Otvorené a plánované Otvorené a plánované výzvy v rámci priority výzvy v rámci priority ICT ICT Martin Klimo ICTC delegát [email protected] Informačný deň 7. RP 28. 10. 2010, Bratislava

Otvorené a plánované výzvy v rámci priority ICT Martin Klimo ICTC delegát [email protected] Informačný deň 7. RP 28. 10. 2010, Bratislava

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Otvorené a plánované výzvy Otvorené a plánované výzvy v rámci priority ICTv rámci priority ICT

Martin KlimoICTC delegát

[email protected]

Informačný deň 7. RP

28. 10. 2010, Bratislava


Projekty 7RP ICT k 28.10. 2010Organizácia Suma (€)

Slovenská akadémia vied 1 915 060Technická univerzita v Košiciach 1 846 896Nemetschek Slovensko s.r.o. 1 095 480Intersoft a.s. 1 074 780Indra Slovakia a.ss 727 241Ardaco as 535 150Elfa s.r.o. 192 024Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave 179 878SAE-Aautomation s.r.o. 163 600Slovak Telekom a.s. 161 424Clinical Research Associates & Consultants s.r.o. 133 334Košice samosprávny kraj 92 680BIC Bratislava s.r.o. 90 000Vysokošpecializovaný odborný ústav geriatrický sv. Lukáša v Košiciach

58 587

Corinex Communications a.s. 0Medmark s.r.o. 0


1: Networking, networked media and service infrastructures

2: Cognitive systems and robotics

3: Alternative paths to components and systems

4: Technologies for digital content and languages

5: ICT for health, ageing well, inclusion and governance

6: ICT for a lower carbon economy

7: ICT for manufacturing & factories of the future

8: ICT for learning and access to cultural resources

Challenges 2009-10 2011-12

1. Network and service infrastructure

2. Cognitive systems, interaction, robotics

3. Components, systems, engineering

4. Digital libraries & info mgmt

5. ICT for health6. ICT for mobility &

sustainable growth7. ICT for independent living

& inclusion

Call title: ICT call 7

•Call identifier: FP7-ICT-2010-7•Date of publication: 28 September 2009•Deadline: 18 January 2011 at 17.00.00 (Brussels local time)•Indicative budget: EUR 778,5 million


7. výzva ICT - Topics called (1)7. výzva ICT - Topics called (1)

Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures

- ICT 2011.1.3 Internet-connected Objects (IP/STREP, CSA)

- ICT 2011.1.5 Networked Media and Search Systems (IP, STREP, CSA)

- ICT 20011.1.6 Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) (a), (d) (IP, NoE)

Challenge 2: Cognitive systems and robotics - ICT 2011.2.1 Cognitive Systems and Robotics (a), (d)



7. výzva ICT - Topics called (2)7. výzva ICT - Topics called (2)

Challenge 3: Alternative Paths to Components and Systems - ICT 2011.3.2 Smart components and smart systems integration (a),

(c) (IP/STREP, CSA)- ICT 2011.3.3 New paradigms for embedded systems, monitoring

and control towards complex systems engineering (IP/STREP, CSA)

- ICT 2011.3.4 Computing Systems (STREP, NoE, CSA)- ICT 2011.3.5 Core and disruptive photonic technologies (b), (e)

(STREP, CSA)- ICT 2011.3.6 Flexible, Organic and Large Area Electronics and

Photonics (IP/STREP, ERA-NET Plus, CSA)

Challenge 4: Technologies for Digital Content and Languages - ICT 2011.4.2 Language Technologies (IP/STREP, CSA)


7. výzva ICT - Topics called (3)7. výzva ICT - Topics called (3)

Challenge 5: ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance

- ICT 2011.5.1 Personal Health Systems (IP/STREP, CSA)- ICT 2011.5.2 Virtual Physiological Human (c) (CSA)- ICT 2011.5.3: Patient Guidance Services (PGS), safety and

healthcare record information reuse (IP/STREP, NoE, CP-CSA)- ICT 2011.5.4 ICT for Ageing and Wellbeing (IP/STREP, CSA, CP-

