Manager· The Eaton County 4-H Fair Boord appointed Mrs. Joan' Clever <Jf Charlotte as _acting Fair Manager at cheir June meeting last Thursday evemng. according ro Lloyd Baco11 of Mulliken, Board President. The appointment was made to fill the vacancy caused by the death Sidney Phillips who had served as 4- H Fair Manager far the past 12 years. Mrs. Clever has worked closely with Mr. Phillips and .the bQ3rd for five yea.rs as secretary to rhe manager. She will be assisted by her husband Neil Clever, a Charlotte real estate broker, who is an elected member of the 4-H fair Board serving his second 3-year term. Excellent planning by MI. Phillips during the past six months makes it possible fqr the. board and the new manager •to assUre 4-H members and tbe public that the 1965 Eaton County 4-H Fair will be better than ever with mote facilltr improvements a11d top quality entertainm_ent each day and evening from August 16 to .. 21. M,rs. Clever says that anyone with suggestions to help make the Fair an even better show- case for the youth of Eaton County should write to her at the 4-1-1 Fair office, 126 Norrh Bostwick Street, Charlotte, or contact Mr. Clever or Presi- dent Bacon or any of the follow- ing board members: Jake Creyts, Rol!-l:e 3 , Lansing: Harold Ding- 'Camelot' In 3rd Week DOUBLE -BREASTED or 4-lEGGED f'RYERS SPARTAN HOTDOG OR . HAMBURG BUNS 12 Pack BETH CROCKER CAKE MIXES 4 -1 lb.$1 24oz.· Pkgs. 4.ASSORTED VARIETIES , GENERAL. MILLS 4 CEREAL a v2 oz. ta 12 oz. $1 Pkgs. SHORTENING SWIFT'NING CAMPBELL S . PORK & BEANS J Lbs. 65c 2 25c· lb. FRA.NKS ECKRICH SMORGAS PACK SPARTAN .. COFFEE . I -2 sl.35 SPARTAN 2 12.-oz. BOTTLES REDEEM·YOUR 13th WEEK BONUS CARD COUPONS f2 OF 'EMI EACH FOR fH£ PUR CHAU or A 4-PC. SETTING OF 99· SYAINlESS .TABLEWARE AT.... . . C PLUS .. .100 FREE STAMPS WITH PUR CHASE OF 3·LBS. ALL-BEEF HAMBUAQ. . . . . ·.f. !' Car Falls· H, Glllley, 63, of 604 Mic!Jlgan St,, ,was killed Saturday rilght when a chain ho!Bf broke nd he was plwied beneath·an auto on which he was wotking at his residence, · Eaton county pOloner Bed Field of Dimondale said. death was due to suffocation caused by the weight of the rear end 6f the car resting on Gulley's che&, ' "No one was home at the ti.me of'the accident, which happened about 10 p, m,, but Gtille>:'s daughter,· Diana Ba,enilregt of Springport, d!l• . covered tbe tragedy when she went to tell jier Jaiher . bye, She had. been visiting her · MI. Gulley lived In Eaton Rapids for four years after cortllng. here from Springport. He was a native of Kentucky. He was emplOyed as an aS'sem .. bl.el at Union ·"Steel in 1 Albion. SUrviv!ng, besides his daughter, are: the widow, MarVi one half-brother, Alben Gulley of Carmago, Ky.; and a half-sister, Ka11e Sunon of Keatucky, ·Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Skinner Chapel, with btirial at Brickyard cem- etery Dr, Albe11:" H, Meinke, who Is begl!lll!DJl the l:hlrd and final year Of his lirst term·on the ' Eaton Rapids school board, was elected board· president Monday as the board to select of!ic:irs for the year, Dr, Meinke replaces Ha.rtenburg, who remains as a trustee. \ Earle Miller was board secretaty, and J. Dean Dale, Warner .Rising In, State ·GoP Ranks GOP State Chairman Elly M, Peteuon of Charlotte has named .,Dale I .. Warner, 24, of Eaton Rapids as Special AIS!stattt for Youth Aotivltles. . !'larner. a June gtaduate· of the Unlvers!ty of Law School, will coordinate all Republican activities In" ,valving young people,' Includ- ed in 1i.lB assignment are the Teenage Repilblicans, the Col- lege RepubliC:an Federation, and the· Young Republican Fed- e:ation .. "Dale's long and organizational abi will give our yoiith activities. e. boOSt they need," :Mrs. Peterson said. Warner, a forme.c state Because of their heavy na- vel i;chedule, tlle studems do not have long programs of planned activities at stopover poinr.s because they need time to rest. Winter, whose daughter, Lynne, pcμticipated in the AFS program first as a student and then as a chaperone, is Rm;a.ty chairman for the stopover. chairman of the Michigan Fed- eration of College .Republicans, was presented the Outstanding State Chairman award at la.st wee}{ s. Young Republi- can National-Convention in Miami 1 Fla. Jerry Dickson, National College t:;hairman1• said: ''The award was based oil . the outstanding growth and ac .. tivity of the Mlclligan Federa- tion of College Republicans . during Warner's 1964 .. 1965 term as state chairman. " W atner p1esemly Is direotOl of the four .. st.ate Region Five of the College Service Committee of the Young Republican Nation- al Federation. J:le was the younge& member of tjie Mich- igan i:l.elcgation to the Repub .. llcan National Convention in San· Francisco last summer. Police Report Chief James Taylar reported to the cify council Monday that the department re- ceived 52 calls, rendered 12 assists and services, received two calls from the Eaton county sherifrs department, investi- ' gated 42 complaint.s, and had 3 R . · • • d three ducing the e-annointe . r r st:O,P sign, eight for excessive Mayor Claud A, Basing said Tuesday night at the city coun- cil meeting that he was bope(ul + Rf.0 CROSS water satoi, tecbnlqm san man(llYQ \ nmse, seven for speeding-; 10 the fire-police building would wru:nings, fOur pa.Iking tickets. be ready for use next month. · . Officers made one arrest on The mayor said that most of the major remodeling wotk on the former furnitW:e store had been completed but that sev- eral details remajned to be flniShed. l!igblight of the council meeting, which was delayed a day because of the holitlay, was the mayor's appointment