.. > 1'0;, dot' .gov ' i 'juani ta. dean"o.t . "-o t I 'ca rm." , n. ri doe . 90" '; 'norm.n .• trlck .. an"o.t .dot. IIQV' > Subj e<'t , " No F ly" lht _. Id"nei <;:1.1 Na ... , P .. opo •• l/R"C_ndationl I "'POrt anc_ : High > fro<ll ,o ",r .... " ti ng on lI' e dnesdl.Y, 15 M ay. to m ake th e cu rre "t t.he Propo .al 1, , I ... "", ld to p rOpo5 .. l .. <;urit y ttH"'e nt 'and "'Uy . ,. 11 Whe n t h .. a "::lin .. c l u: k .. H .. v • .: i t y i ng t h .. " .... sanger. 1 1) .. .. n' eh .. pa55 an9 .. r. n ...... in the comput e.: t o ch"ck-ln . th e cu r ... nt .y. t. .. m che ck > et'! .. " No Fl y' and l" e nt. i fiu • na ... """eet'! by "1.ph .yi o9 th " meaaag .. on th e ' O_ ny B oard ing .. nd <..m.di aee ly Noti! y Loca l I\uthori tle . " .. Hew .. bOut if t. 1t!,. ca n be ..... d. i nt o a t wo .t .. p pf <>e ••• . .) Wb.n t he .. ct .,rI< .!t "e v .,rifyl n<jj p ••• ng e. n tD enl:er. t.1l. p .. . " anSl,r. " .. "'" in th .. . Y5t ... a gdnn ; th e " No Fly" lis t, and if t he sy n"", id..n tifi el • n. m" .. at.<:II .• t th at po int. th" will pr <>mpt " .irHn. to ent er th. p . .. . ,U t e. of bir th into rmat io n in th e ... . Tbe .y. t .m vi II th an th e d at e ot ot t h e l u _p aet on the I'l y. l li t. If -I:he a.e. of bi rth i. no t a ma tc h. th e wi ll ... l1 <>w the airli ne cl .. rk t.<> pr oc eed wi t ll th e choQk · in proc ... .. lIo",,,v.r, it th e Iy. t, m tind. til, p ... ... n'l erl ellt .. of bir t ll id.nti c"l t o t he d . .. " of bir th at t h.t p oi nt th e 'Yl t em will di 'pl ay . ...... ge on th e .. r l er.l n " De ny _ Boa rdin g and 1 ....... d1.e. .. ly lI ot Hy t.cc.l - .. Sy t. t'!i . change within tile cur rent ,"euri ty .. .. in pllce, the sYl!tem wU l b" abl .. to eff ic iently na rrow down t he se .. r e t'! of th e '''''pect witho ut e. " ui"", I tr . sa to t ill 't r. v,I II"",. a nd ,ignifi c" n tly nduc .. t h" unn.cOlI I .ty p.ni e .. t t he a:I_ '"i'Ort • . I'ropoe .l 2, " Th., TSI\ .ha ll b .... b1e to work . deh , t:; he l\ irl1n ... a nd allo w a ir Un .. to "nag " til .. tru at ed p .... n'lCri f r .. quent lly er r .. c ord IC til . .. ",hen a p ... lang .n showa up at t il" "i rp on t he .ya .. _ o;an bypa s s. pa"""9"r tr 01ll " b" ing n .gged b... •• d on the "n "g " on t h e f r equ.,nt tty.,r neord . An .nothe r ""."'P l" c.n ,be t ""tted t n va l l "r cal."Cl. > A f .. ind ivid u .. l . ,f e .. r the on t.hA t I .. IlIou ld clle.l<g" my n a. M. TnH Ju n 1I\ .. k.,1 ..,. r e.U :u tha t til. curr . nt .yet ... .itn 't very .ffie i en t ." d ucur •. and a n ",v il p er .. on CAn 't il l e aei ly ,. b yp .. n the 5.,CUrity ono; aa Ut e S in p la ce. " I hop. th.t my propg u h "' ill bit. t.ken i nto .

Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~lepic.org › foia_docs › airtravel › congress2.pdf · ~ ~~~; ~'Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~"t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~l:~~~~~'-' ,-.~ .. > 1'0;,

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Page 1: Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~lepic.org › foia_docs › airtravel › congress2.pdf · ~ ~~~; ~'Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~"t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~l:~~~~~'-' ,-.~ .. > 1'0;,

~ ~~~; ~'Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~"t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~l:~~~~~~'-' ,-.~ ..

> 1'0;, 'Bhn·.n.-~ha~. t . dot' .gov ' i 'juanit a . dean"o.t . "-o t .1I~v' I ~ 'ca rm." , n. ri "~ ra -9 1 a901alfo~t. doe .90" '; 'norm.n . • trlck .. an"o.t .dot. IIQV' > Subj e<'t , "No Fly" lht _. Id"nei <;:1.1 Na ... , P .. opo • • l/R"C_ndationl ~ I "'POrtanc_ : High

• • > fro<ll ,o",r .... " ting on lI'ednesdl.Y, 1 5 May. ~ rec o1tlO\em! . tion~ to make the curre"t t.he

• ~ Propo.al 1 ,

• ,

I ... "", l d Uk~ t o prOpo5 .. l ~ .. <;urity lIy.t~m ttH"'ent 'and "'Uy .

