EUROPEAN TRANSACTIONS ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS Eur. Trans. Telecomms. 2013; 00:113 DOI: 10.1002/ett RESEARCH ARTICLE OpenWSN: A Standards-Based Low-Power Wireless Development Environment Thomas Watteyne 1, 2, * , Xavier Vilajosana 1, 3 , Branko Kerkez 4, 1 , Fabien Chraim 1 , Kevin Weekly 1 , Qin Wang 1, 5 , Steven Glaser 4 , Kris Pister 1 1 BSAC, University of California, Berkeley, USA. 2 Dust Networks/Linear Technology, Hayward, CA, USA. 3 Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. 4 Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA. 5 University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China. ABSTRACT The OpenWSN project is an open-source implementation of a fully standards-based protocol stack for capillary networks, rooted in the new IEEE802.15.4e Time Synchronized Channel Hopping standard. IEEE802.15.4e, coupled with Internet- of-Things standards, such as 6LoWPAN, RPL and CoAP, enables ultra-low power and highly reliable mesh networks which are fully integrated into the Internet. The resulting protocol stack will be cornerstone to the upcoming Machine-to-Machine revolution. This article gives an overview of the protocol stack, as well key integration details and the platforms and tools developed around it. The pure C OpenWSN stack was ported to four off-the-shelf platforms representative of hardware currently used, from older 16-bit micro-controller to state-of-the-art 32-bit Cortex-M architectures. The tools developed around the low-power mesh networks include visualization and debugging software, a simulator to mimic OpenWSN networks on a PC, and the environment needed to connect those networks to the Internet. Experimental results presented in this article include a network where motes operate at an average radio duty cycle well below 0.1% and an average current draw of 68μA on off-the-shelf hardware. These ultra-low power requirements enable a range of applications, with motes perpetually powered by micro-scavenging devices. OpenWSN is, to the best of our knowledge, the first open-source implementation of the IEEE802.15.4e standard. Copyright c 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Correspondence BSAC, 403 Cory Hall 1774, University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-1774.E-Mail: [email protected]. 1. INTRODUCTION The Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) revolutions are quietly coming, and with them an epochal turning point in the way people interact with the “things” surrounding them: appliances in a smart home, snow-level sensors in a smart ski resort, overflow sensors in a smart refinery, etc. Standardization bodies are playing a key role in this revolution. Different working groups are finalizing the protocols running at different levels of this communication stack, and the stack depicted in Fig. 2 is becoming the de-facto protocol stack for tomorrow’s capillary networks. At the foundation of this protocol stack is the new IEEE802.15.4e [1] “Time Synchronized Channel Hop- ping” (TSCH) standard, which achieves high reliability OpenWSN network IPv4 Internet Internet host data server Low-power Border Router remote actuation data collection Figure 1. Use Cases for an OpenWSN Network. through frequency agility (channel hopping) and low- power through tight time synchronization. IEEE802.15.4e is the new Medium Access Control (MAC) for the IEEE802.15.4 standard. Copyright c 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1 Prepared using ettauth.cls [Version: 2010/06/21 v2.00]

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DOI: 10.1002/ett


OpenWSN: A Standards-Based Low-Power WirelessDevelopment EnvironmentThomas Watteyne1,2,∗, Xavier Vilajosana1,3, Branko Kerkez4,1, Fabien Chraim1, Kevin Weekly1,Qin Wang1,5, Steven Glaser4, Kris Pister1

1BSAC, University of California, Berkeley, USA.2Dust Networks/Linear Technology, Hayward, CA, USA.3Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.4Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA.5University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China.


The OpenWSN project is an open-source implementation of a fully standards-based protocol stack for capillary networks,rooted in the new IEEE802.15.4e Time Synchronized Channel Hoppingstandard. IEEE802.15.4e, coupled with Internet-of-Things standards, such as 6LoWPAN, RPL and CoAP, enables ultra-low power and highly reliable mesh networks whichare fully integrated into the Internet. The resulting protocol stack will be cornerstone to the upcoming Machine-to-Machinerevolution.This article gives an overview of the protocol stack, as well key integration details and the platforms and tools developedaround it. The pure C OpenWSN stack was ported to four off-the-shelf platforms representative of hardware currentlyused, from older 16-bit micro-controller to state-of-the-art 32-bit Cortex-M architectures. The tools developed around thelow-power mesh networks include visualization and debugging software,a simulator to mimic OpenWSN networks on aPC, and the environment needed to connect those networks to the Internet.Experimental results presented in this article include a network where motesoperate at an average radio duty cycle wellbelow 0.1% and an average current draw of 68µA on off-the-shelf hardware. These ultra-low power requirements enablea range of applications, with motes perpetually powered by micro-scavenging devices. OpenWSN is, to the best of ourknowledge, the first open-source implementation of the IEEE802.15.4e standard. Copyrightc© 2013 John Wiley & Sons,Ltd.


BSAC, 403 Cory Hall 1774, University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-1774. E-Mail: [email protected].


The Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine(M2M) revolutions are quietly coming, and with them anepochal turning point in the way people interact with the“things” surrounding them: appliances in a smart home,snow-level sensors in a smart ski resort, overflow sensorsin a smart refinery, etc. Standardization bodies are playinga key role in this revolution. Different working groupsare finalizing the protocols running at different levels ofthis communication stack, and the stack depicted in Fig.2is becoming thede-facto protocol stack for tomorrow’scapillary networks.

