1 ORAL LICHEN PLANUS: A DISEASE OR A SPECTRUM OF TISSUE REACTIONS? TYPES, CAUSES, DIAGNOSTIC ALGORHYTHMS, PROGNOSIS, MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Marco Carrozzo, 1 Stephen Porter, 2 Valeria Mercadante, 2 Stefano Fedele 2, 3 1 Prof. Marco Carrozzo, Professor of Oral Medicine. Centre for Oral Health Research, Oral Medicine Department, Newcastle University, Framlington Place, NE2 4BW, Newcastle upon Tyne UK. Telephone: +4401912086797; Fax: +44 191 208 6137 2 Prof Stephen Porter, Director and Professor of Oral Medicine. UCL Eastman Dental Institute, University College London, 256 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8LD, UK 2 Dr Valeria Mercadante, Clinical Research Associate. UCL Eastman Dental Institute, University College London, 256 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8LD, UK 3 Dr Stefano Fedele, Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Oral Medicine, UCL Eastman Dental Institute, University College London, 256 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8LD, UK, NIHR University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre, Maple House, Suite A, 1st floor, 149 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 7DN, UK; Corresponding author: Dr Stefano Fedele ([email protected])


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Marco Carrozzo,1 Stephen Porter,2 Valeria Mercadante, 2 Stefano Fedele 2, 3
1 Prof. Marco Carrozzo, Professor of Oral Medicine. Centre for Oral Health Research, Oral
Medicine Department, Newcastle University, Framlington Place, NE2 4BW, Newcastle upon
Tyne UK. Telephone: +4401912086797; Fax: +44 191 208 6137
2 Prof Stephen Porter, Director and Professor of Oral Medicine. UCL Eastman Dental
Institute, University College London, 256 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8LD, UK
2 Dr Valeria Mercadante, Clinical Research Associate. UCL Eastman Dental Institute,
University College London, 256 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8LD, UK
3 Dr Stefano Fedele, Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Oral Medicine,
UCL Eastman Dental Institute, University College London, 256 Gray’s Inn Road, London
WC1X 8LD, UK, NIHR University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre,
Maple House, Suite A, 1st floor, 149 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 7DN, UK;
Corresponding author:
Oral lichen planus and lichenoid lesions (OLP/OLL) comprise a group of disorders of the oral
mucosa that likely represent a common reaction pattern to one or more unknown antigens.
The coexistence of hyperkeratotic striation/reticulation, varying degrees of mucosal
inflammation from mild erythema to severe widespread ulceration and a band-like infiltrate of
mononuclear inflammatory cells including activated T lymphocytes, macrophages and
dendritic cells are considered suggestive of OLP/OLL. Several classification systems of
OLP/OLL have been attempted, though none seem to be comprehensive. In this paper we
present a classification of OLP/OLL that includes oral lichen planus, oral lichenoid contact
lesions, oral lichenoid drug reactions, oral lichenoid lesions of graft versus host disease,
discoid lupus erythematosus, and systemic lupus erythematosus, lichen planus-like variant of
paraneoplastic pemphigus/paraneoplastic autoimmune multi-organ syndrome, chronic
ulcerative stomatitis, lichen planus pemphigoides, solitary fixed drug eruptions and lichen
sclerosus. We present the clinical and diagnostic aspects of OLP/OLL and discuss related
treatment options.
Oral lichen planus and lichenoid lesions (OLP/OLL) comprise a group of disorders of the oral
mucosa that likely represent a common reaction pattern in response to extrinsic antigens,
altered self-antigens or super antigens (89). Historically, there have been unresolved debates
and controversies around the OLP/OLL terminology. The latter term has been frequently used
to refer to oral lesions that have clinical and histopathological features similar to OLP but no
risk of malignant transformation or to indicate an uncertain diagnosis of OLP. However,
definitive clinical and histological diagnostic criteria able to distinguish OLP from OLL are still
lacking (89). Furthermore, there remains no consensus regarding the possible different clinical
behaviour of the disorders in the OLP/OLL group with respect to cancer development. In
Dermatology, the concept of “lichenoid tissue reaction/interface dermatitis” (LTR/IFD) was
introduced a long time ago to define a number of distinct inflammatory cutaneous diseases
sharing common histopathological features including liquefactive/vacuolar changes of the
basal keratinocytes and a sub-epithelial band-like array of mononuclear inflammatory cells
including activated T lymphocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells (89,156). During the 2006
World Workshop in Oral Medicine IV, it was proposed to classify the OLP/OLL group in four
distinct disorders including OLP, oral lichenoid drug reactions (OLDR) caused by systemic
drug exposure, oral lichenoid contact lesions (OLCL) triggered by local hypersensitive reaction
to dental materials and oral lichenoid lesions of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) (2).
Although a step forward, this classification failed to provide clear and reliable clinical and
histological criteria to properly differentiate these three types of OLL from OLP. In addition,
several other disease entities characterised by clinical and/or histological features of LTR/IFD
were excluded from the classification. Other authors have proposed alternative classifications
(42,76,173). Overall, there remains no consensus on classification, diagnostic criteria, clinical
behaviour and management of the OLP/OLL (1,28,174).
In this review, we have attempted to (i) update the classification of OLP/OLL, (ii) suggest
pragmatic diagnostic criteria and (iii) define a management strategy.
Table 1 lists the main disorders displaying histological and/or clinical characteristics of this
OLL/OLP group. Some of these disorders are apparently uncommon whereas others are
poorly defined or may simply represent a misnomer.
