--ontan~ £xp:on:ent VOLU11E XXlV. IlOLE)IAX. M();s;T,L·A, TUESDAY, FEIJI:UARY 7. l!J:;:1 xmIBER 16 R . DE\ IE D.\ :-.CE S.\ Tl' fWAY St d s Brannon es1gns i'tudcnt Senate to Hpon,or .\ II-Sch,~,, U ent enate I o/ht~,/tl:.~::n:t'", .. :,:·;,,:~.: Chancellorshl ·p I )lh,•r \ftcr l nhcrsit) (;ame M I Lamh,a Chi Alpha a 11 U - I 1scusses a ny Ami;" fratcrniti,•s. These I It i~ :said th-:1t mcm_bcr:-. of t_hl' ~t.1- I lwo gTou11:; will be k 11,\,·11 as Of Uni . vers1·ty dent :senate. will ha\'e _tne S\\'llllnl1"- B. Q l Lamhda Chi Alrha and the pool made lflLO a skatm.1! rillk .so a ... [ 1g ues ions . . ... to mak'7 more room to dam·t· :n t 11,· 1 1 ...\m1,~<. 1 s will lie iniLJatt.>d vn g-ymnas1um wht'n tht• st.•n.itors h<dn ::\larrh 11 \\ hen a t n,vc·ling t~e·!1: ?i.g-. all-;dwol ~11ixn attn tl~e --. -- \ f-ei.:n•taa·y for tlw Lamb la l.nl\eu:1t~ ot _ Jluntann !!amc tlu. .\ttcndance. Point Hvste m. Class -- . · LAMBDA CHI'S COMBINE WITH PROMINENT LOCAL CONSO LI D.\ TIO, ALPHA OF' AM I GO l'LlJl:l WITH LAMBDA CO MPLETED. INl'l'L\ TJO:-. TO BE HELD l l'i i\IA R CH CIII Is to Tal,e Effect June 30. Leg- islators :11a) Abolish Po,,i· tion , .~dmi.~sion will be 10 l'ei:tb. i~ wa~ Elect.ions. i\-! i xers. A ired at .'.1ni1?0 i:-: the la ·t fratl•rnilv ucc1Cietl aL tlw s(·nalt:' mel•tin:.r 1hu1.s- .Meeting of (-r0vern1 ng llodv t H s c . 1 · da,r. ~i,:r \\·enaas and his "Fom a · · •. lo g-o nallnr.a. Saturdav evemng-. I . . . I C h1:. \\ ill I)(' 111 Bo :l·man. ::\'orsemen" will furni:-h Lhl• musil' for I . ---. II - XcgotiaLions were> <:Cltnl>.lclf:d :::::atur-1. The. new group will oci:upy the hvttst' !Jr . .:u . ..-\. . BrannoJ1, channc'llor of the the occasion. n1~-.approntl of l·ontmucd ~\J. i.:r.i·e or jd.iy_ for the rnn:-ulu.lat1on of the in which Lhe Amil{u traU!rnitv 1s nu·., greater Uni\'er~ity of .\Jon~ana, Sllli- T.he c.lance wi~l be a nf\:dat~ ~tffair. n:i-tam ::.t_udenl .. ..:enatur.s, _a di:-:~us~i,,n An11go and LamLda Chi .\lpha social living, at 201 South Third. ~1 he let•· mitk<l his icsig:nation to tht• .stutl:! It thi:-: dan~c is succes:-tul. it ,s thP ('.! the po111t s) :stem. makmμ- ot ptan_. 1 tralf!rnities. This i:- the sl'cund mergi·r tative date of :\lan:h tl has been sel l.>oar<l of education la:-;t Frida\'. a th1.: f,lan of the :~l·riale to hold thesl' affaj,~ !or _a :-:_tudL·nt :,,;enale a~s('m:il.\', ~n- The hottH· (ll'fl), whil'i1 has of its kind l'ompll!ted on the :\lontana for the consolidation, since a tra\"cl slate boanl appro\"es thl.! i·c:,;ig:natiun. at frequent inten·als. ··~~t1g-auon of c:Ja::;s_ eh.•d:on :dl(! ln.~- heen the home of Lambda Chi Stale campus this yla~ an<l Lhl' ste, ing secretary of Lambda Alpha will l hanccllur Drannvn ,,di Ji~t:untmuL t'JsIOn to hold a mixel' danl.'I! fc>ll<,··\- will plate thi:s in~titut,on amon.l! tho~, be here at that time . hi:- admi111st.1atin· dutil'~ .June ,HI. ing the Bobcat-Grizzly ganu.•, Satui·-1 ..\.lpha for the· pa:-;t fl·w year~ having only nat10nal frateimtie:,;. Lambda Chi Al1Jha wa:.. rounded a,. The staL.e :senate rci.:ently fHJ.:s:-cd ..i PLEW CONDUCTS da:,·, werl' among the important tlii:1.;~ I will SOllll hc \"atated . rt ha~ I Bo~t.on un1,e.::;1t.y m lVU~ and 111 Jt112. bill whiL-h in t>ffet·t. abol,~hl.'~ UH.' otfit·l' ac,n1111ilh•hed at a llll't:tini,r, Thur,,\a_,,, he1:n lill! home of many cam.! EGBERT WINNER began ~n exten::.l\t expan!iton pro- Thb mca:sure is now be1orc the hou:-:l'. of the A.~- )I. ::5. C. jro\"e1·ning- lio,ly.; . ··,, . ,. . , \ f g1am. Smee that time the tompa1a- lt was not stated in Lhe lt:=~ignauon RELIGOUS SU RV EY !:-,tcps will he taken, the :wnatc de- pus m~nitaiics "\\ho ha\l' 1tl\ely youn~ national ha:,; atllat:tcJ a that the c:hanndlo1 wus tendermg: hb t:ided. to i1upro\"e the attcmhw, ._. at I l·1·ou;.;·ht much :,;l·hulastic I IN EXTEMP MEET I great deal ol comment m educational resiKn&tion bt!l"au:-c of the likcl1houo futun~ meetings of the club I honor lo 11. s. c. ":.lontana circles as bemg one of the most pro that the governing body wotdd aOoh:::ch Jim Gannaway, As:-odatcd ~tudt:!nl . , g1eiss1ve of the national f1ater111t1e---. his ofTice. Questionnaire Sent to Three Out p1 ~~:dent, told ot uumerous ni?w idea States only fihocles schohlr H. now ha:.-. a~s~ts exl"eeding .four mil- Dr. Brannon a::;:-um~d office Jamw.n· lw t:aincd while allendin1-t the natinn:il I ,\as a nwmbcr of Lhi~ fratcr- lion dollars, maintainis t.wo paid 1ull- li'>, 1 ~ 28 . lie i::; a formci· pn·:sident 01 nf E, ery Fi Ye St udents At student president 1:onn:'·ntion at :,t,w I nity . Stebb ins. Eag le. and Sc henk ..\ 1 1.;o time traveling secretaries who visit tht! Uni\"crsity uf ldaho and instn;.- ;\Jontana ~tate Colleg·e Orlt.·an:- recl'nllv. Gannawa\· abo I Vie for Honors in li''o r se nic the chapters at least once a year, anll mental in organizing the Xorth Uakl,L.1 hrouμ-ht up the qlwstion of whCtlu:r or, l\feet For P. K. D. Cup Awar d fo,vnts thle m 1 . 0 tst tdistinctiv~ li~rar 1 y of ~chool of )ledicine. He was uean ol not thl· stud<:nt ~enate of )luntuna I ra erna . 1 er~ ure mamtame< by this :si..houl ftom H.105 to Hill and wa.~ Jn making a ~Ul'\'ey of the !-tale State colleg~ had too large a mcm- --- !any umversity rratcrmty. Lamboa C ht dean of the college of liberal arts frolll l~dul:ational in:-.titutions on the Pac- bet.!dtip. This blought a roar of dis-1 Bobcat Band Me mbers 'ro T our St t I Rachel Egbe1t \\Oil the Pi Kappa Alpha has always plated above fourth Hill until HJl·L He wa::; pre~ident uf ilk coast the ":-.:ort.h Ameri('a Board appl'O\al from a number of :-ienators I I l I a e Delta silver lo\lng cup, m the final:,; 11 ~ the national schola !-hip ratm~ for the University of Idaho until U/1~ for the ~tudy of Religion in Higher \\ho ,\ere fearful that their olticel C 25 h A . ol the extemporaneous speakmg- cun-\fi~termties \\Ith more than -10 chap- when he went to Beloit collcg:e. ll1c1 Edueatinn"' is St->nding queslionaires would be the one eliminated. Th1.1 omm em oratrng t nntversary te'St'- at ?ilontana State collei:e \\hteh teis . .served at Beloit until 192:l, to th rel· nut of enTy five students as Student pn•xy suggested that the duke ,,a::. held } riday. Other contestants I The loc~l chapter \\a::; installed. on Jn c:vmment,ng on Lhe rcsignnti()n, thc,y HJlJll':lr in the lbt in the regh-- of Fan~s and the presu,1,;nt of s 1 iu,-.1 I in th~ order of placin_g- were Dean :'.1ay ~. HJ,H .. and at the p.esent tune Dr. Brannen had thl! following ~late- trar':- uffiec. Profes:-:01· Plew is in ::.hould be member:; of Lhe senatt'. Members oi the Bob<.:at hand will,' band:s in the state. Director Lou Stebbins, Sam Eagle and '.:\.illia:n I has nme active members, 20 pledl{es, ment for the press, ··1 hope thl:y (the I L"l1an.rc of the work on this c:ampus. Jmportam·e of the prcs~nl pnint this spring, ::;tart on tn~ir annual tcur lto\\anl thought Lnat by visitm!:, Sehenk . and seven faculty me,nbers. legislature) will 1etain the c:han~d- The :=::m·,·cy is of a scientific nature s~·~tcn.1 now in effect \\ as ab,, ques- I lt. will _comme111olal_t tl~e 2.)th annu.tl thes~ cities, he :oul<l secure nece:;;sary :\Iiss Egbert ga,·e a masterlul pre-1 · Th~. Amigo _fraternity _was foun~~~d lorsbip." He said that. tht" aboli:-hnwnt ~.nd 1ka!:-- for the mo:,;t part with the twnl'd. It was shown that the ~vs- ·rn> uf thi:- orgamzation. In .:\lay, musical talent for his band and that sentation of the "Rus~ian Fi\"e l ear m 1923 and smce that t1111e ha:s \1ecl would be a "definite retreat.·· in edu- rdi~ious J·,ack)!round of the gtu<lPnt:.; tem "as a good thing if its cha1rnlan l!l08, the State collL:"e or'~3nizaliun 1~ would en1:ou1agc the 1.or 1 mation oi I Ian." Stebbins discu:--sed ··Technoc. with the national fraternitie:s in holr,- cational standards. anil the factor~ affecting- the religious was \\illing- LO gi\'e the time nl!ce~sary I?l~yed in Butte, Hdena, Gri:at lnll:-, s.milar organizations in the high racy"' as did Eade . ~t·l1enk talked 011 !ng hono1s ~n the. campu:s as well _a:- Under the }lontana ~,·stem, tht idl·Hl:s an<l lJcliefs of the indiYiduals. to pro.p~rlr do the work. lhllon .. ...\ nac:onda and D"cr Ltd~L·. ). t sc~ools. . , . . ! ·'Tet:hnonal'y: a Fable." Im scholar~hip_ ratmg. lt was cons1d- chancellor is an exec:uti\"~· o_tfinff u. Ont• ot the intere::,;ting querie~ i~ .. ~.~l·J:,,J~)n.tu _h?l~l. a i:-~udl•nt senate that t11ne there were no h1·.rh :-:l·hn,1 ,~ht' r_c~ult 0_1 _tn.1~.1~1onet1· ,~·~rk has 1 This was the third Pi Ka!)pa Deltajered at this time that :such a merger the state board of cduc:at,on an,l .11 out th~ rdaLun of Yarious studie::; a:-:~cmhl~, Feb1 u,n Y ~). \\ as maJe. At bctn th.it neai I:,. ~\ u Y hi14h :sc~ool '" extemporaneous contest held at :'i-lon- would be to the. mutual ?enefil. or supend~es the .outlining of .eom·~e.-. a: I to lelig:iou:,. lwli ... -fa. The suhjects 111!1::; as:-:l'.mbly. (. ;anna\\_ay , "ill gh·e UNIQUE SCENES ~\lont~na ~ow has a band, orcnestra. tana State t:olle~e. 1\Iis::- E:!btrt i~ .the both gr~up~. Amigo has :29 ~c:t1v.e the \"ar1ous unit~ of the un1,·e :..t~ :-:.o !aUt!hl which ,,·ere thouzht to han• his ~<.>poi t .on the ::--... S. I·. A. con- ~md gle~ club: .· . first woman student to ha,e acquired me~ber!i, nme pledges, and fout fa<:- as lo avoid 1;1nneces:--ary dupli1·a, i\1n i.nflucnc:('d rel:;.dcn are history, civicf-, \~nt1on wh1l·h \\as held at Xew Or- ba 1.Jurm~ t~e:,.e '1~ .. 1t7 of the . Bobcat the cov~ted cup. he _also will have \ult:,. mem_b_e_r_s_. ------ whereYer possible. p:-.yclwh)gy. litt>rature, biology, or p~1y-1 le:am:.. , . nd,. P~_om~nc~t ~tti~~n~ a~d clubs_ ~ 1 . h~r choice of e1the~· takmg- part in the ,il·ai ~cicn,·e. ,Jol~n 1 ark•'r and Joe '\\ alters were IN w I NTER PLAY t!:e 'auou::; ci~u::-. -'Cle '"llt.n~isiast.c ~orthwest Forensic l'Onte~t. or in the . ~l . . . appomted tu inn:~tigalt' das~ dee- o,er the type 01 J,Crte,rmanc:_e inven b~ F'ocky ::\ll.untain League. Stebbins will MIGHT ABOLISH COE D PROM HAS , . Th·l.' un. u\m·e. ell tea~l~e1s on 1elt-1 lions. J the college band .• \t 01:e ume or _an· cc·mpe!e in the alternate l"<,nte~t. l ~10u~ behef:::; \\as questioned. Club :-;cnator John llarri~C'1l <luri " U I --- other the members ot the mu~u:al . . . gTOUJ)~. n1otion pittun:s. stage perfor- cour:>e of the meet ng. su;,...,.e ·tc~ lh~~ ... rn1 and T h e ::\Ian .. to Have group were s;uests of the .J-lonlam\ I Ts~ qiest~~n wh!lh Fw11l ~e I HELL SESSIONS mc.mces and dominant. personalities I snme outstandinl!'; ;e~k;; \u ·h s 1 ·'" ' ... ' dub in Heil•na, the Electric club at m;e tn oc_·\, ·--~~un~aln orcnsic I LA RGE TURN OUT \' 1..·rl! other fad or:,;; wn1ch were c·on- \\' " II R b b 1 . ' · <: .i.. Interesting "orks of c\rt In Great Falls the :::Hher How cluo n' League will bc. Rt::sohed, that the I :-idered lo ha\"e ra(i an important part ,1~1ts t~g~:~'nta~. 0 it~~('ed<:ol?~· le~·turt: Stao-e ~Jakeup ' JJutle, and Bea-..erhead club in 1Jillo 1 11 rnited sta;esihould ~!-andon <:apit~I-. -- - in th~ muulding of rdiidou~ belief. . tCo~t,nued « n , ;, cgc. . 'l", c: --- Prof. A. ~I. Currier, a nu:mher of ~~~ni!/,, un amenta <:onc£:pt of its Frate rni ties 1\-fa ke A rran \)'e men ts 1 h1-. .:un ev attempted lo obtam O age 1 our) the l:Ollege ial·ulty at that time and a I · l 1' ei. :\Ian~ Startl i ng Cos tu mes , vor n the present st3.ndmg of the s ud(:nt wll - --- \Yith the presentation oft 1e winter 1,ariton~ ~111;.!er of un~~.·.u,·a·l n1erit, ae- [ to Do .Away ,\1th In1t1 ahon B., Girl'5 at Ann ual ,Yorn en's idigwn 1f theie \\'Ch a ,\ a\ ei mg m E ,. M Ir qua, ter dramatic production, Gelir.·t: C(!ll)lmmc<l the ba~d, smging ~olos and J Q , S S . d 1' 1 l'ereinoni es. ll'lig-iou, beliefa the questionnaii·e at- flglneeTS a11e Bernard Shaw's ''Arms an1l the :\Ian'' g1,·1ntr talks to ~ne h1g)1 _:-.ehool sw~I aJ 0 Dance Friday EYening lPlllllled to fmd the I easons. at thL• Ellen theatre :\larL·h :: nnd -1, dents about musical al'th 1t1e.-.;. \ s 1 . . D b I Test On B01 ·1ers :\lGntana >,:ale ro''.cgc ,tud·nt, w II A number of the men who were Prove Notl11·no At a special meeting of the pres• . U( 1 .;l~'t_~ti,o~::. c:l:~· . 0• jOU e ie,e I ha\·e the opportunity of ~t.>cln..: nut playC'rs in th(' tir:--t tour a·e still I a, 1denb _and faculty acivisors of the .About 200 gaib,· dressed girls were 1 _nr~?d .'I •• 1'i h.,\t ,. 1 ~ :,,omh.1° 1 . 1 ccri. 0 { I --- only one of Shaw·~ wittie~t and ill' t known to students; amon~ them h(•in:::. --- iratern1t.ie::;, along ,,·ith President At- J,l"t:-t.mt at the CoeJ prom wh:c:h wa.,., , .e. 1 :;1~" ·, a,~:' o_u .a 1 °:'0P n ° . J . 1 plays but al:-:o :-omethm;.! new in ~ta•.!e the following: Clinton Hookl:'r, drum ' ... . ... kin.son, an investigation was starte,l held in the 1.:ollege 1nm Friday night, l!!C' .. and othe1_~ "~1e uent1on~,I. Heating I lant Unit Rates H1g-h design~. major; Fred Homan, .:\. \\·. \\':lli~. Tests P10,1ng Ath let es L ess In- which threatens to abolish and ehm.n- Feb. :3. Sig- ·w,maa:- and his ··j•ol1r The: n•su_lt:=; of tins ;.1.n·vey will Le I In Thorough E~amination The seb. foi· the play, dcsi: nut hy Paul Stanton, cornets; .\1Thie Bro,v , telligent Than Oth ers Is Claim- a_te ''Hell Week." A u_mber of nu- Xor:::.emen"' pro\·ided the mu~ic for the <?nnouncc;J 111 the future: ~ry Pro~essor "lade B,- S' d 1 ... i\-Iaro-aret John:-:on and ,\Jin· Durland, Geoq:re Hog-an, \Villani King and \\~tl- ed UT f , ·. tionals have already Yo.1ced their d1s- cn.ning-. The aft'clir wa:-- spunso.1:<l by ]'! " e I t II bn ,t L LU en l!t to, b R b' I 1 \ n a l 1 r h f t I ... . . . ~·,\". .,n Ji r::-ona ra ~n~s w1 .. · arc decidedly an innovation in :-hl!?e ,it•- ur o mson, a to:-; l L·rman Yilsnn I ap~rova o t e ra ermty custo,n ant Spa1tanians. . ;.t"l_\·l·n, bu~ t 11e teneral rel11nous trend~ signs at ::uontana State t·ollc;.:e. Fioni Harry E<l::.all anti lloward Gillette. - -- it is possible that fraternities on th:s . JJ~m·mg start.e .... a~,~.:;.u.oc.Jo:k .a.!~~I \\111 be dl\ulged. :\londa)r, January :., 01 the s:ca the iealistic se.ttin~s c1:-: seen in "Th~~ t1.'<rn.1bo~~s; ~uy Kirs~her. Clyde Pen· ;·)Jany possessors of ncditablc r. 1 c!'mp.us will do away with this u-acli- ccntmued until 10 \tncn ::-tunt:-. wu1c power plant of ..\lontana St.ate n•llc , Barker'' a derided departure will Ue \\ell. "111 Edsall and Da\"e DP:\iuth. Q. s would be re!Z'arde<l as. utter tlon m the near future. pre!Sent.ed ~Y the fot~r ~la:-se5 and bJ / underw_ent a t.horough <:>xam nutHin ·~, made. for the ln•::i.tment l~f the ~<:>t- <"larinets; Chn~. Fbher . baritone, dune-es if they were sudden!\· trans- It was brought out by some of lhc :h~ alumn~·-- Th~ J?-n_10r ~~a~s. ".·a:- i M 1l1tary Group determine its quahfitations ot \\'He:nct t;ng-;:; of the p1:e:-:t nt produc:tir:n w.11 be Cha!-. Soper, bass; \\'alter Livin~:-:.ton I ie1 red into the acth-i_ties o.r' <:1 .bas( I members at t~is mee_ting that l~n2.tny a\\ai:<led fo~t place 101 tl.1e,1 stun~- or not it could be cla::-:-ed a.~ a mudeni of an exprcss10nistic naturP .n m·lh•r I flnd Barney Berg. tlrums. ball game1 thus pr0\'111~ noth:n ! to' hell weeks seriously 1nterfe1e with the a mm~et danee; hon'?.aole. ment:ori To Hold Dance unit. to enforce the romantic: i<ll·a of th,~ Due to war and other cau~e~. the or against the intellig-enl:e te .... t," I"" th(· ,Scholastic and physical condition ot was f;IVen the follo_w1!11,;;. fir.st; th 1 The heal engine.::; class conductul a pla!,,' . band did not make a trip fur two 1 statement made by the athletic dL~-1 many of the neoph:,..