Optical and Dielectric Properties of Sr x Ba 1-x Nb 2 O 6 Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades Doktor der Naturwissenschaften von alin A. David vorgelegt dem Fachbereich Physik der im Dezember 2004

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Page 1: Optical and Dielectric Properties of SrxBa1-xNb2O6nbn:de:gbv:700... · Optical and Dielectric Properties of Sr xBa 1−xNb 2O 6 Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades Doktor der Naturwissenschaften

Optical and Dielectric Properties

of SrxBa1−xNb2O6

Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades

Doktor der Naturwissenschaften


Calin A. David

vorgelegt dem Fachbereich Physik der

im Dezember 2004

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1 Introduction 1

2 Theoretical Background 3

2.1 Growth and Structure of Strontium Barium Niobate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.2 Optical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.2.1 Interband Transitions and Band Edge Absorption . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.2.2 Vibrational Transitions and Infrared Absorption . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2.3 The Raman Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.3 Dielectric Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.3.1 Polarization, Pyroelectricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3 Optical Properties 17

3.1 Band Edge Absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.1.1 Experimental Method, Omega 10 Spectrophotometer . . . . . . . . 17

3.1.2 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.2 OH− stretching vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.2.1 FT-IR Spectrometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.2.2 OH− doping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.2.3 Results, Data Fiting and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3.3 Raman Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.3.1 Experimental setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.3.2 Group Theoretical Considerations for Lattice Vibrations . . . . . . 37

3.3.3 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4 Dielectric Properties 47

4.1 Pyroelectric Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.1.1 Experimental setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47


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4.1.2 Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

5 Conclusions and Summary 55

A Dielectric spectroscopy 57

Literature 60


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Chapter 1


Strontium barium niobate SrxBa1−xNb2O6 (SBN with x=0.61 for the congruent composi-

tion) was synthesized and identified as a ferroelectric crystal at room temperature in the

1960s [1]. Due to its outstanding photorefractive, electro-optic, nonlinear optic, and dielec-

tric properties, SBN is a very attractive material for technological applications and basic

research. Therefore, SBN is used in applications such as pyroelectric detectors [2, 3], holo-

graphic data storage systems [4, 5, 6, 7], phase conjugation [8], generation of photorefrac-

tive solitons [9], quasi-phase-matched second-harmonic generation [10], and electro-optic

modulation [11].

The exceptional properties of the SBN crystal have drawn the attention of scientists; a

number of studies have been carried out and many are still in progress. In the literature

are several articles concerning the SBN crystal, especially on the congruently melting

composition. It is known that the existence region for the tetragonal tungsten-bronze

structure of strontium barium niobate is in the range 0.26 to 0.87 [12].

The aim of the current work was to investigate several properties of the material in the

whole composition range where the crystal can be grown. Within the programme of the

”Graduate College 695”, a crystal grower team has grown SBN crystals in the entire range,

so all necessary samples were available.

The methods used in this dissertation to analyze several SBN properties as a function

of composition are: Band edge absorbtion, Infrared absorption, Raman scattering and

pyroelectric measurement.


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Outline of the Dissertation

This dissertation consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 presents a general introduction and

motivation of the research.

In the beginning of the second chapter a description of the SBN crystal was made. After

that we introduce some basic theories regarding the optical and dielectric properties.

The next two chapters are the main part of this dissertation, which presents the experi-

mental setups, results and discussions. The experiments are divided into two parts: optical

properties are presented in chapter 3 and dielectric properties in chapter 4. The main pur-

pose of the experiments was to determine the dependence of the measured property on the

crystal composition.

The optical measurements presented in chapter 3 are: Composition and temperature de-

pendence of the band edge. A Fourier-Transform-Infrared Spectrometer ( FT-IR ) was

used to investigate the OH stretching mode at room temperature. Raman spectroscopy

served as a tool to study the dependence of the lattice vibration on composition.

In the fourth chapter we describe a complete investigation of the phase-transition temper-

ature using pyroelectric measurements.

The main results are concluded in the last chapter.

This thesis ends with an appendix where a description of the dielectric spectroscopy setup

is given which has been developed.


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Chapter 2

Theoretical Background

2.1 Growth and Structure of Strontium Barium Nio-


All SBN crystals were grown by Dr. Rainer Pankrath and Dr. Michael Ulex at the

Crystal Growth Laboratory of the Physics Department at the University of Osnabruck.

The Czochralski method was used to grow these crystals. A few of the technical data of

this method are: the vertical temperature gradient in the furnace was about 1 ◦C/cm, the

seed crystal was air-cooled and continuously rotated with 28 cycles per minute and the

crystal are grown in the c-direction and pulled out with a speed of 0.4 to 0.8mm/h [12].

SBN crystals belong to the tetragonal unfilled tungsten-bronze (TB) structure with the

space group P4bm. Tungsten bronze material have a general chemical formula given by

(A1)4(A2)2C4(B1)2(B2)8O30. The SBN structure is built up of two types of crystallo-

graphically independent NbO6 octahedra linked by their corners in such a way that three

different types of channels are formed along the tetragonal c axis [14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. One, a

triangle channel (C in Fig. 2.1 and 2.2), is always empty, the second, a tetragonal channel,

is partially filled only by Sr atoms (A2), while the third one, a pentagonal channel, is also

partially occupied by Sr and Ba (A1).

According to the phase diagram, the existence region of the tetragonal tungsten-bronze

structure of SrxBa1−xNb2O6 is found to be 0.26 < x < 0.87 [12]. Chernaya et al. [16]

studied the structure of a SBN crystal with x = 0.61 and compared with a the data


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Figure 2.1: The tungsten-bronze type structure projected to the (001) plane [13]

obtained for single crystals of the compositions x = 0.33 and x = 0.75 [14, 15]. They

found that the crystal structure of SBN is a partially-filled one. It was demonstrated that

the tetragonal channels are occupied only by Sr up to 70.5%, 72.5%, 82.2% for x = 0.33,

x = 0.61, x = 0.75, respectively. The large channels (five-fold channels) are occupied by

Ba and Sr atoms in different concentrations, depending on the composition x. For x = 0.33

(Sr poor) the five-fold channels are occupied only by Ba 84% and for x = 0.75 (Sr rich)

the channel is randomly occupied by the Ba and Sr atoms with a total occupancy factor

of 84.7% (34.4% Ba and 50.3% Sr).

The units cell parameters vary almost linearly with composition, a = 12.448 to 12.412 A

and c = 3.974 to 3.905 A for x = 0.32 to 0.82 [19].

The Curie temperatures (Tc) of the SBN crystals are in the range 10 − 225 ◦C for x =

0.82−0.32 respectively [20]. Below Tc the crystals are in a ferroelectric phase with the point

group 4mm. The transition from the ferroelectric into the paraelectric phase will bring

the crystal into a centrosymmetric phase with the point group 4/mmm. The ferroelectric

domains of the crystal are always parallel or antiparallel to the crystallographic c axis,

allowing only two equivalent polarization directions.


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Figure 2.2: Detailed view of the structural. channels in SBN crystal. [13]

2.2 Optical Properties

The optical properties of solids provide an important tool for studying energy band struc-

ture, impurity levels, excitons, localized defects, lattice vibrations, and certain magnetic

excitations. In such experiments, some observable are measured, such as reflectivity, trans-

mission, absorption or light scattering.

2.2.1 Interband Transitions and Band Edge Absorption

The band gap is the energy difference between the top of the valence band and the bottom

of the conduction band. The photon energy increases and becomes comparable to the

energy gap, a new conduction process can occur. A photon can excite an electron from an

occupied state in the valence band to an unoccupied state in the conduction band. This is


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called an interband transition and is represented schematically by the picture in Fig. 2.3.

In this process the photon is absorbed, an excited electronic state is formed and a hole is

left behind. The interband transitions have a threshold energy at the energy gap. That is



Valence band

Conduction band


Figure 2.3: Schematic diagramof an allowed interband transi-tion.

shown in Fig. 2.4.

The transitions are either direct (conserve crystal momentum k: Ev(k) → Ec(k)) or

indirect (a phonon is involved because the k vectors for the valence and conduction

bands differ by the phonon wave vector q). Conservation of crystal momentum yields

kvalence = kconduction ± qphonon. In discussing the direct transitions, one might wonder

about conservation of crystal momentum with regard to the photon. For a typical optical

wavelength of 6000 A, the wave vector for the photon is K = 2π/λ = 105 cm−1, while a

typical size of the Brillouin zone is 108cm−1. Thus, typical direct optical interband pro-

cesses excite an electron from a valence to a conduction band without a significant change

in the wave vector.

The Absorption Coefficient

The measurement of the absorption of light is one of the most important techniques for

optical measurements in solids. In the absorption measurements, it is important to know

the light intensity I(z) after a traversal of a thickness z of material as compared with the

incident intensity I0, thereby defining the absorption coefficient αabs(ω):

I(z) = I0 e−αabs(ω)z (2.1)


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Eg hν


Figure 2.4: Frequency depen-dence of the absorption coeffi-cient near a threshold for inter-band transitions.

where the behavior of the absorption constant is shown schematically in Fig. 2.4. Since

the intensity I(z) depends on the square of the field variables, it immediately follows that

αabs(ν) = 2ωκ(ω)


where the factor of 2 results from the definition of αabs(ω) in terms of the light intensity,

which is proportional to the square of the fields. This expression tells us that the absorption

coefficient is proportional to κ(ω), the imaginary part of the complex index of refraction

(extinction coefficient), so that κ is usually associated with power loss.

The shape of the absorption edge immediately above Eg is calculated to vary as (hω−Eg)1/2

for allowed direct transitions and as (hω − Eg)3/2 for forbidden direct transitions. For

indirect transitions the calculated shape is (hω − Eg ± hωp)2, involving the temperature

dependence of phonon populations.


