applied sciences Article On GPU Implementation of the Island Model Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Unequal Area Facility Layout Problem Xue Sun 1,2 , Lien-Fu Lai 3 , Ping Chou 4 , Liang-Rui Chen 2 and Chao-Chin Wu 3, * 1 College of Urban Rail Transit and Logistics, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100101, China; [email protected] 2 Department of Electrical Engineering, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua 50007, Taiwan; [email protected] 3 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua 50007, Taiwan; lfl[email protected] 4 Department of Management Information Systems, National Chengchi University, Taipei 11605, Taiwan; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +886-4-7232105 (ext. 8431) Received: 12 August 2018; Accepted: 7 September 2018; Published: 10 September 2018 Abstract: Facility layout problem (FLP) is one of the hottest research areas in industrial engineering. A good facility layout can achieve efficient production management, improve production efficiency, and create high economic values. Because FLP is an NP-hard problem, meaning it is impossible to find the optimal solution when problem becomes sufficiently large, various evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been proposed to find a sub-optimal solution within a reasonable time interval. Recently, a genetic algorithm (GA) was proposed for unequal area FLP (UA-FLP), where the areas of facilities are not identical. More precisely, the GA is an island model based, which is called IMGA. Since EAs are still very time consuming, many efforts have been devoted to how to parallelize various EAs including IMGA. In recent work, Steffen and Dietmar proposed how to parallelize island models of EAs. However, their parallelization approaches are preliminary because they focused mainly on comparing the performances between different parallel architectures. In addition, they used one mathematical function to model the problem. To further investigate on how to parallelize the IMGA by GPU, in this paper we propose multiple parallel algorithms, for each individual step in the IMGA when solving the industrial engineering problem, UA-FLP, and conduct experiments to compare their performances. After integrating better algorithms for all steps into the IMGA, our GPU implementation outperforms the CPU counterpart and the best speedup can be as high as 84. Keywords: unequal area facility layout problem; parallel computing; island model; genetic algorithm; GPU 1. Introduction In manufacturing industries, facility layout problems (FLP) are one of the most important issues among the various aspects of manufacturing system management. FLPs have a significant impact upon manufacturing costs, lead times, work processes and productivity [1]. The suitable placement of facilities contributes to reduction of the total operating costs by 20% to 50% [2]. Based on shapes and dimensions, FLPs can be divided into different categories. Among them, unequal area FLP (UA-FLP) has been attracting attention of many researchers because it has been applied to many fields such as industrial facility design, warehouse organization, school facility layout, and VLSI element placement [3,4]. Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1604; doi:10.3390/app8091604 www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci

On GPU Implementation of the Island Model Genetic

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Page 1: On GPU Implementation of the Island Model Genetic

applied sciences


On GPU Implementation of the Island Model GeneticAlgorithm for Solving the Unequal Area FacilityLayout Problem

Xue Sun 1,2, Lien-Fu Lai 3, Ping Chou 4, Liang-Rui Chen 2 and Chao-Chin Wu 3,*1 College of Urban Rail Transit and Logistics, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100101, China;

[email protected] Department of Electrical Engineering, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua 50007,

Taiwan; [email protected] Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Changhua University of

Education, Changhua 50007, Taiwan; [email protected] Department of Management Information Systems, National Chengchi University, Taipei 11605, Taiwan;

[email protected]* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +886-4-7232105 (ext. 8431)

Received: 12 August 2018; Accepted: 7 September 2018; Published: 10 September 2018�����������������

Abstract: Facility layout problem (FLP) is one of the hottest research areas in industrial engineering.A good facility layout can achieve efficient production management, improve production efficiency,and create high economic values. Because FLP is an NP-hard problem, meaning it is impossible tofind the optimal solution when problem becomes sufficiently large, various evolutionary algorithms(EAs) have been proposed to find a sub-optimal solution within a reasonable time interval. Recently,a genetic algorithm (GA) was proposed for unequal area FLP (UA-FLP), where the areas of facilitiesare not identical. More precisely, the GA is an island model based, which is called IMGA. Since EAsare still very time consuming, many efforts have been devoted to how to parallelize various EAsincluding IMGA. In recent work, Steffen and Dietmar proposed how to parallelize island modelsof EAs. However, their parallelization approaches are preliminary because they focused mainlyon comparing the performances between different parallel architectures. In addition, they usedone mathematical function to model the problem. To further investigate on how to parallelize theIMGA by GPU, in this paper we propose multiple parallel algorithms, for each individual step inthe IMGA when solving the industrial engineering problem, UA-FLP, and conduct experiments tocompare their performances. After integrating better algorithms for all steps into the IMGA, our GPUimplementation outperforms the CPU counterpart and the best speedup can be as high as 84.

Keywords: unequal area facility layout problem; parallel computing; island model; geneticalgorithm; GPU

1. Introduction

In manufacturing industries, facility layout problems (FLP) are one of the most important issuesamong the various aspects of manufacturing system management. FLPs have a significant impactupon manufacturing costs, lead times, work processes and productivity [1]. The suitable placementof facilities contributes to reduction of the total operating costs by 20% to 50% [2]. Based on shapesand dimensions, FLPs can be divided into different categories. Among them, unequal area FLP(UA-FLP) has been attracting attention of many researchers because it has been applied to many fieldssuch as industrial facility design, warehouse organization, school facility layout, and VLSI elementplacement [3,4].

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In most studies, the main goal for UA-FLP is to obtain the minimal operating costs [5]. However,UA-FLP has been proven to be an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. That is, when thenumber of facilities is increased, the computational time is exponentially increased [6]. As a sequence,during the last decades more and more research has proposed various metaheuristic approaches tosolve UA-FLP by finding the approximate optimal solution in finite time [7–12]. Among them, the mostpopular and widely used research is genetic algorithm (GA).

GA, proposed by Holland [13] and DeJong [14], is based on Darwin’s principles of naturalselection and divergence [15]. GA is a global search algorithm, which has typical applications indifferent fields to solve optimization problems [16–20]. For instance, recently GA has been proven forits effectiveness in enhancing the opportunity to achieve a global optimal solution without falling intothe local optimal solution to UA-FLP [11,12]. However, approaches based on standard GAs usuallyhave premature convergence, which means a population for an optimization problem convergedtoo early to get optimal solution. Moreover, all the individuals in a population should be selected,evaluated, crossed, and mutated in each generation, which requires a long CPU execution time [21].

