the '' Colour Iuilcs ?' and siniilnr piiblicnt.ions. Su1)- stnnccs sncli ns oils, fnts, nnil giinis, ~vliicli arc known to I)c niisturcs, also Iinvc I)ceii omitted. 'rlic cnt,ries in tlic Dictionary are on n strictly nlp1inbetic:il Iinsis, arid tlic rcvicn-cr ngrecs with t.lie coinl~ilcrs t1i:it this nffortls by fnr tlic siinplcst nic:ins of tracing n specific coiiipo~~ntl. 'I'lic nnnic iindcr ivhich :I conipoiin~l is cnterctl is tht to wliicli prcfcrcncc is giwn hy clicniists in gcncrnl, bat wlicrc, ns in 11 great ninny iiist:~~iccs, two quitc systcin:itic nniiics :irv possible, or ivlicrc n series of isoincridcs coiiltl 1~ grot1I)ctI togctlier undcr onc systcmntic nninc (ort.11- iinilic :icid ctc. :ire intlcscd untlcr t,lic nnilincsiil~ilionic iicitls), cross-refcrcnccs will bc found in tlic appro- priate plnccs. Generally spcnking, trntlc nntl pro- prictnry n:inics hnve not bccn givcn. Tlic full constit ution:il forniiiln is givcn for cncli conipo11nt1 (wlicrc t,his is knowi) ; in tlic c:isc of :I group of iso- nierities, howcrer, tlic forniu1:i of the first only is given. 'rlic tlntti given for cncli conipo~intl inclutlc, wlicrc po~~ible, pliysicril nnturc, inelting point, boiling poiut, solubility, tlensity, rcfrzictivc iudcs, optical nctivity, tlierninl tlnta, ino1eciil:ir wiglit, ; lirief piirticulnrs nrc nlso given of functiontil tlcriviitivcs, such as esters, Iialides, etc. of acids, ethers, and ncyl dcrivntircs of :~lcoliols, :ind so forth. l'hc norucnclnture iind oricntntion ntloptcd are, in gcnernl, those in use in 13ritisli cl1~1iiici11. litcr:iturc, i1lt11011gh in the ~>~fiice it is ~tnt.~tl tht i. 110 sl)cciiil prcfcrcncc 11:is . . Imn givcn to :rny onc system to tlic csclusion of all ot.hcrs." 'I'he prcfiscs cyclo-, 110111o-, iso-, ctc. nrc iisunlly treated :is p:irts of tlic minic, but the system hiis not bccn quite consistcnt, since '* nllocinn:iinic :~citl *' is given only :i cross- refcrcncc to " cinnninic i d , " wl~crcas '. :~llnn~ticic ;icitl " nppcnrs iintlcr A. Agnin, iiuinlms I111vc l)rtw iitloptcd in prcfcrcncc to Greek Iet,tcrs for tlic oricnt:i- t ioii of nliplint~ic coinpountls ; this ~netliod will rcco~~i~~ic~id itself to ninny clieniists who find difiiciilty in rcmcni1)cring tlie position of a letter beyond, siiy, tlic fifth or sistli in tlic Grcck dp11:iI~ct. Also the revicwcr is glad to observe thit CIIO, CN, lint1 C0,H groups nrc rcg:irclcd ns substitucnts, nncl that conscqucntly their c:irl)on ;itom arc not niiniberctl. 1 t niciy intlcetl IJC snit1 tlint any criticism tliiit could be directed iigainst tlic gcncriil nrriillg~lliclit of t IIC work could be l~nsctl only on pcrsont~1 ~)rcfcrcncc, for cvcry chcniist probri1Jly II:M his oivn pet notions on nonicnclaturc tint1 tlicrc is, as yet, no Intcriitrtionnl system. Tlic literature rcfcrcnccs nrc iisu:illy those giving tlic hest nictliod of preparation, Iwt ot,licr usel'iil rcfercnccs 1i:ivc been iitltlctl in iniiny instnnccs, prir- th~d:irly to rcccnt 1iiiI)crS tlcnling with tlic ~nolcculi~r structure of coniplcs compountls. Tlic references to nl)stnicts pul~1ic:itions woultl iippcnr to bc ratlicr too frcqueiit, piirticulnrly 11s tlicse references (lo not incliiclc tho original p~ibliciition, wlii~h is not in 1111 ciiscs dilliciilt of iicccss. licfcrciiccs lire often given, too, to nbstrncts in t lie C:crinaii ~ind Aiiicriciiii joiirni~ls wlicrc tlrc corrcs1)oiiiling iibstriict in I!ritisIi itbstrilcts is rtviiilii1)h (cf. R~IIII, (J~ovc~, 1). 