Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood MICHAEL J. MURPHY JR.* AND STEVEN BUSINGER School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii (Manuscript received 26 January 2010, in final form 10 November 2010) ABSTRACT On 2 April 2006, Oahu’s Ko‘olau Mountain Range endured more than 6 h of heavy rain with accompanying flash flooding along its northeast-facing slopes. The storm responsible for the event left a pattern of pre- cipitation characteristic of orographic anchoring of convection with extreme rainfall gradients along the slopes and maxima along the crest of the mountain range. In fact, this was the third flash-flood event to impact the Ko‘olau Mountains in just over 1 month, with each event occurring under conditions of moist south- easterly flow at low levels and moderate conditional instability. Under these conditions persistent convection and localized heavy rainfall often occur over the Ko‘olau Mountain Range. Mesoscale analyses of the thunderstorm complex responsible for the 2 April 2006 heavy rain event and the results of a high-resolution numerical simulation employing the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model are described in this study. Key features of the convection that contributed to the longevity of the event include repeat formation of convective cells along the eastern side of the central Ko‘olaus, minimal horizontal cloud motion, and strong updrafts that sloped toward the northwest in the lower levels. The westerly shear of the low-level flow de- termined the pattern of accumulated precipitation by aligning the slope of the convective updrafts nearly parallel to the southeast-to-northwest-orientated Ko‘olau Mountain Range. The microphysical structure of the convection was complex, with the vertical advection of hydrometeors originating below the freezing level facilitating high concentrations of ice particles and an environment conducive to charge separation and lightning. 1. Introduction A series of deep convective cells formed over Oahu’s Ko‘olau Mountain Range (Fig. 1) on 2 April 2006, leading to a quasi-stationary thunderstorm complex that persisted for over 6 h. Ensuing flash floods in many of the northeast-facing watersheds of eastern Oahu caused a road closure and precautionary evacuations. The event exhibited a pattern of precipitation with extreme gra- dients and rainfall totals of over 225 mm recorded by gauges along the crest of the Ko‘olaus. The Oahu flash flood occurred at the end of an ex- ceptionally wet period in the Hawaiian Islands that began in mid-February 2006 (Nash et al. 2009). This extended wet period saw a prolonged synoptic blocking pattern over the North Pacific and the formation of nu- merous low pressure systems to the west of the state. Heavy rainfall occurred throughout the island chain with record-setting amounts measured by gauges on the is- lands of Kauai and Oahu, and seven deaths resulting from the breaching of Kauai’s Ka Loko Dam on 14 March. Of the many heavy rain events that occurred on Oahu during this period, three cases were accompanied by southeast low-level flow and a pattern of precipitation with extreme gradients and maxima concentrated along the crest of the Ko‘olaus (Figs. 2 and 3). Patterns of precipitation of this type are not unique to the spring 2006 wet period; in fact, they are often found on Oahu in association with south- easterly low-level flow (K. Kodama, NWSFO-HFO, 2008, personal communication). Heavy rain events present a significant hazard to the Hawaiian Islands and have proven challenging to fore- cast (Kodama and Businger 1998). Lack of in situ ob- servations combined with mountainous terrain and small watersheds with rapid response times make prediction of flash floods especially difficult (Blumenstock and * Current affiliation: Hydrologic Research Center, San Diego, California. Corresponding author address: Steven Businger, Dept. of Me- teorology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2525 Correa Rd., Hon- olulu, HI 96822. E-mail: [email protected] 2198 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME 139 DOI: 10.1175/2010MWR3357.1 Ó 2011 American Meteorological Society

Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

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Page 1: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood


School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii

(Manuscript received 26 January 2010, in final form 10 November 2010)


On 2 April 2006, Oahu’s Ko‘olau Mountain Range endured more than 6 h of heavy rain with accompanying

flash flooding along its northeast-facing slopes. The storm responsible for the event left a pattern of pre-

cipitation characteristic of orographic anchoring of convection with extreme rainfall gradients along the

slopes and maxima along the crest of the mountain range. In fact, this was the third flash-flood event to impact

the Ko‘olau Mountains in just over 1 month, with each event occurring under conditions of moist south-

easterly flow at low levels and moderate conditional instability. Under these conditions persistent convection

and localized heavy rainfall often occur over the Ko‘olau Mountain Range. Mesoscale analyses of the

thunderstorm complex responsible for the 2 April 2006 heavy rain event and the results of a high-resolution

numerical simulation employing the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model are described in this


Key features of the convection that contributed to the longevity of the event include repeat formation of

convective cells along the eastern side of the central Ko‘olaus, minimal horizontal cloud motion, and strong

updrafts that sloped toward the northwest in the lower levels. The westerly shear of the low-level flow de-

termined the pattern of accumulated precipitation by aligning the slope of the convective updrafts nearly

parallel to the southeast-to-northwest-orientated Ko‘olau Mountain Range. The microphysical structure of

the convection was complex, with the vertical advection of hydrometeors originating below the freezing level

facilitating high concentrations of ice particles and an environment conducive to charge separation and


1. Introduction

A series of deep convective cells formed over Oahu’s

Ko‘olau Mountain Range (Fig. 1) on 2 April 2006,

leading to a quasi-stationary thunderstorm complex that

persisted for over 6 h. Ensuing flash floods in many of the

northeast-facing watersheds of eastern Oahu caused

a road closure and precautionary evacuations. The event

exhibited a pattern of precipitation with extreme gra-

dients and rainfall totals of over 225 mm recorded by

gauges along the crest of the Ko‘olaus.

The Oahu flash flood occurred at the end of an ex-

ceptionally wet period in the Hawaiian Islands that

began in mid-February 2006 (Nash et al. 2009). This

extended wet period saw a prolonged synoptic blocking

pattern over the North Pacific and the formation of nu-

merous low pressure systems to the west of the state.

Heavy rainfall occurred throughout the island chain with

record-setting amounts measured by gauges on the is-

lands of Kauai and Oahu, and seven deaths resulting from

the breaching of Kauai’s Ka Loko Dam on 14 March. Of

the many heavy rain events that occurred on Oahu during

this period, three cases were accompanied by southeast

low-level flow and a pattern of precipitation with extreme

gradients and maxima concentrated along the crest of the

Ko‘olaus (Figs. 2 and 3). Patterns of precipitation of this

type are not unique to the spring 2006 wet period; in fact,

they are often found on Oahu in association with south-

easterly low-level flow (K. Kodama, NWSFO-HFO,

2008, personal communication).

Heavy rain events present a significant hazard to the

Hawaiian Islands and have proven challenging to fore-

cast (Kodama and Businger 1998). Lack of in situ ob-

servations combined with mountainous terrain and small

watersheds with rapid response times make prediction

of flash floods especially difficult (Blumenstock and

* Current affiliation: Hydrologic Research Center, San Diego,


Corresponding author address: Steven Businger, Dept. of Me-

teorology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2525 Correa Rd., Hon-

olulu, HI 96822.

