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October 2015

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Metric Reference Guide iii


Chapter 1. Procurement and Spend Analytics

1.1 Employee Expenses - Credit Card ...................................................................................... 1-4

1.2 Employee Expenses - Overview.......................................................................................... 1-4

1.3 Employee Expenses – Violations ........................................................................................ 1-7

1.4 Procurement and Spend - Change Orders.......................................................................... 1-8

1.5 Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines ............................................................................. 1-9

1.6 Procurement and Spend - Procure to Pay ........................................................................ 1-14

1.7 Procurement and Spend - Purchase Agreement .............................................................. 1-16

1.8 Procurement and Spend - Purchase Cycle Lines ............................................................. 1-18

1.9 Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders ..................................................................... 1-20

1.10 Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders BU Summary .............................................. 1-26

1.11 Procurement and Spend - Purchase Receipts .................................................................. 1-26

1.12 Procurement and Spend - Purchase Requisition BU Summary........................................ 1-29

1.13 Procurement and Spend - Purchase Requisitions ............................................................ 1-29

1.14 Procurement and Spend – Scorecard ............................................................................... 1-34

1.15 Supplier Performance - Supplier AP Transactions ............................................................ 1-37

1.16 Supplier Performance - Supplier Performance.................................................................. 1-39

1.17 Sourcing – Award .............................................................................................................. 1-42

1.18 Sourcing – Negotiation ...................................................................................................... 1-45

1.19 Sourcing – Overview ......................................................................................................... 1-48

1.20 Sourcing – Response ........................................................................................................ 1-55

Metric Reference Guide 1-4

Procurement and Spend Analytics 1

This chapter describes metrics available in Procurement and Spend Analytics of Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications. Subsections of this chapter correspond to different Subject Areas in Procurement and Spend Analytics.

1.1 Employee Expenses - Credit Card

No Metric Name Description

1.1.1 Fact - Expense Credit Card.0-15 Days Outstanding Transaction Amount

Provides line manager with the amount of corporate card transactions that are not submitted yet and are outstanding for first 15 days of age. These transactions include transactions that are not submitted or that are still in the approvals queue.

1.1.2 Fact - Expense Credit Card.16-30 Days Outstanding Transaction Amount

Provides line manager with the amount of corporate card transactions that are not submitted yet and are outstanding for over 16 days of age but less than 30. These transactions include transactions that are not submitted or that are still in the approvals queue.

1.1.3 Fact - Expense Credit Card.Outstanding Corporate Card Transaction Amount Over 30 Days

Provides line manager with the amount of corporate card transactions that are not submitted yet and are outstanding for over 30 days of age. Outstanding corporate card transactions include transactions that are not submitted yet or that are still in the approvals queue.

1.1.4 Fact - Expense Credit Card.Number of Outstanding Corporate Card Transactions Over 30 Days

Provides line manager with the count of corporate card transactions that are outstanding for over 30 days.

1.1.5 Fact - Expense Credit Card.Total Outstanding Transaction Amount

Provides line manager with the amount of corporate card transactions that are not submitted yet and are outstanding. These transactions include transactions that are not submitted or that are still in the approvals queue.

1.2 Employee Expenses - Overview

No Metric Name Description

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description


Fact - Employee Expense.Total Expense

Measures only approved expenses incurred by the company.Combines flights, meals, MRO reimbursement, services, and other expense submitted for reimbursement, including company-paid or pre-paid expenses if they are submitted on the expense form.This is most likely measured against cost center to gauge which departments are spending the most money.For service related companies, this might be measured against employees, who have numerous non-client related expenses or against type.

1.2.2 Fact - Employee Expense.Total Expense YTD

This metric gives the year to date total expense amount. 1.2.3 Fact - Employee

Expense.Total Expense Year Ago

This metric gives the year ago total expense amount.


Fact - Employee Expense.Total Cost Center Expense Amount

Measures only approved expenses incurred by the company across Cost Centers. Combines flights, meals, MRO reimbursement, services, and other expense submitted for reimbursement, including company-paid or pre-paid expenses if they are submitted on the expense form measured against Cost Center to gauge which Cost Centers are spending the most money.

1.2.5 Fact - Employee Expense.Total Business Unit Org Expense Amount

Measures only approved expenses incurred by the company across Business Units. Combines flights, meals, MRO reimbursement, services, and other expense submitted for reimbursement, including company-paid or pre-paid expenses if they are submitted on the expense form measured against Business Unit to gauge which Business Units are spending the most money.


Fact - Employee Expense.Expense Approval Cycle Time

Measures length of time between expense submission and the date the claim was approved by the last approver.Note that only expenses that are approved in the source system are tracked.This is a component of the expense cycle time.If this number is high, then it could indicate that approvers are either too bogged down with approvables or too busy to approve in a timely manner.Delays in processing expenses may not be related to employees but rather with approvers.


Fact - Employee Expense.Expense Reimbursement Cycle Time

Measures length of time to reimburse the expense once it is submitted, which is the date that the claim is received by the company. Calculated by subtracting the Billing Date from the Submitted Date. This is a measure of internal performance. If this number moving down over time, then that means the company is improving its internal performance to reimburse employees. A fairly large number suggests that there are bottlenecks in the system that are causing the process to bog down.

1.2.8 Fact - Employee Expense.Expense Filing Cycle Time

Measures length of time to submit the expense once it is incurred. Calculated by subtracting the Actual Expense Date from the Submitted Date.

Metric Reference Guide 1-5

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.2.9 Fact - Employee Expense.# of Approved Expense Reports

Identifies the count of approved expense reports. Only provides data for approved expenses. This metric is used to analyze and quantify the reports which are approved. Only approved expenses will be captured by this metric.

1.2.10 Fact - Employee Expense.Average Expense Amount

Calculates the Average Expense Amount for a particular Expense Report either based on the average of the number of expense lines created or # of days consumed for Expense types like 'ACCOMODATION', etc.

1.2.11 Expense Amount by Expense Type Facts.Airfare Expense Amount

This metric is used to analyze the expense on the Airfare. Users can use this for more granular analysis of their expense data to track down the specific amount spent on Airfare. Only approved expenses will be captured by this metric (have been gone through all approvals).

1.2.12 Expense Amount by Expense Type Facts.Airfare Expense Amount Year Ago

This metric is used to analyze the Year ago expense on the Airfare. 1.2.13 Expense Amount by

Expense Type Facts.Accommodation Expense Amount

This metric is used to analyze the expense on the Accomodation. Users can use this for more granular analysis of their expense data to track down the specific amount spent on Accomodation. Only approved expenses will be captured by this metric (have been gone through all approvals).

1.2.14 Expense Amount by Expense Type Facts.Accommodation Expense Amount Year Ago

This metric is used to analyze the Year ago expense on the Accomodation.

1.2.15 Expense Amount by Expense Type Facts.Meal Expense Amount

This metric is used to analyze the expense on the Meal. Users can use this for more granular analysis of their expense data to track down the specific amount spent on Meal. Only approved expenses will be captured by this metric (have been gone through all approvals).

1.2.16 Expense Amount by Expense Type Facts.Meal Expense Amount Year Ago

This metric is used to analyze the Year ago expense on the Meal. 1.2.17

Expense Amount by Expense Type Facts.Car Rental Expense Amount

This metric is used to analyze the expense on the Car Rental. Users can use this for more granular analysis of their expense data to track down the specific amount spent on Car Rental. Only approved expenses will be captured by this metric (have been gone through all approvals).

1.2.18 Expense Amount by Expense Type Facts.Car Rental Expense Amount Year Ago

This metric is used to analyze the expense on the Car Rental.

Metric Reference Guide 1-6

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-7

No Metric Name Description

1.2.19 Expense Amount by Expense Type Facts.Mileage Expense Amount

This metric is used to analyze the expense on the Mileage covered during the vehicle travel. Users can use this for more granular analysis of their expense data to track down the specific amount spent on Mileage. Only approved expenses will be captured by this metric (have been gone through all approvals).

1.2.20 Expense Amount by Expense Type Facts.Mileage Expense Amount Year Ago

This metric is used to analyze the year ago expense on the Mileage covered during the vehicle travel.

1.2.21 Expense Amount by Expense Type Facts.Other Expense Amount

This metric is used to analyze the expense on the Micellaneous expenses. Users can use this for more granular analysis of their expense data to track down the specific amount spent on Micellaneous expenses. Only approved expenses will be captured by this metric (have been gone through all approvals).

1.2.22 Expense Amount by Expense Type Facts.Other Expense Amount Year Ago

This metric is used to analyze the year ago expense on the Micellaneous expenses.


Expense Amount by Status Facts.Approved Expense Amount

Identifies the amount spent on a particular line item in group currency. Only provides data for approved expenses. This metric is used to analyze the expense on the expense line itself. Users can use this for more granular analysis of their expense data to track down the specific amount spent on each item. Only approved expenses will be captured by this metric (have been gone through all approvals).


Expense Amount by Status Facts.Requested Expense Amount

This is a measure of the total expenses requested by the employee for reimbursement. It is a combination of flights, meals, MRO reimbursement, services, basically any expense that was submitted for reimbursement.This is the amount requesed by the employee.Used to analyze the amount that the employee has requested for reimbursement. Can be used to compare to the amounts actually reimbursed to the employee by the company, which can differ due to adjustments made by the manager or expense department.


Expense Amount by Status Facts.Outstanding Expense Amount

Identifies expenses that have not been paid to the employee for the billing period (approved but not posted). This is the amount of money that the company has already committed to reimburse to their employees. Used to analyze the potential liability of the company for amounts that they need to pay their employees. Can be used as a baseline for forecasting or budgeting expenses for a future quarter.

1.3 Employee Expenses – Violations

No Metric Name Description

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-8

No Metric Name Description

1.3.1 Fact - Expense Violations.# of Violations

Counts the number of company policy violations within an expense item.

1.3.2 Expense Fact.Approved Expense Amount

Note: This is expense amount, not the violated amount. This metric can not be broken down by violation type dimension.

1.4 Procurement and Spend - Change Orders

No Metric Name Description

1.4.1 Fact - Purchasing -

Change Order.# of

Purchase Order Headers Number of of Purchase Order Headers

1.4.2 Fact - Purchasing -

Change Order.# of

Purchase Agreement

Headers Number of of Purchase Agreement Headers

1.4.3 Fact - Purchasing -

Change Order.# of

Change Order Headers Number of of Change Order Headers

1.4.4 Fact - Purchasing -

Change Order.# of

Purchase Order Change

Order Headers Number of of Purchase Order Change Order Headers

1.4.5 Fact - Purchasing -

Change Order.# of

Purchase Agreement

Change Orders Headers Number of of Purchase Agreement Change Orders Headers

1.4.6 Fact - Purchasing -

Change Order.# of

Purchase Order

Cancellations Number of of Purchase Order Cancellations

1.4.7 Fact - Purchasing -

Change Order.# of

Purchase Agreement

Cancellations Number of of Purchase Agreement Cancellations

1.4.8 Fact - Purchasing -

Change Order.# of

Manual Purchase Order

Change Order Headers Number of of Manual Purchase Order Change Order Headers

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-9

No Metric Name Description

1.4.9 Fact - Purchasing - Change Order.# of Manual Purchase Order Cancellations

Number of of Manual Purchase Order Cancellations

1.4.10 Fact - Purchasing - Change Order.Average Processing Cycle Time

Average Processing Cycle Time

1.5 Procurement and Spend - Invoice Lines

No Metric Name Description

1.5.1 Fact - Purchasing - Invoice.# of Suppliers

Number of Suppliers.

1.5.2 Fact - Purchasing - Invoice.# of Supplier Sites

Number of Supplier Sites. 1.5.3 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.# of Buyers Number of Buyers

1.5.4 Fact - Purchasing - Invoice.# of Cost Centers

Number of Cost Centers 1.5.5 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.# of Purchase Organizations

Number of Purchase Organizations 1.5.6 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.# of Recipient Locations

Number of Recipient Locations 1.5.7 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.# of Invoices Count number of invoices, all status and all type.

1.5.8 Fact - Purchasing - Invoice.# of Invoice Lines

Count number of invoices lines. 1.5.9 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.# of PO Matched Invoices

The number of invoices that have partially or fully matched to purchase order(s).