Many models of parallel GAs have been proposed to shorten the computation time in the literature.Two categories of parallel GAs are island model and global parallelization [22]. In recent work, SteffenLimmer et al. [22] compared four parallel architectures including multi-core CPUs, clusters, grids,and graphic process units (GPUs) for the execution of the two models of the genetic algorithms.In this study, we pay close attention to how to use GPU to parallelize island model of geneticalgorithm (IMGA).

Nowadays, modern GPUs have evolved into very powerful and flexible processors. Especiallyafter CUDA (compute unified device architecture) platform were distributed, developing highlyparallel GPU applications becomes much easier. GPUs are very well to address general problemsthat are suitable for data-parallel computations, including GA [23–25]. The IMGA, a parallel geneticalgorithm model, can fully explore the computing power by either coarse or fine-grained parallelisms.It is worthwhile to study how to parallelize IMGA on GPUs to solve real-world optimization problems.Nevertheless, only few works have discussed this issue before. N. Melab and E. G. Talbi [26] proposedthree different general schemes for building efficient island models for GA on GPU. Their experimentsindicated that GPU computing can not only speed up the search process, but also exploit parallelismto improve the quality of the obtained solutions. The authors strongly believed that the schemes of thefully distributed island model on GPU could be easily extended to large scale optimization problems.Steffen and Dietmar [22] discussed the island model and global parallelization for evolutionaryalgorithm in detail. The methods of IMGA on GPU are based on the work reported in the work [26],and a common Weirerstrass function is used to compare the performances between GPU and CPU.However, their parallelization approaches are preliminary because they focused mainly on comparingthe performances between different parallel architectures. In addition, they used one mathematicalfunction to model the problem.

In this paper, we further investigate how to parallelize the IMGA by GPU. We propose multipleparallel algorithms, for each individual step in the IMGA when solving UA-FLP, and conductexperiments to compare their performances. To the best of our knowledge, no previous work hasconsidered using GPU parallelization to solve UA-FLP. Through comparing the different parallelschemes at each step in the IMGA, the better ones were integrated as an entire program of IMGA.According to our experimental results of IMGA, our GPU implementation outperforms the CPUcounterpart and the best speedup can be as high as 84.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the related work, including introductionto CUDA GPUs, IMGAs, and UA-FLPs. Section 3 presents our multiple parallel strategies for the mainsteps of IMGA on a GPU. Through theoretical analysis and experimental comparison of these parallelmethods for each step, the better ones are integrated into our IMGA. Moreover, the overall performanceof the algorithm on the GPU and CPU is compared through experiments. Finally, conclusions aregiven in Section 4.

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2. Related Work

In industry, data processing is one of the most important technologies—especially when theparadigm of “manufacturing as an ecosystem” has emerged. Modern information and communicationtechnologies such as big data analytics and cloud computing [27,28] can provide useful insight to theindustry to increase productivity, quality, and agility benefits, which have significance competitivevalue. For a long time, the industry has been looking for efficient algorithms to solve UA-FLPs,which are typical NP-hard problems. That is, their solution space is characterized by rapid expansionas the scale of the problem increases. The use of mathematical programming methods to solvelarge-scale and complex problems is difficult to achieve satisfactory results. People are more inclined toseek heuristic algorithms, for example GA, that find acceptable approximate solutions in a limited time.However, the standard GAs also require a long CPU execution time, so many parallel architectures areproposed. The parallel architectures, such as multi-core CPU, grid, clusters, and GPUs are widely usedin many fields [27–29]. Steffen Limmer et al. [22] mainly compare these four architectures for IMGAto solve a mathematic function. In this work, we emphasize using GPU to solve IMGA for UA-FLP.In this section, the related work is surveyed, including CUDA GPUs, IMGAs, and UA-FLPs.


During the last few years, the capability of GPU is growing much faster than that of CPU’s becauseof greatly increasing hardware requirement for modern computer games. The GPU is also rapidlyand widely used for various scientific computations in addition to graphic display [30], such as fluiddynamics [31], biophysics [32], molecular dynamics [33], and IoT sensing [34]. GPUs can provide hugeperformance improvement than a single CPU core for many applications. For instance, the work in theCFD field [31] has shown speed-up values of a single GPU against a single core CPU larger than 100.‘General-purpose computing on graphics processing unit’ (GPGPU) was thus coined [35].

On a GPU-chip, there are multiple cores called streaming-multiprocessors (SMs), and each SMhas several streaming processors (SPs). Each SP of an SM executes the same instruction on differentdata during each cycle. Since 2007, NIVDIA has distributed CUDA as a platform to develop onGPU. Along with the introduction of CUDA platform, a rapid increase of scientists paid moreattention to GPU because CUDA makes programmers easier work. A CUDA program can beexecuted on the host (CPU) and on a device (GPU). Sequential codes run on the CPU, while theparallel codes are offloaded to the GPU, called a ‘kernel’. If a kernel is invoked, blocks with thegrid are distributed to the SM. The kernel can launch up a large number of threads to exploit dataparallelism. The warps containing 32 threads in each of the blocks exhibit single instruction multipledata (SIMD) execution. All threads within a warp must execute the same instructions at any giventime. Data-dependent branch causes different threads in the same warp to follow different paths,known as branch divergence [36]. Branch divergence has a significant impact on the performanceof GPU. CUDA GPU owns many memories—including global memory, shared memory, constantmemory, local memory, and registers—to achieve high execution speed in their kernel. Different typesof memory are differing in sizes, access scopes, access times, and whether it is read-only or cached.In brief, GPUs are now becoming the most suitable processor for implementing algorithms with simpleand large amount of computations [30].

2.2. IMGA

IMGA is one of the most promising variant among the parallelized models of GA. The modeluses the advantage of parallel computing by dividing population of a large size into smaller partitions,distributing them into different islands to perform simultaneous random searches, and exchangingthe individuals through a migration operator. The IMGA model is possible to explore differentregions of the search space, so as to improve issues of premature convergence or convergence tolocal optimal solutions in the standard GA using a single large population. In the latest literature,

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an IMGA for UA-FLP was proposed by J. M. Palomo-Romero et al. [21]. This is the first time topropose a parallel GA based on the island model to solve UA-FLP using the flexible bay structure(FBS) formulation. In their proposed approach, each island is assigned with a part of population forlocal evolution, and several chromosomes of high quality will migrate from one island to anotherafter a few generations. The experiments were conducted on a total of 26 benchmarks of UA-FLP,and the results were compared with the best results found in the literature. The method can improvesearch quality, obtain better solutions, provide greater population diversity, and reduce the numberof evaluations required to find good solutions. Moreover, the execution times of the algorithm weresimilar to, or lower than, the execution times of the previous approaches in all cases. Nevertheless,the IMGA method still requires long execution time, which is why the authors pointed an interestingfuture work in their paper, i.e., parallelizing IMGA. Parallelizing IMGA on GPU is helpful to reducethe execution time in searching for good solutions especially for large-scale problems and furthersolving the issues of local optimal solutions. In our study, we propose multiple parallel algorithms toimplement each step of IMGA and compare the performance ratios between them. The better methodsfor all steps are integrated into our parallel optimized model for UA-FLP on GPU, which are describedin the following section.