At the foundation of this protocol stack is the newIEEE802.15.4e [1] “Time Synchronized Channel Hop-ping” (TSCH) standard, which achieves high reliability



Internet host

data server


remote actuation

data collection

Figure 1. Use Cases for an OpenWSN Network.

through frequency agility (channel hopping) and low-power through tight time synchronization. IEEE802.15.4eis the new Medium Access Control (MAC) for theIEEE802.15.4 standard.

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OpenWSN: Standards-Based Low-Power Wireless T. Watteyne, X. Vilajosana, B. Kerkez et al.

The OpenWSN project∗ offers a free and open-sourceimplementation of this protocol stack and the surroundingdebugging and integration tools, thereby contributing tothe overall goal of promoting the use of low-powerwireless mesh networks. It is, to the best of our knowledge,the first open-source implementation of the IEEE802.15.4estandard. The OpenWSN stack has been ported to four off-the-shelf platforms. It includes the ability to connect thenetwork to the IPv6 Internet, and to simulate a completenetwork on a PC.

One of the goals of the OpenWSN project isto investigate the use of IEEE802.15.4e in Internet-connected low-power mesh networks. It shows how,contrary to common belief, IEEE802.15.4e (and moregenerally time synchronized channel hopping protocols)can be implemented on off-the-shelf platforms, withoutthe need of dedicated hardware. This article presentsimplementation results of this protocol on four differentplatforms, using a range of 16-bit and 32-bit micro-controllers and radios. Moreover, OpenWSN is a “pureC” implementation, i.e. no extensions to the C languageare needed. It is therefore not tied to any specifictool chain. The IEEE802.15.4e implementation runs ininterrupt context for timing accuracy, and is independentfrom the operating system running on the mote. Thisimplementation can therefore easily be ported to otheroperating systems. Finally, it implements, on top ofIEEE802.15.4e, Internet-of-Things standards such as IPv6over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks(6LoWPAN), Routing Protocol for Low power and LossyNetworks (RPL) and Constrained Application Protocol(CoAP), enabling an OpenWSN network to connectseamlessly to the IPv6 Internet. Fig.1 depicts regular usecases of this protocol stack.

This article highlights its contributions and positions theOpenWSN project within related products and projects.Section2 gives an overview of the protocols implemented,and highlights their applicability in several use cases.Section 3 gives an overview of related products and(open-source) projects in the field of low-power wireless.Section 4 presents the hardware platforms used bythe OpenWSN project, as well as the tools developedfor debugging and Internet integration. Results of aperformance evaluation of OpenWSN are presented inSection5, with a particular focus on synchronization andpower consumption. Section6 concludes the paper andpresents the features to be included in future releases ofOpenWSN.


Fig. 2 depicts the protocol stack implemented inOpenWSN. This protocol stack is based entirely on






medium access

board support package

pins leds radio timers




User Applications


IDforwarding ICMPv6


Berkeley Socket Abstraction

Hardware Abstraction


Figure 2. The OpenWSN Protocol Stack.

Internet-of-Things standards. This section highlights thekey aspects of these protocols, and indicates the type ofuse cases they enable.

2.1. Abstractions

The OpenWSN stack utilizes abstraction at two levels. TheBerkeley Socket Abstraction was developed as part of theBerkeley Software Distribution (BSD) operating systemdevelopment; it has been adopted by all operating systems,it is at the heart of today’s Internet. It considers thatapplications on two Internet hosts communicate througha socket, which is uniquely identified by the IP addressesof the hosts, and the two ports corresponding to eachapplication. The OpenWSN stack respects this abstraction,so that developing an application on top of the OpenWSNstack is very similar to developing an application on aregular Internet host.

The Hardware Abstraction consists in grouping allfunctions accessing the hardware (i.e. the functions whichwrite to the registers) into a group of files called the “BoardSupport Package” (BSP). This allows the vast majority ofthe code to be shared among all platforms. There is oneBSP per supported platform; the remainder of the stackcode is shared between all implementations.

2 Eur. Trans. Telecomms. 2013; 00:1–13 c© 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.DOI: 10.1002/ett

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T. Watteyne, X. Vilajosana, B. Kerkez et al. OpenWSN: Standards-Based Low-Power Wireless

2.2. Inside the Stack

The underlying radio technology of virtually all low-power wireless solutions is the IEEE802.15.4-2006 [2]standard, a “double” standard defining both the physicallayer (modulation, datarate, transmission power, etc.) anda standard medium access control, MAC, layer (how toarbitrate access to the wireless medium). This historicalMAC protocol has suffered from two major flaws [3].

The first flaw is that a wireless device does not knowa priori when its neighbors will transmit data, so it mustleave its radio on to listen for incoming communications.Readily available IEEE802.15.4 radios draw 5-30mA ofcurrent while listening. If persistently kept on, such aradio drains a set of AA batteries in about a week. Thesecond flaw of existing MAC layers relates to frequencydiversity. Though IEEE802.15.4-compliant devices canswitch frequencies, the historical MAC protocol specifiesoperating on only one frequency at a time. Unlike systemsemploying frequency diversity, the historical MAC isprone to external interference and multi-path fading.External interference is especially bothersome in theunlicensed 2.4GHz band, shared with WiFi and Bluetooth,among others. Multipath fading is the phenomenonwhereby several “echoes” of the same signal destructivelyinterfere at the receiver. Realistic examples often occurindoors, where reflections from walls, furniture, andpeople interact unpredictably, sometimes to the extent thata receiver cannot receive even strong signals sent from anearby transmitter.

