Voorbeeldrapportage General Intelligence Assessment GIA

Omslag Rapportage GIA 2019 - bossconsult.nl€¦ · intelligentie van de kandidaat en is een weerspiegeling van zowel de aangeboren als de aangeleerde intelligentie. Hierbij ligt

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VoorbeeldrapportageGeneral Intelligence Assessment

Measuring ability and aptitude


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GIA: Thomas Smit Persoonlijk & Vertrouwelijk

Redeneren PerceptieSnelheid

Cijfersnelheid &Accuratesse

Woordbetekenis RuimtelijkInzicht


PercentielPositie 69 41 63 8 64 43

Gemaakt 45 42 16 26 12Goed 44 42 16 24 12Fout 1 0 0 2 0GewogenScore

43 42 16 23 12

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Nederland Norms: 2014 Netherlands

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De waarde van de Gemiddelde Trainings Index is een gemiddelde gebaseerd op Perceptie Snelheid, Cijfersnelheiden Accuratesse, Redeneren, Woordbetekenis en Ruimtelijk Inzicht. Het geeft een indicatie van de algemeneintelligentie van de kandidaat en is een weerspiegeling van zowel de aangeboren als de aangeleerde intelligentie.Hierbij ligt de nadruk op het leervermogen, de mentale verwerkingssnelheid, het concentratievermogen enontwikkelingspotentieel.

De resultaten van Thomas Smit bevinden zich in het gemiddelde van de normgroep. Dit betekent dat hij indien nodignieuwe vaardigheden en bekwaamheden kan aanleren, zoals het merendeel van de actieve bevolking. Hij is in staatom nieuwe informatie in zich op te nemen en reageert even snel op verandering als de meesten. Hij heeft eengemiddeld vermogen om nieuwe informatie te verwerken.










Aantal ingevulde items: 45 Aantal juiste antwoorden: 44

Het testonderdeel Redeneren meet het deductief vermogen, in hoeverre de persoon in staat is uitsluitend van degegeven informatie uit te gaan en op basis hiervan tot correcte conclusies te komen. Dit onderdeel bepaalt de matewaarin informatie in het korte termijn geheugen opgeslagen wordt en de kandidaat aan de hand van mondelinge danwel schriftelijke instructies problemen weet op te lossen. Een hoge score impliceert een ontwikkeld vermogen verbaalte redeneren.

Onderstaand zijn de prestaties van Thomas Smit voor het testonderdeel Redeneren beschreven:

Behoort tot de hoogste 34% van de gehanteerde normgroep·Is goed in staat snel conclusies te trekken·Kan gemakkelijk informatie in het korte termijn geheugen opslaan en tegelijkertijd op basis van mondelinge ofschriftelijke instructies problemen oplossen


Kan goed verbaal redeneren·Is snel in het formuleren van conclusies op basis van de gegeven informatie.·










Aantal ingevulde items: 42 Aantal juiste antwoorden: 42

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Perceptie Snelheid meet het vermogen om details op te merken. Het gaat hierbij om het signaleren vanonnauwkeurigheden in teksten, cijfermateriaal en schema's, het vermogen om irrelevante informatie te negeren enovereenkomsten of verschillen waar te nemen. Dit testonderdeel geeft aan hoe snel en nauwkeurig de persoon instaat is fouten of onnauwkeurigheden op te merken. De test behelst de perceptie en codering van letterkundigeconstructies. Een hoge score impliceert het vermogen om de eigenschappen van letters en de betekenis vansymbolen mentaal te combineren en niet-passende elementen aan te wijzen.

