rXXXX American Chemical Society 774 DOI: 10.1021/jz100009c | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1, 774–780 pubs.acs.org/JPCL On the Nonideality of CO 2 Solutions in Ionic Liquids and Other Low Volatile Solvents Pedro J. Carvalho and Jo~ ao A. P. Coutinho* CICECO, Departamento de Química, Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal ABSTRACT The nonideality of CO 2 solutions in ionic liquids and other low volatile solvents, with which CO 2 is known to form electron donor-acceptor (EDA) complexes, is here investigated. It is shown that the deviations from the ideality observed are not related with the stability of the EDA complex formed, and in most cases these deviations are small and dominated by entropic effects. For this reason, when the CO 2 concentration is expressed in molality, the pressure versus concentration phase diagrams of CO 2 in nonvolatile solvents are, within the uncertainty of the experimental data, solvent independent. Following this ap- proach, a correlation for the solubility of CO 2 in nonvolatile solvents, valid for pressures up to 5 MPa and temperatures ranging from room temperature up to 363 K, is here proposed. These results are tested with success by measuring the solubility of CO 2 in [THTDP][Cl] to show that, in such heavy ionic liquid the solubility, although identical in molality units, if expressed in mol fractions, it is larger than that in [BMIM][NTf 2 ]. SECTION Statistical Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Medium Effects T he solubility of CO 2 in solvents of low volatility or nonvolatile is highly relevant for many technological applications. Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) requires the knowledge of the CO 2 solubility in heavy hydrocarbons; 1 purification of vegetable or animal oils or the extraction of value-added compounds from them using supercritical tech- nologies is related with the CO 2 solubility in these oils, and their fatty acids and esters; 2-5 and the Selexol process uses a mixture of dimethyl ethers of polyethylene glycol (PEG) for the removal of acid gases from feed gas streams. 6 Recently, a great deal of works have addressed the use of ionic liquids (ILs) for CO 2 capture and gas separation purposes. 7-31 In all these cases, the understanding and description of the absorp- tion of CO 2 in solvents of low volatility is of importance for the design and operation of processes or the design of new and enhanced sorbents for CO 2 . Equations of state (EoSs) are useful to correlate the experi- mental data available and extrapolate the data into conditions for which no experimental data is available. A number of EoSs have been used to describe the experimental data for the systems mentioned above. 22,32-48 The EoSs available have however a number of shortcomings. They have a very limited predictive ability for systems not previously studied. More- over, given that empirical binary parameters are required to fit the experimental data for the most complex systems, the understanding of the solubility at a molecular level is quickly lost. The best approach to obtain direct molecular level inter- action information for CO 2 -containing systems is through spectroscopic techniques. It is well-known that the CO 2 molecule can act both as proton acceptor or electron donor according to the nature of the solvent, forming electron donor-acceptor (EDA) complexes. 49-66 A number of authors have investigated the interactions between CO 2 and carbonyl groups, 50-55 ester groups, 56-58 hydroxyl groups, 59-64 ether groups 49,65,66 and with ILs. 67-71 While these interactions observed by spectroscopic techniques are of high relevance for an understanding of the solvation of CO 2 in nonvolatile solvents, they are not enough to fully explain its solubility or the deviations to the ideal behavior on these systems. Although the CO 2 EDA complexes with sp 3 O-donating atoms (such as H 2 O and alcohols) are more stable than complexes involving sp 2 O-donating atoms (such as aldehydes and ketones), the solubility on the former is inferior to that observed on the latter. 49 Kazarian et al. 68 based on the solubility and spectroscopic evidence for the interactions of CO 2 with BF 4 and PF 6 anions were the first to recognize that the strength of the interactions cannot be solely responsible for the solubility of CO 2 in ionic liquids. 68 Seki et al. 71 in a recent work show that, although the interactions of CO 2 with BF 4 and PF 6 anion-based ILs are stronger than those with the NTf 2 , the solubility of CO 2 on these ILs is larger than in the former, and thus the interactions alone are not enough to provide an explanation for the CO 2 sorption. They recognize that the strong Lewis acid-base interactions between the ILs and the dissolved CO 2 has no promotional effect on the solubility of CO 2 . 71 Received Date: January 5, 2010 Accepted Date: January 27, 2010