,. 11 Whe n t h .. a "::lin .. c l u:k .. H .. ~ v • .: i t y i ng t h .. " .... sanger. 11) .. n ~ .. n' eh .. ~ pa55a n9 .. r. n ...... in the compu t e.: t o c h"ck-ln . the cu r ... nt .y.t. .. m chec k > againg~ et'! .. " No Fl y ' l i G ~ and l"ent. i fiu • na ... """eet'! by "1.ph.yi o9 th" ~ meaaag .. on the 4omp", ~.r 8cr~en ' O_ny Boarding .. nd <..m.di aeely Noti!y Loca l ~ I\uthori tle • . "

• .. Hew .. bOut if t.1t!,. PfOCC~S can be ..... d . i nto a t wo .t .. p p f <>e ••• . • ~ . ) Wb. n t he .. 1 ~1 1ne ct.,rI< .!t" e v.,rifyln<jj ~h. p •••• ng e.n t D enl:er. t.1l. ~ p .. . " anSl,r. " .. "'" in ~ h. <:"'""P"' te~ ~<> ch~ck-J.n. th .. . Y5t ... ched,-~ agdnn; the ~ "No Fly" lis t, and if t he syn"", id..ntifiel • n . m" .. at.<:II .• t tha t po int. ~ th" ~y. tam will pr<>mpt" th~ .irHn. cl~rk' t o ent er th. p . ... ng~r~ ,U t e. o f ~ birth i n t o rmat ion in the .y~t ... .

• ~ Tbe .y.t .m v i II tha n ~tch the date o t b l ~th o t t he l u _paet on the " ~o

~ I'ly. l li t . ~ I f -I:he a.e. of birth i . no t a ma tc h. the .ySt~1l\ wi ll ... l1 <>w the airli ne ~ cl .. rk t.<> p r oce ed wi t ll the choQk· in proc .. . ..

• ~ lIo",,,v.r, it the Iy. t,m tind. til, p ... ... n'lerl ellt .. of birt ll i d.ntic"l t o t he ~ .u.~e tl d . .. " of b i r th a t t h.t point the 'Yl t em will d i 'play . ...... ge on ~ the CooopU ~ .. r l er.ln " Deny_ Boarding and 1 ....... d1.e. .. ly lIo t Hy t.cc.l ~ Alll: bo~1t1 '" . · -• .. Sy mak1n~ t. t'!i . chang e within tile current ,"eurity ~y. t .... in pllce, the ~ sYl!tem wU l b" abl .. to eff iciently n arrow down t he se .. r e t'! of the '''''pect ~ withou t e." ui"", I tr . sa to t ill 't r . v,I II"",. and ,ignific"ntly nduc .. t h" ~ unn.cOlI I .ty p.nie .. t t he a:I_'"i'Ort • .

• ~ I'ropoe.l 2 ,

• " Th., TSI\ .hall b .... b 1 e t o work .deh , t:;he l\ irl1n ... a nd allow th~ a irUn .. to ~ "nag " til .. t r u ated p .... n'lCri f r .. quent l l yer r .. cord I C til . .. ",hen a ~ p .. . lang. n showa up at t il" "i rpo n t he .ya .. _ o;an bypass. pa"""9"r tr01ll " b" ing n .gged b... •• d on the " n "g " on t he f r equ.,nt tty.,r neord . An ~ .nother ""."'Pl " c.n ,be t ""tted t n va l l "r cal."Cl.

• • > A f .. ~ individu .. l . m~de • commen~ ,f e .. r the ~e.ting on W.4ne~d.y t.hA t I .. IlIou l d clle.l<g" my n a.M . TnH Jun 1I\ .. k.,1 ..,. r e.U :u tha t til. curr. nt .ye t ... ~ .itn ' t very .ffie i en t ."d ucur • . and a n ",vil per .. on CAn 't il l eaei ly ,. byp .. n the 5.,CUrity ono;aaUt e S pu~ in plac e .

• " I ~inc.r.ly hop. t h.t my propgu h "'ill bit. t.ken i nto

'~cndd"ration .

Page 2: Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~lepic.org › foia_docs › airtravel › congress2.pdf · ~ ~~~; ~'Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~"t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~l:~~~~~'-' ,-.~ .. > 1'0;,

- - - - - •.•...•..... _ - - - - - - - - - --- - -.. ,,= .. ~ ' 1I'IAHC>AL 'SVlVleI S

75/f - / -........ ~ (JI[lngt .e (l1J D£ l ite ~ni1tb fotalus

, ~Lc.u.t of 1teP"rl'lltmal l&u


' ... " ........... , 'OT'..,..."'"", '_'1<>11 .... "" ·..,""1......," _. .. -

S. co rld Dlttrict. New VQr'Io;

JWle 4, 2002

Mr. Quentin Burgcss Acting Administra.tor for Government and Industry Affairs Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independe/IU Avenue South,,!,cst, Rm 1022 Washington, D.C. 2059]

Dear Mr. Burge$S:

A1tilC~e find ~~:;:::~~~:;i~:~~[~~~~~~~~~~~~1~j~~~;W Yo~ho is and searehed. His name is reason for this happening and if then is thefe

oc,eurrcnces. . . \0\0 ' . :' _ ' II should be noted tha~$. home in Naples, F,lorida thar he lnveis to on a constant b.lllis. On oCcallion he has Iraveled wilhoul luggage as everything he needs is in his Floridll residence. We art concemed that perhaps his frequent traveling to, Floricb: and his oeeuional absence o{lu&&age mJY have triggered his beina detained m<i searched on a regular basis. However: w_e: CMnOI be c:nri re'B urc: this is llie rc::uon.

I have: lLttaehed~r to 1frnic along with his bio. I would appreci:l.te your consideration ~~io$cd correspondence W look forward 10 hearing from yo\.! ~ hort!y.

Thank you in .c\vmce for your anlieip:l.ted eoopcration . .

