Volume 47 No. 7 Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST) November 15, 2013 Founder Editor-in-Chief : COMRADE SHIBDAS GHOSH Price : Rs. 2.00 Tormented and devastated by gallopingly rising price line, artificial scarcity of essential food articles created by an unholy nexus of hoarders-blackmarketers-police-ad- ministration-political touts, mounting unemployment, rapid erosion of real income, closure-lock-outs, job loss, limitless corruption, increasing incidents of rape and sexual assault on women as well as brutal killing of gang-rape victims, thumping around of arch criminals and anti- socials enjoying political backing from the ruling circle — people of West Bengal, like other parts of the country, were desperately looking forward to an organized outburst of protest that would shake the rulers and oppressors. From experience, they have realized that the vote- seeking political parties, whether the avowed rightists and self- proclaimed Gandhites or the pseudo-Marxists and ‘official’ lefts, have least concern for their growing predicament and nightmarish life condition. These parties only parade in gimmicks and deceptions, use and exploit the accumulated grievances of the suffering people for carving out a space in the corridors of power and make political fortune. When wails and woes of the hungry persecuted millions is renting the air, the power- hungry leaders of these vote-based parties are busy working out electoral arithmetic, combination and recombination of poll allies and tacitly inciting all kinds of Mammoth Protest Rally in Kolkata divisiveness to nurture their respective vote-banks. In this pervading darkness, they have found a sparkle, a ray of hope in the SUCI(C), which alone is striding against the current, holding aloft the noble banner of Marxism-Leninism- Shibdas Ghosh Thought, standing by the side of the suffering people, organizing them on the platform of united sustained well-knit democratic movement on the burning problems of life, conducting the movements based on higher proletarian ethics and culture and helping them in gaining necessary political consciousness to chart out the path of emancipation of gruell- ing capitalist exploitation which is the root of all the evils in their life. So, they have thronged in thousands — workers, peasants, agricultural labourers, teachers, students, youth, women from every nook and corner of the state—in response to the call of the SUCI(C) and marched in a well-disciplined decorated procession from Hedua park in North Kolkata to Rani Rashmoni Road in the central hub of the city, on 12 November highlighting their legitimate demands which, inter alia, included immediate reining in of the price spiral, prevention of black-marketing and hoarding, appropriate steps to stop atrocities on women, banishing sex- education from school curriculum, withdrawal of the decision to abolish pass-fail system in school education, roll back hike in power tariff etc. Fists clasped in resolve to take forward the movement further and escalate it to new height till the governments, both central and state, yield to the just demands, rousing slogans behoving the fervour of sustained powerful spirited struggle made the 48 thousand odd rally emblematic of assertion of people’s power throughout the 10 km long journey. Comrades Debaprosad Sarkar, Gopal Kundu, Soumen Basu and Sankar Saha, all members of the Central Committee of the Party, and the State Committee leaders were at the front. The passers-by and onlookers, most of whom were aware of this rally because they had given their consent to the charter of demands during the three-month long massive signature campaign undertaken by the Party before the rally, could feel with confidence that everything has not dried up in the state of West Bengal, in the city of Kolkata, once the citadel of left-democratic movement in the country, fount of inspiration to the struggling millions round the country. It was heartening for them to note that notwithstanding onset of the harvesting season, compulsion of earning livelihood through toil, impending commencement of annual examination in schools, working people from all walks of life, fervent boys and girls had set foot in the path of struggle to announce boldly that human essence and sense of social obligation have not eluded one and all despite concerted effort on the part of the rulers to demolish the moral backbone of the nation particularly the youth with its array of means to spread decadence and degradation. In a brief meeting held after the rally reached the destination point, Comrade Soumen Bose, Member, Central Committee and West Bengal State Secretary, informed that if the demands are not met, the Party would intensify the movement and spread to each and every block, each and every panchayat and municipal area of the state organizing people right from the grassroots level. He called upon all to wholeheartedly plunge into this movement. What was most despicable is that despite prior information to and confirmation from the state government, no minister cared to meet a delegation of the Party leaders which went to the new State Secretariat building to place the charter of demands and hand over 42 lakhs of signatures collected in support of those demands. It showed how callous and disdainful towards the legitimate demands of the people and disrespectful to the struggle of the people is the Trinamool Congress-led state government that came to power by promising a ‘poriborton’ (change) of the utterly anti-people despotic rule of the previous CPI (M) government.

Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA …Delhi is of the handful of rich and affluent, the corporate sector, the political big-wigs, unscrupulous businessmen, corruption kings—in

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Page 1: Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA …Delhi is of the handful of rich and affluent, the corporate sector, the political big-wigs, unscrupulous businessmen, corruption kings—in

Volume 47 No. 7 Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA (COMMUNIST)November 15, 2013 Founder Editor-in-Chief : COMRADE SHIBDAS GHOSH Price : Rs. 2.00

Tormented and devastated bygallopingly rising price line, artificialscarcity of essential food articlescreated by an unholy nexus ofhoarders-blackmarketers-police-ad-ministration-political touts, mountingunemployment, rapid erosion of realincome, closure-lock-outs, job loss,limitless corruption, increasingincidents of rape and sexual assaulton women as well as brutal killingof gang-rape victims, thumpingaround of arch criminals and anti-socials enjoying political backingfrom the ruling circle — people ofWest Bengal, like other parts of thecountry, were desperately lookingforward to an organized outburst ofprotest that would shake the rulersand oppressors. From experience,they have realized that the vote-seeking political parties, whether theavowed rightists and self-proclaimed Gandhites or thepseudo-Marxists and ‘official’ lefts,have least concern for theirgrowing predicament andnightmarish life condition. Theseparties only parade in gimmicks anddeceptions, use and exploit theaccumulated grievances of thesuffering people for carving out aspace in the corridors of power andmake political fortune. When wailsand woes of the hungry persecutedmillions is renting the air, the power-hungry leaders of these vote-basedparties are busy working outelectoral arithmetic, combinationand recombination of poll allies andtacitly inciting all kinds of

Mammoth Protest Rally in Kolkata

divisiveness to nurture theirrespective vote-banks. In thispervading darkness, they have founda sparkle, a ray of hope in theSUCI(C), which alone is stridingagainst the current, holding aloft thenoble banner of Marxism-Leninism-Shibdas Ghosh Thought, standing bythe side of the suffering people,organizing them on the platform ofunited sustained well-knitdemocratic movement on theburning problems of life, conductingthe movements based on higherproletarian ethics and culture andhelping them in gaining necessarypolitical consciousness to chart outthe path of emancipation of gruell-ing capitalist exploitation which isthe root of all the evils in their life.

So, they have thronged inthousands — workers, peasants,agricultural labourers, teachers,students, youth, women from everynook and corner of the state—inresponse to the call of the SUCI(C)and marched in a well-disciplineddecorated procession from Heduapark in North Kolkata to RaniRashmoni Road in the central hubof the city, on 12 Novemberhighlighting their legitimate demandswhich, inter alia, included immediatereining in of the price spiral,prevention of black-marketing andhoarding, appropriate steps to stopatrocities on women, banishing sex-education from school curriculum,withdrawal of the decision toabolish pass-fail system in schooleducation, roll back hike in power

tariff etc. Fists clasped in resolveto take forward the movementfurther and escalate it to newheight till the governments, bothcentral and state, yield to the justdemands, rousing slogans behovingthe fervour of sustained powerfulspirited struggle made the 48thousand odd rally emblematic ofassertion of people’s powerthroughout the 10 km long journey.Comrades Debaprosad Sarkar,Gopal Kundu, Soumen Basu andSankar Saha, all members of theCentral Committee of the Party,and the State Committee leaderswere at the front. The passers-byand onlookers, most of whom wereaware of this rally because theyhad given their consent to thecharter of demands during thethree-month long massive signaturecampaign undertaken by the Partybefore the rally, could feel withconfidence that everything has notdried up in the state of WestBengal, in the city of Kolkata, oncethe citadel of left-democraticmovement in the country, fount ofinspiration to the struggling millionsround the country. It washeartening for them to note thatnotwithstanding onset of theharvesting season, compulsion ofearning livelihood through toil,impending commencement ofannual examination in schools,working people from all walks oflife, fervent boys and girls had setfoot in the path of struggle toannounce boldly that human

essence and sense of socialobligation have not eluded one andall despite concerted effort on thepart of the rulers to demolish themoral backbone of the nationparticularly the youth with its arrayof means to spread decadence anddegradation.

In a brief meeting held afterthe rally reached the destinationpoint, Comrade Soumen Bose,Member, Central Committee andWest Bengal State Secretary,informed that if the demands arenot met, the Party would intensifythe movement and spread to eachand every block, each and everypanchayat and municipal area ofthe state organizing people rightfrom the grassroots level. He calledupon all to wholeheartedly plungeinto this movement. What was mostdespicable is that despite priorinformation to and confirmationfrom the state government, nominister cared to meet a delegationof the Party leaders which went tothe new State Secretariat buildingto place the charter of demandsand hand over 42 lakhs ofsignatures collected in support ofthose demands. It showed howcallous and disdainful towards thelegitimate demands of the peopleand disrespectful to the struggle ofthe people is the TrinamoolCongress-led state government thatcame to power by promising a‘poriborton’ (change) of theutterly anti-people despotic rule ofthe previous CPI (M) government.