Oral Lichen Planus
OLP is the prototype disorder of the group. Despite the lack of reliable epidemiological data,
OLP is thought to be relatively common, affecting approximately 1–2% of the population (147).
OLP lesions are chronic and rarely undergo spontaneous remission (28); they can cause
significant pain and morbidity and most authors would agree that they can undergo malignant
transformation (52). OLP most commonly affects middle-aged adults of both sexes, with a
slight female predominance, and without any apparent racial predilection (48). The distinctive
clinical features of OLP are represented by the presence of white papules that enlarge and
coalesce to form a reticular, annular or plaque-like pattern, the so-called Wickham’s striae
(28). Erythema, erosion and ulceration can also occur, often in association with white striae
(Figure 1). The most commonly affected sites are the buccal mucosa bilaterally, the borders
and dorsum of the tongue and the gingiva, whereas the palate (either hard or soft), the lips
and the floor of the mouth are less commonly affected. Reticular/papular lesions are rarely
symptomatic and patients are often unaware of their presence, whereas erythematous and
erosive/ulcerative lesions usually result in a varying degree of discomfort or pain. When
erosive/ulcerative lesions are predominant, confusion with diseases such as pemphigus
vulgaris, mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP) and persistent erythema multiforme (EM) is
common (28,48,147). Long lasting OLP lesions can be predominantly plaque-like, particularly
in smokers; in the absence of typical reticular/papular lesions, this can raise significant
diagnostic difficulties with other diseases such as oral leukoplakia. It should also be mentioned
that dyskeratosis congenita can sometimes present with lichenoid features (64), and therefore
all putative paediatric OLP cases should be carefully investigated for nail dystrophies,
abnormal reticulate skin pigmentation, and haematological abnormalities. Individuals with OLP
can also have extra-oral manifestations of lichen planus. The most frequent extra-oral site in
females is the genital mucosa, with lesions developing in approximately 20% of women with
OLP (61). The association of concomitant lichenoid lesions/lichen planus on the vulva, vagina
and gingiva has been termed “vulvo-vaginal-gingival syndrome”. Conversely, cutaneous
lesions develop in just approximately 15% of patients with OLP (48). OLP is suggested to
represent a T-cell-mediated immunological response to an unknown antigenic change in the
skin or oral mucosa in predisposed patients (89). A key, early event in OLP pathogenesis is
the genetically enhanced increased production of TH1 cytokines, particularly interferon-
gamma (IFN-γ) and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). However, a recent study has
suggested that Th2-mediated inflammation can also contribute to OLP pathogenesis and
progression through and can be induced by myeloid dendritic cells (mDCs), which in turn are
activated by Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) secreted by epithelial cells (185). Cytokine
polymorphisms seem also to influence whether lesions would develop just in the mouth (IFN-
γ associated) or also on the skin (TNF-α associated) (26). A recent meta-analysis has
confirmed the association between -308 G/A polymorphism in TNF-α gene and OLP (84).
Studies of T cell receptor-variable region genes have also highlighted that OLP is likely to be
the common outcome of a limited combination of extrinsic antigens, altered self-antigens or
super antigens (167). Three meta-analyses have confirmed that OLP is associated with
hepatitis C virus (HCV) (98,100,132), which could be also involved in disease pathogenesis
(133). Although the malignant potential of OLP remains controversial, a number of small
uncontrolled studies and three large retrospective controlled studies from Denmark, Sweden
and Italy, using strict diagnostic criteria, have strongly suggested that OLP patients do carry a
significantly higher risk of developing oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) than the general
population (57,71,140). A recent systematic review has suggested an overall rate of
transformation of up to 3.5% (52). The clinical manifestations alone, particularly when
presenting in the ‘classic’ bilateral keratotic reticular or papular form, may sometimes allow
diagnosis (28) (Figure 1). However, given the chronic course and pleomorphic clinical
manifestations, the need for long-term treatment and monitoring, and the risk of malignant
transformation, a confirmatory surgical biopsy appears to represent prudent clinical practice.
Histopathological confirmation is also important before starting an active treatment, as a
common cause of therapy failure is inappropriate diagnosis (28). Histopathological
assessment of OLP can however be difficult (173), although the assessment of the presence
of dysplasia or malignancy is usually straightforward. Direct immunofluorescence (DIF) testing
may be of diagnostic help in patients presenting with predominantly erosive/ulcerative OLP,
so as to exclude other autoimmune blistering/ulcerative diseases. DIF of OLP is usually
negative or can show shaggy fibrinogen deposits at the epithelial basement membrane zone
or the so-called cytoid bodies (Russell bodies) (67). Sometimes, further immunological testing
such as salt-split-skin, indirect immunofluorescence, immunoblot/immunoprecipitation and
ELISAs are needed in order to achieve a definitive diagnosis and differentiate OLP from other
blistering disorders, especially MMP (17). However, these techniques are costly, time-
demanding and not widely available (25).
Oral Lichenoid Contact Lesions (OLCL)
Oral lichenoid contact lesion (OLCL) is a term used to describe oral lesions that resemble OLP
both clinically and histopathologically but are thought to be caused by a localised (contact)
hypersensitivity reaction to dental restorative materials, mainly amalgam (8,112). Dental
amalgam alloy is composed of a mixture of approximately equal parts of liquid mercury and a
powder consisting of silver (∼22–32%), tin (∼14%), copper (∼8%), and other trace metals,
including zinc (81). OLCLs to amalgams are supposed to represent a delayed hypersensitivity
reaction (Coombs and Gell classification: type IV) to low-level mercury exposure (112).