The IEEE802.15.4e standard replaces the historicalMAC protocol, without changing the underlying physicallayer. Thus, it can be implemented as a “softwareupdate” in already existing IEEE802.15.4 devices. Inan IEEE802.15.4e network, time is sliced up into timeslots and motes synchronize to each other. A superframeconsists of a number of slots (typically tens to a fewthousand slots) which repeats over time. A scheduleindicates to a mote what action to take in each slot ofthe superframe: transmit, receive, or sleep. Modifying thisschedule allows for a clean trade-off between latency,network throughput and power consumption. Finally, eachslot is assigned a channel offset, translating into a differentfrequency each time the superframe repeats. While motesretain the same schedule, each (re)transmission takesplace on a different frequency. This technique, known as“channel hopping” is commonly used to combat externalinterference and multi-path fading.

Time Synchronized Channel Hopping has not beenintroduced by IEEE802.15.4e, as it is also the MACtechnology underlying to TPSN [4], TSMP [5], Bluetoothand WirelessHART [6]. [7] reports experimental resultsfrom a 45-mote network deployed for 26 days. Thisnetwork, running TSMP, yielded 99.999% end-to-endreliability and radio duty cycle well below 1% (i.e. moteshave their radio on less that 1% of the time).

6LoWPAN [8] is an adaptation layer which compactsIPv6 headers to minimize the size of wirelessly transmitted

packets. Frames exchanged in an IEEE802.15.4 networkare at most 127-bytes long; if the full 40-byte wereused, it would occupy almost a third of each packet.The 6LoWPAN specification consists of a set of rules foranalyzing the IPv6 header to be included in the packet.It removes the fields which are not needed (e.g. theversion field, since it’s always the same) and compressesother fields where feasible (e.g. the source and destinationaddress, since parts of it may be inferred from thenetwork’s IPv6 prefix). All packets traveling inside thelow-power mesh contain only the resulting 6LoWPANheader, which can be as small 2 bytes in the most favorablecase. Because a full IPv6 header is required to supportfunctionality on the Internet, an OpenWSN networkimplements a “Low-power Border Router” (LBR), a devicewhich sits between the mesh and an Internet connection.The LBR inflates 6LoWPAN headers to normal IPv6header on packets leaving the mesh, and compacts the IPv6headers on incoming packets. The result is that each motecan be assigned a unique IPv6 address, and appear on theInternet as a regular Internet host. This permits for client-side applications to be developed easily, especially in caseswhere users may not have much previous knowledge aboutlow-level WSN technologies.

RPL is used on top of 6LowPan to maintain a routingtopology. In RPL both collection and source routingmechanisms are implemented. To collect information anetwork gradient is built (named Destination OrientedDirected Acyclic Graph (DODAG)). OpenWSN definesdifferent metrics to establish that gradient being theinverse of the probability of delivery ratio (PDR) used bydefault. Source routing (dowsntream) is maintained by theLBR nodes keeping a table with a route to each of thepossible destinations in the network. This table is updatedperiodically by Destination Advertisement Objects (DAO)that are send upstream by all the nodes in the network [9].

OpenWSN also supports CoAP [10], a protocolwhich enables RESTful interaction with individual motes,without the overhead of TCP and verbose nature of HTTP.It consists of a 4-byte header on top of UDP. A CoAP-enabled mote acts both like a web browser and a webserver.

2.3. Use Cases

Fig. 1 illustrates a typical use case and shows how anOpenWSN network connects to the Internet. Given theBerkeley Socket Abstraction, it is easy to implementan application on top of the OpenWSN protocol stackto communicate with clients over the Internet, samplesensors, and actuate devices. Here, we present three typicaluse cases which should cover a broad set of applications.

The most common use case is data collection. A moteis connected to a physical sensor, and an application runson top of the OpenWSN stack to sample that sensorand initiate a transmission to the CoAP UDP port of adata server on the Internet. Sensor data is passed to theCoAP protocol, which adds a header indicating which

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OpenWSN: Standards-Based Low-Power Wireless T. Watteyne, X. Vilajosana, B. Kerkez et al.

Table I. Platforms for low-power mesh networking

Hardware GINA [11] (Open-WSN)

XBee-PRO ZB S2 MICAz1 (TinyOS) SmartMesh IP2





Medium Access IEEE802.15.4eTSCH




Sleep Current 35µA 3.5µA 15µA 1.2µARX Current (sensitivity) 11mA⋆ (-101dBm) 43mA⋆



TX Current (power) 13mA⋆ (0dBm) 250mA⋆ (17dBm) 17.4mA (0dBm) 5.4mA (0dBm)

CommentsChannel HoppingOpen-source

Routers CannotSleep

Open-Source Channel HoppingIndustrial


“resource” this data comes from. This payload is pre-pended with UDP, 6LoWPAN and IEEE802.15.4e headers.The resulting frame is then scheduled for transmissionusing the IEEE802.15.4e TSCH MAC layer. Whenreaching the edge of the network, the packet is forwardedto the LBR, which inflates the 6LoWPAN into a full IPv6header, and transmits into the IPv6 Internet. A data server,which listens to the well-known CoAP UDP port, receivesthe data and stores it in a database, where the data can bedisplayed or processed.

A second use case is to send data from the Internetto an individual mote (e.g. a mote equipped with anactuating device to control a light fixture in a smartbuilding). A host on the Internet has a client applicationwhich formats CoAP commands and sends them to thecoap://ipv6::addr/light/ resource of the mote.This packet travels over the IPv6 Internet, through theLBR, to the edge of the mesh, and is then received by theapplication on the mote. The CoAP application then parsesthe command to execute any necessary local commands.

