112 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONO AX MAY 12, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. XI.-- Na Uttshuss partis. atrlisecunis. 2Ttn) SlliDcrtistiiunta. INTERESTING CDLLINGS. J. B. CASTLE, Commercial Advertiser Australian Mail Service - f f; J MS D r Commission Merchant. CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS, - I3 PUBLISHED i Mr . 1 j Office-Cartw- right Building, Merchant Street x Honolulu, H. I. - Morning Except Sundays, 'I A Deaf Man That Beard. The deaf man has just discovered that riding in a rumbling car robs his affliction of its terrors, and is getting even with his back biting acquaint ances who have expressed their opin- ions of him heretofore without re- serve. AnjBccentric millionaire, who had no hearing under ordinary cir- cumstances, found this out' the other day at the expense of his lawyer, and the latter now mourns the loss of his nnnr FOR SAN FRANCISCO, iii.. VI II 1 i I, i .l mm m laa "l Shipp ing and Commission Merchants, Che new and line Al steel steamship Merchant St. Ai So. 46 aOBSCBlPTlONS : WILLIAM C. ACHI, PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. Attorney and counsellor at law, most profitable client, while the deaf man thinks he has learned a thing or DKALEBS IN I' per month M Notary Publlo and Real Estate Broker. Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- m two. Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due TONE a DURABILITY s New York, Sept. 25, 1889. Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Sand- wich Is. i Gentlemen: We take pleasure in j ac- knowledging your acceptance of the Sole Agency of the 44 Fischer " Pianos in the Sandwich Islands and we hereby confirm the same. : . . -- s ? We further direct you to notify the gen- eral public that you are the Sole Agent for the " Fischer " Pianos and that any one year ..... w OaKTIB, r an Hin hit foreign (In- - at Jtlonvlum from Sydney and AnckUnd : on or about BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, jiiinf postge May-31- , 1890, ,.bie Inwriabiy In AdTnce. . . i..A.tiaoiiATiti mast J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Office Kaahumanu Street, ianos bought from any other source will PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers Tools, yAUlraniiem attended by a ereat risk to the pur And will leave for the abeve port with malls and The la ryos sitting in a car talk- ing to a frhf J when his wealthy client entered and dropped into the va- cant - seat beside his legal adviser. 'This old curmudgeon will talk mo ' deaf, dumb and blind," said the Black-stom- an to his companion, and they both scowled at Moneybags, who was looking out of the car window. 4tHe has spent lots of money with me, but it's worth a mint to yell in his ear. I'm tired of it He is as deaf as a post," Then the deaf man turned around. "You can send me your bill in the passengers on or about that date. For freight or passage, having 8UPEBIOB ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C 53-i-y Kogers). . HOUSE FURNISHING G OODS HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., 46 Merchant St., Honolulu. H. I. Wm. (x. Irwin & Co., . AGENTS. ttAEDNER K. WILDEK, 5 I -- A.ttornev"at-3Iiaw; Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes", Lamp Gootls, and Q-ener- al Mercliandise. morning," said he, 'and I'm done with you.w For Sydney and Auckland. chaser by not receiving the Genuine " Fischer" Piano and all guarantees wiU be withdrawn from the same. - We have no doubt but .what you will meet with great success in the sale of these instruments, and wishing you aU pros- perity, we remain, gentlemen, ; Youra very truly, i " ; J. & C. Fischer. 1" Pre-eminen- tly the best instrument made. Endorsed by aU the leading musi- cians of the age. Will stand hard usage in any climate and guaranteed by the makers for 5 years. (IlTdJCatalogues'f ree.) u Sold on Uonihly IxLaJlnents" ; : AT THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. 35-- tf ' Lawyer and companion looked at Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. 77 1264-l- y each other amazed. The lawyer set about to find how his client recovered WILLIAM C. ACH1, Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, his hearing so quickly. PBOF. G SA1JVLET, raey and Counsellor at Law, and Seal Estate Broker. "it is due to the counteraction of the noisy motion of the drum of the ear.' - . . e it.. V: .1 I INiinA 17a1, axA Oinmn n. T The new and fine Al steel steamship ; Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, " : Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. bda all the uouns oi me aiuguvm. jciauu, vxuiiu ouu 011151115 uooouua. said the aurist to whom he applied for information. "The rumble of the C H vT A TT-- T rvn A 99 Merchant St., Honolulu. At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave.: Tele. heavy wheel on the track causes the v -- .3111 599, or will visit pupils at their residence. r fti r '.V-'- . .5. it 1 1 t ft ..ft l n F V 1(0 "li it. : i 1 drum to vibrate, and the afflicted one 84-l-m can hear quite plainly. Some people J 1 A A 1 1 A ! f .1. LEWERS & COOKE, (Successor to Leweri k Dickson) Ot theOceanlo'SteamsbJp Company will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about May 10, 1890. C. B. WELLS, HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY, Corner of Fort .and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,' Hawaiian Islands. The Liverpool and Lon uuhjc mat mey Toiuniaruy raise weir voices in a car. That is not so. Al- ways speak in a low voice to a deaf person in a moving car or vehicle. M Philadelphia Record. ' Liters and Dealers in Lumber don and Globe lad all Kinds of Building Materials. FOBT STREET, Honolulu. IS And will have p romps dl3patcn with malls an GENERAL AGENTS, EXPEET Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealer , Don Sleep In the Fields. The habit in countrv Darts of stretch assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having S JPEBIOB AC INSURANCE CO COMMODATIONS, apply to ing one's self out on the ground for the A.CCOXJN TANTS AJSTD COLLEOTOES, JOHN T. WATEEHOUSE, Importer and Dealer In (ESTABLISHED 1830.J purpose of taking a nap is common il A . A At AND Win. G. Irwin & Co., AGENTS REAL ESTATE, FIRE : AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, .CUSTOM VCR AT. MT!rOhANDIS. Assets 9 40,000,000 pi ei incwue, .......... ........ v,vt v,ww nuimiPaM Iia.5e0.000 Commission Merchant. enougn in me summer ume; out irom a .case that is reported from a village- -' in the Dordogne, m France: a nap on the grass is not unattended with dan- ger. A farmer . residing near the vil- lage, tired with the heat of the day and with : bis work, recently laid himself So. J&-- Queen street, nonoium. m HOUSE, LOAN; AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. i . c- - Departments of Business : Wm. Q. Irwin. Clans Spreckels Takes Bisks asalntt Loss or Damage by Fire H. HACKFELD & CO., ' on Buildings, Machinery, sugar BUiu.uweiung- - and furniture, on the most ravora Die terms. CLAUS SPEECKELS &C0., Books and Accounts accurately kent and nronerlv adjusted. down to rest beneath the shade of an 42 Qasan Streat, Honolulu. Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished jeral Commission Agents Bishop & Co. 118S-6- m Mm BANKERS. Legal Documents and Papees of every description carefully drawn and handsomely ensrrossed. Cor. Fort k Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf oak tree' in a meadow. Ho was sud-den-ly aroused from his repose by a sharp twinge of pain in one of his ears, the pain increasing to such an extent that before the poor fellow reached his home he was half beside himself. For several days he suffered the Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS HONOLULU Keal xi state bought ana sola, raxes paia ana rroperiy saieiy msureu. Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected. Fibe and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies. BEAVER SALOON, CASTLE & COOKE, HARDWARE, Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. UreeC, Opposite Wilder St Co.'a, greatest agony, which neither doctors Draw Exchange en the principal parts o the world. . Loans Negotiated at Favorable Kates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. - fl. J. NOLTE, PBOPBIETOB. nor the remedies they prescribed could allay, and the patient was brought to Mm Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. .Telephones Mutual 620; Bell 67) 1305 10.3m BECHSTfiJDi PIANOS! HAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLE for the sale of C. Bechstein's celebrated Pianofortes, we beg to solicit orders for either Horizontal or Upright Grand. ; Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. Shipping and Commission Merchants such a pass that he made up his mind Any Article Purchased or sold on commission. ' , Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. fi From 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. ' Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. mat no must aie. it cnancea, now- -, ever, that a neighbor had the felici oka1 Requisites a Specialty. ltf IMP0BTEB8 AND DKALKB8 19 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. tous idea, as the sequel proved, of pouring a little turpentine into his ear, the immediate effect of which was t MLU IRON WORKS CO., ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION AT MODERATE CHARGES. Plantation Agents, Steam Engines, Deposits bearing interest received In their Sav I gs Department subject to published rules and regulations. 17ocStf ANDERSON & LUND Y, Dentists. ft, Mosar Mills, Coolers, Brass Havinsr had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years in make the patient fall back insensible on his pillow. On recovering con- sciousness he remarked that he experi- enced a strange feeling of relief, the cause of which was soon explained by the exit from his ear of an enormous I and Lead Castings, TESTIMONIAIiS : " For twenty-eig- ht years that I have now used Bechstein's Pianos, they have main- tained their superiority. . ' Liszt." , "A noble inexhaustible and svmDathetic Life, Fire and Marine :;. Insurance Agents. 153 HONOLULU, H. I. ly . - i n ( Ml1 Vuhlnery of every description mads to New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully solicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. reticular attention iaid to ships' Diaoc- - pi. Job work executed on the shortest fulness ot tone, together with an exquisite ltf ACT Bell Telephone No. 274. 29 1304-- u worm which had taken up its quarters there during the farmer's sleep. Lon- don Standard. THE ROYAL SALOON, ARTIFICIAL TEETH from one to an entire set in- serted on gold, silver, aUum-inn- m and rnbber bases. Xanana and Merchant Streets J O HIST 1ST O.TT, CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and-Marin- e si' A Scientific Puzzle. . ' . The nature . of electricity still re auuun, wnicn aamits oi tne uimoss variety of shade bears testimony to the fact that the manufacture has attained the utmost degree , of perfection in the met of instru- ment .... making. - . - Bubinstein." For further particulars apply to Prop. G. Sauvlet, Nuuanu Avenue, or to H. 'ELA.CIZJrJSiJLiD c , CO., . Sole Agents for the Hawn. IsL 19 1307-3- m v - A mains a nuzzle to men of scienca DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET. . Under the Management of i H. F. Wolter, as well as to the unlearned. We know it is one form of molecular mo Crown and bridge work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which are a constant source of irritation to the mouth and- - throat, we would recommend our Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper- ations performed in accordance with the latest improvements in dental science. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. Insurance Agents! in Itock a. n.rie.tw nf th a ttAat Wl nt tion and that it passes aloncr a rod or ;1 hi Pi, 1 Vi and ic cold beers en draught at Her frl&aa wire in much the same manner that tS CD OS' U -- r heat is conveyed along the same con AGENTS FOB: TM1 nod Kee UsVCs ltf ductor. In other words, electricity is one form of energy and makes itself NEW HONOLULU MEAT MARKET Locatedt the Fish Market, Hotel street, Tregloan premises. - - 55-l-y New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. J. E. GOMES, visible at work whenever or wherever is exists. Whenever electricitv nasses formerly of Gomes & Wichman.) J. mc'queen. H. B. HITCHCOCK. over a good conductor some form of hern Block, No 79 Fort Street, OP BOSTON. --ffitna Fire Jns. Co. of JIartford, UNION" HAWAIIAN TRANSFER COMPANY; Office next door to K. More, King; St. aufacturins -.- - Jeweler, work is performed, no matter how or in what shape it may be disguised. If simply passed through a wire the work becomes visible as heat. New York Telegram. KiJer? Promptly attended to. -- J o Insurance; Comp.any Bell Tel. 160; - Mutual Tel. 5B. L 0. 488. Hnnnlnlti 40Qm n " " CeUerere In VoodooUm. RS. L. c. PRAY, FIRE AND MARINE, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 1304 1-- y ' It is not necessary to cro to Jamai M. E. LIVINGSTON, : Prop. (Formerly of Metropolitan Market.) Family & Shipping iButcher ; Out Sausages a Specialty. All orders will receive prompt attention and delivery to any part of Honolulu. . TelephoneiUciaal 622t Bell. iOO. 22-3- m ne Missage and Roman Baths, Fort St-C- hinese ChurcbYard. SOMETHING NEW ! To be able to get your Stores, Bangea and Honsebeeping Ouoas. OF RESIDENCE. I onnnTfi itvixo $L DIDf AD CCTC ca or flay ti to find believers in voo-doo,w.c- aid a physician to a Pitttburj Dispatch reporter. ; "When I : was a younger man I hed considerable prac- tice among colored people in Philricl-phi- a, and! csrzrzZlji tad trestle with my paties would dsiira they were' bsTxitrhcd and refused to tike tha mcdicizaprcceribcd fcr them, but 50 off to csrsd conjurer who, fcr a consideration, would pretend to take the spell awfj.V And this would hap- pen ' among respectable people who esnt their chHdren o school and were themsalves mcra than ordinarilr in- - JAMES NOTT, JR., . .; FRACTICAL - v I f street 10 Lane, Paiama. And Every Description of Fnrniture, Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Itod VVorb f 44UCS39tol2M..andRQ. w DRAYMEN. AH orders for cartage promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing and Snipping of Goods in Transit to Other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti- ties to suit, at lowest prices. : 2--ly Restuflfed and Covered, TINSMITB.&PLUIIBEB, 608; Bell 475. Q At Reasonable Kates svnd In the : Beat; Manner. - niSJ t m-De- al direct with the workman, Corner of Sins nd Alake eta., r Honolulu, H. I. Brewer New Goods, ex Bk. JohnD. At "at- - ' iJ.a r: . r I " The Q 7 U,M.UftUJUril,WUlnailg Uuwwwv TELEPHONE Workshop," Mutual 231; eron b valutiat ti.70Q.O0a i CALL FOR residence, iiutuai 23. ' HO KlngT St., near Alaken, directly 128 Days from Boston. . nBstimates' furnished on all classes opp. vaisv. jrriu owrv New Bedding, - Lounges, . etc., to order. Designs and estimates submitted. 129 of Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. "First class workmanship and material guaran teed in ail tne above orancnes ox my busi- ness at reasonable rates.- - . " 44-l- y C. BKEWER & COMPAlsT, Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Stationery, Wrapping Paper JHOUSEHOLD. SEWING- - MACHINES. ALSO s J. & C. FISCHCEiR px-isro- s .Kto., Etc., Etc. - , 5 .V,' Tba, prccsincnco of th essllcp la heraldry has been mentioned. It C ' niHs' when found in a ccsA-of-ct- nj '"' cr csrvca upon a mcrtusry incSa 1 ' met, theA tho person hea been 0 era-.-crd- zT t tha Holy Lsd. u In tho fll X dsys it was known as Ct Jamea'crwl : JeecVo chell, and wes wcrn tyj; ' v&. Cri3,csd crciidsra, cswn to :if C2rt3 cr fcitensd trpca .;, 327 JCW Tnn Walked ft (limited). Y CSV? Ube7S' a vi& - buau."- - jorisdic GENERAL MERCANTILE DIAMOND CEEAMERY BUTTER In lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins. Finest -- Artiole for 'yarm Olimates. S. FOSTER & Co. Wholesale Grocers, , -- . sous agents: r fob sale by . ; - . ' ;.. ED. EDiCnTrAFtgBa & CO, Oonttceloro GSua-Jan- i AKD - 's COMMISSION AGENTS. - -- Z7nisindt. : a3 King and Bethel 8treets. "toon im.1v r . . Esasatss Clrta. ' & CO., 1 a- - f-- rtf; UST OF OFFIOSBS: ',v The Weekly Gazette and Daily P. 0. Advertiser aiii I'XlAj ' (iMPflW! f- - in.r...."..... Prdentandll and lUDCfo. '.O.Carter Treasurer PORT o1' ' Hn.W.F.Ailen..t Secretary 73 mi:a crzzr. r in telit! r' c:i.c-- . , r. Auditor r.o. rx Cell TtlepSttM Ho, s, - Cltf v . iii, . . DIBEOTOB3: S6 and i California St., Snn Fmneiaeo. 1 THE 1 LBiADINQ T&J?&R& O' THE KINGDOM fe lSb215-l- y , - r Ulj ?0Boxjj97. Ben. O. B. Clabop. Boa. B. Watarhouse '' ' ' If

