Wednesday 25 November 2015 Issue 18 M Cnr Hampshire & Derby Roads, SUNSHINE 3020 P 8311 5700 F 9312 3506 E [email protected] W sunshineps.vic.edu.au In This Issue Pencil Project Thank You Whole School Celebration Sporting Schools Program Portables Staffing Update Message From The Assistant Principal School Council President’s Report Birthdays/Awards/Community Notices Remember © 2015 Copyrights Sunshine Primary School Calendar 2015 Fri 27 November Session 3 2016 Prep Transion Program Payment & Permission Note Due Year 1/2 Dinner, Year 2 Sleepover Payment Due - Excursion Diamond Palace Lunch Year 1EM, 2/3AK & 2/3LK Mon 30 November Book Club Orders Due Thurs 3 December Year 1/2 Dinner, Year 2 Sleepover Parent Helpers/Volunteers Special Morning Tea 11:00am Fri 4 December Session 4 2016 Prep Transion Program Excursion Diamond Palace Lunch - Year 1EM, 2/3AK & 2/3LK Payment Due—Year 6 Graduaon Mon 7 December School Council Meeng 6:00pm Tue 8 December Year 6 to Year 7 Transion Day Wed 9 December Whole School Celebraon Picnic & Disco Mon 14 December School Captains Lunch Tues 15 December Year 6 Graduaon Thurs 17 December Year 5/6 Excursion—Funfields Fri 18 December Early Dismissal 1:30pm The calendar in this newsletter is subject to change so please check carefully each fortnight for any alterations. Term 4 5 October to 18 December Last day of Term 4 Early Dismissal 1:30pm NEWSLETTER Our School Student Absence To report your child’s absence please call the school on 8311 5700 and choose opon 1 OR use the link on our website and complete the absence form. Our School Values We shine when we are: Learning, Respectful, Safe Payments A reminder if you wish to pay for your child’s/children’s incursion/excursion etc… costs, you can pay cash, cheque, and now BPay. If you have misplaced your reference number please call the office to obtain your family reference number. WHOLE SCHOOL CELEBRATION Preparations are well under way for our celebration evening on Wednesday 9 December. This is a great opportunity to celebrate a wonderful year of learning, fun and friendships. We will have a Disco, Karaoke, Sausage Sizzle, Treats and Drinks Stall, Book Fair, Face Painting and various Sports Activities. Our Christmas Raffle will also be drawn that evening. A flier was sent home on Monday, however we have attached another copy to the newsletter. We hope to see you all there to celebrate a wonderful year at Sunshine Primary School. SPORTING SCHOOLS PROGRAM After the success of this year’s after school sporting programs we have applied for funding for both term 1 and 2 next year. Junior School Council have been busy surveying students to see what sports are most popular and Gymnastics has been a stand out across the board. We hope to secure funding and offer the program in Term 1 after school on a Thursday. Noces Online Did you know you can read and print out excursion permission forms and noces from our website? The inial noce will be given to students, and any further copies can be obtained from the office or the website, under the “Recent Noces” secon at www.sunshineps.vic.edu.au MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL PENCIL PROJECT It has been a long time running but we are nearing the completion of our beloved pencil project. Our handyman Rob Suffolk has made these brilliant pencils from scratch at a fraction of the cost for commercial pencils. I’m sure you will agree he has probably done a better job. The final stage is to install the acrylic lettering which will see the wording below. To say thanks to all our wonderful Parent Helpers/ Volunteers, we will be holding our ‘Special Thank You Morning Tea’ on Thursday 3 December in the SPS Multipurpose Hall at 11:00am. The partnership we share with our parents is crucial to the success of our school. So many of our parents support our work in such diverse ways. From School Council, Sub-committees, Classroom Support, Sports Assistance, Working Bees, Breakfast Club, Excursions, Guest Speaking and Fundraising just to name a few. To show our appreciation we would love for you to come along. Invitations have been sent home. We hope to see you there.

