Our Mission Statement: To GATHER as God’s family, To GROW in Grace, To GO in Faith, Love & Service THE TIDINGS: A monthly Newsletter for Family & Friends of Beaver Valley March 2014

Our Mission Statement: To GATHER as God’s family, To GROW ... · Our Mission Statement: To GATHER as God’s family, To GROW in Grace, To GO in Faith, Love & Service . ... Presided

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Page 1: Our Mission Statement: To GATHER as God’s family, To GROW ... · Our Mission Statement: To GATHER as God’s family, To GROW in Grace, To GO in Faith, Love & Service . ... Presided

Our Mission Statement: To GATHER as God’s family, To GROW in Grace, To GO in Faith, Love & Service

THE TIDINGS: A monthly Newsletter for Family & Friends of Beaver Valley March 2014

Page 2: Our Mission Statement: To GATHER as God’s family, To GROW ... · Our Mission Statement: To GATHER as God’s family, To GROW in Grace, To GO in Faith, Love & Service . ... Presided

“The Great Invitation”

Pastor Greg Johnson

Sketches revealed the hearts and dreams of those who attended our congregational visioning night this past February 19th. Each of the over twenty members were asked to draw a picture of what Beaver Valley will look like in five years. Delightfully, picture after picture lifted up our deep, collective desire to grow the ministry of this church through invitation—the drawings depicted pews packed with people, people outside the church, some even gathered out under the trees!

So, how will renewal happen? My experiences tell me that we are going to grow the ranks of Beaver Valley as we welcome and invite well. I don’t think I have ever seen a congregation do a better job of looking around and seeing who it is near you in the sanctuary on a Sunday morning. The welcoming needs to be real—names shared and remembered. Let us remind one another as well that the welcome needs to be about them—not, “we sure need people like you to join our church” but more like, “we pray that Beaver Valley might be a place where you can come and find peace and grow in your faith along-side the rest of us doing the same.”

With a friendly spirit of conversation bathing the sanctuary as we head into worship and people staying after worship to keep talking with one another, Beaver Valley’s welcoming is an art already done well by many.

The more difficult part is to know how to, in the break room at work for instance, invite someone to “come and see.” It was Jesus who said to two men who wanted to learn more about God, “come and see.” (John 1:35-39) This three word phrase is humble. It simply says to the would-be follower, that you have something very important happening in your life that you are willing to share with them.

Humble words of invitation will fill the pews to over-flowing within sixty months. Let our prayer be that God would give us the courage to say to someone in the coming weeks, “Would you like to come with me some Sunday and see what God is doing with the people of Beaver Valley?”

Blessings, Pastor Greg Johnson

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VALLEY Sunday, February 2,

2014 Service of

Installation for

Rev. Greg Johnson

Presided by Bishop David


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Sunday School—Nearly 30 elementary aged youth regularily attend Sunday School. This number bodes well for the future of youth ministry at Beaver Valley. Sunday School Teachers for this winter/spring Sunday School session are Darcie Johnson, Erin Olesen, Julie Wright Gingi Hanson, Shelly Berg & Sabrina Dietz.

Confirmation—Pastor Greg and confirmation instructor, Georgia Backer met with 7th,8th and 9th graders and their parents after worship on Sunday, February 16th. Pastor Greg lifted up the possibility of summer bible camping at Klein Ranch. It was agreed that the confirmation youth would participate in the Wednesday Lenten worship series with time with Pastor following each service. As well, it was decided that after Easter, the confirmation classes would remain scheduled for Sunday mornings following worship.

Senior High—Senior High youth and parents met with Pastor Greg following worhsip on February 23. Conversation about what the Senior High youth have done in the church was prompted by Pastor Greg. It was decided that doing some high school events with the youth of Brandon Lutheran would be something Beaver Valley’s youth and parents supported. As well, there were ideas shared about how our Beaver Valley senior high youth could host events in which the broader youth community would be invited to attend. A May “smores” /campfire night out in the still-to-be-built outdoor worship area (to the east of the church building) might well be the first such effort.

By Krista Hanson

You will be glorifying God through your generous gifts. For your generosity to them will prove that your are obedient to the Good News of Christ.

