Held in thp. CitiV 0/ Qninov, PROC1~EDINGS of Illinois, OJ!' THE -01'- OF 'fHE CHICAGO: .orshi J.jfull ;J ~~ t~~· ~.~ l~'..,~~~? SINCLAIR & BLAm, Printers, 366 State Street. 1872. FIFTH ANNUAL COMMUNICArJ~ION For the State Prorn ,TtIne '20 to '~Lb, A. D. 1871, A. L. 58'1'1. filet ;uul J!:cctJJlcll J!lu:ierd lJo1(lt JJjnzLl1uiJ

orshi J - Andrews Pressandrewspress.com/Research/Proceedings/MWPHGL_1871.pdf · , 1 Address of Grand JvIcuster, W·.L. DARROW, No. 16z North Curtis Street, CHICAGO, Address of Grand

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Held in thp. CitiV 0/ Qninov,


of Illinois,





.orshiJ.jfull;J ~~ t~~·

~.~ l~'..,~~~?

SINCLAIR & BLAm, Printers, 366 State Street.



For the State

Prorn ,TtIne '20 to '~Lb,A. D. 1871, A. L. 58'1'1.

filet ;uul J!:cctJJlcll J!lu:ierd lJo1(lt JJjnzLl1uiJ

, 1

Address of Grand JvIcuster,

W·.L. DARROW,No. 16z North Curtis Street, CHICAGO,

Address of Grand Secretcury,

R. C. 'WARING,No. zo Twenty-Sixth Street, CHICAGO.

Address of Qr-Cun-dLechure7',

THOS. M. REED.No. 130 Harrison Street, CHICAGO.

',.,:' ..


a}' 'L'lm

ost Worshipful Grand Lodge1"01\ TH.E


ANN C\T, C01\fl\lGNICA'L'JuN.1Hil.

" '1'110 Fifth Anrul<\l COlTllllLtnica.tion of the Most W ol'shipful Grand

'Jodge of Free fwd Accepted Ancient York lVbsons for the St,1te ofl1linois,"ss01nbled in the haJl of Silo'1l\1 I,ollge, No.9, Quincy, Illinois,pil 'l'uesuay,Juno 20,A. L. 5811, A. D. 1871.

,,:,::A constitutional' number of Lodges being represented, the M. VV.tl'iUld Lodge was opened in ;'lmpl0 form, ill the third degree, at 8'Cloele A. M.


M. W. W. L. Dal'l'01Y, Gl'allcl Master.

R 'N., E. 'White, Senior G. Warden." S. "\Vitherspoon, Junior G. ·Warden." O. S. Goome1', G. 'l'reasUl'cr.

"R. C. Waring, G. Secretary.

"B. F . Rogers, G. LectUl'er.« T. M. Reed, G. Marsha1.

" P. l\hrtin, : '.' G .. Tiler.


8. \1'. Scon', }:Eo .••\~~l;l'l']~,.. C01.1Unittcc.11. 1. f,OGleR:;.


Business ;-Bros. S. W. Scott, C. Bay and S.

C'mnnmnieations-Bros. E. Holley, R. C. Wn,ring and


our Cl)lIlmittec on Crede:ntials beg leave to rC1Jvl't that they hoxe CXtHuined the credentials

rUng to C(llne frollt l~\'cnillg St<.l,l"Lodge, NO.4, BloOlnington, and flnd thelU irregulal' in notg the Selll of the J:'odge stamped th.ereon, and Bro. R. Holley clailning to be the legall'ep­taUrc only it.ecol\ling,' to the credentinl; but Bro. Snrlluo1. 'Vitl1('l'SPOOll. the S. 'V. of said

b~illg pl'e~cnt. W0 l'CCllll1ltlend that they b~ l'ceogllizl?tl us {lIe legtu l'l~pl'esentl1tives ofling; Stnl' Lodge, No . .:1.


'he cOUlmittee 011 ureclentials reporteLl the following, which, on mo-

\\'11S received and adopted.

011 JiwisjJJ·udcnce-Bros. John Jones, W. L. Da.rrow, S. 'N. Scott,. M. Haneoek and H.. C. vY'lring.

of Lod,qes-Bros. 13. F. Eogers, E. 'White a.nd W. H.

\'l'beM. W. G. M. Wa.S plea,sed to o,unounce tho following committees :n Cfmncl 21tJaster's A.dd1'e8,'i-Bl'os. 1. H. Kelly, S. W. Kcott ~tl1d

~D. Heny.

On Dii;pensations wnd Oharters-Bros. C. C. H.iohardson, C. S.

gomera,nd R. Holley.

Oil (frievances--Bl'os. Ed. White, 'r. M. Reed and B. F. H.ogel's.,.

On Accou.nts-W. D. Berry, 'IN. H. Selden :md S. 'iVitherspoon.

rOil. L'tmstitidion and By-Laws-11ros. John Jones, J. P. Alexanderrj A. Smith.

On Ways and J11i>.ans-Bros. I. H. Kelly, '1\. M. Reeel f-tnd W. H.~olden .

A llotiee from the M. W. N. Grand Lo(lgell'<ts read, informing this

,J. W. G. L of its t.ri-ennial session, to Rssemble in t.he City of Chi­

;lgu, 'J'ueschy, October 2nd, A. D. 18'71.

'rhe Gmnd Secretary presented the following report, which, 011mo-:ipon, \ViI.S l'eferred to the committee on Rccounts. .

Central Lodge.G. 1'. Watson,PrmnontJohn .Toiles.


Your Committee on Credelltiills beg lco.vc to report that they IU1.\'e examillclt the Cre,of the Represontati\res of the following I~odges, fI,ud find the.tn. ('.orrect, and cntitle!l to ~('ittsAmiuo.l CommuniClltion of the Grand'Lodge of Illinois.

North Star Lodge. No.il 1\

(4 )

. l'he ,M. W. G. M. appointed the following brethren to filling stations,. p-:o tem :

Bro. S. W. Scott,···· .. ·· .. ··· D. G. M.

" 'N. D. Berry, S. G. Deacon." C. Ray, J. G. Deacon;" IV. H. Selden,·······.·· · Grand T'ersuviant." R. D. C. Hodge, S. G. Stew:ml." Alex. Smith, ,T. G. Steward.

" J. P. Alexander, G. Chaplain>

The M. W. G. M. appointed the following brethren as a comilli

on Credentials: Bros. B. F. l{ogers, S. W. Scott and Edward vVI

The following brethren were reported (I,nc1admitted: 1. IT. IC

P. G. M. and C. C. H.ichardson, of No.2, R. Holley, of No.4,11..M. Duling, of NO.9.

The committee on credentials reported the folJo\\'mg, which, ontion, was approved;

T. M. Heoil. W. M.

IV. Scott. S. W.P. Alexanllel· .. 1. \1'.

No. 3, ....................•................ Bt:nj. Ji'. Roger.-s, P. G. M.C. H.icluu'(1son.

Smith, ·W. M... 0\'. D. Jlerry. IV. oJ.

...................... ........•.......• ,.,r.lJ. Selden,::::. '\" .......... Cleln. Ht1.Y, :J. \\'.

.... C. S. GeJom01', 'W. 1\'1.

~.. ~~ H. n. C. Hodge •. 1. w.

Nlovecl, l)y Bro. W. D. Berry, that the llOllrf; for llOlrling the ses,,'

of this annua.l eOlYllllunication shall. be, 1'01' morning se:;;;:;jolls, fml

to 12 o'clock, and a,fternoon sessions from ~ to :5 o'c:loek. Carried.


The M. W. Grand T~odge was ca.lled from refreshment to laba(the 11..W. G. J.W., with oil1eers in stations .1~S at morning session.

Pmyer by the Chaplain" pro tem., Bro. J. P. Alex::melm'.Minutes read and approved.

l·ho. Wm. Carr,·.of No.9, ,vas reported and admitted.




( 7 )

GIUN)) l\I ASTElt'S ArmTmSS.

\'VrSDOM, 'STHENGTH AND li'R:'\.'1'lWN1'.L'Y.

,notltor y~aj' hit~ l'oll.e<.:r·1tCl' cin:uit l'ound, i1nd t.he l1sselubliug of this august body ShO:W8 con-.

\rcly that Lilne \\'iLIts lbl' no Inan, and conlCS 'horne lio out' 1l1inLi. to .review unCI see w'hat \V~ .•.

uceu a(jill~; llnl:1.i'r our slInbuni:.Ungs a:re selT-evident: tlll1t. the tilue hilS not been ~pcnt 'in ,'u:inletheI' lJl'ogr~ss. looking to the :::iu::itairiing' 6t" ou)" Houle on..ler haS been eqmil to the day :and11 \\"hich we:live.

'he M. 'vV.GI'i1,llU. Master then read the foUowing address, and .rel)ort,

,11on ttlot'ion Wt~Srefen'·ecl to the'committee 011 (1·ntnd Master's Al'likes'S .

nil on motion of Bro. Jones, P. G. M., sOl11uch of the .Grana

'ster's i'e.POl't tiS refers to fina.nce, WltS I·t!ferred to tlw comn:iittee on~l)IHlt~.

'1;0.Clllntive i\liLSOnl'y.-I do·not 'intend to eilter 'into the themB tif the antiquity df thenor to l:Joint'out to youlluw, in 'iJ~r;:g()ne 'ages, Olll' 'Brethren GOlll:eiveC1 o:ud. 'c\1'l'l'iell in'to

Li.ulllbos(; \'lL~t·ln1l111llLgllin~ie'n't "ctithedl'LlJs {ind 'churches, ,vJiiLih UTe still the mOltU:lllel~ts

,mdt. Umprael:iel(j'uUlity of i\'lasomyin the 'ext'~l'iOt \1'01'11.1, tend. t.hc COlffpl'e.hensive 'geniuslIluSL hlWC ex1"l:iled wllidh·c1]uld·tllus, 'fn)llYl'ude"nl'lltter U!3 it wCl'el enll into beinlI thbsetelt1.·

'whieh!c"cn.in'l1li!:3'prcscllt dilY slrikethe '"lJt:uoldl:!r with tlstoui::ihnwnt,'D.11d "lead 'liiIll :invol­r.ily·ti:)'.~xcl;Lhn-tTl'uly ~thol'e :-tfillst:hllve:bcun ·f, (HariL"" in tht./l':ic ·cla.YB"--;"lULl-'.\;}iic11 tenlples,

ugll·we·(tl'efso muul1,iu th0 'hdLit,01' boasting of'ulU'l)l'ogl'e::ib Rntl 'ldrllllt:clll(~lits'ill'th13·libel·n.land ~dCllCCS,)fire still tIle t.ypes and Il10dels of the architects of (Jur preserit;day. ·:tIiy:bus1.