Our School...Morning Tea 11:00am Fri 4 December Session 4 2016 Prep Transition Program Excursion Diamond Palace Lunch - Year 1EM, 2/3AK & 2/3LK Payment Due—Year 6 Graduation Mon

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Page 1: Our School...Morning Tea 11:00am Fri 4 December Session 4 2016 Prep Transition Program Excursion Diamond Palace Lunch - Year 1EM, 2/3AK & 2/3LK Payment Due—Year 6 Graduation Mon

Wednesday 25 November 2015 Issue 18

M Cnr Hampshire & Derby Roads, SUNSHINE 3020 P 8311 5700 F 9312 3506 E [email protected] W sunshineps.vic.edu.au

In This Issue Pencil Project

Thank You

Whole School Celebration

Sporting Schools Program


Staffing Update

Message From The Assistant Principal

School Council President’s Report

Birthdays/Awards/Community Notices Remember © 2015 Copyrights Sunshine Primary School

Calendar 2015

Fri 27 November

Session 3 2016 Prep Transition

Program Payment & Permission Note Due

Year 1/2 Dinner, Year 2 Sleepover

Payment Due - Excursion Diamond

Palace Lunch Year 1EM, 2/3AK & 2/3LK

Mon 30 November

Book Club Orders Due

Thurs 3 December

Year 1/2 Dinner, Year 2 Sleepover

Parent Helpers/Volunteers Special

Morning Tea 11:00am

Fri 4 December

Session 4 2016 Prep Transition

Program Excursion Diamond Palace Lunch -

Year 1EM, 2/3AK & 2/3LK Payment Due—Year 6 Graduation

Mon 7 December

School Council Meeting 6:00pm

Tue 8 December

Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Day

Wed 9 December

Whole School Celebration Picnic &


Mon 14 December

School Captains Lunch

Tues 15 December

Year 6 Graduation

Thurs 17 December

Year 5/6 Excursion—Funfields

Fri 18 December

Early Dismissal 1:30pm

The calendar in this newsletter is subject to

change so please check carefully each fortnight

for any alterations.

Term 4 5 October to 18 December

Last day of Term 4 Early Dismissal 1:30pm


Student Absence To report your child’s absence please call the school on 8311 5700 and choose option 1 OR use the link on our

website and complete the absence form.

Our School Values We shine when we are: Learning, Respectful, Safe

Payments A reminder if you wish to pay for your

child’s/children’s incursion/excursion etc… costs, you can pay cash, cheque, and now BPay.

If you have misplaced your reference number please call the office to obtain your family reference number.

WHOLE SCHOOL CELEBRATION Preparations are well under way

for our celebration evening on

Wednesday 9 December. This is

a great opportunity to

celebrate a wonderful year of

learning, fun and friendships.

We will have a Disco, Karaoke, Sausage

Sizzle, Treats and Drinks Stall, Book Fair,

Face Painting and various Sports Activities.

Our Christmas Raffle will also be drawn that

evening. A flier was sent home on Monday,

however we have attached another copy

to the newsletter. We hope to see you all

there to celebrate a wonderful year at

Sunshine Primary School.

SPORTING SCHOOLS PROGRAM After the success of this year’s after school

sporting programs we have applied for

funding for both term 1 and 2 next year.

Junior School Council have been busy

surveying students to see what sports are

most popular and Gymnastics has been a

stand out across the board. We hope to

secure funding and offer the program in

Term 1 after school on a Thursday.

Notices Online Did you know you can read and print out excursion permission forms and notices from our website? The initial notice will be given to students, and any further copies can be obtained from the office or the website, under the “Recent Notices” section at www.sunshineps.vic.edu.au


PENCIL PROJECT It has been a long time running but we are

nearing the completion of our beloved

pencil project. Our handyman Rob Suffolk

has made these brilliant pencils from

scratch at a fraction of the cost for

commercial pencils. I’m sure you will agree

he has probably done a better job. The

final stage is to install the acrylic lettering

which will see the wording below.

To say thanks to all

o u r w o n d e r f u l

P a ren t He l pe r s /

Volunteers, we will

be holding our

‘Special Thank You Morning Tea’ on

Thursday 3 December in the

SPS Multipurpose Hall at 11:00am.

The partnership we share with our

parents is crucial to the success of our

school. So many of our parents

support our work in such diverse ways. From

School Counci l , Sub-committees,

Classroom Support, Sports Assistance,

Work ing Bees , B reakfast C lub,

Excursions, Guest Speaking and

Fundraising just to name a few. To show

our appreciation we would love for you to

come along. Invitations have been sent

home. We hope to see you there.

Page 2: Our School...Morning Tea 11:00am Fri 4 December Session 4 2016 Prep Transition Program Excursion Diamond Palace Lunch - Year 1EM, 2/3AK & 2/3LK Payment Due—Year 6 Graduation Mon

PORTABLES We have received notification from the Department

that the Year 2/3 portables will be removed and

transferred to a school who needs extra classrooms.

