.. ' V OL UM E I V. NUMBER 2 NARBERTH, PA., T H U R S D A Y ~ OCTOBER 18 , 1917 PRICE TWO CENTS T HE E DI TO R CO NFER EN CE PLANNED WITH R. R. OFFICI AL S C o mm it te e M ak es Preliminary Report On Tunnel and New S t at i on P r oj e ct TENNIS AS SHE IS PLAYED I THESE FI NE AUTUMN DAYS I n t hes e b us y d ay s o f w ar, ou r lives s h ou ld h a ve but one objective duty. And every a c ti o n shoul d be so g o ve rn e d b y this one moti v e, that the accomplished results wl1l no t only bring jO)' to the hearts of the b oys w ho h av e b een c all ed to service, bu t give us t h e s a ti sf a ct i on that we have done ou r lIt.tle part. Though s ma ll o ur e ff o rt s may seem, yet if the spirit of the best that is within us be ou r guide, we have done alI that could be expected. Bu t there is so much to be done-a t ho u sa n d and on e things of v i ta l i m p or t a nc e to o ur c ou nt ry 's welfare, that a t h ou s an d and on e souls must pu t f o rt h e v er y effort-and a conscientious effort-to make that for which we ar e striving, a certainty. E ve ry s tr ok e m u st count! There are great and w on de rf ul things to be done in every direction -there's no time to Idly l o ok a r o u nd . So l et o ur efforts an d a c c om p l is h m e n ts have bu t one motive-that of duty, of conscientious duty to ou r country. FIRST OYSTER SUPPER OF THE SEASON THE FIRESIDE Ou r otlil'iaI o bs er ve r at the penn SwarthnlOre foot b a ll g a me . DIH: How ani. observell that it was oltr own Bill llurbln who did th e star worl' fGr Swarthmore. l\!ore power to you Bill. Sergeant Theo. Ritchie w ith the Department.. at }"ort J o y, G o ve r no r 's Island. N. Y., spent t wo d ay s last week visttlng his sister, MrR. Long. o[ Narberth avenue. A letter from Chudleigh H. Long, of Narberth avenue. who is w it h t he U. S. Marines in Santo Domingo, states that while th e temperature runs h ig h. t he h ea lt h o[ the m ar in es is good-the f oo d Is abundant and of g o od q u al it y . The annual fall and YJinter season of t he . '\ ar be rt h T en ni s A ss oc ia ti on opencll, , ~ u s p l e l o u s l y , last Saturday af ternoon. T h e w e at h er wa s a l mo s t t oo October and there will be warm 1'01' th e h ar dy v et er an s wh o served in L ov ey M a ry ' s G a rd e n a m os t w er e o ut, and woolen shirts were a aUraetive platter supper, the p ri nc ip al h it f au x pati. ;;0 to s pe ak , as M ar sh al featuI'e being his majesty, K in g J of fr e s ai d to y o ur c o rr e sp o nd e nt . on O y s te r . f r i ed to a delicious brown a nd t he o ec as io n of his (ecent Visit to served "ripping" hot. T hi s s up pe r t h es e p a rt s . w ill be prepared u nd er t he p er so na l H ow ev er , a pleasant a f te r no o n was supervision of M rR . l <J dw ar d O d eU , and had by all, and it wa s the unanimous therefore needs no further recommeu- opinion of e ve ry on e that a cooler dation. spell wl1I, Indeed, b e w e lc om ed o n th e CoverR will be laid for o ne hu n- occasion of t he n ex t outing, which is d re d g u es t s each evening and r e se r "a " s e he d ul ed f or this coming Saturday. tions will he made in the o rl !e r of L as t S at ur da y' s p la yi ng wa s un - application. marred by any untoward event, al - Mrs. Charles E. Kreamer, vice· ttough It wa s necessary to s to p th e president of the Auxiliary, will b av e g am es several times tn order that th e charge t he c a rd s f or b ot h s up pe rs , p la ye rs might observe th e encircling which wm be t lf ty cents each. She fl\ights of th e aeroplanes o ve r t he ,big will be glad to receive y ou r o rd er s Fairmount Park singing fest. for same at an early datc. I Th e audience, tbough small. waR I i n t en s e l y i n t er e s te d , an d readily re - B et ty w as m il ki ng t he cow when ~ p o n d e ~ to pla)'el' N e w ~ l l ' R f a t h e r l ~ ' the mad bull tore over the meadow. 1I1julletlOn to keep back off the courts. Betty did not stir, bu t continued milk· Ing. Observers wh o had run into It occurs to us that some enter- :.lafety sa w to their astonishment that On Tuesday, Oct obe r 23, prising boys with s m a ll w a go ns could the bUll stopped dead within a few i gather in a good many dimes al1d yards of th e maid and ODW, turned there will be a rummage n i ck e ls c a r ry i ng home grocery g oo ds r ou nd , a nd w e nt a wa y sadly. I Which ar e no longer delivered by the "Weren't yo u af rai d? W hy (lid be ' I t 242 Woodb· basket stores. I t pays to carry yout ru n a w a y? " a s ke d e v er y on e o f B el ty . I sa e a lne avenue. J!:rocerles home. Pays whom? 1 "H e g o t s c ar e d, " said Betty. "This E' bd . . ed ( C on t in u ed o n S e co n d Page) \ cow is his mother-in-law." I very 0 y mVlt Sale Line Community Canning Club Reduction Main AIN UNE BRANCH, NO.1, RED CROSS ANNUAL MEETING I - - I - - T he a nn ua l meetinl?; of th e Main I Neighborhood P ro du ct s f or th e L i ne Branch !'<o. 1 o f t he S o ut h e as t er n N ei gh bo rh oo d Twenty Per- ('hapter of the American Red Cross I i ll he held Tuesday e v e ni n g , O c t ob e r I C en t. R ed uc ti on U nt il N ov . 2::, at 8 o'clock, in t he B ryn Mawr I 8th, 1917 Fire House, B r yn M a wr . A report of t he w or k a cc om pl is he ,[ since the Th e Main Line Communit y ('anning founding of he branell will be made. C lu h w is he s to give t he r e si d en t s of Elel'lion' of ofJicers for t he e ns ui ng t hi s n el gh bo rh aa d the ,advantage of a netty naxter's Gossip ycar will be annolluced, a nd a dd re ss es t we nt y p er cent. reduction It is now -'-- ---- '_.,,,. ~ \ ' i l l be made by prominent poople. I able to make o,n al l j a m s, jellies. canol J < 'O U N D- P oc k et b oo k , Owner iden· i NARBERTH'S NEXT All members of th e American Red nell goods. etc" now on s ale at the t 'f t I. ffi I ( ' ro s s, a n d any others w ho m ay be 111- C o m m un i ty C e n tr e , Bryn Mawr. ancl I) ' a pos 0 ceo ' GREAT HOLIDAY tcres t e d, will be made welcome. in the Canni ng Club Shop in the Y. M. ('IIlHlIdnteR for t:leetlon, 1U11ln Line C. A. at Ardmore. Mr. John C. H olme is in Ch;cago I Brunch No. I, S . ) :. l>enns)'lvanJa Th e C an ni ng C lu b n ow has the 0ll- on a business trip. i Y. M. C. A. Da y, O ct ob er 27th f h ap t er l te d ( ~ r o s s portunity to dispOse of their g ,o od s i n I The annual election for officers and large quantities. bu t w is hes to giv e Mr. Edward. E . Bossert. of Wo()(lsi,II; II Saturday. October 27, will be Nar- Ilirectors wiII be held on Tuesday, Oc- t he a dv an ta 'g e of their low prices to avenue. is bUlhhng a garage. berth Y. M. C. A. Day an d f ro m d ay - lober 23. at Headquarters, !'<o. 845 t.he people of the neighborhood in - - I break until late at night, alI thoughts , La ncaster avenue. Bryn Mawr. which the p ro du ct s w er e g ro wn a nd Mr. and lVII'S. T. No l Butler nHllle I and roads will lead to the n o rt h ea s t Polls will be open 9 A. M. to 6 P. 1\1. cannEd In a cc or da nc e w it h Mr_, a recent trip to Baltimore and Was!:- corner of Porest. an d Haverford a\ e- T he S p ec ia l C o mm it te e of Council Th e following will he nominated: Hoover's advice. Ington. I nue. appointed to confer With the officials Chairman-Mrs. Charlton Yarnall. Bryn Mawr Shop. 927 Lancaster ave- - - - I As e ar ly a s t he 6.29 t r a in t h er e will of t he P en ns yl va ni a R ai lr oa d a nd to , ' ," i rs t vice c ha i rm a n- -M r s. H e nr y nue. Bryn Mawr, Pa., . . I l ~ r i d a y evening at t he P r e sb y te r ia n t w e nt y - fi v e of Narbert.h·s p re tt ie st d ra ft t he ordinances n ec es sa ry f or ]·,arnshaw. ., Ardmore Shop, Y. 1\1. ( . A. BUII<hllg, C hu rc h t he r e will be many amus!.1g girls down n ea r th e statIOn to g . r e ~ t . r I. I. d- Second vIce el,l,urnHln-:\irs. Alex- O pe n e ve ry m or ni ng . 10 to 1 1'. "stunts." : yo U with a happy "good mormng", the vacatIOn 0 s ree s w est of Du ,llHler Brown. 1\1. I ' an d a t ag . f or t hi s g re a t holiday will ley avenue, made a p r e l im i n ar y r e p o r t Secretary-Mrti. Hoss C, Cornish. P os tm a st er H aw s a nd B. T. White be hegun Wi.th Ta g Day, so p l ~ ! l s l l at t h e m o nt h ly meeting o f C o un c ll 011 Treasurer-MrR . .TeRSe H. Hall. REGISTRATION OF WOMEN spent Sundav at Camp Dlx 'Vr;9ht.,-, h av e y ou r cOIns ready fo r th e d a l 1 l ~ y October S. T he y h av e arranged to llepartment 1- I. N J ' ". II little boxes w hic h th ey will pres,. at m ee t w it h t he P e nn s yl v an i a officials "Ways an d Means COl1lmittee"-'Vil- own, l. for your inspection. III the iIl'ar future. T h is m e an s thaT liam S. ElIls. " ' r l t lu f , October 19 On T u e s da y , O c t ob e r ')3 th '1' wiil! At two o'clock in th e a f te r no o n at least one move has b een made in Department 2- H ~ g ' a 1 " l i i n g the registration of wom- -4 ' el . L o ve v M a ry ' s Garden will be o pe ned t he plan to tunnel ESHex a ve nu e. L et "Membership and Pnhlicity"-l\1rs. en for service. which is to be c on du ct - be a r u mm a ge s a le 2 W oo d b! 1 le with' a wonderful home bake under us hope that it will not take three A l e xa n d er B r o w n. ed in the Y. 1\1. C. 1 .. hullding on }<'ri- avenue. ] ~ v e r Y b o d y lIIvlted. d i r ec t i on o f Mrs. Jos. l <' oo te . A l I k i n d ~ yearR for t he n ex t move to be ma < \I \ Department 3- day of this weelL October 19, the fol- of d el ic io us h om e haking will be 1m as wa s th e case in th e proposed Im- "Instruction"·--·MI'8. Grenville n. l o w in g p o i nt s ar e to be noted: The Little Church on th e H ill will sale. provement of D u dl e y avenue. :'[ontgomery. 