M iii Sincerely, n -c

~~ ~ ;" ~ -M

~ N M


M Member ofCQngress

" ;; ~

SI:WF " ~




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Page 3: Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~lepic.org › foia_docs › airtravel › congress2.pdf · ~ ~~~; ~'Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~"t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~l:~~~~~'-' ,-.~ .. > 1'0;,

I 000210

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Congressman Steven Israel 1 West Main Suw. Bay Stun. N.Y. 11106

Re: FAA Security fnxedures

Dear Congres:sman Is rael:

May 28, 2002

The subject ofthi~ letter is the frustration I have e;o::perienced during my air tn,vel as a 'result of the FAA proeedure8, .• .

, , . ,

I have made lpproiimalcly len airline trips between 1FK.a.nd. Fort Myers, Florida and two lrip~ from Washiniloo, D,C. 10 Fort Myers within the. last four months , On three of those owuioll8 my wife traveled with me, I believe that it is my ticket that is marked with the FAA ~Se<:£et code" written in pencU on my lickcta5 ·~SH· . After lite third incident, Ileam04 the.1 · SHR means that I have beet! singled oot from lhe computer a.s ~ring a special searcb after I pan Ihro-.Jgh the nomul sceurity proeedu~ and w~n I am at the gate about 10 board the aircra.1t The remainder or!he plane boar4s while I am required l() go to the side and go through another KlMity pal down, indudina the re moval of my shoes and !he ruMing of a wand overmy shoes and feet, This d !O inchides again, removing all of my personal items from my pockets and having my wallet again ,caeched. This is obviously nOI a random search, bul rather, a search that is prompted by reason of something that is in the computer. In my case, it is part icularly inconvenient becBuse this sllspected terrorist has II. pacemaker amI I normally carry three prescription medica! vials with me. I then have to scramble, after havini; first scrambled at the in itial seellrity clearanee which is anticipated, I then re-engase in the SBme procedure. I honestly don't know which concerns me more, the frustration army search or the filet that ilny bur~WC(acy that wastes its lime 00 needless long division problems is diverting'its energies in the wrong direcUOtt to wlla! could be the public 'S TC3i detriment.

If I were a real ~!TOfist, would 1 corltinuc to ~ the platlt knowing that I am branded ~SH"? Is t1:~ noc a prob:Jbil ity, if1lOl a tOtal exclusion ofterroriu wspieion, if lhe PU!lcngef haS been singled OUi on nllm,erous other OCCasiOO5 and the search found to be in the words of $Orne aCthe employees, "foolish'"?

-" .. "" .. ",'," ,...".. .. - "'.,..., ........ , 00 0211

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. .

I wrote to Jet Blue Airlines and the response that I received was thai this computer nsignment is made by the FAA and Jet Blue is obliged to follow thac guidelines. I Can understand why the FAA would not wish to disciose the parameters ofiu random search. Ho wcvo:£, anythi!l£ you can do to bring common sense to lhis .;tu~ti cm would be appuciated. . .


0002 12

Page 6: Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~lepic.org › foia_docs › airtravel › congress2.pdf · ~ ~~~; ~'Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~"t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~l:~~~~~'-' ,-.~ .. > 1'0;,


oudIy au~ CoogK.WTl.lD SI&Vt bnolll> ~qlt<Ot oIl my 1>obaU, p<:fI!Mrrt "" Ih< Fl._ ... ~..,4 Ptino, Na,. __

intonrwiol\ """""'min! tn.¢ in 1I>t.:II.IC$ oe


..m&ndon - ,,- Nurl>b<:t':

= ""......

ieily ou.u: tIl~ ooi\COld~ ~ ... .." «dcb>J'


Page 7: Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~lepic.org › foia_docs › airtravel › congress2.pdf · ~ ~~~; ~'Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~"t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~l:~~~~~'-' ,-.~ .. > 1'0;,

- - ---~\liJN-12-2002 I.IEO 09:42 .!l1t 0000000000

FAA 202.366-9955 (lpAOliS)

_MIl. . JOHN W . M,.t,.oA,W



400 SaVllNTH ST., S .W .

WASHlNOtoNDC 20590-0001

Deii"Mr. Mapw: ~ .

1l1li: 7, 2002

• •

I am attaching II. ~py of a ruccl kttcr I unt' l(l Ms:

Avi&iiQn MlUtnistntioll re,llliina; one of my """;''''''', with security lereellwg at -airporu.

r ~ply security K{eerunIlS .

FAX -NO, 0000000000

or would appreciate a

assist hiin at airport

I:xP , You may retch lilt by phone Of fax at my Wiubilljtl:!n offiee. Plea.5e eaU UI? Dooict

Di~tor. Kaye Cleaver, at 913-383-2013 if you h .. v~ auy questionl of need lily additionlll

information on Mr. NebOIL

DM:ke &ol

v cry truly YOIIU,

DBNNISMOOM Memb~ of CcQgfen


p, 02


Page 8: Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~lepic.org › foia_docs › airtravel › congress2.pdf · ~ ~~~; ~'Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~"t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~l:~~~~~'-' ,-.~ .. > 1'0;,

FAX /{O. 0000000000

.... -~.-.

.~~" ... ""''"' ............ " --~.. , '-_1 __

"'-" .. _ .... ""' ..... -"--""'" . _.-m ... _ .... _ .. _,.,,,.

qJ;ongrell'll' of Ibe ~lIiteb ~tate' ~OUit Df ~tptesmtlltibei

DENNIS MOORE .... " .. ",sec .. " "'_ .................. .

• , ..... lh<t -'-~, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," .--,,_._-

SENT BY FAX: 202·2157·.:5047


Third Dim,.". KIOUI _./'I.ou, •. gOY/moc ...

