Clan Maclennan Association-Grafton Branch Firs{ bran*r in the xorH outside Scorfrsrd May 20SS Clan Maclennan Prcsidents Report Fellow Family illembsrs and Frie*ds I hope you arB all well and I e:rte*d I trust you all had a happy and safe Easbr, The year Fasses so quick$ and we *e well into *uhrmn and afur a prolanged and vely hot summer ue uelcome this lovely time of the year- I tftirk our aufirmn and sprirg arc most pleasant ard spring very productive, The llfraclean Highland Gatftering on Eas,&r Safurday was a great day v*i8 a stsrm brcaking over tre grounds iust before Are finish, Our Clan donabs $100.{N} torad tl*e grade 4 Piping Competition and 3t 3s a wonderful eyenl'The Gathering *s in fu 103"1 year. The ificFarlane Bridge at tkrkan, *drich erosse$ the Clarcnce next b tfte Shouqround wfierc the Gathering is held, had its cenbnary eelehmtions on gh Apr;I. The Celtic Festival at GIen lnne le on fie {* weekend of ililay each ycar. I recall last y*ar wnting tfi go to fie Sstival and havs fle ureeke$d tltere, hosever se cosldn't get a Looking for accommodation, Good wishee to all-,..hspe to ses you at frt* }IYililBOIBA COAGHIHG STATIOU OIII SU}IDAY Hay 2't* at HOOH. lda{cefi* IlrlslBE THts lssuE Pege2 SmreErg's Lelfier r$Sh!*d G,a*ft"ri$g P*ge3 Flowers af t&e Ford Weeiry kge { Bib gndPiee kgss Ficiur*Gatrfrg Articls Pry6 tnpn Pege 7 ffindins B.esult CIaa Masl-si$Iafi Asssciation Gralton Branch Newsletter May Zffi I.

outside Clan Maclennan · Clan Maclennan Association-Grafton Branch Firs{ bran*r in the xorH outside Scorfrsrd May 20SS Clan Maclennan Prcsidents Report Fellow Family illembsrs and

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Page 1: outside Clan Maclennan · Clan Maclennan Association-Grafton Branch Firs{ bran*r in the xorH outside Scorfrsrd May 20SS Clan Maclennan Prcsidents Report Fellow Family illembsrs and

Clan Maclennan Association-Grafton BranchFirs{ bran*r in the xorH outside Scorfrsrd

May 20SS

Clan Maclennan

Prcsidents Report

Fellow Family illembsrs and Frie*dsI hope you arB all well and I e:rte*d I trust youall had a happy and safe Easbr, The yearFasses so quick$ and we *e well into *uhrmnand afur a prolanged and vely hot summer ueuelcome this lovely time of the year- I tftirkour aufirmn and sprirg arc most pleasant ardspring very productive,The llfraclean Highland Gatftering on Eas,&rSafurday was a great day v*i8 a stsrmbrcaking over tre grounds iust before Arefinish, Our Clan donabs $100.{N} torad tl*egrade 4 Piping Competition and 3t 3s awonderful eyenl'The Gathering *s in fu 103"1year.The ificFarlane Bridge at tkrkan, *dricherosse$ the Clarcnce next b tfte Shouqroundwfierc the Gathering is held, had its cenbnaryeelehmtions on gh Apr;I.The Celtic Festival at GIen lnne le on fie {*weekend of ililay each ycar. I recall last y*arwnting tfi go to fie Sstival and havs fleureeke$d tltere, hosever se cosldn't get aLooking for accommodation,Good wishee to all-,..hspe to ses you at frt*}IYililBOIBA COAGHIHG STATIOU OIII SU}IDAYHay 2't* at HOOH.


IlrlslBE THts lssuE


SmreErg's Lelfier

r$Sh!*d G,a*ft"ri$g


Flowers af t&eFord


kge {

Bib gndPiee






Pege 7

ffindins B.esult

CIaa Masl-si$Iafi Asssciation Gralton Branch Newsletter May ZffiI.

Page 2: outside Clan Maclennan · Clan Maclennan Association-Grafton Branch Firs{ bran*r in the xorH outside Scorfrsrd May 20SS Clan Maclennan Prcsidents Report Fellow Family illembsrs and