Onderstaand worden de prestaties van Thomas Smit op het onderdeel Perceptie Snelheid beschreven:

Is gemiddeld ten opzichte de gehanteerde normgroep·Is redelijk snel in het signaleren van onnauwkeurigheden in teksten, cijfermateriaal en schematischevoorstellingen


Is gemiddeld goed in het opsporen van fouten·Is gemiddeld in staat overeenkomsten en verschillen in visueel materiaal op te merken·Kan irrelevante informatie negeren.·










Aantal ingevulde items: 16 Aantal juiste antwoorden: 16

Dit testonderdeel meet de rekenkundige aanleg van de kandidaat en in hoeverre hij of zij in staat is met getallen omte gaan. Het geeft een indicatie van het gemak waarmee iemand met cijfermatige concepten kan werken. Ditonderdeel meet het vermogen om te functioneren in een omgeving waar aandacht voor en concentratie opgetalsmatige toepassingen alsmede cijfervaardigheid vereist zijn.

Onderstaand volgt een omschrijving van de prestaties van Thomas Smit voor het onderdeel Cijfersnelheid &Accuratesse:

Is gemiddeld ten opzichte van de gehanteerde normgroep·Is gemiddeld goed in het werken met getalsmatige concepten·Kan omgaan met numerieke reeksen·Beschikt over gemiddelde rekenkundige vaardigheden·Kan zich concentreren als het gaat om het werken met cijfers.·

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Aantal ingevulde items: 26 Aantal juiste antwoorden: 24

Het testonderdeel Woordbetekenis betreft de woordkennis en woordenschat van de geteste persoon. Er wordtnagegaan in hoeverre de persoon in staat is meerdere woorden in een verschillende context te begrijpen en tevenswoorden van gelijke dan wel tegengestelde betekenis op te merken. Zo wordt bepaald in welke mate iemand capabelis om in een werkomgeving te functioneren, waar schriftelijke of mondelinge instructies duidelijk begrepen dienen teworden. Personen die voor dit onderdeel een hoge score behalen, presteren wellicht ook goed voor tests waarbij hetgaat om algemene cognitieve capaciteiten en het vermogen om snel nieuwe informatie op te nemen.

Onderstaand zijn de resultaten van Thomas Smit voor het testonderdeel Woordbetekenis beschreven:

Presteert laag ten opzichte van de gehanteerde normgroep·Begrijpt de betekenis van woorden vaak niet goed·Heeft een nogal beperkte algemene woordenschat·Kan erg moeilijk gedachten of ideeën formuleren·Heeft vaak veel moeite om nieuwe informatie in zich op te nemen.·

Niet alle apecten die te maken hebben met taalvaardigheid komen in dit testonderdeel aan de orde. Een lage scorevormt echter waarschijnlijk een beperking als de functie taalbegrip alsmede lees- en schrijfvaardigheid behelst.

Hoe kan men hiermee omgaan?

Geef instructies in eenvoudige bewoordingen·Om misverstanden te voorkomen dient men zich ervan te verzekeren dat de informatie juist begrepen wordt·Ondersteun schriftelijke informatie zoveel mogelijk met beeldmateriaal·Als de lage score ontstaan is door trage doch correcte antwoorden, dient tijdsdruk vermeden te worden.·










Aantal ingevulde items: 12 Aantal juiste antwoorden: 12

Het testonderdeel Ruimtelijk Inzicht meet het vermogen om beelden en voorstellingen mentaal te visualiseren enbewerken. Dit onderdeel correleert met tests die gericht zijn op technische logica en evalueert het mentale

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voorstellingsvermogen om vormen te duiden en te vergelijken. Met name voor functies waarbij het visualiseren vanzaken essentieel is om de opdrachten te kunnen begrijpen en uitvoeren is dit testonderdeel belangrijk. Zo wordtduidelijk in hoeverre een kandidaat geschikt is om ontwerpen te maken en zich in te beelden hoe vormen en patronenin elkaar passen of op elkaar aansluiten.

Onderstaand zijn de prestaties van Thomas Smit voor het onderdeel Ruimtelijk Inzicht beschreven.