However, an animal model has failed to definitively prove that amalgam fillings can cause
OLCL (46). A more recent study using the same animal model (Brown-Norway Rats) but with
different exposure modalities, suggests that non-toxic mercury can rather cause lupus-like oral
mucosal lesions (149).
Patch tests are commonly used to identify patients with suspected hypersensitivity reactions
but their usefulness in OLCL have shown conflicting results (167). Skin testing is preferable to
mucosal testing due to a higher sensitivity and specificity and because allergen concentration
on mucosa needs to be 5–12 times higher than skin, potentially exposing patients to the risk
of a toxic reaction. In vitro lymphocyte proliferation has been employed as an adjunctive tool
in the diagnosis of allergies to various drugs (124) and metals (12), with the aim of re-
stimulating antigen-specific lymphocytes (memory cells) from peripheral blood. The assay has
a variety of modifications and names, for example, LTT (lymphocyte transformation test), LST
(lymphocyte stimulation test), LPT (lymphocyte proliferation test), or MELISA® (memory
lymphocyte immunostimulation assay). However, this test seems of limited utility to OLCL (29).
The clinical appearance of OLCL has been rarely described in details. It is thought that OLCLs
are less symmetrical and more commonly unilateral than OLP but supporting evidence
remains scarce. Similarly, the close proximity of the lesions with amalgam restorations is
commonly but not invariably reported (Figure 2). According to the published pictures, OLCLs
might lack the typical reticular appearance of OLP and be more commonly patch-like or
atrophic. They are usually located on posterior buccal mucosae and borders of the tongue.
Histopathology could aid diagnosis if it shows a mixed cell sub-epithelial infiltrate and a deeper
diffuse distribution in lamina propria. However, OLCL are often undistinguishable from other
OLLs and OLP on histopathology assessment. There is also insufficient evidence to support
routine removal of all amalgam restorations in patients with OLP⁄OLCL (8), although some
authors have reported an improvement in 90% of the lesions after amalgam replacement in
individuals with positive patch tests and lichenoid lesions in close contact with amalgam fillings
Oral Lichenoid Drug Reactions (OLDR)
OLDR are caused by or associated with exposure to certain medications (2). They are thought
to be uncommon compared to cutaneous lichenoid drug reactions but reliable data are scarce
and OLDR are likely to be under-reported. The list of drugs that can cause OLDR is vast and
includes angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
inhibitors (NSAIDs), oral hypoglycaemic drugs, penicillamine, gold, beta-blockers,
antifungals (e.g. ketoconazole), anticonvulsants (e.g. carbamazepine), immunomodulatory
drugs (e.g. gold salts and penicillamine), sulfasalazine, and lithium (188). Recently, tumour
necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) inhibitors infliximab and adalimumab have been reported in
association with OLDR (5). OLDR may occur at any time, even years after the start of a certain
drug therapy (163), although in many cases there seems to be a relatively clear temporal
association between the use of the suspected medication and the onset of the oral lesions (2).
There is currently no specific test for OLDR. Clinical appearance is unclear particularly
compared to other OLLs, though the unilateral location may aid diagnosis (91).
Histopathologically OLDR can present a sub-epithelial inflammatory infiltrate containing
conspicuous eosinophils and/or plasma cells, which is more diffuse and extends more deeply
than OLP, or has a perivascular appearance (45). Notably, none of these characteristics has
been consistently reported and other OLL may present similar histopathological features, such
as discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) (109). The most reliable method of diagnosing an
OLDR is to notice resolution after the withdrawal of the putative drug and the reappearance
when the same drug is reintroduced. However, this is both impractical and potentially
detrimental for the patient as some reactions may take weeks or months to resolve and the
medication could be life-saving (2).
Circulating basal cell cytoplasmic antibodies (BCCA) are known to appear in drug eruptions
and they have been studied in OLDR [38], but outcomes remain unclear. Autologous and
allogeneic immunofluorescence tests seeking for lichen planus specific antigen (LPSA) seem
not to aid diagnosis of OLDR (108).
Oral Lichenoid Lesions of Graft Versus Host Disease (OLL-GVHD)
Graft versus host disease (GVHD) is a major complication in patients receiving hematopoietic
cell transplant (74). GVHD can be classified in acute or chronic (cGVHD), depending on the
time to onset from the transplant (threshold is of the order of 100 days); however, the latest
NIH consensus criteria recommend that classification should be based on characteristic
symptoms and signs rather than a rigid temporal definition (51). Both acute and chronic GVHD
can involve the mouth but lichenoid lesions are more common in the latter (74). Oro-facial
manifestations occur in up to 80% of patients with cGVHD (74) and include three separate
disease patterns that can coexist: (i) oral lichenoid lesions (OLL-GVHD) including reticulation,
ulcerations and mucosal atrophy, (ii) salivary gland dysfunction with hyposalivation and
persistent dry mouth symptoms and oro-facial fibrosis with restricted mouth opening (51,182).
The mucosal lesions are very similar to those found in OLP (Figure 3), the salivary gland
infiltrates mimic those found in Sjögren’s syndrome, and the fibrosis and reduced mouth
opening are similar to the orofacial manifestations of scleroderma, that is also classified as a
LTR/IFD (74). Histologically OLL-GVHD can be very similar to OLP. The typical clinical
features of lichenoid lesions together with the history of allogeneic bone marrow transplant
are often sufficient for the diagnosis of OLL-GVHD. Histological confirmation of OLL-GVHD is
indicated in the absence of signs and symptoms of other systems or organs involvement and
in cases of atypical clinical presentation. It is also important to consider development of
dysplasia or malignancy, especially in patients with long-standing chronic disease.
