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  • TOPIC You have been invited as a Postgraduate student to go and give advice to students and teachers of a secondary school XYZ regarding Internet security. a. What advice would you give students to protect themselves in case they come across online people who want to follow them in the facebook? ONLINE PROTECTION4
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  • TOPIC(continued) b. What advice would you give teachers regarding the protecting of computer network in the secondary school XYZ? c. Formulate Internet and computer network security policy for the school XYZ to use. ONLINE PROTECTION5
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  • Topics to be discussed: Internet security Online protection computer network security issue in the secondary school XYZ. Internet and computer network security policy for the school XYZ ONLINE PROTECTION6
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  • 1. Internet security Ten years ago, the Internet was something only techies talked about. It was a new limitless source of information, with very few users.Today,the Internet has already become an essential part of our lives. The fact is that students and teachers who use Internet have spyware lurking on their computers without their knowledge. To protect themselves, they need to be able to identify the common symptoms associated with an Internet attack such as increasing amounts of unsolicited email, unwanted pop-up advertising, browser homepage changes without their knowledge,their computers operate slower than it have in the past,etc. ONLINE PROTECTION7
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  • 1. Internet security(continued) As a Postgraduate student, our advice to students and teachers of a secondary school XYZ regarding Internet security is to apply the following process: ONLINE PROTECTION8
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  • 1. Internet security(continued) Antivirus in conjunction with good, comprehensive anti-virus software will help students and teacher from secondary school Xyz protect their personal computers, information and many other Internet threats. ONLINE PROTECTION9
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  • 1. Internet security(continued) Find out whats already on their computers. The first thing they need to do is to find out whether or not they have spyware or other threatening software on their computers. This requires a good, comprehensive Internet security analysis tool that completely scans their computers for hidden files that would pose a danger or compromise the security of their personal information. The right scanning software will identify Trojan Horses, system monitors,hadware, cookies and other dangerous spyware threats and will also review the Web sites that have been visited and alert them to any inappropriate content found on them. ONLINE PROTECTION10
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  • 1. Internet security(continued) Get rid of the threats. Once the threats found on the computers have been identified, its important to eliminate them as soon as possible.This step requires that students and teachers use a solid anti-spyware software program which can isolate and eliminate the cookies, adware, system monitors, Trojan Horses, and other dangerous spyware found on their computers. Correctly using the right anti-spyware software will leave their computers free of these dangerous threats. ONLINE PROTECTION11
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  • 1. Internet security(continued) Build a protective wall around the computer. Once all the potentially dangerous programs and cookies eliminated from computers,students and teachers can stay threat free by adding a crucial safeguard called a firewall.A firewalls job is a lot like the thick walls of a castle. It provides a barrier between internet users(students and teachers) and potential attackers trying to access their computers. ONLINE PROTECTION12
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  • FACEBOOK Facebook is an online social networking service. It is fun and helpful. Students like keeping up with people they know from far away and those that are still close. One of the great features is the ability to share information with each other. The advice basically comes down to not just relying on the technical safety settings of Facebook.The security settings are very important but they are not all that important.Means that students have to watch their own back.There are some principles they must abide by if they are to really keep their self safe from Facebook stalkers in the social networking community.Most users dont know the implications of entering personal information, making friends, and playing games on Facebook.To safeguard Facebook privacy,Students must: ONLINE PROTECTION14
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  • 1.Check the Security Settings. Facebook security settings can be done by organizing friends in lists, customizing profile privacy, setting facebook privacy level of photo albums,control automatic wall posts and news feed updates,set facebook wall privacy, avoid appearing in advertisements, protect students from friends applications, privacy from Applications. ONLINE PROTECTION15
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  • 2. Get a handle on their friends Organizing friends into lists is a tip to give the students more flexible privacy controls.Students need to go through their friends and see how well they know and trust each one 3. Only add People they Know Some people used to add anyone as a friend. Because many of them are more willing to add someone if they share some friends.Its either peer pressure or that they feel more secure if other friends can vouch for them.If students do not know someone, they should not add them. ONLINE PROTECTION16
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  • 4.Verify those who Say they know them Most of the time,facebook users may come across online people who pretend to be their friends.Students from secondary school XYZ should make sure and know they are who they say they are. Give them the fifth degree. If they are offended just because students are trying to be safe, thats not the problem.It is better to ask them something only they would know. 5. Realize That Anything Online Is Not Truly Safe. As some friends want to share something that was protected with someone else,they can still do this.They can even copy and paste whole conversations and send them to people. Students may follow this principle: If there is something that they do not want spread about,then they should not post it online, anywhere, the only precautions to take against Facebook Stalkers is to be careful on what to share and be aware of the methods being used against them. ONLINE PROTECTION17
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  • 3.COMPUTER NETWORK SECURITY ISSUE IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL XYZ. Every day, schools across the countries face the challenges and legalities of computer use. Issues such as illegal copying and file-sharing, freedom of speech and privacy concerns, Web site usefulness and appropriateness, as well as network security and virus contamination all require policies that can be implemented in the secondary schools. School administrators and technology managers know that to balance the opportunities the Internet provides with the risks its poses requires a formal and decisive plan for technology use in the school. The following Technical solutions describe the various ways teachers from secondary school can apply to keep a handle on the risks of Internet usage and safeguard their computer network. ONLINE PROTECTION18
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  • TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS It is recommended that secondary school xyz installs appropriate software to help prevent unsuitable sites being accessed.Technical solutions to social issues cannot be expected to be fully effective by themselves, but they should form an important part of the schools approach to protecting staff/teachers. ONLINE PROTECTION19 3.COMPUTER NETWORK SECURITY ISSUE IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL XYZ. (continued)
