a TWO GOD A.JSTD OUR COUNTRY VOLUME 9, SATURDAY. MORNTNGr, JULY 10, 18T5. .-I_j.j 1 --.-r-- 3HBJC _ ALWAYS IX ADVANCE. JM U iVLJ^DjO/ £l DEISTTISTHY H. F. MUCJfcENFUSS, »cutist OF CHARLESTON, can bo found at bis OFFICE above Captain HAMIL¬ TON'S STORE, on Mar¬ ket Street lUforoncos.Das. J. P. Patmck, B. A. Mvokekpvss, A. P. Pklzer, M. D., and iMBISBB.PKI.SBH, RODOBßS & Co. ... Ä r -^.¦. V , i ¦;¦.!,.k-4 NOTICE TO THE [LADIES AND GENTIJE1WEN OF ORANGEBURG, * MOSES M. BROWN, the Harbor pledges Ifcimscif to keep up with tho timed in nil the 'LATE IMPROVEMENTS, as hia business is sufficient to gurnntee the above. He will 'bo fouud at Iiis old stand, ever ready to 'serve his customers ut the shortest notice. apt 11 30 Nine Yeal&f DRUGS and MEDIOIENS. "PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, ami PATENT MEDICIENS, SOILET ARTICLES, CANDIES, CUTLERY, SEGA RS, TORACCO.S &c. H have on hand also a suply of SEEDS and ONION SETTS. Tororiptions carcfuly compounded, orders tfrom the oountry strickly attended to at tho IPoplar Drug Store of DR. A. C/DUKES. jan 28 1874 ly Horses and Mules AT BAMBERG &JSLATER'S STABLES IN Pi EAR OF J, GEO. TONE'S STORE. TVhcrc yon will .find a COMPLETE- stöck »of the finest -HORSES and MULHP that] con Tjc procured 'from the BEST MARKETS in KU« United Stale*. " Our prices *n«gt: frem HiSO to $'J25. All orders filled at the ehort.QSt -notice. .. ,. , . If nur -stock on huud do not .please we <*it«e't8 »»874 iL ki .Cm ~i\TOTICE is licrcuy given of ,t\ the loss <or destruction of Certificate .of Deposit N». &V1, Otin'gclmrg ttr-aheky ¦Citizens Savings Rank of South OnroHnn; ^¦aued to the late E. J. OliveTOB, deceased, *ud also of Deposit. Book No: flO/ofsamc .Branch, in the ¦name -of tho'Bahl t£. J. Oli- ¦veros, in trust, and that I'will:apply' in ihrre months ft*oiu d»te for »vron*Wal of the1* «ame, and for such dividends as may accrue thereon, to tie Trustee and-Comtnittoe^f- the said Bank, at Columbia, & C E. ROSA C. OLtVEROS,» mar «.1 am Stn Qiudifiod-ESecirtrix. Dental, NP'ö't rcE THE undersigned takes pleasnr* in an nouncing to his many friends and patrons that he has permanently located at Orange- bur;, C. 11., 8. C, where he will ditvote his cm ti re time, from every Monday till Saturday ¦eon to the PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY in all ita Depa» tmentaX.^e^ect4aijßfaopop guaranteed in ail oper'titibn/t/ebtJusteilOo; his care. Charges very^moaejrote. Office at Dr FerRner'B old Bland over Will- oock'n Store. A. M. SNIDER, D. S. L. S. WOLFE. THE 0ÄANGEBURG HIGH SCHOOL IN THE, . r - BASER! HOTEL,, For terms apply to S. 13L MELLICHAMP, '. ../'"/:.. < I'Hncipn'r. FIRE INSlTiiXWici^ A GENOY. Havirig secured the AGENCY of the "City InsuranCj Company OF Iprpvidece, !R. I." / fijOiltfllal, $210,051. "Wjth thai jidfparticipating Companies, Tlic "Fireman's Fund," Capi> tal $(500,000. And the "Atlantic," of New York. I urn prepared to lake RISKS of nnv amount, cliyjding them in eaypral 1st Class Companies, ip*huh ic*r dicWention of properly holders. .JL'Tll'l > 8l3ICO J A L ßTBKS" T ken on CjlN iRJUHES, MILLS and BARNS. JOIJN A. HAMILTON, Firs Instance Agent. A few tons of GUANAPE PERUVIAN QUANO. Also a supply of the MAPES STANDARD FERTILIZERS. j. a. HAMILTON, »p| 3 l«7o )y The English Language A pretty deer in dear to mc, A hare with dewy liair, A harti love with all my heart, But barelv bear a bear. 'Ti* plain that no one takes a piano To luivo a pair of pears; A rake, though, often takes a rake. And tears away the tares. A. vrritin writing, "righj," may write. li/jlwrigirt," mübiitül be wröng,' For XSvrite-y.nnu ''rite" are neither "right," And don't to Wright belong. Beer often brings a bier to man, Coughing a count brings, And too much ale will make us ail, As well us sonic other things. The person lies who says he lies When he is not reclining, And when consumptive folks decline They all decline declining. A cpiail don't nuail before a storm; A bough will how before it; caüTJotfrbjh the rain'at'all: j ffNo cdrth'ljTipowexsrcigii o'er it; The dyer dyes awhile, then dies; To dye he's always trving, Until upon his dying bed, lie thinks no more of dyeing. A son of Mars mar» many a sun; All deys must have their days, And every knight should pray each night ToIIim who weighs his ways. 'Tis mete that man should mete our meet To feed misfortune's son. The fair should fare on love alone, Else one cannot bo won. A law, alas! is eomctimes false; . Of faults a maid is made; Here waist is but a,barren waste. Though stay'd slic is not staid. The springs spring forth, in Spring, and shoots, Shoot forward, one and all; Though Summer, kill« the flowers, it leaves The leaves to fall in Fall, -¦¦-'/< i ' ( I I would a story here commence, Biltyou might lind it stale; So let's Bupposc that we have reached .. The tail end of our talc TrlE BOOKS AFFAIU. is about light com] and about Vt., Nov. This creafcpdj"¥i) fore descrj let us gc to the lit A BTRAXCJE BTO.I|Y OF CIUCÜMSTANT- U .'.'.* I'AL'irS'IDKKOE. ^ Oni .