O.TT, · 2015-06-02 · Commercial Advertiser J. B. CASTLE, Australian Mail Service MS-f f; J D Commission Merchant. CASTLE & COOKE, r I3 IMPORTERS,-PUBLISHED Mri. 1 j Office-Cartw-right

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Page 1: O.TT, · 2015-06-02 · Commercial Advertiser J. B. CASTLE, Australian Mail Service MS-f f; J D Commission Merchant. CASTLE & COOKE, r I3 IMPORTERS,-PUBLISHED Mri. 1 j Office-Cartw-right


Uttshuss partis. atrlisecunis. 2Ttn) SlliDcrtistiiunta. INTERESTING CDLLINGS.

J. B. CASTLE,Commercial Advertiser Australian Mail Service- f f; J

MS DrCommission Merchant. CASTLE & COOKE,


Mr. 1 j

Office-Cartw- right Building,

Merchant Street x Honolulu, H. I.- Morning Except Sundays,'I

A Deaf Man That Beard.The deaf man has just discovered

that riding in a rumbling car robs hisaffliction of its terrors, and is gettingeven with his back biting acquaintances who have expressed their opin-ions of him heretofore without re-serve. AnjBccentric millionaire, whohad no hearing under ordinary cir-cumstances, found this out' the otherday at the expense of his lawyer, andthe latter now mourns the loss of his

nnnrFOR SAN FRANCISCO, iii..VI II 1 i I, i .lmm m laa "lShipping and Commission Merchants,Che new and line Al steel steamship

Merchant St.Ai So. 46


PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS.Attorney and counsellor at law,most profitable client, while the deafman thinks he has learned a thing orDKALEBS IN

I' per month MNotary Publlo and Real Estate

Broker.Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3-m

two.Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due

TONE a DURABILITYs New York, Sept. 25, 1889.Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Sand-

wich Is. i

Gentlemen: We take pleasure in j ac-knowledging your acceptance of the SoleAgency of the 44 Fischer " Pianos in theSandwich Islands and we hereby confirmthe same. : . .

--s ?

We further direct you to notify the gen-eral public that you are the Sole Agentfor the " Fischer " Pianos and that any

one year ..... wOaKTIB,r anHinhit foreign (In-- at Jtlonvlum from Sydney and AnckUnd: on or about BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS,

jiiinf postge

May-31- , 1890,,.bie Inwriabiy In AdTnce.. . i..A.tiaoiiATiti mast


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

Office Kaahumanu Street,ianos bought from any other source will

PLANTATION SUPPLIES,Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers Tools,

yAUlraniiemattended by a ereat risk to the purAnd will leave for the abeve port with malls and

The la ryos sitting in a car talk-ing to a frhfJ when his wealthyclient entered and dropped into the va-cant - seat beside his legal adviser.'This old curmudgeon will talk mo

' deaf, dumb and blind," said the Black-stom- an

to his companion, and theyboth scowled at Moneybags, who waslooking out of the car window. 4tHehas spent lots of money with me, butit's worth a mint to yell in his ear.I'm tired of it He is as deaf as apost,"

Then the deaf man turned around."You can send me your bill in the

passengers on or about that date.For freight or passage, having 8UPEBIOB

ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C53-i-y Kogers). .


46 Merchant St.,

Honolulu. H. I.

Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,. AGENTS.



Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes", Lamp Gootls, and

Q-ener- al Mercliandise.morning," said he, 'and I'm donewith you.w

For Sydney and Auckland.

chaser by not receiving the Genuine" Fischer" Piano and all guarantees wiUbe withdrawn from the same. -

We have no doubt but .what you willmeet with great success in the sale of theseinstruments, and wishing you aU pros-perity, we remain, gentlemen, ;

Youra very truly, i"

; J. & C. Fischer.

1" Pre-eminen- tly the best instrumentmade. Endorsed by aU the leading musi-cians of the age. Will stand hard usagein any climate and guaranteed by themakers for 5 years. (IlTdJCatalogues'f ree.)

u Sold on Uonihly IxLaJlnents" ; :




Lawyer and companion looked atOffice Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street.77 1264-l- y each other amazed. The lawyer set

about to find how his client recoveredWILLIAM C. ACH1,Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

his hearing so quickly.PBOF. G SA1JVLET,raey and Counsellor at Law, andSeal Estate Broker. "it is due to the counteraction of the

noisy motion of the drum of the ear.'- . . e it.. V: .1 I INiinA 17a1, axA Oinmn n. T The new and fine Al steel steamship; Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, " :

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.bda all the uouns oi me aiuguvm. jciauu, vxuiiu ouu 011151115 uooouua. said the aurist to whom he applied forinformation. "The rumble of theC H vT A TT--T rvn A 99Merchant St., Honolulu. At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave.: Tele. heavy wheel on the track causes thev --.3111 599, or will visit pupils at their residence.




'.V-'- .



1 t








: i 1

drum to vibrate, and the afflicted one84-l-m

can hear quite plainly. Some peopleJ 1 A A 1 1 A ! f .1.


(Successor to Leweri k Dickson)

Ot theOceanlo'SteamsbJp Company will bedue at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or about


Corner of Fort .and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,'Hawaiian Islands.

The Liverpool and Lonuuhjc mat mey Toiuniaruy raise weirvoices in a car. That is not so. Al-ways speak in a low voice to a deafperson in a moving car or vehicle. M

Philadelphia Record. '

Liters and Dealers in Lumber

don and Globelad all Kinds of Building Materials.

FOBT STREET, Honolulu. IS And will have promps dl3patcn with malls an GENERAL AGENTS, EXPEET Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealer , Don Sleep In the Fields.Thehabit in countrv Darts of stretch

assengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having S JPEBIOB ACINSURANCE CO COMMODATIONS, apply to ing one's self out on the ground for theA.CCOXJN TANTS AJSTD


Importer and Dealer In (ESTABLISHED 1830.J purpose of taking a nap is commonil A . A At

ANDWin. G. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS

REAL ESTATE, FIRE : AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, .CUSTOMVCR AT. MT!rOhANDIS. Assets 9 40,000,000pi ei incwue, .......... ........ v,vt v,wwnuimiPaM Iia.5e0.000 Commission Merchant.

enougn in me summer ume; out iroma .case that is reported from a village- -'in the Dordogne, m France: a nap onthe grass is not unattended with dan-ger. A farmer . residing near the vil-lage, tired with the heat of the day andwith : bis work, recently laid himself

So. J&-- Queen street, nonoium. mHOUSE, LOAN; AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. i

. c--

Departments of Business :Wm. Q. Irwin.Clans Spreckels

Takes Bisks asalntt Loss or Damage by FireH. HACKFELD & CO., ' on Buildings, Machinery, sugar BUiu.uweiung- -

and furniture, on the most ravora Die terms. CLAUS SPEECKELS &C0., Books and Accounts accurately kent and nronerlv adjusted. down to rest beneath the shade of an42 Qasan Streat, Honolulu.Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made.

Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnishedjeral Commission Agents Bishop & Co.118S-6- m Mm BANKERS. Legal Documents and Papees of every description carefully drawn and handsomely

ensrrossed.Cor. Fort k Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf

oak tree' in a meadow. Ho was sud-den-ly

aroused from his repose by asharp twinge of pain in one of his ears,the pain increasing to such an extentthat before the poor fellow reachedhis home he was half beside himself.For several days he suffered the

Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom.HAWAIIAN ISLANDSHONOLULU Keal xistate bought ana sola, raxes paia ana rroperiy saieiy msureu.

Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fibe and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies.BEAVER SALOON, CASTLE & COOKE,

HARDWARE, Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.UreeC, Opposite Wilder St Co.'a, greatest agony, which neither doctorsDraw Exchange en the principal parts o theworld. .

Loans Negotiated at Favorable Kates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. -fl. J. NOLTE, PBOPBIETOB. nor the remedies they prescribed could

allay, and the patient was brought toMm Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

.Telephones Mutual 620; Bell 67)1305 10.3m


HAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLEfor the sale of C. Bechstein's

celebrated Pianofortes, we beg to solicitorders for either Horizontal or UprightGrand. ;

Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. Shipping and Commission Merchants such a pass that he made up his mindAny Article Purchased or sold on commission. ' ,Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.fi From 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.

'Will receive deposits on open account, make

collections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

mat no must aie. it cnancea, now- -,

ever, that a neighbor had the felicioka1 Requisites a Specialty. ltf IMP0BTEB8 AND DKALKB8 19

GENERAL MERCHANDISE. tous idea, as the sequel proved, ofpouring a little turpentine into his ear,the immediate effect of which was t


Deposits bearing interest received In their SavI gs Department subject to published rules andregulations. 17ocStf



ft, Mosar Mills, Coolers, BrassHavinsr had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years in

make the patient fall back insensibleon his pillow. On recovering con-sciousness he remarked that he experi-enced a strange feeling of relief, thecause of which was soon explained bythe exit from his ear of an enormous

I and Lead Castings,TESTIMONIAIiS :

" For twenty-eig- ht years that I have nowused Bechstein's Pianos, they have main-tained their superiority. .

' Liszt." ,

"A noble inexhaustible and svmDathetic

Life, Fire and Marine:;. Insurance Agents.