CSA)- ICT 2011.5.5 ICT for smart and personalised inclusion (IP/STREP,

CSA)- ICT 2011.5.6 ICT Solutions for governance and policy modelling



7. výzva ICT - Topics called (4)7. výzva ICT - Topics called (4)

Challenge 6: ICT for a Low Carbon Economy - ICT 2011.6.2 ICT systems for Energy Efficiency

(STREP, CSA)- ICT 2011.6.6 Low-carbon multi-modal mobility and

freight transport (IP/STREP, CSA)

Future and Emerging Technologies - ICT 2011.9.12 Coordinating Communities, Identifying

new research topics for FET Proactive initiatives and Fostering Networking of National and Regional Research Programmes (c), (d), (e) (CSA)

- ICT 2011.9.13 Exa-scale computing, software and simulation (IP, CSA)


7. výzva ICT - Topics called (5)7. výzva ICT - Topics called (5)

International Cooperation - ICT 2011.10.3 International Partnership building

and support to dialogues (a) (CSA)

Horizontal Actions - ICT 2011.11.2 Trans-national co-operation

among National Contact Points (CSA)- ICT 2011.11.3 Supplements to Strengthen

Cooperation in ICT R&D in an Enlarged European Union (IP, STREP)


Objective ICT-2011.11.3Proposals must be presented by the coordinator of the on-going project. The funding requested not exceeding 30% of the existing project or EUR 1 million,

Funding schemeon-going FP7 ICT IP and STREP projects ending after June 30, 2012.

Indicative budget - EUR 10 million12

Výzva Výzva "Factories of the Future" – 2011"Factories of the Future" – 2011

• Call identifier: FP7-2011-NMP-ICT-FoF• Date of publication: 20 July 2010• Deadline: 2 December 2010 at 17.00.00 (Brussels local time)

• Indicative budget: EUR 160 million from the 2011 budget of which:

- EUR 80 million from Theme 4 – Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials & New Production Technologies- EUR 80 million from Theme 3 – Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)


Výzva Výzva "FoF„"FoF„ - Topics called - Topics called

• FoF-ICT-2011.7.3 Virtual Factories and enterprises (IP and STREP)

• FoF-ICT-2011.7.4 Digital factories: Manufacturing design and product lifecycle management a) and b) targeted outcomes (IP and STREP)

• FoF-ICT-2011.7.4 Digital factories: Manufacturing design and product lifecycle management c) targeted outcome (IP, STREP, CSA)


Výzva Výzva "Energy-efficient Buildings" - 2011"Energy-efficient Buildings" - 2011

• Call identifier: FP7-2011-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB• Date of publication: 20 July 2010• Deadline: 2 December 2010 at 17.00.00 (Brussels local time)

• Indicative budget: EUR 85.5 million from the 2011 budget of which:

- EUR 40 million from Theme 4 – Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials & New Production Technologies- EUR 20 million from Theme 3 – Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)- EUR 20 million from Theme 5 – Energy- EUR 5.5 million from Theme 6 – Environment (including Climate Change)


Výzva Výzva "E"EEEB„B„ - Topics called - Topics called

• EeB-ICT-2011.6-4 ICT for energy-efficient buildings and spaces of public use - a) targeted outcome (STREP)

• EeB-ICT-2011.6-4 ICT for energy-efficient buildings and spaces of public use - b) targeted outcome (CSA)


Výzva Výzva "ICT for Green Cars"-"ICT for Green Cars"- 20112011

• Call identifier: FP7-2011-ICT-GC

• Date of publication: 20 July 2010• Deadline: 2 December 2010 at 17.00.00

(Brussels local time)

• Indicative budget: EUR 30 million

Topic called:

• GC.ICT.2011.6-8 PPP GC: ICT for fully electric vehicles (a, b, c, d) (STREP)