2 Corinthians 9:13

The Beaver Valley Lutheran Youth are on a mission for missions. During the month of March the youth will be selling gift cards to raise money so that they may do God’s work. The missions include raising money for local charities and for BVLC camperships. When purchasing a Sunshine or Hy-Vee gift card 5% of what you purchase will be given for mission work. The gift cards are convenient, easy to use and can be used to purchase groceries, gas, flowers, prescriptions and more. Cards may be purchased on Sunday mornings after church, by calling Krista Hanson at 757-6337 or the church office 582-3504. CHECKS or CASH accepted. Please join the MISSION MADNESS!

Recycle your pop cans

Recycle your pop cans by placing them in the drop off location in the southeast corner of the church parking lot. Money raised from recycling helps support the BVLC youth program!




Congratulations to Charles Dustin Stultz and Hope Marie Hamer who were joined in marriage on February 8th, 2014 at Beaver Valley Lutheran Church.

God’s Blessings to Troy Howard Dawley and Kathleen Rita Lewis who were united in marriage at Beaver Valley on February 14th, 2014.

God’s Blessings to Todd Scott Hornstra and Kindra Marie Hilt on their marriage February 18th, 2014 at Beaver Valley Lutheran Church.

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NETS $5,767

in fundraiser for the “Buy A Letter” campaign

Auctioneer, Terry Brick

Ringman Jeff Myers & Ethan Wright display quilt.

Ringman Jeff Myers used Ethan Wright as a display rack.

Lunch was provided by WELCA.

Bernice Shanley’s quilt is Denny Schuette claims his Mary Lee examines some of Terry Brick works the crowd presented to the highest bidder. “Breakfast in Bed” auction win. goods prior to the auction. for just “one more” bid….

High and spirited bidding made for fun and fellowship during Beaver Valley’s first Time & Talents Auction. The event was held Sunday, Feb-ruary 9, during the coffee fellowship hour. Over 80 items were donated for auction — from babysitting services to handmade quilts to kids’ deco-rated birthday cakes — there was definitely something for everyone. Even the kids could “buy” grab bags filled with surprise items and candy. Auctioneer Terry Brick (the best ever!) and Ringman Jeff Myers raised a grand total of $5,767 for the Letter Fund. The WELCA served lunch to the congregation, and contributed $342 to the overall fund.

Three of the most sought after items were a fishing trip, a quilt, and a plate of homemade caramels.… a bidding war resulted over Ardell Johnson’s infamous homemade caramels. At $250, they netted about $12 apiece! Denny Schuette’s weekend fishing trip brought the highest bid of the day. Handmade quilts from Twyla Voldseth and Bernice Shanley, and Gary Parker’s auto service coupons were also highly sought after items.

The Evangelism Committee wishes to thank everyone who contributed their time or talents to the auction, and thanks the WELCA for organizing and serving the lunch.

“The event was successful beyond our wildest expectations but, more importantly, it was such a fun time,” said organizers Gingi Hanson and Janet Andersen.

Enjoy more pictures on our website www.beavervalleylutheran.org!

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Beaver Valley Lutheran Church, We would like to thank you all for all your kindness, thoughtfulness, cards, and most of all, your prayers. Thanks for taking time to think of Brandi. Burt, LeeAnn & Brandi Vermeer Words cannot express the feelings in our hearts. Thank you for being with us during this difficult time of Jeff’s father’s illness and passing. Your thoughts, prayers, and words of sympathy and support will always be remembered. A special thank you to Pastor Greg for his visit, support and encouragement near the end of Wally’s life. The Food Shepherds for the lovely meal – it was delicious. And most of all to our wonderful church family that we are so fortunate to be a part of. We are truly grateful for your friendship and support.