E-mail: [email protected]

2198 M O N T H L Y W E A T H E R R E V I E W VOLUME 139

DOI: 10.1175/2010MWR3357.1

� 2011 American Meteorological Society

Page 2: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

Price 1967; Schroeder 1977). One of the earliest studies

on flooding events in Hawaii was performed by Haraguchi

(1977). His study examined 11 heavy rain events on Kauai,

Oahu, and Maui with 24-h rainfall totals ranging between

150 and 521 mm. All of the events occurred under one of

four general synoptic situations: 1) kona storms, 2) cold

fronts–shearlines, 3) upper-level troughs, or 4) tropical

systems. The events were found to have 1) maximum

rainfall on slopes facing the low-level winds, 2) been

associated with thunderstorms, 3) had a 500-mb trough

to the west of the islands, and 4) occurred mostly at

night. Haraguchi also noted that Oahu was especially

prone to severe local flooding.

Maddox et al. (1979) investigated 151 heavy rain

events in the continental United States and found eight

common features: 1) presence of convective storms, 2) high

surface dewpoints, 3) high moisture content throughout

a deep tropospheric layer, 4) weak to moderate vertical

wind shear through cloud depth, 5) convective clouds that

repeatedly form and move over the same area, 6) a large-

scale 500-mb ridge in the vicinity, 7) a midlevel short wave

moving along the ridge, and 8) heaviest rainfall occurring at


These results agree well with studies of Hawaiian

heavy rain events with the following notable differences.

1) Several Hawaiian case studies (Schroeder 1978; Cram

and Tatum 1979; Dracup et al. 1991) found that flash

floods have occurred without the presence of thunder-

storms. Hawaiian precipitation systems with cloud tops

below the freezing level have produced instantaneous

rainfall rates greater than 250 mm h21 (Fullerton and

Wilson 1975). 2) A study of the 1987 New Year’s Eve

flood on Oahu by Dracup et al. (1991) found strong ver-

tical wind shear present.

Kodama and Barnes (1997) studied 44 heavy rain

events over the southeast slopes of Mauna Loa on Ha-

waii Island. They found that rainfall was positively cor-

related with the strength of the upslope component of

the low-level flow and the amount of midlevel moisture.

All of the events occurred under one of the four general

synoptic situations identified by Haraguchi (1977). In

each case the vertical motion associated with the syn-

optic disturbance eroded the trade wind inversion and

the environmental air at midlevels moistened consider-

ably. Among the stability indices, the K index (George

1960) was found to be the most useful predictor of heavy

rain in these situations. The authors suggested that

a moist midlevel environment facilitates heavy rain by

reducing dry air entrainment into clouds. This can result

in more vigorous convection while also suppressing

downdrafts, which can stabilize the low-level environ-

ment or trigger propagation of a system away from its

genesis region by forcing conditionally unstable air

around the storm upward (e.g., Newton 1966).

FIG. 1. Terrain map of the island of Oahu with elevation shaded. The Ko‘olau Mountain

Range runs along the eastern coastline with the Waianae Mountain Range in the western parts

of the island. Dots represent locations of surface observing stations with the first-order stations

at the HNL, HNG, and HJR airports labeled. Inset shows a map of the Hawaiian Islands with

the locations of the HKI and HMO radar stations, on the islands of Kauai and Molokai, re-

spectively, indicated by triangles. The Hilo and Lihue rawinsonde sites are also indicated.

[Here and in other figures, the vertical and horizontal axes are labeled with latitude (8N) and

longitude (8W), respectively].

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Page 3: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

Numerous studies have investigated the characteris-

tics of long-lived convective systems. One such system is

the squall line, which consists of line-orientated pre-

cipitating cumulus convection that is generally observed

to last for several hours. Tropical squall lines are observed

to form in an environment with strong vertical shear of the

horizontal wind at low levels and weaker reversed shear at

midlevels (e.g., Barnes and Sieckman 1984; Frank 1978).

Analyses of numerically simulated squall lines by Rotunno

et al. (1988) found the main factor in system longevity to be

the interaction of the low-level shear with the precipitation-

induced cold pool. This shear–cold pool interaction en-

hances the formation of new convective cells and results in

an updraft structure that tilts in the low levels. In general,

conditions of strong low-level shear with weak winds aloft

are associated with the longevity of convective systems and

have also been observed in long-lived and quasi-stationary

systems over complex orography (e.g., Caracena et al.

1979; Nair et al. 1997; Petersen et al. 1999).

Mesoscale studies of flooding events in complex ter-

rain have led to theories of orographic thunderstorm

structure. Schroeder (1977) performed a detailed in-

vestigation of a flash flood on Oahu that occurred under

the influence of an upper-level trough with moderate

easterly winds at low levels. Schroeder determined that

the orography of the Ko‘olaus provided anchoring for

the cumulonimbus with the rain with the highest in-

tensity falling approximately 8 km west of the Ko‘olau

Mountain crest. The anchoring mechanism is driven by

moist low-level flow being force lifted by topography to

its level of free convection, initiating buoyant ascent. If

the orientation of the low-level winds and moisture flux

remain unchanged, the orography can generate a sta-

tionary area of convective development. Effective sep-

aration of convective downdrafts from the low-level

updraft combined with the presence of weak winds aloft

can help generate a quasi-stationary storm system.

Akaeda et al. (1995) investigated a flash flood that

occurred during the Taiwan Area Mesoscale Experiment.

Under weak large-scale forcing, convective cells re-

peatedly formed in the foothills in the lee of Taiwan’s

Central Mountain Range, leading to a long-lived meso-

scale convective system. A numerical simulation of the

event produced a persistent quasi-stationary area of sur-

face convergence near the observed location of the flash

flooding. The authors concluded that this area of conver-

gence was generated by a combination of surface heating

and the interaction of the large-scale flow with the orog-

raphy of the island and that this convergence caused the

repeated formation of convective cells.

Lyman et al. (2005) studied a heavy rain event in

northeastern Maui utilizing full radar volume data from

FIG. 2. Storm total precipitation (shaded,

mm) estimated from the Molokai radar from

(a) 0545 to 2400 HST 1 Mar, (b) 0950 to

2400 HST 8 Mar, and (c) 1220 to 1740 HST

2 Apr 2006. These data were smoothed using the

Next-Generation Doppler Radar (NEXRAD)

smoothing algorithm.

2200 M O N T H L Y W E A T H E R R E V I E W VOLUME 139

Page 4: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

the Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-

88D). Under southeasterly flow at low levels a series of

convective cells formed on the southeastern side of the

island and followed similar tracks northward. Over

700 mm of rain fell within a period of 7 h in Hana, the

main population center of northeastern Maui. The lon-

gevity of the event was related to the fact that the low-

level outflows of the mature cells were separated from

the genesis region by the eastern ridge of the Haleakala

volcano. Mesoscale simulations employing the Regional

Spectral Model grossly underestimated the observed

rainfall in eastern Maui; however, the simulations sup-

ported the authors’ speculation that the interaction of

the low-level flow with Hawaii Island’s barrier effect and

Maui’s topography created enhanced upslope flow over

a small zone in eastern Maui.