62.1, ~vliicli rclntcs to :I piipcr froni tlic I'roccctiings of t,lic Roy11 Irish Ac:iclcniy ; scc J.C.S., 1919, i, 13). Apart from tlicsc vcry sinnll points, wliicli, after iill, are ltirgcly innttcrs of pcrsonnl l)rcfcrcncc, notl~ing hit iinstintctl prnisc c:m bc givcn to this wry iinportnnt work. AIcnt,ion shorrltl hc in:iilc of tlic vcry up-to-tlntc Atldcntluin (pp. GS9 sey.), wIiic11 contnins p;irt~iciii:irs rclnting to ciscorbic iicid, c:irotcne, nnd otlicr coin- pounds of rcccnt intcrcst, c~ncl nlso to ccrtniii nniissions froin the ni:iin volume. Oita~s~c CiimiIsrItT oit C'i~~.:airs.ric~ OF wI.: CLFAI~OS Co>irousI)s. 1Jy 1 ' . von Iticlitcr. 15tlitetl ijy Prof. It. Anschutz iiiitl Dr. I?. Rcintlcl. Vol. I. C1iI.:mw1t\- OF 'rm AI~IIWA*~IC SI.:I{II.:S. S~ly trii~i~lnt~tl niid rcvisctl from tlic 14th C:crinnn edition. By E. N. ~lllott.. 1'1). siv + 700. Loiitlon : Kcgnn Pniil, 'I'rcwch, 'I'rulmcr & c'o., Ltd. ; I'hiladclphin : 1'. I3l:ikistoii's Son k CO., ltichtcr's '' Orgniiic Clicinist.ry '' hns I)CC~IIIC an instit,utioa. TO thc long array of 14 Gcriiiiin editions mist IN ndtlctl sis ctlitions in the Englisli Iqpngc, three dniericiin ctlitions hiving prccctlcd t h first of t.1~ thrce Englisli editions. Tlicrc en11 be no doubt, thcrcfore, t,hnt this p r t icihr trcntiuent of tlic sulijcct h:is fiilfillcd :i tlistinct uccd :ind that it has coutrilmtctl inntcriiilly to thc tliffusioii of i~ knowlcdge of organic clicniistry 1111 over t Iic world. without being replete. I'erlirips tlic ntljcctiw " 6olitl " inrip be sclcctcd to csprcss in one word the Icnding ch:irnctcristic of this " Iticlitcr '* tvhich scvcriil gencrtitioiis of stlitleiits of organic clieniistry Iiiivc learnt to know so well. The present triildiitor strikes :i fiii~itly i~pologctic note for prcscnting ** lliclitcr " once :igiiiii in its fnmili:ir form. l'liis note is rinlikely to fiiid any pcrccptiblc cclio froin tlic iniiunicriible orgunic cl~ciuists to wliom '. Riclitor *' is n liouscliold word. Most of us will ~rclconic thc ~ircst!rv~~t~ior~, in an rigc of change, of tlic intlivitluiility of this Irintl- ninrk of our science ; ant1 we s11:iIl rcniciin contcnt with tlic ndditiou of short articles ou current tlcvclop- mcnts of importiiucc (siich :is niicroiiiiiilysis, tlie clcctroriic tlicory of ~iilciicy, iilltl tlic pciriichor) :id the mnny niinor ciltcriitions ant1 iinprorcincnts wliich hiivc bccii mido in this cditiou. Incitlc~it~rilly, one of tlic improvemcnts consists in r(~placing tlic " C~utriill~l~itt '' rcfcrcnccs froiii 1!I1O oll\\.iirtls by their originnls ; sincc tlicsc refer iiiiiinly to the Goriniin literature, thy coii\vq $1 SOII~I!\VIM~ onc- sidctl iniprcssion of the liistoricd tlc\~eloplnclit~ of the subjcct. Tlic first volunic of tlic new lhglisll ctlition i.ontriiris 11 gcncrd introdiictitm (SO pp.), toyetlior with 1111 riccount oft tic forniiil open-chin compounds ((i3O pp.), rind :in oiitlillc of the ciirlioliytlriitcs (18 pp.) iiiitl I' dstruiccs of pl~ysiologici~l iiiiport~iIicc of pirtiiilly known const,itiit.iou " (protciiis, cliloropliyll, IJilc iicitls, stwols, enxyliics, (!tc.-20 pp.). Origiiiirl 'I.'. F. u. 1934. 355. ,. Iliis is n grcot ncliicvcincnt. ,, Llic trcatnicnt is systcnitit.ic :id concise, satisfying