1.5.10 Fact - Purchasing - Invoice.# of Perfect Invoices

The number of invoices that have partially or fully matched to purchase order(s) with no price variance.

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-10

No Metric Name Description

1.5.11 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.# of Manual

Invoices Number of invoices that are manually entered.

1.5.12 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.# of Electronic

Invoices Number of invoices that are electronically entered.

1.5.13 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Manual Invoices

% % of invoices that are manually entered relative to # of total invoices.

1.5.14 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Perfect Invoices

% % of Perfect invoices entered relative to # of total invoices.

1.5.15 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.# of Invoices

Year Ago Count number of invoices, all status and all type, for the prior period.

1.5.16 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.# of Manual

Invoices Year Ago Number of invoices that are manually entered for prior period.

1.5.17 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Manual Invoices % of invoices that are manually entered relative to # of total invoices, for the % Year Ago prior period.

1.5.18 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Chg Manual The percent change from last period in the number of manual invoices Invoices % Year Ago entered.

1.5.19 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.# of Open

Invoices Count number of invoices with payment status as Not Paid or Partially Paid.

1.5.20 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.# of Paid

Invoices Number of invoices that were Fully Paid in the current period.

1.5.21 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Spend Total invoice distribution amount for all approved invoices.

1.5.22 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Spend Year Ago Year ago spend.

1.5.23 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Chg Spend %

Year Ago Chg Spend % Year Ago

1.5.24 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Chg Spend Year

Ago Chg Spend Year Ago

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-11

No Metric Name Description

1.5.25 Fact - Purchasing -


Spend Spend on ITEM.

1.5.26 Fact - Purchasing -


Addressable Spend Spend not directly on ITEM but on TAX, FREIGHT or MISCELLENEOUS.

1.5.27 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Payables Spend where the invoice does not have a backing purchase order whne one is Leakage Amount expected.

1.5.28 Fact - Purchasing -


Leakage Amount Year Spend where the invoice does not have a backing purchase order whne one is Ago expected for the year ago.

1.5.29 Fact - Purchasing -


Leakage Rate Defined as Payables Leakage / PO Required Spend.

1.5.30 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.PO Required This is an internal metric to calculate the amount of the invoices that requires Spend a backing purchase order.

1.5.31 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.PO Not Required

Spend PO Not Required Spend

1.5.32 Fact - Purchasing -


Amount The total invoice amount, including all invoice types.

1.5.33 Fact - Purchasing -


Quantity The total invoice quantity.

1.5.34 Fact - Purchasing -


Amount Year Ago Invoiced Amount Year Ago

1.5.35 Fact - Purchasing -


Quantity Year Ago Invoiced Quantity Year Ago

1.5.36 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Chg Invoice The percent change from last period in the number of manual invoices Amount % Year Ago entered.

1.5.37 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Invoice Price Analysis of the difference between the PO Amount for an item and the paid Variance Amount (IPV) Amount for the item.

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-12

No Metric Name Description

1.5.38 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Invoice Price

Variance Amount (IPV) Analysis of the difference between the PO Amount for an item and the paid Year Ago Amount for the item for the year ago.

1.5.39 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.% of Invoice

Price Variance Amount

(IPV) % of Invoice Price Variance Amount relative to invoice amount.

1.5.40 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Chg Invoice Price

Variance Amount % Year The percent change from last period in the number of manual invoices Ago entered.

1.5.41 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Exchange Rate

Variance Amount (ERV) Exchange Rate Variance Amount (ERV)

1.5.42 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Average Invoice Average Invoice Unit Price is computed by Sum(Invoiced Quantity*Invoice Unit Price Unit Price)/Total Invoiced Quantity.

1.5.43 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Average Invoice

Unit Price Year Ago Year Ago Average Invoice Unit Price.

1.5.44 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Min Invoice Unit

Price Min Invoice Unit Price

1.5.45 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Max Invoice Unit

Price Max Invoice Unit Price

1.5.46 The average unit price for the same item in the previous year in the same operating unit in which the purchase took place, across all suppliers. If the Fact - Purchasing - item was not purchased in the previous year, then the average unit price in Invoice.Benchmark Price the current year is used.

1.5.47 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Supplier Average unit price for the same item in the previous year for a specific Benchmark Price supplier in a commodity, across all operating units (Goods only)

1.5.48 The price savings amount shows how much was saved or lost because of a Fact - Purchasing - change in price. The savings are determined by comparing the transaction Invoice.Price Change price with a benchmark price. It's calculated as Sum of [Quantity * (Price - Amount Benchmark Price)] * -1

1.5.49 The amount change due to price increases or decreases for an item for Fact - Purchasing - specific suppliers by comparing the transaction prices with a supplier Invoice.Supplier Price benchmark price. It's calculated as Sum of [Quantity * (Price - Supplier Change Amount Benchmark Price)] * -1

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-13

No Metric Name Description

1.5.50 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.PO Matched

Spend PO Matched Spend

1.5.51 Fact - Purchasing -


Purchase Amount Agreement Purchase Amount

1.5.52 Fact - Purchasing -


Purchase Amount Non-Agreement Purchase Amount

1.5.53 Fact - Purchasing -


Leakage Amount Agreement Leakage Amount

1.5.54 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Others Non-

Agreement Purchase

Amount Others Non-Agreement Purchase Amount

1.5.55 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.PO Matched

Spend Year Ago PO Matched Spend Year Ago

1.5.56 Fact - Purchasing -


Purchase Amount Year

Ago Agreement Purchase Amount Year Ago

1.5.57 Fact - Purchasing -


Purchase Amount Year

Ago Non-Agreement Purchase Amount Year Ago

1.5.58 Fact - Purchasing -


Leakage Amount Year

Ago Agreement Leakage Amount Year Ago

1.5.59 Fact - Purchasing -

Invoice.Others Non-

Agreement Purchase

Amount Year Ago Others Non-Agreement Purchase Amount Year Ago

1.5.60 Fact - Purchasing -


Purchase Rate Agreement Purchase Rate

1.5.61 Fact - Purchasing -


Purchase Rate Non-Agreement Purchase Rate

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-14

No Metric Name Description

1.5.62 Fact - Purchasing - Invoice.Agreement Leakage Rate

Agreement Leakage Rate

1.5.63 Fact - Purchasing - Invoice.Others Non- Agreement Purchase Rate

Others Non-Agreement Purchase Rate

1.5.64 Fact - Purchasing - Invoice.Invoice Cycle Time

Time from Invoice creation to Invoice Approval.

1.6 Procurement and Spend - Procure to Pay

No Metric Name Description

1.6.1 Requisition Facts.Requisition Quantity

Requisition Quantity 1.6.2 Requisition

Facts.Requisition Amount

Requisition Amount 1.6.3 Purchase Order

Facts.Approved PO Quantity

The total approved quantity of purchase orders or releases to buy from suppliers. If the order has partial or full cancellation, this quantity does NOT include the cancelled Quantity.

1.6.4 Purchase Order Facts.Approved PO Amount

The total approved amount of purchase orders or releases to buy from suppliers (in Warehouse Currency). If the order has partial or full cancellation, this quantity does NOT include the cancelled Amount.

1.6.5 Purchase Order Facts.Canceled Quantity

The total approved quantity of purchase orders or releases to buy from suppliers. If the order has partial or full cancellation, this quantity does NOT include the cancelled Quantity.

1.6.6 Purchase Order Facts.Canceled Amount

The total approved amount of purchase orders or releases to buy from suppliers (in Warehouse Currency). If the order has partial or full cancellation, this quantity does NOT include the cancelled Amount.

1.6.7 Purchase Order Facts.Avg Purchase Unit Price

This metric calculates the average unit purchase price of item ordered, by dividing Total Approved PO amount by Total Approved PO Quantity. It should be view with Item or commodity. This metric is not applicable to service or amount based purchases, as unit price is not applicable to those orders.

1.6.8 Purchase Order Facts.Year Ago PO Amount

The metric stores the value of the purchase order in a warehouse currency for the prior year.

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-15

No Metric Name Description

1.6.9 Purchase Order Facts.%

Chg Year Ago PO The metric stores the % difference in value of the purchase order for current Amount and prior year in a warehouse currency.

1.6.10 Purchase Order

Facts.Chg Year Ago PO The metric stores the difference in value of the purchase order for current Amount and prior year in warehouse currency.

1.6.11 The number of distinct manual purchase orders to buy from suppliers. Each Purchase Order Facts.# blanket release is considered a different PO. It does not include consignment of Manual Approved consumption orders. It will include consignment consumption orders and it POs also includes PO of any statuses.

1.6.12 Purchase Receiving

Facts.Receipt Amount Receipt Amount

1.6.13 Purchase Receiving

Facts.PO Received

Quantity PO Received Quantity

1.6.14 Purchase Receiving

Facts.PO Received Price PO Received Price

1.6.15 Purchase Receiving

Facts.Year Ago Receipt

Amount Year Ago Receipt Amount

1.6.16 Purchase Receiving

Facts.Chg Year Ago

Receipt Amount Chg Year Ago Receipt Amount

1.6.17 Purchase Receiving

Facts.% Chg Year Ago

Receipt Amount % Chg Year Ago Receipt Amount

1.6.18 The quantity of the product (in purchase order UOM) that has been accepted Purchase Receiving (passed inspection) to-date to the purchase order Schedule. This metric is Facts.Accepted Quantity an input to calculating the percentage of completion in the ordering process.

1.6.19 The quantity of the product (in purchase order UOM) that has been rejected failed inspection) to-date to the purchase order schedule. Rejected quantity, Purchase Receiving when compared to ordered quantity, gives an idea about the quality or Facts.Rejected Quantity volume compliance of the incoming goods.

1.6.20 Purchase Receiving

Facts.Returned Quantity Returned Quantity

1.6.21 Purchase Receiving

Facts.Returned Amount Returned Amount

1.6.22 Invoice Facts.Invoiced

Amount The total invoice amount, including all invoice types.

1.6.23 Invoice Facts.Invoiced

Quantity The total invoice quantity.

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-16

No Metric Name Description

1.6.24 Change Order Facts.Count of Manual Purchase Order Change Order Headers

Number of Manual Change Orders for Standard Purchase Order

1.6.25 Change Order Facts.Count of Manual Purchase Order Cancellations

Number of Manual PO Cancellations

1.7 Procurement and Spend - Purchase Agreement

No Metric Name Description

1.7.1 Fact - Purchase Agreement.Header

Agreed Amount Header Agreed Amount

1.7.2 Fact – Purchase


Header Amount Consumed Header Amount

1.7.3 Fact – Purchase


Header Amount % Consumed Header Amount %

1.7.4 Fact - Purchase


Header Amount Remaining Header Amount

1.7.5 Fact - Purchase


Header Amount % Remaining Header Amount %

1.7.6 Fact - Purchase


Expiring Days Header Expiring Days

1.7.7 Fact - Purchase


Amount at Header Level Agreed Amount at Header Level

1.7.8 Fact - Purchase

Agreement.Line Agreed

Amount Line Agreed Amount

1.7.9 Fact - Purchase


Line Amount Consumed Line Amount

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-17

No Metric Name Description

1.7.10 Fact - Purchase


Line Amount % Consumed Line Amount %

1.7.11 Fact - Purchase


Line Amount Remaining Line Amount

1.7.12 Fact - Purchase


Line Amount % Remaining Line Amount %

1.7.13 Fact - Purchase

Agreement.Line Expiring

Days Line Expiring Days

1.7.14 Fact - Purchase


Amount Released Amount

1.7.15 Fact - Purchase

Agreement.# of

Suppliers Number of Suppliers

1.7.16 Fact - Purchase

Agreement.# of Supplier

Sites Number of Supplier Sites

1.7.17 Fact - Purchase

Agreement.# of Buyers Number of Buyers

1.7.18 Fact - Purchase

Agreement.# of

Purchase Agreement

Lines Number of Purchase Agreement Lines

1.7.19 Fact - Purchase

Agreement.# of

Purchase Agreements Number of Purchase Agreements

1.7.20 Fact - Purchase

Agreement.# of Blanket

Agreements Number of Blanket Agreements

1.7.21 Fact - Purchase

Agreement.# of

Contract Agreements Number of Contract Agreements

1.7.22 Fact - Purchase

Agreement.# of Unused

Agreements Number of Unused Agreements

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-18

No Metric Name Description

1.7.23 Fact - Purchase Agreement.Average Number of Agreement Lines

Average Number of Agreement Lines

1.8 Procurement and Spend - Purchase Cycle Lines

No Metric Name Description

1.8.1 Fact - Purchase Cycle Lines.Approved PO

Amount Approved PO Amount

1.8.2 Fact - Purchase Cycle

Lines.Approved PO

Quantity The metric stores the quantity of the purchase order schedule

1.8.3 Fact - Purchase Cycle

Lines.Received Quantity Received Quantity

1.8.4 Fact - Purchase Cycle

Lines.Received Amount Received Amount

1.8.5 The received amount of the product received to-date as a percentage of the total PO approved amount of the product that has been ordered on all the PO Fact - Purchase Cycle line items. This metric tracks the average percentage of completion in the Lines.Received % ordering process.