Our heartfelt thanks, Jeff and Kim Myers Dear Beaver Valley Youth and Women, Your gift to us was beyond words. I could never thank you enough. Jordan begins the grueling testing for the neurofibromatosis the first week of April again. Please, please keep him & myself in your prayers. These tests are very painful for him. After these tests, it sounds like Jordan will be sent to Iowa City Children’s hospital for more tests. He is starting to become depressed, tired and has much anxiety with the problems he has. I pray for the strength to help him face these things. You all have made things much more reachable for us and helped us dearly. One of Jordan’s specialists has asked me to keep him out of the public areas until his tests are through to try to keep him away from illnesses. He was hospitalized 2 weeks ago from flu and we can’t let his weak body get exposed to anything at this point. I pray we will be able to let Jordan join Sunday School again after his tests. I miss you all and I appreciate you so much. Much Love, God Bless Kerry Knudson & Jordan Ramazani The Food Shepherds, Thank you for the wonderful meal that was delivered. We enjoyed it very much. Sincerely, The Jacobsons Tyler, Megan, Sean, Brooklyn, Briann, & baby Brylee Thank you notes from Valley Springs Elementary “Angel Tree” gift recipients: Thank you so much for the groceries. They were needed and appreciated. We cannot thank you enough. Valley Springs Elementary Students Thank you for the gift. It helped make our Christmas special! Love, The Hunter Family

Thank you so much for the gift cards. Gus loves to go to HyVee for Chinese food. Mark, Sheila, Gus Jacobson

Thank you all! The Time and Talents Auction was an unimaginable success! Thank you so much to the spirited and talented people who donated items to be auctioned and to the extremely generous people who bought those items. You rose to the challenge, all of us had a great time and together we exceeded our "Buy a Letter" campaign goal.

Evangelism Committee


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ThankYou for your generous gifts to “Buy A Letter”We Have Reached Our Fund-raising Goal of $3,800!

A Denis & Janet Andersen In Memory of Ev & Dorice AndersenAny letter Denis & Janet Andersen In Memory of Wally MyersAny letter Joyce Anderson In Memory of Leland AndersonR Harold Arnott In Memory of Ruth ArnottAny Letter Kevin & Georgia Backer In Honor of Emily, Shannon and Ryan BakcerB Lanny & Sylvia Benson In Honor of Our Children & GrandchildrenAny letter Bruce & Lynne Bonander For Our ChurchAny letter Leonard Bonander For Our ChurchB & B John & Crystal Burkman In Memory of Burton BurkmanY Marvin & Linda Burkman Katelyn, Kendra, and all YouthELCA Todd & Linda Dawley In Honor of Our Children & GrandchildrenL Greg & Shannon DeVaney In Honor of Our Marriage on 08.01.2009 at BVLCAny letter Joel & Beth Flier In Memory of Leon DeBoerR Pastor Richard Foster The Faithful of This ParishAny letter Harlan & Linda Gjoraas In Honor of Our Children & GrandchildrenH & H Dale & Krista Hanson In Memory of Dean & Iona HansonH Dan & Gingi Hanson In Memory of Hulda OlsonAny letter Mike & Cheryl Hluchy In Memory of Gerald & Martha PollyN Helen Jacobson In Memory of Alex & Ethel NordstromAny letter Eileen Jacobson In Honor of Jack Sittig & Dylan TompkinsE & E Jim & JoAnn Keyser In Honor of Eldora & Emmett KeyserAny letter Mary Lee For Our ChurchL Cory & Lori Maunu, Lucas In Honor of “L” for Lucas!E Jeff & Kim Myers In Memory of Art & Eleanor NelsonA Jeff & Kim Myers In Memory of Dale NelsonU Jeff & Kim Myers In Memory of Wally MyersAny letter Michele Olesen For Our ChurchL Ken Olson In Memory of Linda OlsonC Curt & Doris Phillips In Memory of George & Inda PhillipsAny Letter Kathy Reisenweber In Memory of Helen & Harlow LuntR & R Art & Bev Richert In Honor of Louise Cronn

Art & Bev Richert In Memory of Art Richart, Gladys Wray, Marvin CronnCLARA Dennis & Joan Schuette In Memory of Clara NussbaumAny letter Jerry & Janet Scott For Our ChurchN Don & Donna Seiler In Memory of Helen Hendricks, Ben & Stella SeilerAny Letter Joyce Smykle In Memory of Kenneth and Troy SmykleV & V Jeff & Twyla Voldseth In Honor of Our Children & GrandchildrenAny letter Mable Wilcox In Memory of Derald Wilcox, Jr.L & L Tom & Linda Wingate In Honor of Our Children & GrandchildrenY & Y The BVLC Youth Group For Our Church

Letter Contributed by In Memory and/or Honor of…

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By Darcie Johnson

The focus for the Year Round Giving Tree for the month of March will be items for the “Goodie Boxes” sent to our college students and military personnel. Some of our students have become interested in healthy nutritional food items. We have added some new items to the list and have decided not to send out chip products.

