Oracle Insbridge Driver Assignment

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  • 1.

2. Best Practices with Insbridge Driver Assignment 3. Overview

  • Determine Driver Assignment Objectives
  • Reveal Personal Auto Line of Business Specifics
  • Examine Core Driver Assignment Functions
  • Evaluate Real-Life Examples

4. Determine Driver Assignment Objectives 5. Driver Assignment Objectives

  • Why Do We Need Driver Assignment?
  • What Are Our Rules?
  • How Will We Get RateManager the Information Needed to Accomplish Driver Assignment Goals?

6. Driver Assignment Objectives (cont.)

  • Why Do We Need Driver Assignment?
    • Which drivers go with which vehicles?
    • What if there are more drivers than vehicles?
    • What if there are more vehicles than drivers?

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. ? 7. Driver Assignment Objectives (cont.)

  • What Are Our Rules?
    • Assign youthful drivers first
    • Assign the vehicles in order of highest cost new to lowest cost new
    • Assign the vehicles to their principal operator
    • Assign the driver with the lowest operator class to the excess vehicles

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. 8. Driver Assignment Objectives (cont.)

  • How Will We Get RateManager the Information Needed to Accomplish Driver Assignment Goals?
    • New driver and vehicle information sent to RateManager
    • Inputs, tables and calculations already in RateManager

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. 9. Reveal Personal Auto Line of Business Specifics 10. Personal Auto Line of Business Specifics

  • Driver Assignment-Specific Inputs
  • Driver and Vehicle Required Categories
  • Driver-Vehicle System Category
  • Driver Assignment Module

11. Personal Auto Line of Business Specifics (cont.)

  • Driver Assignment-Specific Inputs
    • System-created
    • Driver Use Percentage on each vehicle
    • Vehicle Use Percentage on each driver
    • Assigned Driver on each vehicle
    • Vehicle Principally Driven on each driver

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. 12. Personal Auto Line of Business Specifics (cont.)

  • Driver Assignment-Specific Inputs

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. 13. Personal Auto Line of Business Specifics (cont.)

  • Driver and Vehicle Required Categories
    • System-created
    • RateManager expects driver information on category id 1, and vehicle information on category id 2 in order to complete Driver Assignment

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. 14. Personal Auto Line of Business Specifics (cont.)

  • Driver and Vehicle Required Categories

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. 15. Personal Auto Line of Business Specifics (cont.)

  • Driver-Vehicle System Category
    • System-created
    • Only functionalafterDriver Assignment has created pairs of drivers and vehicles
    • Allows RateManager to access both driver variablesandvehicle variables from the same algorithm
    • Example: Bodily Injury Algorithm uses Driver Point Factor variable as well as Vehicle Model Year Factor, so its working category should be Driver-Vehicle

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. 16. Personal Auto Line of Business Specifics (cont.)

  • Driver-Vehicle System Category

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. 17. Personal Auto Line of Business Specifics (cont.)

  • Driver Assignment Module
    • Where the Driver Assignment-specific algorithms are created
    • Driver Assignment-specific algorithms can be Global across entire line of business, or local to specific programs
    • Driver Assignment-specific algorithms can be revisioned for rate changes

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. 18. Personal Auto Line of Business Specifics (cont.)

  • Driver Assignment Module

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. 19. Examine Core Driver Assignment Functions 20. Core Driver Assignment Functions

  • Driver Assignment Building Blocks
  • Ranking
  • Flagging
  • Assigning

21. Core Driver Assignment Functions (cont.)

  • Driver Assignment Building Blocks
    • Driver Assignment Scenario
    • Ranking algorithms
    • Flagging algorithms

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Core Driver Assignment Functions (cont.) 22. Core Driver Assignment Functions (cont.)

  • Ranking
    • Steps added in Driver Assignment Scenario
    • Uses Rank Driver and Rank Vehicle algorithms
    • Examples: Rank all drivers (high-to-low); Rank unassigned vehicles (low-to-high)

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Core Driver Assignment Functions (cont.) 23. Core Driver Assignment Functions (cont.)

  • Flagging
    • Steps added in Driver Assignment Scenario
    • Uses Flag Driver and Flag Vehicle algorithms
    • Examples: Flag 1 stranked driver;Flag unassigned vehicles

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Core Driver Assignment Functions (cont.) 24.

  • Assigning
    • Steps added in Driver Assignment Scenario
    • Examples: Assign 1 stranked driver to 1 stranked vehicle; Assign flagged driver to all unassigned vehicle; Assign all vehicles to principal operator

Core Driver Assignment Functions (cont.) April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. 25. Evaluate Real-Life Examples 26. Real-Life Examples

  • Highest Drivers to Highest Vehicles
  • Youthful Drivers First, then Principal Operators
  • All Drivers Versus All Vehicles

27. Real-Life Examples (cont.)

  • Highest Drivers to Highest Vehicles
    • Rank drivers highest-to-lowest by Driver Class factor
    • Rank vehicles highest-to-lowest by model year
    • Assign highest ranked driver to highest ranked vehicle, second-highest ranked driver to second highest-ranked vehicle, and so on

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Real-Life Examples (cont.) 28. Real-Life Examples (cont.)

  • Highest Drivers to Highest Vehicles

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Real-Life Examples (cont.) 29. Real-Life Examples (cont.)

  • Highest Drivers to Highest Vehicles

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Real-Life Examples (cont.) 30. Real-Life Examples (cont.)

  • Highest Drivers to Highest Vehicles

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Real-Life Examples (cont.) 31. Real-Life Examples (cont.)

  • Youthful Drivers First, Then Principal Operators
    • Assign youthful drivers to the vehicles they operate the most using the Driver Use on Vehicle Percentage inputs
    • Assign remaining vehicles to the driver that operates it the most
    • Drivers may not be assigned to more than one vehicle during this assignment process
    • Assign excess vehicles to the driver with the lowest Driver Class factor

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Real-Life Examples (cont.) 32. Real-Life Examples (cont.)

  • Youthful Drivers First, Then Principal Operators

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Real-Life Examples (cont.) 33. Real-Life Examples (cont.)

  • Youthful Drivers First, Then Principal Operators

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Real-Life Examples (cont.) 34. Real-Life Examples (cont.)

  • Youthful Drivers First, Then Principal Operators

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Real-Life Examples (cont.) 35. Real-Life Examples (cont.)

  • All Drivers Versus All Vehicles
    • Assign the vehicles to the drivers that produce the highest total liability premium
    • Drivers may not be assigned to more than one vehicle during this assignment process
    • Assign excess vehicles to the driver with the highest Driver Class factor; should multiple drivers have the same Driver Class factor, assign younger drivers before older drivers

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Real-Life Examples (cont.) 36. Real-Life Examples (cont.)

  • All Drivers Versus All Vehicles

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Real-Life Examples (cont.) 37. Real-Life Examples (cont.)

  • All Drivers Versus All Vehicles

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Real-Life Examples (cont.) 38. Real-Life Examples (cont.)

  • All Drivers Versus All Vehicles

April 13-16, 2008Dallas, Texas 2008 by Skywire Software. All rights reserved. Real-Life Examples (cont.) 39. Review

  • Determine Driver Assignment Objectives
  • Reveal Personal Auto Line of Business Specifics
  • Examine Core Driver Assignment Functions
  • Evaluate Real-Life Examples
