b In my opinion the accompanying accountsare drawn up in accordancewith thebooks of the Council and fairly presentthe requirements of theLocal Government Act and the Local Government Accounting Directions which are to be dealt with in preparing theaccounts.

2 Statutory Compliance

Subject to my management report I did not, during the course of the audit,become aware of any instances where the Council did not comply with thestatutory requirements of the Local Government Act and theLocal GovernmentAccounting Directions.

25 November 1988.

M. J. BREMAN,Auditor.

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30 December1988] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,WA 5107


Shineof Sandstone

Noticeof Intentionto Borrow

ProposedLoan No. 18 of $100 000

PURSUANT to Section 610 of the Local GovernmentAct1960, the Shire of Sandstonehereby gives notice that itproposesto borrow moneyby the sale of debentureson thefollowing termsand for the following purposes.$100000 fora periodof five years,repayableat the office of Council byten half-yearly instalmentsof principal and interest. Purpose:Motor Grader.

Plans,specificationsand estimatesof costsas requiredbysection 609 of the Act are available for inspectionat theoffice of the Council for 35 daysfollowing publication of thisnotice.

Dated 19 December1988.

P. LEFROY,President.

J. PODOLAN,ShireClerk,


Shireof Westonia

NOTES-1. Interestratesubjectto revieweverytwo years.2. Repaymentsof principal and interestareto be paid

in full by membersof the Eastern Districts Regional Health Schemeand therewll be no coststobeborneby therate-payersof theShine of Yilgarn.

Dated29 December1988.

P. R. PATRONI,President.

L. E. HILLS,Shire Clerk.


Notice of Appointmentof Member oftheRailwaysClassification Board

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasunder section 80N 2 b of the Industrial Relations Act1979, appointed Kiernan Nonnie Phillips, Member of theRailwaysClassificationBoardfor a periodof two years.

By His Excellency’sCommand,G. PEARCE,

Clerkof theCouncil.

Notice of Intentionto BorrowProposedLoan No. 48 of $37 000

PURSUANT to section610 of the Local GovernmentAct1960, the Shine of Westonia herebygives noticethat it proposesto borrow moneyby thesale of thedebentures,on thefollowing termsand for the following purpose:$37 000 for aperiod of 10 years repayableat the office of the Shire ofWestonia by 20 equal half-yearly instalmentsof principalandinterest.Purpose:Constructionof StaffHousing.

Plans,specificationsandestimatesof costs,as requiredbysection609 by the Local GovernmentAct 1960, areavailableat the office of the council during normal office hoursfor aperiodof 35 daysof publicationof this notice,

Dated21 December1988.

A. W. DAY,President.

G. HADLOW,Shine Clerk.


AgricultureProtectionBoard,SouthPerth,20 December1988.

THE Agriculture ProtectionBoard, acting pursuantto sections 15 and 16 of the Agriculture and Related ResourcesProtectionAct 1976 hereby-

i cancelstheappointmentsof the following personsfor the authoritiesdesignated-

LeonardGeorgeHill ........................... Zone lBBrian Smith Zone 10

ii appointspersonswhose namesare listed below tobe members of the authorities for the zonesdesignatedto hold office until 1 August in theyearsspecified-

Eric Swann.........................Rita WatersRobertD’Olimpio.............


Agriculture ProtectionBoard.


Shireof Yilgann

Acting onbehalfof the EasternDistricts RegionalHealthScheme

Notice of Intentionto Borrow

ProposedLoan No. 85 of $18 000.

PURSUANT to section 610 of the Local GovernmentAct1960 theCouncil of the Municipality of theShire of Yilgarnherebygives noticethat it proposesto borrow moneyby thesale of debentureson thefollowing termsand for thefollowing purpose:$18 000 for a period of sevenyearsrepayableatthe office of the Shire of Yilgarn by 14 half-yearly instalmentsof principaland interest.Purpose:Housing.

Plans,specificationsand estimatesof costs are open forinspectionat the office of the Council during normalofficehours for a period of 35 daysfrom the publication of thisnotice.


Departmentof Agriculture,SouthPerth,22 December1988.

Agric 1360/63.HIS ExcellencytheGovernorin ExecutiveCouncil hasbeenpleasedto appoint thefollowing personsas Inspectorsundersection5 of the BeekeepersAct 1963-

RobertJohn ManningBadenRobertPearsonIstvan KutasiDonaldWilson Smith

9....................199110 198910....................1991

NORMAN HALSE,Director-Generalof Agriculture.

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5108 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [30 December1988



MADE by the Governorin ExecutiveCouncil under sections22 and 23 of the Soil and LandConservationAct /945 andon the recommendationof theMinister for Agriculture.

Citation1. This Ordermaybe citedas the Soil and Land ConservationCorrigin Soil Conservation

District Order 1988.

Interpretation2. In this Order-

"appointedmember"meansa personappointedunder clause5 1 b, c on d to be amemberof thecommittee;

"committee" meansthe District Advisory Committeefor the Corrigin Soil ConservationDistrict;

"member"meansa memberof the committee;"the district" meanstheConniginSoil ConservationDistrict constitutedby clause3 of and

theScheduleto this Order.

Corrigin Soil ConservationDistrict3. All that portion of land describedin the Scheduleto this Order, is herebyconstituted

theCorniginSoil ConservationDistrict,

Establishmentof District Advisory Committee4. Pursuantto section23 2 of the Soil and Land ConservationAct 1945 thereis hereby

establishedfor the district a district advisorycommitteeto be knownas theDistrict AdvisoryCommitteefor the Corrigin Soil ConservationDistrict.

Constitution of Committee5. 1 It is herebydetermined,on the recommendationof the Minister, afterconsultation

with the Corrigin ShineCouncil, that thecommitteeshall comprise15 membersof whom-a oneshall be theCommissionerfor Soil Conservationor his nominee;b one shall be appointedby the Governor on the nominationof the Cornigin Shire

Council;c 3 shall beappointedby theGovernor,on thenominationof theMinister, to represent

the Western Australian Farmers FederationInc., formerly known as the PrimaryIndustry Associationof WesternAustralia;

d 10 shall beappointedby the Governor,on the nominationof theMinister, and shallbeactively engagedin landusein thedistrict.

2 The Western Australian Farmers FederationInc., formerly known as the PrimaryIndustryAssociationof WesternAustralia shall submit to theMinister a panel containingthenamesof personswilling to beappointedas membersof thecommitteeandwheresucha panelis submitted in accordancewith this Order 3 personswhose namesappearon the panelsubmittedby the WesternAustralianFarmersFederationInc., formerly knownasthePrimaryIndustryAssociationof WesternAustralia,shallbe nominatedfor appointment.

3 Subject to this clauseeach appointedmember shall hold office for such period notexceeding3 years as is specified in the instrument of his appointment and is eligible forreappointment.

4 The Minister maygrant leave of absenceto an appointedmemberon such termsandconditionsasthe Minister determines.

5 The Governor may terminatethe appointmentof an appointedmember for inability,inefficiency or misbehaviour.

6 If anappointedmember-a is or becomesan undischargedbankrupt on personwhoseproperty is subjectto an

orderor arrangementunderthelaws relatingto bankruptcy;b hashis appointmentterminatedby theGovernor,pursuantto subclauseS;c is absent,excepton leaveduly grantedby the Minister, from 3 consecutivemeetings

of the committeeof which hehashadnotice;ord resignshis office by written noticeaddressedto theMinister,

the office of that appointedmemberbecomesvacant.