More complex client-server interactions are possiblebetween a mote in the low-power mesh and a host onthe Internet. An internet host can query the mote for itsavailable resources (i.e. the list of applications runningon top of the CoAP) by querying itswell-known/resource atcoap://ipv6::addr/well-known/.This retrieves a list of available resources, which the clientcan individually query to obtain the latest sensor readings,or to trigger an actuation event. It is also possible for a moteto browse available CoAP resources on the Internet. Forexample, an individual mote attached to a smart sprinklercan query the weather forecast of a CoAP-enabled weatherserver on the Internet to optimally irrigate a garden.


OpenWSN is part of an ecosystem of commercialproducts and open-source projects which gravitate aroundthe Internet-of-Things and Machine-to-Machine concepts.This section gives a list of the most relevant relatedproducts and projects, highlighting their similarities anddifferences with regard to OpenWSN.

3.1. Related Commercial Products

Our choice to build OpenWSN was inspired in part bythe lack of commercially available platforms which aresimultaneously highly reliable and low-cost, while stillconsuming little power. TableI compares OpenWSN tothree popular platforms.

A particular platform of interest is Digi’s XBeeR©

product line†, a module which allows an external micro-controller to send/receive wireless packets by controllingthe radio over a simple serial interface. One variant ofthe modules implements the ZigBee low-power wirelessstack, a standard almost ubiquitously adopted among mostwireless chip manufacturers‡. Fig. 3 shows the measuredcurrent profile of one such modules operating as an end-device (the lowest power configuration). Note that themodule tested uses a power amplifier (PA), significantlyincreasing both the output power and current consumption.This current profile was taken as the device collectedone analog data sample then transmitted it to a centralcoordinator.

†http://www.digi.com/, presently priced at around 30 USD‡http://www.zigbee.org/

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0 5 10 150




Time (ms)






3 4


CPU on


RX on


TX on -



Figure 3. Current consumption trace for one wake cycle of aZigBee End Device (XBee-PRO S2) showing the different power

states and steps of data transmission.

Fig. 3 shows the four different levels of powerconsumption of the XBee device: awake with radio off(approx.10mA), radio listening (approx.40mA), radiotransmitting (approx.250mA), and sleep (< 1mA). Overthe course of a sample transmission, there are five distinctphases:

1. the device is collecting one analog data sample,2. the radio is listening to verify that the wireless

medium is free,3. the device sends a short message polling the

coordinator for queued messages, then listens forthe response,

4. the radio sends the data sample, then listens for anacknowledgment, and

5. the radio goes back to sleep.

Fig. 3 indicates that each data sample consumes about3mJ of energy, therefore, a2600mAh alkaline AAprimary battery can supply the collection and transmissionof 4.7 million samples. A feature of ZigBee networks isthat end devices can sleep an arbitrary length of time,consuming very little current while doing so. Thus, byadjusting how often samples are taken, the battery lifetimeof an end device can vary between a week (sampling every600ms), to a year (sampling every 7s), to 8 years (samplingevery minute). However, a drawback, directly related to thefact that end devices can sleep arbitrarily long intervals,is that routers must always be listening for data fromend devices.A practical ZigBee deployment thereforerequires that at least one non-battery-powered routernode must be in range of every battery-poweredend-device node. This requirement is highly impracticalfor a number of potential deployments, such as remotesensing and environmental habitat monitoring. Devices ona ZigBee Network also only operate on a single frequencychannel, and do not benefit from channel diversity. Thismakes them highly susceptible to external interference andmultipath fading. Lack of synchronization also increases

the risk of inter-network interference. This is especiallytrue in dense network deployments, where nodes interferewith the transmissions of their neighbors due to the lackof an explicitly defined transmission schedule. All of theseconcerns are however addressed through OpenWSN’s useof the IEEE802.15.4e MAC layer.

The IEEE802.15.4e standard synchronizes all nodes inthe network to within tens of micro-seconds. This allowstwo neighbor nodes wishing to talk to wake up at the sametime, thereby avoiding idle listening, and significantlyreducing the radio duty cycle and improving energyconsumption. Router nodes know when their neighbors arescheduled to communicate and therefore do not need tolisten all the time. The major benefit relates to achieving along battery life for all nodes, including routing nodes, in ascenario where providing wired electricity to devices is notan options. This permits every node to run on battery powerfor extended periods of time, while improving overallreliability.

3.2. Related Open-Source Operating Systems

TinyOS is an event-driven operating system for embeddeddevices developed at U.C. Berkeley [12]. It is implementedusing a component oriented programming abstraction thatprovides code modularity and facilitates component reuse.This comes at the cost of a larger learning curve and codecomplexity. It features a non-preemptive scheduler andmultiple abstractions, including communication interfacesand hardware timer virtualization. TinyOS has beenported to numerous hardware platforms and duringthe last ten years served as the main platform fornew research development on communications protocols.It provides multiple MAC layer implementations forIEEE802.15.4 networks, including preamble samplingor low power listening MAC [13]. One of the firstwell known implementation of 6LoWPAN and RPL wasalso developed on the TinyOS Berkeley Low-PowerIP Stack (BLIP) [14]. Nowadays, BLIP2.0 provides arenovated implementation of 6LoWPAN including headercompression, dhcpv6 for address assignment and RPLrouting. CoAP is also part of the support package providedby the TinyOS core distribution and it is based on thelibcoap C library. The large community around TinyOShas created numerous addons providing a large amount oftools and functionalities. There is also a TinyOS simulator,TOSSIM, that enables the simulation of large networksusing TinyOS native codes.