^lie mmmng ofthe 2T>rfr of No¬ vember, 1819, I read in the Rutland CsU^i llcwld the following notice: imO j i-1'WÜ.BDERl" "Primers of newspapers throughout .the . United States are desired to pub¬ lish tliajt,. Stephen Boorn, of Man¬ chester, Vermont, is sentenced to bo executjickl fcr the murder of Russell I iiojyiui.i^'foo has been absent about seven years. Any person who can give jjjforiuintiou. of said Colvin may fla,vej'tbe litte of'the innocent, by mak¬ ing immeditue communication. Colvin Jive feet five inches high, legion, light hair, blue eyes, f40 years old". Manchester, |<i, 1819." Immuuication was copied paHy by newspapers, and £re>}, rjfeal of interest. Be- ping cvcubTtliat followed, back to the year 1812 and town of Manchester, Yer- s in out. Barney Booru, an wld man, had two sons, St phen ami Jesso, aud a daughter, Sarah, wife of Russell Col- viu, a 1 nlf-crazed, half-witted day laborer. iThey were a bad.lot, poor, (atul in doubtful repute for Two miserable hovels ser- for shelter, and a few acres mrrens constituted all their They raised a few pota- jgardcti vegetables. a::d eked mty livelihood by days work iighboring farmers. 1812, Colvin \v s at home. i\c was missing. At first this |;d no remark. I Iowas always absent from diomc sometimes Iks together. But this time he come back. As 'weeks !grbw lonths inquiries began to be imong tho neighbors about the man. There are uo tongues <sip like those which wag in a village. Ope spoke to another. }r/>ent grew. Wonder, like, a ious disease, nllbcted every- honesty" ved the of pine posscssU tobs an but a for the. In A In Jup occasi a tmn for we did n into i made mi&sii for Yanl Ex*di $M body It exist a g proo man Boo an Ecu bad was known that there had long 1 between the old man and boys dgo against Colvin; if. was in that the last time the missing as seen he was at work with the clearing stones from a field, hat a dispute was going on; and Colvin, a boy, son of Russell, dated that his lather had struck his uncle Stephen, and that the other returned the blow, and that then he, the boy, becoming frightened, ran away. Again, a Mr. Jin Id win had heard Stephen Boom, in answer to the inquiry as to where Colvin was, say, "lie's gone to hell, I hope." "Is he dead, Stephen?'' pursued Mr. Baldwin. "I tell you again," replied the man, "that Colvin has gone where potatoes won't freeze." For seven years the wonder grew. Cölvin's ghost haunted every house in Bennington county. There was no known proof that the Booms were guilty, and yet everybody believed it. A button and jack-knife were found, which Mrs. C. believed to have be¬ longed to Russell; dreams, thrice re¬ pealed, were had by old women nnd kitchen girls.and ten thousand stories were iu circulation, Five years after Colvin was mused, Stephen Boom, removed to Denmark, N. Y., while Jesse remained at home. After the former had left some bones wore accidentally found in the decay¬ ed trunk of a tree in his house, and, though all surgeons said to the con¬ trary, it was universally believed that they were part of a human skelton. Of course, then .they must be Colvin's bones. Jcsso was arrested, Stephen was brought back from Denmark and both were held for examination. Al¬ though all the testimony when sifted was found to be worthless, yet two brothers were remanded back to jail, a^d Jesse was worked upon to make him turn State's evidence. The jailer tormented him with suggestions, which his, wife followed up with womanly adroitness. Neighbors helped 1B Beset with proachiiig dud praycrai trae 1 s, ami 7- sermons,' religious con versation and pious diiections.that there was no doubt in auy one's mind but that ^trjplieh'cotAwgteA t\ic infil'Bh* xi i gW to make a dean breast of it and l litis save his body and soul, what wonder that the man confessed, or was alleged to have confessed, that Stephen Boorn did murder Russell Colytn ? On Sept, 3, 1810, the grand jury found, Oj bill of indictment against Stcplien and Jesse Boom for thp mutder of Bussel J Colvin.. Williams Farnswörth testified that Stephen con¬ fessed that he did it, and that Jesse helped him; that they hid'the body, in the .hushes, then .juried it, then dug :t up'.'aint. burned ' it, and then scraped the few remains and hid them in a stump. TJdou' this unsupported evi¬ dence the jury returned a verdict of gffilty againsthoth prisoners, ami they were sentenced, to bo hung on Jan. 28, 1820. And now the men came, to their senses. They asserted their innocence. They said that they had confessed as their last hope. Some compassion began to be fell for them. They might, a.'ter all, be innocent. A peti¬ tion for their pardon was presented to the Legislature. But.it availed "'dy to' obtain commutation of Jesse's sent¬ ence to imprisonment for life. No more. Stephen was to be hanged. Let the reader now turn to another chapter of this strange history. In April, 1813, there lived in Dover, Mc-nmouth county, lsT-. J,k.a Mr. James rollmnius. During that month a way¬ farer, begging food, stopped at the cjoor. Being handy, good-natured, quiet and obedient, homeless, and weak of itclloct, too, he was allowed to stay, lie said his name was Russell Colvin, and that he came from Man¬ chester, Vt. Itfot far from Dover lies tho little town of Shrewsbury, then a quiet hamlet, now invaded .by tho cottages and villas,,of* Long Branch pleasure- seekers. Here lived Tuber Chadwick, brolhor-in. jaw to Mr. I'olhamus, and intimnto with the family. Acoidonlly reading the New York Evening 7W, he met, not with the notice of the Rutland llcrahl, but with an account of the trial of tho Booms. Convinced that the Russell Colvin, alleged to have been murdored, was tho very man living with Mr. Volhamus, he. wrote to the Evening VW a letter, which was