Organic chemistry or chemistry of the carbon compounds. By V. von Richter. Edited by Prof. R. Anschutz and Dr. F. Reindel. vol. I. Chemistry of the aliphatic series. Newly translated

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Page 1: Organic chemistry or chemistry of the carbon compounds. By V. von Richter. Edited by Prof. R. Anschutz and Dr. F. Reindel. vol. I. Chemistry of the aliphatic series. Newly translated

the '' Colour Iuilcs ?' and siniilnr piiblicnt.ions. Su1)- stnnccs sncli ns oils, fnts, nnil giinis, ~vliicli arc known to I)c niisturcs, also Iinvc I)ceii omitted. 'rlic cnt,ries in tlic Dictionary are on n strictly nlp1inbetic:il Iinsis, arid tlic rcvicn-cr ngrecs with t.lie coinl~ilcrs t1i:it this nffortls by fnr tlic siinplcst nic:ins of tracing n specific coiiipo~~ntl. 'I'lic nnnic iindcr ivhich :I conipoiin~l is cnterctl is t h t to wliicli prcfcrcncc is giwn hy clicniists in gcncrnl, bat wlicrc, ns i n 11 great ninny iiist:~~iccs, two quitc systcin:itic nniiics :irv possible, or ivlicrc n series of isoincridcs coiiltl 1~ grot1I)ctI togctlier undcr onc systcmntic nninc (ort.11- iinilic :icid ctc. :ire intlcscd untlcr t,lic nnilincsiil~ilionic iicitls), cross-refcrcnccs will bc found in tlic appro- priate plnccs. Generally spcnking, trntlc nntl pro- prictnry n:inics hnve not bccn givcn. Tlic full constit ution:il forniiiln is givcn for cncli conipo11nt1 (wlicrc t,his is knowi) ; in tlic c:isc of :I group of iso- nierities, howcrer, tlic forniu1:i of the first only is given. 'rlic tlntti given for cncli conipo~intl inclutlc, wlicrc po~~ ib le , pliysicril nnturc, inelting point, boiling poiut, solubility, tlensity, rcfrzictivc iudcs, optical nctivity, tlierninl tlnta, ino1eciil:ir wiglit, ; lirief piirticulnrs nrc nlso given of functiontil tlcriviitivcs, such as esters, Iialides, etc. of acids, ethers, and ncyl dcrivntircs of :~lcoliols, :ind so forth.

l'hc norucnclnture iind oricntntion ntloptcd are, i n gcnernl, those in use i n 13ritisli cl1~1iiici11. litcr:iturc, i1lt11011gh in the ~ > ~ f i i c e i t is ~ t n t . ~ t l t h t i. 110 sl)cciiil prcfcrcncc 11:is . . I m n givcn to :rny onc system to tlic csclusion of all ot.hcrs." 'I'he prcfiscs cyclo-, 110111o-, iso-, ctc. nrc iisunlly treated :is p:irts of tlic minic, but the system hiis not bccn quite consistcnt, since '* nllocinn:iinic :~citl *' is given only :i cross- refcrcncc to " cinnninic i d , " wl~crcas '. :~llnn~ticic ;icitl " nppcnrs iintlcr A. Agnin, iiuinlms I111vc l)rtw iitloptcd in prcfcrcncc to Greek Iet,tcrs for tlic oricnt:i- t ioii of nliplint~ic coinpountls ; this ~netliod will r c c o ~ ~ i ~ ~ i c ~ i d itself to ninny clieniists who find difiiciilty in rcmcni1)cring tlie position of a letter beyond, siiy, tlic fifth or sistli i n tlic Grcck dp11:iI~ct. Also the revicwcr is glad to observe thit CIIO, CN, lint1 C0,H groups nrc rcg:irclcd ns substitucnts, nncl that conscqucntly their c:irl)on ; i tom arc not niiniberctl. 1 t niciy intlcetl IJC snit1 t l i n t any criticism tliiit could be directed iigainst tlic gcncriil nrriillg~lliclit of t IIC work could be l~nsctl only on pcrsont~1 ~)rcfcrcncc, for cvcry chcniist probri1Jly II:M his oivn pet notions on nonicnclaturc tint1 tlicrc is, as yet, no Intcriitrtionnl system.

