Outline Final Comments on Titrations/Equilibria Titration of Base with a strong acid End-point detection Choice of indicators Titration Curve method Start Chapter 18 Spectroscopy and Quantitative Analysis

Outline Final Comments on Titrations/Equilibria Titration of Base with a strong acid End-point detection Choice of indicators Titration Curve method Start

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Final Comments on Titrations/Equilibria Titration of Base with a strong acid

End-point detection Choice of indicators Titration Curve method

Start Chapter 18 Spectroscopy and Quantitative Analysis

Weak Base titrated with strong acid

Consider a 100 ml of a 0.0100 M base with 0.0500 M HCl

Kb = 1 x 10-5

Initial pH

bb CKOH ][

Buffer Region




basepKpH a

pH @ equivalence

aa CKH ][

pH after equivalenceDominated by remaining[H+]

Electronic SpectroscopyUltraviolet and visible

Where in the spectrum are these transitions?

Where in the spectrum are these transitions?

Light is called electromagnetic radiation

Review of properties of EM!

c= Where

c= speed of light = 3.00 x 108 m/s = wavelength in meters = frequency in sec-1

E=h or E=hc/

h=Planks Constant = 6.62606 x 1034 J.s

Where in the spectrum are these transitions?

Beer-Lambert Law

AKA - Beer’s LawAKA - Beer’s Law

The Quantitative Picture Transmittance:

T = P/P0

b(path through sample)


(power in)P

(power out) Absorbance:

A = -log10 T = log10 P0/P

The Beer-Lambert Law (a.k.a. Beer’s Law):A = bc

Where the absorbance A has no units, since A = log10 P0 / P

is the molar absorbtivity with units of L mol-1 cm-1

b is the path length of the sample in cmc is the concentration of the compound in solution, expressed in mol L-1 (or

M, molarity)

How do “we” select the How do “we” select the


to measure the absorbance?to measure the absorbance?

Absorbance vs. Wavelength


420 440 460400380

Wavelength, nm


1. Maximum Response for a given concentration

2. Small changes in Wavelength, result in small errors in Absorbance

Limitations to Beer’s LawLimitations to Beer’s Law

“Fundamental” “Experimental”

1. Concentration/Molecular Interactions2. Changes in Refractive Index

1. Not Using Peak wavelength

2. Colorimetric Reagent is limiting

Interaction of Light and Interaction of Light and MatterMatter

Start with Atoms Finish with Molecules

Consider Atoms - hydrogen


Very simple view of Energy statesAssuming subshells have equivalent energies





Wavelength, nm

Molecular Spectroscopy

Consider molecules With molecules, many energy levels.

Interactions between other molecules and with the solvent result in an increase in the width of the spectra.

Electronic SpectrumA




Wavelength, , generally in nanometers (nm)

0.0400 800



UV Visiblemaxwith certain extinction

Make solution of concentration low enough that A≤ 1

(Helps to Ensure Linear Beer’s law behavior)

UV bands are much broader than the photonic transition event. This is because vibration levels are superimposed.

UV/Vis and UV/Vis and MolecularMolecular StructureStructure

The UV Absorption process• * transitions: high-energy, accessible in vacuum UV (max <150 nm). Not usually observed in molecular UV-Vis.

•n * transitions: non-bonding electrons (lone pairs), wavelength (max) in the 150-250 nm region.

•n * and * transitions: most common transitions observed in organic molecular UV-Vis, observed in compounds with lone pairs and multiple bonds with max = 200-600 nm.

Any of these require that incoming photons match in energy the gap corresponding to a transition from ground to excited state.

What are the nature of these absorptions?

Example: * transitions responsible for ethylene UV absorption at ~170 nm calculated with semi-empirical excited-states methods (Gaussian 03W):

bonding molecular orbital antibonding molecular orbital

h 170nm photon


Napthalene Absorbs in the UV

Experimental details •What compounds show UV spectra?

•Generally think of any unsaturated compounds as good candidates. Conjugated double bonds are strong absorbers.

•The NIST databases have UV spectra for many The NIST databases have UV spectra for many compoundscompounds You will find molar absorbtivities You will find molar absorbtivities in L•cm/mol, tabulated.in L•cm/mol, tabulated.

•Transition metal complexes, inorganics

Final notes on UV/Vis Qualitatively

Not too useful Band broadening

Quantitatively Quite Useful

Beer’s Law is obeyed through long range of concentrations

Thousands of methods Most commonly used Detection Limits ~ 10-4 – 10-6 M

Final notes on UV/Vis (cont’d)

Quant (cont’d) Cheap, inexpensive, can be relatively

fast Reasonably selective

Can find colorimetric method or use color of solution

Good accuracy ~1-5%

Chapter 5 – Calibration Methods

Open Excel Find data sheet

Input data table

Uncertainty in Concentration








ss iiy







)( 2

iii xxnxD )( 2

Where: x = determined concentration k = number of samples m = slope n = number of Standards (data points) D = ??

What happens to the absorbed energy?