PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Date Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing (This part is for administrative purposes only and is not part of the Order.) Authority under which Order is made: Act and section: Local Government Act, R.S.B.C. 2015, c. 1, s. 679 Other: Improvement District Letters Patent Amendment Regulation, OIC 050/2010 page 1 of 1 ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING Local Government Act Ministerial Order No. I, Selina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, order that the Letters Patent issued October 3, 1963 (the “Letters Patent”) for the Mill Bay Fire Protection District be amended as follows: 1. The area of the Mill Bay Fire Protection District is altered to include the land shaded and described as the extension area and to exclude the land shaded and described as the exclusion area, both areas being identified in the attached map titled “Schedule 1 to the Letters Patent of the Mill Bay Fire Protection District.” 2. Section 1 of the Letters Patent of the Mill Bay Fire Protection District is amended by striking out everything before “and all owners of land therein” and replacing it with the following: “The improvement district shall comprise all that tract of land including all foreshore and land covered by water consisting of a total area of 3,028.98 hectares within the boundary of the improvement district as shown outlined on the map, being Map Reference Number 162.3, dated October 16, 2017, attached as Schedule 1 to these Letters Patent,” 3. By repealing the current Schedule 1 to the Letters Patent and replacing it with the attached map titled “Schedule 1 to the Letters Patent of the Mill Bay Fire Protection District” cited as Map Reference Number 162.3, dated October 16, 2017. February 8, 2018 M 041


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Date Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

(This part is for administrative purposes only and is not part of the Order.)

Authority under which Order is made:

Act and section: Local Government Act, R.S.B.C. 2015, c. 1, s. 679

Other: Improvement District Letters Patent Amendment Regulation, OIC 050/2010

page 1 of 1



Local Government Act

Ministerial Order No.

I, Selina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, order that the Letters Patent issued October 3, 1963 (the “Letters Patent”) for the Mill Bay Fire Protection District be amended as follows: 1. The area of the Mill Bay Fire Protection District is altered to include the land shaded and described as the extension area and to exclude the land shaded and described as the exclusion area, both areas being identified in the attached map titled “Schedule 1 to the Letters Patent of the Mill Bay Fire Protection District.” 2. Section 1 of the Letters Patent of the Mill Bay Fire Protection District is amended by striking out everything before “and all owners of land therein” and replacing it with the following:

“The improvement district shall comprise all that tract of land including all foreshore and land covered by water consisting of a total area of 3,028.98 hectares within the boundary of the improvement district as shown outlined on the map, being Map Reference Number 162.3, dated October 16, 2017, attached as Schedule 1 to these Letters Patent,”

3. By repealing the current Schedule 1 to the Letters Patent and replacing it with the attached map titled “Schedule 1 to the Letters Patent of the Mill Bay Fire Protection District” cited as Map Reference Number 162.3, dated October 16, 2017.

February 8, 2018

M 041













Mill Bay


See Inset 1

See Inset 2

Pl 249RW

L APl 82580

DL 114E&N

IR#11(Ma la ha t)

Pt Blk 176

Pt Blk 176

PtBlk 176

PtBlk 176

Pt L C (DD 85403-I)

Pt L C (DD 85403-I)

Pt L C(DD 85403-I)

Pt Blk 176

Pt L C (DD 85403-I)

L 1 Pl 13486

L 2 Pl 13486L A Pl 39375

L 2 Pl 16775

L A Pl 13743

PtBlk 176

L 1 Pl V IP53661

Sec 13, Rge 5Sec 13, Rge 6 Sec 13, Rge 7

Sec 13, Rge 8Sec 13, Rge 9 Sec 13, Rge 10

L A (DD C82301)Pl 1903

N 5393568 m +/-E 458404 m +/-

IR#12(Ha tch Poin t)

RemDL 72

L 10 Pl 2942

Rem DL 77

L 12 Pl 8710N 5386110 m +/-E 459591 m +/-

N 5386229 m +/-E 459210 m +/-

Rem DL 46

Rem DL 60

L APl V IP78819

L 2 Pl 2942L 3 Pl 2942

L 2 Pl 8710

L 3 Pl 27979L 4 Pl 8710L 5 Pl 8710

AM L 7 (DD D20355) Pl 8710

L 6 Pl 1491 O S

L 11 Pl 8710

AM L 6 (DD D20356) Pl 8710

Pla n 40279A B

L 1 Pl 30797



Pla n 46865





Pla n 2929






Pla n V IS4257

E 13.33 Cha in sof the N 1/2Sec 1 Rge 7



Pla n 25764




Pcl A (DD 296648-I)

Pt Sec 6Rge 7

Pt Sec 7 Rge 7

E 75 AcresSec 6 Rge 7

L 1Pl 11730

Pla n 29988



12 16

L 2Pl 25020

L 1 Pl 21089L A Pl 25603

L 1 Pl 43003

L 1 Pl 24008

L APl 25692

L 1Pl V IP58311

L 1 Pl 24593L 1 Pl 24180

Pla n V IP51735

ea sterly in a stra ight lin e to the southea st corn er of L ot 1, Pla n V IP58311