Page 2: Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA …Delhi is of the handful of rich and affluent, the corporate sector, the political big-wigs, unscrupulous businessmen, corruption kings—in


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turned into an appendage of theruling class with only the chosen andhand-picked candidates with all theirnotoriety and lure for power. As apart of this process, the class is bentupon establishing a two-party systemin a full-fledged manner so that theelectorate is compelled to restrict itschoice between two or at best threecontesting sides floated by the sameruling class. So, no matter whoeverwins, the basic policies, approach,attitude and activities would remainunaltered.

It is pertinent in this connectionto say a few words about the newlyformed ‘Aam Aadmi Party’ ofArvind Kejriwal which, as per themedia, owned and controlled by thesame class, is slated to win a goodnumber of seats. It may be addedthat Shri Kejriwal came to theforefront during the anti-corruptionmovement of Anna Hazare. It is thesame Shri Kejriwal who during theAnna Movement used to vow tokeep the movement free frompolitics. But, later he fell out withAnnaji, joined politics and floated hisown party. Shunning the path ofpeople’s movement and under thesmokescreen of attractive sloganspromising end of corruption,reduction in rates of water andelectricity and by taking cover undergimmicks to gain cheap popularity,Kejriwal and his party has notuttered a word against thedevastating policies of capitalistglobalization and privatization ofwater, power , education, health-careand all other essential services. Theruling capitalist class couldimmediately feel by instinct that hereis another force capable of dupingpeople with its catchy slogans andhollow promises. That is why; thecorporate sector is extending all helpto this party, through funds andgiving it wide publicity through themonopoly-controlled media.

People’s alternative lies instrengthening democratic massmovements under correctleadership

The citizens of Delhi should notforget that ours is a class-dividedsociety. On the one side is thehandful of capitalist class, owners ofall the means of production, and thewhole state apparatus to safeguardtheir interests and, on the other, isthe great mass of impoverished andexploited working people whosefruits of labour are appropriated bythe capitalist class. In such a societythere can be many parties but thepolitics can only be of two types -that of the ruling class and of the

Make SUCI(C) victorious from the BuradiConstituency in the ensuing Delhi Assembly Election

The people of Delhi are once again face to face with the state electionto constitute the state Assembly. These elections are being held at a timewhen the run-away inflation, unemployment and corruption have made thelives of the people miserable. The policies of capitalist globalization, openingup of the economy and privatization, being pursued for more than twodecades now, have only brought increasing devastation in people’s life.Unemployment is soaring, prices are shooting up by leaps and bounds, realincome is steadily falling, job loss is rampant, poverty is appalling, hungerand starvation are daunting, corruption is all-pervasive and galloping, and thegap between a few rich and millions of impoverished is ever widening.Eking out a bare living is eluding vast multitude of the toiling people. Whenthe ruling capitalist class, its subservient political parties and lackeys arecelebrating voyage to the Mars spending hundreds of crores of rupees frompublic exchequer, 77% of the country’s population is not in a position tospend as little as Rs. 20/- a day. Whosoever is saddled in governmentalpower-Congress, BJP or any other bourgeois combination- there is no relentin dogged pursuit of the ruinous policies of capitalist globalization andconsequent destitution of the common people.Scenario of Delhi, the capital ofcapitalist India

Sixty six years of capitalistmisrule at the Centre has broughtnothing else but increasing disasterin the life of the countrymen. Delhi,the capital city of India cannot be anexception to this general scenario.As the most dependable party of theruling class, the Congress has notleft any stone unturned to transformDelhi into a most modern sprawlingmetropolis with wide four-laneasphalt roads, serpentine fly-overs,under-passes, beautified parks withdazzling lights, glittering neon signsand sparkling street lights, plushbungalows and hundreds of poshhotels and restaurants with the soleaim of extricating the corporatesector-both Indian and foreign- outof the economic crisis. This lush ofmodernity is showcased as the‘spectacular development’ of thecapital city. But, this is just one face,rather the façade, of Delhi. ThisDelhi is of the handful of rich andaffluent, the corporate sector, thepolitical big-wigs, unscrupulousbusinessmen, corruption kings—in aword, the privileged few in theruthlessly exploitative capitalistsystem. But the other face of Delhi,is Delhi of the poor and oppressed,Delhi of the slum-dwellers andpavement-dwellers, Delhi of themajority 70% of the populace livingunder sub-human conditions withoutany civic facilities whatsoever andplagued by perpetual problem ofwater and electric supply. BJP, theother trusted party of the ruling classwhich has also ruled Delhi and iscurrently running the threeMunicipal Corporations of the city,are busy projecting their respectiveprogress cards of ‘growth anddevelopment’—the buzzword of thevote-merchants in every electionthat sounds like prattle to thesuffering citizens. The fact is thatboth of them are equally responsiblefor the plight and misery of the

common residents of Delhi. Bothhave equally played decisive anti-people roles in destroying the PublicDistribution System, uprooting ofindustries, denying minimum wagesto workers and introducing contractsystem even in the organized sectorin Delhi. Both are equallyresponsible for privatization ofpower and water supply as a resultof which t he transmission,distribution and billing of the electricsupply have already been privatizedby assigning the work to threeprivate companies. The privatizationof the treatment, distribution andbilling of water supply is under wayin a phased manner under the PPPmodel. For the last few years thetariff of water and electricity havebeen raised alarmingly in the mostarbitrary and non-transparentmanner. Privatization andcommercialization of health-care andeducation is depriving people ofthese essential basic services.Common people cannot afford thecostly medical treatment. The policydecisions to do away withexaminations up to the 8th standardand introduction of sex educationfrom primary and secondary levelsin schools are part of the largerconspiracy of the ruling class todeprive the people of their right toeducation and at the same timedegenerate the cultural, moral andethical backbone of the youngergenerations. In the realm of highereducation too, in consonance withthe policy of curtailment,commercialization and regimentationof higher education, decisions tointroduce four year graduationcourses and resorting to hefty yearlyhikes in the fees have already beentaken despite resistance from thestudents and the academiccommunity.

Alongside all these, the socio-cultural scenario is turning worsewith every passing day. Accordingto the data released by the National

Crime Records Bureau (NCRB),Delhi tops all the cities of thecountry with 5194 crimes againstwomen and 3635 crimes againstchildren during the year 2012. Sincethe data reflects only the registeredcases, the actual figure of the caseswill definitely be much higher. Thenational capital is most unsafe forthe women with incidents of rape,gang rape, molestation and killings.The brutal gang rape and murder of‘Damini’, a young para-medical girlstudent in a speeding bus barely ayear back shook the very roots ofhumanity and stirred uproar in thewhole country. What was moredespicable is that when the peopleburst into spontaneous protest, thestate and Central governmentspounced upon the protestors withbatons, rubber bullets and watercannons. From their ownexperience people now realize thatboth the BJP and Congress, havingbeen in power in Delhi in turn, have,by implementing the policies ofcapitalist globalization andprivatization, created favourableground for rampant corruption,inefficiency, callousness andmismanagement in governmentdepartments which has added to themisery of the common man.People’s anger against all this isbursting forth in protests like theAnna movement and the 16th

December protests.

Desperate bid to establish 2-party system

In Delhi state election also,these two parties are the maincontestants. With Congressthoroughly discredited, archcommunal BJP, committed to followthe same anti-people pro-capitalistpolicies, have been, with the backingof the ruling capitalist class, selling abouquet of ‘dreams’ to the Delhielectorates for riding to power. Butthe fact is that both of them aredependable parties of the rulingcapitalist class. Both are enjoying itsbacking and patronage. Ascapitalism is becoming more andmore crisis-ridden, it is, in order toprovide extra lease of life to itsmoribund existence, subvertingbourgeois parliamentary democracy,dispossessing the system of itsessence, flouting, trampling and evencurtailing the hitherto establishednorms, codes, conventions andpractices. Election is shrewdlymanipulated by money-muscle-media power. Electoral rules, in thename of reforms, are bent at will tosuit the parties or combinations theclass intends to make victorious.Thus, the legislature is virtually

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Long Live Great November Revolution

teaching, its revolutionary soul. Theypush to the foreground and extol whatis or seems acceptable to thebourgeoisie. All the social-chauvinistsare now “Marxists” (don’t laugh!) … In such circumstances, in view ofthe unprecedently widespreaddistortion of Marxism, our prime taskis to re-establish what Marx reallytaught on the subject of the state…

The state arises when, whereand to the extent that classantagonisms objectively cannot bereconciled. And, conversely, theexistence of the state proves thatthe class antagonisms areirreconcilable…

It is on this most important andfundamental point that the distortionof Marxism, proceeding along twomain lines, begins.