1.8.6 The quantity of the product on the purchase order line item that has been received (in purchase order UOM) on the date stipulated on the PO. Fact - Purchase Cycle Received on time quantity, when compared to ordered quantity, gives an idea Lines.Received On Time about the supplier's compliance in terms of delivering goods earlier and can Quantity be used to analyze excess inventory.

1.8.7 This is the value of all the items that were received on time (as per the Fact - Purchase Cycle stipulated date on the PO). Received on time Value gives an idea about how Lines.Received On Time much in dollar value effect of the supplier's performance having on the Amount manufacturer.

1.8.8 This metric is the percentage of received on time ( on the due date specified Fact - Purchase Cycle on the PO) amount, of the total received amount. PO received on time rate Lines.Received On Time gives an idea about the supplier's performance in terms of delivering goods % on time.

1.8.9 The quantity of the product on the purchase order line item that has been received (in purchase order UOM) before the date stipulated on the PO. Fact - Purchase Cycle Received early quantity, when compared to ordered quantity, gives an idea Lines.Received Early about the supplier's compliance in terms of delivering goods earlier and can Quantity be used to analyze excess inventory.

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-19

No Metric Name Description

1.8.10 This is the value of all the items that were received early (as per the Fact - Purchase Cycle stipulated date on the PO). Received Early Value gives an idea about how Lines.Received Early much in dollar value effect of the supplier's performance having on the Amount manufacturer.

1.8.11 This metric is the percentage of received early (before the due date specified on the PO) amount, of the total received amount. PO received early rate gives Fact - Purchase Cycle an idea about the supplier's performance in terms of delivering goods on Lines.Received Early % time.

1.8.12 The quantity of the product on the purchase order line item that has been received (in purchase order UOM) after the date stipulated on the PO. Fact - Purchase Cycle Received late quantity, when compared to ordered quantity, gives an idea Lines.Received Late about the supplier's compliance in terms of delivering goods earlier and can Quantity be used to analyze excess inventory.

1.8.13 Fact - Purchase Cycle This is the value of all the items that were received late (as per the stipulated Lines.Received Late date on the PO). Received late Value gives an idea about how much in dollar Amount value effect of the supplier's performance having on the manufacturer.

1.8.14 This metric is the percentage of received late (beyond the due date specified on the PO) amount, of the total received amount. PO received late rate gives Fact - Purchase Cycle an idea about the supplier's performance in terms of delivering goods on Lines.Received Late % time.

1.8.15 Fact - Purchase Cycle

Lines.Rejected Quantity Rejected Quantity

1.8.16 Fact - Purchase Cycle

Lines.Rejected Amount Rejected Amount

1.8.17 Fact - Purchase Cycle

Lines.Rejected % Rejected %

1.8.18 Fact - Purchase Cycle

Lines.Accepted Quantity Accepted Quantity

1.8.19 Fact - Purchase Cycle

Lines.Accepted Amount Accepted Amount

1.8.20 Fact - Purchase Cycle

Lines.Accepted % Accepted %

1.8.21 Fact - Purchase Cycle

Lines.Overall Accepted

% Overall Accepted %

1.8.22 Fact - Purchase Cycle

Lines.Overall Rejected % Overall Rejected %

1.8.23 This metric is the percentage of items that were received late (beyond the Fact - Purchase Cycle due date specified on the PO), of the total number of items ordered. PO Lines.Overall Received received late rate gives an idea about the supplier's performance in terms of Late % delivering goods on time.

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-20

No Metric Name Description

1.8.24 Fact - Purchase Cycle Lines.Overall Received Early %

This metric is the percentage of items that were received early (beyond the due date specified on the PO), of the total number of items ordered. PO received early rate gives an idea about the supplier's performance in terms of delivering goods on time.

1.8.25 Fact - Purchase Cycle Lines.Perfect Receipts %

Perfect Receipts %

1.8.26 Fact - Purchase Cycle Lines.Purchase Order Line Return Amount

The quantity of the product that has been returned to date on the purchase order line item.

1.8.27 Fact - Purchase Cycle Lines.Supplier Invoice Utilization Amount

Supplier Invoice Utilization Amount


Fact - Purchase Cycle Lines.Supplier Score

This metric provides a supplier index that is the result of several combined statistics, such as Service Level, Quality, and Price Variance. This metric is very useful in contract negotiations with suppliers, because it provides an objective view of a supplier's historical service to the company. It can also be used to select a certain supplier as an alternate to an existing supplier.

1.8.29 Fact - Purchase Cycle Lines.Perfect Received Schedule Lines

Perfect Received Schedule Lines

1.8.30 Fact - Purchase Cycle Lines.Purchase Order Schedule Line Return Rate

Purchase Order Schedule Line Return Rate 1.8.31 Fact - Purchase Cycle

Lines. Purchase Price variance Amount

Purchase Price variance amount 1.8.32 Fact - Purchase Cycle

Lines. Purchase Price variance %

Purchase Price variance as a %

1.9 Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders

No Metric Name Description

1.9.1 Fact - Purchase This metric calculates the average unit purchase price of item ordered, by

Orders.Avg Purchase dividing Total Approved PO amount by Total Approved PO Quantity. It should be Unit Price view with Item or commodity. This metric is not applicable to service or amount based purchases, as unit price is not applicable to those orders.

1.9.2 Fact - Purchase The total approved quantity of purchase orders or releases to buy from suppliers.

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-21

Orders.Approved PO If the order has partial or full cancellation, this quantity does NOT include the Quantity cancelled Quantity.

1.9.3 Fact - Purchase The total approved amount of purchase orders or releases to buy from suppliers Orders.Approved PO (in Warehouse Currency). If the order has partial or full cancellation, this quantity Amount does NOT include the cancelled Amount.

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.9.4 Fact - Purchase Orders.Approved PO Amount Year Ago

The metric stores the value of the approved purchase order in a warehouse currency for the prior year.

1.9.5 Fact - Purchase Orders.Chg PO Amount Year Ago

The metric stores the difference in value of the purchase order for current and prior year in warehouse currency.

1.9.6 Fact - Purchase Orders.Chg PO Amount % Year Ago

The metric stores the % difference in value of the purchase order for current and prior year in a warehouse currency.

1.9.7 Fact - Purchase Orders.Received Quantity

This metric tracks the quantity of purchase order shipment that were actually received. This number may or may not include rejected amounts, which is determined by the source system. This metric tracks which quantities of raw materials were received. This can be used as a baseline measure to compare what was expected to what was actually received.

1.9.8 Fact - Purchase Orders.Received Amount

This metric tracks the amount of purchase order shipment that were actually received. This number may or may not include rejected amounts, which is determined by the source system. This metric tracks which quantities of raw materials were received. This can be used as a baseline measure to compare what was expected to what was actually received.

1.9.9 Fact - Purchase Orders.Accepted Quantity

The quantity of the product (in purchase order UOM) that has been accepted (passed inspection) to-date to the purchase order Schedule. This metric is an input to calculating the percentage of completion in the ordering process.

1.9.10 Fact - Purchase Orders.Accepted Amount

Accepted Amount

1.9.11 Fact - Purchase Orders.Accepted %

This metric is the percentage of items accepted by received. The Acceptance Rate metric is the total accepted value of goods as compared to the received value. This metric provides an estimate of the quality incoming goods. Due to partial receipts, this number may often be less than the expected amount, and will be continually updated as goods are received against the original order.

1.9.12 Fact - Purchase Orders.Rejected Quantity

The quantity of the product (in purchase order UOM) that has been rejected failed inspection) to-date to the purchase order schedule. Rejected quantity, when compared to ordered quantity, gives an idea about the quality or volume compliance of the incoming goods.

1.9.13 Fact - Purchase Orders.Rejected Amount

The quantity of the product (in purchase order UOM) that has been rejected failed inspection) to-date to the purchase order schedule. Rejected quantity, when compared to ordered quantity, gives an idea about the quality or volume compliance of the incoming goods.

1.9.14 Fact - Purchase Orders.Rejected %

This metric is the percentage of items rejected by received. The Rejection Rate metric is the total rejected value of goods as compared to the received value. This metric provides an estimate of the quality incoming goods.

Metric Reference Guide 1-21

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.9.15 Fact - Purchase Orders.Canceled Quantity

The total approved quantity of purchase orders or releases to buy from suppliers. If the order has partial or full cancellation, this quantity does NOT include the cancelled Quantity.

1.9.16 Fact - Purchase Orders.Canceled Amount

The total approved amount of purchase orders or releases to buy from suppliers (in Warehouse Currency). If the order has partial or full cancellation, this quantity does NOT include the cancelled Amount.

1.9.17 Fact - Purchase Orders.# of Approved POs

The number of distinct approved purchase orders to buy from suppliers. It does not include consignment consumption documents. This metric is used to identify ordering volume for a particular entity. Order volume is a major component of supply base rationalization. One useful form of analysis is to correlate an increase in order volume over time to its effect on a supplier service level (on-time, fill- rates, etc.). Analysis of future exposure derived from historical buying patterns and volume can be very helpful when rationalizing a large supply base.

1.9.18 Fact - Purchase Orders.# of Approved Schedules

Number of Approved Schedules

1.9.19 Fact - Purchase Orders.# of Requisitions

This metric is the number of distinct purchase requisitions the purchase orders base on. If the requisition is not associated with PO, it's not counted.

1.9.20 Fact - Purchase Orders.PO Input Ratio

This metric tracks the ratio of POs that come from Requisition. It is calculated by dividing the number of order distributions created from purchase requisition by total number of order distributions An input ratio less than 1 is expected.

1.9.21 Fact - Purchase Orders.# of Suppliers

Number of suppliers

1.9.22 Fact - Purchase Orders.# of Supplier Sites

Number of supplier sites

1.9.23 Fact - Purchase Orders.# of Buyers

Number of distinct suppliers

1.9.24 Fact - Purchase Orders.# of Cost Centers

Number of distinct suppliers

1.9.25 Fact - Purchase Orders.# of Purchase Organizations

Number of distinct suppliers

1.9.26 Fact - Purchase Orders.# of Recipient Locations

Number of distinct suppliers

Metric Reference Guide 1-22

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.9.27 Fact - Purchase Orders.PO Quantity

This metric is the total quantity display the PO document. It will include consignment consumption document and prepayment entries for complex work orders. It also includes PO of any statuses. Some system tracks canceled PO Quantity at a different column. This value is the original order quantity. It's intended for advance usage. It does not include any pre-built filters so additional filters and conditions can be applied to fulfill various reporting requirements.

1.9.28 Fact - Purchase Orders.PO Amount

This metric is the total amount display the PO document. It will include consignment consumption document and prepayment entries for complex work orders. It also includes PO of any statuses. Some system tracks canceled PO Quantity at a different column. This value is the original order quantity. It's intended for advance usage. It does not include any pre-built filters so additional filters and conditions can be applied to fulfill various reporting requirements.

1.9.29 Fact - Purchase Orders.# of POs

The number of distinct approved purchase orders to buy from suppliers. It does not include consignment consumption documents. This metric is used to identify ordering volume for a particular entity. Order volume is a major component of supply base rationalization. One useful form of analysis is to correlate an increase in order volume over time to its effect on a supplier service level (on-time, fill- rates, etc.). Analysis of future exposure derived from historical buying patterns and volume can be very helpful when rationalizing a large supply base.

