Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle Identity Governance 11g R2 PS1 - Skin Customization CUSTOM Effective 06/05/12 Page 1 of 25 Rev 1 Oracle Identity Governance 11g R2 PS1 - Skin Customization Overview

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Oracle Identity Governance 11g R2 PS1 - Skin CustomizationOracle Identity Governance 11g R2 PS1 - Skin Customization CUSTOMIZING OIG - COMPILE, DEPLOY, AND ACTIVATE A SKIN.DOCX
Effective 06/05/12 Page 1 of 25 Rev 1
Oracle Identity Governance 11g R2 PS1 - Skin Customization
Oracle Identity Governance 11g R2 PS1 - Skin Customization CUSTOMIZING OIG - COMPILE, DEPLOY, AND ACTIVATE A SKIN.DOCX
Effective 06/05/12 Page 2 of 25 Rev 1
Overview of Customizing Skins
In this tutorial, you perform the following tasks related to skin customization with the Oracle Identity Manager Catalog page:
Preparing a sample (supplied) application workspace in JDeveloper
Compiling and deploying the sample application
Activating the sample skin to view the demo customization
This tutorial assumes have downloaded, installed and configured the following software:
Oracle Identity Governance 11gR2 PS1
Note: This tutorial assumes you have installed Oracle Identity Governance 11gR2 PS1
in a directory structure called /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1 and
that your WebLogic Server domain name is called base_domain. If your installation
path and the instance name are different, make a note of the values. You may set an
environment variable called $OIM_ORACLE_HOME to this directory structure.
Oracle JDeveloper
Note: This tutorial assumes you have installed this product in a directory structure
called /u01/app/jdeveloper. If your installation path is different, make a note of the
In addition, this tutorial requires that you download the files required for the skin customization demonstration described in this practice. Therefore, before you can start working on tasks in this tutorial you must download the appropriate resources from Oracle web sites, by performing the following steps:
1. In a web browser window or tab page, access the Oracle Identity Manager 11g Sample Assets page by entering the following URL http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/id-mgmt/overview/oim-11g-assets- 504842.html.
2. On the Oracle Identity Manager 11g Sample Assets page, scroll down and locate the Skin Customization heading, and click the 11gR2 link as shown:
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 3 of 25 Rev 1
3. When prompted by your web browser, save the skin-customization-1868158.7z file
to a location of your choice.
4. Using whatever technique or tool you use on your operating system, extract the contents of
the skin-customization-1868158.7z to a temporary location.
Note: On Linux systems, you may need to visit the p7zip (http://sourceforge.net/projects/p7zip/) web page to download and install a command line tool that can extract the contents of the 7z file on Linux systems. Extracting the contents of the 7z file creates a directory (folder) called Skin Customization, which contains the following two files:
The IdenitySamples.zip contains the files needed for this tutorial.
5. Extract the contents of the IdentitySamples.zip file to a temporary location for
$ unzip IdentitySamples.zip -d /tmp/downloads
Next prepare JDeveloper with the sample application for the skin customization demonstration.
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 4 of 25 Rev 1
Task 1: Preparing the JDeveloper with the sample application
In this practice, you work with JDeveloper by using a sample application containing sources for customized versions of forms and skins. The files needed for this step should be located in the
folder you extracted the IdentitySamples.zip file into. For example: the
/tmp/downloads/IdentitySamples folder.
Assumptions You have downloaded and extracted the IdentitySamples.zip file from Oracle Identity
Manager 11g Sample Assets web page.
