Opportunistic Active Learning for Grounding Natural Language Descriptions Jesse Thomason 1* Aishwarya Padmakumar 1* Jivko Sinapov 2 Justin Hart 1 1 Computer Science Department University of Texas at Austin {jesse, aish, hart, pstone, mooney}@cs.utexas.edu Peter Stone 1 Raymond J. Mooney 1 2 Computer Science Department Tufts University [email protected] Abstract: Active learning identifies data points from a pool of unlabeled exam- ples whose labels, if made available, are most likely to improve the predictions of a supervised model. Most research on active learning assumes that an agent has access to the entire pool of unlabeled data and can ask for labels of any data points during an initial training phase. However, when incorporated in a larger task, an agent may only be able to query some subset of the unlabeled pool. An agent can also opportunistically query for labels that may be useful in the future, even if they are not immediately relevant. In this paper, we demonstrate that this type of opportunistic active learning can improve performance in grounding natural lan- guage descriptions of everyday objects—an important skill for home and office robots. We find, with a real robot in an object identification setting, that inquisi- tive behavior—asking users important questions about the meanings of words that may be off-topic for the current dialog—leads to identifying the correct object more often over time. Keywords: Grounded Language Learning, Active Learning, Human-Robot Inter- action 1 Introduction In machine learning tasks where obtaining labeled examples can be costly, active learning allows a system to select its own training data to obtain better performance using fewer labeled examples [1]. Active learning allows an agent to iteratively query for labels of examples from an unlabeled pool, selecting examples believed to be most useful for improving its model. An important skill required by robots in a home or office setting is retrieving objects based on natural language descriptions. We consider an object retrieval task where humans can describe real-world objects using both visual and non-visual words (e.g. “red” and “heavy”). In this task, the pool of pre-labeled examples can be extremely limited, since curating a set of all words that apply to every object in an environment is a huge annotation effort for a human user, motivating the use of active learning to query for additional labels. A robot in operation will typically be restricted to querying about objects that are physically nearby. In addition, it may be engaged in a task with the human to whom the query is addressed, to which the query may be unrelated. In such situations, the robot needs to be inquisitive—asking questions that may not be immediately relevant to the task at hand, and opportunistic—asking locally “convenient” questions that may not be optimal among all objects since only a subset of objects is available. We call this setting opportunistic active learning, and it differs from existing work on active learning in three key ways. First, the agent may not be able to ask queries that are globally most useful * These two authors contributed equally. 1st Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2017), Mountain View, United States.

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Page 1: Opportunistic Active Learning for Grounding Natural ... · Opportunistic Active Learning for Grounding Natural Language Descriptions Jesse Thomason 1Aishwarya Padmakumar Jivko Sinapov2

Opportunistic Active Learning forGrounding Natural Language Descriptions

Jesse Thomason1∗ Aishwarya Padmakumar1∗ Jivko Sinapov2

Justin Hart1

1Computer Science DepartmentUniversity of Texas at Austin

{jesse, aish, hart, pstone,mooney}@cs.utexas.edu

Peter Stone1 Raymond J. Mooney1

2Computer Science DepartmentTufts University

[email protected]

Abstract: Active learning identifies data points from a pool of unlabeled exam-ples whose labels, if made available, are most likely to improve the predictions ofa supervised model. Most research on active learning assumes that an agent hasaccess to the entire pool of unlabeled data and can ask for labels of any data pointsduring an initial training phase. However, when incorporated in a larger task, anagent may only be able to query some subset of the unlabeled pool. An agentcan also opportunistically query for labels that may be useful in the future, even ifthey are not immediately relevant. In this paper, we demonstrate that this type ofopportunistic active learning can improve performance in grounding natural lan-guage descriptions of everyday objects—an important skill for home and officerobots. We find, with a real robot in an object identification setting, that inquisi-tive behavior—asking users important questions about the meanings of words thatmay be off-topic for the current dialog—leads to identifying the correct objectmore often over time.

