PAGE 1 Welcome to Match.com, the largest online dating and relationship site on the web. And congratulations! You’re on your way to having a happier, more fulfilling love life. Last year alone, over 200,000 singles found their soul mate on Match.com. You can, too—and by following our step-by-step advice, you’ll be amazed by how easy it is to meet great people…maybe even The One. ONLINE DATING MADE EASY Online dating is a great way to meet that special someone...and this kit is full of smart tips that will help you get started. Are you ready for romance? Read on!

ONLINE DATING MADE EASY - Match.comimages.match.com/match/starterkit/kittogo_female.pdf200,000 singles found their soul mate on Match.com. You can, too—and by following our step-by-step

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    Welcome to Match.com, the largest online dating and relationship site on the web. And congratulations! You’re on your way to having a happier, more fulfi lling love life. Last year alone, over 200,000 singles found their soul mate on Match.com. You can, too—and by following our step-by-step advice, you’ll be amazed by how easy it is to meet great people…maybe even The One.


    Online dating is a great way to meet

    that special someone...and this kit is

    full of smart tips that will help you get

    started. Are you ready for romance?

    Read on!

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    STEP 1: Write a Power Profi leFeeling anxious about writing your online profi le? There’s no need to be. Here are simple, stress-free ways to create a profi le that stands out from the pack.

    1. Including an eye-catching headline “Nice girl seeks good guy” just won’t do the trick. Try a movie quote or song lyric that has special meaning to you, or write about something fun you’d like to do on a date, like “brunch on the beach.”

    2. Keeping it positive Talk about the stuff of life that really excites you. It may feel therapeutic to reveal to the world how your ex-boyfriend was a jerk, but that won’t get you many dates.

    3. Projecting confi dence

    Resist the urge to shave off a few years…or several pounds. Sooner or later you will have to fess up, at which point your date will justifi ably feel deceived.

    4. Using tags to attract Try our MatchWords feature—these are brief descriptive words or phrases in your profi le that you choose to highlight. They can refl ect your hobbies and personality (like “winelover,” “fl irty” and “ScrabbleAddict”) and can attract like-minded people to your profi le.

    5. Being honest Withstand the urge to shave a few years off your age or several pounds off your weight. You want someone to be attracted to the real you.


    Let’s get started: Here, we’ll tell you how to present yourself online with a stand-out profi le and photo.


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    1. Overwriting your“About Me” section Potential suitors will be scanning a lot of profi les—and might not want to wade through one as long as the phonebook.

    2. Listing too many “dream date” qualities Saying your ideal guy is tall, fi t, wealthy, a non-smoker, green-eyed, and loves old movies—well, that can seem daunting. Instead, mention just a few criteria that are truly important to you.

    3. Including only girly hobbiesBaking, sewing, and fl ower arranging are all fi ne ways to spend your time, but remember, in your profi le you’re trying to attract a romantic partner, not a crafting buddy.

    4. Saying you want to be married soonThere’s nothing wrong with being commitment-minded, but putting that upfront in your profi le can scare some good guys away. Besides, a relationship needs time to unfold.

    5. Using overly romantic languageMany men cringe at phrases like, “seeking a fairytale ending” or a “knight in shining armor.” Try more down-to-earth wording.


    Your username is the moniker that appears on the top of your profi le and all e-mails you send. It’s your online identity—and being Debbie438 just won’t do! Here’s how to come up with a username that is every bit as fascinating as you.

    • Keep it G-rated“HotBlondeBabe” or “SexKitten” will attract guys with only one thing on their mind.

    • Avoid overly romantic monikersUsernames like “Juliet4Romeo” or “SallyRUHarry” can put a lot of pressure on a guy to live up to a fairytale ideal.

    • Incorporate your interestsChoose something that shows off your interests—especially if they’re guy-friendly. If you’re into sports, say it loud and proud with “KnicksFan,” or if you know a thing or two about brews, try “BeerAfi cionado” to pump up the number of e-mails in your inbox.

    USERNAME 101

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    Browse profi les of women your age in your area and see how you stack up. Learn from their cleverest phrases and approaches and avoid their mistakes (say, using clichés like “Equally comfortable in jeans or a cocktail dress”).