Is gemiddeld ten opzichte van de gehanteerde normgroep·Is gemiddeld goed in het uitdenken van ontwerpen en mechanische logica·Kan redelijk snel diagrammen en vormen interpreteren·Heeft een middelmatig visualisatievermogen.·

Thomas GIA

Deze test geeft een indicatie van het prestatieniveau van de persoon op het moment van afname. Het verslag dientgezien te worden als een leidraad. Het geeft weer in hoeverre de persoon in staat zou moeten zijn om een bepaaldefunctie met succes te vervullen of profijt kan hebben van een algemene dan wel gerichte opleiding. De resultatenstaan niet op zichzelf. Zij dienen in samenhang met andere relevante factoren, zoals opleiding, ervaring,examenresultaten, gevolgde trainingen en andere terzake doende trajecten in overweging genomen te worden. Deresultaten van de test dienen te allen tijde door een door Thomas International opgeleide persoon geïnterpreteerd enteruggekoppeld te worden.

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Onderstaande opmerkingen zijn uitdrukkelijk bedoeld om nogmaals te wijzen op fundamentele elementen van de GIATest, zoals deze ook aan de orde zijn geweest tijdens de Thomas GIA training. Deze punten zijn van essentieelbelang.

1. Willekeurige antwoorden

Er verschijnt een waarschuwing op het scherm voor elementen die bijzondere aandacht vereisen. Het is cruciaal doormiddel van vragen na te gaan waarom voor een bepaald testonderdeel een lage score behaald is, vooral als dekandidaat op de overige onderdelen hoog scoort. Indien de persoon de instructies niet geheel begrepen heeft of daartwijfel over bestaat, dan kan de test eventueel nogmaals afgenomen worden. Wel dient vooropgesteld te worden datgeen onrechtvaardig voordeel ontstaat ten opzichte van iemand die om andere redenen laag scoort. In bepaaldegevallen kan de persoon beter op basis van andere informatie beoordeeld worden. In gevallen van willekeur is grotezorgvuldigheid geboden bij het interpreteren van de algemene percentielscore.

2. Uitgesproken hoge of lage scores

Als de testresultaten één of meer zeer hoge of zeer lage scores laten zien, dan is er sprake van een duidelijkeinconsistentie in de prestaties. Door middel van vragen dient de oorzaak van deze verschillen zorgvuldig achterhaaldte worden, zonder de indruk te wekken dat de kandidaat gefaald heeft. Dit is namelijk in het geheel niet het geval.Tijdens de toelichting mag de kandidaat niet het idee krijgen dat één testonderdeel bepalend is voor de verdereprocedure of dat zijn of haar ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden hierdoor beperkt worden. Het gesprek dient tactvol endiplomatiek gevoerd te worden. Bij uitgesproken hoge en lage scores dient elk testonderdeel afzonderlijk geëvalueerdte worden. Vervolgens is het van belang na te gaan welke werkwijze in de functie de voorkeur geniet: het zonderdirect toezicht traag doch accuraat uitvoeren van taken of het nastreven van een hoger werktempo met meer kans opvergissingen.

3. Algemene aanbevelingen betreffende de gelijkheid van kansen

a) Geef duidelijke uitleg over de testprocedure alvorens de GIA Test af te nemen en verzeker u ervan dat dekandidaat de instructies goed begrepen heeft. b) Voer testresultaten nooit als reden aan om iemand te ontslaan of afte wijzen. c) Indien een kandidaat aangeeft dat hij of zij te kampen heeft met een bepaalde achterstand op cultureeldan wel taalkundig gebied of met enig ander ongunstig uitgangspunt, dan dient het instrument slechts terinventarisatie en mag hieraan geen waardeoordeel gekoppeld worden. d) Tests en andere toetsingen dienen nooitopzichzelfstaand gebruikt te worden om beleidsbeslissingen te rechtvaardigen. Dit kan als incorrect ervaren worden.

Voor meer informatie over het ethisch gebruik van de tests, zie het informatieblad Fair Recruitment and AppraisalMethods at Work.