1.9.30 Fact - Purchase Orders.# of Manual Approved POs

The number of distinct manual purchase orders to buy from suppliers. Each blanket release is considered a different PO. It does not include consignment consumption orders. It will include consignment consumption orders and it also includes PO of any statuses.

1.9.31 Fact - Purchase Orders.# of PO Lines

Number of PO Lines

1.9.32 Fact - Purchase Orders.# of Schedules

Number of Schedules

1.9.33 Fact - Purchase Orders.Advance Payment Amount

This metric tracks the ADVANCE payment amount of the Complex works purchase order.

1.9.34 Fact - Purchase Orders.Financing Payment Amount

This metric tracks the PREPAYMENT amount of the Complex works purchase order.

1.9.35 Fact - Purchase Orders.Financed Quantity

This metric is specific to Complex Service Procurement. It tracks the financed quantity in prepayment shipment type.

1.9.36 Fact - Purchase Orders.Financed Amount

This metric is specific to Complex Service Procurement. It tracks the financed amount in prepayment shipment type.

1.9.37 Fact - Purchase Orders.Recouped Quantity

This metric is specific to Complex Service Procurement. It tracks in a standard payment, the quantity of service is recouped by prepayment.

Metric Reference Guide 1-23

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-24

No Metric Name Description

1.9.38 Fact - Purchase Recouped Amount Orders.Recouped


1.9.39 Fact - Purchase This metric is specific to Complex Service Procurement. It tracks the retainage Orders.Retainage withhold amount in a standard payment or prepayment . Withheld Amount

1.9.40 Fact - Purchase This metric is specific to Complex Service Procurement. It tracks the retainage Orders.Retainage released amount in a standard payment or prepayment. Released Amount

1.9.41 Fact - Purchase The purchase order amount for the purchase order that has a reference to Orders.Agreement agreement. And the purchase order is approved. Purchase Amount

1.9.42 Fact - Purchase % Agreement Purchase Amount to Total Approved Purchase Amount. Orders.Agreement

Purchase Rate

1.9.43 Fact - Purchase The purchase order amount for approved purchase order that has not leverage Orders.Non- negotiated pricing. It can be further classifed as : Agreement Leakage and Others Agreement Purchase Non-negotiated. Amount

1.9.44 Fact - Purchase The value (in warehouse currency) of the approved purchase orders that are not Orders.Non- based on agreements from a year ago. It includes Agreement Leakage and Others Agreement Purchase Non-Agreement Purchase. Amount Year Ago

1.9.45 Fact - Purchase % Non-Agreement Purchase Amount to Total Approved Purchase Amount. Orders.Non-

Agreement Purchase


1.9.46 Fact - Purchase The purchase order amount for the approved purchase order that could have Orders.Agreement used negotiated pricing in the form of blanket agreement. Leakage Amount

1.9.47 Fact - Purchase The value (in warehouse currency) of the approved purchase orders that are not Orders.Agreement based on agreements although there exists one from a year ago. This value is part Leakage Amount Year of Non-Agreement Purchase Amount. Ago

1.9.48 Fact - Purchase % Agreement Leakage to Total Approved Purchase Amount. Orders.Agreement

Leakage Rate

1.9.49 Fact - Purchase The purchase order amount for approved purchase orders that the purchase Orders.Others Non- order is not 'Agreement Purchases' or there is no existing matching blanket Agreement Purchase purchase agreement for it to use. Amount

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-25

No Metric Name Description

1.9.50 Fact - Purchase % Others Non-negotiated Purchases Amount to Total Approved Purchase Orders.Others Non- Amount. Agreement Purchase


1.9.51 Fact - Purchase Potential savings that would have been realized if a blanket purchase agreement Orders.Best Price had been used instead of a standard purchase order. Best Price is the lowest Leakage Impact price on any blanket purchase agreement that includes the item being purchased and that was effect

1.9.52 Fact - Purchase The number of distinct approved purchase orders that has a reference to Orders.# of agreement. And the purchase order is approved. Agreement Purchases

1.9.53 Fact - Purchase The number of distinct approved purchase orders that has not leverage Orders.# of Non- negotiated pricing. Agreement Purchases

1.9.54 Fact - Purchase The number of distinct approved purchase orders that could have used Orders.# of negotiated pricing in the form of blanket agreement. Agreement Leakages

1.9.55 Fact - Purchase The number of distinct approved purchase orders that the purchase order is not Orders.# of Others 'Agreement Purchases' or there is no existing matching blanket purchase Non-Agreement agreement for it to use. Purchases

1.9.56 Fact - Purchase The purchase order amount for the purchase order that has leverage negotiated Orders.Negotiated pricing of some sort. And the purchase order is approved. Purchase Amount

1.9.57 Fact - Purchase The purchase order amount for the purchase order that has not leverage Orders.Non- negotiated pricing of some sort. And the purchase order is approved. Negotiated Purchase


1.9.58 Fact - Purchase % of Non-negotiated Purchase Amount to Approved PO Amount Orders.Non-

Negotiated Purchase


1.9.59 Fact - Purchase New Schedules Orders.New


1.9.60 Fact - Purchase Open Schedules Orders.Open


1.9.61 Fact - Purchase Purchase Order Schedules Closed Orders.Purchase

Order Schedules


Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-26

No Metric Name Description

1.9.62 Fact - Purchase Orders.Purchase Order Approval Cycle Time

Purchase Order Approval Cycle Time

1.9.63 Fact - Purchase Orders.Purchase Order Communication Cycle Time

Purchase Order Communication Cycle Time

1.9.64 Fact - Purchase Orders.Purchase Order Acknowledgement Cycle Time

Purchase Order Acknowledgement Cycle Time

1.9.65 Fact - Purchase Orders.Purchase Order Fulfillment Cycle Time

Purchase Order Fulfillment Cycle Time

1.9.66 Fact - Purchase Orders.Purchase Order Close Cycle Time

Purchase Order Close Cycle Time

1.9.67 Fact - Purchase Orders. Purchase Price Variance Amount

Purchase Price Variance Amount

1.9.68 Fact - Purchase Orders. Purchase Price Variance %

Purchase Price Variance as a %

1.10 Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders BU Summary

*This subject area is a subset of the Procurement and Spend – Purchase Orders Subject Area. Please refer Procurement and

Spend – Purchase Orders Subject Area for measure descriptions.

No Metric Name Description

1.11.1 Fact - Purchase Orders BU Summary. Purchase order processing Time

PO Processing Time by BU

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-27

1.11 Procurement and Spend - Purchase Receipts

No Metric Name Description

1.11.1 Fact - Purchase Receipts.PO Received Quantity

PO Received Quantity

1.11.2 Fact - Purchase Receipts.PO Received Price

PO Received Price

1.11.3 Fact - Purchase Receipts.Receipt Amount

Receipt Amount

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-28

No Metric Name Description

1.11.4 Fact - Purchase Receipt Amount Year Ago Receipts.Receipt

Amount Year Ago

1.11.5 Fact - Purchase Chg Receipt Amount Year Ago Receipts.Chg Receipt

Amount Year Ago

1.11.6 Fact - Purchase Chg Receipt Amount % Year Ago Receipts.Chg Receipt

Amount % Year Ago

1.11.7 Fact - Purchase This metric is the actual value of the purchase receipt in a common currency. Receipts.Received Early This value is the same as the value on the supplier invoice. The Received Amount Value metric represents the actual value of the material received. This metric can be used to analyze the actual amount spent across various dimensions (receipt location, supplier) as compared to planned spend or quoted (standard) spend.

1.11.8 Fact - Purchase This metric is the actual value of the purchase receipt in a common currency. Receipts.Received Late This value is the same as the value on the supplier invoice. The Received Amount Value metric represents the actual value of the material received. This metric can be used to analyze the actual amount spent across various dimensions (receipt location, supplier) as compared to planned spend or quoted (standard) spend.

1.11.9 Fact - Purchase This metric is the actual value of the purchase receipt in a common currency. Receipts.Received On This value is the same as the value on the supplier invoice. The Received time Amount Value metric represents the actual value of the material received. This metric can be used to analyze the actual amount spent across various dimensions (receipt location, supplier) as compared to planned spend or quoted (standard) spend.

1.11.10 Fact - Purchase Returned Quantity Receipts.Returned


1.11.11 Fact - Purchase Returned Amount Receipts.Returned


1.11.12 Fact - Purchase Average number of days Receipt was past the due date. Receipts.Avg Receipt

Days Late

1.11.13 Fact - Purchase The number of Return transactions. Receipts.# of Return


1.11.14 Fact - Purchase Number of receipt transactions earlier than the due date. Receipts.# of Early


Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.11.15 Fact - Purchase Receipts.# of Late Transactions

Number of receipt transactions later than the due date.

1.11.16 Fact - Purchase Receipts.# of On-time Transactions

Number of on-time receipt transactions.

1.11.17 Fact - Purchase Receipts.# Receipt Headers

Number of Receipts

1.11.18 Fact - Purchase Receipts.Average Return Amount

Average Return Amount

1.11.19 Fact - Purchase Receipts.Returned Amount Year Ago

Year Ago Returned Amount

1.11.20 Fact - Purchase Receipts.Chg Returned Amount Year Ago

Chg Year Ago Returned Amount

1.11.21 Fact - Purchase Receipts.Chg Returned Amount % Year Ago

% Chg Year Ago Returned Amount

1.11.22 Fact - Purchase Receipts.Receipt Date Exception Amount

Receipt Date Exception

1.11.23 Fact - Purchase Receipts.Receipt Date Exception Rate

% of Receipt Date Exception to Receipt Amount

1.11.24 Fact - Purchase Receipts.Receipt Date Exception Amount Year Ago

Year Ago Receipt Date Exception

1.11.25 Fact - Purchase Receipts.Chg Receipt Date Exception Amount Year Ago

Chg Year Ago Receipt Date Exception

1.11.26 Fact - Purchase Receipts.Chg Receipt Date Exception Amount % Year Ago

% Chg Year Ago Receipt Date Exception

Metric Reference Guide 1-28

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.11.27 Fact - Purchase Receipts.Transaction Quantity

This metric is the quantity of the product (in purchase order UOM) that has been received on the purchase receipt line item. It will include PREPAYMENT as well as other shipment type.

1.11.28 Fact - Purchase Receipts.Transaction Amount

This metric is the actual value of the purchase receipt in a common currency. This value is the same as the value on the supplier invoice. It will include PREPAYMENT as well as other shipment type

1.12 Procurement and Spend - Purchase Requisition BU Summary

*This subject area is a subset of the Procurement and Spend – Purchase Requisitions Subject Area. Please refer Procurement

and Spend – Purchase Requisitions Subject Area for measure descriptions.

No Metric Name Description

1.12.1 Fact - Purchase Requisitions BU Summary.# of Original Requisition Lines

# of Original Requisition Lines by BU

1.13 Procurement and Spend - Purchase Requisitions

No Metric Name Description

1.13.1 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Requisition Quantity

Total Quantity of the Requisitions

1.13.2 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Requisition Amount

This metric tracks the requisition line item's actual amount in a common currency. Purchase requisitions often have multiple line items, which sometimes may become parts of separate purchase orders, depending on the product and source. This metric can be used to analyze the requested value to be spent across various dimensions (receipt location, supplier) and compare it to actual spend or quoted (standard) spend.

1.13.3 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Average Number of Requisition Lines

This metric tracks the average number of lines for a requisition or group of requisitions. It can be analyzed over time or by various attributes such as department, cost center, location, or organization. This metric is very useful as a component of requisition transaction costs. It can also be helpful in rationalizing the selection of suppliers and requested delivery time windows. For example, you can analyze the correlation between the number of lines per requisition and the volume of orders placed with each supplier. Many times total transaction costs can be reduced by consolidating the number of discrete transactions with single lines into a single transaction with multiple lines.

1.13.4 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.# of Requisition Lines

Number of Requisition Lines

Metric Reference Guide 1-29

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.13.5 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.# of Requisitions

Number of Requistion

1.13.6 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.# of Non- Catalog Requisition Lines

Number of Non-Catalog Requisition Lines

1.13.7 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.% of Non - Catalog Requisition Lines

% of Non - Catalog Requisition Lines

1.13.8 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Unapproved Requisitions Lines

Number of requisition lines that are not approved yet.