    There’s nothing wrong with being commitment-minded, but don’t put this info front and center in your profi le. Allusions to “settling down” or your “biological clock” can scare off men since it feels like too much pressure. Save this discussion for once you’ve gotten to know each other.

    IF YOU’RE DIVORCED “Separated” and “divorced” do not mean the same thing. Make it clear in your profi le what your status is to avoid making your date feel deceived later on.

    IF YOU’VE GOT KIDS Defi nitely mention if you have kids, but don’t go overboard. Mention how many children you have, whether they live with you, and your favorite things to do with them. Then move on. Your children may be the most important thing to you, but saying “My kids are my life” may scare off some possible dates.

    IF YOU’RE GAY Know that certain parts of your profi le give viewers subtle clues to how you feel about your gender preference. Not posting photos, for example, might make other members think you’re not entirely out of the closet.


    Don’t get discouraged. Yes, you will see profi les of men looking for (much) younger women. But there are plenty of men your age (and younger) who consider your maturity and life experience a plus. Resist the urge to shave a couple years off your age—after all, don’t you want a man who loves you for you?


    A second (or third) pair of eyes will help rid your profi le of any negativity, self-deprecating marks, or misspellings.


    Comments like “I can’t believe I’m doing this” won’t prompt people to get in touch, since it suggests you’re embarrassed to be looking for love online.

    SUMMARY: Showcase what makes you specialCreating a great profi le isn’t just about listing your best qualities and your hobbies—it’s about packaging your most interesting attributes to make a terrifi c fi rst impression. Be honest, keep it positive, and focus on what makes you special, and you’ll be rewarded with plenty of online interest.

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    STEP 2: Put Your Best Photo Forward!Shy? Not happy with your nose? It’s time to get over it and post your photo. Profi les with photos attract 15 times more responses than profi les without them, so just do it. Here’s how:

    ...wear fl ashy patterns, a hat, sunglasses or lots of accessories.

    ...get red-eye: Focus your gaze on a specifi c spot right behind the camera.

    ...use props in your primary photo. They can be distracting and even corny.

    ...use a blurry shot; it will make viewers wonder what you’re hiding.

    ...go for a moody gaze—it often doesn’t translate on fi lm.

    ...crop so close that your full face isn’t visible. This isn’t art school.

    ...smile! Show the world what your happiest self looks like.

    ...let your secondary photos show you in your element—with your friends or pursuing a hobby.

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    If you have a question about getting your pictures into your profile, Match.com can help. Here are two common problems—solved.

    • Don’t have a digital camera or scanner? Take your fi lm or photos to your local drugstore chain; they can usually put your pics on a disc for easy uploading via your computer.

    • Need help uploading your digital pics onto the Match.com website? Call 800-92 MATCH (M-F, 8AM-8PM CST) for help. Or just e-mail your pics to [email protected] with your full name, username, e-mail address, and birth date, and we’ll handle it.



    GO SOLO Your primary photo should just be of you—and no one else.

    GIVE YOURSELF LOTS OF PHOTO CHOICES Have a friend take twenty or more digital snaps of you over the course of a half-hour or so—that way, you’ll have a selection to choose from and you’ll have a chance to relax and enjoy yourself, which will bring out the best results.


    To get in a more relaxed state of mind, try putting on one of your favorite CDs. Have a conversation with your photographer to avoid looking stiff.


    Regardless of your personal style, try a few pics where you wear clothes in a solid color. Take at least one photo in a bright color since this “pops” you out of the background and can attract more attention on a search page.


    It just looks cheesy if you post a photo from which, say, an ex has been cropped out.


    Revealing photos send the message that you’re not looking for a serious relationship. (And we won’t post a photo that’s too racy…)

    SUMMARY: A photo really is worth a thousand wordsIf you still have any doubts about what posting a photo in your profi le can do for your love life, remember this: We all like to look! So, do yourself a favor and smile for the camera to create your very best profi le—and up your chances it’ll catch someone’s eye.

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    Now, you’ll learn how to search effectively on Match.com…and use all of our special features to manage your online love life.

    STEP 3: The Search Is On!With millions of Match.com members to choose from, you’re probably wondering how to fi nd the ones you’re most likely to click with. Well, it turns out there are six super-easy ways to meet your match! Here’s how they work:


    1. Quick Searches How it works: Enter the age range of your desired date, your zip code, and how close you’d like your dates to live to you. Then Match.com will show you all of your options. Why you’ll love it: It may take a while to sift through all the prospects, but you’ll defi nitely realize that there are plenty of fi sh in the sea!