1. The registration is purely vol- c e le b ra t e its twenty-Iifth aoniversl'.r,' Kreamer anll S ti ck ne y' s c ou nt ry <'ounell m ee ti ng s w er e h eld on 0('- Depa.rtment 4- unwry·-there is no c o m pu l s io n about the f ir st w ee k in :\ovember. store wiII a ls o h av e a complete !\tHl toher S nnl! October 12. the latter be- " S o ci a l S e r v ie e " -F:velina C, Wal' it. of coffee, t ea . c an ne d goods. soaps, ing- a n a d jo u rn e d m ee ti ng . l l : ~ u m . 2. T h e p u rp o se Is to secure an m- Terrence C o nn e ll , who still knowti a new m i nc e m e at . e v ap o ra t ed peachl's. At the October 8 m e e t in g t h e re werl' Department 5- cial record of t he w om au p ow er in the t hi ng or t wo a bo ut h as e ball, had t he r ai si ns , stuffed peppers, potatoes, car- preHent Messrs. Hall. H e n d er s o n . ;>':ar- "Surgical Dressinp;"-l\!rs. Geor!!"!' country, so that in case of emergency Worlil's ~ e r i c s ,Iopn\ O. K. almost to r ots , pumpkins. f r es h e gg s . c hi ck en s , riA"an. H ed lf er a nd President Hum- 1\. Hea. : the G o ve rn me nt m ay k no w where to It run. ete., anI! as e v er y th in g will be sold at p h r e ~ · 8 . T he m on th ly report of the Department 6- turn for any n e ed e d serv i ce . Hensible p ri ce s, we trust y ou w il l re - t ax c ol le ct or w as read. Rhowing col- "Hospital SupplieR"- ·:'[rs. Thomas 3. E v en t h ou g h a w ,o ma n offers he r The " :\ Il li ta ry H a ll y D a y" prog'l"lll1 member that your p a t r on a g e will help lectionH for 1916 boroug,h ta x of $988.- ;\'ewhaIl. service when sh e I:eglsters. RllC will at t he B ap ti st Church last Sunday i the co al f un d a lo ng . 5:' and of 1917 of $ 14 .1 19 .3 8. On mo- Department n ot he r e qu i r el l t o give t h a t s er v ic e i f prove<l exceptionally interestinp; tl:,d At six o'cloek a d el ic io us o ys te r tion it was dedde(} to payoff $12,300 "Packinp;. Shippinl?," alHI storage"" her circumstances h a v e c h an g e ,l when unique. supper w ill be served in the garden, of the horoup;h indehtellness. : ' Ir s . Mich a el M. Ritpr. she is asked to s er ve a nd s he is then cards f or w hi ch ar e thirty cents, an,] At th,' meeting held on October 1:? Department 8- unable to fulfill he r promise. :'11'. C. L. )[e!"ee, of Maple and : ' \ : I ~ - at eight o'clock there will be a there were present MeRsrs. H a ll . N a r- "PurchaRing"-Mr .;. William T 4. 'I'he registration is not designed berth a v e nu e s , r e c en t l) · had on diE' I p r om e na d e c o nc e r t by the PattersQn il!un, Hellifer a nd P re si de nt Hum- Plummer, to take w ome n f ro m t he ir h om es a t play a dahlia w h ic h m ea su re , 1 l'igl1t !\lemorial Presbyterian C hu rc h b an d. p hr ey s. A p a ym e nt o n account on the Department 9- any time. unless they ar e able an<1 inches in diameter, I !\arberth ha s the reputation for worl, Ilonl' on H aY er fo rd a ve nu e wa s " R e f r es h m e nt and RecreatiOl! for willing, to serve away from home. I being a great t ow n f or Saturday after- authorized. SoldierR and Sailors " - -- M r R, ' W i l l I am .T, The m is un de rs ta nd lu g c on ce rn iu g Mr. and :\[rs. Custer, who will ' )e n oo n c om pa ny . and it is th e hope of Action wa s t ak en t o hasten the com- ('lothler, t h e r e g i st r a t io n is largely in districts remembered as f or me r r es id en ts of t he ' V om e n' s A u x il ia r y that you will pletion :Jf D u d le y a v e nu e , Council haY- of f o r ei g n population where tho \I ' !\arbrook, h av o m ov ed h er e a ga in , inVite your frienlls becaUse it is y, ilIA" hecome impatieut at the many <lp- nlen think the.\' ar e to he Ilrafted for takin"', 'l house on Elmwoo,1 a\·enue. '.1. C . \. })a". 'l'llCre is a mammotlJ hn.·s on this work. :-ina:STS TOW2\' ~ l t ; } : ' l ' l l \ ' ( ~ h . ' , TO BOOST !JIBEUTY I, OAN work outside their homes, w het lo d es ir e on t.he part of t he se w om en It. is understood that there will hi' the\' want t o w or l, or not. T he 'V o- ;\OIrs. Eugeue Hurt.h e nt er ta in ed at to make SaturdaY. the 27th, t 1e nnother meet in'g of Council in the near ma;I'R Committee laYR stress upon th e luncheon on T ue sd ay , M rs . 1. Cham- g re at es t h ar ve st home and home- future to h e a r r e pe o rt s on the pro!?; s ta te m en t t ha t hoth thl' registratioll hley, Mrs, S. Dickie, Mrs. Hobert:;. gatherin/2; that ou r beautiful h or ou o; h II'SS of t he w or l, o n D ud le y avellue. an d t he service ar e voluntary. hu t j Miss:\1. K. S m it h a nd Mrs. B. Odell. ha s e v er e x pe r ie n ce d , a nd y ou r eo' urges that e ve ry w om an o ve r sixteen . - - - operation In th e ahove plans w;U years of ag e register. in order to COIlJ- Th e e o mm it te e in charge of th0 m ake th e d ay o ne lon g to he p l e a ~ ' plete a census of th e w om an p ow er o f s oc ia l at t h e P r e sb y te r ia n Church ar e n n ly r e me m be r ed . the country w hi ch m ay hI' of inestim- m ak i nA" s OO le u ni qu e p la ns . Every- ,Ihle va1J:e in war. body will have a / '; ood t ime . F rid aY eYening, October 19. I':ditor o f O ur T ow n. The P re si de nt of the United States h as s et a pa r t. b y E x ec u ti v e proclama tion. W e dn e s da y . O c t oh e r 2 4, 1 91 7, aR "Uberty Loan D ay" in these United :-;tates. He calls u p on c it i ze n s in e ver y m un ic ip al it y. h or ou gh . t ow n. hamlet and c ou nt y to 'meet on that daY In their reRpective communities a n ~ l to hold meetings at which th e purchase o f I .i be rt y L oa n B on ds will he u rg e u po n a ll t ho se w ho have not alrpady done so. Is no t t hi s an o pp or tu ni ty for ou r ('ivic ASRocia-tion? Wh y no t call an olll-time "town meeting" and hav ou r ahIe Representative. Mr. Stites, an d some o th er o ra to rs r ai se t he r eg is te r of our p a tr i ot i sm far enough to pu t Xarberth In th e lead of townR of he r tiize in t h is S t a te ? Bu t do it q u ic k ly if it iR to be done at all. Let N a rb e rt h lead th e wa y among Philadelphia's suburban places. W. U. D. lIaIl !"2\'CU: S A ~ I Xt:EUS 10,()()O STENOG· IL\ 1>IIEHS AXD T Y P } ~ W R I T E R S I Charles Sehmidt, of Summit Hvenue, AT ONCE Who is at C a mp Meade, s p en t S u nd a y with his parents. Charlie w as a WaRhington. D. C " O c to be r 15, 1917. member of the N a rb er t h Home Guard -Now that Uncle Sam has the young b ef or e he e nt er ed the Rerviee. me n of t he c ou nt ry In training for military s er vi ce . he findR that he needs 10,000 t y pe w r it e r o p er a to r s a n d s te no gr a ph er s a nd t yp ew ri te rs , b ot h men and women, 'for the departments at Washingtron. Th e Civil Service Commission ha s notified all of it s 3000 boards of examiners that they should pu t forth t he ir b es t efforts to s e cu r e t h es e urgently needed workers. W h i le exami n a ti o n s ar e now held S P E CI A L N O TI C E TO weekly in 450 c it i es , t h e C o mm is s io n RED CROSS WORKERS I states that arrangements will be made to haVe an e x am i na t io n h e ld at an y Th e Red C r o s ~ k r o o m at th e y./' accessible place where a s ma ll c l as s "r. C. A. wllI be closed d ur in g t he e n- of apPlicants. ca n he Recured. Th e tire week ot October 22 to 27. o wi ng e n tr a nc e s al ar i es range. from $1000 to to th e n ec es si ty of p r ep a ra t io ns f or $12 00 a y ea r. P rom ot IO n is r e ~ o n . L o ve y Mary'S G ar d e n u n d er the au s- a bly rapid to those ,Whose .servlces pices of th e Ladies' Auxlllary, to be prove satisfactor)'. No apPol1ltments that room. regular made to ,or posi schedule fo r Re d CroBs work will be t io ns in th e Federal. classified civlI resumed th e f o ll o wi n g w ee k, beg,in. s e r v ic e u n l e ss &uthol'lzed by th e Civil nlng October 29. S e r v ic e C o m mi s s io n u nd er t he civn The attendance from September 4 s£I'vice law. Any information to th e to October 1 wa s 415, with the follow- contrary is unauthorized. This is a ing output: splendid opportunit)- to serve your 3852 :gauze dressings country. Full information ma y b 148 musl1n dressings Ilecured from th e secretary of th e 339 hosPital supplies board of ciVil. service examiners at 81 Itnitted articles. - t. he post office II I )'our city. \J