-·tes. lf hell weel-..~ a~u.m~1 ,:·ho ga.\·e 111~1tat1on u.t ath.-_ complete 12 hour test. OfficiaLv C\ Ill Espt:!dallr 11 the su:ond aet O , ~·~ars . so that ihis ye11r will be thl· par_tment conternin'.!" lhe intelli~~nL't" are not to be abolished, it was rel·om- lctlc:::; a:-:. they ~\ete m the l?ll~.-,-~ mencing at 8:JO a. m. by ha Yin:,.:" ail ,, A.rms and the \lun'' is thi-. \\r•U 12- rd one started by the B 1 ~bcat baml. ratme- of Jiontana football and oas- mended that they be shortened to two years ago, a_n<l :::;econd. to the fre_:'h· .\.nnua l Sca bbard and Blade Ba ll ashes removed an<l I ecords madt• 01 niustrated. 'That~ s-.::l'n(• is ·hi~·hh ·Definite ~1Tanzemc:n!s h~1~·c> not as ,·et ketball players. days. m.a~ dorm J:lrls who . Kll\e a '' 1ld to Be Gi,,en Soon. \\'ill An- fuels and ,.,.·ater in tl1e !JoJ1; s thi: rornantil: and tu ::i.,d the aL'lor:, in the:·r b~~n !na~le regar~l~ 1 \1!' c:t.e~ thl'y \\ .JI Ont:- of the :,;ig-nfi,_ant fad:- outlinei: Figures were presented at thi~ \\ f 1 t shEow ~n pa,,i~to~ll~e . . , . ,_ nou nce S pons ors machinery was !iCL in motion. '~tll· intL'1·1,relation , f it, a ~:11den sl'l ha- 1 . \·JR•t nmmg- the 1.1.,., tour. is that motor intelli_ge.ncL' is demanded meeting to show that in a large num- """ rs .. umce ea,e1 wc:1:s tne <os dents , \\"Orking on one or mort' hour been dc:signe<l to carrr thC' idi•:i.. :\"o 1. to supplant and reuiforce the attr,b- ber of cases students who hall malit: t~me Ju~ge.d }ofll~wmt!t- .J,edo?l_; ::'.hift_~, ueJJcnd_ing ur,on the jLb, \\ere ing- could be furthL'l' r; 0111 n:al - 111 th .n N O . ute of phy_sital t·ou:a.ze. Its impt1r· arnund Ji μvints and 18 credit::. at the \\ere awa1de 1~.Jze. 0. OU ~tan m_ One er th•.~ outstan.lin_g- ~ocia1 leljUHed lo dimt., Ill almo~t en]!'\' 111- that set. ew ues t1 on tanee is <l1s~:ounted until the1e is : end of the iall quarter nac.l. fallen to Pi~:m~e1-Ia~fc:.~~es;nc:dli~~~~:.} ;'.~~\~,etr~ e\lnl:- of the year will be giv1.:n Sat- L'.On<.:eh-able place and to lCtOl"J lilt· . .\lthou.\!h th_c :-.tnp1gc vardc11: '.-,(,,"l'nl' J panic. a riot, or .a \\:ar. · I ni~L' and ten .,Joints and cred.it_s:. I t ~\"l:lS ·whO were dressed ln colo~ial ~tvle; urday, 1-ehniary 25. when Scabbard various <lata requirtd J°or th~ eXJ,L'ri- and the Jt'CUlw.r doors and_ w,nl1Jw:-I For De ba tors On~ ~f .t~e. J?l~m~nent ~n~n on tht £1:11.ther ~ho,,n ,that the ph)slc~l.co~- h bl . fi \' · and eiade will gi,·e ti1e annual .\Iii ment. of the other 'l<'ls are scunm ,·ly not I i\Ionlana <.:l~1th1n.., :-taff \\H::c. a mem- d1t1on of man:,. of the men \\a::. <lL- onora e mention: st. anetta tan· hall at thr Baxter ho:el. lnvit:..- . ~csides \n•iJ;!hin~ and saml'lin~ . k . ,r .~} · h ~. 1 hl'r of the national al'my (drafted I cidedly weakened, while some stu- .1,:on!"'·n an;l .:\targaret 1:erma~. a_nd tion~ h::,\"c been extt:nded to Governv a~;he::, the c1.naly~1s of thL' flul· .:ase:,, ~f~\~"l1i;~. 1 \!r1..~ ~ 1 l~l: i~L'-~~uiusid tro~p$); 89th did::.ion. during it-:. o:·- 1 den.ts who were havinK di1~iculty witi1 ~l'.~ond. Edith John!-on and f L1ulmc Eritk:-on and the adjutant gt'nl!tal il and fuel were dt<t~rminctl aL ~U 111111 _ I . Capitalism to Be Discusse d By g-amzatwn at ramn Fun:--ton. He :--aid !their work due to a loss of sleep <lur '\\1rak. . . the ~talc of :\lontana to b(' orc:,;cnt. ute intervals by othl:r stuJenb, .. 111,· {l onlrnUl·d on Page Four) ~tudent,;;; in Com ing Co ll eg ia t e that Genc!al ,Yood':.~ polic:,· was to put ing' hell we{'k would probably not be Dorothr :111ller an~ Hazel B0rde1.. Elaborate <:ntl!rtain.l Lilt Jl!an:- a,.(: oI whom had to Lring- tht<ir Junche~ 111 ~I t C h R I :1tl>lt"tf's in l'ommand of every a. tu·1l. up to par before the end of the school ~\:n· :--elected a" havin':! the most ."t- ur<le1· tu remain on <.July durin,! thi.; G d M h ee S. oac · evea S combat unit, unless :-;pecific t1.1chnicnl I term. 1gmal cos.tumes: honu-able men~!on, being- worked out Lo enable the ncc:a- noon hour. fa in g l·Ja( ine knowledge was needed. Almo:-:t the· lt was the opinion of most fratct· first, Marion '\:arne1: and Betty Got>. s~o~ ~o ~\"e up.to th~ grhaL popula~ 1 ty After c:ollec:ting- all the data il is ('onh:--,ant:-; for places on the tkbate only necessary qualific·ation for t·om· nity members present that some o, ~;:l!~~~~nd, Edith \\ atson and Jlelt•n ~\\'~ ;i~h ts,?~~;~I~tc'~,.~n\i);":~~Ul r:,1 in~~m;r~fei~~ {~.1°:~~;.~gi~ :,~a~tn:.~'.: Correc ts Pape rs lcam that will n·pre,cnt thl' blue and '.,:'~1:,~i"'.,1;;r;1~eemr\~~ct· o';f .\~~to~'. I g,fe ~~~:;!~~tn;e;:d ~~as \t.\erh·:'l:~': _First ~rize _for the bC>!-t ~ouple \\a~ when the battalion !-.pon~.ff and the t.he chemists were 1equired tu analize: 1..,·t,Jc.l at Lnramie, \\"yo .. next . .\pril arl~ and commissioned officer.:: ki'll'd inlulty and advisors e\'idenced no pin- J\'l• ~o Glad:vs BoyEr. and Jq·eria Cl.111- sponsors for eath of the five l'Om- the 1:hemital ('ont.ents of lht• ga~·(•s, ~cw [n\t.·nlion to l\lak,• Appl~ l>e;.)nnin.~ a l,a kl,C ound study or the action in F1ance will ::.hnw an a:-tnund· ticular cont:ern in "Hell Week'. as lon,, t(,n; ~onorable ment1on, fir~t. Lul·1\le panics are announced, and lhe formal ashes and fuels so all of thL· n'~ult~ 11uestion. ·'Ri::•:--olvL-'d. that lhL· l~nited in!! percentag-e of athleh•s, the per:-011 as it did not interfere with schohn-: Hutc:hm~on and F,anc~} Frisbee, a.nd presentation of t.he new pledge:-. ()f being co\lede<l and llUt in final frinii. l'oli~hin,g· and Handshaking inl<'l'\'iewed stated. . 1 1 .<ht'p and tlte ph\.·,,·1··al .. ,,n,11·1·1011 ot' tJ, .. •·• 1 ··rncL Leona ::\Iartin and Ailee Scabbard and Blade <ffe made krwwn. Several pag-cs of t·omputahrns an In· Out of Date 11 Claims are True ~tates shuuld abandon L·apitulism as lt is pO$Sible to ck\"i~l"· te~t~ of all ;~1en. .,~,... ... " "t\ alters. μor~~ are m:ccs:::ury to conqdett' th<.· a fundamental l"lilll'l'J)t. oi' its Cl·sin- sorts on many different base~. Tht> .\Ja1·y :\klall and :\Iary Brooke won l'nl\"C'r~·.ity of Oklahoma has svh-t•J proJed. uny." clang-er is in the concJu.:_ion dri1w·• 1hc• rri:-:<· waltz. an<l Fran(·('s anrl the probleni of cutting classes dl:ring- At 8::Hl p. 111., the final ob~erv:.HiOll" ··J'nJIL".:<,fl ial pronHtin~!'' r1tJy lll1~ 1ht.-> fir.-.L of a scri~:-. 0 1 lecture~ on from the re-suits. To state flatly that Al h Ch" ' Mary P0terson the prize fox-trot. winter quart~r. Cod 1:ver oil i!-: di~- we1e ma<le, and sinc:e tlll'n it has l.t~(•:t ii(• rc.,ponsibk tor ,,ur Phi gl l!I K:q,. l"U.J,ilali:-.m. soci<.dis:11, anal"l'hi~m. and a test proves athlete:; less intellig-{•nt I p a 1 1gma tributed to all students who cnt ·r ~lete~mined that the steam pnwer plant I c\...: Ill the futUll', r thL· maraint• n'· t.otht!r pl litil:al economiL•.s will be g-iYen than the other ~tudent::; i~ at once fl f h their 8 o'clock clas~e:-. And the Okla- IS !-till l'apable uf !-<Upolyin),{ the nleds l"l"lltlv ill\'(·nh d in fl'OJl\\-UO.i, )lici1., by nr. R. R.. Rennl:' t.omonow art er- m:i.nifes.tl~r unfair it was. d(•dared. on ors res man Chi Beta Alpha homans go for it, too. J of ::\,Ionlana State collei.:·e. i~ in~tallcd in the uniYt.->r:;ity, nOon in the Little Tht•atre al;', o'docl.. "Th(' fir..;t nre·equisitf-" for i:ln~c:.ify- The <lcdce, whkh is listed t'n Uh' Tie will outline the history of politin11 ing- a studc,n~ as nn athldr i~ intPl· --- T fl )d M f C f f:J.n1lt.~· of tht.• l.utlwr L. \Vri~ht. hi~ 11 ln n(lmy and expl.1inell fundam~ntal lil!cnce-Tntelli(l'"ence with a canital Honor ar v Chem Frat Engraves 0 0 ee O orado School Of Mines Discovers ~~l'. 0 )'! ~·,:~';~.:;;:\ .. ,~:1;;/;;:::~1~ 11 :~i: letms. ~;:~udltl(;~;'j 1 \~~;r:;~~i~('.-~;~:1it~~ Nam e.of Co rneliu s Giachc tti --- I 93 d B f l Ch l £1 up 1 of dials. lights and J.(ad~·t·b. whit-h ne~~ 0 ~,~!!kr af 3 J 1 1 ~ 0 :a~~~l tl~~;u~~ 1 ~ 1~: ,tonh111n State L'ol 1 ;ge ~n l it will hP on P la qu e in Chent Buildin g Heligous Group to Have 3-day r lO OglCa emzca ement corrects cxaminati,m rapel'< w,llwut al'chy . Subsequent speakers will be found bristlin•r with intelli~ence." it Ralh· I\f ee tin o- Und er ~ \u spi ces ~he i.ntrusion of the _personal (at'lur. It Dodor ~lal!s\•old, Professor Conser. wn!- pointed out. I · ,-, 1 s said that lhl· nrnthine l'Ul"t.>("ls ra1w1:,; "Th<> rrr<'·•tt ._t troubl<' with m·rnv of Corne ius Giacchetti of Butte ha:,; of Local Chur ch es . ScK11t1d~ have h:.nz been ~t111t.r,i:d-1 tempe1ature of this element hus 3 .. wiLh a speed and al"L"Ul'al'Y thl' hum:rn and Pior. :\-1. L. \Yibon. ""l" intr>,·{·l"lllt>..,.·iattl tean~-. hf>re (:\n~I at been selected by Alpha Chi ~ittm<\ as rng with their t;lucl1c~ of chelllll'al wide a. variation as clJl\~ nf tlw l'lt•- teacher can ne,'('l" ntt.a.n, l"akulak!-> Since lhese lct:turf:,. will be of ~en- <'ther · litnti m·) i~ that ~o ,. the outslanding- student enrolled in Cln Beta Aliiha. honorarv ,clil!ious e!ements, but it took a ,tut!ent.al thc me n ts .in that some , 1 .ciimens have a the pet·ccnla)!e slandill)! 0 :· the pap,•r. cral intorest, all student, .are .uro:,•d cf the '~~wors'a;e n~t othlet:s." ::.~,~ chemistry for 1931-32. l,iaechetti has - 1 olon1dc1 .:-ichoo.1 of _Jl11H:.'"' to ch:--l'O', l'I' I \'ary high boiling· point ~HHI nthers a t' an~l is as !nfal_lible a~.~ an :-uhlin~ ma- to atll•rnl whether t'Ompctmg- 111 dC'- the t·onclu~ion drawn. an unusually high averatte. hi~ fresh- fraternity, with the a'.il of rc•pre- clement !J.!, a b10log'H'al eknwnt, mor1• apt to freeze at anv mornl.'nl. chme. Bemg- incapah!e o! :,.(•ntinwnt bate or not. I man record showin.g- uH .Y::: but om.: ::cmtath·e-s from the ,ariou:- prote:-tant spedfically a memlwr of the VT1?at IL has also been 'round to the iclid it. can not. be influenc:cd by im··1 itiu,~ ,,.·,·t"'1,delnbal•'..,".,,'1'0",',n"tl,1r1_enadl~11!1,uc•c.111,.s,,clll1,o.,_',1euleo,1J1 \ YIL80N TO SP E...\J \. and that was a B in a one credit churches, has planned a Sunday sc:honl human family. of the youn,::r c:hemi~t that undt~i- to sorority dinnel's. ,._ course. Alpha Chi Sig-nm is an hono~·- rally for February l'i-19. lt i~ c:-:pe· The ato:nic weight, acc:o ding- to th1• 1·roper treatment all spccinien:-. of fhPI 1Vith each ex:1.m:nation. an answe>· the <:apitali~tiC' que~tion. whihi nne is ary professional frnte1nity for chem- cially designed for c:olle'-!e :-tudE>nts "O!'ediitl'er.'' stu<lC'nt p1;1blicatil1n, ,~ !!element will ml·lt. The• tr('at"'Cnt ha~ ~hee~ is provided. Instca11_ ol' ans\\"\'.' - pendinl? with the State l'in-'rsity at P romin<'nt Economist to Give Lectu r e::; ists. ~~~vk!~!, have as a slog-an '·Youth in ahout 120, althoul(h spec.men:; hav<• a al~o been found tn haY(' th•finitc b(•nr- mg m the usual way, with pl'll :rnd )Ji,._oula nf . \m es nnd ,tinn eapoli s ! Each year. the freshman major in rang-e of !J5 to l-10. The <-hem ital :-:ym- ing on the ta~te which varil·:-- from paper, ihe student make~ a :,;mall per· Va .:.:1l\ and f1 c'-hman debate~ on the I chemistry with the hight-:--l sC"hoh\sti,· Friday evening-, Feb. 17. a lanquct bol of the t:h•nH:-nt is \V. bihe· to ~weet. foration in t.lw r:rnt>r OPJHl:,:do \h( \\.ll dl•b( (lttt'stlln \\!II be ht>ltl rebru- --- average is selected for the honor, and open to all will be }lC'ld at the Jleth Otturren<'e: it i~ abundant in nat1J1P Chemit·al JffhJ1('1'tit•s: Ah"orL~ with- one of several po:-;:-:.iblc an:-\\'"l'S ,vhilh arv 2R. ,\hllC' ~n unrll•rc·la~.;; wnmC"n'.,, P1nf. M. L. \Vilsf)n ll"ft bt•'I WC'e 1 his name is engraved on the ...\lphu Chi ruli!-t churC'h und1?1· the sup('rdsion of ture. found both free find <"omhined out di~soldng a numhc, 1 of )iq11:d:-: tlw he bC'lieves to he mo~t nearlv t·or L'd debate "111 he conteskd ,,1th the for Amtl~. To,\a, \\hl-'l'l' he ,, II he .1 Sigma plaque in the entnmn• wuy llf Mildred "\Yhite. The prH'l:' ha._ h<~·,, Ph:,.·~il·al prooertics: a number n · n ·ti\·itv l)('in!! ~Teall:,,- incl'C:1 .. t>d hy An!-wcr !-hel"ts a1·L 1 then ·mt inltl th( p;non ~orn~al school on '..\farl'h. <•11C'~·t :--r•enker on a ··;,,..'ew Proe-rnm the chemistry building-. Gim·chctti"s .:.eta.ta:, <·ents ap1ccP An, ~tcldre-.~ will forms have been found. whi<h va·,· akohol. and $Omc·timcs t)\· ,rre:tt q11::rn machinC'. Lig}~t l:c,n1r:- pa~:a;:n·~ t)11T "\Yith constantly innea.;:in~ inter~ for .-\Q""rinilture." befo•C' the Fa1n1 arnl name is the third to appenr. ~e given by Re\·erend \\ eds <Jf Bill· 1 in eolnr. trans1 arency, hardne:,;:,;,. and tities of expC"nsive foe, l~tuff:.. '1'1, the perfo::-matmns cnntrnl £>l<:> 1 ·tr·l·:.l <-"""tin forensks. thl· oro:-twd fo·· :-onn• lloml' '\\·eek ~pon~orerl by Iowa ~tafc Cornelius g-raduated from the Butt(> mgs . clcmsit.v· boilin"' and mC'llin12: point~ magnetic power is often tyreal nr1d impul~es whic·h n11<·ra\p thr tliaJ;,:, winning- t.c-ams ai·t• rxee!ll'nl. t·ol!C"g-e. Februan' R. high school in 19:H with (,Ill' of tht• Saturday e\"enin.(! group di~cu~·.~ion~ al~o differ ,,·ithin wide limitation-.. varies in\"eTs<.>ly \"\-"i\h th<' clrn-.i~~' or T}w :n\'l·ntn, n h;;.•h s('hc1ol tr:wh<•.. Ori the ,·et.urn t1·in Frh uarv tfi. "\T1· hip:hest grade avera.(?'r::. of any t?ll- nn topi,·!- pertainin~ Lo youn<.!' peoph• The color L'xhibited by man:,.· spe(·i* the valence. and inver:-t•ly with th<' c 1 :d1r P-wt lw bn' f, nn,J thP ml· I \Vilson will ~top to dl'lin·r ~ne of '.l 1·01led. He was awardPd :i.n honor and rcliidon, under the direction nf 'lll'll i~ a -.urfa:c ph('nomcna u!-tially t'ulw of the a!!e. 1 h;f\'' \"·ilunhl<.• :ind I rndic·al l•t•i·clll~l' ·~ fairly bright hoy is far mor<' 111 c-<'ries of a.ldn•sses on ecntHllnit· proh- scholar~hip lo )lontnna ~tate l'())le~re. Erest Roeseler, will take rlacc at the due to a more or le~R rlo~el~· adhcr- ~ome vatieties t(">n<l to form nn-ion~. of lhl' tinw it ~·ave"!. lh• plans lo ·n tc·llig-Pnt :inti fnr b<:>ttC' 1 ' ('OJ~lp:m:,,· than kms sr011so1·Nl l)\' the hu"ilwss acl- Christian church. For Sunda~· afh•1·- ing power. Some few ,an" spC'eimen~ hut mostly cat-ions .. \ll variPtir>~ ,,.,__ 1 t1·cirhwl' th!.! mal'hinc to ·h" C'd11n1- tlH• averal!e adult . .T. B. S. ffnldcrnL'. "ini"t·ntion dl•nnrtment of the t'ni· An honest man':-- the nobl('st wo!·K noon vesper services and a sotial h()ut h;-i\"e tourhe~ rf l'olor thnu;.d1 lackintr hibit an affinity for silver, gold. nltif- ti,,p:1\ world ,\l tht· annual <'Oll\'l•ntion ,·<'rity of }[inne:--ola. Other national of Go<l. Alexander Pope. are planned. This will be in than:!e in sui·face powder. inum and 101· preciou~ ~tones in bo!h pf J\.op rl111~rtmF-T1t of ~uuc.>rintC'ndPrif "\Ye learn nractically nothinc: from :t fio-ure~ inC'ludin'! :\fr. llnrriman. JWP~- ---- ---- of .John Pope and 8am Eagle. I It has been found thnt an un'lolishecl t·h:-iin and ring- ~trt1clures. 1 of the Xational EtlUl·alion n~.:ociation dctory. All our information co'rl·~ I ;,l<:-nt of the t'"nite-rl Strite!- rhamhc.>r The love of prni~e. however l"On· Speci al eveni ng services will con- specimen tcndf- to turn (!Teen in thP The element is commonly known a~ i•t :'i-linne!'nr!i!-; next month . The from a defeat.-Coach Chick i\.Ieehan, ("If Commerce, will sp:!ak in the sanw ccaled by art. reirns more or less, nn1l elu de the rally. prese n ce of n high]:; polished one. The woma n. 1 Daily Car d in a l. N. Y. U. ser ies. glows, in e,·ery breast.-You ng.