153 HONOLULU, H. I. ly


- in (

Ml1Vuhlnery of every description mads to New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an

intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.reticular attention iaid to ships' Diaoc- -

pi. Job work executed on the shortest fulness ot tone, together with an exquisiteltf ACT Bell Telephone No. 274. 29 1304-- u worm which had taken up its quarters

there during the farmer's sleep. Lon-don Standard.THE ROYAL SALOON,

ARTIFICIAL TEETHfrom one to an entire set in-

serted on gold, silver, aUum-inn- m

and rnbber bases.Xanana and Merchant Streets J O HIST 1ST O.TT,CASTLE & COOKE,

Life, Fire and-Marin- e


A Scientific Puzzle. .'


The nature . of electricity still re

auuun, wnicn aamits oi tne uimoss varietyof shade bears testimony to the fact thatthe manufacture has attained the utmostdegree , of perfection in the met of instru-ment.... making.

- .- Bubinstein."

For further particulars apply toProp. G. Sauvlet, Nuuanu Avenue, or to

H. 'ELA.CIZJrJSiJLiD c , CO., .

Sole Agents for the Hawn. IsL19 1307-3- m v

- A

mains a nuzzle to men of sciencaDIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET.. Under the Management of

i H. F. Wolter, as well as to the unlearned. Weknow it is one form of molecular mo

Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and- - throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

Insurance Agents!in Itock a. n.rie.tw nf th a ttAat Wl nt tion and that it passes aloncr a rod or






and ic cold beers en draught atHer frl&aa wire in much the same manner that

tS CD OS' U--r heat is conveyed along the same conAGENTS FOB:TM1 nod Kee UsVCs ltf ductor. In other words, electricity isone form of energy and makes itself


Locatedt the Fish Market,Hotel street, Tregloan premises.

- -55-l-yNew England Mutual Life Ins. Co.J. E. GOMES, visible at work whenever or whereveris exists. Whenever electricitv nassesformerly of Gomes & Wichman.)

J. mc'queen.H. B. HITCHCOCK. over a good conductor some form ofhern Block, No 79 Fort Street,


--ffitna Fire Jns. Co. of JIartford,


Office next door to K. More, King; St.aufacturins -.- - Jeweler,

work is performed, no matter how orin what shape it may be disguised.If simply passed through a wire thework becomes visible as heat. NewYork Telegram.

KiJer? Promptly attended to. --J oInsurance; Comp.any Bell Tel. 160; - Mutual Tel. 5B.L 0. 488. Hnnnlnlti 40Qm n " "CeUerere In VoodooUm.RS. L. c. PRAY,



It is not necessary to cro to Jamai

M. E. LIVINGSTON, : Prop.(Formerly of Metropolitan Market.)

Family & Shipping iButcher; Out Sausages a Specialty.All orders will receive prompt attention

and delivery to any part of Honolulu. .

TelephoneiUciaal 622t Bell. iOO.22-3- m

ne Missage and Roman Baths,

Fort St-C-hinese ChurcbYard. SOMETHING NEW !

To be able to get yourStores, Bangea and Honsebeeping Ouoas.

OF RESIDENCE. I onnnTfi itvixo $L DIDf AD CCTC

ca or flay ti to find believers in voo-doo,w.c- aid

a physician to a PitttburjDispatch reporter. ; "When I : was ayounger man I hed considerable prac-tice among colored people in Philricl-phi- a,

and! csrzrzZlji tad trestlewith my paties would dsiirathey were' bsTxitrhcd and refused totike tha mcdicizaprcceribcd fcr them,but 50 off to csrsd conjurer who, fcr aconsideration, would pretend to takethe spell awfj.V And this would hap-pen ' among respectable people whoesnt their chHdren o school and werethemsalves mcra than ordinarilr in--


v If street 10 Lane, Paiama. And Every Description of Fnrniture,Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Itod VVorb

f 44UCS39tol2M..andRQ. w

DRAYMEN.AH orders for cartage promptly attended

to. Particular attention paid to the

Storing and Snipping of Goods inTransit to Other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti-ties to suit, at lowest prices. : 2--ly

Restuflfed and Covered, TINSMITB.&PLUIIBEB,608; Bell 475. Q At Reasonable Kates svnd In the: Beat; Manner. -

niSJ t m-De-al direct with the workman, Corner of Sins nd Alake eta.,r Honolulu, H. I.BrewerNew Goods, ex Bk. JohnD.

At "at- - ' iJ.a r: . r I "

TheQ 7 U,M.UftUJUril,WUlnailg Uuwwwv TELEPHONE Workshop," Mutual 231; eron b valutiat ti.70Q.O0a iCALL FOR residence, iiutuai 23. 'HO KlngT St., near Alaken, directly 128 Days from Boston.

. nBstimates' furnished on all classesopp. vaisv. jrriu owrv

New Bedding, - Lounges, . etc., to order.Designs and estimates submitted. 129 of Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. "First

class workmanship and material guaranteed in ail tne above orancnes ox my busi-ness at reasonable rates.- - .

"44-l- y


Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Stationery, Wrapping Paper


J. & C. FISCHCEiR px-isro- s.Kto., Etc., Etc. - ,

5 .V,'

Tba, prccsincnco of th essllcp laheraldry has been mentioned. It C


niHs' when found in a ccsA-of-ct- nj


cr csrvca upon a mcrtusry incSa 1 '

met, theA tho person hea been 0 era-.-crd- zT

t tha Holy Lsd. u In tho fll X

dsys it was known as Ct Jamea'crwl :

JeecVo chell, and wes wcrn tyj; 'v&.Cri3,csd crciidsra, cswn to :ifC2rt3 cr fcitensd trpca .;,

327 JCW Tnn Walked ft(limited).Y CSV? Ube7S' a vi&- buau."- - jorisdic



BUTTERIn lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins.

Finest --Artiole for'yarm Olimates.

S. FOSTER & Co.Wholesale Grocers,

, --. sous agents:

r fob sale by . ;-



ED. EDiCnTrAFtgBa & CO, Oonttceloro GSua-Jan- iAKD - 's


-- Z7nisindt.:

a3King and Bethel 8treets."toon im.1v r . .

Esasatss Clrta. '& CO., 1 a-- f-- rtf;UST OF OFFIOSBS:


The Weekly Gazette and Daily P. 0. Advertiseraiii I'XlAj ' (iMPflW! f-- in.r...."..... PrdentandllandlUDCfo. '.O.Carter Treasurer

PORT o1' ' Hn.W.F.Ailen..tSecretary 73 mi:a crzzr. rin telit! r' c:i.c-- . , r.Auditor

r.o. rxCell TtlepSttM Ho, s,- Cltf

v .iii, . .

DIBEOTOB3: S6 and i California St., Snn Fmneiaeo.1 THE

1 LBiADINQ T&J?&R& O' THE KINGDOMfe lSb215-l- y , -

rUlj ?0Boxjj97.Ben. O. B. Clabop. Boa. B. Watarhouse

' ' ' ' If

Page 2: O.TT, · 2015-06-02 · Commercial Advertiser J. B. CASTLE, Australian Mail Service MS-f f; J D Commission Merchant. CASTLE & COOKE, r I3 IMPORTERS,-PUBLISHED Mri. 1 j Office-Cartw-right

" - ' .."' '- - - - ' - ' ' . " - ' '' . . - : ;i -- ' ,1 - . - .:. . j

to:-"--- --'


iiom If vou can say you nave aHILO MAY TERM.",THE ADVERTISER CALENDAR.I VS. :

May, 18UO.

as to warrant action by the Secre-tary of tho Treasury. . In all aboutforty Chinese have been detectedin crossing the border, while othersare known to have crossed. Theplan of operations is simple. The


8u. Mo. Tn. W. Th. Fr. 8a. Moon's Phases.

12 3 May 4Full Moon.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 jJ--n :.

11 12 13 IT IT IT TTMay 18 .

Id 19 20 21 22 23 24 New Moon.May 26 .

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 First Quarter.

"FIJESSB8. HOLLISTERifA the attention ; of the

& CO., WOULDlovers of




Direct from the PactoJ





CO148 1304

Those in search of a pleasant smoke will do' rveutobefore purchasing.



Druggists and Tobac


aiidHog PoultryA Certain Cure for the Diseases of




1st. It puts your pigs in first-clas- s condition.2d. It stops cough, and regulates the towels.

Jt T 111 1 I lTi .ou. xi, wmnropsuwa ucaiuiy uuring pregnancy, and siiDeriniW' ' ;progeny.

4th. It will arrest disease in every instance, if administena uJlarr am hovnnH ttm moK nf oi ' m


i.u. u. narmony ixxige, no. 6 ai :ju iI

Band Concert At Emma Square ai7:30 p. m.

K. of P. Special meeting Mystic Lodgeat 7:30 p.m.

Honolulu Rifles Battalion drill at 7:30P.M.


Pacific Commercial Atoto.Be just and fear not:

Let all ne ends thoa aim'st at beThy Country's, thy Ood's. and Truth's.

MONDAY, MAY 12, 1890.


Our San Francisco correspondentwrites under date of May 3d, onehour before tho Mariposa sailed,that a decision was expected thatday in the American Refinery case,now Vefore the Supreme Court.Tho decision had been written andwas in the hands of the type-writer. Our correspondent hadhad a private intimation that thedecision was against the refinery. I


Per S. S. Mariposa, San FranciscoMay 3, 1899.

(From Our Special Correspondent.)

Sugar News.New York, May 3d, Cuban cen-

trifugal 9G degrees 5 9 -- 16c; granu-lated 6 1 c-- 3-1 6.

Tho local market for sugar hasnot changed for some weeks andshows no sign of doing so. Importsof refined by rail from Louisianacontinue large and shipments ofraw are made there whenever anysugar consigned to the AmericanCompany is received.

There is nothing new to recordthis week in tho tariff fight beforeCongress. Congressman KcKennaand the beet sugar men, the caneproducers, the sorghum experimenters and the Eastern refiners toa man arc . preparing, for a strongresistenco to any considerable reductions. Indications point to aconsiderable cut by the House ifnot a total abolition of tho duty asproposed-- A

byIItho McKinley



i& is generally oeiievea mat tneSenate wilt spoil tho calculations ofthe free sugar men.

Spreckels' New Yacht.'It was announced this week that

Commodore Philip Caduc of thePacific Yacht Club had bought thebig steel sloop Volunteer, the great' craft which defeated the Thistle inthe last race for the America's cup.rt.A 4..ni.u iu: j.nutu VJ. m i lupui u was soon

ascertained, and now it is.

learneda l j j l rt m 1inai ine opreckeis Drotners arecontemplating the construction ofa stoel yacht here to meet , herwhen she comes this way. IrvingM. Scott of the Union Iron Works

'says that it would not surprise himto receive such an order at any daynow.' Commodore McDonough's newand beautiful yacht Jessie has beencompleted, oeverai aays ago adiscussion aroso between him andJohn D. Spreckels regarding therelative speed of the Jessie and theLurline, and a race was proposed.It was agreed to have an open seacontest, beginning on June 12th.On that day tho yachts will startfrom the Uin House and proceedto banta Cruz, which will be thefirst stage of the race. Adolph

, Spreckels will sail the Lurline that

5th. It destroys worms and hastens maturity.6th. It is a thorough preventive. , Feeders who use it all the year

no disease among their swine: .' 7th. It will repay its cost many times over in the extra poudiwill make without extra feed. Hogs treated with it will gain twoornm

wu.wo c ww. me reason is n regulates the digesmtkand enables the animal to convert every- - particle of food eaten into paiim8 no waste. Hundreds of testimonials from breeders in England,

7 TESTIMONIALS:well ed gain flesh ft. . QT J.T WAtTONTSSg'

( Purveyor to H. M. the Queen and H. R. H. the Prince i


" Yamashiro MaruYOUNG, Commander.

Will leave Honolulu for the above portson or about

MAY 24th,For freight or passage, having superior

caDin ana steerage acoommoaauons, appiyto-.;- -


Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,,106 :- -. AGENTS.

Ex Bark Jolm D. Brewer



Offer For Sale,

A Variety of Vehicles

Consisting of

Side Bar and Corning Buggies,

Extension Top Cabriolet,

Village Carts,

Ext Top 2-se- at Side Bar,

From the Celebrated Manufactory of Qeo'.j. ttrowneu, new uedford. Also,



MULE CARTS,Of the well-know- n Dole & Osgood make.

fiCTThe public are invited to inspecttnese uooas at tne store ot


101 1321-l- m 34 Queen Street.


Book, News and Stationery Store


Full Supply of

Spalding's Baseball Goods,

Including Bats, Masks, Gloves, LeagueBalls, etc. Fine new line of

Croquet, Lawn Tennis, Indian (Ms,all weights; etc,


. -- : f Etc., Etc.