Our Town October 18, 1917

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Committee Makes Preliminary

Report On Tunnel and NewStation Project



I n t hes e b us y d ay s o f w ar, ou r lives shou ld have but one objectiveduty. And every action should be so gove rned by this one motive, thatthe accomplished results wl1l no t only bring jO)' to the hearts of theb oys w ho h av e b een c all ed to service, bu t give us the sa ti sfact ion that

we have done ou r lIt.tle part.Though sma ll o ur e ffo rt s may seem, yet if the spirit of the best

that i s w it hi n u s be ou r guide, w e h av e done alI that could be expected.Bu t there is so much to be done-a thousand and on e things of

v i ta l impor tance to our cou nt ry 's welfare, that a thousand and on esouls must pu t fo rth every effort-and a conscientious effort-to makethat for which we ar e striving, a certainty. Eve ry s tr ok e mu st count!

There a r e g r ea t and won de rf ul t hi ng s to b e d on e i n every direction- there ' s n o t im e to s ta n d and Idly look around.

So l et o ur efforts an d accomplishments have bu t one motive-thatof duty, of conscientious duty to ou r country.




Ou r otlil'iaI obs erve r a t the penn

SwarthnlOre foot ba ll game . DIH: How

ani. observell that it was oltr own

Bill llurbln who did th e star worl'fGr Swarthmore. l\!ore power to you


Sergeant Theo. Ritchie w ith the

Quartermaster's Department.. stationed

at }"ort Joy, Gove rno r 's Island. N.Y., spent t wo d ay s last week visttlng

his sister, MrR. Long. o[ Narberth


A letter from Chudleigh H. Long,

of Narberth avenue. who is w it h t he

U. S. Marines in Santo Domingo,

states that while th e temperature

runs h ig h. t he h ea lt h o [ t he m ar in esis good-the f oo d Is abundan t and of

good qual it y .

The annual fall and YJinter seasonof t he . '\ ar be rt h T enni s Assoc ia ti on

opencll, , ~ u s p l e l o u s l y , las t Saturday afternoon. The weather wa s a lmos t t oo

On October 26 and 27 there wil l b e warm 1'01' th e h ardy v et er an s who

served in Lovey Mary ' s Ga rden a mos t w er e o ut, and woolen shirts were aaUraetive platter supper, the p ri nc ip al h it f au x pati. ;;0 to s pe ak , a s Mar sh al

featuI'e being his majesty, King Jof fr e s ai d to your co rre spondent . on

Oyster . fr ied to a delicious brown a nd t he o ec as io n of his (ecent Visit to

served "ripping" hot. Thi s s up pe r t hese pa rt s .

w ill b e prepared u nd er t he p er so na l H ow ev er , a pleasant a f te rnoon was

supervision of MrR. l<Jdward OdeU, and had by all, and it wa s the unanimous

therefore needs no further recommeu- opinion o f e ve ry on e that a cooler

dation. spell wl1I, Indeed, be we lcomed on th e

CoverR will be laid for o ne hu n- occasion of t he n ex t out ing, which is

d red gues t s each evening and r e se r "a " sehedul ed for this coming Saturday.

tions will he made in the o rl !e r o f Las t S at urday' s p la yi ng wa s un -

application. marred by any untoward event, al -

Mrs. Charles E. Kreamer, vice· ttough It wa s necessary t o s to p th e

president of the Auxiliary, will b av e g ames several times tn order that th e

charge of t he c a rd s f or b ot h s uppe rs , p la ye rs might observe th e encircling

which wm b e t lf ty cents each. She fl\ights of th e aeroplanes ove r t he ,bigwill be glad to receive you r o rd er s Fairmount Park singing fest.

for same at an early datc. I The audience, tbough small. waR

Iintensely interested, an d readily re -

B et ty w as m il ki ng t he cow when ~ p o n d e ~ to pla)'el' N e w ~ l l ' R f a t h e r l ~ 'the mad bull tore over the meadow. 1I1julletlOn to keep back off the courts.

Betty did not s t i r, bu t continued milk·

Ing. Observers who had run into

It occurs to us that some enter- :.lafety saw to their astonishment that On Tuesday, October 23,prising boys with small wagons could the bUll stopped dead within a few i

gather in a good many dimes al1d yards of th e maid and ODW, turned there will be a rummagen icke ls car ry ing home grocery goods r ound , a nd w e nt awa y sadly. IWhich ar e no longer delivered by the "Weren't you af rai d? W hy (lid be ' I t 242 Woodb·basket stores. I t pays to carry yout ru n away?" asked everyone of Bel ty . Isa e a lne avenue.J!:rocerles home. Pays whom? 1 "H e go t scared, " said Betty. "This E' b d . . ed

(Con t inued on Second Page) \ cow is his mother-in-law." I very 0 y mVlt •


Line Community

Canning Club




ANNUAL MEETING I-- I --The a nnua l meetinl?; of th e Main INeighborhood Product s for the

Line Branch !'<o. 1 o f the Southeas tern Neighborhood Twenty Per-('hapter of the American Red Cross I ••i ll h e held Tuesday evening, October I Cent. Reduction Unt il Nov.

2::, at 8 o'clock, in t he B ryn Mawr I 8th, 1917Fire House, Bryn Mawr . A report of

t he w or k a cc om pl is he ,[ since the The Main Line Communi ty ('anning

founding of the branell will b e m ad e. C lu h w is he s to give the residen t s of

Elel'lion' of ofJicers for t he ens ui ng t hi s n el gh bo rh aad the ,advantage of a netty naxter's Gossipycar wil l b e annolluced, a nd a dd re ss es t we nt y p er cent. reduction It is now -'-- ---- '_.,,,.

~ \ ' i l l be mad e b y prominent poople. Iable to make o,n al l jams, je ll ies. canol J< 'OUND-Pocketbook, Owner iden· iNARBERTH'S NEXTAll members of th e American Red nell goods. etc" now on s ale at the t 'f t I. ffi I

( ' ro ss, and any others who may be 111- Community Centre , Bryn Mawr. ancl I) ' a pos 0 ceo ' GREAT HOLIDAYtc rested, wi l l be made welcome. in the Canning Club Shop i n t he Y. M.('IIlHlIdnteR for t:leetlon, 1U11ln Line C. A. at Ardmore. Mr. John C. H olme is in Ch;cago IBrunch No. I, S. ) :. l>enns)'lvanJa The Canni ng C lu b now has the 0 l l - on a business trip. iY. M. C. A. Day, Oct ober 27th

f h ap t er l te d ( ~ r o s s portunity to dispOse of their g,oods in I

The annua l election for officers and large quantities. bu t w is hes to giv e Mr. Edward. E . Bossert. of Wo()(lsi,II; II Saturday. October 27, will b e Nar-

Ilirectors wiII be held on Tuesday, Oc- t he a dv an ta 'g e o f their low prices to avenue. is bUlhhng a garage. berth Y. M. C. A. Day an d f rom day -

lober 23. at Headquarters, !'<o. 845 t.he people of the neighborhood in - - Ibreak until late at night, alI thoughts,La ncaster avenue. Bryn Mawr. which the p ro du ct s w er e g rown a nd Mr. and lVII'S. T. N oel Butler nHllle Iand roads will lead to th e no rtheas t

Polls will be open 9 A. M. to 6 P. 1\1. cannEd In a cc or da nc e w it h Mr_, a recent trip to Baltimore and Was!:- corner of Porest. an d Haverford a\ e- The Spec ia l Commit te e of Council

The following w il l h e nominated: Hoover's advice. Ington. Inue. appointed to confer With the officialsChairman-Mrs. Charlton Yarnall. Bryn Mawr Shop. 927 Lancaster ave- - - - I As e ar ly a s t he 6.29 t ra in there will of t he P en ns yl vani a Rai lr oad and t o

, ' ,"i rs t vice cha i rman- -Mr s. Henry nue. Bryn Mawr, Pa. , . . I l ~ r i d a y evening at the Presby te r ian b twenty-five of Narbert.h·s p re tt ie st d ra ft t he ordinances n ec es sa ry for]·,arnshaw.., Ardmore Shop, Y. 1\1. ( . A. BUII<hllg, Chu rch t he r e will be many amus!.1g girls down n ea r th e statIOn to g . r e ~ t . r I. I. d-Second vIce el,l,urnHln-:\irs. Alex- Open e ve ry mor ni ng . 10 to 1 1'. "stunts." : yoU with a happy "good mormng", the vacatIOn 0 s ree s w est of Du

,llHler Brown. 1\1. I ' an d a t ag . f or t hi s g re a t hol iday wil l ley avenue, made a preliminary report

Secretary-Mrti. Hoss C, Cornish. Pos tma st er Haws and B. T. White be hegun Wi.th Ta g Day, so p l ~ ! l s l l at th e month ly meeting of Councll 011

Treasurer-MrR . .TeRSe H. Hall. REGISTRATION OF WOMEN spent Sundav at Camp Dlx 'Vr;9ht.,-, h av e you r cOIns ready fo r th e d a l 1 l ~ y October S. They h av e arranged tollepartment 1- I. N J ' ". II little boxes w hic h th ey will pres,. at mee t w it h the Pennsylvan ia officials"Ways an d Means COl1lmittee"-'Vil- own, l. • for your inspection. III the iIl'ar future. Th is means thaT

liam S. ElIls. "'rltluf, October 19 On Tuesday, October ')3 th '1' wiil! At two o'clock in th e a f te rnoon a t least one move has b een made inDepartment 2- H ~ g ' a 1 " l i i n g the registration o f w om - -4 ' el . Lovev Mary ' s Garden will be o pe ned t he p la n t o tunnel ESHex a ve nu e. L et"Membership and Pnhlicity"-l\1rs. en fo r servi ce . wh ich i s to be c ondu ct - b e a rummage sa le ~ t 2 Woodb!1le with' a wonderful home bake under u s hope that it will not take three

Alexander Brown. ed in the Y. 1\1. C. 1.. hullding on }<'ri- avenue. ] ~ v e r Y b o d y lIIvlted. direction of Mrs. Jos. l<'oote. AlI k i n d ~ yearR for t he n ex t move t o be ma<\I\

Department 3- day of this weelL October 19, the fol- o f d el ic io us h ome haking will be 1m as wa s th e case in th e proposed Im-"Instruction"·--·MI'8. Grenville n. lowing points ar e to be noted: The Little C hu rc h o n th e H ill will sale. provement of Dudley avenue.