is wi.th SlJec.:ulfltiv(~,l\'rl\SOll1'Y. rrhilit!ft'e"l-: lnft~onl'y-1:l.[l.:s'e:.'(jf:;te(l in remote a.ges a.nd fto~ll'islledhoru ci"Hiznlion lws rnost la.rgely ':e011fenei:l ·H.:;favors upon l\1iuikind-its previous boon,'d, which I th.illk fe\\' wlllihil totLumIt; .ueithcl"caIt'It be denied tlH,t, dming t.hose darkheu t.he wurld Wi.l.':l ovt:r.shudowed with the e"ltllOr'y of :mpersU\'ion tuul ignort1,nee, though1l111l~'llinmlcd I\nd H1.1or11of its cll'lllgelice, has free Inn.sollry fniled to .shed it.s.bentgn in­

lee Uptlllll1JLIlkind, eonl'l:rriug inc:3thn:.tble iJlc::i;')i.ngs not (July (,n thuse who WBre inellldcdUn its myst.il: l"oltnls, lJllt also by tI1Gdoe-trineS whieh it iuculet1tcs UPOH the human l:ace .in

The,gTL:atCtit di:3co\'\~:ri.8~the wOl'lcl ever saw lUL\'e not been the fruits of one. nto..n',eJ uiinc1It is t.u18 that gTtLlH1 pi',indlJles ha.ve l.)(~en ol'igilHtLetl by one e(mtri.\'ol', but tho perfection

(1i\PI)Jic[lliOllof the :invelltiioll or the theory bitS arben, not JJ(:cuu~u rhe inventor·kopt to binl­rr ilulL ,dlielt hi.:::;irIlIlHlg'illu:Lions c(;llcdved, butllC:Cl'tllse he lJl'Ol)(IUlhlcLl it to the ,world"flnd t.he

Ills oT ()j.her meH were Lrol.1ght to 'bofLr UPOIl Ute nIlHl(:l\JltS ddLlils requisite, and the general

I1Jill[ltiUl1 or the whole for one or IJlOre.great f:.:1Hls. li'ree 11l1.lS0ury is c1efin~<1to be i\. peculiar

'IHof m(ll'ltlity', by tlw eurei'lll lenehing 6f whieh, nlflsons len.rn lO tegard it as 11.dnt;y incunl­llpUH them tu yidcl"lltJ111ag-c to Ch0:Dei ty, thun:1Jy SeeUl'hlg to them buth h,rppilll:sS and lJleasllI.'e(~lliJ:;Lllelll also t.o n:.g,u't1 with ;.l\\"(~, and l'Cn.:l·eIWt.:, ltlld il.l111lil'tltioll, tlw stupen(l:.:nl::) 'works of

who hfL,':illlei\:)l.ll'L:d Llw \VillCl'i:iin tho 1)()11(J\\',of his lli:\,llCl; (Lnc1 nwtc(l (ll'LL the hea..ven wHh'hi.s

. {lull C{ill1!JL'c!ll:Il(\Cl:it Ole <.lust of tllC earch 'ill it lUOiU:iUre; find weighed the lllollntnins in

:s, lllld Uw liills in n b,lhlnee; ;U)[l tlll'owl·lt llie S('l~l"etpaths '{)f 11l1tllre ali<l seicncc to tl't\ce the

Ilcl'!'illg hnlltl of '1'. G. A. '0, T. l', ~

'l'lu: :'iel~t·d.":ithat ltl"l~.cntru:::itoc.l to ·~Iason::; ilrc "cileil in lJcauUful tl.l1egDl'ioti, indeHlJl:-,: inlprcssing'

IC!lbdvc,'i Oll the ll1in{l1:i of ctleh 'of us, 'a:llU each 'nlll~tr!\tl'd by Vtlriuqti sYlJibo1.::i,'the univCl'sfll

djJlc lidllg' tllnt Ll)\lIlitC in one indi8!:iolluulJlu l;(lnd of 1;l'0LllL~1'1y hIve lllCH,of the.most QPpo­htklll!i il.wl dist.ant eO\\lltries, und of the 1110:-;t COlltJ'{t.didl)fY l'Viuiuil::i. Thcc10drines qPOllell lJlll:':iOnry is bLlilt.nre founded 011 the stLCrecl ll\\\' of God, by which ·\rc are taug'ht. to fOl~rnslnnl.1ltl'll of truth awl just;h:t\ and 8ver·l.::eeping- in 1I1ind t1wt m(lsmil'Y knows no -rnil..l1 on:uc­

!ltofhi8 \\'nl'lllly wealth or-'lliIIWl''s, but. t.lhtt'Lis the iutcl'Iwl (JJOLuxtul'lli.ll) qUlllitictitions which~Olll'.yI'egllnls. C}inn tll iti svl it! f(lundo.LioJi .fhie ·]fUISUlJ I'Y.1lll~ m.isl~l1it g"1uriOllS :;npL'l'Sll'llC:.;nrtj,

\lllllOllg:'it1111~-l\1,t1~~·Ul'JlftliWltl::i Uwt,f.;l'ilcc·ancl fldtH'll it, b thftt nobkst -of illl hnll1ull virtnes­

("y. 'C1Htrit.\· "as is 8fl.id lJy nUlny \wnrtliY-l1:-nd lenl'llCd 111(:11 of this nnll"past ftges, "is the ehlef

'\,.~':I.'Ysocittl HtHI JJiOl;ltl :\"i"l:tlle,-ftlld ,the di~tillg'ui~h8(1 mn,J'k itlllong ull gdod .11lttSOtls. !l'hislie illtlul(:lltes:tt fmpr(:lll(: 4egree-of ..lovc to thC:,g'l'illhl Ilt'l'llitt:eC '01' t.he nnh'-cl.'se, it.nd unlinrited

'l1Liou lo Ull~ lH~ill.g-:;or h is (il"entinn,~nnd ol'all llL'HLlHl11Iil U\JII~, in·the ex(!rr:.i~~,(,rehal'iby. ·l~ythi~

;), ,Dues 1.870,

'(:I.Ortll I,

PJ'.illt"iJ"lg IlSSe:iS.I"IIt!Il.t," 9



Match 11



':h'espcctfull)' Submit my"tLllUUu! repurt fUl'the .year endillg June l\"ltb, 187.1.1870.-July 13,Dues received frOl11 li'rcrnont Lodge, NO.6, .1871-Februlll'Y 7. Heceived frurn John Jonos Lodge, No. 7, Prin.ting ll~.':i~8~ln8nl,

" " II II H Ceutrul H II ii,.li'relnon t d ;6,

Noith Sttll" " I.," 'St. Juhui; " 8

G. a'. '\~U.tSOll I. "2,;[;i II ('0111

R:C. Will'in).;'SHoun!


r herewith respect.fully submit my fll1111)[1.1reVOlt for ti10Tefll" ending .June 19th, 1871.1871-lifarch 18th. 'i'a Ci\sh l'cceivedl'l'om'Grltnd Sec\,<jt.ary,.. .. $5n 471871. Gr.3ltli'dh 18th. By Cl1.Sh Pilid, oitlel' No.

'BiLh\llcc,hlTret1sllr.y,.Jnl1e 19th, 1871, 2 ·11, C, 8. GOOi\lEH, Grand Sccl'l.'hlr

1871 Cr.

:Ylnrch·18-.Hy order NO.1, !Juy.ing' Pri~lt:lng und Postage " " .

B~h.LJH~E' in 'l'l'unsury. June 19th,

( 6 )

On mati 011 the a.hove ;repO'lt iI':.t'l ,1'efet1'ed to .th e ,comm ittec ,on ,l(;(;Oll

l'he hour hiwing' a,rni \fed for calling ofT, the Gril,ndLo<lge

crul1ed from labor to l'ef,\e,dnnel'lt, tin (1 0'clock, June 21, 18'71.


The NL 'V. Grand Lodge W,1S caUed:from refl'eshmen t to hhol' by

R. W. J. G. Wa-rdell., itt 9 o'clock-M. W. 'Y. L.. ])i~rrow, pl'esidili

Officers in stations as at previous session; pra.yer by ]31'0. J. ]),[ex/tnder, G. O. pro tem. Minatcs rea.d and a,pproved.

131'0.John Jones, P. ,G}.M. df No.7, lllnd BTo.John H ..Flc'lS'l1lt,

No.9, wererepol'ted <l.ud adll1'itteIIT.

A ;['Yl'I1yer '£'1'01'1.1 'Itoon5'bifm'tiona,]mnil'bm' of broth rOll at {hll'S'linr

pr'a,ying for a ,Vana,nt of Oe)'nstitu'ti(}nwas l'cail,'a,lld, onto the committee on Dispensations an.d Oharters.


$50 00

J{.c!.;p~ellbUy ;-;uhniitlcd,W_ LYMA~ DARROW,

GRAND 'rIL\.S'l'Elt.

(0 )

\'~'hlJd of Lim.': '-Iud ~Ul Ld::i oftlw hOLtJ'-ghl~::: 1Ji.\::i;-;C::l,S01J,'\S::i0;,;11IfUI n.wu,y; i\lId as we ,He l~oniiJ1ually

cd of the J'lct, I am pflilwll to learn of the 10"" to the craft-our sister Grand Lodgc of aJ)<;lii.\IIn-in the tl0al:h of their Grand 1IIu::itcl', lJJ:othBl' Alfred 1to1Jurt.s. I woultl recol1unend

'suitlllJll~ t'l.:SOl11tiOll l)f (;onclulellcc be passetl ll11l'ing' thi.s sessiou, in aclulOwleclgnlE:llt of OUT

thies with his bereaved wido\\". Likewise, ,us the notice is in our 1~OSs8.s3ion of the C[Llling

Nu{'ioutll Grund Lodg'l~'8 tri-:.tl111na.l se:3sion, JO be held in Chicago, county of Cook, in Octo~lOll. UUlt thu slIitlt.blc leg'i:'ilation be entered '·inlo fui.' the full repre.sentatioll of this Grana'tl1,(.:.~l'eill, In regill'll to the CVl1CliL.iOIl 01' 0111' Lodges within the State of Illinois for the lastic year docs nor. 1.1ppCtU' to bu so I£Ll'gdy pr~),,?·L·0s.":iLve [L<:; they 111ight have hope.d; though hal'~i)eum~gl~ll~l';'\'n:;'to Pl·~\'lli.l Lnt vBry little P1"ogl'~:ssis made il'l the work I luust say. Li1{e­l{I\t'lJy rny ohservlltions of the clifll:~rent lodges, in oqr State, that the unifOl'lnlt)r' of the

l1tLVeHot yet b8en. fully eUlnplded. I ,\'ollld l'ei!Ul'lullond for the p1'0sperit:'l of the lodges,~ fihonld ue a 1'1.:IlS(1lli.tl.llc l:o!lsidert\.liull. eX(;l'(.:iset1 in the })ronlotion of their officers

'L:mil)' appear a rcwa,rd for those who, frolll their l1lerilol'l/n~ hlbors. apply themseh'es to01'lming u,ei'ul to the emf'[; and that the n.JJslince from the citj' of tho Masters, or the ir·

ty or tlw ~()\nlllnl1h:.lt'i()n of rbe Lodge.:: J1H~eting::;is certidnly detril'iH;:n.til.l to -Lhe wellfa.re of'all

'll\rC this YCil.T, in J)eecmlJCl' ID.::;t, by the n.ppli(~lltion of tl number of brethren living in ther.~rlltl(l(in, clu1y reeClltlllltnded, gl'ant(lc1. rllY di::;ptmsatioll to open l.\nd hold a Lodge, underylL' i\.lJdtiLle ofEul'ektl, U. D. and by cipc;di\l il.ppulnt1l1.E.·llt, iny Deputy, George \tV.,Anderson, 01'­

:1"nd pntthem to work. Likewise" a nnmber of brethren in tbe city of l)pper Alton,

l(;Omm":ll,]lJt1, asking t.o be put t.o work flS a lOllg'~, gl':J ..uted i1 dispensation to open l'lnd hold,uodel' the style and title of B, F, Itog'el-", 1.1,D" and \)j' special lLppointl1lcnt to P, G, M.