of two new membcis and three holdovers to the Zoning Boatd 0 1 Appeals. . N<i.tued to succeed1them-· selves «ere Ralph Natuxh and Paul Duffey for three .. yea.r terms and Irven Gemalsky for two years. Ed He,.ngstebeck re- places Truman Barliliuff, who · had a year to serve but asked • · to be replaced beCause of. reasons. Ronald Houck will' .1.. ·' ='le in p.!4c"" of _. _ Smith, with §n'.iith·named as alternate. a traffic wa"crant, one for drunk ·and disorderly, and one for driving while imox!cated. Three vacation checks were 1nade1 three doO('S found open. two funeral escorts, one damage accident, policed, four montlily bar checks made, three fires policed, and police detail futnished for the carni- val. Mrs, Arthur Klugow of Tra- cy, Calif., national president of the Ladles Auxiliary to the Vete.cans of Foteign Wars.or .the United States, will dedi- cate the new Home IJ.fe · Building at the Veterans of Foreign Wars NatiOnal Home In llaton Rapids Sunday at 1:30 p. m, The $45, ooo building Is the gift of the Ladies 4U<dliacy to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U, s, y Officers ana members of the Ladies Auxilici.ry from many si:ates, membeis of the Board of Trustees of the Home, members of the National Home Alumni Association, and the 205 oliild- ren now liV:ing at the Hpme will take· part in tlie ceren:ionies. Mrs, Glenn White qf Niles, national junior vfce president of the VFW l,.ldles AUldli"')', is chairman of the Dedication Day. · Edward G. Plumer, Home manager, is in charge of ar- rangements. l'19k Koch of Jackson, pres- ident of the Alumni AssoCiation, will take pan in the ceremonies. Alumni of the home will gather in annual reunion be· ginning Saturday. Benjamin F. the 4th 5th was we all results of the wee end. The VFW National Home Float was selected as the best in the Tony Webster and Pe)lgy Clark were winners of bicycles at the childten's matinee. Charn1 bracelets and cor- ( sages were presented to Queen Bonnie and lier court. Tidal Wave! , Mrs. George Pettit Sr. retUined MonClay night from a two-week trip to Hawaii with the Len Stuttman group of 22 Michigan people. The Earon Rapids woman she cllJoycd the trip im- mensely except fox one very fnghtemng experience. Wlulc staying at, the Kana Bc.1ch hctel m Hawaii, the was notified that H must evacuate the building unmedi.:ltely because of a 1:i3al wave wluch was said to be ap- proaching at the rate of 500 miles per hour as rhe result of an earthquake in the Aleutian Islands. Mrs. Pettit said the group was directed very efficiently to high ground wl1crc it stayed for two f1ours before the ail-. clear was given. She said there wen: some high waves but that the tidal wave spent itself before reaching Hawaii, Winn of Petalwna, Calif., pres- ident of the Booed of T-. will preside. Founded la 1925 to 'provide fat ca-phacs and widows of de- ce.ise<l and disabled veterans in Ame.xi.can WatS, the VFW National Home bas cared.for 975 children to date. Children live in two-story brick uodei supervisf.on of housemothers. The Home 1 Includes hcsp!tal and pee· scpool nursery, a ebapel of all faiths, arid complete recre- ational facilities, Children , Alumni Gather Registration at 2 p. m. Sat· urday at the VFW National Home will officially begin the Tri- Annual Homecoming of National Home A'lwnni this weekend. ,Members of the Alwnni executive board met !<tst Thursday at the home bf Mr. and Mts. Sttong Bateman to form final plans for the two- day affair, A banquet and memorial service will be held at 6:30 SUMMER JNSTRUCTION--Charles Burkholder, left, Vocational Agriculture· teacher at Eaton Ra- pids high, assists Karl and LeRoy Cupp while in- specting bean plants for Mexican bean beetle da- mage,' Karl and LeRoy, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cupp of Royston Rd., are partners in this 15-acre bean project, which serves as part of their Vo-Ag program. !(er!, a sophomore, also carries a beef project., LeRoy graduated in June and will attend a Michigan State University short course in agri- culture this fall. He was FFA chapter president. Crash Kills J. L. Simpson James Lee Simpson, 24, who had moved to Eaton Rapids only recently, died 5u,nday morning in a Lan>ing hospital after Ws motorcycle collided with a car at HugJies and Eaton Rapids roads. southwest of s. Logan St, Lansing police said Simp- son's motorcycle and an auto driven by llacl R?SimOJ11l Jr., 18, of Lansing, crashed"as Simons made a left turn. Simpson spent his entire life in Lansing until moving to Eaton RapiCls. He was a graduate of Sexton high school (l,nd a member .of Grace Meth- qdist church. He lived at 1750 Rd, 1 Eaton Ra?.ids. Sur'd.ving are: his wife, A. Funexal services were held Wednesday in Lansing, with burial at £vergreen cemetery. Clarence Freer Rites Held Ft.meral services for Clarence Freer, of 803 Jackson St. 1 were held Wednesday in Mason, and burial was in Mason. .Mr. Freer, who lived on a farm in Aurelius twp. for 65 years until moving llere last ' fall,. died Sun.day at Eaton Ra· pids Community Hospir.al after being t.a.ken there a f"!;W hours earlier. · S-urviving are: his wife, Anna; a daughter, Mis. Charles Whittemore of Scoa:.sdaTu., Ariz •• who visit:ed here last inoathi three grandchildren. . The Wbitternores owned Loreen; a son, Scotl:; his par· ents, r...rr, and Mrs, Leslie c. Simpson of Lansing;· a brother, Johil., of Lansing; a sister, Miss Lee Ann Simpson of Lansing: and grandparents, Mrs. Mable Crego of Fife Lake and Mr. and Mis. G, B, Tyler of l,ans!ng, the ea'.ting establlslimem now known as Floy:d's Restaurant fer severa.l years before moving :.o i! west six Y.ears ago. . .. . '