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2.2.2 Vibrational Transitions and Infrared Absorption

The energy Ep of a photon is equal to hνp where νp is its frequency. Under certain cir-

cumstances an unsymmetrical diatomic molecule can increase its vibrational energy by an

amount ∆Em by absorbing the energy of a photon Ep

∆Em = Ep = hνp (2.3)

The only variable in the vibrational energy equation Em = (n + 12)hνm is the quantum

number n. If the quantum number changes by +1 then the diatomic molecule gains energy

by an amount ∆Em equal to the above energy equation subtracted from the same equation

where n + 1 is substituted for n.

∆Em =[(n + 1) +



]hνm −

(n +





∆Em = hνm (2.4)

By combining Eqs. 2.3 and 2.4 it is clear that

νp = νm (2.5)

The photon which has the appropriate energy to increase the vibrational quantum number

by one has a frequency equal to the classical vibrational frequency of the molecule. If the

quantum number should change by -1 then ∆Em = −hνm and the molecule loses energy. In

this case a photon with the same frequency will be emitted by the molecule to maintain the

energy balance. In the quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator the vibrational quantum

number can change only by ±1. All other transitions are forbidden if the vibration is

harmonic. This quantum mechanical selection rule corresponds to the classical picture

where the vibrational energy can be changed only when the electric field of the photon and

dipole moment of the molecule vibrates with the same frequency.

If the quantum number changes by +2 then

∆Em =[(n + 2) +



]hνm −

(n +



)hνm; ∆Em = 2hνm (2.6)


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When Eq. 2.6 is combined with Eq. 2.3 we obtain

νp = 2νm (2.7)

so that the photon which has the right energy to increase the quantum number by two

has a frequency twice that of the molecule. If the vibration is harmonic there is no dipole

moment component vibrating at this frequency so there is no way to induce this transition.

If the vibration is anharmonic there will be a small dipole moment component vibrating

at 2, 3, 4, etc., times the molecular frequency. This corresponds to the selection rule where

in an anharmonic quantum mechanical oscillator the quantum number may change by ±1,

±2, ±3, . . .

The harmonic oscillator approximation is adequate for most of the features of the spectrum,

but some of the finer details such as the appearance of overtones indicate that real molecules

have somewhat anharmonic potential functions. A typical anharmonic potential for which

the Schrodinger equation has an exact solution is the Morse-potential

U(r − re) = De[1− exp(−β(r − re))]2 (2.8)

where re is the equilibrium distance of the two vibrating atoms, De (the binding energy)

and β are constants. A quantum mechanical treatment of the anharmonic oscillator yields

the following equation for the energy levels.

Evib = hcνe

(n +



)− hcxeνe

(n +




+ · · · (2.9)

Higher order terms are usually not needed. The energy level terms expressed in cm−1

(E/hc) are given byEvib

hc= νe

(n +



)− xeνe

(n +




· · · (2.10)

Unlike the harmonic oscillator energy levels, these are no longer equally spaced. One result

is that hot bands (n = 2 ← n = 1, etc.) will no longer have exactly the same frequency

as the fundamental (n = 1 ← n = 0) band. This result corresponds to the classical case

where the frequency is no longer completely independent of the amplitude when mechanical

anharmonicity is present.

As was stated before, overtone transitions such as n = 0 to n = 2, 3, 4, ..., are allowed

in an anharmonic oscillator. However, the nonuniform spacing of the energy levels in


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an anharmonic oscillator means that an overtone will not be found at exactly 2, 3, 4,...,

times the frequency of the fundamental. The wavenumber νn of the fundamental and its

overtones are given by subtracting from Eq. 2.10, the same equation with n = 0, and

setting ∆Evib/hc = νn

νn ≡ nνe(1− xe(n + 1)) n = 1, 2, 3, · · · (2.11)

Thus from the wavenumber of the fundamental (ν1) and the first overtone (ν2) one can

calculate xe, νe and the Morse-potential parameter β and De.


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2.2.3 The Raman Effect

In a Raman spectrometer the sample is irradiated with an intense source of monochromatic

radiation. Usually this radiation frequency is much higher than the vibrational frequencies

but is lower than electronic frequencies.

The Raman effect can be looked on as an inelastic collision between the incident photon

and the molecule where as a result of the collision the vibrational or rotational energy

of the molecule is changed by an amount ∆Em. In order that energy may be conserved,

the energy of the scattered photon, hνs, must be different from the energy of the incident

photon hνi, by an amount equal to ∆Em

hνi − hνs = ∆Em (2.12)

If the molecule gains energy then ∆Em is positive and νs is smaller than νi, giving rise to

Stokes lines in the Raman spectrum. If the molecule loses energy, then ∆Em is negative

and νs is larger than νi, giving rise to anti-Stokes lines in the Raman spectrum.

Figure 2.5: Schematic illustration of Raman and Rayleigh scattering and infrared absorp-tion. In infrared absorption the incident photon has the same frequency as the molecularvibration. In Raman and Rayleigh scattering the incident photon has a much higher fre-quency.

Fundamentals of Raman Scattering

In order for a molecular vibration to be Raman active, the vibration must be accompanied

by a change of the polarizability of the molecule. We consider a two-atom molecule. For


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an applied field E(ν) the polarizability α0 of the orbitals shown leads to a dipole moment

PD(ν) = α0E(ν) (2.13)

If the molecule is vibrating with frequency νv, a change in the polarizability results. For

small displacements the polarizability can be expanded in a Taylor serie as

α = α0 +∂α

∂QQ + · · · (2.14)

where α0 is the equilibrium polarizability, Q is a normal coordinate, while varied periodi-


In this case the total dipole moment has the form

PD(ν) =

(α0 +


∂QQ0 cos 2πνvt

)E0 cos 2πνt (2.15)

Application of trigonometric sum rules yields

PD(ν) = α0E0 cos 2πνt +∂α



2[cos 2π(ν + νv)t + cos 2π(ν − νv)t] (2.16)

It can be seen from this equation that the induced dipole moment PD varies with three

frequencies νv, ν - νv and ν + νv and can therefore give rise to Rayleigh scattering, Stokes

and anti-Stokes Raman scattering, respectively.

In crystals the situation is more complicated since the phonons have periodic structures

and scattering from different parts of the wave will interfere. A constructive interference

occurs for the condition

2Λ sin(θ/2) = nλ (2.17)

Λ and λ are the wavelengths of the phonon and of the light, respectively, n is the index of

refraction, and θ the angle between the incident and the scattered beam. Equation 2.17

means that scattering occurs in a well defined direction for a given phonon and for a given

wavelength of the incident light.

From classical theory it is known that the intensity of scattered radiation is proportional

to the fourth power of the frequency and to the square of the maximum value of the

excitation electric field (E20). The intensity of Rayleigh scattered radiation is proportional

to α20 and the intensity of Raman scattered radiation is proportional to (∂α/∂Q)2. The


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main deficiency of the classical treatment of the Raman effect is that it predicts an incorrect

value for the intensity ratio of anti-Stokes to Stokes bands. The correct ratio is

anti− Stokes intensity

Stokes intensity=

(ν + νv)4

(ν − νv)4e−(hνv/KT ) (2.18)

In the classical treatment the exponential term is not present.

Raman Tensor

For a description of the Raman scattering process and for a evaluation of the Raman

intensity we can proceed analogous to 2.15. Instead of the scalar polarizability α we use

the susceptibility tensor χjl in the case of the crystals. The displacements of the atoms

are replaced by the normal coordinates Qk of the oscillations. The susceptibility can then

be expanded with respect to the normal coordinates Qk and one obtains in analogy to α

in 2.15

χjl = (χjl)0 +∑




)+ · · · (2.19)

where the sum runs over all normal coordinates. ∂χjl/∂Qk is a component of the derived

polarizability tensor. This tensor is also know as the Raman tensor χjl,k.

The intensity of the scattered light is proportional to the square of the Raman tensor.

I ∝∣∣∣∣∣∣∑


esj · χjl,k · ei





where eij and es

l are the orientations of the polarizations of the incident and scattering light

beams, respectively.

The components of the tensor have three indices. j and l extend over the coordinates 1 to

3 and k runs over the 3N - 3 normal coordinates for the vibrations, where N is the number

of atoms in the unit cell. In other words, k runs over all optical modes with wave vector

q = 0. Group theory enables the determination of which vibrational species can have non-

vanishing components in their Raman tensor. Since the Raman intensities are described

by symmetric tensors exactly those species are Raman active for which the representations

are contained in the representation for the symmetric tensors. Group theory can predict

even more. It determines which components of the Raman tensors must be zero in the

various point group and which are finite. Thus, the structure of the Raman tensors can


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Figure 2.6: Beam and sample geometry for 90 ◦ scattering.

be evaluated for all vibrational species and for all point groups. The tensors are tabulated

in many books. For example, the Raman tensor for a tetragonal point group C4v has the


(χ)A1 =

a 0 0

0 a 0

0 0 b


For the characterization of the scattering geometry the directions of the incident and

scattered light as well as the directions of the corresponding polarizations are important. It

is convenient to describe these directions with the symbol a(bc)d, where the letters usually

refer to Cartesian coordinates x, y and z. The parameters a and d give the directions

for the incident and scattered light, and b and c the directions for the corresponding

polarizations. This assignment is known as Porto notation. The Porto notation for the

scattering geometry of the solid arrows in Fig. 2.6 is X(ZZ)Y .


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2.3 Dielectric Properties

2.3.1 Polarization, Pyroelectricity

There are 32 point groups, 21 out of them are non-centrosymmetric and 20 of these exhibit

piezoelectricity. A further sub-division can be made and consists of point groups which

have a unique polar axis. Such materials, when heated, exhibit the phenomenon known as

pyroelectricity, which can be defined as the ability of a material to generate a charge when

being uniformly heated.