Kelly put them to work, LInd on the '1st (1n,y of l\[m:(:h received" petition from" numberi'CLhrenresi(ling in the city of London, Ont., e."l.-sking to be pnt to ·work us a lodge, duly l'e~Oln·c1ed, I prolieccled in person, and on the 12th day of Mareh, A., 'L, 5871 A_ D, 1871 orgallizedj"Jl1I.111ern to work, under the'style and title of 08i>:(>" U. D_; iLnd now brethren, let me say to'UUlYlh~ u.clil)(~i'iltiUJlSof this ses.sion be free, and that the ddibcnttiol1s of our brethren l)e

1.tlIil.Llhe l.ld,"~lJll:CrnCl1l of the order and }Jl'OgTt:.:S8 of the pdneiplo::>, which as worthy nll1S0nS

~(tllen~ to; tLnd enlving 1'1'0111YUI.ll' kinc1t.::l.lnshlcr:ttion that noblest of vil'tues ,,,11i,c:h helps to

~c'UL t.h.e ol'del',-wl1kl1 is clH\'dty-~be extendec1, a.nd t!1,1.t in, a pt'l.rtic:nlar 111:1nl1er. in be­'. or yout' )Jresent int;UnllJcllt of this offiee, in his feeblc effbrt in the discharge of his duties;

may the God of all pence be with •.nul bless this our l)l'(:.s(~ntc:onvention :-i.\.1)(11 shall feell. (;m:n,ingthe j0\\'01 of l1l)' o!flce oyer to my l:iU(;:t;C' SSGi' it. :::iati81i.tction in so doing and be­Ilg' LllltL it will be [)lflecll in .1Jl~ lliU1ds of (Jne '\\'ho will \)e tetter ll,lJle to \"'j(,~ld IlLs il:ifluenee to

1'(\ilt.l\'i.ll1L:-tgc than I h:.t\"B dOlle.

lVfny we live ibr those ,rho love us,For those who knl)'iV l1S true;VI.1l' t.he l:H:;HVCll tlwt smUt::s f\.bo-\'8 us,

.-\}1(1tl.waits our Sp'il'its t(JO:-V'ur the c'-\.U::i1Jtlli\t h\.l:ks ilssist,lllCC;

Ii'ul' the '\'l'unga tlti1L need res.istn1)(;8;V'or tl1e future in th~ disttnle(~;

.-\.nl1tile good that we ('<111 tlo.11H\.\'t:lik0Wist', dedicated the new lodge-l'oom (Jf Evening Still' Lodg'e, t\t l~loo:mington, In.

lJaYl~ gl'l1ntetl the Culll.)wing· DispeU::ilt.tiolJS during the year:

1 Tli::;PClIslltillll to open it Lodge n.t London, Ont .., to Osil"oS 'Lodg·e, U. J)" $1000l " 1'1"'''''1' AHoll, to B, F, Rogers Lodge, P, D ,,'" 100UI N, S, Ludg-e to install H,~cj'llitlr)'" _ """'_"'''''''' """ ' ,2001 John JOlteS Lodge, NO.7, tu P[H.i:':iand rai.se ,....... 200

.l LillccJln Lo~lbe, }[u. 5, to install cli1ie!::}':;.... .. .....••.....•..... 2001 li:n~ning- Sttlr lAKlg13, No. ·1,teJ illstall ollil:l:rs .. _ _.... 200'1. 8il();\.lH I.Juc1gl~,i{O. 9, to pas::; 'I.ull raisE'. ...•.. .....•.. 4 ~O

~ Specht'! Dbl)eJl~:lti()ns to J-t F. Rogorg Lodg13, U. D... :! 001 DblJCI1:-):1tion 10 G. T. '\'n.b;Oll, NO. '1, tD ll,'tss :lnd raise.. 2 001 .. to up~n il LOtJgc at ~\ratt\lon, to Eureka. LO,dge, U. D 10 00

'\ Specht! Di~pen::i,lti()11 to Cl\lltl':::t.I, No. Q ••••• 200

There jg a star ill Ihe west thnt shan never go down,'Till the records of mortals decay;

We S11,Lllworship tilat star, thouglL it bo not OIU'own,POl' lilJerty blll'sts in its my,

Tht'lt within OU1's::u:':l't.:tl \\It'll]s no (liseol'dn.ntju.rrings !,l"l'eor f:ihould be heard; and LhIninds of nlen outside l1re distracted by the heavings to anll' fro of pulitical strife; t\lHI

despots n1uy rule with the iron rod and n. denlOl1'S lnuTice; and though l'digi0U$ (:l1thll~hl(:l1nsc Inen'to doubt a.;1(llJe~i1'tl.te, and 11Lscord 111fLYentev every honse aud cli\~.i\le tlwseunited by the tics of rclationship, yet still should thc te;lchiugs of this, om lJelu\'l'be [Ol'l'Blost uboyc the cOnlCl1ding dements of Stl'H0, O\'l~r Pl'ct\;chilig the ductrine::; of

love, relief and truth, and still exhod'iug' llct' children to CnlUVl\to faith, hope and charity.'l'hilt free rU::ls0111'Y is llniv(~l'snl, fl'l.)ll'J. ull fundiuuCnHtl te:udt.ings we IHlYe, frurn the (:1\1

(JIll' eO.lll1l1Cnc!::lllcut, tlll'ong-h the variuns t~harig;e.-:l which hll\'c in SOln(: C0Llllt.riC:> (livic1~d'

ill ~very land where civilizatiun extends i\ }na~on may 'fill(l a hOllW tUld in erery diwe u.

Great care is ta.ken ]il,:t.~wbe that two of the greatest causeS which stir up and l't)US8 the ,-ll

!:iious of THen arc excludl:d fron} di3l:lt:~si()n in OUr lodges :ii'll' thft-t wiSe reasun-1JOliLil.:tllig-jOltS doctr.inu.s arc :lnd ~hol1ld be lOl'bidtleu in our lodgcs ;-and ItSUu.: pr01~lit)es of our 1Parent to his J)~liovillgchildren, then, thel.'l.!,fol'e, lo,:l,~ail oUl':::clvc:3of the tlt:'ueI18 thaL rtr~ pwe H'wst cOluply with the l'e(luirelnen\t~ of tbe law and of brethren of t.he m.ystie <:.lHtir tothlLt relationship; W0 should be law-l\lJiding and observe carefully the Itmc1.1lllll'l(,s of ljorder; and UR the full111ing of hlW, rather by lcl.l,ve than by fl:l\.t', is lllOst a.(;ce)JL,IlJlt: U~ fI.:$() 'let us love one anothel' and thus advance ~Ul'eOlnluon eallse.

And no\\'. brethren, as the SLU1, that glol'idllS uJ.'b of day, that cli::ilJlay.s to the chiltlt'l.':ll (

nHlllit~· the illig-ht (llld POWOl' and. gOOtlllcs3 of the Great Al'chitec:t of the un.ivU1'3e, \\'liose II

f\nue in Ihe eU!-:itgive::: nl)tiee to all ftlliulJl.t0l1lteing-.3 ereated. tlhlt it is tini.e to rise a.net pilY Ito the Deity fInd rCeOnlJJ1CnC~ tbe ildive clnties of life; and its sdLing anc1r0til'ing in tIlO ,the close of the day, as th~ rc:1volv.ing of the ci.ll:th upon itB axis, intim[lte that it lYi Lime tvI'rom our labours 11$no.tur~ requires rest, anti thus dCJl1Qll.stl'atc the grtMt care tlUlt II .kill{

fl1el't:ifuJ God ,bas for fLll creuted bdllgs;-the Jnoon, 1ikewise, with her pule beams n.n,IIrl\Y~, when the gl'ellt solur 'light hns dislllJpearcd, displit.y.s the g"l)otlnes::; of Ollr CCCHtl)l',

!lot t,he Allnigllty tlct:1ilre thl'ough tho IHllJdiwol'k of IUs Cl'eit.tiou, that. He is with 'Us l)y JJig

WCllllS by dn.-y; flud tlHlt nt all ti!11~S \\'e Hre nnde.1' His protecting (;nrc, and tlw[. His n'flt(>hfis constantly ove.r nil of nul' wOl'ks? Praise ye then I-liTn, llnd .let His lhllne he praised, fun}

( 8 )

vir~ue it is ')-)3 l~al'n to es(:iInate thq o.<:tiOllS of tllose u'L'OUlld ns, !lIlt] fothe1' t!lflJl j JllllL

censorious convel·s~.tioH, we rathei' see1i: to di::>cC!vf:l'a. good ohjc(:t as tile rnur.l ve IHl\Vtll'

in OUJ' neighbor l1,1ight. at first view, appen.r to be it fuult, and thus wo fOl'b:car dthel' t~lclence or lltterarlce to that which l1light h~n'e a. tendency io d('truct fr01n his fnir ft\llll.~

reputation. It is in the exercise of chc,':;e Vi.rtuC.\s· we It;!~.l.l·n to regard the .1l:lJling~

tuHing InUllalllH1"tlire,-not with the stern /.:lye of llevcr-etTing l'el'titwlL', fur WILO is tlwrJtiS who Ctl.n sa)'" thil~ tl r il.ln npright,"_IJut to l'cg,tl'c1 u. brothel' who ha.s erred ~lighU.y 01'

fron1 the pnth of right 0l'11uving been ph1ceLl iu u. ~itLl[ll"ionof ternpt':1t.!D)l, whi~h, fhm' perfection of Our IHttUl.'e bo hilS not been fLhlc to re::iist; IHld it: i,~in tlw excl'd.se of this \'i

we learn to lend rt reiLdy eal' to the wants of 0.. poor and distrC'ssed brother. who 11111)' bennderseyere1;rials n,l1tl lllisfo.rrunes, and tnsl.:acl ()f f1ilssing ltini (~oldly by 011 the OtlU.il' side,ward, notonly with words of (:ollsohltion l\')soothe hh:; wOl.uHled spirit. a.nd pour on tJ.lU oil oL

tion and the wine l.lf g-ladn'ess, but likewisu tlH:' <:orn of nourish.meut, and to point .him.thc pfl,th thllt is freor li'om thol'lls and IJriers of advcrsity than the ODCwhich he has lJeen­

suing: Hlld so thr as in us lies, to nffol"tl fro lIt Our surplus·stores of this world'::; g'uOthi,11w

wm bring comJ(:nt to tIle bOdy as well Us sntisnlCtion t,o theminCl; und BI'OI' l'Olllemb

doctrinos of OUl' blcssed Sl\ viOl1l' while On earth, to his diCiples-Hlftt if "l1'e g'hc 1:0tItll:e able to repay us whM rcwal'd should we have, tor cven .the Scribes and PliMisec,s dQ fwhen we gi\'e allns we 111ayg'ive it in the Sil1C~1·it)' of heil.1't.'») £'01' the time lllft)r come.