Lichen planus-like variant of Paraneoplastic Pemphigus/Paraneoplastic autoimmune
multi-organ syndrome
Paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP) is an autoimmune syndrome, first described in 1990 (3),
characterized by the development of muco-cutaneous lesions in individuals with a neoplastic,
often malignant, disease. Although affected patients often present with blisters and ulceration
similar to those of pemphigus vulgaris (hence the term PNP), the disorder can present a
spectrum of clinical and histopathological manifestations that have been classified into 5
variants: 1) pemphigus-like, 2) pemphigoid-like, 3) erythema multiforme-like, 4) graft-vs-host
disease-like, and 5) lichen planus-like. More recently, due to increasing evidence of the
involvement of internal organs as one of the potential manifestations of the disease, the term
"paraneoplastic autoimmune multiorgan syndrome” (PAMS) was introduced (119). Lichen
planus-like variant of PNP/PAMS is frequently associated with Castleman’s disease, which is
a rare non-clonal neoplasm of lymphatic origin, also known as giant lymph node hyperplasia
or benign giant cell lymphoma (122). Castleman's disease most commonly develops in
lymphatic areas in the retroperitoneal spaces or in the chest and there is evidence that lesions
may be present for very long periods of time before PNP/PAMS develops. The most common
histological variant of Castleman's disease associated with PNP/PMAS is the hyaline vascular
type (122).
PNP/PAMS is characterized by the presence of autoantibodies against multiple antigens,
particularly the plakin family of proteins, which are part of the intracellular plaque of the
desmosomes and/or hemidesmosomes. These include the 210 kDa envoplakin (EP), the 190
kDa periplakin (PP), the 230 kDa bullous pemphigoid antigen BP230, the 250 and 210 kDa
desmoplakins I and II (DSPI and DSPII), and the 500 kDa plectin. Other antigens include the
desmogleins (Dsg) 1 and 3, plakophilin 3, desmocollins 1-3 and the previously described 170
kDa autoantigen recently identified as the protease inhibitor alpha-2-macroglobulin-like-1
(A2ML1) (146). There seems to be an association with HLA-Cw*14 and in DRB1*03 in
Chinese and French patients, respectively (68,97), which is yet to be confirmed in other
populations. In case of any recent or suspicious history of a neoplasm in patients developing
oral or mucocutaneous lichenoid lesions a diagnosis of PNP/PAMS should be considered.
Clinically, these patients have severe mucocutaneous lesions and can develop respiratory
failure. They are typically refractory to standard treatment. Oral and skin manifestations are
usually pleomorphic and can show a confusing and overlapping array of lesions (Figure 4).
Histopathology is normally not of great aid. Routine immunologic tests such as direct and
indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) can be either negative or controversial showing features of
more than one disease entity. IIF analysis of PNP/PAMS sera demonstrates the presence of
anti-epidermal antibodies that recognize both the epithelial cell surface of keratinocytes,
typically seen in pemphigus vulgaris, and the basement membrane zone, seen in pemphigoid.
The use of special substrates such as rat bladder epithelium that does not contain Dsg1 and
3 but does contain DSP, EP and PP greatly increases sensitivity (75-86%) and specificity (83-
98%) (68,97). Several commercially available ELISAs are able to detect reactivity against
some PNP antigens. In particular, an ELISA based on the N–terminal domain of EP is able to
detect reactivity of 80.6% PNP patient sera (135). Immunoblotting can show a distinctive
profile of antibodies directed toward the plakin family that include EP, PP, DSP, BPAG1, and
plectin. However, the gold standard for diagnosis is still represented by immunoprecipitation
(IP) of keratinocyte extracts. Historically, the first technique used to identify PNP
autoantibodies was IP using radioactively labelled keratinocyte extracts (3). The sensitivity of
this technique is superior to immunoblotting, IIF on rat bladder, and EP-ELISA. In addition, IP
is able to identify anti-A2ML1 reactivity that is not detected by IB with PNP sera (146).
However, because of the use of radioactive material, this technique is not widely available.
Recently, non-radioactive IP has been introduced and it seems to have similar diagnostic
performance (134).
Lichenoid lesions of Discoid Lupus Erythematosus
The term lupus erythematosus (LE) refers to a group of connective tissue disorders comprising
at least three major disease subsets: 1) Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE); 2) Subacute
cutaneous LE (SCLE) and 3) Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE). SLE and DLE can give rise
to oral lichenoid lesions, which may appear similar if not identical to those of OLP.
Immunofluorescent studies may be occasionally useful to distinguish oral lesions of LE from
OLP (121) but they cannot always distinguish between the two disorders (117). The presence
of mixed clinical and histopathological features of LE and LP, has been referred to as lupus
erythematosus/ lichen planus overlap syndrome (LE/LP overlap syndrome) (117).
DLE is the common form of chronic cutaneous LE and can be separated into two groups:
localized and generalized. The widespread disease is more frequently associated with
abnormalities detected in laboratory tests (125). DLE has been associated with HLA region
genes and non-MHC loci (see Table1) but the evidence is weaker than in SLE (79,80,118).