--ontan~ £xp:on:ent€¦ · --ontan~ £xp:on:ent VOLU11E XXlV. IlOLE)IAX. M();s;T,L·A, TUESDAY, FEIJI:UARY 7. l!J:;:1 xmIBER 16 R Brannon es1gns . DE\IE D.\ :-.CE S.\Tl'fWAY St

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Page 1: --ontan~ £xp:on:ent€¦ · --ontan~ £xp:on:ent VOLU11E XXlV. IlOLE)IAX. M();s;T,L·A, TUESDAY, FEIJI:UARY 7. l!J:;:1 xmIBER 16 R Brannon es1gns . DE\IE D.\ :-.CE S.\Tl'fWAY St

--ontan~ £xp:on:ent VOLU11E XXlV. IlOLE)IAX. M();s;T,L·A, TUESDAY, FEIJI:UARY 7. l!J:;:1 xmIBER 16

R . DE\IE D.\ :-.CE S.\ Tl' fWAY St d s Brannon es1gns i'tudcnt Senate to Hpon,or . \ II-Sch,~, , ~ U ent enate I o/ht~,/tl:.~::n:t'", .. :,:·;,,:~.:

Chancellorshl·p I )lh,•r \ftcr l nhcrsit) (;ame o· M I Lamh,a Chi Alpha a 11 U - I 1scusses any Ami;" fratcrniti,•s. These

I It i~ :said th-:1t mcm_bcr:-. of t_hl' ~t.1- I lwo gTou11:; will be k 11,\,·11 as

Of Uni. vers1·ty dent :senate. will ha\'e _tne S\\'llllnl1"- B. Q t· l Lamhda Chi Alrha and the pool made lflLO a skatm.1! rillk .so a ... [ 1g ues ions . . ... to mak'7 more room to dam·t· :n t 11,· 1 1 ...\m1,~<.1s will lie iniLJatt.>d vn g-ymnas1um wht'n tht• st.•n.itors h<dn ::\larrh 11 \\ hen a t n,vc·ling t~e·!1: ?i.g-. all-;dwol ~11ixn attn tl~e --. -- \ f-ei.:n•taa·y for tlw Lamb la l.nl\eu:1t~ ot _ Jluntann !!amc tlu. .\ttcndance. Point Hvstem. Class -- . .· ·




HELD l l'i i\IARCH


Is to Tal,e Effect June 30. Leg­islators :11a) Abolish Po,,i· tion

, .~dmi.~sion will be 10 l'ei:tb. i~ wa~ Elect.ions. i\-! ixers. A ired at .'.1ni1?0 i:-: the la ·t fratl•rnilv ucc1Cietl aL tlw s(·nalt:' mel•tin:.r 1hu1.s- .Meeting o f (-r0vern1ng llodv t H s c . 1 · da,r. ~i,:r \\·enaas and his "Fom ~ a · · •. lo g-o nallnr.a.

Saturdav evemng-. I . . ~ . I C h1:. \\ ill I)(' 111 Bo :l·man.

::\'orsemen" will furni:-h Lhl• musil' for I . ---. II - XcgotiaLions were> <:Cltnl>.lclf:d :::::atur-1. The. new group will oci:upy the hvttst' !Jr . .:u . ..-\. . BrannoJ1, channc'llor of the the occasion. n1~-.approntl of l·ontmucd ~\J. i.:r.i·e or jd.iy_ for the rnn:-ulu.lat1on of the in which Lhe Amil{u traU!rnitv 1s nu·.,

greater Uni\'er~ity of .\Jon~ana, Sllli- T.he c.lance wi~l be a nf\:dat~ ~tffair. n:i-tam ::.t_udenl .. ..:enatur.s, _a di:-:~us~i,,n An11go and LamLda Chi .\lpha social living, at 201 South Third. ~1 he let•· mitk<l his icsig:nation to tht• .stutl:! It thi:-: dan~c is succes:-tul. it ,s thP ('.! the po111t s) :stem. makmµ- ot ptan_.


tralf!rnities. This i:- the sl'cund mergi·r tative date of :\lan:h tl has been sel l.>oar<l of education la:-;t Frida\'. a th1.: f,lan of the :~l·riale to hold thesl' affaj,~ !or _a :-:_tudL·nt :,,;enale a~s('m:il.\', ~n- The hottH· (ll'fl), whil'i1 has of its kind l'ompll!ted on the :\lontana for the consolidation, since a tra\"cl slate boanl appro\"es thl.! i·c:,;ig:natiun. at frequent inten·als. ··~~t1g-auon of c:Ja::;s_ eh.•d:on :dl(! ln.~- heen the home of Lambda Chi Stale campus this yla~ an<l Lhl' ste, ing secretary of Lambda Alpha will l hanccllur Drannvn ,,di Ji~t:untmuL t'JsIOn to hold a mixel' danl.'I! fc>ll<,··\- will plate thi:s in~titut,on amon.l! tho~, be here at that time. hi:- admi111st.1atin· dutil'~ .June ,HI. ing the Bobcat-Grizzly ganu.•, Satui·-1 ..\.lpha for the· pa:-;t fl·w year~ having only nat10nal frateimtie:,;. Lambda Chi Al1Jha wa:.. rounded a,.

The staL.e :senate rci.:ently fHJ.:s:-cd ..i PLEW CONDUCTS da:,·, werl' among the important tlii:1.;~ I will SOllll hc \"atated . rt ha~ I Bo~t.on un1,e.::;1t.y m lVU~ and 111 Jt112. bill whiL-h in t>ffet·t. abol,~hl.'~ UH.' otfit·l' ac,n1111ilh•hed at a llll't:tini,r, Thur,,\a_,,, he1:n lill! home of many cam.! EGBERT WINNER began ~n exten::.l\t expan!iton pro-Thb mca:sure is now be1orc the hou:-:l'. of the A.~- )I. ::5. C. jro\"e1·ning- lio,ly.; . ··,, . .· ,. . , \ f g1am. Smee that time the tompa1a-lt was not stated in Lhe lt:=~ignauon RELIGOUS SURVEY !:-,tcps will he taken, the :wnatc de- pus m~nitaiics "\\ho ha\l' 1tl\ely youn~ national ha:,; atllat:tcJ a that the c:hanndlo1 wus tendermg: hb t:ided. to i1upro\"e the attcmhw, ._. at I l·1·ou;.;·ht much :,;l·hulastic I IN EXTEMP MEET I great deal ol comment m educational resiKn&tion bt!l"au:-c of the likcl1houo futun~ meetings of the club

I honor lo 11. s. c. ":.lontana circles as bemg one of the most pro

that the governing body wotdd aOoh:::ch Jim Gannaway, As:-odatcd ~tudt:!nl . , g1eiss1ve of the national f1ater111t1e---. his ofTice. Questionnaire Sent to Three Out p1 ~~:dent, told ot uumerous ni?w idea States only fihocles schohlr H. now ha:.-. a~s~ts exl"eeding .four mil-

Dr. Brannon a::;:-um~d office Jamw.n· lw t:aincd while allendin1-t the natinn:il I ,\as a nwmbcr of Lhi~ fratcr- lion dollars, maintainis t.wo paid 1ull-li'>,


28. lie i::; a formci· pn·:sident

01 nf E, ery Fi Ye Students At student president 1:onn:'·ntion at :,t,w I nity. Stebbins. Eagle. and Schenk ..\11.;o time traveling secretaries who visit

tht! Uni\"crsity uf ldaho and instn;.- ;\Jontana ~tate Colleg·e Orlt.·an:- recl'nllv. Gannawa\· abo I Vie for Honors in li''o rsenic the chapters at least once a year, anll mental in organizing the Xorth Uakl,L.1 hrouµ-ht up the qlwstion of whCtlu:r or, l\feet For P. K . D. Cup Award fo,vnts thle m1.

0tst tdistinctiv~ li~rar1y of

~chool of )ledicine. He was uean ol not thl· stud<:nt ~enate of )luntuna I ra erna .1

er~ ure mamtame< by this :si..houl ftom H.105 to Hill and wa.~ Jn making a ~Ul'\'ey of the !-tale State colleg~ had too large a mcm- --- !any umversity rratcrmty. Lamboa C ht dean of the college of liberal arts frolll l~dul:ational in:-.titutions on the Pac- bet.!dtip. This blought a roar of dis-1 Bobcat Band Me m bers 'ro Tour St t I Rachel Egbe1t \\Oil the Pi Kappa Alpha has always plated above fourth Hill until HJl·L He wa::; pre~ident uf ilk coast the ":-.:ort.h Ameri('a Board appl'O\al from a number of :-ienators I I l I a e Delta silver lo\lng cup, m the final:,;

11~ the national schola !-hip ratm~ for

the University of Idaho until U/1~ for the ~tudy of Religion in Higher \\ho ,\ere fearful that their olticel C • 25 h A . ol the extemporaneous speakmg- cun-\fi~termties \\Ith more than -10 chap-when he went to Beloit collcg:e. ll1c1 Edueatinn"' is St->nding queslionaires would be the one eliminated. Th1.1 ommemor a t rn g t nntversary te'St'- at ?ilontana State collei:e \\hteh teis . .served at Beloit until 192:l, to th rel· nut of enTy five students as Student pn•xy suggested that the duke ,,a::. held } riday. Other contestants I The loc~l chapter \\a::; installed. on

Jn c:vmment,ng on Lhe rcsignnti()n, thc,y HJlJll':lr in the lbt in the regh-- of Fan~s and the presu,1,;nt of s1iu,-.1 I in th~ order of placin_g- were Dean :'.1ay ~. HJ,H .. and at the p.esent tune

Dr. Brannen had thl! following ~late- trar':- uffiec. Profes:-:01· Plew is in ::.hould be member:; of Lhe senatt'. Members oi the Bob<.:at hand will,' band:s in the state. Director Lou Stebbins, Sam Eagle and '.:\.illia:n I has nme active members, 20 pledl{es, ment for the press, ··1 hope thl:y (the I L"l1an.rc of the work on this c:ampus. Jmportam·e of the prcs~nl pnint this spring, ::;tart on tn~ir annual tcur lto\\anl thought Lnat by visitm!:, Sehenk . and seven faculty me,nbers. legislature) will 1etain the c:han~d- The :=::m·,·cy is of a scientific nature s~·~tcn.1 now in effect \\ as ab,, ques- I lt. will _comme111olal_t tl~e 2.)th annu.tl thes~ cities, he :oul<l secure nece:;;sary :\Iiss Egbert ga,·e a masterlul pre-1 · Th~. Amigo _fraternity _was foun~~~d lorsbip." He said that. tht" aboli:-hnwnt ~.nd 1ka!:-- for the mo:,;t part with the twnl'd. It was shown that the ~vs- ·rn> uf thi:- orgamzation. In .:\lay, musical talent for his band and that sentation of the "Rus~ian Fi\"e l ear m 1923 and smce that t1111e ha:s \1ecl would be a "definite retreat.·· in edu- rdi~ious J·,ack)!round of the gtu<lPnt:.; tem "as a good thing if its cha1rnlan l!l08, the State collL:"e or'~3nizaliun 1~ would en1:ou1agc the 1.or


mation oi I Ian." Stebbins discu:--sed ··Technoc. with the national fraternitie:s in holr,­cational standards. anil the factor~ affecting- the religious was \\illing- LO gi\'e the time nl!ce~sary I?l~yed in Butte, Hdena, Gri:at lnll:-, s.milar organizations in the high racy"' as did Eade. ~t·l1enk talked 011 !ng hono1s ~n the. campu:s as well _a:-