25 7

Pcl M (DD 41934I)

L 1 Pl 7514

L APl 41279

L 2Pl 50032W 1/2

Sec 11 Rge 5

L 1Pl 39034

L 5 Pl 26541

Pl 1048RW

L A PL V IP61077

Pla n 37146

L B PL V IP57941

L A & B PL V IP60448



5 4 3

L A PL V IP57941

L 1 Pl 29396

RemSec 10 Rge 5

n ortherly a lon g the n ortherly prolon ga tion of the westerly b oun da ryof L ot 1, Pla n 39034 to the in tersection with the southwesterly

b oun da ry of L ot 1, Pla n V IP53661, a n d con tin uin gn ortherly to the m ost n ortherly n orthwesterly corn er of sa id L ot 1,

b ein g the poin t of com m en cem en t

due n orth to the in tersection with then ortherly b oun da ry of Section 13, Ra n ge 5

ea sterly a lon g the n ortherly b oun da ries of Section 13,Ra n ges 5, 6, 7 a n d 8, to the poin t of in tersection with thesouthwesterly b oun da ry of L ot A (DD C82301), Pla n 1903

ea sterly a lon g the n ortherly b oun da ries of Section 13, Ra n ges 8, 9 a n d 10,to the n orthea st com er of Section 13, Ra n ge 10,

b ein g a poin t on the n a tura l high-wa ter m a rk of Sa a n ich In let,on the westerly shore thereof

n ortherly a lon g the ea sterly b oun da ry of L ot A (DD C82301),Pla n 1903, to the poin t of in tersection with the n ortherly

b oun da ry of Section 13, Ra n ge 8

in a gen era l southerly direction a lon g the n a tura l high-wa ter m a rkof Sa a n ich In let, to the n orthea st com er of IR#12 (Ha tch Poin t)

in a gen era l southerly direction a lon g the n a tura l high-wa ter m a rk ofSa a n ich In let, to the m ost southerly com er of L ot 1, Registered Pla n 13099

N 5391547 m +/-E 456637 m +/-

N 5390329 m +/-E 456635 m +/-

n ortherly a lon g the westerly b oun da ry of DL 77 to a poin tdue ea st of the southea st corn er of L ot 10, Pla n 2942,then ce due west to sa id southea st corn er of L ot 10

n ortherly a lon g the n ortherly prolon ga tion of the westerly b oun da ry of L ot 10,Pla n 2942, to the poin t of in tersection with the southerly b oun da ry of L ot 5, Pla n 26541

n ortherly in a stra ight lin e to the southwest corn er of L ot 1, Pla n 4686

n ortherly in a stra ight lin e to the southwest corn er of L ot A, Pla n 2929

n ortherly in a stra ight lin e to the southwest corn er of DL 46

n orthwesterly in a stra ight lin e to the m ostsoutherly com er of L ot 9, Pla n 25764

westerly a lon g the southerly b oun da ry of Section 6,Ra n ge 7, to the southwest com er thereof

n ortherly a lon g the n ortherly prolon ga tion of the westerlyb oun da ry of Section 7, Ra n ge 7, to the in tersectionwith the southerly b oun da ry of L ot 2. Pla n 25020

ea sterly in a stra ight lin e to the southea st corn er of L ot 1, Pla n V IP51735

L 1Pl 8959

N 5393526 m +/-E 455156 m +/-

westerly in a stra ight lin e to the southea st corn er of L ot 12, Pla n 8710

southerly in a stra ight lin e to then orthwest corn er of L ot 6, Pla n 37146

southerly a lon g the westerly b oun a dry of the Em press Aven ueright-of-wa y to the n orthea st corn er of L ot B, Pla n V IP57941

n ortherly a lon g the ea sterly b oun da ryof the Em press Aven ue right-of-wa y

westerly in a stra ight lin e to the m ost ea sterlycorn er of the ea sterly pa rt of L ot C (DD 85403-I)

westerly in a stra ight lin e to thesouthea st corn er of the westerlypa rt of L ot C (DD 85403-I)

n ortherly, westerly a n d southerly a lon g the n orthern extrem ityof the Ma la ha t Fire Service Area of the Tra n s-Ca n a da Highwa y

Ma la ha t Fire Service Area

ea sterly a lon g the ea sterly prolon ga tion of the southerlyb oun da ry of L ot A, Pla n 13743 to the in tersection withthe southwesterly b oun da ry of L ot A, Pla n 82580