wisest know not how soon, wh8n the dark eloud of ac1vQl',sity rfln,y eon1e gil.t)wl'iug at'

fl,llcl U1tl:y suddenly burst UP<'lll you, and your fondest hopes and lti.ght:'st am.lJitiuns, ill itS

less storrns-len.ving" nothing behind but regret for the past H.nclsnw.ll hopes for the futun:,

It is theref(lrt~ front su(~h as this t'lHl,t £r01u Our runsonie fund wc provide tL '( sttU' of

whieh the weary brotller lllay look j')l'wnJ'd to with nSSlll'flnee thiLt-at last, after n, well.,he nluy havc that fnlternHl evidenee of u well-spent life and look' fOrWiLl'd towl\,rrh tliving spring of 110110..

t j~;i~i~i~





- t.N,Ji

, h:v'l





( 10 ) (11 )

Ali"l'BRNOON SESSION, June 21, 18'7l.

~iheOra,nd Lodge was called on by the R. W. J. G. Warden at 2

J.oek; M. \Y. W. Tj. Da.rrow, presiding.

~nl,ycrby Bro. J,\ P. Alexander, G. C. pro tem.

nicOl',! in stittions as. [Lt lnorning session.

of morning session re~tcla,nil ~tpprove:l.

he M. W. Gmnd l\1u.ster recommemled the continuation of the

lCllsatiens of 13. F. Rogers Lodge, at Alton, Osiros Lodge, London,

it"~ ,tnd T. II. Kelly Lodge a,t Belleville, IlL

'~\fovt~llby Bro. John Jones, P, G. M., that the dispensation of:B. F.

gcr;;Lodge at ,Alton, Ill. be continued for one year. Carried.

Moved by 13ro W. D. BelTY, tlmt the dispensation of 1. H. Kelley

:]gcitt BeHel-ille, Ill. be continued for one yea.r.

, 'I'heM. 'Y. Grn.ncl Ma,ster having received fl, communication fl:oll1theM. of 1. H. K,elly Lodge, on motion, the a,hove was laid over until

~nu)l'ningHession of June 22m!.

,~~nllon motion of 131'0W. D. :Berry, the dispensation of 08i1'08 LodgeLllildon, On t., W,l,S continned for one ye,:tl'.

Tho comrnit.tee on Gmnd l\1a,stel"S a,ddress reported the following,

,rich,on motion, waR ;ldopted :

! :1'.l1].~~IosT \Yol::HIIPl"t.'[, (.:lI-,i..\NfJ _LoJ)(;]~ I)J.' IJ..LlNOT:'::.

Un motion of Iho. R ·White, the1<1l:l:oon 'I\',lS cuntinued for one yea,r.

< ,

Un motion of Bro. T. 1\1'.Heed, ;, committee of three were ltppointec1

committee of condolenc.e to OUT sister Gmnd LOllge of Indiana.

BretlJJ:t~n :

We Ii:lrc ex,uni"[H}d the :\lltJrC$S (,f the M. \\T. Gl'l~Hd '-Mas,ter, flllt."lr:l1l;e1'flllly agree .in rceOln­

ltlillg- tlint lhis grtlll,l 1.llIdy r"1SS~tlibll.llc H.:slJlutiuns of l;uHtll)llmcc to ou), sister Grand I,odge

-:;'!I1.11 itll III , un the denth (;f ("}u:ir (;l'Lll}{l1\1n~l01', Brothc:l' J\lJrcd :[{o1JertK

.. We \\'iJullllllso rel:utHJllellll tlltlt ~uital.Jl~ legislatiou 1)0 cl1k'1'0d i1l.to Ibl' the fUll l'elJ1'0ScntuLiol1

t!lis Orl.llld. Lu(lge ill tile :~r.\Y". X,ltit)nlll Gl',L11cl Lodge, to t\.':i.':i01111Jlo in the city of Chicag'o, in'l()lJ~~l',A. fl. loTI :

And lll::u in l'elaliull to the prllll1ot:iul1 ,-,f nm(~tJI'B in our .':i~yen:l1 subordinate lodges we doi~cl'rully tlgree, fllHll't.:::(,ollHl'leJl<1 t.o (:ildl of uUt' ludge::; fl, due J:ceogJlizl.1J1ce of the same.

We \\'lilild ;lhu (:nl! tilt.: atkJltiuu of (.he ~'r.W. GTilUd Lodge to the su;;ge8til)l1S of the R. ,;y.

rl(ljJuty 1'l'Hlld :,r.\:~tl:l'. ,l,lld I'L't'lllJllllI2Lld that his re.pcnt l)e appro\fed.

S. W, Seo'!"!'. 1T.n, KJ'LLY, J" COlllmittee.\Y, D.BEnny.

dispensa.tion of Bureka Lodge at


It is'lLdeIty imposed upon thc Deputy Grand ~Iast01' by Our l:unshtntl('11 (Hlld Olle,100,I' t,!link jSjust,) to l'epOl't to U,CGran,l 1,odge nll of hi~ oineial,let, alJ<ll,"iJ",., ([Ul'illg'11isoffice;' and although I eunnot be \l'itil )'011,itnd pa1ticipilto in yom l!eliJJortltiun, as J hayin time pust, yet I eongratnlitte YOIlone and ull, and with you (eel gmtcful to the (;frcntAfor !lllyjng perrnltted so nmny of you to ":>seIULle'lgain [(H'the purpose of Jegi,lating au'tlcting such business as will j(l1wal'l1the inte,.esls, the good and 1,'rtJsJ)cl'ityof this, Our 111eient itnd IlonOl"1bleorder. !lfan)' of you have learne(l, perhaps ere this, of my lJeingdistemt South. Vm'y eitrly in Januill-y last, my LusineSs ,Ctllled me hiihel', all,.! ufter in1,thc Gmnd lIftlster of my absence, I requ0sted him to auth"rizt' so]n(. broLl",.!,who wightthe requsite quulifientions, t.o do mId ]Jerj"rOl. whiltevel' Masonic duties that mighlthemselves dUring Illy stuy, nlld which Inight be beyond his pow"rto POl'j(llTn, 'I'his l,oil1,I felt content, knOWing that the era ft would Iose \lothing thereby.

Most Worshipful Brethren :-It is not within lll)' provillce t.or0c,:nllllleJl(I,suggest, i,,'lllreshHdow, what I rnay desire to be the P1'oper comse of legislat.ion np(,ll Svllle <'Ii:''the Iing' ciuestiolls which ll1it)' l)l·l;sent.themseh-es fOryon1' nonsit1cmti()JJ,,m(l, pel'haps, filial ,j

I am for peace and harmony; and if the snbjeet of nboli,hing all)' one' Of the CO.orbmnches of om fmternitj' should arise, ilndlUerging into that of ilnuthel' of tIle sarne S(lLIe,saY,that wh"tever miL)'be done, whatever legislation ll1tlybe nece",,,,')' to J.lI:ing l1JJoutdUrebeth of those r"dieal Ch'lllges, I hope it mal' be done leg'lily, Qndin that spirit Of'II''''I'Jlol])'brotherly love whiCh ehm'"eteriz0s "n good masons. The time ]]'\8 come Whetl we, as Pre"Aceepted'1\Iasons, must Mt,-and 'let wisely-and <10all in onr power to 'prc""1 tile ,hum>!uncI 11lOralJzing- inftlleni::e of Our lbtternity.

,I'Jorbeitr to say more. Dllr.ing the past, yeitl', my oJtieinllab01'8 have been ji~\\'. IIIIbel' litst, I received '" C,llUlUUlli(,atioll.lhHl] some brelhrcli ilLMMtO(nJ. JIlinoi,. t'xl.'re.."iugdesire to bave it .Mnsonie LOdge estal)lishcd in thiLtplace, with n.ll (he po\\'er lIswdl)' gnw(eJlOdge under clispensatioll. I 'lccording]y illl(ll'lne<1the lII.W. O. Master ,:,C the 1\\(:1,who ,UrUle to l)l'Oceed to l\f(l.ttOul1 a.t Illy tutlie,,:,t CC111Vi:.HliE'-1Iec. nnd to titke wHh llll~ ~u(:11 !.H'(d.1'l:{, Ol'lI!'1

as, in lUy judgment, the oeCl\RiOlldcnuLl1r1ed, find to Orgfin.ize and c.,t"l,lish it ](,<1guof A,I'.A. M.i,n 'itid place. Taking with metheH, W. S. Gmn,l Wtlrrlen, Brother Edi"&rd White, Ieeeded to ~f(\ttoon, tllld on the--of J)c(:"mlJer estnlJli,Jwd II lOdg" 10l<"Wllhy tile nnn\(' C>I'I,uLodge, U. D., with the Ibllowing tlppnlntu<l ofl1.(X~l'SIYiz:

AU8tin Perry, W. !If.; Milflll'd N'H'('on, S. W.: Riley 'N'Olton,.J. W.' It..l\ighl, Tn'",.;.\;;on Berch, Sec'y.: Ol'"ngo HUll1nllll, 'file>:; James 1)Ollle)',H.n.; Boman L,nllb, .1,n,

r thin,],:that this 10clg'eis made nIJ of g'ood mflte1'i<ll,,11Ie:!th"y "hou1<lb8 1"l'(:pa•.",l toolAWeLlTUntofCOllStitutiOllllt thL, communicnti,.,ll. 1 >:eeeiv",]Ii),.(:$I'al>lishillg'",ieI IlltlguSltI.".is senl, tu (he Graud lIru.tcl'. ,

Dgpul'Y GRAND NIAs'I'lm'S R.E.POltT.

'fhe following report of the Deputy Gra.nd Master was refill,motion, was referred to the proper committee.

And now, jinaliy, lUJ' brethren, kuo\\'in:; that you ,h'\I'e" linn l'e1illlll'" (JlJl\illlj,~'ltl)'G,)(1,ehel'i,Jiing' it desire to be gl1ided by the lln(:icmtl"lt(llllal"ks of ~ra'OI1I'r, I PI''')' Him 1(, \'''tlto )rOtl '0 ..pleasaflt-fl.lld hHrnHJllifJUS Sf~ssjon.