2.3. UA-FLP

The UA-FLP was originally formulated by Armour and Buffa [37]. It considered on theassumptions that there is a given rectangular region, and there are a set of facilities needed to be placedinto the region. The fixed dimensions of the rectangular region are W(width)× H(height), and each ofthe rectangular facilities occupies a specified area (Bi). The constraints of the problem include the sumof the facility areas must be less than or equal to the fixed rectangular region (see Equation (1)) and thefacilities cannot overlap. The objective function, or the fitness function in our study, is on basis of totalmaterial handling cost (MFC) between facilities [38], which is presented in Equation (2).



Bi ≤W × H (1)

minMFC =p



∑j=1,i 6=j

f (i, j)d(i, j) + (Dinf)k(Vf eas −Vall) i, j = 1, 2, . . . , p, (2)


p = the number of facilities;f (i, j) = the total flow of moving materials between facility i and j, where i, j = 1, 2, . . . , p;d(i, j) = the weighted rectilinear distance between facilities i and j, where i, j = 1, 2, . . . , p;Dinf = the number of infeasible departments;Vf eas = the best feasible objective function value yet found;

Vall = the best overall objective function value yet found;k = the parameter for adjusting the “severity”, which was set to k = 3 [39].

The calculation of distance between facilities can be Euclidean (Equation (3)) or rectilinear(Equation (4)), where the point defined by x and y is the center of the facility

d(i, j) =√(xj − xi)

2 + (yi − yj)2 (3)

d(i, j) =∣∣xi − xj

∣∣+∣∣yi − yj∣∣ (4)

The FBS in our UA-FLP consists of two parts: the facility sequence codes and the bay divisioncodes. The former encodes the order of p facilities represented by integer numbers which will beplaced into the fixed rectangular area. The order of the facilities, named ‘facility sequence’, is organized

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bay by bay from top to bottom and from left to right. The latter encodes the bay divisions which have(p− 1) binary elements in the area, each facility is associated with one element except the first one.A value of 1 indicates that the corresponding facility is the last facility in the present bay, while 0 meansthe facility and its previous one are in the same bay. We take an example to detail the encoding methodof FSB.

Assume there are seven facilities in a UA-FLP. The facility layout problem is to minimize theoverall cost by determining how many bays are required, which facilities are assigned to which bays,what kind of ordering is adopted for placing the facilities in each bay. For instance, one solution isillustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1. An example of unequal sized facility layout.

There are four bays in this example: Bay 1, Bay 2, Bay 3, and Bay 4. Each bay contains one ormore facilities. For instance, Bay 1 contains two facilities, F and C, while Bay 2 contains only onefacility, A. To represent the layout shown in Figure 1 by using FSB encoding, two arrays are required,as shown in Figure 2. The first array, facility sequence, describes the ordering of the facilities fromtop to bottom and from left to right in the layout. The second array, bay divisions, indicates whetherthe corresponding facility is the last one in one bay or not. Since the top left facility is F, it is the firstone placed into the two arrays, as shown the first step in Figure 2. Moreover, because it is not the lastone in the first bay, the corresponding element is set to 0. That is, the first element in the array of baydivisions is set to 0. Next, the second facility, C, is inserted into the arrays because it is in Bay 1 andbelow Facility F, as shown in Step 2 in Figure 2. Since it is the last one in Bay 1, its value in the secondelement in the array of bay division is set to 1. At Step 3, we move to Facility A in Bay 2. BecauseFacility A is also the last one in Bay 2, the third element in Bay Divisions is set to 1. Totally, seven stepsare needed for processing seven facilities. Note that the seventh element in the bay divisions array isomitted because Facility E is the last one in the facility sequence.

Figure 2. Steps of FBS encoding for the facility layout shown in Figure 1.

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3. Our Parallel Strategies

In this section, our parallel strategies for the main steps of IMGA are proposed in detail. Section 3.1illustrates the overall structure of our parallel IMGA on GPU, and introduces our experimentalenvironment. Sections 3.2–3.5 explain the multiple parallel strategies for initialization, selection,mutation, and migration of IMGA on GPU, respectively, and compare the performance ratio betweenthe multiple parallel versions. Section 3.6 is the comparison of the performance executed on GPU withthat on CPU counterpart after integrating the better parallel strategies.

3.1. Parallel IMGA on GPU

The sequential IMGA consists of the following processes [21]. (1) n individuals as the initialpopulation is randomly generated and distributed into N islands randomly. (2) All newly-generatedindividuals should be evaluated fitness values by the objective function. The processes of nextprocedures from (3) to (7) are performed sequentially on each island, which repeat c times to producethe best individuals. (3) The best individuals are selected for recombination to the subpopulationwith selection operators. (4) Two individuals are recombined randomly using crossover operators.(5) Mutation operators should be conducted for avoiding local solutions for maintaining geneticdiversity. (6) The fitness values of modified individuals are updated. The population for the nextgeneration is generated and takes place of the parents. (7) Individuals between the islands are migratedafter g generations.

Figure 3 illustrates the structure of our parallel IMGA on GPU. The main implementation structureis shown in Figure 3a. There are N islands organized as ring topology, which have n/N chromosomeson each of them. The entire algorithm is executed on GPU with one block per island. The totalpopulation of individuals is stored in global memory which is the largest in terms of size. For eachblock, a group of threads execute standard GA in parallel. Figure 3b gives an illustration of oneparticular island on GPU. Threads on each block are responsible for executing the procedures ofIMGA including initialization, evaluation, selection, crossover, mutation, replacement, and migrationoperators. Regarding the migration, communications are carried out through the global memorywhich stores global population, resulting in each island being able to communicate with each otheraccording to our ring topology.

Figure 3. The structure of our parallel IMGA on GPU. (a) Description of the main implementationstructure. (b) Implementation of one particular island on GPU.