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Page 1: On the Nonideality of CO Solutions in Ionic Liquids and ...path.web.ua.pt/file/jz100009c.pdf · solute-solvent interactions relative to the solute-solute and solvent-solvent interactions

rXXXX American Chemical Society 774 DOI: 10.1021/jz100009c |J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1, 774–780


On the Nonideality of CO2 Solutions in Ionic Liquids andOther Low Volatile SolventsPedro J. Carvalho and Jo~ao A. P. Coutinho*

CICECO, Departamento de Química, Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal

ABSTRACT The nonideality of CO2 solutions in ionic liquids and other lowvolatile solvents, with which CO2 is known to form electron donor-acceptor(EDA) complexes, is here investigated. It is shown that the deviations from theideality observed are not related with the stability of the EDA complex formed, andinmost cases these deviations are small and dominated by entropic effects. For thisreason, when the CO2 concentration is expressed in molality, the pressure versusconcentration phase diagrams of CO2 in nonvolatile solvents are, within theuncertainty of the experimental data, solvent independent. Following this ap-proach, a correlation for the solubility of CO2 in nonvolatile solvents, valid forpressures up to 5 MPa and temperatures ranging from room temperature up to363 K, is here proposed. These results are tested with success by measuring thesolubility of CO2 in [THTDP][Cl] to show that, in such heavy ionic liquid thesolubility, although identical in molality units, if expressed in mol fractions, it islarger than that in [BMIM][NTf2].

SECTION Statistical Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Medium Effects

T he solubility of CO2 in solvents of low volatility ornonvolatile is highly relevant for many technologicalapplications. Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) requires

the knowledge of the CO2 solubility in heavy hydrocarbons;1

purification of vegetable or animal oils or the extraction ofvalue-added compounds from them using supercritical tech-nologies is related with the CO2 solubility in these oils, andtheir fatty acids and esters;2-5 and the Selexol process uses amixture of dimethyl ethers of polyethylene glycol (PEG) forthe removal of acid gases from feed gas streams.6 Recently, agreat deal of works have addressed the use of ionic liquids(ILs) for CO2 capture and gas separation purposes.7-31 In allthese cases, the understanding and description of the absorp-tion of CO2 in solvents of low volatility is of importance for thedesign and operation of processes or the design of new andenhanced sorbents for CO2.

Equations of state (EoSs) are useful to correlate the experi-mental data available and extrapolate the data into conditionsforwhich no experimental data is available. A number of EoSshave been used to describe the experimental data for thesystems mentioned above.22,32-48 The EoSs available havehowever a number of shortcomings. They have a very limitedpredictive ability for systems not previously studied. More-over, given that empirical binaryparameters are required to fitthe experimental data for the most complex systems, theunderstanding of the solubility at a molecular level is quicklylost.

The best approach to obtain direct molecular level inter-action information for CO2-containing systems is throughspectroscopic techniques. It is well-known that the CO2

molecule can act both as proton acceptor or electron donor

according to the nature of the solvent, forming electrondonor-acceptor (EDA) complexes.49-66 A number of authorshave investigated the interactions between CO2 and carbonylgroups,50-55 ester groups,56-58 hydroxyl groups,59-64 ethergroups49,65,66 and with ILs.67-71 While these interactionsobserved by spectroscopic techniques are of high relevancefor an understanding of the solvation of CO2 in nonvolatilesolvents, they are not enough to fully explain its solubility orthe deviations to the ideal behavior on these systems.Although the CO2 EDAcomplexes with sp3 O-donating atoms(such as H2O and alcohols) are more stable than complexesinvolving sp2 O-donating atoms (such as aldehydes andketones), the solubility on the former is inferior to thatobserved on the latter.49 Kazarian et al.68 based on thesolubility and spectroscopic evidence for the interactions ofCO2 with BF4 and PF6 anions were the first to recognize that“the strength of the interactions cannot be solely responsiblefor the solubility of CO2 in ionic liquids”.68 Seki et al.71 in arecent work show that, although the interactions of CO2 withBF4 and PF6 anion-based ILs are stronger than those with theNTf2, the solubility of CO2 on these ILs is larger than in theformer, and thus the interactions alone are not enough toprovide an explanation for the CO2 sorption. They recognizethat “the strong Lewis acid-base interactions between the ILsand the dissolved CO2 has no promotional effect on thesolubility of CO2”.