Contiki is an open-source operating system for WSNsand embedded devices developed at the Swedish Instituteof Computer Science [15]. It is based on a multitaskingnon-preemptive scheduler which uses the protothreadsabstraction [16]. The use of protothreads is similarto cooperative scheduling, including the caveat that anexecuting task may starve other waiting tasks. In additionto the operating system, Contiki includes several add-onsand libraries providing communications functionalities.Most relevant is the ContikiMAC [17], a Carrier Sense

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Table II. Platforms running OpenWSN.


toolchain IAR IAR CodeRed CodeWarrior

micro-controllermanufacturer Texas Instruments Texas Instruments NXP Freescalepart number MSP430f2618 MSP430f1611 LPC1769 K20DX256VLL7architecture 16-bit 16-bit 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 32-bit ARM Cortex M4max. speed 16 MHz 8 MHz 120MHz 72MHzflash 116kB 48kB 512kB 256kBRAM 8kB 10kB 64kB 64kB

radiomanufacturer Atmel Texas Instruments Atmel Atmelpart number AT86RF231 CC2420 AT86RF231 AT86RF231interface SPI SPI SPI SPI

Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA)preamble-sampling MAC using periodical wake-ups tolisten for packet transmissions from neighbors. TheµIPv6 library provides 6LoWPAN and RPL [18] routingfunctionality. The transport layer implements both UDPand a lightweight version of TCP [19]. Contiki alsoimplements CoAP [20], similar to OpenWSN. Finally,the Contiki project develops the Cooja [21] simulator, forsimulating large Contiki networks on a PC.


This section introduces the main platforms and tools thathave been developed around the OpenWSN project.

4.1. Multiple Hardware Platforms

OpenWSN is curently ported to four, off-the-shelfhardware platforms, listed in TableII . This selection ofplatforms is intended to be a representative sample of thehardware that can readily be encountered today. TelosBis the oldest and lowest performance platform; the K20platform is its high-end counterpart. While TelosB is stillvery popular in the academic community, more powerful32-bit platforms microcontrollers are becoming moreand more commonplace. Note that all of the platformspresented in TableII use an external radio, communicatingwith the micro-controller using Serial Peripheral Interface(SPI), a common serial interface.

4.2. Toolchains

Since OpenWSN is “pure C”, the source can be compiledwith any toolchain compatible with the target platform.The choice of a toolchain is a complex decision, whichtrades mainly debugging functionality and resulting codesize against cost.

Debugging on all hardware platforms is done over aJTAG interface, i.e. it is possible to place breakpointsto freeze the code execution and inspect the valueof variables and registers. We have used the MSP–FET430UIF debugger by Texas Instruments for the GINAand TelosB, the IAR/Segger j-link for the K20 and thebuilt-in LPCLink for the LPC platforms.

We have used IAR workbench§ for MSP430 for theGINA and TelosB platforms. IAR workbench is currentlyone of the most commonly used integrated developmentenvironments for embedded systems.

We have used the LPCXpresso Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE), developed by CodeRed¶ for NXP, forthe LPC platform. Its GUI front-end is based on Eclipse.The free edition has a target code size limit of 128kB,which is enough for the OpenWSN project.

For the K20, we support the CodeWarrior IDE‖,developed by Freescale. Its GUI front-end is based onEclipse. The free edition has a target code size limit of64kB, which is enough for the OpenWSN project.

For the OpenSim simulator (see Section4.6), theOpenWSN code is compiled to run on a standard PC. We


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have used the Visual Studio 2010 by Microsoft, and thegcc compiler for Linux-based systems.

4.3. OpenOS: A Simple Scheduler

OpenOS is the kernel scheduler developed as part of theOpenWSN project. Hardware and timer interrupts ordertasks based on priority and push them onto a task list. Aslong as there are tasks in the list, the scheduler calls thecallback associated with each task and removes (“pops”)the task from the list. When no more tasks are present,the scheduler switches the micro-controller to a deep sleepstate, waiting for an interrupt to push a new task into thelist. OpenOS is non-preemptive, i.e. tasks do not interruptone another. The OpenWSN stack is not directly tied tothe OpenOS scheduler, and the stack can be run as part ofa different operating system.

4.4. 6LoWPAN Low-Power Border Router

OpenWSN implements 6LoWPAN, a specification whichallows individual motes to have a globally-addressableIPv6 address without having to carry the full 40-byte IPv6header in each short 127-byte IEEE802.15.4 frame. Allthe packets in the low-power mesh contain a 6LoWPANheader. To communicate with the IPv6 Internet, OpenWSNimplements a Low-power Border Router (LBR), whichinflates 6LoWPAN headers into IPv6 headers for packetsgoing from the low-power mesh into the Internet, andcompresses headers coming in. The LBR implementationis done in Python, and runs on any Linux computer.

4.5. OpenVisualizer Debug Platform

The OpenVisualizer is a Python-based debugging andvisualization program which runs on a PC and interactswith the OpenWSN motes connected to it. It communicateswith each connected mote over the serial port and displaysrelevant network information, such as showing the internalstates of each mote on the network (connectivity, neighbortables, queue states), displaying the multi-hop connectivitygraph, displaying low-level error/debug codes generatedby the motes, and interacting with the applications runningon the mote. Written in Python, it is designed to be OS-independent, and can be set up to run on any computersupporting a serial interface. The software can also beused to a remote manager, by providing its IP address.OpenVisualizer is also used to facilitate IPv6 functionality,by allowing the user to connect to an LBR. Aside fromproviding a visualization framework, OpenVisualizer iscomprised of a modularized Python framework, which canbe used easily to write powerful client-side applicationswhich interface with the network.