Tlic literature rcfcrcnccs nrc iisu:illy those giving tlic hest nictliod of preparation, Iwt ot,licr usel'iil rcfercnccs 1i:ivc been iitltlctl in iniiny instnnccs, prir- th~d:irly to rcccnt 1iiiI)crS tlcnling with tlic ~nolcculi~r structure of coniplcs compountls. Tlic references to nl)stnicts pul~1ic:itions woultl iippcnr to bc ratlicr too frcqueiit, piirticulnrly 11s tlicse references (lo not incliiclc tho original p~ibliciition, wlii~h is not i n 1111

ciiscs dilliciilt of iicccss. licfcrciiccs lire often given, too, to nbstrncts i n t lie C:crinaii ~ i n d Aiiicriciiii joiirni~ls wlicrc tlrc corrcs1)oiiiling iibstriict i n I!ritisIi itbstrilcts is rtviiilii1)h (cf. R~IIII, ( J ~ o v c ~ , 1). 62.1, ~vliicli

rclntcs to :I piipcr froni tlic I'roccctiings of t,lic Roy11 Irish Ac:iclcniy ; scc J.C.S., 1919, i, 13). Apart from tlicsc vcry sinnll points, wliicli, after i i l l , are ltirgcly innttcrs of pcrsonnl l)rcfcrcncc, notl~ing hit iinstintctl prnisc c:m bc givcn to this wry iinportnnt work.

AIcnt,ion shorrltl hc in:iilc of tlic vcry up-to-tlntc Atldcntluin (pp. GS9 sey.), wIiic11 contnins p;irt~iciii:irs rclnting to ciscorbic iicid, c:irotcne, nnd otlicr coin- pounds of rcccnt intcrcst, c ~ n c l nlso to ccrtniii nniissions froin the ni:iin volume.

O i t a ~ s ~ c CiimiIsrItT o i t C ' i ~ ~ . : a i r s . r i c ~ OF wI.: CLFAI~OS Co>irousI)s. 1Jy 1'. von Iticlitcr. 15tlitetl ijy Prof. It. Anschutz iiiitl Dr. I?. Rcintlcl. Vol. I. C1iI.:mw1t\- OF ' r m A I ~ I I W A * ~ I C SI.:I{II.:S. S ~ l y t r i i~ i~ ln t~ t l niid rcvisctl from tlic 14th C:crinnn edition. By E. N. ~lllott.. 1'1). s i v + 700. Loiitlon : Kcgnn Pniil, 'I'rcwch, 'I'rulmcr & c'o., Ltd. ; I'hiladclphin : 1'. I3l:ikistoii's Son k CO.,

ltichtcr's '' Orgniiic Clicinist.ry '' hns I ) C C ~ I I I C an instit,utioa. TO thc long array of 14 Gcriiiiin editions mist IN ndtlctl sis ctlitions i n the Englisli I q p n g c , three dniericiin ctlitions hiving prccctlcd t h first of t . 1 ~ thrce Englisli editions. Tlicrc en11 be no doubt, thcrcfore, t,hnt this p r t i c ih r trcntiuent of tlic sulijcct h:is fiilfillcd :i tlistinct uccd :ind that it has coutrilmtctl inntcriiilly to thc tliffusioii of i~

knowlcdge of organic clicniistry 1111 over t Iic world.

without being replete. I'erlirips tlic ntljcctiw " 6olitl " inrip be sclcctcd to csprcss i n one word the Icnding ch:irnctcristic of this " Iticlitcr '* tvhich scvcriil gencrtitioiis of stlitleiits of organic clieniistry Iiiivc learnt to know so well.