In the following discussion we present a case study of

the 2 April 2006 flooding event on Oahu. The thunder-

storm complex responsible for the event is examined with

the available observations and simulations employing the

Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model. The goals

of this work are to investigate the interaction of moist

southeasterly flow with the complex orography of Oahu,

identify the basic dynamics of the thunderstorm complex,

and explain the convective processes that resulted in the

observed pattern of precipitation with respect to the


2. Observations and analyses

a. Geography and meteorological data sources

The Ko‘olau Mountain Range runs parallel to the

eastern coast of Oahu for approximately 60 km with an

average width of 21 km (Fig. 1). These mountains are

the remains of single basaltic shield volcano whose

northeastern half has almost completely eroded away

(Macdonald et al. 1983). The resulting geometry of the

mountain range is characterized by a steep eastern

scarp, narrow mountain crest, gradually rising western

slopes, and a horizontally concave, crescent shape in the

southeastern part of the range. Numerous watersheds

with steep slopes and narrow basins combined with the

island’s thin soils make the eastern slopes of the Ko‘olaus

particularly flood prone (Wang et al. 1970).

FIG. 3. Skew T–logp diagrams for Lihue at

(a) 0200 HST 1 Mar, (b) 1400 HST 8 Mar, and (c)

0200 HST 2 Apr 2006. The area between the parcel and

environmental temperature curves has been shaded

in gray and wind barbs follow the standard conven-

tion. LCL, LFC, equilibrium level (EL), precipitable

water integrated between the surface and 100 hPa

(PW), KI, and CAPE are listed.

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Page 5: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

Oahu has numerous surface observing stations (Fig.

1). Full surface observations are taken by weather ob-

servers stationed at the Honolulu International (HNL),

Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Airfield (HNG), and Ka-

laeloa (HJR) airports. Limited surface observations

(temperature, dewpoint temperature, wind speed and

direction, and accumulated precipitation) are also taken

hourly at Remote Automated Weather Stations (RAWS)

at various locations around the island. Rain gauge data

with a temporal resolution of 15 min were obtained from

the statewide network of telemetered recording rain

gauges, called Hydronet, and also from gauges run by the

U.S. Geological Survey, and several quality checked co-

operative observing stations. Rawinsondes are normally

launched from Lihue and Hilo at 0200 and 1400 Hawaiian

standard time (HST 5 UTC 2 10 h); however, the sec-

ond of the daily launches from Lihue on 2 April 2006 was

3 h late.

Archival radar images (commonly called level III ra-

dar data) generated from data taken by the WSR-88D

radars on the islands of Molokai (HMO) and Kauai (HKI)

(marked on Fig. 1) were examined. These data include

base and composite reflectivity, echo tops, and storm total

precipitation (STP). The STP is a radar estimate of ac-

cumulated rainfall since the last 1-h break in precipitation.

Full radar volume data (commonly called level II radar

data) are unavailable.

The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-

10 (GOES-10) standard visible, infrared, and water

vapor channel imagery were utilized, along with the

Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) derived near-surface

ocean winds. These wind data are available only over the

open ocean at a horizontal resolution of 12.5 km and

have the limitation of less accurate wind estimation in

areas of active precipitation. Synoptic features were

identified using the National Centers for Environmental

Prediction–National Center for Atmospheric Research

(NCEP–NCAR) reanalysis dataset, which has 6-h tem-

poral and 2.58 horizontal resolutions. Finally, lightning

data from the Pacific Lightning Detection Network were

examined. This network detects cloud to ground light-

ning strikes with a detection accuracy of approximately

50% and has a location accuracy near Oahu of approx-

imately 16 km (Pessi et al. 2009).

b. Synoptic analyses

The synoptic-scale environment on 2 April 2006 was

quite different from the normal Hawaiian trade wind

weather. NCEP–NCAR reanalysis charts for 0800 HST

show an upper-level trough extending over the state

from the northeast with the trough being most pro-

nounced at 500 hPa (Fig. 4a), where a weak closed low

in the isoheights is centered over the western end of the

state. This disturbance at midlevels is the remnant of

a midlevel cutoff low that had been in the vicinity of the

Hawaiian Islands over the previous 3 days. The midlevel

atmospheric environment over Oahu is characterized by

a weak pressure gradient and cold temperatures at

midlevels. Destabilization of the atmosphere caused by

an upper-level disturbance is a common trigger for deep

convection in Hawaii (Haraguchi 1977; Kodama and

Barnes 1997). The QuikSCAT satellite passed over the

islands just after 0600 HST and revealed moderate

easterlies (5–10 m s21) over the waters near the state

(Fig. 5). As the day progressed, the midlevel disturbance

drifted slowly toward the east and weakened.

Rawinsonde launches from Lihue and Hilo at 0200 HST

(Figs. 3c and 6, locations indicated in Fig. 1) indicated

weaker midlevel winds and a much moister midlevel

environment over Lihue. The synoptic-scale ascent as-

sociated with the trough aloft eliminated the trade wind

inversion over the western end of the state (e.g., Kodama

and Barnes 1997) while only a thin isothermal layer re-

mained over Hilo. Both environmental soundings display

midlevel temperatures below 2108C, indicating the po-

tential for a rising air parcel to maintain positive buoy-

ancy high into the atmosphere. The convective available

potential energy (CAPE) values of 1014 and 1297 J kg21

at Hilo and Lihue, respectively, are high for the Hawaiian

Islands; the average CAPE value for the events studied

by Kodama and Barnes (1997) was only 452 J kg21.

The K index (KI) value of 29 in the Lihue sounding is

suggestive of low-end moderate convective potential; all

of the flooding events studied by Kodama and Barnes

(1997) had KI values of 30 or greater. Very little con-

vective inhibition is present in the Lihue sounding. The

lowest layer in this sounding is conditionally unstable,

with calculations—using parcel method thermodynamics—

predicting that lifting of this surface air up to the 900-hPa

level (the level of free convection), will result in buoyant


The Lihue sounding was used to assess the environ-

mental conditions near the Ko‘olaus despite the possible

error introduced by its distance of approximately 130 km

from Oahu. This sounding shows light to moderate east-

erlies throughout the lower troposphere with the mean

winds in the lowest 300 hPa at approximately 6 m s21

from the southeast. Low-level southeast flow has been

a common feature in many Hawaiian heavy rain events

(e.g., Kodama and Barnes 1997; Lyman et al. 2005).

Above the low-level southeasterlies, the environmental

winds are light with a speed minimum of 1.5 m s21 at the

500-hPa level. Most of the vertical shear in the sounding is

concentrated in the lower levels, resulting in a reverse

sheared environment. This type of vertical wind profile is

associated with the longevity of convective systems (e.g.,

2202 M O N T H L Y W E A T H E R R E V I E W VOLUME 139

Page 6: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

Frank 1978; Caracena et al. 1979; Barnes and Sieckman

1984; Rotunno et al. 1988; Nair et al. 1997; Petersen et al.


c. Mesoscale analyses

A large convective system that had formed the pre-

vious night can be seen over the ocean to the northeast

of Oahu in the 1400 HST infrared satellite imagery (Fig.

4b). This feature stayed stationary throughout most of

the day but by the early evening had drifted south,

bringing heavy rain to east Maui and the north and east

parts of Hawaii Island. Heavy rain on Oahu began

midmorning with the Molokai radar detecting echoes

indicative of heavy rain over the Ko‘olaus from 1000

until almost 1700 HST. Examination of base reflectivity

images shows returns of up to more than 50 dBZ along

the Ko‘olaus during this period (Fig. 4c).

