Orthodox Christian Prayer Book Pocket-Size

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A pocket size Orthodox Christian Prayer Book, to print from home, includingMorning & Evening Prayers, Prayer before any task, Prayer of a Single person, Prayer in Time of Trouble, Daily Prayer, Prayer of Repentence, Prayer for Travel**For home and parish use - not to be used for profit**For more resources and ideas, visit www.orthodoxeducation.blogspot.com

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Page 1: Orthodox Christian Prayer Book Pocket-Size
Page 2: Orthodox Christian Prayer Book Pocket-Size


Lord our God, You who are good and merciful, I acknowledge

all my sins which I have committed every day in my life, in

thought, word and deed, in body and soul alike. I am truly

sorry that I have ever offended You, and I sincerely repent;

with tears I humbly pray, Lord; mercifully forgive me all my

past transgressions and absolve me from them. I firmly resolve

and commit, with the help of Your Grace, to amend my way

of life and to sin no more; that I may walk in the way of

righteousness and offer praise and glorify the Name of the

+ Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


of St Ephraim the Syrian

Lord and Master of my life, deliver me from the spirit

of laziness, meddling, ambition and gossip.

+ Prostration

Give me, Your servant, the spirit of prudence,

humility, patience and love.

+ Prostration

Lord and King, grant that I may see my sins and faults and not

judge my brother, for You are blessed forever and ever. Amen.

+ Prostration

(A Prostration is a humble offering of the body during prayer.

While making the sign of the cross, bow down to your knees

and touch your forehead to the ground. Then rise and repeat.)


Lord our God, You who are good and merciful, I acknowledge

all my sins which I have committed every day in my life, in

thought, word and deed, in body and soul alike. I am truly

sorry that I have ever offended You, and I sincerely repent;

with tears I humbly pray, Lord; mercifully forgive me all my

past transgressions and absolve me from them. I firmly resolve

and commit, with the help of Your Grace, to amend my way

of life and to sin no more; that I may walk in the way of

righteousness and offer praise and glorify the Name of the

+ Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


of St Ephraim the Syrian

Lord and Master of my life, deliver me from the spirit

of laziness, meddling, ambition and gossip.

+ Prostration

Give me, Your servant, the spirit of prudence,

humility, patience and love.

+ Prostration

Lord and King, grant that I may see my sins and faults and not

judge my brother, for You are blessed forever and ever. Amen.

+ Prostration

(A Prostration is a humble offering of the body during prayer.

While making the sign of the cross, bow down to your knees

and touch your forehead to the ground. Then rise and repeat.)


+ In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Glory to You, O Lord, Glory to You!

Heavenly King, Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, present in all

places and filling all things, Treasury of Goodness and Giver

of life: come and abide in us. Cleanse us from every stain of

sin and save our souls, O Gracious Lord.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Have mercy on us.

(repeat 3 times) + Glory to the Father, and the Son and the

Holy Spirit, both now and forever and to the ages of ages.


All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, forgive our sins.

Master, pardon our transgressions. Holy One, visit and heal

our infirmities, for the glory of Your name.

Lord, have mercy (3x)

+ Glory to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both

now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen

Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy

Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our

trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and

lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

+ For Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of

the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and

forever and to the ages of ages. Amen.


+ In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Glory to You, O Lord, Glory to You!

Heavenly King, Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, present in all

places and filling all things, Treasury of Goodness and Giver

of life: come and abide in us. Cleanse us from every stain of

sin and save our souls, O Gracious Lord.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Have mercy on us.

(repeat 3 times) + Glory to the Father, and the Son and the

Holy Spirit, both now and forever and to the ages of ages.


All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, forgive our sins.

Master, pardon our transgressions. Holy One, visit and heal

our infirmities, for the glory of Your name.

