ST. BENILDE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1901 Division Street • Metairie, Louisiana 70001 Church Office: (504) 834-4980 • Church Fax: (504) 834-4997 • Church Email: [email protected] www.stbenilde.org CLERGY Rev. Robert T. Cooper, Pastor Rev. H.L. Brignac, Sacramental Asst. Deacon Biaggio DiGiovanni Deacon Stephen Gordon Deacon Clifford Wright BAPTISMS First and Third Sundays of the month at 12 Noon. Please call the Parish Office for more information. MATRIMONY Please contact a priest/deacon 8 months prior to your wedding. FUNERALS Arrangements may be made at the Parish Office. Sunday, October 9, 2016 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time ORDINARY FAMILIES EXTRAORDINARY FAITH DEVOTIONS Holy Hour in Church Monday, 6:00-7:00 p.m. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Following 7 a.m. Mass on Tuesday NEWCOMERS Call the Parish Office to receive a New Parishioner Registration Packet. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY St. Benilde Conference (504) 233-3246 ST. BENILDE SCHOOL Mr. Matt Downey, Principal 1801 Division Street • Metairie, LA (504) 833-9894 MASS TIMES Saturday Vigil … 4 p.m. Sunday … 9:00, 11:00 a.m. & 6 p.m. Monday—Friday … 7:00 a.m. Monday and Thursday … 5:30 p.m. First Saturday … 8:45 a.m. HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION See Inside the Bulletin for Schedule CONFESSION TIMES Saturday … 3:00—3:45 p.m. Sunday … 5:00—5:45 p.m. Monday … 6:00—6:45 p.m. and by appointment at the Parish Office DIVINE MERCY ADORATION CHAPEL Eucharistic Adoration from 7:00 p.m. Sunday till 4:00 p.m. Saturday


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1901 Division Street • Metairie, Louisiana 70001

Church Office: (504) 834-4980 • Church Fax: (504) 834-4997 • Church Email: [email protected]


CLERGY Rev. Robert T. Cooper, Pastor Rev. H.L. Brignac, Sacramental Asst. Deacon Biaggio DiGiovanni Deacon Stephen Gordon Deacon Clifford Wright

BAPTISMS First and Third Sundays of the month at 12 Noon. Please call the Parish

Office for more information.

MATRIMONY Please contact a priest/deacon 8 months prior to your wedding.

FUNERALS Arrangements may be made at the Parish Office.

Sunday, October 9, 2016 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time



DEVOTIONS Holy Hour in Church

Monday, 6:00-7:00 p.m.

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Following 7 a.m. Mass on Tuesday

NEWCOMERS Call the Parish Office to receive a New

Parishioner Registration Packet.


St. Benilde Conference (504) 233-3246

ST. BENILDE SCHOOL Mr. Matt Downey, Principal

1801 Division Street • Metairie, LA (504) 833-9894

MASS TIMES Saturday Vigil … 4 p.m.

Sunday … 9:00, 11:00 a.m. & 6 p.m. Monday—Friday … 7:00 a.m.

Monday and Thursday … 5:30 p.m. First Saturday … 8:45 a.m.

HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION See Inside the Bulletin for Schedule

CONFESSION TIMES Saturday … 3:00—3:45 p.m. Sunday … 5:00—5:45 p.m. Monday … 6:00—6:45 p.m.

and by appointment at the Parish Office

DIVINE MERCY ADORATION CHAPEL Eucharistic Adoration from 7:00 p.m. Sunday

till 4:00 p.m. Saturday

Parish Motto—Building the Kingdom of God

Ministers of the Liturgy October 8 & 9, 2016

Saturday - 4 P.M. Intention: Dorothy Van Hoven, George Spaulding,

Robert Freeman, Pete Fountain,

Timothy Scalici, James Pinner, Joseph Segari,

Sabella Family, Calvin Tozel, Annie Bollinger,

Flora Maria Be, Patrick C. McKinney,

Byron & Z Rogers (L), Gerry Golemi

Merle & Charles Dittmer, Rose Marie Greco Federico

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:

R. Aucoin, C. Casente

Cantor: Trish Foti

Sunday - 9 A.M. Intention: Walter Haydel, Rosemary Haydel (L)

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:

J. Tusa, P. Cifreo, R. Meche, B. Soleto

Song Leaders: Traditional Choir

Sunday - 11 A.M. Intention: Mary Comberrel, Barbara Assad,

John Scala, Joseph Donald Bernard, Gerry Golemi,

Olga Claiborne, Mary Quaid, Rosary Schillici,

Joseph Torres, Mary Ducote, Kelvin Ducote,

Melvin Ducote, Dorothy Funck, Brenda Frey (L),

Dianne Z. Harrison, D.J. (Budd) Olister,

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:

J. Hutchinson, R. Oleksik, S. Gordon, L. Peters

Song Leaders: Contemporary Choir

Sunday - 6 P.M. Intention: Parishioners

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:

L. Daigle, B. David

Cantor: Lauren Gisclair Pianist: Beth Kettenring

Weekday Masses Monday 7:00 a.m. Don Rowan, Sr.

5:30 p.m. Frank Anthony Federico

Tuesday 7:00 a.m. Bill C. Johnson

Wednesday 7:00 a.m. Dolores S. Masson (L)

8:15 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Hilton Daigle, Sr.

Thursday 7:00 a.m. Janice B. Grillot

5:30 p.m. Audrey Olister

Friday 7:00 a.m. Marian Quigley

The Church Sanctuary Lamp burns in memory of

The Souls in Purgatory

The Blessed Mother

Votive Lamps burn

For Protection During the

Hurricane Season

Adoration Chapel

Sanctuary Lamp burns

in memory of

Stuart and Gloria Fourroux

Adoration Chapel Candles

burn for

Jody DiMaggio (L)

Altar Ladies Week of October 9

B. O’Hara, J. Didier

Linens Large - E. Lemoine

Small - J. Didier

The St. Joseph Votive Lamps

burn in

Thanksgiving for a Prayer


St. Benilde Catholic Church

The Altar Flowers are in memory of

Deceased Parishioners

Stewardship of Treasure Weekend of October 1 & 2

Envelopes …………………………………...$6,295.00

Loose ………………………………………….3,136.00

Electronic Giving ………………………………175.00

Repairs & Maintenance ……………………..2,433.00

Msgr. Richaud Fund …………………………..164.00

Totaling ……………………………………$12,203.00

“Let us focus on generosity, or returning God’s gifts

with increase, through the generous sharing of our time,

talent and treasure.”

~ Fr. Cooper

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Oct. 15/16 4 PM P. Delaup, E. Van Hoven 9 AM C. Frederick, L. Director, K. Klapatch, R. Theriot

11 AM D. Childers, R. Meece, K. & M. Sorensen 6 PM M. Drawe, D. Powers

St. Benilde Catholic Church Volume 34 Issue 41

Parish Motto—Building the Kingdom of God

Workshops Scheduled

Basic Workshops for the Liturgical Ministries are scheduled this month: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

will be held at St. Catherine of Siena on Saturday, Oct. 22; and for Readers, at St. Clement of Rome on Oct. 29. Both will run from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. You must get Fr. Cooper’s permission before registering for a workshop. Please call the Parish Office for more information.

We Need Your Help

Calling all egg lovers! We needs your rinsed, empty

eggshells to make confetti eggs for what is going to

be the best St. Benilde Parish Fair ever! Please

drop of the rinsed, empty eggshells to the Parish

Office at your convenience. Additionally, if you

know of any bakery that would be willing to donate

their eggshells, please let us know. We

truly appreciate your help and are looking

forward to a terrific Parish Fair!

All Souls Day Remembrance

On All Souls Day we honor all of our deceased loved ones in a special way. Here at St. Benilde Church we will be remembering your deceased loved ones both on this day with the celebration of Holy Mass (Wednesday, November 2) and at all of the Masses throughout the month of November.