published Dec. I), 1810. Upon the arrival of this paper at Manchester; it excited but little at¬ tention. Tlio letter was believed to be a forgery ör a fraud. Jlad not the best pooploiu the town long believed the Booms to bo guilty? Had not one, norhaps both, of thctn, made full confession ? : The bones of the mur- "dored man,, a portion of his coat, his jack-knife.had they not all been found ? Had not an upright Judge made solemn charge that the evidence was conolilsivc, and "an intelligent jury found them guilty, and the Legis¬ lature sanctioned the findings? There was no doubt of their guilt.none whatever, and therefore no befit of a i}. ubt had^hecn given by jury, Chief Justice or Court of Appeal. Mr. Chadwiok's letter was neverthe¬ less taken ;t0 Stephen's coll ami read aloud. The news was so overwhelming that naturo could scarcely survive the shock. The poor fellow dropped in a fainting fit.to the floor, and had to be recovered by dashes of cold water. Intelligence came next day froxi a Mr. Whelpley, formerly a resident of Manchester, that he himself had been to New Jersey ai)d seen Russell Col¬ vin. The members of the jury which had convicted the Booms, however, hesitated to .accept anything short of the man's presence, and Judge Chase, who had sentenced them, pointed to Stephen Boom's confession, Tlic third day came another letter. "I have Rituell Colvin with me," wrote Mt. Whelpley. "I personally know Russell Colvin,'' swore John ICcmpton; "he now stands before me." "It is the same Russell Colvin who married Ann Boorn, of Manchester, Vt.," made affidavit Mrs. Jones, of iSiookln. But it would not answer. Pride, of opinion is ftuhl orh.' J3oubf of opinion dies hard. Manchester in- tclligenecj net to say piety, was on trial, j^fc.'^ behooved all good rosi- t u t. i^mgrlh!¦ r 11.wri p;i; 11fjUri)iy i i.ljon, to the last. However, Colvin,or Oolvin's double, was on his way. As he passed throng l'oughkccpsic the streets were throng¬ ed to sec him: His story was printed in every newspaper and told at every fire side. At Hudson eannous were jircd; in Albany he was shown tu the .crowd from the platform; aud all along' the load lO' Troy bands of;music-' were playing and banndrs- werc flaunt¬ ing and cheers were given as Col yip passed by. Some men become' famous from having been murdered. Russell Colvin was famous becauso he was alive. Toward evening of Friday, Decem¬ ber 22, 1S19, a double sleigh was driven furiously down the main street of Manchester to the tavern door. It contained Whelpley, Kcmpton, Chad- wick, and the bewildered Ruwel 1 Col* \in. Immediately a orowd of men, women and children gathered around, nnd as the sleigh unloaded its occu¬ pants and they took their place on the piazza; exhibiting the last man to view, "That's Ruseell Colvin, sure enough ! T' re's no doubt about it!" came from the lips of scores of gazers, .Ho embraced his two children, asked lifter the Boom, nnd started Jor the jail. The prison doors were unbolted and the news told to Stephen Boorn. "Colvin has; come, Stephen," said tho.Rcv. Lemuel Haynas.-. "lias he?" asked the prisoner. "Where is he ?" "Here I am, Stephen," said his brother-in-law. "What's that on your legs?" "Shackles!" replied Boorn. " "Whatfor?'* "Because they said I murdorcd you." "You never hurt mo in your life," .replied Colvin. The .sequel is soon to'd. Stephen Bödfn was released from prison, as was Jcsso also. Russell Colvin re¬ turned to New Jcr joy. But tho Judge who suffered an innocent man to bo convicted of murder by tho admission of extra-judicial confessions.the members of the jury, who deliberated but ono hour before agreeing upon a verdict of guilty upon evidence that bhculd not hang a dog.tho deacon nnd f hurch members who urged con- fcssion and preached repentance.und tho niiietY-sevr \ members of the Legislature, sit ig as n Court of Ap¬ peals, who ret used re-heuriujjj of evi¬ dence.what became of them ? A Terrible Problem. A recent number of a scientific journal, speaking of the relative pro¬ portion of the sexes in the human race, says Max Adder, declares that for every -150 men that came into,the world, 100 72-100 women are born. I do. not ditpulc these figures. I only a«k for light. It appears, according to this, t hat there arc sonic women who arc only 72-100 of women. What the remaining 28-100 are I cannot ima¬ gine. iN'ow, what I want to know is this : If a woman of this kind marries a 1-100 man and has a daughter, will the daughter lie an 84-100 woman'or a96-100 woman? And what will be the exact relation between Mich a daughter and a 70-100 aunt ami her 87-100 daughters, especially if the 87- 100 girls marry the brothers of the 00-100 girl, and so become hcr08-100 first cousin, but also her 9Ö-100 sister- in-law, the aforesaid 7(5-100 aunt be¬ coming also the 80-100 mother-in-law of the 88-100 nephews, will the. the.. Let mc see, where am 1 ? It is an awful subject to grapple with. Oh, yes ! I say if the 70 100 aunt -. But no. The question can't be solved in any such way as this. I give it up. Tho only way to get at it will be to do the sum in algebra somehow, making the daughter x, the aunt y, the first cousin a, and the mother-in-law b. Then it scorns to,me, if you multiply theauntby thedaugh- tur and divide thi "first cbu'slon by the, mother-in-law,' iii; some )Vny Or ''oVhcr,'. or ext ra ct the square root of the- con- si ril and subtiaet the result fro.n tue aunt, keeping the daughter a common <lpnon^;itnr| nml at tllO saiUO tilUP make Uec'ima'il iractian ot tno'nufflrer^' in-htw, perhaps ' the result might bo satisfactory. But I am not certain. 