All ferroelectric materials are pyroelectric since they have a unique polar axis. The defini-

tion of a ferroelectric requires that the dipole must be reversible under an applied field.

When an electric field is applied to a polar material, the total dielectric displacements, D,

the magnitude of which is equal to the charge density, is given by:

D = ε0E + Ptotal = ε0E + (Ps + Pind) (2.22)

where ε0 is the permittivity of free space, E is the applied field, Ps and Pind are the

spontaneous and induced components of polarization, respectively. The permittivity of a

material is defined as:

ε = ε0(1 + χe) (2.23)

where χe is the electric susceptibility (χe = εr − 1). In general, χe is a second-rank tensor;

however, if P and E are parallel, then χe reduces to a scalar. For a linear dielectric:

Pind = χeε0E (2.24)

and D can therefore be re-written as:

D = εE + Ps (2.25)

The partial derivative (assuming constant E) of this equation with respect to the temper-

ature yields the generalized pyroelectric coefficient:




∂T+ E




pg = p + E∂ε



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where pg is the generalized pyroelectric coefficient and p = ∂Ps/∂T is the true pyroelectric

coefficient, as it reflects the change in spontaneous polarization as a function of tempera-

ture. The general coefficient, pg , assumes the presence of an applied field E. The E∂ε/∂T

term applies to all dielectrics, whether polar or not; but as the temperature coefficient of

the permittivity is always high in ferroelectrics, in this case the effect can be comparable

in size to the true pyroelectric effect.


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Chapter 3

Optical Properties

3.1 Band Edge Absorption

3.1.1 Experimental Method, Omega 10 Spectrophotometer

In this measurement we used c-cut and a-cut thin plates (thickness 0.5 mm) of SrxBa1−xNb2O6

crystals with the composition varying from x = 0.32 to x = 0.79. The crystals were

polished to optical quality. The absorption was measured with an Omega 10 spectropho-

tometer (Bruins Instruments) with an accuracy of 0.1 nm after calibration with a mercury


We made two kind of measurements. In one we measured the band edge energy as a

function of the composition. In this measurement we used c-cut samples for measuring the

ordinary light polarization and a-cut samples for both ordinary and extra-ordinary light

polarization. All measurements were carried out at room temperature (T = 22 ◦C). For the

second measurement we used five a-cut crystals and measured the temperature dependence

of the band edge energy for both ordinary and extra-ordinary light polarization. In this

measurement the temperature was varied between 50 and 400K in a gas flow cryostat,

with a temperature stability of 2 K.

The Omega spectrophotometer is a computer controlled double-beam spectrophotometer

for the UV, visible and NIR. This instrument combines high optical resolution with a very

fast scan speed.

Fig. 3.1 shows the scheme of the Omega 10 spectrophotometer. The component parts of

the spectrophotometer are:

• light source - two lamps (halogen lamp and deuterium lamp). For scans in the UV


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Figure 3.1: Omega 10 spectrophotometer.

it is necessary to have the deuterium lamp switched on.

• filters and attenuators

• slit

• double monochromator

• beam switch - switches the beam between reference and sample chancel

• sample holder

• optical detector.

3.1.2 Results and Discussion

The absorption data have been corrected for reflection losses, applying standard equations

Eq. 3.1 (multiple pass reflection correction) [21].

α = −1


−g +

√g2 +



, g =



where α is the absorption coefficient, d the thickness of the sample along the light prop-

agation direction, T = I/Io the transmission and R = (n − 1)2/(n + 1)2 with n denoting

the refractive index. The values of the index of refraction were measured by A. Tunyagi,


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using the minimum deviation method. A global fit was made over the whole composition

range using a four-parameter Sellmeier equation Eq. 3.2. A good fit can be achieved as-

suming that all coefficients of this equation are linear functions of the composition x for

the extraordinary refractive indices (ne) and constant for ordinary refractive indices (no).

n2(λ) = A +B

λ2 − C+ Dλ (3.2)

Figure 3.2 shows the absorption spectra of one SBN crystal for ordinary and extra-ordinary

light polarization at room temperature. In this case the difference of the band edge energy

at an absorption value of α = 100 cm−1 between the ordinary and extraordinary light

polarization is approximative 0.06 eV.

350 400 450 5000







wavelength λ (nm)



n α


−1 )

extra−ordinary light polarization


ordinary light polarization

Figure 3.2: Absorption spectra of SBN for ordinary and extra-ordinary light polarization.

The knowledge of the band edge (energy or wavelength corresponding to a certain absorp-

tion coefficient) for polarized light absorption as a function of composition is useful for a

nondestructive determination of the composition of a crystal.

In the LiTaO3 crystals we have a large and monotonic shift of the band edge as a function

of the composition [22].

In many solid solutions the properties change with composition in a linear manner according

to Vegards rule, the value of a property is linearly interpolated from the endpoint of the

composition range. Often the lattice constants follow this rule, but for other parameters


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like the band edge energy a second order model is needed. Therefore a description according


Eg(x) = EAg (1− x) + EB

g x− b x (1− x) (3.3)

is often introduced, where (EAg , EB

g ) are the band gap energies of the subsystems and

b, characterizing the deviation from linearity, is called the bowing parameter. Several

band structure models have been proposed to predict the value of b. Most of these models

describe b adequately but differ particularly in how the effect of disorder of different cations

(anions) is treated in the band structure [23]. Theoretical studies have been hampered

by the problems of incorporating inhomogeneities into periodic crystals. The virtual-

crystal approximation is one approach to overcome these difficulties. Using this method a

composite potential is constructed which represents the average of the component atoms

comprising the inhomogeneity. Already in 1983 A. Zunger and J. E. Jaffe [24] pointed out

that often the anion-cation bond lengths do not average to a single bond but instead remain

close, throughout the composition range, to their respective values in the endpoints. To

gain more insight into the physics Bernard and Zunger [25] proposed a decomposition of

the bowing parameter into physically distinct contributions like the volume deformation,

the charge exchange and the structural relaxation. We are not aware of any calculation of

the bowing parameter in SBN, therefore we present the parameters (Table: 3.1) but are

unable to perform a conclusive decomposition.

EAg (eV) EB

g (eV) b (eV)

(o)-pol. light 3.494 3.451 0.207

(eo)-pol. light 3.466 3.411 0.296

Table 3.1: Fit parameters for the composition dependence of the band edge.

In the case of SBN crystals (see the Fig. 3.3) the shift of the band edge is weak (< 0.02 eV)

and not monotonic. It has a minimum for both light polarizations close to the congruently

melting composition. Also, the bowing parameter b is quite small compared to values ob-

tained in semiconductors (as large as 10 eV).

In the second part we will discuss the temperature dependence of the band edge of SBN

with different Sr content. This has been reported in [26, 27, 28] for the congruent com-

position of SBN. In Fig. 3.4 we plotted the temperature dependence of the energy at an

absorption value of α = 100 cm−1 for SBN with x=0.689 for ordinary and extraordinary


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0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.83.34







Strontium Content (x)




) ordinary light polatization

extra−ordinary light polatization

α=100 cm−1

Eg= (1−x)*E



Figure 3.3: Composition dependence of the band edge in SBN taken at an absorption valueof α = 100 cm−1 for ordinary and extra-ordinary light polarization.

light polarization and the difference of the band edge energies for ordinary and extraor-

dinary light polarization. The plotting was done only for a single composition of a SBN

crystal, because for all the other compositions the temperature dependence of the band

edge has the same behavior. It is possible to observe from Fig. 3.4 that for a temperature

higher than T = 200 K there exists a linear dependence which turns into a flat part for T

below 100K. We did not notice any peculiarities of the absorption in the phase transition


The band edge temperature expression Eg(T ) have the general form E0g −KN , where K

describes the electron-lattice coupling and N the occupation number. Expressions of the

occupation number N are usually based on the Bose-Einstein statistics. For describing the

temperature dependence of the band edge it is sufficient to use a single Einstein oscillator

because the internal energy of a set of optical phonon modes having different energies is

very closely equal to the internal energy of a single phonon system with an energy being

the average of the multi-phonon set [29].

For fitting of the date we adopted the expression from the articles [28, 30].


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Eg(T ) = Eg(0)− βkΘ


exp(Θ/T )− 1


Eg(0) is the energy at T = 0, β is a dimensionless coupling constant describing the slope

of Eg for high temperatures (T →∞), while kΘ is an averaged phonon energy.

0 100 200 300 400 5003.2





temperature (K)


gy a

t α10

0 (eV


ordinary light polarization




6 x=0.689

0 100 200 300 400 500







gy a

t α10

0 (eV


temperature (K)

extra−ordinary light polarization




6 x=0.689

0 100 200 300 400 5000.04



temperature (K)



e of




s (e



(o.) − Egap





6 x=0.689

Figure 3.4: Composition dependence ofthe band edge in SBN taken at an ab-sorption value of α = 100 cm−1 for or-dinary and extra-ordinary light polariza-tion.

In conclusion, we want to mention that for our fits we used the one oscillator model (like

by Meyer et al. [28]). In this case we obtain the maximum slope βk = −1.3meV/K for

the congruent SBN crystal, in agreement with the experimental fitting in [27, 28] and the

slope decreases at -1 meV/K for the Ba and Sr rich sizes.

From Tab. 3.2 we conclude that the parameter Eg(0) reflects the band bowing while β and

θ are almost constant if we neglect the values for the congruent composition. The origin

for this scatter is unknown.


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x Eg(0) (eV) β Θ (K)

(o)-pol. light 0.342 3.6218 12.3069 297.7977

0.477 3.6094 12.1911 288.4730

0.612 3.6027 14.9093 404.3301

0.689 3.6112 12.6194 280.6127

0.765 3.6190 11.7866 261.5971

(eo)-pol. light 0.342 3.5918 12.9588 255.0042

0.477 3.5761 12.9504 255.4589

0.612 3.5675 14.8303 345.5590

0.689 3.5667 13.3116 284.3174

0.765 3.5745 12.1368 252.2834

Table 3.2: Fit parameters for the temperature dependence of the band edge.