Proceedingsof’ the committee6. 1 ‘I’he committee shall hold its meetingsat such place on such days and at such

intervalsasthe committeeshall from time to time determine,2 At anymeetingof the committee-

a a majority of the membersconstitutea quorum;b the Chairman shall presideand where he is absentfrom themeetingthe members

mayappointone of their numberto presideat that meeting;c eachmemberpresentis entitled to a deliberativevote; andd where the votes cast on any question are equally divided the Chairman or the

presidingmemberin termsof paragraphb, shall havea castingvote.3 The committee shall cause accurate minutes to be kept of the proceedingsat its

meetings.4 To theextentthat it is not prescribed,the committeemaydetermineits own procedure.

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30 December1988] GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA 5109

ScheduleCorniginSoil ConservationDistrict

All that portion of land comprising thewhole of the Shire of Corrigin as promulgatedinGovernmentGazettesdatedthe 5th of December,1919 page2083, the 18th June,1920 page1147, the4th of February,1921 page 185, the6th of June1924 page984, the 15th of May, 1925page 878, the 12th of November,1926 page 2252, the4th of November1927 page2436 and the9th of May, 1952 page 1184.

By His Excellency’sCommand,G. PEARCE,

Clerk of theCouncil.



MADE by His Excellencythe Governorin ExecutiveCouncil.Citation

1. This instrument may be cited as the Jerramungup Soil Conservation DistrictAppointmentof District AdvisoryCommitteeMemberInstrument1988.

Appointment of member2. Under clause6 1 c of the Soil and Land ConservationJerramungupSoil Conser

vation District Order 1983*, Lyell BernardEdmondsof Ongerupis, on the nominationof theMinister, appointeda memberof the District Advisory Committeefor the JerramungupSoilConservationDistrict, being a personactivelyengagedin landusein that District.

Term of office3. The appointmentmadeunderclause2 shall be for a periodcommencingon thedatethis

instrumentis publishedin theGovernmentGazetteand endingon 9 February1990.E*Publishedin the Gazetteon 30 December1983 at pp. 5124-5125and amendedin Gazette

of27March 1986at pp. 1327-1328.]

By His Excellency’sCommand,G. PEARCE,

Clerk of theCouncil.



MADE by His ExcellencytheGovernorin ExecutiveCouncil.

Citation1. This instrument may be cited as the Nugadong West Soil Conservation District

Appointmentof MembersDtstrictAdvisory CommitteeInstrument1988.

Definitions2. In this instrument-

"constitution Order" meansthe Soil and Land ConservationNugadong WestSoil ConservationDistrict Order 1988*;

"the committee" meansthe District Advisory Committeeestablishedby clause5 of theconstitutionOrder.

[* Publishedin the Gazetteon 3 May 1985 at pp. 1 589-90; amendedin Gazette28 October1988 at pp. 4317-18.]

Appointment of members3. 1 Under clause 6 1 b of the constitution Order StephenGraham Jones of

Dalwallinu is appointeda member of the committeeon the nomination of the Shire ofDalwallinu.

2 Underclause6 1 c of theconstitutionOrder-a CharlesErnestHydeof Nugadong;b ThomasEdwin Hodgsonof Nugadong;andc RonaldErnestCarlhausenof Nugadong,

are appointedmembersof the committeeto representtheWesternAustralianFarmersFederation Inc., formerlyknownasthePrimaryIndustryAssociationof WesternAustralia.

3 Underclause6 1 d of theconstitutionOrder-a PeterJohn Nankivellof WestWubin;b Hue JohnWalton Barnesof WestWubin;c JamesEdwardChown of Dalwallinu; andd Alfred HaldaneRoy Harris of Nugadong,

are appointedas membersof the committeebeingpersonsactively engagedin land usein theNugadongWestSoil ConservationDistrict.

Term of office4. Theappointmentsmadeunderclause3 shall be for a term of 3 yearscommencingon the

day that this instrumentis publishedin theGazette.

By His Excellency’sCommand,G. PEARCE,

Clerk of theCouncil.

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5110 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA [30 December1988



MADE by His ExcellencytheGovernorin ExecutiveCouncil.

Citation1. Theseregulationsmaybe citedas theAgricultural ProductsEggGrading andPacking


Repeal2. The Agricultural ProductsEggGrading andPacking Regulations1972* arerepealed.[*Publjshedin theGovernmentGazetteon 30June 1972 at pp. 2191-2199.For amendments

to 27May 1988seep.174 of 1987 Indexto Legislation of WesternAustralia.]

By His Excellency’sCommand,G. PEARCE,

Clerk of theCouncil.



MADE by His Excellencythe Governorin ExecutiveCouncil.

Citation1. TheseregulationsmaybecitedastheMarketing of EggsAmendmentRegulations1988.

Principal regulations2. In theseregulationsthe Marketingof Eggs Regulations*are referredto as the principal

regulations.[*Reprint publishedin theGazetteon 5 September1963 at pp. 2681-270 7. For amendments

to 30 May 1988seepage312 of 1987Index to Legislation of WesternAustralia.]

Regulation 1 amended3. Regulation 1 of the principal regulations is amendedby deleting"Regulations."and

substitutingthefollowing-Regulations194S. ".

Regulation 2 repealedand a regulation substituted

4. Regulation 2 of the principal regulations is repealed and the following regulation issubstituted-

Interpretation2. In theseregulations-

"Code" means the Egg Grading and Packing Code formulated under section31AA. ".

Regulation 26 repealedand a regulation substituted

5. Regulation 26 of the principal regulations is repealed and the following regulation issubstituted-

Payment of accounts26. 1 All accounts shall be passedby the Board as due and payable and paid by

chequesignedby any 2 of the chairman, general manager, secretary/accountant,marketing manager or factory managerof the Board.

2 A payment from a petty cashaccountshall not exceed$30. ".

Regulations37 and 38 repealedand regulations 37, 38, 38A and38Bsubstituted

6. Regulations 37 and 38 of the principal regulations are repealed and the followingregulations are substituted-

Saleof ungraded eggsprohibited37. 1 A person shall not sell, offer for sale, display for sale or endeavour to sell

within theState,eggswhich havenot beengradedand markedin accordancewith theseregulations.

2 Gradingand markingof eggsintendedto be-a sold or deliveredto theBoard; orb sold to a purchaserwho is authorizedto gradethoseeggs,

are not requireduntil such time as the eggs are deliveredto the Board or that purchaser,as thecasemaybe.

Authority to gradeeggs38. All eggsshall begradedandmarkedby-

a theBoard;orb a personissuedwith a licenceunderregulation38B.

Grading of eggsby theBoard38A. 1 Any personmaypresenteggsto an egggradingfloor operatedby theBoard

for gradingand marking and the personshall pay to the Board for its servicessuchreasonablefee, not exceedingthe expenditureincurred by the Board in providing theservices,as theBoardmay determine,

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30 December.1988] GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA 5111

2 The Board shall gradeand mark eggspresentedto it under subregulation1 inaccordancewith the Code and shall, after payment of the fee referred to in thatsubregulation,deliver the eggsto the personwho presentedthem or his agentat theplaceatwhich theywerepresented.

Licensing of personsto grade eggs38B. 1 A personof a classspecified in column 1 of the Schedulemay apply in

writing to theBoardfor thegrantof a licenceto gradeand markeggsof a classspecifiedin column 2 of theScheduleoppositethe classof personto which the personapplyingbelongs.