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GIA Profiel kaart: Thomas SmitGTI: 48

T-Score RedenerenPerceptieSnelheid

Cijfersnelheid &Accuratesse Woordbetekenis


PercentielPositie GTI

73 9971 9869 97 Top 3%68 9666 95---

63 9060 85 Top 14 %-

58 8057 7555 70 Top 34 %54 6553 6051 5550 5049 4548 40 u46 3545 30 Below Avg.43 2542 20-

40 15 low37 10-

34 533 431 3 Very Low30 227 1

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De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedragDe succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedragDe succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedragDe succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedragDe succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

NEEM CONTACT OPGa met ons in gesprek over jouw vraagstukken en wat je nodig hebt.Wij helpen jou en je organisatie graag verder.

www.thomasinternational.net Thomas Sportoverzicht 2018©Thomas International 2018


Thomas Sport is onderdeel van Thomas International.Thomas loopt al sinds 1981 voorop met innovatie van assessments.We leveren assessments in 56 talen en hebben vestigingen in ruim 60 landen. Op dit moment werken we samen met 32.000 organisaties en zijn er wereldwijd 300.000 gecertificeerde Thomas-gebruikers. Onze klanten variëren van kleine tot grote bedrijven in alle mogelijke branches en sectoren en per jaar worden er ruim 1,5 miljoen assessments afgenomen.

+31 (0)418 680 466 [email protected]

@NLThomasInt Thomas International

(WERK)GEDRAG De Persoonlijke Profiel Analyse (PPA) is een psychometrisch assessmentdat in 8 minuten nauwkeurig inzicht geeft in de gedragsvoorkeuren van je mensen.

EMOTIONELE INTELLIGENTIEDe TEIQue (spreek uit als TQ) is een wetenschappelijk instrument, waarmee op accurate en objectieve wijze inzicht wordt verkregen in emotionele competenties in de werksituatie.

GESCHIKTHEID EN LEERVERMOGENHet General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) meet het leervermogen. Het geeft een indicatie van de snelheid waarmee iemand informatie opneemt en zich nieuwe taken eigen maakt.

FUNCTIEPROFILERINGFuncties geeft inzicht in de gedragskenmerken die vereist zijn voor een functie. Zo wordt duidelijk welke kandidaten passen bij een functie en wat de ontwikkelbehoeften zijn.

SKILLSThomas Skills is een serie testen en trainingsmodules, ontwikkeld om vaardigheidsniveau’s te meten. Skills is leverbaar in het Engels.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 biedt een veelomvattend en multiperspectief kader, dat inzicht geeft in iemands kracht en mogelijke tekortkomingen. Het stimuleert zelfbewustzijn en draagt bij tot het creëren van de voorwaarden voor constructieve en eerlijke feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage geeft inzicht in de mate van betrokkenheid van werknemers en ondersteunt bij het realiseren van de winst van engagement. Engage is leverbaar in het Engels.

HIGH POTENTIALDe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) identificeert (leiderschaps)potentieel.Het maakt persoonskenmerken inzichtelijk zodat potentieel optimaal benut wordt.

Thomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25, 5232 BC ’[email protected] tel. 0418-68 04 66 www.thomasinternational.net © Thomas International Limited 2019


De succesfactoren bepalen

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Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers. Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedragDe succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers. Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedragDe succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedragDe succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedragDe succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

De succesfactoren bepalen

Verbeteren zelfinzicht door feedback


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Emotionele intelligentie meten

Het functieprofiel bepalen De sterktes en zwaktes van een team bepalen

Het leervermogen en ontwikkelbaarheid meten

Thomas assessments geven inzicht in het potentieel van uw medewerkers.Wat motiveert hen? Wat zijn de werksterkten? Maar ook: wat zijn mogelijk beperkende factoren?

Assessments ondersteunen uw HR beslissingen gedurende de gehele loopbaan van uw medewerkers.