Under the }lontana ~,·stem, tht idl·Hl:s an<l lJcliefs of the indiYiduals. to pro.p~rlr do the work. lhllon .. ...\ nac:onda and D"cr Ltd~L·. ). t sc~ools. . , . . ! ·'Tet:hnonal'y: a Fable." Im scholar~hip_ ratmg. lt was cons1d-chancellor is an exec:uti\"~· o_tfinff u. Ont• ot the intere::,;ting querie~ i~ .. ~.~l·J:,,J~)n.tu _h?l~l. a i:-~udl•nt senate that t11ne there were no h1·.rh :-:l·hn,1 ,~ht' r_c~ult 0_1 _tn.1~.1~1onet1· ,~·~rk has 1 This was the third Pi Ka!)pa Deltajered at this time that :such a merger the state board of cduc:at,on an,l .11 out th~ rdaLun of Yarious studie::; a:-:~cmhl~, Feb1 u,n Y ~). \\ as maJe. At bctn th.it neai I:,. ~\ u Y hi14h :sc~ool '" extemporaneous contest held at :'i-lon- would be to the. mutual ?enefil. or supend~es the .outlining of .eom·~e.-. a: I to lelig:iou:,. lwli ... -fa. The suhjects 111!1::; as:-:l'.mbly. (. ;anna\\_ay , "ill gh·e UNIQUE SCENES ~\lont~na ~ow has a band, orcnestra. tana State t:olle~e. 1\Iis::- E:!btrt i~ .the both gr~up~. Amigo has :29 ~c:t1v.e the \"ar1ous unit~ of the un1,·e :..t~ :-:.o !aUt!hl which ,,·ere thouzht to han• his ~<.>poi t .on the ::--... S. I·. A. con- ~md gle~ club: .· . first woman student to ha,e acquired me~ber!i, nme pledges, and fout fa<:-as lo avoid 1;1nneces:--ary dupli1·a, i\1n i.nflucnc:('d rel:;.dcn are history, civicf-, \~nt1on wh1l·h \\as held at Xew Or- ba 1.Jurm~ t~e:,.e '1~ .. 1t7 of the . Bobcat the cov~ted cup. he _also will have \ult:,. mem_b_e_r_s_. ------whereYer possible. p:-.yclwh)gy. litt>rature, biology, or p~1y-1 le:am:.. , . nd,. P~_om~nc~t ~tti~~n~ a~d clubs_ ~1. h~r choice of e1the~· takmg- part in the

,il·ai ~cicn,·e. ,Jol~n 1 ark•'r and Joe '\\ alters were IN w INTER PLAY t!:e 'auou::; ci~u::-. -'Cle '"llt.n~isiast.c ~orthwest Forensic l'Onte~t. or in the . ~l . . . appomted tu inn:~tigalt' das~ dee- o,er the type 01 J,Crte,rmanc:_e inven b~ F'ocky ::\ll.untain League. Stebbins will MIGHT ABOLISH

COED PROM HAS , . Th·l.' un. u\m·e. ell tea~l~e1s on 1elt-1 lions. J the college band .• \t 01:e ume or _an· cc·mpe!e in the alternate l"<,nte~t.

l ~10u~ behef:::; \\as questioned. Club :-;cnator John llarri~C'1l <luri " U I --- other the members ot the mu~u:al . . . gTOUJ)~. n1otion pittun:s. stage perfor- cour:>e of the meet ng. su;,...,.e ·tc~ lh~~ ... rn1 and The ::\Ian .. to Have group were s;uests of the .J-lonlam\ I Ts~ d~~a~ qiest~~n wh!lh Fw11l ~e I HELL SESSIONS mc.mces and dominant. personalities I snme outstandinl!'; ;e~k;; \u ·h • s 1 ·'" ' • • ... ' dub in Heil•na, the Electric club at m;e tn ~ oc_·\, ·--~~un~aln orcnsic I

LARGE TURNOUT \' 1..·rl! other fad or:,;; wn1ch were c·on- \\' "II R b b 1. ' · <: .i.. Interesting "orks of c\rt In Great Falls the :::Hher How cluo n' League will bc. Rt::sohed, that the I :-idered lo ha\"e ra(i an important part ,1~1ts t~g~:~'nta~. 0 it~~('ed<:ol?~· le~·turt: Stao-e ~Jakeup ' ~ JJutle, and Bea-..erhead club in 1Jillo


11 rnited sta;esihould ~!-andon <:apit~I-. ---in th~ muulding of rdiidou~ belief. . tCo~t,nued « n ~ , ;, cgc. . 'l", c: --- Prof. A. ~I. Currier, a nu:mher of ~~~ni!/,, un amenta <:onc£:pt of its Fraterni ties 1\-fake Arran \)'emen ts

1 h1-. .:un ev attempted lo obtam O age 1 our) the l:Ollege ial·ulty at that time and a I · l 1' ei. • •

:\Ian~ Startling Costu mes , vorn the present st3.ndmg of the s ud(:nt wll - --- \Yith the presentation oft 1e winter 1,ariton~ ~111;.!er of un~~.·.u,·a·l n1erit, ae- [ to Do .Away ,\1th In1t1a hon B., Girl'5 at Ann ua l ,Yorn en's idigwn 1f theie \\'Ch a ,\ a\ ei mg m E , . M Ir qua, ter dramatic production, Gelir.·t: C(!ll)lmmc<l the ba~d, smging ~olos and J Q , S S . d 1'


l'ereinonies. ll'lig-iou, beliefa the questionnaii·e at- flglneeTS a11e Bernard Shaw's ''Arms an1l the :\Ian'' g1,·1ntr talks to ~ne h1g)1 _:-.ehool sw~I • • • aJ 0

Dance Friday E Yening lPlllllled to fmd the I easons. at thL• Ellen theatre :\larL·h :: nnd -1, dents about musical al'th 1t1e.-.;. \ s

1 . . D • b

I Test On B01·1ers :\lGntana >,:ale ro''.cgc ,tud·nt, w II A number of the men who were Prove Notl11·no At a special meeting of the pres•

. • U( 1 .;l~'t_~ti,o~::. c:l:~· . 0 • jOU e ie,e I ha\·e the opportunity of ~t.>cln..: nut playC'rs in th(' tir:--t tour a·e still I a, 1denb _and faculty acivisors of the .About 200 gaib,· dressed girls were 1_nr~?d .'I •• 1'i h.,\t ,.1~ :,,omh.1°1.1ccri. 0 { I --- only one of Shaw·~ wittie~t and ill' t known to students; amon~ them h(•in:::. --- iratern1t.ie::;, along ,,·ith President At-

J,l"t:-t.mt at the CoeJ prom wh:c:h wa.,., , .e. 1:;1~" ·, a,~:' o_u .a ~ 1 °:'0P n ° . J . 1

• • plays but al:-:o :-omethm;.! new in ~ta•.!e the following: Clinton Hookl:'r, drum ' ... . . · ... kin.son, an investigation was starte,l held in the 1.:ollege 1nm Friday night, l!!C' .. and othe1_~ "~1e uent1on~,I. Heating I lant Unit Rates H1g-h design~. major; Fred Homan, .:\. \\·. \\':lli~. Tests P10,1ng Ath let es Less In- which threatens to abolish and ehm.n-Feb. :3. Sig- ·w,maa:- and his ··j•ol1r The: n•su_lt:=; of tins ;.1.n·vey will Le I In Thorough E~amination The seb. foi· the play, dcsi: nut hy Paul Stanton, cornets; .\1Thie Bro,v , telligent Than Others Is Cla im- a_te ''Hell Week." A u_mber of nu-Xor:::.emen"' pro\·ided the mu~ic for the <?nnouncc;J 111 the future: ~ry Pro~essor "lade B,- S' d

1... i\-Iaro-aret John:-:on and ,\Jin· Durland, Geoq:re Hog-an, \Villani King and \\~tl- ed UT f ,·. tionals have already Yo.1ced their d1s-

cn.ning-. The aft'clir wa:-- spunso.1:<l by ]'! " e I t II bn ,t L LU en l!t to, b R b' I 1 \ n a l 1 r h f t I ... . . . ~·,\". .,n Ji r::-ona ra ~n~s w1 .. · arc decidedly an innovation in :-hl!?e ,it•- ur o mson, a to:-; l L·rman Yilsnn I ap~rova o t e ra ermty custo,n ant Spa1tanians. . ;.t"l_\·l·n, bu~ t 11e teneral rel11nous trend~ signs at ::uontana State t·ollc;.:e. Fioni Harry E<l::.all anti lloward Gillette. - -- it is possible that fraternities on th:s . JJ~m·mg start.e .... a~,~.:;.u.oc.Jo:k .a.!~~I \\111 be dl\ulged. :\londa)r, January :.,

01 the s:ca the iealistic se.ttin~s c1:-: seen in "Th~~ t1.'<rn.1bo~~s; ~uy Kirs~her. Clyde Pen· ;·)Jany possessors of ncditablc r. 1

c!'mp.us will do away with this u-acli-ccntmued until 10 \tncn ::-tunt:-. wu1c power plant of ..\lontana St.ate n•llc , Barker'' a derided departure will Ue \\ell. "111 Edsall and Da\"e DP:\iuth. Q. s would be re!Z'arde<l as. utter tlon m the near future. pre!Sent.ed ~Y the fot~r ~la:-se5 and bJ / • • underw_ent a t.horough <:>xam nutHin ·~, made. for the ln•::i.tment l~f the ~<:>t- <"larinets; Chn~. Fbher. baritone, dune-es if they were sudden!\· trans- It was brought out by some of lhc :h~ alumn~·-- Th~ J?-n_10r ~~a~s. ".·a:- i M 1l1tary Group determine its quahfitations ot \\'He:nct t;ng-;:; of the p1:e:-:t nt produc:tir:n w.11 be Cha!-. Soper, bass; \\'alter Livin~:-:.ton I ie1 red into the acth-i_ties o.r' <:1 .bas( I members at t~is mee_ting that l~n2.tny a\\ai:<led fo~t place 101 tl.1e,1 stun~- or not it could be cla::-:-ed a.~ a mudeni of an exprcss10nistic naturP .n m·lh•r I flnd Barney Berg. tlrums. ball game1 thus pr0\'111~ noth:n ! to' hell weeks seriously 1nterfe1e with the a mm~et danee; hon'?.aole. ment:ori To Hold Dance unit. to enforce the romantic: i<ll·a of th,~ Due to war and other cau~e~. the or against the intellig-enl:e te .... t," I"" th(· ,Scholastic and physical condition ot was f;IVen the follo_w1!11,;;. fir.st; th 1 The heal engine.::; class conductul a pla!,,' . band did not make a trip fur two 1 statement made by the athletic dL~-1 many of the neoph:,..-·tes. lf hell weel-..~ a~u.m~1 ,:·ho ga.\·e ~~ 111~1tat1on u.t ath.-_ complete 12 hour test. OfficiaLv C\ Ill Espt:!dallr 11 the su:ond aet O , ~·~ars . so that ihis ye11r will be thl· par_tment conternin'.!" lhe intelli~~nL't" are not to be abolished, it was rel·om-lctlc:::; a:-:. they ~\ete m the l?ll~.-,-~ mencing at 8:JO a. m. by ha Yin:,.:" ail ,, A.rms and the \lun'' is thi-. \\r•U 12- rd one started by the B 1~bcat baml. ratme- of Jiontana football and oas- mended that they be shortened to two years ago, a_n<l :::;econd. to the fre_:'h· .\.nnua l Scabbard a nd Bla de Ba ll ashes removed an<l I ecords madt• 01 niustrated. 'That~ s-.::l'n(• is ·hi~·hh ·Definite ~1Tanzemc:n!s h~1~·c> not as ,·et ketball players. days. m.a~ dorm J:lrls who . Kll\e a '' 1ld to Be Gi,,en Soon. \\'ill An- fuels and ,.,.·ater in tl1e !JoJ1; s thi: rornantil: and tu ::i.,d the aL'lor:, in the:·r b~~n !na~le regar~l~1\1!' c:t.e~ thl'y \\ .JI Ont:- of the :,;ig-nfi,_ant fad:- outlinei: Figures were presented at thi~ \\ f

1t shEow ~n pa,,i~to~ll~e . . , . ,_ nounce S ponsors machinery was !iCL in motion. '~tll· intL'1·1,relation , f it, a ~:11den sl'l ha-


. \·JR•t nmmg- the 1.1.,., tour. is that motor intelli_ge.ncL' is demanded meeting to show that in a large num-""" rs .. umce ea,e1 wc:1:s tne <os dents , \\"Orking on one or mort' hour been dc:signe<l to carrr thC' idi•:i.. :\"o 1. to supplant and reuiforce the attr,b- ber of cases students who hall malit:

t~me Ju~ge.d ~~-~ }ofll~wmt!t- .J,edo?l_; ::'.hift_~, ueJJcnd_ing ur,on the jLb, \\ere ing- could be furthL'l' r; 0111 n:al -111 th .n N O

. ute of phy_sital t·ou:a.ze. Its impt1r· arnund Ji µvints and 18 credit::. at the \\ere awa1de 1~.Jze. 0. OU ~tan m_ One er th•.~ outstan.lin_g- ~ocia1 leljUHed lo dimt., Ill almo~t en]!'\' 111- that set. ew uest1on tanee is <l1s~:ounted until the1e is : end of the iall quarter nac.l. fallen to Pi~:m~e1-Ia~fc:.~~es;nc:dli~~~~:.} ;'.~~\~,etr~ e\lnl:- of the year will be giv1.:n Sat- L'.On<.:eh-able place and to lCtOl"J lilt· . .\lthou.\!h th_c :-.tnp1gc vardc11: '.-,(,,"l'nl' J panic. a riot, or .a \\:ar. · I ni~L' and ten .,Joints and cred.it_s:. I t ~\"l:lS

·whO were dressed ln colo~ial ~tvle; urday, 1-ehniary 25. when Scabbard various <lata requirtd J°or th~ eXJ,L'ri- and the Jt'CUlw.r doors and_ w,nl1Jw:-I For Debators On~ ~f .t~e. J?l~m~nent ~n~n on tht £1:11.ther ~ho,,n ,that the ph)slc~l.co~-h bl . fi \' · and eiade will gi,·e ti1e annual .\Iii ment. of the other 'l<'ls are scunm ,·ly not I i\Ionlana <.:l~1th1n.., :-taff \\H::c. a mem- d1t1on of man:,. of the men \\a::. <lL-

onora e mention: st. anetta tan· hall at thr Baxter ho:el. lnvit:..- . ~csides \n•iJ;!hin~ and saml'lin~ . k . ,r .~} · h r· ~. 1 hl'r of the national al'my (drafted I cidedly weakened, while some stu-.1,:on!"'·n an;l .:\targaret 1:erma~. a_nd tion~ h::,\"c been extt:nded to Governv a~;he::, the c1.naly~1s of thL' flul· .:ase:,, ~~e ~f~\~"l1i;~.1\!r1..~ ~1 l~l: i~L'-~~uiusid tro~p$); 89th did::.ion. during it-:. o:·- 1

den.ts who were havinK di1~iculty witi1 ~l'.~ond. Edith John!-on and f L1ulmc Eritk:-on and the adjutant gt'nl!tal il and fuel were dt<t~rminctl aL ~U 111111_ I ~ . Capitalism to Be Discussed By g-amzatwn at ramn Fun:--ton. He :--aid !their work due to a loss of sleep <lur '\\1rak. . . the ~talc of :\lontana to b(' orc:,;cnt. ute intervals by othl:r stuJenb, ~ .. 111,· {l onlrnUl·d on Page Four) ~tudent,;;; in Com ing Co llegia t e that Genc!al ,Yood':.~ polic:,· was to put ing' hell we{'k would probably not be

Dorothr :111ller an~ Hazel B0rde1.. Elaborate <:ntl!rtain.l Lilt Jl!an:- a,.(: oI whom had to Lring- tht<ir Junche~ 111 ~I t C h R I :1tl>lt"tf's in l'ommand of every a. tu·1l. up to par before the end of the school ~\:n· :--elected a" havin':! the most ."t- ur<le1· tu remain on <.July durin,! thi.; G d M h • ee S. oac · evea S combat unit, unless :-;pecific t1.1chnicnl I term. 1gmal cos.tumes: honu-able men~!on, being- worked out Lo enable the ncc:a- noon hour. fa ing l·Ja( ine knowledge was needed. Almo:-:t the· lt was the opinion of most fratct· first, Marion '\:arne1: and Betty Got>. s~o~ ~o ~\"e up.to th~ grhaL popula~

1ty After c:ollec:ting- all the data il is ('onh:--,ant:-; for places on the tkbate only necessary qualific·ation for t·om· nity members present that some o,

~;:l!~~~~nd, Edith \\ atson and Jlelt•n ~\\'~ ;i~h ts,?~~;~I~tc'~,.~n\i);":~~Ul r:,1 in~~m;r~fei~~ {~.1°:~~;.~gi~ :,~a~tn:.~'.: Corrects Papers lcam that will n·pre,cnt thl' blue and '.,:'~1:,~i"'.,1;;r;1~eemr\~~ct· o';f .\~~to~'. I g,fe ~~~:;!~~tn;e;:d ~~as \t.\erh·:'l:~': _First ~rize _for the bC>!-t ~ouple \\a~ when the battalion !-.pon~.ff and the t.he chemists were 1equired tu analize: 1..,·t,Jc.l at Lnramie, \\"yo .. next . .\pril arl~ and commissioned officer.:: ki'll'd inlulty and advisors e\'idenced no pin-J\'l• ~o Glad:vs BoyEr. and Jq·eria Cl.111- sponsors for eath of the five l'Om- the 1:hemital ('ont.ents of lht• ga~·(•s, ~cw [n\t.·nlion to l\lak,• Appl~ l>e;.)nnin.~ a l,a kl,C ound study or the action in F1ance will ::.hnw an a:-tnund· ticular cont:ern in "Hell Week'. as lon,,

t(,n; ~onorable ment1on, fir~t. Lul·1\le panics are announced, and lhe formal ashes and fuels so all of thL· n'~ult~ 11uestion. ·'Ri::•:--olvL-'d. that lhL· l~nited in!! percentag-e of athleh•s, the per:-011 as it did not interfere with schohn-: Hutc:hm~on and F,anc~} Frisbee, a.nd presentation of t.he new pledge:-. ()f being co\lede<l and llUt in final frinii. l'oli~hin,g· and Handshaking inl<'l'\'iewed stated. .