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Page 1: or f'RYERS -2 sl.35 2 - Eaton Rapids Area District Library

Manager· The Eaton County 4-H Fair

Boord appointed Mrs. Joan' Clever <Jf Charlotte as _acting Fair Manager at cheir June meeting last Thursday evemng. according ro Lloyd Baco11 of Mulliken, Board President. The appointment was made to fill the vacancy caused by the death o~ Sidney Phillips who had served as 4- H Fair Manager far the past 12 years.

Mrs. Clever has worked closely with Mr. Phillips and .the bQ3rd for five yea.rs as secretary to rhe manager. She will be assisted by her husband Neil Clever, a Charlotte real estate broker, who is an elected member of the 4-H fair Board serving his second 3-year term.

Excellent planning by MI. Phillips during the past six months makes it possible fqr the. board and the new manager

•to assUre 4-H members and tbe public that the 1965 Eaton County 4-H Fair will be better than ever with mote facilltr improvements a11d top quality entertainm_ent each day and evening from August 16 to

.. 21. M,rs. Clever says that anyone

with suggestions to help make the Fair an even better show­case for the youth of Eaton County should write to her at the 4-1-1 Fair office, 126 Norrh Bostwick Street, Charlotte, or contact Mr. Clever or Presi­dent Bacon or any of the follow­ing board members: Jake Creyts, Rol!-l:e 3 , Lansing: Harold Ding-

'Camelot' In 3rd Week






CAKE MIXES 4-1 lb.$1 24oz.· Pkgs.


GENERAL. MILLS 4 CEREAL a v2 oz. ta 12 oz.

$1 Pkgs.




J Lbs. 65c 2 L~s. 25c·







-2 C~N sl.35 SPARTAN

2 12.-oz. BOTTLES


·.f. ~'


Car Falls· Josep~ H, Glllley, 63, of

604 Mic!Jlgan St,, ,was killed Saturday rilght when a chain ho!Bf broke nd he was plwied beneath·an auto on which he was wotking at his residence,

· Eaton county pOloner Bed Field of Dimondale said. death was due to suffocation caused by the weight of the rear end 6f the car resting on Gulley's che&, '

"No one was home at the ti.me of'the accident, which happened about 10 p, m,, but Gtille>:'s daughter,· Mrs~ Diana Ba,enilregt of Springport, d!l•

. covered tbe tragedy when she went to tell jier Jaiher ~ood-

. bye, She had. been visiting her parems~ ·

MI. Gulley lived In Eaton Rapids for four years after cortllng. here from Springport. He was a native of Kentucky. He was emplOyed as an aS'sem .. bl.el at Union ·"Steel in 1Albion.

SUrviv!ng, besides his daughter, are: the widow, MarVi one half-brother, Alben Gulley of Carmago, Ky.; and a half-sister, Ka11e Sunon of Keatucky,

·Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Skinner Chapel, with btirial at Brickyard cem­etery •

Dr, Albe11:" H, Meinke, who Is begl!lll!DJl the l:hlrd and final year Of his lirst term·on the

' Eaton Rapids school board, was elected board· president Monday as the board m~ bri~fly to

select of!ic:irs for the year, Dr, Meinke replaces ~Ute

Ha.rtenburg, who remains as a trustee. \

Earle Miller was re~elected board secretaty, and J. Dean

Dale, Warner .Rising In, State ·GoP Ranks

GOP State Chairman Elly M, Peteuon of Charlotte has named

.,Dale I .. Warner, 24, of Eaton Rapids as Special AIS!stattt for Youth Aotivltles. • .

!'larner. a June gtaduate· of the Unlvers!ty of Mic!Jl~an Law School, will coordinate all Republican activities In" ,valving young people,' Includ­ed in 1i.lB assignment are the Teenage Repilblicans, the Col­lege RepubliC:an Federation, and the· Young Republican Fed­e:ation ..

"Dale's long e~ence and organizational abi will give our yoiith activities. e. boOSt they need," :Mrs. Peterson said.

Warner, a forme.c state

Because of their heavy na­vel i;chedule, tlle studems do not have long programs of planned activities at stopover poinr.s because they need time to rest.

Winter, whose daughter, Lynne, pcµticipated in the AFS program first as a student and then as a chaperone, is Rm;a.ty chairman for the stopover.

chairman of the Michigan Fed­eration of College .Republicans, was presented the Outstanding State Colle~e Chairman award at la.st wee}{ s. Young Republi­can National-Convention in Miami1 Fla. Jerry Dickson, National College t:;hairman1•

said: ''The award was based oil . the outstanding growth and ac ..

tivity of the Mlclligan Federa­tion of College Republicans . during Warner's 1964 .. 1965 term as state chairman. "

W atner p1esemly Is direotOl of the four .. st.ate Region Five of the College Service Committee of the Young Republican Nation­al Federation. J:le was the younge& member of tjie Mich­igan i:l.elcgation to the Repub .. llcan National Convention in San· Francisco last summer.

Police Report

Chief James Taylar reported to the cify council Monday nl~ht that the department re­ceived 52 calls, rendered 12 assists and services, received two calls from the Eaton county sherifrs department, investi-

' gated 42 complaint.s, and had

3 R . · • • d three do~ co~lalnts ducing the e-annointe ::!~~~e~:%0~~;!~-. r r ~ st:O,P sign, eight for excessive

Mayor Claud A, Basing said Tuesday night at the city coun­cil meeting that he was bope(ul

+ Rf.0 CROSS water satoi, tecbnlqm san man(llYQ


nmse, seven for speeding-; 10 the fire-police building would wru:nings, fOur pa.Iking tickets. be ready for use next month. · . Officers made one arrest on

The mayor said that most of the major remodeling wotk on the former furnitW:e store had been completed but that sev­eral details remajned to be flniShed.

l!igblight of the council meeting, which was delayed a day because of the holitlay, was the mayor's appointment of two new membcis and three holdovers to the Zoning Boatd 01 Appeals. .