Received Date: January 5, 2010Accepted Date: January 27, 2010

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rXXXX American Chemical Society 775 DOI: 10.1021/jz100009c |J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1, 774–780


These observations shouldn0t come entirely as a surprisesince the nonideality of a solution and its impact on thesolubility of a given solute depends not only on the solute-solvent interactions, observed and discussed by theseauthors, but on a delicate balance between the solute-solute,solute-solvent, and solvent-solvent interactions. Moreover,in systems of nonvolatile solvents, these solvents present ingeneral a largemolar volume, and the solute-solvent size andshape asymmetries will generate important entropic and freevolume contributions to the nonideality of the system withsignificant impact on the CO2 solubility on these systems.

The aim of this work is to study the deviations to nonide-ality of solutions of CO2 in nonvolatile solvents. Nonvolatilesolvents are here defined as those with a vapor pressure atroom temperature inferior to 100 Pa. This value was chosenbecause, in the systems with CO2 here studied, this leads to avapor phase composed essentially of CO2, i.e., the concentra-tion of solvent in the vapor phase is typically inferior to0.01 mol %. In this group of solvents are the alkanes aboveC12, fatty acids heavier than C5, fatty acid esters larger thanoctanoate, PEG with molecular weight above 400, alcoholslarger than n-heptanol, and ILs in general. These systems willbe here studied to develop a deeper understanding of themolecular mechanisms that dominate the CO2 sorption onthese liquids and, through it, develop a model to describe theCO2 solubility in nonvolatile solvents.

The Nonideality of CO2 Solutions in Nonvolatile Solvents. Toanalyze the nonideality of CO2 solutions in nonvolatile sol-vents, experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data atsubcritical and near critical conditions for a wide range ofsystems, comprising alcohols, fatty acids, fatty acid esters,PEGs, and ILs, were compared with the solubilities predictedby Raoult0s law described as

P ¼ xCO2γCO2PσCO2


where γCO2=1 is the CO2 activity coefficient, and PCO2

σ is thevapor pressure of CO2, estimated using the correlation of theDIPPR database.72 Since at high CO2 concentrations mostsystemswill exhibit a liquid-liquid regionwith strong positivedeviations to ideality, the analysis will be restricted to the low

concentration region before the deviations related to thisregion appear.

In spite of the strong CO2-OH interactions observedspectroscopically,59-64,73 the alcohol systems are the onlywith positive deviations to ideality as sketched in Figure 1(actual data is reported as Supporting Information). This is astriking example showing that strong solute-solvent interac-tions are not enough to guarantee enhanced solubility if thesolvent-solvent interactions destroyed during the solvationof the solute are not energetically compensated by thatprocess.

In the analysis of the other systems, itmust be recalled thatthe nonideality results not only from differences in theenergetic interactions between the molecules, as describedby the residual contribution to the Gibbs free energy, but alsofrom entropic effects due to their size and shape differences,the combinatorial contribution, as summarized by

GE ¼ GEcombþGE

residual ð2ÞThe entropic effects will always have a negative contribu-

tion to the nonideality that, in terms of activity coefficients,can be described by the Flory-Huggins equation:74,77


Þ ¼ lnjCO2


þ 1-jCO2



If the combinatorial contributions to the nonideality aloneare taken into account, eq 1 will become

P ¼ xCO2 exp lnjCO2


þ 1-jCO2





The pressure versus mol fraction plot of the CO2 solubilityin alkanes sketched in Figure 1 shows a behavior very close tothe ideal behavior described by Raoult0s law (actual data isreported as Supporting Information). Given the negativedeviations to ideality predicted by the Flory-Huggins modelfor these systems, the near-ideal behavior must result frompositive deviations in the residual (enthalpic) term. Thesearise fromCO2-alkane interactions thatmust beweaker thanthe CO2-CO2 or alkane-alkane interactions.