:'[ontgomery. 1. The registration is purely vol- ce leb ra te i t s twenty-Iifth aoniversl ' .r,' Kreamer anll S ti ck ne y' s c ount ry <'ounell mee ti ng s w er e h eld o n 0('-

Depa.rtment 4- unwry·- there is no compulsion about the f ir st w ee k i n :\ovember. store wiII a ls o h av e a complete !\tHl toher S nnl! October 12. the latter be-

"Socia l Serviee" --F:velina C, Wal' it. of coffee, t ea . c an ne d goods. soaps, ing- an ad jou rned mee ti ng .

l l : ~ u m . 2. The purpose Is to secu re an om - Terrence Connell , who still knowti a new mince meat . evapora t ed peachl's. At the October 8 meet ing there werl'

Department 5- cial record of t he womau power in the t hi ng o r t wo a bout h as e ball, had t he r ai si ns , stuffed peppers, potatoes, car- preHent Messrs. Hal l. Henderson. ;>':ar-"Surgical Dressinp;"-l\!rs. Geor!!"!' country, so t ha t i n c as e o f emergency Worlil's ~ e r i c s ,Iopn\ O. K. almost to r ots , pumpkins. f r esh eggs . chi ckens , riA"an. Hed lf er a nd President Hum-

1\. Hea. : the Gove rnment may know where to It run. ete., anI! as every th ing wil l b e s ol d at p h r e ~ · 8 . The mon th ly report of the

Department 6- turn for any needed service . Hensible p ri ce s, we trust y ou w il l re - t ax c ol le ct or was read. Rhowing col-

"Hospital SupplieR"- ·:'[rs. Thomas 3. Even though a w ,oman offers he r The " :\ Il li ta ry Ha ll y Day" prog'l"lll1 member that your patronage will help lectionH for 1916 boroug,h ta x of $988.-;\'ewhaIl. service when sh e I:eglsters. RllC will at t he Bap ti st Church last Sunday i the co al f un d a lo ng . 5:' and of 1917 of $14.119.38. On mo-

Department 7 ~ n ot he requirel l to give th a t s erv ice i f prove<l exceptionally interestinp; tl:,d At six o'cloek a d el ic io us o ys te r tion it was dedde(} to payoff $12,300"Packinp;. Shippinl?," alHI s torage"" her circumstances have change,l when unique. supper w ill b e served in the garden, of the horoup;h indehtellness.

: ' Irs . Michael M. Ritpr. she is asked to s er ve a nd s he is then cards f or whi ch ar e thirty cents, an,] At th,' meeting held on October 1:?

Department 8- unable to fulfill he r promise. :'11'. C. L. )[e!"ee, of Maple and : ' \ : I ~ - at eight o'clock there will be a there were present MeRsrs. Ha ll . Na r-"PurchaRing"-Mr.;. William T 4. 'I'he registration is not designed berth avenues, recent l) · had on diE' Ip romenade concer t by the PattersQn il!un, Hellifer a nd P re si de nt Hum-

Plummer, to take wome n f rom t he ir h om es a t play a dahlia which measu re ,1 l'igl1t !\lemorial Presbyterian Chu rc h b and. p hr ey s. A payment on account on the

Department 9- any time. unless they ar e able an<1 inches in diameter, I !\arberth ha s the reputation for worl, Ilonl' on HaYer fo rd avenue wa s"Refreshment and RecreatiOl! for willing, to serve away from home. I being a great t own f or Saturday after- authorized.

SoldierR and Sailors"---MrR, 'WillIam .T, The m is un de rs ta nd lu g con ce rn iu g Mr. and :\[rs. Custer, who will ' )e n oon c ompa ny . and it is th e hope of Action wa s t aken to hasten the com-

('lothler, the registrat ion is largely in districts remembered as f orme r r es id en ts of t he 'Vomen' s Aux il ia ry that you will pletion :Jf Dudley avenue, Council haY-

of foreign popula t ion where tho \I ' !\arbrook, h avo moved h er e aga in , inVite your frienlls becaUse it is y, ilIA" hecome impatieut at the many <lp-

nlen think the.\' ar e to he Ilrafted for takin"', 'l house on Elmwoo,1 a\·enue. '.1. C . • \. })a". 'l'llCre is a mammotlJ hn.·s on this work.:-ina:STS TOW2\' ~ l t ; } : ' l ' l l \ ' ( ~ h.' ,TO BOOST !JIBEUTY I,OAN work outside their homes, w het

lod es ir e o n t.he part of t he se women It. is understood that there will hi'

the\' want t o wor l, or not. T he 'V o- ;\OIrs. Eugeue Hurt.h e nt er ta in ed a t to make SaturdaY. the 27th, t 1e nnother meetin 'g of Council in the near

ma;I'R Committee laYR stress upon th e luncheon on Tue sd ay , Mrs . 1. Cham- g re at es t h ar ve st home and home- future to hear repeo rt s on the pro!?;s ta temen t t ha t hoth thl' registratioll hley, Mrs, S. Dickie, Mrs. Hobert:;. gatherin/2; that ou r beautiful horouo;h II 'SS of t he w or l, o n Dud le y avellue.

an d t he service ar e voluntary. hu t j Miss:\1. K. Sm it h a nd Mrs. B. Odell. ha s ever expe r ienced , a nd y ou r eo'

urges that e ve ry woman ove r sixteen . - - - operation In th e ahove plans w;Uyears of ag e register. in order to COIlJ- The eommit te e i n charge of th0 m ake th e d ay o ne lon g to he p l e a ~ 'plete a census of th e wom an p ow er o f s oc ia l at th e Presby te r ian Church ar e nn ly remembe red .

the country which may hI' of inestim- makinA" sOOle uni qu e p la ns . Every-

,Ihle va1J:e in war. body will have a / '; ood t ime . F rid aY

eYening, October 19.

I':ditor o f O ur T own.The P re si dent o f t he United States

h as s et a pa r t. by Execu ti ve proclama

tion. Wednesday. Octoher 24, 1917, aR"Uberty Loan D ay" in these United

:-;tates. He calls upon c it i zens in

e ver y m un ic ip al it y. h or ou gh . t ow n.

hamlet and c ou nt y t o 'meet on that

daY In their reRpective communities

a n ~ l to hold meetings at which th epurchase o f I .i be rt y L oa n B on ds will

he u rg ed u po n a ll t ho se w ho have not

a l rpady done so.Is no t t hi s a n o pp or tu ni ty for ou r

('ivic ASRocia-tion? Why no t call an

olll-time " town meet ing" and have ou r

ahIe Representative. Mr. Stites, an d

some o th er o ra to rs r ai se t he r eg is te r

of our pa tr iot i sm far enough to pu t

Xarberth In th e lead of townR of he r

tiize in th is S ta te?Bu t do it qu ick ly i f it iR to b e don e

at all. Le t Na rb e rt h lead th e way

among Philadelphia's suburban places.

W. U. D. l IaI l

!"2\'CU: S A ~ I Xt:EUS 10,()()O STENOG·

IL\ 1>IIEHS AXD T Y P } ~ W R I T E R S I Charles Sehmidt, of Summit Hvenue,

AT ONCE Who is at Camp Meade, spen t Sunday

with his parents. Charlie w as aWaRhington. D. C" Oc tobe r 15, 1917. membe r o f t he Na rb er t h Home Guard

-Now that Uncl e Sam has the young b ef or e h e e nt er ed the Rerviee.men of t he cou nt ry In training for

military s er vi ce . h e findR that he

needs 10,000 typewrit e r opera to rs ands te no gr aph er s and t yp ewri te rs , b ot h

men and women, 'for the departmentsat Washingtron. Th e Civil Service

Commission ha s notified all of it s

3000 boards of examiners that they

should pu t forth t he ir b es t efforts to

secu re these urgently needed workers.

While examinations ar e now held

SPECIAL NOTICE TO weekly in 450 c it i es , t he Commiss ion

RED CROSS WORKERS I states that arrangements wil l be madeto haVe an examina t ion he ld at an y

Th e Red C r o s ~ k r o o m at th e y./' accessible place where a sma ll c l as s

"r. C. A. wllI be closed d ur in g t he e n- of apPlicants. ca n he Recured. Th e

tire week ot October 22 to 27. owing en tr a nc e s al ar i es range. from $1000 toto th e n ec es si ty o f p r ep a ra t io ns for $12 00 a y ea r. P rom ot IO n i s r e ~ o n .Lovey Mary'S G arden und er the au s- a bly rapid to those ,Whose .servlces

pices of th e Ladies' Auxlllary, to be prove satisfactor)' . No apPol1ltmentsheld in that room. The regular can be made to these ,or other posi

schedule fo r Red CroBs work will b e t io ns in th e Federal. classified civlI

resumed th e fo ll owing week, beg,in. service unless &uthol'lzed by th e Civil

nlng October 29. Service Commission u nd er t he civn

The attendance from September 4 s£I'vice law. Any information to th e

to October 1 wa s 415, with the follow- contrary is unauthorized. This is aing output: splendid opportunit)- to serve your

3852 :gauze dressings country. Full information ma y b148 musl1n dressings Ilecured from th e secretary of th e

339 hosPital supplies board of ciVil. service examiners at

81 Itnitted articles. - t.he post office II I )'our city.


8/7/2019 Our Town October 18, 1917

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-october-18-1917 2/4


Of course, we

deliver - anyp I a ce - any


to yourself,







A lUan has to do more t han wea r atall ha t to prOVe be is high-minded

$ 50.00 Bond

100.00 Bond

250.00 Bond500.00 Bond




}'OU Til}; c,rnp ~ I E A D E BOYS

That's It You SeeOutside!