The STP derived from Molokai radar data (Fig. 2c)

shows rainfall concentrated along the crest of the

Ko‘olaus. These data are only available from 1220 to

1740 HST, due to a gap in radar coverage in the late

morning. At the lowest elevation scan the bottom of the

radar beam is approximately 1 km above sea level near

the central Ko‘olaus, which is within a few hundred

meters of the highest peaks in this region. Comparison

of the STP with Oahu rain gauge measurements over the

same time interval (Fig. 7) shows that the radar consis-

tently overestimated the accumulated precipitation at

the gauges by a factor of approximately 2.

The presence of significant ice particles within the

convective clouds that composed the thunderstorm

complex is a likely cause of the STP overestimation. Ice

particles yield high radar reflectively and can led to

overestimations of precipitation (e.g., Fulton 1999); this

FIG. 4. (a) NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data at 0800 HST 2 Apr 2006 displaying 500-hPa geopotential height contours

(decameters) and 500-hPa temperatures (shaded, 8C). (b) GOES-10 infrared image displaying radiative temperature

(8C) at 1400 HST 2 Apr 2006 overlaid with PacNet lightning observations (white circles) from 0800 to 1500 HST.

(c) Base reflectivity and (d) echo tops from the Molokai radar station at 1320 HST 2 Apr 2006.

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Page 7: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

overestimation can be exacerbated as ice particles begin

to melt near the freezing level (Austin and Bemis 1950).

For these reasons a hail cap, which limits all reflectivity

values above a threshold to that threshold, is often ap-

plied to reduce any possible overestimation of precipi-

tation (Fulton et al. 1998). The effects of ice particles

within the convective clouds would be amplified by the

rather high hail cap of 70 dBZ used in the calculation of

the STP. Hailstones were not recorded anywhere on

Oahu during the event and are rarely found at ground

level in the Hawaiian Islands (Takahashi 1987). Despite

the differences in the amount of precipitation measured

by the two sources, a comparison of Figs. 8a and 2c re-

veals a close agreement in the general pattern of the

precipitation: extreme gradients with maxima over the

crest of the Ko‘olaus.

The total accumulated precipitation measured by Oahu

rain gauges during the period from 0800 to 1800 HST

is shown in Fig. 8b. Rain gauges near the crest of the

Ko‘olaus recorded the highest totals with maximum

rainfall rates of just over 70 mm h21. Little precipitation

accumulated at gauges near the eastern coast and there

was almost no precipitation recorded by gauges in

other parts of Oahu. The most intense rainfall gradi-

ents occur along the slopes of the Ko‘olaus, particularly

near the eastern and southern coastlines. This pre-

cipitation pattern contrasts with that observed in the

flash flood studied by Schroeder (1977), where the

convective system responsible for the flood was an-

chored to the Ko‘olaus, but the rainfall maxima were

found approximately 8 km downstream of the moun-

tain crest.

FIG. 5. QuikSCAT satellite-derived near-surface winds (barbs, kt; 1 kt 5 0.5144 m s21) (a)

over the Hawaiian Island chain and (b) near Oahu at approximately 0600 HST 2 Apr 2006.

Black wind barbs indicate possible rain contamination of the data.

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Page 8: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

The convection over Oahu was both long lived and

deep, extending well above the freezing level. Cloud-top

temperatures estimated by infrared sensors on the

GOES-10 satellite during the period of deep convection

(Fig. 4b) are just below 2408C over eastern Oahu with

a corresponding height of approximately 10 km in the

Lihue sounding. The higher spatial resolution of the

Molokai radar shows echo tops (Fig. 4d) reaching up to

12 km in the region of the central Ko‘olaus, which in-

dicates overshooting cloud tops and intense convection

when compared with the equilibrium level of 10.5 km

(approximately 250 hPa) calculated from the Lihue

sounding. A mean cloud layer wind of 4 m s21 from 778

was computed following the method of Fankhauser

(1964) using winds at 850, 700, 500, and 300 hPa from the

Lihue sounding (Fig. 3c). This vector was calculated

from winds at a station 130 km away from the thun-

derstorm itself and does not represent actual cloud

motion; however, the speed component of the vector is

clearly small and reflects the weak environmental winds

throughout most of the cloud layer.

Weather observers stationed at HNL and HNG re-

ported cumulonimbus clouds and both intracloud (IC)

and cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning strikes over the

Ko‘olaus from approximately 1000 until 1600 HST.

During this period, lightning frequency was reported as

occasional (less than 1 flash per minute) except between

1030 and 1100 HST when the HNG station reported

frequent (1–6 flashes per minute). The Pacific Lightning

FIG. 6. As in Fig. 3, but from Hilo at 0200 HST 2 Apr 2006.

FIG. 7. Scatter diagram of the value of storm total precipitation

(mm) from the Molokai radar station at each of the rain gauges

locations shown in Fig. 1 vs the accumulated precipitation mea-

sured by the corresponding rain gauge from 1220 to 1740 HST. The

black line shows a linear least squares fit to the data.

FIG. 8. Total accumulated precipitation (mm) measured by Oahu rain gauges from (a) 1220 to 1740 and (b) 0800 to

1800 HST 2 Apr 2006.

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Page 9: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

Detection Network (PacNet) recorded 11 CG lightning

strikes over Oahu from 0800 until 1500 HST (Fig. 4b).

The low strike count from PacNet is likely due to the

network’s inability to detect IC lightning strikes and its

detection efficiency for CG strikes of approximately

50% (Pessi et al. 2009). These observations and remote

sensing of lightning indicate that the Oahu thunder-

storm complex had significant electrical activity for most

of its duration. The presence of lightning suggests that the

thunderstorm complex contained a substantial amount of

graupel particles above the freezing level (e.g., Saunders

1993), which provides indirect evidence that the

overestimation of rainfall by the Molokai radar derived

STP was caused by ice particles.

Surface-observing stations recorded wind speeds in-

creasing over Oahu during the late morning and early

afternoon. Wind directions around the island vary

greatly with a shift toward an onshore component mid-

day, indicative of a sea-breeze circulation pattern. The

HNG station recorded relative humidity above 80%

throughout the day (Fig. 9a). The measurements from

this station, which is located upstream of the central

Ko‘olaus (Fig. 1), indicate the high moisture content of

the low-level flow incident on eastern Oahu. HNG also

recorded a dramatic wind shift (Fig. 9b) with calm winds

throughout the night and early morning until 1000 HST

after which 5 m s21 easterlies with higher gusts were

recorded. This wind shift coincides with the accumula-

tion of the majority of the precipitation recorded at

HNG (Fig. 9c) and the first observations of cumulo-

nimbus clouds and lightning.

3. Model configuration

The WRF model is a state-of-the-art mesoscale nu-

merical modeling system designed for both research

and operational applications. The equation set is fully

compressible, Euler nonhydrostatic, and has a terrain-

following, hydrostatic pressure vertical coordinate. This

study employs version 3.0.1 of the Advanced Research

WRF (ARW-WRF) dynamical core in the simulation of

the 2 April 2006 flash-flooding event on Oahu. A de-

tailed description of the ARW-WRF can be found in

Skamarock et al. (2008).