1. In a Terminal window, copy the IdentitySamples in the temporary folder to the
IDM_HOME/server folder by executing the following commands:
$ export MW_HOME=/u01/app/Oracle/Middleware
$ export IDM_HOME=$MW_HOME/Oracle_IDM1
Note: the IDM_HOME environment variable should be referencing the directory (folder) path
in which Oracle Identity Manager 11g R2 software was installed. For example:
2. Open JDeveloper, and in the JDeveloper window, click File > Open.
3. In the Open window, navigate to the
/u01/app/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/IdentitySamples folder
Oracle Identity Governance 11g R2 PS1 - Skin Customization CUSTOMIZING OIG - COMPILE, DEPLOY, AND ACTIVATE A SKIN.DOCX
Effective 06/05/12 Page 5 of 25 Rev 1
Note: After opening the application, you can see sample projects available in this application. The projects contain sources for sample UI customizations of User Form, Application Instance Form, Homepage portlets, and sample skins. For example:
In the next section of this tutorial, you work with the sample skins – JDeveloper project Skins. The Skins project contains several customized skins. Skin customizations consist of custom CSS file and images.
Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle Identity Governance 11g R2 PS1 - Skin Customization CUSTOMIZING OIG - COMPILE, DEPLOY, AND ACTIVATE A SKIN.DOCX
Effective 06/05/12 Page 6 of 25 Rev 1
Task 2: Compiling and Deploying the Skin sample
In this section of the tutorial, you prepare the environment to use the downloaded sample code. The sources provided in the sample JDeveloper application must be compiled and deployed on the server. You must create several backend artifacts required by the sample code by using the Oracle Identity Manager Deployment Manager to some import XML configuration files, and by using the Oracle Identity Manager Administration Console to import a sample sandbox.
Your tasks for this practice are:
Compiling samples
Importing backend artifacts
Importing sample sandbox
Assumptions You have copied the IdentitySamples folder into the server folder in the Oracle
Identity Manager home folder.
Compiling Sample Code
1. To compile and package the sample code in JDeveloper into a Web Archive (WAR) file, perform the following steps:
a. In the JDeveloper window in the Application Navigator panel, right-click the MainUI project entry, and select Deploy > custom-shared-lib-war.
Note: Use the following image as a guide:
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 7 of 25 Rev 1
b. In the Deploy custom-shared-lib-war window, perform the following actions:
1) On the Deployment Action page, select Deploy to WAR, and click Next.
2) On the Summary page, click Finish.
Note: Deployment - Log window becomes active and JDeveloper starts building all
the projects. Among others, it builds the oracle.iam.ui.custom shared library
(oracle.iam.ui.custom-dev-starter-pack.war file) that is used to deploy
the custom code to the server.
c. On the JDeveloper Deployment – Log tab page, you can verify that all the projects have been built successfully.
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 8 of 25 Rev 1
Deploying the Custom Shared Library
To deploy oracle.iam.ui.custom shared library (oracle.iam.ui.custom-dev-
starter-pack.war file), you can use Oracle Weblogic Administration Console, and in the
Deployments section, search for oracle.iam.ui.custom deployment, select to undeploy the
application and then redeploy it. However, for the purpose of this practice, you overwrite the
existing $IDM_HOME/server/apps/oracle.iam.ui.custom-dev-starter-pack.war
2. To overwrite the existing $IDM_HOME/server/apps/oracle.iam.ui.custom-dev-
starter-pack.war file and make it active, perform the following steps:
d. In a Terminal window, execute following commands:
$ cd $IDM_HOME/server/IdentitySamples/stage/war
$ cp oracle.iam.ui.custom-dev-starter-pack.war \
Note: The backslash followed by Enter in the cp command allows you to continue the
command over multiple lines. Alternatively, you can enter the command (without the backslash) on a single line.
e. To restart the Oracle Identity Manager server, perform the following actions:
1) Either using Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console (if NodeManager is configured) or command line tools stop the Oracle Identity Manager server. For example to use the command line form enter the following commands:
$ cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain
$ bin/stopManagedWebLogic.sh oim_server1
Note: The path to your domain may differ from the example provided here, and the name of the Oracle Identity Manager server may also be different from oim_server1 depending on how you configured the Oracle Identity Manager server instance for your domain.