Keywords: Grounded Language Learning, Active Learning, Human-Robot Inter-action

1 Introduction

In machine learning tasks where obtaining labeled examples can be costly, active learning allows asystem to select its own training data to obtain better performance using fewer labeled examples [1].Active learning allows an agent to iteratively query for labels of examples from an unlabeled pool,selecting examples believed to be most useful for improving its model.

An important skill required by robots in a home or office setting is retrieving objects based on naturallanguage descriptions. We consider an object retrieval task where humans can describe real-worldobjects using both visual and non-visual words (e.g. “red” and “heavy”). In this task, the pool ofpre-labeled examples can be extremely limited, since curating a set of all words that apply to everyobject in an environment is a huge annotation effort for a human user, motivating the use of activelearning to query for additional labels.

A robot in operation will typically be restricted to querying about objects that are physically nearby.In addition, it may be engaged in a task with the human to whom the query is addressed, to which thequery may be unrelated. In such situations, the robot needs to be inquisitive—asking questions thatmay not be immediately relevant to the task at hand, and opportunistic—asking locally “convenient”questions that may not be optimal among all objects since only a subset of objects is available.

We call this setting opportunistic active learning, and it differs from existing work on active learningin three key ways. First, the agent may not be able to ask queries that are globally most useful∗These two authors contributed equally.

1st Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2017), Mountain View, United States.

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to improve its models, since the task setting limits the available objects. Second, the agent mustdecide whether or not to ask such queries while performing another task. Finally, the agent typicallydepends on some queries being useful for future interactions, but not necessarily the task at hand.Thus, queries have a higher cost than in traditional active learning setups where the goal of thesystem is simply to learn a good model.

We examine the usefulness of opportunistic active learning to improve an agent’s understanding ofnatural language descriptions of everyday objects. We consider a task where a robot must identifywhich member of a set of objects a human user is referring to using natural language. The robotlearns classifiers based on multi-sensory information for language predicates that are used to groundnatural language descriptions. When trying to understand an object description from one user, theagent is allowed to query for predicate/object labels not directly related to the current interaction.

We compare two agents controlling the robot: one task-oriented agent that only asks questions rel-evant to the current dialog; and one inquisitive agent that is willing to ask questions unrelated tothe current dialog for expected future performance gains. We show that, in the long run, the in-quisitive agent both quantitatively outperforms the task-oriented one at predicting the correct objectdescribed by human participants, and is qualitatively rated more fun and usable by participants. Toour knowledge, ours is the first work to evaluate the effects of asking off-topic questions to hu-man users interacting with a physical robot performing object identification to improve downstreamnatural language grounding performance, and, consequently, downstream task performance.2

2 Related Work

Most research in active learning is concerned with the design of appropriate metrics to evaluatepossible queries’ likelihood of improving the current model. Examples include uncertainty sam-pling [2], density-weighted methods [3], and the presence of conflicting evidence [4]. A survey canbe found in [1]. These typically assume that the learner can query any example from the pool ofunlabeled examples at any time. In contrast, in our work, the system is restricted so that it can onlyquery for data about a subset of examples (objects) at any time.

Past work compares how human teachers perceive different types of queries a robot may pose duringlearning from a demonstration task [5]. One notable difference in our work is that the robot in [5]required a human operator to aid in the robot’s perception, whereas the system presented in thispaper operates autonomously.

Turn-taking interactions where humans have to teach the robot concepts using positive and negativelabeled examples are typical for interactive language grounding, but do not employ active learn-ing [6, 7, 8, 9]. Other research uses human-robot interaction, employing forms of active learningto better ground predicates. In those works, the effectiveness of the active learning strategies isnot explicitly tested [10, 11, 12, 10], ontological knowledge (pre-coding “red” as a color) is usedduring grounding [13], or the predicates to be grounded are not drawn from an open-vocabulary ofunrestricted user speech [14, 15].