3.2 OH− stretching vibration

The aim of the experiment is to investigate the shape of the OH− band in SrxBa1−xNb2O6

crystals in a wide composition range (x = 0.38 to 0.79) in order to obtain more information

about the relation between the band components and the crystal structure, as well as the

occupancy of the proton sites and the cation distribution in the structural channels.

Hydroxyl ions are often present in as-grown oxide crystals [31]. Their stretching vibrational

mode can easily be detected by infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy. As-grown SBN

crystals studied so far contained only a small amount of hydroxyl ions, probably as a

result of the humid atmosphere during the growth process. To allow a conclusive analysis

of the OH− spectral band shape we raised the hydroxyl ion concentration of the as-grown

crystals by about one order of magnitude modifying some well-known treatments [32, 33].

3.2.1 FT-IR Spectrometer

A Fourier-Transform-Infrared Spectrometer ( FT-IR ) is typically based on a Michelson

Interferometer; an example is shown in Fig. 3.5. The interferometer consists of a beam

splitter, a fixed mirror, and a mirror that translates very precisely back and forth. The

beam splitter is made of a special material that transmits half of the radiation striking

it and reflects the other half. Radiation from the light source strikes the beam splitter

and separates into two beams. One beam is transmitted through the beam splitter to the

fixed mirror and the second is reflected off the beam splitter to the moving mirror. The


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fixed and moving mirrors reflect the radiation back to the beamsplitter. Again, half of this

reflected radiation is transmitted and half is reflected at the beam splitter, resulting in one

beam passing to the detector and the second back to the source. If the two beams are

Figure 3.5: The Michelson interferometer.

monochromatic light with the same amplitude a0, the amplitude of the interference light


a(x, t) = a0(eiωt + ei(ωt+2πν0x))

= 2 cos(πν0x) ei(ωt+πν0x) (3.5)

where x is the optical path difference of the two beams. The intensity I = aa∗ is given by

I(x) = 4I0 cos2(πν0x) = 2I0(1 + cos(2πν0x)) with I0 = a0a0∗ (3.6)

For all wavenumbers ν (0 < ν < ∞) we obtain

I(x) =∫ ∞

02I(ν)dν +

∫ ∞

02I(ν) cos(2πνx)dν (3.7)


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I(0) = 4∫ ∞

0I(ν)dν ⇒

∫ ∞

02I(ν)dν =


2I(0) (3.8)

Therefore the interferogramm function is written as

Ii(x) = I(x)− 1

2I(0) =

∫ ∞

−∞I(ν) cos(2πνx)dν (3.9)

This is the intensity function as a function of the optical path difference x. With the

Fourier transformation, we can calculate the intensity as a function of the wavenumber ν

Ii(ν) =∫ ∞

−∞I(ν) cos(2πνx)dx (3.10)

If the sample is placed behind the interferometer, the light intensity If (ν) after transmitting

the sample is given by the Lambert-Beer formula

If (ν) = Ii(ν) exp(−αd) (3.11)

where Ii(ν) is the light intensity before transmitting the sample, α the absorption coefficient

and d the thickness of the sample. Thus

α =1



If (ν)(3.12)

All the OH− absorption spectra were measured with a Fourier spectrometer (IFS120HR,

Bruker). Fig. 3.6 illustrates the layout of this spectrometer. For different spectral ranges,

different beamsplitters, detectors are required. Table 3.3 lists the combinations of the light

sources, beamsplitters, detectors and the modulation frequencies for the measurements

from UV to FIR spectral regions.

3.2.2 OH− doping

The Fig. 3.7 shows the scheme of the setup used for increasing the OH− content in crystals.

For this treatment we put the sample into the quartz tube which is introduced into an oven.

Inside the tube it is necessary to have a humid atmosphere. This humid atmosphere is

obtained using air or oxygen flows through a water bottle held at an elevated temperature.

In the first step of the treatment we heat the sample at 800 ◦C for 10 h and wet vapor from


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Range Source Beamsplitter Detector Modulation(ν in cm−1) (ν in cm−1) (ν in cm−1) (ν in cm−1) Frequency

UV Xenon UV/Quartz Photomultiplier 5(45,000-20,000) (30,000-20,000) (45,000-8,000) (30,000-10,000) (7.5 kHz)

GaP-Diode 5(30,000-18,000) (7.5 kHz)

VIS Tungsten VIS/Quartz Si-Diode 7(20,000-10,000) (25,000-3,000) (25,000-8,000) (32,000-9,000) (20 kHz)

NIR Tungsten Si/CaF2 Ge-Diode 4(10,000-2,000) (25,000-3,000) (10,000-1,000) (14,000-6,500) (5 kHz)

LN2 cooling

InSb 8(9,000-2,000) (40 kHz)LN2 cooling

FIR Globar Ge/KBr HgCdTe(MCT) 6(2,000-100) (5,000-100) (4,800-400) (6,000-800) (10 kHz)

LN2 cooling

Table 3.3: The light sources, beamsplitters, detectors and modulation frequencies for dif-ferent spectra regions [34].


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D1-D5 : Detectors; S : Sample;S1-S4 : Light Sources; P : Coupling Prism;M : External Microscope; SC : Scanner;DF : Dichroic Filter; DA-DB : Diode Pairs;FC : Filter Changer; OPUS : Control Software;AC : Aperture Changer; CP : Control Panel;ST : Beam Stopper; N : Notchfilter;P1-P2 : Polarizors; BS : Beam Splitter;

Figure 3.6: The Fourier spectrometer IFS120HR (Bruker) [34].

a water bottle held at 50 ◦C was flowing. In this situation the result was not promising,

because the OH− absorption intensity of the crystal is lower (α = 0.25 cm−1) than that

reported in the literature [31]. If the temperature of the water was increased to 80 ◦C, the

absorption coefficient was higher but not high enough. To increase the temperature of the

water more is not a solution, because we did not obtain a higher value. Next we tried to

increase the temperature of sample, but we observed a significant reduction of the crystal

for temperatures higher than 800 ◦C. If we use instead of air pure oxygen it was possible

to increase the temperature of the sample up to 900 ◦C without a significant reduction.


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Figure 3.7: OH doping setup

Finally we treated all samples at 900 ◦C for 10 h with wet oxygen, which flows through a

water bottle held at 80 ◦C. This method guaranteed a strong OH− doping, but avoided

significant reduction of the crystals resulting in disturbing polaron absorption.

3.2.3 Results, Data Fiting and Discussion


Treating a dozen c-cut samples of different crystal compositions (0.38 < x < 0.79) at

900 ◦C for 10 h with wet oxygen yields a pronounced increase of the OH− absorption de-

pending on the composition. This doping at moderate temperature and pressure produces

a composition dependent absorption coefficient of about 0.3-1 cm−1 for the main band,

which is comparable to other procedures [32]. In Fig. 3.8 we have shown the ordinarily po-

larized absorption of c-cut samples after background subtraction. The spectra were shifted

vertically for better viewing.

It is evident from Fig. 3.8 that the intensity of the main band at about 3493 cm−1 increases

with x, and the shape is definitely influenced. The integral absorption being proportional

to the OH− ion content of the crystals increases in an almost linear manner as a function

of x, see Fig. 3.9. Sr-rich samples accept approximately three times more hydrogen than

Ba-rich ones when treated under equal conditions.

The OH− spectra of congruent material taken with extraordinarily polarized light reported

previously [32, 33] have shown a strongly reduced absorption. Moreover, the OH− band for

the ordinary polarization at 3495 cm−1 disappeared and a higher frequency band emerged


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3200 3300 3400 3500







Wavenumber [cm−1]






ent [


1 ]

















Figure 3.8: Absorption spectraof the OH− stretch mode forvarious SrxBa1−xNb2O6 crystalstreated with wet oxygen at900 ◦C for 10 h.

at about 3510 cm−1. It has been concluded that the preferred plane of vibration of the

hydroxyl ions is the plane perpendicular to c, while a small amount of OH− ions vibrates

along the c axis. This result has been confirmed for congruently melting SBN by us

and we have proved that it holds for other x compositions, too. This is in contrast to

PBN [35, 36] and KLN [37, 38] where a comparably strong absorption has been observed

for extraordinarily polarized light, too. In the following sections we discuss only the OH−

spectra for ordinary light polarization.

A search for the influence of the ferroelectric phase transition on the OH− stretch mode

spectrum failed. The spectra of four samples with x values of (0.477, 0.511, 0.563, 0.644)

in the range 30 < T < 200 revealed a linear red-shift of about 13 cm−1 with increasing

temperature (0.0765 cm−1K−1). The observations reported recently [33] were confirmed

for not congruently melting samples. No remarkable broadening was observed, but the

maximum absorption decreased with increasing temperature and the spectrum became

more symmetric.


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0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80






Strontium Content





Figure 3.9: Normalized in-tegral absorption of theOH− stretch mode for vari-ous SrxBa1−xNb2O6 crystalstreated with wet oxygen at900 ◦C for 10 h.

Data Fiting

The shape of the OH− absorption bands is complex for each composition. It can be

characterized by a main component peaking at about 3493 cm−1 and a shoulder at the

low energy side. While the main component is present in samples of all compositions,

and only its intensity increases with x, as emphasized above, the shoulder changes more

drastically. At low x (e.g., x = 0.385) the shoulder is present at about 3450 cm−1, while at

high x = 0.788 it appears as a sideband at about 3350 cm−1. The higher the x-values, the

more symmetrical the main line.