1 am poor in mathematics. I wish that Professor Tyndall would subject it to. a chemical analysis^ - ii «i' « c.' - '' rartH.not -ünerally; Kiump. '<¦ ; »¦ »di ml ?»*-' Melons were found origjnajlycin A^tt* im >ob» «Ü The cantolope is a natiye_.qf _Ame- riea, und is so called from the name of a place near Rome, whsrp it was first cultivated in Europe. Tin nectarine is said to have re¬ ceived its name from nectar, the par¬ ticular drink of tho gods. Pears wero originally brought from the East by the Kornaus. The greengage is called nfl$r*thc Gage family, who firBt took it into England from a monastery in Paris.. Filbert* originally came from Greece., The walnut is a native of Persia the Caecacus and China. The Greqks called butter bouturos -'cow cheese,! Before the middle of the seven¬ teenth century, tea was not used in Kugland, and was entirely unknown to the Giveks and Romans. The beau is en id to be a native of Europe. . Spinach is a Persian plant. The tomato is a native of South America, and takes its name from an Indian word. 'Jdio turnip on me originally from 11.. me. ,, Sweet mnjoram is a native of Portu- Coriander seed came oi^guially from the East. The clovo is a nativo of tho Moluc¬ ca Islands, also is the nutmeg. Capers originally grew wild in Greece and Korthern Africa. Thin is the way the young men of Farmington comb back on the young ladies who resolved not to counten¬ ance t he use of tobacco by association with those addicted to the habit: AW//('tt^Tl'iuL hcroafter we wilt not associate with or countenance any fe¬ male who wears false hair or false tectli (under twenty years of age,) or who use corsets or paints, and who allows her trail to draggle in tho street'*. How tüo Jury Stood. r. A New York reporter made ex¬ haustive efforts to get the exact status of the several members of the Beech* or-Tilton jury, and beHevea that he '* bus ascertained how each juror has stood'on the issuo of Boo .her'»' guilt /luring their protracted consultation. It is possible that he has mrtda one or <¦' two immaterial mistaken in classifying the jurors, but the following is given - as the way they stood last evening.'. t will be seep that two of them are supposed to agree exactly,-and that their diflercuces take the wildest pos- , sible range. Without assuming to indorse the report, wo give it as it has reached us: 1 Not guilty.believed so from the start. 2 Not guilty, but must marry the' woman. 3 Not guilty, but must do Bo no more. . ' 4 Guilty, but entitled to another' ebuuec. 5 Bceclier inuoccnt, but Mrs. Til- ton guilty. i. q 5 Not guilty, but should stop preaching. 7 Guilty, without qualifications. 8 Not guilty, nut married the wrong woman. 9 Guilty, but not proven.* 10 Not guilty, but should have a' mule congregation. 11 Guilty generally. 12 Not guilty, but hoe doubtful va-1 nations, 1 "'.* Wasu foh Fences anu Outbuild¬ ings..The following is a most exeeel- j lent, cheap and durable wash for wooden fences nnd buildings. It owes its'dh^abiiity tb lü^mlif^mk^ hardens and'h^e^lne1' wash : t,,-1 ^'j^,. Tak'ö 'a barrel aWd slack one oushei': of freshly burned lime in it, by cover- ing^the lime with boiling' wato'rv'V ' enough to bring it to the consistency ' of good white-wash. Then¦dissolvein water, and add one pound of vrhito Vitriol (sulphate of zinc) nnd ono quart of. fine salt.' ri>n -. il |»di < To givo; this wash a cream colo.*l: add one-half a pound of yellow ochre.'-' Üt),iPonder,).',^0 give it, n,-faWttlook, add a pound of yellow ochre, and oiic-r fourth of a. pound of Indian: rficL a^ftUir To make the wash a handsome gray.v ; stone color, add one-half a- pound of French bhu, and one-fourth pound of Indian red; a drab will bo made by adding1 one-half of a pound of burnt sienna, and ono-fourth pound Venetian red. For brick or stone, instead of one bushel of limo, use half a bushel ef lima, alid half a bushel of hydraulic. A Hint to F^UMEits.-r-In sections.and, it would be a decided. advance in the thoughtfulness and ij kindness in all sections.farmers give each of their boys, and girls, too, u 5 strip of land to raise whatever they K choose oh it, and dispose of tbnpro-^ duct for their own benefits. It is a favor that they all appreciate, and it is d pleasant and serviceable employ- t meni for them in their leisure hours. They will vie with each other in their skill ut raising their little crops,'ana j the proceeds applied to tlieir own use, (- arc frequently of some value; and tho whole arrangement while it instructs them in the cultivation of tho soil, early implants in the children the idea of thrill and economy. ,,, . Copy was out. The devil picked up a paper and said, "Herea some¬ thing 'About a Woman'.rinust I cut it out?'' "No!'' thundered thettditnrji "the first disturbance ever, created in .< tho world was occasioned by the devil to fooling about a woman." | 'Do you kiiow who I am V asked a policeman oi a fellow whom he had] seized by tho throat, 'Not exactly, sir; but 1 fancy you arc tho malignant col hirer.' cem-nt. "Timo softens all things," except the young man who parts his hlir in the middle and whistles ou the street cars. Nothing can make him any seller that] he is.