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In our CUDA GPU programming, one-dimensional array of blocks and threads is used in theapplication of UA-FLP. The program starts on the host, i.e., a CPU core. Parallel computations areconducted on the device—i.e., a GPU—where the kernel functions are used to do the parallel executions.The main kernel functions in our program are generation of facility sequence, generation of facilitybay divisions, fitness calculation, selection, crossover, mutation, and migration. In the followingsubsections, we select the main operations to illustrate our GPU solutions to parallelize IMGA forUA-FLP. In the previous work [22], for each step of IMGA, only one method is used to implement theparallelization. In our implementation, multiple parallelized schemes are proposed to improve themain operations. After comparing these schemes for each step, the methods with better performancesare determined. In the following subsections, we explain our multiple implementations for the mainsteps in detail.

We adopt NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 [40] to evaluate our GPU version of IMGA. The workstationmainly consists of Intel Xeon CPU E5-2609 v3 with 16GB memory and GXT980 with 4GB memory.Detailed configurations are shown in Table 1. Our GPU and CPU versions are written in C, and theoperating system installed is Linux and its version is Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit. We use CUDA version 7.0to implement the GPU algorithms. In the experiments, for comparison with the performance of thedifferent versions, we adopt performance ratio between the multiple methods for measurement.

Table 1. Configuration of workstation.

Intel Xeon CPU E5-2609 v3 GTX 980

Number of Cores 6 Number of GPUs 1Number of Threads 6 Thread Processors 2048

Clock Speed 1.9 GHZ Clock Speed 1127 MHZMemory Size 16 GB Memory Size 4 GBMemory Type DDR4 Memory Type GDDR5

Our proposed algorithms are tested using 26 well-known problem sets taken from theliterature [21] as shown in Table 2. For testing larger scale facilities, we have added 8 problemdata sets. Table 3 shows the information about our added problem data sets. In Tables 2 and 3, numberof facilities, facility size (width× length), shape constraint (α is the maximum aspect radio constraint,and lmin is the minimum side length constraint, and distance measure (Euclidean or rectilinear) areillustrated in detail. Note that the number in the suffix of each data set name conventionally indicateshow many the facilities the data set contains. For instance, VC10E-a has 10 facilities and F40 has40 facilities.

Some parameters are needed for our IMGA such as total population size (n), number of islands(N), cycle generation (c), migration rate (m), migration frequency (g), crossover probability (pc),and mutation probability (pm). We also tested empirically to determine the better fit parameterswhen developing our programs. In the following experiments, the settings of important parametersare listed in Table 4, and we have executed five times for each data set to calculate its average executiontime and solution quality.

In the following subsections, all the tests are based on 15 islands and 500 individuals per island,and we choose the typical examples of different number of facilities in the benchmark to conduct theexperiments. The kernel configuration is shown in Table 5, which indicates the number of blocks (B)and the number of threads per block (T) used for each kernel function.

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Table 2. The 26 well-known problem data sets.

No. ProblemData Set

Number ofFacilities

Facility Size Common ShapeConstraint

DistanceMeasureWidth Length

1 O7 7 8.54 13.00 α = 4 Rectilinear2 O8 8 11.31 13.00 α = 4 Rectilinear3 O9 9 12.00 13.00 α = 4 Rectilinear4 VC10E-a 10 25.00 51.00 α = 5 Euclidean5 VC10E-s 10 25.00 51.00 lmin = 5 Euclidean6 VC10R-a 10 25.00 51.00 α = 5 Rectilinear7 VC10R-s 10 25.00 51.00 lmin = 5 Rectilinear8 Ba12 12 6.00 10.00 lmin = 1 Rectilinear9 Ba12TS 12 6.00 10.00 lmin = 1 Rectilinear

10 MB12 12 6.00 8.00 α = 4 Rectilinear11 Ba14 14 7.00 9.00 lmin = 1 Rectilinear12 Ba14TS 14 7.00 9.00 lmin = 1 Rectilinear13 AB20-ar1000 20 2.00 3.00 α = 1000 Rectilinear14 AB20-ar50 20 2.00 3.00 α = 50 Rectilinear15 AB20-ar25 20 2.00 3.00 α = 25 Rectilinear16 AB20-ar15 20 2.00 3.00 α = 15 Rectilinear17 AB20-ar10 20 2.00 3.00 α = 10 Rectilinear18 AB20-ar7 20 2.00 3.00 α = 7 Rectilinear19 AB20-ar5 20 2.00 3.00 α = 5 Rectilinear20 AB20-ar4 20 2.00 3.00 α = 4 Rectilinear21 AB20-ar3 20 2.00 3.00 α = 3 Rectilinear22 AB20-ar2 20 2.00 3.00 α = 2 Rectilinear23 AB20-ar175 20 2.00 3.00 α = 1.75 Rectilinear24 AB20-ar170667 20 2.00 3.00 α = 1.70667 Rectilinear25 SC30 30 12.00 15.00 α = 5 Rectilinear26 SC35 35 15.00 16.00 α = 4 Rectilinear

Table 3. Our added data of test problem sets.

No. ProblemData Set

Number ofFacilities

Facility Size Common ShapeConstraint

DistanceMeasureWidth Length

1 F40 40 35.00 35.00 α = 1000 Rectilinear2 F45 45 35.00 35.00 α = 1000 Rectilinear3 F50 50 35.00 35.00 α = 1000 Rectilinear4 F55 55 45.00 45.00 α = 1000 Rectilinear5 F60 60 45.00 45.00 α = 1000 Rectilinear6 F65 65 45.00 45.00 α = 1000 Rectilinear7 F70 70 45.00 45.00 α = 1000 Rectilinear8 F75 75 45.00 45.00 α = 1000 Rectilinear

Table 4. Settings of the parameters in our program.

Parameter Value

Total population size per island (n/N) 500Number of islands (N) 15Cycle generations (c) 70

Migration rate (m) 5Migration frequency (g) 15

Crossover probability (pc) 0.7Mutation probability (pm) 0.01

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Table 5. Configuration of each kernel function.

Kernel Function Number of Blocks (B) Number of Threads per Block (T)

Parallel facility sequences generation 15 500Parallel bay divisions generation 15 500Parallel roulette wheel selection 15 500

Parallel mutation operator 15 500Parallel migration operator 15 5*β 1

1 The β is equal to 1 when one thread is used to migrate one chromosome; and the β is equal to the number of genesper chromosome when one thread is used to migrate one gene.

3.2. Parallel Initialization on GPU

In data initialization, random numbers are used to generate the initial content of each individual.In our case of UA-FLP, because the FBS is used to encode our facility layout, initialization of facilitiesconsists of two parts: generations of facility sequence and bay divisions, which will be detailed below.