In that spirit, we invite you to inscribe the names of those you wish for us to remember and pray for on All Souls Day and during the Masses throughout the month of November on the special All Souls Remembrance Envelopes found in the vestibule of the Church. Please place your envelopes in the collection basket or bring them to the Parish Office before November 1. The suggested donation is $5 per name recorded on your envelope. Mass remembrance envelopes will remain on the altar throughout the month of November and names will be printed in the Parish Bulletin.

Public Square Rosary Rally

Our parish family is invited to pray

the Rosary on Saturday Oct. 15, at 12

noon, at Veterans Memorial Square ,

located at Veterans Memorial Blvd.

and Causeway Blvd. This annual event has

been sponsored by America Needs Fatima since

2007. Over 15,00 country-wide rallies will be

held that day. Please bring your rosary and if

desired, water and a chair. Parking is available


Fr. Cooper’s Corner

Christian Cheerfulness and Joy

We come to the penultimate article in this 32-part series on the Plan of Life. Next week I will give a synthesis of what we have looked at over the course of the past fifteen months, but today I want to focus on what should be both a fruit of living all parts of the Plan of Life as well as a specific component in its own right of any Christian game-plan toward holiness: Christian joy and cheerfulness. Christian joy is, first, a gift and consequence of living a Plan of Life well. The Plan of Life is meant to facilitate a continual encounter with God through prayer, the Sacraments and charity, from the time of the Heroic Moment and Morning Offering at the beginning of the day to our General Examination at day’s end. And when we maintain a vivid awareness of the presence of God accompanying us, loving us, and strengthening us, it is hard not to be joyful. But at the same time, we have to work at being joyful. Joy is a fruit of various good habits, which are themselves the consequence of repeated good thoughts and deeds. If we regularly ponder the reality that God madly loves us, abides within us when we are in the state of grace, providentially cares for us better than the greatest earthly father cares for his children, seeks to draw good even out of the evil we suffer or do, and always listens to us in prayer, we will radiate a cheerfulness whether it is sunny or raining, whether we are experiencing worldly successes or struggles. On the other hand, if we wallow in self-pity, give into complaining, nurse our envies, indulge our worries, or begin to live as if we can find lasting happiness in anyone or anything other than God, we will never be satisfied and, although we may experience ephemeral pleasures, we will never really be happy. That’s why, in addition to Christian joy, which is fundamentally a gift of God beyond our direct control (Gal 5:22), it is good to talk about Christian cheerfulness, which is a general approach to life that consciously focuses on how life is fundamentally good and how our blessings always far outnumber our difficulties. It is in this sense that St. Paul can command us, “Rejoice always! … For this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thess 5:16). Such a statement would be absurd if the apostle were commanding us to “feel” joyful, because we are never in complete control of our emotions. But he can command us to “rejoice always,” because the types of behavior that lead to joy — thanking God and others, counting our blessings, looking at the bright side, finding the good in others and in situations, surrounding ourselves with joyful and good people, beginning with immersing ourselves in God — are largely within our control. Pope Francis has been urgently and persistently calling all Catholics to live with this Christian cheerfulness. In his exhortation The Joy of the Gospel, he described how many Catholics by their behavior basically make the good news seem like a lie because their conduct announces more a “bad news of great gloom” rather than the “good news of great joy.” They live, Pope Francis says, as if they are perpetually returning from a funeral, as if life is a long Lent with no Easter. On the other hand, when a Christian’s life as a whole begins to glow with joy, the joy that comes from a profound recognition that Jesus has risen from the dead triumphing over everything that could keep us down, those in the world who are seeking happiness down various roads that will never lead there will begin busting down our church doors trying to find the source of joy overflowing from Christian lives. Pope Francis says that to grow in joy, we must regularly contemplate and enter into Jesus’ joy. Often Christians do not look at Jesus the way He really was: the most joy-filled person who ever lived, someone who said He came into the world “so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be brought to perfection” (Jn 15:11). We do not picture Jesus smiling. We do not focus deeply enough on how He says His kingdom is like the joy of the sower at harvest time, the

