Worship Folder June 4 & 5, 2016 – Confirmation Weekend Messiah Lutheran Church & School Pre-service Devotion: 16 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth” (John 17:16-17). Opening Hymn – “When I At Birth” Pastor: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. People: Amen. - 1 -

Opening Hymn – “When I At Birth” - Church of the Lutheran …clclutheran.org/mlc/060516/bulletin.pdf ·  · 2016-06-05Pastor: We have come into the presence of God, Who created

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Worship Folder

June 4 & 5, 2016 – Confirmation Weekend

Messiah Lutheran Church & School

Pre-service Devotion: “16

They are not of the world, just as I am not of

the world. 17

Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth” (John


Opening Hymn – “When I At Birth”

Pastor: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit.

People: Amen.

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Pastor: We have come into the presence of God, Who created us to

love and serve Him as His dear children. But we have disobeyed Him

and deserve only His wrath and punishment. Therefore, let us confess

our sins to Him and plead for His mercy.

People: Merciful Father in heaven, I am altogether sinful from birth. In

countless ways I have sinned against You and do not deserve to be

called Your child. But trusting in Jesus, my Savior, I pray: Have mercy

on me according to Your unfailing love. Cleanse me from my sin, and

take away my guilt.

Pastor: God, our heavenly Father, has forgiven all your sins. By the

perfect life and innocent death of our Lord Jesus Christ, He has removed

your guilt forever. You are His own dear child. May God give you

strength to live according to His will.

People: Amen.

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Pastor: Prayer of the Day

People: Amen

Gospel Reading – Luke 7:11-17

11 Now it happened, the day after, that He went into a city called Nain;

and many of His disciples went with Him, and a large crowd. 12


when He came near the gate of the city, behold, a dead man was being

carried out, the only son of his mother; and she was a widow. And a

large crowd from the city was with her. 13

When the Lord saw her, He

had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.” 14

Then He came

and touched the open coffin, and those who carried him stood still. And

He said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.” 15

So he who was dead sat up

and began to speak. And He presented him to his mother. 16

Then fear

came upon all, and they glorified God, saying, “A great prophet has risen

up among us”; and, “God has visited His people.” 17

And this report

about Him went throughout all Judea and all the surrounding region.

New Testament Reading – Galatians 1:11-24

11 But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was

preached by me is not according to man. 12

For I neither received it from

man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus

Christ. 13

For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I

persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it. 14

And I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my

own nation, being more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my

fathers. 15

But when it pleased God, who separated me from my

mother’s womb and called me through His grace, 16

to reveal His Son in

me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately

confer with flesh and blood, 17

nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who

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were apostles before me; but I went to Arabia, and returned again to

Damascus. 18

Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter,

and remained with him fifteen days. 19

But I saw none of the other

apostles except James, the Lord’s brother. 20

(Now concerning the things

which I write to you, indeed, before God, I do not lie.) 21

Afterward I

went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia. 22

And I was unknown by face

to the churches of Judea which were in Christ. 23

But they were hearing

only, “He who formerly persecuted us now preaches the faith which he

once tried to destroy.” 24

And they glorified God in me.

Pastor: Blessed are they who hear the Word of God and keep it.

The Apostolic Creed

I believe in God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who was

conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered

under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He

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descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead.

He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God

the Father almighty. From there He will come to judge the living

and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the

communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of

the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Hymn 775, verses 1-5 “Thy Strong Word” From the tan Worship Supplement

Sermon Text - I Kings17:17-24

17 Now it happened after these things that the son of the woman who

owned the house became sick. And his sickness was so serious that

there was no breath left in him. 18

So she said to Elijah, “What have I to

do with you, O man of God? Have you come to me to bring my sin to

remembrance, and to kill my son?” 19

And he said to her, “Give me your

son.” So he took him out of her arms and carried him to the upper room

where he was staying, and laid him on his own bed. 20

Then he cried out

to the LORD and said, “O LORD my God, have You also brought tragedy on

the widow with whom I lodge, by killing her son?” 21

And he stretched

himself out on the child three times, and cried out to the LORD and said,

“O LORD my God, I pray, let this child’s soul come back to him.” 22


the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came back to

him, and he revived. 23

And Elijah took the child and brought him down

from the upper room into the house, and gave him to his mother. And

Elijah said, “See, your son lives!” 24

Then the woman said to Elijah, “Now

by this I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the LORD

in your mouth is the truth.”

Sermon Theme:

“Tragedy Overcome

By the Word of God” In this life there will be hardship and

tragedy. But where God’s Word resides,

there is power which triumphs over evil.