The Brightest Spot in Narberth

A drug store in themost modern senseof, the term

Except, of course , when i t' s o n it s way-and, after a1l, that's "oftener

than not!" It 's a good t hing for a1l of us, this Automobile Delivery Service,

and we want yo u t o u ti li ze it to t he u tmost ! It's available, too, for the

friends on a1l sides of us -a mile or so each way, anyhow-and folks now

remote frolll a good drug-store wil l wel come the news that the Howard

Ser vi ce c an now inc lude them! Spread the tidings to the countryside, then

- and te1l them What we woul d h av e you-a1l Imow: That no mistake will

be made when Howard's is selected for your drug-sto re purchases-

The lVIisses Zen t : r naye r ' s

SCHOOL KINDERGARTENReopened September 17, 1917. 1 2 5 'W" indsor Ave .

OCTOUEU CALENDEU OF TIlE I postage ra tes become effective for

WOJIEN'S COlUMUNITY CLUB postmasters t o c on ti nu e t he sale of

OF NAIWERTH ione -cen t pos t c ards and two-cent en

Ivelopes while their s to ck l as ts and forOctober 25, County Federation Ithe pub li c t o affix additional stamps

meeting, to be held at Cynwyd, Pa., II to envelopes a nd c ar ds t o t he amo un tin the Presbyterian Church. Business of increase of postage.

meeting, 10 A. M. Luncheon, 1 P 1-••for which a charge of thirtY-five cents IOJo'}'IC};US A ~ (;UAIRlIEN OF 'I ' ll t;will be made t o each member. Pro- W O J U ; ~ ' S fOIDIUNITY CLUUgram 2 P. M. All members welcome O}' NAltHEUTJIand u rg ed t o come. Further par-I' - - -

ticulars wil l appe. !r in next week'" I President-:\'1rs. C. P . F ow le r.issue of Our Town. Vice-Presillcnt-l\'1rs. Ellery K. Tay-October 26 and 27-The club w1l1 lor.

be in charge of the "Fish Pond" at I Corresponding Secretary-Mrs. Rnythe Auxiliary Bazaar. Come out and E. Clark.h el p t o make it a success. Recording Secretary-Mrs. Harry

October 30-Luncheon in Commun- A. Jacobs.Ity Room at Y. M. C. A., 1 P. 1\1, to Treasurer--Mrs. Edward Cockrill.all members. 'l'his is the opening fluLinllenday of the club's p rogr am for the Legislation-Mrs. Walter Dothanl.

c oming yea r. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Current Events-Mrs. James DO!l-Nichols will address the cl ub on th is nel ly.occasion. Entertainment features in Hospitality·-l\lrs. Hobt. Dothard.charge of Entertainment Committee. Community Marketing-Mrs. W. :\!.

October 3 1-Meet in g a t Cynwyd, Cameron.Pa., at which time reports of dele-gat es h av ing a tt ended convention at ~ L U L }'OU SOLnUUS IN UNITImErie, Pa., w il l b e h ea rd . ; S '. rATES EXPEDITIONARY FOnn:S

In order to prevent d el ay i n d i ~ -p at ch a nd s ec ur e p romp t delivery of

Will anyone who has not already l et te rs , p os t c ards and p ri nt ed matter

planned to di spose of their maga- addressed to the Expedi tionary Forces

zines, etc. , ldndly call up Mr. Harry i n Europ e ( to whi ch Domes ti c RHesJoslyn, 110 E lmwood a ve nu e, p ho ne a pp ly ) it i s Impor tant that proper

1690-W, who is personally collecting postage be prepaid.and send ing magazines to the boys at ~ a t r o n s ar e a dv is ed to hand suchCamp Meade, who through h im , h av e mal ] t o postmas ter or clerks thRt itmade an ea rn es t p le a for r eadi ng ma t- Imay be weighed and r at ed .ter. i ElIward S, JIaws, Postmastt·r .

$ 1.002.00


JOIN OUR LIBERTY BOND CLUBSecure for yourself the safest investment In the world.

Enlist in our army of patriot ic savers and Help Your Country with profitpurchasing a bond on easy terms as follows:

a week for 50 weeks buys aa week for 50 weeks buys a

a week for 50 weeks buys aa week for 50 weeks buys a

lIealth TOllics ConUnuetl from Lallt

Week-};xerclses for th o H<)D1C


OPEN FROM 8 A. M., TO 4 P. M.


Under t he Act o f C ong ress ap

proved October 3, 1917, changing t1H!

rates of postage, t he depar tment will

begin issuing two-cent pos ta l c ards

and th ree-cent postage stam ps a nd Istamped envelopes as s'Oon as a supply can be manufactured. I t will not

be possible , however, to provide them

Office opens-7.25 A. M. in sufficient quantities to exchange H. C. FRITSCHOffice closes-7.00 P. M. stamps or one-cent postal cards, two-

Mails arrive-6.26, 6.43, 10.37, 11.50 cen t s tamps o r t wo -c en t envelopes Prtpertles fo r Rent and Sale

A. M.; 12.26, 3.26, 4.37, 6.37 P. M. h el d b y the public or by tyostmasters. FIre Insurance

MalIs dlspatched-9.00, 10.37 A. M.. I t will, therefore, be necessary, begin-I Bell Pbone 862 w.12.26, 3.26, 4.37, 6.37 P. M. Ining l'\ovemher 2d, 1917, when t he n ew ",all BnIIdlng. Narberth, PL



CIlJUSTJL\S ~ r A n , }'OR Gym c l a s s ~ s for the week of Octo-,\)n;mCAN FOIWES ABUOAO bel ' 22d to 27th w il l be suspended o n TWO .CEN 'f POSTA l, CARDS AND

T I I U E E · C } ~ N T S T A ~ I P S ANDS T A ~ [ P } ; ] ) ENVELOPES

It 's a good thing to give the' l o n ~arm of the law plenty of e lbow room.

i tering at the Y. M. C. A. for service.I This registrat ion is not compulsory,

but, unless we ar e very much mistaleen, t he n umbe r reglsterlIl\g will

greatly exceed t he number o fmen who·registered for t he recen t p r imary election.

Associate EdJtors.


Advertising Manager.



NARBERTH, PAt-OUR TOWN--OCTOBER 18. 1 ~ 1 7= = = = = = = = = = =


NA.RBERTH CIVIC ASSOCIATION.President, A. J. Loos.Vice-presidents, A, C. Shand, J. B.Williams, James Artman.

Secretary- and tr-:lasurer, Frank J. Since his communicat ion of lastWiese. week, publ ished in our l as t Issue, Mr.

Directors, Frederick L. Rose,George n. S. Bond, secretary Home Enter

M. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, George M. tainment , Central Branch Y. M. C. A .•ColesworthY, Mrs. William S. Horner, Philadelphia, has writ t en to say thaiA. E. Wohlert, Mrs. George M. Henry, he has reconsidered the advisability 0:Fletcher W. Stites, E. A. :Muschamp, hav ing s ai lo rs s pend t he n ight at theH. C. Gara, Henry Rose, Edward S. homes of the people entertaining them.Haws Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Mrs, Las- and that it would he bet te r t o I ill l i

tel' W. Nickerson, WilIlam D. Smed- th e entertainment to o ne day..I I He suggests that t he men b e lllvlti\dey. ; to go out on the 2.15 t ra in Sa tu r-

HARRY A. •JACOBS, r!::y afternoon, and return on the 1 0 . 1 ~Editor. on 10.47, Saturday night, or elEe go

out on the 9.45 or 10.15 A. M. trainSunday, and return on the 10.03 or

10.34 P. M. Sunday.Mr. Norstedt, telephone, Bryn Mawr

294-J has had e xper ie nc e in enter

t a i n i ~ g th e boys, and can tell of its

SUGcess in Ardmore. Narberth peopledesiring to take part In this work, mayeommunicate with him ror particulars,if desired.

Mrs. Roy E. CllU"k A. J. Loos

Earl F. Smith Henry Rose

Q. M. Henry W. T. Melchior

S ome o f our Italian residents have

already applied to Mr. R. T. Bo nd,secretary Home Entertainment, Y. M.C. A., 1421 Arch street, Philadelphia,for s ai lo rs a nd mar in es t o b e e nt er

tained Sat urdays and Sundays . Thu s

fa r no other residents have applied.ShaH w e be ou tdo ne by ou r Italian


A.n Exp er imen t i n Co.operatlTe

;ournallsm-No PaId Workers .

Owned and Publ ished every Thurs

day by the Narberth Civ ic Associa


. On Friday of this week, October 19,Ule women of Narberth wl11 have an other opportunity of demonstrating

their loyalty and· patriotism IJ)" reg.ls-

It i s hoped that an property ownersa long Haver fo rd a ve nue w il l p ro ce eo

withollt further delay in construction

of gutters aud curbs. Until this is

done, the new roadway cannot be usetI.to the continued inconvenience of residents on that avenue.

Here ar c some easy exercises that

one can do at home, at work, or whi lewalking ou t of doors, to correct COUl

mon deformities, such as round

shoulders, flat chests, large abdomens,small lung room, s tooping heads , toosmall a rm s a nd legs, etc. Often 1'011

your s ho ul de rs b ac k a nd d own; t hi s

f la tt en s hac k. O ft en raise your breast

bone h igh; t hi s s impl e e xe rc is e d ee p

ens th e chest. I f your abdomen is too

Ilarge, draw It In and up; this prevents it from sagging down and out.

To I ,e ep th e hea(l from bending for

ward too much, f requ en tl y p re ss t hehade of yoUl: neck c lo se t o .the backof your collar. When th e a rm s ar e

too small, press them down hard, :1:;

if you were doing th e walks on the

parallel bars. To develop small, weak,soft or too fa t l egs, often r i se up ani!down on the toes and heels, run across

street crossings, and of ten walk back

wards. To enl arge a too sma ll l ungroom, inflate your lungs as you

st re tc h y ou r ha nds high ove r head.

S ta ti on ary run s will develop legs,

st re ng th en th e h ea rt, s ha ke u p th e

liver and s tomach so they will do bette r w ork a nd g re at ly h el p to bring

lung room up to its nOrmal size andkeep it there.