1.13.9 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Unapproved Requisitions Amount

Amount of requisition lines that are not approved yet.

1.13.10 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Unprocessed Requisition Lines

Number of approved requisition lines that are not canceled, returned, or rejected and that are not on an approved purchase order or release.

1.13.11 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Unprocessed Lines Pending Buyers Workbench

Number of unprocessed requisition lines that are not yet on a purchase order or release and that do not contain an Oracle Sourcing document or RFQ reference. If the requisition were to gain an Oracle Sourcing document or RFQ reference, then it would move to the Pending Sourcing phase.

1.13.12 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Unprocessed Lines Pending Sourcing

Number of unprocessed requisition lines that contain a reference to a document in Oracle Sourcing or to a request for quotation (RFQ) in Oracle Purchasing, but are not yet on a purchase order or release. After the requisition line with the Oracle Sourcing document or RFQ reference is placed on a purchase order or release, it moves to the Pending Buyer Submission for the Approval phase.

1.13.13 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Unprocessed Lines Pending Buyer Submission for Approval

Number of unprocessed requisition lines that were placed on a purchase order or release that is not yet submitted for approval.

1.13.14 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Unprocessed Lines Pending PO Approval

Number of unprocessed requisition lines that were placed on a purchase order or release that was submitted for approval but is not yet approved.

1.13.15 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Unprocessed Requisitions Amount

Amount of approved requisition lines that are not canceled, returned, or rejected and that are not on an approved purchase order or release.

Metric Reference Guide 1-30

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.13.16 Fact - Purchase Amount of unprocessed requisition lines that are not yet on a purchase Requisitions.Unprocessed order or release and that do not contain an Oracle Sourcing document or Amount Pending Buyers RFQ reference. If the requisition were to gain an Oracle Sourcing document Workbench or RFQ reference, then it would move to the Pending Sourcing phase.

1.13.17 Fact - Purchase Amount of unprocessed requisition lines that contain a reference to a Requisitions.Unprocessed document in Oracle Sourcing or to a request for quotation (RFQ) in Oracle Amount Pending Purchasing, but are not yet on a purchase order or release. After the Sourcing requisition line with the Oracle Sourcing document or RFQ reference is placed on a purchase order or release, it moves to the Pending Buyer Submission for the Approval phase.

1.13.18 Fact - Purchase Amount of unprocessed requisition lines that were placed on a purchase Requisitions.Unprocessed order or release that is not yet submitted for approval. Amount Pending Buyer

Submission for Approval

1.13.19 Fact - Purchase Amount of unprocessed requisition lines that were placed on a purchase Requisitions.Unprocessed order or release that was submitted for approval but is not yet approved. Amount Pending PO


1.13.20 Fact - Purchase Number of unprocessed requisition lines for which the requester selected Requisitions.Unprocessed the Urgent option in Oracle iProcurement or Oracle Purchasing. Requisition Lines - Urgent

1.13.21 Fact - Purchase Number of unprocessed requisition lines for which the current date (the last Requisitions.Unprocessed ETL Date) is past the Promised Date or Need-By Date on the purchase order Requisition Lines Past or release shipment, or past the Need-By Date on the requisition line, Expected Date whichever is available.

1.13.22 Fact - Purchase Number of Days Pending is the sum of the number of days between the last Requisitions.Unprocessed approval date of the unprocessed requisition line and the current date (that Average Age Days is, Last ETL Date). This number is then divided by the number of unprocessed requisition lines.

1.13.23 Fact - Purchase Approved Requisition Lines Requisitions.Approved

Requisition Lines

1.13.24 Fact - Purchase Number of approved requisition lines that are not canceled, returned, or Requisitions.Processed rejected, and that are on an approved purchase order or release Requisition Lines

1.13.25 Fact - Purchase Amount of approved requisition lines that are not canceled, returned, or Requisitions.Processed rejected, and that are on an approved purchase order or release Amount

1.13.26 Fact - Purchase Number of processed requisition lines for which the processed date is past Requisitions.Processed the Promised Date or Need-By Date on the purchase order shipment or past Requisition Lines Past the Need-By Date on the requisition line, whichever is available. Expected Date

Metric Reference Guide 1-31

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.13.27 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Manual Requisition Lines

Number of Processed requisition lines that were manually turned into purchase orders or releases in Oracle Purchasing.

1.13.28 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Manual Processed Requisition Lines

Manual Processed Requisition Lines

1.13.29 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Manual Requisition Amount

Amount of Processed requisition lines that were manually turned into purchase orders or releases in Oracle Purchasing.

1.13.30 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Manual Requisition Lines Rate

Percent of processed lines that were manually turned into purchase orders or releases in Oracle Purchasing.

1.13.31 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Manual Requisition Amount Rate

Percent of processed lines amount that were manually turned into purchase orders or releases in Oracle Purchasing.

1.13.32 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Unfulfilled Requisition Lines

Number of approved requisition lines that are not canceled, returned, or rejected, and that were not: * Fully received within the receipt close tolerance percentage if 3-Way or 4-Way matching is used. * Fully invoiced within the invoice close tolerance percentage if 2-Way matching is used. * Closed for any other reason.

1.13.33 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Unfulfilled Requisitions Amount

Amount of approved requisition lines that are not canceled, returned, or rejected, and that were not: * Fully received within the receipt close tolerance percentage if 3-Way or 4-Way matching is used. * Fully invoiced within the invoice close tolerance percentage if 2-Way matching is used. * Closed for any other reason.

1.13.34 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Unfulfilled Requisition Lines Past Expected Date

Number of unfulfilled requisition lines for which the current date (the last ETL Date) is past the Promised Date or Need-By Date on the purchase order shipment or past the Need-By Date on the requisition line, whichever is available.

1.13.35 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Unfulfilled Average Age Days

Number of Days Pending is the sum of the number of days between the last approval date of the unfulfilled requisition line and the current date (the last ETL Date). This number is divided by the number of unfulfilled requisition lines.

1.13.36 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Unfulfilled Lines Pending Processing

Of the Unfulfilled Lines Total, this is the number of unfulfilled requisition lines that are not on an approved purchase order or release.

1.13.37 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Unfulfilled Amount Pending Processing

This is the amount of unfulfilled requisition lines that are not on an approved purchase order or release.

Metric Reference Guide 1-32

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-33

No Metric Name Description

1.13.38 Fact - Purchase Of the Unfulfilled Lines Total, this is the number of requisition lines that are Requisitions.Unfulfilled on an approved purchase order or release but are not fulfilled. Lines Processed Pending


1.13.39 Fact - Purchase This is the amount of requisition lines that are on an approved purchase Requisitions.Unfulfilled order or release but are not fulfilled. Amount Processed

Pending Fulfillment

1.13.40 Fact - Purchase Number of approved requisition lines that are not canceled, returned, or Requisitions.Fulfilled rejected, and that have a corresponding purchase order or release Requisition Lines shipments that have been received within the receipt close tolerance percentage (if 3-Way or 4-Way matching is used), invoiced within the invoice close tolerance percentage (if 2-Way matching is used), or closed. The status of a fulfilled shipment is Closed for Receiving, Closed for Invoicing, or Closed.

1.13.41 Fact - Purchase Amount of approved requisition lines that are not canceled, returned, or Requisitions.Fulfilled rejected, and that have a corresponding purchase order or release Requisitions Amount shipments that have been received within the receipt close tolerance percentage (if 3-Way or 4-Way matching is used), invoiced within the invoice close tolerance percentage (if 2-Way matching is used), or closed. The status of a fulfilled shipment is Closed for Receiving, Closed for Invoicing, or Closed.

1.13.42 Fact - Purchase Number of Fulfilled Requisition Lines for which the fulfilled date is past the Requisitions.Fulfilled Promised Date or Need-By Date on the purchase order shipment or past the Requisition Lines Past Need-By Date on the requisition line, whichever is available. Expected Date

1.13.43 Fact - Purchase Approval Cycle Time Requisitions.Approval

Cycle Time

1.13.44 Fact - Purchase PO Creation Cycle Time Requisitions.PO Creation

Cycle Time

1.13.45 Fact - Purchase the sum of the number of days between the last submit date of the fulfilled Requisitions.Fulfilled requisition line and the receipt or invoice date. This sum is divided by the Cycle Time Days number of fulfilled requisition lines.

1.13.46 Fact - Purchase Purchase Order Approval cycle time Requisitions.Purchase

Order Approval cycle


1.13.47 Fact - Purchase Purchase Order Communication cycle time Requisitions.Purchase

Order Communication

cycle time

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Metric Reference Guide 1-34

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1.13.48 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Purchase Order Acknowledgement cycle time

Purchase Order Acknowledgement cycle time

1.13.49 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Requisition approval to PO approval time

Number of Days to Process / Processed Requisition Lines Number of Days to Process is the sum of the number of days between the processed requisition line's last approval date and the last approval date of the corresponding purchase order or release shipment; this number is divided by the number of processed requisition lines.

1.13.50 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Requisition approval to PO Processing time

Requisition approval to PO Processing time

1.13.51 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.Requisition approval to PO Fulfillment time

Requisition approval to PO Fulfillment time

1.13.52 Fact - Purchase Requisitions.PO to Fulfillment time

PO to Fulfillment time

1.13.53 Fact - Purchase Requisitions. # of Reinstated Requisition Lines

# of Reinstated Requisition Lines

1.13.54 Fact - Purchase Requisitions. Submitted Requisition Lines Pending Approval

Submitted Requisition Lines Pending Approval

1.13.55 Fact - Purchase Requisitions. Amount of Submitted Requisition Lines Pending Approval

Amount of Submitted Requisition Lines Pending Approval

1.14 Procurement and Spend – Scorecard

No Metric Name Description

1.14.1 Fact - Scorecard.% of Realized Savings

% of Negotiation Realized Savings to total amount of approved purchase order amount which has negotiation associated with it.

1.14.2 Fact - Scorecard.Non- Agreement Purchase Rate

% Non-Agreement Purchase Amount to PO Matched Spend.

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Metric Reference Guide 1-35

1.14.3 Fact - Scorecard.Perfect Invoices %

% of Perfect invoices entered relative to # of total invoices.

1.14.4 Fact - Scorecard.Manual Requisition Lines Rate

Percent of processed lines that were manually turned into purchase orders or releases in Oracle Purchasing.

1.14.5 Fact - Scorecard.# of POs Per Buyer

Average number of purchase order per buyer

1.14.6 Fact - Scorecard.# of Negotiation Lines Awarded Per Category

Average number of Negotiation Lines that are Awarded per purchasing category

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Metric Reference Guide 1-36

No Metric Name Description

1.14.7 Fact - Percentage of invoices that are electronically entered relative to # of total Scorecard.Electronic invoices. Invoice %

1.14.8 Fact - Scorecard.% of % of Number of processed requisition lines for which the processed date is Processed Requisition past the Promised Date or Need-By Date on the purchase order shipment or Lines Past Expected past the Need-By Date on the requisition line to total number of processed Date requisition lines

1.14.9 Fact - Scorecard.% of % of number of unfulfilled requisition lines for which the current date (the Unfulfilled Requisition last ETL Date) is past the Promised Date or Need-By Date on the purchase Lines Past Expected order shipment or past the Need-By Date on the requisition line to total Date number of unfulfilled requisition lines

1.14.10 Fact - Scorecard.% of % of number of Fulfilled Requisition Lines for which the fulfilled date is past Fulfilled Requisition the Promised Date or Need-By Date on the purchase order shipment or past Lines Past Expected the Need-By Date on the requisition line to total number of fulfilled Date requisition lines

1.14.11 Fact - Scorecard.Average This metric is the total elapsed time between requisition creation and goods Requisition to Receipt receipt. It's the sum of Average Approval Cycle Time (Req submit to approve), Cycle Time Average Purchase Cycle Time (req approve to PO creation) and Average Receipt Cycle Time (PO creation to Receipt) The Requisition to Receipt Cycle Time metric is useful for determining the entire lifecycle of a requisition through receipt of goods. Component cycle times such as Requisition Approval, Order Submission, and Goods Receipt can also be calculated.