2 The Board shall grant a licence to a personwho hassubmittedan applicationunder subregulation1 unless it considers there are sufficient reasonsto refuse alicenceand wherea licence is refusedthe Board shall give particularsof its reasonsinwriting to the applicant.

3 On approvinganapplicationundersubregulation1, theBoard shall-a allocatea licencenumberto theapplicantandissuea licencecertificateto him;

andb entera memorandumof the licencenumberallocatedand the licencecertifi

cateissuedin a registerkept for that purpose.4 A personissuedwith a licenceshall gradeand markeggs-

a only of a classspecifiedin thelicence;and

b in accordancewith the Code.5 A licenceattachesto thepersonto whom it is issuedandis not transferable.6 A licence issuedto-

a a personwho holds a permitundersection23, remainsvalid until it lapsesor iscancelled;or

b anyotherperson,expireson 31 Decemberin eachyearand shall be renewedbythe Boardeachyear on receiptof anapplicationin writing by the holderof thelicence, unless the Board considersthere are sufficient reasonsto refusetorenewa licence, in which caseit shall give particularsof its reasonsin writingto theapplicant.

7 The Board mayfor sufficient reasonscancelthe licenceof a person by sendinganotice containingparticularsof thereasonsfor cancellationby postto that person. ".

Regulation 40 amended7. Regulation40 of theprincipal regulationsis amended-

a in paragrapha i by deleting"brand of the Western Australian Egg MarketingBoardas specifiedin regulation38 of theseregulations"and substitutingthe following-

" mark of theBoard "; andb by deletingparagraphb.

Regulation 44 amended8. Regulation44 of the principal regulationsis amendedby deletingthepassagecommenc

ing with "or do" andendingwith "amended".

Regulation 46 amended9. Regulation46 of theprincipal regulationsis amendedby deletingparagraphb.

Regulation 53 amended10. Regulation53 of the principal regulations is amendedby deletingthe passagecom

mencingwith "are branded"and endingwith "those regulations"and substitutingthe following-

markedin accordancewith theseregulations ".

Regulation 54 amended11. Regulation 54 of the principal regulationsis amendedby deleting "brandedin the

mannerreferredto in regulation53 of’and substitutingthefollowing-markedunder ".

Regulation 58 amended12. Regulation 58 of the principal regulationsis amendedin paragrapha I by deleting

thepassagecommencingwith "regulationsmade"andendingwith "such" andsubstitutingthefollowing-

these ".

Regulation 63 amended13. Regulation 63 of the principal regulations is amendedby deleting "element" and

substitutingthe following-claimant ".

Regulation 68 repealed14. Regulation68 of theprincipal regulationsis repealed.

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5112 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA [30 December1988

ScheduleinsertediS. After regulation67 of theprincipal regulationsthefollowing scheduleis inserted-



Column 1 Column2

Classof person Classof eggs

1. Holder of a permit under section 231.

1. Eggs producedby poultry ownedor controlled by the holder ofthat permit andintendedfor saleunder the authority of that permit.

2. Holder of a permit under section 23 2. Eggs purchasedunder the auth3 a. ority of that permit.

3. Producer who has been exempted 3. Eggs producedby poultry ownedundersection23 6 a from the op- on controlledby that producer.erationof sections21 and22.

4. Producerof eggsthat areintendedtobeusedfor salesexemptedunder sec-

4. Eggsthat are-a produced by poultry

tion 23 6 b from the operationof owned or controlled bysections21 and 22. that producer;and

b intended to be used for

5. Person who owns on controls lessthan20 poultry.

5.salesso exempted.

Eggsproducedby thosepoultry.

6. Personwho owns or controlspoultry 6. Eggsproducedby thosepoultry.in a part of the State that is for thetime being exemptedfrom the operation of the Act by proclamationmadeundersection4 1.

7. Retail vendor of eggs that are re-fenred to in oneor more of items 3, 4,

7. Eggsreferred to in item 3, 4, 5 or6 of this column that are sold or

Son6ofcolumn 2. intended for sale by that vendor. ".

By His Excellency’sCommand,G. PEARCE,

Clerkof theCouncil.


MADE by the Minister for Education.

Citation1. Theseregulations maybecited as theSchoolPremisesAmendmentRegulations1988.

Principal regulations2. In these regulationsthe School Premises Regulations 1981* are referred to as the

principal regulations.[tPublishedin theGazetteof 28 August1981 at pp. 3592-97.For amendmentsto November

1988seep.232 of 1987Index to Legislation of WesternAustralia.]

Generalamendments3. 1 The principal regulationsare amendedin the provisionsspecified in the Table to

this subregulationby deleting"Director-General"whereverit occursandsubstitutingin eachcasethe following-

chiefexecutiveofficer ".

TABLERegulations4 6, 5 5, 10 2, 16 1, 16 2 b, 17 1, 19 1, 20 1, 21 1 a and b,and 21 4.

2 The principal regulationsare amendedin theprovisions specifiedin the Table to thissubregulationby deleting"Department"wheneverit occursand substituting in each case thefollowing-

" department ".

TABLERegulations6 a, 14 1 c and 16 2 b.

CARMEN LAWRENCE,Minister for Education.

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30 December1988] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 5113


Madeby the Minister for Education.

Citation1. Theseregulationsmaybecited astheEducationAmendmentRegulationsNo. 31988.

Principal regulations2. In theseregulationsthe EducationAct Regulations1960* arereferredto astheprincipal

regulations.I5Reprinted in the Gazette of 19 March 1971 at pp. 855-969. For amendmentsto 24

November1988 seep.220 of 1987 Index to Legislationof WesternAustraliaand Gazettesof 23Septemberand 4 November1988.]Regulation 4 amended

3. Regulation4 of theprincipal regulationsis amended-a in the definitions of "administrative instructions", "district high school", "special

school" and"TeachersHandbook"by deleting"Director-General"whereverit occursand substitutingin eachcasethefollowing-

"chief executiveofficer ";

b in the definitions of "classification", "Director" and "Superintendent"by deleting"Department"wheneverit occursand substitutingin eachcasethefollowing-

"department "; andc by deletingthedefinitions of "Department"and "Director-General".

Regulation 69 amended4. Regulation 69 of the principal regulationsis amendedin the definition of "prescribed

area"by deleting"Director-General"and substitutingthefollowing-chiefexecutiveofficer’s".

Regulation 262H amended5. Regulation 262H of the principal regulationsis amendedin thedefinition of "special

educationalfacility" by deleting"Director-General"and substitutingthefollowing-" chiefexecutiveofficer ".