Parish Motto—Building the Kingdom of God

St. Benilde Catholic Church

joy of the man who finds a hidden treasure, the shepherd who finds his lost sheep, the mom who has just given birth, the dad who welcomes home his wayward son, or the invited guests at a wedding reception. We do not ponder His natural joys at the goodness of creation, exulting in the birds of heaven and the lilies of the field. We do not share His jubilation at the loving hospitality of Martha, Mary and Lazarus, the conversion of Zacchaeus, the faith of the Canaanite woman and Centurion, the simple receptivity of little children. We do not think enough about the secret of His joy — His deep awareness of His being loved by the Father — and follow Him more deeply into the joy-filled mystery of divine filiation, that we are not orphans but much loved adopted children of the King of Kings! Christian cheerfulness, Pope Francis says, “drinks from the wellspring of [Jesus’] brimming heart.” Like Jesus, a Christian ought to emit spiritual sunshine, not dark clouds. We should radiate a zest for life, not suck the life out of a room. Salvation history is meant to be a “great stream of joy,” one in which we drink and bathe and invite others to join us. “A Church without joy is unthinkable,” Pope Francis said forthrightly in a 2013 homily. “Jesus has desired that his Bride, the Church, be joyful.” And if Jesus cannot make His Bride happy, then how will others ever think that He can make them happy? That is why it is so important, as a fruit of all the parts of a Plan of Life and a particular component in it, for us to receive and do all it takes to become cheerful, radiant followers, friends and emissaries of the joy-filled Savior who came to lead us to perfect happiness in this world and forever.

Foodie Fest Raffle

The St. Benilde Foodie Fest is Oct. 28-30. Proceeds from the

Foodie Fest go to school improvement efforts.

This year, the Foodie Fest is doing a $15,000 Reverse

Raffle! Here it how it works…We are selling 300 tokens for

$100 a chance... that means you get a 1 in 300 chance at

winning $15,000!

In a reverse raffle, you want to be the LAST number

called... not the first. Starting with the opening of the fair

on October 28, we will pull numbered tokens every hour

at the alumni booth. Numbers called will be eliminated

from the chance at $15,000.

HOWEVER, we will have some wildcard tokens in with

the numbered tokens. If your token is pulled immediately

after a wildcard token, you can win one of several cash


On Sunday evening during the last hour of the Foodie

Fest, the owners of the last ten tokens will be called to the

stage. We will pull tokens one at a time. After each

token is pulled, the remaining token owners will be given

a choice... they can either keep going or split the $15,000

evenly among them. All of the token owners most

unanimously agree to split the money to do so... so if one

holds out, we call the next token!

Tokens are on sale NOW! The sale closes Oct. 27 or when the

300th token is purchased, which comes first. So go to

501auctions.com/sbsgala and click on “$15,000 Raffle” and

buy your chance at $15,000!

St. Benilde Catholic Church Volume 34: Issue 41

Parish Motto—Building the Kingdom of God

40 Days for Life Campaign

September 28 - November 6, 2016

As most of you may already be aware, with the closing

of the Metairie abortion facility, this year's 40 Days for

Life Campaign's vigil will be held outside the Planned

Parenthood facility located at 4636 S. Claiborne Avenue

in New Orleans, from Sept. 28 - Nov. 6. While our parish

will not be adopting an entire day this year to pray

outside the facility, we invite each of you and your

families and friends to join another parish or group

during these 40 days to spend at least one hour in prayer

on any day(s) of the campaign. You can sign up at

"40daysforlifenola.com" or contact the campaign office at


Accounting Position St. Angela Merici Church is looking for an energetic,

pleasant person to handle a 20-hour a week part-time

accounting role. At least 2 years of accounting experience

with hands-on knowledge of QuickBooks, income

statements, balance sheets and computer literacy needed.

Hours are to be performed in the office and are flexible.

Parish Office hours are from 9 am to 4 pm Monday—

Friday. This is a benefit eligible position. All resumes for

consideration are to be submitted to: [email protected]


of your email.

OCTOBER 9, 2016