1.<ht'p and tlte ph\.·,,·1··al .. ,,n,11·1·1011 ot' tJ, .. •·•


··rncL Leona ::\Iartin and Ailee Scabbard and Blade <ffe made krwwn. Several pag-cs of t·omputahrns an In· Out of Date 11 Claims are True ~tates shuuld abandon L·apitulism as lt is pO$Sible to ck\"i~l"· te~t~ of all ;~1en. .,~,... ... " "t\ alters. µor~~ are m:ccs:::ury to conqdett' th<.· a fundamental l"lilll'l'J)t. oi' its Cl·sin- sorts on many different base~ . Tht>

.\Ja1·y :\klall and :\Iary Brooke won l'nl\"C'r~·.ity of Oklahoma has svh-t•J proJed. uny." clang-er is in the concJu.:_ion dri1w·• 1hc• rri:-:<· waltz. an<l Fran(·('s anrl the probleni of cutting classes dl:ring- At 8::Hl p. 111., the final ob~erv:.HiOll" ··J'nJIL".:<,fl ial pronHtin~!'' r1tJy lll1~ 1ht.-> fir.-.L of a scri~:-. 0

1• lecture~ on from the re-suits. To state flatly that Al h Ch" s· '

Mary P0terson the prize fox-trot. winter quart~r. Cod 1:ver oil i!-: di~- we1e ma<le, and sinc:e tlll'n it has l.t~(•:t ii(• rc.,ponsibk tor ,,ur Phi gl l!I K:q,. l"U.J,ilali:-.m. soci<.dis:11, anal"l'hi~m. and a test proves athlete:; less intellig-{•nt I p a 1 1gma tributed to all students who cnt ·r ~lete~mined that the steam pnwer plant I c\...: Ill the futUll', r thL· maraint• n'· t.otht!r pl litil:al economiL•.s will be g-iYen than the other ~tudent::; i~ at once fl f h their 8 o'clock clas~e:-. And the Okla- IS !-till l'apable uf !-<Upolyin),{ the nleds l"l"lltlv ill\'(·nh d in fl'OJl\\-UO.i, )lici1., by nr. R. R.. Rennl:' t.omonow art er- m:i.nifes.tl~r unfair it was. d(•dared. on ors res man Chi Beta Alpha homans go for it, too. J of ::\,Ionlana State collei.:·e. i~ in~tallcd in the uniYt.->r:;ity, nOon in the Little Tht•atre al;', o'docl.. "Th(' fir..;t nre·equisitf-" for i:ln~c:.ify-

The <lcdce, whkh is listed t'n Uh' Tie will outline the history of politin11 ing- a studc,n~ as nn athldr i~ intPl· ---T fl )d M f C f f:J.n1lt.~· of tht.• l.utlwr L. \Vri~ht. hi~ 11 ln n(lmy and expl.1inell fundam~ntal lil!cnce-Tntelli(l'"ence with a canital Honorarv Chem Fra t Engraves 0 0 ee O orado School Of Mines Discovers ~~l'.0)'! ~~ ~·,:~';~.:;;:\ ~~ .. ,~:1;;/;;:::~1~

11:~i: letms. ~;:~udltl(;~;'j1\~~;r:;~~i~('.-~;~:1it~~ Name.of Cornelius Giachctti --- I 93 d B • f • l Ch • l £1 up

1of dials. lights and J.(ad~·t·b. whit-h ne~~

0 ~,~!!kr af3J1


:a~~~l tl~~;u~~1 ~1~: ,tonh111n State L'ol 1;ge ~n l it will hP on P laque in Chent Building Heligous Group to Have 3-day r lO OglCa emzca ement corrects cxaminati,m rapel'< w,llwut al'chy. Subsequent speakers will be found bristlin•r with intelli~ence." it

Ralh· I\feetin o- Und er ~\uspices ~he i.ntrusion of the _personal (at'lur. It Dodor ~lal!s\•old, Professor Conser. wn!- pointed out. I · ,-, 1s said that lhl· nrnthine l'Ul"t.>("ls ra1w1:,; "Th<> rrr<'·•tt ._t troubl<' with m·rnv of Corne ius Giacchetti of Butte ha:,;

of Local Churches . ScK11t1d~ have h:.nz been ~t111t.r,i:d-1 tempe1ature of this element hus 3 .. wiLh a speed and al"L"Ul'al'Y thl' hum:rn and Pior. :\-1. L. \Yibon. ""l" intr>,·{·l"lllt>..,.·iattl tean~-. hf>re (:\n~I at been selected by Alpha Chi ~ittm<\ as rng with their t;lucl1c~ of chelllll'al wide a. variation as clJl\~ nf tlw l'lt•- teacher can ne,'('l" ntt.a.n, l"akulak!-> Since lhese lct:turf:,. will be of ~en- <'ther · litnti m·) i~ that ~o ,. the outslanding- student enrolled in

Cln Beta Aliiha. honorarv ,clil!ious e!ements, but it took a ,tut!ent.al thc ments .in that some , 1.ciimens have a the pet·ccnla)!e slandill)! 0 :· the pap,•r. cral intorest, all student, .are .uro:,•d cf the '~~wors'a;e n~t othlet:s." ::.~,~ chemistry for 1931-32. l,iaechetti has - 1 olon1dc1 .:-ichoo.1 of _Jl11H:.'"' to ch:--l'O', l'I' I \'ary high boiling· point ~HHI nthers a t' an~l is as !nfal_lible a~.~ an :-uhlin~ ma- to atll•rnl whether t'Ompctmg- 111 dC'- the t·onclu~ion drawn. an unusually high averatte. hi~ fresh-

fraternity, with the a'.il of rc•pre- clement !J.!, a b10log'H'al eknwnt, mor1• apt to freeze at anv mornl.'nl. chme. Bemg- incapah!e o! :,.(•ntinwnt bate or not. I man record showin.g- uH .Y::: but om.: ::cmtath·e-s from the ,ariou:- prote:-tant spedfically a memlwr of the VT1?at IL has also been 'round to the iclid it. can not. be influenc:cd by im··1 itiu,~ ,,.·,·t"'1,delnbal•'..,".,,'1'0",',n"tl,1r1_enadl~11!1,uc•c.111,.s,,clll1,o.,_',1euleo,1J1 \YIL80N TO SPE...\J\. and that was a B in a one credit churches, has planned a Sunday sc:honl human family. of the youn,::r c:hemi~t that undt~i- to sorority dinnel's. ,._ course. Alpha Chi Sig-nm is an hono~·-rally for February l'i-19. lt i~ c:-:pe· The ato:nic weight, acc:o ding- to th1• 1·roper treatment all spccinien:-. of fhPI 1Vith each ex:1.m:nation. an answe>· the <:apitali~tiC' que~tion. whihi nne is ary professional frnte1nity for chem-cially designed for c:olle'-!e :-tudE>nts "O!'ediitl'er.'' stu<lC'nt p1;1blicatil1n, ,~ !!element will ml·lt . The• tr('at"'Cnt ha~ ~hee~ is provided. Instca11_ ol' ans\\"\'.' - pendinl? with the State l'in-'rsity at P romin<'nt Econom ist to Give Lectu re::; ists. ~~~vk!~!, have as a slog-an '·Youth in ahout 120, althoul(h spec.men:; hav<• a al~o been found tn haY(' th•finitc b(•nr- mg m the usual way, with pl'll :rnd )Ji,._oula nf .\m es nnd ,tinneapolis ! Each year. the freshman major in

rang-e of !J5 to l-10. The <-hem ital :-:ym- ing on the ta~te which varil·:-- from paper, ihe student make~ a :,;mall per· Va .:.:1l\ and f1 c'-hman debate~ on the I chemistry with the hight-:--l sC"hoh\sti,· Friday evening-, Feb. 17. a lanquct bol of the t:h•nH:-nt is \V. bihe· to ~weet. foration in t.lw r:rnt>r OPJHl:,:do \h( \\.ll dl•b( (lttt'stlln \\!II be ht>ltl rebru- --- average is selected for the honor, and

open to all will be }lC'ld at the Jleth Otturren<'e: it i~ abundant in nat1J1P Chemit·al JffhJ1('1'tit•s: Ah"orL~ with- one of several po:-;:-:.iblc an:-\\'"l'S ,vhilh arv 2R. ,\hllC' ~n unrll•rc·la~.;; wnmC"n'.,, P1nf. M. L. \Vilsf)n ll"ft bt•'I WC'e1 his name is engraved on the ...\lphu Chi ruli!-t churC'h und1?1· the sup('rdsion of ture. found both free find <"omhined out di~soldng a numhc,1• of )iq11:d:-: tlw he bC'lieves to he mo~t nearlv t·or L'd debate "111 he conteskd ,,1th the for Amtl~. To,\a, \\hl-'l'l' he ,, II he .1 Sigma plaque in the entnmn• wuy llf Mildred "\Yhite. The prH'l:' ha._ h<~·,, Ph:,.·~il·al prooertics: a number n · n ·ti\·itv l)('in!! ~Teall:,,- incl'C:1 .. t>d hy An!-wcr !-hel"ts a1·L1 then ·mt inltl th( p;non ~orn~al school on '..\farl'h. <•11C'~·t :--r•enker on a ··;,,..'ew Proe-rnm the chemistry building-. Gim·chctti"s .:.eta.ta:, <·ents ap1ccP An, ~tcldre-.~ will forms have been found. whi<h va·,· akohol. and $Omc·timcs t)\· ,rre:tt q11::rn machinC'. Lig}~t l:c,n1r:- pa~:a;:n·~ t)11T "\Yith constantly innea.;:in~ inter~ for .-\Q""rinilture." befo•C' the Fa1n1 arnl name is the third to appenr. ~e given by Re\·erend \\ eds <Jf Bill· 1 in eolnr. trans1 arency, hardne:,;:,;,. and tities of expC"nsive foe, l~tuff:.. '1'1, the perfo::-matmns cnntrnl £>l<:>1·tr·l·:.l <-"""tin forensks. thl· oro:-twd fo·· :-onn• lloml' '\\·eek ~pon~orerl by Iowa ~tafc Cornelius g-raduated from the Butt(> mgs. clcmsit.v· boilin"' and mC'llin12: point~ magnetic power is often tyreal nr1d impul~es whic·h n11<·ra\p thr tliaJ;,:, winning- t.c-ams ai·t• rxee!ll'nl. t·ol!C"g-e. Februan' R. high school in 19:H with (,Ill' of tht•

Saturday e\"enin.(! group di~cu~·.~ion~ al~o differ ,,·ithin wide limitation-.. varies in\"eTs<.>ly \"\-"i\h th<' clrn-.i~~' or T}w :n\'l·ntn, n h;;.•h s('hc1ol tr:wh<•.. Ori the ,·et.urn t1·in Frh uarv tfi. "\T1· hip:hest grade avera.(?'r::. of any t?ll-

nn topi,·!- pertainin~ Lo youn<.!' peoph• The color L'xhibited by man:,.· spe(·i* the valence. and inver:-t•ly with th<' c1:d1r P-wt lw bn' f, nn,J thP ml· • I \Vilson will ~top to dl'lin·r ~ne of '.l 1·01led. He was awardPd :i.n honor and rcliidon, under the direction nf 'lll'll i~ a -.urfa:c ph('nomcna u!-tially t'ulw of the a!!e. 1 h;f\'' \"·ilunhl<.• :ind I rndic·al l•t•i·clll~l' ·~ fairly bright hoy is far mor<' 111 c-<'ries of a.ldn•sses on ecntHllnit· proh- scholar~hip lo )lontnna ~tate l'())le~re. Erest Roeseler, will take rlacc at the due to a more or le~R rlo~el~· adhcr- ~ome vatieties t(">n<l to form nn-ion~. of lhl' tinw it ~·ave"!. lh• plans lo ·n tc·llig-Pnt :inti fnr b<:>ttC'

1' ('OJ~lp:m:,,· than kms sr011so1·Nl l)\' the hu"ilwss acl-

Christian church. For Sunda~· afh•1·- ing power. Some few ,an" spC'eimen~ hut mostly cat-ions .. \ll variPtir>~ ,,.,__1

t1·cirhwl' th!.! mal'hinc to ·h" C'd11n1- tlH• averal!e adult . .T. B. S. ffnldcrnL'. "ini"t·ntion dl•nnrtment of the t'ni· An honest man':-- the nobl('st wo!·K noon vesper services and a sotial h()ut h;-i\"e tourhe~ rf l'olor thnu;.d1 lackintr hibit an affinity for silver, gold. nltif- ti,,p:1\ world ,\l tht· annual <'Oll\'l•ntion ,·<'rity of }[inne:--ola. Other national of Go<l. Alexander Pope. are planned. This will be in than:!e in sui·face powder. inum and 101· preciou~ ~tones in bo!h pf J\.op rl111~rtmF-T1t of ~uuc.>rintC'ndPrif "\Ye learn nractically nothinc: from :t fio-ure~ inC'ludin'! :\fr. llnrriman. JWP~- --------

of .John Pope and 8am Eagle. I It has been found thnt an un'lolishecl t·h:-iin and ring- ~trt1clures. 1 of the Xational EtlUl·alion n~.:ociation dctory. All our information co'rl·~ I ;,l<:-nt of the t'"nite-rl Strite!- rhamhc.>r The love of prni~e. however l"On· Special evening services will con- specimen tcndf- to turn (!Teen in thP The element is commonly known a~ i•t :'i-linne!'nr!i!-; next month . The from a defeat.-Coach Chick i\.Ieehan, ("If Commerce, will sp:!ak in the sanw ccaled by art. reirns more or less, nn1l

elude the rally. presence of n high]:; polished one. T he woman. 1 Daily Cardin a l. N. Y. U . series. glows, in e,·ery breast.-You ng.

Page 2: --ontan~ £xp:on:ent€¦ · --ontan~ £xp:on:ent VOLU11E XXlV. IlOLE)IAX. M();s;T,L·A, TUESDAY, FEIJI:UARY 7. l!J:;:1 xmIBER 16 R Brannon es1gns . DE\IE D.\ :-.CE S.\Tl'fWAY St


It·:- a hig :-.urpri:-l' to us thnt l'-OlllL' ot thn:-L' boys didn't turn up with pnn:,;ies ~IR t ·.- ( ~ Tl"" t n their buttonhole,.

~ ort Ult~J"'~xp Ot l.Cl'l I It', a g.,od thin~ llw ladi,•s paid tlw prin• al the "ate. for )OU ,mlJ hurdl) -------------=-------------- L·,pl·d a ho~ to i•ny for thl• pl"i\'ilt',I!\' of pu:-hlll!! son~e1 lh.' around tor :,

Continuance of Weekly Exponent, and of ~lonthJy Exponl·nt, Founded_ 1::;~5 couple hours. Pu blished every T uesday of the college year by the Associated Students of

Montana State college, .Bozeman, :\lontann :\~xt yL·ar WL·'ll wt>:11' tenni:- :-hoes.

Caramel Kist nutritious and health ful

Popcorn Con feet ion

Tn Our Butt ered Corn


Tuxedo Shirt $2.00 $2.50

, .......... _ ..... _... ...................................................... .._. ~ ............... .....

~ F OR _\ RE.\ T, ~ \ ~ •, \

! Valentine ~ \ \ \ \ Eusil'l' to nl'quir~ that :--pring-y uplift I · · Yrs Better

Subscription rate: $2.00 per school year that\: nl'll'ssary.

-r-e-le_p_h_o_n_e_l_4_7_As.....:::k:::f:::.o.:.r'..':E:.:x:.:·p:::o'....n:.:e:.:n:.:t:.....: _ __;_:___O_n_,_M_o_nc.<l_a)-.-af-te_r_l P. :\L- 0 Too had \\"t' han•n't a I,,,.:al SOl'OritY so tlw Pi l'hi~ (.'Ollld d(1 some more Corn Shop Acceptance for mailing at special rate ol p(1sta:;e provideJ ror in Section •i·as ;; pll•ddnc:. Wl' :,;h11t1ldn't ll•l llw· 11\l'n m(11wp(.,lize all lhl' lirnt.•-lit::d1t. in 32 Eas t ::\lain

1103, Act of October 3, Hl27, authorized February 17, Hl19 affair-.. likL• this. _ ._ -'*" -~ --......-...: _ ._.. ~

For Formal Wea , :-:;ox. TIES. COLL .\RS

Sport Shop ~ GIY E H ER YOl R ~

t l Photograph l I~ -:- ~ JOE WALTERS, Phone :S93-J \\ith the Lamhda Chi's a·putation ~-_or schoh~:-:th:_ brillium:y an~I ~Ill' -~mi~u:: I'-~ ~~~~""-"'-''''-"'-"-"-'-'-""-'''' !~1J~gi'i,ic .. .:°DITOR .\!IL'ILIEL DEE\'Y, !'hone lab puhtkal ahilities. the :s .. \. ls.', and ~1;:mn (hi, ,nil ha,,,h• thmk "Jl •1 nllHe l1 "-"-'! ~ <;><><)OO=Q-0-0-000000 > \

g H O W .\ R D ' S ~ ~ ----------------------------- ~1lhantn~t:ous arran~Lllh..:nt of th~-n~,.. 111.:xl n1~h \\<.·d~. ~ FLO w ER s f NEWS STAFF .,_ ,

I Tl !w:-t plaCl~ wt• knirn of to loH' f:\ith in and g-ain knowlt.•d,-rc lll' women ~ 1\1.\ KE THE BF!'--.T ~ A~:-.o<.'iate Editor W1Iliam ~chenk . . lt: 1 • . 1 y ,

[kn Ln", ~am F,ag-le, Bernard L'opping- I:-. Uw Ct1-1.>d Pn.1111. Try it yourst' I sunH .. •t1me HIH Sl'l'. , Y.\LE::STl~E~"'\ ~

g. ,·ew S pring· S uits , 22.50 ~ Li11field ~ "i t h two pa ir of trousers ~ ~

Editorial Assistant!'> ._Bill Sweeney - - -- ~ Orde r ~our Ya lentin L~ foth } t Spoils Editor. \\.ith dUl' apl)lP~il's to all p;:nti(':-- t'<Hh.nnc1I. we wi:,d1 t1, add .n :-.e~1u1.~l W ~ ,

~ 18.50 One Pair Trousers \............._.._~ ........... ._._........_.._._._.._ ................ ~.,..t

Societv Editor.................... ········· "ina Davis last ,,·t.•ek's story of LhC' :\Utonwhiil' "ritit-" and :-a:v that the ~1rl with the --.-- f; .::fot•iet}· Assistants. .. .... . . ... - - 1folcn .Sha_w,. Fa~~ ('la1:k, Dorothy ,?Ison, ~i~ . .\lph (\\ hosl' fL'L'lin.l!":- w~ heart! \\ L'l"L' sli)..!'htly hn1ised by ln..:t ·wh•k'~ L h ~

Kathryn Rafferty, Virginia Speck, )larJOl'le Starr, lonstance \I ,ggen- implieation,) had been ""' with a ~ii:111., l'hi the night h,·fnr,' and '" had "' M. ango r ., l,orn. ,ruught her nilh .. •r ~k:Hl'S ,tlon1,!'. ~ FLORIST ~

See th ese beaut iful patterns

THE HUB Feature \\·rite rs ,Joe Steinl·r, Rt1chd Eg-bert. )lary ill. Lowney .I. ~

Reporters. . .... -· ~- . .......... ····· ........... Leolyn Howard, Basil Ashcr~ft, Troop ;\{). 1. of UH.' Purity LL,a).!"Ul', lfoz1.:m:rn ( ·Jrnpler. had its \\L'akly 6 19 E. l\1 ai n P hon e 93 ;

Ed and Lou Howard Correct Clothes F or

Walter Ja<'ohy, Denn StL·hhin~. Gludys :\kCrL·a. \larguL·r1te RoH'Ol', lt1lda \\L'L•kl~) ll1L'l'tmg- on'-' t!.ly last \\ i't k. Thl• mL'l'ting- wu:- ll!H.'lll'd up ny ~~""-""'-~'-'.._.-: '-'''' ' ''' " '

Halonen, Ed :\h:Pherson. )Jury ):~s!1, Get?f!"e )li:-L-1\'ll', )~ary Ros~ \\'ol:e, Bnllhl.:'r Bennion. ~L'\Ll,d n,llHL'" \\t'lt' h1 uu1 .. d1t up .tnd dt::-l'll:-.:-t•tl. Brotlwr~ - -------------------==--------­

0 Colleg-e ) Jen ~

Jcny Snyder. t\,ok•y Carruth. E.d1th \\atson, \lat')' E.Jl~n Be1k•1~bcqr., F·uTi,; ·rnd .John:-,,n dl•tnon~trakd how to conquer ll'mpta1i<111, foll1l\\l'<l hy Hudy Stokan, Ralph llurlh~rt. Lt:.•(1na )lan·in, .-\mtt.' llanrngton. ::.tmnt li~ht ~rt..:fn·~lm1L·nls and adjournm1..•nt. SLTihl'. ll. Rh enes. Clutllt·nder, Lewis Allison. Hobert Campbell

-------------BUSINESS STAFF

Busine~s l\lanager ... . ... James ·waters Circulation Manag~r.... . .... 1\lelvin Matsen Circulation As::.istant.s J\'itk Biell•nberg .• Jim llall, Clifford Koester Ad\'ertising l\lanag-er...... . ................... ., ................. Robert l'llunzenrider Businc~s As::dsLants Jack :\l,u-ron, Cilc'llll'llt Schmitz.