Preaching This Weekend: Pastor Caleb Schaller

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(Saturday Service)

Hymn 207, verses 1, 4, 6 “Like the Golden Sun Ascending”

From the red Lutheran Hymnal

(Sunday Service)

Immanuel Choir: “Like the Golden Sun Ascending”

The Offering

Offering Hymn – 442:2

Prayer – the Lord’s Prayer

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(Sunday Service)


Sarah Gwynevere Durst

Rayne Kameryn Danai Reetz

Benjamin David Oster

Aric Rollin Reim

Levi Mark Wittorp

Courtney Jane Behlmer

Alexis Renae Diede

Avery Rose Quam

Allison Grace Schaller

Lance Michael Downs

Jacob Maynard Hammond

Linsey Jo Sydow

Abigail Rose Aichele

Kathryn Autumn Miller

Josie Marion Naumann

Confirmation Class Hymn “Lord, Take My Hand and Lead Me”

1. Lord, take my hand and lead me Upon life’s way;

Direct, protect, and feed me from day to day.

Without Your grace and favor I go astray;

So take my hand, O Savior, and lead the way.

2. Lord, when the tempest rages, I need not fear;

For You, the Rock of Ages, are always near.

Close by Your side abiding, I fear no foe,

For when Your hand is guiding, in peace I go.

3. Lord, when the shadows lengthen and night has come,

I know that You will strengthen my steps toward home,

And nothing can impede me, O blessed Friend!

So take my hand and lead me unto the end.

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The Service of Holy Communion

Communion Announcement: Since the Lord’s Supper implies a unity

of faith and confession, we ask that those who have not previously

participated with us in the Lord’s Supper meet first with the pastor to

discuss our Scriptural doctrine before partaking of the Lord’s Supper

in our services. In this practice of closed communion, we seek to

follow and obey the Word of God.

Pastor: The Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Pastor: Lift up your hearts.

People: We lift them up to the Lord.

Pastor: It is right and beneficial that we should at all times and in all

places give thanks to You, O Lord, holy Father, almighty and everlasting

God, because You mightily govern and protect Your Holy Church, which

the blessed apostles and evangelists instructed in Your divine and saving

truth, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore with angels and

archangels and with all the company of heaven, we magnify Your

glorious Name, evermore praising You and saying:

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The Words of Institution:

Pastor: Our Lord Jesus Christ, the same night in which He was

betrayed, took bread. And when He had given thanks, He broke it

and gave it to His disciples, saying, “Take, eat. This is My body,

which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.”

In the same way He took the cup, after supper, gave thanks, and

gave it to them saying, “Drink of it, all of you. This cup is the new

covenant in My blood, which is shed for you for the forgiveness

of sins. Do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”

The peace of the Lord be with you always!

(Saturday Service)

(Sunday Service)

Immanuel Choir: “The Agnus Dei”

Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Grant us peace.

With your stripes we are healed.

The LORD has placed on you the iniquity of all. Have mercy.

The chastisement of our peace was upon you.

You were despised, a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief.

You were despised and we esteemed you not. Have mercy on us.

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Pastor: At this time, we invite communicant members of Messiah

Lutheran Church, and of the Church of the Lutheran Confession,

to come forward to celebrate the Lord’s Supper.

The Distribution

Hymn 755 “What Is This Bread” From the tan Worship Supplement

Hymn 306 “Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Hast Prepared” From the red Lutheran Hymnal

The Nunc Dimitis:

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Pastor: Go in Peace. Serve the Lord with gladness.

The Benediction:

Pastor: The LORD bless you and keep you.

The LORD let His face shine on you

and be gracious to you.

The LORD look kindly upon you

and give you peace.

People: Amen.

Hymn 800 “Go, My Children, with My Blessing”

From the tan Worship Supplement

� � �

“Confession and Absolution” – Text: from Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal. ©1993 Northwestern Publishing House. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. "Lord, Have Mercy," ©2000 by John C. Reim. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. Tune and Setting: Walter Greatorex (1877-1949), alt. ©Oxford University Press. Verse – Tune and Setting: ©1993 Kermit G. Moldenhauer, Used by permission. “Holy, Holy, Holy” – Text: Stephen P. Starke, © 1998 Concordia Publishing House, Tune and Setting: © 1983 Augsburg Publish House. “O Lord, Now Let Your Servant” – Text: Ernest Ryden, St. 1 © Board of Publication, Lutheran Church in America, Augsburg Fortress; St. 2 Stephen P. Starke © 1998 Concordia Publishing House. The remaining portions of the liturgy printed above are in the public domain. Unless otherwise indicated, Scriptures quoted are from the New King James Version® of the Holy Bible, ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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“…Now by this I know that you are a man of God, and that

the word of the LORD in your mouth is the truth” (1 Kings 17:24). JuneJuneJuneJune 4444 & & & & 5555, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016

Saturday Worship .......................................... 6:30 pm

Saturday School/Bible Class ........................... 7:45 pm

Sunday Worship ............................................ 9:00 am

Sunday School/Bible Class ........................... 10:15 am

Today’s worship setting is printed in the blue service folder. Large-print copies of both the service and the hymns are available at the guest registry.