We fill this gap, testing a strategy that asks human users “inquisitive” questions that are off-topic tothe task at hand, studying their effects on downstream task performance and human users’ percep-tions. To our knowledge, ours is the first work to evaluate the effects of asking off-topic questionsto human users interacting with physical robots in order to improve natural language grounding. Wesituate this evaluation within the real-world task of object identification, making the multi-modal,perceptual grounding component a prerequisite, but not ultimate goal for good performance.

3 Object Identification Task and Methods

To test the effectiveness of using active learning to obtain labels for predicates not relevant to thecurrent dialog for long-term rewards, we created an object identification task using a real robot.Figure 1 shows the physical setup of our task. The human participant and robot both started facingTable 2. This table held objects in the active test set Ote. The tables flanking the robot (Tables 1 and3) contained objects in the active training set Otr.

2The source code for this experiment is available here: https://github.com/thomason-jesse/perception_classifiers/tree/active_learning


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Active Test Set

Active Training Set

Table 3 Table 2 Table 1

Figure 1: Participants described an object on Table 2 from the active test set to the robot in naturallanguage, then answered the robot’s questions about the objects in its active training set on the sideTables 1 and 3 before the robot guessed the described target object.

Human participants engaged in a dialog with the robot.3 The robot asked the human to describe oneof the four objects in its active test set with a noun phrase. Participants were primed to describeobjects with properties, rather than categories, given the motivating example “a fuzzy black rectan-gle” for “an eraser.” Participants were told that the robot had both looked at and interacted with theobjects physically using its arm.

Natural Language Grounding. To connect the noun phrases offered by participants to sensoryperception, the robot stripped stopwords from the phrase and considered all remaining words asperceptual predicates. We did not restrict the choice of words that participants were allowed to useto describe objects, so our system learned from an open vocabulary. However, it was not equipped tohandle multi-word predicates or those that required understanding phrases. The robot then createdclassifiers to identify these predicates, using objects as positive and negative examples, and gettingpredicate labels for objects by asking questions about objects in its active training set. Predicateswere treated as independent and a separate classifier was learned for each predicate.

Users offered words like “blue,” “cylinder,” and “heavy” when describing objects. We used a cor-pus of both visual and non-visual feature representations of objects and their features gathered bymultiple interaction behaviors forll2s previous work on an object ordering task [16]. Past workhas shown that using non-visual modalities when performing language grounding can help withnon-visual words like “heavy,” and we follow that work’s methodology for training and ensemblingSVM classifiers for each predicate to predict whether that predicate applies to a novel object [11].For every predicate p ∈ P for P the set of predicates known to the agent and object o ∈ Otr ∪Ote,a decision d(p, o) ∈ {−1, 1} and a confidence in that decision are calculated using Cohen’s kappaκ(p, o) estimated from cross-validation performance on available examples. For predicates with toofew examples to train SVMs (at least 2 positive and 2 negative examples were needed to fit theSVMs and obtain confidences), we set d(p, o) = −1 and κ(p, o) = 0 for all objects.

Active Learning Dialog Policy. After the participant described a chosen target object in naturallanguage, the robot askedm questions about objects in its active training set before guessing a targetobject. Figure 2 gives an overview of this dialog.

With probability qyn, the robot could point to an object and ask the yes/no question “Would youuse the word p to describe this object?” for some predicate p. To select the predicate p and objecto ∈ Otr to ask about, we first find the objects in Otr with the lowest confidence κ per predicate (tiesbroken randomly).

omin(p) = argmino∈Otr(κ(p, o)).

3View a demonstration video of the robot system and dialog agents here:https://youtu.be/f-CnIF92_wo


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Select Next


Choose Pred/Obj

Pair(Eq. 1)

Choose Predicate

(Eq. 2)

Choose Object (Eq. 3)



Ask for object example

Ask yes/no question

Predict Target Object

p, o



H: “A yellow bottle with water filled in it.”

R: “Would you use the word p to describe this object?”

R: “Can you show me an object you would describe as p?”

R: “Is this the object you had in mind?”

