Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)

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  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)




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  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)






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  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)


  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)


    VM EBS User Access Request

    VM EBS Access Approver 

    VM EBS Access Request Manager 

    "inance #esponsibilities

    VM Internet Expenses - IE

    VM Internet Expenses - AU

    VM Internet Expenses - AE

    VM Internet Expenses - CAVM Internet Expenses - CN

    VM Internet Expenses - IN

    VM Internet Expenses - US

    VM Internet Expenses - SG

    VM Internet Expenses - FR

    VM Internet Expenses - HKVM Internet Expenses - ES

    VM Internet Expenses - K

    VM Internet Expenses - CH

    VM Internet Expenses - I!

    VM Internet Expenses - SE

    VM Internet Expenses - N"

    VM #urc$as%ng Super User

    %#rocure&ent Super User 

    %Supp'%er #orta' Interna' V%e(

    VM %#rocure&ent - AEVM %#rocure&ent - A!

    VM %#rocure&ent - AU

    VM %#rocure&ent - BG

    VM %#rocure&ent - B"

    VM %#rocure&ent - BM

    VM %#rocure&ent - CA

    VM %#rocure&ent - CH

    VM %#rocure&ent - CN

     (or responsibilities t

  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)


    VM %#rocure&ent - E

    VM %#rocure&ent - K

    VM %#rocure&ent - ES

    VM %#rocure&ent - FR

    VM %#rocure&ent - HK

    VM %#rocure&ent - IE

    VM %#rocure&ent - IN

    VM %#rocure&ent - I"

    VM %#rocure&ent - IM

    VM %#rocure&ent - I!

    VM %#rocure&ent - )#

    VM %#rocure&ent - N"

    VM %#rocure&ent - SG

    VM %#rocure&ent - SE

    VM %#rocure&ent - S*

    VM %#rocure&ent - UK

    VM %#rocure&ent - UKS+

    VM %#rocure&ent - US

    VM %#rocure&ent (,Approva' Status V%e( - US

    Internet #rocure&ent Cata'og A&%n%strat%on

    VM #-Car,M-car . US

    VM #-Car,M-Car (,Aut$or%/at%ons

    $orp Ops #esponsibilities

    0rac'e Custo&ers 0n'%ne Superuser 

    0rac'e Custo&ers 0n'%ne Superuser1Rea on'23

    VM %scoverer R4 Super User Reports

    VM %scoverer R4 User Reports

    VM F%nance Co&&on V%e( - USVM Genera' "eger Inqu%r2 Eng - 55

    VM Insta''e Base Setup A&%n

    VM #orta' Reports User 

    VM #r%c%ng Super User - US

    VM #urc$as%ng Rece%ver Inqu%r2 - 55

    VM Reports - F#4A

    VM RevStrea& Revenue Inqu%r2 6 55

    VM Serv%ce Contracts #o(er User 6 IE

    VM Serv%ce Contracts #o(er User 6 US

    VM Serv%ce Contract Setup

    VM ** #ro7ects Inqu%r2 - 55For *ene!als+ !heneer a ne! Sales rep is onboarded,

    .'SD and S-D do not do this/

    I% #esponsibilities

    A'ert Manager 

    App'%cat%on eve'oper 

    Approva's Manage&ent A&%n%strator 

  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)


    Approva's Manage&ent Bus%ness Ana'2st

    CRM H!M" A&%n%strat%on

    e8au't #artner User 

    es9top Integrat%on

    %scoverer Cata'og

    e-Co&&erce Gate(a2

    0rac'e %agnost%cs !oo'

    0rac'e *e: AI

    SFM S2ste& A&%n%strator 

    S2ste& A&%n%strator 

    S2ste& A&%n%strat%on

    VM Custo& #rogra& Respons%:%'%t2

    VM e-Co&&erce Gate(a2 - 55

    VM I! Au%tors

    VM Mar9et%ng 0perat%ons Reports User 

    VM Not%8%cat%ons

    VM Reports A&%n%strator - 55

    VM Reports - 0EM #orta'

    VM S0 A&%n%strator 

    VM User Ma%ntenance

    VM User Ma%ntenance - For S

    VM User Ma%ntenance - Inqu%r2 0n'2

    VM (or98'o( a&%n%strator 

    *or98'o( A&%n%strator 

    *or98'o( A&%n%strator *e: 1Ne(3

    *or98'o( A&%n%strator *e: App'%cat%ons

    *or98'o( User 

    *or98'o( User *e: 1Ne(3

    *or98'o( User *e: App'%cat%ons

  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)