Schedule1 amended6. Schedule1 to theprincipal regulationsis amended-

a in Form No. 1-i by deleting"EDUCATION DEPARTMENT"; andii in clauses 4 c and 7 by deleting "Director-General of Education" and

substitutingin eachcasethefollowing-chiefexecutiveofficer ";

b in Form No. 1A-i by deleting"EducationDepartment";andii in clauses 4 c and 7 by deleting "Director-General of Education" and

substitutingin eachcasethefollowing-chiefexecutiveofficer ";

c in Form No. 2-i by deleting"EDUCATION DEPARTMENT";ii in clauses 4 c and 8 by deleting "Director-General of Education" and

substitutingin eachcasethefollowing-chiefexecutiveofficer "; and

iii in clause7 c by deleting"Department"andsubstitutingthefollowing-department ";

d in form No. 2A-i by deleting"EducationDepartment";ii in clauses 4 c and 8 by deleting "Director-Generalof Education" and

substitutingin eachcasethe following-chiefexecutiveofficer "; and

iii in clause7 c by deleting"Department"andsubstitutingthefollowing-department ";

e in Form No.2B-i by deleting"EDUCATION DEPARTMENT";ii in clauses 4 c and 8 by deleting "Director-Generalof Education" and

substitutingin eachcasethefollowing-chiefexecutiveofficer "; and

iii in clause7 c by deleting"Department"and substitutingthefollowing-department ";

0 in Form No.2C-i in theheadingby deleting"EducationDepartment";ii in clause2 by deleting"EducationDepartment" and substituting the follow

ing-department "; and

iii in clause7-A by deleting"Director Generalof Education"in the first placewhere it

occursandsubstitutingthefollowing-" chiefexecutiveofficer ";

andB by deleting"or a Deputyor AssistantDirectorGeneralof Education";

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5114 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA [30 December1988

g in Form No, 2D-i by deleting"EducationDepartment";andii in clause2 by deleting"Director-Generalof Education"and substitutingthe

following-chiefexecutiveofficer ";

h in Form 3-i by deleting"EducationDepartment"in thefirst placewhereit occurs;ii by deleting"EducationDepartment"in thesecondplacewhere it occursand

substitutingthefollowing-" department "; and

iii by deleting"W.A. EducationDepartment"andsubstitutingthefollowing-department ";

i in Form 5 by deleting "EDUCATION DEPARTMENT" in both placeswhere itoccurs;

j in Form 10-i b deleting"EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF WESTERNAUSTRALIA";ii by deleting "Education Department"in the first place where it occurs and

substitutingthe following-department ";

iii by deleting"EducationDepartment"in the secondplacewhere it occursandsubstitutingthe following-

Ministry of Education ";

iv by deleting "Education Departmentof Western Australia" and substitutingthe following-

department "; andv by deleting"DIRECTOR-GENERALof EDUCATION" and substitutingthe


k inFormil-


ii b deleting"DIRECTOR-GENERALOF EDUCATION" andsubstitutingthefollowing-


Generalamendments7. 1 The principal regulationsare amendedin the provisions specifiedin the Table to

this subregulationby deleting"Director-General"wheneverit occursand substitutingin eachcasethe following-

" chiefexecutiveofficer ".

TABLERegulations6 2 and 3, 8 1 and 2 a, 11 4 c and d, 19A 2, 22 2, 27 2, 28 2,35A 3, 36 2, 37 1, 38B 1 and 2, 39, 41 3, 44 1, 45 3 d, 4 and 5, 48, 50 2b, 51, 52, 56 1, 2, 7 and 8, 57A 2, S8, 59 1 a and b, 59 2, 60 1 a and band 2, 61, 62 1 a ii, 2 a and 2 b ii, 64, 65, 67, 70A, 74 1, 75 1 and 5, 772 a, b and c, 813, 8S 1, 3 a i, 3 a ia, 3 a ib, 3 b, 5 and 6, 85A1 and 2, 86 1 and 2, 86A 2, 3 and 5 c, 89 2, 90 1 and 2, 90A 2 b, 90B2, 101 1 a, b ande and 3, 102 1 and2, 102K2 and 3, 102L 3, 106 2, 1162, 118 1 and 3, 119 1, 6 and 7, 120 1 and 2, 121, 122 2 and 3, 124 1, 3and4, 125B 1 and2, 127, 130 3, 4, S b, 8 a, d I and e, 135 1 a, b anc and 2, 140 1 e, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 a and 7, 146 1 c, 148 1, 161, 162 2 and3, 163 1 and 2, 167 1 e, 2 and 3, 174, 180 2 and 3, 180A1, 3 and 4, 182,183, 183A 2 b, 185 1 a and e ii, 3 and 10 b i, 186, 187 3 b, 4 and 6,188.193B 1, 2 and 4, 193C, 193D 1 and 2, 193E1, 193F, 19S 3 c and 4 b, 197c, 198 1, 2 a, 3 a, 4 a and b, 206, 207 1 a and b, 2 a, b and c, 3a, 4 a and6, 209 1, 210 1 and 2, 214 1 and3, 230 3 a, 246 1 and2, 2471, 2, 3 a and 4, 252A, 252C 1 and 3, 252D 2, 2a and 3, 252DA 2 a, band c and 3, 25S 3, 259 1, 2 b and c and 4, 262A 1, 262C 2, 262D1 and2, 262G 2 and 3, 262J 2 b and c, 262K 2 a, 3, 4, 5 and 6, 262L 1 a,2, 3, 4 and 5, 268 1 and302.

2 The principal regulationsare amendedin theprovisionsspecified in the Table to thissubregulationby deleting"Department"whereverit occursand substitutingin eachcasethefollowing-

department ".

TABLERegulations8 3, 10 3, 11 3, 12, 35 3 c, 35A 3 a and c, 47 3 b, 48, 50 2 aand b, 57A 1 and 2, 57D 3 and4, 62 1 andS, 85 1, 2 and S, 86 3, 103, 1061 and 2, 138, 141 1, 146 2, 148 3, 151, 159 3 a and b and 4 c, 177 1, 18510 a, 188, 193A, 195 4, 220 4, 243 3, 245, 252 1, 252D2 a and b, 252D 2ab, 252DA c iii, 262 1, 262D2, 270 b, 272 1, 273, 274, 275 and298 3.

3 The principal regulationsare amendedin the provisionsspecifiedin the Table to thissubregulatsonby deleting"EducationDepartment"whereverit occursandsubstitutingin eachcasethefollowing-

department ".

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30 December1988] GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA 5115

TABLERegulations209 1, 220 1, 239 1 a, 252D2a a, 262J2 a and 263.

4 The principal regulationsare amendedin the provisionsspecified in theTable to thissubregulationby deleting"Departmental"whereverit occursand substitutingin eachcasethefollowing-

departmental ".

TABLERegulations13 2 b and c, 40 2, 56 7 and 146 1 c.

CARMEN LAWRENCE,Minister for Education,



MADE by theHairdressersRegistrationBoardandapprovedby His ExcellencytheGovernorin Executive Council.

Citation1. These regulationsmay be cited as the HairdressersRegistration AmendmentRegu

lationsNo. 31988.

Commencement2. Theseregulationsshall comeinto operationon 1 January1989.

Regulation 26 amended3. Regulation 26 of the Hairdressers Registration Regulations 1965 is amendedby

deleting thetableof feesand substitutingthefollowing tableof fees-" For an examination for the first time in the subjectsin any one prescribed $

classof hairdressing 35.00For a re-examinationin anyoneprescribedclassof hairdressing-

a for 2 subjectsor less 20.00b for 3 subjects 28.00c for 4 subjectson more 3S.00

For registrationand renewalof registrationas a principal 42.00For registrationand renewalof registrationasan employee............................... 24.00For anycertificateof registrationof anemployee 4.00For anyothercertificate 4.00For transferof registration from employeeto principal on from principal to

employee 4.00For voluntarysuspensionorfor re-instatementof registration...........................4.00 ".

[*Reprinted in theGazette2 December1971 at pp. 4967-79.For amendmentsto 2 December1988 seepage266 of 1987 Index to Legislation of WesternAustraliaand Gazetteof 24 June1988.]