Výzva Výzva "Future Internet""Future Internet" –– 20112011

• Call identifier: FP7-2011-ICT-FI

• Date of publication: 20 July 2010

• Deadline: 2 December 2010 at 17.00.00 (Brussels local time)

• Indicative budget: EUR 90 million


Výzva Výzva "FI""FI" –– Topics called Topics called

Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures

- FI.ICT-2011.1.7 Technology foundation: Future Internet Core Platform (IP)

- FI.ICT-2011.1.8 Use Case scenarios and early trials (Phase 1) (IP)

- FI.ICT-2011.1.9 Capacity Building and Infrastructure Support (Phase 1) (CSA)

- FI.ICT-2011.1.10 Programme Facilitation and Support (CSA)



Future and Emerging Technologies

Material scienceQuantum PhysicsComputational Fluid DynamicsSignal and image processingbrain-computer interfaces, neuroprostheticsQuantum computingSignal processing, computational acoustics, audio processing, sound analysis

domains of interest


Výzva Výzva "FET Flagship Initiatives""FET Flagship Initiatives"

• Call identifier: FP7-ICT-2011-FET-F• Date of publication: 20 July 2010• Deadline: 2 December 2010 at 17.00.00

(Brussels local time)

• Indicative budget: EUR 10 millionTopic called:• Challenge 9: Future and Emerging

Technologies - ICT 2011.9.5 FET Flagship Initiative Preparatory Actions (CSA)


VýzvaVýzva FET OpenFET Open

• Call identifier: FP7-ICT-2011-C

• Date of publication: 20 July 2010

• Date from which proposals are receivable: 4 August 2010

• Deadline: 31 December 2012, at 17:00.00, Brussels, local time

• Indicative budget: EUR 46 million


VýzvaVýzva FET OpenFET Open – Topics called – Topics called

Future and emerging technologies - ICT-2011.9.1 FET-Open: Challenging current

thinking (CP (STREP only), CSA)- ICT-2011.9.2 High_Tech Research Intensive

SMEs in FET research (CP (STREP only))- ICT-2011.9.3 FET Young Explorers (CP (STREP

only)) - ICT-2011.9.4 International Cooperation in FET

research (Additional funding to existing grants (IP/STREP))


Výzva Výzva ICT – EU Brazil Coordinated CallICT – EU Brazil Coordinated Call

• Call identifier: FP7-ICT-2011-EU-Brazil• Date of publication: 28 September, 2010• Deadline: 18 January 2011 at 17.00.00 (Brussels local


• Indicative budget: EUR 5 million

Topic calledObjective ICT-2011.10.1 EU-Brazil Research and Development cooperation (STREPs)a) Microelectronics/Microsystems b) Control Systemsc) Future Internet - experimental facilities d) Future Internet - security e) e-Infrastructures


Výzva Výzva ICT – EU Russia Coordinated CallICT – EU Russia Coordinated Call

• Call identifier: FP7-ICT-2011-EU-Russia• Date of publication: 20 July, 2010 • Deadline: 14 September 2010, at 17.00.00

(Brussels local time) • Indicative budget: EUR 4 million

Topic called • Objective ICT-2009.10.2 EU-Russia Research and Development

cooperation (STREPs) (a) Programming Models and Runtime Support(b) Performance Analysis Tools for High-Performance

Computing (c) Optimisation, Scalability and Porting of Codes



Call Start EndCall 8 + PPs GC, FoF, FEB Call 2 Jul 2011 Jan 2012Call 9 Dec 2011 Apr 2012PPP Future Internet Call 2 Jun 2012 Sep 2012

Budúce výzvy

Ďalšie informácieCall informationCORDIS call page and work programme http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/dc/index.cfm Participant Portal http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/

General sources of helpFP7 Enquiry service http://ec.europa.eu/research/enquiries ICT Information Desk email [email protected]

tel: +32 2 296 8596fax: +32 2 296 8388



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