    2. Reverse Matches How it works: Enter your username, and Match.com will show you everyone who’s searching for someone like you, based on the attributes in your profi le and what these singles said they’re looking for. Why you’ll love it: Since you’re guaranteed to fi t these people’s key criteria, chances are very good that you two will click.

    3. Mutual Matches How it works: Enter your username, and Match.com will display a list of people who not only meet the criteria in your About My Match section, but who are also looking for someone like you! Why you’ll love it: This is your best possible chance of fi nding someone who possesses your dream date-qualities and fi nds you equally wonderful.

    4. Keyword Searches How it works: You select a word and we send you matches who have that term anywhere in their profi le—and you can specify age range and distance. Why you’ll love it: With this highly focused search, you can zoom in on fi nding someone with an attribute you desire—like a triathlete in your town.

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    Do a search giving only the most basic requirements you have for a date, just to get your feet wet. This will let you sift through, say, a dozen profi les quickly and realize what things really do matter to you. As you review profi les, you’ll notice whether such things as educational level, drinking habits, and so forth are deal-breakers for you, so you can tailor future searches accordingly.


    Sure, you’ll want to narrow things down going forward, but make sure you aren’t getting too specifi c. In particular, don’t get too hung up on age and location. What if you’re searching for someone age 30-39, but there’s an incredible match out there for you who turned 40 last month? Adding a couple or a few years to an age range can be a very good thing. And if you’ve searched within 10 miles of your zip code, why not try again entering 20 miles instead? A few extra minutes of drive time shouldn’t stand in the way of true love.


    Click on all the categories from which you want to see potential partners. Don’t assume that clicking on one category will translate when searching into “that category or higher.” For instance, clicking just “high school diploma” won’t automatically pull up anyone with that education or higher—you have to put an x in all of the boxes: high school diploma, some college, etc. Same goes for salary—$75 to $100k only pulls up people in that income range, not $75k or higher.

    SEARCH OFTENWe can’t encourage you enough to play an active role in looking for love. Just as you’ve heard people say, “You won’t fi nd someone if you sit home alone,” similarly, you won’t fi nd someone if you sit home alone, waiting for someone to respond to your profi le. Search at least a couple of times a week—60,000 new members sign up every day—so you can see the people out there who might catch your eye.


    If you’re like a lot of daters, you may experience some hindsight—you’ll sit there thinking, “Hey, what about that guy who drove a Jeep Wrangler and was a pastry chef whose profi le I saw last week…maybe I should check him out…” and—unless you’ve saved your searches—you’ll have a hard time tracking him down. So save your searches for a while under names like “foodies,” “blonde actors,” “outdoorsy types” and so forth.

    INVITE A FRIEND OVERMany daters tell us that they tend to have a hard time fi nding people who feel right to them when they sit alone in front of a computer. But when a friend comes over and peers over their shoulder, saying, “Wow, look—another person who loves Mexican food,” and “Hey, that one’s awfully cute!” it can kick your search process into high gear.

    5. Custom Searches How it works: The most precise approach to fi nding people, this search allows you to specify a host of traits you’d like in a date, from eye color to astro sign.

    Why you’ll love it: Here’s your ticket to fi nding that six-foot-tall vegetarian who adores dogs, goes to church every Sunday, speaks Spanish and is a hang-glider to boot!

    6. Username Searches How it works: Enter someone’s username to go directly to their profi le.

    Why you’ll love it: This search comes in handy to revisit someone you like but forgot to save to Favorites. It’s also very useful if you want a second opinion from a pal.

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    SUMMARY: Looking for love in all the right placesWho knew there were so many ways to search for a soul mate? While you may fi nd that one approach suits you best, try them all! Who knows what amazing people a new search might reveal?

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    LET US DELIVER MATCHES TO YOUR INBOX While looking for love online is defi nitely convenient, it can also get time-consuming to sift through so many profi les. Well, here’s a great way to get Match.com working for you in that department: Sign up for Match.com by Mail. You tell us what kind of person you’re looking for in terms of age, location, and other criteria. Then we will search our database and deliver potential matches right to your inbox—daily, three times a week or once a week. To sign up for this free service, click on “Account Settings/Match.com by Mail.” There, you can decide if you want Mutual Matches, matches made from your favorite Saved Searches, or all of the above.