N<i.tued to succeed1them-· selves «ere Ralph Natuxh and Paul Duffey for three .. yea.r terms and Irven Gemalsky for two years. Ed He,.ngstebeck re­places Truman Barliliuff, who · had a year to serve but asked • · to be replaced beCause of. h~ reasons. Ronald Houck will' .1.. ·'

='le in p.!4c"" of ~Ji.it~-(! _ . _ Smith, with §n'.iith·named as a~ alternate.

a traffic wa"crant, one for drunk ·and disorderly, and one for driving while imox!cated.

Three vacation checks were 1nade1 three doO('S found open. two funeral escorts, one prop~ ~ damage accident, policed, four montlily bar checks made, three fires policed, and police detail futnished for the carni­val.

Mrs, Arthur Klugow of Tra­cy, Calif., national president of the Ladles Auxiliary to the Vete.cans of Foteign Wars.or .the United States, will dedi­cate the new Home IJ.fe · Building at the Veterans of Foreign Wars NatiOnal Home In llaton Rapids Sunday at 1:30 p. m,

The $45, ooo building Is the gift of the Ladies 4U<dliacy to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U, s, y

Officers ana members of the Ladies Auxilici.ry from many si:ates, membeis of the Board of Trustees of the Home, members of the National Home Alumni Association, and the 205 oliild­ren now liV:ing at the Hpme will take· part in tlie ceren:ionies.

Mrs, Glenn White qf Niles, national junior vfce president of the VFW l,.ldles AUldli"')', is chairman of the Dedication Day. • · Edward G. Plumer, Home manager, is in charge of ar­rangements.

l'19k Koch of Jackson, pres­ident of the Alumni AssoCiation, will take pan in the ceremonies.

Alumni of the home will gather in annual reunion be· ginning Saturday. Benjamin F.

the 4th 5th

was we all results of the wee end.

The VFW National Home Float was selected as the best in the parade~

Tony Webster and Pe)lgy Clark were winners of bicycles at the childten's matinee.

Charn1 bracelets and cor- ( sages were presented to Queen Bonnie and lier court.

Tidal Wave!

, Mrs. George Pettit Sr. retUined MonClay night from a two-week trip to Hawaii with the Len Stuttman group of 22 Michigan people.

The Earon Rapids woman ~1d she cllJoycd the trip im­mensely except fox one very fnghtemng experience.

Wlulc staying at, the Kana Bc.1ch hctel m Hawaii, the ~roup was notified that H must evacuate the building unmedi.:ltely because of a 1:i3al wave wluch was said to be ap­proaching at the rate of 500 miles per hour as rhe result of an earthquake in the Aleutian Islands.

Mrs. Pettit said the group was directed very efficiently to high ground wl1crc it stayed for two f1ours before the ail-. clear was given. She said there wen: some high waves but that the tidal wave spent itself before reaching Hawaii,

Winn of Petalwna, Calif., pres­ident of the Booed of T-. will preside.

Founded la 1925 to 'provide fat ca-phacs and widows of de­ce.ise<l and disabled veterans in Ame.xi.can WatS, the VFW National Home bas cared.for 975 children to date.

Children live in two-story brick hotls~, uodei supervisf.on of housemothers. The Home 1

Includes hcsp!tal and pee· scpool nursery, a ebapel of all faiths, arid complete recre­ational facilities, Children ,

Alumni Gather Registration at 2 p. m. Sat·

urday at the VFW National Home will officially begin the Tri-Annual Homecoming of National Home A'lwnni this weekend.

,Members of the Alwnni executive board met !<tst Thursday at the home bf Mr. and Mts. Sttong Bateman to form final plans for the two­day affair,

A banquet and memorial service will be held at 6:30

SUMMER JNSTRUCTION--Charles Burkholder, left, Vocational Agriculture· teacher at Eaton Ra­pids high, assists Karl and LeRoy Cupp while in­specting bean plants for Mexican bean beetle da­mage,' Karl and LeRoy, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cupp of Royston Rd., are partners in this 15-acre bean project, which serves as part of their Vo-Ag program. !(er!, a sophomore, also carries a beef project., LeRoy graduated in June and will attend a Michigan State University short course in agri­culture this fall. He was FFA chapter president.

Crash Kills J. L. Simpson James Lee Simpson, 24, who

had moved to Eaton Rapids only recently, died 5u,nday morning in a Lan>ing hospital after Ws motorcycle collided with a car at HugJies and Eaton Rapids roads. southwest of s. Logan St,

Lansing police said Simp­son's motorcycle and an auto driven by llacl R?SimOJ11l Jr., 18, of Lansing, crashed"as Simons made a left turn.

Simpson spent his entire life in Lansing until moving to Eaton RapiCls. He was a graduate of Sexton high school (l,nd a member .of Grace Meth­qdist church. He lived at 1750 Michig~IJ. Rd, 1 Eaton Ra?.ids.

Sur'd.ving are: his wife, A.

Funexal services were held Wednesday in Lansing, with burial at £vergreen cemetery.

Clarence Freer Rites Held

Ft.meral services for Clarence Freer, '12~ of 803 Jackson St. 1

were held Wednesday in Mason, and burial was in Mason.

.Mr. Freer, who lived on a farm in Aurelius twp. for 65 years until moving llere last

' fall,. died Sun.day at Eaton Ra· pids Community Hospir.al after being t.a.ken there a f"!;W hours earlier. ·

S-urviving are: his wife, Anna; a daughter, Mis. Charles Whittemore of Scoa:.sdaTu., Ariz •• who visit:ed here last inoathi ~nd three grandchildren.

. The Wbitternores owned

Loreen; a son, Scotl:; his par· ents, r...rr, and Mrs, Leslie c. Simpson of Lansing;· a brother, Johil., of Lansing; a sister, Miss Lee Ann Simpson of Lansing: and grandparents, Mrs. Mable Crego of Fife Lake and Mr. and Mis. G, B, Tyler of l,ans!ng,

the ea'.ting establlslimem now • known as Floy:d's Restaurant fer severa.l years before moving :.o • i! west six Y.ears ago. . .. ;~£'1.'IOI: .