On the one hand, the bourgeois,and particularly the petty-bourgeois,ideologists, compelled under theweight of indisputable historical factsto admit that the state only existswhere there are class antagonismsand a class struggle, “correct” Marxin such a way as to make it appearthat the state is an organ for thereconciliation of classes. According

to Marx, the state could neither havearisen nor maintained itself had itbeen possible to reconcile classes.From what the petty-bourgeois andphilistine professors and publicistssay, with quite frequent andbenevolent references to Marx, itappears that the state does reconcileclasses. According to Marx, the stateis an organ of class rule, an organ forthe oppression of one class byanother; it is the creation of “order”,which legalizes and perpetuates thisoppression by moderating the conflictbetween classes. In the opinion of thepetty-bourgeois politicians, however,order means the reconciliation ofclasses, and not the oppression ofone class by another; to alleviate the

conflict meansreconciling classesand not deprivingthe oppressedclasses of definitemeans and me-thods of struggle tooverthrow theoppressors. …

That the stateis an organ of therule of a definiteclass which cannotbe reconciled withits antipode (theclass opposite to it)is something the

petty-bourgeois democrats will neverbe able to understand. …

On the other hand, the“Kautskyite” distortion of Marxismis far more subtle. “Theoretically”, itis not denied that the state is anorgan of class rule, or that classantagonisms are irreconcilable. Butwhat is overlooked or glossed overis this: if the state is the product ofthe irreconcilability of classantagonisms, if it is a powerstanding above society and“alienating itself more and morefrom it”, it is clear that the liberationof the oppressed class is impossiblenot only without a violent revolution,but also without the destruction ofthe apparatus of state power whichwas created by the ruling class andwhich is the embodiment of this“alienation”. … Marx very explicitlydrew this theoretically self-evidentconclusion on the strength of aconcrete historical analysis of thetasks of the revolution. And … it isthis conclusion which Kautsky has“forgotten” and distorted…

Engels further elucidates theconcept of the “power” which istermed the state — a power whicharose from society, but places itselfabove it and alienates itself moreand more from it. What does thispower mainly consist of? It consistsof special bodies of armed menhaving prisons, etc., at their

command. …. A standing army andpolice are the chief instruments ofstate power. …A state arises, aspecial power is created, specialbodies of armed men, and everyrevolution, by destroying the stateapparatus, clearly demonstrates tous how the ruling class strives torestore the special bodies of armedmen which serve it , and how theoppressed class strives to create anew organization of this kind,capable of serving not the exploitersbut the exploited. …

… A democratic republic is thebest possible political shell forcapitalism, and, therefore, oncecapital has gained possession of thisvery best shell (through thePalchinskys, Chernovs, Tseretelisand Co.), it establishes its power sosecurely, so firmly, that no change,either of persons, of institutions, orof parties in the bourgeois-democratic republic, can shake it.

We must also note that Engels ismost definite in calling universalsuffrage an instrument of bourgeoisrule. Universal suffrage, he says,obviously summing up the longexperience of German Social-Democracy, is “the gauge of thematurity of the working class. Itcannot and never will be anythingmore in the present-day state.”

The petty-bourgeois democrats,such as our Socialist-Revolutionariesand Mensheviks, and also their twinbrothers, all the social-chauvinistsand opportunists of Western Europe,expect just this “more” fromuniversal suffrage. They themselvesshare and instill into the minds of thepeople the false notion that universalsuffrage “in the modern state” isreally capable of ascertaining thewill of the majority of the toilers andof securing its realization….

Engels gives a general summaryof his views in the most popular ofhis works in the following words:

“The state, then, has not existedfrom all eternity. There have beensocieties that did without it, that hadno conception of the state and statepower. At a certain stage ofeconomic development, which wasnecessarily bound up with thecleavage of society into classes, thestate became a necessity owing tothis cleavage. We are now rapidlyapproaching a stage in thedevelopment of production at whichthe existence of these classes notonly will have ceased to be anecessity, but will become a positivehindrance to production. They willfall as inevitably as they arose at anearlier stage. Along with them thestate will inevitably fall. The societythat will organize production on thebasis of a free and equal association

From‘‘The State and Revolution’’

“What is now happening toMarx’s teaching has, in the course ofhistory, happened repeatedly to theteachings of revolutionary thinkersand leaders of oppressed classesstruggling for emancipation. Duringthe lifetime of great revolutionaries,the oppressing classes constantlyhounded them, received theirteachings with the most savagemalice, the most furious hatred andthe most unscrupulous campaigns oflies and slander. After their death,attempts are made to convert theminto harmless icons, to canonize them,so to say, and to surround their nameswith a certain halo for the“consolation” of the oppressedclasses and with the object of dupingthe latter, while at the same timeemasculating the essence of therevolutionary teaching, blunting itsrevolutionary edge and vulgari-zingit. At the present time, thebourgeoisie and the opportunistswithin the working-class movementconcur in this “doctoring” ofMarxism. They omit, obliterate anddistort the revolutionary side of this

(On the occasion of 96th anniversary of epoch-making NovemberRevolution which proved that Marxism is no utopia but a science andif applied correctly based on concr ete analysis of concrete situation,can realize the cherished emancipation from exploitation of man byman for good and make the dream of ultimate transition to classlesscommunist society a reality, we repr oduce below a select portion of thecelebrated book, ‘The State and Revolution’, by great Lenin, worthycontinuer of Marx-Engels and the architect of November Revolution.As is known to all, a group of r enegades like Karl Kautsky weredistorting Marx-Engels’ characterization of a State, questioning thenecessity of the dictatorship of the proletariat and betraying ignoranceof the nature of socialist state after smashing the bourgeois state byrevolution. So, Lenin had to rebut and repudiate this vulgarization ofMarxism as he correctly understood that “the struggle for theemancipation of the toiling masses from the influence of the bourgeoisiein general, and of the imperialist bourgeoisie in particular, isimpossible without a struggle against opportunist prejudicesconcerning the “state” and “the question of the relation of the socialistproletarian revolution to the state acquires not only practical politicalimportance but also the importance of a most urgentproblem of the day, the problem of explaining to themasses what they will have to do in the very nearfuture to free themselves from the yoke of capitalism.”In the process of shouldering this imperative task, heelaborated the concept of State, provided explanationof what is meant by ‘withering away of the State” asenunciated by Marx-Engels and thus not onlystaunchly defended but also developed and enrichedthe fundamental tenets of Marxism in the era ofimperialism and proletarian revolution. Consideringthe misconceptions prevailing even today on thesevital questions and particularly the rampant distortionof Marxism-Leninism by the modern revisionists andthe Trotskyite deviants as well as the canardunleashed against Marxism-Leninism by thereactionary imperialist-capitalist camp, we, as thegenuine revolutionary Party on the soil guided by the illuminingthoughts of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, Founder General Secretary ofthe Party and a foremost Mar xist thinker of the era, thought it extremelypertinent to once again highlight the teachings of great Lenin on thesubject as contained in the Marxist classic, ‘The State and Revolution’.)

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of the producers will put the wholemachinery of state where it will thenbelong: into the Museum ofAntiquities, by the side of thespinning wheel and the bronze axe.”

…the state is a “specialrepressive force.” Engels gives thissplendid and extremely profounddefinition here with the utmostlucidity. And from it follows that the“special repressive force” for thesuppression of the proletariat by thebourgeoisie, of millions of toilers byhandfuls of the rich, must bereplaced by a “special repressiveforce” for the suppression of thebourgeoisie by the proletariat (thedictatorship of the proletariat). Thisis precisely what is meant by“abolition of the state as state”. Thisis precisely the “act” of takingpossession of the means ofproduction in the name of society.And it is self-evident that such areplacement of one (bourgeois)“special force” by another(proletarian) “special force” cannotpossibly take place in the form of“withering away.”

We are in favour of ademocratic republic as the best formof state for the proletariat undercapitalism; but we have no right toforget that wage slavery is the lot ofthe people even in the mostdemocratic bourgeois republic.Furthermore, every state is a“special force for the suppression”of the oppressed class.Consequently, every state is not“free and not a “people’s state.”Marx and Engels explained thisrepeatedly to their party comrades inthe seventies…

….in the CommunistManifesto, written by Marx andEngels a few months later — to beexact, in November 1847:

“In depicting the most generalphases of the development of theproletariat, we traced the more orless veiled civil war, raging withinexisting society, up to the pointwhere that war breaks out into openrevolution, and where the violentoverthrow of the bourgeoisie laysthe foundation for the sway of theproletariat.” “We have seen above,that the first step in the revolution bythe working class, is to raise theproletariat to the position of rulingclass, to win the battle ofdemocracy.

“The proletariat will use itspolitical supremacy to wrest, bydegrees, all capital from thebourgeoisie, to centralize allinstruments of production in thehands of the State, i.e., of proletariatorganized as the ruling class, and toincrease the total of productiveforces as rapidly as possible.” (pp. 3I

and 37, seventh German edition,I906.)

Here we have a formulation ofone of the most remarkable and mostimportant ideas of Marxism on thesubject of the state, namely, the ideaof the “dictatorship of the proletariat”(as Marx and Engels began to call itafter the Paris Commune); and alsoa supremely interesting definition ofthe state which is also one of the“forgotten words” of Marxism: “thestate, i.e., the proletariat organizedas the ruling class.” …

The state is a special organizationof force; it is an organization ofviolence for the suppression of someclass. What class must the proletariatsuppress? Naturally, only theexploiting class, i.e., the bourgeoisie.The toilers need a state only tosuppress the resistance of theexploiters, and only the proletariat isin a position to direct this suppression,carry it out; for the proletariat is theonly class that is consistentlyrevolutionary, the only class that canunite all the toilers and the exploitedin the struggle against the bour-geoisie, in completely displacing it.