Sole Agent for the

Merritt Type Writer.An Instrument which has no equal forthe money-pr- ice $17.50. Circulars' for-warded on application.

THOS. G THRUM,vnopmitTAn.

1303-15- 1- w ;

Just Received.Fer S. S. Oceanic and Bark Velocity, from

China and Japan, . ,

Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods

SILKS,Sillc Handkerchiefb, r

- Dinner and Tea StB,: ; Rattarf: Chairs,

Flower Pots and Vases,C Lanterns, Bamboo Baskets, Etc. '

WING WO TAI & CO.. - r 25 Nnuann Street .

: 1

82-l- m


Merchant Tailor,- MAMDFACTUKEB '''';:: O- P-

Gentlemen's UnderclotMng" And Furnishing Goods.

Woolen and Pongee Coats, Wool, Calico.German and Linen Shirts.Finest Brands na and lltnih Cgxri

9 Ring Stroot. ' 1VI


ATTORNEY -- AT - LAW:;' '? r."y,y' -- y - and

Agent to take AcknowledgrnenUV-- a? 13 Kafhnmanu 8treeIiono.

reasonable doubt then acquit, but ifthere is no reasonable douot in yourmind no matter where it strikes yourender your verdict accordingly.

Tne examination oi wiiuwsbw iurprosecution was then proceeded with.


One of the" passengers on the Mariposa was 'Mr. S. M. Sayford theevangelist of Boston, Mass., who hascome to hold special revival services.The first one was at the Y. M. O. A.hall Sunday afternoon. The attendance was large and a marked degreeof interest manifested. Mr. Sayfordspoke entirely without notes and toth delierht and edification of all. Atthe close of his address he requestedall who wished to renew their cove-

nant with God to manifest it bystanding, when nearly the entireaudience rose to their feet.

In the eveniner he spoke at theCentral Union church to a crowdedaudience. His subject was "Theconditions of discipleship and hismanlv and able presentation of gospel truth was greatly enjoyed, andsatisfied his hearers that he was arjreacher of no ordinary ability. Hespeaks with great clearness and emDhasis.

The next service will be at the Y.M. C. A. hall Tuesday evening.

Personal Mention.Mr. Harold M. Sewall, the U.S.

Consul at Samoa, was a . throughpassenger on the Mariposa. We hada very pleasant caii irom mm.

Mr. Henry J. McCoy, GeneralSecretary of the San Francisco Y. M.C. A., was a passenger on theMariposa, and will remain herea month to enjoy much-neede- d

rest. Mr. McCoy is one of the mostable Y. M. C. A. secretaries- - m thoworld, and we give him a cordialwelcome and hope he will regain hishealth while here. . -

Mr. P. Lewis, father of the Lewisbrothers, the well-know- n grocers, ar-rived on the Mariposa on a visit, accompanied by Mrs. Lewis.

Mrs. J. C-William- son (MaggieMoore) and a number of actresses,passed through to the Colonies onthe Mariposa.

cdj dinxTtiscmcnts.

Royal Hawaiian -

OPERA HOUSE !: L. J. Levey 5 !h v.I'a:-:.,.- . 'Lessee. 1

On Tuesday and Friday EveningsMay 13th and 16th.


MS: : JSpecial engagement of the World's

- Greatest1

.Psychological Phenomenon,

In a varied entertainment of SpiritualTests and Mind Reading. The most wonderful test medium in existence, standingwithout a rival and offering an open chal-lenge of $5,000 to anyone who will provems lesis noi genuine,:

Populab Peices Dress Circle and Par- -quette (reserved seats) $1; Balcony antwauery ouc. uox rlan at 1j. j . Levey's.

While in this city Mr. Slater wilgive private tests in his parlor at the Hawanan Hotel. - 112-- 2t

HEWETT & JAC0BSEN,Accountants, Collectors, Commission Agents

. and Custom House Brokers.Auditing accounts, posting up tradesmen'scooks, taxing stocx, engrossing legal documents, or copying manuscript, etc.. etcCompetent and reliable freight clerks fortne aenvery and tallying of cargoes.

Office at Hcstace & Robertson's Queerstreet. P. O. Box No. 189.

Mutual Telephone, 19; Bell Telephone,x. 112-l- m

''Card oi Thanks.

MR. F. HORN-DESIRE- S TO THANKail tnose who assisted in saving his

Sruperty irom oeing aestroyea by nre onevening. 112-- lt

i Notice.

A HAS BEENiormea between. . lienmmin w Tk,ii;nt r w V suam. juarx i&oDinson, and Williamvasue, unaer the firm name of the Ha-

waiian Construction Company. All of saidpartners reside in Honolulu, on the Islandof , Oahu. The business of said concern.shaU be: the construction and equipmentof railways; filling and grading land:stone-crushin- g and quarrying ; the manu-facture of road grading material ; the con-struction of wharves, piers and docks;waterworks construction: and all businessincidental to or connected with any of saiddepartments. The said concern shall havean office in Honolulu on the Island ofOahu,' but it proposes to undertake busi-ness in all parts of the Hawaiian Islands.The said partnership dates from the 1st dayof April.1890. . - v - .

Dated Honolulu, May 13. 1890,Hawaiian Construction Company by


1322-2-W lll-7-t


MR. BARNFIELD WILL RESUME. on TUESDAY, May 6th.Drawing and Painting in Oils and Water

Colors Light and shade. Still Life andFigure Painting. . :- r '

Tuesday, Friday,-an- d Saturday after-noons, from 2 to 5 o'clock. - Studio.Spreckels Block, Fort street. 100-2-w


82.50: por BbL

iScliwiiElfc104-t- f SOLE AGENTS.

H5f THE DAILY ADVERTISERyon want the Izizzt non

The HonoHaa itturuer i;ase on

Before a Foreign Jury A Mo'tlon forChange of Venue Denied.

BEFORE JUDD, C. J.Hilo, Tuesday. May 6, 1890.

The Court opened at 10 a. m. andHawaiian jurors wera cauea anaanswered to their names.

Hex vs. KTalumaloa was....called and--rr

indictment read against mm. nepleaded guilty and the sentence oithe Court was passed on mm atonce, for having opium in possession,fine 50 and one hour imprisonmentat hard labor.

The calendar was then gonethrough with, the defendant'sj . . - njanswering as tneir cases were caneuThe whole calendar numbers thirtytnree caseS; nine criminal, native,fourteen criminal, foreign, four civiland six divorce.

The case of Eex vs. Messrs. Mills,Blabon. Watson and Steele, murderof a Japanese K. Goto, was thencalled. Deputy Attorney-Gener- a

Creighton and Mr. Peterson for theCrown, and Messrs. Paul Neumannand D. H. Hitchcock in behalf of theJapanese Government, and MessrsHatch and Davidson in behalf of thedefendants.

Mr. Hatch appears for Messrs.Steele and Watson and Mr. Davidsonfor Messrs. Mills and Blabon.

The indictment was read to thedefendants, but their plea was nottaken at that time.

Copies of indictment W8re thenasked for by the defense, as alsocopies of affidavits for the Crown, inreference to the inability of gettinga fair trial in this circuit.

The matter was discussed for afew minutes and then a motion for achange of venue of entered. Thearguments in this matter was post-poned until 1 p. m.

As there were a few minutes be-

fore 12 m. the case of H. Eldarts vs.Alice Eldarts, divorce, was calledand after the examination of twowitnesses the divorce was granted.The Court then, adjourned until1p.m.

At 1 p. m. Court convened and thearguments pro and con in referenceto the motion of change of venuewere ably discussed by both prosecution and defense. The Judge thengave his decision stating that JudgeLyman and himself were not of tiieopinion that there had been sufficientgrounds shown for the removal ofthe cause to another circuit, andtherefore the motion was overruled.

Wednesday, May 7th, 9 a.m.,After the opening of Court the

pleas of the defendants J. R. Mills,Wm. Blabon,-Watso- n and ThomasSteele were taken. One and allplead not guilty.

Ifc ook nearly all day to empanela jury that was satisfactory. Finally,

iU1,u"ius JU1J was sworn: d.Purvis, C. McLennan, E. J. Weight,W. B. McCubbin, E. Blaisdell, Chas.Lehman, J. Sherman, J. Devereanx,A. W. Heydtman, J. Nicholas, E. J.Cobb, J. Bohenberg. .

Thursday, May 8, ff a. m.Mr. Peterson asks to have wit

nesses in case excluded. After a fewpreliminary proceedings, Mr. Peter80n opened the case for the peopleHe said: May it please the Courtand gentlemen of the iurv: On the28th of October last such a case oflynching, unknown in these Courts,was cumuiittuu. iuo iuau was luunuStrung up to a telephone posttiedhand and foot, and neck broken. Wewill show to your satisfaction that inthis village of Hondkaa, the manGoto was killed and that on theplantation of Mr. Overend Japanesewere at work.

In the same place Mills has a storeand Blabon was employed in thatstore from time to time. Steele andWatson at that time were workingfor Overend, Steele as head luna andWatson as head teamster. A littleover a week before the lyching a fireoccurred in the cane fields of Over-en- d,

and I hope to show you that itwas set by the Japanese on the plan-tation. There had been some mis- -understanding between the men andMr. Overend in regard to the payment of their wages and the nre wasthe result of the misunderstanding.About one week after the fire theJap, Goto, was hung. He was a Japstorekeeper, had a store of quite gooddimensions; had - worked himselffrom a common laborer to the posi-tion he then held. He left his homeon the eve of his murder to consultthe Japs about the misunderstandingwith the plantation 'and' left themabout 10 p. if. That was the lasttime he was seen alive by the Japs,but the murderers were the last tosee him alive. We will show youthat Mr. Steele met Goto going totown, and that be went and had aninterview with Mr. Overend. Wewill show you that he was caughtand hauled from his horse, his handsand feet tied, and then taken to thetelephone pole and hung. We willnot show that he was killed by. thehanging, but by the pulling from thehorse; that he was hang to the tele-phone posi as a mere matter of brav-ado; hung to the pole nearest to theCourt house. This is . the evidencein short. .We will show that thecause of that murder was the fire inthe cane field. That the members ofthe plantation suspected Goto as theringleader in the matterand thatthey were going to extort' from himthe facts and who set fire to the cane.

This is the most serious case evertried on these islands. y hJury - men are bound by oath tojudge fairly between the people onthe one side, for who does the,Crownrepresent but the people, and thesegentlemen on the other, and if yonare satisfied that the people have notgiven yon enough evidence, .then ac-quit, but if' the evidence is enoughfor conviction then never mind howmuch you may think of them aswhite men against Japs, - it is yourduty to bring in a verdict against

M.wtwwjc nt ucau tjy i io use more man covers tne cost,i - GILLILAND, HACKWORTH & BUCKLES,


1 i: i' . J

- j J


4 H &


.i.f y. I


, .i


i 1

Chinese come here " in transit toEnsenada or Guaymas. They arctransferred to the Mexican steam-ers and are landed at their destina-tions, subsequently making theirway into the United States.

No Outbreaks.The Labor Day demonstration of

jyiav 18t, wnicn was so iearea inw

incident. Kiotincr occurred atPest, Hungary, and Turcoing inFrance, but otherwise everythingwas oraeriv. ine ceie oration mrJoTrnanv vena nnt. nosr! v ta In vrroXJ1 j a tu au v u v v s v a y - fa. 'w" . . " I

as was expectea. xne aay wasgenerally observed in England,b ranee, Austria and Spam, but inItaly demonstrations were forbidden by the authorities.

In America the movement tookthe nature of t demand on the partof the carpenters for eight hourswork a day instead" of nine or. ten.Strikes occurred in Chicago, Bostonand Philadelphia, but elsewherethe day was not observed as completely as the agitators hoped itwould be.

The San Francisco carpentersheld a picnic May Day, and yester-day resumed work as usual. TheOakland carpenters are now working eight hours only and in thirty- -seven breweries in ban rrancisco,San Jose, Oakland and Sacramentothe hours of labor were cut fromten to nine and an advance of $1per week in wages granted.

, . San Francisco News.

a. J5. ocnwartsRopi, wno repre-sented himself as an adjuster of theNew York Mutual Life InsuranceCo., committed suicide at the Baldwin Hotel on tne 1st inst.. ratherthan be arrested for obtainingmoney under false pretenses.

Frank Williams, the stage robber, who held up nine stages lastfall, has been sentenced to life imprisonment for his crime.

Mrs.Sarah Althea Terry succeed-ed in raising a row at her bo ne inFresno, April 24th; She created adisturbance in the law office of N.C. Caldwell, who had her ejected.She afterwards threatened to killhim.

A canal, six miles long and fifteen deep, is to connect Sin Josewith the waters of the bay.

