Pe r fo r m an ce Com p a r ison of TCP va r ia n ts over AODV, DSD V , DSR, OLSR in NS-2 Presented by: M o n zu r M o r s h e d Tiger H ATS , AIUB www.t ige r h a ts .or g, w w w .a iu b .e d u Authors: Md. Monzur Morshed*, Meftah Ur Rahman, Md. Habibur Rahman, Md. Rafiqul Islam

Oral Presentation - Performance Comparison of TCP variants over AODV, DSDV, DSR, OLSR in NS-2

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Page 1: Oral  Presentation - Performance Comparison of TCP variants over AODV, DSDV, DSR, OLSR in NS-2

7/31/2019 Oral Presentation - Performance Comparison of TCP variants over AODV, DSDV, DSR, OLSR in NS-2

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P e r fo r m a n ce Co m p a r is o n o f TCP

va r ia n t s o ve r AOD V, D SD V, D SR ,

OLS R in N S-2

Presented by:

M o n zu r M o r s h e d

Tiger H ATS , AIUBw w w . t i g e r h a t s . o r g , w w w .a i u b . e d u

Authors:Md. Monzur Morshed*, Meftah Ur Rahman, Md. Habibur Rahman, Md. Rafiqul Islam

Page 2: Oral  Presentation - Performance Comparison of TCP variants over AODV, DSDV, DSR, OLSR in NS-2

7/31/2019 Oral Presentation - Performance Comparison of TCP variants over AODV, DSDV, DSR, OLSR in NS-2

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The International Research group dedicated to Theories, Simulation and

Modeling, New Approaches, Applications, Experiences, Development,

Evaluations, Education, Human, Cultural and Industrial Technology 

Tiger H ATS - I n fo r m a t io n i s p o w e r

Page 3: Oral  Presentation - Performance Comparison of TCP variants over AODV, DSDV, DSR, OLSR in NS-2

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Th e m a in id ea of th is p ap er i s ob ser vin g th e b eh avior

o f 4 ( a o d v , d s d v , d s r , o l s r ) r o u t i n g p r o t o c o l s o v e r

TCP va r ia n ts s u ch a s R en o , N e w-R en o , Ta h o e a n d

Vegas in M ob i le Ad h oc Netw or ks en vir on m en t .

M a i n I d e a o f o u r p a p e r

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In this paper,

An empirical study has been done by simulation andanalysis of TCP variations under AODV, DSDR , DSR ,OLSR routing protocol

We studied multiple variations of TCP, such as R e n o ,N ew - R en o , Vegas , and T a h o e

We carried out observations for different TCP packetsunder several QoS metrics such as D r o p , T h r o u g h p u t ,Delay, and J i t t e r

In t r o d u c t io n

Page 5: Oral  Presentation - Performance Comparison of TCP variants over AODV, DSDV, DSR, OLSR in NS-2

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AODV - Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing protocol (AODV)is an on demand routing protocol. To find a route to the destination, thesource node floods the network with Route Request packets.

DSDV - Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector routing protocol

(DSDV) is one of the most well known table-driven routing algorithmsfor MANETs which is based on the Distributed Bellman-Fordalgorithm.

DSR - Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) is a kind of source routing basedon two procedures: route discovery and route maintenance.

OLSR - Optimized Link State Routing protocol (OLSR) is based on link state algorithm and it is proactive in nature.

Ove r v iew o f S im u la t e d R o u t in g

P r o t o c o l s

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T a h o e - Tahoe refers to the TCP congestion control algorithm which

 was suggested by Van Jacobson in his paper.

R e n o - It retains the basic principle of Tahoe, such as slow starts andthe coarse grain re-transmit timer. However it adds some intelligenceover it so that lost packets are detected earlier and the pipeline is notemptied every time a packet is lost.

New-Reno - New-Reno is a slight modification over TCP-Reno. It isable to detect multiple packet losses and thus is much more efficient thatRENO in the event of multiple packet losses.

Vegas - Vegas is a TCP implementation which is a modification of Reno.It builds on the fact that proactive measures to encounter congestion aremuch more efficient than reactive ones.

Ove r v ie w o f TCP va r ia n t s

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Sim u la t io n To p o lo gy & P a r a m e t e r s



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R e s u lt An a lys i s & Gr a p h s

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Co n clu s io n s• W e h a ve c a r r i ed o u t o u r s im u l a t io n fo r fo u r t yp e s o f T CP v a r i a n t s a n d a n a l yz ed

TCP va r i a n t s o ve r AO D V, D S D V, D S R, a n d O LS R w h e r e N e w R e n o , R e n o , T a h o e

an d Vegas p e r fo r m an ce a r e r e spec t ive ly (NewRen o) d r op r a t e = 1.0 4 %; de l ive r y

r a t e = 97 .8 5 %; to t a l r e ce iving th r ou ghp u t = 49 .96 % fo r DSDV, (Ren o) d r op r a t e =

1.49 %; de l ive r y r a t e = 98 .51 %; to t a l r e ce iv in g th r ou ghp u t = 6 1.36 % fo r AODV,

(Taho e ) d r op r a t e = 1.59 %; de l ive ry ra t e = 98 .41 %; to t a l r e ce iving th r ou ghpu t =

5 8 .3 1 % fo r AO DV, ( Ve ga s ) d r o p r a t e = 0 .3 3 %; d e live r y r a t e = 9 9 . 6 7 %; t o t a l

r ece iv in g th r ou ghpu t = 63 .0 9 % fo r DSR.

• Fro m ou r s im u la t ion s tu dy we ha ve fou n d th a t Vegas pe r fo rm s be t t e r ove r AODV,

DSDV, DSR an d OLSR th an New Ren o , Ren o an d Tahoe , wh e r e d r op r a t e = 0 .47 %;

de l ive r y ra t e = 99 .53 %; to t a l r e ce iving th r ou ghpu t = 61.26 % fo r AODV, d r op r a t e

= 0 .79 %; de l ive ry r a te = 9 9 .21 %; to ta l r ece iving th r ou ghp u t = 51.34 % for DSDV,

dr op r a t e = 0 .33 %; de l ive r y r a t e = 99 .67 %; to t a l r e ce iv in g th r ou ghp u t = 63 .09 %

for DSR, d r op r a t e = 0 .91 %; de live r y r a t e = 99 .09 %; to t a l r e ce iving th r ou ghp u t =62 .90 % for OLSR.

• Co n s i d e r i n g t h e p e r fo r m a n ce o n t h e va r ia n t s o f TCP , Ve ga s s h o w s t h e h i gh e s t

e fficie n c y a n d p e r f o r m s b e s t . So w e c a n c o n clu d e t h a t in t e r m s o f d r o p r a t e s,

de l ive r y r a t e s a n d to t a l r e ce iving th r ou ghp u t , Vegas i s c le a r ly be s t am on g the fou r

v a r i a n t s .

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Tiger HATSw w w . t i g e r h a t s . o r g

Th a n k yo u

Ba n gla d esh i Scien t is t s an d

R e se a r ch e r s N et w o r k  h t t p s : / / w w w . fa c e b o o k . co m / g r o u p s / B DS R N et