The application of the mesoscale model to a particular

area of interest is made by configuring a system of nested

grids, the design of which is strongly influenced by the

data available for definition of the model’s initial and

boundary conditions. Over the Hawaiian Islands and

their adjacent waters the highest resolution data avail-

able are from the National Centers for Environmental

Prediction’s (NCEP) final operational global analysis

(FNL), which is available 6-hourly on a global 18 3 18

grid with 26 pressure levels. Initial and boundary con-

ditions for the model are provided by the FNL dataset

with the following exceptions: land surface data were

defined by the NCEP North American Regional Re-

analysis (NARR) at 32-km horizontal resolution; typical

values of soil moisture for a Hawaiian forest (Giambelluca

et al. 2009) were inserted into these data; sea surface

temperature (SST) is defined by the NCEP real-time

SST analyses at 0.58 global resolution.

This combination of atmospheric and land surface data

is fed into a system of five computational grids connected

by two-way interacting nests (Fig. 10). The telescoping

structure of the nests culminates in a high-resolution grid

over Oahu. The WRF model’s multiple two-way nesting

feature is essential to this study as it allows detailed

representation of the atmosphere’s interaction with the

complex topography of the islands, while at the same time

modeling the synoptic-scale features. The horizontal res-

olutions of each of the grids from outermost (D1) to in-

nermost (D5) are, respectively, 40.5 km, 13.5 km, 4.5 km,

1.5 km, and 500 m, with corresponding mesh sizes of 109 3

84, 108 3 81, 183 3 123, 270 3 144, and 180 3 165 points.

The time steps for each grid from D1 to D5 are 180, 60,

20, 6.7, and 2.2 s. Each grid contains 40 computational

layers with the highest vertical resolution in the lowest

2 km and the lowest atmospheric layer at approximately

30 m above ground level.

Surface terrain features of the Hawaiian Islands are

defined using two data sources. The general terrestrial

input files supply albedo, greenness fraction, slope cat-

egory, and deep soil temperature at a resolution of 18.

USGS terrestrial data with a resolution of 30 s (ap-

proximately 1 km) supply topography, land use, and soil

FIG. 9. The HNG station observations from 0000 to 2400 HST

2 Apr 2006: (a) RH, T, and Td; (b) wind; and (c) precipitation.

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Page 10: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

type. The model orography on the innermost grid (D5)

is shown in Fig. 11. Although this grid has a 500-m

horizontal resolution, the terrain data are smoothed to

1-km resolution, resulting in shallower valleys, lower

ridges, and the complete omission of many small-scale

orographic features.

The following physical parameterizations were used

in the simulation. For the planetary boundary layer, the

Yonsei University scheme based on Hong et al. (2006) is

employed along with the accompanying surface layer

scheme. We use a parameterization of shortwave radi-

ation based on Dudhia (1989) and the Rapid Radiative

Transfer Model (Mlawer et al. 1997) to parameterize the

longwave radiation. Microphysics are parameterized

using the Purdue–Lin scheme (Lin et al. 1983; Chen and

Sun 2002), which includes mixed-phase processes and six

classes of hydrometeors. Also employed was the Noah

land surface model (LSM; see Ek et al. 2003). This LSM

has soil temperature and moisture on four layers along

with vegetative effects and an urban canopy model.

The Betts–Miller–Janjic scheme (Betts and Miller

1986; Janjic 1994) is used to parameterize cumulus

convection in the outermost two domains with all other

domains using a detailed treatment of cloud with bulk

microphysics. Studies have shown (Warner and Hsu

2000; Wapler et al. 2010) that the convection resolved on

the inner grids of a nested system is sensitive to the cu-

mulus parameterization employed on the outer grids.

Sensitivity tests run using the Kain–Fritsch parameteri-

zation (Kain and Fritsch 1993) in the outer two domains

resulted in significantly less precipitation (approxi-

mately 50 mm lower than observations in many areas)

than the Betts–Miller–Janjic parameterization. This re-

sult agrees with the study by Warner and Hsu (2000),

which found that use of the Kain–Fritsch parameteri-

zation scheme led to the underestimation of the inner-

grid precipitation more than any other scheme.

Use of the relatively coarse FNL data requires a pe-

riod of time for the model to ingest the data, to ‘‘spin up’’

the microphysical variables, and to become stable at the

convective scale. This spinup period can have indirect

impacts long after model initialization; particularly in

higher-resolution simulations (see Clark et al. 2007).

The simulation was run for a total of 36 h with model

initiation at 1400 HST 1 April 2006, allowing approxi-

mately 12 h before the time of any observed convection

near Oahu for the simulation to become stable. Sensi-

tivity tests run with shorter spinup periods were much

less successful in simulating the observed pattern of


4. Model results

A vertical profile was taken inside the highest-

resolution grid at 0800 HST (Fig. 12) with the location of

the profile marked in Fig. 11. This simulated sounding

displays a moist environment below 450 hPa. A reverse

sheared wind profile is simulated with weak midlevel

winds above moderate southeasterly flow at low levels.

The inverted trough at the surface is also represented

with the direction of the simulated low-level winds

(Fig. 13) in good agreement with observations from the

FIG. 10. The system of nested grids used in the simulation with

the coarse outer grid (D1) taking up the entire map. The high-

resolution innermost grid (D5) forms a box over Oahu.

FIG. 11. Simulated accumulated precipitation (mm, shaded) on

the innermost grid (D5) from 0800 to 1800 HST 2 Apr 2006. Model

terrain height contours are plotted in 100-m increments. The black

lines mark the locations of the cross sections shown in Fig. 17 and

the black X marks the location of the sounding shown in Fig. 12.

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Page 11: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

morning scatterometer pass (Fig. 5). The vertical wind

profile in Fig. 12 closely matches that in the Lihue

sounding (Fig. 3c) except in the 250–350-hPa layer

where the wind directions differ by 1808. Satellite im-

agery shows the anvil of the thunderstorm complex

extending west of the Ko‘olaus (Fig. 4b), indicating

easterly winds near cloud top, which corresponds to the

easterly winds near the equilibrium level in the Lihue

sounding. In general, the simulated synoptic-scale envi-

ronment over the Hawaiian Islands provides an accurate

representation of the synoptic conditions on 2 April 2006

with the notable exception of the upper-level westerlies

penetrating lower into the atmosphere than observa-

tions indicate.

a. Mesoscale

The simulated pattern of precipitation on Oahu (Fig.

11) is closely linked with the orography. The WRF

model successfully simulated a pattern of precipitation

indicative of terrain anchoring of convection with ex-

treme gradients of rainfall near the eastern coast and the

highest precipitation totals over the crest of the Ko‘olaus.

A direct comparison was made of the simulated precip-

itation to the corresponding rain gauge observations

with the gauges divided into three groups by their lo-

cation with respect to the orography (Fig. 14). The

gauges within each group are listed from northernmost

to southernmost along the abscissa of Fig. 14.