Gretcht!n Thaler, Bob Clarke, Bud Price. Stenographers .......................... ............. .... Cynthia Hopkins, :\lon~na Veg~s,

Eileen Cummings. Louise- Talma,gt!, Thelma Lobt•rg, Jean ).l1ller, Alice ~wisher, Edith C'. Johnson, Irma Puulio.

Proof Reader ............................................................... ....................... Betty Bolinger

Courier Print "' I3oz.:man, iltJntan:.i


T he Editor i,.. .i\ ot Ht•::.pon .:::;ible 1· or

) l altl•r in Thi.::; Column .. \It

. \ rticles ;)l usL Be Signed B~ the . \ ut hor JJefor e

fhe) .\ re Prin ted

ll ELL

The boys ha\ e been going thruug.1 I Hl'il \\ e\lli. ~.\ml WJtl!n 1 :;ay ikJI .1

=============~~========== nit.:an Heil . .And J1ow. 1•or six t.1a)~

_\ BOl'T COJ\I1\1Ui\"T C.-\ TI0 :\'8 1 tnc ,y get no nst anu many l>cut,ng.sj llk) tramp anu u·amp wnen Uk~ an: tou tncll Lo st!e 01 t.:are when: lilt'.\' an: bOlll.£ to put lneir 1001.. ncx~; tnt'.1

Last week's con1n1unication regarding athletics went o,·cr with c11m1> t.etevnonc po1es, nH!asure t.1n1,n

d 'd l l · "th pipe~, t.:ounL rauroact ties, :;eari.:11 a bang. The student body as a \\'hole I noL s~·mpa ltze "'1 Lnrou~h gi.11e-yards 1or spe,,nl to<1,u-"the ~tudent who liked checkers." Xe,·rrthele~s . he surely ga,·e :st.one::., auu i.:orne out m Wt: ~nu u1 ti!~

the can1pus ::mn1e good food for thought. ~~-1~~~~~\.ct~~~ 1\\~1;~n~:~~. b:1!:u{~~~~~~~~

One interesting fact about the communication i~ that not one _.,_ prarncal Joke 1s ,11, ngnL ,n ,.,

athlete ,,·,·ote a 1·epl,1-. One enterprising frosh took up lhe battle via,e, buL as rnr as 1 am ,o.,,er,1c-<l " " 1.s goou 1or ;ust aoout rt\'c m.iunc::.,

for the athletes. however. and his article appears on this page. nner that 1L ceases w be a Jo,e. "

An article that . hould draw attention is a sororit~· girls' Yiew- :~;~11t\~~ ~;~.!:H~~ t;;~~;r~'\~~a°::11 1~1~1~: noint on hell "·eek. There are ideas on man,· other subjects of utc, Loo rn1:. \1 n, snoulu a 111an bo

~-ollegiate interest which t.he editor would be glad to print, pro- f~~ui~hi~~~~~:Y ~~c .. t~~;e ~1~1~rnt~;"~;~~~

vidimr the students take the time lo express their ideas on paper J.ccL!\' natunu <leo1re Lo be a 1nuern,t) in~te;d Of With \'OCal gusts. "~e nll1St kl10\\' hOWe\'et", ]U'll11e$ Of liian •. \\ h:) SIIOU1U J11,; UC ucalcn Ulhl

"" slccp-stan cu ratncr Lllall cun,::,1a~u-the authors of all con11nunications. \ 1a1.eu and made welcome.

u. 1.s a1musi.. unoe11eH·alJ1~ tnat cu,­lcgl! :st.uuent:; 1..:an uc so stuplll ... uo1un.-;

with the Univer:;;it~· or thl'Y m:1y 1..·on-

t~.~~\~d ~t~~tinl~J~d~o t~~Jo1;.1 l~l~:.n P;~-;~ ! tigc and 1.:onLal ts whk·h the ('Ollfcl't'lln' pro\·id~s.

A Stud'-•nt \\"ho llul',;n 't Liko ClH~l·ker!'-.

Just Friends One of lhe promitknl L.umbda Chi

members-to-be who :-ign:; his 1.:hem­s1try papers with "\\ alu•r ,h\~oby" ::-el·m~ tu bL' walking- around m .1

drt:'am wit.h our fricn<l Jeanette J:shL'! (..\GD) on his mind. Both a1e got'.! ;\<:wman dub members and It is sc,.d that Walt will formally hang his L,unhda pin al tlw ~~wman dub picn ic.

Eb Leo (Lizzie's Lttle brolhl'r) ct!rtainly de,·ute~ hi~ umc to u certa.n prairie •flower from llarlowton. Thi~ little dandelion, illai y .:OlcCail, ( l'in 0 .), happens to be Er.iitor DaVL• Rin!ne::;' secretan·. but wh~n thi..• t.-ditor asks her fol" a datt?, Jlary ju.:,t replies, "Some other time, Jhn·ey; ~ ... o anJ l are ··Just Friend:s."

I n the ranks of the lndependent:- he fllUnd an interesting romance between Bill Thomas and Dorothy Lyman. \\ ,. t1e\·er a:sked Dorothy, but wl' knn\\ ::-he'd rather be Hilt Thoma:-; ~irl Jr1tnd than Gary t vtipl.:'r :s wife .

PHI ETA SIGl\L\ I ath.1 1muec11e::.-, cnJOJ pu11me t.11c \\.Ille,;;, George ' 'Cabinboy" Sime (SXl

011 111~::;, .. mu u ..... 1L . .111g uoe::.. m .. ,, mu..: 11 thinks the Rose of Ptcardy sLIII gru,,:s

, 11umbe1· off· h 11 th' ·ear were unable to pledge Phi I \\Or~c tL I::. LO enJoJ occ1un1:, ~t numaHlm high ~chool 111 lite heart of a cl'1t..11nl r,. 1es ma rn } uc.ilg • .1L 1~ a r1.;111..:, an mi.:v111!-'1c11cus- Jo Buzzaid.

Eta Sigma, fro::;h scholastic honorary, ht"}cause of fmancial or Jote slup,u uau,uuu, 01 l11e m1uun: ---

other reasons. Their action points out one significant fact about ae,c::-,. '~~l.!.1•1 tni: tlll,Hl.=>~1 _cic1..:ll \~~; . _\.ud d.on'.t e\t!1 t_hmk your mno{·ent

. . . tntJ ::.u1v1,~d or Ul~ lll.Ll:!~L, ,n .0 t c 11::.tl•ner 1~11 L wat,.:h1ng ,,1th eager C.)'l''j honoraries, and that 1s that they don t ah,·ars n1ean as much as word:s ··take it am1 HKc it. Hi for one of the~e women-haters Lo urop mo ·t people think they do. twt?nllcth century r,.men1.:.~,, c:sp....:l·'.a.i~ down ~ nrn.n-hok nnd bounL·c bac:k up 1

s . 1 . . 111 .:in eL1uL·auon~1 rn::-tnutiun, il- ::.t..cH,:.-. with lip ~tick t1n his cheek. 1t lookcJ 1 These frosh who d1dn t JOlll, made excellent gradQS and are as strangely ouL 01 place. like we'll ha,·e t<> tell vou that these J

deserving of as much credit as any n1en who n1ight ha\'e had the .1.nr.1 notnmg -"' uonl.! about it. Doc~ boys ha\·e kept lo books.and " :,e~si.on:;·• · the 1at:UILy kllu\\ anu toJt.;J at~ uic c.~- this week bul good old L nde

$10, or whaterer they charge to wear a key. One fact to remen1ber 1~ung conditions or ooc:; it prc11:r to Sammy's 1111ail man brouJ?ht the sweet-

is that an ostentations di~play of jewelry doesn't always indicate 11emam m ignorance. 1 su1Jpose 11. will est note ~f .fr.it.md~hip to little Em_il , . · · , · I go on anu on, unlll ont! lint! day, a bo~ I "Bananas hr1~m:tn :-o we know h1:-; 0Yeryth1ng concernmg an 1ndn·1dual. \\Ill L~ KJlleJ, as na:s a1r~aa.t hap- ~nkhelor_ b1o_tl\l'rs will now sco1n him

},~ned m many uU1\'ers1llc~, and tncu I I rom their :-1).!'ht. ABOUT COMPS ,omethmg may be d,,ne. H will lal<e __ _

~ murder to clean Lhe \~ lute-wash Oil Laurence ··\\"onderwell" \\'ande!el' tne prch1~tont: crueltJ· rn a college 01 (S.X) and Dorothy "Dimples'' d'Autrl'-

Kewspapers are alwa1·s giYen complimentan- lickC'tg for ad- monern, mLclhgent --\11

1~11en\a. . . mont (Chi 0) ha,·e a great. time. in

. . . .. . ·. . A Gnl 10 .1.'\.nO\\:s. I Botany Lab. But when they 111tcrtt•n.' nu~ston mto any performance to which an atln11tlancl'! charge JS • . , _ ... . wi.th Bill Schenk's swd,ving-, son1<0 -

made. This is not. done to repay the newspaper for the serYice L\ Lt;.E O l• allllLE ll l lthmg has to b~ done. li e can nf\er · · - Th h' k -·t' · I· -h J 1l't a lo\·e atla1r keep the assot·11Ut' rendered in adrnrttsmg the performance lhru news columns. for I e unL in. mg 011 ,cism ,,unc • d't .·- · d ff 1 · • ·k

. . . . . . against. athlet11.:s b)· "the student \\ hl.l C' 1 Ot :s nun O lls \\ Or • thts sernce cannot be repaid so easily. These tickets are g1Ye11 plays checkers" rerlects the perverted d . .

1 h--

1 1 ....

1 I t k f d ·11 d f h f II · th point oI view held bv certain short- E "aid -!eat of t 1e r ed11,,1 en· 1nere y as o ·en~ o goo WI an or t e purpose o a owmg e sighted students whO ~peak belore gh~eering- department has. a gTL'nt ~inh

?artic:u)ar fle\\'.SI)~pers to ~end rept'esclltati,:es lo the perfOl"TilanCC f they know. ~.~~~g 1\irs~Chj~~:~h S~l~\'C~~n~)?. t)~'~ L~;~:~~: 111 order to gain 1nformat1011 for news stories. They ne~lect Lhe fact t.hnt the ath- ec_onomic~ departml'nt. , re don't knvw

It is not uncon1n1on for city newspapers lo receiYe as n1anv as !e.~~. ~re not_ su1

php·01~te<ll bit· _:s~ut.d·etn~ what kind of a Jlin E<l wear~. but . . . · ai.:L1, 1ty mo1H:>) - c ::.Lllt e_n c\c I\ 1 ) someone told us that they had ht•nr' I

. ' . _' · ... · · ... go member~ 1p, (w 111.: ocs ~xis )1


Wooden soldiers in the ,var agazJJst decay

T o conquer the forces of decay which attack

celephone poles, scientists of Bell Telephone L ab­

oracories carry on a relentless campaign.

T hey study many kinds of wood , test many

preservatives. Thev isolate \\ood destro,·ing fu ngi

and insects-scud,· thern in the hboratorr-search

fo r a practical means of combating their attack .

They haYe set out arrnies of stub poles in i.\l is-

SISSl])J)l, oloratlo anti New J ersey where altitude,

climate and soil ,·an· \\'iJely. A.t regul:tr incen•als

ther inspect these poles to learn which woods and

presen·atives are best.

Such scientific thoroughness is one reason " hy

Bell System plant becomes more efficient each year.

And I\ hy •elephune Sel'\'ice is so dependable.



Ri~ht Glns~t.'s Rh:ht in quality appearntll't'. acn1nu:y and ad ju~tment. We r('scut> w1·(rn~

shrht hy furni~hin,.; rig-ht gluo,;:-:.1's

LESLIE E. GAGE Op tom<' l ri~t a nd )lfg. Opt ic ia n

Broken Lenses ReplnceJ the Same Day

20 S. Hlark .\, e. P hone "' 12-J


g g g Student.- Welcome g I IDE AL B.\RBER SHOP I -Jl,O-O-O-L'-0-0-0-0.><>00~

"''"''''''''"-"'''~'-''~'-~~ 1 Eve. Ea r, Xose. or Throat ~ ~ · Trouble ~ 1 Glasses F it ted ~ A C. E. \\ IIITEII E.10 . ~I. 0. I" ~ ;\I ic hi ga n Block Ph one ~3 ~ 'I ,. ~,,,~~''"-~'''''-'-'-''''-~ ,.,......~~~~--'C9: ...

I if Ride With '! E r ickson·s Taxi Service

If Phone 311 -W

' ' .. ~~~~~·~~~~ .. ~"'--~"-'''''"'~'''' ,,, """''-"'' ~ : , CROSLEY F !YER 20.99 ., ,. , a Oliver-Sto1;in~Iement Co. ~ ~ 26 '\Y. }Iain Phone 1 2 ~ {.,,,,,,-....-....-....-....,,-.... .......... ~-s~, ............... ~

~ --..::-=-• -s:::~ c:i I T he Baxter Barber S hop


Ha ir Cutting that Satisfies


- at -WHITE·s


I..._.._ ......................... ~ .... "\,<'",. .................................. ...

I~ IU YWOODIE ~ \ ~ ~ PlPE \

12 or 16 t1rket~ to a ~1ngle perto~·manc:e of any sort. College news- fct! ~~es . t~ .. pay .fot: d~~ .'":hull' I a rumor. a~tmt :-;onH-- ~ort ~f announn•· paperds on other can1pu~es often recei,·e a::. n1an,· a~ 10 or 1·-:> athlfletic proghi~un-tc.,nnh,sd t.:ouit:s! t•,ment w1thrn tlw ,wxt few Wl't•k:-. .

tomphn1entar~ t1tkets which '11ay he used by any n1ember of and t.he in.tramural p1:ogram.. . rregor ''Twin B" Fag-<·n~t,·om (~. the staff. Another of the po111ts wirn.:h is so A.E.) felt ~1wfutry sort\" when th1:­

evidently g-ros:sly ov~rlookc<l is the friends !\faybelll' ,\Hoofa'' \\'illcomh ___ fact that 1t. would not. be possible for I (P.B.P.) couldn't. t!'O to till~ :\lortnr

•,---====~-=--------------------, this institution to c:ontinuc tu play in Board. But she s~·nt a capable s11bsti-

~ ~ ___ J T.-\h. li A TlllP IIO~IF BY TFI Fl' l lO:S-E J ~ AT ~ ---i ... TO:s;1c11r AT II \.LJ•.J' FIGllT ! i- , \

----- the Rocky .:\lountain conference iJ Lhi:-- tute ::iml C ·n·_!:!01· smoked :\lurads all 10 fee were not compulsory. Th~n· ie,·enini:r.

Cbt .Hsb tan --:--

Ashes to ashes, and dust lo dusL; If we don't get t he dirt, some­

body must.

Those of us ,i,.ho bewail the faCL that we tcgularly ::.il at home 1"ridaY, Sat­trday and Sunday nights needn't. feel so bad. Judging from l\lortar Board, he.re are lob of femmes who wer~ willing to l'isk two or thr1..•e dollars on the hance of a few dates this quarter.

\\'e might under tnnd the: "to-baby"' part or the '·Twins1 " floral card, but at mother stu[ 1a gol us stumpl'd.

PHILLIPS BOOK STORE Agents for Royal Typewr ilers

are three alternutin.:•s open lo th~ The other twin reccin•d a t·or,ag-e student body; they could do away with and nolC' sayml! "Lon• from ).lulh1.•r athleties altog-cther. they could lin11! to Baby." \\'h\' Phyllis llani, .. a tlwir enti1'e proJ?n\111 to int1amurnl1 (P.B.P.) would :-:a.y thi~ is 111<irt• than L'OnLc:--ts und perlrnps an annual galllL' a n ew paper man can eompl't'lwnd

' For Your Dry Cleaning and Pressing Phone 233



EAGLE HAT WORKS E:,.pert Hatters

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~0-0-0-0,,r,0-0°0,,,:c00=,.,xxK>0<m=~=~ J ~ Kleinschmidt & Co. ~

PL.\l'E ) Ol'R ORDER :\ OW FOH

1¢ ~ ' ·For The Idle Hour " ~

~ ) VALENTINE HEART BOXES .................................................. .. H a , c a ho" J.H.l t'ked with )'onr fa , orite t hoco latt~~ or present Q 111111111 i 1 1 i, i 11111111111

her " ith (he popular Whit man·;; Sa mpler in .SpN·ial Yalen- 1

t ine Dre""· g

1, The Bungalow !i I '·Your Fm·orile Meeting- Plac<'" j

l<XH)-!XHHX>O=,;l-(HX><:H:>=ooouo-uu,>ot ffi.l\.{.O(HX>U·<H

IF YOl' \Y _\ NT Ql ALl'J'Y

13l'Y FRO;\! THE

West Side

Grocery S'l'.\ PL E .\7'D F .\7' ('\'


Page 3: --ontan~ £xp:on:ent€¦ · --ontan~ £xp:on:ent VOLU11E XXlV. IlOLE)IAX. M();s;T,L·A, TUESDAY, FEIJI:UARY 7. l!J:;:1 xmIBER 16 R Brannon es1gns . DE\IE D.\ :-.CE S.\Tl'fWAY St

\\'Jlf'n the wonkn anani:1· thL atl.' anu 11 j he <'X ll·ll e ·. thelc 1:- ~lh\ays ,inlin·ahk lncn·a:-e in ath·n11a11rp at 111 1 ,l .dfa;i • ~i it \\,i:,, that. 1,ifl

011 ple. cnjoyl•d the annual l.adil: · f ho1t lJam· ..., J.till) n,ghl .1t the gy 1 •

)\nd whl·n thl· wonwn 11a)· tl1c· lXnc, e hr don a ~ . ,,_, ch,,nl.'l tht., void a h,•~\·y t>XJH:'nditlll"l' for fond by en n~ l'l'I < ht lf>n'S H" th,·il' sornr l) ou~t·~ fol lo\\ ing thl: darh:l·. !-=o anotht r .\!ortar Uonrd G,llltl IHI l Ollll nd one, the women havt.> rnadl the most of tlwir l,1g , ppurtJnity r>f thl' t•iu·,

and a frw of tlw ml·n han· c•xpl·r·,·n<'cd th 1,ang, f I 1··n, un u .... t lnr In,

>f the oubtanding- or:al ('\'t:Tll of the ) l'~ll

familton Hall.

nl tht• a. c cd


)1. s :\lary Stewart wa:- l'n•l•r' ain1.;J at d;nnl·r ::iunday.