I <I.nl, fl'u terually,


'l'he hour of twelve h'lving arrived, the (h;~nd1,oc1ge1Vn,f; (;;dled [Ilabor to refi'eshment, till 20' clock.

( 18 )

\emotion laying over the adion in regard to the dispensu,tion of 1.:01ly Lodge, U. D., until this morning, June 22, was callednelon motion of Bro. John Jones, w,),s bid over until Saturday

ing session, June 24.

IleCOnlll}itteeon Credentials reported Bro. W. A. Hubbard as a legal~8entativeof St. John's Lodge, No.8, and entitled to a seat in thisal sE\ssionof this Grand Lodge. On motion, the above report was'ted.

era. Wm. Shelly of No. 0, was reported and admitted.~ .

,'hecommittee on Constitution and By-Lil,wS reported the following:


,:),l',t\'u 0xnnl'i.llcd the 13~.·~:r.,rt\Vsof Ccntnll Lo(.lge, So. 3, Spl'jngndd~ and E"vening Star Lodge,:"lUl11ml.inl£l()l1, and find th81n corrcet, t1lt:'Y hr\ving i.tdUIJkcl the code of JJy-Laws. reCOln­

:ied by l1)is Gr,)lld Lucl:;e fit the scsHion held at J:H:ksonl'illo, A. D. 1870.

JOHN JONES, }J. P. ALEXANDER. Committee.A. Sl\flTH. .

Qn motioo, t.heabove report. was a,pprovec1:':i

I'h(, committee of Conclolenee reported the following:

'j'HI': :\J(I~T \VOj{S11Il)'ft'l. GRAND LOnGE OF TLLINOlS:

.\'lwn.:iIS,inl'llJ'lnatioJ1 ha.ving been re<.:eivl:c1 by lIli.s 1\[, '\V. Gra.nd Lodge, of the death of onrl\yl1J:l)l1lt'l', ~l. '\V, AUl'l2\l Hul,efls, G. ?T. ot' Jnl.1illl'hlj tllen:~rUll~,

:('~LJ1\'efl,That ",11ih.., eOllf!,Tatulating l..IUl'SdVl~S I'q.H)U OUI.' inel'l::tlS,ing prosperity, we rectlll thet)inL lkHtlJ,--tllc universal h,)J'vc::;ter-JlttS bCtnl a'moIlgsf: uSI thinning 01.11'ranks of 80nH~ of

'~·~·l\Yl..':)t.tlHd Ih)bld-i{; Y(',tcrullS lbnt (;Vt;.~l' did bttLlle fur the eauSi6 of Free 11;H~Onl'y,-the. nlosti::;iJJg'of t.h0~(;LJcjl\g uUl· Ldoved Brclthur Al[red H.ohe,rts, G-rand Master of Indiana.

I:ll.'sulrt.:d.UliLt, we symptlUlize wiBl our Sister Gralll.l Lodge in the loss of her belove(t Grand:l~r; thtll \\'e feel in his lle:1th tl1,lt tlley hasc lu::;t 11 ucl{)\'t:~] {:OIHL')ollor, and the fraternity it


·Jtt~(}hl~ll.,that tIu: t.::x,llt'ell stiltion he IHllHI1't111'ly nceupic(l win forever be held sacl'e.d to his


U('i'ClireJ, thut'. w(: lJl'lh.:ve that he is u rcsic..lt:Jd of llJat Ct~lesWal City, whosegntes are of pearls

Pll\'ClllCll(~ on: of gold; ulllll1 \\'(Il·s1tippet' in lhHtS1JiriLnf\1 Tl.:":lnplenl.ised by Chcl'ubilns' bands,hout Ole .soulld of axe or bmnmer, with tJle li.'tel'nnl ~(JlIS of light, singing hnlle.lujah to thenipot~\nt,ti.)rcv(~nnul'l~Jworld without end, J\men,

'r~esnirt.:.],I.lwl it cupy or these l'eslJlutiuns be trnrJsrnHled to tl1e Gr111)d Lodge of Indinn~.

'. 1. H. KELLY, }1\ C. "':'RING, Committee.W. D. BhRr.,.

the above·resolutions were adopted, a.nd committee dis-

Bro. 'IV. D. Derry otfered tlJe foHowing resolution, ,vhich, on motion,.sMloJlted :

B. F. HOGlms.I~D \'VH1'l'PW.·IL SELOi~N.

MORNING 8J,SSION, June 22, 187[:

The M. W. G. M. appointed the following brethren its said eommBros. 1. H. Kelly, W. D. Berry and R. C. W;),ring.

Bros. M. Thomas and Geo. Burk, of No.9, weremitted.

The committee on Returns of Lodges reported the returns of tholowing Lodges as correct:

( 12 )

North Star' Lodg'e, NO.1; G. rl'. '~'atson LOdge, NO.2.: Central LOdge, N(L 8; E\'el

:Lodge, NO.4; }i'l'emOIit Lodge, NO.6; John Jones Lodge, NO.7,: St. John's Lodge, No.Siloam Lodge NO.9.

On motion, the above report was approved:

The committee on Dispensations a,nd Charters reported the fol!owi'fo THE Mos'!' WOIaHY GRAND LoDGE OJ' lI,LINOIS:

Your committee ll!\Ving examined the books of W. L. Dal1'ow Lodge, U. n., at G:lldfind their work correct, aud recommend that they be granted a wnrl'£lnt of ('()Dstitution.

C. C. lhCIIAltDSON,}~. S. Goo~r ~n. CommIt"h. nOLLh\:.

On motion, the report was approved.

Moved, by W. D. Berry, that the prayer of W. L. DalTOw LOll

U. D., asking for a Warrant of Constitution, be granted. Carried:

Bro. John Jones offered the fol!orYing resolution, which, OIl macWas adopted.

The hour of five having arrived, the G.mnd LOllge wa.s ca1leLlfi.labor to refreshment, till 9 o'clock, 'rhUl'sc1a.y, June 22, 1871.

Resoll'ed thilt the Gl'ane! Mil"ters be and are hereby requestec1 to hal'O porlTnHs of Ibe

taken, and a eopy of the same be presentee! to eaeh subordinute lodge jn thi" jlll'i.>c1icLiulJ,-[.pense incurred to he plLic1by this Grand Lodge.

The M. W. Grand I~odge was called £i'omrefi'eslunent to labor bJ~

R. W. J. G. ,Varden, at 9 o'clock-M. W. 'Y. L. DalTow, presidio

Officers in stations as at previous session; prayer by Bro . .T. P.exander, G. C. pro tern. Minutes read and approved.

Bro. W. A. Hubbard of NO.8 was repol'ted ;1,ndadmitted.

Communication of

City of Galesburg,

( 15 )

J\iIORNING SESSION, June 23d, 1871.

Aeconnts reported the following:

;i'le M. W. Grand Lodge wa.s en.lIed from reNeshment to labor at 9gcle, by tbe R. W. J. Chand Warden.

myel' by Bro . .T. P. Alexa.nder, G. O. pj·o. tem,.

'inutes read an(1 approved ..

rooIhvitl Jennings 'of NO.8 was reported and fLdmitted..,

)1'0. R. Holley offered the following resolution:

esul\'cll, that this Gralld Lodge enter into the ~l(:ction of Granel 0111cers at 2 o'clocl( tJ-lisJOou.

'91'1 motion, the above resolution was l1doptec1.

'fhe motion of Bro. B. F. Rogers pending the calling off, wa,smLllec1upr rlecidedin the affirma,tive.

telegram from 131'0. H.. ·M. Hn.neock, Ohicago, informing the M. W.nelMn,ster that the money and petition for Wa.rrant of 1. H. Kelly

. ge, U. D. at Bellcville, ha.d been sent to Chicago instead of Quincy,:the G. L., was read, and on motion of Bro. John Jones, a Wa.rrant

\S gmnted to I. II. Kelly IJodge, U. D.

::On motion of Bro. 'I'. M. Reed, the next Annual

..is Gr:1ndLorlge was ,lppointed to iLsscll1blein thellillois. .

::rJw qncstion was raised as to t.he right. of tbis Grand Lodge paying

)i'c tnwelling expenses of 131'0. S. Witherspoon, J. G. W.; he beingS.W, of Evening Star Jjodge, No. Lk, a.nd a representative of the same.

, Un 1ll!)tion the bin was not. a.J1owed, the deeision of this Grand

',Jot1gebeing, tllnt representatives of lodges must eolleet their travel­ing expenses from their IOtlges.

..'J'I{I~ :;\rO~'1'WOl:::;lfH'\~l}l, (~n.AND LO])GE:

~~.\\'e lHLH! eXn11l11H.:dthe following" Bills awl find tl1enl correet:Bill, of W. L. TJurrow, G. r.r.; K White. S. G. \1'.; S. Wil.11"I'''POOIl, J. G. W.; R. C. Waring-, G. S.;

. '1I,,·li1l. G. T.; and. W. A. Hu\,lll1.n1. . .

t.he a,bol'c report \"as ltppl'Cl\'ecl.

~'.",l\.rlll on motion tIle hills of the Gmml Ma.s[;er, S. Gmnd 'Warden,(hnnd SClcretllry, Gnmd 'rile!' ,md W. A. Hubbard were ordered

A commlll1ication from Siloam Lodge, No.9; IIwltlng the G. .jj.

turn out and participate with them in celebrating St. J()hn's Day)24th, was read, and, on motion, the invitation was accepted.

A.l?'l'JmNOON SESSION, June 22, 187]

Resolved, that a:lliodg>es \vorkilig->tInder tIre jurisdiction of this M. W. GrunLidispensation, who do not apply for a warrant at the fu:st session of this Grand Lodge",griiliting of snch dispensation; shall Ile nssessed the sum oJ'twentY-DVe cents on all·conferred.

The hour of 12 M. having arrived, the G. L. was called oft·o'clock.

The M. W. Grand Lodge was called from refi:'cshment to labol'o'clock, by the R. W. J. Grand W,irden-M. "Y. W. L.ptesiding.

Prayer by Bro. B. F. Rogers,G. O. pr'o tem.

Mii1utes of morning session rea.cl and appro Ired.

Bro. A. J. Osborn of No.8 was reported and admitted.

For the information of the brethren, the M. ",V. Grand Master)several sections of the constitution of the M. 'V. G. L

(14 )

Bro. R. Holley moved that this Gra,nd IJodge turn ontin proc.eH~with Siloam Lodge, No.9, on St. John's Day,June 24th, '1871.ried.

'['he following bills were presented and referred to tlte eOlJlll1itteeaceol'ints: Grand Mastel', $32.60 ; S. Grand "'Varden, $15.70; (}J':i

Secreta.ry, $80.84; Grand 'l'iler, $5.30; Bro. 'N. A. Hubl.>ard;from last session, 75 cts., and Junior Gran<1 Wll.l'(len, ~Ji1D.6().