Between the Ko‘olaus and the northeast coastline

(Fig. 14i), the simulated precipitation is overestimated

at northern gauges and underestimated at southern

gauges. Over the Ko‘olaus (Fig. 14ii) accumulated pre-

cipitation was slightly underestimated by the model at

gauges in the northern part of the range, overestimated at

gauges in the central part of the range, and significantly

FIG. 12. Simulated skew T–logp diagram from offshore of Oa-

hu’s windward coast (location marked in Fig. 11) at 0800 HST 2

Apr 2006. Wind barbs are standard convention. LCL, convective

condensation level (CCL), LFC, and EL are indicated.

FIG. 13. Simulated 10-m winds (kt) at 0600 HST 2 Apr 2006.

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Page 12: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

underestimated in the southern part of the range. West of

the Ko‘olaus (Fig. 14iii), the simulation produces little

precipitation, in good agreement with observations, ex-

cept in the far north near the Waianae Mountains. De-

spite substantial disagreement with observations at many

individual gauges, the WRF model was able to success-

fully simulate the general pattern of observed precipita-

tion in each of the three groups shown in Fig. 14 with the

exception of southeastern Oahu where precipitation was

significantly underestimated.

Along the northern Ko‘olaus, the simulation gener-

ates maximum rainfall rates of just over 60 mm h21. The

observed rainfall rate at the two rain gauges closest to

the crest of the northern Ko‘olaus (see Fig. 1) was ap-

proximately 65 mm h21 during the period of heavy rain.

The maximum simulated rainfall rate at the location of

the simulated rainfall maximum in the central Ko‘olaus

is approximately 100 mm h21, which is higher than

anything recorded by rain gauges near that area but is

not unprecedented in Hawaiian heavy rain events (e.g.,

Fullerton and Wilson 1975).

The simulated low-level wind field (Fig. 15) is strongly

influenced by the topography and thermal circulation

patterns (Leopold 1949). In the early morning, winds

over Oahu are light and generally blowing offshore (Fig.

15a). A zone of confluence of the low-level wind can be

seen off the coast to the east of the Ko‘olaus where

offshore flow meets the easterlies over the open ocean.

By 0800 HST in the simulation, convection formed

in this offshore confluent zone and became vigorous.

Significant rainfall accumulates offshore by 1100 HST

(Fig. 11). Simulated rainfall then dissipates offshore

and begins accumulating on the Ko‘olaus by just after

1100 HST lasting until approximately 1700 HST. Vig-

orous deep convection and heavy rainfall remains fixed

over the northern and central Ko‘olaus for approxi-

mately 5 h during this period. Convection also forms

over the northern slopes of the Waianae Mountains in

the afternoon.

By the afternoon, the winds have an onshore com-

ponent with the easterlies increasing and flowing over

the Ko‘olaus (Fig. 15b). Easterly winds near the surface

flow into the eastern Ko‘olaus for the duration of the

simulated convection over the Ko‘olaus. Simulated local

wind maxima of over 13 m s21 are present north and

south of Maui and Molokai with light winds to the lee of

all the islands (Fig. 15c). The wind pattern in the simu-

lation agrees well with station observations at HNG

(Fig. 9b). Observations from HNL, however, show much

less of an onshore wind component in the afternoon than

the simulation generates.

To investigate the role of the orography on the sim-

ulated thunderstorm complex, time averages of the level

of free convection (LFC) and vertical velocity were

made on grid D5. These time averages were made dur-

ing the period of deep convection over the Ko‘olaus,

between 1100 and 1700 HST, using model output with a

temporal frequency of 20 min. The LFC along the eastern

slopes of the central Ko‘olaus ranges from 600- to 300-m

altitude (Fig. 16a) with higher values over the slopes of

the northern Ko‘olaus. These LFCs are somewhat lower

than the 985 m calculated from the Lihue sounding;

however, weather observers at the HNG station reported

cumulonimbus clouds with bases at approximately 450-m

altitude over the central Ko‘olaus throughout the period

of 0900–1700 HST. The lifting condensation level (LCL),

which provides a reasonable approximation of cloud-base

height (e.g., Craven et al. 2002), is slightly lower than the

LFC in both the simulated (Fig. 12) and observed (Fig.

3c) environmental profiles. This suggests that simulated

cloud bases in the central Ko‘olaus are near or slightly

below observations.

The time-averaged vertical velocity field on the 900-hPa

surface (Fig. 16b) shows persistent regions of upward

vertical motion over the steep eastern slopes of the

Ko‘olaus. The Ko‘olau Mountains lift the moist low-

level flow above its LFC, initiating moist ascent in the

simulation. The averaged vertical velocity is strong high

into the troposphere with the greatest velocities at the

500-hPa level directly over the central Ko‘olaus (Fig.

16c). The vertical shear vectors calculated from the

winds at the 900- and 500-hPa levels are 7.7 m s21 at

1108 from the Lihue sounding (Fig. 3c) and 3.1 m s21 at

1108 from the simulated sounding (Fig. 12). Close ex-

amination of Fig. 16 reveals a downshear (northwest) tilt

FIG. 14. Accumulated rainfall (mm) from 0800 to 1800 HST 2

Apr 2006 measured by Oahu rain gauges (blue) and simulated by

WRF at the corresponding gauge location (red). The gauges have

been grouped by location into those (i) east, (ii) along, and (iii)

west of the Ko‘olau Mountain Range. Within each group the

gauges are listed with the northernmost (southernmost) on the left-

hand (right hand) side.

JULY 2011 M U R P H Y A N D B U S I N G E R 2209

Page 13: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

of the vertical velocity field over the Ko‘olaus between

the 900- and 500-hPa levels, particularly over the

northern Ko‘olaus.

b. Microphysics

To show the structure of the simulated convective

cells, two transects were taken along lines (indicated in

Fig. 11) roughly parallel to the mean direction of the

environmental winds in the lowest 3 km. These vertical

cross sections are representative of mature convective

cells of the simulated thunderstorm complex in the

northern (Figs. 17a and 17c) and central Ko‘olaus (Figs.

17b and 17d). The vertical velocity fields (Figs. 17a and

17b) show a strong updraft with a pronounced north-

westward tilting with height throughout the lower levels.

The orientation of this vertical tilt is aligned downshear

of the low-level environmental flow; a feature com-

monly seen in updrafts that form in a vertically sheared

environment (e.g., Weisman and Klemp 1984). This

sloping of the simulated updrafts in low levels is charac-

teristic of long-lived convective systems (e.g., Rotunno

et al. 1988).

The rainwater mixing-ratio fields (Figs. 17a and 17b)

show rain falling downshear of the updraft where

FIG. 15. Simulated horizontal wind speed (shaded, m s21) and streamlines on the lowest model level plotted on

(a) grid D5 at 0500 HST, (b) grid D5 at 1400 HST, and (c) grid D4 at 1400 HST on 2 Apr 2006.

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Page 14: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

moderate convective downdrafts are also present. The

tilted structure of the updraft enables raindrops to fall

out of its lower parts. This unloads liquid water from the

updraft and separates the main rainshaft and downdrafts

from the inflow of moist air, helping to sustain the con-

vection (Ludlam 1963). The southeast-to-northwest

orientation of the Ko‘olaus combined with the north-

westward sloping of the updrafts results in rain falling

out of the updraft and onto the crest of the mountain

range. The weak environmental flow at midlevels in the

simulation (Fig. 12) minimizes the horizontal tracking of

cells, facilitating a quasi-stationary thunderstorm com-

plex over the Ko‘olaus.