The components of the complex absorption band in SrxBa1−xNb2O6 crystals are assumed to

originate from vibrations of OH− ions in different environments. In order to find correlation

between the structure of SBN and the possible hydrogen sites in the crystals the change

of the band shape has to be characterized quantitatively for different compositions. In

other words, the occupancy of the OH− defect sites can be deduced from the intensities of

the band components. For this purpose the absorption bands have been decomposed into

several components using a nonlinear least squares method.


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First of all the decomposition procedure requires some knowledge about the number of

components and the shape of each band. This is not obvious for strongly overlapping

bands like in our case. A first hint can be obtained by an inspection of the high energy

wing of the main line. This clearly points to a Gaussian, while the broad feature shifting

from about 3450 cm−1 to 3350 cm−1 suggests a Lorentzian line shape. The asymmetry

of the main band for low and medium x-values led us to include another band at about

3455 cm−1, but we have no conclusive arguments for a particular band shape, even if we

take into account, that typically homogeneous broadening causes a Lorentzian shape, as it

is observed for most of the OH− stretching vibrational bands in other oxide crystals [31].

As a first attempt, called fit 1, we fitted each spectrum with three bands by varying the

relevant parameters like position, linewidth and height. As expected from Fig. 3.8, the

position and halfwidth of the main line are practically constant, but to our surprise the

same holds for the second line at about 3455 cm−1, too. As it is seen in Fig. 3.10 the third

3000 3200 3400 3600



















Wavenumber [cm-1]



Figure 3.10: Decomposition ofordinarily polarized absorptionspectra of the OH− stretchmode in SrxBa1−xNb2O6 crys-tals with two different compo-sitions. Different scales havebeen used for the ordinates.

line is shifted to lower energy with increasing x. For several compositions in the range


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x = 0.5 − 0.6 the contribution of a weak and broad fourth component was also observed

at about 3220 cm−1 (see the upper curve in Fig. 3.10). This band improved the quality of

the fit, but did not influence strongly the parameters of the three other lines. Even more

important was the observation, that all parameters varied without strong oscillations. This

raised our hope to take up a satisfactory fit of all spectra at the same time with three bands

as a function of the composition x. As a preparation for such a general fit, the data set,

i. e. each spectrum, was smoothed using Savitzky-Golay filtering. Thus we get rid of noise

and do not lose any spectral relevant information, because of the large halfwidth of the

contributing bands.

Starting from the results of fit 1 and from the observation that the OH− band intensity

increases with x, the global description of the 12 spectra S was looked for using the form

S(x) = (a1 + b1x) ·G1 + (a2 + b2x) · L1 + (a3 + b3x) · L2 , (3.13)

where G and L denote Gaussian and Lorentzian, respectively. For the position of the

second Lorentzian – ν3 –, as a conclusion of fit 1, a linear dependence on the composition

x is assumed

ν3 = ν30 − x · dν3, (3.14)

where ν30 is the extrapolated line position for SBN crystals with zero strontium content

(x = 0).

Fit #1 #2 #3 #4

l1 norm 0.0495 0.0926 0.0783 0.0757

No. of param. 108 13 14 17

Table 3.4: The l1 norm for the different fits.

This simulation of all spectra, called fit 2, depends on 13 parameters, as compared to

the 12 × 9 = 108 parameters of fit 1, see Table 3.4. The relatively good fit obtained by

using only 13 parameters reflects that the assumption of fixed wavenumbers and halfwidths

for the components was realistic. The right side of Fig. 3.11 shows, however, that some

deviation between the measured and fitted data occurs mainly for the main component of

the absorption spectrum. The deviations can be removed by introducing a quadratic term

in the composition dependence of the main line

S ′(x) = (a1 + b1x + c1x2) ·G1 + (a2 + b2x) · L1 + (a3 + b3x) · L2. (3.15)


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Fig. 3.11 (left side) shows the result of fit 3 taking into account the nonlinear term for the

Gaussian line. The parameter values of fit 2 and fit 3 are given in Table 3.5. The quality of

the fit was quantitatively characterized by the well known l1 norm (the sum of the absolute

differences between the theoretical curve and the experimental points). Lower values mean

better quality here. Table 3.4 summarizes the quality factors obtained for the different fits.

It is clearly seen that the quadratic dependence of the amplitude of the Gaussian line on

composition improves the quality factor. A further, but very weak improvement could be

achieved by assuming a fourth component of the absorption band at the low energy side

(fit 4). This will be neglected further on.

Parameter fit #2 (cm−1) fit#3 (cm−1)

ν1 3492.5 3492.3

ν2 3455.6 3454.1

ν30 3546.3 3558.0

dν3 244.3 259.4

σ1 22.9 23.2

σ2 28.8 30.0

σ3 73.1 76.2

a1 -0.430 0.574

a2 0.046 0.099

a3 -0.126 -0.161

b1 1.608 -1.998

b2 0.232 0.137

b3 0.411 0.458

c1 n. a. 3.072

Table 3.5: Values of all necessary fit parameters for the full global fits #2 and #3. Theparameters νi and σi represent the frequency and halfwidth of the components, respectively.


Let us summarize the main results of our extended curve fitting with the help of Fig. 3.12,

where we used the parameters in Table 3.5 to plot the dependence of the wavenumber and

amplitude of the bands on the strontium content. Two bands do not depend on x with

respect to the line position, while the frequency of the third component decreases with

increasing Sr content. The amplitude of the main band is always much stronger than that


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Figure 3.11: Three-line fits for the OH−-Bands in SBN as a function of the composition.Solid black lines indicate fits, measured spectra are represented by the dots.






de [c


1 ]

0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.83350








−1 ]

Strontium Content

Figure 3.12: Composition dependence of the wavenumber and the corresponding amplitudefor the three bands used in fit 3. Solids lines belong to the Gaussian band 1, dashed tocomponent 2, while band 3 is represented by dotted lines.

of the other bands and depends in a slightly nonlinear manner on x. The amplitude of the

second band is almost constant, while the contribution of the third band is remarkable at

high Sr content. It is worth to mention, although not plotted, that the halfwidth of the

bands was found to be unchanged in the whole composition range. The relatively broad

bands are characteristic for the OH− absorption lines in crystals belonging to the LiNbO3


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family and other niobates having the tungsten bronze-type structure [31], and are related

to the high number of structural defects due to the random distribution of strontium over

the corresponding sites.

Figure 3.13: Schematical drawing and O–O bond lengths of the plane perpendicular tothe tetragonal c axis of SBN. Tetragonal channel, partially occupied by Sr, A, pentagonalchannel, partially occupied by Sr and Ba, B, and the empty triangular channel, C.

Thus we are searching for different lattice sites for the OH− ions, which on one hand, are

strongly influenced, and on the other hand, are nearly unaffected by the change of the Sr

content. The SBN structure is built up of NbO6 octahedra which are linked via oxygen

corners as mentioned in the introduction [18]. Because there are two independent NbO6

octahedra, the tetragonal network has three kinds of structural channels running along the

c-axis A, B and C, see Fig. 3.13. The smallest one with a triangle shape is unoccupied in

SBN, while the tetragonal and the pentagonal ones are partially filled. The medium-sized

tetragonal channels contain Sr and the site occupancy is about 72% almost irrespective

of x, the Sr content. The large pentagonal channel is a host for both Ba and Sr. The Ba

ions occupy a site with mirror symmetry, while the Sr site in the pentagonal channel has

no symmetry, because it is shifted by about ±25.5 (29.2) pm for x = 0.75 (0.61) out of

the symmetry plane [18] depending on the composition. At low x values the pentagonal

channel contains only Ba and no Sr.


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With the information deduced from the composition dependence of the OH− absorption

spectra a more specific model for the hydrogen sites can be proposed. Sites for most of the

hydrogen present in the crystal have to be restricted to the a,b plane, shown schematically

in Fig. 3.13 because of the polarization behavior of the stretch mode absorption. The

possible hydrogen sites are along the various O-O bonds in this plane. Such O-O bonds

ranging from 265 to 291 pm form the equatorial planes of the two different NbO6 octahedra.

As a general trend, the longer the O-O bond, the higher the frequency of the OH− vibration

along that bond [39]. Following this line, the main band at 3493 cm−1 would correspond to

OH− vibrations in the unoccupied triangular channel having about 285-290 pm O-O bonds.

The second band at 3455 cm−1 which is practically independent of x may correspond to the

tetragonal channel having 274 pm O-O bond lengths and nearly constant Sr occupancy [18],

while the third band with the lowest vibrational frequency may belong to the pentagonal

channel. Three O-O bonds in the pentagonal channel are only 266 pm long. We may

further assume that the OH− vibrations responsible for the third band belong to those

pentagonal channels which are occupied by Sr ions. On one hand the Sr occupancy of this

site is proportional to x in agreement with the increasing OH− band amplitude, and on

the other hand the increasing shift of Sr out of the mirror plane with decreasing x causes

a strongly changing environment and in turn a strong frequency shift of the OH− band.


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3.3 Raman Spectroscopy

3.3.1 Experimental setup

Raman scattering experiments have been performed in right-angle geometry using a Spex

14018 double monochromator and a 514.5 nm exciting line of an argon ion laser with 1.2W

at room temperature.

The Raman setup is shown in Fig. 3.14. The light from the laser is focused on the sample by

the lens L1. To obtain different scattering configurations we used two polarizers (P1, P2).

With P1 we set the direction of polarization of the incoming light and with P2 the direction

of the polarization of the scattering light. The scattered light is focused by the lens L2

on slit F1. We used a λ/2-plate to rotated the polarization direction of the scattering

light into the optimized direction of the gratings G1 and G2. In our measurements the

slits F1 and F3 of the double monochromator are set to 100 µm and the slitwidth of F2

is 200µm. The double monochromator is connect to the computer and controlled by a

program. It is possible to set the wavenumber with a precision of 0.02 cm−1. The intensity

at a certain wavenumber is read by computer using an acquisition card (PMS 300) from

the photomultiplier. For changing of wavenumbers, reading of the intensity and recording

this two values in files we made a program using Visual C++. The processing of these

data was made with the help of a Matlab program.