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Welcome to Messiah Lutheran Church & School 2015 N Hastings Way, Eau Claire, WI 54703 ~ 715-834-2865

Affiliated with the Church of the Lutheran Confession

Pastor Paul Tiefel ................................... 715-834-2865 (Office) 715-829-2000 (Cell) Pastor Bruce Naumann ......................... 715-834-2865 (Office) 715-864-3465 (Cell) Pastor Caleb Schaller ............................. 715-832-0316 (Home) 715-577-6199 (Cell) Seth Schaller – Principal ........................ 715-834-2865 (Office) 715-577-6276 (Cell) Fred Radichel - Sunday School Superintendent ................... 715-836-0986 (Home) School Secretary ................................................ [email protected] Church Secretary .................................................. [email protected] Bulletin Secretary ................................................................... [email protected]

Christian Grade School Teachers Mrs. Kathleen Oster … ................ Pre-K Mrs. Lori Wirth (Gr. 5-8) Language Arts Mrs. Eileen Tiefel ........... Kindergarten Mr. Paul Tiefel III ............. …Grades 5-6 Mrs. Carrie Reim ................ Grades 1-2 Mr. Seth Schaller ............... Grades 7-8 Mrs. Naomi Oster .............. Grades 2-3 Mrs. Heather Thompson ............Music Mrs. Barbara Gurgel .......... Grades 3-4

This Week at Messiah Lutheran Church

Sunday, 6/5 9:00 am Communion Service (Usher #2, Counters H) Confirmation No Sunday School/Bible Class

9:45 am Dove West 10:30 am Care Partners

10:30 am Dove South 11:00 am Heritage

12:00 noon Orchard Hills 1:00 pm Oakwood Apartments

1:30 pm Our House 2:15 pm Lake Hallie

Monday 9:00 am Great Lakes Delegate Conference (June 6-7) Hales Corners, WI

Tuesday 9:00 am Men’s Koffee Klatsch 5:00 pm Stewardship 6:00 pm Elders: Group 1 7:20 pm Elders: Group 2

Thursday 6:30 pm VBS Teachers’ Meeting 7:00 pm Outreach

Saturday, 6/11 6:30 pm Worship Service (Usher #7) Bible Class/Sunday School

Sunday, 6/12 9:00 am Worship Service (Usher #4, Counters A) 10:15 am Sunday School/Bible Class

9:45 am Dove West 10:30 am Care Partners

10:30 am Dove South 11:00 am Heritage

12:00 noon Orchard Hills 1:00 pm Oakwood Apartments

1:30 pm Our House 2:15 pm Veterans Home

Coming Up: June 13-17 – VBS 1st Session

June 23-26 – CLC Convention

This Confirmation Weekend our Bible class and Sunday

school are recessed. Sunday school and Bible class will

resume on June 11 and 12.

�Help! Flyer Distribution for Vacation Bible School: Due to a lack of drivers,

our Messiah School VBS flier distribution was only able to deliver about half of

the fliers that we had planned. Our members can make up the difference by

picking up a flier distribution kit from the table in the narthex (next to the

mailboxes). The packets include a map and fliers to deliver to a particular

neighborhood. For more information please contact one of the pastors, or

Outreach Chairman Dave Schrader at 715-575-5683. These fliers have been an

effective way to bring neighborhood children to the Word of God at VBS – please


Online VBS Registration is now available for this year's summer Vacation Bible

School. Go to Messiah's home page, www.eauclairemessiah.com, and click on

the VBS button to go to the registration page. You may also download the

Emergency Contact/Medical form to fill out at home and turn in to our office.

Plan now for either the first session (June 13-17) or second session (August 1-5).

Paper registrations can be found on the table in the narthex.

� Teachers and other volunteers are needed for this summer’s VBS sessions.

Please see the signup sheet on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall. You may

contact Superintendent Greg Boldon with any questions at (715) 832-5561.