May 28, 2002


.!ICO IHDErEND£NC2 A V1!Nt,rE SotrniWEsT

WASHl"NQTON DC 20591·0004

P. 03

·"c_ ........ """"'""'"­W"'_QTQ'<. ~l"",' ", --'"-...... , ........ , .. \~ ..... A" 1IoM.1", 0.--'-.";'00>" _ .. _,." ._" ........... _1,.,,_., .. "-... """'" ..... ,., _ ....... ...,.", .-...... ,.,.,. .. , ... --.. ........ -. , .... -. ---.., .. ...... ,..-.".." .. --

I ..... s recent1y <:OIlUU:ted by QIU: oflll)' C:OlUlitllctl.t.I wl\o Irllveb frequently Gd bllS bee~

subj~ctod to eKtenslvc and thorQugh seorehCll before board..ing every {Ught.

This young man., whoso travels anojob ~:~~lf;';,.j~I~":"7h~'J Upon o;nnlactlng tho; FAA Ir.leUiGellCC, we WCfe

c known terrorisf. "However, ~cording to FAA yean olde: that my c:onstituolnl.


11 is my UMeo-sw-.dinJI thai the "Watr./\ Li.st~ wbich ~ FAA InteJllacnl:C furnishes \Q tho

airlines contains only the nomla Q( \.:nown or $u~pee\ed terrorists . A:c other phy:;iclI.l icic:I\tifiel$

or a dale ofbir1h'aae infonua.tiop iotluded Oll the "Wlltch Li'f'? Iuchuion ofthh infomution

mtan! te<\ucc the lUVIecessary time cnd. inconvenience of conducting ICll!chc:! that eC)ntribute

nolhin.l IQ ~ e(.l1rily.

] would IIpprc.date yQu r consiciuat iQll of dding the birth date D1" 19c ir$rmai~m to the

names Usled on the " Watch Li~t" iflhis inform. tion is not dre.dy i nclud~d. nll. wou ld hupl"t\ve

the c fflciency of tltc airport ' ClCencrs ~nd al leviata UlIM of the inconvenience to p iIJIseugenl.

funk you.



_ ..... -... -"w!!n,,"m'"

000 21 5

Page 9: Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~lepic.org › foia_docs › airtravel › congress2.pdf · ~ ~~~; ~'Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~"t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~l:~~~~~'-' ,-.~ .. > 1'0;,



>VO<OM-.. .. --w .... __ .................

,"re" N""ON ... C ""LO. noNS -_. ~-"''"' '-~

J. Brian Riley

'iCongrtSS of !\It mniltb golaltS ~Ou5t of lttpregmtatibeu tillubln!lton, iII«: 20515-3703

Asst. Admin. for Government and Industry Affain; Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20591

--~ ' ... """",-", .. ...... 1'/_"'''' D:; .... 10->1" 'lOll ....... " .. "'I,.,' ...... ' --Tw ...... _ ... y ... ","''''' • .. .. L __ ..... ,


"""",,"",0."',, _2:11 __


24 June 2002

Dear Mr. Riley:

While I appreciate the security concerns which have led to increased airport screening for all travelers, the system is subject 10 abuses. One afmy constituents has been pulled out of line at the airport ticket counter three times in the last six weeks and been interviewed by law enforcement persolUlel fur no apparent reason. This is not a case of profiling; he has been told that his name is ou an FAAlFBllis! that may have been generated b-y the manner in which he is purchasing his ticket. ,.,

Our constituent is a local businessman, residing in southwest Portland with his wife and small children. He has resptmded to all inquiries straightforwardly, but is twder:standably frustrated with their repetition. He is also concerned that his wife will be delayed in her summer travel with their children. He has attempted to contact both the FAA and the FBI to ascerta.in v:hy he is bewg detained evel\f.ti}llc he tra.vels, but 10 no avail.

His name'

Portland 97219. H~;t;~~ necessary to clear this

'; -,',1 Your prompt advice about how to proceed in: this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you. fur your attention;to.this request.;:.,· lor,. ;0 UQ J/\:;!1"

A " w~ N


~o - , l~

~" ., ".4.1 . ~,

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I ,j

, ..

"'oTlI'''" '''''''c''' .... ,

Earl Blumenauer Member of Congress

.... , . ,.

000218 RECEIVED JULIO 2002

-:JM .. -,/

Page 10: Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~lepic.org › foia_docs › airtravel › congress2.pdf · ~ ~~~; ~'Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~"t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~l:~~~~~'-' ,-.~ .. > 1'0;,

• •

John W. M~81\w Under Secretlry of Tn inS port at ion for'Security Transportation Sec:l.!rity Mministration

- 400 Seventh Sited Southwest WashingtOn, DC 2O!i90

July 'S, 2002

re: Persona! search policies.

cc: Representative Lynn C. Woobey Senlltor Blrbara Boxer Senator Dialle Fienstein

Dear Under Secretary Mlpw,

. ,

I am writing"lO expre" my eoncern aboullhe seemingly arbitrary application of personal search security mCliUres taken at U.S.,airports. While it is clear that elltraordinary measures arc walTanted at the airports' in our \:l,Irrenl political climate, my specific concern spring' OUI of my experience with' ''random'' personal scarehel - culminating in (\ bdef eonvun:tion J had,:",!th a security .upervisor at Oakland Ajrpch • few weeki ago.

Sil'lCe die new security measures have been mivated,1 have ,found that I can DOt avoid being searched every lime Illy IWJlC GOmes up on IInY lickt!ing screcn..-ln my C8K this

.- has r~!ted in quite a few pcr~t .lC.rches and coostqUcnl boardiog deJayS111l I have becn traveling quite I bit in the past "eiaht montb3. On a recCnt trip through OaJcland Internation.l Airport after being "r.ndomly" lCarched for the second time, I t;(p~sed my dissatisCaction to the security supervisor at the boarding sate. Her rciponse to me was that I wat on lin FAA "security risk lin ."