The present triildiitor strikes :i fiii~itly i~pologctic note for prcscnting * * lliclitcr " once :igiiiii in its fnmili:ir form. l'liis note is rinlikely to fiiid any pcrccptiblc cclio froin tlic iniiunicriible orgunic cl~ciuists to wliom '. Riclitor * ' is n liouscliold word. Most of us will ~rclconic thc ~ircst!rv~~t~ior~, in an rigc of change, of tlic intlivitluiility of this Irintl- ninrk of our science ; ant1 we s11:iIl rcniciin contcnt with tlic ndditiou of short articles ou current tlcvclop- mcnts of importiiucc (siich :is niicroiiiiiilysis, tlie clcctroriic tlicory of ~iilciicy, i i l l t l tlic pciriichor) : i d the mnny niinor ciltcriitions ant1 iinprorcincnts wliich hiivc bccii mido in this cditiou. Incitlc~it~rilly, one of tlic improvemcnts consists i n r(~placing tlic " C~utrii l l~l~it t '' rcfcrcnccs froiii 1!I1O oll\\.iirtls by their originnls ; sincc tlicsc refer iiiiiinly to the Goriniin literature, t h y coii\vq $1 S O I I ~ I ! \ V I M ~ onc- sidctl iniprcssion of the liistoricd tlc\~eloplnclit~ of the subjcct.

Tlic first volunic of tlic new lhglisll ctlition i.ontriiris 11 gcncrd introdiictitm (SO pp.), toyetlior with 1111 riccount oft tic forniiil open-chin compounds ((i3O pp.), rind :in oiitlillc of the ciirlioliytlriitcs (18 pp.) iiiitl I ' d s t r u i c c s of pl~ysiologici~l iiiiport~iIicc of pirtiiilly known const,itiit.iou " (protciiis, cliloropliyll, IJilc iicitls, stwols, enxyliics, (!tc.-20 pp.). Origiiiirl

'I.'. F. u.

1934. 355.

,. Iliis is n grcot ncliicvcincnt. ,, Llic trcatnicnt is systcnitit.ic :id concise, satisfying

Page 2: Organic chemistry or chemistry of the carbon compounds. By V. von Richter. Edited by Prof. R. Anschutz and Dr. F. Reindel. vol. I. Chemistry of the aliphatic series. Newly translated

CIFEJUSTRY A N ! IKDUS'FRY 887 Oct. 20, 1034

pnpcrs ant1 stiiiitliircl works of rcfcrcncc nrc quoted frccly tltrougliont..

A work of so wide ii scope naturally affords nintcrial for entllcss clcti1iletl criticism, iirid n fcv; spccific cxninplcs will siifiicc in this plticc. 'Flic ticcontits of inclustri:tl nictliotlu of miiriuf:icturing corninon clicl\\iciils :ire ofi'ton out of diitc. For instnncc, thc I)cnzcnc-;izcot ropic process is not nicntioiietl under the I i ~ t l i t ~ g of coniiiicrciiil aI)soIittc iilcohol (1). 162) ; t.lierc is I I U rcfcrcrtcc to the rnotlern fcriuerit;ition process for nitikiiig )l-l)iityl :ilcohol (11. 14G) ; nud iigiiiti, the only nicthotl given for prepitring ethylcric clilorohyclriri (p. 370) is itit obsolete process tlzitiiig back to 1901. 'J'urning to otlicr iniitters, i t is not yet justifiiililc to state t h t '' :dl s~tbst;~nccs I)elon@ng to pliitits :iiicl iinizunls ciin Iic prepiircd rirtifictnlly from tlic clcnit~uts *' (1). l)-evcti if onc ncccpts spit lictic s~tcrosc :IS fuit ctccompli (1). 7%) ; crysttils of sodium iiniiitoiiium d- rtrrt l h r t rittc ;trc rcliitctl ;is ol)jcct iklicl )to,t-.sic3)"'11o.~/~ble mirror-itniigc (1). 37) ; 3Iiirckiv:ihl would ccrtitiidy not wish to cliiini crcdit for t Iic opticd resolution of ~l-i~ie~Iiylc~eloliesylitlciic- ricetic iicitl (1). ~14)--:ttitl liere i igit in refcrcticcs are ~i iudc to the C:crnitin litcniturc only, in ii field of work wI~ii*li Iiiis Lccn csploitctl iiininly in other countries.