4.6. OpenSim PC-based Simulator

As depicted in Fig.2, functions which interact directly withthe hardware are grouped into a platform’s “Board SupportPackage” (BSP). There is one BSP per supported platform;


Simulation Core

Propagation Model


now event event event

(Python process)




emulated mote(C process)





emulated mote(C process)




emulated mote(C process)


Figure 4. Architecture of the OpenSim Simulator.

the remainder of the code (the vast majority) is sharedamong all. OpenWSN comes with a special BSP whichemulates the behavior of the hardware on a regular PC.That is,it is possible to build the OpenWSN stack andapplications, and emulate a full network on Windowsor Linux.

Running multiple emulated motes is done by connectingthem to a simulation core that handles concurrencybetween the emulated devices and the propagation ofpackets. This simulation framework is called OpenSim andis shown in Fig.4.

Each emulated mote (compiled C code) runs as aprocess on the host PC and communicates with thesimulation core (written in Python) over a TCP session.When an OpenSim environment is started, the simulationcore is initialized, and as many emulated mote processesare started as there are motes in the simulated network.When it boots, an emulated mote connects to thesimulation core, which instantiates an object representingthat mote’s BSP. When the stack in the emulated mote callsa BSP function, this translates into a remote procedurecall from the emulated mote to the simulation core, whichexecutes the BSP function.

The simulation core and emulated motes execute codesynchronously. That is, as long as the simulation core hasnot returned from the BSP call, the emulated mote doesnot continue executing code. This enables the simulationcore to “pause” execution of any emulated mote at anygiven time, and as a consequence to coordinate concurrentexecution between the different motes.

The simulation core is a discrete-event simulator: itcontains a timeline which consists of a number of events

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to happen in the future, and the code to execute at each.An event is typically the expiration of a hardware timeron an emulated mote. During a simulation, the executionof a BSP call causes more events to be pushed onto thetimeline for execution in the future; the simulation corethen consumes the events one after another.

When developing code in OpenWSN, the OpenSimenvironment is complementary to running code on realplatforms. Each emulated BSP contains a model of thecrystal used as a clock source, so that drift between motescan be modeled. Because of the architecture of OpenSim, itis possible to “freeze” the execution of the whole network,at any time, including with the help of complex triggers.Given that all emulated motes are connected via TCP, itis also possible to run OpenSim in tandem with a realWSN, thus allowing real-world motes to communciatewith virtual motes over the Internet.


5.1. IEEE802.15.4e State Machine

In an IEEE802.15.4e network, time is sliced up into slots.In each slot, the mote transmits, receives, or sleeps. Whentransmitting or receiving, it needs to precisely time when totransmit and listen for a packet to maintain synchronizationaccuracy. Figs.5and6present a simplified state machine∗∗

of a transmit and receive slot, respectively.A transmitting mote has to send a data packet exactly

TsTxOffset after the beginning of the slot. As describedin Section5.2, this is used for the receiving mote to beable to evaluate how out-of-sync it is from the transmitter.TsTxOffset is set to4ms in OpenWSN.

The slot needs to be long enough for the transmitter tobe able to send the longest frame 127 bytes, and receivean acknowledgment. All OpenWSN platforms feature aradio chip which is separate from the micro-controller,those chips communicate with one another using anSPI interface. The TelosB platform has the slowest SPIinterface, and takes 2.5ms to transfer the 127 bytes ofa packet from the micro-controller to the radio. To becompatible with this “slow” platform, the slot duration forall platforms is set to15ms.

Within a single slot, the (full) transmit and receivestate machine consists of 9 states. At each state, themicro-controller has to perform atomic tasks, suchas communicating with the radio and scheduling theexpiration of a hardware timer. The associated code ofthese states executes in interrupts context on the micro-controller, without intervention from the scheduler.

∗∗As an online addition to this paper, the complete state machine is described athttp://openwsn.berkeley.edu/wiki/TschFsm.

start of TX slot

load packet in radio

set frequency

wait for TsTxOffset

send packet

listen for ACK

ack received?

remove packetfrom queue



yes no



end of TX slot


Figure 5. Simplified State Machine of a IEEE802.15.4e transmitslot.

start of RX slot

set frequency

start listening

data received?

send ACK

yes no

end of RX slot

Figure 6. Simplified State Machine of a IEEE802.15.4ereception slot.

5.2. Achieving Synchronization

Fig.7 shows a screen capture of a logic analyzer connectedto visualization pins on a TelosB and a GINA boardparticipating in the same network. The front part is a“zoomed-in” version of the slot around time 0 in the backportion.

Three types of activity are depicted: theradio baris present when the radio is on, either transmitting orreceiving; thetask and isr bars indicate when themicro-controller is executing code, in task and interruptmode, respectively. Slots are indicating by alternatingshading; each is15ms long.

The schedule the motes follow consist of 9 slots, slots0 and 1 are used for communicating, slots 2 and 5-8 areused for serial communication. Each byte exchange over

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−50 0 50 100 150 200 250Time (ms)







8.522 ms

1.434 ms

20.67 ms

28.176 ms

0.476 ms

19.046 ms




0 5 10 15Time (ms)







0.916 ms

1.23 ms

7.046 ms

4.272 ms

0.206 ms

6.014 ms



guard time


load data

read data


Figure 7. Witnessing a TelosB and a GINA mote resynchronize on a logic analyzer.

the serial port triggers an interrupt on the micro-controller,yielding a “train” ofisr activity.