Moved, by Bora. 13. F. Rogers, that the necessa,ry a.ppropriation be

made for paying oUT,dues to the M. W. Na.tional Grand Iiodge.

Pending the a,bove motion, the G. J~.was cfdled from In.bor to ref!'ment; to eall on Friday mOlTl'irig,.June 2Bd, at H oelock.

.................................... Bro. W. L. Danow.E. Whitc.

" R. M. Hancock.A. Fauver.

C. S. Goomcl' .R. C. Waring.

B. F. Rogers.

(17 )


Master, .



"ppointecl the following Brethren as a, Oommittee onDation: 131'0. T. :M. B,eed of No. 1.; Bro. O. C. Richardson of

; Bro. B. F. Rogers of No. 3; Bro. 8. Witherspoon of No. Lb;

E. White, Prox:,of No.5; Bro. A. Smith of No. G; Bro. W.

81'1'3' of No. '7; Bro. V\!. A. HuhblLl'(1 of No.8; Bro. O. S.,ner of No.9.

he committee, a.fter a short absence, returned fmc1 submitted the

wing report, through their chairnnn, Bro. 'r. M. Reeel:

Grand Mastel' nominated Bro, G. W. Anderson, Deputy G. M.

ij1. for the ensuing yea,r, ill compliance with the Constitution.

'JaUnt was taken and he not recei ving a two-thirds vote was declaredected.

'he Gmnc1 Lodge was (,ltlled off for five minutes before going into

!tiOllof officers.

'rho time havil1o' eXl)irec1 the Gn1nd Lodo'e was called on.~', 0 _ ci.rllo Grand ::'dast.er ,tppointocl Bros,H.. M. Duling and Wm. C:1ITas11ers.

The Grand Lodge then proeeeilucl to the election ofoifi.cers, with

following rcsn'lt :

Bro. ,V, 1" Ihrrow, ChiclLlyO, NI. IV. Grand .Master..0. .E. Wllite, A1t.on, lL W. Deputy" "

., R M. Ihncock, ChiuLgo, H.. IV. S. Gro.ncl Wllrden.

.. 1. H. J{elly, Alton, " J." "" Henry Bradfonl, Chicago, " (. Treasurer." n.. c. Waring, I. ....•• " Secretary... '1'. l\J. Reed, ,. .. ... " " Lecturer .

Jlovetl1Jy Bro. S'.W, S(;ott, tha.t the otlicers j LlSteleeted be declaredIlll,lnirnolls dloiee of this Gram1 Lodo-e. Olwried.o

. Moved by Bro. C. S. Goomer tha,t the OiliCOl'S elect be installed inn1~licon f:~atUl'(hy cvening, June 24th, at 9 o'clock. Carried.31 Votes.

Votes hy Hepcescnttlti\'t::s.II by Bw. C.C. Hiel1Hl'clS(JlJ,

I, d B. 1i'.Hogcl'.~.

R Holle)', 2,}'I S. Witherspqunl.K "VJlite, Prox.

U A. SmUll.•............. 3 u" :U01Jl'e.senlflti'ves.

"W. A. Hnbhnn12.),. A. Osborn L i



North $tal' Lodge, NoG. T. Watson" "Central

:Evening Sta.r

JAncoln'FremontJohn Jones

St. Johns.

"Siloaril II I,. 9,.Bro. John Jones, P. G.

" I. IT.Kclly, P. G.II E. \\"bite, P." W: L. Darroll'; G.

( 16)

Moved by 131'0, O. O. Richardson, that this Gnmcl IJodge pny.

half of Bro. Witherspoon's bill, whicb, on motion, was laid UPO);'tabie.

Moved by Bro. W. H. Selden, that the. Gnmd Lodge advar,"

Bro. Witherspoon the necessary amount of money to pay his expo

and hold Evening Star lodge accountable for the sathe. .,r

The hoUl' for caning off having arrived, the time W,18, on Illation;:tended ten minutes to decide the lLbovemotion.

1J.'heul0tion was then amended by Bro. John Jones, to reild, '.Bro. Witherspoon's request be granted, lLfter all necessary bi1ls"expenses of this Grand Lodge are paid.

An'd on motion, the main question and mnendrnent were bnthiriupon the table.

". ,

The Grand Lodge was then called off by the R. W. .T.2 o'clock.


The M. W. Gmnd Lodge was called on ,tt 2 o'clock

J. G. 'VV. M. W. W. L. Darrow presiding.

Prayer by Bro. J. P. Alexander, G. O. ]!1'O tem.as at morning session ..

Minutes l'ead a,nil approved:

( 18 )

. ,On motion of Bro. S. W. Scott, Bro. John Jones, P. G. M

invited toillstall the officers elect, 1md Bro. B. F. Rogers, P. G,act as his alternate.

The hour of 5 having urrivecl, the G. L. was called off till 0 0'June 24 ..


The M. W. Grand Lodge was culled from refreshment to hhol' b.y

R. W. J. G. Warden at 9 o'clock.

Prayer by Bro. R]'. Rogers, G. C. pro tem. Oflicer" mas at previous 'Session.

Btos. S. Olarlee and H. Olifford, of No. n, and JamesEureka, U. D., were reported ancl aclmitted.

On motion, the following committees were discharged; on ]")isptions :1nt1Oharters, Grievances, Unfinished Business, Foreign Oonl'nications, J u~'isprudence, and Returns of Lodges,

Bro. John Jones, Ii:'om the committee on Constitution and :By,. ,

submitted a copy of the by-laws of North Star Lodge, No.1, n.dopwith the necessrtr)' alterations, by "V. L. Darrow Lodge, No;'

'which, on motion, ·was approved. Also, a copy of the same, ado'

by Fremont Lodge, No.G, with the neeessa,ry alterations, was 'ljJJil'i;

J\1ovedby Bro. T ..M. Heed, that the necessal'yappl'oprin-tion be 11)

to defY'ay the expenses of the representati,res of this G. L. a.t tlIO

sion of the 1\1: W. N. Grand Lodge, to be heli[ in Cl,icago, O~.fl2nd, 1871. Oarried.

Moved by Bro. 1. H. Kelly, that thisG. IJ. procure iI, Chandter's seal.

1'he hour having il.nilred fin' calling off', the tiTne was ext(;;nclod

minntes, and on motion, the above motion was laicl upon t!Je t:tblo.

:Moved by Bro. E. White t!Jat a committee of three bo '1.]Jpointel1,:oG..L. Regalin and G. ]\1'8 seal, and rerMt the exrj,(;t eost ;j,t tlte JJ

Annual Oommunication.

Pending the motion, theG-. L. was called fi'o111In-bortill 2 o'clock.

( IH )

AF'rERNOON SESSION, June 24, 1871.

lOM. W. Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to b,bor, by){. W. :r. G. Warden, at 2 o'clock.

myel' by Bro. B. F. Rogers, G. O. pro tem. Officers in stations as. .


'J'he motion pending' the calling off was taken up alid amended by

i'jloworingthe committee to purchase the regalia, a,nd, on motion,·'ojJted.


'J'hoM. 'V. G. M. appointed the following brethren as said committee:

s. n.. Tht HfLnCock, Chicago, E.White, Alton, and B. F. Rogers,ing.field.

,'he following brethren were reported and a,dmitted; Bros. John

nglesS'l)1(lR. Pain of No.9, W. Owens, L. W. Owens, J. P. Wat­,l,J A. Abby, K. D. 'J'fmner, P. Spencer, B. Williams, O. Morris,

,,'lhmilton, H. Olay, I'. Russell, and H. Frazier, of Oorinthif1il Lodge,'0. 16, Ihnnibn,l, 1\10.

;Movollby Bro. B. F. Ragen, that this Grand Lodge will pay the

,l)vol1ingexpenses of the Grand Master while traveling int? territories

.herohis judgment ma.y deem it expedient for the formatioil andestab­~ltlYlentof subordinate lodges, when the sallle is not pfLidwhen a lodge',:'Hilt' esta,b1isbed .-Carri eel.I'"

;"]'he question of representative:> of subon1irliltlj lodges lea,ving before

:0 dose of tIle sessions was raised, and a.ftcr some discussion, Bro. 1.(Kelly offered the f()llowing resolution, which, on motion was


,'~, [{l.,.z:uln::dl That any rerm:s(·.ntilLi\'e fl'om any ::;ul,ol'dinn:te lodge, or oftkel's of this Grand.

':?db~' retiring [ruIH t.he session of this Grand Lodge 1.1C:'Jorethe close of the session, without per· '{s'siollfrom the n1'lllHl l\fn.~teT 01' flralHl 1..oc1ge, sh ,\.11 , b); so doing, incur the ...:enHU1'0 of th.is

1'(11\(1Lodge. ....

.'::()1l motion, the committee on accounts, wa.ys and means, and cre-~i,ti;Lls were (lischar<"Ttotl.';',~\. ' C

Movedby Bro. '1'.,M. Reed, that there he three hundred cop;ies of the

i!,o(:ceL!ingsof this session of the Grand Lo(lgc published.


rOn motion of Bro. S. W.' Scott, the necossn.ryappl'opriation was

,\lilde for paying for the pnblishing of the proceedings of this session.


( 20 )

Moved by Bro. '1'. M. Reed, that warrants be granted to the 10

U. D" by applying to the Grand officers, if applying forduring this mn,sonic year. OmTiecl.

Moved by Bro. S. W. Scott, that the next annual session

Grand Lodge be held in the city of Galesburg. Oarried.

The Grand Lodge having accepted theinvitntion of Silon.l11l,od

No.9, to t\.nn out, the procession was formed, and nfter

through the principal streets, returned to the lodge-room.,'1'he Grand Lodge was then called from labor to refi'eshmcnt, to ,

on at the sound of the gavel. .

The Gmnd Lodge was called on a.t 8 o'clock P. M.J. G. Warden.

M. W. W. L. Df1rtOw presiding.

Prayer by Bro. A. Osborn, 0-. O. pro tcm.

After the calling on of the Gra.nd I.1odge, the lodge-room of 8ilLodge was thrown open to the public, a.nd the Grand officers c

(except Bros.' R. M. Hancock and H. Bradford, they not being pre;were installed, in ample form, by J3ro. R. F. Uoo;ers, :P. G. M.

After the installation tho brethren enjoyed themselvesfi)f' asl

time, ,mc1partook 'Of the refreshments prepn,r~edby Silo:llll Ludge No{

The lodge-room was dosed to the public, llud M. '.V. W. L. ])'1]']'01\:,:

taking the chair, delivered the following



13retlll'Cll :-fl'bc closing' scene.::; whiel! haye tr'lll::pil'cd, and the se\'(~ral impoJ'illut,v{hie1) bayc been solenlnly rehea.rsed by our P, G. 11. being t.he ~ignn.l i'm' action in theand as a duty which should never be omitted nOr forgotteu, tliat is) l'clllembl'dllg-lwmageDeity tLnd illlploriDg his care ilnd 1l1'ot('C'Liollin the future) Wt~fll'e ttLl.lgllt. sulL:lnnly, as Fr\:~JIlought never to forget, that He has lait1his Imnd upon the Gospel of St. Johns, so He ,hOllldfOl'geL t.o love his brothel' nceonling to th.; doctrines of love c:ontail\cll in th:1t sfl(:red Look.