Summer Sunday School Teachers Meeting: Teachers will meet at 11am on

Sunday, June 19, right after Sunday school.

Church Picnic: All are invited to attend the

annual church potluck picnic on Sunday,

June 19 at Mount Simon Park beginning at

noon. Please bring a main dish [or your

own meat to grill] along with a side dish or

dessert to pass and your own plates and

utensils. Volunteers will grill any meat you

bring. Beverages will be provided. There

will be organized games for the younger children while others take

advantage of the volleyball, Frisbee golf, or softball available at the park--or

just sit and visit with your fellow Christians. We want to welcome especially

the new members who have joined our church since last June. Please join us

for this enjoyable fellowship event.

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� = Volunteer


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The CLC meets for its biennial Convention on June 23-26 (Thursday through

Sunday). The Convention Prospectus is now available. Hard copies may be found

on the corner table in the narthex. For your convenience, it is also available via

email, in pdf format. Please contact Pastor Naumann to receive it electronically,

at [email protected].

Help! Messiah ILHS Grant Fund – The voters approved the addition of some

funds to this year’s budget to help out a couple families. The balance for this

year plus the new add-on comes to about $2900. In addition, the voters

anticipated greater needs for next year and adopted a budget of $19,800. This

means that we will all have to help with offerings, small or great, to make the

budget this year ($2900 in 4 weeks) and to meet the large budget for next school


Service Preview for the Upcoming Weekend


Weekend Sermon – 2 Samuel 11:26-12:10, 13-15

Bible Class – Christ of the Gospels: John 17


Saturday 6/11: Usher Team 7 Sunday 6/12 : Usher Team 4

Mark Franson Geoff Schreiber Tom Joos Aaron Joos

Matthew Joers Wes Franson Gary Meyer Dan Mueller

Ethan Gurgel Jeremy Gurgel Jon Oster Gordon Stratton

Walt Schreiber Blane Knutson

If you are unable to serve on this date, please arrange for a substitute.

The head usher: TBD

Greeters, 6/12 – Sydow, J. TIefel

If you are unable to serve on this date, please arrange for a substitute.

The head greeter is Kevin Hulke – (715) 832-5140, [email protected]

Counters for the week following 6/12 – Team A

Jim Lau, Gary Meyer, Dan Sydow

Communion Helpers 6/11 – Joleen and Megan Williams

Thank you for your service!

Plan now to attend Messiah's family camp outing! Save

the date on your calendar for group family camping at

Lake Wissota State park. It will be held this August 26-28

(Friday through Sunday). Fun, sun (we hope) and plenty of

Christian fellowship will be featured. See the display

board at the corner table in the narthex. More

information will following in upcoming church bulletins.

This Year’s Graduates: The following is a list of Messiah members who have

recently graduated: Michael Bomber – UWEC, BS in Environmental Geograph

(will pursue a graduate degree at Michigan State this fall) � Wesley Franson –

UWEC, Business � Joe Oster – UWEC, BS Chemistry � Kate (Oster) Naumann –

UWEC, BS Early Childhood Special Education � Curtis Sandeen – CVTC, IT degree

� Devon Miller – Memorial High School. We give thanks to God for bringing

them to this milestone, and ask for his continued blessing on their learning, both

secular, and spiritual. If you know of others who have recently graduated please

let us know by emailing the church bulletin secretary at [email protected],

or passing on a note on to one of the pastors.

There are several Messiah Home Bible Studies which are now actively meeting.

Our members are invited to participate in any of these, or organize a home study

yourself. Here is the schedule for the studies which are now meeting:

Announcement from the Board of Property –

In the past the Board of Property has held

monthly meetings, usually on a midweek night,

and sponsored congregational workdays two or

three times a year. The Board is making a

change in the hopes of getting more � volunteer help and more work done

around the school and church. It is hosting a work day from 1 to 3 p.m. on

the last Saturday of each month in conjunction with its monthly meeting.

Members can come as they are able on the last Saturday and offer help on a

variety of projects. This month’s workday will take place Saturday June 25th (1

- 5 -

to 3 p.m.), even though it is Convention weekend. Questions? Contact Board

of Property Chairman John Fox � [email protected] � 715-864-5987


� Summer Saturday “Sunday” school teacher needed – During the summer

months, a single teacher presents a Sunday school lesson to students who attend

class following the 6:30 pm worship service. If you may be able to do this

important work, please contact Blane Knutson at (715) 581-4721.