1.14.12 Fact - Scorecard.Average For RFQ and Auction, this metric is the averagel cycle time taken from Negotiation Cycle Time negotiation creation time to negotiation award completed time; for RFI, this metric is the average cycle time taken from RFI creation time to RFI close time.

1.14.13 Fact - Scorecard.% of % of number of receipt transactions later than the due date to the total Late Receipts number of receipts

1.14.14 Fact - Scorecard.# of Average number of suppliers associated with purchase order transactions per Suppliers Per Category purchase category

1.14.15 Fact - Scorecard.% of % Spend By Diversified Suppliers is % of the spending amount against Supplier Diversity Spend suppliers who are minority owned, small business or woman owned supplier to total spending amount

1.14.16 Fact - % Received On Time by amount Scorecard.Received On

Time %

1.14.17 Fact - Scorecard.Overall This metric is the over all value accross all dimension. It's the %Accepted by Accepted % amount

1.14.18 Fact - Ratio of total number of returned purchase order schedule lines over total Scorecard.Purchase number of received purchase order schedule lines Order Schedule Line

Return Rate

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Metric Reference Guide 1-37

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1.14.19 Fact - Scorecard.% of Performance target value for % of Negotiation Realized Savings to total Realized Savings Target amount of approved purchase order amount which has negotiation Value associated with it.

1.14.20 Fact - Scorecard.Non- Performance target value for % Non-Agreement Purchase Amount to PO Agreement Purchase Matched Spend. Rate Target Value

1.14.21 Fact - Scorecard.Perfect Performance target value for % of Perfect invoices entered relative to # of Invoices % Target Value total invoices.

1.14.22 Fact - Scorecard.Manual Performance target value of percent of processed lines that were manually Requisition Lines Rate turned into purchase orders or releases in Oracle Purchasing. Target Value

1.14.23 Fact - Scorecard.# of Performance target value of average number of purchase order per buyer POs Per Buyer Target


1.14.24 Fact - Scorecard.# of Performance target value for average number of Negotiation Lines that are Negotiation Lines Awarded per purchasing category Awarded Per Category

Target Value

1.14.25 Fact - Performance target value for percentage of invoices that are electronically Scorecard.Electronic entered relative to # of total invoices. Invoice % Target Value

1.14.26 Fact - Scorecard.% of Performance target value for % of number of processed requisition lines for Processed Requisition which the processed date is past the Promised Date or Need-By Date on the Lines Past Expected purchase order shipment or past the Need-By Date on the requisition line to Date Target Value total number of processed requisition lines

1.14.27 Fact - Scorecard.% of Performance target value for % of number of unfulfilled requisition lines for Unfulfilled Requisition which the processed date is past the Promised Date or Need-By Date on the Lines Past Expected purchase order shipment or past the Need-By Date on the requisition line to Date Target Value total number of unfulfilled requisition lines

1.14.28 Fact - Scorecard.% of Performance target value for % of number of fulfilled requisition lines for Fulfilled Requisition which the processed date is past the Promised Date or Need-By Date on the Lines Past Expected purchase order shipment or past the Need-By Date on the requisition line to Date Target Value total number of fulfilled requisition lines

1.14.29 Fact - Scorecard.Average Performance target value for the average cycle time from requisition to Requisition to Receipt receipt Cycle Time Target Value

1.14.30 Fact - Scorecard.Average Performance target value for average cycle time of negotiations Negotiation Cycle Time

Target Value

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Metric Reference Guide 1-38

No Metric Name Description

1.14.31 Fact - Scorecard.% of Late Receipts Target Value

Performance target value for % of number of receipt transactions later than the due date to the total number of receipts

1.14.32 Fact - Scorecard.# of Suppliers Per Category Target Value

Performance target value for average number of suppliers associated with purchase order transactions per purchase category

1.14.33 Fact - Scorecard.% of Supplier Diversity Spend Target Value

Performance target value for % Spend By Diversified Suppliers is % of the spending amount against suppliers who are minority owned, small business or woman owned supplier to total spending amount

1.14.34 Fact - Scorecard.Received On Time % Target Value

Performance value of % Received On Time by amount

1.14.35 Fact - Scorecard.Overall Accepted % Target Value

Performance target value for % accepted purchase order by amount

1.14.36 Fact - Scorecard.Purchase Order Schedule Line Return Rate Target Value

Performance target value for ratio of total number of returned purchase order schedule lines over total number of received purchase order schedule lines

1.15 Supplier Performance - Supplier AP Transactions

No Metric Name Description

1.15.1 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Times

Paid Before Due AP Times Paid Before Due

1.15.2 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Times

Paid After Due AP Times Paid After Due

1.15.3 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Avg

Supplier Payment Days AP Avg Supplier Payment Days

1.15.4 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Avg

Invoice Days

Outstanding This metric computes the average outstanding transaction days

1.15.5 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Avg This metric averages the days overdue (sysdate> payment_due_date) over Invoice Days Overdue the number of such transactions.

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Metric Reference Guide 1-39

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1.15.6 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Total

Payment Amount AP Total Payment Amount

1.15.7 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Count

Payment Transactions AP Count Payment Transactions

1.15.8 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Count

Overdue Transaction AP Count Overdue Transaction

1.15.9 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Count

Outstanding Transaction AP Count Outstanding Transaction

1.15.10 Fact - Supplier AP


Overdue Items to Total

% AP Overdue Items to Total %

1.15.11 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.Total AP This metric is the amount due to the supplier. It includes all line items that Outstanding Amount have the document status of Open.

1.15.12 Fact - Supplier AP This metric is the total past due to suppliers. It is calculated as follows: sum of Transactions.Total AP transaction amount where document status = Open and current reporting Overdue Amount date is > payment due date.

1.15.13 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP This metric compares overdue balances with total outstanding amount. It is Overdue Amount to computed as follows: Total Supplier Overdue Amount / Supplier Closing Total % Amount * 100

1.15.14 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Avg This metric shows the average invoice amount by : (AR Invoice Amount / AR Invoice Amount Invoice Count)

1.15.15 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Avg CR

Memo Amount This metric shows average credit memo amount processed for a period.

1.15.16 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Avg DR

Memo Amount This metric shows average debit memo amount processed for a period.

1.15.17 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Avg This metric shows average payment amount memo amount processed for a Payment Amount period (AP Total Payment Amount / AP Payment Count)

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Metric Reference Guide 1-40

No Metric Name Description

1.15.18 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP CR

Memo Amount to This metric computes the percentage of CR Memo Amount to the total Invoice % Invoice Amount for a period

1.15.19 Fact - Supplier AP


Payment Amount to This metric computes the percentage of AP Payment Amount to the total Invoice % Invoice Amount for a period

1.15.20 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Amount Amount in Group level currency.

1.15.21 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Invoice

Count This metric is a count of invoices from the supplier.

1.15.22 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Credit

Memo Amount This metric shows the amount of credit memo(s) related to the supplier.

1.15.23 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.# of AP

Credit Memo This metric is a count of credit memos related to the supplier.

1.15.24 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.AP Debit

Memo Amount This metric shows the amount of debit memo(s) related to the supplier.

1.15.25 Fact - Supplier AP

Transactions.# of AP

Debit Memo This metric is a count of debit memos related to the supplier.

1.15.26 Fact - Supplier AP


Amount Aging Amount

1.15.27 Fact - Supplier AP


Amount to Total Due % Aging Amount to Total Due %

1.15.28 Fact - Supplier AP


Amount to Total

Overdue % Aging Amount to Total Overdue %

1.16 Supplier Performance - Supplier Performance

No Metric Name Description

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Metric Reference Guide 1-41

No Metric Name Description

1.16.1 The quantity of the product on the purchase order line item that has been received (in purchase order UOM) on the date stipulated on the PO. Facts - Supplier Received on time quantity, when compared to ordered quantity, gives an idea Performance.Received about the supplier's compliance in terms of delivering goods earlier and can On Time Quantity be used to analyze excess inventory.

1.16.2 This metric is the percentage of items that were received on time (on the due Facts - Supplier date specified on the PO), of the total number of items ordered. PO received Performance.Received on time rate gives an idea about the supplier's performance in terms of On Time % delivering goods on time.

1.16.3 The quantity of the product on the purchase order line item that has been received (in purchase order UOM) before the date stipulated on the PO. Facts - Supplier Received early quantity, when compared to ordered quantity, gives an idea Performance.Received about the supplier's compliance in terms of delivering goods earlier and can Early Quantity be used to analyze excess inventory.

1.16.4 This metric is the percentage of items that were received early (before the Facts - Supplier due date specified on the PO), of the total number of items ordered. PO Performance.Received received early rate gives an idea about the supplier's performance in terms of Early % delivering goods on time.

1.16.5 The quantity of the product on the purchase order line item that has been received (in purchase order UOM) after the date stipulated on the PO. Facts - Supplier Received late quantity, when compared to ordered quantity, gives an idea Performance.Received about the supplier's compliance in terms of delivering goods earlier and can Late Quantity be used to analyze excess inventory.

1.16.6 This metric is the percentage of items that were received late (beyond the Facts - Supplier due date specified on the PO), of the total number of items ordered. PO Performance.Received received late rate gives an idea about the supplier's performance in terms of Late % delivering goods on time.

1.16.7 Facts - Supplier


% Accepted %

1.16.8 Facts - Supplier

Performance.Rejected % Rejected %

1.16.9 This metric provides a supplier index that is the result of several combined statistics, such as Service Level, Quality, and Price Variance. This metric is very Facts - Supplier useful in contract negotiations with suppliers, because it provides an Performance.Supplier objective view of a supplier's historical service to the company. It can also be Score used to select a certain supplier as an alternate to an existing supplier.

1.16.10 Facts - Supplier


Accepted % Overall Accepted %

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Metric Reference Guide 1-42

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1.16.11 Facts - Supplier


Rejected % Overall Rejected %

1.16.12 This metric is the percentage of items that were received late (beyond the Facts - Supplier due date specified on the PO), of the total number of items ordered. PO Performance.Overall received late rate gives an idea about the supplier's performance in terms of Received Late % delivering goods on time.

1.16.13 This metric is the percentage of items that were received early (beyond the Facts - Supplier due date specified on the PO), of the total number of items ordered. PO Performance.Overall received early rate gives an idea about the supplier's performance in terms of Received Early % delivering goods on time.

1.16.14 This metric calculates the average unit purchase price of item ordered, by Facts - Supplier dividing Total Approved PO amount by Total Approved PO Quantity. It should Performance.Avg be view with Item or commodity. This metric is not applicable to service or Purchase Unit Price amount based purchases, as unit price is not applicable to those orders.

1.16.15 Facts - Supplier

Performance.# of

Suppliers Number of suppliers

1.16.16 The number of distinct approved purchase orders to buy from suppliers. It does not include consignment consumption docuements. This metric is used to identify ordering volume for a particular entity. Order volume is a major component of supply base rationalization. One useful form of analysis is to correlate an increase in order volume over time to its effect on a suppliers service level (on-time, fill-rates, etc.). Analysis of future exposure derived Facts - Supplier from historical buying patterns and volume can be very helpful when Performance.# of PO rationalizing a large supply base.

1.16.17 Facts - Supplier The total approved quantity of purchase orders or releases to buy from Performance.Approved suppliers. If the order has partial or full cancellation, this quantity does NOT PO Quantity include the cancelled Quantity.

1.16.18 Facts - Supplier The total approved amount of purchase orders or releases to buy from Performance.Approved suppliers (in Warehouse Currency). If the order has partial or full cancellation, PO Amount this quantity does NOT include the cancelled Amount.

1.16.19 This metric tracks the quantity of purchase order shipment that were actually received. This number may or may not include rejected amounts, which is Facts - Supplier determined by the source system. This metric tracks which quantities of raw Performance.Received materials were received. This can be used as a baseline measure to compare Quantity what was expected to what was actually received.

1.16.20 Facts - Supplier The total approved quantity of purchase orders or releases to buy from Performance.Canceled suppliers. If the order has partial or full cancellation, this quantity does NOT Quantity include the cancelled Quantity.