Inzicht in werkgedrag

Training Workshop

Inzicht in werkgedrag

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

© Thomas International 2018



Training Workshop

www.thomasinternational.netThomas International Nederland - Europalaan 25,5232 BC s'Hertogenbosch [email protected] tel. 04180680466

OUR ASSESSMENTS AND SOLUTIONSThomas assessments are straightforward to understand and quick to use, with scientific validity at their core.Our aim is to empower you to use people assessments to create maximum value for your organisation.

THOMAS GLOBAL ACADEMYAssessments are at the heart of what we do and we can support you to apply them in many different ways with the Thomas Global Academy. Underpinned by our core tools, our series of workshops and courses will help you nurture your people to develop a high performance culture.

BEHAVIOURSThe Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) psychometric assessment will provide an accurate insight into how people behave at work.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEThe Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions.

APTITUDE AND ABILITYThe General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a cognitive ability assessment that provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role or regime.

JOB PROFILINGJob enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent.

SKILLSThomas Skills are a range of online tests and training modules specifically designed to measure hard skill levels required for a specific job role.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 provides an objective framework for identifying strengths and performance gaps, developing self-awareness and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage enables you to establish the levels of engagement within an organisation and helps you to leverage the benefits of a truly engaged workforce.

HIGH POTENTIALThe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides an insight into how suited they may be for a senior leadership position.

Aanleg en leervermogen

Measuring ability

and aptitude GIAGIA

NEEM CONTACT OPGa met ons in gesprek over jouw vraagstukken en wat je nodig hebt.Wij helpen jou en je organisatie graag verder.

www.thomasinternational.net Thomas Sportoverzicht 2018©Thomas International 2018


Thomas Sport is onderdeel van Thomas International.Thomas loopt al sinds 1981 voorop met innovatie van assessments.We leveren assessments in 56 talen en hebben vestigingen in ruim 60 landen. Op dit moment werken we samen met 32.000 organisaties en zijn er wereldwijd 300.000 gecertificeerde Thomas-gebruikers. Onze klanten variëren van kleine tot grote bedrijven in alle mogelijke branches en sectoren en per jaar worden er ruim 1,5 miljoen assessments afgenomen.

+31 (0)418 680 466 [email protected]

@NLThomasInt Thomas International

(WERK)GEDRAG De Persoonlijke Profiel Analyse (PPA) is een psychometrisch assessmentdat in 8 minuten nauwkeurig inzicht geeft in de gedragsvoorkeuren van je mensen.

EMOTIONELE INTELLIGENTIEDe TEIQue (spreek uit als TQ) is een wetenschappelijk instrument, waarmee op accurate en objectieve wijze inzicht wordt verkregen in emotionele competenties in de werksituatie.

GESCHIKTHEID EN LEERVERMOGENHet General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) meet het leervermogen. Het geeft een indicatie van de snelheid waarmee iemand informatie opneemt en zich nieuwe taken eigen maakt.

FUNCTIEPROFILERINGFuncties geeft inzicht in de gedragskenmerken die vereist zijn voor een functie. Zo wordt duidelijk welke kandidaten passen bij een functie en wat de ontwikkelbehoeften zijn.

SKILLSThomas Skills is een serie testen en trainingsmodules, ontwikkeld om vaardigheidsniveau’s te meten. Skills is leverbaar in het Engels.

360 FEEDBACKThomas 360 biedt een veelomvattend en multiperspectief kader, dat inzicht geeft in iemands kracht en mogelijke tekortkomingen. Het stimuleert zelfbewustzijn en draagt bij tot het creëren van de voorwaarden voor constructieve en eerlijke feedback.

ENGAGEThomas Engage geeft inzicht in de mate van betrokkenheid van werknemers en ondersteunt bij het realiseren van de winst van engagement. Engage is leverbaar in het Engels.

HIGH POTENTIALDe High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) identificeert (leiderschaps)potentieel. Het maakt persoonskenmerken inzichtelijk zodat potentieel optimaal benut wordt.