The exploiting classes needpolitical rule in order to maintainexploitation, i.e., in the selfishinterests of an in significant minorityagainst the vast majority of thepeople. The exploited classes needpolitical rule in order completely toabolish all exploitation, i.e., in theinterests of the vast majority of thepeople, and against the insignificantminority consisting of the modernslave-owners — the landlords andthe capitalists.

The petty-bourgeois democrats,those sham Socialists who havereplaced class struggle by dreams ofclass harmony, even pictured thesocialist transformation in a dreamyfashion — not as the overthrow ofthe rule of the exploiting class, but asthe peaceful submission of theminority to the majority which hasbecome conscious of its aims. Thispetty-bourgeois utopia which isinseparably connected with the ideaof the state being above classes, ledin practice to the betrayal of theinterests of the toiling classes as wasshown, for example, by the historythe French revolutions of 1848 and1871, and by the experience of“Socialist” participation in bourgeoiscabinets in England, France, Italy andother countries at the end of thenineteenth and the beginning of thetwentieth centuries.

Marx fought all his life againstthis petty-bourgeois Socialism —now resurrected in Russia by theSocialist-Revolutionary and Menshe-vik parties. He applied his teachingon the class struggle consistently,down to the teaching on political

power, the teaching on the state.The overthrow of bourgeois rule

can be accomplished only by theproletariat, as the particular classwhose economic conditions ofexistence prepare it for this task andprovide it with the possibility and thepower to perform it. While thebourgeoisie breaks up anddisintegrates the peasantry and allthe petty-bourgeois strata, it weldstogether, unites and organizes theproletariat. Only the proletariat — byvirtue of the economic role it plays inlarge-scale production — is capableof being the leader of all the toilingand exploited masses, whom thebourgeoisie exploits, oppresses andcrushes often not less, but more, thanit does the proletarians, but who areincapable of waging an independentstruggle for their emancipation.

The teaching on the classstruggle, when applied by Marx tothe question of the state and of thesocialist revolution, leads ofnecessity to the recognition of thepolitical rule of the proletariat, ofits dictatorship, i.e., of power sharedwith none and relying directly uponthe armed force of the masses. Theoverthrow of the bourgeoisie can beachieved only by the proletariatbecoming transformed into theruling class, capable of crushingthe inevitable and desperateresistance of the bourgeoisie, and oforganizing all the toiling andexploited masses for the neweconomic order.

The proletariat needs statepower, the centralized organizationof force, the organization ofviolence, both to crush theresistance of the exploiters and tolead the enormous mass of thepopulation — the peasantry, thepetty bourgeoisie, the semi-proletarians — in the work oforganizing socialist economy. Byeducating the workers’ party,Marxism educates the vanguard ofthe proletariat which is capable ofassuming power and of leading thewhole people to Socialism, ofdirecting and organizing the neworder, of being the teacher, the guide,the leader of all the toilers andexploited in the task of building uptheir social life without thebourgeoisie and against thebourgeoisie. As against this, theopportunism which now holds swaytrains the membership of theworkers’ party to be therepresentatives of the better-paidworkers, who lose touch with therank and file, “get along” fairly wellunder capitalism, and sell theirbirthright for a mess of pottage, i.e.,renounce their role of revolutionaryleaders of the people against thebourgeoisie.

‘‘The state, i.e., the proletariatorganized as the ruling class,” thistheory of Marx is inseparably boundwith all he taught on therevolutionary role of the proletariatin history. The culmination of thisrole is the proletarian dictatorship,the political rule of the proletariat …

The centralized state power thatis peculiar to bourgeois society cameinto being in the period of the fall ofabsolutism. Two institutions are mostcharacteristic of this state machine:the bureaucracy and the standingarmy. In their works, Marx andEngels repeatedly show that it is thebourgeoisie with whom theseinstitutions are connected bythousands of threads…

The bureaucracy and thestanding army are a “parasite” onthe body of bourgeois society — aparasite created by the internalantagonisms which rend that society,but a parasite which “chokes” all itsvital pores.

…But the more the bureaucraticapparatus is “redistributed” amongthe various bourgeois and petty-bourgeois parties (among theCadets, Socialist-Revolutionaries andMensheviks in the case of Russia),the more clearly the oppressedclasses, and the proletariat at theirhead, become conscious of theirirreconcilable hostility to the wholeof bourgeois society. That is why itbecomes necessary for all bourgeoisparties, even for the mostdemocratic and “revolutionary-democratic” among them, tointensify repressive measuresagainst the apparatus of repression,i.e., that very state machine. Thiscourse of events compels therevolution “to concentrate all itsforces of destruction “ against thestate power, and to set itself the aim,not of perfecting the state machine,but of smashing and destroyingit…

It is often said and written thatthe main point in Marx’s teachings isthe class struggle; but this is not true.And from this untruth very oftensprings the opportunist distortion ofMarxism, its falsification in such away as to make it acceptable to thebourgeoisie. For the doctrine of theclass struggle was created not byMarx, but by the bourgeoisie beforeMarx, and generally speaking it isacceptable to the bourgeoisie. Thosewho recognize only the class struggleare not yet Marxists; they may befound to be still within the boundariesof bourgeois thinking and bourgeoispolitics. To confine Marxism to thedoctrine of the class struggle meanscurtailing Marxism, distorting it,reducing it to something which isacceptable to the bourgeoisie. Only

Long Live Great November Revolution

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Long Live Great November Revolutionhe is a Marxist who extends therecognition of the class struggle tothe recognition of the dictatorshipof the proletariat. This is whatconstitutes the most profounddifference between the Marxist andthe ordinary petty (as well as big)bourgeois. This is the touchstone onwhich the real understanding andrecognition of Marxism is to betested. …

The essence of Marx’s teachingon the state has been mastered onlyby those who understand that thedictatorship of a single class isnecessary not only for every classsociety in general, not only for theproletariat which has overthrownthe bourgeoisie, but also for the entirehistorical period which separatescapitalism from “classless society,”from Communism. The forms ofbourgeois states are extremelyvaried, but their essence is the same:all these states, whatever their forms,in the final analysis, are inevitably thedictatorship of the bourgeoisie.The transition from capitalism toCommunism certainly cannot butyield a tremendous abundance andvariety of political forms, but theessence will inevitably be the same:the dictatorship of theproletariat…

“The Commune,” Marx wrote,“was to be a working, not aparliamentary, body, executive andlegislative at the same time. . ..”

“A working, not a parliamentary,body” — this hits straight from theshoulder at the present-dayparliamentarians and parliamentary“lap dogs” of Social-Democracy!Take any parliamentary country,from America to Switzerland, fromFrance to England, Norway and soforth — in these countries the realbusiness of “state” is performedbehind the scenes and is carried onby the departments, chancelleriesand General Staffs. Parliament itselfis given up to talk for the specialpurpose of fooling the “commonpeople.” This is so true that even inthe Russian republic, a bourgeois-democratic republic, all these sins ofparliamentarism were immediatelyrevealed, even before it managed toset up a real parliament. …

We cannot imagine democracy,even proletarian democracy, withoutrepresentative institutions, but we canand must imagine democracywithout parliamentarism, if criticismof bourgeois society is not mereempty words for us, if the desire tooverthrow the rule of the bourgeoisieis our earnest and sincere desire, andnot a mere “election” cry forcatching workers’ votes, as it is withthe Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries,. …

There is no trace of utopianismin Marx, in the sense that he made upor invented a “new” society. No, hestudied the birth of the new societyout of the old, the forms of transitionfrom the latter to the former as anatural-historical process. Heexamined the actual experience of amass proletarian movement and triedto draw practical lessons from it. He“learned” from the Commune, just asall the great revolutionary thinkerswere not afraid to learn from theexperience of the great movementsof the oppressed classes, and neveraddressed them with pedantic“homilies” (such as Plekhanov’s:“they should not have taken to arms”;or Tsereteli’s: “a class must limititself”)…

Marx deduced from the wholehistory of Socialism and of thepolitical struggle that the state wasbound to disappear, and that thetransitional form of its disappearance(the transition from state to non-state) would be the proletariatorganized as the ruling class.”…

Here we have what is mostessential in the theoretical appraisalof the latest phase of capitalism, i.e.,imperialism, viz., that capitalismbecomes monopoly capitalism. Thelatter must be emphasized becausethe erroneous bourgeois reformistassertion that monopoly capitalism orstate-monopoly capitalism is nolonger capitalism, but can already betermed “state Socialism,” orsomething of that sort, is mostwidespread. The trusts, of course,never produced, do not now produce,and cannot produce completeplanning. But however much they doplan, however much the capitalistmagnates calculate in advance thevolume of production on a nationaland even on an international scale,and however much theysystematically regulate it, we stillremain under capitalism— capitalismin its new stage, it is true, but still,undoubtedly, capitalism. The“proximity” of such capitalism toSocialism should serve the genuinerepresentatives of the proletariat asan argument proving the proximity,facility, feasibility and urgency of thesocialist revolution, and not at all asan argument in favour of toleratingthe repudiation of such a revolutionand the efforts to make capitalismlook more attractive, an occupationin which all the reformists areengaged….