N 5385191 m +/-E 459958 m +/-

^Mill Ba yFire Protection District

Cowicha n V a lleyRegion a l District

80 100 200 300 400 500Metres

Schedule 1 to the L etters Pa ten tof the Mill Ba y Fire Protection District

Ma p Referen ce Num b er: 162.3

Legend: Point of Commencement: Data Source:L oca l Govern m en t L ega l Boun da ry Ma ps a reproduced b y GeoBC of the Min istry ofForests,L a n ds, Na tura l Resource Opera tion s a n dRura l Developm en t on b eha lf of the L oca lGovern m en t Division , Min istry of Mun icipa lAffa irs a n d Housin g usin g the m ost curren tda ta from the followin g da ta sources:Metes a n d Boun ds lega l description s from theL etters Pa ten t TRIM (Terra in Resource In form a tion Ma ppin g)FWA (Freshwa ter Atla s)ICF (In tegra ted Ca da stre Fa b ric)For m ore in form a tion on the da ta a n dspecifica tion s, plea se visit the GeoBCweb site a t www.geob c.gov.b c.caL ICENCE AND OWNERSHIPCopyright © 2017, Provin ce of British Colum b ia .All rights reserved. This m a teria l is own ed b ythe Govern m en t of British Colum b ia a n dprotected b y copyright la w. It m a y n ot b ereproduced or redistrib uted without the priorwritten perm ission of the Provin ce of BCNorth Am erica n Da tum (NAD) 83 BC Alb ersU TM Z on e 10

BCGS map sheets:92B.062 a n d .063

Site 1 - Com m en cin g a t the n orthwest corn er of L ot E, Section 13,Ra n ge 5, Sha wn iga n L a n d District, Registered Pla n 1809, then ce clockwiseSites 2 - 3 - Not required. L ega l lots a s shown .

Addition a l L a n d Area (ha )Excluded L a n d Area (ha )Tota l L a n d Area (ha ):Tota l Foreshore a n d Wa ter Area (ha ):



In ten ded plot size of this pla n is 34 x 44 in ches when plotteda t a sca le of 1:10,000V ictoria L a n d Title DistrictMa la ha t a n d Sha wn iga n L a n d DistrictsMO # Produced b y:GeoBCNa tura l Resource Sector Clien t ServicesDa te Plotted:Filen a m e:

O ctob er 16, 2017m ill_ b a y_ fpd5f.pdf

m den otes m etresU TM Coordin a teÎ

Exten sion Area

DISCL AIMER AND WARNINGThe Provin ce of British Colum b ia m a kes n o represen ta tion s or wa rra n ties rega rdin g the a ccura cy,m ercha n ta b ility, fitn ess for a pa rticula r purpose or com pleten ess of a n y in form a tion con ta in ed in orotherwise com prisin g this m a p. Without lim itin g the foregoin g, you a re wa rn ed n ot to use this m a p forn a viga tion a l purposes. This m a p m a y b e gen era lized a n d m a y n ot reflect curren t con dition s. U n cha rtedha za rds m a y exist.CONTACT: Plea se sen d suggestion s for im provem en ts to this product or correction s to the b a sein form a tion to GeoBCIn [email protected] c.ca

Im provm en t DistrictBoun da ry

Sca le 1:10,000


in a gen era l southerly direction a lon g then a tura l high-wa ter m a rk of Sa a n ich In let,

to the m ost southerly com er of L ot 1, Pla n 13099

L 1Pl 13099

Pt L A(DD 85403I)Pl 3547

Pt L A(DD 85403I)Pl 3547

Pt L C(DD 85403I)PL 3547

L 1PL 13486

N 5383949 m +/-E 461502 m +/-

in a gen era l n orthwesterly direction a lon g the southwesterlylim it of Sa n dy Bea ch Roa d, Pla n 3547, to the poin t ofin tersection with the southwesterly prolon ga tion of thesouthea sterly b oun da ry of L ot C (DD 85403I), Pla n 3547

Sa ndy

Poin t

Roa d


Inset 1Sca le 1:1,000



N 5392379 m +/-E 455758 m +/-

N 5392699 m +/-E 455589 m +/-

Pcl A(DD 148588I)

L APl 7376

L 1Pl 7364

L 1PL 44454

L 2Pl 50032

PtSec11,Rge 5,Pl19787I(E&NRailwa y)

n ortherly a lon g the n ortherly prolon ga tion of the westerlyb oun da ry of Pa rcel A (DD148588I) to the in tersectionwith the southerly b oun da ry of L ot A, Pla n 7376

n ortherly to the n orthwesterlycorn er of L ot 1, Pla n 44454

westerly to the in tersection with the ea sterly lim it of theEsquim a lt a n d Na n a im o Ra ilwa y right­ of-wa y (DD 19787I)

n ortherly a lon g the ea sterly b oun a dry of the Em press Aven ueright-of-wa y to the southerly corn er of Pa rcel B (DD 51853)

LAPlV IP64443



L 1Pl 8959

L 1Pl 29396

Pcl B (DD 51853I)

Em pressAven ue

In set 2Sca le 1:2,500

Exclusion Area