On Some Mornings

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  • 7/28/2019 On Some Mornings


    On some mornings, you might not feel like getting up. On cold mornings, you might want to stay

    snuggled warmly in bed. You might say, Im just going to hibernate today. You mean that you are not

    going out. When animals hibernate, it means something very different.


    An animal hibernates by becoming inactive. It enters a kind of sleep. Many changes take place in the

    animals body. Most of the animals that hibernate are mammals. Mammals hibernate in winter, when

    its cold.

    Animals first must get ready to hibernate. They eat a lot of food. The food gets stored in their bodies as

    fat. Then the animal goes into a cave, underground burrow, or some other shelter. It needs to be safe

    from cold weather and enemies when it hibernates.

    The hibernating animals body makes less and less energy. It makes very little body heat. The animals

    body temperature drops.

    The animals heartbeat slows down. It breathes slowly. Animals without much energy go into a kind of

    very deep sleep.


    Animals usually hibernate in winter. It is cold outside during the winter. The animals could freeze to


    There is not much food around to eat in winter. The animals could starve to death. Animals need food to

    make energy. A hibernating animal makes less energy, so it does not have to eat. A hibernating animal

    can live off of fat stored in its body.

  • 7/28/2019 On Some Mornings


    Some animals that live in desertsincluding some squirrels and insectsgo into a kind of deep sleep

    during summer. This sleep is called estivation. They sleep underground during the blazing heat. Their

    bodies slow down so that they do not need to drink water. There is not much water in a desert in the



    A number of warm-blooded animals hibernate. Warm-blooded animals make their own body heat from

    food energy. Chipmunks, ground squirrels, hamsters, and hedgehogs are warm-blooded animals that

    hibernate. The common poorwill is the only bird that hibernates all winter.

    Some cold-blooded animals hibernate, too. Cold-blooded animals cannot make body heat. Their bodies

    are the same temperature as the air or water around them. Frogs, toads, and other amphibians are cold-

    blooded animals that hibernate. Lizards, snakes, turtles, and other reptiles also are cold-blooded and


    Some animals spend part of their day in a deep sleep like hibernation. This deep sleep is called

    dormancy. Bats and some kinds of birds go dormant each day.


    Bears spend several months during the winter sleeping in dens. They do not eat. Scientists do not know

    whether bears really hibernate. Some scientists say that the body temperature of bears does not drop

    low enough for true hibernation.


    Animals hibernate for several months. Every once in a while, the animal wakes up. Chipmunks and

    squirrels eat nuts and other food they have stored in their burrows. Then they go back to sleep again.

  • 7/28/2019 On Some Mornings


    Hibernating animals wake up when their bodies get warm again. The bodies of cold-blooded animals do

    not warm up until the outdoor temperature gets warm. Warm-blooded animals may start shivering. This

    motion helps their bodies warm up. Small animals warm up and come out of hibernation much faster

    than large animals.

    Also in Encarta Kids

    All articles about animals

    Hibernating amphibians

    Hibernating bats

    Hibernating bears

    Hibernating butterflies

    Hibernating toads and frogs

    Hibernating turtles

    Sleep and Dreaming

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