Marx continues :‘‘Between capitalist and

communist society lies the period ofthe revolutionary transformation ofthe one into the other. Therecorresponds to this also a politicaltransition period in which the statecan be nothing but the revolutionary

dictatorship of the proletariat.”Marx bases this conclusion on an

analysis of the role played by theproletariat in modern capitalistsociety, on the data concerning thedevelopment of this society, and onthe irreconcilability of theantagonistic interests of theproletariat and the bourgeoisie.

Previously the question was putin this way: in order to achieve itsemancipation, the proletariat mustoverthrow the bourgeoisie, winpolitical power and establish itsrevolutionary dictatorship.

Now the question is putsomewhat differently: the transitionfrom capitalist society — which isdeveloping towards Communism —to a communist society is impossiblewithout a “political transition period,”and the state in this period can onlybe the revolutionary dictatorship ofthe proletariat. …

In capitalist society, providing itdevelops under the most favourableconditions, we have a more or lesscomplete democracy in thedemocratic republic. But thisdemocracy is always hemmed in bythe narrow limits set by capitalistexploitation, and consequentlyalways remains, in reality, ademocracy for the minority, only forthe propertied classes, only for therich. Freedom in capitalist societyalways remains about the same as itwas in the ancient Greek republics:freedom for the slave-owners.Owing to the conditions of capitalistexploitation the modern wage slavesare so crushed by want and povertythat “they cannot be bothered withdemocracy,” “they cannot bebothered with politics”; in theordinary peaceful course of eventsthe majority of the population isdebarred from participation in publicand political life…

Democracy for an insignificantminority, democracy for the rich—that is the democracy of capitalistsociety. If we look more closely intothe machinery of capitalistdemocracy, we see everywhere, inthe “petty”—supposedly petty—details of the suffrage (residentialqualifications, exclusion of women,etc.), in the technique of therepresentative institutions, in theactual obstacles to the right ofassembly (public buildings are not for“paupers”!), in the purely capitalistorganization of the daily press, etc.,etc.,—we see restriction afterrestriction upon democracy. Theserestrictions, exceptions, exclusions,obstacles for the poor seem slight,especially in the eyes of one who hasnever known want himself and hasnever been in close contact with theoppressed classes in their mass life(and nine out of 10, if not 99 out of

100, bourgeois publicists andpoliticians come under this category);but in their sum total theserestrictions exclude and squeeze outthe poor from politics, from activeparticipation in democracy.

Marx grasped this essence ofcapitalist democracy splendidlywhen, in analyzing the experience ofthe Commune, he said that theoppressed are allowed once everyfew years to decide which particularrepresentatives of the oppressingclass shall represent and repressthem in parliament!

But from this capitalistdemocracy—that is inevitablynarrow and stealthily pushes asidethe poor, and is thereforehypocritical and false through andthrough—forward development doesnot proceed simply, directly andsmoothly, towards “greater andgreater democracy”, as the liberalprofessors and petty-bourgeoisopportunists would have us believe.No, forward development, i.e.,development towards communism,proceeds through the dictatorship ofthe proletariat, and cannot dootherwise, for the resistance of thecapitalist exploiters cannot bebroken by anyone else or in anyother way.

And the dictatorship of theproletariat, i.e., the organization ofthe vanguard of the oppressed as theruling class for the purpose ofsuppressing the oppressors, cannotresult merely in an expansion ofdemocracy. Simultaneously with animmense expansion of democracy,which for the first time becomesdemocracy for the poor, democracyfor the people, and not democracy forthe money-bags, the dictatorship ofthe proletariat imposes a series ofrestrictions on the freedom of theoppressors, the exploiters, thecapitalists. We must suppress themin order to free humanity from wageslavery, their resistance must becrushed by force; it is clear that thereis no freedom and no democracywhere there is suppression andwhere there is violence.

Engels expressed this splendidlyin his letter to Bebel when he said, asthe reader will remember, that “theproletariat needs the state, not in theinterests of freedom but in order tohold down its adversaries, and assoon as it becomes possible to speakof freedom the state as such ceasesto exist”.

Democracy for the vast majorityof the people, and suppression byforce, i.e., exclusion fromdemocracy, of the exploiters andoppressors of the people—this is thechange democracy undergoesduring the transition from capitalismto communism.”

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Recently, the world has beenshocked by a series of startlingrevelations. People were astoundedto know, for example, that in thepresent system of collectinginformation with the help of theUS National Security Agency’smass international surveillanceprogramme, PRISM, the NSAcould note, store and use at itsconvenience even an innocuousreference like ‘situation is drivingyouth to terrorism’ made in anypersonal exchange between twofriends as a mark of support of thespeaker to terrorism. True, spying isan age-old practice particularlytaken to during the wars. But thepresent revelations were nowherenear just spying, they were simplyfar nastier and deadlier. The entiremassive gamut of internet andtelephone, both land or mobile, dataand cable lines of the world couldbe intercepted and mined; majortelecom corporates such as Verizon,AT&T and internet companies suchas Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Appleand Facebook be made, in effect,tools of the US security agency,rather the US government; and, thewords like privacy (read,individual freedom of thoughtand expression ) or diplomaticimmunity become redundant in theface of this infringement from theNSA. The threat looms large overnot just the American and Europeanpeople but also any and everyindividual of the world usinginternet or phone or toying withsocial networks, and even theworld leaders, including Germanchancellor and Brazilian president,as revealed for the present.Interestingly, both the world leadersmentioned are never known to be‘terrorists’ by the definition of theUS imperialists; rather they areapparently close allies of the USrulers. The Washington Postfurther reported that there could beanother program calledMUSCULAR, in which Britain’sGCHQ is an active partner of theNSA in their agenda to break intoany major server in operation. So,the US imperialism, albeit the mainculprit, might not be alone; it has itsaccomplices from among the bandof imperialists. In busting theirdesign a few names took spotlightas ‘whistleblowers’: among others,Bradley Manning, US ArmyPrivate arrested in May 2010 inIraq for allegedly providingclassified materials that exposedUS military atrocities andmurder of civilians to Wikileaks.

US espionage at its ugliest

Exposes deadliest tentacles of totally decadentcapitalism, calls for people to roar in protest

Julian Paul Assange, founder ofWikiLeaks which becameinternationally well known in 2010when it began to publish U.S.military and diplomatic documents,and latest Edward Snowden, whodisclosed the NSA activities,exploding the myth and showingthat data collected are now beinghanded over to security agenciesbeyond the purpose of marketingor such relatively innocentpurposes. Now having beenhanded over to the securityagencies, these records, evenapparently useless or harmlessinformation, may be used for anypurpose. Individual liberty is thusthoroughly transgressed upon.

Naturally, the imperialist houndshave started chasing them forblood. Manning has been tried inUSA for treason etc.; since 19 June2012 Assange has been confined tothe Ecuadorian embassy in London,on a diplomatic asylum; USArevoked Edward Snowden’spassport and bullied other countriesinto refusing him asylum; he is nowin temporary asylum in the USSRfor one year. The US rulers,including the head of their brigandrule, the US president, first tried tosummarily brush off the allegations;but the furore over the world forcedthem to admit the crime. They triedwith the argument that for thissurveillance many terror attackscould be fore-fended. But the casesof the German chancellor and theBrazilian President being spiedupon, busted the grand lie offighting terror. The US president inhis well-rehearsed care-free toneattempted a face-saver, saying‘Ultimately, you know, we work soclosely together that there is almostno information that is not sharedbetween our various countries’. Butin the long run, and reportedlyalong with some other worldleaders belonging to the sameimperialist flock with the samefeathers, the US president posednonchalance to claim that allnations, including those expressingthe strongest protests, collectintelligence on each other and thatsuch spying activities wouldcontinue against the countries theyconsider enemies to their interest.So, it is clear that the imperialisthounds and sniffers have noremorse; in fact, it can not beexpected of them too. After all, theUS rulers have beset almost thewhole world, over 150 countries tobe precise, with their espionagenetwork through the NSA,

spending millions of dollars frompeople’s money to pry upon thosecountries, their people and leaders.The head of another US intelligenceagency, namely the NationalIntelligence Agency, has himselfadmitted that they have set up 13offensive US cyber teamsoperating from the NSA premisesat an annual expenditure of $199million. And these were no leaksmade by the whistleblowers; thosecame out courtesy The Guardianand The Washington Post , thatrun under direct imperialistpatronage.

However, the matter of fact is :Are the revelations by Manning-Assange- Snowden really somestray efforts from some non-conformist out-of-the-main streamindividuals? Do these have anyspecial significance in the age-oldhistory of spying? Do the reactionsfrom the rulers or perpetrators ofthe crime really have anysubstance? These and such otherquestions appear more relevantto people than going merelythrough these facts. After all, it istheir individual liberty which is atstake.

Things were not the same insome not-too-distant past. It wasthe time when the bourgeoisiewere fighting uncompromisinglyagainst feudalism- spiritualism-absolutism, against the absolutepower of monarchs-religious heads-scriptures. They had the task setbefore them, to free individualsfrom the clutches of themonarchical state power, from theclutches of scriptures and diktats.So they stood for individual liberty:in thoughts and expressions; theystood for unfettered right for

individuals in society to decide hislife and livelihood. They stood forequal right for men and women.Even in power in those flourishingdays of capitalism, the hey days ofbourgeois democracy, the thenrulers advocated for the laissezfaire environment, an environmentof free competition. They dependedon truth; they trusted people anddid not need to resort to spyingupon them. As against the fiercedomination tending even tobutchery of feudal warlords orprinces and monarchs, thebourgeois class emerged as thebulwark of liberalism, democracy,freedom and independence. Andwith such a philosophical approach,they considered people as wealth ofthe society, as assets whom theytook along as trusted allies in theirfight against feudalism andmonarchy.