Brethren! when fully gua.rded by thllt sileredl'\lle, who then would he so pOOl'as 10 lI'unt:l

-a lHencl worth all hazanl wo can rnn-fo]' poor in(leetl is tIle f.J.'h:~.ulllesS 111UStOl' of t~lC

lLfi.·iend in purchase for the wOl'I(l is g'lin; ,,,Hh joy the ardent YOl\th d,dles C,'j'II'l\.l'llll

con:lluon journey of life .. and while SUl~·C~S..,nttends hint in 11i8 ouw:nd cllllrse, fdcuc1saround Ilinl I1n(1 with professions, long n.nd loud, proffer o.n~raid he JlHty oyer neell.

Tell him the WOl'lel is itS false, as fail', allil he knoll's not what you soy. He h"s !Jllt 1\

luring- pleasures that Cluste~' :)'1'ound his path, null believes not; that Lhe wllvy serpmlL 1tnl:,s

(21 )

,..paill. He has.not yet learned the roughne", of the ro'lCl, lmt we need not follow hIm.:[,11'on his journey; he soon enough lenui!:: his llllst./;"tke and finds that our brightest dren']lls:clftelllJe. illtel'prett:d cont1'a.ryvvise.

No friend COlnes a.round ns to (;heel',

~ No paTent to suitell out' grIef;No brother, not' sister is near.

And stra.ngcl's Cil,.ll give no relie f.

Who is that who cometh 1'1'0111Eden with d)recl gnnnentR frOIll Bozi\ra.h ; is there no Balrn in~L must the sljrangor die alone; is there no help for the widovl'"'S son? But lU\'l'k i u. step!.tOllIes? "l'h:i a LJl.'othel'~know yon not the Sigl~! 'Tis the fmnilitu' Inmnwl and pec1'l.1, 'withlIsign of inno(:cncc, and the badge of H. llH'LSOlI. Cheer up tho fainting' hefl.rt again; bowI.lire \rc dividerl in senti1nenLs aud by secta.rhul ideas or political strife; and how Ofteil,

.(imcnl:Sof cxcltL:.lIH.:qj·, do w.e. forget. 0111' Rolelnn V()\V~ find Ob1igatlOllS one to another; this,Inc."n,should not he;' if thy l'lfother olt'e:nrl thc\:, lU.\.1TllO f(wget tho evil; 101' lUl1nll"uity to err

:Ithum/w, (I.ud to forgive, divine.

:"\fY ]~rdhr~n, c()1\chmw no man ,vi"thout II cause, i\nd in ever)' C:i\se seek the truth in proofs,

[he law or the lrwd holds every lIlan iJlII(l~elll. uuUl pl'0vetl guilty, and t.he highest hnv t.eaches-thul in the mOl.l111s of t.WO 01' threo wit:nesses s110.1.1an thing,::; be estubli$h~d, rrhe foul:jadeiller, tl'umpc::t.tOllgncd, is ,ever .ready to spl'c{tc1 the breathing!; of evil, a.nd devils rejoice wIlen

'good man fttlls; be· not forgetful ·t,()entertain strangers.; for 80n10 have' ente.rta.ined angels'lmal'cs. llt..:llwnt1JCl' thel)l itS being bound with thee in lJonds, UlH.1 tho~,e. who suffer persecu\ion

yoursdves; fI..1so, being bound .in the ;' body" be not wear)' in \\'el.l-(lo~llg, '1'01' in chie tilne,

frdnt not, yon shalll'eceive your reward,

Yom's, a IO\'Bl' of the \vhole fraternity,

W. r;nr A~' DARROW, G. 21L

,At the close of 11. ,I'. Ihrruw's f\lldrei;,:;, tlle 1J1'cthren occupied a

·6rt.time in social intercourse of sentiment.

On motion, fLvote of th:mks W(LStendered the brethren and citizens

Quiney for their courteous mmmer of enterkLining the rnem:b'ers ofliisG.1.1.

the minutes were a,ppl'lwcd HS:l whole. ,

Most Worshipful ,V. L. D(LlTOWwas plensed to :(nnounce the follo\v­


.Bro. VY.H.Ellsworth, ; S. G. De;LCon.

« Samuel Witherspoon, ···J·. 0,. "" R M. Duling, GrflndOha,p1n.in .." Wm. Freenmn, S. G. Steward.., Abraham Fauver, J. G. "

" C. S. Goomer, G. :Persuviant.

" 13. F. HOg01·S, (;'. 1\'1.of Ceremonies.(, II. H. Hawkins, Grand 'l'ile1'.

( 23 )


G~ 66

500HI 25

I) 50


3 07


....•.. , ..... $ 20 501000

Hn.1nne(~, ....

R. C. IV AHTNG,GnANn S]~Cl~ETA.ny.


'I\Jtlll Btl.1nnce, .Tunc 211th,

'1'0 M. 'Yo 'V: IJ. Dll.n'mv, G. lVf., Order No.

R" K White, S. G. W.," Ii R: q. 'VaTing, G. Pe(:y., It

Bro'. P: 1fartin, G.' rr., f(

" 'W.A.Hubbard,Bal. due" ,I1llj)(tiring .Tewc],.

Hcceiveu of North Sta.r J;()dge, No. I, Dues, as pel' Retnrns, .II G. T. "\Vutson I, II 2; II fl

,f Qentral (e 31

fl Evening Still' H (; 4, "

" J.incoln " "5,/, FTC1110nt H II 6, If

1I John J(mes 7,If St. John::- " $, (I

il Siloum (( 9, {(" R. ,r. \,:.L. Da.rrow for Dispcnsl1tiun;.; .....

" vI'. L. Danow Lodge for W"no.nt ...E'vc-nil1g Stnt J.,ollgc, NO.4·, Pl'int.ing Asse:-;smcnl' ...


( 22)

'l'he Grand Master nHtde no appointments for Cairo, BloomingGalesburg or Chicago-he holding these points under his immei,~npervisi~n. .

.~ T~ere being no further bw,iness, the Most Worshipful Grandof Illinois was closed in ample form, to stand closed (unless in ca,~

an emeI'gency)' until the next anliual session, to be held in the Oit):Galesburg, June, A. L. 5872, A .. D. 1872.


,11.0131'.C. WAlhNG;'j(. nr.. Orand 8ec7'etm'Y'


R W. E. White, Upper and Lower Altou.

Bro. J. S. D. Lee', Springfield a.nd Jacksonville.

" Simeon Cla.rke, Quincy,,e Abra,hH.Jll Fal1Ver, Shawneetown.



.'] A Special Session of the 1'.1: W. Grn,nil Lodge.of Illinoi.s was e~;l

July 20,1871. 1'he G. L. opened in the third degree, with proper oHioin stations, for the purpose of installing.Bra.R.M. Hancock, as S..

Warden, and Bro. II . :i3rad!ord as G'. '1i~'easurer-they not being Jl

~ptat the-sessi,on held at Quincy .. The instalhttion being compl,th~ 1\'i. W. Grand Loclge was cl~sed, to stand closed until the 1\,'

a.nnual Grand Communication, unless in case of an emergency. '.

W. LYMAN DARROW, Ll£. W Grand lJ1ast

H. O.\V'ARIN(l-, B. TV. Gmnd Secretary.

,'torth Stm' Lodg'e, :N'o. 1, Chicc&g'o.OFFICERS:

::1 7[~

$20 50

......... 25-$18 25...25- 2 25

.I. M. Wiikinson,I"t J. H~)lJintion,H. L. 13rooks,J. H. MeG0c.

Bro. S. Jo11l1son, .I. D ..

Henry Dre\~, rr .

n. C"IJleton.

It. Ha.nsberry,

D. Cllbletol1,N,Sl1aw.

A. M. Piper,

\V.ilef Sexton,Edward Heath,\Yi1liilnl Drew,.n. Ea.rley,

D. C"lJleton,11iehal'd lIIul'tin,

llU.I*> :

Charles mlswOlth,

( 25 )

( certi J'y tlH~ above Hel,UI'll to Dc coned"'.e. M. REED, W. M.

Bro. 1. H, K~lly, rj'rBa~.,

.T. H. MeGee, See'y,E. \Vhi,tc, S, I).


A" Douglass,

II. Sme"d,

William Drayden,80101110n Howard,Stephen Steward,TllonHLSTinon,Paniel Watkii'lS,

William Morgan.

I.Nl'rTATlm:lk:njtlnli.ll l\ro~l)"y,H., Hnll::;1.J0l'ry,


l{:jt:ht\rd }Jttl'tin,D. C'l.lJld:uH.

I.~X[SED:!liehal'll j\[,ll'tin,

\Villla.rn l\1org;:\.H,

.\lJlIIl'.l"1'ED:--J.lT. Me(iec.


J. W. Darilis,JOhH \Vi.lMun,

Z. Cl'<lwlul'tl,

Henry S..l.luuel::i,

KE.JECTEll :-·1:-1(:111')'Mayo.


].f/'(&tson Locl.1J'e, No. P, ./llton.OFFICER.S:



J. M. Ilcrri"k,B"rt. Mitchell.

O. T.

AH I NO" Se(~.

J(J::;(;p1J HUPS0U,

lJlLlll\ A, "Wilkinsoll,

\YilliRlll Wilkinsoll,

Nell:\c)1I lIHchell,WHlit1ll\ All~IJ(ll'll,

\ViHi,lHJ l)f".~Jldl::I:g;ra,s.-;.D,tIliel "'i'lt,kInR.

lhuliel vVatkillS,

)1' 'i~~ollll:Cl's Ulll]

H Dl'g]'tJf".~S

l~uri.1lil'ty IIlellllJcl"s tUtti,

" 1ft J)egTl~e::)


I certify lhe Ill.,ove return to b\~ norred.W. H. ELV3WOlt.TH, W. M.

Attest, JAC01~ SCO'.l'1', Hee'y pro t01l1.,

:Kgl N'S'l.'A'l']~J):-It. I,. Brooks.

J~XFELl.JED :-Edwnrd J\Ii.ru1L~xLel'.

J"llED;--Pnrk,er Anderson.JlU.GS 'l'u GHAND I,OnGE:

7 fl(J

J, C. l~lnl)y,'.!;wo\) SeotL.

1\. Joiner,n. W. Anderson,

EduwllJ COIClll:lll,


Willhlill ])elulcrg-ra."is.


lillniel \\'"tkin,.

E. R. Vnlli(l.ms,

neOl'ge \V. Hice..

JilnlCS \ViIsc:,.Il.