Fruit snacks or Fruit roll-ups Sunflower seeds, Raisins

Chewing Gum, Sugar-Free Gum Trail mixes, Nuts, Dried Fruits Cheese & crackers; Peanut Butter & Crackers, Pretzels Beef Jerky Little Debbie snacks, Pop Tarts Hot Chocolate Small packages of Oreos, Granola bars, Power Bars Drink/Juice mixes for single water bottles Microwave Popcorn

If you are able to provide any of these items, please bring them to church and place under the Giving

Tree located on the lower level across from the elevator no later than Friday, March 28. The

packing the Goodie Boxes will be done March 30th. Donations for postage may be given to Judy

Richards or Ardell Johnson. Thank you for your generosity and support this mission project!

Meals on Wheels for MARCH Beaver Valley's month to deliver Meals-on-Wheels is March and we have the volunteer calendar all filled! Thank you to Helen Jacobson, Eileen Jacobson, Beth Flier, Trent Dawley, Curt & Doris Phillips, Crystal Holbrook for your dedication to this mission project.

Our next month to deliver will be August. Watch for more information in July and please consider helping other in the Brandon area. It only takes about an hour at noon to deliver the meals-and what a great way to be of service to others! If you have any questions call Beth Flier 582-3326 home 261-3796 cell.

HOW IT WORKS: Beaver Valley delivers meals to Brandon community shut-ins during the months of March, August. During these months, we are in need of people to help deliver these meals. The meals are picked up at Split Rock Towers on Teakwood about 11:50 am. The manager needs to be buzzed so you can get into the Towers to get the red and blue bags from the kitchen. Then they are exchanged for new ones from the driver. There is a list of names and their addresses with directions on how to get to the houses.

First deliver the meals within the Towers and then deliver the rest of the meals. Depending upon the number of people receiving meals, it takes approximately 45 minutes to an hour to deliver them. It is very rewarding!

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QUILTERS MEET Wednesday Mar 12th, 9:00 am We meet the second Wednesday of every month to tie quilts with a

potluck lunch at noon. All women of the church are encouraged and invited to join in the fellowship! The quilts go to various individuals and organizations within the church, in the community, and around the world. It’s a simple way to spread the love of Jesus. For questions please call Verna Bendt, 582-7752.

KNITTING GROUP We will not be meeting in March. Please join us when we resume again April 23 at 5 PM.

We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 5pm. All are welcome!


will meet

Wednesday Mar. 5, 7:30 pm

Newcomers and Card Ideas are welcome!

We use them to send out for holidays, thinking of you, and special occasions for shut-ins, military, college kids and anyone “out of sight but not out of our hearts.”

Bring a friend and come join in the fun of hand making special greeting cards.

If you have any questions, call Ardell Johnson, (605) 757-6273 or [email protected].


Grocery Cart Mission Project

Please help as we collect food and other items to help our neighbors in

need. We currently are collecting:

Hearty Soups and Toilet Paper

in the Sunshine grocery cart located downstairs by the water fountain. Please help fill the cart!



Saturday, Mar 8th, 9:00 am

Join us for a fun hour at Annie’s Coffee Shop in Garretson. It is very informal and we meet monthly at 9 am on the second Saturday of the month.

Come suggest your favorite books and bring your friends. (Don’t’ have to read a book to attend.) We look forward to seeing you there. Sylvia Benson, Kate Brick, Virginia Pappenfus & Janet Scott.