Orangeburg news and times.(Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-07-10. · A BTRAXCJE BTO.I|Y OFCIUCÜMSTANT-U.'.'.* I'AL'irS'IDKKOE. ^Oni.^lie mmmngofthe 2T>rfr of No¬ vember, 1819, I read in

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Page 1: Orangeburg news and times.(Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-07-10. · A BTRAXCJE BTO.I|Y OFCIUCÜMSTANT-U.'.'.* I'AL'irS'IDKKOE. ^Oni.^lie mmmngofthe 2T>rfr of No¬ vember, 1819, I read in




.-I_j.j 1 --.-r-- 3HBJC _



H. F. MUCJfcENFUSS, »cutistOF CHARLESTON, can bo found at bis

OFFICE above Captain HAMIL¬TON'S STORE, on Mar¬

ket StreetlUforoncos.Das. J. P. Patmck, B. A.

Mvokekpvss, A. P. Pklzer, M. D., andiMBISBB.PKI.SBH, RODOBßS & Co. ... Ä r-^.¦. V , i ¦;¦.!,.k-4NOTICE



MOSES M. BROWN, the Harbor pledgesIfcimscif to keep up with tho timed in nil the'LATE IMPROVEMENTS, as hia business issufficient to gurnntee the above. He will'bo fouud at Iiis old stand, ever ready to'serve his customers ut the shortest notice.

apt 11 30






&c.H have on hand also a suply of

SEEDS and ONION SETTS.Tororiptions carcfuly compounded, orders

tfrom the oountry strickly attended to at thoIPoplar Drug Store of

DR. A. C/DUKES.jan 28 1874ly

Horses and MulesAT


J, GEO. TONE'S STORE.TVhcrc yon will .find a COMPLETE- stöck

»of the finest -HORSES and MULHP that] conTjc procured 'from the BEST MARKETS inKU« United Stale*. "

Our prices *n«gt: frem HiSO to $'J25. Allorders filled at the ehort.QSt -notice. .. ,. , .

If nur -stock on huud do not .please we

<*it«e't8 »»874 iL ki .Cm

~i\TOTICE is licrcuy given of,t\ the loss <or destruction of Certificate.of Deposit N». &V1, Otin'gclmrg ttr-aheky¦Citizens Savings Rank of South OnroHnn;^¦aued to the late E. J. OliveTOB, deceased,*ud also of Deposit. Book No: flO/ofsamc.Branch, in the ¦name -of tho'Bahl t£. J. Oli-¦veros, in trust, and that I'will:apply' inihrre months ft*oiu d»te for »vron*Wal of the1*«ame, and for such dividends as may accruethereon, to tie Trustee and-Comtnittoe^f-the said Bank, at Columbia,& C

E. ROSA C. OLtVEROS,»mar «.1 am Stn Qiudifiod-ESecirtrix.

Dental, NP'ö't rcETHE undersigned takes pleasnr* in an

nouncing to his many friends and patronsthat he has permanently located at Orange-bur;, C. 11., 8. C, where he will ditvote hiscm ti re time, from every Monday till Saturday¦eon to the

PRACTICEOF DENTISTRYin all ita Depa» tmentaX.^e^ect4aijßfaopopguaranteed in ail oper'titibn/t/ebtJusteilOo; hiscare. Charges very^moaejrote.

Office at Dr FerRner'B old Bland over Will-oock'n Store.




IN THE, . r -


HOTEL,,For terms apply to

S. 13L MELLICHAMP,'. ../'"/:.. < I'Hncipn'r.FIRE INSlTiiXWici^

A GENOY.Havirig secured the AGENCY of the

"City InsuranCj CompanyOF

Iprpvidece, !R. I."/ fijOiltfllal, $210,051.

"Wjth thai jidfparticipating Companies,Tlic "Fireman's Fund," Capi>

tal $(500,000.And the"Atlantic," of New York.

I urn prepared to lake RISKS of nnvamount, cliyjding them in eaypral 1st ClassCompanies, ip*huh ic*r dicWentionof properly holders. .JL'Tll'l >


JOIJN A. HAMILTON,Firs Instance Agent.



j. a. HAMILTON,»p| 3 l«7o)y

The English LanguageA pretty deer in dear to mc,A hare with dewy liair,

A harti love with all my heart,But barelv bear a bear.

'Ti* plain that no one takes a pianoTo luivo a pair of pears;

A rake, though, often takes a rake.And tears away the tares.

A. vrritin writing, "righj," may write.li/jlwrigirt," mübiitül be wröng,'For XSvrite-y.nnu ''rite" are neither "right,"And don't to Wright belong.Beer often brings a bier to man,Coughing a count brings,And too much ale will make us ail,As well us sonic other things.

The person lies who says he liesWhen he is not reclining,And when consumptive folks declineThey all decline declining.

A cpiail don't nuail before a storm;A bough will how before it;caüTJotfrbjh the rain'at'all: jffNo cdrth'ljTipowexsrcigii o'er it;

The dyer dyes awhile, then dies;To dye he's always trving,Until upon his dying bed,lie thinks no more of dyeing.

A son of Mars mar» many a sun;All deys must have their days,And every knight should pray each nightToIIim who weighs his ways.'Tis mete that man should mete our meetTo feed misfortune's son.

The fair should fare on love alone,Else one cannot bo won.

A law, alas! is eomctimes false;. Of faults a maid is made;Here waist is but a,barren waste.Though stay'd slic is not staid.