But this could not keep ongoing for long. After all even thewidest and most liberal bourgeoissociety was run by the rule ofcapital over the wage- labour; themost democratic capitalist statewas, in the ultimate end, thecoercive machinery to perpetratethe class exploitation by a handfulowners, the capitalists over the vastmillions of toiling people includingthe working class. Thus from itsfree competitive stage, from astage of relatively perfectcompetition capitalism grew intothe stage of really imperfectcompetition. With capitalconcentrating and consolidating inthe hands of fewer and fewermonopolists and wages of myriadsof toiling people diminishing in realterms leading to their ever-

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At a conference held on November 1, at Vidyasagar Hall in Midnapore, West-Bengal, ASHA workers demanded their status as health workers repealing the

Format methods and introducing well-defined salary. They also protestedtheir ever-increasing work-load.

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dwindling purchasing power,society was dragged into growingdiscrimination, deprivation andmonopolization. The more itoccurred, the more the rulersstepped out to crush their owncreations like fair competitivebusiness, democratic values,liberalism. Free competition gaveway to fierce fight for capturingmarket which latter got squeezedwith people losing purchasingpower. To meet this unabatedinternal market crisis in their ownrespective country the monopolistslooked for external market.Capitalism entered into its highestand the most decadent stage, theimperialism. The imperialistspenetrated into the markets ofother countries exploiting thelatter ’s cheap labour forces, rawmaterials, natural resources toearn fabulous profit. By that theyenriched themselves andconsolidated their power tosubjugate others. Champions ofliberty became the tyrant occupiersof other countries, without caring ifdestruction of wealth and loss oflife wreaked havoc, no matter ifthey had to brush off all shades ofnorms, values and rights they onceprofessed. At the same time, as theimperialists consolidated theirpower and craved for more andmore profit and maximum profit,they vied with each other forcapturing more external markets.This market-conquering adventuredid not necessarily remain peaceful.Rather right from the dayimperialism evolved, the hunt formarket with hunt for maximumprofit ingrained in it, tended to endin fight for one imperialist countrytrying to eliminate even annihilateany other that posed threat. Thiswas why it is held that imperialisminevitably generates war. This waswhy ultimately there were twodevastating world wars followed byseries of regional wars waged bythe imperialist powers, be it NaziGermany or Great Britain orFrance, avowedly democratic USA,killings millions of people, destroyingimmense wealth of humancivilization. The more there was thecrisis, more there wasconcentration of power, more warsand with these came more andmore espionage. Thus there werethe dreaded Gestapos in the NaziGermnay during the Second WorldWar and the infamous CIA of theUSA after the world wars, whichpenetrated into the political, evengovernment machineries of other

countries and destabilized them.While the Gestapos with the help offifth columnists worked to makeother countries vulnerable to theNazi attack, the CIA hatchedconspiracies all over the worldagainst the countries or leaders,which or who were not agreeableto genuflect before them andopposed their unjust brigandage toestablish neo-colonial dominationover the w1orld. They went tothe extent of removing suchindividuals from power and ifnecessary, eliminating ormurdering them. Examples aregalore across the world and suchespionage and counter espionageby different countries only vitiatedthe global ambience.

Thus espionage is nothing newin the capitalist-imperialist world.Behind all façades of democracy ,the system has nurtured thisheinous practice as part and parcelof their governance and particularlywars. But as years passed by , asthe crisis of decadent capitalismaggravated further, as the all-outcrisis involved extreme social-political-cultural degeneration,espionage too became morerampant, virulent and deadly. It isthis phenomenon that is becomingclear now, when clinging to thephenomenal growth of technologyincluding cyberspace as the laststraw and as formidable tools togive shape to their heinous designs,the imperialists have been evolvingnewer and newer techniques ofspying. Total erosion of values incapitalist societies have left therulers bereft of any human qualitieslike faith, trust, fraternity and so on.All their relations are merelymeans to ensure their hegemonyover the market with a view tohelping avert the crisis. They thusspy upon even a so-called ally. TheUS imperialists have emerged notonly at the helm of the imperialistbrigands rampaging the world,tagging all other powerfulimperialists like the British –German- French and others itpounces upon any softer andweaker countries; but withinthemselves the US imperialists arenot leaving any scope unexplored tokeep track on what their allies aredoing. This accounts for thereported spying upon the telephonesetc., of the world leaders like theGerman chancellor.

At the same time, theimperialists, headed by the USimperialists are fully aware thatthe ruthless exploitation andoppression they are carrying out on

people of their own and othercountries, are inevitably giving birthto tremendous resentment andwrath among the latter. The rulersare also aware that right from theday imperialism evolved, it hasnever been just the era ofimperialism. It was, at the sametime, the days of working classmovement on the strength of theinvincible ideology of Marxism-Leninism against the rule of capital;it has also been the era ofproletarian revolution. Theimperialists are mortally fearful torealize that it is a historicinevitability that the ultimate victorylies with the oppressed andexploited toiling masses, comewhat may in the process. No doubt,the rise of modern revisionism hasbrought about debacle of thesocialist camp and has delayed themarch to victory, but that has alsoprovided the internationalcommunist movement withrevitalized strength to identify theenemy of revisionism within itselfand fight it out and thus fortify itsstruggle against the imperialistsfurther.

Now, despite every bit ofefforts of the imperialists andcapitalists the world over, peopleare already coming up here andthere in resolute resistancequestioning the rule of 1 %monopolists over 99% masses.Even the war-monger USimperialists are feeling the pinch ofthis, not just in the countries theyare invading but also in their owncountry. Mortally shaken, the rulersare thus frantic, remorseless anddevilish. The capitalists, themonopolists, can no longer afford totake people into confidence. So inreverse to the way theirpredecessors, the bourgeoisie of thepast thought and considered peopleas the wealth of the society, thecontemporary imperialists, therulers of today find dreaded enemyin every bit of criticism from anycommoner, they imagine adangerous enemy in the shadow ofanybody daring to raise his head.So they spread their high-techdreaded network of espionage allover the society, onto every cornerof it to reach one and everyindividual and across the world,without giving any scope to leaveanybody unscanned. So this is notjust the question of any oneimperialist country, or one head ofthe state, however powerful he orshe may be. It is the entirecapitalist-imperialist system that isengaged in this inhuman nefarious

US espionage at its ugliest

Marks how capitalism is ravaging

design of spying upon everyindividual so that he or she may notgo beyond their grip, may not turnout to be a non-conformist, to takepart finally in revolutionary struggleagainst capitalism- imperialism. TheUS imperialism as the chief of theimperialist brigands is obviously themost hated enemy of mankindgiving birth to the largest battalionof opponents. They have thuschosen to arm themselves mostlethally. The NSA or all otherintelligence agencies of that countryare simple tools in this treacherousact to the people. But as indicated,the British GCHQ, or for thatmatter any intelligence agency ofother imperialist countries will notfall back, if given the chance orresources to develop suchespionage network as that of theNSA.

This is where the worldcapitalist system has come down to!It not only serves a few, the handfulfew, intends and acts to put the restunder a permanent chain of slaveryand surveillance. No matter theirclamour about freedom, democracy,liberty, liberalism, these are going tobe thrown to the wind. The singlemantra they want people to chant:Serve capitalism or perish!

The whistleblowers have blownthe whistles! As a citizen ofAmerica posts in a social network :“I think the public should … maketheir own judgments... Thegovernment has been using thattactic of discrediting people fordecades to hide everything theydo…I think Snowden has at leastproven one thing, we don’t knoweverything that the government isdoing ... History shows that thegovernment hasn’t always done theright thing and it only takes ahandful of people to abuse thesystem to cause many problems.”

Let the voice emerge fromeverywhere within and beyond theUSA: “Everything that thegovernment is doing is at thebeckoning of its master , the rulingbourgeoisie, the ruling monopolists!They wish to turn the world into agraveyard to be inhabited by onlytheir slaves chained for life! Butpeople have their judgements. Theydo not wish to let that happen!They wish to roar out in one voice:Down with this nasty game ofspying upon people! Down with theschemers and executives, themonopolists! Close your ranks tostand erect, bold, unflinching andunwavering armed with nobility andhumanity to combat these dreadedenemies of mankind!”