Come and Paint One!


by BVLC Artist, Mary Lee

Sunday, April 6th, 6:30p - 8:30p

(Register by March 30th)

Cost $25.00

(Provides you with 16X18 canvas, brush and paints)

Want to paint like an artist but just don’t know how? Invite your friends and come enjoy step-by-step instructions and suggestions from our experienced local artist, art teacher, and BVLC member Mary Lee! You’ll enjoy a fun evening with friends and leave with a one-of-a-kind creation and a new-found interest in exploring the art of painting!

Bring: - Your own apron or paint shirt - Container for the paint brushes (peanut butter jar, fruit jar or can)

Ages 12 or older. Sign-up sheet on bulletin board by the office.

(Fundraiser for Fellowship Hall paint project)

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If you wish for someone to visit you in your home for conversation, prayer or Holy Communion, please contact the church office at 605-582-3504.

“And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I

will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will

hear.” - Isaiah 65:24

If you or your family members are in need of prayer, our prayer warriors and congregation members are here to pray for you. Please contact the Pastor or call the church office at 582-3504 with your prayer concerns. You may privately have the prayer warriors pray for you, or a name can be printed in the Sunday bulletin for Pastor and the congregation to pray together.


If you are hospitalized for any reason, tell the hospital (at the time of admission) that you are a member of Beaver Valley Lutheran Church.

Also, please request a family member to contact the church office at 582-3504, if you are unable to make the contact. If you leave a message, please state which hospital you are in as well as your room number, if applicable.

In the event your hospitalization is due to same-day surgery, please let the church office know so that we can pray for your recovery in the days that follow. At your request, we will list your name in the bulletin under “prayers” and/or add it to the “prayer chain.”


Do you have a birthday or anniversary you would like to celebrate with your church family at coffee hour? Sign up for your “special” date on the Hospitality sign-up form in the kitchen.

March 02 Volunteers needed

March 09 Becky Nolte and Beth Flier March 16 Volunteers needed March 23 Volunteers needed March 30 Volunteers needed February 23 Harlan & Linda Gjoraas; Emmett & JoAnn Keyser

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~ March 2014 ~

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 10:30a ACOA

11:30a Soup Contest at Bethany Meadows

2 9:30a Worship

10:30a SS and Confirmation

10:45a Evangelism Mtg

4:00p Boyscouts


8:00p Al-Anon

4 3-4:30p ELCA Pastors Text Study

4:00p Yoga


6:15p CHOIR

7:30p God’s Creators Card makers meet

6 1:30p ELCA Crossroads Pastors Mtg.

5:45p Yoga

6:00p St. DYSMAS Special Worship


8 9:00a Small Group Book Club 10:30a ACOA



9:30a Worship

10:30a S.School

4:00p Pastor at Bethany Meadows


4:00p Boyscouts


8:00p Al-Anon

11 3-4:30p ELCA Pastors Text Study

4:00p Yoga

7p Cemetery Mtg.


9:00a Quilting

6:15p CHOIR

13 5:45p Yoga 7:00p Council Mtg.



15 10:30a ACOA (Early bird registration for Confirmation and Sr. High-aged Lutheran Outdoors campers.)

16 9:30a Worship

10:30a S.School

4:00p Boyscouts


8:00p Al-Anon

18 11:30a Pastor

at Brandon Ministerial Assn Mtg.

3-4:30p ELCA Pastors Text Study

4:00p Yoga

7:00p Worship/Music


6:15p CHOIR

20 4:30 pm -Bethany Board Meeting 5:45p Yoga


22 10:30a ACOA

23 9:30a Worship

10:30a S.School

2:00p Crossroads Conf. Assy.