All the other systems studied present negative deviationsto ideality. The deviations observed in ILs are intermediatebetween an ideal behavior and what would be predicted bythe Flory-Hugginsmodel as shown in Figure 1. This indicatesthat, while on the IL systems the combinatorial term is largerthan the residual, thus the solubility is controlled by entropiceffects, the two contributions to the Gibbs free energy stillhave opposite signs. This implies that there is a misfit in thesolute-solvent interactions relative to the solute-solute andsolvent-solvent interactions that, like in the alcohol andalkane systems, is not enough to energetically compensatefor the interactions that are destroyed upon mixing.

Both fatty acids and PEGs show a nonideal behavior thancan be well described by the Flory-Huggins equation whilethe esters display the largest deviations to the ideal behaviorobserved for all the systems studied, as shown in Figure 1 (seealso the actual data reported as Supporting Information). Thissuggests that the residual contribution for the nonideality is

Figure 1. Sketch of the pressure-CO2 molar composition dia-gram for the systems CO2 þ alcohols, CO2 þ alkanes, CO2 þ fattyacids, CO2þ PEGs, CO2þ fatty acid esters, and CO2þ ILs at 313 K.

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rXXXX American Chemical Society 776 DOI: 10.1021/jz100009c |J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1, 774–780


negligible or even negative. It results from the fact that, onthese systems, the EDA complexes formed between CO2 andthe carbonyl group, although not more stable than thoseformed with the hydroxyl groups of alcohols, are favored asthe CO2-carbonyl interactions seem to be energeticallyfavorable when compared with the CO2-CO2 interactionsand the carbonyl-carbonyl interactions established betweenthe ester molecules. This is in agreement with the results ofBesnard et al.58 that indicate that the stabilization energy ofthe CO2-acetone heterodimer is larger by at least a factor of 2when compared with the CO2 homodimer.

A special and extreme case of the formation of EDAcomplexes is the solubility of CO2 in ILs with anions such asacetates and other conjugated bases of organic acids reportedand discussedby Shiflett andYokozeki29,30,78 and us.31 Unlikethe other systems here discussed, in the low concentrationrange, the solubility on these systems is completely domi-nated by the formation of the complex and thus will not beconsidered in this work.

Themost striking result from this analysis is that, in spite ofthe major differences in the chemical nature of the solventshere studied and of the interactions of their molecules in purestate, the nonideality of the CO2 in solution in the compositionrange studied is remarkably lower than could be anticipatedand, in most cases, is essentially driven by entropic effects.Moreover, as has been noticed before by other authors,68,71

this analysis on the nonideality of these systems also stressesthat there is no direct relationship between the stability of theEDA complex formed between the CO2 and a given solventand the nonideality of CO2 on this solvent. These twoobservations combined suggest that, by increasing the sizedifference between the CO2 and the solvent, the solubilitymust increase as the entropic contribution to the solutionnonideality increases.

Since, with the exception of the alcohols, all the systemshere reported present relatively small negative deviations toideality, there should be possible to derive a comprehensiveframework for the description of the solubility of CO2 innonvolatile solvents. The approach here proposed is detailedbelow.

Model development. Adopting the approach suggested bythe IUPAC for CO2 solubilities in ILs75 and followed inthe works of Maurer and co-workers,15,18,76 the solubility ofa gas i in a liquid can be described by the extended Henry'slaw76,77

kðmÞH, i½T, p�aðmÞ

i ½T, p,mi� ¼ f Vi ½T, p, yi� ð5Þ

where kH,i(m)[T,p] is theHenry's constant of gas i (on themolality

scale), at temperature Tand pressure p, in a particular solvent.The reference state for the chemical potential of gas i in theliquid phase is an one molal solution of gas in the solvent,which experiences interactions as at infinite dilution in thatsolvent. The ai

(m) is the activity of gas i in the liquid phase and itis described as76,77

aðmÞi ½T, p,mi� ¼ mi

moγðmÞi ¼ mo

i γðmÞi ð6Þ

wheremo= 1mol 3 kg-1, and the activity coefficient γi

(m)f 1as mi f 0.