The simulated convective cell from the central

Ko‘olaus (Figs. 17b and 17d) formed over the center of the

simulated rainfall maximum (Fig. 11). Accumulated

rainfall at this grid point was higher than nearby rain

gauge measurements, suggesting this convective cell is

more intense than representative cells of the observed

thunderstorm complex. The graupel mixing ratio (Fig. 17b)

reaches a maximum of just over 9 g kg21 (approximately

4.6 g m23) and coincides with the strongest vertical ve-

locities of just over 20 m s21. The high concentration of

graupel results in the 50-dBZ simulated radar re-

flectivity contour reaching up to nearly 8 km (Fig. 17d),

which corresponds closely to radar cross sections of an

intense convective cell that formed over eastern Maui

(Lyman et al. 2005). This mass of graupel is somewhat

higher than values seen in simulations of vigorous

convective clouds in Texas performed by Khain et al.

(2004). Few observations of hydrometeor contents

within cumulonimbus clouds exist that could be used for

comparison with these model results; however, obser-

vations of cumulus congestus clouds in northeastern

Colorado have shown moist-adiabatic cores within the

updrafts (Heymsfield et al. 1978). The simulated total

hydrometeor water content in the location of the grau-

pel maximum is approximately 4.8 g m23. Advection of

graupel from lower levels may help account for the large

hydrometeor water content in the upper portion of

FIG. 16. (a) Simulated LFC (shaded, m above

sea level) time averaged over the period 1100–

1700 HST 2 Apr 2006. Simulated vertical velocity

(shaded, m s21) averaged over the same time

period is displayed on the (b) 900- and (c) 500-hPa

surfaces. Model terrain height contours are plotted

with an interval of 100 m.

JULY 2011 M U R P H Y A N D B U S I N G E R 2211

Page 15: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

the updraft. Regardless, this value is well below the

adiabatic liquid water content of almost 6 g m23, cal-

culated using the cloud-base temperature (158C) and

height (900 hPa) from the Lihue sounding (Browning


While the simulated cell from the northern Ko‘olaus

(Figs. 17a and 17c) is probably more representative of

the observed thunderstorm complex, both of the cells

shown in Fig. 17 conform to the available observations.

Simulated radar reflectivity (Figs. 17c and 17d) displays

echo tops of 10–11 km, which is in close agreement with

echo-top heights measured by the Molokai radar (Fig.

4d). Although full-volume radar data are not available

for a more direct observation, a substantial amount of

frozen precipitation particles is the most likely cause for

the overestimation of storm total precipitation by the

Molokai radar. In agreement with this observation the

simulated convective cells contain a large mass of graupel

and high reflectivity values above the 08C isotherm. Both

of the simulated cells shown in Fig. 17 contain simulated

ice particles, supercooled water droplets, and graupel

above the 08C isotherm. The presence of these micro-

physical specimens is associated with charge separation

and lightning (e.g., Saunders 1993), consistent with ob-

servations of lightning throughout the duration of the

thunderstorm complex. Cloud liquid water content levels

in the simulated mixed-phase region (between the 08 and

208C isotherms) are within values conducive to the neg-

ative charging of graupel particles, according to labora-

tory experiments (Takahashi 1978; Saunders et al. 1991;

Pereyra et al. 2000).

The time variation of the vertical distribution of various

hydrometeors generated by the model is shown in Fig. 18.

Rather than displaying the hydrometeor concentration

FIG. 17. Vertical cross sections of simulated convection over the Ko‘olaus with horizontal orientation shown by the (a),(c) northernmost

and (b),(d) southernmost transects in Fig. 11. These cross section were taken at (a),(c) 1540 and (b),(d) 1400 HST and display (a),(b)

simulated vertical velocity (shaded, cm s21), rainwater mixing ratio (blue contours, g kg21), graupel mixing ratio (gray contours, g kg21),

snow mixing ratio (white contours, g kg21), and circulation vectors and (c),(d) simulated radar reflectivity (shaded, dBZ), isotherms

(dashed contours, 8C), cloud liquid water mixing ratio (dark blue contours, g kg21), and cloud ice mixing ratio (white contours, g kg21).

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Page 16: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

at a specific location, the horizontal summation of each

hydrometeor type within a rectangular area (21.38–

21.78N and 158.058–157.78W) over the Ko‘olaus is dis-

played. The portion of a cloud between the 08C isotherm

and the cloud base is known as the coalescence zone and

the convective cells at both of the locations shown in

Fig. 17 as well as in Fig. 18 have coalescence zones of

more than 3 km in depth. Throughout these deep co-

alescence zones, large amounts of rain and cloud liquid

water (Figs. 17 and 18) are present, indicating that the

condensation and collision and coalescence of droplets is

taking place in this region.

Raindrops are the first precipitation-size hydrometeor

simulated over the Ko‘olaus in large concentrations,

followed by graupel and then snow (Fig. 18). The per-

centage of graupel embryos formed by raindrop freezing

has been observed to increase with increasing cloud-

base temperature (Knight 1981). The low cloud bases in

the observed and simulated convective cells along with

the sequence of hydrometeor formation displayed in

Fig. 18 indicate that the majority of the graupel origi-

nated from the freezing of raindrops formed in the co-

alescence zone as they were advected within the updraft

(e.g., Phillips et al. 2001). Evidence for the initial for-

mation of hailstones by the freezing of raindrops was

found by Takahashi (1987) in his study of hailstones

collected at ground level during a thunderstorm over

Hawaii Island.

As the simulated thunderstorm complex evolved, the

mass of cloud water droplets and graupel particles in the

mixed-phase region increased (Fig. 18) with maxima at

approximately 1330 HST. This environment was favor-

able for the growth of graupel particles by riming with

supercooled cloud droplets (Pflaum and Pruppacher

1979), with the eventual melting of these ice particles

contributing substantially to the production of rainfall.

The formation and growth of graupel was facilitated by

a strong vertical flux of condensate above the 08C iso-

therm during the early and middle stages of the thun-

derstorm complex. The maximum concentration of snow

over the Ko‘olaus at any given time is nearly an order of

magnitude less than that of graupel or rain, indicating that

the riming of snow to form graupel contributed little to

the total mass of graupel. An environment conducive to

charge separation, with ice particles, graupel, and super-

cooled water coexisting in the mixed-phase region, is present

FIG. 18. Time–height cross section of rainwater mixing ratio (blue contours, kg kg21), graupel

mixing ratio (gray contours, kg kg21), snow mixing ratio (solid white contours, kg kg21), cloud

liquid water mixing ratio (shaded, kg kg21), cloud ice mixing ratio (dotted light blue

contours, kg kg21), and isotherms (dashed contours, 8C). The values for each hydrometeor are

summations over a rectangle encompassing the Ko‘olau Mountain Range (21.38–21.78N and

158.058–157.78W). Horizontal axis is time (HST) and vertical axis is height (km).

JULY 2011 M U R P H Y A N D B U S I N G E R 2213

Page 17: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

throughout the mature phase of the simulated thun-

derstorm complex (Fig. 18).