~-' :~

Page 2: or f'RYERS -2 sl.35 2 - Eaton Rapids Area District Library

· A reguiai: meeting of the City council was held in the City Building July 0 , 1965, at 7:0n o'cl'lfl< p. l)j,-

Called to order PY, Mayor Basing I

Pr®in:-.-Roll call: Mayot Basing and Councilmen Hall. Alt, G;orbin, and Kapff. '.

Minutes of the last meetitlg read and apprcived.

. The bills were audited by the cl.aimS committee and on motion of councilman Corbin were allowe~ as audited. COJ.!Il­ciJman Alt seconded the moo.on. MOtion carried UllllnJ.mously. A list of the bills is p=d In the office of the City Clerk.

councilman Hall presented the bills on the neW Fire and Pollce Station and mov.ed that ihey be allowed. Councilman Cot'bin seconded the motion. Vote: Yea 4, Mayor Basillg and Councilmen Hall, Alt, and Cotbin; No O; Abstaining 1,,

. counciJ,man Kapff, Motion carried.

Mayor BasiJlg made the f91-Jowlng appointlU<;DtS to the Zoning Board of Appeals:

E\lward G, Heogstebeck-to . replace Truman'llarkbuff, term expltlng 1966'; Ralph Natusch to succeed bi.m.Self fo.c a· term · of 3 years expiring 1968; PaUl Duffey to succeeablmself for a term of 3 years expiring 1968; Ronald E. Houck to succeed Chru:Jea w. Smith for a term of 2 years expiring 1967; Jiven A G'~ to succeea . bfuiself for a term of 2 Y"""' expir!Dg 1967; Charles W. Smith as an alternate to the board. · .

councilman Co.rbJ.D moved that the appointments to the Zoning Boord of Appeals be coofirlned, ,

. ci>uncilman Kapff secondeo th~ motion. 1!otlon carried ·

. unanJ.mOWll)". Mayor easing ,read a !otter

from i;!r, Thomas Long in re­gard to a ~king lot to be con .. structed Jn ~~o !>lock of S, Main St. , and turned it ov~ ~o . the City Attorney for an opl.Illon.

Department reports we.re given, '

Adjourned at 8:52 p. m. c. A. BASING Mayor GERALD H. »I!J.J'TT, City Cie<k

Mr. ZIP Mov,es Long Distance Parcels Faster

Five Digit Code Skips Sorting Stops

Dear Amy:· you about elderly women wearing . we have a Hiree-cornered bet shorts in public. ·would you be

·an her'e. I think two- of the kind enough to print it again Beetles are girls. My wife thinks with 'your reply? As I remember,_ ihey are all girls. Our third party it was very good. You see I am bets they are all boys. What do now having this .Same problem you think? with my Mom and I want to show

Earl :pear Earl:

Don't let 'cm bug ya! l have Inside Information that they are rill t}Je male of the spec:ie. The thlrdpartywfns. (Yeh, Yeh, Yeh!)

her how she looks in print. Mrs. Drake

Dear Mrs. Drake: With pleasure. . . '

.ii i!nd 1 pay

her would Uk~ to pass this I ·think it Is very unfair. Don't . information on to her. you think he should still continue My mother had dad slck for 13 to wear the ring I gave him and years. The hos_Pital bills were very take off his college rJng instead? heavy. She pµid them off in small

Confused Selma amounts. a little each week or Dear Selma:-' · ,_ montb. The . hospital will never

You are wrong to even suggest sue if "Worried" makes some pay. he remove hJs college ring. He n;ienls. She ccrtai_nly can do wit~­earncd It: he's proud of it, and I o~ a fe:W luxunes until this is

don~ blame him. His Intentions paid. This way she can be inde· are Bne. Now befor.e he changes· pendent of men till "Mr. Right" his mind about y~m, stop trying comes along. . to put a ring through his nose A Worried Mother before he puts the ring on your finger!

Dear Amy. Sometime ago you printed a

letter. from a daughter who wroto


Mrs. Margaret De.Waters - has announced the en~agement

and approaching marnage of her daughter, Louise Darlene, to John M .. Cousino, ion of Mt. and Mrs, Alfred Cousino, Rt. I, Olivet. The couple will be married July 31 at St. Mary's Church in Charlotte.

Ladies' Golf Ten women from Bonnie View

attended Central Distric at Port­land Cpuntry clvb June 29. Lo­cal willilers were:

Class q .. -low net, Floss Da­vidson; lmi j>utts, ·Mlllie Clark,

Twenty .. seven ladies enjoyed a round or golf and lunch laSt Thursday at Bonnie View,

Golfball winners we.re: Class A--low net. Corrine

Schadi. low putts, Lila Ga)'!on; class B-... low net, Maxine F~ mison; law putts, Millie Clark: Class c ... -Jow net, laurie Heng­stebilck; low putts, Jean Doyle.

The next two-ball will be July 18 at 3 p. m,


1963 '







..fAIRLANE STATION W~GON V-8 ... Ford-o•matic · Many extras

CARAVELLE CONVERTIBLE 4-speed Disc Brakes Rem·qvable Hardtop A sporty Economy car

PONTIAC CATALINA CONVERTIBLE V-8 •.• Automatic Local . , • One-owner

CORVAIR 500 CONVERTIBLE Test Drive Ta'11ay!

OLDS F-85 CONVERTIBLE V-8 ••. Hydramatic Extra clean

ECONOLINE PICKUP l - TOn .•• 4-speed A II Heavy Duty


Our WAREHOUSE SALE starts today! See over $200,000 worth of Furniture,.Appliances, Television and Stereo being closed out at unheard of Low - Low - Low Prices •.• Famous names such as Berne Lloyd, Marl, Schweiger, Cushman, Haywood Wakefield, Kroehler, Gibson';· Hardwick, Crown, ' Westinghouse, and.many, n:iany others ... Living Rooms, Bedrooms, Choirs, Recliners, Colonial Chair.;, Sofas, Mattresses and Box Springs, Refrigerators, Freezers, and Ranges must be sold to make room for the arrival of new merchandise.