For nonvolatile solvents, the gas phase is a pure gas, in thiscase pure CO2. For pressures up to 10MPa, the fugacity of CO2

is proportional to the pressure, and eqs 5 and 6 can thus becombined as

p ¼ Himoi ð7Þ

where Hi combines the Henry's constant, kH,i(m), with the gas

phase nonideality, proportional to pressure, and the liquidphase nonideality, proportional to concentration.

Since, as discussed above, the deviation to Raoult0s lawfor the systems investigated is not large, eq 7 suggests thepossibility of obtaining a general correlation for the solu-bility of CO2 in solvents of low volatility or nonvolatile.This hypothesis is tested in Figure 2, where the solubilityof CO2 in a large number of ILs, alkanes (pentadecane,hexadecane, and nonadecane), alcohols (undecan-2-ol),and methyl esters (methyl oleate and methyl and ethylmyristate) is plotted on a p-m diagram at 313 K. Withthe exception of the data represented inside the ellipse for[BMIM] acetate, because of the reasons discussed above,and the fatty acid esters that show a larger CO2 solubilitythan that observed for the other systems, the agree-ment observed between the solubilities in the othersolvents studied is remarkable, suggesting that a commonbehavior is followed by the solubility of CO2 on thesesolvents.

To extend eq 7 to a larger temperature range, the tem-perature dependency of the Henry0s constant proposed byBenson and Krause77 was adopted. Within a temperaturerange of up to 100 K it can be expressed as

ln Hi ¼ Rþ β


Combining eqs 7 and 8, it is possible to develop a generaldescription for the solubility of CO2 in nonvolatile sol-vents. For this purpose, experimental data from variousauthors and in various types of nonvolatile solvents wasused.12,13,16,23,31,81 The result is shown in Figure 3 (com-plete data is reported as Supporting Information) where thevalue of Hi at each temperature is reported. A generalcorrelation for the solubility of CO2 in nonvolatile solvents,

Figure 2. Pressure-molality diagram of CO2 þ nonvolatile sol-vents at 313 K. Data from refs 12, 13, 16, 17, 23, 26, 31, 48, and78-84.

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including ILs, expressed in molality, as a function of pressureand temperature, can thus be proposed as

p ¼ m0i e

ð6:8591- 2004:3T Þ ð9Þ

This correlation is valid for pressures up to 5 MPa, fortemperatures ranging from room temperature up to 363 K,and molalities up to 3 mol 3 kg

-1. Note that the IUPAC refer-ence data for CO2 solubilities in ILs is expressed in molalitiesusing an approach similar to what is here proposed.75

Equation 7 and the results presented in Figures 2 and 3indicate that the solubility of CO2 in nonvolatile solvents,expressed in molality, is within the experimental uncertaintyof the data available75 and, with the few exceptions discussedabove, solvent independent. Solubilities in the literature are,however, generally reported in molar fractions and not mol-alities. For a dilute solution, the relationship between thesolubility expressed in molar fraction and molality can beobtained as

xsolute≈msoluteMwsolvent ð10ÞThis means that, if, at a given pressure, two solvents

present similar solubilities when expressed inmolalities, theirsolubilities will differ when expressed in molar fractions.Moreover, it shows that the solubility value, expressed inmolar fraction, will increase with the solvent molecular

weight, Mw. ILs and PEGs, because of their large molecularweights, present larger solubilities, expressed in molar frac-tions, than other solvents, even when their solubilities areidentical when expressed in molalities. This is also a conse-quence of the nonideality of these solutions being dominatedby the entropic effects as discussed above. The larger thesolvent, the higher the solubility of CO2 on this solvent due tothe entropic contribution to the Gibbs free energy. This isvalid, in particular, for two ILs of different molecular weightand provides a good explanation for the fact that ILs based onthe bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [NTf2], anion presentone of the largest CO2 solubilities reported,