3.2.1. Facility Sequence Generation

To generate facility sequences randomly, the conventional method (INI_FS1) is usually adopted,i.e., if there are p facilities, p random numbers are generated and any two numbers cannot be identical.An example to illustrate INI_FS1 is shown in Figure 4. Assume there are seven facilities, and they arerepresented by letters, A to G, respectively. Actually, each letter is associated with a code, e.g., 1 to 7for A to G. Initially, we need a facility sequence to generate different facility sequences from it, whichis called the seed facility sequence. The seed facility sequence is set according to alphabetical order, asshown on the left side of Figure 4. To generate a new individual of the facility sequence, Step 1 is toproduce one random integer number, 5 in this example. Then at Step 2, the second random integernumber, 3, is produced. In order to avoid generating two identical facilities, we have to compare thenewly generated facility with all previous ones at every step. Therefore, at Step 2, the second number, 3,is compared with the first number, 5, and we conclude that 3 can be kept. Next, at Step 3 the number 5is produced, however, it is identical to the first number in the sequence. Therefore, the newly generatedfacility with number 5 should be abandoned and regeneration of the third number is required. At Step4, the code number 4 is randomly produced, which can be accepted through comparing it with thepreceding numbers. Repetition of random number generation and duplication avoidance like abovesteps, finally a new facility sequence is generated, as shown on the right-hand side of Figure 4. In thismethod, a large number of comparisons are required, making the complexity of the algorithm equal toO(p2). Therefore, our improved method (INI_FS2) is proposed below to eliminate comparisons andalso to avoid regeneration of random numbers for the same array element.

Figure 4. An example of the INI_FS1 method.

The main idea of INI_FS2 method is to get a new facility sequence by performing a swap operationseveral times on the seed facility sequence to fully randomizing the facility positions. If there are

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p facilities, p swaps are performed. How the p swaps are performed is based on an array, called ‘swapposition’, which contains p random numbers and the value of each random number is between 0 and(p − 1). It is not required that any two of the p random numbers are not identical, which is crucial toeliminate comparisons of duplicates. The random numbers stored in the array of swap position willbe extracted from the head to the end, one by one, to perform a swap on the seed facility sequence.At Step i, we exchange two positions in the seed facility sequence, one is the position (p − 1 − i),another is the position specified by the random number stored in the (i − 1)-th element in the arrayof swap position. An example is shown in Figure 5 to illustrate the method of INI_FS2. Firstly, wegenerate seven random numbers without checking duplicate and store them in the array of swapposition, as shown on the left-hand side of Figure 5. At Step 1, because the first random number in thearray of swap position is 5, we exchange the two elements on Positions 6 and 5 in the array of facilities.At Step 2, because the second random number in swap position is 3, Positions 3 and 5 in the facilitiesarray are exchanged. Similarly, Positions 2 and 5 are swapped at Step 3. After seven steps, we get anew facility sequence, as shown on the right hand side of Figure 5. The complexity of the INI_FS2method is O(p) since no comparisons are required.

Figure 5. An example of the INI_FS2 method.

The kernel Algorithm 1 shows the pseudocode for INI_FS2 method to parallelize the generationof facility sequences. We adopt a coarse-grained parallelization method. That is, every thread willproduce a new facility sequence based on the seed facility sequence. It is inefficient to adopt finegrained parallelization method, as explained below. If multiple threads generate random numbersimultaneously to produce a facility sequence, they need to check whether any two random numbersare identical because any facility sequence is actually a permutation of facility IDs in UA-FLP. It incurshigh computational cost when multiple parallel threads need to perform comparison, communication,and even synchronization to eliminate duplicates.

In the Kernel Algorithm 1, firstly, each thread generates random numbers and stores them in thearray of ridx based on its thread id and block id. Next, each thread reads one random number fromarray ridx and uses it to exchange two positions on the corresponding facility sequence in array facsarr.

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Algorithm 1: Parallel Facility Sequences Generation

Data:blockID: Block idthreadID: Thread idlength: The number of facilitiesridx: Array of Swap Positionfacsarr: Array of the seed facility sequence


Result:New facility sequences generated randomly

Kernel function:__global__ void genF (Array facsarr, Array ridx) {

1: Generate ridx[blockID][threadID] with random numbers;2: foreach i ∈{0, . . . ,length−1} do3: pos← ridx[blockID][threadID][i];4: Swap(facsarr[blockID][threadID][length − i − 1], facsarr[blockID][threadID][pos]);5: end


The performance ratio between INI_FS2 and INI_FS1 for facility sequence generation is shown inFigure 6. According to the results, the INI_FS2 is better than the INI_FS1 especially when the numberof facilities is increased.

Figure 6. Performance ratio between INI_FS2 and INI_FS1 for facility sequence generation.

3.2.2. Bay Divisions Generation

To generate bay divisions, the conventional method and the improved method are both proposedin this subsection. The conventional method (INI_BD1) is firstly to generate a random integer randIfor each facility on bay divisions, and then use randI%2 to get an integer of value equal to 0 or 1.Consequently, (p − 1) random integers are required for p facilities. In INI_BD1, p facilities require(p − 1) modulo operations for the representation of bay divisions. If there are n individuals, we need

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to perform the modulo operation (n ∗ (p− 1)) times in total, thus resulting in a high time complexityeven in parallel computing. In order to reduce such calculations in parallel, we propose the othermethod (INI_BD2) to improve the performance of generating bay divisions. The new method usesbitwise operators instead of modulo operators. Assume the value of an integer generated randomlyis x (x ≥ 1), we calculate x AND 1 to generate a value of either 0 or 1 for the first facility in thebay divisions. Then a one-bit right arithmetic shift is adopted to change the value of x, and the newx is used in next iteration. Repeat the above procedure for (p− 1) times, the whole bay divisionsare generated. INI_BD2 algorithm is of O(1) time complexity, which is much smaller than O(p) timecomplexity required by INI_BD1. Moreover, INI_BD2 uses arithmetic shift operations to replacemodulo operators in INI_BD1.

x AND 1 =blog2(x)c


2i(⌊ x


⌋mod 2

)(⌊ 12i

⌋mod 2


xnew = x ∗ 2b (6)

Kernel Algorithm 2 is the pseudocode of the improved method INI_BD2 for facility bay divisions.Each thread is responsible for producing one bay divisions. Firstly, we generate a random integer,and then bitwise operators, instead of modulo operators, are used to obtain a value of either 0 or 1 forevery facility except the last one (Lines 2–5).