    No approva's 8or F!E or contractors

    $o approals 0or F1E or Intern

    $o approals 0or F1E or Intern

    $o approals 0or F1E or Intern

    $o approals 0or F1E or Intern$o approals 0or F1E or Intern

    $o approals 0or F1E or Intern

    $o approals 0or F1E or Intern

    $o approals 0or F1E or Intern

    $o approals 0or F1E or Intern

    $o approals 0or F1E or Intern$o approals 0or F1E or Intern

    $o approals 0or F1E or Intern

    $o approals 0or F1E or Intern

    $o approals 0or F1E or Intern

    $o approals 0or F1E or Intern

    $o approals 0or F1E or Intern

    Shelle# 'c2herson

    Shelle# 'c2herson

    Shelle# 'c2herson

    Mini-Oracle Matrixat go through HELPZILLA instead of EB A

    No approva's 8or VMS tea& ($o can use t$%s toc$ec9 ARS requests &ae :2 users


  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)


    Shelle# 'c2herson

    Shelle# 'c2herson

    %rad Stars

    %rad Stars

    Samantha 'iguel .elas3ue"

    Samantha 'iguel .elas3ue"

    im Stuebner

    im Stuebner

    Danica oseph'anager Approal

    Samantha 'iguel .elas3ue"

    Srianth Aaaram

    *a# 'itra

    'anager Approal

    im Stuebner

    'anager Approal

    Samantha 'iguel .elas3ue"

    Samantha 'iguel .elas3ue"

    Samantha 'iguel .elas3ue"

    'anager Approalr#an Hope or someone in their dept needs t

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    For "%Es  - No approva' neee; A users o(ncountr2 :oo9s s$ou' :e a'rea2 ae :2

    e8au't ($en account %s create;

    For $ontractors< Bus%ness Un%t %rectorapprova' %s requ%re

    'anager approal 4rst (.'!are manager,not contractor)

  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)


    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# Srianth Aaaram

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b#Arun *angas!am#

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# Srianth Aaaram

    Additional approal b# Srianth Aaaram

    Additional approal b# *#an Sellschop

    Additional approal b# Srianth Aaaram

    Additional approal b# Srianth Aaaram

    Additional approal b# Srianth Aaaram

    Additional approal b# Srianth Aaaram

    Additional approal b# 'ahantesh Katageri

    Additional approal b# 'ahantesh Katageri

    'anager Approal

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# .arinder Kumar

    Additional approal b# Srianth AaaramAdditional approal b# Srianth Aaaram

    Additional approal b# Alan %ianchi \'ahantesh Katageri

  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)


    iE5pense is not gien to contractors/

    1hen get Sirisha Dasu6s approal

    1hen get Sirisha Dasu6s approal

    1hen get Sirisha Dasu6s approal


    1here are some instances !here an A7F user has re3uested 0or ie5penseresponsibilit#/ I0 so here are the steps to tae+8/ As 0or a business 9usti4cation/:/ *e3uest 0or approal 0rom %rad Stars/

    1here are some instances !here a user has re3uested 0or ie5penseresponsibilities 0or a di;erent countr# apart 0rom his

  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)


    1hen get Sirisha Dasu6s approal

    1hen get Sirisha Dasu6s approal

    Sirisha Dasu is bacup

    Sirisha Dasu is bacup

    1erri 1rettin=*ios bacup

    1erri 1rettin=*ios bacup

    Francois Delepine is bacup

    Francois Delepine is bacup

    Samantha 'iguel .elas3ue" bacup *E'E'%E

    Chandra Elango is bacup

    %arr# Dais is bacup

    Francois Delepine is bacup

    1erri 1rettin=*ios bacup

    1erri 1rettin=*ios bacup

    1erri 1rettin=*ios bacup

    add them as Sales *eps into -racle (.' C*' Admin module)

    Alternate approer is 'ano9 7arrier

    Alternate approer is 'ano9 7arrier

    Alternate approer is 'ano9 7arrier

  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)


    Alternate approer is 'ano9 7arrier

    Alternate approer is 'ano9 7arrier

    %acup approer is Chandra Elango

    Alternate approer is 'ano9 7arrier

    Alternate approer is 'ano9 7arrier

    Alternate approer is 'ano9 7arrier

    Alternate approer is 'ano9 7arrier

    %acup approer is Chandra Elango

    Alternate approer is 'ano9 7arrier

    Alternate approer is 'ano9 7arrier

    Alternate approer is 'ano9 7arrier

    %acup approer is Chandra Elango

    %acup approer is Chandra Elango

    %acup approer is Angela 7einman

    %acup approer is Chandra Elango

    %acup approer is Chandra Elango

    %acup approer is Chandra Elango

    %acup approer is Chandra Elango

    %acup approer is Alan %ianchi

    %acup approer is 2rathap 2arashar

    %acup approer is 2rathap 2arashar


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  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)


     1- &I.E *->E A>S-????