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  • TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS(continued) Firewalls protect computer networks and their contents from malicious users and accidental damage, caused either by users from within or outside an organization. A firewall, for example, could prevent confidential information about people being corrupted or seen by unauthorized users. Alternatively it could block access to unsuitable websites. They are generally unable to protect against damage caused by computer viruses. Filtering systems prevent or block users access to unsuitable material. Many will also provide facilities to filter incoming and outgoing e-mail.When the filtering system is turned on, users cannot open or link sites that the filtering system recognizes as unsuitable.Although a useful tool, filtering systems are not foolproof.They should not replace vigilance or simple commonsense from network administrators and teachers. ONLINE PROTECTION20
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  • TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS(continued) A virus is a piece of programming code usually disguised as something else that causes some unexpected and usually undesirable event, and is often designed so that it is automatically spread to other computer users.Anti-virus software offers different levels of protection and the level of protection required by the school should be a key consideration when implementing. ONLINE PROTECTION21
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  • 4.INTERNET AND COMPUTER NETWORK SECURITY POLICY FOR THE SCHOOL XYZ Just because secondary school XYZ seems to be small compare to High learning institutions, doesnt mean that hackers won't target it. The reality is that automated scanning techniques and botnets don't care whether the institution is big or small; theyre only looking for holes in the network security to exploit. There are a lot of things that secondary school XYZ can do to lock down networks. Through a combination of hardware, software and best policies, it can minimize the risks and reduce the attack surface presented to the world. To set up Internet and Computer network security policy, school XYZ can use: ONLINE PROTECTION22
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  • 1. A Firewall A properly configured firewall acts as the first line of defense on any network. The network firewall sets the rules for which ports should be open and which ones should be closed. The only ports that should be open are ports for services that school XYZ needs to run. Today there are many desktop firewall applications available as well, but school XYZ might not mistake those for a substitute for firewall that sits at the primary entry point to its network. School XYZ should have a firewall sitting right behind where its network connectivity comes into the school to filter out bad traffic before it can reach any desktop or any other network assets. ONLINE PROTECTION23
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  • 2. Password Protect the Firewall Having a firewall, is never enough to simply drop it into the network and turn it on. One of the most common mistakes in configuring network equipment is keeping the default password. Because it's a trivial matter in many cases for an attacker to identify the brand and model number of a device on a network. It's equally trivial to simply use Google to obtain the user manual to find the default username and password. ONLINE PROTECTION24
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  • 3. Update Router Firmware Outdated router or firewall firmware is another common issue. Schools network equipment, just like applications and operating systems, needs to be updated for security and bug fixes. The firmware that the school router and/or firewall shipped with is likely out-of-date within a year, so it's critical to make sure it is updated. ONLINE PROTECTION25
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  • 4. Block Pings Most router and firewalls include multiple settings that help to determine how visible the router and/or firewall will be to the outside world. One of the simplest methods that a hacker uses to find a network is by sending a ping request, which is just a network request to see if something will respond. The idea being if a network device responds, there is something there that the hacker can then explore further and potentially exploit. School XYZ can make it harder for attackers by simply setting its network router or firewall so that it won't respond to network pings. ONLINE PROTECTION26
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  • 5. Scan the Network. One of the best ways to see if you have open ports or visible network vulnerabilities is to do the same thing that an attacker would do. By scanning the network,school xyz can see what ports are open (that shouldn't be), and then go back to the firewall to make the necessary changes. ONLINE PROTECTION27
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  • 6. Lock Down IP Addresses. By default, most small business routers use something called DHCP, which automatically allocates IP addresses to computers that connect to the network. DHCP makes it easy for a given school to let users connect to its network, but if the network is exploited, it also makes it easy for attackers to connect. If the school XYZ only has a set number of users, and don't routinely has guest users plugging into the network, then this secondary school might consider locking down IP addresses. ONLINE PROTECTION28
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  • 6. Lock Down IP Addresses(continued). The benefit of assigning an IP is that when the schools XYZ IT staff check the router logs, they can know which IP is associated with a specific PC and/or user. With DHCP, the same PC could potentially have different IPs over a period of time as machines are turned on or off. By knowing what's on the network, the school XYZ IT staff will know where problems are coming from when they do arise. ONLINE PROTECTION29
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  • 7. Use VLANs. Not everyone in the school XYZ necessarily needs access to the same network assets. While school XYZ can determine and set access with passwords and permissions on applications, and can also segment the network with VLAN or virtual LANs. VLANs are almost always part of any business class router and applying it can let the school XYZ segment a network based on needs and risks as well as quality of service requirements. For example, the management of school XYZ can, with a VLAN, setup the finance department on one VLAN, while the academic affair is on another. In another scenario, it could have a VLAN for the employees and then setup another one for students or guest workers. ONLINE PROTECTION30
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  • 8. Get an IPS. A firewall isn't always enough to protect a small business network. Today's reality is that the bulk of all network traffic goes over Port 80 for HTTP or Web traffic. So if you leave that port open, you're still at risk from attacks that target port 80. Implementing an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) technology in the secondary school XYZ can play a key network security role. An IPS does more than simply monitor ports; it monitors the traffic flow for anomalies that could indicate malicious activity. ONLINE PROTECTION31
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  • To sum up on the above advices,we have to say that the secondary school XYZ can secure its Network.It may be a small institution,though hackers don't discriminate against small institution, they also tend to target the low-hanging fruit and the easier targets. Lock down the network with a properly configured firewall, understand the internal network with locked down IPs, VLANs and block Pings, and the secondary school XYZ will be ahead of the low-hanging fruit. ONLINE PROTECTION32
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