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humanity using technology

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Immediately after the decision tobifurcate Andhra Pradesh by theCongress Working Committee of theruling Congress party and Congress-led UPA Coordination Committee,massive protest movement surgedforth across the state particularly inRayalaseema area and the coastaldistricts. Lakhs of people belongingto all walks of life poured on to thestreets with the demand ofpreserving the unity of the state andagainst regionalism. Our partyplayed a significant role withinternationalist spirit in this historicmovement. It appealed to allparticularly the people of Telanganato protect the unity of the toilingpeople of all regions of the state.Party state organizing committeestarted widespread propagandathroughout the state particularly inHyderabad, Anantapur, Vishakhapa-tnam, Kurnool, Chittoor, Nellore,Srikakulam, Guntur, Vijayawada,Rajahmundri, Nalgonda, etc., withlakhs of leaflets and thousands ofbooklets. Party workers facedattacks from the regional fanatics inHyderabad city. Our Partywholeheartedly supported theindefinite strike by state governmentemployees, teachers, RTC workers,electricity employees etc. Partycomrades joined the coordinationcommittee of the employees andmass organizations to conduct amammoth public meeting inHyderabad where ComradeHemalatha was at the forefront.Party leaders also participated inpublic meetings organized bydifferent organizations throughoutthe state. In Vizag Shri C.S. Rao,Retd. I.E.S Officer, ComradeS.Govindarajulu, Member, StateOrganizing Committee, SUCI(C)addressed a youth rally organizedby AIDYO. On 4 October ComradeK. Sudhir, state AIUTUC leaderaddressed a huge workers meetingin Vizag. In Anantapur, the Partyinitiated formation of a broad basedyouth and students’ Joint ActionCommittee which conducted militant


movements in the district.A large public meeting attended

by workers, employees, teachers,youths and students was addressedby Comrade Krishna Chakraborty,Member, Polit Bureau, SUCI (C) on25 October 2013 at Anantapur.Comrade B.S. Amarnath, AnantapurDistrict Secretary, SUCI(C),presided over and eminentpersonalities and state and districtleaders were on the dais. In hisdetailed explanatory speech,Comrade Chakraborty showed:Fighting against British imperialismand fighting against feudalism theTelugu people of Telangana,Rayalaseema and Coastal Andhraformed one nationality, that we callTelugu nationality in themultinational state of India.Formation of such nationalities hashappened in many other states ofour country. Now, the same unitedAndhra is proposed to be split bycarving out separate Telangana stateand thereby divide the Telugunationality. The people of Telangana,Rayalaseema and Coastal Andhrawho formed the Telugu nationalitywith great emotion and affection arenow instigated against one anotherover formation of separateTelangana. Historically speaking it isa reactionary step. Those who aredividing the state are all theopportunist vote-based parties likeCongress, BJP, Telugu Desam, TRSserving the interest of the rulingcapitalist class and hence are notpeople’s friends. This bifurcation isnot in the interest of all sections ofthe exploiting people and henceutterly reactionary. The quarters ofvested interest in order to confusethe people of Telangana region arespreading a false propaganda thatTelangana is backward compared toRayalaseema and coastal Andhra.This is factually incorrect. Even theShri Krishna Commission set up byCongress also confirmed falsity ofthis propaganda. There are manyareas in Telangana including inHyderabad which are relatively

backward. So also there are areas inRayalaseema and coastal Andhrawhich are languishing in abjectbackwardness. This backwardnessof one region is no creation of thepeople of the other region. Thisbackwardness is due to ruthlesscapitalist exploitation. Unevendevelopment is a feature ofcapitalism as was pointed out byGreat Lenin. People of India,irrespective of which state they stayin, are all victims of this capitalistexploitation. Where is even asemblance of development in theirlife? They are plagued by risingmisery and penury, attacks of everywalk of life. Oppressed people of allregions, belonging to allcommunities, all nationalities, shouldunite against the exploitation of theruling capitalist class, capitalistsystem. All the burning problems oflife—price rise, unemployment,falling income, cultural degradation,crime on women, all-pervadingcorruption, non-availability ofeducation, healthcare—are allstemming from decadent, moribundcapitalism. For all rounddevelopment of the people, we haveto fight against ruling capitalism,overthrow it. That struggle requirescemented unity of the toiling people.That is the need of the hour. And thisunited conscious struggle of thetoiling people rising above alldivisiveness is what the ruling classdreads most. It wants people toremain ignorant and unaware of thecause of their destitution. That iswhy the parties of the capitalistclass, the exploiters, are trying todivide the people over caste,community, religion, nationality,ethnicity linguistic groups and somany things. All divisive tendencieslike casteism, communalism,provincialism, localism, regionalismare fomented and fanned up.Unleashed full-throttle is a confusingpropaganda that creation of smallerstates will bring about rapiddevelopment of the people. This isfar from truth. New states of

Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh andUttarakhand have been carved outof Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and UttarPradesh. Has that mitigated thehardship of the people there or thesame has been aggravatedmanifold? Northern part of unitedBihar, or the present state of Biharconsists mainly of fertile agriculturalland nurtured by alluvial soil of theGanga and other rivers. On theother hand, southern part of unitedBihar, now Jharkhand, is rich inminerals, iron ores and coal deposits.Industries were more in southernBihar whereas northern Biharmainly had rich agriculture. After,bifurcation, only 15% of cultivableland has come to Jharkhandwhereas Bihar is virtually withoutany industry. Due to accentuatingmarket-crisis of capitalism, industrialbelt of Jharkhand includingJamshedpur is now deserted withlakhs of workers retrenched andstarving. Industries are closingthroughout the country; no newindustries are set up. Poor peasantsand agricultural workers aremigrating to other states in search ofjob. Where is the dangled‘development’ then? Mountingunemployment, job-loss and closuresare these not only in capitalist Indiabut in the entire capitalist-imperialistworld. Working people are burstingforth in mighty movementeverywhere including USA, UK,France, Germany, Greece andPortugal. Andhra is also consistingof rich catchment soil of theKrishna, Godavari, Tungabhadra andother rivers as well as is rich inmineral deposits. Then why are thepeople of either Telangana orRayalaseema and coastal Andhrasuffering? Is it that wretched peopleof Rayalaseema are obstructinggrowth of Telangana people or viceversa? When all problems arestemming from dying capitalism,how is that once Andhra isbifurcated, there would be a streamof development in Telangana? In

SUCI(C) building up powerful people’s movement inAndhra Pradesh against the sinister decision to bifurcate the state

Contd. on page 9

SUCI (C) protests Andhra Pradesh bifurcation: A massive rally ( to the left) and Comrade Krishna Chakraborty, Member, Polit Bureau, SUCI (C) addressingthe meeting at Anantapur on 25 October ( to the right).

Page 9: Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA …Delhi is of the handful of rich and affluent, the corporate sector, the political big-wigs, unscrupulous businessmen, corruption kings—in


Red SaluteComrade B. S. Prathibhakumari

Comrade B.S. Prathibhakumari, Member, Bangalore DistrictCommittee and Karnataka State President, All India Mahila SamskrutikaSanghatana (AIMSS) passed away on 2 November 2013 followingmassive heart attack. She was only 46. She was attracted towards therevolutionary thought of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the great leader of theproletariat, and initiated into the Party at a young age of 19 and quicklybecame a wholetime worker for the cause of the poor and the exploited.She was a well-known student leader during her college days andgradually evolved into an admired mass leader. Ever smiling and firmlycommitted to the cause of revolution, Comrade Prathibhakumari wasendearing to all and even commanded respect from the politicalopponents and inspired many to embrace the path of genuinerevolutionary struggle. In her sudden premature death, the Party has lostone of the most promising mass leaders and devoted soldier ofrevolution.

A state-level memorial meeting was held at Varadachar Kalakshetra,Seshadripuram, Bangalore, on 8 November. Drawing attention of all tothe exceptional qualities Comrade Prathibhakumari possessed, ComradeKrishna Chakraborty, Member, Polit Bureau, SUCI(C), said that she wasthe product of a correct process of revolutionary life struggle.Eventhough she came from a rural background, she quickly acquired theknowledge of life as she loved exploited people. She had inspired manyyoung boys and girls to the path of struggle. We will have to advancethis struggle and to make socialist revolution victorious; we needhundreds and thousands of Prathibhas. (Speech of Comrade KrishnaChakraborty, will be published later) Paying glowing tribute to ComradePrathibhakumari, Comrade K Radhakrishna, Member, CentralCommittee and Karnataka State Secretary, SUCI (C), said that she wasan embodiment of the revolutionary character that Comrade ShibdasGhosh, wanted to see in women who are oppressed for centuries in themale dominant society. Her death should not make us helpless ordesperate in agony but we should take pledge to rededicate to thestruggle for which Prathibha toiled all her life. Comrade ChhayaMukherjee, All India President, AIMSS & Central Committee Member,SUCI(C), said that Comrade Prathibha had a sweet and soft characterbut she was equally bold and firm as well. She was not only a stateleader of Karnataka but also a member of the national executive ofAIMSS. Her death has created a great void. But, we will have to put inour whole strength, all cadres, supporters and sympathizers have to comeforward to take up more and more responsibilities. Also paying tributesto the departed comrade were Comrade BR Manjunath, Secretary,Bangalore District Committee, SUCI(C), Comrades Jyothi, member ofCPI state committee and leader of National Federation of Indian Womenand Puttegowda of CPI-ML Liberation, Shri GKC Reddy, GeneralSecretary, JD(U), Karnataka State, Shri HG SomashekarRao, veterantheatre personality, Smt. Lakshmi Nadagouda, noted theatre personalityProf. K. Saroja, retired professor, Dharwad Agricultural University.