The disease may be confined to the skin, especially on sun-exposed areas, such as face, ears
and scalp, but there may be also mucosal involvement which is usually limited to the oral and
anogenital mucosae (18,82,113,141,166,172,179,181). Up to 28% of patients with DLE are
susceptible to developing SLE (35). Oral lichenoid lesions occur in 15–20% of DLE cases but
the prevalence of DLE limited to the oral mucosa is unknown and rarely studied. The buccal
mucosa, the vermilion, the gingiva and palate are usually affected. Typical oral lesions are
characterised by central atrophic areas or shallow erosions, radiating white striae at margins,
characteristically far less sharply defined than in OLP. They are often unilateral, and may be
on the hard and soft palate, and outer aspect of the lips which OLP usually spares. They can
be the sole manifestation of the disease. Lip lesions can tend to spread from the vermilion to
the surrounding lip skin, obscuring the limits of the vermilion but this is not a constant feature
(120). Squamous cell carcinoma may rarely arise in longstanding lesions of oral DLE (99).
Patients with DLE rarely fulfil 4 or more of the criteria used to classify SLE (161). Serologic
abnormalities are particularly uncommon in localized disease. The predominant autoantibody
in DLE patients remains unknown and only low-titre anti-Ro (60 kDa) antibodies have been
found in DLE patients (36). Histopathology can sometimes be of help but frequently is
equivocal or not specific, particularly in distinguishing DLE from OLP (168). On direct
immunofluorescence testing granular deposition of immunoglobulin and/or complement can
be seen at the dermo-epidermal junction, the so called lupus band test (LBT): this is
characteristic but not pathognomonic of either DLE or SLE. The LBT is neither sensitive nor
specific and has mostly been replaced by advances in serologic testing (73).
Lichenoid Lesions of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
SLE is regarded as a prototypic systemic autoimmune disease, which can affect multiple
organs and systems. Genome-wide association studies and mapping of candidate regions
have allowed a better understanding of the genetic basis of SLE (65). A meta-analysis found
the most consistent HLA association with HLA-DR3 and DR2 in European populations (50),
whereas a genome-wide association study (GWAS) revealed a greater association with MSH5
gene, which is in the class III region (66). Table 1 lists the candidate gene associations
confirmed by GWAS. Given the large number of SLE susceptibility loci known, it seems that
the genetic risk of SLE is derived from variations in several genes, each being of modest effect
size (65). SLE most often manifests as a mixture of constitutional symptoms, with skin,
musculoskeletal, and hematologic involvement. However, some patients present with
predominantly hematologic, renal, or neuropsychiatric manifestations (58). Cutaneous
manifestations of SLE are present in 85% of patients during the course of the disease. The
most typical skin lesion of LE is erythema over the malar eminences of the face and bridge of
the nose (the so called butterfly rash). Oral lesions appear in up to 40 % of cases of SLE and
can rarely be the presenting sign of the disease (85,86). Oral manifestations of SLE can be
similar to DLE: oral lichenoid lesions with atrophy, erosion and hyperkeratotic reticulation and
striation (Figure 5). Histopathological and immunofluorescence features have been discussed
above in the DLE section. Otherwise unspecific oral ulcerations can also be seen and they
are an American College of Rheumatologists (ACR) criterion for SLE diagnosis (111).
According to the ACR, the diagnosis of SLE requires the presence of four or more of 11 criteria,
serially or simultaneously, during any period of observation (58). Diagnosis of SLE is also
challenging because typical symptoms and signs could take long time to establish. The
diagnosis should be confirmed by the pattern of autoantibodies, particularly anti-nuclear
antibodies (ANA). Further to double-stranded DNA autoantibodies other autoantibodies are
commonly detected in SLE. Some SLE autoantibodies are pathogenic and others are
protective and some appear to be neutral, indifferent, and/or have roles that may not be
directly traced to pathogenesis or protection (55).
Chronic Ulcerative Stomatitis
In 1990 Jaremko et al. (78) described a disease, which they named chronic ulcerative
stomatitis (CUS), characterized by chronic oral ulcerations that occasionally can involve the
skin (23,38,43,53,75,152,153,155,183). The clinical appearance of oral lesions of CUS is
reminiscent of OLP and specific features able to differentiate CUS from OLP are virtually non-
existant. Some authors report that CUS should be considered in patients unresponsive to
glucocorticosteroid therapy (53). No more than 40 cases have been reported since the original
description and it is still unclear if this disease exists as a separate entity from OLP. The
similar to OLP. Diagnosis of CUS requires immunofluorescence (IF) microscopic examination
(138). Direct IF reveals the presence of IgG antibodies bound to of keratinocytes nuclei of the
basal and lower one-third cell layers, with a unique stratified epithelial specific-antinuclear
antibody (SES-ANA) pattern (78). However, other disorders such as SLE, scleroderma and
CREST (Calcinosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, Oesophageal involvement, Sclerodactyly and
Telangectasia) syndrome, and mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD), may demonstrate a
similar ANA pattern (152). CUS patients also have circulating antibodies which exhibit the
SES-ANA pattern on indirect IF (IIF) using an oesophagus substrate (78). Circulating IgG in
SLE, CREST, and MCTD patients (38,127,175) are usually detected using human neoplastic
HEp-2 cells or rodent kidney cells as substrates but they are not suitable for IIF of suspected
CUS cases. SLE, scleroderma and MCTD may also be positive for ANA on oesophagus
substrates but the pattern is different because the antibodies should be distributed through
the superficial epithelial layers (152). Immunoblot studies led to the recognition of a 70-kDa
keratinocyte protein in some CUS cases (16,24,128). Further studies identified a nuclear
protein normally present in basal and parabasal cells of stratified squamous epithelia called
deltaNp63alpha (Δnp63α), which is thought to be the putative specific CUS antigen (93).