    STAY FOCUSED A nice “side effect” of online dating is that you’re likely to develop a network of friends once you start e-mailing. But remind yourself that you’re here to fi nd love—and it’s out there for you. Don’t let yourself spend hours e-mailing with a fun person across the country who isn’t really your type but loves Lost as much as you do. Put that time instead towards searching and e-mailing, and you’ll be on the fast track to fi nding your special someone.


    Marked a few profi les as Favorites and want to fi nd more prospects along those lines? Click on the “See More Like Him” icon (located near the top of each profi le) and Match.com will automatically point you in the direction of others with similar characteristics.

    STEP 4: Managing Your Match.com LifeOnce your profi le is up and you’re searching for that special someone, a little organization can go a long way toward keeping your love life under control. Here’s how to make the most of the time you spend online.

    • Be involved Just posting a profi le isn’t enough. You need to take your search for love seriously— meaning, invest time and effort. Those happy couples you’ve heard about who met online were proactive: They searched, they e-mailed, they searched and e-mailed some more. So you have to do that too. The reward is worth it!

    • Remember your Favorites As you spot men you like, click the “Send Him to Favorites” icon on his profi le and he’ll be fi led in Your Connections. You can keep searching and check out your A-listers later.

    • Check your Connections page often This is your ground control at Match.com. It shows you new winks and e-mails received and lets you store people of interest you’ve come across while searching in your Favorites section. This lets you manage where everything stands in your online love life. Keep track of what stage you’re at with each prospect—and who deserves your immediate attention— by organizing Your Connections in various ways: by username, most recent, most active or your turn (where the ball’s in your court to respond).

    • Get an inside edge with “Who’s Viewed Me” This is one of our most popular features—it lets you see who’s checked you out. It’s helpful in two ways: It lets you know if your profi le is attracting the kind of people you want it to entice (if it isn’t, it’s time to update your profi le…). It also lets you know who’s checking you out, so if someone interesting has viewed your profi le but not yet contacted you, you can then view his profi le and take the initiative if the spirit moves you. Remember, the more you put into searching and e-mailing, the more responses you’ll get.


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    SECTION 3. CONNECTIONS THAT COUNTIn this section of our Starter Kit, you’ll learn how to write an e-mail that gets results—and how to take the right next steps once you make contact with someone special.

    STEP 5: The Art of E-mailingNow that you know how to search and use our other features, it’s time for the next step. Every happy couple who met online started out e-mailing one another. Here’s how to write e-mail that’ll help get you started on your very own success story.


    1. Go ahead and make the fi rst move You’re not being too forward; men love it when women make the fi rst move. Or try a wink— an easy way to show you’re interested in someone.

    2. Don’t share your whole life story Keep your initial e-mail brief—no more than two paragraphs tops.

    3. Don’t be too nosy An initial e-mail is too soon to be asking where someone lives or works.

    4. You don’t have to compose a reply to every e-mail When not interested someone, many people don’t reply—or you can send a one-click polite “thanks but no thanks” e-mail that Match.com offers.

    5. Accept some silence If you wink or e-mail and don’t get a reply, don’t take it personally or send “Did you get my e-mail?” messages. Move on to the next; there are plenty of fi sh in the sea.

    SUMMARY: Take charge of your love life!Now you’ve learned how you can use Match.com’s features to stay in control of your online love life. Read on about how to take things to the next level.

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    • E-mail for at least a few days before phoning Sometimes you feel a strong connection with someone and feel as if, “I have to meet this person TODAY,” but it’s best to exchange e-mails for a few days or a week. That ought to give you enough information to decide if the person is as good a match for you as your gut is telling you, and if he is as motivated and sincere as you are.

    • But don’t wait too long… You can lose your initial momentum if you wait more than two or three weeks to meet. If the person you’ve been e-mailing with stalls for longer than that, he may not be as ready as you are for a relationship or possibly is juggling correspondences with a couple of people. In that case, say, “Call me when you’re ready to meet and, if I’m available, we can discuss meeting then.”