The front part of Fig.7 is a zoomed-in version ofa slot in which the TelosB mote sends a packet to theGINA mote. At the beginning of the slot, the motes areslightly desynchronized because of clock drift. the TelosBmote starts by loading the packet to send into its radio;which it will sendTsTxOffset into the slot. The GINAmote starts listening “guard time” early, to account for apossible drift. The GINA timestamps the instant it startsreceiving the data packet, and sees that it has received it abit late. After reading the packet out of its radio buffer, itprepares the acknowledgment packet and indicates, in oneof the fields of this packet, how late it received the packet.The GINA mote then sends the acknowledgment packet,which the TelosB receives. The TelosB then reads thetime update field from the acknowledgment, and appliesit to its slot length. The end of the slot on the GINA andTelosB platforms happens synchronously: the motes haveresynchronized.

Motes which are already part of the network use the firstslot of their superframe to transmit advertisement packets(ADV ). These packets contain enough information toallow a new mote to synchronize to this newfound “parent”and thereby “join” the network. When a new mote isswitched on, it leaves its receiver listening on a specificchannel forADV packets. When it receives thisADVpacket, it aligns its superframe to that of the overallnetwork and thus synchronizes to this network. From thatmoment on, it follows a schedule and only turns its radioon in communicating slots.

Motes sendADV packets with a probability of1/N , with N its number of neighbors. This mitigatesthe probability of two ADV packets being sentsimultaneously and colliding. Because the network useschannel hopping, subsequentADV s are sent on differentchannels, and eventuallyADV s are sent on all availablefrequency channels. After turning its receiver on, it takes amote at mostnumChannels · len(superframe) to jointhe network. If using a superframe of 101 slots, slots of

15ms and communication on 16 channels, it takes a moteat most24s to synchronize to the network.

Once they have joined the network, motes need tokeep synchronized. At the hardware level, motes use acrystal oscillator to keep track of time, the frequencyof which changes slightly over manufacturing conditions,temperature and supply voltage. The result is that motes“drift” in time one with respect to another. A drift of 10parts per million (ppm) is typical; that is, one second aftersynchronizing, the time on two different motes may differby up to20µs (if one mote is10ppm fast and the other10ppm slow). To allow for a slight de-synchronization,motes start listening a bit early to their neighbor; this timebuffer is called the “guard time”.

Every time motes communicate, the receiver evaluateshow offset it is from the sender by timestamping thereception of a packet, and comparing that to the theoreticalTsTxOffset (see Section5.1). It then either adjustsits clock, or asks the sender to adjust its clock. Thisresynchronization needs to happen periodically, sincemotes continuously drift with respect to each other;resynchronization results in resetting the time offsetbetween the sender and receiver. All packets exchangedbetween two nodes are used to resynchronize, includingdata packets. If the link between two motes is used totransmit data frequently, resynchronization thus comes“free”.

However, in low throughput networks there may occurprolonged periods of silence between two motes. Thiscauses their clocks to offset too much, thus causing de-synchronization. If this event occurs, the mote will haveto attempt to join the network again in order to regainsynchronization. Avoiding this, and in the absence ofdata packets, consists of motes periodically transmittingKeepAlive packets to one another. These packets containno payload, and are used solely for synchronization. Thefrequency of transmission of such packets depends on themotes’ clock drift and the value of the mote’sguardtime.

For example, if a mote expects to receive a packet4msinto its slot, it turns its radio on1ms early, and turns itsradio off 1ms after the4ms mark in case it has not yet

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0 10 20 30 400










Clock Drift (ppm)





n du

ty c




0 10 20 30 4010














n pe



Figure 8. Maximum resynchronization period (dashed line) andminimum achievable duty-cycle (solid line) as functions of clockdrift. Using higher-quality, lower-drift clock sources reduces theneed to resynchronize, thus saving energy through a lower

resynchronization duty cycle.

started receiving a packet. Motes need to exchange (dataor KeepAlive) packets often enough that they never driftoutside of this2ms window. (1) can be used to calculatethe maximum resynchronization period.

MaxResyncPeriod =guardtime


With a guardtime of 1ms, and a 10ppm clockdrift, clocks on the two motes will drift outside oftheir guard time50s after having last communicated.Fig. 8 shows a plot of the resynchronization period(seconds betweenKeepAlive packets) as a function ofthe clock drift (ppm) assuming a1ms guardtime. Inthe OpenWSN implementation, with a10ppm clock drift,if no data packets are transmitted for prolonged periods,KeepAlive packets are generated every30s to maintainsynchronization.

In the absence of other traffic, motes keep-alive to oneanother periodically to remain synchronized. This resultsin an incompressible radio duty cycle, i.e. the minimumduty cycle an OpenWSN network can achieve. In anOpenWSN network, to exchange a keep-alive message andits ACK, the transmitter and receiver have their radio onfor 5ms. Since this happens every30s, this results in aduty cycle of5ms/30s=0.02%.

Fig. 8 depicts the resynchronization duty-cycle as afunction of the clock drift. A mote equipped with a30ppmclock source will require a re-synchronization duty-cycleof 0.04%.

5.3. Code Footprint

The code footprint is the amount of flash and RAMmemory the OpenWSN system occupies. This includesthe BSP, the stack and the default sample applications.TableIII lists the footprint on the different platforms, and

indicates how much space is left for custom applicationsutilizing the OpenWSN stack.