THE FIRESIDE };xerclse Before BaULIngSend all l et te rs and news item to Many will come into the gymnasium

P. O. Box 404. (Continued Trom First Page) just for a bath, and will no t stoP. toSend a ll advertising COpy to P. O. take a little exercise till perspirlUg

Box820. freely before bat hi ng . Thi s is a mis-

Captain James 1. Donaghy, chief of t k 1'1 I t G k IMake al l remittances to P. O. Box a e. 10 anc en ree s were w se

118. the Lower Merion police, has ordered in t hi s ma tt er , for they considered

Our Town Is on sale at th e d ep ot h is men to arrest every motorcyc li s t exe rc ise and bat hi ng a s companions,

H E and bic"clist caught riding on the I f th th -newsstand, and at th e store of .. J one as a c mm or e o ' er, one as

Davis. township roads w it ho ut h or n, l ig ht an adjunct to t he o th er . two pillars,

or bell. The order was i ssue d fol- I it Hid thEntered as second-class matter, o c . . ., as t ley pu t ,one e rcu e s an e

191' t th Post Office at lOWIng aCCidents II I whIch three men other Apollo And we moderns can-tober 15, ", a e . t .Narbe rt h, Pennsyl vani a, u nd er the I"ere hu r . not improve on their plan-and hI'Act o f Mar ch 3, 1879. ---. Iwho docs not exercise before bathing

We observe that corn 10 ca r lets ' does n ot c le an h is s ki n o r t on e u p hisTHURSD,AY, OCTOBER 18, 1917 i n C hi cago s el ls at ~ w cents pr r system as well as he who t ak es t he

pound, bu t we ar e paymg seven.cents home bel l d ri l l, or its equivalent, and~ E R G E N C Y PHONE CALLS a pound f or the meal. Why til lS pl '- then g ra de d b at h e ve ry day. In

Fire 350. orbitant price? Two hundred and I fact, i is a kind of a d i r t ~ ' , mess:;'= : : : : : : : : : : = = P : : O = I = l c = e = = 1 = 2 5 = 0 = . : : : : : = = = = ~ Ififty pe r cent. charged up to th e con-, act for o ne to b at he wit hou t takin:.'". 't ' ·t 011' .,

sumer-the coal ma n Isn m I. 1. SOllle p re viou s e xe rc is e, f or e xe rc is eSTATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, I Mr. Hoover, come o ve r a nd help us taken t il l f re el y perspiring more

MANAGEMENT, CIRCULA· lOut. Ithoroughly drives t he impur it ies toTION, ETC., --. I the surface of the skin and softens

Our Town acknowledges WIt 11 th looser s ca rf s ki n and o th er wastilof "Our Town," published weekly at tl k el'pt of a 11eat ( le "cr l'pti ve e

Ian s, rec matter that is partly g lu ed to the skinXarberth, Pa., reqUired by Act ot booklet entitled, "A Sho rt Hlstori .cal by the impuri ties that t he s ys tem hasAugust 24, 1912. Sketch of the Old Merion M e e t J ~ l g forced ou t upon Its surface as wellEditor-Harry A. Jacobs, Narberth, House, Merion, Pa.," publisherl 8th as the dust and l int, e tc .' , 'collected

Pa . month, 4th, 1917. The hooklet goes from the ai r and clothing. You can

Managing Editor-Harry A. Jacobs, back to The Wel sh F ri en ds who now readily see that a bath alone can-Narberth, Pa. established the meeting, and who f ir st n ot do this" it will wash off a little

Business Manager-Harry A. Jacobs, c ame to this country In the ship f tl f ' d' t d h k• • 0 Ie su r aco Ir an per aps sue

Narberth, Pa . . . . . . I"Lyon" in 1682. Tho varIOus l11us- out a l it tl e mo re bu t the exercisepublisher-Narberth CIVIC Assocla-

Itratlons showing p ic tu res drawn as f tl t ' t f tl b d th t

T • , . ' orces Ie was e ou 0 Ie 0 y atlon, Narberth, Pa.. . . , early as in 1810 ar e very mterestmg. th e graded bath thoroughly removes.

Owners-Narberth CIVIC ASSOCIatIon.Officers-President, A. J. Loos; vicepresidents, A. C. Shand, J. B. Williams Jame s A rtm an ; se cr eta ry

and t ' re asure r, George W. Coles 'Washington, D. C., October 3, 1917. IalJcycOtllllent 'of the big fair to be givenLadies' Auxiliary o f t he Y. III

worthy. To th e Publ lc : - C. A.Directors-Georgo H. Henry, w./ The time is approaching to give I

Arthur Cole, F r e d e ~ i : k L. Rose, A. thought to bringing ?hrlstmas c ! l e ~ r \Val' conditions ha ve not c ha ng eJE. Wohlert, Mrs. Wllham S. Horne .r , t:) the Amer ican so ldIer s and saIlors tl b I . t t th I 1

G H H FI tcher W' , Ie mem ers lip ra es a e oca1\1:s. eorge . enry, e ' abroad. . Y. M. C. A. We n ee d y ou and youStites, E. A. Muschamp, H. C. Gara, Arrangements have bee n per fe ct ed I J' NOW .Henry Rose, Edward S. Haws, Mrs. whereby the Christmas mail to the nee( us. om , .Roy E . C la rk , Willianl D. Smedlc)", Aluerican Exped it ionary Forces in ----- - - -Mrs. Lester W. Nickerson. ' Europe is to be del ive red by Chrlst- POST

O } ' f I C } ~ I N } ' O R ~ [ A T I O X(Sig ned ) HARRY A. JACOBS, mas morning. Without the fullest co-

Business Manager. operation on the part of the public,Sworn to and subscr ibed bellore mil Iit will be impossible to accomplish

t hi s e ig ht eent h day of September, this result.

1917 The three essential respects in

(Seal) Walter }\[. Barber, Iwhich the public can aid i n assu r ingNotary. a happy Christmas at the front are:

My commission expires Feb. 5, 1919'1Mail early, address intelligently, andpack securely. Fo r t h is reason it is

urgently requested that all personsIt is rumored that a soup spoon has having Chri stmas mail for the soldiers

bee n inven te d w it h a Maxim silencer and sai lo rs and the civilian units at attached. Thi s i s almost too good to t ac he d to th e army in Europe, observebe t rue , bu t if so, it will offset some of dosely the f o l l o w i n ~ directions:th e horrors of war. 1. Mai ls t o reach the soldiers in

France by Chri stmas morn ing must be

p'Dsted n ot l at er t ha n November 15. Ib2. Every package mus t b ea r con- Y

spicuously the words "Ch ri stmas

!\fail," the complete address of t he person f or ' wh om I t i s i nt en ded , a nd , in

t he upper l ef th and corner, t he n ame

and address of the sender.

3. Every parcel must be so packedand wrapped a s to admit easy inspec

tion by the postmaster. No parcell

wl1\ be dispatched t o F r an ce which

h as n ot th e po stm as ter 's certificate

that i t contains no prohibited articles.

A. S. Burleson,Postmaster General.

Newton D. Baker,Secretary of War.

,Josephus Daniels,

Secretary of the Navy.

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N A l { B E l t ' r J I ~ PA,- ( JUR TOWN-OOTOBER 1 8 1917

. t,

- - - -_ .._ - -

OUR TOWN will gladly print

any news I tem about any subject

that Is o f I nt er es t t o N ar be rt h

folks, bu t In order to meet

the printing sche4ule, al l "copy"

-manuscrIpts -mus t reach th e

editor by 6 P. Jr. Monday each


An automoblle tongue i s o ne that is

The abOVe <Iepartment .hould be of tbe

r;reatesl use to the community, the lIat contalno the name of "verY profee.lonal man,trndel'mlln. Jnecho.ntc. shopkeeper, etc., whodo ..e or can In any way eerve hIe fetlowto w ns m an , a n d wh o 18 pro«re(llslve enoucbto ndd name to l is t of Regleler.A. It I . d lmcult for thoBe contrlbutlna

theIr t ime and elforte to the product ion 0'"Our Town" to pe ....onally either know orInterview all euch, It would be moat helpful If thoee not now found In the prtntedlist would eend In a memo of t he ir name.nddre.. , phone numbers and buslnesa. . 0;profeselone for lI.tlng. ThIs wm cost lUI '01·low", 10 cenls eacb leeue for Z tines: 6 eeutafor eacb additional line.

Crl.t, Jo'rllnk Phone, 644-'V.See display nuvertl:iement In this Issue.

1IIIl.IiS ( , ( ~ t t - l ' u \ V ( " l I J)nirh.·H. Phone, Preston 2398.

:-ice d 1 8 p l a ~ " Utl\'ertIHement In this Issue.JII0ltTGAGE8

Siml.sun. , ' :lInt' ' ' ' C. 232 J'-::-lsex ave.Phont.'. 1;31), or 1420 Chestnut l i t.

MUSICCowin, T . S tu ar t. Piano ' l 'cacher.

:!U6 ~ I e r l o n ave. Phone. Narberth 347-R.l . ouM, l ' l l n l l ~ ' n. Plano ' rencher an d Accompanl:"lt. 417 Havertort! ave. Phone 316-J.StUdlo, ~ ( I: A rc ad e B ldg . , N R r 1 ~ e r t h .•

" 1 H ' ~ · l u ~ ' k •• linthnrln(" I . . t t ': l ch c r of piano.-lOb ::5 Narhcrth ave. }1}HlIlf' , :if\4-M.

:-;OTARl' rUln.1C.,.·rr.trit',.. ". II. 111 Narberth aVe

Phone. lir.6 . ~ 1 . .OI']'ICI":'o:tl

)·'t'nfon, Curl J.\ 50li 1 ' ~ H s e x a v e. P h one , 638-W.Pht ln. al1drpss. l ~ O I : Chestnut at.

1',lISTEnSCoh", Jl111U'H U.

246 H a ve r (o l 'd a ve . Phone 1·' ' '5·Jn° H. Cumnwr. Phone. 1 :! .( i2 • " '' '. . .. . . .

:!tl) Elnl\\ 'ood In·p., Narherth.Walz,'r. I · ' r ~ d .117 'Vinsor ave. Phone. 1247-.1.

1',\I'F,lt IIAXUERSD.'nver, Rlehar.I A. Arcade BuUdio"Phone. Narberth 1693-\V. ".