Thc rcmiiining two volutncs of t . 1 ~ work will deal, respectiwly, wit It tltc ciirbocyclic i ind heterocyclic series. JOIIX ltl.:AD

I 1 \ llE1131Xl4 l~l%C.l'lOSS OF t \ l t O . \ l A T I ~ 1 ~YIJIIOC'ARIIOSS. By C:. ICgloff, 1%. 1,. f,evinson, :itid f I . '1'. Ilollnian. 1'1). vi 4- 226. U.O.1'. Ihoklct So . 135. Chicago, I l l i t iois : Cttivcrsiil Oil L'roducts Co., 1!M.

I his trciit ise, wliiclr wiis prcmrtctl bcforc tlic ;linwiciiti C'llcliiiciil Society in Niirch, 1932, contnins L irsefiil ~ i t i c l coinprclictisive coiupiliitioti rolitting to tlic pyrolysis of iironiittic Iiyilrocitrl~ons citlicr nlone or in p s e n c c of critiilysts. 'I'liis inforintition is of grcitt indust riid significitiicc, since t Iic necd for noti- ildotiiihig g n s o l i ~ for usc i n tlic ntotlcrti iittcrniil- cotiil)ustioti engine liiis tlircctcd tlic interest of petrolcurit tecltnologists to tliosc arontiitic hydro- ciirbons which lioil witliin tlic gisolinc ninge. 'I'ltcsc nrotiiiitics I I U V C cscellciit iinti-knock propcrtics :is constituents of petrol. ~13ctiacnc rind toluene arc I ~ l ~ i i t l c t l with tliis liquitl fitcl i n cnornious qii:intities. 'I'he itiitliors Litittc tliiit " otio of tlte most; plriusiblc tlicoriw vspliiinilig tlicrtuiil reiictions of hydro- ciirl)ons is t hi i t \vliicli poshlittcs tlic fornitition of free riiilicitls its pritiiriry ~ J ~ O ~ I I C ~ S . " It: is froin this vicwpoitit tliiit t h y discuss tlic wrious iiiodcs of pyrolysis. 'rltcy tlistinguisli two ni i i in groit~~s, ciich tlirisil)lc into two sub-groups. 'l'lic C-11 I)rcdc which miry occur i n tlic ring or i n it nun-nroiuiitic Iiiirt of tltc ~nolcculc ; tltc C-c' brcrik w1ticIi tiiriy ririsc witliiir t,lie ring or in 11 noti-iironiiitic pitrt of tlic uiolcculc.

ConsitlcrnLlc s p e c is tlcvotctl to the pyrolytic roiictions of bciizcnc citlicr iiloiic or w i t l i i~~ctlrrtr~c, ethylene, iicctylcnc, or toluene iintl rcfcrciicc is iniido to tlic Inotlificittions in sucli cliiiugcs indiiccd I)y catitlysts.

r 1

A ~uni i t i i i ry of tlic products is includctl.

Tolucnc is trcatct? sirnilnrly, nud it is noteworthy that pyrolysis of this Iiytlrocnrbon, cithcr alonc or with acctylcnc in prcscncc of nluniiniiini cliloridc, lends to Itomolog~~cs of :iritlinicciic. The discussion of tlicsc rcsiilts on pp. 59 anel 63 is rcndcrctl nrigiitory by tlic fwt t l i i t t it lins Lccn sho~vn that the two d i ~ ~ ~ ~ t l ~ ~ l i i ~ i t l t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ obtniiictl i n tlicsc rccictioas do not possess tlic orientation suggested by h v n u s . l'hc less fnsil)lc isonicridc is 2 : 6-tliti1ctliy~n~itllracc1ic (J. Clicni. Soc., 1039, 2303), wlicrcns the Inore fusible is 2 : 7-diuictliyliintliriiccnc.