Δnp63α is a member of a family of nuclear transcription factors, including p63, p73, and the
p53 tumor suppressor gene, which share considerable sequence homology (34). It is still
debated if Δnp63α is specific of CUS as some Authors reported that OLP patients could have
circulating autoantibodies against this protein (128). Two novel non-commercial ELISA
systems have been developed to detect antibodies against Δnp63α (47,154).
Lichen Planus Pemphigoides
Lichen planus pemphigoides (LPP) is a rare clinical variant of bullous pemphigoid (BP), which
is characterized by clinical and histological features of both LP and BP. This immuno-bullous
disorder usually occurs on skin and occasionally involves the oral mucosa (154,180,189). Less
than 80 cases have been reported so far and about 40% reported oral lesions similar to those
of OLP (189). Only 3 cases of LPP limited to the oral mucosa have been published (114,154),
though similar clinical appearance and immunological testing led to a MMP diagnosis in at
least another published case (92). LLP seems to have a similar demographic to OLP, with a
slight female predominance and mean age at diagnosis of 54 years (189). LPP has been
associated with a wide variety of conditions including malignancies such as lymphoma,
haemangiopericytoma, and colon cancer, and other conditions and therapies such as viral
hepatitis, phototherapy (UVA, UVB/psoralen-UVA), and therapy with simvastatin, furosemide,
ramipril, captopril, cinnarizine, paracetamol and ibuprofen (63,105,114,123,158). Clinically,
LPP is characterized by formation of blisters or tense bullae prior to, during, or after a papular
eruption of cutaneous LP. The bullae arise on both normal and LP affected skin (39,154).
Clinical features of oral involvement in LPP are lichenoid striation, erythematous and ulcerative
lesions involving gingiva, buccal mucosa but also the palate (Figure 6). Classic diagnosis of
LPP is made by clinical, histopathologic and immunologic features that suggest the
concurrence of both LP and BP (39,154,160). Histopathology shows features of
orthokeratosis, hypergranulosis, irregular acanthosis, hydropic degeneration of basal
keratinocytes with citoid body formation and subepidermal clefting (at the level of the lamina
lucida). The dermal inflammatory infiltrate is inconstant and may be cell-rich or cell-poor,
lichenoid or perivascular; in addition, eosinophilic spongiosis may also be a feature
(144,154,187). The sub-epidermal blister shows linear deposition of IgG and/or C3 along the
dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ) upon DIF. In addition, more than 50% of LPP cases have
circulating IgG anti-BMZ antibodies that are deposited on the epidermal side of 1.0 M sodium
chloride split skin indirect immunofluorescence. By immunoblot, sera of LPP patients react
against BP180, a component of the hemidesmosome involved in the dermo-epidermal
anchoring complex. In particular, autoantibodies bind to the C-terminal portion of NC16A, a
non-collagenous region of BP180 recognized by the vast majority of BP and MMP patients
(10,190). In this context, the commercially available ELISA based on NC16A can contribute to
the diagnosis.
Mixed Group
Lichenoid lesions on the inner side of the lip, possibly initiated by microbial plaque
accumulation on the buccal surfaces of the anterior teeth, have been reported as a possible
new disease entity (9,107). All subjects presented with a localized erythematous patch on the
labial mucosa of the upper lip and microscopically the lesions were characterized by the
presence of lichenoid inflammation with concomitant granulomatous inflammation.
Solitary fixed drug eruptions on the lip have been rarely reported. They are characterized by
a peculiar sudden onset of solitary, or occasionally multiple, well demarcated erythematous
lesions on the mucous membranes which may or may not become ulcerated. The
histopathology shows lichenoid interface dermatitis that includes plasma cells and tends to
surround small vessels (130). The diagnostic hallmark is the reappearance of the lesion
precisely over the previously affected site when the offending agent is reused.
Lichen sclerosus (LC) is clinically characterized by the development of well-delimited
hyperkeratotic lesions to the skin and genitals, and very rarely to the oral mucosa, followed by
fibrosis/sclerosis (7,83). It can mimic other disorders causing hyperkeratotic patches including
OLP. Histopathology of LC shows epithelial atrophy, local hydropic degeneration of the basal
cells, loss of the epithelial crests, and homogenization of the underlying connective tissue with
a reduction in elastic fibre presence, hyalinization and connective tissue sclerosis. Lichenoid
lymphocytic infiltrate is often present but does not show a distinct band of lymphocytes at the
epithelial–connective tissue junction as in OLP and other lichenoid lesions (7).
Differential Diagnosis of OLL
Occasionally the diagnosis of a specific OLL may be made on visual inspection without any
further test but in most instances other investigations are warranted (Figure 7). OLL often
present overlapping clinical and histopathological features and diagnosis is frequently
challenging. A complete history and clinical assessment by a multidisciplinary group of
specialists may be required to investigate oral, skin, nail, scalp, genital, oesophageal,
laryngeal and conjunctival involvement.
The clinical features alone, particularly when presenting in the “classic” hyperkeratotic reticular
bilateral form, would often support the exclusion of other oral keratotic disease such as
leukoplakia, frictional keratosis and proliferative verrucous leucoplakia (156). The latter is
particularly difficult to address as available reports suggest that it can show histological
“lichenoid” features. Biopsy would be prudent clinical practice in most, if not all, patients.