Westinghouse Autl)lllatic; Doubledoor, Top rrcezcr REFRIGERATOR

Gibson 5, ODO. BTU AIR CONDITIONER lnstalf yourself

Your Choice! Upright or Che.et

Reg. Price

259. gf,

129. 95

159. 95

109. 95

179, 95

129, 95

2Z9. 95

209. 95

349. 91i









Reg. Pnce

Big PtcturL·, Consolcnc


Odd Lots, Your Ch01ce BOX SPRINGS & MATT. 29. 95

Choose from a Big Selection COLONIAL CHAIRS

Special Purchase 4-DRAWER CHESTS

Nylon Cover. Foam Cushion 2-PC. LIVING ROOM

Many Styles, Mar-Proof Top 5-PC. DINETTE SETS


-, ~iany co1ors

109. 95


159. 95


179. 95

159. 95 RECLINER CHAIRS ' Be:!Jitiful 23-Inch


Zenith Console! 279.~5 CONSOLE TELEVISION


289. 95,




. ?9.95

59' 9-?



Page 3: or f'RYERS -2 sl.35 2 - Eaton Rapids Area District Library

Heaton 's Drug Store "PRESCRIPTION CENTER"

Warehouse Food Lockers

"MEAT IS OUR BUSINESS" 715 .Goodrich Ph 243"'3473


lJyerJr & Wheeler CAR-TRUCK­T~CTOR seRVICE 903 Water St. Phone 243-771 I

Hilliard Oil tJornpan:r

"Complete Fann & ' Home Service" 2681 S. Michigan Ra.

Phone 243-3382

Jowett's Mobil Service Rapids Bowl PHONE 243-6321

. Wolfs Firestone "YOUR SAFETY



Cu:ol Aan Webb, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Lynwood Wobb, 500 Rancho ... achieved academic honors last semester as a Dean's List studem at th~ university of Miami (Fla.), with a 3, 50 av· erage on the Univertity's four­poim gtaditJ! system·.

MiSs Webo is majorlag In p~ology.

6:00 p. m. Youth Groups 7:00 p. m. Evening Worship Service

Guest speaker--Rev. Walter Fra.nk


Wednesday ' 5:30 a.m. Men's Early

i'raye?Mee!ing Thursday

'1:0n p.m. Visitation Saturday

'1:30 p.m. Preparation through Pra yeI Choir Rehearsal

9:45 a.m.--Church School ll:OO a.m.--Worship Service (Grades pre"scbool••3) 5,oo p. m. --Pilgrim Fellowship

JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 132 Van Lieu St., Charlotte

Sunday--9:30 a. m. Publishers will meet at service centers for field service

ST. PETER'.S CATHOLIC 3,00 p.m. Public Talk Rev. Fr. CharJ.es Crowley, Pastor 4:15 p.m. Bible Study Sunday

8:30 a.m. and 10,30 a,m. CALVAf{'f LUTHERAN masses Rev, Fred Zimmerman, Pastor

Weekdays . , Services at Seventh Day · 7;..15 a.rrt. mass Advemist Church, Eaton Rapids

Saturday 8:30 a,m, Morning Worship 4:00 p.rn. co 5:00 p.m. and 9:30 a.m. Sunday ~hool 8:00 p. m. to 9:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. Youth Gioups Confessioru; '1:00 p.m. Eve~~g Woiship

" CHILDS BIBLE Robert M~ Bowden, Pastqr

Sunday 10:00 a. m. Sunday School 11:00 a. m. Morning

\Vorship (Nursery during ch"urch service)

6:30 p. m. Youag People's ·.service Evening Service

FIRST LUTHERAN ' 201 E. Lovett St., Charlotte

Sunday School and Adult Bible Clisses, 9,45 a. m.

Holy CommunioII, the first 'Sunday of each month at the 11:00 a. m. service.

Young People's Society as announced at cbmch.

"Saint JoanH provides thought~provoking insight into tnodern times and willOe .an evening to remember. Officials of the local church have isstled an invitation to all interested persons, A free-will offering will be taken.


Sunday 9:45 a. m.

WILS l320kc Tbis Week'~

Christian Science Program

WESLEYAN METHODIST Rev. L. J, Maxson, Pastor

~unday . ~ 10:00 a. m. Sunday School

1 ll:OO a. m. Moining Worship 7:00 p. m. Wesleyan Youth 7:00 p. m. Class Meetina: 7:30 p. m. Evening Service 8115 p,m, Prayer Time

Thursday 7:30 p.m. Home Visitauon

Saturday J:DO p.rn. Preparation

.. through Prayer

The Jlllle 15 meet~ of the BOODY FEEOERS 4-H c1ub was held at the home of the pres!· dent, €barley Hammond, with 14 membeIS and six guests j'tesent. We discussed float ideas for the fair. Following aa.Journment we made rope halters and refreshments were served~.

JllDe 29 meeting was held at the Ott home with Pres. Ham­mond in charge. He Jed the group in the pledge of allegi· ance and the 4-H pledge. There were 10 members and six guests present. ·

Minutes read and approved; treasurer's report given. The new set of ear c:ijppers a.nived. Final decision made on float.

Leaders reminded us of vac­cination and blood t~ of OW' Cattle and tO biiDg ill ne­cessary pap= to July 2~ meet· Ing.

can go to a luncheon or supper, exp la l n s Reba. Staggs, well­known meat cookery ex:pcrt. It is so satisfying, appetite or nu­trition-wise, because of the pro­Lein-rlch meat that's in It.

Gounnet~t SalOO 2 "'CUPS julienne-style cooked

tieef, veal or lamb 2 slices bacon

1h cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon vinegar

lh cup finely chopped green onions and Lops

1 small clove garlic, finely minced ·

1 tablespoon chopped capers Lettuce

Cook bacon until crisp. Break Into small pieces. Comblne may­onnaise, lemon juice, vinegar, onion, ~lie and capers. Add to strips of meat and toss lightly. Chill thoroughly. Serve In lel­tuce·lined bowl. Sprinkle bacon on top. 4 servings.