The common seal of the Hairdressers RegistrationBoardof WesternAustraliawas affixed heretointhepresenceof-


Approvedby His Excellencythe Governorin ExecutiveCouncil.C. PEARCE.

Clerk of theCouncil.

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5116 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [30 December1988

BUILDING MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYTenders,closingat West Perth,at 2.30 pm on the datesmentionedhereunder,are invited for the following projects.Tendersare to be addressedto:-

The Minister for Works,c/o ContractOffice,Dumas House,2 Havelock Street,West Perth,WesternAustralia 6005

and are to be endorsedas being a tenderfor the relevantproject.The highest, lowest, on any tenderwill not necessarilybe accepted.

Tender Pro’ect Closing TenderDocumentsNo. Date now availablefrom:

24709 Bunbury PrimarySchool-Pro-PrimaryCentre. 11/1/89 BMA West Perth,BMA Bunbury

24712....... Allanson Primary School-Additions & Improvements.Builders 18/1/89 BMA West PerthCategonisation Category D. Documents available Tuesday BMA Bunbury13 /12/88

24713 Helena Valley Primary School-Administration and Classroom 18/1/89 BMA West PerthBlock, Builders CategorisationCategoryD.

24714 Adam RoadS. Bunbuny Primary School-CoveredArea. 18/1/89 BMA WestPerth,BMA Bunbury

24710....... Mandurah GovernmentOffice Erection. Builders Categorisation 1/2/89 BMA West PerthCategoryB. SelectedTenderersOnly.

24711 MundaringPrimarySchool-Construction.BuildersCategonisation 25/1/89 BMA West PerthCategoryB. SelectedTenderersOnly,

C. BURTON,ExecutiveDirector.

Building ManagementAuthority.


Hillarys Boat Harbour

Constructionof a NavigationBeaconat CentaurReef


Closing TenderDocumentsNo. rojec Date from

EO65 Hillarys Boat Harbour-Constructionof a NavigationalBeacon 31/1/89 Administrative ,Assistant,at Centaur Reef-Supply, fabrication and installation of a 14 30 hrs EngineeringDivision.tripod structurenavigationbeaconon watersouthof HillarysBoat Harbour.

Tenderdocumentsavailablefrom Wednesday,21 December1988.J. M. JENKIN,ExecutiveDirector.



Dateof Schedule . . Date ofAdvertising No. escniption Closing

1988 1989Dec 9 9A1988 Tyres and lubes to variousGovernmentDepartmentsExcluding

Transperth Jan 12Dec 23 156A1988 Bicycle Helmetsfor School Aged Children, Year One to Twelve Jan12Dec 23 637A1988 RoadPavementMaterials,February1, 1989 to December31, 1989, Metropoli

tanDivision MRD Contract136/88 Jan12Dec 16 634A1988 X-Ray Equipment for the Health Departmentof WesternAustralia Jan19Dec 23 636A1988 A PhotographicEnlargingPrinterfor theWesternAustralian PoliceDepart

ment Jan19Dec 30 643A1988 Computing Hardwareand Softwarefor the TreasuryDepartment Jan 19Dec 23 49A1988 FurnitureGroup 3 Flat--BoardFurniturefor Schoolswithin the PerthArea

for the period expiring on 31 December,1989 Jan26Dec 23 86A1988 FurnitureGroup 1 Flat-Board Furniture for Offices within thePerthArea

for the period expiring on 31 December,1989 Jan 26Dec 16 635A1988 RegionalPoliceOffice PersonalComputerSystemsfor theWesternAustralian

Police Department Jan 26

Requestfor Proposal

Dec 9 - An information technology strategy encompassingbusiness applicationsoftware, office systemssoftware,hardwareand communicationnetworksfor the WesternAustralian TreasuryCorporation,,.,....,.,.............................. Jan 12

Page 35: Ouvrnntent aetfr - legislation.wa.gov.au

30 December1988] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,WA 5117


Date ofAdvertising


Date ofSale Closing

1988 1989Dec 9 614A1988 Ropa3 Berth Kitchen CaravanMRD 583 at Welshpool Jan 12Dec 9 615A1988 Villa Nova Utility MountedCamper MRD 3428 atWelshpool Jan 12Dec 9 616A1988 1987 NissanNavara 4x2 Utility 6QK 951 at Bunbury Jan 12Dec 9....... 617A1988 1986 Ford PanelVans MRD 8988 MRD 2246 MRD 8981, 1987 Ford Fal

con Utility MRD 2246, 1986 Ford Falcon SedanMRD 9218 and 1982NissanUrvan Bus Diesel MRD 6488 at Welshpool Jan 12

Dec 9 618A1988 1987 Ford FalconStationWagon MRD 9486 at Welshpool Jan 12Dec 9 619A1988 1982 NissanUnvan Micro Bus Diesel MRD 6464 at Welshpool Jan 12Dec 9 620A1988 1986 Ford FalconPanelVan MRD 9339 at Welshpool Jan 12Dec 9 621A1988 1986 Ford FalconXF Utility MRD 9482 at Welshpool Jan 12Dec 9 622A1988 FabcoSkid MountedAblution Units MRD 4345 MRD 4347 atKalgoonlie.... Jan 2Dec 9 623A1988 1987 NissanNavara4x4King Cab6QK 619, 1985 Ford FalconSedan6QD

580 and 198S ToyotaHilux 4x4 Dual Diesel 6QG 535 at Bunbury Jan 12Dec 16 624A1988 1985 ToyotaHilux 4x4 SteelTray Body Diesel 6QF 427 and 1986 Toyota

Hilux 4x4 Utility Diesel 6QF 430 at Manjimup Jan 19Dec 16 625A1988 1984 NissanPatrol 4x4 StationSedanDiesel 6QA 596 at Karratha Jan 19Dec 16 626A1988 1981 Toyota HiaceCommuter13 SeatBus XQO 389 1986 JackanooDLX 4

door 4x4 Wagon 6QJ409 and 1985 Subaru4x4 Dual RangeWagon 6QF63S at Manjimup Jan 19

Dec 16 627A1988 198SToyotaLandcruiser4x4Traby BackDiesel 6QH 875, 1985 NissanPatrol 4x4 Well Body Diesel, Turbo 6QG068, 1982 ToyotaLandcruiser4x4Tray BackXQQ 672, 1987 Ford FalconXF Sedan6QK 353 and 1986FordFalconXF PanelVan 6QJ 506 at Mundaning Jan 19

Dec 16 628A1988 JD 760A Tractor/WaterTanker MRD 1099 at Welshpool Jan 19Dec 16 629A1988 1983 ToyotaFJ45LandcruiserDouble Cabwith SteelTray Body XQS 3S8

and 1984 NissanPatrol SWB Wagon 6QC 271 at Manjimup Jan 19Dec 16 630A1988 1986 ToyotaHilux 4x4 Well Bodies 6QI 821 6QH 727, 1986 ToyotaHilux

4x4 Style SideBody 6QJ964, 1985NissanPatrol4x4 TrayBack6QG119and1985NissanPatrol4x4 1 TonneTrayBack6QJ125 atMundaring Jan 19

Dec 16 631A1988 1984 NissanPatrol 4x4 Tray Back 6QA 860, 1985 Toyota Hilux 4x4 WellBody 6QF 848, and 1985 Toyota Hilux 4x4 Tray Back 6QG 324 atMundaning Jan 19