Histopathology, however, can be subjective and nonspecific (28); also it is unlikely to allow
differentiation between OLL. Further investigations such as direct and salt-split skin indirect
immunofluorescence and ELISA tests may be needed when a bullous disorders or LPP and
CUS are suspected. In cases of recalcitrant and atypical muco-cutaneous manifestations,
further investigations are warranted including a PET-scan for total body cancer screening if
PNP/PAMS is suspected. Immunoblotting, IP and ELISAs may also assist diagnosis (Figure
When medical history, clinical features and immunological findings (for example positive ANA
test) suggest SLE, testing fro anti-DNA antibodies as well as and other autoantibodies
including Anti-Sm, anti-RNP, anti-Ro/SSA and La/SSB, anti-antiphospholipid and anti-
cardiolipin should be considered (Table 1) (Figure 7) (55). For some OLL such as DLE, OLDR
and OLCL, reliable diagnostic tests are not available and further research is warranted.
Management of OLP/OLL
Some OLL such as OLP, OLCL, OLDR, DLE and CUS are more amenable to topical therapy
than PNP/PAMS, SLE and LPP, which usually require systemic medications and
multidisciplinary management. This chapter will focus upon topical therapy of OLP/OLL.
In individuals with potential OLDR, the causing medication should be discontinued where
possible. This is often difficult because the drug is usually important to the patient’s health and
effective alternative drugs may not be available. Moreover, the lesions may persist for several
months following withdrawal of the medication (109). Patients suspected to have OLCL may
benefit from targeted amalgam replacement, although it is possible that simple polishing of
the restorations and improvement of the patient’s oral hygiene may minimize plaque
accumulation and frictional trauma to the mucosa and therefore results in an improvement of
the OLCL. Patients obviously should be counselled on benefits and risks of amalgam removal.
Also, the cyclic nature of the disease characterized by periods of spontaneous remission and
exacerbation, the limited evidence supporting amalgam replacement, and the unpredictability
of the amalgam removal procedure should be described. Risks should be fully disclosed: these
include potential iatrogenic dental damage, the possibility of the worsening of the lesions
immediately after amalgam replacement (especially if a rubber dam is not used), shorter life
span of some alternative materials, and possible additional allergic reactions involving any of
the newly placed restoration materials (8).
The main aim of any therapy of OLP/OLL is symptomatic control (28,164). Usually, patients
with reticular and other asymptomatic lesions do not require active treatment. The elimination
of potential precipitating or provoking factors is an important initial step in the management of
symptomatic OLP/OLL. Precipitating factors and irritants (sharp or fractured teeth, poorly
fitting dentures, alcohol and tobacco consumption) should be identified and avoided or
eliminated where possible (73). Good oral hygiene along with the use of chlorhexidine mouth
rinse should also be advocated, as plaque reduction may have beneficial effects on the lesions
As many cases of OLP/OLL are chronic, the patient's medical history, psychological state, and
treatment compliance as well as possible drug interaction must be considered when evaluating
the cost effectiveness of any treatment modality (27).
Although a permanent cure is not available, various treatment regimens (Table 2) have been
introduced to reduce and control painful symptoms of OLP/OLL. Curiously, several suggested
treatment modalities are also suspected to induce lichenoid lesions (Table 2). Topical agents
are usually the first line of therapy as they have few adverse side effects. However, systemic
agents may be required if lesions are widespread and involve the skin or other mucosae, or if
there is recalcitrant disease. The medications that are commonly used for OLP/OLL are
immunosuppressive and few were developed specifically for oral disease. As a result, there is
a lack of adequate studies determining their efficacy (164). Moreover, several aspects of the
therapy such as optimal dose, duration of treatment, safety, and true efficacy remain largely
unknown (148). Patients should be warned about the off-label use of the medications used to
treat OLP/OLL.
Topical corticosteroids
dosage regimen represents “standard of care” (164).
Commonly, ointments and suspensions are preferred whereas creams can have a bitter taste
and do not melt well with adhesive pastes whereas gels almost invariably contain alcohol and
sting. Sprays, normally used for nasal allergy and asthma, can be also used intra-orally.
A reduction in painful symptoms with mid-potency corticosteroids, such as triamcinolone
acetonide 0.1% and betamethasone, potent fluorinated corticosteroids such as fluocinolone
acetonide 0.1% and fluocinonide 0.05%, and super potent halogenated corticosteroids, such
as clobetasol propionate 0.05%, have been reported in 30–100% of treated patients
(15,20,21,103,139,165,177). The adherence to the oral mucosa for a sufficient length of time
can be enhanced using adhesive pastes, such as sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Orabase®)
and hydroxyethyl cellulose, or special drug delivery systems, such as lipid-loaded
microspheres (19,21,103,116). Iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome has been rarely reported using
TCS (44,59,94) whereas acute pseudo-membranous candidiasis is the most common adverse
side effect. This can be prevented with the use of antifungals (miconazole gel) or chlorhexidine
mouthwashes (21,101). When lesions of OLP/OLL are limited to the gingivae topical steroids
may be best delivered using custom made trays (60).
Other topical agents
be beneficial for symptomatic OLP/OLL, especially if the lesions are recalcitrant to
corticosteroids. Cyclosporine has been used as a mouthrinse (50-1500 mg/day) (127) or in
adhesive bases (26-48 mg/day) (40,49,77,96,151,178) but is expensive, not always effective,
and less beneficial than topical clobetasol in inducing clinical improvement (40). Tacrolimus is
10–100 times as potent as cyclosporine and has greater percutaneous absorption. Several
uncontrolled, not randomised studies have documented the efficacy and safety of this agent
in the management of recalcitrant erosive OLL at concentrations ranging from 0.03% up to
0.1% (41,69,87,95,115,126,142). Burning on application is a common side-effect and is
observed in <20% of patients. Circulating therapeutic levels of tacrolimus can be
demonstrated after topical application and occasionally they can cause systemic adverse
events (41). Pimecrolimus is the newest calcineurin inhibitor used in OLP/OLL treatment. Its
immunosuppressive potency is thought to be weaker than cyclosporine and tacrolimus and it
has lower permeation through the skin than topical steroids or topical tacrolimus.