Lookirq *rt tB win&v tte rain l's stryed a.d ttre gullhs re runnirg aU fe g#E are afl hdy adsded- ft b a br4 time since*e hava lal ggod saakirg r"ain.I fry aS tre Cffi&anttlse am gsirq wetLytfrEn ar hs* Iikurckttar rrras *t* Hehn ffid sany Ellis were madrg fpus ard H€kn cnty rd tine to doa s{na$ Herskttsf- &E of trre ryti*s missed wele trre Sf Air*rOays d 3 d s.r *enrbers Xqg Ug*rrsrKevin *nlth trd E h A^eterl All three msn hsre spent their tiyes in S* beef iudusfiy- $sel efis is sffi dHymboila, l(e{irl $ill * Sarffii trS Eri{: wfp ssent 7S yeas on Se sne Frcpsty at etwfib+grre sql in fsgCHere RigtrBl*ict, ffier.ilfrernbers ad tLrn& ryent a f€prllr Chrishnas get together at tp tsne tfour Presider* i{aho}n aS }*s:riia l(* at lfi#srfr**, south Grafrcr:. Tha*s lGe for lettirg us tahe over yeur lrmatst Md-strrsl cf hfischail bro$$rt akg his musin Ted Mdennan !r,fn lss mcnred fcr, $$lsy b tsxksrto live ryd I €E$Ifed hBn t*lltr€ *s$ fre time he sailed in the Sydney tE ilsbat Yacf* rEffi-Mernb€rs Thora ffrwrer) alld iralcolm Mc|.eod have soH their cffie krlt trd maed b SqJAt Gren3nd il'eHt #d Bary Ellis rs,!# rskE !* Grefun, Our Clsn v*ishe them gsod fleals! and fepirms in Sstrerrabode-L€cking lbr*ad b twing ftorr Shirley S,lclennan since retuming fun fer recerrt fip ts lrdiaH uts$ **shes froffi fle Clan io $hfky Buckhy, Soll Brsrrne, Saph Hill ad Eric erst€n- t{+vin Smih isl afery hiscps #h1s b,ypass $sgry h$ is goirgwellagain-Las*ti,#( | H arlrpfsn EdrH il€iirbn tcsay Enslhad beffi in f*spi*ath.* is reorrerirq*d-Helbto Hffiysr* *laBi in Soffmd- $e hcpe yoil are bothwell_Any manbers u*p leve itsns d interest for our i,lsarsldter please ssrd flern alo*g to me- Ur*il se se *!wrH qah I wi$r yru all $iell sd keep smal.ftg-Kird R€gtr*



Mxry Ckr r**mbers enioyd ils tffiP Geffrerirq heH on Eas*er $afisday 1Es tpil.Ammg *te Chn ms*bers use PreslM i#akolm who ryorks all day t*irg rsults W ard lsrfi #ffifte alEre, his xife K* *trays kqd st Erork in ons sf fte fd Salls. PiFtr lan {dts tes reilsr*d to pkyirgYriE-t fte Hdwt PBle Btrd der disrct sirrg thd a mdicatisr he rrs oil wEE afedtrg his Sility b Fky-kn's datat*ersaailrrras tttere*lh trtr 3 drikken sardy, cedarard hry pffirt-Tfte u.fe* Ellb faritly *se in ailsrdarre with Bany ard Hetsn, Fiona ard A*iirn ard lS Barc}*er* tanr$flrcy, H# ad Clris, Ellb ad Brcrr&B ltr&ds d Ccu& Crmsir& fttrae Eil& ffir ad tt4fle(IhEllb, qrkry- ffiEidleen EIlh trd MaH-dcads r€fessrt€d tp CEr| Ur tleb Mclerrsr kih ard ffiblsla Sorcfiards looked te pwt in a ffih kilt m r*ell. AII sported Sirqbt topc Aesi.qr€d by frE*rArn{E1f#.Fkma Borcher* ruas oNE of &a ffiid iL&es of tha HQhlard Darrc*rg on tlc daf hS led a capn *oppornr*E ts collre sd:mtcfr tu.rM Afkiafi in fts freavy ganes e€fit* A{fuisfi ga&red a rs^rfiber dpffi h S* srefits hi xras rnsrcsful h fs$rng his winnlrg positbn in fre Csber Tcss folsadrg thesuElss d his fie*ld Ctsis lrlt*ts S Sydrey w{ro fsd an ahnsst perH t? s dsck CfsB, a fiS time visitsr toEe gstterir€ urm Sre Gh*mB*xr mmpetitor of fte dry ard !#ill be Ht ryain to Herrd hb ffie- Joirriqt*ist trd CIE*s vs good f*erul Joe* Clir{on af $ydrey who was afrwrdirq his f g#€rirq; BSr Cffiand Jefs *ives mrrpetd !n tte ganes ever& as well-Aary Ellk $ffi rE*.too FkW ffifte iules had bffii drangdfar tre Farme Vthk €ft,ent * te crdr t*Eet ent H g x[Fr a mmd brddrq ulallc Ttm rules fri* ye* t€s a sd dis**rm in tE far*ed t&ne, ufrfohtrEt* *tx1 Ay ownpmrs runnirg---mayne fe name needs cfranging frgn 'Fanners llt&ffd te'Fam€ns Ftrri'-Ca.gf* ry *itr llilelk +fu:eterr, ad visitor* hm Uholgoolga" sisttr in hr Fry itclaruwr" &reneiilclerrsr {sae aticb} and Luke lffiffinanFUI hd a goCId ey- Far ftis fanrily ifs rd io be missad.tJ\fty &r:tue bave a ehn Tefit next yea so wr can welcome *lfer rslatiyes and frieids?P

4'*/"-JCtas Mssl,s$rsfi Assscistiffir Graftoa Branch Ne$rsl*t sr May ?*SS


Page 3: outside Clan Maclennan · Clan Maclennan Association-Grafton Branch Firs{ bran*r in the xorH outside Scorfrsrd May 20SS Clan Maclennan Prcsidents Report Fellow Family illembsrs and