  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)


  • 8/18/2019 Oracle Mini-Matrix 15-October-2015 (1) (1)


    I%&O#A$LE&H# #esponsibilities and Appro'ers

    (c)I*1@.'7A*E/C-' :B

    Application Module #esponsibilit Appro'ers )ho is Eligible #ole #e*+ Process

    VM HR Manager Se'8 Serv%ce ,O APP#OAL ,EE.E./  A'' &anagers (%t$ F!Es report%ng to t$e&

    Hu0an #esources VM G'o:a' Super HRMS Manager - US HRIS 0n'2VM HR Co&p A&%n - A'' HRIS 4 Co&p :2 approva' on'2

    VM HR Co&p A&%n - A'' 1No HR3 HRIS 4 Co&p :2 approva' on'2

    VM HR Co&pensat%on *or9:enc$ - HRB# HRIS 4 Co&p :2 approva' on'2

    VM HR ata A&%n%strat%on HRIS 0n'2

    VM HR Rea 0n'2 Access - G'o:a' HRIS 0n'2

    VM HR Rea 0n'2 Access - No HR,USA HRIS 0n'2

    VM HR #a2ro'' -- A#AC #a2ro'',FIN,HR :2 approva' on'2

    VM HR #a2ro'' -- US #a2ro'',FIN,HR :2 approva' on'2

    VM HR #a2ro'' -- CA #a2ro'',FIN,HR :2 approva' on'2

    VM HR #a2ro'' -- EMEA #a2ro'',FIN,HR :2 approva' on'2

    VM HR I! Access I! HR :2 approva' on'2

    VM Reports A&%n%strator - HR I! HR :2 approva' on'2


    ste0 Ad0inistration VM HR A0" Founat%on

    M)are $usto0i1ations VM HR+R Re'ease User - US

    VM HR+R HR Approva' Group HR Sta88 on'2 No usua''2 :un'e (,ot$er re'ate respons%:%'%t%es

    HR Sta88 on'2 =es

    %t-$r< certa%n approve VMS &e&:ers no

    VM HR+R Manager-US 4 5R+R Mgr-USNo Ass%gn to AN=0NE as requeste 1F!E or contractor3

    VM HR+R Funct%ona' Super User - US

    M H#2# 3ser - 3 and 4#2# 3ser-3

    VM 5R+R HR Approva' Group HR Sta88 on'2 No usua''2 :un'e (,ot$er re'ate respons%:%'%t%es

    HR Sta88 on'2 =es

    VM HR+R Mo:%'e Approva' Group

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - A''

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - A'' 1No HR3

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - A''%ances

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - A#AC

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - C$anne' Mar9et%ng

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - Corporate A&%n

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - EMEA

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - Fac%'%t%es

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - F%nance

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - I!

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - "ega'

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - Mar9et%ng

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - #S0

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - >AVM HR Bus%ness #artner - R4

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - Sa'es

    VM HR Bus%ness #artner - !ec$ Support

    VM HR E&p'o2ee Se'8 Serv%ce N0 "0NGER USE? No( *or9a2

    VM HR #a2ro'' -- )#

    VM HR #a2ro'' -- SG

    VM HR #a2ro'' -- EMC "E

    VM HR #a2ro'' -- VM* "E

    VM HR Sta88%ng

    VM ** #ro7ects Inqu%r2 - HR

    VM %scoverer Heacount Reports

    Neee 8or C*B access 1$o0p )or5bench3

    6ell Pan5rat1 is pri0ar)enn%8er N%c9e' %s @st :ac9up

     A&2 Ganna(a2 %s +n :ac9up

    Not sure what this is - not used / nonew approvals.

    R!R Responsi"ilities are no lon#er inuse $%loha deplo&ed '( !)*!+

    VM HR+R H# 3ser  - US A8ter approva'< a Respons%:%'%t2 an route to VMS Eng (%t$ Superuser access toa t$e Ro'e

    VM H#2# uper 3ser - US

     An2one 1t$oug$ on'2 &anagers (%t$ %rect reportscan actua''2 o an2t$%ng (%t$ t$e &ou'e3 %n a''countr%es

    Support peop'e ($o process HR+Rs %n Fac%'%t%es<es9top< !e'eco&< 0rac'e ($o prov%s%on ne($%res; Not 8or genera' &grs

    =es - ro'evar%es

     A8ter approva'< a Respons%:%'%t2 an route to M. Eng 7ith 8uperuser8 accessto add the #ole

    VM 5R+R H# 3ser  - US A8ter approva'< a Respons%:%'%t2 an route to VMS Eng (%t$ Superuser access toa t$e Ro'e