The springs spring forth, in Spring, andshoots,

Shoot forward, one and all;Though Summer, kill« the flowers, it leavesThe leaves to fall in Fall,-¦¦-'/< i ' ( I

I would a story here commence,Biltyou might lind it stale;So let's Bupposc that we have reached.. The tail end of our talc


is aboutlight com]and aboutVt., Nov.


creafcpdj"¥i)fore descrjlet us gcto the lit

A BTRAXCJE BTO.I|Y OF CIUCÜMSTANT-U .'.'.* I'AL'irS'IDKKOE.^ Oni .^lie mmmng of the 2T>rfr of No¬

vember, 1819, I read in the RutlandCsU^i llcwld the following notice:imO j i-1'WÜ.BDERl""Primers of newspapers throughout

.the . United States are desired to pub¬lish tliajt,. Stephen Boorn, of Man¬chester, Vermont, is sentenced tobo executjickl fcr the murder of Russell

I iiojyiui.i^'foo has been absent aboutseven years. Any person who can

give jjjforiuintiou. of said Colvin mayfla,vej'tbe litte of'the innocent, by mak¬ing immeditue communication. Colvin

Jive feet five inches high,legion, light hair, blue eyes,f40 years old". Manchester,|<i, 1819."Immuuication was copiedpaHy by newspapers, and£re>}, rjfeal of interest. Be-ping cvcubTtliat followed,back to the year 1812 andtown of Manchester, Yer-


Barney Booru, an wld man, had twosons, St phen ami Jesso, aud a

daughter, Sarah, wife of Russell Col-viu, a 1 nlf-crazed, half-witted daylaborer. iThey were a bad.lot, poor,

(atul in doubtful repute forTwo miserable hovels ser-for shelter, and a few acresmrrens constituted all their

They raised a few pota-jgardcti vegetables. a::d ekedmty livelihood by days workiighboring farmers.

1812, Colvin \v s at home.i\c was missing. At first this|;d no remark. I Iowas alwaysabsent from diomc sometimes

Iks together. But this time hecome back. As 'weeks !grbw

lonths inquiries began to beimong tho neighbors about theman. There are uo tongues

<sip like those which wag in a

village. Ope spoke to another.

}r/>ent grew. Wonder, like, aious disease, nllbcted every-

honesty"ved theof pineposscssUtobs an

but afor the.

In AIn Jupoccasia tmnfor we

did n

into i


Itexista gproomanBooan


was known that there had long1 between the old man and boysdgo against Colvin; if. was inthat the last time the missingas seen he was at work with the

clearing stones from a field,hat a dispute was going on; andColvin, a boy, son of Russell,

dated that his lather had struck

his uncle Stephen, and that the otherreturned the blow, and that then he,the boy, becoming frightened, ran

away. Again, a Mr. Jin Idwin hadheard Stephen Boom, in answer tothe inquiry as to where Colvin was,say, "lie's gone to hell, I hope."

"Is he dead, Stephen?'' pursuedMr. Baldwin.

"I tell you again," replied the man,"that Colvin has gone where potatoeswon't freeze."For seven years the wonder grew.

Cölvin's ghost haunted every house inBennington county. There was noknown proof that the Booms were

guilty, and yet everybody believed it.A button and jack-knife were found,which Mrs. C. believed to have be¬longed to Russell; dreams, thrice re¬

pealed, were had by old women nndkitchen girls.and ten thousandstories were iu circulation,

Five years after Colvin was mused,Stephen Boom, removed to Denmark,N. Y., while Jesse remained at home.After the former had left some boneswore accidentally found in the decay¬ed trunk of a tree in his house, and,though all surgeons said to the con¬

trary, it was universally believed thatthey were part of a human skelton.Of course, then .they must be Colvin'sbones. Jcsso was arrested, Stephenwas brought back from Denmark andboth were held for examination. Al¬though all the testimony when siftedwas found to be worthless, yet twobrothers were remanded back to jail,a^d Jesse was worked upon to makehim turn State's evidence. The jailertormented him with suggestions, whichhis, wife followed up with womanlyadroitness. Neighbors helped 1B Besetwith proachiiig dud praycrai trae 1 s,ami 7- sermons,' religious con versationand pious diiections.that there wasno doubt in auy one's mind but that^trjplieh'cotAwgteA t\ic infil'Bh* xi igWto make a dean breast of it and l litissave his body and soul, what wonderthat the man confessed, or was allegedto have confessed, that Stephen Boorndid murder Russell Colytn ?On Sept, 3, 1810, the grand jury

found, Oj bill of indictment againstStcplien and Jesse Boom for thpmutder of Bussel J Colvin.. WilliamsFarnswörth testified that Stephen con¬

fessed that he did it, and that Jessehelped him; that they hid'the body, inthe .hushes, then .juried it, then dug :tup'.'aint. burned ' it, and then scrapedthe few remains and hid them in a

stump. TJdou' this unsupported evi¬dence the jury returned a verdict ofgffilty againsthoth prisoners, ami theywere sentenced, to bo hung on Jan.28, 1820.And now the men came, to their

senses. They asserted their innocence.They said that they had confessed astheir last hope. Some compassionbegan to be fell for them. Theymight, a.'ter all, be innocent. A peti¬tion for their pardon was presented tothe Legislature. But.it availed "'dyto' obtain commutation of Jesse's sent¬ence to imprisonment for life. Nomore. Stephen was to be hanged.Let the reader now turn to another

chapter of this strange history.In April, 1813, there lived in Dover,

Mc-nmouth county, lsT-. J,k.a Mr. Jamesrollmnius. During that month a way¬farer, begging food, stopped at thecjoor. Being handy, good-natured,quiet and obedient, homeless, andweak of itclloct, too, he was allowedto stay, lie said his name was RussellColvin, and that he came from Man¬chester, Vt.