FLC11E*S AT ?#E ffiR=ST

*elE*iB?* {r** lSrernr*}ElaE#& {3#;r} **sffi, krte dekerp* $b#t" Grdan-

?Hife d tle He Skrky *n*e*r:a* ard lli*frs *f Caral ard Jdrn-

*cL=*HffCt*!n Jarn*e, *te# t aldtai $Hd" C#rff* Cruss:r€-tluskr* cf faeiciq Fattrmof *al*y, Paulard 5#arxty-

Cur #*.Ettte * ak r*ifr Pery *{cC*r:gtr*y a{* fanr{ly felac#*?g *}e *a*s,r€ d hs lx*ad ,}#et Tl**a{Ja.k}. Ja* }t"rd rn*st d hb 88 leas * ?*ymkida a*d tr*ggy ere* t}e Pc*ai*ess t}ee fpr lr:#}y yffi*etara f€ Pc*{ *ffi*exas da*e*-

fi"i H*TI*ssY

*sr*r*t*l*icts i* J*r'rif*r Ps#ell w*fi sitl t*r* =1

on AFril ?f, =ffi.Js*r:ifs is ge **ei**r *f J#! H#-s**** d Hsba*, T*sn:*r:i* **d *#*rqy F*B$a *f *Eir:s. 9*-S-W-J***ifs B *rr*Ey s*s*yirg *t k:*:s* *r*ss U*ir*rsity *t Lisrery+"


Ccrgra*:HE!ryia t+ *tre*r* SJiclen*s: a*d $irn+n $r*itlers fa:br#ir€ *eir *':ariq* at Sc# *tt.stttiitelbca"r*= ry: t&l Deemls. ffi- Xar,+re is ttle *aughter sf B*d+ ar# $uaaxe t#**san ol Brysefc4fits- Tfisa a# S#a*trs M€L# trrd Sandr€ ar:d Pets Pe**i*s

"av+lld t* $#bsr.r* is is4r: fsrnqy

ri:em*ss in ce#ir6 this eys$-

CIsr: I#a*L*E*a:E gs=**i*,i*cr Gr*li*:: Brgn*lE He:rsl*tisr B*ey ?***3_

Page 4: outside Clan Maclennan · Clan Maclennan Association-Grafton Branch Firs{ bran*r in the xorH outside Scorfrsrd May 20SS Clan Maclennan Prcsidents Report Fellow Family illembsrs and


Ts #antr* n#scf ar+*igaat*r us*ffi:p*+te an y*r:rd+tl':.T* kry f':*e s *eezs *dgt.rrs * bay pla*e a sn:ali *rYlsunt $ Vry:ilt* fssss in a Sr:i**l* cs*strtr {



C*c y*: lalf =

ffied H s*eet *a tH it *ks r:+at ard ttd? in tte llrsr: *.@a*t , c#it:

A J*{=

& r*.gi?ty }*y r+** ak# *y his nru&*r, "ll## d* 1.au evs eH tc, get ir:tc lsvs*?it= th=a.4i€ fa s Bt:i:* ar# *aid " I :e!ll kry na':niry in ar# +ut sl=*r::i:g t*= d*s{ *r$il $-sy *s?- fry t*=v*ssake *nr+ *tt *r say s.rt s# ft+ fll ru* i*f

sAB*Et* *t*Ty

l*ts i*ae**r # A*efua ard =r*c

Ail*ferr} a*d *usbard T**ry *Eaguire sps:t e* e{+y*k e**e^*.sr d #?*!s** sf #r sd A#3 David ll+lfgr*t af 3#tilq l ertler: tl:*y att+r# a *aity ?r*r$ rai*il4 *"*#ia: r+m*$-*=v3l b*atne fan*l.:s trtrs*h fe SInr "Strire" and tl:* 5+ gu#s wer+ ry€=rbir# BEF': gt* #t:tiaEt paaE*fts?ire d$ayid *ee$l a* tle ksufthrl ysicestAmy*c*t*rry*ar*ps:*d by *svld-Susts Se: *r$4*# a b:rely sffi;;!a3t! ig* in &* gatd$-*itrrsugft **c*l is v*ry eer:tie fre ard lris ryife $rere xr*rdeffi"rt fffifs-*<ris s* ?r1y *k stisyd a yisit ts Gl*r: l*rs r**r*ty Nith *#*&* *l"# Ertc, Thsy visit+d {e $i#irryStryes ar:d cisit# r*any # tt* f**s{i* ffi *s *rell as cat*rirq up xiFr an *stsr rel*tiy* ?* rsw*irq t*a*d fur$!- TIt+ # gplky *r*rrs i{ris ard Txry in *ryrt af *rE il*e #dicated t* *rs *:#s *lex*r#*t* *dtry Hcl-err*t a*-*r*ll as *e CrE*#s *tTte Stard!** SIE#E-

Cia:r E{a+l*:s}*= E***aieri*:: *ra**n Brar:*fu }{ewslett+s E€ay 2**{51+

Page 5: outside Clan Maclennan · Clan Maclennan Association-Grafton Branch Firs{ bran*r in the xorH outside Scorfrsrd May 20SS Clan Maclennan Prcsidents Report Fellow Family illembsrs and

Wemm-kffi@wffi fueffipemOne of Woolgoolga,s

best-*mown residents wilXbe celebrating his 53rdbirthday soon.