4:00p Boyscouts


8:00p Al-Anon


3-4:30p ELCA Pastors Text Study

4:00p Yoga


6:15p CHOIR

27 5:45p Yoga


29 7:00a Men’s Breakfast 10:30a ACOA

30 9:30a Worship

10:30a S. School

10:45a WELCA

2:00p Pastor at Palisade Chapel

4:00p Boyscouts


8:00p Al-Anon


Mid-week 5:30p MEAL 6:45p WORSHIP

Mid-week 5:30p MEAL 6:45p WORSHIP

Mid-week 5:30p MEAL 6:45p WORSHIP

Mid-week 5:30p MEAL 6:45p WORSHIP

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Worship Leaders: MARCH 2014

March 2 March 9 March 16 March 23

March 30

GREETERS - Upper Level

Kevin/Georgia Backer & Family

Don/Becky Nolte

Larry/Ardell Johnson

Dan/Gingi Hanson

Judy Richards, Joyce Anderson

GREETERS - Lower Level

Dale/Krista Hanson Joel/Beth Flier

Tom/Linda Wingate

Denis/Janet Andersen

Ingrid Briggle, Eileen Jacobson


Dennis/Joan Schuette

Larry/Ardell Johnson

Lanny/Sylvia Benson

Troy/Kathy Dawley

Terry/Kate Brick


Linda Wingate Jeff Boucher Mary Lee Judy Richards Bev Maxwell


Linda Wingate Bruce Bonander Mary Lee Pastor Greg Johnson Erin Oleson


Marvin Burkman


Amy Johnson


Joel/Beth Flier


Rick/Crystal Steuerwald, Chase & Rylee

Carl/Darcie Johnson, Nathan & Vivian

Judy Richards and Sue Johannsen

Mike/Cheryl Hluchy

Note: If you are unable to serve on the date assigned, please find a substitute and then notify the church office.

Thank you,

Judy Richards

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26214 484th Avenue PO Box 128

Brandon, SD 57005 Phone: 582-3504

Fax: 582-3035

OFFICE EMAIL: [email protected]


[email protected]

WEBSITE: www.beavervalleylutheran.org


[email protected]



Pastor Greg Johnson Pastor

[email protected] Church office 605-582-3504

Cell 605-940-5875

Larry Johnson Council President

[email protected] Church office 605-582-3504

Cell 605-357-1230

Vyonne Manning Church Office

Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm [email protected]

Janet Andersen Website Administrator

[email protected]

Ruth Tieszen Organist

[email protected]

Shelly Berg Choir Director

[email protected]

Gingi Hanson Choir Accompanist

[email protected]

Please pray for our

members on their

special day…

Carson Clark 3/1 Kerry Knudson 3/1 Sean Andersen 3/2 Krista Bjorum 3/2 Sally Beal 3/3 Jacob Keil 3/3 Stephanie Burkman 3/5 Eleanor Burkman 3/7 Dalton Dawley 3/7 Carter McMillan 3/8 Eric Taylor 3/8 Rick Lindemann 3/9 Aaron Schroeder 3/10 Debra Stultz 3/11 Joyce Smykle 3/12 Nathan Johnson 3/15 Hunter Leshovsky 3/16 Eric Gulseth 3/17 Richard Johnson 3/17 Gary Krull 3/17 Robert Tille 3/17 Jeff DeJong 3/18 Megan Jacobson 3/18 Don Nolte 3/19 Sylvia Benson 3/20 Amanda Dawley 3/21 Trevor Dean 3/21 Eli Porter 3/21 Dallas Granberg 3/23 John Hedman 3/25 Mary Lee 3/25 Karla Schneider 3/25 Sandra Tooley 3/25 Wanda Keil 3/26 Kelsey Mullenix 3/26 Jeff Boucher 3/28 Terry Plueger 3/28 Jill Kiefer 3/29 Abigale Olesen 3/29 Daniel Feeken 3/30 Donald Graff 3/30 Jordan Ramazani 3/30 Debby Shroll 3/30 Blake Holz 3/31

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The Season of Lent

Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, a time of reflection, repentance and turning our hearts to God in preparation for our journey through Christ’s death and resurrection.

In keeping with the practice of the ancient people of Israel, early Christians used sackcloth and ashes as a sign of their repentance. Though the custom began as private devotion, by the eleventh century the reception of ashes as a sign of repentance had become a universal practice in the Western Church.

The earliest Christian rite associated with the wearing of ashes was the admission of public penitents. Those who expressed sorrow for their sins would wear ashes on their heads so that their fellow Christians might pray for them and welcome them back into the communion of the church before Easter. This rite of repentance and forgiveness has now been given to the whole church in the Ash Wednesday invitation to fast, pray and undertake acts of self-denial. In the Litany of Penitence we acknowledge our sins and pray for forgiveness and renewal of life, asking God to turn our hearts away from those things which separate us from God and from one another. We pray that by Christ’s mercy, God’s holy work may be accomplished in us.