Dec 16 632A1988 John Deere570A Grader MRD 4568 at Welshpool Jan 19Dec 16 633A1988 Moore SP1511Multi Wheel Roller MRD 3908 at Welshpool Jan 19Dec 23 638A1988 1985 ToyotaHilux YN67 4x4 Xtna Cab6QF 632 and 1986 Ford FalconXF

Sedan6QH 927 at Mundaning Jan26Dec 23 639A1988 1987 NissanNavaraKing CabUtility MRD 2206 at Cannarvon Jan 26Dec 23 640A1988 Loader BoomerangTrailer MRD 1771 at Welshpool Jan 26Dec23 641A1988 Isuzu Flat Top Truck MRD 53S4 at Welshpool Jan 26Dec 23 642A1988 1987 Ford FalconUtilities MRD 9941 MRD 2140, 1987 Ford FalconGL

StationWagon MRD 9589, 1986 NissanNavaraUtility MRD 9249 and1986 Mitsubishi Colt SedanMRD 9230 at Welshpool Jan 26

Tenders,addressedto the Chairman,StateTenderBoard,815 Hay Street,Perth,6000will be receivedfor the abovementionedtendersuntil 10.00 am on the date of closing.

Tendersmustbe properly endorsedon envelopesotherwisethey are liable to rejection.Tenderforms and full particularsmay be obtainedon application at theTenderBoard Office, 815 Hay Street,Perthand at

points of inspection.No Tendernecessarilyaccepted.

L. W. GRAHAM,Chairman,State TenderBoard.


Schedule Particulars Contractor Rate

Supplyand Delivery

78A1988 Wood Panel Products One Year Period- Cullity Timbers Items 1-18, 20- Detailson RequestVarious GovtDepts. 24

PlymarPty Ltd Items 19,2S-31527A1988 High Powered,PortableX-Ray Units-Royal Picker Australia

PerthHospital and PrincessMargaretHos-Item 1$44936.00

pital G. E. Medical Australia Item 2$34407.S0

539A1988 One 1 only Colour Proofing SystemSuitable Collie CookeConsolidated $24 700.00for Proofing Graphic Arts Type Films-


One 1 only Five or Six Colour Offset Print- CravenPrint and Pack $100 000.00ing Machine-StatePrinting Division

Page 36: Ouvrnntent aetfr - legislation.wa.gov.au

5118 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA [30 December1988



ScheduleNo. Particulars Contractor Rate






Foui 4 only Self PropelledSmooth Drum Ingersoll-RandAust. LtdVibrating Rollers-Main Roads Depart-ment

One 1 only Elevating ScraperClass 7E5- C. J. D. EquipmentPty LtdMain RoadsDepartment

Two 2 only Tandem Drive Graders Class C. J. D. EquipmentPty Ltd..........95-Main RoadsDepartment

One 1 only 20 Tonne Multi Tyred Self WestuttPropelled Rollers-Main Roads Department

One 1 only Medium Duty Grader-Main C. J. D. EquipmentPtyLtdRoadsDepartment

2 @$84 258.002@$96 137.00Item 1$181 029.00Item 2$144 345.00ea$117 720.00

Item 1$124 638.00

Service153A1988 CashCollectionServicefor PoliceDepartment ASAP Security Services

Licensing Centres 24 Month Period-Police Department

Detailson Request

570A1988Purchaseand Removal

90 HP, YamahaMotors, 1986 Model 2 only Jovita Pty LtdatFremantle

Item 1$2 555.00Item 2$2 505.00

484A1988Declineof all Tenders

Narrow GaugeSpotTamper-Westrail

MINING ACT 1978-1983

Notice of Application for anOrderfor Forfeiture

Departmentof Mines,Mt Magnet,WA 6638.

IN accordancewith Regulation49 2 c of the Mining Act1978-1983,noticeis herebygiventhat unlesstherent dueonthe undermentionedProspectingLicences is paid before10.00 am on 23rd January, 1989 the licencesare liable toforfeiture under the provisions of Section 96 1 a forbreachof covenantviznon-paymentof rent.

S. R. MALLEY,Warden.

To he heard in the Warden’s Court Mt Magnet on 23rddayof ,January,1989.

P58/564-Nichols, Steven Jeremy Troup; Roberts, RossPetry.

P58/565-Nichols, Steven Jeremy Troup; Lennisten LePine,Bradford Hartley; MomentPty Ltd.

P58/566-Nichols,StevenJeremyTroup.P58/567-MomentPty Ltd, Nichols,StevenJeremyTroup.P58/568-MomentPty Ltd, Nichols,StevenJeremyTroop.P58/571-ManijaPty Ltd.P58/578-Walker, Christian Arthur; Seivwright, Ronald

Patrick.P58/591-Extract Holdings Pty Ltd.P58/592-Tassone,Marie Anne.

YALGOO MINERAL FIELDP59/723-Olsson,JohnRichard.



MURCHISON MINERAL FIELDP20/612-Maddison,Arthur Robert.P20/994-RadmanMining Pty Ltd.P20/1000-NorthnidgeN.L.P20/1004-Harapeet,Errol Vivian.P21/312-Butcher,Marie.P21/313-ParatonPtyLtd.P21/314-ParatonPtyLtd.P58/344-YinnexN.L.P58/345-YinnexN.L.P58/346-YinnexN.L.P58/347-YinnexN.L.P58/348-YinnexN.L.P58/541 -Roberts,GeorgeEdward.P58/562-LennisterLe-Pine, Bradley Hartley; Roberts,


MINING ACT 1978-1983

Notice of Application for anOrderfor Forfeiture

Departmentof Mines,Mt Magnet,WA 6638.

IN accordancewith Regulation49 2 c of the Mining Act1978-1983noticeis herebygiventhat unlessthe rent due onthe undermentionedProspectingLicences is paid before10.00 am on 21 February, 1989 the licencesare liable toforfeiture under the provisionsof Section 96 1 for breachof covenant,viz, non-paymentof rent.

S. R. MALLEY,Warden.

To be heardin the Warden’s Court Mt Magnet,on 21stdayof February,1989.


P57/272-Woolgrove, John Christian; Kjellgren, GaryHerbert.


Page 37: Ouvrnntent aetfr - legislation.wa.gov.au

30 December1988] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 5119

MURCHISON MINERAL FIELDP20/605-MissionMining N.L.P20/606-MissionMining N.L.P20/1023-Dorsett,Jon.P20/1024-Dorsett,Jon.P20/1025-Dorsett,Jon.P20/1026-Dorsett,Jon.P20/1027-Dorsett,Jon.P20/1028-ExploreAustraliaPty Ltd.P20/1029-ExploreAustraliaPty Ltd.P20/1030-ExploreAustraliaPty Ltd.P20/1031-ExploreAustraliaPty Ltd.P20/1032-ExploreAustraliaPty Ltd.P20/1033-ExploreAustraliaPty Ltd.P20/1034-Richmond,William Robert.P20/1042-Harapeet,Noemi; BettesworthNelly.P20/1043-Turner,Bruce; Lee,GeorgeFrancis,P20/1044-Turner,Bruce; Lee,GeorgeFrancis,P20/1048-ExploreAustraliaPty Ltd.P20/1049-ExploreAustraliaPty Ltd.P20/1050-ExploreAustraliaPty Ltd.P20/1051-ExploreAustraliaPty Ltd.P20/1052-Hogben,Ronald PaulClive.P21/340-Vaughan,Terry; Vaughan, Michael Thomas;

Weston,Allan John;Quigley, GaryFrancis.P21/341-Boyd,JamesCurwen.P21/342-Boyd,JamesCurwen,P21/343-Boyd,JamesCurwen,P21/344-Boyd,JamesCurwen.P21/345-Boyd,JamesCurwen;West,JamesAlexander.P58/350-Ovens,RaymondPeter.P58/577-Knowler,Basil William.P58/590-Walker,Christian Arthur; Parry, RobertJames;

Longwood,RonaldGeorge.P58/593-Jones,Henry Joseph;Walker, Christian Arthur;

Longwood, Ronald George; McCormack,DesmondWilson.