Graeme Mclennan isa popular Woolgoolgatown frequenter with theunique .skill of remem-bering the names of any-one he comes across.

Craeme has been wel-csming people to Wool-goolga for as long as any-one can remember.

It is unusual in thisday and age to comeacross someone who is sowarm and friendly andmany people are touchedby his apparent lack ofguile.

Neighbours have alsoa lot to be thankful forthat Graeme takes an

interest in them and theirlives.

If he sees an opportu-nity to help out, Graemeis in like a shot, and manyelderiy, sick or otherwiseincapacitated Woolgool-g4 to-wnspeople havebeen helped by Graemein their hours of need.

Muriel Morrow is arrelderly resident of Wool-goolga and Graeme hasbeen helping her withshopping and messagernow for 10 years.

Graeme fust offeredto help Muriel out wherher husband took sick.

"Shopping was a prob-lem for me then andGraeme offered to help,and continued after mvhusband passed away,''

Muriel said. ., Gfaeme is well-known"Graeme never fo1- at the newsagentwith the

gets a name and is always early-openei crowdpolite and

-always speaks where

'he collects theto everybody," she said.

"Ih;; il";h; "[ newspaper for his

.par-his life. He iq a very kind ents and , sometimes

person and I have never papers for other people.

Falkirk Wheel, ScotlandThis mesmerising 35 -mene-highstructure lifu boats and barges upfrom the Forth and Clyde Cairat'and lov'rers them gentlyinto tlreIlnion Canal. allowing iiem tonavigate Scodand coastto coast Itis the wodds first rotatins boatlift A cross between 4 fuirgroundatff action and a f uncfronat

airborne locla give the impress.ionthat boats ca4 fl5i as tneyrise,gloriousviews oT*re Ocirit Flitts

. ra@x:and viarid:,,fi i:e:vftIeelis apopular tourist attraction in itsown lighq, butjtii,also thecenffepiece of aE78 miiiion($184 milliorD program of civilengineering'worl<s ttrat haveimproved ttrese Caledoniancanals beyond all recognition.British Waterways turned dovrmeady proposals for a heritage-style ufteel insisting on a stdkingnewdesign-

heard a cross word spo- Huppy birthdavken about him."


itreplacesL.S-equenceofareiaised, at


LAMB was roasting on thespif pumpkin scones and lam-ingtons were prepared anclAustralian flags

- were out as

Dundwrabin hosted the per-fect Australia Day.

More than 100 people con-verged on the finy village, 85kilometres south-west of Graf-ton along the Armidaie Road,to celebrate being Auskalian.

Visitors from the ClarenceValley and Dorrigo converged.on Dundurrabin for a flag-

raising ceremony, a plaque-unveiling and a whip-crackingdemonstration.

Clarence Valley Mayor IanTiley welcomed people to thecelebration and spoke aboutwhat Australia Day meant.

"It's about recognising ourpast, enjoying the present andanticipating with -great hopeour future," he said.

Clarence Val,ley ambassa-dor Jennie Brand-Miller said

she was honoured aud hum-bled to be part of the celebra-tions and implored everyoneto remember how lucky tJleywere to be Australian.

But the celebr:ationsweren't reserved just for thenation, with a plaque un-veiled and tree planted tohonour local resident JanetMclennan, who ran the near-by Tyringham Store for 42years before her death in Oc-tober 2003.

{?** &€**l+Ec*ae Aswiati+:: *rafg** Bran** 3{e*.,rEle.tterHay ?***5-

Page 6: outside Clan Maclennan · Clan Maclennan Association-Grafton Branch Firs{ bran*r in the xorH outside Scorfrsrd May 20SS Clan Maclennan Prcsidents Report Fellow Family illembsrs and

JAP*+I fe r*ar* *t** Clerrf Blesan**|

J*pa* b a gar:d *r*iry, **d rightly so. The Japanese are pr*u* sf t*eir f!€ri@s, $e*rachie.+n*rrb. arrd tfreir ryple. Japaa is MfiiGg mc{= }Yst+mia# b::t tft=y lik+ tfi=*e* +f fre ffin:anc u**r uisit+rs are xith ilern a* ulell a* Frecenting Bl* tra#ltia*el t**eren*r:y v*fris* is *l*r*ys bm*g*t fsr$rard fs atl ts +*jcy a sr*all Frt sf t*=ir leriHge-Ttt*ir *re ir*rastrustrre wh=n trarrellir:g sn th* raads i*dud= il:a*y *** *-r:n*ls S$et€ilmau*teir* ee*= a*d viadu# ouer high valleys, r*aking y*u realie tfiat tley *ev* bcilliar*engi**rs t* kril{ tfi* *&:*t*re*, This is prc**u*d to a visits fcm *l=Sali* w?r* ueS*n't s*e **y$*i*g lih+ t*is r*ith s$r rslstiv*ly fat cou*try. *E$ct: att**ii+* is giv** t* Bebuildi*g sf sr*nry baniars i- &= trigher ccuntry, so*ethirg rrye al*# d*n-t w h=re i*Australia-?lre Japarw pe+ffe ar= *ptristicated, and friend* *s txell a= k*utifu| #l :**ry n=*.:relf*rt?t*m. Tftey ffir* ta lorre k*vi*g vis*t*rs, a*d ar+ c*ry g***r*uswit?t l**irtim*, Rrki** ispr*ci*** * SIE *. ?f:*y al* l*v* ta giv* *i*s *d:isfr is us*ally sar**thir:g FsGiiis*ff|- T?t+rare h=# u**irq acd the €*il#ren ar* rs?ll b*l':av#.Ifs n# fry rze t* m*k* *rrtpa**o*s. but +ur c*ildren d**t r?leasur= t.tp **B: &* sesce*