The timeline for this will be mid December. 2/3 LK will

relocate to Room 6 downstairs in the main building

and 2/3 AK will move into Room 9 upstairs. As you can

imagine this will be a big move including furniture so

we will organise a mini working bee to support the

classes in a smooth transition. Plans to redevelop the

space are beginning to occur so if you have an idea

you would like to share please feel free to see myself

or a member of the School Council.

STAFFING UPDATES Josh Frederick has accepted a position at Newhaven

College on Phillip Island. Spencer Cowan will be

heading to Sunshine Special Development School.

We thank both Josh and Spencer for their contribution

this year. We welcome Lauren Peeler who has been

appointed to a position for 2016. Lauren has spent a

considerable amount of time at Sunshine Primary

School as a casual relief teacher. We are currently

working on class lists and teacher placements which

will be published in our final newsletter for 2016,

Wednesday 16 December.

Lyn Read


The Buddy Bench is a place where students can go if

they have no one to play with. Students who see

someone on the bench can then go over and ask

them to play. If there are two kids on the bench at

the same time, they can go and play together.

A big thank you to Sonia, Carmen, Rebecca, Elzette

and Lya who organised and painted the Buddy

Bench. The SPS Buddy Bench even made the front

cover of the local Leader newspaper.

YEAR 6 TO YEAR 7 TRANSITION Students currently in Year 6 who have enrolled in a

Government Secondary College for 2016 will be

participating in a Transition Day on Tuesday 8

December. This program is to support and familiarise

the students with the school they will be attending

next year. Students who have enrolled in

a Non-Government school and have already

participated in a Transition day are expected to

attend school on this day.

Kylie Champion

SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT’S REPORT Wow this year went quickly. Firstly, I would like to thank

everyone who helped this year, particularly with

fundraising. People who kindly donated their time

Sonia, Rebecca, Carmen, Heidi, Michelle, Anna (and

Anna’s mum), Maria, Deb, Maz, Bec, Mel, Lya and

Elzette. I would also like to thank people who have

donated money, come to events or donated goods

or services, such as Jamie for taking on the role of MC

at the Trivia Night and Central Linen Services with their

kind donation of the table cloths used on the night.

It certainly made the room look a treat and added a

great ambience to the evening, thanks Maggie and

Anh. Thank you to the School Council Members for

their time and effort at meetings Bec, Sonia, Kylee,

Karlee, Carmen, Heidi and Paula. A big thank you to

everyone that has come to ideas meetings or

approached me with thoughts and ideas for


Next year we look forward to improving the toilet

blocks. This will be the School Council Funded project.

Unfortunately the Government does not provide us

with enough funding to do everything that is required

for a school. That is why we rely heavily on fundraising

and donations to help us with the upkeep of the

school. School Council projects have recently funded

the Oval, the outdoor learning space and the decking

under the tree due for completion during the

December School Holidays.

We are a small school but we have seen some terrific

improvements at Sunshine Primary School in the last

few years. None of this would be possible without the

growing support of the parent base so thanks to

everyone, if I forgot to mention you I am sorry.

We also have some exciting ideas for next year, our

125 Year Celebration (quasquicentennial, I had to

google it). I hope everyone joins in the fun activities

planned for 2016.

We are looking at joining up with The Friends of

Kororoit Creek, Melbourne Water and Brimbank

Council some time next year or 2017 to adopt a patch

of bush along the creek as part of the creek

regeneration project. This could involve a planting

day with the school involved and then part of the

creek would remain tied to Sunshine Primary School. If

you go for a walk along the creek you will see a patch

done recently by Sunshine Heights. The group hope to

have all the schools involved and this will mean a

much healthier creek environment. It would be good

to see some of our SPS community get involved.

Finally, thanks again to the whole school community

for making our school the wonderful place it is. Have a

great holiday break and I look forward to catching up

with you next year and remember if you have an

idea, thought something was good or not so good just

let me know. I am at assembly most Fridays and

always happy to stop and have a chat.

Felicity Gates

Page 3: Our School...Morning Tea 11:00am Fri 4 December Session 4 2016 Prep Transition Program Excursion Diamond Palace Lunch - Year 1EM, 2/3AK & 2/3LK Payment Due—Year 6 Graduation Mon

Happy Birthday November

Zen, Brydie-Mae, Phu, Leah, Mitchell,


To advertise in our newsletter please refer to our website for pricing and different sizes available. SPS only advertise on behalf of the third party but do

Not guarantee the results or merchantable quality of the goods or services provided.