The words “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return,” as spoken to each person who receives ashes on this day. This mark is an embodied sign that we all stand before God as mortal and sinners; it is also a reminder of the forgiveness and redemptive love that God shows to each of us and to the whole world.

The coming months are filled with important ministry events for the family and friends of Beaver Valley. The list

below lifts up some of the happenings that lie ahead!

March 1--Soup Cook-off at Bethany Homes. Your $5 lunch donation allows you to sample well over a dozen soups all while you support the Bethany Homes Foundation. 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

March 5—Ash Wednesday: 5:30-6:30 p.m. supper, 6:45 p.m. Holy Communion Worship. (see article) March 6—Our prayers go with thirteen Beaver Valley Lutheran members will be worshipping with the St. Dysmas SD State Penitentiary prison congregation on this Thursday evening.

March 13—regular meeting of the church council. 7:00 p.m., members are always welcome to sit in on these monthly meetings.

March 15—Deadline for early bird registration for confirmation and senior high aged Lutherans Outdoors campers.

March 23—Crossroads Conference Assembly (three delegates + Pastor Greg) meet for this annual event. This year’s meeting begins @ 2:00 p.m. at Our Saviors Lutheran, Sioux Falls

March 29—Another Saturday, 7:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast…fellowship and faith talk and lots and lots of good food!

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February 13, 2014 Attendees: Janet Andersen (1st Term-2017) Larry Johnson (2nd Term-2017) Doris Phillips (1st Term-2017) Brian Roberts (1st Term-2017)

Kate Brick (1st Term-2016) Ingrid Briggle (1st Term-2016) Todd Dawley (1st Term-2016) Denny Schuette (1st Term-2016

Georgia Backer (1st Term-2015) Dale Hanson (1st Term-2015) Darcie Johnson (1st Term-2015) Mike Swenson (1st Term-2015)

Shannon Backer (1st Year-2015) Pastor Greg Johnson Absent: Denny Schuette, Georgia Backer, Darcie Johnson, and Shannon Backer Call to Order: President, Larry Johnson Devotions: Kate Brick Approval of prior meeting minutes: Secretary, Ingrid Briggle. MMSC: Motion to approve January meeting minutes made by Todd Dawley and seconded by Brian Roberts. Motion carried.

Current Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer, Doris Phillips. Current Treasurer’s Report is available for viewing in the Church Office.

Approval of Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer, Doris Phillips. MMSC: Motion to approve January’s Treasurers report made by Ingrid Briggle and seconded by Kate Brick. Motion carried.

Old Business: 1. Status: Evangelism Committee: New Membership form updates and clarifications are in progress and will be

presented at the March meeting. 2. Status: Evangelism Committee: Auction was a huge success with proceeds exceeding $5,700. 3. Status: Treasurer: Library and Choir Director bank account closures are in progress. 4. MMSC: Motion to approve the Boy Scout letter, with updates/corrections specified during this meeting,

was made by Janet Andersen and seconded by Kate Brick. Motion carried. Letter will be sent out in the next week.

5. Updated membership directory was presented from Stewardship Committee. Further discussion regarding publication was tabled to next month’s meeting.

6. Review of “The Fellowship Pad” deployed in each pew to assist with member and visitor attendance was discussed. Since quantities are running low, this will need to be continued in next month’s meeting. The generic envelopes and pencils are also in need of some restocking/sharpening.

New Business: 1. MMSC: Motion to accept Darcie Johnson’s resignation was made by Todd Dawley and seconded by Doris

Phillips. Motion carried. 2. MMSC: Motion to appoint Linda Wingate to fill the vacated position was made by Kate Brick and seconded

by Mike Swenson. Motion carried. 3. Committee assignments were reviewed and adjusted where needed. 4. Discussion regarding surplus equipment and storage area cleaning commenced. This will be an ongoing subject for

the next several months with the Council, Property and each of the committees. 5. The Personnel Committee is in the process of readdressing the Facilities Use and Wedding policies. Forms and

procedures are being developed and will be reviewed in the next meeting.