In our measurement we used the SBN crystals with x = 0.38 to 0.78. The crystals were

cut carefully, along a, b, and c axes, into samples with size of about 4 x 4 x 6mm3, then

they were polished to optical quality.

3.3.2 Group Theoretical Considerations for Lattice Vibrations

The SBN crystal, crystallized in an unfilled TB type structure in the tetragonal crystal

system belongs at room temperature to the space group P4bm and has five formula units

per unit cell [14]. Therefore there are 135 vibrational modes (3*45) including three acoustic


The reducible representations for the space group P4bm at the zone center Γ of the first

Brillouin zone are given in Table 3.6, using The International Table for Crystallography [40].

Based on the factor group theory, the reducible representations shown in Table 3.6 can be


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Figure 3.14: Sketch of the Raman setup.

symmetry operations E 2C4(z) C2 2σv 2σd

Wyckoff position 8d 24 0 0 0 0

and character 4c 12 0 0 0 2

2b 6 0 -2 0 2

2a 6 2 -2 0 0

Table 3.6: The reducible representations for P4bm at the Γ point [41]

reduced as follows [42]:

2a: 1A1 + 1A2 + 2E;

2b: 1A1 + 1B2 + 2E;

4c: 2A1 + 1A2 + 1B1 + 2B2 + 3E;

8d: 3A1 + 3A2 + 3B1 + 3B2 + 6E.

The matrices for the components of the Raman tensor for irreducible representations of

the 4mm group are [43]


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A1(z) =

a 0 0

0 a 0

0 0 b

B1 =

c 0 0

0 −c 0

0 0 0

B2 =

0 d 0

d 0 0

0 0 0

E(x) =

0 0 e

0 0 0

e 0 0

E(y) =

0 0 0

0 0 e

0 e 0

The symmetry species A1(z), E(x), and E(y) show dipole moments oriented along the Z-,

X-, and Y-directions, respectively. Because of equivalence of the axes X and Y for the

measurement of Raman spectra of uniaxial crystals with point group 4mm [14], the in-

teresting geometrical configurations are X(ZZ)Y, X(YZ)Y, X(YX)Y, and X(YY)Z. All the

bands in the X(ZZ)Y spectrum originate from transverse phonon modes with polarization

along the Z axis. They are denoted TA1. The bands in the X(YZ)Y spectrum arise from

both longitudinal and transverse modes polarized perpendicular to the Z axis. They are

designed LE and TE. The X(YX)Y bands are all of species B2. Finally, the X(YY)Z bands

belong to the the symmetry species A1 and B1. The A1 modes are quasi-longitudinal (QL)

and quasi-transverse (QT), where the B1 modes have no polarization [44, 45].

We have seen that the spectrum of the lattice vibrations of the octahedral ion [NbO6]7− in

some crystals, such as the filled TB type barium sodium niobate (BNN) [46, 41], potassium

lithium niobat (KLN) [42] and non-TB type LiNbO3 crystals [47, 48], are similar to each

other and share some common characteristics.

An octahedral molecule XY6 with the symmetry Oh has 15 internal vibrational degrees

of freedom or six normal vibrational modes νi, as it is shown in Fig. 3.15. They can be

represented from group theoretical considerations as

Γ′vib = A1g(R) + Eg(R) + 2T1u(IR) + T2g(R) + T2u(inactive), (3.16)

where the subscripts g and u represent symmetric and antisymmetric vibrations, respec-

tively. The modes ν1(A1g), ν2(Eg), and ν3(T1u) are all stretch vibrations and ν4(T1u),


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1g) ν


g) ν




1u) ν


2g) ν



Figure 3.15: The normal vibration modes of an octahedron molecule XY6 with the sym-metry Oh.

ν5(T2g), and ν6(T2u) are all bend vibrations [42]. Thus there might be three characteristic

Raman peaks in the SBN, which belong to the internal vibration modes of the octahedral

ion [NbO6]−7. In a primitive cell of the SBN, there are ten Nb-O octahedral ions.

3.3.3 Results and Discussion

Fig. 3.16 shows the typical Raman spectra of the crystals with Nb-O octahedron ions,

recorded in SBN for different values of the composition at room temperature in the fre-

quency range from 20 to 1000 cm−1, with the scattering geometry X(ZZ)Y, corresponding

to the symmetry species A1, concerning extraordinary transverse optical phonons propa-

gating along the [110] direction. The spectra were shifted vertically for a better viewing.

Compared with other Raman spectra of the TB crystal [46, 41, 42] it is easy to determine

the three characteristic Raman peaks of [NbO6]7− in the SBN to be at about 850, 630 and

260 cm−1. All these three peaks have a shoulder at the low energy side. This behavior is

probably due to the fact that in a SBN crystal two types of the [NbO6]7− octahedra exist.

The low frequency bands probably arise from motions of the Ba and Sr ions and also from

the external vibrational modes of the octahedral ion [NbO6]7−.

Fig. 3.17 shows room temperature Raman spectra of SBN in the X(YZ)Y scattering con-


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0 200 400 600 800 10000








Wavenumber (cm−1)


an in


ity (

a. u










A1: X(ZZ)Y





Figure 3.16: The Raman spec-tra for various SrxBa1−xNb2O6

crystals with the scattering ge-ometry X(ZZ)Y.

figuration, which correspond to the symmetry species E and involving ordinary transverse

and extraordinary longitudinal optical phonons propagating along the [110].

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 9000











Wavenumber (cm−1)


an in


ity (








Figure 3.17: The Raman spec-tra for various SrxBa1−xNb2O6

crystals with the scattering ge-ometry X(YZ)Y.

Fig. 3.18 shows a room temperature Raman spectrum of SBN for a X(YX)Y scattering

configuration, belonging to the symmetry species B2.

Fig. 3.19 shows a room temperature Raman spectrum of the SBN with a scattering geom-


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0 200 400 600 800 10000















B2: X(YX)Y

Wavenumber (cm−1)


an in


ity (







Figure 3.18: The Raman spec-tra for various SrxBa1−xNb2O6

crystals with the scattering ge-ometry X(YX)Y.

etry X(YY)Z corresponding to the species A1 and B1.

0 200 400 600 800 10000















1): X(YY)Z

Wavenumber (cm−1)


an in


ity (








Figure 3.19: The Raman spec-tra for various SrxBa1−xNb2O6

crystals with the scattering ge-ometry X(YY)Z.

The frequency assignments of the lattice modes of the SBN crystal and the relative param-

eters are reported in Table 3.7, where αZZ , etc. represent the polarizability tensor elements.

Comparing the lattice-vibration spectra of SBN with different compositions we can see the

influence of the Sr/Ba ratio on the characteristic Raman spectra of the [NbO6] octahedra

For the tetragonal TB type crystals the Raman spectra are similar to each other, and the


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Symmetry X(ZZ)Y X(YZ)Y X(YX)Y X(YY)Zspecies TA1 LE, TE B2 QL, QT, B1

x 0.406 0.737 0.406 0.737 0.406 0.737 0.406 0.737αZZ αY Z αY X αY Y

Raman 74 79 80 80 39 33 39 33results 93 - 100 105 54 57 105 104

- 125 150 - 79 80 142 140156 156 170 173 99 101 187 190259* 257* 259* 257* 125 - 290 -642* 631* 299 315 196 190 515 -850* 844* 546 548 293/297 - 626* 632*

602/642* 589/631* 416 416 851* 844*492 492546 546

602/642* 589/631*

Table 3.7: The assignments of the lattice-vibration for the SBN. * - characteristic Ramanpeaks of [NbO6] octahedra

common characteristics are the following: (1) the octahedral ion [NbO6]7− in the crystals

has three characteristic Raman peaks, two of them having relatively large Raman intensity;

(2) all Raman lines are very broad; (3) at low wavenumbers the scattering-background is

very strong; (4) the detected Raman lines are much fewer in number than those calculated

by group theory.

In the next part we have focused on the mode at around 630 cm−1 in the X(ZZ)Y scattering

configuration because it has relative large Raman intensity and very small background.

We fitted this mode for each composition with two bands by varying the parameters like

position, halfwidth and amplitude. Fig. 3.20 shows a decomposition of the mode at about

630 cm−1 for two different compositions. We associate the intense band to the [NbO6]II

octahedra because in the structure of the SBN exists eight [NbO6]II octahedra and two

[NbO6]I octahedra per unit cell. At first look it is possible to observe a shift to lower

energy of both bands with increasing x. Also the intensity of the bands decreases with

increasing the composition x.

The fit results are presented in Fig. 3.21 where is plotted the dependence of the ampli-

tude, halfwidth and position of the bands depending as function of the strontium content.

Between the length of the Nb-O bond and the vibration frequency of Nb-O exists a corre-


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1.2 x=0.765

450 500 550 600 650 700 7500





Wavenumber (cm−1)


an in


ity (




Figure 3.20: Decomposi-tion of the mode at about630 cm−1 recorded in theX(ZZ)Y scattering geome-try for two different com-positions.

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80






Strontium Content



de (



0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.820







Strontium Content



th (


1 )

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8580








Strontium Content




−1 )

Figure 3.21: Composition dependence ofthe Raman amplitude, the halfwidth andthe position for the two bands.


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Figure 3.22: Projection of the SBN structure onto the ab coordinate plane.

lation, so, any modification that appear in the length of the Nb-O bond will be reflected

in the vibration frequency of Nb-O.

If we consider the position dependence of the two bands as a function of concentration

(Fig. 3.21) we can observe a linear shift to lower energy. This shift can be correlated

with a linear variation of the Nb-O bonds length (average). This idea is confirmed in the

articles [16, 18] where are calculated the interatomic distances in the SBN with different

compositions. The length of Nb-O bonds decrease with increasing the Sr content.