While I have my s'-l$picions as to why I may be on this list, I would ti1he~ find out directly from yOloJ what the reasom arc. I ho~ that it is a case of mistaken idcr.tity - and iflbis is t~C ~e, I wou.kI JiJ:e 1:.. be remo~d from that.Dlt and &V(lid tIM: oogoir,g ' harusment ofnot·so-raooom searchn by your staff.

In any evcnt, please let me know why I am on an FAA security ris~ lisl. Ifyau require any IIdditional information from me, pleasc fcel free to have a staJJ" member call me at ~b<p .,'


Page 11: Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~lepic.org › foia_docs › airtravel › congress2.pdf · ~ ~~~; ~'Ori~;,-:~~ ~:'~.'~::~: :.;,~"t.' ;;:t;:J(fti~l:~~~~~'-' ,-.~ .. > 1'0;,

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Il00"' ....... ,. , .. "._ 11.",.,_

2tiTH CISTRICT. NEW YORK rr,.." ..... ,_

CI./oIOC""1C ..... Q ... 'H ... one . . . .... ".-. ,---,- ... --".-,-,-_ .. ,

Ms. Nadine Hamilton Director, Ornce ofCongreslional Affairs U.S. Department ofTranlportation Room 10408 400 71h Street SW Wasbing:OlI, DC 20590-000 1 •

Dear Ms. Himi lton,

lui)' 2]. 2002

~::i:~~}~;i:~?~~ ~~:;Ji'i::~~~i~m~.~ ~~~~: lli. TSA provided

whethe.- the TSA implemeuting Ibis , screening procen ei ther now Of, in the future.

I would appfeciate your re viewing tbis wrrup<ll"ldence 10 llSIli~1 my eou.stituCZ'l.I in ",soh-ing lhil: matter. Please direcl a\l quealions.nd correapondence 10 Chrir.opher ZehlllllDll in my ~beater District DUke at (7 16) 232-4850.

Than\::. you for yollr timely Buistance with tbi s matter. I look forward to your reply.

LMS:ct '


. ', - , -- . ," .'


_ ... o. _ •• nn .. • ••• .. ..,0

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From: S4n!: To: Subject :

Importance: High

Hi Chri~ ;

I would l ik. to n .. ~r .. te a r .. c . nt .xperi~nc. " •• >tI r ing frc .. t ile eHort_ of congr""~WOIIICn Sl.ughte r .

on Tburcday ~ly 11 , tile Continent. l airl i ne r"pre.entati~. _t the H.rr i .burg _irport w ... i •• uing m •• bo&rding POL •• , the f •• i l i .. r "deny tr .. nsporta tion .. nd notify ~IO' mes.age di.pllyed on th~ c~putflr ~ereen.

When the .. ir l.1nll' . eorpor_t ... ,;,,:;urity waa n~tifi.d in Houl ton by'tel lphone , tll.ir first r ... c t!on W~~ "thi. i . a po_1ti v. nelle m .. tch We n •• d to notify I'lI t. Hav. yoo.I c . lled in .. l oc .. l 1 .... enforc<ltrlCnt offi c"". l~VQl Y<lt 1 l' Th<l .. i r line check· in .. gent a • • ur.d eorpor .. te leeur l ty that they pereen.lly know ..... .. nd that 1 t.r ... " " l t rOll> ".l' r il IYl,u-g e.eh wek .

Due t o the po' i ti"e r e .ul t of . Oong~~cvo.cn'l . f fort the Cont i nent .. l .ir 11n. h.d .. ddit ion .. l infor~ation to el • • r me. ~~ r.pre.ent.t iv . .... . a_ked to verify .dditiona L inforQiLtio~, i.e . ·d. t e of birth , which in ~ o • • e 1ft cti ! terent frOfll the .u8pect. Ho .... v.r , be ing tI.rl t in line, ·it Itil l took continental ,i:.tt at Harrh:>u!'";' ai rport • • lth=ugh iI amall ;'t ... t ion, 30 minut.~ to f igure out ho ... to i .lue me a bo.rd ing pal. cona i d.rLng they i n lormod oorpor.te . "curity t het t h ey ~ m. per acn.l ly.

J ... coccero.d, when I ' wu1 f l y. d iffer en t . i rline/ t light or f rolll • d ifferent ili ~ort, I wi l l hav ' t o bu i l d iI no .. rel.tionchip It the .irport.

' ... ith the aiJ:'Un. _t.f!.

can you ple • •• lI.v e con~r.,.wom.n SlaughteJ:' lOok i nto ~ ~J:'OpOB .. I and recommend the ••• a ditional changea to enhance t he ourr.nt OOT/ TSA . ecurity 'Yl t&m. which 101111 .ide in exp.di ting the curr.nt ~ecurity p~e • • • ~.king bua ine • • jper50nill trave ling e ... ler for fr. quen t tr.ve ler . l ike ~y.el f .

Thank you end I r •• lly .pp~ec i.te the c~er.tton t hat ' I have ~eceived fro~ Congre.s~~ Sl a ught e r " o ff i •• , ind I hop~ th .. t ~ re~=ndat ion wi l l be put !~rward to OOT/T8A by consee •• women Sl.ught~r ·" office.

--. ... __ ... .. _--_. __ ._. __ .. ... .. --------- ._ .. _---------_ ._- .. .. _- --_ .... .. . .