*tt*t*d* i* fu:sbsti=. J*par: **s la*g s#:ffi| h$urs, artd cram-sc*# d***g **+ *****pal:d Auskal*a* #:ildr** g+t it essier, I thi*k b=suse ?ve haye ahray* h**r: "=aryg+ir:gfand re *# ta ee*ily Cet ieil+ iust Must r*e affi A*etrelia a*d f?e+. *ui r:# ** a*yryxlre, s:r *til**r: fi*re t* s*rk *ard at getti*g a***d ***r. lik* J*p*.*ecause J=pr:se rypt= li:l* in closs q*artasta cr:= a**fier i* I*rg* i**-st*=l #itis fsthe met Frt' ttey laa* ta g+t cut in the +pen c+u*try areas. I asp+cial$ n+tied &is ts&frein J=prr l*=l tir** {l'r* lu*y t* have k* there ttti* **d P*t*r, my *r:sk*d T*s€fimes]. Dr:ring sSr*sl h#id*yg tl'l* pae*ts love t* tak+ young {r*t J*hrr:y *r:S #*ry} but*y, ltenuke, *ut iata ths *F*n parks tc enjay natura, rulr arcund in tft* *Ferr src andjust ge* *w*e ksh aie Ttue *F* parlt.s are full witl many *milies d<**g tf*e *ar*e &ir€,j*st er{*yirg n*h:re" 1*1* r:s* *ur p*rks h*le, L*t *at lik* th+ Jap**s* qr*5* s *vicn=*fr:# ta g+t +ut aray **m th+ citiss *r a wl:ih-I thi*k tfte tEg cEti€* are eqciti*g a*d we urant t+ eryerie**e thai t*, trfe* r*e r:isil El*e*ls*rd aigFfs *t *igtrt are katdiful. especially if there is water.fnglish is *i$ls spken sr r:fidsrstsd, esp*cially yrith th* ycungs gis:*ratisr an* l'nttery fk*d abut g?ei Tft+ Ar*+riaa* arer:t is thele thaugh, trtr,ch =ha* &at fuae;i***s a larg* int@ ** the J*p*n*e- The *ities ale be*rrti*g lrsd t* lrl#st*m yisibrs,*at*rirg rr*rs f*r th*ir r*+** *sr, s*c-h as E*glish srsr:s i* the sh+p, s#**{ *rt* mifur*ys,a+ riuell as EeEr wrr Iangeg=, a g*d sign.Jr*+t t?:e *t?38, I ara still aei*uaded at the *tag*itud* *f th+ c{tie, tlt*y j*=t g* G} f*rets*r*rld *x# fv Sy*xsy, xs *ustr*lians havent s** cities this siE* **f**, Yt* **e r!**r+*vi**gd *v*rsl str**t$ *kvs ar:d b*l*ct' the **e v€ ar+ trav*tlirq *rr, k;t th*y muS k**n{iel te tft= Ja3ar:e==.*l *a"ere altrrf,+n* irr &ustratia knoras t*e Japa**se ar* itr* ie#:r:ical *Hprts= a,ilft g:=pr***+ts tl**y re*ke *r exe*#irtg *ur r*i*dful u+*.All Auskli**s str;*rri* si=it J*p** s*fi!*ti$l* in tl'*ir lif*. lt's *h#*ys s *$tir?*ti#T f*t tlwn=ard xe 3:av*

= S#ig*tful audi+*c+ x*+**v+r xr+ talk *b*r:t l** i* J=p**. ** t#t fies: *f

tf**ir -* af t*= &* $=**d h#d] r*riety kth far rre* *n$ €r*#l*.?, th* ***.rtiful kirc?*r*, g'*lcrg* rx*n*h$*rE*g +iti*s. *xtst*pp**g **r irxagir:ati**, t*e ki*d*ss *** E***r*et d ta?*

ry$+, *r:S *f **.:rc= t*+ pid= they tak* i* t*= ka*ty *f tl":= *l:*r:y *l**s*r*:a #*riry *#f,4FIit, Ed*cfu is r:*iqr:a t* Jap+*.Ttr* k=q ==*d J*p*n lr** is ?l':e p**pl*--{rigi#.f'* Hsgr ?-#s&Ef€r