The halfwidth determined from our measurements can be associated with distortions of

the NbO6 octahedra (∆[Nb-O]). In Fig. 3.21 the values of the halfwidth corresponding to

the [NbO6]I octahedra are higher than the values for the [NbO6]II octahedra. That means

∆[Nb-O]I is larger than ∆[Nb-O]II , this is confirmed in the reports [16, 18]. Also in this

figure it is possible to observe an increase of the halfwidth with increasing Sr content. The

explanation of this is given by the channels that surround all type of NbO6 octahedra.

[NbO6]II octahedra are surround by two pentagonal channels, one tetragonal and one

triangular channel and [NbO6]I octahedra are surrounded by two pentagonal channels

and two triangular channels (Fig. 3.22). Because the triangular channels are empty and

tetragonal channels are occupied only by Sr atoms, the variation of NbO6 octahedra is not


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influence by these channels. The distortion of the NbO6 octahedra is mainly due to the Ba

and Sr atoms in the pentagonal channels. Considering a SBN structure in which five-fold

channels are occupied only by Ba atoms, the NbO6 octahedra contained in this structure

are almost identical (∆[Nb-O] is smaller). By increasing the Sr content in the SBN crystal,

there will be more Sr atoms occupying the five-fold channels. As a consequence the NbO6

octahedra will be distorted due to different type of atoms around them. This means that

if we consider two NbO6 octahedra, but the same types ([NbO6]I or [NbO6]II), in different

surrounding, the deformation will not be the same (the length of Nb-O bonds varies over

a broad range of values, ∆[Nb-O] is larger)

We can conclude that the variation of the length of the Nb-O bonds from both NbO6

octahedra is directly proportional to the Sr/Ba ratio in the pentagonal channels. In this

case we fitted the halfwidth of the bands corresponding to different NbO6 octahedra with

the following equation:

Halfwidth(x) = ax− x1

1− x+ b (3.17)

where (x − x1)/(1 − x) represents the Sr/Ba concentration ratio in pentagonal channels,

x1 represents the concentration of Sr in the tetragonal channel, a and b are constants.

Using this results, a qualitative analysis of the NbO6 octahedra deformation as a function

of the composition is obtained.


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Chapter 4

Dielectric Properties

4.1 Composition dependence of the phase transition

temperature. Pyroelectric Measurement

4.1.1 Experimental setup

The experimental setup is presented in figure 4.1. This setup was constructed to permit

four usage modes:

1. hysteresis measurement

2. conductivity measurement

3. pyroelectric measurement

4. polarization

The components used for building the setup are:

• an electrometer charge measuring device (Keithley 6514)

• a high voltage amplifier (610C from Trek)

• a temperature controller (PRO800 from Profile for the Peltier element and CAL3300

from CAL Controls for the resistance)

All this three components are connected to a computer using an IEEE 488 interface card

and a RS-232 interface. For controlling, reading and recording of the data from this devices,

we wrote a programme using Visual C++.


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Figure 4.1: Sketch of the pyroelectric setup.

For a measurement the samples are placed on the thermo-controlled plate which can fix

the temperature with an accuracy of 0.1 ◦C in a range from -10 ◦C up to 200 ◦C when using

the Peltier element and 30 ◦C up to 260 ◦C with the resistance. The charge accumulation

is measured with an accuracy of 0.01 nC, typically corresponding to an error of 0.0001% in

our measurement.

4.1.2 Results and discussion

As shown in figure 4.1 there are four connectors and we make different connections between

then depending on the type of measurement. For a pyroelectric measurement we connect

1–2. In these measurements we used SrxBa1−xNb2O6 crystals from melts with a Sr fraction

in the range of 0.19 to 0.84, which corresponds to 0.32 to 0.82 in the samples. The crystals

were cut into platelets with a thickness of 2 mm along the crystallographic axis.

To obtain a fully poled sample, we used the same setup with the following connections: 2–3

and 1–4. The crystal was heated up to a temperature exceeding the expected Tc (about

50 ◦C) , estimated from a linear interpolation of known data [3, 49]. Then an electric field

of 350V/mm was applied parallel to the c-axis, and the samples were cooled back to room

temperature in 90 min with the field applied. This poling procedure was available for SBN

crystals with x > 0.5. When x < 0.5 it is not possible to apply 350V/mm because the

electric conductivity of these crystals is higher and a current exceeding 100µA will produce

a damage. In this case we had increased the electric field until the current through the


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sample was approximately 70µA. Due to the current limitation, in some cases (x < 0.5)

only a small electric field could be applied. In this case we are interested to know if we

obtain a fully poled samples. Trying to find the answer to this problem we made the

following experiment.

For this experiment we used SBN crystal with x = 0.563. For the polarization, the crystal

was heated to T = 150 ◦C (approximatively 50 ◦C more that the phase transition temper-

ature), then an electric field of 50V/mm was applied parallel to the c axis and finally the

temperature was slowly cooled down to room temperature. After polarization we made

several pyroelectric measurements. These steps were repeated for each of the following

values of the electric field: 100V/mm, 250 V/mm and 400 V/mm.

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 1600






Temperature T(°C)




n P



2 )






20 40 60 80 100 120 140 1600






Temperature T(°C)




n P



2 )






Figure 4.2: P(T) curves of SrxBa1−xNb2O6 with x=0.563 after to poled with differencevalues of the voltage 50, 100, 250 and 400 V/mm. (a) first pyroelectric measurement; (b)second pyroelectric measurement.

The transition from the paraelectric phase to the ferroelectric phase is accompanied by a

small atomic displacements producing electric-dipole moments (domains) in the crystal.

The symmetry of the ferroelectric phase is lower than the symmetry of the paraelectric

phase. In our case SBN is a typical representative of tetragonal unfilled tungsten-bronze-

type compounds. Within the tetragonal system it undergoes a relaxor phase transition

from ferroelectric phase (point group 4mm) into the paraelectric phase (4/mmm) [14, 50].

In the ferroelectric phase, the crystal contains needlelike 180 ◦ domains parallel to the

crystallographic c axis, allowing only two equivalent polarization directions [51].

In case of applying a small electric field it is sufficient to force all domains turning in the

same direction when cooling below the phase transition. As it is show in fig. 4.2(a) in all


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cases the spontaneous polarization has the same value. With a high electric field applied

some defects appear which induces a preferred direction of the ferroelectric domains in

the crystal which is stable in the paraelectric phase. This leads to a strong repoling of

the crystal when cooling below the phase transition even in the absence of an external

electrical field. We can observe in the fig. 4.2(b), where is shown the second pyroelectric

measurement of the crystal, for an electric field higher than 250V/mm, that a total repoling

is obtained (memory effect).

Thus, we can obtain a fully poled sample in case we applied a small electric field when the

sample is heated to a high temperature (T > Tc) but in this case the sample, after one

pyroelectric measurement, does not show a total repoling.









n P



2 )



0 20 40 60 80 100


Temperature T (°C)

d2 P/d








Figure 4.3: P(T) curves of Sr0.644Ba0.356Nb2O6 and Sr0.737Ba0.263Nb2O6. The temperatureTI of the inflexion point was determined from the null of the second derivative d2P/dT 2,shown in the lower part of the figure.

Figure 4.3 exemplarily shows P(T) for two samples with x = 0.644 and x = 0.737. The

temperature TI of the inflexion point is marked by the zero crossing of the second derivative

d2P/dT 2 which is shown in the lower part of Figure 4.3. The relaxor behavior is well

emphasized in P(T) and the second derivative. It is most pronounced for larger x and

decreases with decreasing Sr2+ concentration. Even a small variation of the Sr-content of

less than 0.1 results in a remarkable change of the shape of P(T), see Figure 4.3. For very

high temperatures, the determination of P(T) became less reliable due to the high electric


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conductivity of all samples: It was not possible to compensate external electric fields below

the mV scale. In the paraelectric phase the electric conductivity of the samples became so

large that these small fields were sufficient to cause electric currents which made effective

surface charge measurements of the polarization impossible. However, direct measurements

of the conductivity showed that this problem arose only at T > TI + 15 ◦C.

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80






Strontium Fraction x




TI (


Figure 4.4: Temperature TI for SBN as a function of the Sr-fraction x.

Figure 4.4 shows the dependence of TI on the Sr fraction x. The continuous line, describing

the measured data very well, represents a fit within the framework of an effective field

approach, which will be discussed below.

The decrease of Tc with increasing Strontium content qualitatively agrees with observa-

tions reported in the literature [3, 49]. However, the transition temperatures shown here

deviate from the literature values: we observed higher Tc for small values of x and lower

Tc for high values of x. A possible explanation lies in the uncertainty of the composition

of the samples used for earlier studies, where generally only the Sr-content in the melt is

given. We have found that the actual Sr-content x in the sample tends to shift closer to the

congruently melting composition, x = 0.61. This explains the systematic deviation of our

Tc from earlier literature values. Furthermore, the transition temperatures reported earlier

stem from dielectric measurements and are less reliable due to their frequency-dependence


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[52, 53].

The nonlinear behavior of Tc(x) can be explained by structure induced polarization changes.