It is authontively announcedthat tho sale of the Wieland brewery to the English brewing syndicate has been consummated. Theprice is $2,650,000 of which $1,650,- -000 is cash and the balance is inbonds.

C. P. Huntington has been visit- -ing in Oregon. He is still engagedin elaborating on h s auarrel withSenator Stanford. '

Philip Armour the Chicagopacker nas announced his intention of erecting a great pork andbeef packing house near the Hunter s Point dry dock.

vnaries uiarne nas been con- -

victed of the murder or CaptainDuncan Logan of the Pacific Coastoteamsujp company.

James truiler a representative ofthe Bisdon Iron Works has re--turned from Washington where hewent io investigate , ine awaramg I

of contracts for new men-of-war.- 'I.....m f - 1 j--mxne xtisaon company will it issaid bid on all government work,having concluded an arrangementwith the ifacme KoIIing Mill.

The moulders strike is withoutfeature. The men appear to havelost as their places are nearly allhiied by non-unio-n men.

The trial of George C. Pratt forthe attempted murder - of L. L.Bromwell has begun, y

An English ; company has purchased 1,200 : acres of land in. theSan Felipe Valley near Gilroy andwill engage In tobacco growing.

A battle between the union fishermen of the Columbia and theiremployersr is on with chances fayonng the latter.

. American NewsAnother Benwell mystery is an

ticipatod by. the police of Montreal.A young 'Englishman named lumber disappeared mysteriously therea few days ago. When last seenhe was in the company of twostrangers and be had plenty ofmoney on bis person.

It has been learned that the manwho shot John M. Clayton - a Be- -

uunuau vuugicDBiuiiai uauuiuatcin Conway county, Arkansas, in1888 vwas Thomas, Hooper whodied in California some months ago.He did not shoot Clayton for poli-tical reasons, but mistaking him forPowell Clayton ex-Gover- nor ofArkanas fired from revenge.

The electrocution of Kemmlerthe NewJTork murderer, has beenfurther delayed by a' writ of habeascorpus from the United States cir-cuit court of New York to deter,mine the constitutionality of thatmode of execution. The fight isbeing made by the New York elec-tric light companies. -

; Representatives : of the UnitedStates, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Sal-vador, Honduras. Bolivia, Ecuador,Peru and Brazil have signed theinternational American treaty ofarbitration, and the Other Americanrepublics are expected to do theSame. - yy'Z

President Harrisoii I has sicmedthe bill appropriating $200,000 fora public --building at San Jose, Cal.

x, is announcea from Washing-ton that the' governments of Eng-land and the United States are fur-ther apart than ever on their nego-tiations' regarding the Bebring Sea.

' V .. "Coffevviatl"A good investment as a pork producer, to say nothing of its preyentai

T. ft WW11W rL.. v2jMJfm II UUlO) xwerue, AOU

hLk0 n? think H ?5fe to ? out Hass Remedy to prevent disease,

I am sure it is a valuable medicine as well as a pork producer.

B. F. DORSE Y, Breeder Perrj.I

CFOR SALE with Directions for Use by

7'i HENBY DAVIS & CO,1322111-2-m - Eieluave Agents for the Hawaiian li;


Opened on Saturday last, an entirely new Stock of Goods, exconsisting of all kinds of


All of which will be sold at very low prices.

CCJ"A first-clas-s cutter is,employed, and all clothes made at oor

ment will be guaranteed a first-clae-s fit. - yj

PACIFIC HARDWARE 00,1B. P. DiunoHAli t Pres. J jo. Spefckb, Mknager. t t.


Piano Lamps, Banquet Lamps, Library 1

Lamp and ChandelierJust Received from the Factory.

A KEW LIKE OF" BEFRIGER$A Pull Line of the Favorite

EddyX and Ice Chests.

; far. After a week at Santa Cruz,the yachts will head for San Diego,with John D. Spreckels guidingthe Lurline. Tho outcome of therace is awaited with interest as thoJessie is a trim and swift vessel,while tho Lurline is admittedly oneof tho fastest oh the bay. '

Accident to Captain Douglass.Captain Douglass whoso ruddy

face and foghorn voice are familiar; to every ono landing at the Oceanic

dock met with quite a serious acci-dent on the morning of the -- 28thult. He and Captain Potter lateof the bark Ferris S. Thompsonwere driving down Market streetand when near Front a runawayspan of horses collided with theirbuggy, capsizing it,- - Both gentle- -mien were thrown out and CaptainPotter sustained some severebruises, while Captain Douglasswas : thrown oh his head and re-veeive- d

injuries of a serious char-acter. The 'buggy was caught be-tween two, cable cars and com- -



PACIFIC HARDWARE CO--11-t- d Fort and

' pletely demolished. ' ;. ; - y

Irrepressible Chinese. ' ':y '

A new Chinese invasion , hassprung up by way of San Diego

: aud Mexicov which wi thin .two" months reached such proportions

CIGARS AND TOBACCOI -- 0f cbet qo&lity and cheap.


Q & E Street,W tcrt V Ec--hhi


WeeMv GcsoStsi and Daily

0: y y'sy f y

--mm 11

Page 3: O.TT, · 2015-06-02 · Commercial Advertiser J. B. CASTLE, Australian Mail Service MS-f f; J D Commission Merchant. CASTLE & COOKE, r I3 IMPORTERS,-PUBLISHED Mri. 1 j Office-Cartw-right

i'j' '."O

. I



I W W mmm ..i W MF. &af AL JJ I M'i I 1 n M k. fr 1 fr--1 M Li' I IHI . f 11 I IL1 X - B mtmT I IT .

SdVfrliseutfnls.Mr. F. Horn publishes a card of An I nciting Ten-Inni- ng Game of Base

thanks. That SMrt ButtonCan get a man's dander riz," and cause

ball with the Hawaiis In the Lead.The game of baseball on SaturdayMr. A. L. Smith ODens his nw LE0NHAED .& ROSS,store this morning. , afternoon was between the Stars and

p. M.



. 9:00. 9:4S.11:00.11:48

more confusion and bad language when itisn't there, than anything we know of. It ifalways the little thines that worrv a man or- -Messrs. Hewett and Jacobsnn h

a business card elsewhere.

Hawaiis. The weather was threatening in town, but out at the groundsit was exceedingly pleasaht for agame of ball and there was the usual

in this world, and wear him out and bring I TTT Thim down to fill an early grave. If on lUKCjrJdL, WASHING-TON- .

rising in ine morn in er he nts his nakedA notice about the PjuMfip shrw; foot on the business end of a tin tack.that's GIVE NOTICEA 3. gallery appears in this issue. big crowd in attendance. Messrs.p. M.3:C03:484:054:53

p. M.12:301:11:432:31

H. M. Whitney, Jr., and W. Lucasfcol-'- ioiis

ban3 11:00 THAT ORDERS FOR " SUNNYSIDE M PROPERTY AT PRESENTprices must be sent not later than bv the 'Umad" leAvinff IlnnolnlnPurser Thos. Smith of t,h Mnri. were the umpires and gave greatK3,n".':il posa has our thanks for files of late on the 31st of May, 1890.satisfaction." Mek pitched for. the

another little item that gets his " hairoff." It's always the small matters thatcause the trouble, a fag end of a cigaretteburned down Chicago; a little stream ofwater half an inch wide, washed away thed.-it- of Couemaugh and lost ihou-an-

ds oflive., at the Johnstown di.as.er. So it iswith disease, it begins in a small way andgradually extends its ramifications untilit is complete master of the situation, andthen it is, probably, too late to do anygood. The way to allay disease is to at

papers.One-four- th of the purchase money is sufficient to secure a contract.Uawaiis, and did fairly well. Little

A Big Blase on Hotel Street at MidnightSaturday-Ch- as. Hall Loses His Life.i The dread fire alarm rang out

again just before" 1 midnight Satur-day; summoning the fire departmentto Hotel street, between Fort andNuuanu streets. Between Horn'sbakery and Gonsalves' brick buildingthere are nine stores, and when thefiremen arrived there eight of themwere on fire. The fire started asnear as can be found in the rear of afurniture store kept by a Portu-guese, where was a room occupiedby Chinese. The probability is thatsome of them 'were there smokingopium. . Nothing definite can belearned. The eight stores were oc-

cupied as follows, commencing fromNunanu street direction: W. Miller,cabinet maker; barber's shop, Portu-guese; shoe store; barber's shop;Chinese coffee shop; furniture store,Portuguese; Loo Joe, tailor; WoHop, coffee saloon. Next to the lat-le-r

store is the building best knownas Ramsey's grocery store.

a smoker. Holhster & Co. will sellThompson played a capital game atshort stopin the second innings re

Price of Inside Lots ....$ 150 00 eachPrice of Corner Lots 175 00 each "

The above notice does not apolv in those cases whera th rtmnnnltinni omft -

you one.already in course of negotiation. ,tack it in its initial stages : when sicknessThe Mariposa brought thirfcv-thr- A is coming on it always gives ample warn INVESTORS WILL - LEASE STA TE I

tiring all three of the Stars. Pryceplayed well at first, in fact all of theHawaiis are to be credited with play-ing a very good game and to. some

ing, the symptons are slight, perhaps, butbags of mail for the Post Office and50,000 in gold coin. 1st If they are American citizens. 2d If not themselves American citizens, butnonetheless important: approaching dis

61ease always casts its shadows before, differ married to the daughter of an American citizen give wife's full name.LEONHARD & ROSS, Honolulu Block,

1274 112-l- y ' Ellensbnrgh. Wash.There were four fires, two dnnfhn

-- c au p vu - . Kjuma ent people get ainerenc symptoms, onescored five runs in the first innings. I gets headache, another neuralgia, a third

Vd jioon.

---J tD-- l QD

5. r -- , - c 2- - 3r; 3s sh: if - s

i! . j a.m.30! 6.30 1.23pe'J. P

f"2 J"Si5.22 6.30 2.101-- 5.22 6.31 2.

B- - ft 5.22 6.31 3.26' 5.21 6.31 4.03: L0 J'S 5"S 21 6.32 4.41

Si:!S J:v: l . mt

from burninsr and one mnrrW in a fourth loss of appetite, and soRosa made a most difficult catch of ?on. Any constitutional disturbance must9 I oat manlruonoiuiu aurin a fly in right field for which he wasapplauded.

Messrs. Hollister & Co 's tale abont The btars are credited with ten CLIMAX BAKING POWDERtell you that the processes of life are notproperly progressing, that some part ofthe human machinery is disorganized andif you neglect this irregularity, chronicdiscease will positively result. Hundredsof people are hurried into untimely graves

"That shirt button" in this issue isworth reading as it well put together.

errors, one of which, made by Wode-hous- e

at third was very costly, letI i

I . ' . . a . T1 n I n t7 tnrougn neglect oi tne nrst symptoms. Wewant you to know that Clemekts' Tonic isThe S. F. Alta says, the enerasre- - The fire spread with amazing ra;

idity and the flames were exceei

ting in two men. Winter scooped afly in line style and had to dofl hishat. J. Perry did some good batting. the article that will arrest the progress ofment is announced of H. Calvin

Pressler of Honolulu and Miss S. "E.

Pn?3!S!S sial from thebblVt Honolulu mean noon.

past 1 o'clock33 ec.tin t 8m n tlL to correspondP b! chrcnoinete set

disease ot au Kinas it taen at the onset.At the end of the . ninth innings Clements' Tonic is an article that has


40 Cents a lb. only Try one Can and you will always use it.Hegland of Alameda. never yet and never will fail to regulate allthere was a tie. - The Stars went in

and were whitewashed. Rosa andM?f?rfMrr xnd jeweler. iu. jjiweasw ui -i- iiiu-j m, i. aias perspi-ration and respiratiou. secretion .digestion,assimilation, elimination and excretion?

Five tons of bituminous rock Thompson made base hits while Kaiastruck out. Dan then got hold of it stimulates the liver and cleanses the conblocks formed part of the cargo of

the Mariposa. It will be used onstreet pavement here.

thn haf.ATirl Vtif. n. rtAAntir in loft fiolrl gested hsepatic glands and ducts and renalI ........ .( ii j jhnnmntr in Rnaa nnrt Thnmnsnn and f""1 014 "riu ana impure accumu SPECIAL RATES TO JOBBERS.