    • Swap more photos If the person you’re chatting with hasn’t posted a photo or if you’d like to see more photos, try this: Send an additional photo or two of yourself with a comment like, “Here I am at last weekend’s harbor festival—thought you might like seeing these. Would you mind sending me a snapshot or two?”

    • Go from online to phone line If you’ve exchanged a few or several engaging e-mails, and this person seems likable and honest, set up a phone call. Phone calls happen in real time, unlike e-mails which can be edited and reworked, so you’ll get a good feel for the person’s personality and the chemistry between you two. To set up a call, try something like, “I’d love to talk with you on the phone some time—if you’d like to do that, let me know a time and day that’s good to call,” or give them your number and a time to call you when you know you’ll be available and relaxed.

    STEP 6: Taking It Offl ineSo you and someone special have been fl irting up a storm over e-mail…what’s next? Your fi rst date, of course! Here’s how to set it up, simply and smoothly.



    Mention one thing from his profi le that you liked, such as “I really admire how you climbed to the top of Mount Whitney.” This shows you really perused his profi le carefully—and it’s an ego boost.


    Make your e-mail pop out from the pack by putting something eye-catching in your subject line. A reference to something in his profi le (“A West-Coast Red Sox fan? Meet your match!”) works great.

    ASK QUESTIONSTry something like, “I saw in your profi le that you’ve recently read A Million Little Pieces. What did you think of it and all the controversy about it?” This will up your chances of receiving a response.

    SUMMARY: E-mail made easyNow you have the tools you need to get the conversation rolling with men whose profi les catch your eye. It’s safe, it’s simple, and it’s totally private. Just relax, be yourself, and you’ll be bonding with people in no time.

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    • Be prepped for your phone call When you’re doing online dating, it’s likely that you’ll be communicating with more than one person at some times. So, prior to a phone call, print out the person’s profi le and your e-mails so you can refer to it and ask questions about things the other person has said. For instance, if he’s an old movie buff, ask about his favorite Bogart fl ick.

    • Cut yourselves some slack If the fi rst call doesn’t fl ow too well but you have tons in common, consider making one more phone date to “chat again” before calling it quits.

    • If the phone chat is good, make a date Surveys show that the coffee date is a top pick because it’s fun, casual, inexpensive, and if you two don’t click, you can part ways without spending the whole evening together.

    • Keep it public Remember, safety fi rst. Just as with a person you met at a club or party, meet your online date somewhere familiar and public. Don’t be picked up at home and don’t go to your date’s place until you know him better and feel safe and comfortable. For more safety tips, go to www.match.com/help/safetytips.aspx?lid=4


    1. Art Gallery You’ll be inspired by the remarkable art around you.

    2. Farmer’s Market Endless browsing makes for easy conversation.

    3. Brunch It’s less pressure than dinner but still gives you time to get to know one another.

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    4. Mini golf Putting your way to the 18th hole will get the two of you feeling like kids again (and that’s a good thing).

    5. Wine tasting Togetherness + sensory stimulation = a good date.



    If your e-mail exchange has gone on for more than a couple weeks and this person puts off your requests for a meeting without justification, it could mean he’s already in a relationship, or enjoys the online flirtation but doesn’t want to take it further. Either way, it’s probably best to move on. Offer your number and suggest he call when he’s ready to go out—and that if you’re available, you’ll talk about meeting then.


    If you’re frustrated to fi nd that a few of your dates tend to look signifi cantly older, heavier, or different when you meet face to face, swap more photos via e-mail before meeting up. This will give you a more well-rounded idea of what your date really looks like than you’d get merely relying on the pics in his profi le.


    To avoid giving mixed messages, your best bet is to be direct. After around an hour or so, shake his hand, tell him “It’s been great meeting you,” then beat a retreat. (Don’t say “We should do this again” unless you mean it!) Most men will take the hint and not follow up—but if you do get an e-mail feeling you out for a second date, it’s fi ne to e-mail back a polite, “It was really great to meet you but I just didn’t feel any chemistry.”

    SUMMARY: Great dates await!You’ve done it! You’ve learned how to create an eye-catching profi le, search for suitable matches, and turn an online relationship into a real-life romantic connection. It’s easy, it’s fun, and as thousands of couples who met on Match.com can attest to, it works. So what are you waiting for? Sign up with Match.com and you’re well on you way to fi nding that person who’ll make you happier than ever. Give it a try!