Lord, have mercy (3x)

+ Glory to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both

now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen

Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy

Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our

trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and

lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

+ For Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of

the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and

forever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Page 3: Orthodox Christian Prayer Book Pocket-Size


(First say the Trisagion Prayers on Page 1)

Arising from sleep, I thank you most Holy Trinity, that for

the sake of Your great kindness and long-suffering you have

not had righteous anger against me, for I am slothful and

sinful, neither have You destroyed me in my sins, but You

have shown to me Your customary love, and have raised me

up that I might sing Your morning hymn and glorify Your

majesty, in the name of the + Father, and the Son, and the

Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.


of Metropolitan Philaret

O Lord, grant that I may meet the coming day in peace. Help

me in all things to rely upon your holy will. In each hour of

the day reveal your will to me. Bless my dealings with all

who surround me. Teach me to treat all that comes to me

throughout the day with peace of soul, and with the firm

conviction that Your will governs all. In all my deeds and

words guide my thoughts and feelings. In unforeseen events,

let me not forget that all are sent by You. Teach me to act

firmly and wisely, without embittering and embarrassing

others. Give me the strength to bear the fatigue of the coming

day with all that it shall bring. Direct my will. Teach me to

pray and Yourself pray within me.

+ My hope is the Father, my refuge is the Son, my protection

is the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity glory be to You. Amen.


(First say the Trisagion Prayers on Page 1)

Arising from sleep, I thank you most Holy Trinity, that for

the sake of Your great kindness and long-suffering you have

not had righteous anger against me, for I am slothful and

sinful, neither have You destroyed me in my sins, but You

have shown to me Your customary love, and have raised me

up that I might sing Your morning hymn and glorify Your

majesty, in the name of the + Father, and the Son, and the

Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.


of Metropolitan Philaret

O Lord, grant that I may meet the coming day in peace. Help

me in all things to rely upon your holy will. In each hour of

the day reveal your will to me. Bless my dealings with all

who surround me. Teach me to treat all that comes to me

throughout the day with peace of soul, and with the firm

conviction that Your will governs all. In all my deeds and

words guide my thoughts and feelings. In unforeseen events,

let me not forget that all are sent by You. Teach me to act

firmly and wisely, without embittering and embarrassing

others. Give me the strength to bear the fatigue of the coming

day with all that it shall bring. Direct my will. Teach me to

pray and Yourself pray within me.

+ My hope is the Father, my refuge is the Son, my protection

is the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity glory be to You. Amen.


O God, our help and assistance, Who are just and merciful,

look down upon me, a sinner, have mercy upon me, and

deliver me from this trouble. I acknowledge and believe,

O Lord, that all trials of this life are given for our correction,

when we drift away from You, and disobey Your

commandments; deal not with me after my sins, but

according to Your bountiful mercies, for I am the work of

Your hands, and You know my weakness. Grant me, Your

divine helping Grace and endow me with patience and

strength to endure my trials with complete submission to

Your Will. You are my only hope. I flee to You and trust that

in due time, when You know best, You will deliver me from

this trouble, and I shall rejoice in Your mercy, and praise

Your Holy Name, + The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Lord Jesus, You who are the Way, the Truth, and the Life;

You who traveled with your servant Joseph; You who

accompanied Your two disciples on the road to Emmaus and

set their hearts aflame with the warmth of Your love; Travel

with me also and bless my journey. Gladden my heart with

the nearness of Your Presence. Surround me with Your holy

angles to keep me safe. Deliver and protect me from all

danger, misfortune, and temptation. Keep me in the center of

Your love and obedient to Your will. Help me return home

again in peace, health and good will that I may praise and

glorify Your exalted Name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all

the days of my life. Amen.