Algorithm 2: Parallel Bay Divisions Generation

Data:decimal: Variable for a random integer valuebaydarr: Boolean array containing flexible bay divisions for each individual

Operator:‘>>’: Bitwise operation SHR (shift right)‘&’: Bitwise operation AND


Result:All of facility divisions generated randomly

Kernel function:__global__ void genB (Array baydarr) {1: decimal <- Random()2: foreach i ∈{0, . . . ,length − 1} do3: baydarr[blockID][threadID][i] <- (decimal & 1)4: decimal <- (decimal >> 1)5: end}

Figure 7 is the performance ratio between INI_BD2 and INI_BD1 for generation of bay divisions.The INI_BD2 uses bitwise operators instead of a lot of mod operators of INI_BD1, yet GPU is notgood at such mod calculations due to hardware limitations. So the performance ratio of INI_BD2 ismuch better than INI_BD1, and with the increase in the number of facilities, the more obvious theperformance improvement.

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Figure 7. Performance ratio between INI_BD2 and INI_BD1 for generation of bay divisions.

3.3. Parallel Selection on GPU

Selection of GA can be performed in many ways, of which the tournament selection and roulettewheel selection are most famous. Limmer and Fey suggested that selection and recombinationoperators should be grouped together to investigate their relationship [22]. They adopted tournamentselection because one-point crossover for the recombination was used in their work [22]. The one-pointcrossover produces two offspring from two parent individuals. In the UA-FLP, facility sequences andbay divisions are both required to perform selection and recombination, respectively. According to [21],two different crossover methods are applied: partially mapped crossover (PMX) is used to recombinefacility sequences, and n-point crossover method is for recombination of bay divisions. The abovefeature is quite different from that requiring only one crossover strategy. Therefore, we developedtwo versions of selection strategies—the tournament selection, and the roulette wheel selection—toinvestigate which is better for UA-FLP.

The tournament selection involves running several ‘tournaments’ among a few individuals whoare chosen at random from the population, and the winner of each tournament is selected. In ourprogram, each time several pairs of individuals are randomly chosen from the population for acompetition. After a series of selections, the individual with the best fitness from these pairs is selected.For parallel tournament selection, our method (SEL_TN) let one thread execute a series of selectionsto determine one best individual. The time complexity of parallel tournament selection is equal toO(nlogn).

Roulette wheel selection [22,27], also known as fitness proportionate selection, is for selectingpotentially useful solutions by firstly calculating the fitness level for each chromosome and then usingfitness levels to associate each individual chromosome with a probability for selection. If fi is thefitness value of individual i and n is the number of individuals in the population, the probability ofthe individual being selected is probi =


j=1f j

. The probabilities of all individuals are accumulated

one by one, where the initial and resultant accumulated values are 0 and 1, respectively. Duringthe accumulation, each individual is associated with two numbers: starting and ending numbers.An individual is selected only when a random number, ranging from 0 to 1, is generated and its valueis between the associated starting and ending numbers.

The way for parallelizing roulette wheel selection (SEL_RL) is that one thread is responsible forpicking up one better individual in an island. Furthermore, in order to take full advantage of threads

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in every block, as shown in Figure 8, important data are stored in shared memory to increase accessspeed. Shared memory, accessible by the threads in a same block, is high-speed memory. KernelAlgorithm 3 shows the pseudocode to the SEL_RL, i.e., the roulette wheel selection. In the algorithm,shared memory is used to store the total cost of the island, probabilities for individuals, and the sumproportion for each island. Threads in one block carry out selections of individuals for next generation,respectively. With the fast-shared memory to communicate with each other, the system performance isimproved. The time complexity of parallel roulette wheel selection is equal to O(n).

Figure 8. Parallel roulette wheel selection of SEL_RL.

Algorithm 3: Parallel Roulette Wheel Selection

Data:carr: Array recording the cost of each facsarr and baydarr pairsurvive: Array recording the picked facsarr and baydarr pair idfact: Variable for total cost of the islandpmatrix: Array recording proportion that each facsarr and baydarr holdstotal: Variable for the sum of each island’s pmatrixbase: Variable for the sum number to calculate elements in pmatrix

Input:carr; survive;

Result:Individuals picked from current population

Kernel function:__global__ void wheel-selection (Array carr, Array survive){

1: total <- 02: fact <- 03: if threadID == 0 do4: foreach i ∈{0, . . . , pop − 1} do5: fact <- fact + carr[blockID][i]6: end7: end8: pmatrix[blockID][threadID] <- (1/carr[blockID][threadID]) * fact9: if threadID == 0 do10: foreach i ∈{0, . . . , pop − 1} do11: total <- total + pmatrix[blockID][i]12: end13: end14: pick <- Random() mod total15: base <- 016: foreach i ∈{0, . . . , pop − 1} do17: base <- base + pmatrix[i]18: if base > pick do19: survive[blockID][threadID] = i20: end21: end


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Figure 9 illustrates the performance ratio between the roulette wheel selection SEL_RL and thetournament selection SEL_TN. The performance of SEL_RL has great performance improvement whenit combines with the PMX crossover. In other words, roulette wheel selection is more suitable forUA-FLP due to the crossover strategies adopted, which is different from that in the reference [22].

Figure 9. Performance ratio between SEL_RL and SEL_TN for selection operator.

3.4. Parallel Mutation on GPU

Gaussian mutation is applied and it consists mainly of the generation of random numbers inthe work [22]. In our GPU solution, Gaussian mutation is also used in both mutations of facilitysequence and bay divisions according to the mutation probability. To parallelize the mutation operator,according to the previous work, each thread will generate a random number to determine whetherthe mutation operator is performed. For the individuals who are mutated, the corresponding threadsneed to do the mutation operator for their own facility sequence and flexible bay divisions in parallel.Two positions are generated randomly to swap each other for a facility sequence in mutation. In thisprocess, two identical positions are likely to be produced, causing a failed mutation. To avoid thisproblem, two methods can be adopted. One method (MUT_M1) is regeneration when inspecting therepetition, and the other (MUT_M2) is producing a position for mutation randomly and exchangingthe position with its adjacent location. Though the time complexities of MUT_M2 and MUT_M1 areboth constant time, MUT_M2 need not check and avoid duplication. Kernel Algorithm 4 shows thepseudocode of the mutation operator for MUT_M2.