Itfot far from Dover lies tho littletown of Shrewsbury, then a quiethamlet, now invaded .by tho cottagesand villas,,of* Long Branch pleasure-seekers. Here lived Tuber Chadwick,brolhor-in. jaw to Mr. I'olhamus, andintimnto with the family. Acoidonllyreading the New York Evening 7W,he met, not with the notice of theRutland llcrahl, but with an accountof the trial of tho Booms. Convincedthat the Russell Colvin, alleged tohave been murdored, was tho veryman living with Mr. Volhamus, he.wrote to the Evening VW a letter,which was published Dec. I), 1810.Upon the arrival of this paper at

Manchester; it excited but little at¬tention. Tlio letter was believed tobe a forgery ör a fraud. Jlad not thebest pooploiu the town long believedthe Booms to bo guilty? Had notone, norhaps both, of thctn, made fullconfession ? : The bones of the mur-"dored man,, a portion of his coat, hisjack-knife.had they not all beenfound ? Had not an upright Judgemade solemn charge that the evidencewas conolilsivc, and "an intelligentjury found them guilty, and the Legis¬lature sanctioned the findings? Therewas no doubt of their guilt.nonewhatever, and therefore no befit of ai}. ubt had^hecn given by jury, ChiefJustice or Court of Appeal.Mr. Chadwiok's letter was neverthe¬

less taken ;t0 Stephen's coll ami readaloud. The news was so overwhelmingthat naturo could scarcely survive theshock. The poor fellow dropped in a

fainting fit.to the floor, and had to berecovered by dashes of cold water.

Intelligence came next day froxi aMr. Whelpley, formerly a resident ofManchester, that he himself had beento New Jersey ai)d seen Russell Col¬vin. The members of the jury whichhad convicted the Booms, however,hesitated to .accept anything short ofthe man's presence, and Judge Chase,who had sentenced them, pointed toStephen Boom's confession,

Tlic third day came another letter."I have Rituell Colvin with me,"wrote Mt. Whelpley. "I personallyknow Russell Colvin,'' swore JohnICcmpton; "he now stands before me.""It is the same Russell Colvin whomarried Ann Boorn, of Manchester,Vt.," made affidavit Mrs. Jones, ofiSiookln. But it would not answer.Pride, of opinion is ftuhl orh.' J3oubfof opinion dies hard. Manchester in-

tclligenecj net to say piety, was on

trial, j^fc.'^ behooved all good rosi-t u t. i^mgrlh!¦ r 11.wri p;i; 11fjUri)iy i i.ljon,to the last.However, Colvin,or Oolvin's double,

was on his way. As he passed throngl'oughkccpsic the streets were throng¬ed to sec him: His story was printedin every newspaper and told at everyfire side. At Hudson eannous were

jircd; in Albany he was shown tu the.crowd from the platform; aud allalong' the load lO' Troy bands of;music-'were playing and banndrs- werc flaunt¬ing and cheers were given as Colyippassed by. Some men become' famousfrom having been murdered. RussellColvin was famous becauso he wasalive.Toward evening of Friday, Decem¬

ber 22, 1S19, a double sleigh wasdriven furiously down the main streetof Manchester to the tavern door. Itcontained Whelpley, Kcmpton, Chad-wick, and the bewildered Ruwel 1 Col*\in. Immediately a orowd of men,women and children gathered around,nnd as the sleigh unloaded its occu¬

pants and they took their place on thepiazza; exhibiting the last man to view,"That's Ruseell Colvin, sure enough !T' re's no doubt about it!" camefrom the lips of scores ofgazers, .Hoembraced his two children, askedlifter the Boom, nnd started Jor thejail.The prison doors were unbolted and

the news told to Stephen Boorn."Colvin has; come, Stephen," said

tho.Rcv. Lemuel Haynas.-."lias he?" asked the prisoner.

"Where is he ?""Here I am, Stephen," said his

brother-in-law. "What's that on yourlegs?""Shackles!" replied Boorn.


"Whatfor?'*"Because they said I murdorcd

you.""You never hurt mo in your life,"

.replied Colvin.The .sequel is soon to'd. Stephen

Bödfn was released from prison, as

was Jcsso also. Russell Colvin re¬turned to New Jcr joy. But tho Judgewho suffered an innocent man to boconvicted of murder by tho admissionof extra-judicial confessions.themembers of the jury, who deliberatedbut ono hour before agreeing upon a

verdict of guilty upon evidence thatbhculd not hang a dog.tho deaconnnd fhurch members who urged con-

fcssion and preached repentance.undtho niiietY-sevr \ members of theLegislature, sit ig as n Court of Ap¬peals, who ret used re-heuriujjj of evi¬dence.what became ofthem ?

A Terrible Problem.

A recent number of a scientificjournal, speaking of the relative pro¬portion of the sexes in the human race,says Max Adder, declares that forevery -150 men that came into,theworld, 100 72-100 women are born. Ido. not ditpulc these figures. I onlya«k for light. It appears, accordingto this, t hat there arc sonic women whoarc only 72-100 of women. What theremaining 28-100 are I cannot ima¬gine. iN'ow, what I wantto know isthis : If a woman of this kind marriesa 1-100 man and has a daughter, willthe daughter lie an 84-100 woman'ora96-100 woman? And what will bethe exact relation between Mich a

daughter and a 70-100 aunt ami her87-100 daughters, especially ifthe 87-100 girls marry the brothers of the00-100 girl, and so become hcr08-100first cousin, but also her 9Ö-100 sister-in-law, the aforesaid 7(5-100 aunt be¬coming also the 80-100 mother-in-lawof the 88-100 nephews, will the.the.. Let mc see, where am 1 ? Itis an awful subject to grapple with.Oh, yes ! I say if the 70 100 aunt-. But no. The question can'tbe solved in any such way as this. Igive it up. Tho only way to get atit will be to do the sum in algebrasomehow, making the daughter x, theaunt y, the first cousin a, and themother-in-law b. Then it scorns to,me,if you multiply theauntby thedaugh-tur and divide thi "first cbu'slon by the,mother-in-law,' iii; some )Vny Or''oVhcr,'.or ext ra ct the square root of the- con-si ril and subtiaet the result fro.n tueaunt, keeping the daughter a common