P58/611 -Johansen,Karl.P58/612-Johansen,Karl,

YALGOO MINERAL FIELDP59/742-H.I.R.ExplorationPty Ltd.P59/742-H.I.R.ExplorationPty Ltd.P59/743-H.I.R.ExplorationPty Ltd.P59/744-H.I.R.ExplorationPty Ltd.P59/745-H.I.R.ExplorationPty Ltd.P59/746-H.I.R.ExplorationPty Ltd.

P45/1462-Stephenson,RobertJohn.P45/1492-SifamPty Ltd.P45/1533-Gniffiths,PeterJohn.P45/1544-Emiliani,RobertAldo.P45/1545-Emiliani,RobertAldo.P45/1546-Emiliani, Robert Aldo; Potter Alfred George;

Mullan, GamyErnest,P45/1550-Nonking,RossGeoffrey.P45/1552-Stirling,Ross.P45/1566-ArputaExplorationN.L.P45/1568-ArputaExplorationN.L.P45/1572-ArputaExplorationN.L.P45/1576-ArputaExplorationN.L.P45/1577-ArputaExplorationN.L.P45/1578-ArputaExplorationN.L.


P46/511-Wheatley,Rodney Douglas; Cygnet ResourcesPtyLtd; PremierGold N.L.

P46/532-Wheatley,Rodney Douglas; Cygnet ResourcesPtyLtd; PremierGold N.L.

P46/540-DugganProspectingand Mining Pty Ltd.P46/815-Caesar,DonaldEdward;Collins, DennisMichael,P46/816-Caesar,DonaldEdward;Collins, DennisMichael,P46/823-Curtain,PeterCleave.P46/832-Collins,DennisMichael;Carmody,John Francis.

WESTPILBARA MINERAL FIELDP47/339-DeAngelis,Marcello.P46/571-ExtractHoldingsPty Ltd.P47/573-ExtractHoldingsPty Ltd.


AnthingtonPty Ltd

NOTICE is hereby given of the final generalmeeting ofshareholdersof the abovenamedcompanyto be held at the8th Floor, 178 St. George’s Terrace,Perth on 17 January1989 at 8.30 am.

Dated30 November1988.

M. B. KING,Secretary.

MINING ACT 1978-1983

Notice of Applicationfor an Orderfor Forfeiture.

Departmentof Mines,Marble Bar, WA 6760.

IN accordancewith Regulation49 2 c of the Mining Act1978-1983,noticeis herebygiventhat unlesstherent dueonthe undermentionedProspectingLicences is paid before17th February 1989, the licences are liable to forfeitureunder the provisions of Section 96 1 a for breach ofcovenant,viz, non paymentof rent.

W. G. TARR,Warden.

To be heard in the Warden’s Court Marble Ban on17 February1989.


L45/9-Goldnim Mining AustraliaLtd.P45/1423-BaracusPty Ltd; SuccessHoldingsPty Ltd.P45/1425-BaracusPty Ltd; SuccessHoldingsPty Ltd.P45/1426-BanacusPty Ltd; SuccessHoldingsPty Ltd.


I, LESLIE FENWICK hereby give notice that I am nolongera partnerin the partnershipwhich operatesthe business styled Homes Family Restaurantand that the saidpartnershipwith Brett Podger,CameronFieldgate,MarleneWright and Anthony O’Donnell was dissolved on 14December1988.

HAMMOND KING & CO,Solicitors.


Dissolutionof Partnership

TAKE noticethat thepartnershippreviouslysubsistingbetween Rudi Sandri and William Ian Forsyth-Crossunderstyle or firm nameof RegencyFlorist from premisessituateat 8 QueenStreet,Perth was dissolvedwith effect from 19December1988.

Dated 19 December1988.CHALMERS & PARTNERS,

SolicitorsandAgentsfor thesaidWilliam Ian Forsyth-Cross.

Page 38: Ouvrnntent aetfr - legislation.wa.gov.au

5120 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA [30 December1988


I, DESMOND JOHN ROUS, public accountant,of 302Great EasternHighway, Midland herebygive notice that Iam no longer in partnershipwith Patrick J. O’Loghlen andthat the saidpartnershipendedon 30 November 1988. I amcontinuingto operateunderthe businessname of Rous &Gambleas a solepractitioner.



Notice to Creditorsand Claimants

Muriel Dorothy Haines,late of 7 Bourke Street,Albany, intheStateof WesternAustralia,homeduties, deceased.

CREDITORS and other personshaving claims to whichsection 63 of the TrusteesAct 1962 as amendedrelates inrespectof theestateof the deceasedwho died on 17 October1988 are requiredby the Executorof the Will of the saiddeceased,Walter Jebb of care of Messrs McLeod & delPiano, Solicitors, 8-10 The Esplanade,Perth in the saidStateto send particularsof their claimsto him by January1989 after which date the said Executor may convey ordistribute the assetshaving regard only to the claims ofwhich he hasnotice and the Executorshall not be liable toany personof whoseclaim he hashad no noticeat the timeof administrationor distribution.

Dated22 December1988.

McLEOD & DEL PIANO,Solicitorsfor theExecutor.

Paine,Hazel Mary, late of 1/17 Harbord Aye, Coodanup,died 11/12/88.

Phillips, Jessie,late of The CottageHospice, 11 BedbrookPlace,ShentonPark,died23/11/88.

Richardson,Maude Ethel, late of CarlisleNursing Home,Star Street,Carlisle,died4/12/88.

Rutherford, Nellie, late of Ningana Nursing Home, AllenCourt, Bentley,died12/12/88.

Thompson,Enid Flora, late of 40 Talbot Aye, Como, died7/8/88.

Thomson, Ronald JamesMcKainshish,late of 227 RailwayRoad, Daglish,died 2/12/88.

True, William, lateof 26 VennSt,Collie, died 19/11/88.Vanischetti, Santina, late of 444 Riverton Drive, East

Riverton, died27/11/88.Vaughan,St Elmo ThomasClayton, lateof 14 DevenishSt,

EastVictoria Park,died17/11/88.Walmsley, Donald Grant, late of 18 Cornwall Street,

Swanbourne,died5/12/88.Waugh, Annie Dorothy May, late of 41 Congdon Street,

Swanbourne,died23/9/88.Willoughby, GladysMay, formerly of 404 St FrancisCourt,

34 RobinsonStreet,Inglewood,late of St GeorgesNursing Home,20 PinasterStreet,Mt Lawley,died27/8/88.

Woodbu, Maisie, late of Numbala Nunga Nursing Home,SutherlandStreet,Derby,died12/8/88.

Dated22 December1988.

A. J. ALLEN,Public Trustee,

PublicTrust Office,56S Hay Street,Perth.