5.4. Power Consumption

Fig. 9 shows the current consumption during two slotsfor the four OpenWSN platforms, as read from anoscilloscope. A reception (RX) slot starts at time0ms. Thesecond slot (15ms later) is a transmission (TX) slot. Withinan RX slot, the mote keeps the radio listening for the guardtime. If nothing is received after the guard time, the radiois turned off. In a TX slot, the packet is first loaded inthe radio’s transmit buffer;TsTxOffset into the slot, theradio transmits the packet. The radio is turned on at the endof the slot to receive the ACK packet.

The LPC platform can not be clocked exclusively froman external32kHz crystal, and requires that its main clocktree remains on to keep an accurate sense of time. Runningthis clock tree on consumes a significant amount of power,which explains the offset in power consumption of thisplatform.

The remaining platforms can be clocked from anexternal crystal, and therefore have a very low idlecurrent. The GINA and K20 platforms use the same AtmelAT86RF231 radio chip, and therefore consume roughlythe same amount of energy (14mA when listening, 17mAwhen transmitting at 0dBm). The TelosB platform uses theolder Texas Instruments CC2420 radio, which consumesslightly more (19mA receiving, 25mA transmitting at0dBm).

Transmitted packets are of variable size, depending onwhether they are (short) keep-alive packets or (long) CoAPmessages. The time it takes to send the a packet is thereforevariable, as shown in Fig.9.

Fig. 10 shows the current consumption of a TelosBplatform, as it executes the schedule shown in Fig.7. Inparticular, radio activity accounts for most of the currentdrawn; in slots 0 and 1, the mote is listening. The micro-controller wakes up for a short amount of time at each newslot, which explains the associated current draw. Finally,the “train” of activity in slots 2 and 5-8 is due to the activityon the serial port.

The extremely low duty-cycle achievable byIEEE802.15.4e not only translates in prolonged lifetimesfor battery-powered devices, but also enables a newrange of applications with motes running from energyscavenging power sources [22]. In [23], the authors powerGINA motes running the OpenWSN protocol stack frompower-line energy scavengers. These scavengers, depictedin Fig. 11, center around a transformer which picks up themagnetic field emitted by a current-supplying AC line,and convert it to a DC voltage supply which powers theGINA mote. The scavenging device is placed around theprimary prong of an appliance’s electrical plug. When theappliance is turned on and draws 10A (at 110 VAC and60Hz) or more through the line, the scavenger can supplythe 68µA average current needed to operate the GINAmote. The GINA mote runs the OpenWSN stack depicted

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Table III. Code Footprint of the OpenWSN Stack and Applications.


toolchain IAR IAR CodeRed CodeWarrior

OpenWSN footprintflash 31428 bytes 33185 bytes 70944 bytes 57224 bytesRAM 3831 bytes 3696 bytes 4432 bytes 4000 bytes

available spaceflash 87356 bytes (74%) 15967 bytes (32%) 453344 bytes (86%) 204920 bytes (78%)RAM 4361 bytes (53%) 6544 bytes (64%) 61104 bytes (93%) 61536 bytes (94%)

−5 0 5 10 15 20 25 300




Time (ms)






Figure 9. Current draw of the different OpenWSN platforms, as read from an oscilloscope.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120Time (ms)


task15.718 ms

0.116 ms0 20 40 60 80 100 120







current (m


slot 0 slot 1 slot 2 slot 3 slot 4 slot 5 slot 6 slot 7 slot 8

Figure 10. Current draw and CPU activity in a 9-slot frame onthe TelosB platform. The mote is listening in slots 0 and 1, and

sending data over its serial port in slots 2, 5, 6, 7, 8.

in Fig. 2; each mote generates a measurement every2swhich it transmits to a CoAP enable data server on theInternet, as shown in Fig.1.

Future directions of OpenWSN aim at optimizing theenergy consumption through power control of nodes in theoverall network [24]. This can be achieved by improvingthe routing metrics of RPL. Yet, mitigating the hotspot problem in well connected networks through energyor load balancing techniques needs further exploration[25][26].


OpenWSN is an open-source implementation of a fullystandards-based protocol stack, with as foundation the newIEEE802.15.4e “Time Synchronized Channel Hopping”standard. Because motes are synchronized, they can wake

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Figure 11. GINA platform connected to contact-less (“plug-through”) power line energy scavenger and consuming 68µA

average. Uses OpenWSN and CoAP to report current usageevery 2 seconds to a server on the Internet.

up only when they need to transmit or receive. Andwhile motes need to periodically communicate to keepsynchronized when the network is idle, this overheadis extremely small: about 0.02% radio duty cycle in anOpenWSN network.

On top of IEEE802.15.4e, OpenWSN implementsInternet-of-Things related standards such as 6LoWPAN(which makes each mote globally addressable on theInternet) and CoAP (which turns each mote into a webserver and a web browser). The resulting protocol stack,combining ultra-low power, high reliability, and Internetconnectivity, will be key to the capillary and cellularMachine-to-Machine revolution [27][28].

The protocol stack implementation is based entirelyon C, can be built with any tool chain which supportsthe target platform. OpenWSN has been ported to 4 off-the-shelf platforms, as well as a PC port, which allowsan OpenWSN network to be emulated on a computer.OpenWSN is, to the best of our knowledge, the first open-source implementation of the IEEE802.15.4e standard.


Xavier Vilajosana is funded by the Spanish Ministry ofEducation under Fullbright-BE grant (INF-2010-0319).


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