President’s Report: Larry Johnson. • A Men’s breakfast has been scheduled for Saturday, February 22nd at 7:00 a.m. • Other discussion items were previously addressed.

Pastor’s Report: Pastor Greg Johnson. • Confirmation and Lent programs are being developed. • Parent meetings will be held on Sunday, February 16th, to address Bible Camp for Confirmation students and a

Senior High event in late March timeframe. • Pastoral visits to members are being made each week as time allows. • A Vision Meeting with all congregational members has been scheduled for Wednesday, February 19th, at 7 pm. • Pastor Greg is meeting with each of the committees, as time allows, during the regularly scheduled meetings. • Pastor Greg offered suggestions for “special” services throughout the next several months. Suggestions included

summer outdoor worship service(s) and a community service for blessing of backpacks the evening before school starts.

Page 16: Our Mission Statement: To GATHER as God’s family, To GROW ... · Our Mission Statement: To GATHER as God’s family, To GROW in Grace, To GO in Faith, Love & Service . ... Presided


Call Committee: Council Assignment, Larry Johnson. MMSC: Motion to disband the Call Committee as it has completed its duties made by Kate Brick and seconded by Janet Andersen. Motion carried.

Cemetery Committee: Council Assignment, Denny Schuette. Next scheduled meeting is Tuesday evening, March 11th, 2014, at 7:00 p.m.

Church in Society: Council Assignment, Linda Wingate. Council Member assignment changed. Darcie Johnson is looking for someone to replace her on this committee.

Education and Youth Ministry: Council Assignment, Georgia Backer. The education committee met with Pastor Johnson Wednesday, February 5th. Discussion included:

• Summer camps/Confirmation program: We will be exploring the possibility of the confirmation students attending camp this summer with Pastor.

• 1st communion: Pastor Johnson would like 1st Communion to be held in the fall on the Sunday following Confirmation Sunday.

• There will be a meeting for confirmation students and their parents with Pastor Greg on Sunday, February 16th at 10:45 am.

• The date was set for Vacation Bible School. It will be July 20th – 24th with a light supper at 5:30 and activities from 6-8:30 pm. The curriculum we chose is Weird Animals.

Evangelism and Outreach: Council Assignment, Janet Andersen. • The updated form for New Members is in progress. Pastor Greg and Janet Andersen will work together to make

revisions. • The Buy A Letter fund drive goal of $3,800 was officially completed Sunday, February 9. Member gifts totaled

$3,174 and the remaining $700 will be funded from Auction proceeds. • The first Time & Talents Auction was successful beyond the Evangelism Committee's expectations. Auction

proceeds totaled $5,758 and over 80 items were donated to the event from members and businesses. Equally—or more important to note—was the fun and fellowship that resulted. Pastor Greg noted that the spirit was working among us.

• Special thanks to the following people: o Auctioneers Terry Brick and Jeff Myers, for making the event a fun and profitable event! o To the WELCA for serving lunch. Net proceeds from the lunch ($333) were added to the Auction total

proceeds. o To all members of the congregation for donations of goods and services.

Nominating Committee: Council Assignment, Larry Johnson. No action needed from this committee at this time.

Personnel: Council Assignment, Dale Hanson. Activity covered in previous discussions.

Property: Council Assignment, Denny Schuette, Mike Swenson and Todd Dawley. There seems to be a problem with the Water Meter. This is being addressed with MCWC.

Stewardship: Council Assignment, Doris Phillips. Envelope packets that have not been picked up are now located in the Church Office rather than in the Welcome Center.

Worship and Music: Council Assignment, Ingrid Briggle. • Sunday Worship Services for the month of March were planned with Pastor Greg. • Changes to the “Fellowship Pad” were addressed and will be submitted to Janet Andersen for reision.

Beaver Valley Churchmen: Council Assignment, Larry Johnson. Activity covered in previous discussions.

Beaver Valley Women: Council Assignment, Ingrid Briggle. • WELCA is scheduled to serve the Lenten Supper on March 5th. • A Father/Son Banquet is scheduled for May 4th.

Adjourn Meeting— MMSC: Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ingrid Briggle and seconded by Mike Swenson. Motion carried.