Chi Omega. Tue5day dinner l-.'1.H'"'b wt.re )I

Jane ;.\[o~~. Uonnu I lumphry, }Jol",!'­

lien, Leolyn Howard and <,;1 l'td1l'n Thaler.

Chi Omep:a announee:- the plc<h.:'in of Donna Hum1>hry of Gn·at I· al ..:

An info mal caLan:t wa" hPld at Lhe l· ,us~ ~a1 ttid.t:i,. C'\·<·nin:_r afll'r the )Iortar Board d,mn•.

•. \Jpha Delta Pi. Beta ~lu of ,·\l pha Delta Pi !wld

formal iniliath,n, Saturday, h•h. -t. for Ernestine Ilunmrn, Buttl· : :'Ila Broughton, Laur<'l; :'llary .1\ nrltr 11n n,h<:m: (:3rd .\tins. Boz,·nwn n, Hilda Halonen T\\ in Brid1~e:-

A diamond <:inner wa:-: ht·1d at th, Hotel Baxter for the init;a•t .

The pll·dtrc·~ 1•ntl•rtaim·<l ~lw nc :, at a buffet dinrn•r. \\'l•dm·~da,·. tra• home of Clara .-\tkins. ·

Lowe, Russel Lane, Fr~ddie Liqum. Bob Clark, Homer Lambd,n. .-. 1ck. Hielenbeqr, (;con~c :-,; u~. Bud l'l 1l'C, Ed Kissa1.;k, Ja1.:k .Juhn,, llan,ld ! Jy 1,

l h. m~nt :-:t·!11111tz. Lon•1 J 1an. and E I :Olaynard.

.\lpha Gam ma Delta . ..\lr::5 • .:\lillcr and ht!r two dauthtcr:S,

E\'elyn and Alh.:e wc1e ::,un lay dinner guests. Vant.:tla John.son was an U\t.:'l"-ni,. h ~Uc!'iL of .Jurn (.;rccn l rulay 01)..!"hl.

)Ir:-. \\°al ter pauldmg- were dinner g-utst:s Thursda:,- evening-. Ruth Brad- •• bury spent Lhe week end at ht."r homt- •• in \\" illuw Creek.

SOCI.\L C.\LE.,U .\ll

•• Ft."IJ. 10-l uf ..\lonl.- '1. :-i. ( .. ::

A~~~!~ident and i\lr:s. Atkinson, Denn ;·~. ~~i~;~~an; Alpha Gamma lleha ~; and }lr:s. C.:obleigh, )Ir:;. Harri~on, :,: Feb. 11 l. of )lunt.-)1. .S. ( ., :: i\Irs. C. J . Phelan a nd )lrs. E. l !·! Boz~man: !'tudE.-nt. :,,;.l"n~1tc :: " ~egman were dimler guests Sunda:.- .1 ~ mixer.

Ft:b. 17 - l'tah A~J.!;l' -)1. S. ( .. •• : •• : l'i l\appa . \ lpha. •• Bozeman.

Bob IIur:st wu::; a Wcilne~tlay dinm:r •• Feb. l l'tah A~.1r1c.s-)l. :,. l ., :: guest. •• Bozeman· X I l. party; l'i Phi :.

lndc1;endu 1l \\ omen . •• party. ' · :-: • .\t. the rl•gular 1l'~cc\ing uf the In- Sigma Alpha Eps ilo '.'·. :; Fet~a~~ lt~.~

1~ \~~t!:. S. ('., Boze- ;.;

<l1:1,end~nt \vunum l llt.!:.Ua), Jcrn ,ii, Bill Fagenst.rom of Great F\dJ.. ,,a, u F b 2 -1 ,\J h·' l) ,it p r . 1 r hu1s \\ctc llldde tu h:.h<.: d .-.uppu in a v1~1lor at the S. A. E . hou-..e thl· .. ed: • P a l a I o1 ma :i

Hernck llall 111 lhe h1cplu1.;c 1vu.11 011 first of the week. :: F .1,,a~,c_e . C h 1 :\I O •. l'l tuai) 11 \n oub.i..: 1i<;akci '' 111 ;lbs. Han1son, U1 and :\li :,;. R R. :; ln;a~~- S~~hU~,;:[ t;111 · uh~<]~!; Le usked t.u Jom.thc gioup to tl.~l.u~ Renne -.Jl Bol.l'lllan and L. \\ \\ emit :: dance :t some subJed. of mtl!1c:.L Lo the J.!.loUJ of Great Falls \\:ere dinn~r guest,. :: i\la r a,.....:_Play ~ ;~

1; ,

1~Jtlc/iil:~t\';Tr-\:~:~:~:~ a:i~c:t\~~/1 <!;; \Vedncs<lay. An rnfot ma


d1stu:;s10n :: Mar: 4-Plny. :: Lhe second Tuc:;day 111 I· cl.ii ua,) .... IL i~ i~:s}:~, bl Dr. Renne on Religion m I:·; ,Vlar. 8, !J, 10, ll,, Tuurnamcn . :: th~ plan to hmc LIH:sl mc1:t111~s tll I ., · ;: .\Jar. 18 ~1::111a t ni p,1 t) · ;~ soual gathermgs on<:e c,·t•n monlh . . l'orty-s1x a c:tnes1 pledg-es and gu<:sts •.• i\1ar. 24- Qua1tl·r cncb. . ,

'.\lortar Board. __ · Journ eyed by mean s of toboggans, :: :: ?\ ·arly · 00 )I. s. C'. ~tudl•nts at~ p 1 BNa Plu. s.kns, and cars to Bridger can.~o~ on J :: :: : : :: :: :: :: :·: :-; =·: :: :1 :: :: :: :: ::

l' n1 ,,! 'hl ·innu·tl )Iortar U1\a·d ::\lr. and ,Ir~ . ..-\Hr<;d .-\tkin~on anli Sunday_ afte1:noon. A ::mall skll_JUmp El'RODELPHI \~'S ).]EET ,lann~. held Snturda~· e,·t1nin.:. l·\·l r 1_ l\lr. and )Jrs. John L·>n·lacc \\L·rc d,n· was b~1lt which adt~ed to the thr1ll.s of\ 1. 1 , •

a y 4. in lhl· ('Ollt·J!P gym. Th1.• pl ner guests of Pi Bela J·hi, \\·~,lm•,tl ,· . the wmt-er ~port. , Ellswort~ H :istrnf!s \ ---


bt a !-Ocial affair and l'a«: h mem­ber 1s rc<jUeHed lo bring l U cent...,. :\lembcr') are ur.i.:-t.-d to :ltt1md.

1:-: DEl'E:\ 1)1''\I s

lndeLJcndent nu-ding Tul•-..da, niJ.;ht a t~ 1>. m .. in th <' En~inet.·i­ing- buildin g- .

Lo" t•ll Ta, h. Pre~.

l'OSl"ll()'s::, sr:n !{El)

,Jo l·phin~ :\I KJl(:h, a ~nuluah' of the ~enc ta rial dt partnwnt Inst yl·ar. 1s nnw dtputy ~upt·rinh'rHll-nt or ~chools of ~Ius:sel.shell l'ounty, )lary Parker, als.o a g-raduall• of lu t yt·a • has obtained a po~ition h•ad1ing- at Stanford.


Miss Glady::i Hranej!an, tkan of the college of housl'holcl and inclu:-trial arts, left Monday for Big Timber where ~he will speak in the hi~11

school on Home Economil'"' opt•nin . Monday nigh t she will be the speaker for the Woman's club. Shl' ex})L>("h lo return Tuesday . \\'cdner-<lay dinner guC',b ' Ha,

on Hall were ~.li:--,, lll'!Ia Y ttll'" 1

1'1iss Julia :\lartin . Betty Ba tll.'lt \\a 1 j!Uest of Betty Barrini.:?l·I'.

c • s from thC' d;_rnn• will lw n idl·<l tn Rae_ Symmond~. Heh:~ War.I a~d w~s. cJ10sen n~en 5 champ~o~ . whil<.· 1 Eurodelphian Literary society hel 1 the )lortar noanl StudE'nl J, cm fund. Gene\'leve R1l·hard:-. pll'UJ.:t "• sp, nt a Virgim~ Rafel ymmo,ndsh,,a:. c_hose~ · forma l initiation for eight pl~dgc~. +·- - - - - - - - - -----+ ~· ec all o"dock k•an• ,,·a.;; :..ranfl'd , few days at the house. queen. n a ernoon unc was. sl'nl'u I \Vednesda . t lhe A O p· h . Ir ·1 II all wom ·n ~tudl'nt-:. .Mrs. J. M. \\'olfe an.I daui.,:htC'I. at the~· A . E . house afterward:--. )lr n ew initiit::s ai~: · :\1~r; -~~J~·r~u::. N

O ,, :\Iar:,; RoH', W(:1"1.' gu1;;su of '.\larga l'l and Mis. Bob Adams were guests. Mayme Bertoglio, Alice Durland, Hild .• Ill ew I:· £ Alpha Omicron Pi. ,John~on 8aturday for dinnPr. Ualonen Lois Hoar Leona ~\larYil, ¢ Marie Bower was a dinner ~ul.',l 11; f i Ul•tri Phi <·ntertainc<l after the Sigma Chi:. . . . Carolyn' Nicholson' and :\lontana o- Alpha Omicron Pi, Tue~da'-· l, Pnin1 :'llt rtP.r Board. Satu• clay n ight. James Gillie of Du lle was a ,·is.to Vegas. After the initiation dandn ... 2 lat~ Holko,atz spl"nt the wl'ek-l·nd Beth :\lcArthur .of Butte _~pent tin at the chapter house over the week- and refre:shments w-..rc cnjo),ed. I 6 wit.h her parenb in AnaC'on la. week-end at the P1 BN:i Phi hoa~l' . end . l The new initiate:s are .!!ii b wh, I ¢ A )umh followin!! the )lorta· B1mr I -- ha,·e proven themseln.•!-, worthy of bt:-

D ~ , R f g dance was f:erved at the rhaptt>r h1n1-.::l• . hnn a Delta. I Ome~a Bel~. . . . , ·1 longing to Eurodelphia n th1ough ~om I ee O W ne s oya O The guests wer(' )lat·O'ar<.'l Kit!Pl~nn f {-'~ll'} Pa\ <:: wa, tin· !!ll<.'St of Ruth , Foi mat lll ltiat,on '\as held for. work in art, literature music or l

Q- Ruth Davis, EYerett Peter~on. lfo,J ~e1s1,n fo1· di nn er Sunday . )tr. and George Ba~ter and \\ · R._ Pl~w ot dramatics. · I ,:, ' I Bozeman,. \' m_. Lar:;on of Big Sandy, )fr~. Jessie Donald r,.on Sc:hultz was

Collegl.ans ii Ray Lewis ol _Roundup. and ll aiold the founder of the group on th,, I q .~~~O<H:H)-Q-00-0~<:1-0- Ram sey of B1ll1ngs. lca,npus. l

.\ . "EW .\LL·( \}IPt·s D.\. C'E B.\ . "D g \ f HOW DO YOUR LETTERS LOOK? § }1(1i~na"~1/1r~-- ~-oi;l\!/!;:~~r s'~~~ FRIGID BLASTS ROUT i

ANNOU G Skirts and


PHO. E 113!!-.J g £ • i I cla; dinner guc~ CLASSBO ND COLLEGIANS I

~~CH:>~<XK:<>O<KX><HX> Io I Lambda Chi . \lt>ha. I --- I 11 Cood Shlioner:v-lil,e good clothing-imparb a feelint: o f Ward Rightmire, ·:JJ, was a house After sernial weeks of compara-I I

11 guest the latter part of the week. ti,·ely m ild ,,:ealher, Old :\-Ian W int l-l' ·

t:n:::::nnm:::::::::m::m::::r.n:r.:::::t:u:::::::r.::t::::::::::~..::r:::--.::::::::::::u::::::::::: II ~plf rcst>C'<: t and safsfaction. c1.s well as impress:i ng peop le ,,Jack Rcag·pi:1 of Butte was a ~uest. o.f ~howec_l yesteni~y that he still hac~ ." I :; § of good tas t e. I Lambda Chi Alpha over the week 1ew tncks up hi s :-lceve before leavmg- I

HERE MEN i: I f <.'ntl. u:-; to spend the ::;ummer at the Xo:th I I Sweaters i

!! You can a lways be s ure o yourself when m;ing Ea ton's J _ . --- l'ole. lhe temperature dropped to a :: ~ Stationery. Let u s supply you. I\.appa Sigma. -23 C. 1 with a hig-h wind to mak1;; I

I . h . (rat . . 1·. n!! is. Dr. F. B. Cotner was a dinner guest it all the more enjoyable. This wind I s " erl~O)RO~I •\ain O~l'T)F?l~II~ en II e - o , of Kappa Sigma Wednesday evenme. was particularly noticeable betw,·e,i I

' . ... a 6 I' After dinner he gave a Yery intere:--t- the g)'"Ol and :\Iain ha ll, whe1e it I a( less than you \\l>llld ha,-e to pay elsewhere !: S! -----· ing illustrated lecture. caused heavy drifts. I i; ct Thursday e\·enmg J [arold Graff was

!! I g G IL t . D C a i i_nr:t dh~~t. of Seattle and Ralph I r-·---N-·-:-- --,----i WAGNER BROS. E g a a ln rug ompany lsmiLhof BultewereguestsoIKappa1 1 otzces. i

::: 1:1 ! Sigma for dinner Saturday evening. j j E @ Quality and Ser\"ice . Sunday dinner guests of Kappa +·--------·-----·+

··College l\len Like Our ('lot hes" !! o Sigma were Dr. and 1Irs. A. L. Strand. WINTE R SPORT~,

._.....-.-..... -• r::::::-·-·•::-n::::tt:-·-i::-n:n::::::::-:::::i:=-::um:m....:: ~-o-C-Q-(}~~ HE~~ol~r Gtluidersor,i\!Ja~iesR PL~pper. Kathleen Kenrn(':v. manager of tht·

.--- ....... -· ... - ••• .......... 1s n es a ·e an l r . . . 1erow. winter sports of \\~. A. A .. announL"es that plans fo r a skatinj'.{ pa1ty Feb. 18 have been completed. l t i~ to tak< place between the hours of :3 :~}O and li o'clock on the colletrn skatinz rink . .-\II those who wish to g-ain skatin~ pnin~ .. must be present llll the ~kaLnl! rink some time during the party hou ~ and have either ten -10-minute pral'tte .. (if three points are. desi1·ed) or eig-ht



$1.35 TO




! l I I I I I I I I I I

j~;i;!~)~e fh!ct~~~~i~.~f s~a;~fttclo:;c ~--- - ·- --~------- +

T, -.::y AST~ BETTER

(!;119 3. Lu.c . .,rr~ M,1i.., 1 11b•.cc0Co.

• •

Chesterfields tire Milder

W HEN you ask a Chesterfield smoker" hy that's his brand- he

generally comes right out Rat-footed and says .. . " It's because Tltey're 11/i!der!"

So we're going to keep on <loin~ everything \Ye know how to keep them that way.

That's nhy we look for and buy the mi ldest and ripest tobaccos we can get . That's w hy \\ e age them in our ,,are­houscs till they're mellow and S\\ eet.

We helie,c that even the shredding of the to bacco ... and the quality of the paper it 's rolled in, have a Jot to do with the even-drawing, mild smoke that people enjoy in Chesterfields.

You can bank on this ... every methoa known to science is used to make Chest­erfield a milder, better-tasting cigarette that satisfies.

Chesterfield Radiu Program-Evc,y n;gh1 «·

ct:pt SunJsy, Columbia coust-to-coost Network.


;\farch 3. FANGS

There will be a meet ing of all Fangs and ple:1,g-~ at 5 o"clod, Tuesday, Feb. 7 in H err;ck Hall.

Bud Lowe, Duke.


Spur meeting- this e,·ening at 5 o'clock in Herrick Hall.


Callin~ card sami;.les are no" n display at the _\ .••sociated

Student's store. It ,, mild be ad­,·isab le to o rder c:ards at the earl.:.~t 01Ji.,ortunity ... o that the) "ill come in the same order ns the announcem r nts. ( ha rges for announcements and cards will bl' l'Olietted wh en they arc clclhercd. The order requircS no do" n 1:a) -mcnt, so rlo it no\, !

.\rt a\ yers. Pres.


All officials for " omen's ba~ket­ball should attend the officials ' meeting 'I'hursday, Februar) 9. Appointment for the fi~t h, o rounds of games "ill be made.

There " i II be a II ome &·o­nomic:,;; club meeting Thursda) e,ening. F eb. H. at i:30 o 'clock in nerrick hall. This mt:c ting will

I Shoes Rebuilt By Experts I Champion Shoe Repair


Send Your Dry Cleaning

\\ ith Your Laundry PHONE


GALLATIN LAUNDRY "Expert Dry Cleaners"

~. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~

~~'-~'-'-'-'-~~~,­e Students Always Welcome g, ~ MARQUIS HAIR CUT ~-: SHOPPE ~ ~ 209 E. i\lain ~ ,. ,. ~-.s..-,,._,,.__~~~'-'-'-~~

'r~~Tuxwo-;ro1tREITT"j I All";::::;:: :;7~;:;~;~;R::·:~"\\:::::· """ l l THE ,~mf:1:~,R~J"ORE ! ....................................... .._,..._ ...................................... _ .. _ .. _._ ..... -............................................. ..

