(Order: Sapindales) Family: Anacardiaceae -- Sumac, Cashew Selected Family Traits: Habit: Shrubs, dioecious or bisexual+unisexual Leaves: Alternate, simple, compound, entire to serrate, pinnate venation, no stipules Infloresence: Raceme or panicle Flowers: Small radial, superior ovary, stamens 5 -10 reduced or sterile in pistillate flowers Calyx: 5 sepals common, united at base, disk-like nectary Corolla: 5 petals common, petals free Fruit: Drupe sticky, spheroidal, glabrous Genera: Anacardium, Malosma, Mangifera, Pistacia, Rhus, Schinus, Toxicodendron. TOXIC: Contact dermatitis caused by many genera. A Terminology: Panicle Compound inflores- cense with younger flowers at the apex. Pistillate A flower with stamens sterile or degenerate. Drupe Fleshy frt. 1 seed Petiole, petiolule Stalk to leaf, leaflet rsp. C Toxicodendron (genus traits): Shrubs, vines Lvs. ternate, odd-pinnately compound Infl. raceme or panicle; Fls. small, stamens 5 sterile or reduced in pistillate flowers Calyx 5 sepals Corolla 5 petals Fruit small drupe. Drupe sticky, spheroidal SGW Rhus integrifolia fruit B pinnate venation Margaret Fillius Margaret Fillius petals ciliolate (tiny hairs) Rhus integrifolia bisexual+unisexual panicle pistillate D Toxicodendron diversiloba © Br. Alfred Brousseau, Saint Mary's College Terminal leaflet Lateral leaflets Petiole Petiolule Note longer petiolule to terminal leaf. Poison Oak: resin in leaves, stems, fruit can cause severe contact derma- titis. © 2002 Margo Bors © 2003 Michael Charters 1 cm 1 cm 1 cm 1 cm 3 mm 3 mm Rhus = Greek name for sumac Toxicodendron = poison tree Rhus (genus traits): Shrubs or small trees, dioecious or bisexual+pistillate Lvs. alternate, simple or compound, stipules 0 Infl. raceme or panicle Fls. small, stamens 0 or 5, styles 3 Calyx 4-6 sepals Corolla mostly 5 petals Fruit 3 lobed capsules. stamens 0 or 5 small drupe 5 petals

(Order: Sapindales) Anacardiaceae -- Sumac, Cashew Selected Family …cseweb.ucsd.edu/~gill/AnaSite/Resources/Anacardiaceae.pdf · 2008. 1. 2. · Family: Anacardiaceae -- Sumac,

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Page 1: (Order: Sapindales) Anacardiaceae -- Sumac, Cashew Selected Family …cseweb.ucsd.edu/~gill/AnaSite/Resources/Anacardiaceae.pdf · 2008. 1. 2. · Family: Anacardiaceae -- Sumac,

(Order: Sapindales) Family: Anacardiaceae -- Sumac, CashewSelected Family Traits: Habit: Shrubs, dioecious or bisexual+unisexualLeaves: Alternate, simple, compound, entire to serrate, pinnate venation, no stipulesInfloresence: Raceme or panicleFlowers: Small radial, superior ovary, stamens5 -10 reduced or sterile in pistillate flowersCalyx: 5 sepals common, united at base, disk-like nectary Corolla: 5 petals common, petals free Fruit: Drupe sticky, spheroidal, glabrous Genera: Anacardium, Malosma, Mangifera, Pistacia, Rhus, Schinus, Toxicodendron.TOXIC: Contact dermatitis caused by manygenera.


Terminology: Panicle Compound inflores-cense with younger flowers at the apex. Pistillate A flower with stamens sterile or degenerate. Drupe Fleshy frt. 1 seed Petiole, petiolule Stalk to leaf, leaflet rsp.


Toxicodendron (genus traits): Shrubs, vinesLvs. ternate, odd-pinnately compound Infl. raceme or panicle; Fls. small, stamens 5 sterileor reduced in pistillate flowers Calyx 5 sepals Corolla 5 petals Fruit small drupe.

Drupe sticky, spheroidalSGW

Rhus integrifolia fruit


pinnate venation

Margaret Fillius

Margaret Fillius

petals ciliolate (tiny hairs)

Rhus integrifolia




Toxicodendron diversiloba

© B

r. A




au, S






Terminal leaflet

Lateral leaflets


PetioluleNote longerpetiolule toterminal leaf.

Poison Oak: resin in leaves,stems, fruit cancause severe contact derma-titis.

© 2002 Margo Bors© 2




l Ch



1 cm1 cm

1 cm1 cm

3 mm3 mm

Rhus = Greek name for sumac

Toxicodendron = poison tree

Rhus (genus traits): Shrubs or small trees, dioeciousor bisexual+pistillate Lvs. alternate, simple or compound, stipules 0 Infl. raceme or panicle Fls. small, stamens 0 or 5, styles 3 Calyx 4-6 sepalsCorolla mostly 5 petals Fruit 3 lobed capsules.

stamens 0 or 5


5 petals