*l*r Er€ssE,*rEffis Bss**icii*rE Gr***:r Brm*h t{*:*=l*S*: }*tag 2ffi *

Page 7: outside Clan Maclennan · Clan Maclennan Association-Grafton Branch Firs{ bran*r in the xorH outside Scorfrsrd May 20SS Clan Maclennan Prcsidents Report Fellow Family illembsrs and

suT$T&aI*liIG &CtlI=lt=l#NT

C#lum S**ll, yfir*ger 5p* af Delma {*icle*nan} aad Phillip Srtdl sf An*idale reel€yr*ei$sd tfre Hart**r p*rk & Bu*s*s Saddlery Avrard *t ths a****l pr*evttdist *igfit fuEAFE in T=r*sffirth.Tfue Ar*rerd raae {ry *u*tanding A#ri+vement i* the }l*r*e Industry Prdie Certi**?*I l1 {Perf*nrtaf# tlw} C*ursc.tall*rs: *ras bqm ar:A rais+* ** a iarm *n th* outskirts *f Fs*idal=. His ls.* si ttsrs#

del#lg*ed at a ya**g age r**r*n he l*amed to ride an hi+ fr# harse .Hi*dt'- P*rry *lub67*m****d *t ? y*irs al **e a*d c*nti*u*d u*til ** H*me cept*i* alm*st t* 5e*9E

!=ter-*ur:ng g1is tin:* Call*r* *tt+*d*d sc***l in Anr:idate- Fir':is1'rir'*g Y*r t* in ?*+4, fi* **S

sor::+-rc*r *:cper*e$s# srr a sattt= peperty a*d *i a lm*l sr:6rmark+t :rd'tiE+ stt#yi*g *stlf t P=rfa;?fia** ll*r*+s atT&FE ar:d cert tt1 *ace Horses-

*allum ?g4E a e**siste*t?y trigh achi*v*r in all aspect* *f tlr* H+re lr:da:stry Pr+*!#**rti*sts ttt, *sr:*fly ssir:r:g at disti**tisn lsv*l i* hth Br3*ti**l *ad S:+*ry #i*ns *ffu* *rr*. *{ts =ttenda*c+

lllras exc=lhnt and h* ahaeys sh*a.+d the 5e# *f int=rdffitlmer:sur*t= e*tth a studart se*ously planning to ntake a career in €e pfen*errehsrse industry.His h*r*en:an*tip *nd ridir:g Hare gd to Egin with *ut h* impr*t# *tedify *}r*ugh tf**g{rrsg. *lis g*r:uir.rr i*t*r*st, l'rirA *rork a*d **thusiasr* fsr }{It****d$i* E Er* fir!en*Lr€e*I5:Gfit ta otlers on tfte *urse-l* Deember 2g*f, *allurc *nrmenc# re*rk at the Au*tmtian C{:&* S$=ctt*r ** #G$ld Cffist ** * jts**a*" His rcle in the sh**r i*el$des stur* *ding, trep drills, E€racip€ ar:d lris far*urtt* Lrcns *ding. *allum beliave$ that ccnrpt**in+ h'r= *urs+ at T&F=

has enabld lrim tc w.lre hi* naar empl*Yment'Tr* Austr*liar.r Gu6gd< S#asnlar is a iri*ute t* the late R *E ?lilliams *nd is 3*rfcr*#$ery *igi* rugscsittr'crigrr Satuday- The venu* is sit*atd h=t*,**n tlH *nd l'tsld a*d

$la#*r =rc*

*Av*e'**rld-an the Gold Coast w*ere ycu can erday a deli#a;* ry€al almg

t*i* a r*w:d=rftrl al"tb* pack=d sil*r **t t* be missd'g*SoArlatisns Cattunr s** we hap ycr,: entin$e ts E tisy n*trat y*$ E

= d*i*g-

ill*:l EEs*L*:Es:sB &*ss*isti*ar Gr*ff*lr Ersr:*h H*w:l*it*r May 3***I

Page 8: outside Clan Maclennan · Clan Maclennan Association-Grafton Branch Firs{ bran*r in the xorH outside Scorfrsrd May 20SS Clan Maclennan Prcsidents Report Fellow Family illembsrs and

D*m $pir+ Sp*rc

*la* *lecl***afiGr=fic* 3r+r:*h

ct-** c*IrI?afT=

P*ESID='{TIHahlm *Ed-**n*nPG Scx 247,S#tt: Grafia'1, ?4SaPlr *3 ffi424?**Email: kaemacx@tffi - com - au

vt*= Pa==rD=t{?Elrcl *lsrt**l*fi:*# $tr*t,l&r**ah.24$3.Ph: *t &{* 45?2

S=Pi'TY VIC= F*=S'*=HEHeh* tlli*tE F*xr*d StreiGra*st, 24$*.Ph: *? fi$4t 3587Em*il: bh*lliegbigp***.e*tl**te*'s tr**il sill*lr54$tt*r:=il.wt:

}YHY X+? J*lH 1tS F** $=Ca=rg*y * H=Ey*L=r?E**f*lk Aust**

a $S Eat*n*villa Ftd,1,*#+ruie,rs lteiglrts, Z4+g-

CI**# GET T+G=TllEt pfr: *2 ssd4 e3**

ar ffi*ffi?7 Simble Ave*ueSauttu Grafia* ?4+$

Hy3tr=*f*e **&GHISG STATEI1 Frr: 0z 6se? t4?*

Gr: PUBLiCIT? *FFaC=AH=len Ellis

srr*=I*y, ars r€*y, ffI*s *l.Effi?tiL,frcnr *TELF*R= OFFECER

**ph Hill,rEtr*+H txrT*ffi*o*lr: *? G$43 SGS3

3** bsr*ir:g **qlsi-=G*E*** *'k*I= fi*r. Sf *,5* {A*rgerc} t* trEfr,SL=T?=H

tI$.@*ib fi-l*t?. ll*l*n Ellis

&***rh 5I.llS tZ p*u*d Strsst

T*a f **ff+* *3.{}B *mfr**, 24ss-Pl'r: *E **43 35*?fr*ail: bt'l*tlis$bigpl:g,ssr!" *u

ckel E:€crE-*r:*seE Ess**isti*a Grs*s:i Br#r*rr Hexsl*fter td*y z**sg

Page 9: outside Clan Maclennan · Clan Maclennan Association-Grafton Branch Firs{ bran*r in the xorH outside Scorfrsrd May 20SS Clan Maclennan Prcsidents Report Fellow Family illembsrs and

oiiTi $terdausThe men and women who shaped the Claronce *ith Lurr"ft"GodbI

The $ant clanThe Mclennan familytree makes most otherslook like saplings

fnhey were seven little Aurraiims, growlcg

I up aeil Nlmboida on a properry sur-I rounded by mim of couitrs, but Thora

Mcleuu, her brothers ed sisters wouldcome to aealise they werc also part of a muchluge world-wide fmily.

Thora w6 t-he rhird of sevm cbildren bomto ElviD Ed Edice (lee Les) Mclemm.

The first of the McLeEes to sefle r@Nluboid4 Thora's geat glmdJather Fil_qEhil, had a fmily of t4 childien, the majon_ly of whom gtew up to settle dound the sea

'The Mcl€nnds had big fmilis,,, Thoraconcede. '"Ihey must have wmted to populateAustralia"

Wlen Farquhar's mother died, at 83,she had 72 grandcbildren and 60 greatgrandchiidren.

Well knom fmilis dound the Cla.eDceilea lrnked b the McIf,mru by mmiage ineillier yeils included t}le Austs, Weather,stones, Grahams, Faheys, McKeEs, Mffiells,Hawthomes, Bindleys md yudeys.

'nYe went to school at NEboida ad incompetitions it w6 always Mcleturms versuthe Resl" says Thora

"Mof, of the ottrers were Ellises or Simp.sore md ttley we.e ou cousitrs, @yhow. TheMclf,nno liDe dou[d N]mboida rc descen_dmts of Alquder ild Mary Mcl-eum, whomitEted fuom PtockaorL i! Scotlud it 183?witi the eldesr of their chil&e!, Filquhil,md Alqandeis sister CatieriDe_

'"Itrey'were probably'Mallennas, whenthey lefr Scotlmd but in Australia it tTa.duallygot changed to 'McI€eDe', to be witenwiihout the 'a'," says Thora

The family lived initialiy in tbe HuDterValley unril Alex@der, a stockman whoeshtllisbed himseli I a teamsier, Doved tothe New EDtl4d to work for the DuEaresqfamily.

Itr 1846 AI@dq Mcl€mu md hisbrother in law Willie Fremu blued tietrail that liDked the prospering New Engledwith the coutal ports oi lie CleeEce_

"lhat % probably his firsr sight of theNymboida se4" mys Thora

"Filqubil tNk up properry at T\rmb@kCr€k neil Blaxled Crcek in 1862, md in1869 A]eHder, Mary and their trc youn8eschildED selected led at Coutts Crosing."

Mofl of the menJolk of lhe fmily wereinvolved N tem#rs. 'They had good bul,lock md ttrey trffi tleir om com b feealthe anle," salG Thora

Neely ali *le old settlers, Alqander andbis wiie, Filquhu ud his sons ue buried incemeteris ilound the ue4 at Souti Graftonor Coutts CrNsing. Ex€pt for otre BysteryaEt that ThoE only 'discovered, iD 1996.

"She died yssEg, but I m find no burialpiacg vifiually Do reeords of her at all," saysThora "Appilently she re buried neu theold corchint statioa, which my grand pilentsstarted i! 1913. I believe she may have diedafter beint biften by a spider during floodtime. Stle wou.ld have needed to be buriedsraiBht away md iL would have been impossible m get her to the cemetery, although it w6not very fd away."

For TboE md her siblings, growiDg upned Nlmboida in r}Ie gos and 40s, iife w6quiet. but neyer dull. "I re It or 12 yeils oldbefore ever I saw tlie ocm,. Tbon realls.

nge lived five Eils fuom the school andDad had to provide enough homes to tet thesryen ol us there md back erch day,

"WtleD Mum ud Dad were first Earied,lhere wB no fridge, there wE oo elefficityat tbe home. Yeil6 later, they put the powerline through to Newc4tle just a litrle wayfrom our house, but they waDted 10,000Pounds to let us ap into it. Dad didt,r havemy 10,000 Pounds so we didn,t tet eypower.