HENRY DAVIS & CO.,There will be a special meeting of

winning the game amid the wildest stomach and regulates the bowels andenthusiasm. We are compelled to bracesupthewholecorporalstructure.ltholdover a full report of the play. SEISf'STS alaria"d asQe it pre--

. . and depressionin ? i : so nre--


J P E2l!j-- S 69' 3!5'Sr n 83 0 00 W 2 as J

;J 6S 85 0.00 70 4stoN 20.00 68 N 1jaj,

Mystic Lodge No. 2 K. of P. at 7:30o'clock this evening, to confer theranks of page and esquire. : uiiowing is me score: valent in the hot weather, enriches the

blood, restores all lost nerve power, and 109-G- m Exclnsive Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.STABS. gives tone to the system. Clements' Tonicwill do all this and more, it will save life.The Yale Hawaiian Club recently NAMES. ABe fie BH O Ae

entertained Mrs. P. C. and Miss Ada and the evidence which we have receivedfrom its influential patrons and the eulo-gistic press notices, are sufficient to proveWilder, Chan. c... 6 0 2 10 0 1Jones in New Haven. The occasion

was one of mutual interest and en Wdder. Chas. s.s.. 6 2 0 0 1 3i?I3a INTELLIGENCE. the above statements even to the mostChandler, p 5 11 0 16 1 sceptical, and we will send comes on annli. TAHITI WIjoyment. ferry. J ., r. 1 5 2 3 2 o l cation to F. M. Clements, Newtown,Wodehouse. E.3b. 5 11 2 0 1ARRIVALS.

Saturday, May 10. Every member of the Honolulu Perry. A.. 1st b... 5 0 1 8 0 0 To be had, wholesale or retail, offrom Molokai. Conrad, c.f....... .5 2,2 I 0 1Rifles will find a battalion order inWinter. l.f....... 5 12 110,u. Loreiizeu. from Mam and

--:o:-Carter, 2d b 5 1 1 4 0 2 HOLLISTER & CO., 109 Fort Stanother column. It is for drill thisevening at 7:30 o'clock, and let everyman be there.tliriposa,

Haywanl, from San

Pepeekeo. Hawaii.Total, 47 10 13 28 18 10 1320 102-l- m

A. L. SMITHHAWAII. The Only Steam Soda Worlts in the

Hawaiian Islands.Lfro'uiFuKet Sound. Chas. C. Hogan who got away names. A.B It SII O AScsday, iNiay 11. with $6,000 belonging to the Safety

v. n.oms frnm Mnni Thompson, s.s..-.- . 6 1 2 3 6 3liala, Freeman, from Kauai. Nitro Powder Company of SanFrancisco of which he was secretary, K.aia. c. f 6 2 1 0 0 1 Will Open His Not Store for Business

uni. w eir. irom nawmu Dan, c. .. 6 .1 2 6 3 0is said to be in Honolulu.Wickman, Irom Jureh-a- . yee. lstb 4 1 1 11 0 1 MANUFACTURERS OFLuahiwa. 3db 5 2 13 10.The barkentine Planter now on Keohokalole. 2d b. 5 2 1110

ingly fierce. The department res-ponded promptly and soon No.'s 1, 2,4 and China companies had streamson. The firemen did splendid work,and it is owing to their efforts thatMr. Horn's premises were saved.They are covered with galvanizediron which was a great protection.Some houses in Fowler's yard weresaved by a number of trees being be-tween them and the fire. Withintwenty minutes of the alarm thedepartment had the fire under con-trol. The eight stores mentionedwere burned so as to be useless.

Unfortunately the fire was attend-ed with the loss of life. Chas. Hall,at one time an express driver, whohad two wooden legs, was burned todeath. What remained of the bodywas found in a room over Miller'scabinet store. An inquest was heldSunday morning by coroner Chas.L. Hopkins and the, following jury:H. Barber, N. P. Jacobson, A. Petrie,J. E. Gomes, J. H. Bruns, GeorgeCrampton, Jr., and M. . Silva.

the evidence of Manuelfromit appears that about 11 o'clockSaturday night he put Hall to bed inthe room in a badly intoxicated con-dition, and that was the last he sawof him. The jury returned a verdictthat Hall came to his death accident-ally by being burned in the fire ofSaturday night. ,r . .

Supreme Court. .

BEFORE BICKERTON, J.- Saturday, May 10.


In probate, estate of J. M. Kapena,deceased. First and final account ofthe administrator, Chas. JT. Gulick,and his petition for discharge. TheCourt ordered that the account beallowed, and he discharged on filinghis final receipts. Receipts,$1,724.06; payments, $1,428.08; bal-ance, $295.98: "VV; O. Smith for peti-tioner.

Police Court.Saturday, May 10.

Ah Chan and Ah Chni were bothfined $14 with $1 costs and sen-

tenced to. one hour's imprisonmentat hard labor for gaming at fan tan.

Two drunks forfeited bail,-a- nd anolle pros, was entered againstDillon charged with

'larceny of


ON MONDAY MORNING, MAY 12, 1890.0EFAKTUKE8.Saturday, May 10. Self. If 5 1 2 3 0 0

Meek, p .... 5 0 0 1 6 0Uposa for the Colonies. A m aRosa, r. f 4 1 1 2 0 0 Gmger Ale,Among tne new lines oi goods are a Plain, Sweet and Cream Soda,islam lor nooiau.

the way to Honolulu has on boardthe steam locomotive General Val-lej-o,

which for nine years past hasbeen on the Sonoma run. It will beused on the railroad running from

choice lot of Ferns. Also. Fern Stands.46 11 11 30 17 5Total.L3 LEAVING TO-DA- Y. One man out when winning run was Fan Racks, Cane Stands. - A choice lot of

Box Stationery, Hand Mirrors, Japanesemade.Honolulu to Pearl Harbor.Lampsonfor San Francisco. CHAMPAGNE CIDER, SARSAPARILLA,Boxes, assorted sizes; one Japanese CabScore by inning- s-jlii. McGreiror, for Lanai andinet, Kekimonas, something neat for win500000131 010StarsOn Tuesdav eveniner. Mr. John dow and house decorating; Waste Paper,004110400 111Hawaiis .

for Kohala.oi for Koholalele. MINERALS WATERS, ETC.Flower, Lunch and Work Baskets ; PortSlater, the great psychological phen-

omenon, will give a spiritual test Earned runs-r-Hawaii- s 2, Stars 5.Two base hits Dan 2, J. Perry, 1, Con folios, Cigar and Cigarette Holders ; Letter

and mmd-readm- g entertainment, at. Registers, Stamp Boxes, Ink Stands, Whiskrad I.PASSENGERS.

ARRIVALS. the Opera House. His entertainmentSOLE PROPRIETORS OF BAILETS SARSAPARILLA AND IRON WATER,Broom Holders, Cut Flower Holders, Card

Cases, Card Counters, Ladies' Scent andThree base bit Pryce,Stolen base Hawaiis 8, Stars 5,Bases on balls By Chandler 2.Passed balls Dan 2. Wilder 3.

Francisco, per S S Mariposa, is a wonderful and mysterious onethroughout. Secure your seats earlys Jl A Askeau, Ehrlich , J J? Salt Bottles, Brush and Comb Holders,

pife, Mrs John Grace and two at L. J. Levey's office. Umpires H. M. Whitney, Jr., andW. Lustral Wire Ware, consisting of Soap









i, h




-- , '4

"i .

JHorner, Miss Horner, P Lewis, Lucas. Holders, 8ponge Holders, Coffee and Tea:er and infant, J Lyons, MrsA meeting of the British -- Benevo Factory: jTo. 33 Nuuanu . St.Scorer Sam Louisson.

Time of Game 1 hr. 55 min.and child, W A Mansheld, W pot Stands, Music Racks, Table Castors.slater, Thos H McGuire, Mrs lent Society was held Saturday even-

ing at the British club, when itrwas--I 1 I 11 1A

Also, Pocket Knives, Scissors, DomesticSewing Machines, Paper Fashions, etc.,

re.;H J McCoy, A Moore and MUTUAL, TELEPHONE SCO; BELL. 372.Kaipb, Mi9s ltalph, Mrs Mero Stiftrct'isnnmts.' etc. New goods and novelties will be addedaeciaea oy aaopuon oi a resuiuuuu

not to be necessary to make any pretwo children, S M SSayford, Hf U Worswick, K R iSmith, D. T. BAILEY, Manager.from time to time. lll-2-w

and 53 in transit. parations for celebrating the Queen'siii, per strar Iwalani, May 11 K. of P.birthday, May zitn, as mere win oe

a regatta and baseball match on thatrarter. lion J W Horner, CHAS. BREWER & CO. 'SChas D Miller. E Jacks. Mrday.iw deck. BENSON, SMITH & CO,

pi.perstrur Mikahala, May 11 Boston Line of Packets.About 2:30 o'clock Saturday morn WILL BE A SPECIALTHERE Mvstic Lodge No. 2. K. of P.P wile, M Z Perriera, M Gibna, Pat Youner. Ah Sow. insr the parlor at the residence of 54HIf(Monday)EVENING,at7:30oclock AGENTS.rs x reuenoerg, iviiss iat-- Mr. Chas. UwlgUt. leJeO. caugnt sharp, at the Castle Hall of Oahu LodgeNth, Miss M Smith, and 55 ' .

IMPORTERS WILL PLEASENo. 1. Fort street, to conter tne itanKS oifire, a lighted lamp having probablyexploded. Mr. Dwight called for Page and Esquire.I. .

per stmr Mokolii, Maytake notice that the fine ;

BARK EDWARD MAY WM. Gr. FISHER'SGEO. C. B'IAI1ik,112-- lt K. of R. & S.assistance and toe nre was put outviba, rather Wendelm and

by buckets of water, but not beforethe furniture had been burned andthe room badly damaged. The loss

ami Hawaii. per stmr Kinau, Will be laid on the berth in Boston to loadder. Ka wr. A Vrrpl Steelfor this port during July next. Kaiifi:Wrought esCooking



(Late of the Customs)

' ' Public Concert. ..

The Hawaiian Band will give a publicconcert at Emma Square this eveningat 7 ;30 o'clock. The following is theprogramme:

HC Bolton, Geo F Deacon,Palania and child, Geo is covered by insurance. For further particulars apply to

Two urominent members of the'JiUeCOta nd wifA Mm W TEGS LEAVE TO INFORM THE With Broiler and Hot Water Attachments.M.io uecs. TTftwAii.in fllnh at; Yale exoect to public, merchants and others, that he

is Prepared to undertake the collection of1. Overture--- A Summer Evening. . .Sup'pe2. Ballad Good Night. i . . . .'. . . . Abt

74 1316--y " "C. BREWER & CO- -

Co-partners- hip Notice.rhw iSflike'Ma5u: spend the summer on the Islands,Dritramond and t ia Aoau,;.t;An or,rl ka bills, appraiser work, and making inven3. Cornet Pola A Mute Smile...,, .Kling

tories ot bankrupt and other stocks. Typef wjtt Faa, Miss Mehlum, tem5lu& V1" .TT. . , , . oeiecuon Aiuia . vcruiPu me hana. Annie Kooney. Bell Telephone 401,PJnaldio, Mrs J G Hawei, Mrs

f i uautrhter. Mrs Oiur. MrsWriting.

103-l- m

uonus Oi loyally iu mtnr isiauuhome. Three others go to Europe P. O. Box No. 333. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT5. Medley Emperors Review Eilenberg

Wfr i C Carney, George H 6. Fantasia Forge in the Forest. -i-icnaeiis Joseph Goo Kim, Goo Yin Fook, LeeFong, Lam Kam Chin, Io Li Shee. LiKong Fee, Li Chan Shee, Wong Muk,Chins Koon Heen. and Goo Chan Sam

7. Waltz Vienna Chronicle Strauss8. Ouadrille Tulipatan Offenbach NOTICE.

-- Hawaii Ponoi.ttmXG NOTES.

on a tour, one to Japan as a mission-ary, under the American Board, andthe rest remain on American soil.The prospects are good for a strongclub for next year, and an increase ofinterest and usefulness. Hawaii is

have this day formed a forthe purpose of carrying on business asTVTTRTNG MY ABSENCE FROM THEPennon passed Honolulu Sat- - V Kindom Mr. T. E. Wall holds my Merchant Tailors and Dealers in Dry Goodsand General Merchandise at the old standof Mr. Goo Kim, Nuuanu street, Honolulu,under the firm name of Goo Kim & Co.

power of Attorney.110-2-w

iW. E. FOSTER.VI ,twani arrived on Snnlftv getting to be known and recognizedf" uawan u'U wwi - I . . n ;a 0wndnes. g sugar i as a factor oi me university jiaw. N OTICE. Li Kong Fee is manager of the said Co., 8TO LET. and no one but tne said i Kong Fee isr" il&a 19 l Kav..1l.V fn, ,M;V"8 on oun- - authorized to sign the firm name on busi

ness transactions, uuu aiM w..Birthday Party.The residence of Mr. and Mrs. H.. "i,ao


Aemort Headquarters 1st Bat. H. V. )

Honolulu, H. I., May 12, 1890.)