Charles John Fitzgerald, late of 37 Pemble Street,Katanning, in the State of Western Australia, retiredshopassistant,deceased.

CREDITORS and other personshaving claims to whichSection 63 of the TrusteeAct, 1962, relates,in respectofthe deceased,who died on 9 October, 1988, are required bythe Executor,of 17 PelicanPlace,Wilson, in the saidState,to sendparticularsof their claimsby 31 January,1989, afterwhich datetheExecutormayconveyor distributetheassets,havingregardonly to the claimsof which he then hasnotice.

C. A. FITZGERALD,Executor.


Notice to CreditorsandClaimants

CREDITORS and other persons having claims to whichsection 63 of the TrusteesAct relates in respect of theestatesof theundermentioneddeceasedpersonsarerequired‘to send particulars of their claims to me on or before30 January1989, afterwhich dateI mayconveyon distributetheassets,having regardonly to the claimsof which I thenhavenotice.Batty, Hilda Beatrice,late of 38 TheraStreet,Falcon,died

30/11/88.Black, RonaKathleenMcKenzie, late of HamensleyHospi

tal, 441 RokebyRoad,Subiaco,died29/11/88.Cniddle,JamesJohn, lateof Lot 19, SlaughterStreet,Three

Springs,died3/9/88.Elfgnen, Marjorie, late of Parry House, 74 Warlingham

Drive, Lesmurdie,died9/12/88.Hayes,Dorothy May, late of 94 StrachanRoad, Bullsbrook,

died26/11/88.Hitchcock, Herbert Henry, late of 30 Danch Street, East

Yokine, diedS/12/88.Larmoo, Lottie, late of Numbala Nunga Derby Nursing

Home, Derby, died 21/10/88.McMeekin, NathanielDennis,lateof 14 32 HastingsStreet,

Scarborough,died 23/9/88.Matys, Feliks, late of Salisbury Rest Home, JamesStreet,

Guildford, died 20/10/87.Oswald,JamesLawson, late of 11 HobbsAye, Como, died



NOTICE is herebygiventhat pursuantto section 14 of thePublic TrusteeAct 1941 the Public Trusteehas electedtoadministerthe estatesof the undermentioneddeceasedpersons.

Nameof Deceased;Occupation;Address;Dateof Death;DateElectionFiled.

D’Mello, Dulcie Muriel; Divorcee; Applecnoss; 7/7/1988;17/8/1988.


Stone,Sarah;Widow; Manning; 12/3/1988;17/8/1988.Davids, Martin; Retired Tailor; Bicton; 5/11/1988;

16/12/1988.Johnston,Winifred Lucy; Widow; Mount Lawley; 2/11/1988;

16/12/1988.Morris, Stella Laurie Katherine; Widow; Rockingham;

1/11/1988;16/12/1988.Lord, Rose Ellen; Widow; Bassendean; 24/10/1988;

16/12/1988.Brennan, Alice Maud; Widow; Belmont; 24/9/1988;

16/12/1988.Brennand, Arthur; Retired Farmer; Midvale; 20/9/1988;

16/12/1988.Jones,ThomasJohn; RetiredGardener;Pinjarra; 9/4/1988;

16/12/1988.Allen, Ivan; Retired Labourer; Armadale; 26/8/1988;

16/12/1988.Stubbs, Marjorie; Invalid Pensioner; Como; 21/10/1988;

16/12/1988.Pyers,Cohn George;RetiredLabourer;Subiaco; 29/7/1988;

16/12/1988.Pettigrew, Agnes; Widow; Swanbourne; 7/9/1988;

16/12/1988.Mizen, Ernest Reginald Talmage; Retired Farmer;

Lesmurdie;18/10/1987;16/12/1988.DatedatPerthon 21 November1988.

A. J. ALLEN,PublicTrustee,

S65 Hay Street,Perth.

Page 39: Ouvrnntent aetfr - legislation.wa.gov.au

30 December1988] GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, WA 5121


MENT REGULATIONS No.2 1988MADE by His ExcellencytheGovernorin ExecutiveCouncil,

Citation1. Theseregulationsmaybecitedas theConstructionIndustry PortablePaid Long Service

LeaveAmendmentRegulationsNo. 21988.

Commencement2. Theseregulationsshallcomeinto operationon 1 January1989.

Regulation 8 amended3. Regulation 8 of the Construction Industry Portable Paid Long Service Leave Regu

lations1986* is amendedby deleting"3 percent"andsubstitutingthefollowing-2% ".

E*Publishedin the GovernmentGazetteof 19 December1986 at pp. 4924-4925.For amendmentsto 2 December1988 seep. 208 of 1987 Index to Legislation of WesternAustralia andGazetteof 20September1988.]

By His Excellency’sCommand,C. PEARCE,

Clerkof theCouncil,




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5122 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,WA [30 December1988


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PageAgricultural Products Egg Grading and Packing Repeal

Regulations1988 5110BushFires Act-By-lawsrelatingto firebreaks-

Shireof Merredin 5096Shireof Nungarin 5096-7

BushFires Act-Establishmentof BushFiresBrigades-Shireof WestArthur 5097-8Town of Mandurah 5093-5

Construction Industry Portable Paid Long Service LeaveAmendmentRegulationsNo. 21988 5121

Criminal PracticeAmendmentRules 1988 5086-7EducationAmendmentRegulationsNo.31988 5113-15

HairdressersRegistrationAmendmentRegulationsNo. 31988 5115

JusticesAct-Infringement Notice Enforcement ProcedureOrder1988 5087

JusticesAct-Infringement Notice EnforcementProcedureRegulations1988 5087-90

MarketingofEggsAmendmentRegulations1988 5110-12SchoolPremisesAmendmentRegulations1988 5112Soil and Land ConservationAct-JerramungupSoil Conser

vation District Appointment of District Advisory Committee Member Instrument 1988 5109

Soil and Land ConservationAct-NugadongWest Soil ConservationDistrict Appointmentof MembersDistrict Advisory CommitteeInstrument1988 5109

Soil andLand ConservationCorrigin Soil ConservationDistrict Order1988 5108-9


Agriculture,Departmentof 5083,5 107-12B.M.A. Tenders 5116BushFires 5093-8CommunityServices 5090CompaniesWesternAustralia Code 5119ConservationandLand Management 5085Crown Law Department 5083DeceasedPersons’Estates 5120EducationDepartment 5112-15Employment 5107, 5121

HairdressersRegistration Board 5115

JusticesAct 5087-90Land Administration 5084-5,5091-2Local GovernmentDepartment 5106-7Marine andHarbours 5091, 5116MetropolitanRegion PlanningSchemeAct 5100-6Mines Department 5118-19Municipalities 5106-7NavigableWatersRegulations 5091Ordersin Council 5084-5Parliament-BillsAssentedto 5085PartnershipsDissolved 5119-20PoliceDepartment 5091Proclamations 5083Public Trustee 5120RacingandGaming 5090StatePlanningCommission 5099-5106StateTaxation 5085-6SupremeCourtAct 5086-90TenderBoard 5116.18Town PlanningandDevelopmentAct 5099-5100Transport 5091TrusteesAct 5120WestAustralianTrusteesLimited Act 5120



IT is notified for public information that thepublishing times for the "Government Gazette" at New Year will be as follows-

Friday, 6 January-Closing time for copy3 pm Wednesday,4 January.

GARRY L. DUFFIELD,Government Printer.

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