Nevertheless, a recent RCT comparing pimecrolimus 1% versus tacrolimus 0.1% in adhesive
ointment in the management of symptomatic OLP/OLL did not show any difference in clinical
efficacy (4). Although four small placebo-controlled randomised trials suggested that 1%
pimecrolimus cream can be an effective and well-tolerated treatment for erosive OLP/OLL
(110,129,159,176), a very recent meta-analysis (129,159,176) reported that in fact there is no
robust evidence that pimecrolimus is more effective than placebo (164).
The US Food and Drugs Administration issued a “Black Box” warning regarding the use of
tacrolimus and pimecrolimus because of a possible increased risk of malignancy development
(squamous cell carcinoma and lymphoma) in patients using topical tacrolimus/pimecrolimus
for cutaneous diseases. The decision has been heavily criticized in the medical community as
the concern stemmed from case reports and animal data (150). A recent ‘deductive meta-
analysis’ found no evidence of increased risk of skin cancer associated with the use of TCIs
(162). The issue remains controversial, as two separate papers reported development of oral
SCC in two patients with OLP/OLL and history of topical tacrolimus 0.1% therapy (11,106).
Topical rapamycin (Sirolimus), which inhibits the response to interleukin-2 (IL-2) and blocks
activation of T- and B-cells, has been recently suggested to represent an effective alternative
therapy in refractory erosive OLP (157). Notably, rapamycin has both immunosuppressive and
tumour inhibitor properties, and might theoretically control painful symptoms and at the same
time lessen the risk of cancer development in OLP/OLL patients.
Topical retinoids such as tretinoin, isotretinoin, fenretinide and tezarotene are generally less
effective than topical corticosteroids and more likely to cause adverse side effects
Systemic corticosteroids are recommended for patients with severe painful OLP/OLL who
have failed to respond to topical therapy or have widespread OLP/OLL involving skin, genitals,
oesophagus, or scalp (22). Prednisolone at a starting dosage of 40 to 80 mg daily for 1-4
weeks is usually sufficient to achieve a notable response, often followed by slow reduction in
dosage. However recurrences are common and therefore systemic corticosteroids do not
represent a sensible therapeutic option in chronic OLP/OLL (102) due to their toxicity profile
associated with long-term therapy. Corticosteroid-sparing agents and other
immunosuppressants including azathioprine and mycophenolate mofetil are usually required
for long-term therapy (32,33,54,136,169,186), though there has been little robust evaluation
of their efficacy in the OLP/OLL population. Hydroxychloroquine sulphate is considered the
first-line systemic therapy for severe DLE (82) but it could be also effective for CUS.
Also, very recently, biologic agents including Basiliximab, Etanercept, Efalizumab and
Alefacept have been proposed for treatment of OLP/OLL (Table 2), especially for patients with
severe manifestations or those who have failed traditional first- and second-line therapy such
as topical corticosteroids/topical calcineurin inhibitors. Non-pharmacological modalities such
as phototherapy (62), surgery (6) and laser treatment (with carbon dioxide and low-dose
excimer 308-nm laser) (72,90,171) have been suggested but their effectiveness is yet to be
proven. Of note, surgical intervention has been reported to worsen lesions of OLP/OLL (88).
Novel treatments
Topical aloe vera (AV) (37,104,137,143) and oral curcuminoids (OC) (30,31) have been
suggested to represent promising therapeutic options for OLP/OLL. However, different AV
formulations have been published so far and the amount of active product can vary greatly
depending on the age of the plant, the growing and harvesting conditions, the parts of the
plant, and the extraction methods used. Further, OC can cause adverse side effects in up to
40% of the patients, including liver dysfunction.
Amlexanox (56) and topical thalidomide (184) have also been investigated and were reported
to be effective in controlling painful symptoms of OLP/OLL in comparison to weak topical
corticosteroids, which are no longer commonly used for OLP/OLL management.
OLP/OLL represent a heterogeneous group of inflammatory disorders that are characterised
by similar clinical manifestations and histopathological features. They probably share a
common reaction pattern to one or more antigens, however the exact pathogenic mechanisms
and the nature of antigenic triggers remain unknown. Oral manifestations typically include
“lichenoid” hyperkeratotic striation/reticulation and/or a variable degree of erythema, blistering,
erosion and ulceration, which are seen in oral lichen planus, oral lichenoid contact lesions,
oral lichenoid drug reactions, oral lichenoid lesions of graft versus host disease, discoid lupus
erythematosus, and systemic lupus erythematosus, lichen planus-like variant of
paraneoplastic pemphigus/paraneoplastic autoimmune multi-organ syndrome, chronic
ulcerative stomatitis, lichen planus pemphigoides, solitary fixed drug eruptions and oral lichen
sclerosus. Histologically OLP/OLL are characterised by a “lichenoid” sub-epithelial
inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes. With the exception of oral lichen planus and sclerosus,
oral lichenoid contact lesions, oral lichenoid drug reactions, and chronic ulcerative stomatitis,
affected patients often present a variety of extra-oral systemic manifestations that require
assessment and management. Oral painful lesions of OLP/OLL are commonly managed with
topical corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, although severe recalcitrant disease and
extra-oral manifestations typically require systemic immunosuppression. Some of the
disorders in the OLP/OLL group are associated with an increased risk of oral cancer
development and should be carefully and regularly monitored.
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