~;; ·~ ~ ·-~~; · ;;';~~;~-:~i~~i~~; - i; - ~~ - ~ i~;;· :dd - .. atep t~ tlla e U>:>:ant • . bll proce u . Pr •• lnt l y, i f ~n .irlin. olerk enta r . in ~he " . ".,. ___ for ex.~ple, it ~tcheft ... ith • lI.me on tho .... tcll liet .• ~d a ~the

' screen inform. the cl .. rk to ' d. ny transporta tl<m and cont • .:t local ' .uthorities . ' ~hi . ~hOW5 tha t the Dep.rtment of Tran.port. tion '01 ••• hl. t o i~l.ment & .:~~ter p r ogr.m at . i~"t • • c~oa. t he n.ti~n that would f l .g n.~. on thiL w.teh l i.~ .nd g i ve t he tic~ting .9c nt i natruetiona . Tho refor e', i t i. rea.or..bl. t o oo", 1<14r . light ly M<>d i fy 1f19 this proce ••.

The Dep. rtllln t of Tran~p~rtlt i on .hould conf i9ur " the curr e"t ~ute>: progr.m to r.q~aRt the date of bi rth l or .ny n.me th.t i s on t h. govern~nt .... tch lis t. Th.r.fore • • p".'.nger c.~ be iMmedi8te ly cle.re~ i f his/her birth data doea ,not ma tch. However, if thO Iyate", Und. that >:he p ..... nger '. na~ and da te of birth correlate. wi t h the au.p.et'l name . nd


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, d~ta e f birth. the .y.te~ ~~ld tbeB.'n CQt~ t he el~k to "deny u:·anapor t .eten . nd loe. l . .. tllor l. t t ••. •

Ttli, i. ",,,eh •• ",1,er k .

wi l l not only r.due e t he ~~r.s.ma~t o f pal.enge r . a l so r eduee t he unn.elseaiy ~nic o t al r l lne

p • • ,engers th ... ~kini t he procea s more e f fiel.n ~ . -_ .. . _ ........ -_._ ._-- _ ... -. -.-._ ... . ...... .... .... _.- ... _--- .-- .. . .. . . ... ---_ .. . . ...... . -.. ... __ . __ . _ .... . _-_ .. . . ... . . ... _-.~ .................................................. *' ........... H • •••••• • •••

The lnfor-.tion in thl& ~ll 1. cont1d.ntial ond ~y be l ogaliy priv ileied. I t ie intended SOlely fer the add ••• • • e. ~ee • • s to thi~ e~ail by .nyone el. e 1_ una~thorlt.d.

I f you a r e not t he intended recipie nt . a ny d l .cIoa ure, copying. di at r ibution eak .. n Or ooni t t.d to be f.akerl in r.lia nce on it, h prch i bi t ed

addre ••• 4 to our c l iont a any opi n ione or advice " - , -, .ubj.et t o til. t.r~. and condi t ion • • xpe •••• d i n

; i i;,~.':;e ng.ie.ent l.tter. : ................ ... .................................. .. . .




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, , Frt>m:


I dit.cvsnd my prOPOlai of $~ .dcUnO iI st~ to "" current s&CUrtly llroceu. Mtt1 Fred Juoek lIlis morning. 0( modifying lite curreoI CUI'....,! l:om~ P'09ra'Tl ICl display ' prompt on thl ~puter scraet1 to ~ler the date of blrtll for any neme melch wllh th a "No Fly List." Tne computer wiR be abl . to 'rnmeciialety deef a Ir.~el .... I/' the tJir1t1 date .;j oe:! rloQl malctJ. Howev.r. In the C8!1t wh8l11 the system find, that In. pas~ name and da1l! of birth OJr.elates willl the su~. name .nddate of bi11h, lI'Ie system would tt1en Inform 1118 clark to "deny transportation and eontact loCal auth,oIMias."

Fred lik .... u.. Nt",,, end lells rn.1ha\ th~"' de~nltelypos5iblt II TSA can tsSu8 II nsw amendmeM -It> current Mlgulali!)!1 , This can Qt':iLY ~ e achlavlld if Congresswomen Siellghter and yours"rr eDn co n~ince DOTrrSA to t>rin g abolil Lhls additional ch lnge. Fred has u ked me 1<1 !Ill you ~ IhIIt II, will bit mole than hallll)' 10 assist you In any WfI'/.

I . 'neerely hope th at you OM take up my proJl(lsal with OOTiTSA to mod".,. the currlll1l systsm. Tills It II &imp le slep fNll will 1'101 only ' educe Ih" Ilal'U$fJ\IInI 01"" ....... liI<e mysel: bul wID "50red,:ot the UIlI'I~I!$$1IfY panic of <*line derks and oe- jUI.senglt($!ho.It making !he prot:"S$ mud> more effICient. Al prl!senl ContlnantlJl Anlne recelvea on av.rage 17 cB lls " day beeause of posklva niNlll ml'lt~h witM' th e "No Fly ~Ist· lrom ~arioul .. frports IIcroaS tn.e US ,

ll100k you again for Ihe ooopertion thaI I eontirlU(l to r"eei~= Imm your offie" In se"klng perma'nBrlt ,uolution \0 my prot)lem.

-···.Qrigin'l Message· ···· Fro m: Junek, Fred (IMllto:Fjunekc<;oair.coml " "1M: 1bl , July 18, 2002 9:58 AM To __ b{o e el OSS, yl'll1 Sub,t..ct: RoE: Airport 5ec.Ir1tv

.... _bi.Q .',. :

Insolar 11$ 111" "known trav"ler· program i' ~oncerned , we WI~ not know if IhI! p'OIIOsed P!'''9''"m will ,null In IIXPedill!d proc"nlng lime in ycuI ease because tile pugrllm has not beOf'l dllMlloplld by Ihe 1SA. The pQosllle be!1afo15 0{ ttl. p'Ol/film ilfll articulated at conM&nlal.c»m 001 ttl!! TSA hilS exclusw-e lIuthor~y over any $uch program lind exclusive authority to Impillflltln l <;' fIOllmplemenl l u:ch II prOllram. W .. willlellow whalllY« proce(!ulll$ \he TSA rnar'ldates. IJrltil~ , we lit! ,etf<l"""d 10 precisely follow 81 e";!iIing TSA plocedvTlI' endwlI do noI have It-.. lutllMly 10 <fII~,,,,te Of modify TSA procedures.