Week ending 13 & 20 November

Prep L

Filip & Patrick

Alex & Immanuel Prep/1 R

Linh & Palpasha

Sarah & Kaira 1EM

Felicity & Jericho

Nina & Kajal 2/3 LK

Pariya & Hamish

Lachlan & Julio 2/3 AK

Sanja & Jess

Ava & Bilaal 3/4 B

Andrea & Theresa

Alex & Katelyn 3/4 L

Rylee & Raisa

Reghayeh & Emma 5/6 C

Mitchell & Isabella

Aliza & Latu 5/6 O

Audrey & Daniel

Kenny & Phu Other Awards

Emily & Amber

Evan & Piper


Oliver - 1EM

Helen - 3/4B



Number of

Tokens handed

out for the Week



6 71 Phuong & Binthu

7 78 Nina & Palpasha


ASSEMBLY SCHEDULE FOR TERM 4 Week 8 5/6’s Week 10 2/3’s and Choir Joyce Azzopardi - Music Specialist

Parent Helpers & Volunteers

Special Morning Tea


It’s hard to believe but the end of another school

year is fast approaching. Our library conducts an

annual stocktake. To help with the stocktake

process we ask that parents and students check

around their home and classroom,

and return any overdue library

books and any readers form the

home reading program. Individual

letters requesting payment for lost

books will be issued in December.

Your assistance is much appreciated.

Leah Kotynski - Literacy Coordination &

Eril Maina - Library Technician

2016 BOOK PACK All families will receive information about the 2016

Book Pack early in December if you do not

receive the information please check with your

child’s teacher.

Included in the pack is a letter containing your

family BPay Biller code and reference number.

We strongly encourage parents to use BPay when

making payment.

Page 4: Our School...Morning Tea 11:00am Fri 4 December Session 4 2016 Prep Transition Program Excursion Diamond Palace Lunch - Year 1EM, 2/3AK & 2/3LK Payment Due—Year 6 Graduation Mon

To advertise in our newsletter please refer to our website for pricing and different sizes available. SPS only advertise on behalf of the third party but do

not guarantee the results or merchantable quality of the goods or services provided.

SPS Breakfast Club Open every morning

from 8:30am till 8:50am Proudly sponsored by Bakers Delight S’hine

Always looking for donations of Bread, Margarine, Strawberry Jam & Vegemite

Before & After School Care Program For Bookings and cancellations please ring

Maryanne on 0423 795 361

Primary School Wear Shop address

58 Westwood Drive, Deer Park Phone: 9363 8458

Order online at www.psw.com.au

School Dental Service:

Ph: 8398 4100 — No. 2 Geelong Road, Footscray

Interested in learning how to play Keyboard

Half hour lessons are now available at SPS during school hours

(9:30am – 1:00pm) Reasonable rates charged.

We remind parents to please label your child/

children’s uniform. On many occasions we are

unable to return items as they are not labelled.

Please take the time to have a look through

lost property. All unclaimed non uniform items

are disposed of at the end of each term.

2015 Prep Transition

Session 1

Friday 13 November 10:00am—11:00am

Session 2

Friday 20 November 10:00am—11:00am

Session 3

Friday 27 November 10:00am—11:00am

Session 4 Friday 4 December 10:00am—11:00am

In order for your child to attend the Transition Sessions they must be enrolled at Sunshine Primary School

for Prep 2016.

Enrolment Forms

are available from the office or our website.

Hours 8:45am to 9:00am

Tuesday & Thursday mornings

CASH ONLY SALES Please bring small change

and your own bag.

Second hand clothing range from $5 - $15 each.

Donations of preloved uniform can be left at the office. Clothing should be in reasonably good condition and clean.

We also have a number of brand new shorts for

sale at $10.00 each.


Page 5: Our School...Morning Tea 11:00am Fri 4 December Session 4 2016 Prep Transition Program Excursion Diamond Palace Lunch - Year 1EM, 2/3AK & 2/3LK Payment Due—Year 6 Graduation Mon

In Music this term, the students in years 2/3 and 3/4 have been exploring how sound is made and were asked to bring along something from their kitchen to make their own Kitchen Symphony. We classified our objects into instrument groups and had lots of fun playing our kitchen instruments.

Page 6: Our School...Morning Tea 11:00am Fri 4 December Session 4 2016 Prep Transition Program Excursion Diamond Palace Lunch - Year 1EM, 2/3AK & 2/3LK Payment Due—Year 6 Graduation Mon


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