<lpnon^;itnr| nml at tllO saiUO tilUPmake Uec'ima'il iractian ot tno'nufflrer^'in-htw, perhaps ' the result might bosatisfactory. But I am not certain. 1am poor in mathematics. I wish thatProfessor Tyndall would subject it to.a chemical analysis^- ii «i' « c.' - ''

rartH.not -ünerally; Kiump. '<¦ ; »¦

»di ml ?»*-'Melons were found origjnajlycinA^tt* im >ob» «ÜThe cantolope is a natiye_.qf _Ame-riea, und is so called from the name ofa place near Rome, whsrp it was firstcultivated in Europe.Tin nectarine is said to have re¬

ceived its name from nectar, the par¬ticular drink of tho gods.

Pears wero originally brought fromthe East by the Kornaus.The greengage is called nfl$r*thc

Gage family, who firBt took it intoEngland from a monastery in Paris..

Filbert* originally came fromGreece.,The walnut is a native of Persia the

Caecacus and China.The Greqks called butter bouturos-'cow cheese,!Before the middle of the seven¬

teenth century, tea was not used inKugland, and was entirely unknownto the Giveks and Romans.The beau is en id to be a native of

Europe. .

Spinach is a Persian plant.The tomato is a native of South

America, and takes its name from anIndian word.

'Jdio turnip on me originally from11.. me. ,,

Sweet mnjoram is a native of Portu-

Coriander seed came oi^guially fromthe East.The clovo is a nativo of tho Moluc¬

ca Islands, also is the nutmeg.Capers originally grew wild in

Greece and Korthern Africa.

Thin is the way the young men ofFarmington comb back on the youngladies who resolved not to counten¬ance t he use of tobacco by associationwith those addicted to the habit:

AW//('tt^Tl'iuL hcroafter we wilt notassociate with or countenance any fe¬male who wears false hair or falsetectli (under twenty years of age,) or

who use corsets or paints, and whoallows her trail to draggle in thostreet'*.

How tüo Jury Stood. r.

A New York reporter made ex¬

haustive efforts to get the exact statusof the several members of the Beech*or-Tilton jury, and beHevea that he '*bus ascertained how each juror hasstood'on the issuo of Boo .her'»' guilt/luring their protracted consultation.It is possible that he has mrtda one or <¦'

two immaterial mistaken in classifyingthe jurors, but the following is given -

as the way they stood last evening.'.t will be seep that two of them are

supposed to agree exactly,-and thattheir diflercuces take the wildest pos- ,

sible range. Without assuming toindorse the report, wo give it as it hasreached us:

1 Not guilty.believed so from thestart.

2 Not guilty, but must marry the'woman.3 Not guilty, but must do Bo no

more. . '

4 Guilty, but entitled to another'ebuuec.

5 Bceclier inuoccnt, but Mrs. Til-ton guilty. i. q

5 Not guilty, but should stoppreaching.7 Guilty, without qualifications.8 Not guilty, nut married the wrong


9 Guilty, but not proven.*10 Not guilty, but should have a'

mule congregation.11 Guilty generally.12 Not guilty, but hoe doubtful va-1

nations, 1 "'.*

Wasu foh Fences anu Outbuild¬ings..The following is a most exeeel- jlent, cheap and durable wash forwooden fences nnd buildings. It owes

its'dh^abiiity tb lü^mlif^mk^hardens and'h^e^lne1' wash : t,,-1 ^'j^,.Tak'ö 'a barrel aWd slack one oushei':of freshly burned lime in it, by cover-

ing^the lime with boiling' wato'rv'V '

enough to bring it to the consistency '

of good white-wash. Then¦dissolveinwater, and add one pound of vrhitoVitriol (sulphate of zinc) nnd ono

quart of. fine salt.' ri>n -. il |»di <

To givo; this wash a cream colo.*l:add one-half a pound of yellow ochre.'-'Üt),iPonder,).',^0 give it, n,-faWttlook,add a pound ofyellow ochre, and oiic-rfourth of a. pound of Indian: rficL a^ftUirTo make the wash a handsome gray.v ;

stone color, add one-half a- pound ofFrench bhu, and one-fourth pound ofIndian red; a drab will bo made byadding1 one-half of a pound of burntsienna, and ono-fourth pound Venetianred.For brick or stone, instead of one

bushel of limo, use halfa bushel eflima, alid half a bushel of hydraulic.

A Hint to F^UMEits.-r-Insections.and, it would be a decided.advance in the thoughtfulness and ijkindness in all sections.farmers giveeach of their boys, and girls, too, u 5strip of land to raise whatever they Kchoose oh it, and dispose of tbnpro-^duct for their own benefits. It is afavor that they all appreciate, and itis d pleasant and serviceable employ- t

meni for them in their leisure hours.They will vie with each other in theirskill ut raising their little crops,'ana jthe proceeds applied to tlieir own use, (-

arc frequently of some value; and thowhole arrangement while it instructsthem in the cultivation of tho soil,early implants in the children the ideaof thrill and economy. ,,,

. Copy was out. The devil pickedup a paper and said, "Herea some¬

thing 'About a Woman'.rinust I cutit out?'' "No!'' thundered thettditnrji"the first disturbance ever, created in .<

tho world was occasioned by the devil tofooling about a woman." |

'Do you kiiow who I am V asked a

policeman oi a fellow whom he had]seized by tho throat, 'Not exactly,sir; but 1 fancy you arc tho malignantcol hirer.'


"Timo softens all things," exceptthe young man who parts his hlir inthe middle and whistles ou the streetcars. Nothing can make him anyseller that] he is.