" ' l th· , ticu. A. :1:lO \Voodbtne avePhone. 1203-\V. li"lrRt-class WO;k.

I'UOTO l'lu\ YISuArC'udh,:' ]6t.h a nd C h es tn ut fIItll., PhUa..

Spe d i : ip lay :u lver thunnen t In this 11I8U8.

I ' I . U ~ l n I S ( l , .;orcSUI.lt'e, nffi.'n. Phone, 1289. •

See d l sp l a. y arlvertisement In this flulUeWilli, n. n. Phone, 319-.1. .

See ul:iplny ndvertl!ol('ment In this 188ueUEAI. J.;STATE .

Clllth""l1 ,10: Co. Phone, 1271·\V.Se e <1IRll):\:\' advertisement In thlt! Issue

Fritsch. 11, C. Phone. 2r.2-W. .~ e dl:iplny advertlscrnent I" this tuue

Gotlfre)', \l·m. n. ..114 \Voodslde ave. Phone, &86-W.Na"h, Uobert J. Phone, tOS.

Money for First and Second :MortgagesIWOFUW, ETC. .

G a r a - ~ l e G l n l e y Co. Phone, 126R-W.See d lsp lny advertisement In this 11IIIue

1I1111 ..r, John A. 243 Iona ave. Phone, 6 6 1 ~ . J .Shop. 246 Haverford aVe. Phone, 1226-.J.

8CII00I.S. ETC.Zenllna)·..r'., The Mls""s. Phone, Nar. 66t·J.

See dlspla)' advcrtisemcnt In thIs IssueSnOElIlAKERS •

Tarn..f. lIarry246 \Voodblne av".

Good 'Vear Shoe It''l>alr !'hop.Cun_IIIRUn", 8. G. Y . I ll . C. A. Bldg.


Narberth RegisterTwo Lines, IOc per issue; Sc for each aclclitionalline


Read th e advertisements.

Many people have wonde red what is

th e signif icance of th e long pennant.carried at th e main truck of all ves

sesl of war in commission. When th e

Dutch Admiral Van Tromp hoisted nbroom at th e to p of th e mast of hi.!

vessel to indicateMs intention to sweep

th e English from th e ooa, the EngUsh

admiral hoisted a horsewhip, indlcat·

i ng h is intention to chastise the Dutch·

man. Hence th e coach-whip pennant

wa s adopted as the distinctive in!lignl3of a wa r vessel in commission fo r ser


'filE L\Zn:S'l' PEOI'J,}; OX lUwrn

an d street running and loafing do not

go hand in hand. With few exceptions

pupl!s who ar c r equi red to rema in off

streets and who study conscientiously

at home ar e successful in their school

work. A c ar ef ul a na ly sh ; h as been

made of th e pupils who ar e known to

Don 't f or ge t t he big fair g iv en b y h e s pe nd in g t he ir e ve ni ng s on t an:1

;\'arherth sehool children. Saturday I only a very few ar e more than p a s s i n ~afternoon at 1 P. M. on the Athle tic I in their work-most ar e falling. This

I"ield and in th e new school building.. eondition requires serious eonsiderfl-

T hi s i s a b ig f ro li c b y the boys and Uon. ; \' ex t week, Oct oher 22d, will

girls f or t he N ar be rt h p ar en ts . We afford a n oppor tuni ty f or a vacation.

ar c planninlg "loads of fun" fo r all; The f ac ul ty a pp re ci at es the Vhlitsso don't fail to come out. of t he man y mot he rs d ur in g t he p as t


T.he following wl11 be t he p rogr am I Columbus Day, l"rillaY, October wee ks. Mo re f at he rs h ave come to

of events: i was a happy d ay f or our school. school this year than is recorded for1 P. M.-In the Gym. I Ther e was nothi ng e xc ep ti onal Oll the past three years. It. is a dall"

I--First grade in "Three Deep" t he day' s p rog ram , h ut t he p re sen ce ev en t to h ave one or more mother's

2-Second grade, relay races lo f t he s choo l boa rd is always lookell, eonsult with th e principal and mem-

:I-Third grade , exerc is ing ! forward to with pleasure. On this day: bel'S of th e faculty. This t yp e o f co-4--Fourth g ra de , d ri ll a nd g ame Ifour membe rs w er e p re se nt ; two ot lope rat i?n spe l ls success fo r t he b oy s

1.45 P. M.-In th e School Hooms ; them remained for the entire day. The, and gIrls so eared for by their

I -Beauty show Iboard made a complete inspection of parents.2--Minstrel show the new elementary buildinv; an d then Have you s ee n t he physieal class

: l - I ~ r o f e s s o ~ M. A. . Kemsleep in the Idevoted considerable time t o v is it in g at W',ork in the new gymnasium? If

s C l e n c ~ of hypnotizing th e r ooms and wat ch ing c la ss -r oom not, step in. Classes ar e scheduled

4-MonSleur Tuvoiee, ventriloquist !work. The c hi ld re n i n t he g ra de s p ro - a ll hours of th e day.i i -Carousal , Scottish, Cluck and With- nounce al l t he d ir ec to rs as gOOd! New pupils ar c sUll e nr ol li ng . We

, e r ~ d s P Q o n , the famous q u a r ~ e t t e speech make r s. The di rectors brought IhaVe h ad t he p le as ur e of w e l c o m i l l ~( j - ' l he Heavenly Twins, Immense pleasure a nd e nthu si asm fo al l th e I ten or twelve th is week.

babies Ichildren. I This Sa turday , October 20th wil l h e2 . ~ ? P. M.- ln t l. le Gym. i By the end of this week pupi ls ': a n i n te re st ing day for ou r 'school".

; - -I ' ~ f . t h graue, c a 1 J s t ! l ~ n i l ' s \monthlY reports will go forward tC' I See notice elsewhere.~ - - - S l x t h g.ral!e, march.mg . parents. I t is h op ed t he se r epo rt a l The. hays ar e enjoying foot hall

, , -Seventh gIrls ,"s. eIghth girls in a will be c ar ef ul ly xamined a d t ! t I practice.h as e h al l g am e n la I

4-Se,"elltll 10 ' : .. Iparents will avail themselves of the: --- . ------) S \ s. eighth boys, re- . 't t' fl ay r ac es IIlVI a IOn so 0 ten extended to them i Two burglars who wer e on the look-

ii .-H. S. boys marching and dr il l ing to visit th e scho?ls. and c on su lt w it h l ou t f or a "crib" peeped t hr ough the

:1.:10P. M.--In th e School Hooms I

t e a c h ~ r ~and p.rmcIPal. Deportment Iw in dow o f a small lluburban resi-

I -The f lowe r. f al ll T w or k allli doll \m.arks ~ th e l11gh seho?1 department Idenee. In the room t he y s aw twohoot! Ial e decHled upon by a jOl ll t conference girlB playing a duet on th .

I fill t tthe plano.2-Vegetahle hooth : 0 a I e p ~ r men eac ers. Class "Will this do?" said Burglar A.: l-Animal exhibit marks ar e gIven only a ft er t ho ug ht fu l " No !" replied B. "There is no

4..-Xigger habies. h it t he k ai se r s ho ot - a nd ~ r o l O n g e d consideration. Now i s mon ey in this house. There is only

ing ga lle ry , flsh pond, llart thl:ow al I th e tm le for p ar en ts a nd p up il s to one piano f or t wo girls."disk cast H realize t.he importance of every pupi l ..------------------

4.:l0 P. 1\L-In t he Hal ls Idoing hi s best. Toward t he en d of

1. -REfreshments. col fe e. salle!widles. the t erm p ar en ts an d pupils "wakeeake up," bu t it is then too late.

:l- lce c re am and ('andy The teachers of the Karbe rth school

: :-Fortune telling ar e d ee pl y I nt er es te d i n t he c ha rg e

5. 00 P . l\L-Ralfie of Small Berk- committed to them. They ar e doing

Ishire pig Itheir part a nd we kn ow t hat paren ts

'!,his is a brief synopsis of th e rlay's ar e trying to do theirs, bu t there is aI domgs. tendency to place too much respon-

, General admission. ten cents (1'01' sibility upon the sch'ool. Home studyadults only). is absolutely necessary. Home s tudy

The tlme--Satllrday, October 20. ... - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~The place---Narberth Public School s




Th e following men of Nar

berth have answered th e callf or t he de fense of ou r country:

ClYiL WAitV t ~ ' J ' E l t A : N S











Regt.RUSSEL N. LUKENSGEO . W . R. MARTIN, 2nd L t. ,

3rd Regt.JOHN McQUISTON, First Regt






















Th e foregoing is correct, so

fa r as known-any additions orchanges may be left with Postmaster Haws.ENGiNEERS RESERVEM. M. SHEEDY, Capt.



President-Chas. E. Kreamer.

3I:Jr.retary-A. P. Redifer.

Health O f fi ce r -W . S . McClellan.

Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies.

T. B, Du Maria s, Carden Warner an d

Chas. V, Noel.

Do your b it b y dropping, al l of your

magazines in at th e local Y. M. C. A.so that s ame may be f orwa rded to our

boys in t he A rmy and Navy.

Books ar e a lso accepted for Library

purposes i n t he F ie ld .

Several large donations have al

rady b ee n mad e an d we hope to be

able to soon send a g oo d s iz e box


Do it now.

Th e laziest anll dirtiest people in

t he w or ld h av e r ec en ll y been di scov-

ered in the Caucasus. They live in ACCOUS'J'ASTSI a n i na cc es si bl e mou nt ai n r an ge 1le- Gret'n... Antlr.. \\'

fi Chestll l1t a v e. P h one . G'ij-l\l.

twe en the I ll ac k Se a and the Caspian Kt'hn, II. C.Sea. and as the\.' were 2:;00 \· ea rs a g ~ 0 Dudley I,ve.

v 0 AlJ\,Jo:RTISISC;so they ar c to-day. Seen from with- Colt', W. Arthur Phone. 1 ; ~ 2 - 1 1 .