SBN belongs to the structure type of the tetragonal tungsten bronzes, i.e., the structure

consists of corner-linked NbO6 octahedra forming pentagonal, tetragonal and trigonal chan-

nels [14, 54]. Large Ba2+ ions occupy only the pentagonal channels, of which there are 4

per unit cell, while smaller Sr2+ ions occupy both the pentagonal and the tetragonal chan-

nels, of which there are 2 per unit cell. Approximately 72% of the tetragonal channel are

occupied independent of the composition x with Sr2+. However, the pentagonal channels

are occupied by roughly 85% only by Ba2+ for x = 0.33, which decreases to circa 31% for

x = 0.75, while the Sr2+content increases from zero to about 57%, respectively. Because of

the only Sr containing tetragonal channel and the strong variation of the Sr/Ba ratio in the

pentagonal channel it is tempting to regard the compositional changes of SrxBa1−xNb2O6

as being caused by three sub-lattices. Sub-lattice (1) may be devoted to Sr in tetragonal

sites, (2) to Sr in pentagonal ones, while (3) is devoted to Ba. Within an effective field

approach [55] the polarization of m coupled systems is described by m equations of the


Pi = Niµi tanh

(E + xiβiPi +

k 6=i




The parameters αik describe the coupling strength between the subsystems with polariza-

tion Pi, the number of elementary dipoles Ni, the dipole moments µi and the effective fields

βi, while kBT has the usual meaning. The relative portions are xi and∑

i xi = 1. For tem-

peratures approaching Tc the polarization approaches zero, the hyperbolic tangent can be

approximated by its argument. Summarizing several parameters in Ti = βiNiµ2i /kB, which

might be regarded as the Curie temperatures of the ’pure’ sublattices, Eq. 4.1 transform


(aki − δk,iT )Pi = biEi with aki =

xiTi fork = i

xiTiαki/βk fork 6= i, bi = Ti/βi (4.2)

The polarizations should be able to approach any value at Tc at zero field. Therefore the


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determinant of the coefficients must vanish. For m = 3 we derive T 3C−s2T

2C +s1TC−s0 = 0


s2 =∑


aii, s1 =∑


(aiiakk − aikaki), s0 =∑

i 6=k 6=l 6=i



and np(ikl) is the number of permutations necessary to produce the index set {i, k, l} from

{1, 2, 3}. Because an exact solution is awkward to manage, we linearize the third order

equation by substituting s2 + ∆ for TC and omitting all nonlinear terms in ∆. Physically

this is well justified as s2 is the ’classical’ Curie temperature, the weighted sum over the

Curie temperatures of the ’pure’ sublattices s2 =∑

i aii =∑

i(xiTi) = T classicalC and only

minor deviations are expected. We obtain:

TC = s2 +s0 − s1s2

s1 + s22

with s1s2 À s0 and s22 À s1 and thus TC = s2 − s1



The parameter s1 is a slightly more complex sum, but replacing the quotients (αikαki)/(βiβk)

therein by an appropriate average factor λ2 we arrive for the Curie temperature finally at:

TC(xi) = T classicalC − 1− λ2

T classicalC


(xixkTiTk) (4.5)

We point out that for a system with two sublattices, the parameter (αikαki)/(βiβk) reduces

to (α12α21)/(β1β2) = λ2 because of α12 = α21 and thus Eq. 4.5 equals that in [56] after

some appropriate linearizing.

In Fig. 4.4 the transition temperature TI is presented as a function of the strontium

fraction x = x1 + x2. For a fit of our data with equation 4.5 we took into account a

constant contribution of Sr on tetragonal sites by setting x1 = 0.29, which corresponds

to about 72%, and x3 = 1 − x. The fit yields λ = 0.51, T tetr1 (Sr) = T pent

2 (Sr) = 304K

and T3(Ba) = 668K, respectively. Allowing T tetr1 (Sr) 6= T tetr

2 (Sr) simply results in an

additional parameter without improving the quality of the fit. This means that constant

polarization contributions like Sr on tetragonal sites or Niobium-Oxygen octahedra are

implicitly included by an appropriate change of the temperature constants. Therefore the

temperatures given should be regarded as fit parameters only. A λ less than 1 means that

in this mixed system the coupling strength between the sub-lattices is weaker than the

average value of the coupling strength within each sublattice. Such a reduction may be


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due to random internal strain fields in the crystal lattice introduced by the different ionic

sizes of Sr and Ba.


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Chapter 5

Conclusions and Summary

The main contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows:

• Often the determination of the band edge (energy or wavelength corresponding to

a certain absorption coefficient) for polarized light absorption as a function of com-

position is useful for a nondestructive determination of the composition of a crystal.

But in the case of SBN it is not a useful method because we found a non mono-

tonic dependence of the band edge on the composition. This phenomenon is known

as band gap bowing and the coefficient of the quadratic term (b) is known as the

bowing parameter.

To fit the temperature dependence of the band edge, a single oscillator has been

used and we obtain the maximum slope for the congruent SBN crystal. Also the

parameter Eg(0) reflects the band bowing.

• The infrared OH− stretch mode absorption of various SrxBa1−xNb2O6 crystals with x

ranging from 0.38 to 0.79 has been measured after increasing the proton concentration

by a heat treatment in wet oxygen. A crystal with x = 0.79 incorporates three times

more hydrogen than one with x = 0.38. The shape of the spectra depends on the

composition x. The spectra have been modelled using three components, two of them

with fixed frequency while the third broad band decreases with increasing x. The

three bands have been assigned to OH− vibrations in the a,b plane of the crystal

along the O-O bonds with different length and different cation environments.

• Raman spectra for all available compositions of SBN and all (non-equivalent) scatter-

ing configurations have been measured at room temperature. Composition-dependent


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features are easiest to observe from A1 modes recorded in the X(ZZ)Y scattering ge-

ometry. A deconvolution of the band at about 630 cm−1 results in two components,

which are assigned to vibrations of different NbO6-octahedra. Also the distortion of

the NbO6 octahedra (∆[Nb-O]) increases with the [Sr]/[Ba] concentration ratio in

pentagonal channels.

• For a determination of the phase transition temperature we used pyroelectric mea-

surements. The temperature of the relaxor phase-transition is determined from the

inflexion point of the curve of the ferroelectric polarization versus temperature. The

non linearity of the phase transition temperature dependence as a function of the

[Sr]/[Ba] ratio can be explained by a system of three different sublattices at the

crystallographic positions of Sr and Ba atoms.


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Appendix A

Dielectric spectroscopy

Dielectric spectroscopy measures the dielectric permittivity as a function of frequency and

temperature. It can be applied to all non-conducting materials. The frequency range ex-

tends over nearly 18 orders of magnitude: from the µHz to the THz range close to the

infrared region. Dielectric spectroscopy is sensitive to dipolar species as well as localized

charges in a material, it determines their strength, their kinetics and their interactions.

Thus, dielectric spectroscopy is a powerful tool for the electrical characterization of non-

conducting or semiconducting materials in relation to their structure and also of electronic

or sensor devices.

For dielectric measurements we build the setup that is presented in Fig. A.1. With a ther-

moelement, a sensor and a temperature controller (CAL3300 from CAL Controls), we can

set the expected temperature of the sample with an accuracy of 0.1 ◦C in the range -10 ◦C

to 280 ◦C. For obtaining this temperature interval we used two kind of heaters: Peltier

element and resistance.

Another component of the setup is a Lock-in amplifier. Lock-in amplifiers are used to

measure the amplitude and phase of signals buried in noise. They achieve this by acting

as a narrow bandpass filter which removes much of the unwanted noise while allowing to

pass the signal which is to be measured.

The frequency of the signal to be measured and hence the passband region of the filter is

set by a reference signal, which has to be supplied to the Lock-in amplifier along with the

unknown signal. The reference signal must be at the same frequency as the modulation of

the signal to be measured.


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Figure A.1: Bloc diagram of the dielectric measurements setup

In our measurements we used a SR830 Digital Lock-in amplifier. The internal oscillator of

the Lock-in amplifier generated the signal with a voltage U0 between 4mV and 5 V and a

frequency range from 1 mHz to 102 kHz.

For the capacity measurements the circuit presented in Fig. A.2 is used. At first a reference

capacity is measured, C∗r obtaining the values U∗

r = U ′r + iU ′′

r . After replacing this capacity

with the sample C∗s a second measurement will yield U∗

s = U ′s + iU ′′

s . The value of the

sample capacity C∗s is obtained using relation A.1


C∗s = C∗


U∗s (U∗

r − U0)

U∗r (U∗

s − U0)(A.1)

where the U0 is the generated signal of the Look-in system.

In Fig. A.3 some results of capacity measurements of a SBN crystal are presented, which

are in a good agreement with values reported in the literature.


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U0 ~




U* ~

Figure A.2: Schematics of the dielectric measurements setup

0 20 40 60 80 100 1200










Temperature (°C)

ε’ (



105 Hz

10−1 Hz

x = 0.737

x = 0.644

x = 0.609

Figure A.3: Dependence of the dielectric constant (real part ε′) with temperature fordifferent compositions in SBN.


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I owe my deepest gratitude to my supervisor apl. Prof. Dr. Manfred

Wohlecke, for guiding me in the world of science. His enthusiasm and opti-

mistic attitude towards research and life in general have inspired me during

these years. I learned a lot from numerous stimulating discussions with him

in the the past three years. He has given me an exceptional opportunity to

carry out the present work. The support and help of Prof. Wohlecke were

not limited to the scientific supervision, but have extended to many problems

of a daily life.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to apl. Prof. Klaus Betzler for his

guidance and support. From Prof. Betzler I obtained a lot of skills and helps

in experiments. I also should thank for his help in many problems related to

electronics and programming language (Visual C++ and MATLAB).

I thank Dr. Rainer Pankrath and Dr. Michael Ulex for a large amount of

SBN crystals.

I thank my colleaques Dr. Arthur Tunyagi and Dipl.-Phys. Isabella-Ioana

Oprea for useful collaboration and friendly encouragements.

I would like to thank Junior-Prof. Mirco Imlau for useful advice connected

with my work.

I would like to thank Mrs. Gerda Cornelsen, Mr. Gregor Steinhoff and Dr.

Wolfgang Mikosch who helped me in various ways.

I would like to acknowledge the financial support from the Graduate College

Nonlinearities of Optical Materials, financed by the Deutsche Forschungsge-

meinschaft and the Federal State of Niedersachsen.