"Dad ued to hang the milk Ep otr theverildah eacb dtht" to keep it frsh for tletrext momiDg but it started to disappeu, Hermloned we children must be gefting up int}le middle of the Dight. ed dritrkina it out ofthe ffii

-Ihen otre Dight he saw a big caxpet maketaking the milh We neyer killed @.persEaks. He just put it out in the bm..

Outings to tom were tu i!ftequent eventfor ttle seEior Mcl*@ms, @d @ *en aarerheat for the kids. . . ,\ve probably only wentb tom once or twice a yed," rccalls Thoa

on the road somewhere on the way bome_ Wewere bogged at the eEd oi Waugh,s Iee onenighl We a.11 had b wa.lk tlxe ro mils hoEe,caEyilt the yom8st childEL The w #vedin tie bog for a wrek There re no tr-actor topull ir out.

"At Christms we'd coBe iDto tom, a.ll thekids sihiDg io the bmk of the uE singintChristmd wols all the way, md Boing honetlere'd be a big box of Christmffi pmenE,things we weren't alloyed to l@k aL

'I reoember oae Christmu ME md Da_dhad lay-b/d the pr*eDts, but when it w6time to pick tieu up, there wre a flood mdthey muldn't get iDt! t m.

"Ali we got iD ou ChristEtr bcxs wre aho shiling (20c) pi@. you @ imagire howdisappointed we were at that,

If their parilts we.e deiayed in tom,eldest son Athol w4 in chege of his brotheBMd si*$ Mtil tleir pilents retumed home."He'd be like a cluclv hen witi us,,, reca.llsI'ho.a

But on winter days, 6 sooB 6 it tot duk"he wouldn't stay in the houre. He wou)dgatier u a1l up md take us up outo the hillmd m would wait there etil we saw the c{li&ts comin& He w6tr't much older t}lm us.it wa a bB reslonsibility for a boy..

Thom % a historim in t}le making. "Ialmys loved old thhgs,', she sars. But herkeD inErst in fmily hi$ory ws realiyspuked by the fomatioD of ttle Grafto! ClilMaclfnam Association in I9?3-

The move wN spoNored by Lillim Mcl€n_nm, of Grajton, md the Eroup,s first cle&thering, on September 22, 1973, tlroughttogether @ore than SO0 Mcl€man dercen,danB on tie Rodeo Grouads at SouthGrafton.

At tie group's first dnual meeting the for-mer Thora McI4Eoaq by tlen M6 Mr.l@lmMel€od, w6 elected treourer.

It is a posirioD she hffi heid ever since.Thom md stock md station agent Mal-

colm Mcko4 Eeied in 1960. They lived in

f ThoE Mcl€od and he. extmslye family .whiteboad, tr.I DewndanG of Alexilder and Mary Mclennil grcuped areund theirforebeas commemoratiye Standing Store, at Glei tnres,

mother died,at 83, she had 72

gra,ndchildrenand 60 great


"Onee a week Mum md Dad would go toFletehers Store &t Nymboida on a Saturdaymoming, md they would Eet tro shilings,(20c) wo*h of boiled lollies for G kids. Agreat bit baa, re reckoned re were gettingmore tim ou two bob's worttr

"Mmys the time the whole family wouldgo io a dece md the cil would get bogged


Nasabri, Wee We and West WlElont, beforermming to the gldeDce ad ultimately buy-irg cee propertis Eee Bruhgrove. Therede thre children of tlle mmiate, Deane(Mrs Sreetr) of Soutl Graftotr, perry mdAndrew, both oi Broshgrove, plus eight BraDdchildren ad three treat grddcbildren_

"My mottrer, who is 95 md I ae the onlvsumivors of Lbose who afteoded rhat firstClu M4kDne ueedng in crafton,,, saysThora

Over the yem the NociatioD.h6 set up amemorial plaque hotrouring Alqeder Mclen_na md Wiltim Fremil for blsitrg the rrailfuom Amidale to South Grafton md endoweda g@ditrt SroDe at Gien iDes, iD honour ofAl*mder ed Maly Mcl€me. Cla members baye entertained visitint cla leaders udheld dozes of commemorative and socialgatlenrus where close ad distaDt relatiyesgot to know eacb other befter

Thora hu amGsed a y& collection offmily phoro8raphs md infomarion "mainlyby 6king people or copying old photogEphsomed by relativs," - it htr taken a lot ofwork

Her pelsonal family tree is sd out oD alilge sized wbiteboud, with a total of 4gfamily photo8raphs spmning five generations.There ile studio portraits of Alqander mdMary, may of their chil&en aad grandchildren @d a colledion of juz ate brides fromthe I920s- There are Bo photographs forsome, but personal infomation is faithtullvrecorded.

Aad Thora Mcleod remembers everydetail.

"I'd like t, wih a book abour ttte family,,,she says. "But I wouldn,t know where tostart."

A whole loom oi the new f@ily bome inSouth Graftoa is devobd m Clm Mclruaild fmily meBorabilia "I dont know whatwill become of it alt " she admits. "My sisteBmd my children ile Bot so interest€d. But Ijus ]oye iL" f

6 *n , Farquhar's

10. THE DAILY EXAIVIINER, TUESDAY, DEAEMBER TS 2OO5www,dailyexamlnar.com-au

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