' out, there is a certain picturesque IllellS, PlllUS, COP)'· Art. ·l'\,pogm!lhy.- AUTO:tJOIJlfJJ.:S

ness a bou t t h e Syanc ti an village, a 1- Censort', 81lbie '1'0 hire.


thOUgh it mereh.· consists of miser See dlsplllY a,h'erllsement In thl. I"""e.- : \ 1 t ~ C " · I I I \ I I , \'". :-;.• • J. I' , Acl\nowledgen\ent8

able s tone hovels wi thout any attempt nlHI allldavlt8. aulonlohlle Ilel·nses. omeeat f orm o r a do rnme nt . \Vithin, th e hIS.. 12 to I and after r P. :II.n,\)...:ns

Ihonses ar e inconceivahly filthy. They MIt·"'II. I'. Pholle. ~ r . ~ - . J .


ar e filled w it h r ag s, v ermi n a nd dirt Sl'e dlspla>' u d v ~ ~ ~ i ~ r ~ ~ " t III t i l l . I"ue.

of e ve ry d es cr ip ti on . T he y p os se ss M,'riull Till.· 0'1. 'I'rllst Cu. Phone, A!'llmor.. 3.no fire place or c him ne y. All th e See dlspla\, lull'ertlsement In thl. Issue.

cooking. in fa ct , i s d on e over a hole 8117.7.""> Tuny nAIUIJo:nS

Is co op ed o ut i n t he nliddle of th e floor ~ 2 4 H n \ ' E ' r t u l i ~ ' ~ ~ ~ l i 8 ~ l l " ' I I SlI n these h ou se s men a nd women and SillIer, 1'. A.Idlildl'en ar e huddled togethel'. Dur-I 72S :llonlgomery ave. Phone. 32K.

. i ng t he l on g w in te r m on th s the\- ar e nUl 1.1 I Jo:ItS


. S n w d l t · ~ · . "'01. n. Phone, 600.

shut in for days at a time, t ne c at - S,'e dlspla)' ndverll.ement In thl, I,,"e.

t ie o ft en s h a r i n ~ their quarters. Ev - 111",1" II. •:. ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ Y i 2 ~ : l : ~ v .

Ic ry ap er tu r e ha s to b e clo sed on ac- See <IISplll\' a,!l'erllsement In thl. I"ue.count of th e cold. 'rhis long, impris- J e n k l ~ ~ ~ R S I ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ' , ~ t S A:-;IJ nUII.IJ)o:RS

lo nmen t i s p er ha ps t he cause of the 103 Dudley ave. Phone. 382-lIt.

d eg ra da ti on o f t he people. Horrible COSTUACTOItS

Idiseases result f rom i t, whi ch a.re ag-I Shllllll, ,\. C. Jr. Commercial Trust Bldg.,Philn. Phone, Spruce G263: NurLJerth 1214-3

gravated by an abnormal consumption ImSTISTSof an'ael" t he s tr on g distilled drink CIU''''''''', Hr. W. M. I'hone, 395-W.

f I A I1 l gs:iex a\'e.

o tI e s atics. Besides th is it is an Orr, IJr. A. I" 101 Elm\\'ood n\o Phone. 393-W.invariable rule to nlUke four days a Phlla. Phone, F ilberl 42,.2, Keith Bldg.

wee k h ol id ay s, w it h saints' days as Uowllrtl'.. P h o ~ : . U ~ ~ ~ ~ . I S T Sextras. S inee t he y have a dopt ed th e See display ll<lverllsement tn thl. I,Bue.

holidays of every othel' c o u n t r ~ ' with l'IIl:'h, \'erl 2 2 ~ I I ~ ; " C a T ~ ~ ~ ~ I A s swhich the y have been in contact, It i s 1'Oar. Phone. 6r.0-W. Ard. Phone, 163-J.

!.- J I I 1'1811 AND OYSTEUSno t su rp r is ing that th e men find little 11111",r1l,1 Groe"r)' Co. Phone, Narberlh 606.time to worlc Farming, be e culture See dlsplr.y advertisement tn Ihl. Iss"e.

GAUDEN :sum,..;UIESand cattle breeding ar e the only indus- Wohlt·rt. A. E. PhOne, 696.tries o f t he se people, while through · See displaY ndverllsemenl In lhl. I.. ue.

out t he ir t e r ri tory there is no t a sin- GROCERSlI1perlllt Grocery Co. Phone, Narberth 606.g.1e manufactured art icle.-Ledger. See display advertIsement In thl. leBue.

UAUI.nw. I ~ C .Walton Bros. Phone, 672.

See dlspla)' advertisement In thl. I.,ue.INSURANCE

Bowman, Samuel r. (LIfe.)116 F.lmwood ave. Phone, 6S3-W.

Jone.. Cbas. R.30ii 8. Narbe r th nve. Phone, &82-.1.

Jones, " ·m . J . 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone,6S0-J. Phlla. address, Penn Mulual Bldg.

Snyder, Robt.313 \Vood.lde a.ve. Pbone, 383.

Trotter Bros. (Fire , e tc .)209 \Voodslde ave. Phone. 1262·R.

LAWYERSOllroy, John 211 Eesex ave. Phone, 1246-R.Phlla. address, Lincoln Bldg.

Henry, Oeo. 1\1, 107 Chestnut ave. Pbone. 60S.Phlla. addrese, Finance Bldg.

Stites, Fletcher W. .1 a Haverford ave.Phone. 372-W Phlla. addresB. Crozer BldK.

LTOIITING FIXTURESMcDonald John. Narberth pbone. 1288.

1633 Chest. Btoo Phlla. Phone, Spruoe 1138.MEATS, Jo;TC.

Boyles'. Phone. 398.Sae dl.play advertl.ement In t bl a I....ue.

Cotter, Jloward F. Phone, 1298.Bee dlBplay a<lv"rlleement In t his I....u... always running people down.




- - -_ . - - - -


A MAnnL\Gt: Il\' P lm su

Jo:NTIRJo: WEEK, ()(:TOIU:n l;;TH

Thomas II. ] n ~ e l'rt'S{.·nh,

n. WILLIS DAVIS, proprietor

Prime Meats


When you want automobile trips, furnituremoved, packages carried, freight hauled.

automobiles stored, etc.

Plumbing, Gas Fittingand Heating


:Mr. Walter Gleave

G. C. Hig1gills (two)

Miss T impl e C l ar k

John A. McKenna, Jr.

Mr. John M a c l ~ e l 1 a nPaperhanger, 410 X. Hohinson SI.

.r. H. Donk

Mr. N. S. Dorsey

)1rs. R. E . Moore

Edwartl S. i laws, Postmaster.


Michael Dugan, a plumber , was seut

l ) ~ · hi s employer to the Hightower

mansi on to repair a gas-leak in th edrawiug room. When t he bu tl er ad

mi tted h im be s ai d t o Dugan:

"You ar e requested to b e c ar ef ul

of th e floors. The y h av e just been

polished.""They 's no danger iv me slippin' on

th im," repl ied Dugan. "I ho v spikes

in me shoes ."

COMMITT};I:S O}' COlJXCIr.F ina nc e a nd Law-A. P . Red if er ,

chairman; W. D. Smedley, H. D. Nar

rigan.Highway Committee-H. D. N a ~

r igan , chai rman; W. R. D. HaH. Fr e 1.

L. Rose.Police and Health-W. D. Smedley,

chairm an; Wllliam J. Henderson.

Fred. L. Rose.

Water, Fire a nd L igh t Commlttee

W. R. D. Hall , chai rman: Wl1\iam J

Henderson, Fred. L. Rose.

Ordinance Committee-William ,J.

Henderson, chairman; A. P. Redifer,

W. R. D. Hall.

Before dinner i s s er ve rl th e lJride

goes t o t he b at h a cc ompa ni ed by fe

male r el at iv es a nd friends. At night ,

as the process ion of th e hridegroom

approaches, alms ar e distrihutell. and

women a nll dlildren look on from

neighboring ro ofs. Lo ud cries from

the women weleome the h ri de gr oom

on his arrival, while th e hridc, care

ful ly veiled, mOllnts the horse awai t

ing her at th o door. All th e men

who have been feas ted anl l entertain

ed join in th e procession. in which

lanterns ar e horne. Th e hr il l e' s de

parture is the s igna l fnl' the discharge

of f i reworks anll a / !; re at heating of

the bi!" drum. The final eeremony is

fiimilar to one obse rved hy t he A ra gs

and the Copts -namely . the sacrifice

o f s he ep . T hes e a rl ' k il le d as th e

b ri de s te ps o ve r t he thresholrl of he r

new home.

One wonde rs w ha t t he i ll ea i s un

der lying the sacrifices. A rc th ey i n

tended a s a ct s oC propitiation inherit

ed f rom a n earlier al?:e. when people

thus endeavorell "t o appease the anger

of the gods" or of th e spirits of their

ances tor s? Or is i t m er el y a way of

healing i n b lood an importan t ac t and

eovenant?-Woman's Home Compa n- I

ion. I

r ~ ( ' I J A U l l m u: ' l"nnS

AT ~ A n H t : R ' i ' l l I'OS'I' Ot'I"U't:

10 First. l"howlnll" of HisI ~ r o d u c t i o n


1I1.-\IS l'UODUCTIO:ll STAnTS AS N'1,AltAS l'OSSlnLE 1.'0 111.15 A. 1\1., 12.00, 2.011•.

3.45, li •. J5. ; . -I :i , 9.40 I'. 1\1. I

Horne Dressed poultry, Butter. Eg!':s and Game.Fancy Fruit and Veget.hles. ooA STORE FORPARTICULAR PEOPLE"

Telephone. NARBERTH . PA .

A :-iuperh ]'i{'(urt" of tht ' n o n l n n t l ( ~ ' \ · t ~ ' o i t'J'hf' ~ t o r y of UTht' Xurrow Trull" i o r A h!tOrbtolt J n t t " r ~ H t . un d Ih i J)('' ' 't'lulnnt>llt . t ~ ~ -

eee.1Inll"l)· I lmmoti"

I ' 1 t J ( ~ t:S--lloll)', Until t J'. ;\1., 1;;,,; Aft"r1 ~ Moo ~ ; ; c .

' ! 'h o nt " , S pr u et " 25- ; ;

~ S ~ V T ~ . ! 2 !Aines . Photoplay The-a t re 01 It s S i ze I n th e

EntireWorld.Pholoplays-Cont lnuous 10 A. M. to 11.30

P.M.PhUa .• P a .