Figure 2: After extracting predicates PU from a human description of a target object, the dialog agentcould ask m questions of two types, choosing one question type over the other with probability qyn.When asking questions, new object labels for the chosen predicate p were restricted to objects in theactive training set, o ∈ Otr. After asking m questions, the agent guessed the target object in theactive test set o ∈ Ote given its updated grounding classifiers for predicates PU .

omin(p) would be the next object whose label is queried in a pool-based active learning setting forp’s perceptual classifier with uncertainty sampling as the query strategy [1]. However, as the systemis attempting to learn multiple classifiers, it must also choose which of them is to be updated. Inorder to weight predicates inversely proportional to their confidence in their least confident labels,the predicate p and its corresponding least-confidence object omin(p), are chosen with probability

prob(p) =1− κ(p, omin(p))∑

q∈P\{p} 1− κ(q, omin(q)). (1)

When querying a predicate and object in the above manner, the robot physically turned to the tableholding that object, pointed to it, and asked whether p applied. After getting this new positive ornegative example, the robot updated p’s perceptual classifier.

With probability 1− qyn, the robot instead selected a predicate p and asked “Could you show me anobject that you would describe as p?” for which the participant indicated a positive example objectfor p in the active training set or replied “none,” letting the robot know that all objects in the activetraining set were negative examples of p. A predicate p was selected uniformly at random fromthose with insufficient data to fit a classifier,

p ∈ {q : q ∈ P ∧ κ(q, omin(q)) = 0}, (2)with the additional constraint that predicates previously asked about in the current dialog with theparticipant were blacklisted from re-selection. To select an object in the active training set, theparticipant had to direct the robot to physically face the table containing that object. After gettingthis new positive label (or, in the case of no object exhibiting p, |Otr| negative labels), the robotupdated p’s perceptual classifier.

After asking questions, the robot evaluated the predicates PU ⊆ P of the participant’s utteranceagainst the objects in the active test set Ote, then turned to the table of candidate objects and pointedto the object that best fit its understanding of the description, o∗ ∈ Ote,

o∗ = argmaxo∈Ote


d(p, o)κ(p, o)

. (3)

If the robot guessed incorrectly, the human pointed out the correct object. The target object wasconsidered a positive example for predicates PU used to describe the object when the agent wasfully retrained between rounds (Section 4).


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Figure 3: The objects used in our experiments, from fold 0 on the far left to fold 3 on the far right.

Robot Implementation. Experiments were conducted on the BWIBots service robot plat-form [17]. The robot used a Kinova Mico arm mounted on top of a custom-built mobile baseusing a Stanley Robotics Segway RMP which rotated to face the three tables holding the objects.The robot used an Asus Xtion Pro RGBD camera mounted at the top of its frame to detect the lo-cations of the objects after turning to face a table, and to detect when a human touched an object.The robot could also reach out and point to an object when asking whether a predicate applied.We implemented robot behaviors in the Robot Operating System,4 performed text-to-speech usingthe Festival Speech Synthesis System,5 and performed automatic-speech-recognition using GoogleSpeech API,6 recording user speech through a Turtle Beach Ear Force P11 Amplified Stereo GamingHeadset. Once the dialog began, the robot operated autonomously, asking for operator interventiononly when the Xtion camera failed to detect the four expected objects on a tabletop surface (oftendue to being slightly non-orthogonal to a table after a few in-place rotations).

4 Experimental Methodology

We randomly divided the set of 32 objects explored in [16] into 4 folds of 8 objects each, shown inFigure 3. The folds were indexed {0, 1, 2, 3}.Two dialog agents controlling the robot were compared. We set policy hyper-parameter qyn = 0.2for both agents. The baseline agent was only allowed to ask questions about the predicates relevantto the current dialog. That is, if a person described the target object as “a blue cylinder,” then thebaseline agent could only ask about “blue” and “cylinder.” We set m = 3 for the baseline agent.By contrast, the inquisitive agent was allowed to ask questions about any predicate it had previouslyheard. Thus, the inquisitive agent could ask about “heavy” even if a user used “a blue cylinder” todescribe the target object. We set m = 5 for the inquisitive agent, making it both more talkative andless task-oriented than the baseline agent. It would be interesting to learn the optimal values of theparameters for task performance via reinforcement learning, which we leave for future work. In thefinal round of testing described below, the inquisitive agent was restricted to on-topic questions andhad m = 3, making the agents differ only by their training strategies up to that point.

