(On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany

(On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany

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Page 1: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany

(On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co-Refactoring

Friedrich SteimannLehrgebiet ProgrammiersystemeFernuniversität in Hagen, Germany

Page 2: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012


Meaning-preserving change of Meaning-preserving change of a software artefact with the a software artefact with the aim of improving one or more aim of improving one or more of its non-functional of its non-functional properties.properties.

(extended definition)

Page 3: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012

Problem I


a class A {private A a;public void setA(A a) { … }public A getA() { … }}

class AImpl extends A {private Object b;public void setB(Object b) { … }}

AImpl aImpl = new AImpl(); aImpl.setB(aImpl);




Rename a

Page 4: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012

Problem II



x : inty : int

x : int

Pull Up Field x

Page 5: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012

Problem III



x : inty : int

x : int= 1 = 2

Pull Up Field y

Page 6: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012

Constraint-based refactoring

proven successful for programs one of the few developed theories of

refactoring encodes refactoring invariants as CSPs originally applied to type refactorings (like

Extract Superclass) recently generalized to other programming

constructs (names, accessibilities, etc.)

Page 7: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012

Constraint rules



bindsr, d r.name  d.name

r d :

constraint variables

Page 8: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012


A a;a = new A();

bindsr, d r.name  d.name

ra.name = da.name



r d :

bindsra, da

Page 9: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012


refactoring definitionsrefactoring definitions


refactoring definitions

Xtext / Xpand / Xtend

Refacola Compiler

programs to be refactoredprograms to be refactored


Generated RefactoringTools

programs to be refactored




constraint generator

Refacola Framework


= component dependencies

Page 10: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012

language UMLkinds

Class <: ENTITY { name }Feature <: ENTITY { name, type, owner }Attribute <: FeatureOperation <: Feature

propertiesname: Identifiertype: ClassDomainowner: ClassDomain

domainsClassDomain = [ Class ]

queriessuperclass(c: Class, super: Class)

rulesuniqueFeatureNamesfor allF1: Feature F2: Featureif F1!=F2then superclass*(F1.owner, F2.owner) -> F1.name != F2.name

refactoring renameFeature forced name of Feature allowed name of Featurerefactoring pullupFeature forced owner of Feature

allowed name of Feature, owner of Feature

Page 11: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012

From refactoring to co-refactoring record transformation traces as facts

transformation of attribute to field + getter + setter:

attribute2field(a, f) attribute2getter(a, g) attribute2setter(a, s)

generate constraints from trace facts

Page 12: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012

1. language Generation2. imports Java, UML3. queries4. class2class(cU : UML.Class, cJ : Java.Class)5. attribute2field(a : UML.Attribute, f : Java.Field)6. attribute2getter(a : UML.Attribute, g : Java.Method)7. attribute2setter(a : UML.Attribute, s : Java.Method)8. rules9. attributeToFieldNames10. for all11. a : UML.Attribute12. f : Java.Field13. g, s : Java.Method14. if15. attribute2field(a, f) and attribute2getter(a, g) 16. and attribute2setter(a, s)17. then18. f.name = a.name19. f.accessibility = private20. g.name = "get" + a.name21. g.accessibility = public22. s.name = "set" + a.name23. s.accessibility = public

Page 13: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012

Model/Code Co-RefactoringInstrumentation



transformation language

transformationmodel & rules






M1 modelconstraints






Refacola Refacola Refacola


query engine

instance of data flow


Code Generation RefactoringMOF Layer

Page 14: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012

Research Questions1. How often is an intended model refactoring inhibited by implied

changes of the code which would break its well-formedness or change its meaning and hence cannot be performed?

2. For the model refactorings implying code changes that can be performed: How many changes are implied in the code?

3. How often do implied changes performed in the code propagate back as necessary changes of the model?

4. For the necessary changes propagated back to the model: How often do they inhibit the refactoring?

5. If they do not inhibit the refactoring: How many are they?

Page 15: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012


10 open source java programs 3309 classes, 3667 fields, 13196 methods

reversely engineered class diagrams 1036 classes, 878 attributes, 5975 operations

internal representation 30627 elements, 143287 facts for model 360694 elements, 534239 facts for code 14579 elements, 26006 facts for trace

Page 16: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012

Research Questions1. How often is an intended model refactoring inhibited by implied

changes of the code? In 50% of all cases!

2. For the model refactorings implying code changes that can be performed: How many changes are implied in the code? 8.5 changes per refactoring!

3. How often do implied changes performed in the code propagate back as necessary changes of the model? In 46% of these cases!

4. For the necessary changes propagated back to the model: How often do they inhibit the refactoring? 14%

5. If they do not inhibit the refactoring: How many are they? 5.6 on average!

Page 17: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012

Page 18: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012

Chaotic transformations

Transformations may react to very small changes

by generating largely different code. Even if meaning-preserving, we have no means of synchronizing

extensions. Co-refactoring is a dead-end road.

Page 19: (On the infeasibility of) Model/Code Co- Refactoring Friedrich Steimann Lehrgebiet Programmiersysteme Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


F Steimann, J von Pilgrim Refactorings without Names ASE 2012

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