We will have lo want Peace, want it enough to pay for ii, before it becomes an accepled .rule.

• Eleanor Roosevelt

We voted to have a club tout July 25. Members of the Service Club leave July 6 f<• Massachusetts. '

Nen meeting will be July 13 at home of Karen Hillard.

Karen Hillard, Reporter

The EAST HAMLIN VARIETY 4·H club held a patty June 26 at the home of Vero Hattenburg. A hay ... Iide 1 softball, aild daD7log

\?f],~'ii'©i](]~~ 1HE4laIXJ"f2 @~I;-~~

were enjoyed, after which re­freshments we.re served.

Jone 30 the club held a meeting at Griffit.h church to discuss pre}>arations for an ice Cieam social. Projects must now be completed for the fair. Patty Mock gave a report on ber week at Michigan State University for the Older Youth conference.

July 6 Liz Hosler, Patty Mock, and Tom Dewberry left for :tvlassachusetr.s on lhe county 4-H Excba.nl!e Ttip. They will retlllh JUly rs. We entertained the Massachusetts group last summer.

July 13·16 is the 47th annual 4-H Club Week. Ont members who will attend are· Doris Gillett, David Christopher. and Da.vid Hottqp.,

Tom Dewbeay, Reporter

YOUR 1Wedding Story



Reasonably Priced


Ecton Rapids

Machine Shop CHAMPION Spark Plugs

DELCQ Batteries DuPONT Paints

Recreation Notes


Felpausch·Hamilion 4, IGA­Cocbran 3

Davidson's 51 Heminger's 4 Rotary 20 • VFW Nat •. H~me 2

It was a good week' for the Corbin boys. Duane was the winning pitcher for Davidson's in an extra-inning victory over HemiDger's, and Mark twirled Felpausch· Hamilton to a 4-3 triumph over !GA-Cochran.

Chuck Card coasted to vie· tory in the R~'s comp past VFW National Home.

VFW 5, Eat.Jn Stamping 2

Altboucll omblt, VFW tripped Ealon Stampiag be· hind the five-bit hntliag of Gary FlemlJlg, The winneIS collected only three hits.




Only the No11 man's got the No.1 buys: yqpr Chevrolet dealer (See him nowt)

Models? Impalas. Bel Airs, Biscaynes. Styles? Sedans," _yourself into"the No. 1 car. Just see the No.1 man nQw at

coupes. convertibles, w~gOns. Colors? Black. white and most ,:~the No. 1 place (where the -srgn says '"Chevrolet .. l 1

THE NO. 1 MANt'S GOT THE STYLE YOU WANT IN HIS REAR.ENGINED FUN CAR: CORVAIR. What sporty style it' is: J!very Carvair coupe or sedan's a hardtop now. And what sport

driving a cOrvaii-: tour-whee1 1ndepend·




CHEVELLE. If you hke your car ' neat-sized and mmble. the No 1

man's got it in Chevelle. Standard

engine is a husky Sui or a powerful

TUrbo.-Fire VB. depending on model. Gr

Thursday Night Golf League

Page 4: or f'RYERS -2 sl.35 2 - Eaton Rapids Area District Library

Yau anrl your family are risk­ing sc;>r1ou illness, evf'n death, If you have nol bf!Pn Immunized against tetnnus.

Tetanus spores can be found in cultivated soils of most ureas of U1e United States. These spores cen be picked up from plants or animals and introduced Into Up:! human body by a scratch of a thorn or an insect bite. · Usually' referred to as "lock­jaw" - tetanus attacks the nerve centers causing convulsions and muscle spru.ms, usually those of the head and neck.

NEW GMC hali·ton pickup, Wide side box, heater, de­frosters.$1, 799. DAVIS & SONS PONT1AC 1 520 Lansing St. Charlotte. 22tfc

NEW ~ARM Equipment·· IJ International Trucks. Tractors and other maChinery. Also. New Holland equipment. See · your Intemational Harvester DealeJ:. McClure Implement · Sales. Phone 857-3900, Springpoit. tfc

Wll:X W\)RMS:·$1 pei: hun· dred. Wallace Swank,


USED FARM EQUlPMEN'i''as' well as new. Pickups, ~ac~ · tors, trucks, and other farm equipment. McClure Imple­ment-Sales, Springport, Mich. Phone Sprlngpoit 857·3900, Eaton Rapid; 243-371_6, Char­lotte 543-3325,

") 5tfc

S\JPER·CROSS Seed Corn; also livestock trucking--regu~ lar trips to Detroit, other mar~ ket.s by appointment. Call C. P. Hammand, Dimondale' "l! 6·5172. . lOtfc

McClure Implement Sales Plione UL 7-3900 Springport, Mich.

I NTERNA HON AL HARVESTER DEALER Hours 8 a.rn. to 6 p.m. Eaton Rapids 243-3716 Cha~lotte 543-3325

MANAGEMENT TRAINEE-­I am interested in one de­pendable married man' to take over local dealeJ:ship that will produce immediate above J.Verage income .. Good.work­er could develop into my Eat­on County manager in 6 to 9 rp.onths1 with $8, 000 to $10, 000 earmngs 1st ye.ar. Send rcswne to BranCn office 20160 Greenf1eld1 ·itoom,.205 Detroit, Michigan. The Full­er &ush company.


OLD EQ)JITY LIFE INS, CO, Robert J. Feasel;!'hone 243·6081, 1006 Hall :?t., Eaton Rapids

SERVE WITH PRIDE IN THE NATIONAL GUARD prcp~re this versatile "reacly-to­ser\ e" mo-at, It makes for .good eating.