O God, our help and assistance, Who are just and merciful,

look down upon me, a sinner, have mercy upon me, and

deliver me from this trouble. I acknowledge and believe,

O Lord, that all trials of this life are given for our correction,

when we drift away from You, and disobey Your

commandments; deal not with me after my sins, but

according to Your bountiful mercies, for I am the work of

Your hands, and You know my weakness. Grant me, Your

divine helping Grace and endow me with patience and

strength to endure my trials with complete submission to

Your Will. You are my only hope. I flee to You and trust that

in due time, when You know best, You will deliver me from

this trouble, and I shall rejoice in Your mercy, and praise

Your Holy Name, + The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Lord Jesus, You who are the Way, the Truth, and the Life;

You who traveled with your servant Joseph; You who

accompanied Your two disciples on the road to Emmaus and

set their hearts aflame with the warmth of Your love; Travel

with me also and bless my journey. Gladden my heart with

the nearness of Your Presence. Surround me with Your holy

angles to keep me safe. Deliver and protect me from all

danger, misfortune, and temptation. Keep me in the center of

Your love and obedient to Your will. Help me return home

again in peace, health and good will that I may praise and

glorify Your exalted Name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all

the days of my life. Amen.

Page 4: Orthodox Christian Prayer Book Pocket-Size


Would you ever leave for school without brushing your teeth or putting on shoes?


In the same way, we can begin to see prayer as an essential

part of our day, for the benefits are greater than fresh breath

or comfortable feet! Start small, with an icon of Christ and

just five minutes, but strive for consistency. The goal is to

remember, thank, and glorify God each and every day by

coming to meet Him face to face. By doing this, we grow

to rely on Christ and He becomes the center of our lives.

Remember, when we pray, we open the communication

between us and God in a very personal way. There’s no one

who knows us better than our Lord. He is with us each step

of the way, and He knows exactly what we need.

In the Orthodox Church, we learn how to pray from the Saints

who are illumined by God and who share in His glory. When

we use their prayers that were written and passed on to us, we

become like them and follow them into union with God. This

is the most effective way of reaching our Lord – for not every

ship that sets sails reaches its’ destination.


We hope you enjoy and use this small gift

from the Norfolk Annunciation GOYA



(Prepare by fasting and Confession with a Spiritual Father)

O Lord and Master Jesus Christ, our God, who alone has

power to forgive the sins of men, do You, O Good One,

forgive all the sins that I have committed in knowledge or

in ignorance, and make me worthy to receive without

judgment Your divine, glorious, immaculate and life-giving

Mysteries; not unto punishment or unto increase of sin; but

unto purification, and sanctification and a promise of Your

Kingdom and the Life to come; as a protection and a help to

overthrow the enemy, and to blot out my many sins. For You

are a God of Mercy and compassion and unto You we

ascribe glory together with the + Father and the Holy Spirit;

now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

+ O God be gracious unto me a sinner. (repeat 3 times)


O You Who give me willingly Your Flesh for food, You

Who are fire, and burn the unworthy, scorch me not, O my

Maker, but rather pass through me into all my joints, my

feelings, and my heart. Burn up the thorns of all my sins.

Purify my soul, make holy my mind; strengthen my knees

and my bones; enlighten the simplicity of my five senses,

and make me the temple of Your Holy Spirit and no longer

a dwelling place for sin. For You alone are our salvation,

and to You we offer due praise and thanksgiving. Amen. +


(Prepare by fasting and Confession with a Spiritual Father)

O Lord and Master Jesus Christ, our God, who alone has

power to forgive the sins of men, do You, O Good One,

forgive all the sins that I have committed in knowledge or

in ignorance, and make me worthy to receive without

judgment Your divine, glorious, immaculate and life-giving

Mysteries; not unto punishment or unto increase of sin; but

unto purification, and sanctification and a promise of Your

Kingdom and the Life to come; as a protection and a help to

overthrow the enemy, and to blot out my many sins. For You

are a God of Mercy and compassion and unto You we

ascribe glory together with the + Father and the Holy Spirit;

now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

+ O God be gracious unto me a sinner. (repeat 3 times)


O You Who give me willingly Your Flesh for food, You

Who are fire, and burn the unworthy, scorch me not, O my

Maker, but rather pass through me into all my joints, my

feelings, and my heart. Burn up the thorns of all my sins.