In the object identification game, the objects in the active training set were from fold n when theobjects in the active test set were in fold n + 1. Both agents began knowing no predicates. Eachhuman participant was assigned to one of the two agents before the session began. Participantsplayed two games each. Both games had the 8 objects in the active training set randomly ordered onthe robot’s side tables. Between games, the 4 objects on the robot’s front table were alternated suchthat all 8 of the objects in the active test set had a chance to be described by the participant. Afterthe games, each participant filled out an exit survey, discussed in Section 5. The agents were testedacross three rounds, with objects from the active test set moving to the active training set betweenrounds. The rounds can be summarized by:

• Round 1 with fold 0 as the active training set and fold 1 the active test set, the agentseffectively differed only by the number of questions they could ask, since neither had seenany predicates before;



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• Round 2 with fold 1 as the active training set and fold 2 the active test set, the inquisitiveagent could ask about the predicates in the current dialog or any predicate it learned fromround 1;

• Round 3 with fold 2 as the active training set and fold 3 the active test set, the agents bothoperated by the baseline rules (on-topic questions, m = 3), comparing the effects of thetraining strategies used in rounds 1 and 2.

Between rounds, the dialogs that the agents had with their participants were aggregated and newpredicate classifiers were trained to use in the next round. The agents were trained independently,with the baseline agent only using conversations it had, and the inquisitive agent only using con-versations it had. This training aggregation was done in round-based batches so that the objectsin the active test set were always unseen by the agents’ trained classifiers at the time of any givenconversation.

We hypothesized that:

1. The inquisitive agent would guess the correct object more often than the baseline agent.

2. Users would not qualitatively dislike the inquisitive agent for asking too many questionsand being off-topic compared to the baseline agent.

5 Experimental Results

Five participants played two games each with the robot for each agent in each round. In total, 30study participants, comprising graduate and undergraduate students and employees at our university,interacted with the robot. After two games, participants filled out an exit survey by answering“Strongly Disagree,” “Disagree,” “Neutral,” “Agree,” or “Strongly Agree” (mapped to scores 0− 4)to the questions shown in Figure 4.

Results. Figure 4 shows the robot’s average correctness across rounds between the two agents, aswell as the average results of exit survey questions. The inquisitive agent consistently outperformsthe baseline agent at identifying the correct object (Figure 4a).7 In round 3, when the agents wereboth restricted to m = 3 questions and only on-topic predicates, the difference in performance isentirely attributable to the training strategies of the agents so far, and the inquisitive agent again hasa higher rate of predicting the target object. The inquisitive agent outperforms a random chancebaseline (0.25 average correctness for 4 objects), while the baseline agent performs slightly worsedue to noisy perceptual classifiers with few positive and negative examples. The inquisitive agentis perceived as more understanding on average than the baseline agent (Figure 4b). These resultssupport our hypothesis that the inquisitive agent would outperform the baseline agent at the objectidentification task.

The inquisitive agent is perceived as asking too many questions slightly more often than the baselineagent in round 2, when it can ask about predicates not related to the current dialog, but not inround 1, where it still asks 2 more questions than the baseline agent on average, but they are on-topic (Figure 4c). The trends are nearly identical for the similar question of whether users felt theconversation went on too long (Figure 4f). The inquisitive agent scored higher with human usersacross rounds than the baseline agent for the prompts about whether the robot was fun (Figure 4d)and whether the user would use a household robot like this one to get objects in another room(Figure 4e). These results support our hypotheses that the inquisitive agent would not be dislikedfor asking too many questions or being off-topic.