Frankfurter-Potato CombO 1 pound frankfurtern 2 tablespoons flnflly chopped

om on

ON AND AFTER this date, I will not be responsible. for any. debts other than those:· con­tracted for by myself. -O-rthur j(, Chaney, · • 27•29p

SPARE TIME !NCOME•·Refill· · ing.and collecting money from 'New Type high quality coin · operated dispensetS in this area. No selling. To qualify _you must have car, Ieferences. $600 to $1. 900 cash. Seven to 12 hours

, weekly can net excellent montlily income. More full time, For pcaanal interview, write P. o. Box 4185. Pitts-· burgh, Pa. 15202, !~elude phone numb~. .27p

HA-VE ROOM for one patient, Plains Rd. Convalescent Home, 5958 Plains Rd., Fhone 243-6172. 2sir< LAND CONTRACTS..i-We our­selves will buy your land con­tract. No delay! Call Fm:d s. LaNoble, residence ED 1-1276, laNoble Realty Corn· pany 1 Lansipgi Michigan. Phone IV 2· 1637, • 52tfc

CUSTOM MEAT PROCESSING Beef ahd potk. ~ WAREHOUSE Food Lockers, Phone 243-3473. tfc

EXPERT PIANO TUNING-·Ncw and Used Pianos. Re-styling. Phone 243-4853, 315 S, Cen­ter, Eat~n Rapids.

McODERN two-bedroom house rn or around Eaton Rapids. Would be steady rentets. Call Kc 1th Sm 1th at Ha yes Jewelry, 243·3458. I 25tfc

FOR RENT EFFICJENCY APARTMENTS by tlie week ·or marl.th .. COLONIAL MOTEL. S. Main, E-R 243-9241. Under new management.



SOUTH MAI N--Very cl eon 4-bedroom home on shaded corner lot. Living room fire place, large built-in kitchen, utility room, gas heot, garage. Contract tenns to qua Ii fi ed buyer.

& ~rofessional

Drywall By Ed Halt Have roUI home drywalled by using USG Adhesive. Dl}'\"all is bonD.ed to wcod studs antl Joists using adhesive instead ·o! nails, "Bugs" hav~ been Worked out oT this svstem. We have installed this system in 70 homes irl the last 12 months. For more informat1on--Phone Chadotte 543-2258 Collect.

Daniel Southworth of Spring­port visited his grand parents, Mr. and ~. Clifford Hamman, .over the week end~

Amos Smith of Smith Rel. visited at the Bill Zeitz home Saturday night.

• Howard Towns attended the 25th. wedding anniver""Y of MI. and Mrs."Montel Harrington at !ackson Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Don~Squier of Jackson called an Mr-; and Mrs. John Southwick Sunday.

Mr. and Mr~. Charles Bright of Big Portage Lalce were callers at the home of Mr. and l\11rs. Andrew Jackson Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Hosler and Elizabeth, Mrs. Beverly Ellsworth and children went to the horse show at Mar.shall Sunday, EUzabeth entered a horse and received hon01s.

MI. and Mrs. Nathaniel Shirey of Cloverdale, Ohio,


was here over the week end 'with his sister and husband, Mr, and Mrs, john Southwick.

Mr, and Mrs, Floyd Standish of Sluups, Fla., spent' the week end with Mrs. Nina Welsh and son Le.I.and and Mrs. Agries WnTuer in Eaton Rapids, Satur- · day afternoon they called on us.

Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Jackson and daughter Donna, Maureen Charlefour and Mrs, Meda Tow"' left Saturday morning to visft MI. and Mrs. Harver Pettit (Sharon jaclt!on) in NOifolk, Va., for a few days. Donna and Maureen will stay on for a week or two.

In every state of the Union 1

natUie yearly destroys a large percentage of every s~ies. In N.ebraSka alone, winter. will take a toll of 70% (about 4 mUDonfrfngneck pheasants. This flg'!'e k fairly steady, regardleSs of the number hunters bag •.

From The 1st


"Where Thousands Have Saved Millions"

R~ G. HEMINGER -- Eaton Rapids Agent 219 S. Main St. Phone 243-2041

Now! Rambfers SWAPW 66 SALE

comes as sporty a9 you went 10 make rt­buckets, console, floor sticks-and still saves you plenty.

CLASSIC-n1>w Intermediate-Size Rambler: In sedans; convertibles, wagons, optional vmYl·rool hardlops: performance options up to 327 cu. Jn. V-8.

Big summe·r deals plus excise tax cut equals big· savings Do yourself proud and save a bundle, on top of the axtra savings you make with the auto excise tax cut In effect npw. Dr!".'::~ b!g-pertormance '65 Remb!@r_ T!!k~ in lhe luxury, room, sporty extras. Then check the free-Swinging SUJllmer dears during Rambler's Swap 'N Go Sale Terrific deals at the lowesl prices yet-and you go Aambler-solld, Rambler-sure, and with all the Rambler extra values, like Double-Safety Brakes, and more. Come on In. The gotn9's great and the buys are the greatest at your Aamb\Or dealer nowt . ,.,

Miss Helen Willis was home from East Lansrng over the week­end.


The Ledges Playhouse present.s a c;hilllng new mystery


Nightly--July 6-10 8:30 p.m.

$1,80 -------- $2.20 Student & Clii!dren Rates

Before the Play Eojoy a Delicious

Theatre Dinner


Andy's Restaurant

Choice Menu --- $4, 75 Total For Theatre & Dinner

For Reservations Call Playhouse -- Grand Le.dge

627-7805 Call Pestaurant-- Charlotte

. 543-4130

I Always

Donald King Holt, Michigan Phone 694-7684

,. __ .., ... '.'0.lt

Na-Churs liquid Fertiliier


Here's Why:

My "Na-Churs" man tests my soil every year and te I ls. me the right plant foods to use to keep my soil in top shape and grow me the best crop. J, like many other good foTillers, hove always been in the market for o plant food that you could feed throughout the growing season. Now we. have what we wont. We use "Na-Churs" as o foliage feed on our Corn, Beans, Hay, etc. By this we are getting higher quality, more even growth, earlfer maturity, and more PROFIT per acre for us.




Robert A. Pline Pew;;imo, Michigan . Phone Westphalia '587-4163·