8e-st ,egards.

Fred JunG!: VP Sarely and Regulatory CQmpliance 713·324·4422 phone ' 13·324 .4844 fl IC

00022 3

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'.':' . ... , .

-. . "

To: JUMk,

.' ." >:t.;.,.: -, " ,

', '

Subject: Airport 5e<:urity

Hi Fred:

, , .. ', >.,;"-:",.~.


I hllVtl ~ about 1Ite"t<nowfl Tra~er" PrllgBlll 00 COfItinemlli web. h" IIlllt 9IJIW1~ fow airport security. Will &IIeh a program be 1I!11e to IIslallfisIllln arrangement lor Individuals like myself 10 check In al lh1l8ipoort without calling .. CCII"lXInII .. sm:un1y1 If )'fl , when will ConUnentai be able 10 Irnplemtnllhe new proglllm1

,'. \ ... ' .... : ..


.. ' ..

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, .. . " '.' "



,.' _. July 23, 2002


James Loy Under Secretary or:rransportation Security TransPortation Security Administration 400 Seventh S~et Southwut W~hinglon. D.C. 20590

1m"" s,,'~. we underst3.nd the need for heightened ~uriry at airporu throughout _ the nation; however our recent clqlCrieoce with aidine security and Alaska AiJHncs Wa.'l

no! reasonable. We were obvio\1$Iy profiled and then systematicnIly harused at virtually every opportunity on a recent fly/cruise vilcation to Alaska, ' ,

. b~ ' . . cddmltcd om 3cf' wedding ancivenary. To mark this special -


' ti:~~"~mQst a year ago-to tab an inside passage cruise of Alas!ca with , four of our closest . . We al1 booked the ~ruise at the n me time on the Ocean ' Princess through our luvel agent at the American Automobile Association (AM), paying by credit card. Our air iti!l£rBty W~ arrana:ed months in advance throuib AM and Prln"e:\s Cruises..

We departed from Sacramento lntemational Ail'port on July 6, changed planes'in Seattle and arrived in Anchorage, Alll.Sktt, on the same day, At the tcnninatioil, of the cruise on July 13 we cleared Canadi:o.n CWltOms in Vancouver, B,C:, were bussed through the Uni ted State.s oorder checkpoint &rid directly to Su nle-T&COIDa intemaliOllllj Airpon (SeaTac) where We boa.-ded 8 nonstop flight back 10 SlICl'8lDeOlO . . . The following is • chronological description of our prediclIJIlent and OUf disagreem.ent with the security procedures utilized by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) arid Al&.Ska Airlines.

Sacramento 1II18rnlll0n8J Airport

We arrived at 7:30 a,m" approximately 2 hours prior to the 3cheduled depart\ire of Alaska flight j23', I presented our ,tickets to the Alaska Airlines Sky Cap and he COMUlted hi3 computer. His demeanor then 'changed instantly from one of friendly .service to one of confusion and 8p9fehensioo. He Slated that be would rwl be able to complete the ched:·in, that we would have to proceed to!lll: rnain counter.


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The Alask!!. Airline~ ticket agent at the main check-in counter h!Ld a similaIchange in demeanor as soon as he consulted his computer. He ~aid that my identification had to hi: ' verified befort we could check-in, ~nd that he had to call someone else \0 do the verification. At lint be would DOt expound OD lbt meaning of Mverify ," but wilen preMed said that my name appeared on wme lon of Hwatcb list," alId I bad to be cheeked before we could move on. He further related that it would be five otten minutes before the'­Mageut" would amve 10 cClmplete the verification.

It was over half an hour before the "verification" agent arrived. The alent, who did !loi identify himself looked at my identificlltion, asked Ii few questiotlS, made,l telephone call or two and cleared us through. I did not thinJc to ask fQr his identification because at this time 1 believed that lhi5 was a temporary and transient inconveu.ieno:e. The agent's achice WM thai 011 Jctuming from ollr vacation, I slIculd contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation (PBI) 10 verify tImt. my lI::une bad been removed from the lisL

The Alaska Airl ine-, :;!~~~~:'~"~'~W~""~:':~~"':~U:S that our ch.~ked luggage had been selected for "additional and he directed us to lhe screening site, located about fifty feet from the

with supplemental contents of Out I

t the .security a~nt did not hilve to pul


voluntary lI.od he If he stopped we could kin II S6,OOO vacarton goodbye. At rate, whilt she W .-said was bewgn compared to what I """f.I was obviously her way agent was repacking our shoes i insisted that he tum diem over. Subsequently, th~ pac<: of hissean:h considerably. In lhe same amoullt of time it took this agaallo rifle thJcugh our luggage, a second ~ty a~nl \\tefl! through the luggage ofthrtc other eouples.

He did not fiIId anything of a suspicio\IJ nature and we wen: permitted to leave for the departure gate.

After going through the :metal detector 10 get into the conCOutlle I was pulled Mide for "additional, rllldom screenmi." I W;L.\ subjected to the v.':uId, the pat.down, the . ~hotlfoot seueb end a hand .search of my UIT)'·on luggage.

We arrived at the p te shortly before the scheduled depatl~ time 0£ 9:3 1 a.m.

0002 2G 2


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When we IlttO!ll!pted to board the airplane wefe both pulled aside for "additional; r:l tldcm M: recuing,." and ~ubjccted to the wand, tbe pat-down, the ~foot 5e3.l'ch IUld a hand searcb of our carry-on luggage.