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Algorithm 4: Parallel Mutation Operator

Data:bound: Variable for determining if the thread should execute mutationmrate: Constant for mutation probability

Input:facsarr; baydarr

Result:Individuals after mutation

Kernel function:__global__ void mutation(Array facsarr, Array baydarr) {1: bound <- Random() mod 1002: if bound <= mrate * 100 do3: pos <- Random() mod (length - 1)4: Swap(facsarr[blockID][threadID][pos + 1], facsarr[blockID][threadID][pos])5: Swap (baydarr[blockID][threadID][pos + 1], baydarr[blockID][threadID][pos])6: end}

Figure 10 shows the performance ratio between MUT_M2 and MUT_M1 for mutation.The performance of MUT_M2 is better than MUT_M1 to most of the benchmarks. However,the performance difference is not significant, although theoretically MUT_M2 is more efficient thanMUT_M1 because MUT_M2 needs not to check and avoid duplication. The reason is that the mutationprobability is not high and it has a small chance to generate two identical locations even when amutation is required to be performed.

Figure 10. Performance ratio between MUT_M2 and MUT_M1 for mutation.

3.5. Parallel Migration on GPU

The migration operator, the featuring operator in IMGA, exchanges individuals among islands,which provides greater population diversity. With a ring topology, individuals from an island canmigrate to their neighboring island during one migration interval. The previous work [22] proposed

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that one thread is responsible for migrating an individual (MIG_I). Figure 11 illustrates how theirmain concept is implemented on GPU, assuming every island needs to migrate two individuals.Each island will be processed by one thread block. Firstly, two individuals, represented with twochromosomes, are selected randomly for each island. Secondly, an island will use two threads to readtwo chromosomes in its neighboring island from global memory and then write the two chromosomesinto its shared memory. Thirdly, synchronization between thread blocks is needed to ensure thatthe second step is completed by all blocks before any thread block proceeds to next step. Finally,each island uses the two migrated chromosomes in its shared memory to replace its two originalchromosomes in global memory, which are executed by two threads with copy operations.

Figure 11. Migration between islands with one thread processing one chromosome (MIG_I).

However, because one chromosome consists of many genes, to increase the parallelism,we propose an enhanced method that uses one thread to deal with one gene, instead of onechromosome, to improve the migrated performance (MIG_G). In the case of UA-FLP, p (p ≥ 7)facilities—encoded with a gene for each facility—are combined into an individual that represents onefacility sequence. Assume that two random individuals are selected for migration, there will be 2pthreads responsible for the migration. If the number of facilities is large and the migration rate is high,then our method can use more threads to process migration concurrently, which can save more timethan the previous method. Figure 12 shows the procedures of how to apply one thread to process onegene in the migration step. The pseudocode of MIG_G is shown in Kernel Algorithm 5.

Figure 12. Migration between islands with one thread processing one gene (MIG_G).

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Algorithm 5: Parallel Migration Operator

Data:blockID: Block idthreadID.x: Thread idthreadID.y: Thread idmigiidx: Index of target island for individual migrationmidxarr: Integer array containing index number for each migrated individualfacsarr: Integer array containing facility sequence for each individualbaydarr: Boolean array containing flexible bay divisions for each individualfacsmarr: Integer array containing facility sequence for each migrated individualbaydmarr: Boolean array containing flexible bay divisions for each migrated individual

Input:midxarr, facsarr, baydarr, facsmarr, baydmarr

Result:Individuals after mutation

Kernel function:__global__ void migration (Array midxarr, Array facsarr, Array baydarr, Array facsmarr, Array baymarr){1. if (threadID.x == 0) do2. midxarr[blockID][threadID.y] <- Random() mod (LENGTH_OF_ISLAND)3. end4. __syncthreads()5. migiidx = (blockID + 1) mod NUMBER_OF_ISLAND6. facsmarr[blockID][threadID.y][threadID.x] <-

facsarr[migiidx][ midxarr[migiidx][threadID.y] ][threadID.x]7. baydmarr[blockID][threadID.y][threadID.x] <-

baydarr[migiidx][ midxarr[migiidx][threadID.y] ][threadID.x]8. __syncblocks()9. facsarr[blockID][ midxarr[blockID][threadID.y] ][threadID.x] <-

facsmarr[blockID][threadID.y][threadID.x]10. baydarr[blockID][ midxarr[blockID][threadID.y] ][threadID.x] <-


According to the experimental result between our proposed method MIG_G and the previousmethod MIG_I, as shown in Figure 13, the performance ratio of MIG_G is up to more than 1.6 forexploring more parallelisms. If the migration rate is higher, the efficiency of MIG_G is also better.

Figure 13. Performance ratio between MIG_G and MIG_I for migration.

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The reason why using each thread to process a gene is better than using the thread to process achromosome is because we not only take full advantage of the fine-grained parallelism, but also utilizememory coalescing to access global memory in our improved migration algorithm. Accessing data inglobal memory is critical to the performance of a CUDA application since read and write operations areslow in global memory that is comprised of dynamic random-access memories (DRAMs). A parallelprocess of modern DRAMs is that for each time when a location is accessed, many consecutive locationsincluding the requested location are accessed. Therefore, only in this way of parallel accessing canDRAMs work close to the advertised peak global memory bandwidth if an application uses datafrom consecutive locations. Figure 14 shows the memory coalescing of our MIG_G. When all threadsin a warp execute a same instruction to read the migrated genes, the hardware detects whether thethreads access consecutive memory locations in global memory. Because the genes of a chromosomeare stored in an array with consecutive locations in global memory, the hardware coalesces all memoryaccesses into one consolidated access to these consecutive DRAM locations. While in the preliminaryalgorithm MIG_I, one thread migrates one chromosome. Although each chromosome is adjacent toeach other, a stride exists between them as there are many genes in each chromosome. In a CUDAGPU, the threads in a same warp will access genes at the same place in their responsible chromosomes.For instance, if one thread access to the first gene, the other threads in the same warp will also accessto their first gene in their responsible chromosomes simultaneously. However, the first genes are notconsecutive. When all the threads in a warp execute a read operation to the chromosomes in globalmemory, usually more than one memory access transaction is required, resulting in a performanceworse than that with memory coalescing, like our proposed algorithm. The complexity of MIG_I isO(p) as each thread must move the genes sequentially, while the complexity of MIG_G is O(1) becauseone thread moves one gene.

Figure 14. Memory coalescing represents a data chunk.

To investigate how the number of threads per block and the number of blocks influence theperformance of our migration algorithm, we have conducted an experiment and the results are shownin Figure 15. In our method, each island is processed by one thread block and one gene is moved byone thread. In this experiment, we assume five chromosomes are migrated per island. Consequently,the number of blocks is equal to the number of islands, and the number of threads per block is equalto the product of the number of chromosomes and the number of genes per chromosome. Moreover,because the number of genes per chromosome is equal to the number of facilities, we choose thebenchmarks based on the numbers of genes per chromosome required in the experiment. The migrationworkloads are kept the same for all cases. The execution times are normalized to the execution time ofthe case with 15 blocks and 300 threads. When the number of threads is increased, the execution timeis decreased except the case with 90 blocks. If there are 90 blocks, the number of threads per block isdown to 50, indicating that only two warps of threads can be used to exploit warp-level parallelism.Nevertheless, the execution time differences between any two of them are insignificant.