12,13,31 in spite ofthe weak interactions observed by spectroscopy,71 and thatthe solubilityofCO2 in ILs increaseswith the alkyl chain lengthof the cation.12,13,31

The results here obtained indicate that any IL with amolecular weight large enough, even if it is not based onthe [NTf2] anion, shouldpresent aCO2 solubility larger than animidazolium with a fluorinated anion.85 To test this hypoth-esis, a chloride ([Cl])-based IL was chosen, along with a cationthat is formed essentially by alkyl chains, to create an ILwith avery largemolecular weight, while at the same timeminimiz-ing thepossibility of formingEDAcomplexeswithCO2orhaveany type of significant intermolecular interactions besidesLondon dispersion forces. The IL chosen for this purpose wasthe trihexyltetradecylphosphonium chloride, [THTDP][Cl](Mw = 519.31). The results for the solubility of CO2 in[THTDP][Cl] measured by us, using a technique and app-aratus detailed elsewhere (cf. Supporting Information forexperimental details and results), are compared in Figure 4against 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethyl-sul-fonyl)imide, [C4mim][NTf2] (Mw = 419.36), one of the ILswith the largest CO2 solubility reported,

12,13,16,17,23,31,78-81 at313 and 363 K. It is here shown that the solubility of CO2,expressed in mole fraction, is indeed larger in [THTDP][Cl]than in [C4mim][NTf2] as predicted. Nevertheless, when ex-pressed inmolality, the solubilities in the two ILs overlap eachother as shown in Figure 4.

In conclusion, this work shows that the solubility of CO2 innonvolatile solvents is not driven exclusively or predomi-nantly by the favorable interactions between the gas andthe solvent. The CO2 displays an approximately ideal solubi-lity in alkanes andminor negative deviations to ideality in ILsthat are lower than expected from that predicted from

Figure 3. Pressure-molality diagram of CO2 þ nonvolatile sol-vents.12,13,16,23,31,81

Figure 4. Pressure-mole fraction (left) and pressure-molality (right) diagrams of [THTDP][Cl] and [C4mim][NTf2] þ CO2 at 313and 363 K.13

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rXXXX American Chemical Society 778 DOI: 10.1021/jz100009c |J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1, 774–780


entropic factors alone as described by the Flory-Hugginsequation. Negative deviations are observed for carbonylcontaining systems such as fatty acid esters and, in spite ofCO2-OH being the most stable EDA complex formed on thesystems studied, the solubility of CO2 in alcohols actuallypresents a positive deviation to ideality. The nonideality ofthese solutions, and its impact on theCO2 solubility, is thus theresult of a complex and delicate balance between the solute-solute, solute-solvent, and solvent-solvent interactionsand cannot be inferred from the strength of solute-solventinteractions alone. This study suggests that the use of largemolecular weight solvents and the introduction of sp2 O-donating atoms (such as in ether and carbonyl groups) inthe IL alkyl chain may have a favorable impact on the CO2

solubility on these compounds.When the molecular weight effect is removed from the

analysis by comparing the solubilities in molalities instead ofmolar fractions, the differences in solubilities, among thevarious systems studied, are minimized, and the solubilityof CO2 on nonvolatile solvents seems to be essentially solventindependent within the uncertainty of the experimental dataavailable. On the basis of these results, it was possible todevelop a general correlation for the solubility of CO2 innonvolatile solvents.

SUPPORTING INFORMATIONAVAILABLE Deviations fromRaoult0s law for the experimental data for alcohols, alkanes, fattyacids, fatty esters, PEGs, and ILs on which Figure 1 is based. Textdescribing the experimental measurements, list of compoundsdepicted in Figures 2 and 3, and graphical representation of eq 8.This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.


Corresponding Author:*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].

ACKNOWLEDGMENT P.J.C. acknowledges the financial supportfrom Fundac-~ao para a Cincia e a Tecnologia through his Ph.D.scholarship (SFRH/BD/41562/2007). The authors are grateful toCytec for the [THTDP][Cl] sample.


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