Purify my soul, make holy my mind; strengthen my knees

and my bones; enlighten the simplicity of my five senses,

and make me the temple of Your Holy Spirit and no longer

a dwelling place for sin. For You alone are our salvation,

and to You we offer due praise and thanksgiving. Amen. +


Would you ever leave for school without brushing your teeth or putting on shoes?


In the same way, we can begin to see prayer as an essential

part of our day, for the benefits are greater than fresh breath

or comfortable feet! Start small, with an icon of Christ and

just five minutes, but strive for consistency. The goal is to

remember, thank, and glorify God each and every day by

coming to meet Him face to face. By doing this, we grow

to rely on Christ and He becomes the center of our lives.

Remember, when we pray, we open the communication

between us and God in a very personal way. There’s no one

who knows us better than our Lord. He is with us each step

of the way, and He knows exactly what we need.

In the Orthodox Church, we learn how to pray from the Saints

who are illumined by God and who share in His glory. When

we use their prayers that were written and passed on to us, we

become like them and follow them into union with God. This

is the most effective way of reaching our Lord – for not every

ship that sets sails reaches its’ destination.


We hope you enjoy and use this small gift

from the Norfolk Annunciation GOYA

Page 5: Orthodox Christian Prayer Book Pocket-Size


Blessed Lord, You who have given us an example of ideal

purity, strengthen me, I pray, when temptation attacks me,

and when strong passions seek to overwhelm me, that I may

remain constant in virtue and innocent in thought, word, and

deed, doing only those things that are well-pleasing to You.

Grant me growth in wisdom and understanding, that I may

serve You in holiness all the days of my life, + through the

prayers of Your all-immaculate Mother and of all thy Saints,

especially my patron Saint ____. Amen.


(Sports matches, exams, performances, class presentations)

Almighty God, our help and refuge,

Source of all wisdom and pillar of strength,

You know that without You I am powerless.

I firmly believe that “apart from You I can do nothing.”

Send Your Grace to enable me to complete the task I am

about to undertake. Help me to accomplish it faithfully and

diligently so that it may prove helpful to myself and others.

And that it may bring glory to Your holy Name.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory of the

+ Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever

and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

“The things which are impossible with men

are possible with God.” Luke 18:27


(The word “creed” means “I believe.” As Orthodox Christians,

we confess the one, true, universal faith that can be traced back

to the Apostles and has been without change for 2000+ years)

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven

and earth, and of all things visible and invisible; and in one

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God, begotten

of the Father before all ages, Light of Light, True God of

True God, begotten, not created; of one essence with the

Father; by Whom all things were made.

Who for us men and for our salvation came down from

heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin

Mary, and became man; and was crucified also for us under

Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried; On the third day

He arose, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into

heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father;

And He shall come again with glory to judge the living and

the dead; Whose Kingdom shall have no end. And I believe

in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life, Who proceeds

from the Father; Who together with the Father and the Son is

worshipped and glorified, Who spoke through the prophets.

In + One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church I acknowledge

one baptism for the remission of sin. I look for the resurrection

of the dead and the life of the ages to come. Amen.

(“Catholic” in this case means “Universal”)


Blessed Lord, You who have given us an example of ideal

purity, strengthen me, I pray, when temptation attacks me,

and when strong passions seek to overwhelm me, that I may

remain constant in virtue and innocent in thought, word, and

deed, doing only those things that are well-pleasing to You.

Grant me growth in wisdom and understanding, that I may

serve You in holiness all the days of my life, + through the

prayers of Your all-immaculate Mother and of all thy Saints,

especially my patron Saint ____. Amen.


(Sports matches, exams, performances, class presentations)

Almighty God, our help and refuge,

Source of all wisdom and pillar of strength,

You know that without You I am powerless.

I firmly believe that “apart from You I can do nothing.”

Send Your Grace to enable me to complete the task I am

about to undertake. Help me to accomplish it faithfully and

diligently so that it may prove helpful to myself and others.