Speciitl ititcrest itttiicltcs to the full section uti styrene owing to the iiicrcitsittg iisc wlticli is now bciiig tlliitle of its polynicritlc styrene rcsiu. 'I'Iicre iirc d s o intcrcsting notes on the pyrolytic clinngcs Icatling from the ~ictplttlinlcne series to iiccnnphtliitlcnc irtitl perylcnc (111.1). 273,-87.i") a i d on the photochcmicnl clinngcs niiinifcstctl Iiy tint.Iir;iccnc.

'l'hc rcnuiinrlcr of tlic 1)rocliurc tlculs iiiiiinly witJi cotnplcs ~)olyrtucIc:ir systems including iluorcnc (tnixspclt as Iliiorine i n tlic t:il)lc of contcnts) and tril)ltcnyliiic tliyl.

As :i work of rcfcrencc this I)ooklct \voriltl be grcntly irnprovci'l hy thc inclusion of i in indcs, without which it is inipossiblc to iiiake ntlcqitntc use of the dntn siipplicd. G. 'I1, 11.

I )AS l 'VSl i ) IS US)) SEISE ~ > E l t ~ ~ A ' ~ J ~ ~ IS '\\'lSSf~:SSCli,\E-1."~ USI) 'L'IXIISIK, J3y Dr.-Ing. I I. JIiiicr-Ihtlc iind

I j;cm ~scii I.: Pauii J~~,~TI~SS-JII:TIIOI JES. Vol. LI V. PI). viii + 361. 1I;illc (S:i:ilc) : \Ir. Kniipp. 193.1. I'tipcr, 2S rtn, ; hound, 19.70 rm.

This work is i l i \ * i t l c i I irito t ~ v o pirts, !lie first by Ih. JIiticr-l3otlc tlciils with tlic clicniistry of pyridinc i t n d its tlcriv:ttivcs, whilc the scconrl, writton by lh. tlltpctcr of thc Ccriiiiin Piitciit Ollicc, tlciils with tlic piitcut litcriiturc. Tiikcn :IS i~ wliole, tlie I~ook is tlcsipctl for 110th rcsc:ircli workers iutcrcstctl in pyriiliiic biiscs rind tilso for tliose ivlio arc conccrncd with tlit!ir tcclinic;tl itpplicntions.

Piirk one, wliicli covcrs ,"SO piigi!s, i& cliviclctl into t\vclvc sect ions, eitcli of' ~vhicli has niiincrous sub- sections. 'l'lic gcncriil trcitttucnt, is cstcnsim nntl iiftcr rcfcrcncc t 0 tlic occiirrcncc, propcrt,ics, constitution, itnd ~yntliesc~ of pyridinc, llcill~ with tilkyl, Itiilogcti, nitro, iintl osypyriditics. Secbioiis T, 8, t t n c l O ;ire brief accounts of sulphur, sclcniiitn, iirseiiic, :intimony, tiritl nit!rcury ppridiiics rcspcctivcly. 'l'lic rcnitiining scctions iLrc on pyriditic dcoliols, ; t l t l~ l iy~l~~ , kctoucs, tind iicids, iiiid t heir r\eriviiti\*cs. 'Yh rcfcrenccs to intcrniitioniil litcriiturc! iirc v ~ r y full ittitl useful.

The sccond purt of tlic book cotisists of 3s p g e s only, but, tlicrc is iin cnornioiis timount of iuforiiiirtioii ~)ucltccl into it.. LtlJullt 270 I)iitCtits, 200 of tlici11 C~crniiin, rcliiting to syntlicscs i i n t l tlcriviit,ivcs iirc rcvicwetl syst cmnt,iciilly, wliilc piirt iculitrs id 1iuiucroits ohlwr pt.enfe rehting to tlic viiriouti in~lustriitl iippliciitions of pyritlinc clcriviitivcs iirc sct oiit, ittic1 tltis is followctl by five piigcs of piitcub numbers itnil rcfcrcncca, tIic whole forniing 1111 cscdlcnt soiircc of

I)r. * I . dltpctcr. JIOSOnRhPI11ES C11Ell c l l E ~ i l s ~ l l - r 1