2) Restart the Oracle Identity Manager server using whatever technique is applicable to your environment. If using the command line tools, the execute the following commands in a Terminal window:
$ cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain
$ bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh oim_server1
Note: Wait until you see the server <Server started in RUNNING mode>
Importing Backend Artifacts
The demo customizations used in this tutorial require some backend artifacts to be created.
These can be created by importing the FloraInc.xml file located in the
/u01/app/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/IdentitySamples/DM folder.
3. To import the FloraInc.xml file, perform the following steps:
a. In a web browser, access the Oracle Identity System Administration console by entering the URL https://localhost:140001/sysadmin and sign in with the User Id
xelsysadm and the Password assigned to the user when you installed Oracle Identity
Manager, for example password Welcome1.
Oracle Identity Governance 11g R2 PS1 - Skin Customization CUSTOMIZING OIG - COMPILE, DEPLOY, AND ACTIVATE A SKIN.DOCX
Effective 06/05/12 Page 9 of 25 Rev 1
b. On the Oracle Identity System Administration page, click Import under System Management.
c. In the “Select a file for import.” window, navigate to /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/IdentitySamples/DM
, select FloraInc.xml, and click OK.
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 10 of 25 Rev 1
d. On the Deployment Manager > File Preview page, click Add File.
e. On the Deployment Manager – Import > Substitutions page, click Next.
f. On the Confirmation page, click Next.
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 11 of 25 Rev 1
g. On the Deployment Manager > Provide IT Resource Instance Data page, click Skip.
Note: You are prompted with multiple IT Resource Instance Data pages, click Skip for each IT Resource, until you get to a Confirmation page.
h. On the Confirmation page, click View Selections.
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 12 of 25 Rev 1
i. On the Deployment Manager – Import page showing content of the file being imported, click Import.
j. In the Confirmation dialog box, Click Import.
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 13 of 25 Rev 1
Note: This import operation takes a few minutes. Wait for the Import Successful dialog message window.
k. On the Success window, with the Import Successful message, click OK.
l. Close the Deployment Manager – Import window.
m. Sign out of the Oracle Identity System Administration console page.
Importing the Sample Sandbox
In this section of the practice, you deploy customizations that were created for the launch demo. All these customizations are captured by the FloraInc sandbox, which is available at /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/IdentitySamples/Sandboxe
s/sandbox_FloraInc.zip file.
4. To import the sandbox to Oracle Identity Manager, perform the following steps:
a. In a web browser window, access the Oracle Identity Administration console page (using URL https://localhost:14001/sysadmin if needed), and log in with User ID
xelsysadm and the password you assigned to the user, for example Welcome1.
b. On the Oracle Identity Administration page, click the Sandboxes link in the upper right corner of the page.
c. On the Manage Sandboxes tab page, click Import Sandbox.
d. In the Import Sandbox dialog box, click Browse to locate the /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/IdentitySamples/Sa
ndboxes folder, select the sandbox_FloraInc.zip file and click Open.
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 14 of 25 Rev 1
e. On the Import Standbox page, click Import.
f. On the Manage Sandboxes page, verify that the FloraInc sandbox has been imported and is visible in the Available Sandboxes table. If required, click Refresh to update the Available Sandboxes view.
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 15 of 25 Rev 1
Task 3: Testing Sample Skin Customizations
In this section of the tutorial, you test the sample skin customizations that have been deployed and prepared.
Assumptions You have completed the steps in Task 1 and Task 2 above.
1. To activate the sample skin, perform the following steps:
a. If needed, sign in to Oracle Identity System Administration Console (URL
https://localhost:14001/sysadmin) with the User ID xelsysadm and use the Password
assigned to that user, for example Welcome1.
b. On the Oracle Identity System Administration page, under System Management, click System Configuration.
Note: The System Management window opens with a Search System Properties field.
c. On the System Management > System Configuration tab page, take the following actions:
1) Enter Skin Family for OIM UI in Search System Properties, and click the
search arrow icon.