And that it may bring glory to Your holy Name.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory of the

+ Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever

and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

“The things which are impossible with men

are possible with God.” Luke 18:27


(The word “creed” means “I believe.” As Orthodox Christians,

we confess the one, true, universal faith that can be traced back

to the Apostles and has been without change for 2000+ years)

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven

and earth, and of all things visible and invisible; and in one

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God, begotten

of the Father before all ages, Light of Light, True God of

True God, begotten, not created; of one essence with the

Father; by Whom all things were made.

Who for us men and for our salvation came down from

heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin

Mary, and became man; and was crucified also for us under

Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried; On the third day

He arose, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into

heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father;

And He shall come again with glory to judge the living and

the dead; Whose Kingdom shall have no end. And I believe

in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life, Who proceeds

from the Father; Who together with the Father and the Son is

worshipped and glorified, Who spoke through the prophets.

In + One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church I acknowledge

one baptism for the remission of sin. I look for the resurrection

of the dead and the life of the ages to come. Amen.

(“Catholic” in this case means “Universal”)

Page 6: Orthodox Christian Prayer Book Pocket-Size


(First say the Trisagion Prayers on Page 1)

Psalm 141:1-2

Hear me when I call to you. Receive my prayer as incense,

and my lifted hands as an evening sacrifice.

Prayers of Thanksgiving

Now that the day has ended, I thank you Lord, and I ask

that the evening and the night be sinless. Grant this to me,

O Savior, and save me.

+ Glory to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Both now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen

Prayers for Forgiveness

Lord, God our Father, if during this day I have sinned in

word, deed or thought forgive me in Your goodness and

love. (At this point, acknowledge and confess to God specific

personal sins from the day) Grant me peaceful sleep; protect

me from all evil and wake me in the morning that I may

glorify You, Your Son and Your Holy Spirit now and forever

and ever. Amen.

Prayers Before Sleep

Into Your hands, Lord Jesus Christ, I entrust my soul and

body. Bless me, have mercy on me, and grant me eternal life.

Amen. + Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, and of the

Saints, Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen.


(First say the Trisagion Prayers on Page 1)

Psalm 141:1-2

Hear me when I call to you. Receive my prayer as incense,

and my lifted hands as an evening sacrifice.

Prayers of Thanksgiving

Now that the day has ended, I thank you Lord, and I ask

that the evening and the night be sinless. Grant this to me,

O Savior, and save me.

+ Glory to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Both now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen

Prayers for Forgiveness

Lord, God our Father, if during this day I have sinned in

word, deed or thought forgive me in Your goodness and

love. (At this point, acknowledge and confess to God specific

personal sins from the day) Grant me peaceful sleep; protect

me from all evil and wake me in the morning that I may

glorify You, Your Son and Your Holy Spirit now and forever

and ever. Amen.

Prayers Before Sleep

Into Your hands, Lord Jesus Christ, I entrust my soul and

body. Bless me, have mercy on me, and grant me eternal life.

Amen. + Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, and of the

Saints, Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen.


+Glory to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

both now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen

Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name.

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in

Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us

our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

+ Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ

our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen.

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy

Christ our God, bless us Your servants, our home/school,

and the food and drink before us, for You are the Source

of all blessings, now and forever and ever. Amen.


+Glory to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

both now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.

We thank You, O Christ our God, that You have satisfied

us with Your earthly gifts, deprive us not of Your Heavenly

Kingdom; but as You entered into the midst of Your

disciples, O Savior, and granted them peace, come among

us also and save us. Amen.


+Glory to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

both now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen

Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name.

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in

Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us

our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

+ Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ

our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen.

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy

Christ our God, bless us Your servants, our home/school,

and the food and drink before us, for You are the Source

of all blessings, now and forever and ever. Amen.


+Glory to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

both now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.

We thank You, O Christ our God, that You have satisfied

us with Your earthly gifts, deprive us not of Your Heavenly

Kingdom; but as You entered into the midst of Your

disciples, O Savior, and granted them peace, come among

us also and save us. Amen.