Battalion drders No. 1.


SUITE OF FURNISHED ROOMS,pived on u esia apt. AA. Parmelee, Beretania street, was mosauito proof, with fine piano, bath

Li Kono Fee, Manager.Honolulu, May 1. 1890. 105-1-2t

Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms,and drestinz room, suitable for house, o 'Utuuci.keeping 'for a eentleman and wife. Situthe scone of - a very pleasant gather

ing, Saturday afternoon, the occasionJ--i talion is herebv ordered to report attheir Armnrv THIS ( MondavEVRNING.morning

ated in a fine locality on line of streetcars.corn, 39 bagsMay 12th, at 7:30 o'clock, in fatigue uni Addresses.! this oJHce. t; liotwIs' Gulps

to sundrieshorses-12-

2 sheep, so being the birthday anniversary ofCor. Queen and Nuunu Sts.form, for uattaiion urni.

By order of H. F. HEBBARDVhin-rifft- K urou2n"rom Maui Maa Consuming one-thir- d LESS FUEL, either wood or coal, than any other StoveMnlor Com. 1st Fat. H. V. , J? Pianos For Kent, of all descriptions sold on'Goodshffi hgar 324 bae3 lee- - Tne interior of tfce nouse wasPfsundripr1103'24 krnfncftW dfnrftt.fid with flowers commission.E. W. Lakqlky, ,

- Capt. and Adjt. 112-l- t

Kb5.k.e?tine Amelia rf and gi eenery. On the lawn, at the 31-l-yMutual Telephone 631.

in existence. JNo brick work about it, just a clean cat etove, v:

whose Baking qualities are unsurpassed. .,

' Reversible GThis Grate is of a triangular form, having three surfaces which are reversi

PIANOS IN GOOD ORDERMar 6tb I side of the house, was from $4.00 to $7.00 per month.TownUSI10 23 days a temporaryand


Hotel and. Bethel Streets.NOTICE.r'shiniru.1 484,000 feet lanai. covered in with canvas MUSIC DEPARTMENT OFrvj fliiii iu in l .

Ran fon," .::'1"18- - decorated in THE HAWAIIAN NEWSadmirable taste withI aw- -- 123-t- fCOMPANY.KEmSonlna,'t?d Sooner,tt:i'arrived n

ble, bo that a separate top surface can be used on alternate days : or if the onesurface in course of use shows any wear then the other can be turned op, and son&EFs. flowers and palm leaves, lne

TTAVING BOUGHT OUT MR. W. H.affair took the form of an afternoon on the other, making it equal in durability to three distinct Grates.Jtl pee in the Honolulu Carriage .ManuNOTICE.I Uh sugar for San T ONG RANGE. LATEST IMPROVEDtea and was held in the lanai, where factory, at 128 Fort Street, I am preparedsome forty or fifty young ladies who --Li Winchester, Remington and Colts Ri-

fles. Pistol practice $5.00 Jn gold to the to continue ine aoove uusmesa unuci uiem name of Honolulu Carriage Manufac ' '

TOR SALE BY THE Vtierson making the Dest score eacn weesattended, were aeiignuuny enier-taine- d

by Mrs. Parmelee and her rT7T?TN MY TEMPORARY AB- - tory, and being an old experienced carriagebuilder I solicit the patronage of my oldendin Saturday evening at 9 P. m. Stand

from the Kingdom, Dr. E. L.o,;j... daughter. Refreshments of a most HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.;friends and tne puonc in geuenu, anu wiiuthnmneh knowledge of the business

ard American Targets.L..M. JOHNSON,

112-l- w Proprietor. Hn CTM.yWHITNEY.tempting1 nature were served and theoccasion will long be remembered by FORT STREET, (opposite Spreckels Bank), Honolulu. "

'93-t- fand with experienced workmen and usingonly the best material 1 guarantee generalsatisfaction. Please call and see me beforeI Pm 97. K:.. ,

Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Id--WisrT-)- -.'Ik going elsewhere.those present. Miss Parmelee nas avery wide circle of friends who willwish her many, many happy returns ( ands. EGGS FOR SETTINGoi the day. w is Vritw uittkr 'OP LEW SU1 AND

(Dlgneaj uiriv oxmHonolulu, Oct. 28,1889. 103-- tf



I t ut txw. itak. ro-nartn- ers under theOutfit. Address Cash," Advertiser, ; 110-- 3t .Office.


B. M. 8. Mariposa.The B. M. S. Mariposa, Capt. H, L ft IS FROM T HOROUO H-br- ed

White FacedBlack Spanish and

firm name of QUONG YUEN & CO., bank- -i reading and filing the petition oft nA i .an hm Fn of Honolulu, Oa

I ;lfl863j:: ;NOTICE;



fci?28, arrived

SPLIT FOR STOVE USE,M. Hayward, arrived early Saturday rUT AND tBrown Leghorn Hens.(Orders taken for alls kinds of Thorough

1K r nnrri. at thehu, alleging that more than 6 numths haveelapsed since they were 'adjudged bank- -morning, after a good run down hawnTcommercial salesrooms,

.nHiTvMv n0 for a SCUUK 1IVIUY WIFE. MARIA DA CONCE1CAOi?a.ai PA havinv rlpsprtpd from me on bred Poultry from the yards ot one of theM 40-t-f . Cor. Queen and Kunanu ots.

their debts incurred prior to the adjudica- -largest ana Dest isreeaera on tne racincCoast. Apply to ;'

from San Francisco. She left thelatter port May 3d at 3:44 p. m., tothe 7th had light westerly winds and

April 14th, I will not be responsible fordebts contracted by JLj. Pioaiebr SteamwtT : tht MONDAYithe 19th Masquerade Ball.

r- -T n iflflir &t 10 A.K. of that- 8. r. BUIOHIW,

1303 3.3m ' - 182 King Street.--mootn sea, thence to port light N.J GA1IDY FACTDY ADDand E. winds with Rmnnth haa. TherCLI A NOTICE. Honolulu, be and to:?VVW-- :

-- .i tnr hwinnp of said penuonCa tt. Mariposa brought 31 cabin and 20nOKN Prct CciccZcxr, ,A GRAND MASQUERADE BALL

will take rface on WEDNDAY.xto i imn.ftt the Honolulu Bines

when and where all creditors who haveproved their?laims against said tenkrapte Pastry uocx ana r.

Dealer in Choice Ilft-i- ia and Ha- -.1

"ogw passengers ior tnisr port,and had in transit for the Colonieso0 cabin and 28

Tii nv anrvpar ana suuw vo j Armorv. Beretania street, the pro-- TclT77No. 71 UotelCt.rupts k aiwn to the Portuguese airahave why the prayer of aaid banlnhAnM im hp ranted. ' 12SD Otfou.Kir .;ition. Tickets of ad--She left for the Colonies about eight

l)J .x 1- - ; : ... '.;

IS HEREBY GIVEN "THATNOTICE this day oldaUw nght, titleand interest in my Pnt hue of bnsmessas Merchant Tailor and Dry Goods Dealer,at No.-5-9 Nuuanu street, Honolulu, to GooKim & Co. !


-'- ri:-: -

All accounts; due to or owed by me prior.to 1st May, 1890. must be paid to orbvme.

1321-- 2t 103-l- w GOO KIM.

vana Cissr-isxctt- c, ?


Car. Betliel and --Line Streets,3-- r w ''J': '

Dated Honolulu, May 2,1890.A. F JUDDi sYoTiLOoTSnd can be hadof Hawaamn

Vi an;.r Jtr. Cst.. Benson. Smithv wuu--, oaturuay evening.;J X.: escorts Th Adveti b Cj

jocrcslof tha Eorc3.; V- -' f Chief justice Supreme Court. C.1 McCarthV. and96-t-dAdvertise your wants in the Daily "H. J.Nolte. ;Attest: Alfred W. Carter,

105-2-w Second Deputy Clerk.rAcmo Commercial Advebtiseb..T.


- vOr

Page 4: O.TT, · 2015-06-02 · Commercial Advertiser J. B. CASTLE, Australian Mail Service MS-f f; J D Commission Merchant. CASTLE & COOKE, r I3 IMPORTERS,-PUBLISHED Mri. 1 j Office-Cartw-right

t ...'1

..'i tl' J,' " y-- -

; . - ;

MILT iMrttitfl tlftMfettCTAL ADVERTISER, MA 12, 1890,.r 5?; CI- - '

3Jctu 2lbt)rtt5cnunls. (general Iwertisancitte.

... .. i

Honolulu and San Francisco Mail Service FILTER PRESSES.ii': !:. -

John Eka, Vice-Preside- nt.

Cecil Brown, Auditor. MateriaE. R. Hendry, President and Manager.Godfbbt Brows, Secretary & Treasurer. Imunn ii .


a inn




Opp. Sprockets' Bank, - - Fort Street, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in General


LATEST COLORED AND WHITE'. Genuine Havilaid China, plain and decorated ; Wedgewood' r : Ware; Piano, Library and Stand Lamps,


and Electoliers,Lamp Fixtures of all kinds ; a complete assortment of Drills and Files ;





The "Gazelle" Riding Plow and Equalizer, Biuebeard Rice Plow,Planters' Steel and Goosenecked Hoes.

OILS : Lard, Cylinder, Kerosene, Linseed.PAINTS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES, MANILA and SISAL ROPE,


HOSE:. Rubber, Wire-bou- nd of superior quality, and Steam.

:;.-;- ;

-- .

Victoria Lawns, "Nansooks in plain andAgate Iron Ware' Silver Plated Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot and Caps, The Celebrated "Club" Machine-loade- d Cartridges. dotted Swiss, Fancy Open Work Materials, etc., etc. ,

EMBROIDERED BOX SUITS, in Wash Materials, and Sitk EmbroideredWool Materials.

Embroideries, Embroideries.immense assortment at very low prices. .

AGENTS FOR:"New Process" Rope, " New Process " Twist Drills,

Gate City Stone Filters, Neal's Carriage Paints,Hartman's Steel-wir-e Fence and Steel-wir- e Mats,

Wm. G . Fisher's Wrought Steel Ranges, . .

Hart's Patent "Duplex" Die Stocks 'EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES, latest

terns at exceptional100-l- y


onrl la nnw nran'i.rol frm Af onv arirl oil Iritsfla rf wnrlrappertaining to contracting oi any otherthe same good and workman!! it mannerexpenses and still retain pie MyxOf room

I in? to the hiiildinfif trade tlx 1 rro.v be entrusted to mv care. I am enabled to do



Oceanic Steamship Co.

From San Francisco, 12 O'clock, Noon.- Leave Due at

S. F. HonoluluMariposa. ..Saturday. ..May 3. ...May 10Zealandia. .Saturday . .TMay 31. . . .June 7Alameda . . . Saturday, . . J une 28 . . . .July 5Mariposa . . .Saturday . .July 26. . . . Aug. 2Zealandia. .Saturday . .Aug. 23. . . . Aug. 30Alameda. ..Saturday . .Sept. 20. .Sept 27Mariposa. . Saturday ..Oct. 18. . . . .Oct. 25Zealandia.. Saturday.. Nov. 15.... Nov. 22Alameda... Saturday.. Dec. 13.... Dec. 20

To San Franico.Leave Due at

Sydney HonoluluZealandia. .Wednesday. . Apr lb. ...May 6 ,

Aiameda. . . Wed nesday. . May 14 ... May 31Mariposa.. Wednesday. .June 11.. June 28Zealandia ...Wednesday . .July 9. . .July 26Alameda. . .Wednesday ..Aug 6. . .Aug 23M ariposa . . Wednesday . . 8ept 3 . . . Sept 20Zealandia.. Wednesday... Oct 1 Oct 18Alameda... Wednesday.. Oct 29... Nov 15Mariposa.. Wednesday..Nov 26. ...Dec 13Zealandia. .Wednesday. .Dec 24. . .Jan 10

Intermediate S. S. Australia. 12 MC.

Leave San Francisco. T Tl

Friday ...Apr. 25 Fridav flav 9Friday May 23 Friday June oFriday June 20 Friday....... .July 4Friday Jul18 Friday Aug. 1Friday Aug. 15 Friday Aug. 29Friday Sept. 12 Friday Sept. 26Friday .Oct. lMFriday........Oct.24Friday Nov. 7 Friday Nov. 21Friday Dec. 5 Friday Dec. 18

Grand Opening of Summer Goods.

Latest Styles of


Latest Fashions in Ladies' Broad RimLace Hats, Bonnets and Toques.

Vina AopnutmAnt f nkilHKAm'n Uatnx' mu Aaoui biiicub ui uuuuicua xiau.