fact, these are all hoodwinkingwords. Only those who want tobecome ministers and enjoy pelf andpower at the cost of the sufferingpeople, the aspiring police officers-bureaucrats, would benefit. Set upof government and administration inthe new state will entail hugedrainage of public money. The bigcapitalists of Andhra are mostlyfrom the coastal region. So, therelatively small capitalists havingcontradiction with big capital overgrabbing of market are incitingpeople to demand a separate state.And once the Congress hasannounced division of Andhra andBJP has endorsed it, there is the cryfor separate state all over —Gorkhaland, Bodoland, Vidharbh andso forth —with the sole objective ofdividing people and diverting theirattention from the real problem oftheir life as if because of non-creation of separate states, problemsgalore in their life. In the same way,communal fanaticism is instigated topit one religious community againstthe other. Is it that the Muslims areexploiting the Hindus or vice-versa?When a capitalist exploits, he makesno distinction between the Hindus or

the Muslims, between Telanganapeople and coastal Andhra people.To misdirect the growing movementagainst split of Andhra, another newconfusion is planfully precipitatedabout the status of Hyderabad as ifbifurcation of the state is now asettled issue and the only remainingproblem is decision about sharing ofthe water, revenue and jobs etc. andstatus of Hyderabad. People mustrise up against all these heinousmoves and frustrate the bourgeoisconspiracy. There were noresistance movements againstbifurcation of Bihar, UP or MP. Butthis time, there is a movement.Unfortunately, like Congress, BJP,TDP or TRS, the CPI has alsosupported the division of Andhra.The CPI (M) too is overtly lendingits approval as could be seen duringthe strike against the split by someNGOs of coastal Andhra when theCPI (M) leaders, for queer reason,opposed it. We alone are fightingwith all our might. We appeal to thepeople to buildup the united people’smovement against the anti -peoplepolicies of the state and centralgovernment particularly theconspiracy of dividing the people ofAndhra Pradesh.

Contd. from page 8

SUCI(C) building up people’smovement in Andhra Pradesh

On October 27, a state-level convention of AIDYO was held at Vadodara,Gujarat, to protest against unemployment, price-rise, corruption, cultural

degradation, atrocities on women etc. Comrade Yogesh Patel, Gujarat StateSecretary of AIDYO presided over and Comrade Dwarika Rath, Gujarat StateSecretary, SUCI(C), released the Gujarati edition of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh’s

book addressed to the youth, named 'Jowane Ne Hakal'. Guest of honour,eminent citizen Dhirubhai Mistry wished success of the convention. Comrade

B.R. Manjunath, All-India President, AIDYO, in his speech as the main speakergave a call to join a protest gathering in Delhi, to commemorate the anniversary

of the heart-rending death of ‘Damini’. Comrade Kanubhai Khadadia ,President, Gujarat State AIDYO, also spoke on the occasion.

Tara Devi, an ASHA worker ofthe Rajpur Block Hospital of‘Kanpur Dehat‘ district of UttarPradesh, a housewife coming of anabjectly poor family and a memberof the UP Gramin SwasthyaKaryakatri Asha Union, wasbrutally gang-raped, murdered andfinally dumped on a field on 7November last. Allegedlymiscreants brought her out of herhutment in early morning hourson the plea of helping her pregnantmother. On 10 November, leaders

of the UPGSKAU including theUP state president, secretary,district president and otherssubmitted a memorandum to thegovernment.

ASHA workers’ unionsaffiliated to the AIUTUC has calledfor observance of an All IndiaProtest Day and wearing of blackbadge on 19 November demandingand security for ASHA workersand death sentence of the criminalsresponsible for the heinous crime ofgang-rape and murder.

Comrade Krishna Chakraborty, placing wreath in memoryof departed Comrade Pratibha Kumari

ASHA Workers Union prtotests brutal rape and murderof ASHA activist: All India protest day on 19 November

Page 10: Organ of the SOCIALIST UNITY CENTRE OF INDIA …Delhi is of the handful of rich and affluent, the corporate sector, the political big-wigs, unscrupulous businessmen, corruption kings—in

RNI No. 13932/67P. R. No. KOL / RMS / /145 / 2013-2015

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : PROVASH GHOSHEdited & Published by Asit Bhattacharyya from 48 Lenin Sarani, Kolkata 700 013 and printed by him at Ganadabi Printers and Publishers Private Limited,52B, Indian Mirror Street, Kolkata 700013. Phone : 2249-1828, 2265-3234 E-mail : [email protected], [email protected], Website : www.suci-c.in

Contd. from page 2

Ruling capitalist class is trying to establish2-Party democracy to dupe the people

exploited class. The politics of theruling class in our country is thepolitics of defending and preservingcapitalism which ensures themmaximum profit and safeguards theirinterests in the state assemblies andthe parliament. The vote-basedbourgeois parties pose to beneutral and claim to be working forcommon good but in reality they allsubserve the class interest of theoppressive capitalist class. Thecapitalist class in return providesthem with all the financial help,media backing and projects thembefore the people as ‘democraticalternatives’.

As against this most deceptivebourgeois vote politics of which thepseudo-Marxists like the CPI, CPI(M) have also become partners,there is another type of politics, thatis, the politics of safeguarding theinterests of the working class and thecommon people, the politics ofoverthrowing the capitalist statewhich is the mother of all the ills andthe source of all the problems. In ourcountry, the sole representative ofthis politics is the Soc1ialist UnityCentre of India (Communist) whichis organizing the common people andthe working class all over the country

against the problems faced by them.The SUCI(C) is of considered viewthat though none of the problemsfaced by the people can be solvedpermanently without overthrowingthe exploitative capitalist system, tillthe revolution is not accomplishedafter fulfillment of both subjectiveand objective conditions in course ofa correct revolutionary process, it isimperative to build up a powerfuldemocratic and secular organizedpeople’s movement to defeat all thecasteist, communal, parochial,regional and divisive forces and,under the pressure of such amovement, compel the ruling class toaccede to the genuine demands ofthe people. Our Party has beenorganizing people all over the countryon these lines and contestingelections with the sole aim ofstrengthening and spreading thepeople’s movement all over thecountry. In Buradi, Mukundpur,Jehangirpuri and various other partsof Delhi, the SUCI(C) is organizingpeople by setting up People’sCommittees and helping them to raisetheir voice against all sorts ofoppression and exploitation.SUCI(C) activists have been at theforefront of the ‘Damini’ movementas well and they wholeheartedly

participated in the countrywide anti-corruption movement led by AnnaHazare with the objective ofproviding these movements thecorrect direction. There is alsogrowing support towards the Partyamong the toiling masses whoconsider the party as the only rayof hope in this all-pervadingdarkness.

While the bourgeois conspiracyis to black-out all the activities of theParty and to maintain a conspiracyof silence, it is incumbent on thepeople of Delhi to grab even theslightest opportunity to send a

genuine representative of theirs, atried and tested soldier ofdemocratic movement, to theAssembly to uphold their cause andreflect the voice of people inside theHouse. Comrade ManagerChaurasia, Member, Delhi StateOrganising Committee of theSUCI(C) who has been at theforefront of all the struggleslaunched by the Party in theseareas is contesting the BuradiAssembly seat as the Party’scandidate. We fervently appealto vote Comrade Chaurasia andmake him victorious.

Make SUCI (C) candidate victoriousin Rajasthan Assembly election

SUCI(C) candidate Comrade Subhash Chandra is contestingfrom the Pilani assembly seat of Rajasthan. We fervently appealto the electorates of Pilani to make Comrade Subhash victoriousand strengthen the politics of movement as against the vilebourgeois vote politics of power, lucre and divisiveness.

Comrade Sankar Saha attendsAPOSHO conference in Jakarta

The Conference and Seminarorganized by Asia-PacificOccupational Safety and HealthOrganisation (APOSHO) withrepresentatives from 27 countrieswas held from 8 to 12 October, 2013at Jakarta, Indonesia. Participatingin the debate on occupational safety,health and environment ComradeSankar Saha, General Secretary,AIUTUC, Member, CentralCommittee, SUCI(C), and Member,Governing Body and Vice-Chairman(Workers) of APOSHO, remindedall that the society has utterly failedto do justice to the workersparticularly in regard to their safetyand health. Citing the ILO report, hementioned 2.02 million people dieeach year from work relateddiseases, 3,21,000 people die eachyear from occupational accidents,160 million non-fatal work related

diseases per year, which means inevery 15 seconds, a worker diesfrom work-related accident ordisease and in every 15 seconds 151workers face a work-relatedaccident. He regretted that thisalarming situation exists in spite oflofty claims and depiction of rosypictures by respected speakers fromvarious countries and APOSHO.Comrade Saha pointed out thatwhatever occupational safety andhealthcare facilities as also theworking environment the workerspresently enjoy is undisputedly anoutcome of the arduous movementover the years. Furtherance of allthose facilities can only beachieved through prolongedmovement of the society that hatesexploitation and the movement shallhave to be led by the class-conscious workers.

State level demonstration by Odisha AIDSO in Bhubaneswar on 8 Novemberagainst gradation system and demanding reintroduction of pass-fail system,

exemption of all fees of cyclone & flood affected students of all levels ofeducation.

Long LiveGreat November Revolution

In observance of 96th Anniversary of NovemberRevolution Comrade Sankar Saha, Member, CentralCommittee, SUCI(C) placing wreath at the portraitof great leader Comrade Lenin at the Party Central

Of fice (photo on the left) and Comrade YakubPailan, veteran Member, Central Committee,

SUCI(C) hoisting Party flag at District Party officeat Joynagar, South 24 Parganas.