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Metric Reference Guide 1-43

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1.16.21 Facts - Supplier Performance.Canceled Amount

The total approved amount of purchase orders or releases to buy from suppliers (in Warehouse Currency). If the order has partial or full cancellation, this quantity does NOT include the cancelled Amount.

1.17 Sourcing – Award

No Metric Name Description

1.17.1 Fact - Negotiation Negotiation Line Awarded Amount Awards.Negotiation Line

Awarded Amount

1.17.2 Fact - Negotiation Negotiation Line Awarded Amount Year Ago Awards.Negotiation Line

Awarded Amount Year


1.17.3 Fact - Negotiation Negotiation Line Awarded Amount Quarter Ago Awards.Negotiation Line

Awarded Amount

Quarter Ago

1.17.4 Fact - Negotiation Negotiation Line Awarded Amount Month Ago Awards.Negotiation Line

Awarded Amount

Month Ago

1.17.5 Fact - Negotiation Negotiation Current Amount Awards.Negotiation

Current Amount

1.17.6 Fact - Negotiation Negotiation Current Amount Year Ago Awards.Negotiation

Current Amount Year


1.17.7 Fact - Negotiation Negotiation Current Amount Quarter Ago Awards.Negotiation

Current Amount Quarter


1.17.8 Fact - Negotiation Negotiation Current Amount Month Ago Awards.Negotiation

Current Amount Month


1.17.9 Fact - Negotiation Negotiation Projected Savings Awards.Negotiation

Projected Savings

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.17.10 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Negotiation Projected Savings Year Ago

Negotiation Projected Savings Year Ago

1.17.11 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Negotiation Projected Savings Quarter Ago

Negotiation Projected Savings Quarter Ago

1.17.12 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Negotiation Projected Savings Month Ago

Negotiation Projected Savings Month Ago

1.17.13 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Negotiation Realized Savings

Negotiation Realized Savings

1.17.14 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Negotiation Realized Savings Year Ago

Negotiation Realized Savings Year Ago

1.17.15 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Negotiation Realized Savings Quarter Ago

Negotiation Realized Savings Quarter Ago

1.17.16 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Negotiation Realized Savings Month Ago

Negotiation Realized Savings Month Ago

1.17.17 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Approved PO Amount

Approved PO Amount

1.17.18 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Approved PO Amount Year Ago

Approved PO Amount Year Ago

1.17.19 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Approved PO Amount Quarter Ago

Approved PO Amount Quarter Ago

1.17.20 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Approved PO Amount Month Ago

Approved PO Amount Month Ago

1.17.21 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Negotiation Awarded Quantity

Negotiation Awarded Quantity

Metric Reference Guide 1-43

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1.17.22 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Negotiation Awarded Quantity Year Ago

Negotiation Awarded Quantity Year Ago

1.17.23 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Negotiation Awarded Quantity Quarter Ago

Negotiation Awarded Quantity Quarter Ago

1.17.24 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Negotiation Awarded Quantity Month Ago

Negotiation Awarded Quantity Month Ago

1.17.25 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Approved PO Quantity

Approved PO Quantity

1.17.26 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded

Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded

1.17.27 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded Year Ago

Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded Year Ago

1.17.28 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded Quarter Ago

Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded Quarter Ago

1.17.29 Fact - Negotiation Awards.Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded Month Ago

Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded Month Ago

1.17.30 Fact - Negotiation Awards.# of Suppliers Awarded

Number of Suppliers Awarded

1.17.31 Fact - Negotiation Awards.# of Business Units Awarded

Number of Business Units Awarded

1.17.32 Fact - Negotiation Awards.# of Awarded Negotiations

Number of Awarded Negotiations

Metric Reference Guide 1-44

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Metric Reference Guide 1-45

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1.17.33 Fact - Negotiation Awards.# of Awarded Negotiations Year Ago

Number of Awarded Negotiations Year Ago

1.17.34 Fact - Negotiation Awards.# of Awarded Negotiations Quarter Ago

Number of Awarded Negotiations Quarter Ago

1.17.35 Fact - Negotiation Awards.# of Awarded Negotiations Month Ago

Number of Awarded Negotiations Month Ago

1.17.36 Fact - Negotiation Awards.# of Awarded Negotiation Lines

Number of Awarded Negotiation Lines

1.17.37 Fact - Negotiation Awards.# of Awarded Negotiation Lines Year Ago

Number of Awarded Negotiation Lines Year Ago

1.17.38 Fact - Negotiation Awards.# of Awarded Negotiation Lines Quarter Ago

Number of Awarded Negotiation Lines Quarter Ago

1.17.39 Fact - Negotiation Awards.# of Awarded Negotiation Lines Month Ago

Number of Awarded Negotiation Lines Month Ago

1.18 Sourcing – Negotiation

No Metric Name Description

1.18.1 Fact - Negotiations.# of Published Negotiations

Number of Published Negotiations

1.18.2 Fact - Negotiations.# of Published Negotiations Year Ago

Number of Published Negotiations Year Ago

1.18.3 Fact - Negotiations.# of Published Negotiations Quarter Ago

Number of Published Negotiations Quarter Ago

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Metric Reference Guide 1-46

No Metric Name Description

1.18.4 Fact - Negotiations.# of Number of Published Negotiations Month Ago Published Negotiations

Month Ago

1.18.5 Fact - Negotiations.# of Number of Negotiations Negotiations

1.18.6 Fact - Negotiations.# of Number of Negotiations Year Ago Negotiations Year Ago

1.18.7 Fact - Negotiations.# of Number of Negotiations Quarter Ago Negotiations Quarter


1.18.8 Fact - Negotiations.# of Number of Negotiations Month Ago Negotiations Month Ago

1.18.9 Fact - Negotiations.# of Number of Published Negotiation Lines Published Negotiation


1.18.10 Fact - Negotiations.# of Number of Published Negotiation Lines Year Ago Published Negotiation

Lines Year Ago

1.18.11 Fact - Negotiations.# of Number of Published Negotiation Lines Quarter Ago Published Negotiation

Lines Quarter Ago

1.18.12 Fact - Negotiations.# of Number of Published Negotiation Lines Month Ago Published Negotiation

Lines Month Ago

1.18.13 Fact - Negotiations.# of Number of Negotiation Lines Negotiation Lines

1.18.14 Fact - Negotiations.# of Number of Negotiation Lines Year Ago Negotiation Lines Year


1.18.15 Fact - Negotiations.# of Number of Negotiation Lines Quarter Ago Negotiation Lines

Quarter Ago

1.18.16 Fact - Negotiations.# of Number of Negotiation Lines Month Ago Negotiation Lines Month


1.18.17 Fact - Negotiation Line Amount Negotiations.Negotiation

Line Amount

1.18.18 Fact - Negotiation Line Amount Year Ago Negotiations.Negotiation

Line Amount Year Ago

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.18.19 Fact - Negotiations.Negotiation Line Amount Quarter Ago

Negotiation Line Amount Quarter Ago

1.18.20 Fact - Negotiations.Negotiation Line Amount Month Ago

Negotiation Line Amount Month Ago

1.18.21 Fact - Negotiations.Preparation LifeCycle Time

Preparation LifeCycle Time

1.18.22 Fact - Negotiations.Preparation LifeCycle Time Year Ago

Preparation LifeCycle Time Year Ago

1.18.23 Fact - Negotiations.Preparation LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

Preparation LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

1.18.24 Fact - Negotiations.Preparation LifeCycle Time Month Ago

Preparation LifeCycle Time Month Ago

1.18.25 Fact - Negotiations.Bidding LifeCycle Time

Bidding LifeCycle Time

1.18.26 Fact - Negotiations.Bidding LifeCycle Time Year Ago

Bidding LifeCycle Time Year Ago

1.18.27 Fact - Negotiations.Bidding LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

Bidding LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

1.18.28 Fact - Negotiations.Bidding LifeCycle Time Month Ago

Bidding LifeCycle Time Month Ago

1.18.29 Fact - Negotiations.Award LifeCycle Time

Award LifeCycle Time

1.18.30 Fact - Negotiations.Award LifeCycle Time Year Ago

Award LifeCycle Time Year Ago

Metric Reference Guide 1-47

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Metric Reference Guide 1-48

No Metric Name Description

1.18.31 Fact - Negotiations.Award LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

Award LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

1.18.32 Fact - Negotiations.Award LifeCycle Time Month Ago

Award LifeCycle Time Month Ago

1.18.33 Fact - Negotiations.Average Cycle Time

Average Cycle Time

1.18.34 Fact - Negotiations.Average LifeCycle Time Year Ago

Average LifeCycle Time Year Ago

1.18.35 Fact - Negotiations.Average LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

Average LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

1.18.36 Fact - Negotiations.Average LifeCycle Time Month Ago

Average LifeCycle Time Month Ago

1.18.37 Fact - Negotiations. # of Two Stage Negotiations

# of Two Stage Negotiations

1.18.38 Fact - Negotiations.# of Two Stage Negotiations Year Ago

# of Two Stage Negotiations Year Ago

1.18.39 Fact - Negotiations. # of Two Stage Negotiations Quarter Ago

# of Two Stage Negotiations Quarter Ago

1.18.40 Fact - Negotiations.# of Two Stage Negotiations Month Ago

# of Two Stage Negotiations Month Ago

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-49

1.18.41 Fact -

Negotiations. Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time

Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time

1.18.42 Fact - Negotiations. Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time Year Ago

Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time Year Ago

1.18.43 Fact - Negotiations. Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time Quarter Ago

Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time Quarter Ago

1.18.44 Fact - Negotiations. Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time Month Ago

Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time Month Ago

1.18.45 Fact - Negotiations. Negotiation Approval Cycle Time

Negotiation Approval Cycle Time

1.18.46 Fact - Negotiations. Negotiation Approval Cycle Time Year Ago

Negotiation Approval Cycle Time Year Ago

1.18.47 Fact - Negotiations. Negotiation Approval Cycle Time Quarter Ago

Negotiation Approval Cycle Time Quarter Ago

1.18.48 Fact - Negotiations. Negotiation Approval Cycle Time Month Ago

Negotiation Approval Cycle Time Month Ago

1.18.49 Fact - Negotiations. Award Approval Cycle Time

Award Approval Cycle Time

1.18.50 Fact - Negotiations. Award Approval Cycle Time Year Ago

Award Approval Cycle Time Year Ago

1.18.51 Fact - Negotiations. Award Approval Cycle Time Quarter Ago

Award Approval Cycle Time Quarter Ago

1.18.52 Fact - Negotiations. Award Approval Cycle Time Month Ago

Award Approval Cycle Time Month Ago

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-50

1.19 Sourcing – Overview

No Metric Name Description

1.19.1 Fact - Sourcing.# of Negotiations

Number of Negotiations

1.19.2 Fact - Sourcing.# of Negotiations Year Ago

Number of Negotiations Year Ago

1.19.3 Fact - Sourcing.# of Negotiations Quarter Ago

Number of Negotiations Quarter Ago

1.19.4 Fact - Sourcing.# of Negotiations Month Ago

Number of Negotiations Month Ago

1.19.5 Fact - Sourcing.# of Negotiation Lines

Number of Negotiation Lines

1.19.6 Fact - Sourcing.# of Negotiation Lines Year Ago

Number of Negotiation Lines Year Ago

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-51

No Metric Name Description

1.19.7 Fact - Sourcing.# of Number of Negotiation Lines Quarter Ago Negotiation Lines

Quarter Ago

1.19.8 Fact - Sourcing.# of Number of Negotiation Lines Month Ago Negotiation Lines

Month Ago

1.19.9 Fact - Sourcing.# of Number of Published Negotiations Published Negotiations

1.19.10 Fact - Sourcing.# of Number of Published Negotiations Year Ago Published Negotiations

Year Ago

1.19.11 Fact - Sourcing.# of Number of Published Negotiations Quarter Ago Published Negotiations

Quarter Ago

1.19.12 Fact - Sourcing.# of Number of Published Negotiations Month Ago Published Negotiations

Month Ago

1.19.13 Fact - Sourcing.# of Number of Published Negotiation Lines Published Negotiation


1.19.14 Fact - Sourcing.# of Number of Published Negotiation Lines Year Ago Published Negotiation

Lines Year Ago

1.19.15 Fact - Sourcing.# of Number of Published Negotiation Lines Quarter Ago Published Negotiation

Lines Quarter Ago

1.19.16 Fact - Sourcing.# of Number of Published Negotiation Lines Month Ago Published Negotiation

Lines Month Ago

1.19.17 Fact - Sourcing.# of Number of Invited Suppliers Invited Suppliers

1.19.18 Fact - Sourcing.# of Number of Invited Suppliers Year Ago Invited Suppliers Year


1.19.19 Fact - Sourcing.# of Number of Invited Suppliers Quarter Ago Invited Suppliers

Quarter Ago

1.19.20 Fact - Sourcing.# of Number of Invited Suppliers Month Ago Invited Suppliers Month


Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.19.21 Fact - Sourcing.Preparation LifeCycle Time