Latest Novelties in


'N. B. By the 1st of May I willREMOVE my Millinery Parlors to thebrick store next door to Wenner & Co., onFort street.

MRS. B. C. GOOD, Fort Street.95-l-m


Of San Francisco.

Practical Piano, Pipe and Reed Organ--


Having worked in some of the largestpiano ana organ lactones in tbe UnitedStates of America, I am fully able and pre-pared to do all kinds of repair work in themost sausiactory manner.

CJ-Or-ders can be left at H. F. Wichman's Jewelry store. Fort street, at theAdvertiser office, or through Mutual Tele--pnone mo. sq. 67-l- m

LOVE'S BAKERY.Wo. 73 Saaann Street.

mttn. kuut. lAivs, . . ProprletrMi,

Every Description of Plain and Faneji

i ro : s sthe same at Very low rates, to suit thebearing in mind that what is worth doing

Thanking theI



Invite the inspection of their Large Stock of SHEET PICTURES. : cxmfbisixg: ---




! - LATEST DESIGNS !..open at

m Fort Street.

SLSr148 SATINESMULLS; a fine assortment of


j " in Stripes and Plaids.


checks, Batistes, Confection, plain and

hemmedstitched designs, entire new patlow, pnees, at the


140-- y



MibTiiaingreat variety, personally selected for this

Look Like New at Very Small Cost

I'liotoa. alwava on ban!. in omat tr;af....- 7. ywr- r-

the best lines of Autoeranh and Photo--

!! ordioary tnbes

and Oil dolors in Great Variety

aftAntinn PS A r.' a

them a call when yon want anvthine in-





JPiotnreLately imported, of the latest designs in

mantei, irom wnicn are preparea to make Frames-' - at the very Lowest Prices. .. v.

Old Pictures Renovated jmd Hade

hM 1.

.. .r.- ' .5 - ." v.- -


i : . '


" V'' ... '.;r i -


yi r- V,

t V ?t y, i



mii ty - !

i'r ;," ' ,

" ;

--i. i.

i -

y.:.U r l' V.? j,-- , :. I"' j.: ." ";


t v. f- i

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1 U ;

f tt..

tin a i - '.

Hi'f .

V v.'.- -. i a - . ,ft 3;- -;

fyf:$y' i

I U M : v

i?6?1?!! arn8n WINDOW POLE CORNICES in Ash Ebonyand CaliforniaWalnut, withiBrass fittings at $1 per set; and 10 foot Poles at

i ' aeaay-maa-e fKajuis ior uaDinetI t Ti..aK xr 1 j t tii. nwww, roiac, aw,, xic. ; . ' :;

. . ' ' '''.t Blcket3' Book tiufo3, EaSfilS, Hit Rttks, BoISt Stands, lCrTOIS, t&

fwANuY CiOOps they can showKpu Aioums, nran Aouet eeta, Japanese Ware, Bronzes, Toilet.Mirrors, Leather

Paauhau Plantation I- Hawaii. March 9. 1888. 1

RKdou Iron and LocomotiTe Worki, 8n Frn--

ciaco. . . -' ;;lmtlmn W h& tiled two Of TOUT SO- -

chambered Filter Prease h tbla season. Theyare convenient, easily handled and are wornugentirely to oar satisfaction. I can recomxneauno improvement on tnem. ,

very respectrniiy yours.(signed) A.MOOBB,

' lfanager Paanhau Plantation.

Hull, Sept. 28, 1889.

Mb. John Dxkb, Agent Bisdon, Iron WorfcvHonololu. v "

Tk. On. Whm ahln TIB one Of TOUT 90Compartment Filter Presses. MO sgnare fetsurface, same as the one supplied as last immo,which I am pleased to say has grren us entire

.satisfaction. , xours wuiy, - -

Manager Heeia Agricoltaral Co.

m... v mmAm extra heavy forhigh pressures, occupies a floor space orJJrflfiffirlSatfS?..Honolulu and art sold at very low prices

Bisdon Iron ft Loco. Works,Ban Francisco.

irir n&rttr.nlmra nniilr& of , . ,

JOHN DYKK HonolulBoom No. 3 Spreckels'SlocK:

834 W. G. IBWIN ft Co.. Agem

NEW GOODSA Fine Assortment.

We have just received per Bk Tillie Baker,a nne seiecuon ox aew uooub,

...... comprising, oneV - elegant

Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

A few of those fine hand-embroidere-d.



Assorted colors and patterns of CrepeSilk Shawls. Elegant Tete--a te uups

and Saucers. A fine lot of


I A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.I Also, an assortment oi new styk

Rattan Chairs and TablesAlso, a small selection of JAPANESE

COSTUMES.'Call early and examine this fin

assortment of New Goods. .

WING WO CHAN & CO.No. 22 Nuuanu Street.

155-l- y.

Iron and Locomotive Works,'".

Corner of Bel and Howard Streets,

Bmn Francisco. CaliforniaW. H. TAYLOE. PresidentB.B.MOOBE .....................superintendent

Rlll'MaWDlllllieiS OL r; OWtllll .n&CninCry

" UIutu'i

Steamboat, 8teamshlp. Land Engines st Boilers,High Pressure or Compound.

STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,vrfK fftnlla rift av1 lnn a AAmiMaUa

ordinaby engines compounded when ad--Tlsable.

BTEAU LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con-structed with reference to the trade In whichthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.9?iPgSBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

size, made in suitable lengths for connectinglp,nent ready to' be riveted on the

CrOUnd. -

HYDRAULIC BIYETINQ. Boiler Work and Waterw:,iT" "iLmnb- -

work being faruperior to hand work. ?t

SHIP VORK'. RTiln .nrl Hta.m al--nwcow, Air ana uircuiaung rumps, mademwi ui most approTea pians.

BOLE Agents and manufacturers for the Pacificvoass or tne tieine safety Boiler.PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation orcity works purposes, built with the celebratedDary Valye Motion, superior to any other

JOHN T3TBB. .Honolulu18m Boom No. 3. upstairs. Spreckels Block

Baldwin Locomotives

The undersigned having been ap-pointed Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin Locomotiyes' From the Works of

, . ... . .

ltaralan, Parry,-Wilta- ms & Co.

IPliiladelphia, Penn.,

Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive oraers ior these engines, of any

The'BAiDwiN Locomotive Works arenow manufacturing a style of Locomotive parucaiarly adopted


:For Plantation Porposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived : at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishinz PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars ofsame. ; .. r , .. :vy. The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only knownnere but is acknowledged throughout theUnited States. - ,! - ' ,. ,

'' 'Agents for Hawaiian Islands."

21 1307 . -

BiK G has given unlver.sal. satisfaction la thecire of Oonorrh03S andQleet. I prescribe It and :

feel safe in recommend-ing it to all snCferers.

A. J. STC71C2, XU4I" PKICB, ci.es.i Cold by DiiL'4'ita.ry - !

Bxao,Smith & Co., Wholesale Agents

& CO




Arrivalof "Dear

131 Days from &gJ


New GW

Anchors, Chains,Cocoa Mats, Kettles,

Sauce Pans, Fry Pia.

. Bedsteads,Fence Wire,


White Lead, Red Lead,

Boiled Linseed Oil,

Castor Oil, Belting,

Coal Tar, Water Tanks,

Fire Brick, Alum,Red Ochre, Fire Clay,

Bags, Twine,Filter Cloth,

Soap, Groceries,Boots and Shoes,

Perfumery, Flags,

Rope Brashes,' CroqaetSeU,

Dressing. Mine

Bridles; Felts, Whiiw,.Sitt

Blankets, Sheeting

Dry Goods, Merinos.

Shawls, Handkerchiefs, '

Victoria Lawns,Mosquito Netting,

Laces. Ribbons, Hats,

Velvets, Embroidered

Flannel,Basket Trunks,

Picnic Hampers,

Rags, Mats, CWA

Clothing, T"8



Underwear, Braces,

Sofa Pillows.Gloves, Flouncing,

Embroidery. Curtain.

Table Napkins,Table Cloths,Water-pro-of Coats,

Artificial Flowers.

Dust Cloaks,

Pajama Suits,

Dinner Sets,Tea Sets,

Desert Sets,

Fancy ur1Common

UabrellStaBdiDscaaters,Salad Bowls,

Mesh Sets,

Flocer Pots,

Fitters, , v V-,

Etc. Etc, r

uvuuo a uiood, x Uv&c xmusB, uauu cagB, etc., 6lC. -k

A Complete Stock of Artists' Materials


for Pipe and Bolt Threading.


class of work belonging to his trade, inas neretofore ; having curtailed my shop

to do any and all kinds of work appertain- -

extremely dull times, and at the same timeat all is worth doing well.

public for past favors, :

remain respectfully yours,GEO. W. LINCOLN.

& SON, L'cl,

i Ship

jl, & soirs,Ooraer of Fort and King Streets.


Horses 3Kept.


FOR SALE:Stallions of "Various Breeds.

Mares with or without IFoai- '? Horses for any Purpose.


is empioyea on tne Kaneb. , v-."-,

Satisfaction is gnaranteed in Breaking.iwu xiaiuiu xiurses. -

ISENBEEG,62-6- m .



tnf wvMw wwnj m piuuiuuu. vaiivw irom o cenis per yam up.Hawaiian Scenes in "Water

?y ISH A?ist- - Also, Scenes by their srjecial. Artist who is prepared at alI f rw HjT rt 1- - - o i, .r. . .. . . .r-- o --cu vsnu,. omail OKeicneS 8U1UDI6 for maiUng.

Have on hand, a Large Stock of MANILA ROPE 6 Threadto 9 inch ; ; IRON WIRE, and Flexible STE K L ROfE, all sizes ; BoltRope, Lanyard Stuff, Ratline, Spunyarn, Marlin, Hambroline, Housline,Seizing Stnff, Wire Seizing, Whaleline, Oakum, Felt, Pitch, Coal and

Stockholm Tar, Pitch Mops, and Tar Brushes.

BLOCKS Common and Patent, all sizes and styles; , . .

? SHEAVES Common, Patent and Metaline bushed ;". ' ; :-- 'y": ''' A Large Assortment ot rs "iv"':

Galvanized and Brass Ship Hardware,Hubbucks White Lead, Zinc, Black Paint, Boiledand Kaw Oil, Woolseys & Tarr & Wonson's Copper Paint, Galvanized ; ;

and Black Chain, all sizes, Anchors, Oars, Boat Boards, Yellow METALSHEATHING and Nails, Copper -- and Galvanized Boat Nails, PatentLogs and Lines. COTTON and FLAX CANVAS, Nos.O to 10, BoatSail ' Drill and Raven's - Duck, &nd in fact everything that should befound in a well stocked Ship Chandlery Store. We sell FIRST-CLAS- S

Goods at LOWEST Market Rates. Call and see for yourselves at

3Thi8 firm devotes it wholSupplies, and Art Goods generally. Give

I thmr lino -

KING BROS. ART STORE, Hotel St. near Fort.

CBTSTAL .SODus. o. rrat57-2-m jBread and Crackers,

JOHN GRACE, Proprietor.




GIN GrERCream and Plain Soda.rilla, Lemon,

. ... S :i

Champag ne


Pedigrees of all


The following Fine Animals will standfor Service at the RanchrWaialae:"Well-bre- d Stallion MLA.RIN.

. '1 . Norman Stallion

Thoroachbred Stal. M:iIHTGrIIT,.Two Native Stallions " ir

"PILIAOAO" and FRANK.A. "Well-Tare- d Kentucky JACK.

K.. 1314 -ly




Soda CrackersAN

Saloon Bread

Alwajk oa Band.


Inland rden Promptly Attended to.173.Sm


King St, opp. Oalm Bailway Depot,

Billiards, Bowling Alley


! Cold Drink'

The Best of Coffee, Tea and Chocolate.Finest Brands of


' Oysters . and Gam a. WCalifornia steamer. ;

. . . v : .

E. M. SNIFFEN,11My - ? : Manaqmu

liSffiUTTeSsatT.tlw WOTld. WolronHoopaor Steal

TruBha rmlmnUy eun thouwuda

titual 3?0-TELEPHQIE- S-B8U 298..1 :


- - -.

Cider,; Etc, Etc, :v' ;


128S -ly

QOOB3, X2to.. Cto.

33.If.EHIjERiV 99 Fort Street, Honolulu. ,


; i- -' : .: i. : .... , y1.

STAPLE AID FAICJI DRY GOODS !,lielTa byerery packet from the Eastern sutes and Europe-- kS00"erery steamer.. AU orders fatthfoUy attended to, and Goods delivered to inTtutoftktTe7eihW?5e' ord solid ted. Sattafactlon guaranteed. Postofic BoiHo.




- . ;i' i. ; yi.-,- s .- -; 1 ' -