� The Board of Education would like to remind the members that we are still in

need of a new Athletic Director for the coming school year. The Athletic Director

makes arrangements for practice facilities, schedules games, referees, and

coordinates other work for our grade school teams. Please contact Board of

Education member Tim Williams if you may be able to help, at (715) 864-5236 or

[email protected].

CLC Call News: Rock of Ages Lutheran, Grand Rapids

MI, has called the Rev. George Dummann, pastor of

Salem Lutheran, Eagle Lake MN. <> Jeff Karnitz,

teacher at St. Stephen Lutheran school, Mountain

View CA, has accepted the call to Gethsemane

Lutheran school, Spokane Valley WA. <> Graduate Andrew Roehl has

accepted the call to Messiah Lutheran, Eau Claire WI, teaching in the lower

grades. <> Graduate Joseph Naumann has returned the call to Mt. Zion

Lutheran, Madison Heights MI. He has accepted the call to become associate

pastor at Immanuel Lutheran, Mankato MN. <> Faith Lutheran, Markesan WI,

has called the Rev. Nathanael Mayhew, pastor of Grace Lutheran, Sleepy Eye

and Faith Lutheran, New Ulm MN. <> Ascension Lutheran, Batavia IL, has

called the Rev. Matthew Ude, former foreign missionary.

In the Hospital: After a short return home, Kaylee Ude, the infant daughter

of Matt and Vanessa Ude, returned to the hospital in Madison for more

treatment. Virginia Tiefel remains hospitalized at Mayo-Eau Claire. Ron

Porath continues to recover from cancer treatments at his home here in Eau


Messiah Shut-ins include: Lou Bailey (Dove West), Edna Callies (W180 N8071

Town Hall Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051), Dale and Shirley Johnson (832

Kari Dr.), Connie Larson (2902 Terry Lane), Linda Larson (4843 Southridge Ct.

#8), Ruth Peterson (Orchard Hills), Mary Beth Schierenbeck (Grace

Woodlands), Mavis Thelen (418 N. Barstow), Helen Ude (Dove West), and

Shelly Williamson (Bellevue, IA).

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Fruits of Faith Last Week, May 28 & 29

Weekend Worship: (Sat. 170 - Sun. 216) 436

Bible Class: Not held Sunday School: Not held

Dove West: 42 Dove South: 7 Oakwood: Not Held Our House: 9

Care Partners: 12 Orchard Hills: 12 Heritage: 24 Lake Hallie: 20

Messiah’s Weekly Offering Information

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Daily Bible readings for home devotions, June 6-11, ‘16

Mon 1 Kings 17:17-24 Why did the Holy Spirit enter this event into the

sacred record? So that we would learn from others how to deal with

our own problems. Mom was cradling her son’s limp body when Elijah

begged Jehovah for help. God heard, rejoined her son’s soul with his

body, and Mom became a convert! Sometimes it takes a miracle. Tues Luke 7:11-17 Jesus covered 25 miles in one day so He could arrive

just in time to intercept the funeral procession (12). In compassion for

the desolate widow, Jesus reclaimed the young man’s soul, put it back

into his body, and re-united mother and son. Wed Galatians 1:11-24 Paul’s conversion is embedded in this narrative

as God’s gift of life from death 15-16). Since life has purpose, God’s

special purpose for Paul was to bring other dead souls to Jesus (16).

[Note: Paul validates his ministry as God’s doing, without anyone else’s

stamp of approval (16-22).] Now thank we all our God. Thurs Psalm 30 True religion is intensely personal between human and

God, and so is true prayer (1-3). Sometimes a prayer starts out being

rational (9), but when we bottom out, we are beggars (10). God hears,

God responds (11), and we tune up (12). Praise the Lord! Fri True Israelites took Deuteronomy 18:15-19 to heart, and they

evaluated Jesus accordingly–as did the Samaritan woman (Jn 4:19,25),

Nicodemus (Jn 3:2), the crowd (Jn 6:14), the healed blind man (Jn

9:17), and some towns-people (Jn 7:40). When Jesus asks, “But who do

you say that I am?” we stand with Peter: “You are the Christ, the Son

of the living God” (Mt 16:16). Jesus is the core of God’s religion. Sat Hebrews 11:30-40 lists dozens of true believers who surrendered

themselves into God’s hands. They endured torture and death, not

accepting deliverance (renouncing Jesus was too costly), that they might

obtain a better resurrection (better than a temporary reprieve from the

executioner). Although these obtained God’s approval/testimonial, they

did not live to see Jesus walk among them (39)—and neither have we.

Those faith-living children of God stood redeemed, restored, and

forgiven with us, not apart from us (40), so we stand together forever.