Hotel Baxter Fountain Room

The Home of



An Ideal Place for Theatre Parties

After the Show

Page 4: --ontan~ £xp:on:ent€¦ · --ontan~ £xp:on:ent VOLU11E XXlV. IlOLE)IAX. M();s;T,L·A, TUESDAY, FEIJI:UARY 7. l!J:;:1 xmIBER 16 R Brannon es1gns . DE\IE D.\ :-.CE S.\Tl'fWAY St


fiRIZZLY SQUAD FS~tlt::J~;~~-Jf.AHI CATS DJ VJ DE I ?ff~~~;~;r.~1~~1~:ftia~\:11~::1~~ ',:o-+t~'_tf:;t:(;~·;t;~,t~f;fi,~; To TRY M S C . UTAH CONTESTS llnal result was nen:or in d11u, . "

the ha.--i!':- of purity and ,tandmg­on the nimpus. Church aff1ha­liun b,. not ncct',~ar). EaC'h mcm­h1..~r can brin~ up one nam (!> for cnn .... idera tic:n for m e ml.>er:--hip. \.n) onl• ,, i~hini..:- to join, i:-c.e one

of tlw ahti, L'. .\le-1nhcrshiµ is limited to 13.

---- --- - Pin; ~01 dt•citkcl. 'l'l1t~ lH·e.>1-:-I 1 1 Rock) )luuntain Cun.1erence du,t ""'\l"s" small tlashh,:ht hulh

CHAMPIONSHI•p TEAM -lh" shinin~ ii,.hl of tho l'uril) 'n inuning l'\Jee t to Be Held Lca ~ul'r~.

·oon In Salt LaJ,e Jim Young )lal,es Brilliant Ile- TO RECEJVE AWARDS ,1emhers: Fred B,nnion-1'1es. Bobcats Ha,·e to Win One Gante in Serie to Cinch State Bas­ketball Crown T\,o ac(1uauc e~pttb ,ull 1~1nc~cm \Yith Phenon1enal .Scoring {~~m~J;j1J~~f1;:::~~:};1~~1~:7;r'.-., \Y L l'ts 0 1111 Pd

___ I cord on L1tah Basketball Court )lu,h Jlar,hall-\ ir,'-l'n•s.

llontana ::,i..·nc collegtt at tht:! RocKJ Jlinature Gold FC\otballs to Be a nd OaH' Hhcnl'", plcd~t:'". I' , . 1. 2!H 23~ .'it I


and l'ont-tnn1..·(' Bt~nnett in

ROl'K\llYE B<•nt on tcgaining the winning- ¥~~1nt~\1I1 ci;lu1::ic~ :~~Jl\.~l~lt~lgl,~~~~1t!I Att~r ::U!l'UIUJ.! an o,t' \\Jl !rinn-1 Dis tributed iii> Bobcats Ile- Future Plan~: ~t'H~nd µkn!t'~ l tnh l'. :!~ti :?1):l .llf')j

column atter losing four t>f thei1 Inst iUJ;:;,~\h;, lt. \\Ill b~ a .\hitL .lnd Je.i ldefom m the tu~t ;..:,ame u the ;:;,l;lll:!:-. tneen Halves of U. GanH! I ,,ill be hdd during th1..• ~1nin:.! l 'ah _\e.., :; 2-Hi 2;;.1 .10:1 tive games the Grizzlic:-. of .:'.lontanu combination \\JLh l'o.x, bl.X ied fuui w1th Lt,d1 Ln1,i:1:;Hy, tho J,o!.H,\t::; quarter. )l emhns art' ehos1..•n 011 ,1. S. (~. (i 2:;:i ;l J:{ .LJ;J '!'Ill RSl1AY. FfOI) IY alXD

S\Tl HD\\ Lniver.sily will inni.de Bozt;:man this mches tall s\\illlnllll!! ~ta 11 .. \llse,u.:,jturned on their 1nU.Jdll OJlllulll:Ut:- ~-1·. I --- , ---------------------- - - -----week-end in search uf Hobeat meat. five leet ::::C\cn inches 111 heI!-!lll, dl~- urda:-- ~u1d :si:.:alpcd .tJH.;~11 lilt· ll ;,.~ T\,rnt:,--h,o mcm!J.,.H- u1 th12- 1'1 3 l"'he two teams mettwu weeks aj.!u am1 tam;e S\\lllllllt't, a..; th.._, paitu.;ipant::.lgarl\c \\.ts l tun", ll~·:-;:i, ~tll. tht• ~cc-Jstat\ thamp1onsh1p tootha\l t~.dll \\1,l split a two-,t?ame series, th1..• L·niYer- The~· ,\ill }('a,e lluu:--.Jn) 101 ~alt'L-nd gam1c ::.<Ole \\,t~ ~•)-,, 101 -' !--- l Li€' :t-\,11dcd .1.mn:1~lP'\• C\1LI fn~,tb.lll~ sity taking v.n overtime in the fir;,,t ,Lake City. \ 13obt.lt;:, ,,ill be Jelle in 1 .JU\'~,. ns tr11ph1~:-. o\ t 1c.: :h·t~:c1l'm n. a

~a~::~ii;i'~ i;!1 theC~~~oi~din;:::~~ t~\~4~~ \ a;t~ied•~;j~1

.J (!:1:,~1~ ~:,~trJ ch~\1:n

1~!:~1~1~~:~ It];:) l'~~~,~ ; 1~~: u~<~~l'l:,;n<Hld11:: ~: ~~·

11 ;1?'~1/~t.t~~~~\? <·~.':~J}:~:~!~~l1~et~,\ ~,\;~/:.: ~ t·

' l hc Cats nee<l w111 only onl' of the Of the 100-yai~l ua::.h <lll' ,inwnh w .. \\di ::.LL .~lvnrnn,i L.111\L' ~ll.\ 111.:.1..• H IVaskd-hall ~g·~n11~ l·~·ulay l'V n:n two game::. this week tu rdmn Lhel Jaun·ls Fox has obtained. t:omplete the state L.li1..' ::.cnt..':-.. 1 Dean D .. B. ~wmdt..~ will e n111 .... 1


st.ate title they h.'1\"e held fo1· so Ion,!. .\lisc,·ic, , en•atile spoi Lsman, "ill Suu tmg with a b.1ngo in tul' l Ld11 ·ercmouies Jn the 18 years of basketball cumJll.'tl-Jbe entereJ in tl1e nmklle dbt...rnr.:e se1·1es the CaL~ led uut11 ne,u tn1..• 1..n. Thi -:l' l<'<<•:,111;.:. n\\a~·ds \\ 11~ lw t10n hct.ween t.he two ::.thooJ..., ul feats. oI Lh~ 111 ::.t h.11[. \\ hu1 \\ ltn th~ :-1.;ull ( <1! t Pa i1 :'lt.tt l t•on. l,ordnn T·~a--t games ba,e been played of \\h!ch t_ht' Both ha\e \\Oil nume1ou::. ~tate title-. at lJ-1:-1 101 the Ltc::.. \\ull:- H1001 ......


111a11 Jot: fluzLn. ,Ja1..·k Bnltu•l, \\\ Cats ha,e taken 1!1 and the t;1·1zzlle~ in past l'omp1..•t1tion;:, . anu h.mnt:1 lJICtlld up .1 bart.H!t.' on the \\'"alkel'. :'\erl.1 l 1 :,.-.man. ~ll?to 12. Of late )eaJ.':S t.he lab h~•H h,1d basket that letl the L..1t~ tut11m'"- h_\ l bee, Ed H1e<.:dt•n Glenn ll:1m:.)l1

almost a monopoly on v1dori1..·~. 1..·~1ef- SlfiS AND s A E 'S .~,2-16 at the 111t.erm1:::::,.lon L t.,11 :-l d, / "<·•ineth Ihe1 1,.;vorge Parkt', I 111· Jy due to the ,Hmder h:ams L!:.'!,-'.2t1- 10 pomt. ... 111 the bst tl\c mmut1..-:; 11l Ed~an1s. C'o1k) D)er. Don .\11d1·1 29-30. , , , 1 this ha!! .1g.im,.t l 1ur .11onrnn.1 :-.tate son. Dick Bm n::;, ,rm ~l huk· l1 1h

Gr1zzl1e:-. just complet.ed ~1 four- I In llH' .ser.:ond stc.1nza th~ Jnd.an::. l• l.=innkan . 1 Iii ( o<'' C.u ltt'n P.Lh game tom of west.em schooJ,., losing LEAD INTRAMURALS were e,en mo.t' ~tledl\1.., rn!,,n_ Hob O'Br1pn, Chm·k :\'a•.el ::ni<l 1!,1. twice to Ellensburg :\ornnli, om:e tu ~hnts from all n,·~r the cOtll'l .and lt•a\-. ! Bnzz.dti. Idaho) (62-30), an<l wmn111g- f1om I ing the haples8 ( ,1ts far benmd 1 ht I John r Ptnker, fuolb;;\11 niana• 1.. "1utman co11eee. O,t•r the whoil.: ___ Sl'm m"" 1n thl' last hall as .,2 wr l t~1h will abo relCIYC' .rn ,\\\ard season the Unh:-ers:1ty hat- ,,on the . . 'and 9 for the Bobcat~ 1o\\at 1::- the and lost six games. The:r most not- . Aft1..•r the thm1 week or pla) 111 the end of the encounter the ,uh~t1tute ---------------able ,1ctori~ ,\ere o,·er the Cats -!-1- muamurnl ba~l\etball~ league the 111· 1started pourm:; m f1om b<,th beni:.:ht't-1 a5 in an over time and from Idaho 52- ~ept.>ncltnt:s lost theu· _hi st ,µ~,m: to th~ although the l te::. mamtatnl'<l then 38. Their offense is centt?le\l arounu S. A . E. outfit and atter that selb,lck pace Brooks .rnci i"\1nnc1 ead1 "1th I, Brown nnd Heller, who, ,,hen they weie a~am ilefoated,m tlwa :-.~C0!1d pomts, and \\.1 tts with 1:2 \\etc higl,

Purity League are ''on," are very hatd men to sto1,. stait of the ~,,eek Ihe, _,idoiy. leftlpomt men for th~ ~\enmg-. tor )fon-1 BTown was the t110rn m the bad\ nf/ the Sig .Alphs alone in fiist place..,. 01 tana Shilt' \\ h11<~rnal'k dntl Young. ~tudcnt Sequd of " '· C T L'. the Bobcats at Missoula, while Helle1 the G_old Lt>ugue ln. the Blue Leu,,..ue each with 7 "c1e high also stnn-ed sC'ormg l'{ pornt.:: m the the Sigma Ch1 1s remam unbeaten hn\- ' . . f'oundi..d B, l"'rt'd Bennion second gam~ Dahlberg: cen ter, Er1ek- I mg won. nil of their six games The)~ I

0, ~'n\:hJ11~~n~


1~e~~lC thSJlltat~i <•~~~~; '----- ---------­

s:on, forward and Fox .!,?1.Jald i1·t· othe!··a1.e closel) _follo,,ed ~) the ~- B,.:- back in the,...;;econd tilt bent on n··I Fonnauon of a Purity Lt>~L.!"ll(' w.1:-: L'nfrersit:r stars. Jwith four wins and a single los:--. S ': . h h lonnounce<l n:stt>1,hY _b,· the ex<•eut:,1..•

· Blue League Sta~dings ) ,. ~~:;:;r 'tf~i~tmt1et fi1~ti~hedt 1}1c :-:fi~l~~ con~mitt~e Or· ~he \~rg~nir.ation.. Fol-.\rl is Jon.!!, life short; jud~eme?1t '). L. l(t. ~ame the L'tes jun;pC'd into a ti-O lca.ll lowmg 1s. pe1:t1m·nt data rel.at n t,

difficult, opportunity tra11~1ent.- Sigma Chi ..... 6 0 l.l_OO shortly after the opening g·un. Playin~ Lht· orga111zahon: Goethe. Onl~f."a Beta -~ 4 1 -~OO ·with ease and assuram:e the,· main ~ ·amC': The Pui-ity Leaglll..'.

S. A. E. · ~~~


ta incd this margin until the ii1ttlrmi~- Foundt'd : 2\C'" -. Yen.rt- J<J,1..•. Independents · ;~ ·'loo sion when the COlllll wus :n-14. In the 19~2. Kappa Sigma ··· 2 ·1 second canto the Bob{'ats l';:tll\(.~ b:wk Founders: Frl'd Bennion, Fred

~d~r8!.:.":~r~~~--:::: ~ 1 :~o\~o)oa I i~~~ii s~~fj;,)~,1;~::~~:;:):f ::~~ I ~:~~,;~;£~:/\:~, r~:-~~~:'.i'.1 iit

Lambda Chi Alpha . . 0 li 11 ~ I · 1 f


I F \llE\\ El I. TO .\!!\IS

\n ardt'd the Ht·-..t l'h-ture of the \ 't•n r-Tht· Bt~ .. t ~lar of the Year 11 ('11:n H a:,.._, ,, i1h Gar) CoopH a nd the n.C' ... t 1lirc('tor of the Y1..a1·, Fran!>. Bortat?e

CO.I! I'.\(; Sl ~0.1) - }10:-iD.I Y

.\Xnt \t, r.lXC,DO}I

wi1h L('~lie llm\ ard, _\11n Hard-in~ and )I) ma Loy

"This i:- not an animal pi<:lure. liul on~ of tlu.' fint:>st piei..·es uf adult en1enainnwnt of any Yl·ar ..

R ia lto ft!llJ.\Y .-\~I) $\Tl'RllAY

Tom )lh. in

THE TEX.I S BID .\1.\:-i

C'0\1 l 'iC sl·:-sn.\ y - .\[OXD.\ y

\\ al!nee Beery & l\arl'n ,1orley



Tooth · \tied at a2 H. 1.•1·om t1ls pomt on itl '1 ot to: .. , urrah for da fo rt o Gold League btandings

S. A. E . ... .... 4 0 1.000 ::_c-===========::=:::-=-=:-------------------------·--- --- - ---- --...:_------ - - -----Kappa Sigma ........ ·-··· ,1 1 800 1

I t~n?ioR· .. ::::::.: . ~ :t3~ Paste Independent!:\ ·750 I For smooth white teeth, Omega Beta 1 .:!;;U

healthy gums and a clean s w e e t mouth. Flavored ,, ith clean cool mint.



Roecher Drug Co. Phone 327

Prescriptions a Specialty

Lambda Chi Alpha .... l .25ll Pi Kappa Alpha ..... 1 .200 !


BlG ({UES'l'IONS I (l'untinuetl fronl Page One) \

Commu1t wa::. made that bouirw: at basketball ~arnt.!s was t.o be 1..·on<.lemne.i j and that tnert ::,hould be some organ­ization l'~tablished to abolish it.

That a no-date mixer dance will be held at the Gymnasium, following the Grizzly ~amc, February 11. was de-, finitely decided by tbe Student Sen­ate. Admi:ssion Lo this, will be ten I tent5.


~ --

! § ( Continued fI om Page One) I

D 2 5 C E only to furthl'1 tht:! 10:11ant1i:.: rntention of Shaw .

I Jn the pamtuur of the scenc1 .\ .111

A N C e.xperuncnt is bemg ti ied 111 Lhat. tht· scene "111 not be !a:,ained throu!!h the

I use o[ color m pamtmg- but I a.tlwr

I by the lightmg- o'" the ~cen~. The u:-c­THE EAGLES HALL of ·111ck'' seltmgs where with tho

use of one set two <liffeumt :-etting:-1\.lusic By can he marlc b al.::o bem~ t ie I rn this

THE RHYTHM ACES I prc~~~t?un~t10n of the stage setting, under the tin ect1on of Gilbe1 t G11let.tc 1

" 'EDNESDAY NIGHT is p1ogressmg: rapidly Ill order that J I the work may be completed at lea~t ~::, one v.eek befo1e the p•oductwn datt!

The st.:tge is nil set for target practice. The magici:ia li ft:. his. bow .1nd aims :in arr,.iw :ll tt1e bull\.-en. llis l°'·ely n::.~i,t.im then ::otcp~ in 1r11u o f the t:irJct and he ::,hoot'- the arrow-::ipparenth rl1ro11!1!J h~·r-:rnd it fixes it '<t?l f in the Yery Uttl,r rfl ,~.,. hull',-c,·e! ,-\n<l !:!he ~mi les through it ::il l wh:lc the ;i.udi..:nce ia:-ps.


Tht :irnm which the mark:.mJn ·,lvmi.. through" his 3::,,-i::.t~int simply folds up int 1 ,h .. c:o,;,l>v\o,;' The .:lrruw which i, actually c111btddt·J in the 1aq;:c: i-. ,hot I.Jy 1he girl her,df frum a ht:.tt cr,ncealed uni.it r he r <lrcss. She relc:isc~ a little ~pring, 1hc nrro,\ \inf1,ld~, and ::.hoot'> s.traight into the bull :--,ye! lt is :111 dune in a fl a:-h ! .So CJUickly the e\c c:11m 1! dNect 1he g:irl" ,-i movemcm~! 'T'o hf.'.ighten 1he i11'1•rt''i"-ion that the ar­row ha.:; gone ri:::dll thrnu.:,h, th t ,rl r.·lt:a~t:" a ribbon from the fronr uf her dn.·..,,.-th~· l·,i111int1..1ti~n, appar­ently, of the ribbon attached to tht" arrow in the targe t.

It's fun to be fooled _ . '

. ~. 1t S more fun to KNOW Like to see through tricks? Then let's look nt anothe r ... the i/111sio11 in ciga. relic ath·ertising called "Cigarettes and '\ our Throat."

The nudience is told that by certain magic processes tobacco can be made ns soothing as cough medicine.

EXPLANATION, The easiest cigarette on your throat is the cigarette that is made from the choicest ripe tobaccos. Cheap, raw tobaccos are, as you would natnrnlly expec t, harsh in their effects upon the throat.

If you have to consider your throut, the qua lity of the tobacco in your cigarette is important.

.,.,,.,... It is a fact, well known by w...1.._.- leaf tobacco expe r ts, that

Camels are made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE tobaccos than any oth er popular brand.

Camels are as non-irritnting as a cigu­rette can be because Camels us choice, ripe, tobaccos.

And because of the matchless blend· ing of these costli e r tobaccos Com ls

have n r ich bouq uet and aroma ... a cool, delicious /lm•or.

Keep the nir-tigh1, r,-e/ded Humidor Pack on your Camels . .. to assure ) our, If and ; L>ttr companions n fresh, coul sm.obc •.