2) In the search results, click the “Skin Family for OIM UI” link.
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Note: The System Property Detail page is displayed in the right-hand panel of the browser window.
d. On the “System Property Detail: Skin Family for OIM UI” page, change the Value field
(from its default fusionFx) to luck, and click Save.
Note: Use the following image as a guide:
Note: Setting the Value informs Oracle Identity Manager which skin should be used.
e. On the Message dialog, indicating the system property has been changed, click OK.
f. Close the browser window with the System Management tab page, sign out of the Oracle Identity System Administration console, and close web browser application.
2. Restart the Oracle Identity Manager server instance, by perform the following actions or similar (as dictated by your environment):
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 17 of 25 Rev 1
a. Either using Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console (if NodeManager is configured) or command line tools stop the Oracle Identity Manager server. For example to use the command line form enter the following commands:
$ cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain
$ bin/stopManagedWebLogic.sh oim_server1
Note: The path to your domain may differ from the example provided here, and the name of the Oracle Identity Manager server may also be different from oim_server1 depending on how you configured the Oracle Identity Manager server instance for your domain.
b. Restart the Oracle Identity Manager server using whatever technique is applicable to your environment. If using the command line tools, the execute the following commands in a Terminal window:
$ cd $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain
$ bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh oim_server1
Note: Wait until you see the server <Server started in RUNNING mode>
3. To view the changes after verifying the Oracle Identity Manager server has started, perform the following steps:
a. Sign in to Oracle Identity Self Service console (URL https://localhost:14001/identity)
with the User ID xelsysadm and Password Welcome1.
Hint: You should immediately notice that the login screen skin has changed.
b. After signing in, the Oracle Identity Self Service home page appears as shown in the following image:
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 18 of 25 Rev 1
Note: The source files for the skin named luck are available in the Skins project in the
IdentitySamples application workspace in JDeveloper that has been provided for this tutorial.
Preparing Items for the Catalog
Before you can view the visual changes that are applied when you activate the Floralnc sandbox, you create some roles that you synchronize to the Oracle Identity Manager Catalog so that you have some items to search for when viewing the visual UI changes controlled by the changes contained in the sandbox.
Note: An Oracle Identity Manager sandbox is a ZIP file that may contain one or more configuration changes.
4. Assuming t hat you are still signed into the Oracle Identity Self Service web application, to create two roles called Role1 and Role2, perform the following steps:
a. On the Oracle Identity Self Service page, under the Administration heading in the navigation panel, click Roles.
b. On the Roles tab page, in the Search Results section, click Create.
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 19 of 25 Rev 1
c. On the Create Role tab page, enter the Name Role1 and Display Name Role 1 (note
there is a space between the text Role and 1), and click Save.
Note: Close the Role 1 tab page.
d. Create a second role named Role2 with the Display Name Role 2 in the same way
as you created the Role1 role.
Note: After saving Role2, close the Role 2 tab page.
5. To ensure the two new roles are added to the Catalog, perform the following steps:
e. If needed, sign in to Oracle Identity System Administration Console (URL
https://localhost:14001/sysadmin) with the User ID xelsysadm and use the Password
assigned to that user, for example Welcome1.
a. On the Logo Here Identity System Administration page, under System Management, click Scheduler.
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 20 of 25 Rev 1
Note: The luck skin has changed the Oracle image logo to be the text “Logo Here” showing a visual clue to some difference in the UI appearance. This change has only been done for the home page.
b. On the Oracle Identity System Administration > System Management > Scheduler tab
page, type Catalog* in the Search Scheduled Jobs field and click the search arrow to
the right of the field. Click the Catalog Synchronization Job link that appears in the search result table below, as shown in the following image:
c. On the Oracle Identity System Administration > System Management tab page right- hand panel with the Job Details: Catalog Synchronization Job page displayed, scroll down and select the Yes option for the Process Roles parameter (in the Parameters section), and click Apply.