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3.6. Parallel UA-FLP Integrated with Better Strategies

According to the comparison of two alternative parallelization strategies for each main step,the better strategies are chosen and integrated into the complete algorithm of IMGA for solvingUA-FLP on GPU, which is our improved GPU version. For comparison, another GPU version is alsoimplemented: called the previous version, which consists of conventional and previously proposedparallelization methods. Figure 16 shows the execution times of our GPU version, the previous GPUversion, and the CPU version for the larger data sets. GPU versions outperform the CPU versionsignificantly all the time. Our GPU version always requires the shortest execution time for any data set.

Figure 15. Comparison of normalized execution time for various combinations of number of blocksand number of threads per block. The number of blocks is equal to the number of islands. The numberof threads per block is equal to the product of the number of chromosomes and the number of genesper chromosome. In this comparison, five chromosomes are migrated per island.

We compare the performance improvements executed on the CPU and GPU for all 34 data sets,as shown in Figure 17, which indicates the performance ratios of our improved GPU version over theCPU version and the performance ratios of the previous GPU version over the CPU version. Notethat the data sets are listed in ascending order based on the number of facilities. The previous GPUversion outperforms the CPU one for all the data sets. The best performance ratio is up to 20. On theother hand, our GPU version provides much better performance for all cases, with the performanceratio over the CPU version up to 84. Comparing the performance ratios provided by two versionsof GPU, our GPU version is much better, meaning the better parallelization methods we suggest forIMGA steps really contribute to performance improvement. Moreover, when the number of facilities isincreased, the performance of our GPU version is also highly improved.

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Figure 16. Execution times of the different methods.

Figure 17. Comparisons of performance ratio between two GPU versions and CPU version, respectively.The previous GPU version is implemented with previous parallel methods while our GPU version isimplemented with our proposed methods.

4. Conclusions

UA-FLPs are widely used in different fields, including industrial facility design, warehouseorganization, school facility layout, and VLSI element placement. However, UA-FLP is an NP-hardproblem. With the increase in the problem size, the amount of calculation will become larger and larger,and the execution time is getting longer and longer even though metaheuristic approaches such as GAare applied to solve UA-FLP. In the traditional CPU workstations, when the number of the facilitiesreaches a certain level, it is difficult to calculate the appropriate solution within a reasonable period oftime. IMGA, one of the most promising variants among the parallelized models of GA, can exploredifferent regions of the search space. IMGA can improve the solution for most of the problem dataset for the UA-FLP [21]. However, the IMGA method for UA-FLP still requires long execution time,so that the authors pointed an interesting future work: parallelizing IMGA.

Using GPU to solve large-scale and complex computing has been widely investigated. ModernGPU, as specialized computer processors, can manipulate large amounts of data efficiently by

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highly parallel many-core system. Parallel IMGA on GPU is focused in the recent work [22],while their parallelization approaches are preliminary because the authors mainly emphasizecomparing performances between different parallel architectures. In addition, they used only onemathematical function to model and implement the IMGA.

In this paper, we further investigated on parallelizing IMGA by GPU. We proposed multipleparallel algorithms for the main steps in the IMGA when solving the UA-FLP, including initialization,selection, mutation, and migration operators. In data initialization, there are two parts: generationsof facility sequence and bay divisions. To generate the facility sequence, we proposed an improvedmethod to eliminate a large number of comparisons in conventional method. Our method canalso avoid regeneration of random numbers for the same array element. For the above reasons,our approach can reduce the time complexity from the previous O(p2) to O(p). To generate baydivisions, our improved method used bitwise operators, instead of a lot of module operators inconventional methods, resulting in the time complexity is greatly reduced from O(p) to O(1). Accordingto the previous work [22], when choosing a selection operator, we should take into account therelationship between it and the recombination operator. Therefore, we implemented two selectionstrategies—tournament selection and roulette wheel selection—to investigate which is better forUA-FLP. Through experimental results, roulette wheel selection is more suitable for UA-FLP dueto the crossover strategies adopted, which is quite different from that in the reference [22] becausetwo different crossover strategies are used for FBS encoding in UA-FLP. To parallelize the mutationoperator, our method needs not to check for duplications, which improved the mutation performance.For migration parallelization, we proposed an enhanced method that uses one thread to deal with onegene, instead of one chromosome, to improve the migrated performance. Our improved migrationalgorithm is better than the conventional one because we take full advantage of the fine-grainedparallelism and utilize memory coalescing to access global memory.

Experiments were conducted to compare performances between the different parallel algorithmsfor each step. Based on theoretical derivation and experimental results, we integrated the better parallelmethod in each step into the parallel IMGA for UA-FLP on GPU. The experiments were conductedon a total of 26 well-known UA-FLPs data sets and 8 additional benchmarks for large-scale facilities.According to the experimental results, if conventional parallelization methods for main steps of IMGAare applied to GPU implementation, the performance ratio over the CPU version is more than 20 atbest. However, if our suggested parallel methods are used to implement IMGA on GPU, the bestperformance ratio over the CPU version can be as high as 84. In other words, our GPU version providesmuch higher performance than conventional GPU version.

In our future work, more effective methods can be proposed to optimize parallel IMGA, such ashow to manage memories, improve fitness evaluations, etc.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, X.S., L.-F.L., P.C. and C.-C.W.; Data curation, X.S. and P.C.; Formalanalysis, X.S., P.C., and C.-C.W.; Funding acquisition, X.S., L.-F.L., and C.-C.W.; Investigation, X.S., L.-F.L., P.C.,and C.-C.W.; Methodology, X.S., P.C., and C.-C.W.; Project administration, L.-F.L. and C.-C.W.; Resources, X.S.;Software, X.S., P.C., and C.-C.W.; Supervision, C.-C.W.; Validation, X.S. and C.-C.W.; Writing—original draft, X.S.,L.-F.L., L.-R.C., and C.-C.W.; Writing—review & editing, X.S., L.-F.L., L.-R.C., and C.-C.W.

Funding: This research is supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (grant No. MOST106-2221-E-018-010, MOST 106-2221-E-018-009), and Beijing Municipal Commission of Education (grant No.KM201811417010).

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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