Discussion. The inquisitive agent’s differences from the baseline agent in round 3 partially relyon predicates from previous rounds being used again in that round. In general, asking about anoff-topic predicate only helps if that predicate will be seen again in the future. Table 1 shows thepredicates introduced in each round as well as those repeated from a previous round. There issubstantial overlap, indicating that the dataset of objects used is homogeneous enough that learningpredicates from previous folds is helpful when identifying objects in unseen folds. Additionally,

7We note that in the event of T tied confidences for an object to select, with the correct object among thosetied, we reward the robot 1

|T | correctness, regardless of the random choice it made among those T .


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(a) Correct guesses (b) “The robot seemed to understand my descriptions.”

(c) “The robot asked too many questions.” (d) “It was fun to interact with the robot.”

(e) “I would use a robot like this to get objects for mein another room.” (f) “The conversation took too long.”

Figure 4: Comparing average robot correct guess and average user survey responses across the threerounds between the two agents. In round 1, the agents differed only in the number of questions theycould ask. In round 2, the inquisitive agent could both ask more questions and ask about off-topicpredicates. In round 3, the agents differed only in their training so far, and both had number ofquestions fixed to m = 3.


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Predicates Used by RoundFirst seen round 1 round 2 round 3round 1 71 32 32round 2 37 14round 3 24Total 71 69 70

Table 1: The number of unique predicates introduced in each round and repeated in subsequentrounds. The diagonal shows predicates used for the first time in each round, while the bottom rowshows the total unique predicates used (regardless of when they were first seen) per round.

there were 132 unique predicates introduced throughout all thirty participants’ games, suggestingthat the dataset is diverse enough to elicit a wide range of language predicates. Descriptions variedin length among users, as well, from 1 predicate in utterances like “heavy” to 8 predicates in theutterance “a transparent plastic bottle with brown peanuts inside it with the red cap.”

6 Conclusions and Future Work

We introduce opportunistic active learning, where a system engaged in a task makes use of activelearning metrics to query for labels potentially useful for future tasks. We demonstrate that a robotusing opportunistic active learning during an object identification task performs well in understand-ing unrestricted natural language descriptions of a target object. Our robot experiments simulate ahousehold robot that can be used to retrieve distant objects and is allowed to first ask questions aboutnearby objects to help clarify its understanding of natural language predicates.

The robot can ask humans not just questions about words relevant for the current task (e.g. questionsabout “blue” and “cylinder” when told to “go get me the blue cylinder”) but about any words itcurrently understands poorly. We demonstrate that such an inquisitive agent not only outperformsan agent that stays on-topic with its questions at identifying the correct object described by a humanuser, but that users find the inquisitive agent, on average, more comprehending, fun, and usable in areal-world setting.

We are interested in learning a dialog policy that allows inquisitive active learning, but balances itagainst current task success, rather than explicitly limiting the robot to a certain number of questionsper dialog as in this work. Additionally, with more objects, more rounds of training could be done toexplore whether there is a ceiling on performance gains from asking off-topic questions. There hasbeen some work on task-oriented dialog learning for robotics, but that work did not incorporate lan-guage grounding with perceptual predicates [18], did not involve much initiative from the robot [19],or aimed at eliciting human collaboration required only for completing the current task [20].

Finally, by performing more complicated language understanding than simple stopword removal,future work may also be able to learn to jointly understand language predicates and human com-mands (as in [21, 22, 23]), additionally leveraging opportunistic active learning to ask questionsthat best clarify both perceptual grounding and semantic understanding.


This work is supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship to the firstauthor, an NSF EAGER grant (IIS-1548567), and an NSF NRI grant (IIS-1637736). A portion ofthis work has taken place in the Learning Agents Research Group (LARG) at UT Austin. LARGresearch is supported in part by NSF (CNS-1305287, IIS-1637736, IIS-1651089, IIS-1724157),TxDOT, Intel, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin. Peter Stone serves on the Board of Directors ofCogitai, Inc. The terms of this arrangement have been reviewed and approved by the University ofTexas at Austin in accordance with its policy on objectivity in research.


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