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Note: By default the Catalog Synchronization Job runs periodically every 15 minutes and does not include process the roles. Therefore, you apply the change to include role information in the catalog and manually execute the job to ensure the catalog is updated with the new role data.
d. On the Job Details: Catalog Synchronization Job page, click Run Now.
Note: You may wish to wait on this page, click Refresh and then scroll down to verify that the job instance completed successfully by viewing the log information in the same page.
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 22 of 25 Rev 1
Viewing the Catalog Before Activating the Floralnc Sandbox
Now that you have some role data in the catalog, you search the catalog for the new roles to view the visual appearance of the Catalog page. After you view the initial visual appearance of the catalog you activate the Floralnc sandbox to observer possible modifications to the visual appearance of the catalog page.
6. To view the catalog page before activating skin changes, perform the following steps:
a. If needed, sign in to Oracle Identity Self Service application (URL
https://localhost:14001/identity) with the User ID xelsysadm and use the Password
assigned to that user, for example Welcome1.
b. On the Oracle Identity Self Service page, under Requests click Catalog.
c. On the Catalog tab page, enter R* in the search field and click the search arrow icon to
the right of the search field.
d. When the Catalog Items table is populated with the Role 1 and Role 2 roles you created earlier, observe the visual attributes of the role entries, such as size of text and icons. Use the following image as a guide:
e. Close the Catalog tab page.
Note: All tab pages need to be closed before you can open the Manage Sandboxes tab page to activate a sandbox.
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 23 of 25 Rev 1
Activating the FloraInc Sandbox
7. To explore the customizations that affect the catalog visual appearance in this Oracle Identity Manager tutorial, activate the FloraInc sandbox imported earlier in this tutorial, by performing the following steps:
a. While signed into the Oracle Identity Self Service console, click on the Sandboxes link in the top right corner of the page.
Note: First ensure that all other tab pages, such as the Catalog page are closed.
b. On the Manage Sandboxes > Available Sandboxes tab page, select the FloraInc sandbox entry in the table, and click on Activate Sandbox button in the table toolbar.
Note: Initially the Active column is empty indicating that the sandbox is not active.
c. On the Manage Sandboxes > Available Sandboxes tab page, after the sandbox is activated verify the green circle icon appears the Active column of the table indicating that the sandbox is now active. This means that the configurations changes defined in the sandbox are temporarily applied just for this user session.
Note: To verify that the sandbox configuration changes are active, you can view one change in the title for the current page, which should now show the FloraInc logo text followed by the text My Access, instead of the Oracle logo followed by the text Identity Self Service as the heading, as shown in the following image:
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Viewing Sample Skin Customization Changes
The activated sandbox contains some additional visual differences that affect the Catalog page as compared to the out-of-the-box skin version.
8. To view the visual changes of catalog items on the Catalog page, perform the following steps:
a. On the FloraInc My Access home page, under Requests, click Catalog.
b. On the Catalog page, search for some role entries (for example: R*) to search for roles
beginning with the letter R, and observe the larger catalog item icons and other changes to the catalog item text appearance, as shown in the following image.
9. Sign out of the Oracle Identity Self Service application, and close the browser window.
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Effective 06/05/12 Page 25 of 25 Rev 1
Note: When you sign out of the Oracle Identity Self Service application page the active sandbox is deactivated and the visual changes are no longer applied. If you are satisfied with the visual changes implemented after activating a sandbox you can make the changes permanent by publishing the sandbox. However, you cannot revert back after publishing a sandbox unless you have saved the original configuration in another sandbox or have a back up of your environment.
Finally and optionally, you can revert to the original skin used prior to applying the luck skin. To use the default Oracle Identity Manager skin, follow the instructions in the subsection titled
“Activating the Sample Skin” and change the value of the property back to fusionFx.
Oracle Identity Governance 11g R2 PS1 - Skin Customization
Overview of Customizing Skins
Importing Backend Artifacts
Activating the FloraInc Sandbox