Alexi\ndcL" DOl'sOy,'

:i'~Lal1iJl Lewis,Livas A. Anderson,W. 11. Jones, .Dfwid Scot.t,

Giles Beverly,John Johnson,EdwHrd Barnett,John q. Gr(l,nt,Alexl1nder Ciarke.R. C. Payne,Benjllmin Bransom,George Heynolds,W . .1.Trusty,lI[oTis I.ewls,Robert Grity \HolJcrt Hunis,.r~lijah 1'ottC'l1.,

W. B. Wn.J.den,J. P. Wyun.

John :Mu.sweJ1,


Hobert C,l.sh,

}Villis l\fontgomel'Y.W .. iI. Woodward,George Crutcher"

1">.F'. Chase,

.TlI.S. C. Ca'!')', ICllilS. Hempstead.J. "\V. llndol'wood)

Lewis Clark,.1. M. Colwell.

. Sterling-Shield",Robert eRr'l.ellas. F. Wilkins,John W. Weekly;.Tohn W. Penclletoll,H. Watson,S. S. Smith,Enos Bond,

1':. H. Walke'!',.Alten Dorsey,

. L'HTlATE.D :

Sa,Hlnel Coleman; Ull11Hl.Sonic conduct.

DIED':-Snmpson". n:.Vnderdlle.

C(lorge Rey'nol(l~.

John, MaxwelL


.John Q. Grant, George .ReynolcIs.

ADMI'I'TED:- Wiley H. WaJden.


Thnilins Wm'Saw,Williu.m M. Scot.t.


James \VillsOll, ~rl]()rnils Belt.


Salnllel ~.rcCl'ft.cken. rl~ho8. L. JolJllS0n,H. W. Pelkey, James MilleI'.


\1'. L. Darrow, P. ~r" .H. D. Kiiig. P.1f., .H. .M. Uo,ncbck,·P. M.

. Hellly'Bi'(tdTord,"'iJliamCimves,Jos. ff. Hl.idlin,

·Jos. n. ai'een,.Aclam'Clih',

W. H. ·~l. :Bond,Oliver' Jacobs,,Lewis 'Douglus~,,r. W, Weekl)',

·.Tas. S. Mason,

Washington Stephens.1Uellll I'd Paris,

Wj]]jam Campbell,Ghitl'les.R. ~l'urncr,Elias HaWkfils;'Josh,11Washfngton,Robert II. Clintinltll:'

GeOl;ge V/. Rice,

( -) .'_.ct .I

Annual Returns of Subordinate Lodges for the YEnding June, 1871.

Dilniel)\fills, .'

.W,\:!. ~{."Hillldell,

E. A. Fulton,.BCnjalnin'raylor,

llro. 1'. 111. Heed, 'Yo l\f.., Bro. Edward H(lWkin:::i, T;:eas.,8. W. Scott, S. W., .• R. C, Wilring, SCc')".,

J. 1'. Alexander, J. W., "John H. Hickman, S. D.,.111'0. .Tcs"e Henry, '1'.: JI1'o. :1. W. Moore, Chap.


DIED :-.T. W. H. Ja(:kson. Bro. 8. G. Price1 J. j).~Lewis I,af!erty, 8.,



Bro. R. Wilkins, J. D.,'1'. Scot.t, 8. S.,M. Simpson, J. S.,

iH 50

Ueorge Holly,\Vcsley Stewllrt,WiJliamSeott.

..................... 25-$4 0050

W. MeCausliu,

l~.G. S. 'l'hOnll)son.

( 27 )


Bro. S. Bl'adley, 'l'rel.1s'j

.. R. II. 0' Brien, Sec'y,H H. H.f,biIlSUl1, S. D.,.oW. H. H,l,mpton, '1'.


$3 50

1 eel'tify the fUl\~g(Jillg Hetl1l'n to be correct.R HOLLEY, W. M.


Bro. Abl'ahl\ltl ]';luver, Treas"

John Elliot.t, See'y,

Bryant Smit.h, S. D.,Anron \Vilson, T.

Arnold muou,

Elias lI'fcAlister,'·Villil'1ll1 VnJenlinc,


.T. H. Paine, Willillm Harpel'.


Lincoln Lodge, NO.5, Ca,iro.OFFICERS:


Jl\CUliJen:i, .


2 Degl'el2s


1.cel'tUy the foregoing Hetul'n to be conect.S. P. GREEN, W. 11::

r et;'.l'tiTy tlw fUI'0guillg return to })e eorrect..T.J. BIllD, W. M.

li'renu)nt Locl,g'e, jV'o. 6, Sha;wneetown.OFFICERS:

IG uJ1i.cc:rs tlWll1ltlll1Jcrs, .

,. ~ n~';grces

I len rr :BrOcLd r ,lIardy Tole",lIOllc1(;l.'son StewrLl't.,

For 180llicers und ltlClJI.1)Cl':':', ....

.\Llest, R. n. O'l:\ULKN, Sec·y·

Arte,l, HOW'!' HOJ:r, ';ec'y.

" Attest, JOHN ELl.lO'.lvl', See'y.

John vl'illilLlllS.

G. B. George,

T. CUlemltll,

J01n1 In.ul{s()1I}

A. Young,Ahraham GoJden,.

C. Duncan,G. n. Georg·e.

N. B. Sm,illwDoCl,]~d,val'tl J:e\v.ls,

Henry Chri::;t.i.l\

David WillillHlS,8mnnel Coleman,

.T.S. D. Lce,

E. (i-older,

Bro. J. W"rd, .1. D..

Bro. II. Hicklin, 1'rens.,

Cyrus Donegan, Sel/y,M!erk Williams, S. D.,

P. Chase, T.



t certify the abOve return to he correct.

B. l~. ROnEJt8, \-1',M.

Bro. F. )Down~, 'l'l'eus.,Robert Holt, See'y,Charles Riley, S. D.,

H. Escue, rl'.

Edward Harris,\Villio..Hl Jueksoll,William Flowville,Hemy Paine,Willhun H. Smith,William Wright,.T. I<'.Linsley,R. Ie. Finley,

W. K. II. Donegan,G. W. Flemons,Thmnns PerVines,WiUiam Fry,Nelson Vincent,


J01111 Stone, Nels(JlI VineclIt.


J. H. Linsley, Nelson Vineent.

RAISED:C. Dunca.n,

J. II. Linsley,

ADMlT'l'KD:William Hol t,

Janles Jennison.

DEMI'lVl'ED:-J. D. Oglesby.REJECTED:

Joseph Hazelwood,John Willimns.

REINS'rA'l'ED :-.J. D. Oglesby.

Cyrus Donegu.n.

S. Coleman,H. Van 'l'weed,

William Blll'ns,

Eveninjf Star Lodjfe, No.4, Blo07'J'uin,g·ton.OFFICERS:

( 26)

Central Lodge, .No.8, Sp1'injffi.eld.

William Brown, P. M.,JOhnson Rced,E. F. Ball,Edward Wood,A. T. Hall,

. Ephriam Allerl,,falllGS Jenuison,William Hatcher,

Aaron Jenkins,

Richard Bridges,E. T. Bradford,n. Van '£weed,I'eter Smith,

mms '1'0 Gl~AND LODGE:F01"48 officers and Inenl.bcl'8p ......................•.........

•. 9 Degrees

Attest., CYRUS DONEG.AN, Sec')' ..

l1I'D. Benjamin F. Rogers, W. M.," Isalte Wright., S. W.,U William Nelson, J. W.,

)lro. RHoney, W. M.,

Saml. Wither~poon, S. W.,R. Al1en,.T. W.,



W. L. Darrow .Lodge, .No. 10, Ga,lesul.{,7'ff.

~. Ald'1J.~r~tIH, '1'.

.I. White

Nelson Hn,l'pel'.

Sn.n1\lel Le\'r'j:-:~

O. Hoilrnan, '1'.

William .Jones .G.Sl1l'itb,

flro. J. Miller, .1'. .ll"

H,·o. A. Holilllan, J. ]1 ..

h'.; l,i.•lhi.J~:·\.

,J anws P~1.yne,.r . .1(llUCS,

J. Slnith,H. Woo(]f(lrke.


( 31)

.I. Hurdy,n. Smith,.I. Monroe,

Bro. J. P. lv[ar::;lHtll, rrre.H,s.,

'I .T, B .. Tn1inJerro, See'y,

\Y!ll\n:Y! .\ III k'r''''l1: , ~ !J

Bro. R. K..night, t}'l'etLH ..

:, J. Evans, See'y," .1. Donley. S. D.,


Lolig'e, U. D., London, OntoOr-FICERS:

Rw'e1cl1J Lodge, U. D., .;1Ic{,ttoon.


.IuIlIes Dcl.V iCl..'-)Ol I 1 1'. M.,JohnHon,

W. H. At:otJrcJie~\d,

'1!l\\.~ '-1nrl; .

.( B.

.h,.·'q./l f·\·/'k!l~ ...;.

111'0.]l. JI. Com ill', J. Ii,

WiI"IinllJ Morgilll,)i ... R.1\lm'l.ill,.I.S .. '

Culvill Thoma:-;,Hn,l'l'ison DOI',sey.

W. Holll1tHl,H. Holwun,W. Scott.

I cel'ti fy the l()regoiug' return to be COlTed.

C. ~. UO(JM IlK IV.


nro. Josiah Porkins, 'l'l'ea.':o'.,

" J. 1-1.,Yashipgtoll, Seey." J. S. MeGiIJ, S. D.,H J. E. 111'own, (1'.

J\1 r::~..lHER!:: .

O. W. AndersOlI,Chi\rlcs Hollersoll.


Bro. J. D. 1. Pottcr, Troos..B. iG. Con1uey t See" y,H. IV. Slllll\lels, S. D..A. Osborn .. T,


George Hobert:s,

J..Johnson,8. Banyoll.

)~ro. \Vnl, H. 8nll.'ll1wooll, Tl'ua:).,CJlul'les Freemlln, See'y,'~'illhl.lnYoung, S. D.,

:Bl'o. John "Lewis, 'J'., Bro. Pete!" 'Yood, Clll\}).


Attest,R M. nULlNG, Secy

Grecn Young,Joseph Al'clll~Y,

1. H: l{'elly Lodge, .N9. .11, BeUeviUe.OFFICERS:

B. PN.OJjIJ7'S LocZg'e, JtO. 1.93, lippei' .dUon.

[Wanant gn"tnted in eOlllpJ.ii.lIlN~ with l'c.:ioluUull noopted l~f, 1llSI. ,ses"':inJl./


li'or 21 oIflcel's anc11110mbcl's" _ .

a 20 Degrees cOllferred., , .

(30 )

N. :Roronlan.

N. MiteheJl.G. W. Do·rdis.

Bro. H. H. Hawkins, W. M..T • .1. W. l'rankJiIl, S. W.,

William Davis, .1. W.,

.Bro. '\~', ll. Ij~l:eema.n, \\'. M...Edwu.rd TIee, S. W·.,l~liasLmvis. J. W'.,

Hr\). I). A. Wil.I<il1son, I\' . .M ..

\Vmlum Wilkinson, S. W.,.Iohn ~hLtson, J. 1-1'.,