5. Conclusions and discussion

a. Summary and conclusions

This study examines a thunderstorm complex that

remained nearly stationary over the Ko‘olau Mountain

Range for more than 6 h on 2 April 2006. The event

was one of three cases of heavy rainfall focused on the

Ko‘olaus that occurred during an unusually wet period in

the spring of 2006. Each of these events produced flash

flooding in many of the low-capacity northeast-facing

watersheds of eastern Oahu. These storms formed under

the influence of a recurring midlevel trough in an envi-

ronment with low-level southeast flow, moderate condi-

tional instability, enhanced midlevel moisture content,

and westerly shear of the environmental winds with

height in the lower levels.

A case study of the 2 April event was undertaken to

better understand the interaction of moist southeast

flow with the complex terrain of Oahu. High-resolution

numerical simulations of this event employing the

ARW-WRF mesoscale model successfully generated

a pattern of precipitation indicative of convection an-

chored by the orography of the Ko‘olaus. The charac-

teristics of the simulated convection were investigated

and compared with observations made during the event.

The results of the simulations were combined with

observations to produce a schematic diagram of the

thunderstorm complex (Fig. 19). The convection over

Oahu was sustained by a steady flux of moist condi-

tionally unstable air into the Ko‘olaus by the easterly

flow at the surface. Lifting by the eastern slopes of the

Ko‘olaus created the ascent needed for the moist low-

level air to reach its level of free convection, triggering

vigorous convective development and the repeat for-

mation of convective cells. Westerly shear of the low-

level flow was crucial in organizing the convection. The

FIG. 19. Conceptual model of a mature convective cell of the 2 Apr 2006 thunderstorm

complex. This schematic diagram displays a southeast-to-northwest cross section taken through

the central Ko‘olaus. LCL, LFC, environmental winds, and temperatures are from the Lihue

sounding. Rain water mixing ratio (gray contours, g kg21), graupel mixing ratio (pink contours,

g kg21), snow mixing ratio (blue contours, g kg21), and cloud circulations (bold arrows) are

from the mesoscale model output.

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Page 18: Orographic Influences on an Oahu Flood

turning of the environmental winds from easterly near

the surface to southeasterly near and above the moun-

taintop, combined with light winds at midlevels, resulted

in convective updrafts that tilted northwestward with

height throughout the lowest 3 km. Weak midlevel winds

over the strong low-level shear anchored the lower por-

tion of the convection to the mountains, resulting in

minimal horizontal cloud motion and a quasi-stationary

convective system. The slope of the updrafts had a large

component parallel to the axis of the mountain range,

which resulted in the main rainshaft of the convective

cells extending along the crest of the Ko‘olaus. In addition

to determining the pattern of accumulated precipitation,

this tilted updraft structure contributed to the longevity

of the thunderstorm complex by keeping rainfall and

downdrafts separate from the inflow of warm moist air.

The formation of rainfall was complex and involved

mixed-phase microphysical processes. The vertical ad-

vection of condensate originating below the freezing level

by vigorous convective updrafts was crucial in the forma-

tion and growth of graupel. These graupel particles formed

through the freezing of raindrops and grew by riming with

supercooled cloud droplets. This process resulted in

a substantial amount of frozen precipitation particles and

created an environment conducive to charge separation

and lightning in the mixed-phase region.

b. Discussion and speculation

The pattern of accumulated precipitation in each of

the spring 2006 heavy rain events exhibited extreme

gradients with maxima on the crest of the Ko‘olaus,

a pattern characteristic of Oahu flooding events that

occur under southeast low-level flow (see Fig. 2). This

pattern of accumulated precipitation differs from pat-

terns found in other studies of Oahu heavy rain events

(e.g., Schroeder 1977; Dracup et al. 1991). While all three

spring 2006 events share easterly flow at the surface and

southeasterly environmental flow from just above the

surface to approximately the 750-hPa level, the static

stability exhibited by the atmospheric profiles differs sig-

nificantly (Fig. 3). The 2 April event had the most unstable

vertical profile and deep convective development (Fig.

3c), while the 1 March event had much less instability

and relatively shallow convection (Fig. 3a). We suggest

that the differences in the pattern of precipitation be-

tween these two events (Figs. 2a and 2c) are due in part

to the depths of the convection in each case. In contrast

to the quasi-stationary thunderstorm complex observed

in the 2 April event, shallow convection with cloud tops

near 700 hPa would tend to be advected northwestward

along the axis of the Ko‘olaus Mountain Range by the

southeasterly mean cloud layer winds. This northwest

tracking of convective cells could explain the pre-

cipitation maximum in the northern part of the moun-

tain range seen in the 1 March event. The vertical wind

profiles in these two events are similar, but the ther-

modynamic instability and depth of the resulting con-

vection differ substantially and result in different cloud

dynamics and associated patterns of precipitation.

Studies of cloud electrification in both the tropics and

midlatitudes have found low cloud bases, deep co-

alescence zones, and high precipitation yields to be as-

sociated with decreased lightning flash rates (Williams

et al. 1992; Rutledge et al. 1992; Williams et al. 2005).

This reduction in lightning results from the formation of

rainfall and the removal of condensate from the updraft

in the coalescence zone, thereby robbing the mixed-

phase region of cloud water (Williams et al. 2005).

Nevertheless, in the simulation presented in this study,

vertical advection of hydrometeors that formed within

a deep and active coalescence zone led to an environ-

ment conducive to charge separation. The combination

of an active precipitation process below the freezing

level and exceptionally long-lived and nearly stationary

vertical motion over the Ko‘olaus enabled the modest

lightning flash rates observed in the thunderstorm


Simulated convective cells repeatedly formed over the

crescent-shaped region of the Ko‘olaus to the west of the

HNG station. The geometry of the Ko‘olaus in this area

appears to have played an important role in focusing and

lifting the low-level flow and initiating convective cells

nearby. Lin et al. (2001) studied numerous orographic

heavy rain events in various parts of the world and found

that convection often began in a horizontally concave

region of the mountain range, as was the case in this

study. The results of the Oahu simulations suggest that

the enhanced convergence of moisture in this concave

region of the Ko‘olaus lowered the level of free con-

vection (Fig. 16a), resulting in more vigorous buoyant

ascent of these air parcels when lifted by the orography.

Future research on anchoring of convection to the

Ko‘olau Mountain Range under southeast flow should

include detailed analyses of full radar volume data from

multiple events, if and when these data become available.

Idealized mesoscale simulations using environmental

profiles with various combinations of vertical wind shear

and thermodynamic instability could be useful in con-

firming the role of Oahu’s orography in focusing areas

of heavy rain under conditions of southeast low-level


Acknowledgments. The authors benefited greatly

from discussions with Drs. Vaughan Phillips, Thomas

Schroeder, and Christopher Chambers. This manuscript

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was substantially improved by the thorough reviews of

two anonymous reviewers. Tiziana Cherubini and Antti

Pessi provided technical support, Kevin Kodama and

Ryan Lyman supplied observational data, and Nancy

Hulbirt provided her graphical expertise. Computa-

tional resources were provided by NCAR’s Bluefire and

MHPCC’s Hurricane machines. This work was sup-

ported by the Office of Naval Research under Grants

N000140510551 and N000140810450.


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