Preparation LifeCycle Time

1.19.22 Fact - Sourcing.Preparation LifeCycle Time Year Ago

Preparation LifeCycle Time Year Ago

1.19.23 Fact - Sourcing.Preparation LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

Preparation LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

1.19.24 Fact - Sourcing.Preparation LifeCycle Time Month Ago

Preparation LifeCycle Time Month Ago

1.19.25 Fact - Sourcing.Bidding LifeCycle Time

Bidding LifeCycle Time

1.19.26 Fact - Sourcing.Bidding LifeCycle Time Year Ago

Bidding LifeCycle Time Year Ago

1.19.27 Fact - Sourcing.Bidding LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

Bidding LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

1.19.28 Fact - Sourcing.Bidding LifeCycle Time Month Ago

Bidding LifeCycle Time Month Ago

1.19.29 Fact - Sourcing.Award LifeCycle Time

Award LifeCycle Time

1.19.30 Fact - Sourcing.Award LifeCycle Time Year Ago

Award LifeCycle Time Year Ago

1.19.31 Fact - Sourcing.Award LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

Award LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

1.19.32 Fact - Sourcing.Award LifeCycle Time Month Ago

Award LifeCycle Time Month Ago

1.19.33 Fact - Sourcing.Average Cycle Time

Average Cycle Time

1.19.34 Fact - Sourcing.Average LifeCycle Time Year Ago

Average LifeCycle Time Year Ago

1.19.35 Fact - Sourcing.Average LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

Average LifeCycle Time Quarter Ago

Metric Reference Guide 1-50

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.19.36 Fact - Sourcing.Average LifeCycle Time Month Ago

Average LifeCycle Time Month Ago

1.19.37 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Line Amount

Negotiation Line Amount

1.19.38 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Line Amount Year Ago

Negotiation Line Amount Year Ago

1.19.39 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Line Amount Quarter Ago

Negotiation Line Amount Quarter Ago

1.19.40 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Line Amount Month Ago

Negotiation Line Amount Month Ago

1.19.41 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Line Awarded Amount

Negotiation Line Awarded Amount

1.19.42 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Line Awarded Amount Year Ago

Negotiation Line Awarded Amount Year Ago

1.19.43 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Line Awarded Amount Quarter Ago

Negotiation Line Awarded Amount Quarter Ago

1.19.44 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Line Awarded Amount Month Ago

Negotiation Line Awarded Amount Month Ago

1.19.45 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Current Amount

Negotiation Current Amount

1.19.46 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Current Amount Year Ago

Negotiation Current Amount Year Ago

1.19.47 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Current Amount Quarter Ago

Negotiation Current Amount Quarter Ago

Metric Reference Guide 1-51

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.19.48 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Current Amount Month Ago

Negotiation Current Amount Month Ago

1.19.49 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Projected Savings

Negotiation Projected Savings

1.19.50 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Projected Savings Year Ago

Negotiation Projected Savings Year Ago

1.19.51 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Projected Savings Quarter Ago

Negotiation Projected Savings Quarter Ago

1.19.52 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Projected Savings Month Ago

Negotiation Projected Savings Month Ago

1.19.53 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Realized Savings

Negotiation Realized Savings

1.19.54 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Realized Savings Year Ago

Negotiation Realized Savings Year Ago

1.19.55 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Realized Savings Quarter Ago

Negotiation Realized Savings Quarter Ago

1.19.56 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Realized Savings Month Ago

Negotiation Realized Savings Month Ago

1.19.57 Fact - Sourcing.Approved PO Amount

Approved PO Amount

1.19.58 Fact - Sourcing.Approved PO Amount Year Ago

Approved PO Amount Year Ago

Metric Reference Guide 1-52

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.19.59 Fact - Sourcing.Approved PO Amount Quarter Ago

Approved PO Amount Quarter Ago

1.19.60 Fact - Sourcing.Approved PO Amount Month Ago

Approved PO Amount Month Ago

1.19.61 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Awarded Quantity

Negotiation Awarded Quantity

1.19.62 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Awarded Quantity Year Ago

Negotiation Awarded Quantity Year Ago

1.19.63 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Awarded Quantity Quarter Ago

Negotiation Awarded Quantity Quarter Ago

1.19.64 Fact - Sourcing.Negotiation Awarded Quantity Month Ago

Negotiation Awarded Quantity Month Ago

1.19.65 Fact - Sourcing.Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded

Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded

1.19.66 Fact - Sourcing.Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded Year Ago

Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded Year Ago

1.19.67 Fact - Sourcing.Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded Quarter Ago

Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded Quarter Ago

1.19.68 Fact - Sourcing.Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded Month Ago

Average Negotiation Line Price Awarded Month Ago

1.19.69 Fact - Sourcing.Approved PO Quantity

Approved PO Quantity

1.19.70 Fact - Sourcing.# of Suppliers Awarded

Number of Suppliers Awarded

1.19.71 Fact - Sourcing.# of Business Units Awarded

Number of Business Units Awarded

Metric Reference Guide 1-53

Procurement and Spend Analytics

No Metric Name Description

1.19.72 Fact - Sourcing.# of Suppliers Participating

Number of Suppliers Participating

1.19.73 Fact - Sourcing.# of Suppliers Participating Year Ago

Number of Suppliers Participating Year Ago

1.19.74 Fact - Sourcing.# of Suppliers Participating Quarter Ago

Number of Suppliers Participating Quarter Ago

1.19.75 Fact - Sourcing.# of Suppliers Participating Month Ago

Number of Suppliers Participating Month Ago

1.19.76 Fact - Sourcing.# of Negotiations Responded

Number of Negotiations Responded

1.19.77 Fact - Sourcing.# of Negotiations Responded Year Ago

Number of Negotiations Responded Year Ago

1.19.78 Fact - Sourcing.# of Negotiations Responded Quarter Ago

Number of Negotiations Responded Quarter Ago

1.19.79 Fact - Sourcing.# of Negotiations Responded Month Ago

Number of Negotiations Responded Month Ago

1.19.80 Fact - Sourcing.# of Negotiation Lines Responded

Number of Negotiation Lines Responded

1.19.81 Fact - Sourcing.# of Negotiation Lines Responded Year Ago

Number of Negotiation Lines Responded Year Ago

1.19.82 Fact - Sourcing.# of Negotiation Lines Responded Quarter Ago

Number of Negotiation Lines Responded Quarter Ago

1.19.83 Fact - Sourcing.# of Negotiation Lines Responded Month Ago

Number of Negotiation Lines Responded Month Ago

1.19.84 Fact - Sourcing.# of Awarded Negotiations

Number of Awarded Negotiations

1.19.85 Fact - Sourcing.# of Awarded Negotiations Year Ago

Number of Awarded Negotiations Year Ago

Metric Reference Guide 1-54

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-55

No Metric Name Description

1.19.86 Fact - Sourcing.# of Awarded Negotiations Quarter Ago

Number of Awarded Negotiations Quarter Ago

1.19.87 Fact - Sourcing.# of Awarded Negotiations Month Ago

Number of Awarded Negotiations Month Ago

1.19.88 Fact - Sourcing.# of Awarded Negotiation Lines

Number of Awarded Negotiation Lines

1.19.89 Fact - Sourcing.# of Awarded Negotiation Lines Year Ago

Number of Awarded Negotiation Lines Year Ago

1.19.90 Fact - Sourcing.# of Awarded Negotiation Lines Quarter Ago

Number of Awarded Negotiation Lines Quarter Ago

1.19.91 Fact - Sourcing.# of Awarded Negotiation Lines Month Ago

Number of Awarded Negotiation Lines Month Ago

1.19.92 Fact – Sourcing. # of Two Stage Negotiations

# of Two Stage Negotiations

1.19.93 Fact - Sourcing. # of Two Stage Negotiations Year Ago

# of Two Stage Negotiations Year Ago

1.19.94 Fact – Sourcing. # of Two Stage Negotiations Quarter Ago

# of Two Stage Negotiations Quarter Ago

1.19.95 Fact - Sourcing. # of Two Stage Negotiations Month Ago

# of Two Stage Negotiations Month Ago

1.19.96 Fact – Sourcing. Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time

Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time

1.19.97 Fact - Sourcing. Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time Year Ago

Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time Year Ago

1.19.98 Fact – Sourcing. Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time Quarter Ago

Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time Quarter Ago

1.19.99 Fact - Sourcing. Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time Month Ago

Stage One Evaluation Cycle Time Month Ago

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-56

1.19.100 Fact – Sourcing. Negotiation Approval Cycle Time

Negotiation Approval Cycle Time

1.19.101 Fact - Sourcing. Negotiation Approval Cycle Time Year Ago

Negotiation Approval Cycle Time Year Ago

1.19.102 Fact – Sourcing. Negotiation Approval Cycle Time Quarter Ago

Negotiation Approval Cycle Time Quarter Ago

1.19.103 Fact - Sourcing. Negotiation Approval Cycle Time Month Ago

Negotiation Approval Cycle Time Month Ago

1.19.104 Fact – Sourcing. Award Approval Cycle Time

Award Approval Cycle Time

1.19.105 Fact - Sourcing. Award Approval Cycle Time Year Ago

Award Approval Cycle Time Year Ago

1.19.106 Fact – Sourcing. Award Approval Cycle Time Quarter Ago

Award Approval Cycle Time Quarter Ago

1.19.107 Fact - Sourcing. Award Approval Cycle Time Month Ago

Award Approval Cycle Time Month Ago

1.20 Sourcing – Response

No Metric Name Description

1.20.1 Fact - Responses.# of Suppliers Participating

Number of Suppliers Participating

1.20.2 Fact - Responses.# of Suppliers Participating Year Ago

Number of Suppliers Participating Year Ago 1.20.3 Fact - Responses.# of

Suppliers Participating Quarter Ago

Number of Suppliers Participating Quarter Ago 1.20.4 Fact - Responses.# of

Suppliers Participating Month Ago

Number of Suppliers Participating Month Ago 1.20.5 Fact - Responses.# of

Negotiations Responded Number of Negotiations Responded

1.20.6 Fact - Responses.# of Negotiations Responded Year Ago

Number of Negotiations Responded Year Ago

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Metric Reference Guide 1-57

No Metric Name Description

1.20.7 Fact - Responses.# of

Negotiations Responded

Quarter Ago Number of Negotiations Responded Quarter Ago

1.20.8 Fact - Responses.# of

Negotiations Responded

Month Ago Number of Negotiations Responded Month Ago

1.20.9 Fact - Responses.# of

Negotiation Lines

Responded Number of Negotiation Lines Responded

1.20.10 Fact - Responses.# of

Negotiation Lines

Responded Year Ago Number of Negotiation Lines Responded Year Ago

1.20.11 Fact - Responses.# of

Negotiation Lines

Responded Quarter Ago Number of Negotiation Lines Responded Quarter Ago

1.20.12 Fact - Responses.# of

Negotiation Lines

Responded Month Ago Number of Negotiation Lines Responded Month Ago

1.20.13 Fact - Responses.# of

Invited Suppliers Number of Invited Suppliers

1.20.14 Fact - Responses.# of

Invited Suppliers Year

Ago Number of Invited Suppliers Year Ago

1.20.15 Fact - Responses.# of

Invited Suppliers

Quarter Ago Number of Invited Suppliers Quarter Ago

1.20.16 Fact - Responses.# of

Invited Suppliers Month

Ago Number of Invited Suppliers Month Ago