'Seattle-T acolll-a Inler utional Airport

We arrived at Se-aTac for a one hOllf layover, We IllJVCr left Ihe S1eC'.lfe area:of tllc eooCOUl"3e, \llhen ~ attempte1i to boa.n1Ala';ka flight 87 to Anchorage we were pulled aside for "additional, random 5creeo.io.e," and subjected to the wand, the pat-down. the $h~foot search and a hand ~earch of our carry-on IUl/;ga8e. '

~Dltle_Tacoma InlerQatiollal Airport _ retu rn t rip

OUf cruise bus delivered us 10 a tent where our IUi&age had been deiivered by Princess Cruises. Alaska Airlines had a temporary check-in counter in the tent. Upon consultina his computer, the tickd agent said that our IUiiaie had been selected fot "additional random ' Cf«!ling," and dirC:o::led U$ to "Aretl2" ill the inain ierminal. We did Il.'i directed.

, SeaTac is equipped with a baggage :'t_tay machine, so the delay and lncon~n.i~e was not near as bad as Sauamento; however, we were I liIl C!:quired to opeti three of the four bags fon band !Can:h. ,- ' 1:Jl.C . .'

, At the departure gate for Ala5kit flight 388 bo~ and {were pulled asJde for "additiona l, rDndnm JCr«ning," aDd we were ;ubjected 10 the wand, tbe pal-down, the shoe/foot sutch and a har:.d searcli of our carry-on luggage. .

Related Follow-up IDformation '

On July 16,2002, I telephoned the Sac ram:~nto'Field Oflke orthe FBI and ~ke to AgeuJ: Matthew PcrI)'. Aile~1 PerI)' relilted that he was no( awan: orany FBI -wateh lists in-effect it Sl!.C ramen!O Intema.tioiial AiYpOrt. Nor were any FBI Agentls ,tationed at the airport. He further stated that if I b4d been a hit on an FBI Ii$!, an FBI agent would have ' shown up to interview m~ and would have identified him!oClf as an FBi aiClll Agellt Pet!)' abo u id that most o r tt.e individuals 00 their watch lists au of middle-tllSlem origin.

Now that makes perfect sensei

Addi tionalObsenatiOn

On June 22, 2002, we were al Phoenix International Allport On a return trip from Baltimore, Maryland, to Sacramento, Cllifornia. As we werl: boarding Southwest AirtinCl Dipl 1241, we wi tnessed an old mao in a w=lchW being pWIed out c fline for " additional, random sc reening," His younger, female compllJlioQ objoc::lcd, !latiD,g that he was 93 year:s old :md needed her assi,tance. She W~ a.uured that the SC(lurity agen.ts

~ O OO~:' 27 ,

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, "


\ c'-'>


b~ would a~ist him, lWd tMy directed her to board the airplane. whicb. she did Wlder protest. A security agent then demanded Ibnt this frail old man remove his shoe~. but he could not lean forward enough to remove diem himself. Somebody else lOOk his shoes off; we did not see who. Then s security o'genl demanded thet he stand up and he could not. To witness the public humiliation oftrus frail old man by agents oftha United States Government was b&d ~mough. but he had to expcricooc it hinuelf. We boarded rhe airpl ~ne and witrEssed nothing else n:!ating to the old ~nt1eman.


- We were Sini::.,~o~",~'~~~~'~m~""~;'~l~~~;;'O~~~'f' b~'~\~'~\~~~'rtu~~·fI1Y~:'~~~'Y~O~P~POrtunity. This In incredible and intrusion on oUr civil are not II i much

_1'1: to lItilize !~rity resources in 5 more efficient manner. experience i$ multiplied untold thpusands of times. considering oth~tS who may have simLlar e,~pcrience5 on a daily ba!i$, current airport seeuriry procedures IIfC fla_d aod a jokc. -

Our, experience was not random, Random is not one hundred pc:n:ent of the time. We were 00 a w:!otch li$l. We were jl(ofilcd and this baffles me. In this wat witb militan! .Islam, the very survival of our nation is at stak~. We wi ll flCV:ef pt"evail in the WlT if pol!tical COllectnes~ diclate~ that those who wi5h 10 destroy us C.II!l not be pr,,£iled.

Apparently your organlution·s " random" security pt'ogrWll bas. done nothing but hanw innocent Americans. 1 eucl,,$cd three documents to help ilIustratl: my point: two recent Wall Street Journal articles and a column posted on World Net Daily, (www.wo,klMtdajlycom)by BarbaraSlmpsoo.

Please add r'eM the following qutlSnoliS in a r eturn corrapondeoce:

• Why ",-c,e we on a Mlisl" at SacllllmenlQ International Airpon?

• Who ~ompiled the list?

• What WlIS the nature of this list?

• Why were we profiled?

• M we still on a watch list that will foUOw In about the country from this time forward?

• Why was lhe cheeked·bag seuch (II.I SacramentOJ) not done while we were waiting far the verification alienI to arrive ~d do his job?

000228 4

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\ r0

• Why were we given incQrrect infonnation about 'by tho: verification agent regarding the watch Jist? He advised us to chttk wit h rIu: fBI. The rcs\lIts af my FBI inquiry atc detailed above.

• w~ are both e:rtremely leery oyer the prospect of flying in the future. AIe we going to. be followed forever by this blacK cloud?

• Did we real ly deserve that much Of yOUT valuable tUne e.tid attention7 • What i.t your organization going to do.to eliminate this type ofharaSSOlent of citit ens SQ that the focUll can be placed 011 that element of the population from which the threat really exists?


co: John T, Doolittle, CaiUoplia-4th 24 10 Raybum HOB Washingtoo. D.C. 20515-0504 -

Alaska Airlines P,O. Bo;.:: 68900 • SEAlI Se.ttle, WA 91H68

